#open agile architecture
advisedskills · 6 days
Navigating Enterprise Architecture: TOGAF and Open Agile Architecture
Dive into the intricacies of TOGAF and Open Agile Architecture, equipping you with valuable insights on how to navigate these frameworks effectively.
Explore the profound impact these methodologies can have on your enterprise architecture strategies and discover practical tips on implementation that can drive significant results.
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Whether you are a career counselor aiming to guide individuals in the tech space, a corporate trainer developing impactful training modules, or an education consultant seeking to remain at the forefront of industry standards, this post will provide you with a solid foundation.
Join the conversation and elevate your understanding of enterprise architecture to better serve your clients and organization.
Read more: https://www.advisedskills.com/blog/enterprise-architecture/navigating-ea-togaf-and-open-agile-architecture
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ap-kinda-lit · 5 months
Saiyan headcanons
Saiyans love hot baths. The kind of temperatures they best enjoy would be boiling to most people but to them is a perfect sauna.
They often take very personal trophies from their victories, like heads, limbs, or skin.
When a Saiyan is banished/exiled, they have their tails cut off as a mark of shame.
Some traditional Saiyan dishes do include bugs.
Before the Cold Empire’s conquest, Saiyan architecture was similar to that of the Aztecs/Mayans and India. You can also see it in the style of their artwork.
They also didn’t use armor much as they didn’t consider it necessary, but when they did the armor they wore included leather, metals, and furs. Common Saiyan armor was styled like the Vikings, while the armor used by the elite were more like the Mongolians.
Like in a lot of species, female Saiyans are not only just as strong as their male counterparts but can even be more dangerous. Females are more agile, methodical, strategic, and better at stealth. Like lionesses, they are capable of both attacking and defending. While female Saiyans are the primary caretakers of children and homesteads, this is because they are seen as reliable and highly capable at leading and protecting. If an army tried to attack a Saiyan camp because it was only wives and mothers, it would be the worst mistake.
Most Saiyans do not know what a “husband/wife” or “boyfriend/girlfriend” is or even what marriage means. They have mates and while there is courting involved it still basically goes if two people like each other a certain way they hook up, move in, and, more often than not, produce children. That’s it. Plain and simple. There are no certain terms, ceremonies, or pageantry.
Surprisingly, Saiyans are normally very loyal partners. They are monogamous and they more often than not mate for life.
A lot of Saiyans actually care about their children and can be super protective of them. As in, think of a mama bear or papa lion on PCP. Don’t mess with their kids.
They also carry them on their bodies, mostly their backs, not much different from how regular monkeys and apes do with their babies.
And when they’re not carried, Saiyan children hold on to their parent’s tail, kind of like with elephants.
Traditional Saiyan music kind of sounds like rock music and their dancing is the same as mosh pitting.
Yes, they hiss like cats. Why wouldn’t they?
Their battle cries sound like gorilla grunts and monkey howls and they bang on their chests like them.
Saiyans are fairly casual about nudity. They have mixed bath-houses and don’t have much problem with walking around naked before or after a bath or being injured. They even consider fighting nude and act of bravery and strength.
Saiyans have a very high tolerance for narcotics and alcohol. It takes quite a bit to make them intoxicated. Which is why their alcohol is extremely strong to the point it could give a man alcohol poisoning in little to no time.
While they prefer meat, they’re omnivores above all. They can eat just about anything. I mean anything. They have super strong stomachs that can store/digest anything. Like sharks, they’ll eat the most unusual things from time to time. If you cut open a Saiyan’s belly, you wouldn’t believe some of the stuff you would find in there, like a lost and found.
A Saiyan’s way of showing affection to their SO or relatives normally includes sharing food, bringing them presents from their hunts and other adventures, and grooming (namely picking out debris or whatnot from their hair). With their mates, they tend to bite (think of like with cats).
Speaking of which, Saiyans are very fierce in the bedroom as they are in the battlefield. Because of this, along with their brute strength and expansive energy, physical intimacy with a Saiyan can be tantamount to wrestling a bear or lion. You will most likely die or at least be seriously injured.
Saiyans have matches that are a lot like flyting, or rap battles. Essentially, they roast each other in rhythmic style. In Saiyan matches, expect some mother/father jokes and unflattering references to Frieza or King Cold.
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
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B-2 Gets Big Upgrade with New Open Mission Systems Capability
July 18, 2024 | By John A. Tirpak
The B-2 Spirit stealth bomber has been upgraded with a new open missions systems (OMS) software capability and other improvements to keep it relevant and credible until it’s succeeded by the B-21 Raider, Northrop Grumman announced. The changes accelerate the rate at which new weapons can be added to the B-2; allow it to accept constant software updates, and adapt it to changing conditions.
“The B-2 program recently achieved a major milestone by providing the bomber with its first fieldable, agile integrated functional capability called Spirit Realm 1 (SR 1),” the company said in a release. It announced the upgrade going operational on July 17, the 35th anniversary of the B-2’s first flight.
SR 1 was developed inside the Spirit Realm software factory codeveloped by the Air Force and Northrop to facilitate software improvements for the B-2. “Open mission systems” means that the aircraft has a non-proprietary software architecture that simplifies software refresh and enhances interoperability with other systems.
“SR 1 provides mission-critical capability upgrades to the communications and weapons systems via an open mission systems architecture, directly enhancing combat capability and allowing the fleet to initiate a new phase of agile software releases,” Northrop said in its release.
The system is intended to deliver problem-free software on the first go—but should they arise, correct software issues much earlier in the process.
The SR 1 was “fully developed inside the B-2 Spirit Realm software factory that was established through a partnership with Air Force Global Strike Command and the B-2 Systems Program Office,” Northrop said.
The Spirit Realm software factory came into being less than two years ago, with four goals: to reduce flight test risk and testing time through high-fidelity ground testing; to capture more data test points through targeted upgrades; to improve the B-2’s functional capabilities through more frequent, automated testing; and to facilitate more capability upgrades to the jet.
The Air Force said B-2 software updates which used to take two years can now be implemented in less than three months.
In addition to B61 or B83 nuclear weapons, the B-2 can carry a large number of precision-guided conventional munitions. However, the Air Force is preparing to introduce a slate of new weapons that will require near-constant target updates and the ability to integrate with USAF’s evolving long-range kill chain. A quicker process for integrating these new weapons with the B-2’s onboard communications, navigation, and sensor systems was needed.
The upgrade also includes improved displays, flight hardware and other enhancements to the B-2’s survivability, Northrop said.
“We are rapidly fielding capabilities with zero software defects through the software factory development ecosystem and further enhancing the B-2 fleet’s mission effectiveness,” said Jerry McBrearty, Northrop’s acting B-2 program manager.
The upgrade makes the B-2 the first legacy nuclear weapons platform “to utilize the Department of Defense’s DevSecOps [development, security, and operations] processes and digital toolsets,” it added.
The software factory approach accelerates adding new and future weapons to the stealth bomber, and thus improve deterrence, said Air Force Col. Frank Marino, senior materiel leader for the B-2.
