Taemin: I’m going to get soup.
Kibum: Be careful not to burn yourself, it’s hot.
Taemin, leaving the room: Pff. I’m not going to burn myself.
[30 seconds later]
Taemin, entering the room: I burned myself.
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Hello. ~ 
Who’s your bias in SHINee? ( i just want to chat a little,,, )
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Taemin: Guess what I’m about to get.
Kibum: On my nerves.
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Kibum: There’s nothing worse than people using big words they don’t understand just to seem smart.
Taemin: I photosynthesize with this.
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kim jonghyun. we are so proud of you. you were so brave and beautiful and kind and selfless and strong. you’ll continue to be all of these and more even though you are not physically with us anymore. today is a sad day and every 18th moving forward (especially this year) is going to be just as difficult and sad, and as crushed as i still am personally right now i wanted to share this little beam of positivity. it’s not the easiest to do but it’s genuinely how i feel. i’m never going to understand why someone so incredible, why someone who was so one in a million had to go through as much pain as you did, but i guess sometimes life does not make sense and it is rarely fair, even to those who deserve it the most. maybe it is true when they say that those who are needed the most in the world are the ones who are taken too soon. i love you, i love you, i love. we all love you. we all miss you. we’re never going to stop missing you.
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This blog has reached 1k shawols.
I’m literally crying, I love you all so so so much. 💙 🌠
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Jinki: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Minho: Why?
Jinki: To get to the idiot’s house. Knock knock.
Minho: Who’s there?
Jinki: The chicken.
Minho: I won’t slash you in the face with my foot on one condition.
Jinki: … Yeah?
Minho: Go tell that joke to Taemin.
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Minho: i need you to announce that there’s slight turbulence on the plane
Taemin: ok *presses mic button*
Taemin: hello everyone this is your pilot speaking... WE’RE GOING DOWN!
Minho: NO-
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I wish I had the words to make things easier, but I myself still have a hard time. I lean on these words from Jjong pretty heavily now though, and maybe you too will find strength in them: "rather than saying time is medicine, i think time just covers things up. i don't think it completely heals you. one thing i do think i can tell you is that if time passes, you will hurt a little less than you do right now." It hurts and it's so hard but he's proud of you for continuing and he's smiling. 💖
This is so heartwarming, thank you a lot. I'll come back and read his words whenever I'm down, I'm sure they'll help.
I hope you'll get enough strength to carry on, you're doing amazing and I'm sure he's watching over you and he's smiling proudly.
I love you and thank you. 💎💕
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Jonghyun: hello 911? Yes, hi, I accidentally stepped on my dog’s tail and I need to be arrested
911 operator: Sir we’ve talked about this
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Uranism: a rare word for (especially male) homosexuality.
“I’ll probably be able to teach you anything you need help with,” Kibum says somewhat nonchalantly into the microphone, a partially distracted look in his eye as he scans the room.
“Including uranism, I hope,” Jonghyun whispers to Jinki with a suggestive grin and a nudge. Jinki ignores him.
[Inspired by this post]
“Why medical, of all the options?”
Jinki had tuned out Jonghyun’s grumbling approximately two minutes ago, otherwise known as the moment he opened his mouth. He knew the complaints were bound to arrive, so he didn’t even bother to listen to what he knew the other would say, speaking up to explain once he hears a pause in his whining.
“It’s three days, only one hour each day. It makes us look good and our parents will think that we’re on the path to making them proud instead of amounting to nothing but disappointment and wasted resources.” Jinki pauses for just a small moment to see if Jonghyun was going to say anything. When he hears no response, he finishes with, “And most importantly, extra credit.”
Jonghyun halfheartedly waves off the explanation with his hand, having already known that Jinki had legitimate reasons other than just sadism. “I hate biology though,” he sighs, quieter this time. The older of the two gives a sympathetic pat on the back in response.
“I’ve never been to… What is this, a workshop? I don’t know, but the point is, maybe there won’t be any biology and it’ll be easy. Don’t be so glum, buddy.”
Jonghyun blinks then furrows his eyes in confusion at the end of his statement. “Buddy?” he questions, shaking his head as he focuses on the topic again. “But yeah, you’re right. If we have to do anything biology related, though, I’m leaving it in your hands. I won’t even read it.”
The other copies the halfhearted wave from earlier as they walk down the hall, checking the numbers of each room they pass. At the end of the hall, there is a set of double doors, with the label beside it reading:
Dr. Kang Misun. Room 547.
After being kindly shoved first by his friend, Jinki walks into the room and looks around. There are ten black tables laid out in the room, each with different materials laid out on them, such as droppers, test tubes, even the tiny rubber hammer doctors use to hit your knees. In the back, there are counters, with several microscopes and slides laid out.
Other people have already arrived. When Jonghyun turns around to look at Jinki, he notices the other waving at somebody across the room. He then spots the person to be Minho, with Taemin beside him, but neither of them seem to notice the suddenly excessive waving. Jonghyun pats Jinki’s shoulder, shaking his head as if to tell him that losing his arm isn’t worth it.
The two walk over to witness yet another random and confusing conversation. Taemin is scrolling through his phone, showing the screen to Minho once he finds something, and exclaims, “See! Uranus is gay!”
