#ontae scenarios
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fiorile-arte · 23 years ago
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Angelo Barile Le bimbe nei boschi a cura di Edoardo Di Mauro Angelo Barile è un pittore venuto alla ribalta da poco tempo in grado, però, di rivelarsi detentore di un lavoro capace di imporsi rapidamente all’attenzione generale, cosa questa non da poco, se si considera il bombardamento d’immagini al quale tutti noi, per amore o per forza, siamo quotidianamente sottoposti. L’artista è stato a lungo silenzioso osservatore dello scenario dell’arte, delle sue tensioni, della sua energia creativa ed esistenziale e della sempre più frenetica liturgia di eventi che incessantemente si succedono in un palcoscenico affollato da tanti, troppi soggetti che aspirano a calarsi in panni da protagonista. Barile ha saputo saggiamente attendere il momento propizio per calare i suoi assi sul tavolo verde dell’arte. Cosa questa che il sottoscritto ha sempre consigliato, nel suo ruolo di critico militante e compagno di strada, a tutti quegli artisti smaniosi di proporsi, di cogliere l’attimo. Viviamo in tempi frenetici ed effimeri, ed è saggio attendere il momento opportuno per presentarsi all’attenzione generale, sapere intuire, cosa che è appannaggio dell’artista di razza, quando il proprio prodotto ha raggiunto un livello di maturazione tale da reggere il cimento. D’altro canto, sin dai primi dell’ 800, con la Rivoluzione Industriale e l’avvento della nuova borghesia imprenditoriale, il destino dell’artista, non più artigiano d’alto rango, si è arricchito del fascino della trasgressione, ai nostri giorni, ad onor del vero, un po’ tiepido, ma, di pari, ha perduto le antiche garanzie della committenza nobiliare e si trova a competere con i suoi simili, all’interno di un sistema che, con l’ingresso nella società postmoderna, è divenuto sempre più complesso.
Il lavoro pittorico di Angelo Barile è una efficace sintesi del percorso intrapreso da questa disciplina nell’ultimo ventennio. Dopo l’eclisse della stagione Concettuale, dove era stata messa al bando, anche e soprattutto per il sospirato approdo alla smaterializzazione dell’opera ed al conseguente svincolo dall’obbligo dell’inquadramento bidimensionale, la pittura ritorna alla ribalta con il periodo a cavallo tra gli anni’70 ed ’80, caratterizzato dall’ondata di Transavanguardia ed affini. In seguito non perde la sua centralità mutando modi e maniere del proporsi. La generazione degli anni’80 la adopera in virtù della sua duttilità espressiva, per costruire nuove ed articolate narrazioni, ispirate dal fumetto, dalla musica e, più in generale, dall’universo metropolitano, per dar forma ad una nuova epica, tipica del ritorno ad una dimensione estetica centrata sull’individualismo, basata anche sul confronto con le nuove tecnologie, cifra predominante della nostra contemporaneità. Nell’eclettismo stilistico degli anni ’90 la pittura, ad onta dei suoi detrattori, continua a ricoprire un ruolo fondamentale. Mantenendo alcune caratteristiche del decennio precedente ma virando, in molti casi, verso una narrazione simbolica, attenta ai valori della manualità, spesso proponendosi in chiave analitico-concettuale e, talvolta, riscoprendo, aggiornati al presente, i canoni della pittura d’ambiente, estesa al repertorio oggettuale. Angelo Barile se da un lato si mantiene, per certi aspetti, fedele al dettato di uno stile che si confronta senza remore con l’universo di immagini patinate che ci circonda, come viatico tendente ad una più efficace comunicazione del messaggio, dall’altro si dimostra in grado di formulare un’iconografia abile a suscitare una forte ed inconsueta intensità lirica. I soggetti attuali dell’artista torinese sono costituiti da tele dipinte ad olio, spesso di grandi dimensioni, per valorizzare un impatto scenografico funzionale alla poetica e mai fine a sé stesso, che mostrano immagini di bambine in tenera età, inquadrate in primo piano, con un angolo focale estremamente ravvicinato, e rappresentate in atteggiamenti volutamente ambigui, tra aggressivo protagonismo ed ammiccante malizia. Fotogrammi di vita quotidiana estrapolati dalla consuetudine e ribaltati in una dimensione di grande impatto scenico, tale da lasciare il fruitore palesemente interdetto. In questa personale bolognese presso “Fiorile Arte” Angelo Barile presenta tre nuovi lavori, dove le sue classiche icone sono calate su sfondi surreali, in grado di suscitare un sentimento di irrisolutezza e sottile sgomento. Edoardo Di Mauro, gennaio 2002.
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cherryeol04 · 5 years ago
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Genre: Weird Pairing: Ontae Word Count: 506 Summary: Sometimes Taemin just likes to smell his boyfriend A/N: Um...idk what was going on with me when I wrote this...but I wrote this. lmao enjoy???
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Taemin had a thing for Jinki’s smell. If Taemin had to describe what Jinki smelled like, it would be a mixture of man, which was a really nice musk and his Stetson aftershave. And Jinki loved to use his aftershave everywhere he shaved. Everywhere. Jinki’s recent shaving area was his crotch. Even though Taemin was the only one who was going to get to see the other naked, and couldn’t really care what it looked like down there, Jinki was all about his ‘manscaping’.
“It’s a great way to be hygienic.” Taemin always rolled his eyes at that, but in the end, he couldn’t complain, because Jinki did smell amazing. Taemin would spend hours just sniffing and admiring the smooth area. But lately, Jinki hasn’t been home much. With their new comeback, their leader was out doing as many promotions as he could. Even Key was getting the word out with his Instagram. It was something Taemin was still contemplating about doing.
So Taemin was left at home a lot, boyfriendless, with a horny frog and a blond hair idiot who was constantly praising Key’s ass singing hallelujah. He was almost sure the other had a secret altar for the man. That was a place Taemin did not want to go. Instead, he would rather go between his boyfriend’s legs and smell the wonderful smell that was Jinki.
But he couldn’t.
So could anyone really blame him at the interview? He was dying for something, anything. The stylists had put so much cologne on them that Taemin couldn’t get a good smell of the other from hugs or simply by being around the other. It was like going through withdrawal. A horrible, nasty withdrawal and he wasn’t sure he was going to make it.
“Let’s take five.”
Taemin’s head shot up at the comment and he looked around, watching as the staff moved around, setting up the cameras from different angles. The interviewer moved off to get something to drink. The other members were busy talking to themselves and Taemin saw this as his only opportunity to get his fix while he had the chance. With one more glance around the room, Taemin leaned over and down and pressed his nose to Jinki’s crotch and sniffed. He didn’t get the scent the first two times he tried, but on the third attempt, the aftershave came rushing through the fabric and filled his nose. A small moan left Taemin as he sat up. His eyes met Jinki’s, his hyung’s laughter pulling a laugh from him. It was awkward, embarrassing, completely uncalled for, but entirely worth it.
Taemin was happy now.
And Jinki was snickering to himself because his boyfriend knew of his addiction. And he purposefully kept Taemin at bay for the past week as an experiment. An experiment that Taemin failed at. But that was alright. Because he loved the little maknae with all his heart and would gladly feed his addiction. After all, Taemin’s sniffing always led to a mind blowing blow job.