The B-2 was not designed using digital methods—the way its younger stablemate, the B-21 Raider was—but the SR 1 leverages digital technology “to design, manage, build and test B-2 software more efficiently than ever before,” the company said.
The digital tools can also link with those developed for other legacy systems to accomplish “more rapid testing and fielding and help identify and fix potential risks earlier in the software development process.”
Following two crashes in recent years, the stealthy B-2 fleet comprises 19 aircraft, which are the only penetrating aircraft in the Air Force’s bomber fleet until the first B-21s are declared to have achieved initial operational capability at Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D. A timeline for IOC has not been disclosed.
The B-2 is a stealthy, long-range, penetrating nuclear and conventional strike bomber. It is based on a flying wing design combining LO with high aerodynamic efficiency. The aircraft’s blended fuselage/wing holds two weapons bays capable of carrying nearly 60,000 lb in various combinations.
Spirit entered combat during Allied Force on March 24, 1999, striking Serbian targets. Production was completed in three blocks, and all aircraft were upgraded to Block 30 standard with AESA radar. Production was limited to 21 aircraft due to cost, and a single B-2 was subsequently lost in a crash at Andersen, Feb. 23, 2008.
Modernization is focused on safeguarding the B-2A’s penetrating strike capability in high-end threat environments and integrating advanced weapons.
The B-2 achieved a major milestone in 2022 with the integration of a Radar Aided Targeting System (RATS), enabling delivery of the modernized B61-12 precision-guided thermonuclear freefall weapon. RATS uses the aircraft’s radar to guide the weapon in GPS-denied conditions, while additional Flex Strike upgrades feed GPS data to weapons prerelease to thwart jamming. A B-2A successfully dropped an inert B61-12 using RATS on June 14, 2022, and successfully employed the longer-range JASSM-ER cruise missile in a test launch last December.
Ongoing upgrades include replacing the primary cockpit displays, the Adaptable Communications Suite (ACS) to provide Link 16-based jam-resistant in-flight retasking, advanced IFF, crash-survivable data recorders, and weapons integration. USAF is also working to enhance the fleet’s maintainability with LO signature improvements to coatings, materials, and radar-absorptive structures such as the radome and engine inlets/exhausts.
Two B-2s were damaged in separate landing accidents at Whiteman on Sept. 14, 2021, and Dec. 10, 2022, the latter prompting an indefinite fleetwide stand-down until May 18, 2023. USAF plans to retire the fleet once the B-21 Raider enters service in sufficient numbers around 2032.
Contractors: Northrop Grumman; Boeing; Vought.
First Flight: July 17, 1989.
Delivered: December 1993-December 1997.
IOC: April 1997, Whiteman AFB, Mo.
Production: 21.
Inventory: 20.
Operator: AFGSC, AFMC, ANG (associate).
Aircraft Location: Edwards AFB, Calif.; Whiteman AFB, Mo.
Active Variant: •B-2A. Production aircraft upgraded to Block 30 standards.
Dimensions: Span 172 ft, length 69 ft, height 17 ft.
Weight: Max T-O 336,500 lb.
Power Plant: Four GE Aviation F118-GE-100 turbofans, each 17,300 lb thrust.
Performance: Speed high subsonic, range 6,900 miles (further with air refueling).
Ceiling: 50,000 ft.
Armament: Nuclear: 16 B61-7, B61-12, B83, or eight B61-11 bombs (on rotary launchers). Conventional: 80 Mk 62 (500-lb) sea mines, 80 Mk 82 (500-lb) bombs, 80 GBU-38 JDAMs, or 34 CBU-87/89 munitions (on rack assemblies); or 16 GBU-31 JDAMs, 16 Mk 84 (2,000-lb) bombs, 16 AGM-154 JSOWs, 16 AGM-158 JASSMs, or eight GBU-28 LGBs.
Accommodation: Two pilots on ACES II zero/zero ejection seats.
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helix-enterprises117 · 5 months
Halo Reloaded: A Star-Spangled Man...
John emerged from the confines of a nondescript closet—not exactly the noble entry befitting a supersoldier of his caliber.
As he surveyed the penthouse, his HUD flickered like a confused tourist. Sleek, minimalist furniture met his gaze, betraying a taste for luxury that would make even a Covenant Elite's eyes widen with envy. But outside the glass walls, New York City sprawled in an architectural time capsule—buildings squatting lower than he recalled, the skyline an awkward teenager compared to the mature metropolis he knew.
The Spartan's reverie was cut short by a projectile hurtling toward his visor—a shield, star-spangled and as patriotic as apple pie. Catching it was reflex; the man who'd thrown it, however, was anything but predictable. Dressed in a combat suit that screamed 'America!', complete with helmet, he launched into a drop kick that even professional wrestlers might applaud.
John staggered, an uncharacteristic "oof" escaping him. The two squared off, sizing each other up. John’s opponent smirked, his suit a walking flagpole.
"Planning on dropping more surprises, or is the shield your only party trick?" John's tone was dry, the kind of dry you'd need a gallon of water to recover from.
"Just warming up. Let's dance, Tin Man," the flag-man retorted, his voice dripping with Brooklyn bravado.
The Star-Spangled Man charged, his sprint more a blur than a run. The penthouse's luxurious floor tiles seemed to quake under the force of his super-soldier speed. As he neared John, he leaped high, his body horizontal to the ground, twisting mid-air to deliver a roundhouse kick. The kick was a blur of red, white, and blue—a patriotic whirlwind.
John, his reactions honed by countless battles, swung the shield upward in a sweeping arc, intercepting the kick with a metallic clang that resonated like a gong. The impact sent a shockwave that rattled the nearby furniture, a crystal vase teetering perilously on the edge of a table.
Undeterred, The Patriotic Stranger rolled backward on landing, regaining his stance with feline agility. He then dashed forward again, this time pulling a series of rapid punches, each blow a thunderous crack breaking the air. John deflected each with the shield, the rhythm of their impacts a deadly drumbeat.
Seeing an opening, John thrust the shield forward like a battering ram. The other soldier, anticipating the move, ducked under the swing and swept a leg toward John's ankles in a sweeping arc meant to topple giants. John leapt over the sweep, a graceful arc in his own trajectory, landing with the floor cracking slightly under his armored weight.
Not missing a beat, John delivered a spinning back kick, aimed with precision at his adversary's midsection. The flag-man caught the kick with his hands, grunting under the force, his feet sliding back, carving grooves into the wooden floor. With a Herculean effort, the old-soldier twisted, redirecting the momentum to hurl John over his shoulder. John flipped mid-air, landing on his feet.
The penthouse now resembled a battlefield, the sound of their conflict a symphony of destruction. The red-white-&-blue combatant retrieved his shield, slinging it with explosive speed. John caught it again, using it to bash forward in a powerful charge. He met the charge with his own body, the collision a thunderclap of force that blew out the penthouse windows, showering the streets below with sparkling debris.
Locked in a grapple, the soldier-in-stars-'n-stripes whispered through gritted teeth, "Not bad for an old-timer, huh?"John, his grip iron-tight, managed a smirk. "You're not the only one out of time."