When they still don’t seem to notice the arrival of their friends, Jinki and Jonghyun exchange confused and concerned looks. Jonghyun finally sighs as he decides to be the one to ask.
“What are you on about, Taem?”
Taemin doesn’t even look up from his phone as he responds. “Uranus sounds like uranism, which means homosexuality, therefore Uranus is gay, just like Minho’s anus.”
Minho rolls his eyes, Jinki chokes on the water bottle he took from him, and Taemin remains unphased. Just as Jonghyun opens his mouth to respond, a louder voice echoes through the room and cuts him off.
“Hello, everyone, thank you for joining us this evening,” a male says at the front of the room, standing behind the podium with a microphone in hand. The room isn’t a large one, so the microphone was probably just used to grab people’s attention. And grab their attention, he did.
“I’m Kim Kibum, a student of Dr. Kang’s. She wasn’t able to make it for personal reasons, but she’ll probably be here for the two days following.
For today, we’ll just be spending the time learning to use the tools laid out on these tables and the back counter. There’s instructions near each of them, just in case it isn’t common knowledge.”
Kibum pauses to lick his lips, looking at somebody to the right of him before looking up again. His eyes flit across the room as if he’s searching for something but not finding it. His posture is relaxed, but not so much so that they’d mistake him for one of the other students that will probably manage to mess things up one way or another. “There’s not much else to say, so I guess it’s time we get started.”
“I’ll probably be able to teach you anything you need help with,” Kibum says somewhat nonchalantly into the microphone, a partially distracted look in his eye as he scans the room.
“Including uranism, I hope,” Jonghyun whispers to Jinki with a suggestive grin and a nudge. Jinki ignores him.
“So with that, have at it. Carefully, though. These are expensive.”
Jonghyun watches as Kibum sets down the microphone and disappears into the crowd. Minho snaps him out of it by dragging him to the back counter near where they’re standing, following behind Jinki and Taemin. Laid out on the surface are five stethoscopes, along with an otoscope and covers.
As the other three are picking up the items and getting to the process of messing around with them, Jonghyun turns around to look for Kibum once again. Minho gives him a weird look as he nudges his friend’s arm.
“Excuse me?” Jonghyun calls out to Kibum the moment he spots him, rather than acknowledging Minho’s questioning looks. He smiles brightly as the male walks over, picking up one of the stethoscopes carefully.
“Hi,” Kibum greets as he returns the smile. He waves towards the other three as they look towards him, looking at the tools in their hands and then at Jonghyun once again. “Did you need help with something?”
Jonghyun nods distractedly, more focused on how freaking flawless his skin is, even up close. He holds up the stethoscope, expression still dazed, barely able to even think up a question to ask. Kibum doesn’t seem to notice his odd behavior. Instead, he nods in understanding as he picks up one of the remaining stethoscopes.
“Okay, stethoscopes are pretty simple to use. The first thing you really need to do is figure out where to put it,” he explains, holding up the circular metal part of it. Jonghyun nods attentively, paying such close attention that the other three can only stare at the two of them in awe.
“Now the first step of learning now to use a stethoscope is listening to your own heartbeat, so place the stethoscope over your heart.”
Taemin, Minho and Jinki watch as Jonghyun takes stethoscope in his hands, placing the end right beside where Kibum has placed his own over his heart. He ignores the simultaneous groans of the three, grinning as they turn away to do something else and ignore them.
He looks at Kibum, studying his face for a reaction. After a couple of seconds that seem to last for minutes, the latter scoffs and looks back at him, cheeks tinted a light pink.
“At least ask me to dinner first.”
Jonghyun tilts his head slightly with a curious smile, an action that would have caused the other three to groan again if they had been paying attention. With his hand still beside Kibum’s, he asks, “Does that mean you’d go?”
Kibum shrugs once again, taking a step back from Jonghyun to set the stethoscope down. Taemin looks back at them once he notices, glancing from Kibum to Jonghyun and back again, probably just to know whether or not Jonghyun would get rejected again.
“Somebody else will probably ask the same thing…” Kibum’s voice trails off as he turn back to Jonghyun. “Give me your number after this so I can think about it?”
The latter takes this to be a victory as he watches Kibum walk over to somebody else who needs help with the microscopes. He turns back to his friends with a cheerful expression, winking at an impressed Taemin.
“Would you look at that, I’ve already learned something.”
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Taemin: I know what genealogy is. It’s when you rub a lamp and get three wishes.
Jinki: I’ve met bread smarter than you.
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Yeah, I'm originally from Malta ^^ I like it enough and I'm doing alright here, thanks for asking! 💕
A friend of mine went to Malta last year, I reckon it’s beautiful! One day I’ll go there for sure.
Also I’m glad you’re doing fine ✨
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Ciao ti adoro :’
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Gxndgjsgshsg does that mean you're italian?? I moved to Italy a few years ago! (not the same anon)
Yes hun!
Really? Do you like it here? And where are you from? 🌸
It’s always so nice to find a country fellow tbh,,
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Where are you from?
Italy! 🌙
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Jonghyun: What time is it?
Minho: Wait. 
Minho: *pulls out saxophone and starts playing it*
Minho: It’s 3AM!
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