#jongkey oneshot
katrinawritesthings · 5 months
jongtaekey; chef's kiss magnefique; pg
Kibum narrows his eyes. He knows what they're doing. They're making fun of him. They're making fun of him for earlier that afternoon when he cut open a fresh lemon and squeezed some juice over his homemade chicken salad. He said that the juice really brightened up the whole thing and woke up his palate and they're making fun of him for it. 
“Ah yes, exquisite.”
“Hmm, yes, I agree.”
“The acidity of the pickled cucumbers really brings out the richness of the cheese, don't you think?” 
Kibum looks up from his phone, squinting at the refrigerator in front of him without really seeing it. Jonghyun and Taemin’s conversation in the other room has been background noise to him this whole time, but that sentence wormed its way through his subconscious and completely distracted him. What the fuck.
“Pickled cucumbers,” he mutters to himself, turning to look through the kitchen doorway to the living room where the two of them are. He can just see Jonghyun’s right hand on the carpet, keeping himself propped up as he sits on the floor and leans back comfortably. “Pickled cucumbers,” Kibum says again, clicking his phone to sleep and standing up.
“I really think the richness and depth of the sauce really brings out the flavor of the meat,” Taemin is saying when Kibum peaks his head around the doorway. He frowns when he sees what they're eating. It's just McDonalds. They're just sitting on the floor with a bunch of McDonald's spread out between them. He watches, more confused than before, as Taemin dunks the corner of a burger delicately into one of the little dipping sauce things, holding it just between his thumb and forefinger like it's a tiny morsel.
Jonghyun nods approvingly, watching Taemin take his bite, a tiny, sampling nibble that he chews for far too long in an exaggerated show of savoring the flavor. Then, he glances over Taemin’s shoulder and catches Kibum’s eye. Surprise registers on his face, but only for a moment before it's replaced with a knowing smirk. 
He turns that devilish smile to Taemin and ticks his eyebrows up and down once, flicks his eyes to Kibum and back. Taemin glances back for just a second at that signal and when he turns back, Kibum sees the beginnings of a smile to mirror Jonghyun’s. 
“But you really can't get a real flavor profile of the sauce with the burger in the way, can you?” Jonghyun asks Taemin. His tone is mild, conversational, as he picks up his little cube of barbecue sauce and brings it to his mouth. His eyes slide over to Kibum again and lock with his, a challenging, almost aggressive demand for eye contact as he just knocks back the whole thing of barbecue sauce like a shot.
Except, unlike a shot, the barbecue sauce is thick and slow, so he winds up slurping his tongue around in there for an uncomfortably long time, staring Kibum down all the while.
When he's done, he smacks his lips and exhales softly.
 “Boy did that go down super smooth,” he smiles at Taemin. “There's just a touch of spice in there and it really wakes up the palate, you know?”
Kibum narrows his eyes. He knows what they're doing. They're making fun of him. They're making fun of him for earlier that afternoon when he cut open a fresh lemon and squeezed some juice over his homemade chicken salad. He said that the juice really brightened up the whole thing and woke up his palate and they're making fun of him for it. 
They're also probably making fun of him for every other pretentious, overly detailed, obnoxiously specific food snob thing he's ever said. He knows that that's what they're doing so he refuses to acknowledge it. He wants to scrunch his face-- he honestly kind of wants to gag after watching Jonghyun do that with the barbecue sauce-- but he needs to prove to them that he doesn't care.
He's a food snob but only for himself and he doesn't care what they put into their mouths. There’s nothing wrong with McDonald's anyway. He's not going to judge them for having a nice meal together, even if they're going to eat it like a couple of gremlins. He certainly wasn't judging them when he squished that lemon over his salad and he thinks it's very immature and childish of them to be judging him for it. He steps more into the doorway, leans his shoulder against it, crosses his arms. Makes sure his face is cool and unimpressed. Unbothered. 
“You know, the nuggie is really best enjoyed when separated down to its core ingredients,” Taemin says fancily. As he speaks, he holds half of a nugget in one hand and with the other, digs a finger in there to separate the white meat part from the brown outside crust part. He delicately bites half of the meat part off and offers the other half to Jonghyun with his greasy crummy fingers.
“Ah!” Jonghyun exclaims. “One moment,” he says. He twirls his hand and his fingers in the air all the way down to the pile of fries on a napkin between their knees and plucks one out with four fingers. His little pinky sticks up daintily. “I need to,” he says, and pops the fry into his mouth. “cleanse my palate.”
And while the way they're acting doesn't bother Kibum, the chewed up chunks of food that spray out of Taemin’s mouth when he bursts into laughter certainly do. He turns on his heel and leaves the scene, shuddering, the sound of their loud laughter clinging to him as he goes.
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jongandthekey · 4 years
Title: Don’t play with your food Author: Jongkeywedding Status: complete Rating: NC17 Genre: fluff, smut Summary: Jonghyun had been his annoying playful self all night and Key is running out of ideas to make him behave.
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alittletournesol · 6 years
Art  {JongKey}
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As they were both walking along the commercial street which was separating their homes from the campus, Jonghyun couldn’t help but feel worried about his boyfriend. Holding his hand tight, Kibum was pursing his lips and seemed to be lost in thoughts since the moment they had left their respective university site. It had been a whole week now that he was concerned about something yet he would always say it was nothing for Jonghyun to worry about.
However, their daily walks were immersed in a sort of tension that was almost palpable, but the brown haired student knew it wasn’t his fault. He had done nothing wrong lately, despite that time he had nearly poisoned his boyfriend as he had tried to bake a lemon cake. But he hadn’t !
