#ooohh i can FEEL this picture
nyxelestia · 3 months
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Environmental Storytelling
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i-cant-sing · 2 months
i was just minding my business like scrolling to find new fics to read since i was so so bored and while i was finding some delicious fics (ahem ahem: yandere big brother bakugou x little sister reader) ur post suddenly idk the word (lumitaw (its a filo word)) and i was screaming and immediately dropped what i was supposed to read to read yours 😭😭😭
i got the worst memory ever to exist because i keep forgetting their names but i think i'll grasp them once the next chapter is out (hopefully) but yeaaah!!! baris reminds me of abbas in a way but ig he's a bit more.. brute yk what im talking about????? ig he's ok..
OH! and i have a theory about the painting, y/n's face getting smudged maybe because baldwin or SALAUDDIN decided to smudged it to forget how they look due to heartbroken (prob not baldwin,, but i feel like salauddin would do that ??) i guess im getting married again 😔😔 i feel like im betraying my pookie salauddin 💔💔💔🙏🙏 BUT ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE SNOW!!!! AMAZING AS ALWAYS!! can't wait for the next one already!! 😭😭😭 i think i'll send more of my thoughts if something crosses over my mind (prob when im in the shower)
ooohh i like your theory(portrait pictures at the end). i like it a lot. expanding on it:
Baldwin would probably cause the painting to be smudged because he's kissing it, kissing your lips, drunk off his mind, tears streaming down his cheek as he spends hours sitting in front of it, talking to the painting as if u still exist, begging u to come back from heaven, even apologising for all he's done, just please- come back, angel...
Meanwhile Salauddin would probably be staring at your portrait angrily. He understands why you had to leave but.... you couldnt have told him where you were goinh? Do you not think he couldve protected you? He wouldve used his whole army, gathered Muslims from all around the world to protect you. Did you... did you not have the least bit faith in him? deep down, he knows u did this to prevent a war between him and baldwin but.... Salauddin wouldve gone to war for you. Happily. This wasnt your decision to make alone. Now, he stands in front of your portrait, he has it in his palace now, and he doesnt say voice it out like baldwin, but he has complaints. HE keeps them inside, mentally talking to you, telling you just how stupid you were for sacrificing yourself, for jumping off that stupid cliff. How u shouldve just- just asked him for help ONCE, and he wouldve fought until his last breath if it meant keeping u safe. In his mind, u sacrificed yourself to protect Baldwin from murdering innocent muslims or anyone else u wouldve seeked help from.
And now? All Salauddin can do is pray for you. He wakes up late into the night and sits on the prayer mat, making dua for you for hours, reading Quran for you, has animals slaughtered on eid on your behalf, even doing charity and hajj (pilgrimage) on your behalf, just so that you can have more good deeds in your name. He still has the chess board u gifted him, but he's stopped playing chess. He never played the game again, it was only a painful reminder of you. The one person who he could never beat.
As for your painting, why it was smudged? Salauddin didnt want anyone to see your beauty, thats why he kept the portrait hidden in his room, but then he feared that one day when he's not around anymore, someone will see you. So, he used a rag soaked in turpentine to smudge your face, but couldnt do more than just the bottom half of your face. He thought that was fine, after all, thats how u did often appear when you were around, wearing a niqaab, a veil that covered your face.
Now that he looks at your eyes, he realises his mistake. He heard the wise tell him-
"Eyes are the windows to the soul."
He now knows it to be true.
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This is what I think the portraits look like:
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Notice that this is the earrings Salauddin gifted Y/n when she was in the market with him:
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How Baldwin's been:
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marthawrites · 1 year
Hi Martha! Ooohh requests are open!!! I have a friends to lovers trope idea for Aemond.
Jealous and in love with his friend, Aemond and reader are fighting while he's driving her home and then bad weather forces them to pull over.
Love your writing!!!
OF COURSE YOU CAN! While talking about this request earlier on my blog, I discovered this anon is a beloved mutual! I will not out them in case they want to stay anon for real. I HOPE YOU LOVE THIS, MWAH! ♥
After The Closing Shift
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Modern Aemond Targaryen x fem reader
Word count: 4.6k+
Read part 2 here
About: You and Aemond have been best friends for years. The time is finally right for him to admit his true feelings. In the process of doing so, your cheating ex appears back in the picture. Unexpected events follow.
Includes: Mentions of divorce, cheating, some angst, adult language, and explicit sexual content featuring our pussy eating king, slight overstimulation, and unprotected protected vaginal sex
Note: Hello lovely reader! This is my first time writing friends to lovers trope. There's angst for added flavor and I hope you like it! I don't write it very often. This was SO much fun to brainstorm and create! All characters mentioned in this story are college age/in their early 20s. Aside from that, reader is non-descript. Please, enjoy! ♥
Aemond Targaryen fell in love with you senior year of high school. He could still recall the exact moment it happened; a click somewhere in his brain that made everything in your friendship prior to that moment make sense. 
You and your parents moved to the area for a fresh start. Being a new student during the first term of twelfth grade was difficult, but luckily you and Aemond hit it off early and well. By the end of the year you two were inseparable. He was your best friend, and you, his. 
That summer was a hard one for your parents. And by proxy, you. Their marriage hung on by a thread you weren't sure existed anymore. One evening, during a particularly horrible fight, you left in your own fit of rage. Driving aimlessly eventually led you to the Targaryen's estate. You showed up unannounced and thankfully Aemond was home; quick to let you crash on the couch in his room like you’d done a hundred times before.
It was that night. He remembered it well. You'd been in the bathroom for some time and when he knocked to check on you, you quietly answered for him to come in. He caught you midway through brushing your teeth with tear soaked eyes, toothpaste messy around your mouth, and that was it. His heart. The moment he fell in love with you.
You skipped the couch and crawled into his bed with him and he held you all the while, letting you cry into his shirt until sleep overtook you.
The remainder of the year went by in an emotional blur. Your parents divorced, you started dating Jason Lannister, and Aemond started dating Ellyn Baratheon. Before you knew it you and Aemond were freshmen in college. And then sophomores. Double dates on weekends and trips to local swimming spots in the hot summer evenings had Aemond constantly wrestling with his feelings about you. Things didn't last much longer with him and Ellyn. Physically he was with her, but mentally he was with you. When the breakup finally happened, it was mutual.
Things with you and Jason were rocky too. He was handsome and charismatic which you adored. Though, he also had a wandering eye and taste for risk. He cheated on you more than once over the last year. And yet, somehow, you took him back each time. In your heart you were scared to be alone.
After the latest breakup you told yourself (and Aemond) this time would be different. You wouldn't fall for his tricks again. He was a cheating piece of shit who wouldn't change. You were done.
Aemond knew now would be his chance. As long as he eased into it, was careful with the admission, and took it slow, he knew he had a chance. The most difficult part being: he didn't want to ruin the friendship you two built over the years.
Now tonight, near the end of your waitressing shift, you got a ping on your phone for extreme weather. Great. Of course this would happen when your car was in the shop getting worked on. You really didn't want to Uber all the way home if you didn't have to. Despite the hour – 10 pm thanks to the closing shift – you texted Aemond.
Hey Aems. You up? There's a storm rolling in and I don't wanna Uber. Can you pick me up and take me home?
A minute or so went by and your phone dinged.
I don't mind at all. Give me a few minutes to get dressed and I'll head your way.
"Thank god," you said under your breath.
Thank you! You're the best
As if on queue you got another notification. You expected it to be Aemond with some sort of snarky response, but it wasn’t. It was Jason. Your heart, somehow, jumped and fell into your stomach at the same time.
The last couple weeks had been rough. Him and Aegon liked to party a little too much, and Aegon refused to be held down by one woman – he liked to have fun. Unfortunately, Jason would sometimes get a little too involved with that fun if whoever Aegon was smooching on had a pretty friend. That’s exactly what happened: you had caught your boyfriend red-handed. A furious fright broke out between you two and you broke up with him, swearing it was the last time he’d play you like some fool. 
And yet, here you were – now – allowing your ex-boyfriend to sweet talk you with pretty words and promises of never doing it again. He missed you. He loved you. He wanted to be with you. You were his best girl and he was just drunk that night. It was a horrible mistake. He didn’t know what he was doing. He was sorry. He missed you.
Butterflies filled your belly, eyes stary as you typed away on your phone, completely unaware of anything else going on around you. 
You didn’t even notice the headlights of Aemond’s black Mercedes Benz until he honked. Rolling the darkly tinted window down, he said, “hey bunny, could you at least pretend to be happy you're not stuck in the pouring ass rain?” You heard his smirk before you saw it. He laid on his horn a second time, a longer honk, until you flipped him off; blushing and smiling wide.
Only Aemond called you “bunny”: a nickname from high school that stuck over the years. 
“Rain and thunder. Let’s go!” You hopped in and were immediately enveloped by the essence of him. The interior of his car was all sleek and black leather. Clean. Scents of his shampoo, body wash, and deodorant washed over you; long silver hair damp and pulled back into a bun. You two had spent many nights in here talking about life and there were no shortage of good memories in it. By now you didn’t even mind the weird music he liked. Heavy metal. The kind that had organs and orchestras alongside powerful drums and electric guitars. Your favorites were the bands, or songs, that had males and females singing together.
“Did you make good tips tonight? You haven’t stopped grinning this whole time,” Aemond spoke up after a few minutes, casually glancing over at you. 
You stared at your phone and continued typing away. “Huh? Oh, yeah, not bad,” you replied, briefly flickering your attention over to him. Once again your thumbs flew across your phone’s keypad; completely absorbed. “Sorry, just about done here.”
An amused chuff of air is all Aemond replied with. You knew that sound. Without even looking you knew he rolled his good eye. Another few minutes passed with Aemond singing along softly while keeping beat on the steering wheel. You two were definitely driving into the storm. The night sky was black with angry clouds. 
Finally, you clicked your phone screen off. A happy sigh sounded from you. This time would be different. Jason didn’t mean it. He was only drunk and Aegon was a bad influence. This time, he’d do it right and keep it right. Again, you smiled.
“What’re you doing tonight, bun?”