With a surge of strength, John pushed forward, breaking the grapple. He spun, wielding the shield in a sweeping, circular motion. John's opponent mirrored the movement, and for a moment, they were two cyclones colliding, their strikes a blur of motion and power that seemed to distort the very air around them.
As the duel reached its climax, John feinted with the shield, a deceptive move that the flag-man had anticipated, but it was a ruse. With a sudden drop, John swept the soldier's legs, sending him crashing to the ground. The Spartan quickly pinned him down, the shield at the ready.
Breathing heavily, the flag-man looked up, a grin spreading across his face.
"This isn't your usual sock-hop. Stand down and talk," John commanded, easing off as his sensors confirmed no further threats—just a very stubborn super-soldier beneath his boot.
Catching his breath, Rogers managed a grin. "You're not bad... for a walking tank. Steve Rogers, Captain America. And you are?"
"Master Chief Petty Officer John Downes. What year is this?"
"1943. Guess you took a wrong turn at Albuquerque, huh?" John deactivated his weapon, processing the anachronistic nightmare he’d stumbled into. "Seems like it. I need a way back to my time. Not sure how much help World War II tech will be."
Steve shrugged, accepting John’s hand and rising to his feet. "Well, we might not have fancy lasers or AI, but we've got grit and a whole lot of stubborn. Plus, I know a guy."
"Is he also a man out of time?" John inquired, a hint of amusement in his voice."Something like that. You ready to roll, Chief?"John nodded, his demeanor softening into what might pass for a smile under his helmet. "Lead the way, Captain."
As they exited the penthouse, John couldn’t help but think how absurdly out of place he looked—a futuristic warrior strolling through a historical chapter, guided by a man dressed as a flag. But then again, time travel was bound to have its quirks. And with Captain America at his side, maybe the 1940s wouldn’t be so bad. After all, they had the best music.
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dustedmagazine · 1 month
Nathan Bowles Trio — Are Possible (Drag City)
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Photo by Asia Harman
The Nathan Bowles Trio whips a buggy wagon onto interstellar highways, hammering rustic grooves into motorik repetition until they lift out of the past into the endless now. The trio first convened on Bowles’ 2018 album Plainly Mistaken pushing traditional instruments—banjo for Bowles, string bass for Casey Toll and drums for Rex McMurry—into sprawling psychedelic spaces. Are Possible is sparer but no less adventurous, paring back motifs to essence, locking them in for extended intervals, and allowing repetition to make them flower.
The opening “Dapple” distills a sprightly dance into its architectural elements, letting the play of banjo flourish amid resounding piano chords. McMurry’s drumming both grounds and elevates the agile interplay of stringed instruments; endless vistas reminiscent of his old band, CAVE, open out as he batters and thumps. “The Ternions,” an old-fashioned word for trio, by the way, opens out like a tarmac road stretching to the shimmery distance, its propulsion softened by flurries of lingering overtones. Toll’s bass gets a fuller hearing in “Our Air,” a cut that slants on low-toned plucking into a countrified form of jazz.
Still it’s in the two longer cuts that the trio makes its most indelible mark. “Gimme My Shit” builds in pointillist complexity, a hoedown shifting in and out of Reichian minimalism. “Aims” dips more freely into blues forms, letting the banjo and guitar carry a plaintive porch-lit melody. It gathers itself and swings out wide a minute or so in, a drone sluicing through pizzicato filigrees, a ritual beat carrying the tune forward. Indeed, the drums go knocking and walloping as the piece progresses, turning an inward-looking dreamscape into visceral, body-shifting triumph. All the elements come from pre-electric blues, but the end result is modern, almost futuristic.
The book of Matthew tells us that “With God, all things are possible,” and while I wouldn’t second guess the religious inclinations of any of these three musicians, there is an aura of immanence, of something more than banjo, bass and drums, that infuses these mystic tracks. Many things are possible, too, when you put together three such capable player and give them time and space to transcend themselves.
Jennifer Kelly
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sepublic · 1 year
            When initially fighting the Decepticons, humanity attempted to face them head-on in open battlefields and the like, testing the full might of their most powerful engines and weapons in a contest. This was a mistake; Human technology was no match for Cybertronian armaments, and your typical Decepticon footsoldier was more agile, durable, and hard-hitting than any tank. Battles in Mission City, Shanghai, Egypt, etc., made this clear.
         But as Sector 7, and then NEST, gathered experience, advice, and teamwork from the Autobots, eventually the best strategies were figured out. So by Dark of the Moon, humanity knew better than to tackle the Decepticons in open confrontation; That would only get them killed. Instead, it accepted its limitations, and opted to make the most of what its puny little form might entail against these giants.
         It became David vs Goliath; Instead of bringing the Decepticons’ attention, humans would take advantage of their small size to sneak up on unsuspecting enemies who normally towered over them, planting small energon-powered explosives and other debilitating traps. Focus on speed to evade their enemies, since durability was otherwise wasted. While the Decepticons focused on their more obvious Autobot enemies, human snipers would support from afar to take out their optics and other key points. Guerilla tactics were key.
         When it came to the Battle of Chicago, the humans didn’t arrive en masse; They sneaked in, using their size, and the fact that the architecture was built for them, to exploit various routes the Decepticons weren’t aware of or were ill-equipped to prepare for. In short, humanity realized the folly of fighting the Decepticons on their own terms and expectations; Let humanity take the fight to them in a way they didn’t expect, by using their rules. Let humans fight in the way that embraces what sets them apart from their Cybertronian counterparts.
         In essence, one could say humanity learned that to fight a Decepticon… one must fight like a Decepticon themselves, relying on trickery, deception, subterfuge, and stealth. They turned the Decepticon values of the underdog trickster against them, and like the Functionists they originally opposed, stuck to the roles their tiny little bodies were most equipped for. For those Decepticons who realized the poetic irony, it was quite a humiliating and frustrating realization, as those they disregarded as insects realized just how difficult it could be to hit such a microscopic target, from their experiences with their own insects.
         Cybertronians might be able to study the technology of their enemies to use against them, but humanity adapted by studying the tactics of the Transformers to use against them, understanding how they operate and think, and exploiting the blind spots of that vision. No need to use your own strength when you have the Autobots; Turn their massive size and power, even their own Energon-based technology, against them! Decepticons may have had ruthlessness and military prowess, but the Autobots had allies and the home advantage, now that both groups were one and embraced Earth. The Autobots worked with those who best understood this alien battlefield, those whom many of them fought for to begin with, to win.
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sophiria · 2 years
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Pairing: Makishima Shogo x fem!reader
Warnings and tags: 18+, smut (vaginal sex), very mild knifeplay (razorplay) and a veiled threat, mention of past minor character death, post-season 1 with canon divergence, twisted and fluffy feelings
Words: just a bit over 1,300
Your eyes fluttered open to the pitter-patter of the raindrops, and your hazy vision focused on the view behind the opened windows. From a distance, the temple complex stood tall and proud in the pouring rain, showing off its magnificent and everlasting architecture. The bittersweet and earthy scent of agarwood wafted through the air of your house within walls of woven bamboo, and you took a deep breath to bask in the grounding scent.
