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wolfpai999 · 2 years ago
I saw your good omens art, looked at crowley and immediately knew you used to draw tf2 stuff 😭
I mean, I drew a few fanarts from tf2, but mainly just played the game and was in the fandom a very long time ago LOL.
I can see where you’re coming from tho!
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karlohabagatstudios · 10 months ago
My MMD Compilation of Pics in May 2024
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Here are the compilation of MMD pics from May!
Most of them were originally submitted from my DeviantArt page.
Go check them out: https://www.deviantart.com/karlo-habagat
Support me on Ko-Fi as well (and only YOU can unlock the second pic without a watermark for at least $5): https://ko-fi.com/karlohabagatstudios
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onyx-colony · 1 year ago
We're on a bus. Headed for Ohio. On our way to annoy one of our spouses.
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azsazz · 10 months ago
Shut Out
Hockey!Azriel x Figure Skater!Reader
Summary: Req from @i-am-a-lost-girl16: Hockey Az and Figure Skater reader?
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1,493
Notes: See? I still write 😏
“Hey! I still have the ice for another fifteen minutes,” you shout at the hockey players that are suddenly stampeding through the gate to the ice rink like animals.
You cut to a harsh stop, ice shavings spraying in your wake as you cross your arms over your chest and glare at the Velaris Bats hockey team gliding easily across the ice rink where you were just practicing your figure skating routine. Normally, you’d be ogling the broad players in their onyx and violet practice jerseys, already splitting into teams for a scrimmage as they ignore the fiery look on your face, but with only a few more weeks until nationals, you need every minute on the ice that you can get.
“Sorry, Princess,” Cassian “Bloodshed” Bailey says, flipping a puck onto the tip of his stick as he skates past, tossing it up and catching it again a few times as if it’s a display that should impress you. Right now, none of their tricks or flirtatious teases are doing anything of the sort. “Gotta big game against the Wolves this weekend. Coach wants us on extra ice time so we’re in tip-top shape.”
“I’m pretty sure when he said extra ice time, he didn’t mean to interrupt my ice time,” you growl at him, but he’s already distracted, bobbing the puck back and forth as he approaches the net. The sound of his stick on the ice echoes throughout the arena as he takes a slap shot.
You refrain from smiling smugly when the goalie stops his shot with a triumphant cackle.
You stubbornly want to stay on the ice, take up the time you’re allowed to practice your routine, but with all the pucks zipping around, it could be detrimental to your health if you were to trip or—Mother forbid—land on one as you come out of an axel.
Eyes flitting angrily around the colony of Bat’s players, you scour the ice for the team captain, Rhysand. The thing is, all dressed up in their pads and helmets, the players are a blur of clones, whipping by you on both sides as they warm up.
There’s always one player that never fails to stand out to you, no matter how much he tries to disappear from the crowd. He catches your eye as he skates by, the fallen strands of hair from your ponytail lifting with the speed that he’s moving, taking a puck down the ice as a breakaway ensues.
He dodges you easily, and your heart races in your chest at the fleeting glance he passes you. His hazel eyes have a hard, determined set to them, as if he knows before he’s even finished crossing the neutral line that he’s going to score a goal.
Azriel Teller.
He dips around the defensemen effortlessly, and if you were more well-versed in hockey to know if he was actually as good as he seems, you’d be sure that he’s a shoo-in for going to the big leagues after graduation.
Azriel feigns to the right, deking out the player in the violet practice jersey, before placing a well-aimed shot at the net.
It soars past the goalie, hitting the net and falling to the ice with a clatter that’s deafened by his teammates cheering and skating his way to clang their helmets together in celebration.
From the middle of the player puddle, those glittering hazel eyes find yours again and your breath whooshes from your chest at the smirk he pairs with it.
“(Y/N?) What are you still doing out here?” A voice startles you away from the glorious sight of Azriel. You flinch, teetering off balance as you whirl around, flailing your arms as you startle.
Rhysand catches you as you slip, steadying you against his chest. The sound of his hockey stick slapping the ice is loud in your ears and your cheeks heat with embarrassment as you clutch to the captain of the Velaris Bats jersey with an iron grip.
You were nearly born on the ice, your parents getting you into skating at a very early age, and here you are, tripping around like a newborn deer walking for the first time.
All in front of Azriel, too.
When you have your feet beneath you again, you slide back a pace, the frown returning to your face as you tilt your chin to address Rhysand.
“Your team cut into my time early,” you say sourly, but standing this close to Rhysand, you can’t seem to find that fire in the pit of your stomach that raged when the team first stepped onto the ice. The goal Azriel all but dedicated to you with that look snuffed it right out. “I don’t appreciate you guys barging in here on my time, thinking you own the damn place. I have nationals to practice for, you know.”
Rhysand grimaces in response. He’s someone you might even consider a friend, having run into the hockey boys on multiple occasions, the figure skaters and the hockey teams having to share one rink now that the other one is finally being updated with the generous donation the school received. He’s nice, a good team captain, if you’ve ever seen one, caring not only about his players, but the circumstances everyone at the Velaris Ice Center is facing with recent construction.
“I’m sorry about that,” he says, and he means it. “I was in a call with coach and wasn’t able to stop Cassian from leading the charge out here.”
“This is the second time it’s happened in two weeks, Rhys.” You all but huff. You don’t want to act like the prissy figure skater they probably all think you are, but enough is enough. Winning Nationals is important to you, and you can’t become distracted by hockey players or lose any ice time.
Rhysand opens his mouth to reply but before he can say anything, Azriel is whizzing past, shoulder checking his captain as if the consequences of that don’t bother him in the slightest.
You gasp as Rhys recoils, even more so when you see the cross look on Azriel’s face when he shoots a warning glower over his shoulder.
Rhys glares, flipping his friend off, and you have to tuck your lips between your teeth to keep from bursting into laughter at the sight of his gloved fingers thick with padding flipping Azriel off.
Rolling his eyes, the captain turns back to you.
“What was that all about?” You ask tentatively, not sure you want to know the answer. Your eyes are still on Azriel who’s hopped over the fence into the team’s bench and is currently squirting some water into his mouth. It drips down his chin, gliding down the thick column of his throat and into the neckline of his pads.
The sight makes your throat dry.
