#i will be there opening day regardless !
chamerionwrites · 2 years
Possibly The most surprising thing I have discovered on the internet is the number of people who will unironically refer to others as "degenerates" without expecting anyone reading this to immediately assume that they are a straight-up fascist
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bapydemonprincess · 2 months
People on this fucking site: Hey I got this this this and this on my dni if you are one of these STAY AWAY
The same fucking person: *keeps liking and reblogging from things on their dni list*
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bisupergirl · 11 months
i'm not gonna be able to handle it if the supergirl: woman of tomorrow movie is bad. last time kara got a bad movie they killed her for 20 years.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 5 months
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More progress being made. I finished re-reading The Illusion of Living this past Friday. It's a nice book. 👍 This was the last of the Bendy books in this "marathon" that I'm doing which I had already read previously and now I'm rereading, meaning that I'm kind of up to date when it comes to rereading all the books that were released until December 2021. But the race is not over yet. Soon I'll start Fade To Black, and (technically) I'll finally be up to date.
Just to continue my chain of posting about the books I finished (at least, the main ones that I really wanted to read) here it is…something I did at the beginning of March, on the night when shit went down. (I hope you know what I'm talking about). I saw the tweets first hand, I was there! Right at the damn moment. And it was..something reading those tweets alright. If the image above doesn't show it, my mood that night and the next 1-2 days wasn't so… great. You might read this and think I'm exaggerating, but that night especially I, uuhhh, I didn't feel good! And this image (and maybe 2 more posts I made that night) are the results of that. (And to think that a week before this happened, I had finished rereading DCTL after a long time. Talk about better/worse timing than this)
At least, if you want the bright side of this, it's that even after that day, I decided to continue with my book marathon, and I don't regret it. I was down that day, but I wasn't out yet damn it!! and I'm still not. (I don't know if this sentence makes a lot of sense, but you get my point)
As a bonus, here's something I did the night I got to the part where Henry is first mentioned in the book (you can consider this as a representation of my reaction when he's first mentioned, both for when I read TIOL for the first time in 2021, as now in this rereading)
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Feat. canon Henry design and my fanon design for him (I wanted to include him here + I still read this book with my fan-designs in mind)
#bendy and the ink machine#batim#crookedsmile open his mouth#crookedsmile open his mouth;bendy#ABBY LAMBERT; IN MY HEART YOU ALWAYS BE CANON TO THE GAMES; I DON'T CARE WHAT THE OTHERS SAY#also;i'm a Henry Stein fan;could you tell#re-looking at the first image and realizing that I will probably have to change my Abby design eventually;specifically; the hair.#I'm sure this hair doesn't match with what was described in DCTL or TIOL;#It's going to be a little strange; I'm so used to drawing her like this; but hey; every now and then we have to make sacrifices#To summarize my thoughts on TIOL: it's a nice book! Although it is not my favorite among the other Bendy books written by Kress#It's great to see more of Joey; delving deeper into his character and seeing how he thinks and seeing more of his life before the studio#is an interesting read! but I still prefer stories like DCTL and TLO; you know;especially because these two also have the horror factor in#which;considering what TIOL is; it doesn't have it. It's still a good book tho. It's just not my favorite#and re: the whole book canonity thing: I was not happy! Wow; what a surprising thing to say#as someone who enjoyed the books;I was disappointed with what I thought was expanding the games universe;In the end;just wasn't doing it#like;ok;sure;that doesn't mean the books aren't worth reading; I'd say they are! but still;*points to the last tag*#Maybe; one day; in the future; I can even accept this decision and move on with life; you know. understand the why of this.#but in the current present? yeah;no. I will continue to ask myself why#I would say more; but Tumblr has a tag limit apparently so I'm running out of time. as a last message: read the books#regardless of what the devs say; I still think these things should be recognized.#that's all; peace