"Is it quite unusual for you to be already awake at this hour," Makishima noted in a honeyed voice with just a hint of grogginess. "Did the rainfall wake you up, or are you feeling troubled about something?"
The sheets around your lower body rustled away as you turned around to lie on your side, and his amber eyes glinted with curiosity as your gaze found his. His silver-white hair framed his seraphic features, and at the crack of dawn, he looked more like an otherworldly being than the abettor you knew him to be.
"The rain woke me up," you said softly, tentatively placing the tip of your fingers over his collarbone. You unconsciously began stroking the tips of his long locks, and amusement swirled in his eyes as you did. While he prided himself on having almost no desire for attention, he had to admit that he had grown rather fond of the reverence of your touch. "I don't mind, though. I enjoy this kind of weather."
He raised his chin in acknowledgment of your words. "Yes, it seems that you do," he mused. "It does make you dream, doesn't it? You do always get a faraway look in your eyes anytime it starts to pour."
Shogo moved with feline agility and caged you under his willowy, powerful body. He rested his forearms on each side of your face, and your heart thudded as his golden eyes bore into yours and the silver-white tips of his hair fringe tickled your forehead.
As you gazed at him with your mouth slightly agape, he slipped a hand under the pillow and pushed his slender hips against yours. You gasped at the feeling of his arousal pressing between your legs, and a shudder went through your body as he pointed the sharp edge of his razor against your neck. You arched your hips, and a wicked smirk appeared on his lips as he felt the wetness of your sex gliding over his cock.
"Makishima," you breathed, your demureness long forgotten as you wrapped your legs around his waist, urging his body closer to yours. "I want to feel you."
He raised an eyebrow. "You're being quite ravenous and demanding right now," he said, a hint of mockery in his tone. "What brought this on?"
"I just want to feel you, Shogo," you said in a throaty voice. "Don't you want that?"
His face hovered just above yours. "My razor is caressing your skin, and my body is enveloping yours," he said, brushing his nose against yours. "Yet it is not enough for you, isn't it?"
"I guess it isn't," you whispered, placing one of your hands over his, which held the cutting edge against your throat. "I need you inside me."
His cock twitched at your words, and the corners of your lips curled in a coy smirk. Makishima scowled at your teasing, and his eyes flashed with a warning. His name left your lips, and the eerie tone sent a delightful shiver through you.
A pause filled with deep breaths, and then—
"Do you remember how I killed Funahara Yuki?" He asked you with a sinister murmur, and goosebumps rose on your skin. "She had been almost as bare and helpless as you are right now."
You gazed into his eyes. "Am I, though?" Your low voice was almost a purr, and you brought your hands to his face, cupping his cheeks. The contrast between your tender act and his razor on your throat captivated Makishima, who found himself mesmerized. "How much value do you think my soul has?"
There was no mistaking the surprise flashing in his eyes, and he silently gazed at you for a good minute or so while your heart raced in anticipation. He retracted the blade against your throat to place it on the bedside table, and his gaze lingered on it for a few seconds before returning to your face.
"You do not live your life like Sibyl wishes you to," Makishima said at last, and the solemnity of his tone didn't go unnoticed by you, "and that means your soul has value."
Those words were as close to a confession of sentiment as a man like him would ever make, and your hold on his cheeks faltered as the emotions had your body slightly trembling under his.
You were pliant for Shogo to do as he pleased, and he slowly pushed his cock inside you. A languid moan left your lips as you adjusted to his size, and he rested on his elbows with his forearms on each side of your head. His thrusts were deep and sensual, and heat spread under your skin as he angled his hips and hit that special spot inside you. Your back arched, and you let out breathy moans as he kept plunging against the same spot—until your breath hitched and your walls fluttered around his cock. His hips stuttered as you pulsed around him, and his breathing turned shaky as his gut tightened. He pressed his forehead against yours while you still panted from your orgasm, and he gave one last powerful thrust before spilling his seed inside you.
Makishima breathed heavily as his softening cock was nestled inside you and his body was flush against yours. You brought your hands to his hair and ran your fingers through it, concentrating on the tufts near the nape of his neck. He peered at you through his lashes and saw that your vision was out of focus before concentrating on the color of your iris, the slope of your nose, and the shape of your lips.
"What do you suppose is the most intimate exercise of free will an individual living in our society could make?"
His words pulled you out of your reverie, and you anchored your attention on his eyes. Despite the deceptively neutral expression crossing his face, you recognized glimpses of his spirit of inquiry in the intensity of his gaze.
"The most intimate?" You echoed him, briefly pausing as you gathered your thoughts. "I think it might be entrusting a part of yourself to a person whose soul you value—as a sign of your faith in them and in the bond you share."
He hummed at your words, and his eyes gleamed with a knowing glint. In the background, the sky had cleared, and the clouds had left the scene to the purple and orange hues of the sunrise. He languorously slipped out of you, and you bit back a small moan at the mild stimulation.
His movements were stealthy as he got out of bed and neared the open windows with only a thin cotton sheet wrapped around his waist. You stretched your muscles and loafed on the bed, then looked towards his sinewy back while he gazed at the scenery, seemingly lost in thought.
You stood up from the bed with the sheets draped around your frame and leisurely walked to his position. You stopped next to his figure, and he glanced sideways. His amber eyes caught a glimpse of your face as you admired the first flush of the morning over the horizon, and he regarded you quietly before moving to stand behind you.
Makishima encircled your waist with his right arm and rested his chin on the crown of your head. His left hand went to your neck, gently wrapping itself around your throat. It was rare for him to embrace you in such a way outside the throes of passion, and you heaved a sigh as you closed your eyes, surrounding yourself in his hold and savoring the sensation of his body against yours.
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demifiendrsa · 3 months
Assassin's Creed Shadows: First Look Gameplay Trailer
First Look Gameplay Trailer (Japanese version)
Extended Gameplay Walkthrough | Ubisoft Forward
Official Gameplay - Combat and Stealth Evolved
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As the official CPU and GPU partner for Assassin’s Creed Shadows, Intel and Ubisoft have joined forces once again to benefit gamers globally. Assassin’s Creed Shadows, built from the ground up in the latest version of Anvil, will be optimized for Intel’s performance hybrid core architecture—ensuring the best experience happens on Intel Core 14th Gen processors.
The Gameplay Walkthrough mission shown at the conference takes place in the castle town of Fukuchiyama in Tamba Province, where Naoe and Yasuke are hunting down a corrupted daimyo. The gameplay illustrates the complementary dynamic between the two playable heroes: Naoe, the agile and stealthy Shinobi, and Yasuke, the combat-focused Samurai. Fighting on opposite sides at the beginning of the game, they will unite around common goals. As they usher in a new era for Japan, players will be able to switch characters at any time in the open world and make use of their unique mix of skills and weapons to tackle situations and face varied enemies in different ways.
Naoe embodies the essence of a Shinobi Assassin. From a versatile grappling hook that allows for stealthy in-air assassinations and greater mobility, to kunai and her custom Hidden Blade for swift eliminations, she has access to a diverse arsenal of tools to strike from the shadows. While more vulnerable in close combat, she can skillfully deflect, dodge enemy strikes, and retaliate with lethal precision, using light, her surroundings, and structures around her to topple her foes.