“I’ll try better,” Rhysand says, hands on his hips as he looks around the rink. His perfectly plucked brows are furrowed as he thinks, and you can’t help but wonder if he gets them professionally done or not. “Hey, assholes,” he suddenly shouts, and you flinch when his voice echoes around the arena. “Get on the benches, now!”
You swallow the lump that’s forming in your throat as the team follows their captains’ orders with grumbles. They don’t seem to want whatever lecture they think they’re going to get from Rhysand, but he ignores their grousing, turning back to you when the last ass has hit the bench.
“You have fifteen minutes, (Y/N),” Rhys says, skating backwards towards the bench.  When your jaw drops, his grin turns wicked.
He wants you to finish practicing right now? While the entire team watches? Is he fucking crazy?
“You can’t be serious,” you shriek, almost stomping your skate-clad foot on the ice. Yes, you’re used to performing in front of a crowd even larger than the team, but these guys are like fiends. Half of them glower at you while the other half is looking at you like they want to fool around on center ice.
“Totally am,” Rhysand shouts back, and you’re pretty sure your cheeks are hot enough to melt the ice beneath your skates. “C’mon now, you’re wasting precious practice time for the both of us!”
“Fuck you,” you grumble, but he’s right, you do want your time back. Preferably without a horde of horny college hockey players watching you, but you’ll take what you can get this time.
Skating over to where your phone is placed on the rail of the away team benches, you restart your song with a few beats of silence before so you can get into your starting position back in the middle of the rink.
When the first string of the violins starts, you’re off, determined now more than ever at getting this routine perfect.
You’re all too aware of the hazel eyes tracing your every move as you skate, though.
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startheskelaton · 2 months ago
So what’s the whole deal with Nightflyer and the Predaking?
It an interesting idea- but it’s got me confused
How would Nightflyer possibly have been a Predicon?
Is it by chance or genetics?
So I need to make a proper diagram but this is how basically.
In the lore of my AU, all transformers are born from the ground of Cybertron aka Primus. This also means that unborn sparks are just kinda floating around in the core of Cybertron. These sparks will eventually push their way through the ground, smelting a body around themselves as they become a protoform, then pop out of the ground like carrots.
So a long ass time ago, all transformers were born on Cybertron, didn’t matter what they were, beast modes, vehicles, whatever. Each one was taken in by a different Prime and grew into a transformer reflecting that prime. However when there were too many bots, some primes headed off world to create colony planets, such planets having Energon (aka part of Primus) and allowing for new transformers to be born.
The bot’s on the colony planets would mostly take on a form similar to the Prime that started it, explaining why Some have mostly female bots and one has all beast modes.
So before the colonies happened, Predicons were some of the strongest guys around, no body messed with them. Mostly because they were the first bots to be able to fly. They all were fallowers of Oynx Prime, beast prime if you don’t remember. And his presence at his assigned sparkling well made it so those sparklings were born beasts.
The first sparkling that raised from the ground under Onyx’s influence would grow up to be Predaking, one of the most notorious creatures of early Cybertron. And Onyx loved him with all his spark, however tragedy would strike. Fights would beak out between the Prime’s fallowers, mostly over resources and land, and with all the casualties of the fighting, Predaking would be one of them.
Oynx prime decided to bury his first son in the same place of his birth, the beast sparkling well. It was in hope that the predicons would be remembered even as they left their first home.
Now we get to Nightflyer. Well Sparks have a distinct destiny of what they will be, a flyer, a ground vehicle, a beast, it’s the one thing that Primus choses for them, everything else is for them to decide. Nightflyer’s Spark was meant to be a flying beast like the other Predicons at the time, however before he could start his smelting, Oynx prime and the other beasts left. He would have been born into a world without his own kind. So Primus kept his Spark there…. For a VARY long time.
However after the Great War, Prima allowed for Sparklings to grow from the planet once more, now that they wouldn’t be in such danger. The Sparkling well that used to create Predicons had changed to create seakers, bots that dominated the skies. Knowing that change would come, Primus decided that something from long ago, should have the chance to see the world. And let Nightflyer spark free to form a protoform around itself, making Nightflyer one of the first Transformers in decades to be born again from Cybertron.
He was strong, powerful, intelligent and beautiful, all things he inherited from his Predicon origins… however he was a Jet. And he knew deep down that something wasn’t right, the feeling only became more real when he started to see the ghost of Predaking, the only other bot still alive that was a beast born on Cybertron.
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pink-onyx-au · 10 months ago
Question - I remember earlier in the comics when they were discussing Onyxes that they had to meet a lot of strict requirements to be classified as one. How many Onyxes are there ( approx ), and how rare are they?
[For the sake of this AU of course - Mun lore Ramblings below]
I figure "off color" gems may be a bit more of a last-resort classification. Onyxes are a sort of "off-color" agate/jasper/quartz, but their "offness" is still a desirable trait, so it was given its own name rather than being a reject. Not unlike real gems, where if they form in a particularly special way, and that way is still desirable, it is given its own name and category. Gems like "Padparadcha" must be so common as an off-color sapphire that they get their own name, rather than just "orange sapphire." Onyxes fall into a category like this, however; their appearance is desirable by the diamonds. Maybe due to their uniformity.
Since these traits are technically off-color but wanted, the means of getting this "rank" is very strict, since it is allowing an off-color to have more power than its basic gem. Each Quartz soldier colony has a chance of producing an Onyx, but not all of them do. A really good kindergarden may product no Onyx at all, like the Prime Kindergarten. This is fine, because the soldiers will come out strong enough to not need an Onyx to lead or boost their ability. A poorer kindergarden like the Beta Kindergarten has a higher chance to produce Onyx, as the soldiers will come out less-than-perfect, and require a rank to fill-in. It is sort of a self-correction to prevent colony collapse that the Diamonds (of this AU) implemented.
You could argue that our Jasper, perfect as she is, was SO CLOSE to being classified as an Onyx due to her uniquely special power, but since she did not meet the color or body requirements, she was merely a "really good Jasper" and not an Onyx. Had she come out with the limb-deformities and the uniform stripes with that level of power, she would have been named the Onyx of the Beta Kindergarden after approval from the Diamonds.
Even though Onyx are more common at poorer kindergardens, there is still a chance that one may show up at a good one. Those are particularly deadly gems, because their Sisters are powerful and their status as an Onyx is very rare. They may be only 1 leader commanding an army of thousands.
Tl;dr: pretty rare.