“I think Jason is gonna come over so we can talk about things in person and not just on the phone,” you replied, mind buzzing happily.
That got Aemond’s attention. “Lannister? Please tell me you’re joking,” he nearly spat the surname, glaring between you and the road.
“No I’m not joking,” you answered. “I really think it’s gonna be better this time. We just need to talk about things, you know?”
“He’s cheated on you three times! Three fucking times. You really think this time is going to be different?” His grip tightened on the steering wheel, jaw flexing as if wrestling words on his tongue.
You blinked, taken back. “W-well, yeah. He said he was sorry.”
A single harsh laugh came from Aemond’s chest. “That piece of shit said the same thing last time, too. We’ve been together nonstop for almost two weeks! Study sessions, movie nights, ice cream trips, you finally learned how to do that fancy braid thing with my hair. You said you were done with him, bunny. You said you meant it for real this time. I thought we were getting through this together.” He was speeding, now, shoulders tense as he struggled to keep his attention on both you and the road.
“I thought I was too!” Your voice came out more shrill than you intended it to, body turned slightly so you were staring straight at Aemond. “People make mistakes and fuck up, ya know? I think he’ll change this time. He said he was sorry and I wanna talk to him about it seriously. I think he just needed time to realize what he did was super shitty and really hurt me.”
The rain came harshly and suddenly. Aemond might as well have driven through a wall. It was so loud that it drowned out the music. Naturally, your voices grew louder, too. “I don’t understand what you see in him. He’s not even that good to you!”
Anxiety gripped your entire nervous system. “Pull over, Aems. I don’t like this. It hasn’t rained like this in forever and the roads are gonna be slick as fuck. Pull over. Please.” Your pulse thumped in your chest and behind your ears. You wanted to cover your eyes but somehow resisted the urge. 
He did. With it now parked safely off the side of the road he could turn his full attention to you. Even in the car’s ambient light his eye was wild. The patch over his left eye reflected absolutely zero light. “Why do you wanna be with that loser so bad?” Fury smudged his cheeks pink. The tops of his ears. The sharp lines of his face were even sharper. Harder.
You'd never seen him this mad. Not at you. Not towards you. "Because, Aemond, I love him! Maybe if you and Ellyn worked through your problems you'd understand!"
Again, that same short, dry laugh. "You don't love him. And I couldn't be with Ellyn because when I was with her I could only see you! Because I love you. Jason's a fucking scumbag who can't even give you his loyalty. I'd give you the entire world and then some!"
Silence drowned out the downpour.
By now you were both wide eyed and breathing heavy; faces flushed with emotion. The tightness in his car threatened to suffocate you both. Did you really just hear him right? Did he really mean what he just said? Love? "You're lying," is all you managed to croak; believing and unbelieving alike.
"'M not," he said as he ran a hand through the roots of his hair. "Fuck. I've loved you as long as I can remember. I didn't want to tell you like this."
Outside it rained harder. Thunder rumbled and lightning cracked. 
Yet, still, inside the Mercedes silence rang louder.
Everything started to click in your head. Your best friend had always been more than a best friend – you knew it in your heart of hearts. You two never had the opportunity to act upon such things due to relationships you found yourselves in.
But, now?
Words bloomed and died on your tongue. What the hell could you say to him?
"Fuck," he spat, emotion rasping his single word. His hands squeezed the steering wheel until his knuckles and tendons were taut.
Still, you said nothing. Just stared at him. Stupidly.
One hand moved to shift the car into drive as he said, bitterly, "know what? Whatever. Forget it. I'll take you home to your cheating fuck boy."
You had a single second to decide what to do; despite your pleas to pull over he was going to drive through the storm, regardless. In a flash of motion you didn't know you were capable of, you unclicked your seat belt and pounced over the center console. You had the element of surprise on your side and it worked. Your lips were on his in an instant. He smelled sharp; soap, shaving cream, hair product. He tasted spicy; cinnamon toothpaste. His chest was hard beneath the press of your much softer breast – both of your hands too shocked to yet roam. Heartbeat thundered in your ribs and core at the kiss, your closeness, and the eruption of sensation the intimacy brought. Begrudgingly, you pulled away to look at him. To gauge his reaction. To read the expression of his angular face. What you were met with was a swelled pupil that screamed more. Desire. Need. It oozed from every visible pore.
Amidst the downpower, thunderstorm, and heavy metal, Aemond growled at the loss of your lips. Wordlessly he crashed his mouth back to yours while he unclicked his own seatbelt – hands on your neck and jaw half a second later.
Heat pooled in your belly – and lower, still – his passion causing you to whimper against his soft mouth. "Shit, Aems," you whispered, unable to resist a moan as he bit at your bottom lip. Your tongues slid and teased against one another. It deepened and grew hungrier by the moment.
"Wanted this for so long," he said in a tone you'd never heard from him before; it sent shivers prickling all along your spine. Breaking the kiss, he dragged his lips and teeth along your jawline and neck. His hands roamed in tandem, palms pressing against your uniform clad body as if you wore fine lingerie. He squeezed the curve of your waist. The swell of a hip.
"A-ah!" You gasped, dizzy and lightheaded from the sensations his desperate affections hit you with. Each stroke of his palm, squeeze of his fingers, and slide of his tongue had you melting between his hands. "Oh my God… you're driving me insane. Why have we never done this before?" You panted, moving to crawl over the center console once and for all.
Aemond stopped you. "Not yet. I wanna be greedy with you. Will you let me?" He asked, eye dark and face mischievous as you two gazed at each other dreamily, lustfully, breathing heavy.
"Yeah," you answered, nodding with half-lidded eyes. "I trust you. Always. You know that."
"Good girl," he cooed – driving you further insane. "Lean back against the passenger door. Can you do that for me, baby girl?" 
Not your name. Not 'bunny'. Baby girl. You were in a pit of insanity now. Jason never made you feel like this. What the fuck had you been missing out on for the last two years? 
You nodded again and barely managed to swallow yet another whine of appreciation at his words. His tone. Fuck. You thought you'd heard every tone his voice could make. But no, you certainly hadn't heard this side of him before. As you leaned back, he leaned forward. His gaze never left you and the intensity of it had your belly flipping and flopping, breath shallow in your throat, as his hand slipped up between your parted thighs.
"If you want me to stop, that's all you gotta say and I will," he whispered, creeping higher. He kissed the inside of your knee and you hissed inwardly. He kissed again, this time the middle of your thigh, and you trembled. He smirked as he kissed higher still. You moaned softly, so, so, softly, and his cock ached. "Gonna pull your panties down and bury my face right under your skirt."
"A-Aemond… oh my God. Please. No, you don't have to do that. I've been running around the restaurant for over ten hours and–"
" –even better. Don't care." By now he'd pushed your skirt up as high as it could go without ripping it off. He admired your thighs. He'd always loved those; stealing glances whenever and wherever he could, even napping on them. Shifting his position, he leaned further and pressed a single hot, open mouthed kiss to your covered mound. He groaned. "You have no idea how long–" he paused, slipping a finger beneath the cotton to tug it aside, " –I've wanted to do this." He delicately traced over your slit, cock aching inside his sweats at the wetness he met.
Tension shivered all up and down your body and you thought you might actually pass out. You couldn't believe this was happening. When you looked down and saw Aemond there, between your thighs, with the most lust-ridden gaze you'd ever seen on any person, your hips arched closer to him on impulse. You opened your thighs wider and you swore you saw your best friend shiver.
He kissed your slit. Once, twice, three times, until his mouth hovered over your clit. There, he traced his tongue over that delicious bundle of nerves. He licked up the full center of your core with the flat of his tongue, a soft “mmm,” sounding from him. “Prettiest little pussy,” he half said to himself before diving his tongue back between your folds. He circled your clit, licking across it, alternating between the two. 
Each little sound you made sent Aemond’s blood roaring. He only wanted to do it again. And again. And again.
Your moans and whines picked up; he found your rhythm. With a small, satisfied moan of his own, he gently sucked on your swollen clit. “Ah!” You squeaked in surprise at that, body tensing as you tried to push his head away. “Too much… not so hard, please,” you said when he pulled back and looked up at you with a confused expression. You ran a hand down your face, blushing. “I…,” you started, trying to muster the strength to admit something you found embarrassing. “I’m.. I’m really sensitive. Jason doesn’t do this to me a lot.”
Aemond looked like you just slapped him across the face. “He doesn’t eat your pussy?”
You shook your head and shrugged a shoulder. “Not… not very often,” you answered, embarrassment flooding over you like a wave and making your blush all the redder.
“Oh my God, bunny…,” he cooed, fully tugging your underwear down your legs. He moved both his hands under your ass, now, cupping and squeezing the soft flesh as he leaned down into his previous position. “As if I didn’t hate him enough as is.” He was careful before, but now he was delicate and light with his movements. Instead of pressing, he feathered his tongue over you. Instead of dragging, he trailed his lips over you. Instead of sucking, he barely drew you into his mouth to his tongue. He found a new soft rhythm – never once hindering the sounds of his licking, slurping, or breathing – and you were putty in his hands. 
“So fucking good…!” You gasped in a breathless whisper, hands tentatively lowering to his hair where your fingers threaded into his pale roots. You held him there, tugging gently, as your hips grinded against his mouth. You were close. So close. Tension built in your belly and you weren’t sure how long it would last before it snapped. “Please don’t stop.”
He didn’t. He kept going at the exact same pace, the exact same angles, and the exact same pressure. Over and over. Just how he’d been doing it before you started grinding your pretty pussy against him. When you tugged and pulled at his hair he moaned. When your fingernails scraped against his scalp he thought he might lose himself to his own pleasure right then and there. 
The full length of your legs tightened; toes curling in your shoes. Pleasure, so immense and lovely and all-consuming, washed over you, and in the next instant you were coming undone on your best friend’s tongue. Your back arched, hands gripped – the sounds of your peak filling his car amidst heavy drums, bass, and darkly poetic lyrics.