Yasuke is tailored for direct confrontations, relying on his exceptional combat skills and mastery of Samurai weaponry. Whether wielding the Katana for decisive strikes, opting for raw power with the Kanabo, or engaging opponents from a distance with lethal flint rifle called Teppo, he can handle multiple enemies at once.
In addition, players can take advantage of a new exploration feature called the “Spy Network”. Naoe and Yasuke can send out their spies to scout locations to uncover useful information about target locations, habits, and other world secrets.
Experience an epic historical action-adventure story set in feudal Japan! Become a lethal shinobi Assassin and a powerful legendary samurai as you explore a beautiful open world in a time of chaos. Switch seamlessly between two unlikely allies as you discover their common destiny. Master complementary playstyles, create your shinobi league, customize your hideout, and usher in a new era for Japan.
Key Features
Explore the captivating open world of feudal Japan, from spectacular castle towns and bustling ports to peaceful shrines and war-ravaged landscapes. Adventure through unpredictable weather, changing seasons, and reactive environments.
Become Naoe, a shinobi Assassin, and Yasuke, a legendary samurai, as you experience their riveting stories and master their complementary playstyles. As Naoe, use stealth to avoid detection and agility to confound your enemies. As Yasuke, strike your foes with lethal precision and power. Unlock new skills, gear, and progression independently for each character.
Make information your weapon as you explore the world, and build your own network of spies to be your eyes and ears across locations to hunt down your next target. Along the way, recruit new allies with unique abilities to help accomplish your missions.
Create a fully customizable hideout for your growing shinobi league as you train your crew, craft new gear, interact with key characters, and choose your base’s layout, decorations, and accessories.
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sravyaaa · 6 months
Azure DevOps Training
Azure DevOps Training Programs
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In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, mastering Azure DevOps has become indispensable for organizations aiming to streamline their software development and delivery processes. As businesses increasingly migrate their operations to the cloud, the demand for skilled professionals proficient in Azure DevOps continues to soar. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the significance of Azure DevOps training and explore the myriad benefits it offers to both individuals and enterprises.
Understanding Azure DevOps:
Before we delve into the realm of Azure DevOps training, let's first grasp the essence of Azure DevOps itself. Azure DevOps is a robust suite of tools offered by Microsoft Azure that facilitates collaboration, automation, and orchestration across the entire software development lifecycle. From planning and coding to building, testing, and deployment, Azure DevOps provides a unified platform for managing and executing diverse DevOps tasks seamlessly.
Why Azure DevOps Training Matters:
With Azure DevOps emerging as the cornerstone of modern DevOps practices, acquiring proficiency in this domain has become imperative for IT professionals seeking to stay ahead of the curve. Azure DevOps training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage Microsoft Azure's suite of tools effectively. Whether you're a developer, IT administrator, or project manager, undergoing Azure DevOps training can significantly enhance your career prospects and empower you to drive innovation within your organization.
Key Components of Azure DevOps Training Programs:
Azure DevOps training programs are meticulously designed to cover a wide array of topics essential for mastering the intricacies of Azure DevOps. From basic concepts to advanced techniques, these programs encompass the following key components:
Azure DevOps Fundamentals: An in-depth introduction to Azure DevOps, including its core features, functionalities, and architecture.
Agile Methodologies: Understanding Agile principles and practices, and how they align with Azure DevOps for efficient project management and delivery.
Continuous Integration (CI): Learning to automate the process of integrating code changes into a shared repository, thereby enabling early detection of defects and ensuring software quality.
Continuous Deployment (CD): Exploring the principles of continuous deployment and mastering techniques for automating the deployment of applications to production environments.
Azure Pipelines: Harnessing the power of Azure Pipelines for building, testing, and deploying code across diverse platforms and environments.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Leveraging Infrastructure as Code principles to automate the provisioning and management of cloud resources using tools like Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates.
Monitoring and Logging: Implementing robust monitoring and logging solutions to gain insights into application performance and troubleshoot issues effectively.
Security and Compliance: Understanding best practices for ensuring the security and compliance of Azure DevOps environments, including identity and access management, data protection, and regulatory compliance.
The Benefits of Azure DevOps Certification:
Obtaining Azure DevOps certification not only validates your expertise in Azure DevOps but also serves as a testament to your commitment to continuous learning and professional development. Azure DevOps certifications offered by Microsoft Azure are recognized globally and can open doors to exciting career opportunities in various domains, including cloud computing, software development, and DevOps engineering.
In conclusion, Azure DevOps training is indispensable for IT professionals looking to enhance their skills and stay relevant in today's dynamic tech landscape. By undergoing comprehensive Azure DevOps training programs and obtaining relevant certifications, individuals can unlock a world of opportunities and propel their careers to new heights. Whether you're aiming to streamline your organization's software delivery processes or embark on a rewarding career journey, mastering Azure DevOps is undoubtedly a game-changer. So why wait? Start your Azure DevOps training journey today and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.
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qcs01 · 5 months
Unleashing Efficiency: Containerization with Docker
Introduction: In the fast-paced world of modern IT, agility and efficiency reign supreme. Enter Docker - a revolutionary tool that has transformed the way applications are developed, deployed, and managed. Containerization with Docker has become a cornerstone of contemporary software development, offering unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and portability. In this blog, we'll explore the fundamentals of Docker containerization, its benefits, and practical insights into leveraging Docker for streamlining your development workflow.
Understanding Docker Containerization: At its core, Docker is an open-source platform that enables developers to package applications and their dependencies into lightweight, self-contained units known as containers. Unlike traditional virtualization, where each application runs on its own guest operating system, Docker containers share the host operating system's kernel, resulting in significant resource savings and improved performance.
Key Benefits of Docker Containerization:
Portability: Docker containers encapsulate the application code, runtime, libraries, and dependencies, making them portable across different environments, from development to production.
Isolation: Containers provide a high degree of isolation, ensuring that applications run independently of each other without interference, thus enhancing security and stability.
Scalability: Docker's architecture facilitates effortless scaling by allowing applications to be deployed and replicated across multiple containers, enabling seamless horizontal scaling as demand fluctuates.
Consistency: With Docker, developers can create standardized environments using Dockerfiles and Docker Compose, ensuring consistency between development, testing, and production environments.
Speed: Docker accelerates the development lifecycle by reducing the time spent on setting up development environments, debugging compatibility issues, and deploying applications.
Getting Started with Docker: To embark on your Docker journey, begin by installing Docker Desktop or Docker Engine on your development machine. Docker Desktop provides a user-friendly interface for managing containers, while Docker Engine offers a command-line interface for advanced users.
Once Docker is installed, you can start building and running containers using Docker's command-line interface (CLI). The basic workflow involves:
Writing a Dockerfile: A text file that contains instructions for building a Docker image, specifying the base image, dependencies, environment variables, and commands to run.
Building Docker Images: Use the docker build command to build a Docker image from the Dockerfile.
Running Containers: Utilize the docker run command to create and run containers based on the Docker images.
Managing Containers: Docker provides a range of commands for managing containers, including starting, stopping, restarting, and removing containers.