Good ask, thank you!
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bloodgulchblog · 1 month ago
Timeline of named Sangheili women. I am pretty sure this is all of them who matter, and several of them who very much don't because this is Halo we're talking about.
2009: Sanj'ik - offhand mention on the Halo Wars xbox launch site
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2010: Han - Halo Legends: The Duel, Fal's wife.
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God the stylization was wild especially considering they did Not do this with Fal...
2011: Raia 'Mdama - Glasslands, Jul 'Mdama's wife who searches for him after he goes missing, gets involved in Events, and is killed in The Thursday War.
2012: Elar 'Nas, Shobar, Umira - 3 other Sangheili women who are killed during The Thursday War.
2014: Broken Circle has a handful of named Sangheili women, enough that I'm not going to try to list them all since it's been a few years since I read this book. The memorable ones are Sooln 'Xellus and Lnur 'Mol. Sooln is the wife of the founder of the renegade Sangheili colony at Refuge, and Lnur who's from a clan with an "unorthodox" protector-of-eggs tradition (she knows how to fight).
2015: Mahkee 'Chava - Halo 5, Swords of Sanghelios pilot radio voice character. Also appeared in a 2023 waypoint short story Battle for the Blood Moon.
2015 (later): Tul 'Juran - Shadow of Intent, scion of a keep, goes on an adventure with Rtas and pals and inspires the Swords of Sanghelios to let women fight.
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2016: Kasha 'Hilot, Dinnat 'Hilot - Lessons Learned, a short story in the Fractures anthology. Kasha is one of the people in charge of security and I am pretty sure also the school at Paxopolis, a joint human/sangheili/unggoy city build to support research inside the dyson sphere at Onyx. Dinnat is a bit character with only one mention from the same clan. Kasha also featured in Legacy of Onyx in 2017.
2021: Olabisi Varo'dai - I actually forgot the mention in Divine Wind, she's much more memorable in Outcasts from 2024. Olabisi is very cool, she's a high kaidon and has an all-female team of rangers. (It is my professional Halo opinion that dialing in on some of her backstory could be really interesting.)
2022: Meduu the Fierce - 2022 Halo Encyclopedia. No, really, I'm pretty sure Xytan 'Jar Wattinree's big intimidating daughter was invented for the encyclopedia.
And.... that's it, gang's all here. If I have missed someone I have truly missed them cause I think this is everyone.
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thesmokingguns · 1 year ago
25 Hours a Day w/ Izzy Stradlin
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Minors DNI 18+
“Want to go somewhere quieter?” His eyes were dark in the dim lighting of the bar. All onyx gleam against mine as he waited for my reply.
The world got quiet for a second as heat flooded my cheeks as I nodded your head, watching him stare for a second too long before closing out the tab, slipping his hand on my lower back as you stood up ready to go.
Izzy smelled like the woods after the rain, the wet pine and forgotten secrets mixed with the harder edge of city life, whiskey and tobacco, making him so distinct. You were wrapped in the scent of him as he guided you through the crowd towards where he had parked the 60’s Chevelle in a glossy black that must have cost a fortune.
Not that izzy seemed to bat an eye about money, it was just another thing he had.
A chill racked your spine, his thumb pressing into the bones, running it up and down as he opened the passenger door for you, leaning in as you bent to get in.
“Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up soon.”
He was shutting the door for you, moving to the drivers side before you could gasp or call him out for what he had just said to you. His words leaving you with your mouth gasping like a fish out of water.
This was only my first date with him, despite this strange feeling that I knew him from somewhere. A memory just scratching at the surface but I hadn’t been able to bring it to the top yet.
I was aware he was driving me to his place, unsure if I should say something to him about it but feeling the nervous energy pulsing through your body, tingling you between your legs as my clit swelled with need and the damp desire flooded the silk panties I had slid on earlier today.
That same sense of will he see them now making my heartbeat wildly?
Izzy reached over, his veiny hand laying on my knee, a collection of cool silver rings chilling my skin as he turned his palm, walking his fingers up the flesh of my thigh as a shattered gasp of shocked want filled the air. A terror filled me as I realized that pant of want had escaped my lips. It was my needy sounds in the car.
“It’s okay, violet.” My eyes went from where he was resting his hand high on your thighs. HIs fingers lazily stroking with a surety that you weren’t sure existed in a bone of your body.
Violet? That wasn’t my name.
“On your lower back you have a birthmark, all violet in color and looking as soft as the petals of a flower.” He explained the nickname when he saw your confusion, my blush rising as I wondered how he knew about the spot that would only be clear in your swimsuits.
Sure I had spent time at the pool but that had been during the summer, weeks ago now that autumn had fully settled its dry bones over Indiana. Plus Izzy had been in LA, only visiting home recently to visit his family.
How could he have seen it?
But that information he didn’t volunteer to me with words. Instead he looked at me at the redlight, unafraid to make me wiggle uncomfortable in his gaze. He knew his effect on people and still didn’t care. He watched me in a way that was familiar, like his eyes had been on me for months and now you just realized all those times your hair had stood on end, looking around to see who caused me the feeling, was in front of me.
He smirked as he watched me swallow, his left hand moving to cup my jaw, thumb pressing where I had swallowed and trailing it down.
“Do you know how gorgeous you are?” The whisper was raspy with need and your eyes widened at the way he was affected by you.
As quick as he was on me he was off, pressing the gas as he squeezed my thigh, roaring down the street and getting closer to his house.
Everyone in our hometown knew where Izzy Stradlin lived. It was an old colonial style with so much land that you couldn’t even see it from the road. The wrought iron gates had been snuck over by local kids trying to get a glimpse of their celebrity. It had gotten to a point that Izzy hired a guard, who was currently opening the gates for the two of you to drive in.
Izzy nodded at the man as he drove down the drive, turning around the circular drive as he parked the car in front of the house, giving my thigh one more squeeze before jumping out and striding confidently to my side and pulling open the door for me.
“Before you come in, little violet, I’m going to give you a chance to back out of this.” I looked at him, shivering as leaves made sounds of bones tumbling in the wind. Autumn was craving to be winter. “I’ll drive you back to your house. Or you can come in and spend the night with me. I’m warning you. Think about this because I’m not sure I’m going to be able to let you go after one night. You might have found yourself well and truly fucked, little violet.”