He guided you through your orgasm, his own pulse hammering. “I’m not done yet, baby. You taste so fucking sweet,” he said, barely audible to your pleasantly ringing ears. With his hands still under you he lifted your ass to give himself a better angle into you. While you were still sensitive from your first peak he pushed his tongue into your clenching walls. He fucked you with the warm muscle, absolutely uncaring of the lewd noises it created. 
It's not that Jason had never done this to you before, but compared to Aemond he was absolute dogshit at it. You'd never experienced this kind of high from a man's face between your thighs. Ever. Aemond made it seem easy. Soon, a second climax built in the low muscles of your belly. "Holy shit..! I'm gonna cum again, fuck!" You squealed, tugging his ears, hair, anywhere you could grab, harder.
"Yeah you are. Good girl, my good girl," he answered before dipping his face right back where it was. He came at you with a slightly different angle once again. This time, the tip of his nose nuzzled against your clit in tandem with his tongue fucking. 
It was too much. His name left your lungs in a desperate cry of bliss as you tensed and shuddered before him for a second time. When finally you relaxed, and when finally he had enough of your taste in his mouth, he leaned up into the driver's seat. Even in the low light evidence of your slick shone on his face. He looked over at you and smirked, wiping his mouth. "I won't be able to not see you there like this from now on." 
You were blushed and smiling from release. Despite the pleasure Aemond gifted you with, being in such a position really wasn't comfortable. "And I won't be able to look at you and not think of this," you replied in the same tone. As gracefully as you could in the confines of his car, you maneuvered over the center console until you were straddling over his lap. His length pressed against your bare core and you both hissed at the sensation.
"What are you thinking, bunny?" He asked, barely resisting the urge – no, the need – to slide right up into you.
"I'm thinking I wanna ride you right here in your driver's seat," you answered, kissing him with the remains of your arousal on his mouth.
"There's a condom in the glove box," he said, reaching in its direction.
"I'm on the pill and I'm clean. Promise. Are… are you?"
That stopped him right in his tracks. He groaned somewhere deep in his chest. "Fuck. Yeah, babe, I am. Gonna ride me raw?"
"Yes," you shivered. In a quick fumble of motions he lifted his hips and you both pulled his sweats down as far as they could go. His cock sprang free, solid and searing against you. Looking down between your bodies you eyed it appreciatively; big and perfect and flushed with desire. "Holy shit, Aems, I didn't know you were packing so much," you said, the playful teasing nature you intended to speak with crumbling away to a wanton plea.
Another groan, or growl, or something vibrated deep in his chest. Without hesitation he popped open the front of your button-up shirt and slid the straps of your bra off your shoulders. "Perfect tits," he praised as he pushed the cups away to expose your breasts, licking and kissing over your nipples with need. 
Leaning up on your knees you reached behind yourself to guide his tip to your eager cunt. You lowered yourself, slowly, saving the stretch of his cock into your yielding body. You both cursed. He felt so fucking good.
"So perfect," Aemond said up to you from the softness of your breasts. "So wet and tight. Fuck, I love how wet you are."��
Once your body adjusted to his size you began to grind against him. Began to bounce on him. His music still played in the background but you paid it little mind. All you saw was Aemond. Your best friend. His face a beautiful display of softness and intensity with pleasure. His dark eye was heavily lidded, mouth parted. You bounced more, now, as his hands gripped your hips to help guide you along.
The storm hadn't let up yet, and thank God for the dark tint on his windows because you weren't even paying attention to any other cars that might be driving by. 
He lavished your tits with attention; kissing, licking, sucking all over them. You pushed them against his face firmer, arching your back as you rode him with fervor. He worked beneath you all the while – rolling and thrusting up into you, meeting all your movements to increase the hot coil of bliss in your belly; at the base of his spine.
Amidst half-babbled curses and praises, smacking skin, and needy moans, your phone's ringtone barely registered in your brain. Whoever was calling could wait. When it rang a second time, you felt Aemond's attention shift to it. "Your parents?" He asked through a panting groan.
"No. Probably Jason wondering where I am." You grabbed his face and kissed him hard, uncaring. 
When it rang for a third time, however, Aemond broke the kiss and reached for your phone. Sure enough it was your ex. He looked at you and smirked, dragging your hips back and forth to grind on him harder. 
"Oh my God…," you whined at the way he guided you, eyes rolling closed. "Don't answer it."
He slid his thumb across the screen before holding it up to his ear. Jason's worried tone met your ears as Aemond continued fucking up into you through your grinding. You tried to swallow your panic. Tried to stay quiet through the bliss.
Tried to.
"She's done with you. Stop calling," Aemond said coldly. He glared at you, grinning.
You heard Jason's "what the fuck? Is that her? What're you doing?" Through the phone. He was pissed. Apparently you weren't being quiet enough. 
"She's got better things to do than worry about a cheating scumbag. Lose her number." Aemond sat the phone down on the center console and didn't bother to hang up. 
As long as Jason stayed on the line he'd be able to hear your moans of pleasure, wet skin slapping on wet skin as you began to bounce on his cock with renewed passion. "You're such an asshole," you said, a third climax quickly approaching.
"Just keep fucking me, baby girl. Don't worry about him, he hung up.” Honestly, Aemond didn’t know if Jason hung up. He might have laughed if it weren't for his own peak tightening his balls. He wasn't going to last much longer. "Squeeze my cock. Be a gold girl and soak my cock. I wanna feel you cum first," he groaned, voice bordering desperate.
"Cum with me. Fill me up with all of you," you whispered, moaning by his ear.
Goosebumps erupted on his skin. He didn't need to be told twice. Those words falling from your lips was all he needed to unload in you with twitch after mighty twitch, coating your walls with his seed. You crumbled with him. You rode your pleasure out on him, slowly easing once it all started to be too much. He softened inside you and you carefully moved from atop him.
There was a mess all over his groin and all between your thighs, too. If you thought you needed a shower before getting into Aemond's car, now you really needed one. Outside, the storm was finally letting up.
You both fixed yourself in partially stunned and satisfied silence – your underwear being the only thing to clean yourselves with.
It was Aemond who broke it. "Stay over with me tonight."
You looked at him and smiled. "Long as I can shower."
"Of course you can," he said, eye twinkling with more than mischief.
"And, long as I can sleep in one of your shirts."
"You already know the answer to that one, bunny."
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider a follow, and/or reblog, and/or letting me know as it all makes me vvvery happy! ♥
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Aemond taglist: @darylandbethfanforever9 @bellaisasleep @aemondsblog @khaleesihel @sirenofavalon @sahvlren @doublesparrows @aemonds-fire @nikstrange @abbyandizzysmum @rafesbarbiegirl @lost-and-founds @castellomargot @okfashionista @avidreader73
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  ° Light up the stars
got some pages to turn ✧ ⁺ ┊
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PART 3 of the Spitfire Saga
TRAILER: In honor of Spitfire’s graduation…
(2018!f1grid x genz!fem!driver!reader)(SMAU and written)
For more Spitfire content go to my account and it’s my pinned post since tumblr hates me and won’t let me link anything :)
WARNINGS: Seb being an embarrassing grid mom, maybe one rude comment? VERY american reader in this one, but please feel free to imagine whatever, lolita (book) probably inaccurately mentioned, slightly blurry pictures, reader-centric
fc: Pinterest girls + topanga
Aaaaannnnd ACTION!
graduation-gate ~ Monaco 2018
You’re content. 
For the first time since you joined F4, you’re content. You have rebuilt your relationship with you family (to an extent), you’re having a stellar Rookie season (best since Hamilton, who just so happens to be your teammate), your team is great, you’re racing next to your idols and your best friends (Charles is only a little jealous you’re on a top team), and you’re about to graduate high school, valedictorian and with about a million honors. 
However, right now, you’re halfway across the world from your school, in a presser that’s going at a ghastly slow pace, a day out from racing in the Monaco GP. You sit sandwiched between Seb and Kimi, on your left, and Nando and Lewis, on your right. All of them your idols. 
A few months ago, you would be totally freaking out and fidgeting because this is like, the big four. 
Well, the big three. Seb doesn’t really count.
Now, you lean your head back against the couch and sigh, just wanting the conversation to lull enough for the officers to call it good. When Lewis is asked an in-depth question about Qualifying, though, you know you’re in for a spiel.
You nudge Seb with your knee. He leans over to you, eyes still fixed on Lewis, but lending you an ear. 
“I’m graduating next Friday,” You whisper in his ear. “Can you make it?”
He turns to look at you, eyebrows furrowing. 
“I’ll see my schedule. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
You shrug. 
“And you decided to ask me in the middle of a -“
“Anything you two would like to share?” The moderator asks good-naturedly. You and Seb throw out identical annoyed glares, then put on poker faces. 
“Yes,” Seb says. Oh boy. “Y/n just invited me to her graduation.” He sounds very proud. You flash a gratuitous smile at the team of reporters covering this particular star-studded presser. 
Lewis leans over.
“Am I not invited?”
“¿Y yo?” Nando asks softly. “¿Porque no lo mencionaste?”
Kimi makes a soft noise. 
“You are graduating.. university?”
“No,” You roll your eyes. “high school.”
He raises his eyebrows, surprised, once again, at how young you actually are.
“And you guys,” you cast a look at Lewis and Fernando, before narrowing your eyes at a smug Seb. “can come if you’d like. I wouldn’t want to make Seb think he’s special or something.”
They all ooohh at that. Seb clutches his chest. 
“Right to the heart, Spitfire!”
The presser comes to a close quickly after that, but it’s imprint echoes in every single corner of social media for the rest of raceweek.
People trying to poke their noses into your business ask you where you go to school, when you’re graduating, if Seb, Nando, Lewis and Kimi are actually going. You just shrug and try to keep a straight face. 
After all, the Iceman has been giving you lessons. 
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Y/n, Seb and Kimi are in a presser together post-quali. She’s seated between them, as she qualified in pole, despite slightly slippery conditions.
“Y/n, this question’s for you,” Says a reporter. She leans forward, acknowledging the question. “We saw Lewis sitting with the team during the red flag, but we didn’t see you. Where were you spending the break?”
She smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of her neck, glancing over at Seb.
“I have an essay due tomorrow, so i was doing a final review on it.”