Best Practices for Docker Containerization: To maximize the benefits of Docker containerization, consider the following best practices:
Keep Containers Lightweight: Minimize the size of Docker images by removing unnecessary dependencies and optimizing Dockerfiles.
Use Multi-Stage Builds: Employ multi-stage builds to reduce the size of Docker images and improve build times.
Utilize Docker Compose: Docker Compose simplifies the management of multi-container applications by defining them in a single YAML file.
Implement Health Checks: Define health checks in Dockerfiles to ensure that containers are functioning correctly and automatically restart them if they fail.
Secure Containers: Follow security best practices, such as running containers with non-root users, limiting container privileges, and regularly updating base images to patch vulnerabilities.
Conclusion: Docker containerization has revolutionized the way applications are developed, deployed, and managed, offering unparalleled agility, efficiency, and scalability. By embracing Docker, developers can streamline their development workflow, accelerate the deployment process, and improve the consistency and reliability of their applications. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, Docker opens up a world of possibilities, empowering you to build and deploy applications with ease in today's fast-paced digital landscape.
For more details visit www.qcsdclabs.com
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advisedskills · 27 days
Open Agile Architecture: Key to Agile Transformation
Unlock the potential of Open Agile Architecture and transform your organization. 🌐 If you're looking to drive agility, innovation, and adaptability in today's fast-paced digital world, our latest blog post has you covered.
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Discover key strategies that will keep your business ahead of the competition.
Read more: Open Agile Architecture: Key to Agile Transformation
Plus, don't miss our Open Agile Architecture Practitioner course to take your skills to the next level!
#AgileArchitecture #DigitalTransformation #Innovation #Leadership #EnterpriseAgility
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annajade456 · 1 year
Level Up Your Software Development Skills: Join Our Unique DevOps Course
Would you like to increase your knowledge of software development? Look no further! Our unique DevOps course is the perfect opportunity to upgrade your skillset and pave the way for accelerated career growth in the tech industry. In this article, we will explore the key components of our course, reasons why you should choose it, the remarkable placement opportunities it offers, and the numerous benefits you can expect to gain from joining us.
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Key Components of Our DevOps Course
Our DevOps course is meticulously designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the DevOps methodology and equip you with the necessary tools and techniques to excel in the field. Here are the key components you can expect to delve into during the course:
1. Understanding DevOps Fundamentals
Learn the core principles and concepts of DevOps, including continuous integration, continuous delivery, infrastructure automation, and collaboration techniques. Gain insights into how DevOps practices can enhance software development efficiency and communication within cross-functional teams.
2. Mastering Cloud Computing Technologies
Immerse yourself in cloud computing platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. Acquire hands-on experience in deploying applications, managing serverless architectures, and leveraging containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes for scalable and efficient deployment.
3. Automating Infrastructure as Code
Discover the power of infrastructure automation through tools like Ansible, Terraform, and Puppet. Automate the provisioning, configuration, and management of infrastructure resources, enabling rapid scalability, agility, and error-free deployments.
4. Monitoring and Performance Optimization
Explore various monitoring and observability tools, including Elasticsearch, Grafana, and Prometheus, to ensure your applications are running smoothly and performing optimally. Learn how to diagnose and resolve performance bottlenecks, conduct efficient log analysis, and implement effective alerting mechanisms.
5. Embracing Continuous Integration and Delivery
Dive into the world of continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines using popular tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and CircleCI. Gain a deep understanding of how to automate build processes, run tests, and deploy applications seamlessly to achieve faster and more reliable software releases.
Reasons to Choose Our DevOps Course
There are numerous reasons why our DevOps course stands out from the rest. Here are some compelling factors that make it the ideal choice for aspiring software developers:
Expert Instructors: Learn from industry professionals who possess extensive experience in the field of DevOps and have a genuine passion for teaching. Benefit from their wealth of knowledge and practical insights gained from working on real-world projects.
Hands-On Approach: Our course emphasizes hands-on learning to ensure you develop the practical skills necessary to thrive in a DevOps environment. Through immersive lab sessions, you will have opportunities to apply the concepts learned and gain valuable experience working with industry-standard tools and technologies.
Tailored Curriculum: We understand that every learner is unique, so our curriculum is strategically designed to cater to individuals of varying proficiency levels. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, our course will be tailored to suit your needs and help you achieve your desired goals.
Industry-Relevant Projects: Gain practical exposure to real-world scenarios by working on industry-relevant projects. Apply your newly acquired skills to solve complex problems and build innovative solutions that mirror the challenges faced by DevOps practitioners in the industry today.
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Benefits of Joining Our DevOps Course
By joining our DevOps course, you open up a world of benefits that will enhance your software development career. Here are some notable advantages you can expect to gain:
Enhanced Employability: Acquire sought-after skills that are in high demand in the software development industry. Stand out from the crowd and increase your employability prospects by showcasing your proficiency in DevOps methodologies and tools.
Higher Earning Potential: With the rise of DevOps practices, organizations are willing to offer competitive remuneration packages to skilled professionals. By mastering DevOps through our course, you can significantly increase your earning potential in the tech industry.
Streamlined Software Development Processes: Gain the ability to streamline software development workflows by effectively integrating development and operations. With DevOps expertise, you will be capable of accelerating software deployment, reducing errors, and improving the overall efficiency of the development lifecycle.
Continuous Learning and Growth: DevOps is a rapidly evolving field, and by joining our course, you become a part of a community committed to continuous learning and growth. Stay updated with the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices to ensure your skills remain relevant in an ever-changing tech landscape.
In conclusion, our unique DevOps course at ACTE institute offers unparalleled opportunities for software developers to level up their skills and propel their careers forward. With a comprehensive curriculum, remarkable placement opportunities, and a host of benefits, joining our course is undoubtedly a wise investment in your future success. Don't miss out on this incredible chance to become a proficient DevOps practitioner and unlock new horizons in the world of software development. Enroll today and embark on an exciting journey towards professional growth and achievement!
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ramyavarshini · 7 months
The Profound Benefits of Embracing Full Stack Development
Introduction: In the dynamic realm of software development, full stack developers have emerged as indispensable assets, equipped with the skills to navigate both front-end and back-end technologies seamlessly. This comprehensive exploration sheds light on the multifaceted advantages of embracing full stack development, unveiling the unique benefits and opportunities that accompany proficiency in both facets of the development stack.
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Unlocking the Benefits of Full Stack Development:
Versatility and Adaptability: Full stack developers possess a diverse skill set, encompassing proficiency in both front-end and back-end technologies. This versatility enables them to fluidly transition between different aspects of development, adeptly adapting to project requirements and challenges.Mastery of client-side and server-side technologies empowers full stack developers to tackle a myriad of tasks, from crafting intuitive user interfaces to implementing complex business logic. This adaptability renders them invaluable assets to development teams, capable of contributing to various stages of the software development lifecycle with finesse.