Blinking I felt my heart speed up. Izzy was 29, eight years older than me. We hadn’t known each other in school and didn’t have mutual friends. Us meeting had been strange. He had walked into my job at the law firm, where I did clerical work with some guy my mom had dated at one point, and asked if I would have dinner with him. When I had blinked, confused he had gone on giving me a time and asking me my address, which I gave to him without thinking.
Sure enough at 6:55 my mother was yelling at me that he was here, her energy as excited as mine. My mother had me when she was 16 which made us close in a way that all our friends had always been jealous of.
When I walked down the stairs, wearing the slinky back top that tied in the back and tiny little denim skirt  with strappy heels I had stolen from her closet she had told me to call her if I wasn’t coming home, making me burn like the sun as I threw open the door as Izzy walked up to meet me.
His eyes had widened as he stole a final drag of his cigarette, the cherry at the end burning as bright as his eyes as he looked at me as if I was the first girl he had ever seen. But he recovered quickly, holding out his hand as he helped me into his car and whisking me off to dinner and drinks.
And now I was in front of his house having to make a choice if I wanted to sleep with him tonight; I knew that was what was going to happen if I went inside with him.
“Can I use your phone?” he blinked, confused before smirking, recovering as he nodded his head, helping me inside his house.
I slid off the wool jacket I was wearing, letting Izzy take it as he motioned to where the phone was in the hall and mentioning he was going to go get us drinks.
Calling home my mother reminded me to have fun, knowing that she had taught me my whole life how to be safe. It was the fun part that she thought I didn't have enough of.
Slipping from my heels I groaned a soft sense of freedom as I returned to my height. Bare feet on cool wood floors quietly moved around until I was in the soft glow of a fire, watching Izzy carefully stroke it as warmth filled the room.
As a log cracked his eyes lifted from the flames to me, pausing as if he just remembered I was there with him and he wasn’t alone. The look was enough to make me dizzy with need as I moved into the living room further as he set down the poker, stepping to meet me.
His arms fit around my body in a way that felt like we had done this a thousand times before and not just tonight.
“You’re staying?” I nodded, my tongue suddenly heavy as I watched the way his lips lifted in the barest of smirks, “I’m going to kiss you now, little violet.” His fingers pushed back my hair as he got closer, not breaking eye contact with me, “And when I kiss you, everything is going to change.”
Before I could ask when he meant he was pushing a palm into my lower back to bring us flush together, his left hand tilting my chin up and cupping my cheek as he pressed his lips against mine in a possessive dominance that made my toes curl.
My hands slid up, over the black button down he had worn to clasp behind his neck, pushing myself up as I opened my lips, deepening the kiss that we were sharing. Heart thundering as Izzy’s tongue dragged along mine, our tastes becoming something new. Something that was distinctively ours.
It was delicious.
All at once it wasn’t enough, I needed more of him.
“We have a lifetime, little violet.” he warned as I pushed my hips against his , feeling the hardness he had for me.
“I want to start my lifetime now.” Izzy’s eyes flashed in desire before he was swooping me up, letting me wrap my arms around his waist as he spun us towards the couch in front of the fire, laying me down on the leather.
His body over me as he pushed against me, making me groan in need as I pushed up against him as he kissed me, claiming me and needing me. Our hips grinding against each other. Just his pants and my panties as a barrier.
But Izzy made quick work of all that, leaving us breathless and naked between kisses as his cock jutted, hard and leaking dots of precum that had me hungry for his cock. I wanted to taste him instead of letting it go to waste.
“I don’t want a barrier between us.” I should have told him that he needed to wear a condom but I didn’t want a barrier either. I wanted all of him. I wanted to see the way my body coated him with my wetness, to see how he looked covered in me.
“I’m on the pill.” He nodded, pushing the head into me as I felt the way my lips parted, hands searching for something to gasp as I looked down.
Both of us were staring, watching the place between my legs where our two bodies were joining together. Inch by inch he claimed me, pulling out to watch the way I made his cock glisten with my cum before burying himself back inside of me. Both of us are entranced by the beauty of our two bodies together.
“Fuck.” Hearing him moan for me made me look up from where our desire was fueled and to his face. The way he watched my body, how he looked like I was his euphoria. It made my stomach knot with need.
Reaching out, I stroked his cheek, his eyes flashing up as he looked at me, Izzy was lost in me. His eyes not holding that calm collectiveness that he had displayed. He was losing himself and it was because of me.
Tugging his hair I pulled his lips to mine, sitting up as I slid him deeper inside of me,rolling his hips so that he could get deeper inside of me. Filling me in a way that had me so full I wasn’t sure I would be able to walk after this.
He wasn’t even going that fast or hard, taking it easy as if each second he was inside of me was a time that needed to be savored and appreciated. He was engrossed with me, so wrapped up as we panted, letting out sounds that I hadn’t know were possible against each others lips as we moved together to music that our bodies were performing.
“You’re perfect, little violet.” His thumb stroked the birthmark I had always been embarrassed about, turning my feelings into something beautiful. Making something I hadn’t been happy about into something beautiful for me.
I was so close, Izzy seemed to sense my buildup. He pulled from our kiss, eyes on my face like he didn’t want to miss a moment of pleasure between us.
“Let go for me. Let me see the way you look when you come on my cock for me. Let me see you, little violet.”  His words rattled me as I wanted to do it, wanted to have him watch me as I shattered apart for him.
My orgasm burst between us, his eyes widening in primal need as his hands gripped my hips, thrusting deeper, harder as he fucked me through my orgasm, letting me collapse against his couch as he covered me, chasing his own moment
“Izzy, fuck!” I cried out for him as my toes curled, a second orgasm shattering me and blinding my vision with tears.
“Yes, say my name again.”
“IZZY!” I cried out for him as I felt him, the warm thick feeling of being filled with ropes of cum as his cock rutted it deep inside of me, filling me with him before he laid against me, supporting most of his weight on his forearms as he tried to remember how to breathe.
The world was quiet chaos of crackling logs and breaths that shook our chests.
“I’ve been waiting months for you.” his lips kissed my collarbone as I tried to make sense of what he was saying to me, “Months of watching you just trying to be ready for you. I knew you were a hurricane. I just had to get ready for the storm.” His lips slid down as he kissed my stomach, my head heavy as I tried to make sense of what he was saying. “Lets get you showered. I need to take you again, little violet. I want to make love to you twenty five hours a day.” My heart finally threw its opinion out there. Taking over for my brain who wanted to live and my vagina who wanted him.