“What class?” That’s Seb. 
“it’s like a writing class? the whole point of the class is to write this specific research paper, which I have to write for my diploma.”
“How many words?” The interviewer asks. “And what’s your topic?”
Her face lights up. You can tell she absolutely loves to talk about this type of thing. 
“Mines about five thousand,” She says. “But it just has to be upwards of four. You can write about literally anything, so it’s pretty easy.”
“What’s your topic?” Kimi asks, not unkindly. 
She pulls a face. 
“Not a happy one. Fetishization of female innocence in literature and popular culture.” She seems to see the surprised faces the reporters are making and lets out a nervous laugh. “It’s not a fun topic, but I find it extremely interesting, and it somewhat applies to my life, too, so…”
She trails off. Seb picks up his mic.
“What do you mean by that?”
It’s genuine, curious. Not patronizing in the way that all the reporters ask her questions.
“I mean, there’s an expectation placed on women in the spotlight that we be.. innocent and good and pure, you know? And like, if you’re not, you’re a slut or a witch or something. And then we see this fetishization and fixation on innocence in things like movies and books. One of the books I’ve read for this essay is called Lolita?” She pauses. “It’s a very drastic depiction of hebephilia, and to me, it’s a bit satirical. While it’s about Freud and his theories, it also criticized ..”
And she talks and talks and talks. You can tell through the screen, her hand gestures, how she can’t seem to slow down, that she’s very invested. Seb has this look on his face, like he couldn’t be prouder, while Kimi listens, enraptured. Eventually, she rolls to a stop and puts both of her hands on her cheeks.
“Sorry,” she says into the mic. “I didn’t mean to talk that much.”
The interviewer assures her it’s fine, and they move on, and that’s when the video fades to black.
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caption (1): [When asked how she’s going to spend time on the plane home] Y/n: I actually have a speech to write! (….) It’s the valedictorian speech. I honestly hate public speaking, my voice always shakes!
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caption (1):
Reporter: congratulations on your National Merit scholarship!
Y/n: My what?
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yourusername: i feel alright, i’m gonna take in the world 🎓
ps. Seb, Nando, Lewis and Kimi thanks for the support 🫶 i caught u guys creeping 🧌
tagged: yourbestfriend1, yourbestfriend2, yourbestfriend3, fernandoaloofficial, lewishamilton, kimimatiasraikkonen, yourmominsta, yourschoolinsta
liked by yourbestfriend1, charles_leclerc and 378292 others 
view 6383 comments 
user1: academic queen!
yourbestfriend1: grad u ate
⮑ yourusername: our mantra
yourbestfriend2: gonna miss seeing u every 2 weeks 😞
⮑yourusername: i’m acc kinda sad ngl
user2: Honestly such a power move having 4 of the most famous F1 drivers show up at your graduation 
user3: She’s too young. Crazy to have racing at that age
⮑user4: ik
user5: all her friends headed off to college and she’s going to race in Canada next week 
lewishamilton: Beautiful speech, beautiful ceremony. Congratulations, Spitfire.
⮑ yourusername: awwww 🥰 thanks my fav teammate
⮑ charles_leclerc: wow. 
⮑ yourusername: fav f1 teammate @/charles_leclerc 🙄
landonorris: Congrats, mate! 
⮑yourusername: imagine not even getting a diploma 🤓
⮑ landonorris: I left to focus on racing!! 
⮑yourusername: 🤔this is awkward 
user6: beautiful, talented, educated. Name a better trio 🩵 congrats Spitfire! 
max33verstappen: You do look a bit like Dobby…
⮑ yourusername: Wrong ‘99. That’s @/landonorris
⮑user10: @/yourusername tagging him is actually brutal
⮑landonorris: @/yourusername: HEYYY!!!!
user7: did anyone see how many honors she graduated with? insane 😂 (but super impressive, y/n!)
⮑user8: yeah, and she got about five different diplomas 
user9: The fact that Seb, Lewis, Kimi and Fernando showed up after Graduation-gate
yourbestfriend3: I expect visitation in NYC
⮑ yourusername: don’t have to ask me twice 🌆
user11: Y/n slamming Lando in the comments 😭 girl lay off him you’re already living his dream you don’t need to crush his ego too😭
⮑user12: She’s acc seriously so mean to a lot of drivers
⮑user13: @/user12 it’s just her love language 🙄
✧ ⁺ ⁺ I’ve got a ticket
to the top of the sky ┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Aaannnnddd scene!
DIRECTOR’S CUT: I’ve had the idea of ‘Graduation-gate’ in my head for a long time and kind of modeled this whole fic around it. Sorry if it seems rushed! School restarting is kicking my ass 🙁
A little background info
Charles and Spitfire were F3 teammates
Want to join the taglist? drop a comment below or message my inbox
🏷️ : @octavikravecell218 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @sugarrush-blush @scarletwidow3000 @umm-i-love-u
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devildomditzy · 1 year
"Wait, am I your lock screen?" + mammon + 🫣⛈️
His habit of keeping his phone away from you an out of your reach was one you mildly questioned, but ultimately learned to ignore. You figured the second born had something he wanted to keep private, possibly his latest failing stocks, or demanding texts from witches looking for compensation for his less than savory activities.
You ignored it, up until you turned to corner into the student council room, ears picking up several voices loudly talking over each other. Knowing this can only mean one thing, you prepare yourself to become Mammon’s attorney before walking in yourself.
“Ooo my! If it isn’t the person of the hour!”, Asmo coos from his chair, leaning over the edge of the table. “We were just talking about you, hun!”
“Talking about me?”, you ask, eyes circling around the room in both curiosity and confusion. You lock eyes with your first pact mate to ask a silent question, only to find him blushing furiously, attempting to simmer down from something that had just clearly upset him. He locks eyes with you for a brief moment before quickly averting his gaze.
Well, that’s typical. What wasn’t typical was the teasing stares of everyone else in the room, now centered on you.
“Well, we were just finishing up a student council meeting,”Asmo continues. “And you know how Lucifer always takes our D.D.D.’s before hand?”
“Yeah, but what’s that got to do with me?”
“Getting there, darling!”
You once again shift your eyes over to Mammon, who seemed to be having an internal battle with himself. One minute, it looked like he was going to bolt out of the room, the next it seemed he was so frustrated with his brothers that he was choosing to stand his ground.
“Lucifer starting passing them back out afterwards, and I noticed the cutest thing displaying on my dear older brother’s phone!”, Asmo finishes, bringing his cupped hands up to his face, almost as if he was looking at a newborn kitten.
“ROLF, this is super normie of him”, Levi chimes in, not looking up from his game, but still smiling to himself like he had just been told the funniest joke.
“I have to say, I know how idiotic you can be, but I didn’t expect you to display something you vehemently try to hide so prominently.” The smirk on Satan’s face makes you feel uneasy.
You hear a distinct tch come from the direction of the second born, who you now notice was clutching his D.D.D very close to his chest, with his grip tight around it. Like, real tight. Like, his knuckles are going white and you think he might break it tight.
Your eyes jump from brother to brother in confusion. “What are you talking about?”.
Asmo’s grin becomes lethal as he turns back to Mammon. “Weeelllll, go on Mammon. Do you want to tell them, or shall I?”.
You watch as Mammon turns redder somehow, if that was even possible, and starts to stutter. “I-it’s none of your business, okay?”
“Ooohh I beg to differ! I’d think a picture of our dear, dear MC is specifically their business!”, Asmo taunts in a sing song voice.
“A picture of me.. did you like, take an embarrassing picture of me or something?”, you question. Honestly, as much as you love the idiot, you wouldn’t put it above Mammon to blackmail you with an unflattering photo of yourself.
“N-no! It’s not you! I-I mean it is you but it’s not embarrassin’ or anythin’!”.
Oh the poor boy, he looks like he’s going to combust.
“Tick tock!”, Asmo once again pressures him to spit it out.
Mammon shuts his eyes as tight as they can go, and takes a deep breath, opening his mouth to say it before anyone else can-
Beel pipes up from where he’s been quietly munching on some hell newt chips.
“Why does it matter if MC’s his lockscreen?”
Ah. There it is. You watch all the color drain from Mammon’s face. He tenses up, his body language screaming ‘panic’.
“Wait, am I your lockscreen”, you question, hoping he notices your voice doesn’t hold an ounce of teasing, but instead genuine fondness.
His eyes remain trained on the table, his mouth drawn into a tight line, but he stiffly shakes his head in a confirming nod.
“Can I see?”
Mammon slides his D.D.D across the table to where you stand. Clicking on the screen, you see picture of yourself at Devil’s Coast. You’re turned to the side, not quite looking at the camera, but laughing brightly at something. The ferris wheel framed in the background of the shot makes the candid look like something out of a movie. Then it hits you - you’ve. never seen this picture before.
He must have taken it when you weren’t looking.
As laughter erupts throughout the room from his brothers, he’s shocked to not hear yours mixed in with the cacophony l. Instead when you speak, it makes the room go dead silent.
“Mammon… that is so sweet!”, and he can hear the smile in your voice as you run around the table to hand him your own. “Here, look at mine.”
He hesitates for a second, looking up at you for confirmation before taking it. Clicking on the screen, he stares back at a picture of himself. He’s in one of the outfits he wore for Devil Style, so this is definitely from his last shoot, but… this wasn’t professional by any means. It was clearly taken by you, a little shaky and a bit out of center frame, but you must have snapped a picture of him between sets.
And even more so - he’s shirtless in it.
“Ha…HA!”, Mammon exclaims, proudly showing the screen to each and everyone of his brothers. “See that? Of course MC’s got a picture of The Great Mammon as their lockscreen! Makes sense since I’m their first and their favorite!”
“Uggghh, gross”, groans Levi as he stands up to leave, “I knew I should have just went to my room.”
“Aww, MC, why not a picture of me?!”, whines Asmo as he drapes himself over your shoulders, much to Mammon’s annoyance.
“I can’t say that’s a sight I’d want see every time I have to take a phone call”, Satan says all snide and - you’ve had it.
Time to shut them all up.