Comprehensive Project Ownership: A defining advantage of full stack developers lies in their ability to assume end-to-end ownership of projects, from inception to deployment. With a comprehensive understanding of both front-end and back-end technologies, full stack developers can oversee all facets of development, ensuring seamless integration and coherence throughout the project lifecycle.This holistic perspective empowers full stack developers to make informed decisions at every juncture of development, from conceptualization and architecture to execution and optimization. By embracing responsibility for the entire project, full stack developers drive efficiency, consistency, and quality, culminating in successful project outcomes.
Expanded Employability and Career Prospects: Full stack developers are highly coveted by employers owing to their diverse skill set and capacity to work across multiple technologies. Proficiency in both front-end and back-end technologies opens the door to a plethora of career opportunities across various industries and sectors.Employers prize full stack developers for their adaptability, versatility, and ability to deliver end-to-end solutions that align with business objectives. Whether it entails developing web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise software, full stack developers are poised to excel in diverse roles and environments, making them sought-after candidates in the job market.
Efficient Collaboration and Communication: Full stack developers excel in cross-functional collaboration, proficiently communicating with designers, product managers, and fellow developers alike. Their grasp of both front-end and back-end technologies bridges the gap between different teams and departments, fostering smoother communication and collaboration.This collaborative prowess enables full stack developers to seamlessly integrate with cross-functional teams, ensuring that project requirements are comprehended, feedback is incorporated, and deliverables are met punctually and within budget constraints. By fostering a culture of collaboration and synergy, full stack developers contribute significantly to project success and organizational growth.
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Agile Prototyping and Iteration: Full stack developers possess a knack for rapid prototyping and iteration, leveraging their comprehensive understanding of both front-end and back-end technologies. This proficiency enables them to swiftly prototype and iterate on features, accelerating development cycles and fostering innovation.By gathering feedback iteratively and swiftly incorporating user input and stakeholder feedback, full stack developers expedite the development process. This agile approach allows them to identify and address issues promptly, resulting in faster development cycles and heightened product quality.
Holistic Problem-Solving Proficiency: Full stack developers boast holistic problem-solving skills, enabling them to tackle challenges across the user interface and server layers. With an in-depth comprehension of both front-end and back-end technologies, full stack developers approach problems from diverse angles, exploring a plethora of solutions and technologies to pinpoint the most effective remedy.This comprehensive problem-solving approach fosters creativity, innovation, and critical thinking, as full stack developers explore various methodologies and techniques to resolve intricate problems. By harnessing their diverse skill set and experience, full stack developers surmount obstacles and deliver innovative solutions that cater to user needs and business imperatives.
Continuous Learning and Professional Growth: Full stack development is an ever-evolving domain that encourages continuous learning and professional growth. With new technologies, frameworks, and best practices perpetually emerging, full stack developers have ample opportunities to augment their skill set and remain abreast of industry trends.Continuous learning is inherent to the full stack developer role, necessitating a commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in both front-end and back-end technologies. By investing in continuous learning and professional development, full stack developers remain competitive in the job market and position themselves for sustained success in their careers.
Conclusion: In summary, embracing full stack development bestows a myriad of advantages and opportunities, ranging from versatility and end-to-end project ownership to enhanced employability and continuous learning. By mastering both front-end and back-end technologies, full stack developers are primed to excel in diverse roles and environments, driving innovation and success in the ever-evolving sphere of software development. Whether you're an established developer or an aspiring professional, embracing full stack development opens doors to a world of possibilities and professional fulfillment.
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noahvoxwashere · 1 year
[[Sleepy Spider]] - Spidersona
Did anyone else see Across the Spiderverse??? AND LOVE IT?!
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I’ve never made a proper spiderSONA. I made a Spiderverse OC a long long time ago, when the first movie came out; but I never committed to making an actual SpiderSONA, one that was a little more closely inspired by myself as the artist behind the art! Soooo, this was my big break into making a spidersona!! 
His name is Dominic O’Hara(Yes, THAT O’Hara), and his Earth is “Earth1218″. Visually, the style of his earth is all over the place. In the day time it’s pretty normal, a little painterly, mainly looks like the whole thing was coloured with pencil crayon, but at night it mixed in with this really sketchy, messy style to reflect the amount of crime that runs rampant when the sun goes down.The world is set in 2087, far in the future, though the architecture hasn’t changed too too much from our modern day in 2023. Sure, buildings are taller and look fancier, but, the streets are still messy, there is still a huge homeless population, and the world is still a mess with all sorts of our modern political issues. But the biggest one is the split between natural and supernatural!
In Dom’s world, there is a high population of fantasy creatures! Fairies and Fae, Unicorns and Dragons, Elves, Dwarves, Demons, Angels, all kinds of creatures! They mix and intermingle with humans often enough but they still keep a fair distance from one another. The magical folk tend to live in older tech societies in a secret wooded area outside of 1218 Earth’s New York, and Dom tends to travel between the city and the woods to fight crime and engage in magical political movements because that’s what he’s supposed to do.
Dom was briefly married to 1218 Miguel O’Hara, before becoming Sleepy-Spider. They met in work circles and hit it off, Miguel being recently widowed with his daughter, Gabriella, and Dom recently surviving a very toxic relationship. They started off small but after the first year of dating, ended up moving in together into Dom’s small home on the edge of town. They lived together for 10 years before either of them popped the question about marriage, because both of them didn’t feel ready for that. But eventually they agreed that they were ready, and decided to tie the knot officially in the books. 
The wedding was lovely, and the reception would have been even more lovely, if it weren’t rudely interrupted. 1218 Kingpin had a bone to pick with Dom and Miguel as their original contractor at Alchemax after Dom and Miguel left the company due to sketchy deals and a risk of pollution across the planet. King didn’t take their leave very well, so, the night of the reception, he came in, and did his worst. Having everyone in attendance killed, or left to die. That included Miguel and Dom. 
However, whilst bleeding out, a being touched Dom’s soul, gifting him with the spider powers and eternal life to fight the crimes that had done this horrible thing to him. Dom begged for Miguel to be saved instead, insisting he deserved it more than Dom did, but the higher being refused, telling Dom that their choice was final, and that they were sorry for his loss. Dom wakes up changed, and horrified, as the only survivor of the massacre on his family.
He took up the mantel of “Sleepy Spider”, but the Fae tend to call him “Immortal Spider”, and for the last 5 years since his wedding night, he has been New York’s one and only spider person. His powers are a little all over the place. He’s got heightened senses, increased agility and speed. For a 5 foot 4 man, he’s pretty strong, but he gets his ass kicked pretty much all the time. He’s got the ability to grow and retract extra arms and eyes, and he’s got sharp teeth!
He’s got a spiderverse watch, because Miguel 99 ended up grabbing an anomaly that came into his universe, freaking Dom out, but also opening his eyes to a whole new string of him. Miguel gave him a watch semi out of pity for what he’d gone through, and Dom comes and goes as he pleases when he wants. He’s not really a part of the elite teams that Miguel has put in place, but he will help when he can, he just doesn’t take orders from Miguel. He has a hard time being around Miguel 99 anyways, so, when he is around Miguel, he likes to dick around and be a pain in the ass. But he loves the kiddos, Gwen and Miles, Pav and Hobie, and all other young spider-folk. He’s a pretty alright mentor, despite his short temper. He gets along great with Gwen and Hobie, and he likes Miles and Pav’s attitudes in life. Overall. he’s a welcome addition, but he’s not a permanent addition.