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Tags: @cuddly-bangchan​ @lordseochangbin​ @channiesmixtape​ @starryseung​ @felixsanxchatbot​ @jisungsjheekies​
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onthighsbelongtotaemin · 6 years ago
bara, i have a concern about ontae. it’s expected that things would be off when they’re away from e/o, but w/ the way taem mentions minkey much more than he mentions jinki, even texted him but called the others, it makes me worry. i don’t want to cause drama, i’ve just found you have a more logical approach to things like this and hoped you could give me a different perspective. w/e it is, i still trust they’ll always love each other. i hope you’ve been okay. i missed seeing you around.
a p.s. from the concerned ontae anon, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, it’s sort of a loaded question and i don’t want people take your words or mine the wrong way  
you’re sweet to worry. 🌺
so a couple of things to keep in mind when it comes to jinki specifically:
he is  s u p e r  p r i v a t e.  always has been & always will be.  remember that he did not hold any kind of fan meet/greeting before enlisting; it was all very quiet & quick.
he has specifically said that he is onew when he is in makeup & jinki when he is barefaced.  right now he’s jinki, not onew, so it’s even more “personal” time.
now as to ontae’s relationship, keep in mind that taemin’s relationship with jinki is super intimate & taemin is quite sensitive to jinki’s need for privacy & space.  i guarantee he texted instead of called because he knew that either jinki hates spontaneous calls/talking on the phone or that he’s more likely to answer a text for other reasons.  i call them “fidget friends” & you can take that as far as you like.  but if you’re like me & have difficulty doing just one thing at a time texting is a blessing.  & maybe it’s the same for jinki.
don’t fret, however, because of course taemin is going to find a way to talk about jinki no matter what, contextually or no.  he can’t help himself.
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iceamericanoventi · 6 years ago
Love Will Find a Way, Well, Eventually : 3. Bloom
“Is that it?”
Jinki raised his eyebrow to the man beamed like morning dew in front of him. He’s quite surprised with the visit of the younger. When he said he’ll stop by his café last time they met, he thought it was just formality of the courtesy talk.
“Nah, it would upset my stomach if I took more than coffee this early.”
“This is early for you?” Jinki glanced at his watch inevitably hearing such thing.
“My client and supplier abroad are still on the dreamland by this time,” he winked, makes Jinki chuckles behind the counter, “So how much do I owe you?”
“It’s on the house.”
Those round eyes immediately turned brighter, “You sure?”
“Really?” He leaned further to his front, limb almost completely over the wooden surface. His neck stretched to the direction where Jinki’s making his order. Even from the back, Jinki still looks gallant, his back muscle subtly visible over his indigo cashmere.
“Cut it out before I change my mind,” he turned his back with cup of coffee in his hand, “Since this is early for you, do you mind if you have your coffee here instead for take away? Better for the environment.”
The blinding smile hypnotized Taemin on the spot, “Only if the boss sits with me.”
Another snorted came from Jinki, “Go pick your table then.”
“You seem happy this morning.”
Taemin put down the cup and support his head with his left hand on the table, while the right playing with the edge of the saucer.
“Me? Happy? We clearly didn’t know each other for a long time. This is the regular me.”
“Well, what I know is back then you were super grumpy during the whole dinner.”
Jinki brushed his hair back, the locks appeared so soft between his fingers. Taemin needs to suppress his urge not to feel it by his own hand.
“Sorry if my first impression disappointed you,” Jinki’s words halted for a moment, “My head was somewhere else.”
Minho has been texting him a lot since the next morning after they parted. He doesn’t like being accused as anything, but he doesn’t like it more when it’s actually true. He admits he was a bit rude, talking too cold to some people who weren’t at fault.
Even worse, the tall man bothering Jonghyun making the later had no options besides calling Jinki right after he finished with his shift at the hospital. And nagging Jonghyun is the worse.
“Kibum couldn’t stop wondering what the heck is going on with you during our ride home. He thought you’re on your period or something.”
“Maybe I was. Who knows?”
“Kibum was right when he said you’re a bit jokester.”
“It’s only me and you yet you keep talking about Kibum.”
“Jealous much?”
“Too early to talk about feeling. It would upset my stomach.”
Another smile adorn Jinki’s face, sending Taemin heartbeat to run faster than it’s supposed to be, “You’re interesting, Lee Jinki.”
“That’s what people said about me.”
At this rate, it’s hard for Taemin to not take Jinki’s friendly attitude as a light flirt. It seems he faced two different men. The dinner Jinki appeared like assassin in disguise, while the man before him idly looks like ball of sunshine. He sipped his coffee once more to cover his trembled lips.
“So how do I talk to you besides coming here to get my coffee?”
He expected the conversation would go this way, what else brought a busy designer like Taemin to the other side of the city, far for where his studio’s address – thanks to Choi TMI Minho – only to get a cup of cappuccino?
Besides Minho and Jonghyun, and some business partner of course, only several people has his number. Some family member doesn’t even know how to contact him besides the number of his shop. Jinki doesn’t like being disturbed. His time passed seven in the evening belongs for him, and for him only.
But something is unusual from Minho’s rants and excessive reminder to get closer with Taemin, at least try to give a chance for him. He figured that Minho must want to know Kibum better and Taemin won’t allow him to touch his precious best friend if he doesn’t get something in return. 
“Ask Minho.”
“Don’t you think I haven’t tried? I can get coffee on the ground floor of my building, Jinki.”
“Bet I have better brew.”
“Of course, the owner is such a view. I didn’t put any sugar but I guess when I leave this place I need to check my blood sugar. I might get early symptoms of diabetes.”
“Stop blurting out some non-sense.”
“Not until you tell me your digits.”
“Are you always this aggressive? Should I be worried?”
“Only to certain people,” Taemin winked playfully to finish his sentence.
“I’ll ask your number from Minho later.”
“If you had three-days rule under your sleeve, you better cancel it right here right now, Sir.”
“I think it’s safe for me to start worried now.”
Jinki walked aimlessly between the bookshelves, checking some new novels to enjoy with one or two glasses of Bailey’s. Yesterday he was cleaning his apartment, taking half day off from his shop to finally realize he needs to hold yard sale by the end of the night because apparently he’s certified hoarder.
He has too many books. Some of the binds almost fell off, some of the cover even ripped, and some got coffee stain or maybe wine or some liquor he downed while reading the said books. After some deliberation, he opted to bring all the books to the shop and purchased some new one to accompany him at home.
Minho said, nobody reads book anymore at the coffee shop nowadays, but Jinki spat right on him for delaying the promotional strategy he promised a while ago because the photographer suddenly ought to go to Japan for some possible exhibition the next fall.
“Five at most, Jinki.”
He looked to his the small basket on his left hand, it’s been a while he went to real book shop, there are already seven books inside, “We’ll see.”
“What’s the point of moving everything to your shop then bring back another hundred home?”
“I am not that rich, Honey.”
“You aren’t. But you are not gonna give up a book when you already like it as well.”
“Wow. The perks of being boyfriends for five years.”
“Not a perk. An agony. You could buy some nice wallet or watch for me instead piling books on each corner of your place.”
“Ouch. I’ll buy you snow globe on the anniversary of our break up.”
“Oh, how sweet.”
“I am.”
“Whatever. Gotta go, some kids need their hero.”
“I need my hero as well.”
“Then stop shutting people down and take the courage. Live a little!”
“Yes, Dad.”
Jinki shoved his phone at his back pocket and continued touching and picking and putting it back to the shelf, repeating it several times until he reached the new arrival sections. He saw a book with a teal cover with a sketch of beautiful window in embossed silver ink on the middle of it, with small handwriting right below, About.
He peek his basket again, still less than ten, I’m good. Saw him dumping the book on top piles of the others, a staff walked closer to him.
“Hey, would you like to join our fan sign event?”
“Ah yeah, the writer of that book is holding a fan sign at the moment. There would be some little reading as well. And everyone who purchases that book today, can join the fan sign for free.”
The girl sees how Jinki’s hesitating at the moment, half whispered, she showed him to the shelf on her right, “The book just released two days ago. It’s already on the best seller wall. It’s the fifth book of the writer that made it there. I’m sure you don’t want to miss this.”
“I’ll think about that,” he walked to the check out counter to pay all of his books. It’s three in the afternoon but the bookshop is crowded as much. While waiting by for his turn, he flipped the teal-covered book to check the summary written.
‘A flower would wither, inevitably, with or without care. When a tree is not teared down by an axe, reality might override some expectation, while it stays in her might, it’s eating herself from the inside. Since nobody know, nobody care. Just like flower, inevitably, it would wither. You said a mother would always stays, it’s about love. But rain smashed down the earth, flooding the land, vanishing some hopes. So much dread, but it’s about love as well.’