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
#(maybe at the end of her character arc to avoid any  unsavoriness / unfortunate implications about her feral ass idkidk hmhjujjnfgs)#Wander Over Yonder#Lord Dominator#granted that's in the scenario where say craig is fine with ascending her lesbianism to official canon status#(currenlty it's abt on the same level of canonicity as wander's logevity/immortality. as in they're written as being but it's not OFFICIAL)#but like i feel kinda strongly about um. it's great to leave characters fully open to interpretation so that all takes can be valid#BUT i think that if the crew sees a character as one thing and goes so far as to write them as being that#then it should 100% be made official official canon bc um HEY ahjaghjsdnmds. like atp the collaboration the silent agreement THE CODING#that's!!! a lot!!!! atp it's important to confirm the rep as being meaningful to the show canon and make it official ygm#and when it's like. when it's as tiny a thing irt the overall plot/character development. you don't have to go crazy with that confirm#SLAP A FLAG DOWN & CALL IT A DAY WHO'S WITH ME haha#TOH DID IT OK K.O. DID IT NIMONA DOES IT!!!!!!! DO YOU SEE THE VISIONN#oh but speaking of making canon rep explicit. if dom were to be confirmed i would also push for a super lesbian coded NON-villain#yk just to avoid. a certain disney trope#same with the aro coding like idk if she's meant to be literally aro or not but regardless#i think woy could really use an unequivocably do-gooding good guy character who is as romance repulsed as dominator is#bc i think the show does a fine job of separating her disinterest from her evil - doing evil is evil. not liking romance is neutral#THAT MESSAGE IS THERE IMHO!!#but it doesn't do a fine ENOUGH job#i think the character who is hella unparalleled in her evilness n all that shouldn't be the only character in the show who's No Romo#anyway im getting way too rambly about.. what is literally just the discussion of TINY THINGS YOU CAN DO TO DO GOOD BY LGBT REP BUT AAAA#as much as i have to say about them in practice these would all be very tiny things and i just love how much you can say with a little#if that all makes sense#❤️
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fifteensjukebox · 1 month
truly nothing like the girl i had a crush on in college (and in two separate conversations i suspected it might be mutual) posting from the beaches concert that leandra is an icon and also i found out s few days ago she and her bf just broke up
#what do i DO#in case it's not clear talking about leandra means she is in fact bi this is akin to drunk girl from party posting about chappell#(gayer actually bc everyone's loving chappel now)#the answer is that i like the leandra post and do nothing else and i wait longer than i did w my ex after her breakup#(though i was still waiting she's the one who started things) but regardless. going insane here !!!!!!#shes a tattoo artist now and she did one of mine and i had some completely unfounded hopes for that day until i found out about the bf#but now that it's over...............#vie#fuck it her name is dani her tattoo account is dose.of.dot#wait i actually am coincidentally about to make the slightest move bc my next ig post of my scrapbooking style photo dump catch up includes#the day i got the tattoo and i'll be tagging her#open to ideas to makey caption the slightest bit flirty somehow?? probably wont do it#it was going to be 'november 2022: new tattoo by @dose.of.dot 🖤 and uoft engineering tour with matt (he starts this fall!'#i was deciding between the heart and 🌿 bc the tattoo is literally that but the black heart is kind of her thing#wait. i just went on her ig again and we have the same favourite emoji it seems bc she has her name as Dani✨ and i changed mine bc i was#annoyed that john associated it w me but mine used to be sierra✨#........i think im gonna change it back it's not obvious enough that she'd think it's weird right? it literally used to be that for ages#im doing it#ok i did it and i'll make the post tomorrow and that's all