My heart knew we were well and truly fucked.
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blueikeproductions · 2 months ago
So an unexpected lore drop for the Robots in Disguise 2015 cast cropped up.
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The Transformers series has an RPG game, though I have no idea if many actually play of it or even know if it.
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There’s three books so far.
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The third one being the most recent, and a particular surprise that it’s heavily based on Beast Wars, Beast Machines and other series that have included beast characters like both RiDs.
One thing I find funny is the named Maximals are surprisingly small: Optimus Primal, Dinobot, Cheetor, Rattrap, Botanica, Silverbolt and BlackArachnia. The Predacons and Vehicons are much more robust, with Skold from IDW Beast Wars specifically mentioned as a Predacon. Maximal Nyx, as far as I can tell, isn’t mentioned, which is funny because she was treated as IDW BW’s mascot, but was pry the most forgettable character from it. Forgettable to the point she doesn’t appear to be acknowledged here.
What’s most surprising is Beast Machines in general being acknowledged since the struggles between the Maximals and Vehicons aren’t a popular idea to return to. Acknowledging a techno organic Cybertron is almost considered apocryphal to some, but with how increasingly Earth like Cybertron has become in modern stories, perhaps Hasbro is just more accepting of Cybertron’s inevitable evolution into a pseudo organic state.
The book starts out with Cheetor, post Beast Machines, speaking to a human colony on New Earth about the history of the Beast Wars he fought in and other Beast Wars he is aware of such as the events of RotB and RiD01.
Nightshade is listed as a lesser known beast Transformer, and going by the growing apathy towards EarthSpark and it continuing to be a rallying point in grifter spaces, I think that’s gonna remain that way unfortunately. Curiously, as Cheetor is the one that name drops Nightshade, I’m unsure if this is supposed to be the EarthSpark version, or retroactively this is a post BM Maximal version. Going by other chapters that seem to identify characters as belonging to G1/Beast Wars canon, it seems likely this Nightshade is a Maximal rather than a Terran.
Maximal and Predacon biology has never been definitively nailed down before, but this guidebook specifically declares that Maximals and Predacons evolved from Pretender technology and Micromaster technology, something ancillary media suggested before but never set it as hard fact.
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The next story features Simacore as part of a Decepticon think tank led by Shockwave, as they discuss what seems to be the modern versions of “Beast Mode” technologies.
Of particular note is what the animal Decepticons in RiD15 are retroactively labeled as: Hybridizors. Hybridizors are apparently a breed of Transformer that has an animal like Robot Mode that converts into a Vehicle Mode. It seems this evokes Fuzors from Beast Wars: Maximals and Predacons who transform into hybrid mutant animals like Silverbolt’s wolf with eagle wings and claws.
Mechanimals are also referenced, a term that’s cropped up in ancillary media that refers to Cybertron’s native fauna: the difference is it now specifically refers to fauna and Transformers who convert from humanoid Robot Modes to robotic Beast Modes like the Dinobots.
With this in mind, we now have two distinct races that make up the RiD15 Decepticons:
Hybridizors: Guys like Steeljaw, Clampdown, Ped, Bisk, Quilfire, Underbite, Scatterspike, Groundpounder, Simacore, RageByte & Springload. While not specified, presumably this also includes Cyclone & Torpedo Mini-Cons.
Mechanimals: Guys like Scowl, Grimlock, Nightstrike, Chop Shop, Filch, Saberhorn, Glowstrike, Scorponok, Scuzzard, Shadow Raker & Zizza.
The crash of the Alchemore is also an event that occurred in this G1/Beast Wars version of events, further solidifying these characters into the general mythos as accounted by Thunderhowl, based on the Cyberverse version funny enough. Thunderhowl does retroactively fit nicely as an RiD15 character, but his defining role in CV is serving Onyx Prime and getting trapped in alien crystals until the end of the Great War. He’s frankly an odd pick as the narrator of the third part of the book, when he’s not a remarkable character and to better fit with the Beast Machines theme, he could’ve been BM Nightscream or TFP Predaking looking at old data trax about Cybertronian history. Just a thought.
What makes the Hybridizor idea most interesting is the writers of the RPG book consulted with RiD15 staff writers to have Steeljaw and company fit in the RPG gameplay. I’m personally excited, since RiD is my favorite series, and getting new lore related to it by the staff is so cool. My only complaint is I kinda wish they thought of this name back then, as it probably would’ve saved a lot of headaches as to what the RiD15 Decepticons are supposed to be. Despite the show making it clear all the animal dudes are naturally occurring species on Cybertron, a lot of fans tended to view them as augmented experiments of Shockwave’s, similar to the Insecticons and Predacons. This does include the Dinobots, but because RiD also states Dinobots are a common reoccurring mechanimal on Cybertron, with RiD Grimlock, Scowl, Velocirazor and Tricerashot examples of this, it makes FoC Grimlock’s Dinobots retroactively bizarre, as why would Shockwave rebuild Grimlock’s unit into Earth Dinosaurs, when Earth Dinosaurs exist on Cybertron anyway? Works if you squint, my actuator.
Still the specific mention of Beast Mode tech does lean pretty heavily into the fan theory Steeljaw and co could’ve been experiments of Shockwave’s, so it’s now officially plausible even though I’m not personally a fan of that idea. Not everything needs to be Shockwave’s fault, I think we learned that the hard way in IDW.
This retroactive labeling is also interesting as the animal Decepticons came about by Hasbro kinda stumbling on it. They didn’t have a clear idea on what RiD’s theme would be so in play testing, they found kids liked to have the Autobot toys fight monster Decepticon looking toys, so that became the defining characteristic.
If you were to go back and rework it to have these Decepticons be a new breed of savage beast and turbo revving machine, equipped with a gimmick like the Energon Ignitors from Bumblebee or the Activator Mini-Cons RiD did use, I think that might’ve helped smooth things over better.
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mudandmire · 5 months ago
✨Azris time-loop AU✨
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UPDATE - - -
16k folks! It's not polished in the slightest, also not done, but man am I having fun. I had no idea so many people love time-loop aus!! This is so exciting, I feel like a mouse who found a little mouse colony 🐁
...I think I've gotten to a point where I hate my writing because I want it to get better but also I know it's getting better by objective comparison but also the progress is so slow and I'm so wordy so all my scenes are like over 1k words and it's a pain in my ASS anyway 😎
moral of the story is to never trust what you think about your writing (by extension yourself) after 9pm.