He saw the writer’s name, Key it says – which he’s much not familiar with. But what irked him is the commentary notes, he saw the name of the first author his grandfather introduced him: Key did it again. Same energy, some reflection, but different touch as always.
Interesting, he thought. Retreated from the line he picked his phone and texted his manager that he’s not returning back to the shop after his afternoon shopping spree.
Something inside his chest is racing, thumping with unnecessary rapid pace. His eyes glued to the figure appeared at the corner of the small stage arranged at the back part of the bookshop. He looks so soft with another oversize sweater wraps him, as if the article of clothes is specially made for him. The color burgundy is contrast with the skin peeking just right above his collarbones.
Some audience by the first three rows squealing at the smile he sports when he looks at their directions. The scene makes Jinki ducked his head quickly, afraid that the man would think him a creep. A creep who stalks people they barely knew with book shopping as their excuses, hiding among some late teenagers making a fuss over small wave from the man.
Jinki stretched his neck a bit, checking for empty seat he could sneak in. He found a place on the right side next to a pillar covered by some wooden shelves, a perfect hideout until his turn for the sign.
“Hi, everyone!” his voice is still as charming as Jinki remembered, “Thanks for coming today though it’s with very short notice, you are all here! I am impressed, but also grateful to the hill.”
He stops for a while to reach his copy of the book he’s going to sign this afternoon.
“Actually, it was scheduled to be released only next month, even if I finished it early. So, I bugged my editor to chase their tails to distribute it faster. Guess I am a very good dog person!”
Roar of chuckles fill the air by the joke, but mainly by the way he rolled his eyes when he’s talking about his publisher.
“Today I will read for you some pages which are my favorite from ‘About’. This book composed by questions we have about all the simple things happened around us. Or to us. About all the things we take for granted.”
From his seat, Jinki can clearly see how the man blushed when a girl took a picture of him but forgot to turn off the flash light.
“For the first time, I don’t have main character. The story isn’t specifically centered on particular people. I want to be as inclusive as can be for everything’s happened inside this book could occur to anyone despite their social status or their point of view toward life.”
He takes his glasses and gulped down some water prepared for him before he opens the book in his hand, and started reading.
“She just left. She yelled one night, screamed her lungs out, spat on my face, at one point made me believed words came out from her, that I am useless. Ungrateful and asking too much. I had enough of you, that’s how she ended the dreadful conversation. The following morning I saw a glass of milk on the table, fifty dollars slipped neatly underneath. Cinnamon rolls placed next to it, wrapped by blue napkin, a letter laid on the top of it. No, it wasn’t letter, it was not even one paragraph, and it’s written at the back of old supermarket’s receipt. I’m sorry I had to do this, it began. I would be a bad mother if I’m with you. We shouldn’t have been each other’s pain. Since then, I resent my mother for all bad lucks I encountered for the last ten years.”
There’s no single sound from the audience. Everyone’s drown to the sooth voice reciting some lines from his book. One girl at the back even took out her handkerchief and silently wiped her tears. He bit his lips, seems reluctant to continue reading the passage.
Jinki stunned by the words. The last sentence tastes too familiar.
Kibum can only stare to the man walked closer to him. He blinks, once, twice, but the scene didn’t falter. The man even smiled, waved his book to the dumbfounded author. So many questions popping inside his head, starting on how on earth such an aloof personality is bothered coming to an event like this.
“I am a fan. Starting today,” he put the book in front of Kibum just like previous people before he observed. But the eyes of the said man still wedged on Jinki’s face, “You okay? Last time I checked, I’m not a ghost, Kim Kibum. Or should I say, Key.”
He took the book anyway, head still shaking in disbelief, “That name is off limit. How did you get here?”
“Err.., by subway?”
Only chuckles blurted out before he starts writing on the first page, “I thought an alien abducted you here.”
“Well, that would be less boring.”
“This is awkward,” Kibum snorted, “But thank you for coming. I mean it.”
“My pleasure, Kibum. I’ll finish this as soon as possible.”
Kibum waved to him slightly too excited, eyes glued to Jinki’s back, following him to the seat he’s sitting by himself, away from the crowd. A staff needs to tap his shoulder lightly announcing another reader already waiting on his right. He quickly apologized and detached himself from Jinki’s direction.
Meanwhile, Jinki traced the fresh ink on his copy, simple smile reappeared when he read the cute handwriting.
‘Let me know if you like the story. Or not. Enjoy, Lee Jinki! J’
He looks to the small stage, secretly hoping the later turned his head his way so he can mouthed another thank you and leave better impression. But Kibum’s of course busy signing and chatting with his fans. Sometimes he cracked a little bit too loud an excuse himself for startling people around.
Jinki is still trying taking in the entire situation without being overwhelmed. When Minho said Kibum’s a writer, he didn’t expect it would be this famous. And the way he treats each reader, furtively gave him hope. A hope of something he didn’t understand yet for what. A hope he secretly wished it was only on his misshaped mind.
“Is my book that amazing I got a beautiful man flipping the pages or is that too boring you expected some twist on the next paragraph?”
Jinki looked up when a familiar voice approached him. He was too caught up with the story line, he didn’t realize the fan signing is all wrapped up and some staffs already started clean up the chairs. Kibum smiles sincerely, and without asking any permission he sits next to him, leaned closer to check until which part Jinki already reading. Little did he know, his perfume confiscated Jinki’s respiratory system, making it hard to balance his need of oxygen.
��Care to explain again what on earth brought you here?”
Jinki closed the book and rested in on his laps, “I was buying some books. It’s the time of the month. Not something I’m proud of, but I do judge a book by its cover. Literally. And when I saw yours, it goes to the cart immediately. And one of the staff told me I got a chance to have my book signed by the author.”
“I should call my graphic designer after this and treat him a dinner.”
“You should. I’m rarely this open complimenting people.”
Kibum burst into another long haul of laughter. He looked at Jinki once again, and still, shaking his head again for this is such a weird coincidence. He was a bit ill this morning when he woke up and was still not in the mood even he got better after some medicine Amber gave him. He almost calling his publicist to postponed the book signing until at least next week.
He thanked his hard headed manager to shove him more soup and vitamins while yelling him it’s impossible to cancel the book signing which he personally asked to be added on his schedule.
“What do you think so far?”
“It’s too soon to come up with some conclusion. I’ll save that for later. But the passage you read before, I like that a lot.”
Lots of people reading Kibum’s book, lots of people said they love it. What just rolled out Jinki’s mouth, though, painted him some contentment. For Kibum, what he grasped from Jinki’s attitude back on the restaurant showed him that Lee Jinki is very hard to please. Taemin was almost all over him during the dinner, but he didn’t budge. And befriended with the designer, he got to know that Taemin is a very charming person, no one actually wasn’t drown on his vibe.
“What are you doing after this Jinki?”
He was planning to stop by Jonghyun’s house and bought some egg breads on the way knowing it was his ex-boyfriend’s favorite. The later has been bugging him with endless texts saying he’s exhausted.
“Hmm, nothing. Mostly go back home and continue reading.”
“Do you want to grab some bites?”
Jinki thanked his grandfather words as much as he cursed it. He would never say no to that kind of questions.
“Relax, it’s not a fancy dinner which might turn you into cold asshole.”
“Hey. I might be cold but I’m not an asshole.”
“We’ll see.”
Kibum brought him to his favorite burger joint in a very nice neighborhood. It’s close to the hyped area near Hongdae, but secluded enough to actually able to get some order served without being annoyed by some line. Kibum decided to take away and enjoy the burger while walking around with I-already-sit-for-a-very-long-time as an excuse.
They talked about books, puppies – Kibum has two –, and some stupid stuffs they encountered while walking down alleys to alleys. It’s not weekend yet, but the street’s already filled by youngsters.
“These kids are supposed to sit on their desk studying for dear life!”
Kibum couldn’t hide his anger when a group of freshman walked passes them and nearly knocked him down butt kissing the pavement. Luckily, Jinki was there snatching his arm in flash.
“Let them be. Too much studying is such a waste, they’ll stress themselves. Nothing great about being depressed.”