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exopelagic · 2 months
okay I severely misjudged spaghetti guy he’s actually just really cool
#okay so I came to this flat and he wasn’t here. greeted by a very dirty flat with shit all over the kitchen counters over cling film#I meet first my other flatmate who told me he stays in his room constantly bc of previous bad flatmates#has literally just a saucepan and some salt in the kitchen. so I’m like okay spaghetti guy potentially not great but could just be#how this guy is yknow#on Tuesday I get an email back saying he’s coming back from Norway tonight looking forward to seeing you feel free to use the kitchen sauces#rlly friendly message that I wasn’t expecting. I also didn’t know he’d been on a trip i just knew he wasn’t there bc his door was open#(to a REALLY nice room. multiple rlly nice plants (which he has little care labels for!!!) and it’s tidy and pretty#and he’s got a sheep teddy on the bed)#meanwhile I am in my own head bc I don’t wanna cook in the kitchen until I can clean it and I can’t clean it without moving his shit and#I haven’t seen him yet to talk abt it and I can’t bring myself to talk to him immediately bc I’m dying#and embarrassed as hell by how I’ve been cooking in my room with a microwave and air fryer (loud) and sneaking my shit out of the kitchen#but then yesterday I DO talk to him!! and he’s super friendly!! actually interested in having a conversation and Good at it.#and then he’s cooking and like. spaghetti burns but I’m not there for long and seems to be a mistake (he made the same thing for lunch today#and did Not burn the spaghetti) and is otherwise clearly competent bc the food smells Good and despite leaving a few things out it’s like#washed up stuff isn’t dirty and the sides are better despite still under cling film. more a case that he’s spread out than he’s messy#and now today we talked and i offered to hold onto some shit over summer bc complicated situation that boils down to he’s flying back home#and he cant take all his stuff and had to choose between chucking stuff/having literally nothing this weekend. like sleeping on the sofa etc#and then cleans the whole flat?? which I’m assuming a good chunk is his mess? but he did not need to do that. could’ve easily left#bc there are two people still living here who would’ve had to deal with it and he doesn’t know either at all#and THEN tonight we talk abt food which is fun bc we both ordered stuff. and he offers me some honeydew melon bc he’s been gorging himself#these past two days to finish it before it goes bad/he leaves which is also really sweet#and JUST NOW. I take my headphones out after finishing dinner and hear the sweetest fucking guitar#he plays the gentlest like dreamy sounding acoustic guitar I’ve heard in my life in his room (door closed by the time I leave)#this is actually just a really cool dude#now that the kitchens clear I’m gonna cook tomorrow and will probably offer him some bc otherwise he’s gonna be eating out all weekend#he has extra takeout for tomorrow night but might want smth Sunday#regardless I am just. huh??? left a bit stunned bc of the u turn my opinion of this guy has taken. bc my opinion of him was a reflection#of my discomfort moving to this weird dirty basement flat with two people I didn’t know#well. idk where to go from here. I think I’ll start by talking to him more this weekend. bc holy fucking shit.#luke.txt
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tariah23 · 2 months
Oh………….. 😵‍💫…
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blindfoldcd · 3 months
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ooc. slides this onto the dash bc it looked fun
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Just thinking about how being in pain so much you believe you're Literally Falling Apart is not a normal experience
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aotoreiki · 1 year
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I'm SO happy. They are such pretty books. I've had them for 10 minutes and I love them so much already. One of the Shadows of Almia ones even had a poster still inside.
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mythvoiced · 7 months
OPEN STARTER | Patrick Finch
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"I condone lying. I encourage it, even. I recommend it. I could hardly live without it."
