#oof send help
magicandmundane · 1 month
Humor me for minute here, I need to scream and cry about the ballroom scene in Enchanted.
For starters, Giselle and Robert are completely matching. His shirt and her dress are basically the same shade of purple, and his jacket and the cloak she wore when she walked in are the same velvet-y navy blue. They didn’t plan it. (I’m screaming.)
Side note: you know who may have planned it? Morgan. That’s right, she went shopping with Giselle, and her dad had probably shown her his fairytale-worthy fit earlier. Morgan already adored Giselle, and she could see her dad falling head over heels for the almost-princess despite his best efforts. So I’d be willing to bet good money the little shit (affectionate) did her best to influence Giselle’s choices and squealed as soon as Robert closed the door and went to the ball.
Anyway, Giselle and Edward get there, and Robert just stops. (I’m swooning.) We already know that Giselle had had a dream about Robert in that blue jacket, but do you think that he had a dream about her? Do you think that he had a dream about this fairytale princess in purple? That he woke up one morning and shook it off like it was nothing? That when he stopped and his jaw dropped at the sight of her, he suddenly remembered that beautiful dream? Because I think yes. NYC got dropped into a fairytale for a week, of course Mr. Just-Some-Guy-in-the-Real-World Robert had a dream about the love of his life.
And then that choreography. (Ugh my heart.) So beautiful, so intimate, so happy, so loving. Like every step they took they just fell deeper and deeper in love. Holy shit, that eye contact. Everyone else moving to the edges of the dance floor to give them space to just pop off. Robert whispering the lyrics of a song that was written just for the movie. “now you’re beside me and look how far we’ve come. so far, we are so close.” He had no reason to know those lyrics, just like everyone singing “That’s How You Know” had no reason to know that song and leave him constantly making a wtf face. But now the man is leaning into the fairytale. Because he loves her. (Someone just kill me already.)
Another side note: poor Nancy and Edward omg. They are witnessing what is quite possibly the most romantic ballroom dance of all time, and they were both planning to marry one of these idiots (affectionate). The matching “respectfully what the fuck” faces they both make will never not be hilarious to me, even though I feel for them.
And then there’s the quiet misery when they walk away from each other. (Cut my heart out with a rusty old spoon, why don’t you? It’ll hurt less.) Giselle and Robert are resigned to the lives they had previously chosen but no longer want. The look on her face when Narissa is handing her the apple is just gut wrenching. She would rather forget the love of her life than live without him and know he’s out there.
Last but not least, true love’s kiss. (I’m bawling.) Robert was Losing It™️ seeing Giselle inches from death, and then this idiot has the audacity to deny being her true love. But of course it’s him. “Please don’t leave me.” and “I knew it was you.” are just so so beautiful, tender, and intimate. Like that was for them and them alone, we are intruding. That kiss was so gentle and heartfelt. Then she pulls him even closer for a hug, and he cradles the back of her head. They are so relieved, they love each other so much.
Don’t even get me started on Robert’s “over my dead body,” Giselle going after the dragon, and that rooftop kiss in the rain. My poor heart just can’t take it right now.
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turtleduckscribbles · 5 months
Happy One Year to Tears of the Kingdom! 🎊
Hope you've all had a wonderful year making delightful new Zelda memories! I know I sure have—it's seriously bonkers how jam-packed this game is, like what. (As of 12:10 last night/morning, the map on my game file officially reads 100%. 🥲 PHEW. And still the completionist grind never ends... Darn you, Great Fairy upgrades!!)
It probably comes as no surprise that I've hardcore had Zelink on the brain for far too long... They're the little monkeys on my back... TOTK was no help to my addiction at all, so in honor of the game's 1-year anniversary, here's a sneak peek for the passion project that's been stewing away in my head over this past year. Plan is 3 parts, 3 chapters each. Post-BOTW, Pre-TOTK. For anyone who's fallen for them as much as I have. 💚
Dropping soon(ish) to AO3~
It took Zelda a second to process what she was looking at. When her vision finally focused, she found herself gazing at an image: A group of snout-nosed bokoblins stood awkwardly before the camera. It was only after considerable study of this image that she realized she was actually looking at a picture of Link.
Posed at the center of the group, Link was the star of the composition. What she had originally taken to be another bokoblin was in reality a bokoblin mask—or rather, helmet—and he wore it proudly. It had a bulbous nose with stitched-in button eyes, and a gaping, toothy mouth where his head fit snugly inside. He appeared to be having a grand old time; with one hand on his hip, he saluted the sky in a show of theatrics, a look of mock seriousness on his face. The encircling bokoblins all gawked at him in utter stupefaction. They clearly had no idea what to make of him. One of them was sniffing his armpit. Another was attempting to wedge its finger into his long felt ear.
It was, simply put, the most ridiculous, the most adorable thing she’d ever seen.
Zelda slapped a hand to her mouth, failing to stifle the strangled noise that bubbled up past her lips. What was the story behind this photograph? Was Link not in danger here? Had the monsters somehow accepted him as one of their own? Where did he even get that helmet? Questions such as these ran rampant in her mind as feelings of mirth crowded out the waves of despair that had threatened to drown her since their abrupt arrival at Fort Hateno.