“Of course I’d want a picture of Mammon as my lock screen. He is my boyfriend after all.”
“WHAT!?”, you hear all the voices in the room cry out at once.
“I am? I-I mean, of course I am! Ya hear that? MC’s taken by The Great Mammon! So all of ya better back off, ya got it?!”
You giggle at his bravado and the looks of disgust and disappointment on the remaining faces in the room, leaning down to kiss his cheek to really drive the point home.
Oh. Looks like he can get redder.
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caramelcleopatraa · 5 months
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word count: 801
x: typed this out in a couple of hours because I saw these pictures and imagined Roman working out in the outdoor gym and just started writing whatever came to my mind (not proofread) Enjoy this impulsive imagine.
content: 18+ mdni, established relationship, Roman Reigns x reader, Exhibitionism/Vouyerism, doggystyle, (sorta) public
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He bought an Airbnb for you two after losing his championship title. Time to get away from the rush of it all. So, you two escaped and went to Miami, enjoying quality time alone in the house, or eating high end food in sparkling restaurants. The house was beautiful in itself. The exposing windows that separated the modern house from the outside. A mix of beige, black, and green. Decorative trees and bushes sprinkled around the house, complimenting the beige and black interior. The house had everything. Multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, a spacious pool with beautiful greenery surrounding it, and an outdoor gym overlooking the water and other modern houses in the distance. Of course, The outdoor gym was his favorite part of the house. And you reeked of the benefits. Watching his beautiful face contort as he pushed through different exercises. His warm caramel skin shining brighter with the sun’s help. You never thought that you would find yourself using the outdoor gym equipment. Except for today, grabbing onto the stable black bar while you and Roman engaged in a…. different type of workout.
“Mhm that ass so damn fat, making me feel so fucking good baby.” Your hand was starting to hurt from how tight you were grabbing onto the gym equipment. Your other arm was no help, being held behind you by your samoan lover. Soo, you wouldn't have to worry about grabbing on to the bar, because your other arm would be held behind you as well. Usually, you shied away from doing sexual acts in public, but he looks so sexy working out, you forgot to have shame while he fucked you stupid. Neither did you try to find shame because of the overwhelming pleasure he was giving you. 
Your nails scratched at his forearms, yelling his favorite names in that sweet honey voice that hypnotized him into doing anything for you. “Ooohh~ shit! You’re fucking me so good!” The sight of his woman high off pleasure because of him gave him indescribable feelings of pride and happiness. “My baby so nasty, fuckk- keep talking to me mama,” Roman purred, burying himself deeper in your pussy, marveling at the wetness. Your legs were turning into jelly from his sudden slow and methodical, but forceful strokes. You needed more than that though. “Faster Roman…” His silence let you know what you needed to do. You knew that you would have to beg him to get what you wanted. “Daddy please stop playing! Fuck me for real!” But he didn’t give you any time to catch your breath, pulling you closer to his body by your torso and kissing you. He walked you closer to the edge, giving both of you a better view of the houses around you. But that also gave them a better view of you. 
“Ask me correctly.” “Baby, they can see us.” He held you tight against him, slyly slipping his thick hand between your thighs to rub your clit. “Let them see how good I’m fucking you. Ask daddy again.” You let out a heavy breath before saying, “P-please fuck me daddy. I need it so bad.” As much as he liked to tease you, he needed it as much as you did. Your arms were held behind your back again, but he submerged himself in the crook of your neck, talking you through it while sliding his dick back into you. Welcomed by the warmth and tightness he always missed when he pulled out of you. “That pussy feels so fucking good baby. You this wet because of me, huh?” You couldn’t respond before he started fucking you again. Your mouth fell agape, moaning like crazy. “Mhm, let ‘em hear. Let them hear how good I’m fucking this pussy.” His breath on your neck, his hold on you body, the way he fucked you, it made you dizzy. Your mind was going blank, and your knees were going weak, trying your best to communicate to him that you were going to cum without stuttering. “Daddy! Ugh shiit! Please let me cum.” “Go ahead mama, cum for me.” He held you up while you collapsed in his arms, legs shaking, eyes rolled back, screaming his name a couple more times while saying, “I’m coming!” as well. Your moans meshed with his deep grunts and groans, coming deep inside of you with some final thrusts, jerking your body forward. You could feel his chest rising and falling against your back. You grabbed the back of his neck, relaxing into his hold, sweaty and satisfied, close to your man. “Best workout you ever had huh?” He laughs at your joke, but doesn’t let you get the last word. “Just wait until after our date tonight sweetheart. You won’t ever need to hit the gym again.”
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🏷️ tags :) @reignsboy19 @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @cyberdejos2 @murrylove @sassginaswanmills @pixiedust4000
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kisakis-boyfriend · 10 months
Suggestive Piercings pt. 2 - Tokyo Rev Headcannons
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Cute little nipple piercings 😌
I'm biased ok? I like nipple piercings the best and of course I think my favorite cutie would have them
As if he wasn't sensitive enough whenever you touched his body. Now you have two new toys to play with and tease him about
Kisaki always whines when you sneak up behind him and grope his chest, lazily brushing you off and telling you to go away
But the way he melts into your touch, leaning against you and stopping in the middle of whatever he was doing... he's really not great at hiding his true feelings
Kisaki is a whimpering mess every time you lift him onto the counter or his desk, pull up his shirt, and suck on his nipples
Your mouth on his sensitive body just pulls the most delicious noises out of this man 💛
Listen...LISTEN- Shuji also has Big Slut Energy™
He would absolutely have a tongue piercing, dick piercing, AND nipple piercings
Especially if those are things that turn you on and get you to touch him even more
He is THE biggest tease too, doing whatever he can to turn you on no matter where you are or who's around
Fucking adores when you compliment his piercings (or just... complimenting him in general)
Shuji will rub up against you and whine until you finally give in and touch him. Making an effort to exaggerate his moans and dirty talk as you stroke his cock or suck on his chest~
Definitely a dick piercing, there's no doubt about that one. But personally, I could picture Ran having a tongue piercing as well
I already HC him as having a high libido, so I think he'd use his dick piercing as an excuse to tempt you into touching him more~
“C'mon baby, it feels way better when you stroke it...please?” Ran will whine, nuzzling into the crook of your neck
You always end up giving in, because hearing his breathy moans and praises while Ran's hips buck into your hand is such a treat
And if he has a tongue piercing too he uses that as an excuse to make out with you more
Nibbling on your bottom lip until you let him in, his content noises grace your ears while Ran grinds on your lap harder
Nipple and dick piercings
I know Rindou's not really a twink with his body type...but he has the face of a twink, and I think all twinks look good with nipple piercings soooo (he's an honorary twink, shush)
The pretty metal fills your vision while Rindou holds his dick just above your face, gripping your hair tightly and commanding you to “Open up”
Alternatively; The pretty metal disappears within your warm mouth while you wake your partner up with a lovely blowjob~ 🩵
Rindou gasps as his orgasm jolts him awake, staring down at you with your lips still wrapped around his dick
Now about those nipple piercings 👀
I'm picturing Rindou pushed up against the wall, holding his shirt between his teeth while your thumbs circle around the sensitive buds
His moans are muffled by the fabric while you tease him and kiss his cute cheeks and neck~
Wakasa (They/He pronouns used)
Ooohh ok I like the image of Waka with a belly button piercing and a dick/labia piercing
Picturing him doing a bit of a strip tease by sliding his shirt up tantalizingly slow... flashing his adorable piercings at you 🥴
Maybe you're on your knees while that's happening... staring at their midriff until your attention is grabbed by Wakasa's pants sliding down their hips...oough
No matter how hard you fight it, your hands will inevitably gravitate towards Waka's waist, pulling him in for a kiss then resting your foreheads together
Soon after that your hand will slide down between the smaller man's legs and tease their cock/entrance while his soft gasps fill your ears
He would suggest that you get a dick/labia piercing too... definitely not thinking about frotting/scissoring with you while they suggest that...not at all 👉👈
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Tagging: @szure (if you want this tag removed just dm me! But I knew you asked for some of these specifically :3)
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yukidragon · 7 months
Sunny Day Jack - Cat AU
Okay, so, two particular pieces of beautifully drawn fan art have collided together in my head to create a light and fluffy self-indulgent image that I just had to share with you all.
@okamiliqueur's heartbreaking picture of Jack's lonely and forgotten box from the new demo made me think of cats abandoned in boxes, "free to a good home." Only in the case of the game's story, he was left out in the rain to rot, the owner having given up giving him a good home.
@jazzylovetodraw's picture of Jack as a cat has been buzzing in my mind for quite a while. I just love how precious he looks in both forms, and when I was thinking of Jack being like those abandoned kittens in cardboard boxes... well, the combination was obvious.
I know that Jack's fursona is a snake, and I know being a cat is Shaun's thing, but I'm a sucker for kitties. I'm as biased towards cats as I am for dragons, if my avatar and username didn't offer enough of a hint. ;3 I'd love to see all the characters as kitties honestly.
Tempting though it may be to go with Fruits Basket rules for kitty Jack, like I toyed with over on twitter, I think I'm going to play with a different and simpler set of rules. In this universe, Jack is stuck as a cat until his sunshine's love allows him to become human again.
Admittedly, it's kind of hard to imagine Jack being alone for very long when he looks so adorable. Who wouldn't fall in love with that precious kitty face instantly? Most everyone would be putty in his paws.
Content Warning: I wind up touching on a couple explicit headcanon details near the end. I mean, I did say this is a pretty self-indulgent image with my OTP.
Maybe Jack was stuck as a cat via a curse ala Hocus Pocus and is guarding the box/tape/etc. Maybe he was stuck as a cat instead of in the tape and no one could see him until MC came along. Maybe he's got a tragic backstory like the cat from Fruits Basket.
Since this AU is more about the vibes, I'm just going to leave the how and why parts of the lore up in the air. All that matters is that Jack is stuck as a cat and left out in the rain in a cardboard box until MC decides to take him home.
I'm just going to switch over to Alice and what she would do in this scenario. Poor lonely Alice is out on the town, when she comes across the box out in the rain and sees an equally lonely kitten. Poor little thing, all wet and sad... She just has to take him home with her.