#;open starter#the wolf;patrick#the wolf;open#he's always the most difficult one GOSH#also you must envision he's saying this with this weird open deadpan stare where he#well how do i put it: he's clearly fucking with you but he does it with such an open genuine expression#i mean he does condone lying he's not lying here (LKDSG!!!) but he is also fucking around#so this is Patrick he's 37 or anywhere around that age he's agender primarily he/him pronouns bc whatever yknow#the agender vibes of WHATEVER i know what i'm talking about trust me i have a phd in agenderism#anyways he's an informant but about as unorthodox as you can imagine he's just fucking around and finding out frankly#very depressed very jumpy very good at hiding it lmao he's my darling ♥#he is very motherly somehow i can't explain it#he has somewhat of a history in accidentally attempting to adopt powerful young women i don't know why he???#knee-jerks into wanting to be a mother figure i don't know him that well you guys#like he met suki (ferre's kamipyre) for a few minutes one time and#days after he was wondering if she'd wore a jacket because it was cold out like--#men don't get the same kindness if you're a charming kind-hearted competent warm and humorous DAD kind of guy he's unfortunately#emotionally attracted to you? unfortunately because he hates it~ but if you're any other kind of guy you're just... you're some guy to him#yes if you're young he'll adopt you too but begrudgingly-- KLDGFGKLFDHGJF#if you're a they/them you're his kid already are you kidding that's your mum#OH I JUST HAD A TERRIBLE THOUGHT so do you know om*g*verse?? regardless of how you feel about it#it do be a thing and i just had this horrible thought about how if pat were a real guy in an established canon#he'd probs get the feminisation treatment amiright?? NO LISTEN HE USED TO BE A HUGE WOLF#AND HE'S ACTUALLY FILLED WITH SO MUCH RAGE AND WRONGED PRIDE#patrick is gentle when he likes you and because he's Smart he doesn't just BITE out of nowhere he's always been like that#Fenris was known for being INCREDIBLY well-spoken BUT ALSO A HUGE PROUD WOLF#LIKE BIG WOLF-- it doesn't show but he's Very Proud and STRONG and ??????#;queue#i picked a gif came back and realized i lost it there for a sec NO MATTER makes for good entertainment
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phatcatphergus · 7 months
I’m going to miss the Billcast but I hope he’s able to rest up and take the time he needs.
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naivety · 7 months
man if you're voting for biden just to vote against trump, just say that. we have got to get over this harm reduction shit when what we really mean is harm reduced for us, me, mr american and literally nobody else on this bitch of an earth. if the only and most emphasized thing we do to reduce the harm our president and their platform does to the living is vote, we are reducing nothing. for anyone or ourselves, because voting alone doesn't challenge the trajectory of anything. it buys 4 more years before we have to do it all again, if that. thinking this way is what promises having to think this way again, and again, and again and again. in 2024, who american leftists vote for 1 day of the year matters little compared to what we do the other 364.
#j.txt#once again talking to me here there is a constant wailing alarm in my head like 24/7#we aren't taught the other ways we can facilitate change on purpose#there is power in the polls but unfortunately in america it is very little compared to the power in. the union..... lol#i'm not hardcore judging scared minorities in america if they wanna vote for biden out of fear for trump this election cycle#but i am hardcore judging if it's proclaimed as the morally superior thing to do when it's just not#like at all#which is also by design!#would you like blue poison or red poison don't you love living in a country that lets you choose!#i also just hate the narrative that this is our only way out of trump's america#like if he wins it's over like people who've been organizing and agitating and fighting and being arrested won't be doing the same shit#before and after#we gotta stop seeing voting as activism let alone a meaningful challenge to facism#not that i know everything either#just. even the few history books i've opened don't hold instances of voting being the way out of a tide of facism man#we can multitask guys vote for who we think we need to but if that's all we're doing to change things um.#we will be stopping nothing and we will be here forever#these shitheads have power here in and outside of office and they will do whatever they can wherever they can do it regardless#like they tried storming the capital literally last election. like#and that's just. here in our own country#why should we expect them to act any different this go around. genuinely. i would like to be able to expect different#all that said i feel like i am going crazy every day 👍#2024 elections
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biblicalhorror · 8 months
I was violently hungover yesterday and smoked some weed to manage the headache but then tried to take a nap and spontaneously developed a fear of the spinning ceiling fan because every time I looked at it I would get the spins so I was just lying there in bed sweating, heart rate astronomically high, trying not to make eye contact with the creature on my ceiling but refusing to turn it off because if I did I would be too hot for blankets
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I had an angsty idea about completely one-sided billford where Ford gets Bill's attention during his portal travels and Bill is like "oh yeah, you. Surprised you're still alive I guess lol" but I can't find where I wrote down the line that Bill was gonna say to Ford that made me go "augh I'm writing this". Pain and suffering on planet earth.
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