“Was that the story of your life?”
“Maybe, the part of being depressed in such young age sounds familiar.”
The answer brought Kibum quiet. By the corner of his eyes he catches Jinki secured both of his hands on the pocket of his coat, face straight to the front trying not to give Kibum any chance to ask something related to that.
“What life without drama, then? Now tell me, why you insist on running specifically jazz café.”
“I love jazz and I love coffee. I have the opportunity to wed them, that’s what happened.”
“But you don’t seem happy talking about it.”
“I’m not a talker to begin with. So to incorporate happy feeling on my conversation is quite challenge.”
“I wonder how I’m the writer and not you,” Jinki raised his eyebrow in question, “You always have a way with words, you know?”
“A gift. When you’re raised to argue with your folks, you’ll manage.”
They walked side by side for the rest of the journey back to the main street, both are occupied with their own thoughts. The temperature dropped as the night goes by, but neither is bothered with it. Much to Jinki preference, he likes the comfortable silence.
Sometimes he glances to his side, Kibum always caught him looking but he said nothing. So he did the same when Kibum cocked his head to check on him.
“You sure you don’t want me to drive you home?”
Kibum asked the other man when he saw his car from a far.
“Nah, I’m good. Besides, I’ll be the end of your avid fans rant when they found out you drove back a newbie like me.”
Light slap landed on Jinki’s shoulder, “Stop it, will you?”
Jinki’s about to tease Kibum further, but seeing the man before him pouting like a toddler, all the will evaporated into the night sky and replaced with some funny feeling inside.
As they eased closer to Kibum’s car, Jinki hummed random song he listened to the radio blasted on the burger place which happened to stuck inside his head.
“I like that song.”
“The melody kinda stuck here,” he pointed to his temple which Kibum totally agreed with him.
“One last chance to get a ride from your new favorite writer.”
Kibum stands near the passenger door, waiting for Jinki to change his mind.
“Sounds amazing but I’m going to take the subway.”
“Your choice.”
He opened the backseat door to retrieve some of Jinki’s stuffs. He told him to leave the books in his car because he knew they will walk a lot and Jinki has at least four pounds of book in the paper back he handed back to the owner.
“Here you go. It was nice bumped into you, Jinki. Who knows you’re this, you know, remarkable.”
“I’m flattered.”
“Promise me you won’t hate me if you don’t like my book.”
“That won’t happened, I promise you.”
“A deal then.”
“A deal.”
Kibum decided that giving the other man a farewell hug is super awkward and would ruin the night. So he just nods and reaches the handle of the door, already missing the nice conversation he had even before he buckled his seatbelt.
“Umm, can I call you sometimes?”
Kibum’s smile never been this liberating.
It was posted on my AFF and I was thinking to cross posted it here. But, ofc, in a very very slower pace because I am that lazy yes, sloth is my spirit animal. If you’re interested to read the story, go check there. It’s already on chapter 7 lol! Thanks for reading this, I hope you like it! XOXO
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monthlymidlifecrisis · 7 years ago
Daily Dad Discussions 11
( Bands present BTS, SVT, EXO, NCT, GOT7, and VIXX )
Seokjin : Guys lets talk about something real and deep. What are your fears?
Taeyong : I have no fears.
N : What if SM added 20 more children in your group for you to handle?
Taeyong : I have one fear.
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Jeonghan : Well I have no fears ;)
Seokjin : What if you woke up one day and Dino was older than you and Joshua and seungcheol got married to each other.
Jeonghan : What. Did. You. Say. Satan?
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N : Well I'm not scared. I'm not. I swear. Of anything
Jeonghan : well what if...
Taeyong : ( comes up behind N ) BOOOOOOO
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Suho : Well I have no fear. I can handle anything :)
Jeonghan : What if kyungsoo killed you all off in your sleep?
Suho : Please that's a daily routine. I have however managed to convince him to consider otherwise.
Jinyoung : What if you woke up and baekhyun was the leader instead of you?
Suho : I... have one fear.
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Seokjin : i have no fear
Jinyoung : Oh please
Hakyeon : If we would sit and count your fears we wouldn't be done until next weekend.
Taeyong : Yes Hyung you jump at any and everything
Seokjin : Its called being careful. Constant vigilance
Suho : Constant vigilance my ass, you're just a scaredly cat
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Taeyong : what about you jinyoung hyung ?
Jinyoung : Please.
Jeonghan: What if you woke up one day and yugyeom was married to you instead of jb?
Jinyoung: It would result in one of either one's death.
Jinyoung : Spoiler alert: it won't be me :)
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As always I would love to hear your thoughts
Find the rest of the series: Daily Dad Discussions.
Also, I have a question, guys
So i have many plans for this series to extend it. So I'm gonna add shinee to it as well but just Taemin and his ship.
So my question is which person do you think I should add who could be a part of the scary savage sessions and as well be a ship of Taemin.
Please let me know ♡♡♡
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minssuri · 7 years ago
minho: hyung, what do u want to change about me?
kibum: your surname ;)
also ontae
taemin: hyung, what do u want to change about me?
jinki: your s-
jinki: fuck
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shininwinter-whisper-blog · 7 years ago
Taemin: I have a problem with this person...
Kibum: Kill her.
Jinki: No.
Kibum: Then I'll kill her fOR YOU.
Jinki: NO.
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somaybeimbiased · 7 years ago
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SHINee 5 - Cabaret
Are requests open? If so is it okay to request a Cabaret au for ot5???  -Anon
Here Life is Beauitful
Lee Jinki | Oh-New 
The newest edition to the Cabaret in town
Ran away from home and needed a job
Met Taemin who brought him to Minho who hired him after Jinki let a few notes loose.
The best singer in the Cabaret
Key hates him for it
Gets so many offers to sleep with higher ups in the audience
Agreed once, but then chickened out
A forbidden fruit.
But basically makes a killing at the Cabaret only for his voice and his physical appeal.
Also has a thing for Jjong and Taem at the same time, so he doesn’t act on anything.
Song: Don’t Tell Mama from Cabaret
Kim Jonghyun | Jongie
Auditioned for the Cabaret the same time as Key
A washed-up actor and singer
This was his best shot.
The Emcee’s right hand man- sings with Key and has soooo many solos too
Second best singer behind Jinki
Taem is his bffl
Also lowkey in love with Key
They sleep together a lot 
But he lives with a broken heart becuase Key.
When Onew joined, he kind of fell for him and is hoping for the kind of love he longs for.
This started a whole big problem for the main cast
Song: Maybe This Time from Cabaret 
Kim Kibum | The Master Key/Emcee
Lowkey Crazy
Has been apart of the Cabaret since it opened
He runs the show flawlessly
The second he says Welcome the audience is already roped in.
Loves his job becuase it’s barely a job. He gets to have sex and drink and smoke and then in his spare time he can be the leader of a popular show.
Loves Jonghyun, but also doesn’t believe in love.
Sleeps with other people (like Taem, Jjong best friend) to distract himself of anything feelings
Hates Jinki sm becuase he thinks Jjong might like him more
Cold towards Minho, be he is technically his boss so \(._.)/
Song: Willkommen from Cabaret
Choi Minho
Runs the Cabaret
Dirty Rich
Got a small loan from his parents to start a business 
Then cut them off as soon as he left the country.
Lowkey into the mafia scene too, but he doesn’t bring it into his cabaret
But he always carries a gun.
Only cares about money and Taemin
Sleeps with Taemin, his mistress of sorts when Taem isn’t with a client
Married to some girl back in Korea that he hasn’t seen in years
But he lowkey loves Taem so
Watches every performance unless he is busy dealing with other ‘business’
Song: Money from Cabaret
Lee Taemin | Lee Magic Hands
Tried out for the Cabaret becuase one of his old friends found a rich husband through it
Tired of being poor
At his audition he flirted with Minho like crazy to make his chances better
Performs as a women to get people to like him more.