Alice cleans Jack up, gets him wrapped up all nice and warm in a blanket, and even gives him some chicken she bought for her own dinner that night. She'll have to get cat food and other things for her new furry companion tomorrow, though she should probably look for his owner and take him to a vet.
At first, Jack isn't sure what to do about the situation, though he is grateful. No one has even acknowledged his existence until Alice came along. She's so soft and warm. He loves it when she holds him. She's so kind too.
Alice does find it surprising Jack doesn't put up a fuss when being given a bath. Jack didn't exactly like the feeling of being all grimy, and don't get him started on fleas and other gross things cats have to deal with on the streets!
The vet isn't as fun, though Jack is well behaved, though very clingy to Alice throughout the appointment. He can't help but fear that she'll abandon him too. He'll keep up the helpless and adorably needy kitty act if it means she'll stay with him.
There's no ID chip, no tag, and no missing notice for any cat that looks like Jack. It's clear that the poor guy is a stray.
Alice is hesitant initially. She's wanted to get a pet cat for a long time now, but she has barely been able to take care of herself. How can she handle taking care of an innocent life that needs her when she's struggling so much with her own life?
That hesitation doesn't last long. Jack loves on Alice so much, constantly purring and snuggling up to her. He curls up with her when she sleeps or relaxes. He was hesitant at first, and she assumed that was because he was wary of her, when in reality, he just didn't want to cross any of her boundaries. He didn't want to do anything that might upset her and make her get rid of him. When she started petting and cuddling him, he wholeheartedly returned the affection, absolutely starved for it.
The first thing Alice thought when she saw Jack was that he was lonely, just like her. He's so sweet and can't stand to be apart from her. How can she just get rid of him when he makes her feel loved and needed?
Of course, a cat's life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Cat food is a step down from people food, and a litterbox is anything but sanitary. Jack just skips that nonsense and goes straight to using the toilet despite the awkwardness, which shocks the heck out of Alice. He also snubs all cat food in favor of human food.
Yes, I could go with Jack being a ghost(?) cat that doesn't need food or to use the toilet, but then he wouldn't have gone through the indignities of a vet visit.
Then again... it would be funny if Alice brought Jack to the vet, only for them to think she's crazy, since to them all she's carrying is empty air.
Hmm... yeah, I think I'll go that route. As hilarious as vet hijinks and typical cat care with Jack while he possesses a human mind and identity might be, this would be a more interesting and tragic route. No one else can see Jack but Alice. He's lived for who knows how long in a world full of people that don't see him at all, unable to even be human anymore. It'd be a different type of hell than the one in the video tape, similar to what I talked about in my previous ramble.
Imagine if the 1984 incident Jack died and became a ghost(?) cat because he was secretly a cat shape shifter or something. Or maybe something more supernatural happened during the incident. Either way, cat ghost(?) Jack is very, very lonely.
Man, I just realized, it would be even more tragic (and complicated) if I go with the reincarnation route for this AU. Ghost(?) cat Jack probably had to watch Mary die slowly in the hospital after the incident, unable to help her or let her know that it's him. He couldn't even offer her comfort in her final days. It would've been so traumatizing.
For now, let's just play with this AU without the reincarnation angle, since this is supposed to be mostly light and fluffy feline fun with the OTP.
Jack, even as a cat, tries to do his best to help Alice out. If he can make himself useful, make her need him, then he won't ever lose her. He sneaks out when she goes to work to keep her company even though she initially tried to get him to stay home. No one sees him, so it won't matter. Besides, petting an invisible kitty is a good stress relief when dealing with awful customers, and certainly beats regular stimming.
The more Alice cares for Jack, the more powers he gets back, starting with the ability to talk. It's a huge shock for Alice of course, but Jack makes it clear that it's because of her love for him that made her stronger.
Of course, that love is platonic, at least at the start, which Jack knows full well, but he'll work on shifting things to a romantic love... especially after he gets the power to shift back into a form that has hands.
Like in typical canon, Jack answers Alice's questions as best he can. He probably lost his sense of identity like in game canon, so he references CloudyTown and stuff "he" did there, mixing up the show's lore with his own past. It's also intermingled with his many years spent wandering the streets being ignored and going crazy from the loneliness.
Jack does let Alice know that he used to be able to change from a cat to human. He just... can't anymore. He thinks it was because he was forgotten. He doesn't know why no one can see him until Alice came along.
It's so sad and tragic that Alice can't be unmoved by his plight. Sure, it makes things a bit awkward knowing that Jack is sentient and used to have a human form, but she feels for him. It also makes sense now why Jack always turned away whenever she changed.
Yes, Jack could have peeked. He could have even watched Alice while she was bathing, but he didn't. He refuses to do anything she won't allow. Cuddling her and sleeping in her bed is innocent, but the thoughts he'd have about her when she was undressing were anything but. He loves her too much to take advantage of her innocent trust in him. He needs her to want him to see her in that vulnerable state... even if it drives him crazy lusting over her. Poor pitiful kitty can't even have a good wank off session with his paws.
Still, despite knowing that Jack was human and is sentient, it's hard for Alice not to fall for his feline charms and not think too deeply about that fact. She still winds up cuddling him and petting him.
Of course, when it first hits Alice that she's treating a human like a pet, she stops and apologizes, but Jack insists that it's fine. He enjoys their cuddle time. He gives her the big, pleading kitty eyes as he begs her not to stop, and she can't help but give in.
Awkwardness soon fades and settles into a strange new normal. Alice does wonder if Jack really is real or if she was just so lonely she imagined something this crazy... but his presence is comforting. He keeps her company almost all the time. She doesn't feel alone anymore thanks to him.
Also... now that Jack can talk, he says such sweet things. It's weird to have a "pet" take care of her, but he reminds her of when it's time to brush her teeth, wakes her up for work, helps her get chores done despite how awkward it is with his paws and small size... It's so endearing.
The encouragement and assistance Jack gives Alice is wonderful, and his jokes are so fun and silly, but it's the praise that leaves her feeling flustered. If she didn't know any better, she could swear that he's almost flirting with her sometimes. She's in denial that's what it is, but it feels nice to be told that she's cute, and Jack is so sincere about it... and how can she not melt when he says sweet things with such a sweet face?
It's one morning that things change drastically. Alice's bond with Jack strengthened over time to the point that Jack finally can change back into a mostly human form, though he does have cat ears, a fluffy tail, and whisker markings.
It was a big surprise to them both really, as Jack transformed in his sleep. Alice had gotten used to cuddling up to a talking cat during the night, so it was a shock to wake up in a pair of big muscular arms. Jack was so happy when waking her that morning, giddy to show her his (mostly) human side, that it slipped his mind what a shock it would be.
Naturally, Alice bolted back against the wall away from the stranger in her bed. Jack quickly started reassuring her of who he was and that she wasn't in danger. He stooped down to her level, pretty much wilting really, with ears folded back, as he apologized for scaring her. He was just so happy that he wasn't thinking about how it must look from her side...
Seeing Jack so pitiful and sad, Alice feels her heart go out to him. Once things calm down, she can't help but be amazed by how he looks. Unthinkingly, she reaches up to pet his ears and feel how they attach to his skull. She only fully realizes how forward she's being when Jack starts purring.
Flustered, Alice immediately pulls back, only for Jack to whine at the loss of her touch. He didn't mind it at all. He always loves it when she cuddles with him.
It's a complicated feeling for Alice. On the one hand they've been very close for so long. On the other, Jack is definitely a human, so it feels different now.
Yet, Jack is so sweet. He's mindful of her hesitation, even if he's disappointed. It's harder for him to hide his feelings with such expressive ears. Alice can't help but want to reach out to him, especially after they've already spent so much time together, getting to know one another. He's chased away the loneliness that had been haunting her for so, so long.
Of course, now that Jack has a human form, Alice finds her feelings slipping into "dangerous" territory. He makes her feel so good, so loved, and she feels for him too. She doesn't want to dare assume he might feel anything more for her than just a friend, but she can't help but notice the way he looks at her, the way he clearly longs to be near her. He's so tender and gentle... and they've already been so cuddly.
It's easier for Alice to find herself cuddling up to Jack, letting him and taking guilty pleasure from his gentle warmth. He pets her hair too in return, and it feels surprisingly good... a bit too good at times.
The line between friend or something more blurs with all the cuddles and petting. Alice feels guilty about it, but Jack keeps encouraging her until, finally, something has to give and their relationship changes. Both of them feel relieved when it does, as they couldn't help but worry that their feelings might not be reciprocated.
In a lot of ways, it's pretty close to the normal continuity, just with some fuzzy ears on top. Jack can change into a cat at will now. As he gets stronger, people can start to see him, perhaps as a feline silhouette, or maybe with some unsettling shadows not from a cat. He's certainly going to be a bit territorial and not be afraid to hiss and use his claws if absolutely necessary.
Still, this kitty is pretty content thanks to Alice. Jack loves it when Alice carries him around as a teeny kitty, warm and snuggly against her chest, even in the cleavage of her shirt at times. Naturally, he returns the favor, carrying her around the apartment as often as possible. It's only fair after all~!
Naturally, Jack wants to get intimate with Alice as soon as she lets him. He's so pent up. Even with hands to take care of himself, all the cuddling and now kisses just make him ache for her even more. He longs to be inside her, biting her gently and growling in pleasure as he takes her.
A bonus with Jack being part cat is that he gets to have some vibrating action when he purrs. It adds a whole new dimension to their lovemaking, whether he's using his mouth on her sensitive parts, or thrusting himself deep inside.
Oh, I'm reminded of the cat-like features I mentioned in the Omegaverse AU. I guess Jack, having feline features, would have a dick that's ribbed for her pleasure too. Tongue too. Neither would be sharp because rule of sexy, but it would add a very pleasurable texture that a clever man like Jack is going to take full advantage of~
Of course, Alice can take advantage of those feline features too. The base of Jack's tail and ears are quite sensitive, and she quickly learns what spots get his motor running. Of course, getting Jack excited will lead to him pouncing on her and getting rather frisky, but Alice would certainly be expecting that result~
I can imagine Jack could make himself look fully human without any feline features, but he knows Alice finds his cat side to be adorable. She has a hard time resisting petting him when his ears and tail are out, and he certainly wants to encourage her to pet him as much as possible. He also wants to encourage her to let him pet her as much as possible.