He’s a funky fella, and I hope I can draw more of him in the future! But for now, here are some other doodles from his world- Not too too much! But some extra characters and things in his world.
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priya-joshi · 7 months
Elevating Your Full-Stack Developer Expertise: Exploring Emerging Skills and Technologies
Introduction: In the dynamic landscape of web development, staying at the forefront requires continuous learning and adaptation. Full-stack developers play a pivotal role in crafting modern web applications, balancing frontend finesse with backend robustness. This guide delves into the evolving skills and technologies that can propel full-stack developers to new heights of expertise and innovation.
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Pioneering Progress: Key Skills for Full-Stack Developers
1. Innovating with Microservices Architecture:
Microservices have redefined application development, offering scalability and flexibility in the face of complexity. Mastery of frameworks like Kubernetes and Docker empowers developers to architect, deploy, and manage microservices efficiently. By breaking down monolithic applications into modular components, developers can iterate rapidly and respond to changing requirements with agility.
2. Embracing Serverless Computing:
The advent of serverless architecture has revolutionized infrastructure management, freeing developers from the burdens of server maintenance. Platforms such as AWS Lambda and Azure Functions enable developers to focus solely on code development, driving efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Embrace serverless computing to build scalable, event-driven applications that adapt seamlessly to fluctuating workloads.
3. Crafting Progressive Web Experiences (PWEs):
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) herald a new era of web development, delivering native app-like experiences within the browser. Harness the power of technologies like Service Workers and Web App Manifests to create PWAs that are fast, reliable, and engaging. With features like offline functionality and push notifications, PWAs blur the lines between web and mobile, captivating users and enhancing engagement.
4. Harnessing GraphQL for Flexible Data Management:
GraphQL has emerged as a versatile alternative to RESTful APIs, offering a unified interface for data fetching and manipulation. Dive into GraphQL's intuitive query language and schema-driven approach to simplify data interactions and optimize performance. With GraphQL, developers can fetch precisely the data they need, minimizing overhead and maximizing efficiency.
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5. Unlocking Potential with Jamstack Development:
Jamstack architecture empowers developers to build fast, secure, and scalable web applications using modern tools and practices. Explore frameworks like Gatsby and Next.js to leverage pre-rendering, serverless functions, and CDN caching. By decoupling frontend presentation from backend logic, Jamstack enables developers to deliver blazing-fast experiences that delight users and drive engagement.
6. Integrating Headless CMS for Content Flexibility:
Headless CMS platforms offer developers unprecedented control over content management, enabling seamless integration with frontend frameworks. Explore platforms like Contentful and Strapi to decouple content creation from presentation, facilitating dynamic and personalized experiences across channels. With headless CMS, developers can iterate quickly and deliver content-driven applications with ease.
7. Optimizing Single Page Applications (SPAs) for Performance:
Single Page Applications (SPAs) provide immersive user experiences but require careful optimization to ensure performance and responsiveness. Implement techniques like lazy loading and server-side rendering to minimize load times and enhance interactivity. By optimizing resource delivery and prioritizing critical content, developers can create SPAs that deliver a seamless and engaging user experience.
8. Infusing Intelligence with Machine Learning and AI:
Machine learning and artificial intelligence open new frontiers for full-stack developers, enabling intelligent features and personalized experiences. Dive into frameworks like TensorFlow.js and PyTorch.js to build recommendation systems, predictive analytics, and natural language processing capabilities. By harnessing the power of machine learning, developers can create smarter, more adaptive applications that anticipate user needs and preferences.
9. Safeguarding Applications with Cybersecurity Best Practices:
As cyber threats continue to evolve, cybersecurity remains a critical concern for developers and organizations alike. Stay informed about common vulnerabilities and adhere to best practices for securing applications and user data. By implementing robust security measures and proactive monitoring, developers can protect against potential threats and safeguard the integrity of their applications.
10. Streamlining Development with CI/CD Pipelines:
Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are essential for accelerating development workflows and ensuring code quality and reliability. Explore tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, and GitLab CI/CD to automate testing, integration, and deployment processes. By embracing CI/CD best practices, developers can deliver updates and features with confidence, driving innovation and agility in their development cycles.
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dustedmagazine · 5 months
James Elkington and Nathan Salsburg — All Gist (Paradise of Bachelors)
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In this third album of guitar duets, James Elkington and Nathan Salsburg perform a complicated sort of dance, their separate instruments executing, light and agile motifs, sometimes in concord, other times slightly out of sync. The melody refracts through their separate interpretations, so that you often feel like you’re hearing it from multiple angles or doubled with an echo. Though some of the songs have a twinge of melancholy, most of them explode with joy. Their two instruments chase each other like dogs at happy play.
Elkington and Salsburg pick up their musical conversation after a long hiatus. Ambsace, their last collaboration, came out in 2015. But like the best reunions, this one is free of awkwardness. They treat each other with warmth and respect throughout. The guitars tangle but never step on one another, each player leaving space for the other.
The pair also makes judicious use of other talent to bolster and deepen their sound. The opener “Death Wishes to Kill” gets a firm grounding from Nick Macri’s acoustic bass; he lends a steadiness to this playful tag in thumps that resonate and mark time without staking too prominent a place for themselves in the sonic mix. But even more striking is the wild skirl of violin that Wanees Zarour adds, wheeling around the guitar line in a throaty emotional timbre. Zarour played on the last Elkington/Salsburg disc. He is a Palestinian-American multi-instrumentalist and academic who teaches at the University of Chicago.
“Nicest Distinction” shows how the foundation that Elkington and Salsburg lay down can be opened up and expanded.  It begins in stately ritual, a madrigal with a little blues introduced in the way the phrases end with a vibrating bent notes.  It’s just the two of them for a good long while, one strumming splayed chords, the other picking a melodic path in and among the meditations. Yet this long piece kicks into a gallop towards the end, with wild tom-tom fill and woodwinds played by Wednesday Knudsen.
All Gist will likely be lumped into the folk category, being acoustic and not quite modern. Still there is really only one actual folk tune on it, the mortality-shaded frolic of “Rule Bretagne,” based, per the title, on the music of seagoing France. Well, maybe not. “Explanation Point” digs pretty deep into country blues, the notes sliding and tumbling down a sunlight rambling path. Here, as elsewhere, melodic lines zing off each other then carom back for a moment of concord.
But really, the most interesting cuts veer the furthest from conventional folk. “Well, Well Cornelius,” originally written for piano by the British composer Howard Skelton, offers a radiant procession of chords framed by the regular architecture of picking. It is serene and unhurried and really quite beautiful. So, is “Buffalo Stance” a Neneh Cherry song you might remember for its pop-locking hip hop beat and strobe lit video. These artists distill it down to melody—a tune you might not have focused on the original, very different version—and transform the cut into a gentle, bucolic ramble. Ironically, in the video, Neneh introduces her song with an aside of “how melodic” which feels like sarcasm, but these two guitarists heard it there all along. Just lovely.
Jennifer Kelly
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