Has a love/hate relationship with crossdressing
Got tired of wigs so he just grew his hair out
One of the best performers
He likes to ignore the mess that is the rest of the main cast (OT3) but gets dragged into it bc he sleeps with Kibum, is friends with Jjong, and Jinki has a huge thing of him. He is just v confused and wants to stay out of it.
Gets a lot of rich men and women to pay to sleep with him, and is totally into it
Splits the money with Minho, whom he is undeniably in love with.
But he is also in love with his lifestyle of booze and sex and money.
Song:  Mein Herr from Cabaret
A/N I hope this was the Cabaret style you were looking for~ I based it off of the music, which I’m a HUGE fan of! Requests are open!!
Also I left the song that inspired me the most for each off the boys under I encourage you to listen to them bc Cabaret is SO good <3
Find more work on my Masterlist
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hwarang-number · 5 years ago
I'm just sayin': a 101 Dalmatians Jongho fic would be the best thing ever. Bachelor composer and dog dad Jjong (with Roo), Minho as Anita 😆 (well, in the Anita role 😁- with a suitable canine sweetheart for Roo), Jonghyun proposing with an obligatory nod to the 1996 remake...
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Tricky thing is: Key is the likeliest Cruella De Vil in this scenario, but that doesn't quite work for reasons... Sooo, what if Key was Minho's rich fashionista schoolmate who's obsessed with obtaining Jongho's entire litter of hybrid puppies for largely innocent reasons and employs bumbling OnTae to try to sneak them away for him??
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jinkisbelly · 5 years ago
Dawning 3/4
This was my entry for the Halloween fic fest and I hope you like it~  Can be read on AFF and Ao3. Part 1, Part 2
Pairing: Onkey, past Jinki/oc, and platonic ontae, jongyu and onho :D
Rating: Teen
w/c:15k altogether
Summary:  After years of luring humans to steal their valuables, Jinki meets one Human that makes him question everything.
           Blood. A lot of it. That’s the first thing Jinki senses as his bare feet touched the ground beneath his house. Before his mind can go through too many worse case scenarios he realizes the sensation is coming from outside of the barrier. The sun has barely risen completely and a human has already ruined his day. He’s just about to ignore it when Taemin swoops down, fluttering his wings until he gracefully lands beside him. “ I think you may want to investigate Jinki.”
           “And why is that?”
           “It’s that one soldier from almost a year ago. The one that remembered.”
           “Kibum?” When Taemin gently lowered his head in a nod, Jinki pushed off the soil so hard there was an indent where his feet used to be.
           Approaching the entrance Minho is already there, having tugged in the man through the barrier and resting him against a tree. Jinki slid onto his knees, searching over Kibum’s dirty and ripped uniform for the source of the blood as Minho started to explain. “I know you like being the only one to let humans in but he was hurt and I heard him calling your name and-”
           Jinki whipped his head over towards the man, “Do you think you can help me carry him to the house?”
           Minho blinked silently for a moment. “As in, yours?”
           “Of-of course.”
           A few minutes later Kibum was laid over Minho’s back as the buck tried his best not to jostle him too much as they walked toward the center of the forest.
           Jinki never expected Kibum to make it through the night. There was no way to know how long he had bullets in him or how long he had been traveling to get to the forest. Not until Kibum woke up to be asked. Jonghyun and Minho helped him the best they could to dress the wounds and stop the bleeding. For the last two days, all they’ve been doing is taking turns looking over Kibum waiting for him to open his eyes.
           When he finally does, it’s not for very long. Jinki is wiping his forehead with a damp cloth as he pants out, “Everyone...gone. Nowhere...to go.” His voice is soft and cracks halfway through as he fights for breath.
           “I’m here, Kibum.”
           That seemed enough for him because he closed his eyes again, a slight smile to his lips before it felt as his breathing had evened out.
           The next time Kibum wakes up Taemin is the one looking over him. “Who... are you?”
           Taemin screams, shifting as he jumps causing Kibum to wail and pass out. ‘Oh fuck.’ He hopped over to the nearest window, looking down and squawking as loud as he could.
           It was a few minutes before someone came to investigate. Minho stepped through the door, chest rising and falling rapidly. “What in the Earth Mother is wrong with you?”
           Shifting back and rolling his shoulders, Taemin quipped, “The human woke up.”
           “I see that very clearly.” Minho’s big eyes shifted to the very much NOT awake human. “Try again.”
           “He woke up. Scared me. I shifted and he passed out.”
           “Ah fuck.”
           “That’s what I said.” Taemin pressed his lips together when Minho glared at him.
           Jinki smiled as one of his parrots flew in through the window and landed on his shoulder. Creating a few grapes in his hand, he held one out for her. His eyes moved away from the bright green of her feathers slowly when he heard a soft voice. “A pet...or a man?”
           “She’s neither. Salomé is a companion, but fully animal I assure you.” Jinki scratched her head before letting her fly away. “I apologize for how you met my Water Spirit.”
           “What?” Kibum croaked.
           “We’ll worry about that another time.” Jinki flashed a smile as he approached the bed, sitting on the edge. “How do you feel?”
           “Like I’ve been shot.”
           “At least you have the feeling of that.”
           Kibum closed his eyes as he took slow painful breaths. When he opened them again, he moves his hand over to brush his fingers on the back of Jinki’s hand. “Thank you.”
           “I make a habit of helping the poor injured creatures who venture upon my forest.” Jinki cupped the back of Kibum’s head to help him drink from the ceramic cup. “That just seems to include you too now.”
           “Was afraid...you wouldn’t save a human.”
           “You aren’t the average human, are you Kibum?” After placing the cup on the table beside the bed, Jinki smiled. “Rest. I cannot heal humans as other animals. You have a long road of traditional healing ahead of you.”
           The only light illuminating the house was that of the moon peeking through the two windows. The moonlight just the right intensity so that they could see each other’s faces from where they sat. Earlier that day Kibum had met three beings Jinki referred to as Spirits. Each had their domain they protected and cared for, each with an animal form that aided them in their territory. Apparently, the crane shifting man was not a dream nor a manifestation of the improper circulation to his brain from the blood loss but was the Spirit of Water from the Northern Waterfalls. The wolf he had seen following close by before was Jonghyun, the Spirit of the Mountain in the East. And Finally Minho, the Spirit of the Forest, the extraordinarily large buck he had seen through the shadows of trees.
           But meeting them was hours ago and as interesting as they were, it was Jinki who captivated his attention most. It intrigued him greatly how someone could get three very powerful nature spirits to care so greatly. What was it about Jinki that had them threatening to put more than bullet holes in him if he ever harmed the Elf? Kibum was taken out of his thoughts when Jinki cleared his throat from his spot in the chair up against the wall. “I think it’s time to head to bed.”
           “How do you know what time it is without a clock?”
           “Magic.” Jinki gave a sleepy grin. “Goodnight.” He was halfway standing from his chair when he froze, gazing at Kibum. “Unless there’s something you need to talk about.”
           “I thought maybe you’d want to know about what happened...about how I got hurt.”
           “Oh.” Jinki slowly moved to sit on the edge of the bed, giving a gentle smile. “Alright. I have been curious as to how you managed to find the forest again.”
           “It wasn’t as easy that’s for sure.” His laughter stopped short, his body still hurting from the action. “My unit...we were on our way back to base, delighted, as we were told that the war was close to an end. Everyone was talking about seeing their women again, their kids. And then as soon as the brightness fell upon us, the darkness followed too. We were ambushed.
           “There was no warning, no sign that anything was different; one moment we were joking about life and the next I was staring at my friends...at this graveyard that was created in a matter of seconds.” Kibum looked up, startled when he felt Jinki hold his hand, barely noticing the tears falling from his own eyes. “I knew, if I stayed I’d become a prisoner of war or get killed and I had to try. I thought of this place, of you, of how you could, you would help.”
           “What will you do when you leave?”
           Oh. Leave. Kibum had always expected to leave, but for some reason, hearing Jinki say it made his heart sink slightly. “I.. I don’t know. There’s not much waiting for me.”
           “What do you want to go back to? What do you want to see waiting for you?”