Of course, if Jack can become powerful enough that other people can see him, he'll have to stick with only cat or human form when out in public. Still, even when other people can see and hear him, he prefers to be in Alice's company. Cats have their preferred human, and Alice is Jack's.
Naturally, Jack would have to be sneaky about showing Alice love when in public if there's a chance of getting caught. Good thing he has that perfectly innocent little kitty form to hide in. I can imagine it would lead to some interesting interactions where someone shows up only to find Alice incredibly flustered with a slightly disheveled appearance, while her "pet" Jack is just casually looking smug, as all cats do.
Person: Whoa, what happened to you?
Alice, not looking them in the eye: Uh... Jack, m-my cat just... ah, got a bit excited.
Person: Heh. Cats, am I right?
Alice: Haha... right.
Jack: :3c
Hmm... I wonder then if the other love interests should have cat transformations in this AU too. It'd be a crime if Shaun doesn't have that ability but Jack does. Jack already gets together with Alice, so I don't want to be extra cruel to Shaun.
Admittedly, I don't have too many ideas for other characters with cat modes. Well, aside from an image of Shaun taking care of his baby MoonPie by carrying her around by the scruff. This post was mostly just indulging in sweet moments with my OTP with a bit of feline flavor sprinkled on top. Maybe I'll revisit the idea again if I get more ideas than just a bit of fluff.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this silly romp with Alice and Jack having some feline fun times!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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murk888 · 9 months
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ooohh, I made this with the inspiration from a certain great youtube animation, of which I've been a fan for about 2 years already :) sadly, its author, it seems, removed it from youtube, as the link doesn't work and I can't find it at all anymore T_T But!! I'm lucky I saved it when it was still up! and the song in it is awesome too, it makes you feel as if you're submerging yourself into your own imagination... or something, it's an unusual feeling aaand its lyrics kind of fit spamton in a way! nice! the song is Rinse & Repeat by Scroll Patrol
the video was called "A PICTURE, A CLICK (Spamton Animation)" (by Fawfulydoo??), here are some screenshots (i hope it's alright to post them), maybe some can remember it too:
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moonspirit · 6 months
As a armin arlert lover, thoughts on floch?
Ooohh Floch.
Objectively speaking, he's a good character in the respect that he truly embodies what he represents in the world of AoT. Aside from coming from the camp of people who believed Erwin should've lived, I also feel he worked as a vehicle to represent the walled-in Eldians in Paradis (ie the civilians, whose opinions we really didn't see much of). The role Floch played in AoT was basically that of the other side; the side fighting against the Alliance, the side fighting for the "lesser good" if we take the overall picture.
Floch connects with a lot of other characters. Ideologically, he's closest to Jean, imo. Both of them are selfish, driven to uphold the causes that best protect themselves, but while Jean ends up seeing the value of human life, Floch doesn't, and that fundamental difference is where they both split away from each other.
With Armin, Floch comes with a profound lack of respect and a lot of hatred, because he sees Armin as the wrong choice, unflinching in his pointing out of all of the latter's flaws. However, here, Floch has a narrow-minded view of the world and lacks empathy while Armin's is wide open and full of empathy.
With Eren, Floch sees in him what he saw in Erwin. A devil who can get rid of other devils. Reminder here that the difference between Erwin and Armin is what drives Floch to idolize Erwin so much. He's told that no matter what, the SC must keep pushing forward, whereas what he actually sees once Erwin is dead, is chaos and confusion and the unwillingness of the main SC members (our 104th) to condemn the whole world for their hatred. So Eren's determination and new power ignites a spark of hope for him. For what he believes in, Eren is a god bringing them to life. Nevermind the fact that Eren never really tells Floch the end result of his plans (that Mikasa would be the one to decide what happens, etc), Floch takes Eren's "motivation" and runs with it, fueled by vengeance turning into brute confidence and little consideration for anything else.
As for the rest, Floch is the visual representation of someone seeking power to rid themselves of fear and cowardice; and of the opinions of the masses in Paradis, a lot of whom we see agree with the Jaegerist ideology.
So Floch as a character has good character development, imo, and he presents himself as the foil to what the Alliance stand for. If not for the fact that he gathered himself an army and fought against the very same people he once fought with, he really would've lasted until the end, which is what makes his death in Odiha very sad for the Alliance who watched him die.
What Floch wanted (and by extension, Paradis) was not wrong in itself. Nobody wants to be annihilated. But Floch and the Jaegerists believed in a race of people, while the Alliance believed in humankind as a whole.
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kitofawriter · 2 months
Spoilers for LMK season five Episode 5-6 below the cut!
Starting again! Leggo!
Mei’s jet survived the crash I see
Trucker Pigsy! Jot that under ‘things I didn’t know I needed until now’
“Big Ham” somebody was WAITING to use that trucker name for him.
I like the design of those rocks.
Red laser in a flame named episode. Is this where we get Red Son?
The way Pigsys ears flap in the wind!!!
Also I’m going to assume this follows what everyone else was doing in the last episode so the crash hasn’t happened yet.
For some reason I’m getting a ‘this is gonna be a pod racing episode’ vibe. I am probably wrong but now I want that episode (even if we’ve already had a race episode)
You got stopped by a very cute mouse!
I feel like so far Pigsy is the one that works best in this animation. Idk, theres been no really jarring movements for him that I’ve noticed.
Red Son!!!! Yes Mei! Show him the love he deserves!!
Red Son guesses correctly. They are indeed stopping the apocalyptic cracks
Mei’s face! OMG!!!
Red Son is like the opposite of Tang. He’d probably be surprised to find out something isn’t real.
Is this like a Samadi fire thing? Are we finally getting anything related to that?
He’s so proud to be the creator of the Samadi fire!!
Researching the origins of the true fire? So…the Samadi fire? The fire you made?
Little pet fire dragon???? Are we giving Mei a weapon of mass destruction as a pet? Because that could not go wrong! /s
*cough* a failed replica of the Samadi fire *cough*
I love whatever that is. It needs a goofy name.
:3 face Mei!!
Also she’s so ready to go and he’s just like ‘hold oh like .2 seconds PLEASE’
“This is why we don’t hang out” please, you don’t hang out cause you don’t wanna admit you like peasants.
Pigsy’s going through some stuff. Maybe Tang can help with those scrawny ankles.
If you can’t tell, I love the scrawny ankles joke. It’s so funny.
“I’m his father” “I’m not strong enough to keep him safe” Pigsy you were the ONLY person that could help him sleep. Don’t downplay the care you give him. Also this is gonna end in so much angst.
Tang really regretting that “we’re side characters at best” comment from season three right about now.
Is Red Sons plan style INVADER ZIM?!?!
Red Son you are so dramatic. I love you!
Was…was that shot a FMA reference?!
Pigsy you are a good dad! You’re there for MK when he needs you! Don’t be sad!!
“You know it’s kinda your fault right?” Tang that is not helping!
Tang saying Pigsy was the one who made MK a good person! I can’t!! I need to pause!
“You’re his dad!”
The little mice!! I’m screaming!
I was not prepared for this many Pigsy feels!!
Tang is the number 1 found family supporter!
“This is not the best time for a crisis of confidence!!”
Mei, you’re the best, don’t doubt yourself.
Red Son stepping between her and the fire!!!
Ooohh, cool green electric form!!
Mei mech!! Mei mech!!!! Badass Mei mech!!
Isn’t that one of the pets from club penguin?
“Everyone gets a mech except for me” petition to give Red Son a mech 2024
The demon bull family picture!!
Red Son being determined to help those he loves!!
“See noodle boy” of the spicynoodle shippers screamed right there.
“Hey I texted you for help! You never responded” •-•
Mei’s been sending nonstop puppy videos!
Phone stop autocorrecting Mei to key please. I’m not even sure why that’s the word you’re choosing?
Mei communicates with puppy videos, no words needed.
She left her phone.
Episode 6! Leggo!! This is gonna be my last one today because though I want to stop worrying about spoilers, I also want it to last at least a little bit longer.
We inch ever closer to the return of Mac and also to later episodes that I just KNOW will be emotionally devastating.
Tang panicking, things are as they should be.
Was that the shoe guy but voiced by a woman? Good for her.
Pigsy vs destiny the season.
MK learning for SWK and Sandy!!!
Best buds Monkey King and Sandy! That’s them! I’m sure you’ll get your episode Mei.
Im guessing Mei or Tang help this episode then Pigsy helps with the final stone, but I could be wrong.
The art of SWK of fire and Sandy being held by the snake is hilarious. 10/10 no notes.
The MK and Mei art is also adorable.
Its gonna be the Tang episode to harken back to the dumpling episode where Mei thought she was gonna go and didn’t.
Sandy, you’re very inconspicuous, don’t listen to the mean old Tangy.
They all look…awesome.
Jin and yin!!
Are those helmets? Cause they look really weird. I get what they’re going for but I don’t like it.
Also they shoulda grabbed Pigsy if they wanted a singer.
Why doesn’t Mo get a disguise?
For some reason some of Mei’s lines are difficult for me to catch. I need subtitles, that aren’t auto generated and thus awful.
Nezha!!! My boi!! (If you haven’t noticed, basically all the characters are my boi, except Mei she my girl!)
“He’s bombing! You’re bombing!”
Nezha should joint Chang’e’s roller derby team. (This is a headcanon but they need to make it canon)
SWK were you gonna fight Nezha or try to talk to him before Mei grabbed you? you didn’t look fighty.
“Ahhh!” Followed by the guards flying.
“You’re not getting away that easi…” cap in face
Who threw the whole stall person and all?!?!
*meme of the person holding the cat down that’s surrounded by broken potted plants* Wukong.
Nezha mech!! Also Nezhie you’re trying really hard to catch these guys for someone who believes in their innocence.