Link hadn’t taken his eyes off her. He seemed to be waiting for something, some sort of cue or signal, stuck with bated breath in a limbo of uncertainty. Zelda’s heart melted. Even in a sea of stormy, violent tumult, his only concern was for her. She offered him a watery smile.
It was as if she had personally granted him permission to breathe again. With his shoulders loosening, Link smiled back, and to Zelda, it was pure light.
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 6 months
Aenar Headcanon: they're a matriarchal society, which means that sexism/patriarchy doesn't really exist to them. (They've been respecting women since 2000 BCE) When they come into contact with others from such societies it both a- confuses them and b-makes them very sympathetic. (They go feral)
All of this to say: anytime someone decides to try a woman on Hemmer's team/ship/in general he absolutely loses his ever-loving mind. Complete personality shift. He's usually kind of gruff, but once someone says something stupid/sexist/discriminatory their reputation in his eyes plummets from the floor into hell. Even worse, since the Aenar never say anything directly- he's petty.
(May have a WIP in progress...oops) :3
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bleue-flora · 5 months
wait ur making a fic?
Well yes? Many. At the moment, I actually have three in writing/posting progress:
Musical Chairs
Good Cop ‘Bad’ Cop
Misery Loves an Idiot
And I would like to actually add a chapter 2 to B is for Betrayal, so I’ve been writing that.
In addition I’ve been working on the Sweet Dreams series I started over a year ago (crazy to believe…) which includes:
Only the Best Dreams Come True - which is basically everyone who’s in the prison gets to experience one of Dream’s nightmares.
Dreamchaser - the sequel to Dreamcatcher
Dream a Little Dream of Me - the big finale for Sweet Dreams series
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quiescentdestiny · 4 months
well what am I supposed to do NOW?!?
i finished all of us villains and I need to lie down
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 months
Me: wow I’m looking forward to getting back to the main timeline and getting answers to some questions, including but not limited to whether Indeera recovers and her reunion with Bell, something that is explicitly discussed as something he hopes for and looks forward to in Fallen Star…
Phase III: who?
Like did I get that that wrong? Did I read Fallen Star that wrong? I don’t get it, I feel like I’m going a little crazy with this someone tell me I’m not insane
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Like I am not insane right? I did hallucinate this? You are all reading the same thing in the highlights? Did something happen between writing phase I and phase III? I vaguely know the comics sort of answers the recovery question but like what happened with the book authors? Why is the only mention of her name drops as if they’re strangers? This is a genuine question I am really puzzled (and kind of disappointed)
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eyenaku · 2 years
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myahhhh no longer bald
(Also he eyes glow :3)
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felidrae · 8 months
Me: I’m not easy to read- I can hide my emotions pretty well
When my math teachers are explaining something to me:
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My teachers: I can tell that your nervous
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bluebellhairpin · 4 months
I feel like ripping out my organs it hurts so bad please
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niallandtommo · 5 months
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chaosgremlin1130 · 1 month
brain hurts
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A story, totally not based on the events of today:
Me: *Tells friend that I need to go take like a 20 minute nap and hangs up at 3:00pm
Also me: *Wakes up at LITERALLY 10:00pm to find out that my family has been coming to my room to check on me, thinking I was dead*
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 10 months
im very sleepy tired, but im currently trying to think of ways to afford concept art schooling if i get a promotion at work. There's a possibilty i could get it, but it's between me and another person i work with so it's not guaranteed. Would fucking love it if i could afford it tho that would be amazing
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delicatebluebirdruins · 8 months
I love the converstion Doom and the goddess have at the start of the series like how many conversations have you had with people where its the same thing but different words? you know just talking yourself in circles?
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seijorhi · 2 years
Literally the Bokuto/Kuroo/Akaashi combination fucking KILLS ME. The way they just fill all the niches 👌👌👌👌
They're quite legitimately unstoppable. Bo being the action taker and buff as hell. He's the one urging the others to stop fucking pinning from a distance. He's so convinced that you'd fit perfectly in their group. He'd be affectionate as hell and pushes your boundaries so they can take more and more of you.
Kuroo is the schemer. He's got the perfect plan and is ensuring you don't have any method of escape. He's also painted himself as the bad guy. Taking the hit for Bo when he inevitably makes a mistake and Kuroo has to be the bad guy, reprimanding you. To be fair, he does enjoy the struggle.
I think Akaashi would also enjoy the struggle, but whereas Kuroo wouldn't want to stifle it, Akaashi would enjoy training you to be the perfect little pet. He's sitting there manipulating you into slowing falling for him and behaving. Akaashi's the one who's gonna ensure that you fall in love one way or the other.
Oof, I'm just brain dumping.
they really shouldn't work together and yet, they do.
which isn't to say that everything's smooth sailing all the time, but it's certainly never dull <33
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Its been a year since i solved a 3x3 and my muscle memory picked up on it after like 10 minutes.
I am currently scrambling a square-1.
Somebody please stop me, i don't know how to solve it.
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