I have SNIPPETS come and get y'all food
The archer is somewhere else this time. Eris takes too long trying to find him, and by then it's too late. Rhur goes down with the bodily thunk of an arrow meeting its mark. His form crumpling to the ground as it spears right into his chest, spurting blood as he falls onto his back, the bones of his wings crunching beneath his dead weight.
Rhav is lost soon after. Caught in the throes of devastation, he doesn't see the archer draw another arrow and aim again. Eris's shout of his name falls on ringing ears, and though he throws a lash of flame at the archer, he looses his arrow before the fire can scorch him.
The brother falls. His body splayed beside his kin.
Eris knows, then, this cycle he will not win. Not that there was much hope, but his mind is scattered with how quickly things went wrong. He doesn't even hear the draw of a bow—larger than the ones made for slinging across the back. Wildly, his eyes scan his surroundings taking nothing in. It's only Azriel's voice, rising loud and panicked above his own panting breath, that he's able to break through the wave of hopelessness that had overcome him.
Too late.
The heavy twang of a bow string. Eris's hair stands on end at the sound of a whistle, high and soft as air behind him—Azriel's war cry is lost to darkness.
Eris opens his eyes to the yawning, black mouth of the roof of his tent. His eyes are wide, he can feel his lids stretch in panic as he pats himself down from head to chest to abdomen. A quick death. He can't help the relieved swallow as he tips his head back, squeezing his eyes closed.
Stuck in the pitch black of his tent, the ground cold and hard beneath him, Eris curls up on his side. Dreading the light. Dreading the loud footsteps of Anton signaling the start of another cycle. His breath is entirely locked away in his chest—tightened and painful as he brings his knees up to his sternum. As close as he can get to being small enough to wink out of existence.
Something solid presses through the thin stuffing of his pillow and into the side of his face. Too hard to be the earth, it rises like a crest from beneath and Eris feels dread slide down his spine.
The dagger. Azriel's Cauldron-forsaken weapon Eris had foolishly taken from the ruins that first day. Looking back, he doesn't know if it was in some misguided sense of remorse or remembrance. Either way his lip curls up in a snarl at the thought of its ornate onyx hilt.
A thought dawns; sharp and bright as the dagger under his head. If he could destroy it, would it end the endless days? It sends a foolish spark of hope, burning as a carefully tended fire, into his chest.
Eris works quickly, knowing the sun is not so far away now. He cannot be there when Anton comes—he firmly shoves away the intrusive thought that if this works he'll be able to explain why he wasn't there. Steps at a time; the dagger, his armor, his sword, his pack. Night settles around the camp in a blanket, dawn just barely on the cusp of the horizon, that bleary, opaque blue lightening the sky beyond. The darkness is scattered around the torches, set every couple of feet down the row of tents. Even at such a quiet hour, the faint sound of talking between the guards on watch prick Eris's sensitive ears. He makes sure to walk on light feet—in the way his armor won't brush and clink and give him away.
The stables are too far, makeshift and holding supplies Eris knows will be heavily guarded against thieves. Instead, he aims for a group of stallions near a trough. There's packs of horses everywhere, not enough room in the camp to set up a stable for hundreds of them.
Eris's breaths fogs in front of his face, steaming against his night-chilled skin as he ducks behind the spread of a canvas tent as two guards pass in front of the torchlight.
Their chatter fades, Eris makes his quick dash across the field for the tied up horses. A sleek, black friesian had caught his eye.
Apart from light, it moves like an oil-slick shadow. Eris is careful, walking crouched and slow towards them. These aren't war horses, not like how the Spring and Autumn court bred them.
They snort at his presence, heads dipping and thick lashes fluttering as they stamp a hoof on the ground.
"Shh," Eris hushes them, no louder than an exhale. The night is waning, he can make out the edges of tents and the makeshift buildings now.
"Shh, easy," he says again, taking each step cautiously towards the friesian.
Eris knows from his time with his hounds and in the Forest House's stables, how to handle a spooked horse. Hopefully—he begs against the pounding of his heart—it doesn't come to that. The friesian blinks his big, lake-dark eyes at him when Eris approaches. He doesn't shift nor flinch when Eris runs careful, soothing palms up the side of his muzzle, a gentle caress against the smooth pelt.
"Good." He whispers, easily untying the knot of its reins on the fence post in front of him.
"I apologize for dragging you away," the reins come loose, and he slips them over the friesian's head, "I promise you will not come to harm, friend."
The friesian does not say anything back, his mild manner relaxing Eris's tense shoulders ever so slightly.
They cannot stay long, though, Eris knows. Keeping careful eye on the progress of dawn—sooner or later Anton will come to his tent and find him missing.
"Come." Eris leads the stallion away from the group, getting nothing but a snort in response as he jolts into a heavy-boned trot.
Eris hadn't thought very hard about which direction he would go, he only knew where he wouldn't. The mountains to the east morph to a stunning shade of violet this early in the morning. Gathered around its roots are the dark, tangled shadows of a forest.
Quickening his movements, Eris attaches his pack to the friesian's saddle, hefting himself up with one more comforting pat to the strong neck. One touch of his hand to his hip lets him know the dagger is still there. It's not a comfort, yet he breathes a sigh of relief and leans forward over the stallion's back.
Their escape is gentle—quiet. Though it's difficult to make a horse's hooves silent, if not impossible, so Eris keeps his body tucked as close to the saddle as possible.
The tents are beginning to thin out, dry, sun-worn land crunching under hooves as Eris begins to relax.
"Hey!" Eris's ears perk up at the same time his heart tumbles down from his chest into his stomach.
"Hey—someone help me get this horse!"
One of the guards walking the camp grounds calls out, most likely to his partner on duty. Eris takes a quick glance over his shoulder, revealing the soldier in all his fine, shining armor glinting in the light of a torch in his hand.
Eris's eyes narrow, and with a ripple of heat in his irises, the torch in the guards hand flares. A flame jumps out, tall and licking at the empty sky. The soldier yells in alarm, dropping it as stray sparks fly into his face.