           “I have no family. No wife. I’m a twenty three year old that’s seen more demons than I should’ve had to. I don’t know what I want.”
           Jinki squeezed his hand, smile so pretty and warm in the moonlight. “At least the war should be over soon. You should be able to start fresh in a safe place.”
           “Yes..start fresh.”
           After Jinki finally slipped off to bed bidding him goodnight, Kibum still couldn’t get how pretty Jinki’s smile is out of his head.
           After months of fighting and being weathered down by the elements, Kibum had grown to have disdain for rain. His most recent and vivid sensory memories of precipitation were being cold and shivering huddled in a dirty pile with his fellow soldiers. Fires were a luxury and never kept lit for long to decrease being spotted in the darkness of night. Now dry and warm in Jinki’s home as the thunder boomed he still flinched. The noise was different than the sound of gunfire but similar enough it made rest impossible to achieve for long periods of time.
           He squeezed his eyes shut tightly as the house swayed in the harsh burst of wind. A voice, soft and layered with sleep, came from the right of him. Kibum’s hands were shaking as he tightened his grip on his blanket, finding Jinki standing in the doorway with a single candle. “I can feel your terror through the tree.”
           “What?” Lightning crackled across the sky causing him to whimper. “If you’ve come to insult me I’d rather wait until morning.”
           Jinki stepped closer sliding his candle onto the table. He squinted as he stood by the edge of the bed, smacking his mouth a few times before his gaze fell on the two open window frames in the room. Water periodically blew through them, the thin curtains doing nothing to deter the drops. With each thundering boom and crackle of lightning, a light flashed across the room. “The storm, is it the cause of your fear?”
           Kibum swallowed thickly, “Partially.”
           The Elf only grunts quietly before his eyes glow a soft green color and the light through the windows goes out. Jinki’s smile can be seen in the dim light of the single candle, “Rest well.”
           The candle is left on the table as he turns away. Kibum isn’t even sure he’s still in the room when he calls out, “Stay?”
           Jinki’s voice cuts through the silence of the room, “You wish me to sleep with you?”
           “I’m not asking for sex I-”
           But then he feels the bed dip and Jinki is settling along the edge of the mattress, illuminated by candlelight. “Of course not. If you kill me in my sleep try to make it quick.”
           His eyes closed and before Kibum knows it Jinki is asleep, his soft even breathing almost calming. He wasn’t sure if it was the closure of the windows or the man beside him that allowed him to relax enough to eventually fall asleep. Deep down he knew the answer, but he couldn’t force himself to accept it yet.
           Jinki giggled as Maha landed on Kibum’s head, ruffling his feathers and peering down at his new perch. Kibum stared directly at Jinki, trying not to move too much as he whispered. “Is there a bird on my head? Why is there a bird on my head? Jinki! Stop laughing.”
           “His name is Maha. Come here, sweetie.” The bird hopped onto Jinki’s finger, stepping off onto his shoulder once carried closer. Maha’s eyes closed as Jinki scratched his chest feathers. “He’s what I believe your people named a Rodriques Parrot. The last I knew, he’s the last of his kind.”
           “He’s very beautiful.”
           “He lives in the center tree with Salomé. He must have gone up to my bedroom and noticed I wasn’t there… didn’t you sweetie?”
           Kibum slowly pushes up on his elbow and then fully to lean against the wall, almost memorized by the relationship shown before him. Never had he seen such a close relationship between man and animal, even if Jinki wasn’t human. “Have you had him long?”
           “A few hundred years. He was taken from his home as a baby and sold. In the transit, his wing was badly damaged and they tossed him out of the wagon. He managed to find the forest and I nursed him back to health.” Jinki pressed a kiss to the top of Maha’s head before the bird flew off, twisting out of the door with a squawk. “I have healed many animals and most return to the world outside the barrier. Some I wish hadn’t. Maha and Solomé are the last of their kind. If they had returned to your world they would have been killed or starved.”
           “You love them.”
           Jinki softly smiled. “Very much so.”
           “I didn’t think you were capable of love.” Kibum watches as Jinki makes a mango grow from a vine twisting through the open window, shaking his head to focus on the conversation at hand. “You have such a hatred for humans, I didn’t think there was room for such pure emotion as love.”
           “There is much about me you do not know, Kibum.” Jinki bit into his mango, tongue lapping at the juice on his lips as he smiled. “You may end up being surprised by how much more there is to me than my distrust of your kind.”
           Kibum looked down at his hands as Jinki stood and headed toward the door. He didn’t look up as he hesitantly said. “You trusted me last night when you slept beside me.”
           “Or maybe I just hoped you wouldn’t hurt me and am relieved that you didn’t.” Looking up Kibum realized Jinki was still turned away. “I will be back soon with breakfast and change your bandages. Until then, try not to move too much.”
           A month later Kibum could walk enough with a staff that Jinki finds it’s time to take him down from the treehouse. The problem being as they walk across the bridge to the smaller room that serves as the entrance Kibum wouldn’t go near the circle cut out of the floor. “You’re going to drop me.”
           Jinki stares at him as the vine moves around his hand and arm, stepping onto the woven platform. “I think I have proven my willingness to save your life?”
           His lips were pressed into a very thin line as he took the offered hand. “Fine, but if I-”
           He could not stop himself from laughing at the loud string of curses leaving Kibum’s lips as the platform began to quickly lower.
           Cleaning his hands in a stream nearby the wolf den, Jinki looked up at the call of his name. Standing on the opposite bank of the water was Kibum, holding a small, furry creature in his hands which upon closer inspection proved to be a baby squirrel. “What have you got there?”
           “Can you heal him?”
           “That doesn’t answer my question.” Jinki rose, wiping his hands dry on his skirt.
           “I was resting as you told me and I think I startled him from his nest. His paw is hurt and I don’t want his mother to not want him anymore or something.”
           “One, that wouldn’t happen.” Jinki hopped across the water by pushing off a rock directly between them. He smiled as the little squirrel hopped into his offered hand. “To answer your question, yes I can heal him.”
           As they walked back to return the squirrel to his burrow, Jinki looked at Kibum from the corner of his eye. “What made you want to save such a small creature?”
           “Though not intentional, I did hurt him and I wanted to fix my mistake.” Kibum smiled softly as he gazed down at his new little friend. “He trusted me enough to pick him up, and I wanted to pay back that trust I suppose.”
           Jinki stared ahead of him, brow furrowed for a moment as he tried to process it all. Never in his life could he imagine a human caring about the wellbeing of a simple squirrel. “Animals remember those who have helped them. You will see more of our little squirrel friend.”
           “Is it alright if I name him Jyu?”
           “I suppose you could, but he’d be quite offended.” Jinki gestures to the animal with a blank stare. “His name is already Theodore Thistle the Third.”
           “It is not.”
           “Is so.”
           Kibum’s bottom lip jutted out a little as he half whined. “You’re lying.”
           “That’s cute.” Jinki stopped to fully look at Kibum with his monotone comment. He ran a finger over Theodore’s small head. “I am not lying. His parents are from North America. He told me his name while I was healing his paw.”
           “Theodore Thistle the Third?”
           “I must be dreaming.”
           “Dreaming… what is that?”
           Kibum blinked at him. “Alright, what the fuck?!”
           Kibum wanted nothing more than to curl his fingers around the fur on the back of Minho’s neck, but he was also afraid that the Spirit would toss him off his back and into a tree if he did. Instead, he glanced over at Jinki, trying not to move his head too much, “Are you sure he’s not going to throw me off?”
           Jinki had his hair up again today, twisted and pinned with small intricate sticks. He ran his hand over Minho’s snout with a smile. “Minho is a giant sweetheart. He promised to help me show you the rest of the forest without putting too much pressure on your wounds.”
           “Still doesn’t answer my question.”
           “He put you together; he won’t break you apart.”
           Kibum didn’t believe him one bit.
           Kibum thought he had seen all the forest had to offer, but while he was being escorted by Jinki and Minho, he found he was very wrong. With the strong presence of the two beings beside him, the animals of the wood were coming out in droves. A few, Kibum could swear he had never seen anywhere other than a science book on extinct animals. When Jinki had told him about his parrots, he never thought there would be more never thought Jinki would be right. “I’ve never- there’s so many.”