The flower jetpack looking this is a really cool design.
I should draw Nezha
“We have to get out of here!” “What? Why? I can handle Nezhie” SWK, I love you so much (second only to Sandy in this version)
MK trusting Nezha!!! And stepping in front of the blade!!! Nezha STOPPING!!!
“My father!” My guy, your father is a big meany. You’ve SEEN them stop world ending disasters before INCLUDING the one that started this!!
That is a really cool mech.
Fillet use!
Jerky jerk man appears.
Nezha fighting his dad!!!
Get them outta there Tangy!!
Do not yell at Nezha, he’s a good boy and he’s actually helpful. I didn’t see you anywhere when Azure was doing all this damage. (I kinda only know Li Jing in connection to Nezha’s myth so he could be a pretty cool dude elsewhere, but here he’s a jerk)
“We’re all gonna die!” Hugs Tang. Of the Freenoodle shippers noticed that.
MK where did you bring them?
Also calling it now, Nüwa has the last stone and she’s in the pagoda.
“I call dibs!!” Please give Mei her adventure. She’s going to go rabid without it.
MK’s smile and wave face!!
Sandy waving back!
Somebody get SWK some Tylenol or something for his headache please.
The guardian designs are all super cool.
Love the tiger specifically.
“Uhhh, no we don’t.”
I am not ready for the rest of this season.
SWK keeps forgetting the fillet.
Can someone PLEASE get him some Tylenol?
MK knows what he’s doing.
Pigsy jumped after him first!!!
If anything happens to Pigsy I will scream. (If anything happens to any of them I will scream.)
Li Jinh doesn’t find is suspicious at all they that JUMPED?!
Magic costume change!
“These are…prison jumpsuits?!”
You’d think they’d have one that fits Sandy at least. Poor guys barely fits in that jacket.
Also Mo keeps getting left out of the costume changes. Justice for Mo!
“Aww my shirt.” Well. There it goes.
MK being the smarty kid again. Good boy.
I wanna watch another episode now but I also wanna wait and hold off to make it last. Decisions!!
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grimalkinmessor · 4 months
1, 6, 14, and 27 for meronia
1. Describe their first date.
Ooohh this one is interesting. Because their courtship doesn't start with dating, does it? It starts with competition and sexual tension and living together and working together and working against each other only to work together again—so any date of theirs would be something that's planned after their relationship has already been established.
I might just have brainworms from neallo's bury us both but Mello doesn't seem like the type of person to do dates until a solid romance has already been established. Until he's been tied down, so to speak. There's a reason I have that WiP of Near keeping Mello in a big plastic cube like he's a stray cat. But also: Mello is likely the one who plans their first date. Near already doesn't like being outside—he has to stand, which is uncomfortable, he has to be around crowds of people, which is even more uncomfortable, there are lights and sounds and smells he can't control or mitigate—so I definitely don't see him planning a real date.
So picture this. Mello blindfolds Near and puts him on his bike (Near allows this because he gets to sit in front of Mello facing him, legs around his waist and face in his chest as he rides) and takes him to a fancy restaurant. Only, it's not just a restaurant—it's an observatory. There's plush carpets and wide berths between tables, and the lights are a pleasant sort of swimming and dim so that as it gets dark, you can see the stars start to pop up.
It's quiet, and the servers are unobtrusive, Mello makes Near try some wine because he's twenty-something now and he needs to finish popping all his cherries. With Mello only, of course ✨
It's probably an anniversary of some kind—maybe Near's birthday? 👀 nudge nudge—and their conversation is quiet but intense. Soft but raw. It's the first time they've ever done anything so romantic, so plainly loving, and Near tells Mello every day that he loves him but now he can read the same in every one of Mello's actions. Every part of their outing is planned so meticulously, so ruthlessly aligned for Near's comfort and enjoyment, and Mello probably pulled his gun on a few people to make it happen but he did it for Near.
And it's the best thing ever :)
...Until their wedding day, that is.
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
In stark contrast to my above post: sex. You can't wrench a verbal apology from Mello's teeth for shit, boy's like a fucking pitbull, but Near is well versed in his nonverbal cues, just as Mello is to his. Sex may not be the solution to whatever argument they were having, but it's step one in getting there. Mello gets pissed and storms off until Near goes hunting for him, or Near locks himself in his room for hours and freezes him out before Mello breaks off the lock and storms in, and then they fall into each other because they're emotionally codependent and they don't know how to be happy without each other anymore :)
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
Near is largely indifferent to PDA—but Mello hates it because he thinks it's embarrassing (poor little lion's pride) and so on occasion Near will transform into an absolute menace. He's feeling petty, he's feeling mischievous, he's feeling affectionate, any of these are good reasons for him to go up to Mello and cling to his arm, nuzzle his cheek and chest, kiss his neck, his mouth, his hands, climb into his lap and refuse to be moved, etc etc. Mello always gets so flustered and angry about it that it just drives Near to do it more 🤭
However, the longer they're together the less Mello gives a shit. To the point where he actually becomes quite the exhibitionist and takes to fucking Near in the headquarters meeting room. Their hotel lobbies. Roofs as satellites are passing by. Up against brightly lit windows in the middle of the night. Sloppy makeouts in the city squares and drawn-out quickies in public bathrooms 🙏
Near is, of course, anything but displeased with the development.
17. How well do they communicate? Are they open with their feelings/thoughts or more reserved? Why?
Mello tries to convince himself he doesn't even have any other emotions besides anger and triumph so he's shit at recognizing what he's feeling, let alone communicating it. Near is a little better at this because he's more introspective, but he's also just. not very good at expressing his emotions through anything other than deadpan statements that sound untrue on principal. "I am upset." "That hurt my feelings." "I'm happy you're here."
Mello misinterprets Near because Near is so unexpressive and Mello is used to people who lie, and Near misinterprets Mello because Mello gives off so many mixed signals and in the beginning Near doesn't know him well enough to read between the lines. 'Tism rizz :') ✨
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zykamiliah · 1 year
am i the only one that actually enjoys rereading captive prince vol.1??? like even upon rereads it gets better and better. both of them are in a terrible situation. laurent's pov makes more and more sense. every piece of the puzzle finally clicks and i'm like "ooohh so THIS is what it meant". my playlist for this book is all the dark music i could get my paws on, because this is the darkness before dawn. damen and laurent absolutely hate each other and it's fun to read until it isn't. laurent sassing the regent and the council is one of my fav fav scenes. it's the first step into deconstructing damen and laurent's images of each other.
and when i'm rereading vol.1 and it's side stories (Pet, the training of erasmus) you really get the Whole political picture of what was really going on that you couldn't understand from damen's limited pov and an understanding of the situation since he was locked up and limited to certain situations and locations.
because arles was a prison not only for damen but for laurent too, and for me that's why it feels so unpleasant, but i love everything that's going on. but if damen hadn't been sent there, hadn't been made to experience the truth about slavery, his own shortcomings and blind spots in regards to his family, etc, he wouldn't have started his learning journey. and damen was the catalyst to laurent finally stepping out of the court, the sickening bubble of his uncle's influence.
tbf im a sucker for political intrigue and characters meeting at their worst in the worst possible situation because it can only get better from there. and that's what happens.
i love all captive prince equally. a normal amount
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divinetouchdown · 2 months
🥵🥵🥵 forgive me father for I have sinned, my poor little piss hole is dripping for you 😖😖😖
Ooohh, such vulgar word choice… Selfishly, I feel you’re not truly here to seek forgiveness— but to mock me. Painting such a revolting picture… but I’m nothing if not lenient with my followers <3
You can change your ways. Don’t take your lustful thoughts out on others, focus that attention elsewhere. I name you forgiven by word, you must still forgive yourself by act.
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neverchecking · 1 year
My goodness, that last post with the chain and their reaction to the father of readers firstborn child. *Chefs kiss* . I also loved the part about it possibly being Hyrule cause of his fairy-ness (I can just picture a little kid that can also turn into a Fae 🧚 like his dad (I just might have a soft spot for ✨Hyrule✨-he needs more love ❤️💕). Sorry Hyrule- get ready for war against the chain (especially Wild/Sage and his fairy tonic). I LOVE IT. OOOHH my heart!
But also… imagine the reader sharing qualities with the chain, like having brown hair like Hyrule, blonde hair like the others, or even similar eye colors to the others. If the kid is a mini reader, just imagine the amount of conflict the chain would feel. I mean, they love that the child is a mini reader, but doubt on whose the father is definitely there (like if reader is the same dirty blonde as Twilight…is he the dad or did kiddo take after mom? Who knows how Hylian genetics works?). Does it cause more fights or do they begrudgingly accept it. Like one kiddo with a bunch of dads? I just can’t tell.
Anyways keep up the good work! You’re doing fantastic! I have been following for several weeks now and am absolutely obsessed 🤩 😍❤️❤️❤️
You guys are keeping me F E D-
I love having a secret soft spot for Hyrule. I just wanna squish his cheeks. You K N O W the others are snapping at him man-
The idea of the baby looking exactly like their mom is so freaking funny to me. Because now no one knows. Wind just knows he's getting a little sibling that he would Kill for either way. The chain for sure is pulling shit like 'That's my nose. Right there.' "Eat shit old man there's no way that's your nose!' I feel like they would begrudgingly accept it because this is their Goddess' born. Their goddess has bestowed them, all of them, with an extension of HER.
And who are they to deny them the same goddess treatment?
Thank you so much! I'm happy your all so well fed :)
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Hard thoughts: Imagine pretty wanting to rile up Chris in public, so she goes to the washroom and takes off her panties and gives them to Chris with "could you hold them for me?" or "here is a gift". I bet he would not even make it to home and just fuck her on the backseat of the car.
ooohh, he'd LOVE this. i can just vividly picture in my mind the grin that'd come to his face when he realises, and the way he'd poke the inside of his cheek with his tongue....
i feel like this would be like a tamer version of their primal play. as in, pretty would avoid Chris, and he'll chase her... it'd be a back and forth that could end up either on an alleyway, in the backseat of his car, or driving at dangerous speeds to get somewhere more private lol
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