A quick kick of his heels into the friesian's flank sends them off into the direction of the dark boundary of the forest. Eris leaves the clamor of the guards behind him, settling into his seat and trying to get a handle on his pulse as he does on the reins.
The friesian works up to a canter quickly. The dense, strong muscle of his body moving under Eris as he shifts in his seat. He had been riding since he was a boy, ponies no taller than his hounds, until his feet could comfortably fit into the stirrups. It is not new to him, so acclimating is easy enough as they bolt across the landscape, racing for the safety of the shadows.
the amount of times I've killed Azriel so far in this draft is insane. I'm trying to make it, like, respectful? It's not death for deaths sake, y'know, I don't wanna kill him just because, but I need to it's necessary. I'm playing the game "how many ways can I describe someone dying" and it's....something. that's for damn sure.
Also I made a map 👉👈 I can't plan battles for SHIT and though I love the artistic-ness of the Prythian map I can't envision anything being anywhere. so. enjoy my crappy little rendition of dawn and day court, not the whole of Prythian cause that would be ridiculous, but I needed something cause my brain just can't picture places I guess
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✨ta daa✨ (thank you Inkarnate)
Tag-list: (lemme know if you want on or off)
@chunkypossum @c-starstuff-man0 @molcat07 @futurehunt
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yallemagne · 7 months ago
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Meet Hematite and Jasper, a gem power couple and both halves of the fusion Bloodstone [design not yet made].
Yes, this is a Steven Universe/Dracula AU. Am I the first to ever do it? I doubt so, but I definitely am the best to ever do it.
I have all the gems lined up though I have not yet designed any. Pray for me if/when I try. A few of the gems are simple variations of the types we see in the show (like Green Jasper), though there are some that I had to conceptualize a place in gem society for (like Hematite). None of the main characters are human, though if I were to make any character human, it would be Arthur. That would change the story, dramatically, so I won't.
She/her pronouns for all the characters because I am not forcing a system as archaic as gender on a genderless society like that of Homeworld. We have the Gem Caste System to make the characters suffer under anyhow.
Character backstory and individual images under the cut.
Also, I have a Ko-fi.
Hematite is part of a class of gems whose role in gem society is most akin to human property lawyers. You might notice the resemblance to Zircons, which serve as attorneys in gem society. They deal in the management of transferring ownership of gem colonies. Gem colonies are most often given to high-ranking gems as proof of valour. As such, Hematites are few in number and they rarely if ever face combat.
(Green) Jasper is a Quartz soldier that was formed slightly offcolour. Instead of being broad and muscular, she formed thin and tall. Despite this, she retains much of the same strength of a regular Quartz and strives to prove her worth to her peers and her commander, Onyx.
Hematite was working with Onyx when she met Jasper, and something indescribable pulled them toward each other. Onyx, noticing their interest in each other, offered to let Jasper act as a bodyguard on Hematite's missions. It was on one of these missions that they met their friend Padparadscha, a noble gem with the power to see the future.
The day they fused, Jasper knew that she could not return to her life as a Quartz soldier, and Hematite no longer wanted to push papers to divvy out colonies. All they wanted was to find a place where they would be safe to be together. So, they turned to Padparadscha, who greeted their fusion with giddiness as she had known all along that they would fuse. With her foresight, she named the fusion Bloodstone, and with her influence, protected Bloodstone from Homeworld.
Bloodstone was uninvolved in the conflict on Earth, but when Steven Universe established Little Homeworld, she took the opportunity to live freely amongst other gems like her.
One day, she came upon the concept of human marriage and was enchanted. Hematite and Jasper unfused in preparation for the wedding. At that time, Hematite was to go on a mission to a faraway moon colony owned by a militant Andradite to inform her that the war was over and invite her to Little Homeworld... but what lies in store for her there?
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In case it's not clear, I know I've been sitting with this for a while, so I am painfully familiar with all the inner workings, and y'all ain't:
Hematite: Jonathan Harker
(Green) Jasper: Mina Murray
Onyx: Peter Hawkins
(Star) Padparadscha: Lucy Westenra
Andradite: Count Dracula
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citrineandrosmarin · 2 months ago
🦉Athena Masterpost: Offerings🦉
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🐍 Masterpost Link 🐍
Last updated: 23 Feb added bee stuff to items
A mix of UPG, SPG and Historical associations, please share your own in the comments or let me know if you share a UPG!
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Gemstones & Metals:
H: Gold, Bronze, Silver, Iron
SPG: Lapis Lazuli, Onyx, Iolite
UPG: Rainbow Fluorite, Sodalite, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Kyanite, Bronzite, Tiger’s Eye (Any color), Tiger Iron, Blue Aventurine, Blue Calcite, Red Jasper, Flame Jasper, Lepidolite, Moonstones, Zoisite
H: Olive, Ivy, Thyme
SPG: Rosemary, Cypress, Peppermint, Orange
UPG: Oak, Pine, Oregano, Peppers, Basil, Marigold, Dandelion, Yarrow, Geranium, Tiger Lily, Mint, Rose, Hellebore, Bay Laurel
Incense and Fragrances: 
H: Frankincense, Thyme, Bay Laurel, Amber, Myrrh, Dragon’s Blood
SPG: Orange/Orange Blossom/Blood Orange, Citrus, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Cypress, Bergamot & Sage 
UPG: Pine, Musk, Oakmoss & Amber, Clove, Nutmeg, Pomegranate, French Vanilla, Sandalwood, Mint, Patchouli, Mint, The incenses “Pagan Spell,” “Celestial Bliss,” and “Tree of Life”
Food & Drink: 
H: Olives and Olive Oil, Honey, Milk, Cheese, Cereal Grains, Diluted Wine, Bread, Baked Goods, Fish, Meat, Fruit (e.g. pomegranates, grapes, raspberries, pears)
SPG: Water, Fruit juice
UPG: Mint Icecream or tea, Rooibos (Redbush) Tea, Black Tea, Chocolate, Apple Cider, Coffee
Items & Miscellaneous (Almost all SPG and UPG): 
Miniature votive shields, helmets, swords, spears, or arrowheads, Pottery, Hymns, Poems, Jewelry, Animal figurines, Glass beads, Libation bowls, Terracotta figurines, Statues, Coins
SPG and UPG: 
Music playlist, Mood boards, Perfumes, Candles, Books, Acorns, Bay leaves, Snake skin, Animal figurines, Owl feathers, Gull feathers, Horse Hair, Any helmet, spear, shield or sword imagery, Gorgoneions, Depictions of her favorite heroes, anything bee or honey related.