           “This forest is a safe haven; animals come here to escape all sorts of disasters.” Jinki laughed as a small furry creature landed on his shoulder, nuzzling into his cheek.
           “That’s- Amazing.”
           “Some of them are more friendly than others, but most are victims of circumstances, of human-driven consequences.” Jinki placed the animal onto the ground, smiling as it scampered into the brush. “All they want is a safe home. Here, they never have to worry about a human taking everything from them. They’re much like me in that way.”
           There was a smile on Jinki’s face, but something told Kibum as he turned away that smile was nowhere to be seen.
           It takes another month for Kibum to heal enough to make the trek up to the next place Jinki wishes to show him. Up on top of the highest waterfall, is a bright grove of magnolia trees and Kibum finds out what the basket Jinki had carried all the way up the path is for slowly. It only clicks fully as he watches Jinki lay down and throw the blanket over his body, curled up under the woven canopy. “What are you doing?”
           “I plan on napping.”
           Jinki patted the space next to him on the soft grass. “This is my favorite space to nap. You’re more than welcome to join me.”
           To not look like a complete idiot, Kibum walked over with a soft huff. Laying down was a little more difficult, but eventually, he found a comfortable spot. Once he settled down beside him, Jinki tossed half of the blanket over Kibum. “You’re really something else.”
           “I hope good things.”
           Kibum returned the smile, trying not to pay too much attention to the nagging part of his brain telling him to kiss Jinki right then and there.
           “So apparently the images we see while we sleep is called dreaming.” Jinki excitedly summarized from his spot on Jonghyun’s tummy. “Apparently a lot of people do it. Even animals.”
           Jonghyun ran his fingers through Jinki’s hair as he listened. The fire of his den crackled as it burned, giving the stone walls a warm glow. “Dreaming, you say?”
           “Yeah. Kibum told me all about it on the way back to the squirrel tree this afternoon.” Jinki looked up at him, “Did I tell you how he had me heal a baby squirrel?”
           “I don’t think so.”
           “Oh well-” Jinki’s big smile dropped as he took in Jonghyun’s expression. “What’s wrong?”
           “Nothing Dear.”
           With a deep sigh, Jonghyun asked, “Don’t you think you’re getting a bit too close to Kibum?”
           “I don’t get what you mean.”
           “He’s the only human since the barrier went up to be in the forest more than once. You saved his life and I just-” He flashed a little smile as he continued to pet Jinki’s hair. “I am so happy to see you excited about something, even if it’s something as small as having a name for the images we see while we sleep. I love you too much to stand idly by while history repeats itself. I am worried about you that’s all.”
           Jinki lifted his head from Jonghyun’s stomach, twisting to look at the man fully. “You think Kibum is going to be like Bonhwa.”
           “Don’t look at me like that.” Sitting up, Jonghyun reached for Jinki’s hand. Thankful he was allowed to intertwine their fingers. “You have such a big heart and for so long it was clouded by this large storm of hatred for humans. It’s starting to clear. While I am happy to see you as bright as you have been, I don’t want you trusting the wrong people.”
           “I want to hate him Jonghyun.” Jinki whispers, breath shaky as he meets the other’s gaze. “I don’t know what to do.”
           “If you want to pursue this, promise me you will be careful. One day soon his wounds will be completely healed and he may leave again for good. You need to be prepared.”
           Jinki lowered his head, nodding softly. “You are right. It is better if he leaves without complications.”
           Jinki was bathing a few feet further into the water, away from the shore. After redressing Kibum’s wound, the Elf had dropped his skirt and dove in. Watching Jinki swim made Kibum feel slightly warmer; every time he tried to remove his eyes from the scene, Kibum found himself gazing at Jinki once again. Finding beauty in the male form was not a new phenomenon for him, but he believed himself better at hiding his preference for such things. It only got worse when Jinki swam to the edge, smiling as he ran his hands over his hair to keep it back. “Can you pass me some of the melon?”
           Expecting Jinki to take it from him with his fingers, Kibum can’t help but stare as plump lips brush his fingertips as Jinki takes it with his mouth after pushing up from the water slightly. The juice from the watermelon drips from Jinki’s bottom lip, but he quickly laps at it with his tongue. Suddenly Kibum’s mouth is dry and his eyes drift down Jinki’s form. He almost misses the grin flashed as he raises his eyes. “Do you like what you see, Kibum?”
           Clearing his throat, Kibum quickly adverts his gaze, warmth rising to his cheeks. “I don’t follow.”
           “No need to play coy.” Against his better judgment, his gaze whips back toward Jinki at the sound of the water splashing; it seemed the other had decided to get out of the water. All was well until Jinki gathered his long, wet hair that had covered most of his body from the back, and twisted it up over his left shoulder.
           “I have yet to lie to you and I will not start now.” Kibum bit his bottom lip before softly admitting. “You are just as breathtaking as the forest around us.”
           “A simple yes would have sufficed.” Jinki chuckles as he turns a little more to gaze at him. “You know, I would almost say you look like you wish to kiss me.”
           Kibum let out a shaky breath as he leaned a little more on his left hand closer to where Jinki was sitting on the edge of the water. “And what if I do?”
           “I would say don’t be a coward and do it.”
           A slight shift of his body and he was able to press their lips together softly. It was too short, and before Jinki could change his mind he pressed in for another. The third was given to Kibum, deeper than the previous before Jinki whispered. “You are a far better kisser than I dubbed you as.”
           When Kibum opened his eyes again there was a splash of water and Jinki was swimming away with rose-tinted cheeks.
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pearlescent-shine · 8 years ago
Mobile Masterlist
Late Night Interventions
2:34 am An Unexpected Visit Ass Eating At It Again Break Time Comforting Arms Crazy Capitalist Carrots Dear You Dear You Pt. 2 Didn’t Have To Go Fortune Cookie Headache Cures “I’m your idiot.” JongKey’s Know How Late Night Snuggles Memory Jogging My Angel on Earth 1 | 2 No Matter What
Ice Cream Brats
Banana Cows
First Meetings
Method of Distraction
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cherryeol04 · 5 years ago
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━━━━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━━━━
• Smell | Onetae 🏳️‍🌈
━━━━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━━━━
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lala-pipo · 5 years ago
(1) Hii hiiii!! Yes… hahaha I totally didn’t forget to press the anonymous button right… ;) I see! I totally just read too much into the kitchen table scene lol… Also, it makes sense, we are only on the second chapter… but my heart… every chapter is basically gonna be an exercise for me 😂 To be honest, I am actually legitimately surprised that there will be chapters without smut lol 😂 It will be less of a roller coaster ride, but omg if it’s angst, I hope I could handle it 😂
(2) I kind of understand what you are talking about, I do tend to see the same readers commenting on fanfics of the same pairings, or on fanfics by the same author. Honestly, I’m guilty of such acts lol 😂 Though multi-ships authors are pretty rare these days, and that’s pretty cool in its own way too, because you’re able to portray the members in different dynamics. It makes your stories very interesting to read! :D (3) And wow! I actually didn’t know that about MVPs, that is very awesome of them; and also a very interesting observation actually! Hehehe I’m gonna make some more cricket noise in the future ♥ Thank you for replying to my long messages ^^ I hope you’ll have a splendid week as well!! - cricket anon ************************************************* Dear Cricket nony, I’m not here to tell you how to feel about certain scenarios. That’s up to you, the reader. ^^ If you want to interpret more into the kitchen scene and it makes you happy, then please do so. ^^  I think there are 7 chapters without sex (I might have counted incorrectly - so let’s say 6 or 7) ^^ That might be even more shocking to know. I’m not sure. 😂 I know! I feel like a unicorn with my multi-ship agenda these days 😂 When I began writing for SHINee in 2010 I tended to write a lot of JongKey but always disliked it when people wanted to put me in the JongKey box because I found that too confining. ^^” Yes, that’s why I like to write multiple ships - the dynamic for each is very different and it’s always fun to play around with the nuances. Some things that might work for MinKey might never work for OnTae and so on, so for me personally, I would find it boring to only ever write one pairing, but I have a lot of respect for the writers who write one pairing only because it takes a lot to make the stories/character descriptions unique to each story without making it seem repetitive.  That’s only my personal experience with MVPs. Others might have made a different one (though I doubt it). ^^ Thanks again for taking your time to make some cricket noises. I highly appreciate it! Have a lovely week  ♡
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former-psychiatrist-blog · 7 years ago
       ‘ ——nothin’ at all? ‘ J was reluctant to believe that was anywhere close to the truth, but it seemed even a bit out there for him to actually give that much of a fuck about it, so his current emotion was conflicting. He didn’t really get what this wave of anger was running through him, in relation to potential sexual scenarios that may or may not have happened, between HIS woman and the drunk shit that was still stumbling around the club. J fixed his glare on the male over a half hour ago and the only shift in attention was given to Harley as soon as she tried to crawl over his lap in apology. Initially, he had opened his arms out to welcome her.. before annoyance washed over his features and he growled, shoving her off of him. ‘ Y’sure ya didn’t want him to touch y’cause ‘av been a bit TOO b u s y for givin’ ya attention lately? ‘
The quick shift in mood should not have surprised Harley when she hit the ground, but alas.. she was stunned.
“W-what? P-Puddin!” She whined. “I don’t wan no one touchin nuthin on me! I’m all yours baby!”
Only half of that was a lie. She was all his, but she did crave the attention he’d been keeping from her as of late.
He’d been super busy planning the perfect “gets batsy’s attention” ploy and if she were honest? Harley got super jealous of Batman sometimes.... J spent more time trying to get his attention than he ever spent basking in hers.
“He came onta me! He caught me tryin ta get a drink and then he kissed me! Put his hand on my ass n’ everythin!”
She was very good at the puppy dog eyes, and it was her favourite weapon. 
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ofhoseok · 9 years ago
1&6 with OnTae
a/n: i put them together if thats ok!!  also, neat freak onew and grad school!ontae oOPS
1. chocolate + 6. tongue-tied
The blanket between them is ruffled and crinkled and definitely needs ironing, and frankly, it’s all Jinki can stare at.  Taemin’s plucking of the grass nearby and heels digging into the fringe of the fabric isn’t helping Jinki’s nervousness about the state of the blanket as he unwraps the checkered towel from the basket.  This is their only free day in months, and it took forever to get away from their roommates.  It took them another 30 minutes to find a nice place in the grass, and another 15 to calm Jinki down once he realized he forgot the food.  Luckily, Taemin bought takeout the night before, which isn’t the home-cooked meal Jinki has been longing for, but it’s already 4 in the afternoon and he’s not one to complain.
“Could you stop that with the grass?” Jinki finally sighs, fingers toying with the plastic bags of chicken. 
Taemin lets out a chuckle as he moves to sit across from his boyfriend.  “I’ve been freaking out over finals, especially that psych paper.  Ripping out this grass is better than ripping out my hair.”
“The one with the new teacher?” Jinki asks curiously, fringe falling into his eyes as he rips out a large chunk of the chicken leg.
“Yeah.  It’s gotta have charts and graphs and shit.  And we’re learning what signals the brain sends off when someone is speechless or something.  Like, I’m a dance major.  What do I need psych for?  And speechless?  I’m never so whipped that I’m ‘speechless.”
“Yeah, I know.  You never keep quiet.”
“Honestly, I love dance more than psych.  What does my passion have to do with this last credit?”
“Behaviors exhibited when one does something one loves?
“Then he should make me write a paper on how I feel about you~”
“God, shut up, Tae.”
Taemin lets out a huff and digs further into the basket, crinkling more of the blanket beneath his feet, making Jinki shut his eyes as he takes another bite out of the chicken.  A breath flutters across his face and he clenches his teeth because he knows Taemin is right there, and he’s seen Jinki get jittery every time he messes up the blanket.  Jinki’s constantly straightening things out - at Taemin’s dorm, in the coffee shop down the street, in his own roommate’s closets, and the list goes on.
“Say ah and I won’t mess up the blanket,” Taemin’s soft voice whispers close to Jinki’s ear, and the latter opens his mouth on instinct.
“Don’t even try that trick you pulled last time you told me to open my mouth-” Jinki starts, but Taemin hushes him with a shove of a chocolate bar into his mouth.  It’s milk chocolate with caramel filling, Jinki notes as the chocolate mixes with the remains of the chicken still tight in his right hand.
Taemin’s lips on Jinki’s send the both of them flying clear off the blanket, and the younger’s tongue swiping the caramel off Jinki’s bottom lip sends the chicken leg flying clear out of Jinki’s hand.  Hands come up to comb through Taemin’s hair and legs tangle together until the pair are breathless.  A cheeky Taemin grins at a breathless and beet-red Jinki as he asks, voice nothing more than a whisper, “Are you speechless?”
Jinki’s tongue darts out to swipe at the corners of Taemin’s mouth, leaving Taemin stuttering and turning into a flustered mess.  “I think the clinical term is tongue-tied.”
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x-ratedkpop · 12 years ago
Ontae/You - Punishment ( Part 2 )
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*It's really rushed. I got a little over excited over a certain request that I wanted to write next and I still can't write smut well oh well enjoy~
Both you and Taemin sat on his desk fidgeting awkwardly. You had a feeling the punishment wasn't really for you, perhaps his idea was to get you so hot and flustered yet let you do nothing about it. This, was exactly his intention. He walked over to Taemin so gently that when he grabbed hold of his cheeks with one hand and forced his mouth upon Taemins', it shocked you. Jinki was clearly the dominant one, Taemin was the bottom. The way Taemin shivered with delight and you watched Jinki pull his lip with his teeth turned you on bad.
Jinki pulled back from his lips, they were more swollen than they normally looked. "So how should we punish him?" Jinki asked as he pulled Taemin up onto his feet by his tie and lead him over. You shook your head slowly, mouth hanging slightly open. "How about no foreplay. Seeing as I know how much you like it." Jinki told Taemin. Taemin gulped. "You can't do that." He retorted. Jinki was rough anyway, but no foreplay? This was going to kill him. Jinki shook his head. "I'll do what I want. Pants down - now." He barked his order. Taemin rolled his head to you, his eyes looked heavy and hopeless. He slowly pulled down his trousers and pants. Jinki pushed him so his chest and face were laying on the desk but he himself was standing up on his own two feet. You gulped as you felt a pang of excitement swell within your stomach. 
"Are you going in.. raw..?" You asked in a hush voice. Jink, who was in the process of pulling down his own pants turned to you and nodded. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? It'd make you literally gasping for some cock, wouldn't it? That's a shame seeing as the only one who is going to be getting any is him and he hates it when I go in raw. Enjoy your side of the punishment." He winked. Bastard. You were so wet you were convinced that if you were to touch the outside of your panties, just a small touch, you would feel how soaked you were. Jink dropped his boxers and positioned himself at Taemin's entrance. "P-Please, it'll h-hur-ah!" Taemin moaned as Jinki managed to begin to push inside him, without any lubrication whatsoever. Tears were forming at the corners of Taemins's eyes. Jinki let out a deep grunt when he filled him up completely  Without any mercy, Jinki pulled out almost completely and thrust back in at an immense speed. Taemin yelped and grabbed the edge of the desk for support.
"I-I" Taemin breathed out as relentlessly, he was filled up again and again, harder and deeper with every thrust.  "Do it. Cum." Jinki ordered and right on cue, Taemin cried out and before he could truly appreciate the pleasure, Jinki pulled out and left him panting. You were shaking you needed release that badly. Pulling his trousers up, Jinki smirked at the two of you. "Let that be a lesson. By the time I come back, I want both of you out of my office." Jinki said casually and with that he left. Taemin was panting. Your legs were shaking and each of you shot a glance before Taemin collapsed out of breath on the table and you whimpered as you felt yourself throb.  
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