Trophies, Medals, Diplomas, Good grades, Essays or other academic writing you’ve written, Study Tools, Graduation Caps
Any kind of handmade craft, Craft tools, Pottery, Yarn, Knitting or crochet needles, Polymer clay sculptures, Art, Origami, Wool
Devotional Acts (All SPG and UPG): 
Using olive oil, Reading her myths, Donating to charity or doing some volunteering, Learning Ancient Greek, Learning about the history and culture of Ancient Greece
Playing strategy or puzzle games, Playing Escape Rooms, Any exercise that combines logic and creativity, World-building, Using your skills and learning new ones, taking classes to learn a skill.
Developing your intellect, Reading non-fiction, Doing research, Learning to think critically, Studying, Tutoring, Learning to code or any computer skills, Reading up on current science, Watching TEDtalks, Listening to educational podcasts or videos.
Doing any kind of hands-on craft like knitting, crochet, sculpting, etc. or learning a new crafty skill.
Exercise, Learning/Practicing self-defense or a martial art
Donating to charities for military veterans, Donating to those suffering from war, Learning about the Geneva Conventions, Staying educated on current wars and past wars
Being politically aware/active, Activism, Playing colony sims e.g. Civilization series, Getting involved in your community.
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dailywillwood · 2 years ago
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Made by @onyx-colony
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onyx-colony · 1 year ago
Pressing the keep reading button on this site is like gambling with your soul. You open the post and suddenly you gotta decide if you like the colour of the sky or not while scrolling for 5 years
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purpleglitch · 22 days ago
HIII thank you for asking me :3 so Dream is an Emerald, George is a Moonstone, Sapnap is a Carnelian and Bad is an Onyx.
I've mainly thought about the dnf aspect of the au lmao, their jobs in homeworld George as a moonstone takes care of planets' satellites when the diamonds aren't visiting, as seen in the series with the moon base, George would know how the base and the technology works for when pink diamond visited he would tell her and stand by pearl to see her watch over earth's status of every kindergarden. His gem is on his forehead bc he's smart. I feel like his gem type would be of a higher rank than others for being trusted by the diamonds to keep an eye on planets' moons at all times. also what if he has the power to move rocks, kinda like lapis' terraforming powers?
Dream as an emerald, kinda like the canon emerald in the show, is a spaceship pilot, he was assigned to george to take him to each moon and back to homeworld and also be his guard. at first they didn't talk much because of them belonging to different diamonds but started interacting during times when diamonds wouldn't go to the moons and they were the only ones there, they become friends and slowly something more starts growing between them <3 I think his weapon would be an axe and his gem is on his chest because of his big heart and compassion for others.
When they get assigned to watch over pink diamond's earth colony and the moon, they stand back while she and pearl use the table to see the earth and something sparks in dream when he listens to pink's passion for protecting all life on earth, it intrigues him how much she pleas blue and yellow so she doesn't go through with the plans to make earth another lifeless colony of gems. So once she leaves with pearl back to homeworld, dream asks george to go with him to see what's so interesting about earth, and there they learn about the beauty of it all, and it's then that they feel so happy and excited to see it all that they accidentally fuse, but it clicks and for a second they don't worry about anyone seeing, it's just them alone together (MAYBE WE DID SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW.........................)
There's a bit more to the lore i've thought about with the rebellion and during the events of the show but this post is a bit long and i feel bad
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karanseraph · 6 months ago
How many Titans do we need? (Transformers)
A list of Titans, from various continuities, which may not even be up to date in the sense it doesn't reflect the Titan Class toys of Decepticon Nemesis and Autobot Ark.
Planet    Associations  Titan
Antilla    history, rust, Alpha Trion   Croaton? 
Aquatron   water, Quintus Prime   Quintessa (Necrotitan)
Aquatron (Jellyfish City)  water     Hydratron
Arduria    cold, Alchemist Prime   Metrobase
Athenia -> colonies  Mobile Battleship    Grand Maximus
Biosphera (Eukaris, Animatron) jungle, Onyx Prime   Chela
Biosphera (Eukaris, Animatron) jungle, Scourge    Hyperborea
Botropolis (a comet)  guard     Botropolis?
Caminus (a moon)  forge, hammer, Solus Prime  Caminus
Combatron? (or Cybertron?) war, Alchemist Prime   Iaconus
Cybertron (Argon Sea)  horror     Dweller
Cybertron -> colonies  Mobile Cybertronian Embassy  Lodestar
Cybertron -> Earth  Mobile Seeker Station   Trypticon (Nemesis ship)
Devisun    combination, enigma, Nexus Prime  Devisun
Earth (Pacific NW US)  Mobile Ark Annex   Metrobase
Earth (Central US)  power, Ultra Magnus   Metroplex
Earth (Eastern US)  cube (sport), Scorch? Wedge?  Citadel Secundus
Earth (Atlantic)        Atlantis
Earth (Japan)        Brave Maximus
Elba (Garrus-9)   Mobile prison of Liege Maximo, Elita-1 Carcer (Vigilem)
Elonia    protection, Star Saber, Prima  Emissary
Gigantron   size, bridge-building   Citadel Lemuria
Gorlam Prime   death,     Necrotitan (Quintessa)
Junkion    gravity? Requiem Blaster? ???
LV-117    time, Vector Prime   Tempo 
Micron (Prion, Zone)  size, Mini-Cons, Micronus Prime  Prion
Nebulos (Dominus, Master)      Fortress Maximus
Nebulos (Dominus, Master) Zarak     Scorponok
Paradron   peace     Cargohold 
Szoria    apocalyses    Waypoint
Theophany (New Crystal City) light     Metrotitan
Titan (a moon)        Metrotitan
Tsiehshi    destruction, Megatronus   Emissary
Unicron    Galvatron    Nemesis (Titan)
Velocitron   speed, Amalgamus Prime   Navitas Delta (Ogygia)
This seems way too many to keep track of for one "All Media Types" continuity soup fanfic continuity. So, I need to combine where I can and reduce the list to the best most interesting and necessary ones.
(Soon, I have characters out scouting to find which ones are being built first.)
Opinions on which are most interesting or necessary?
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