“Kibum, baby.” He suddenly said as he stopped walking, surprising the other young man. “What is wrong ? You’ve been quiet every evening for a week, I feel like you have something against me and it makes me feel really uncomfortable…”
“You did nothing, trust me.” The blond haired student said, forcing a smile to reassure his boyfriend. “My mind has been busy for days but it really isn’t about something you did, it’s all about me.”
“I trust you, I always do. But I can’t handle to see you being so troubled anymore, it’s like you’re becoming a ghost.”
As he heard these words and the sad tone in Jonghyun’s voice, Kibum sighed. The other man was right, he might feel concerned for some days but he had no right to make his love worry like this.
“It’s because of school, to be honest.” He ended up confessing as he started walking again, his hand still holding Jonghyun’s.
“School ? Your last grades are very good, though.” The brunette stated.
“I’m afraid it won’t last…”
Jonghyun frowned, turning his head to look at his boyfriend. A year separated them, and while himself was in his third and last year of literature degree, Kibum was in his second year of applied arts. Since they had both found their way, it was easy for them to keep their grades high and making the most of their students’ life at the same time.
Yet it was the first time the blond was worrying about his grades, enough to make him keep quiet when they were together. Even though they lived separately, Jonghyun in an apartment-share with his best friend and Kibum in his own apartment, they would often sleep to each other’s place for some months.
They were planning to move in together once the youngest of them would pass his degree, since it would make three years that they were a couple. According to them, the third year was one of the decisive ones, with the seventh and the tenth years : and it was the best one to start getting a couple life.
But if Kibum wasn’t sure about his abilities to maintain his high grades… it could cause a  disequilibrium in their plans.
“What do you think about this.” Jonghyun said, his voice soft and low just as his boyfriend loved to hear it. “Instead of just taking you home tonight, let’s spend the evening together at your place and you’ll tell me everything, okay? I’m sure we can figure out what’s troubling your self-confidence.”
“Hmm… yes, let’s do that. I have enough chicken breasts to cook a salad for two persons.” His boyfriend nodded.
“Wonderful ! Let’s go.”
Jonghyun smiled and tip-toed to be as high as his boyfriend, putting a soft kiss on his lips to make him blush a bit. He loved how his cheekbones would slightly darken, taking a peach color to betray his shyness. As he finally smiled, his eyes sparkling, Kibum intertwined their fingers and crossed the road to take the way to his home.
Soon, both students arrived in front of an eleven floors flat, and the blond one typed the entry code before they entered, heading to the elevator. Kibum was living on the last floor, and he had chosen this apartment because it had been displayed as an equipped artist’s studio, with a view on the whole town.
Thanks to his parents, whose surgeon and nurse occupations had allowed for their only son’s good life, he had been able to propose a higher rent than the owner’s offer, so he was certain not to be thrown out if a better renter showed off someday.
Thus, he was the happy resident of a studio, more spacious than the average and enlightened by a whole wall only made of lattice work windows. The three other walls had been covered with real red bricks facing to give an industrial style Kibum adored. The floor was made of grey parquet and all his furnitures had been chosen in black, white tones, wood and metal materials.
And as the artist he was, a lot of canvas were spread in a corner of the living space, some still blank and some others under way or finished. Jonghyun was always amazed by the diversity of his boyfriend’s art, in terms of “equipment” as he liked to say : indeed, Kibum could make enthralling art with oil paint or watercolor just as he could draw complex pictures with only a soft-lead pencil.
He was the kind of artist who could be rough, randomly splashing vivid colors on his canvas, or extremely delicate, grazing his sheet with the tip of his dark pencil. He could create something abstract just as he could propose a precise work with a light-and-shadow game… he was born to be an artist.
Thus, how could he be so skeptical about his grades when his abilities were putting him at the first place of his school’s ranking ?
“Make yourself at home.” Kibum said as he closed his door behind them, removing his spring green jacket and hanging it on the coat rack. “Coffee or tea ?”
“As always. And tea this time, thank you.”
Jonghyun didn’t need to be asked twice, he removed his jacket in his turn, along with his shoes, and went to sit on the black leather sofa. While he was checking his several social medias, the blond student walked behind the counter that was the only furniture separating the kitchen and the living space of the studio.
The way he had arranged the whole room to his taste once he had moved in, with the agreement of the owner, was really suitable to his student life. He wasn’t often in his apartment, he would only eat and sleep there so he hadn’t lost himself in the usual way of filling a living space.
With this in mind, he had reserved one of the studio’s corners on the opposite side of the window wall to welcome his bed and a small nightstand. His sleeping space found its coziness thanks to a foldable three-parts screen which Kibum had fixed several wooden bars and rails on to also use it as an improvised dressing. After all, art wasn’t only about painting, but also about crafting and DIY !
Except for the bathroom, the rest of the studio was only made of a small kitchen with its bar counter as a separation from the living space, which was arranged with the two places sofa, a small coffee table, a wooded bookshelf and a rounded table with two chairs. A lot of plants were hanging here and there, or resting in their pots on the floor, on the tables, on the bar…
There was no television, the student liking more to stream his favorite shows on his expensive laptop — it was a good way to make it profitable. This studio could be seen as a mess by a strict mother, with canvas, tools and shoes spread here and there, but it was definitely at Kibum’s image : art.
“Here, green tea latte for the handsome boy.” The student said as he sat next to his boyfriend, handing him a steaming cup.
“Thank you baby.” Jonghyun smiled, putting his phone on the coffee table to grab his cup, slowly blowing on it.
“Quit doing that, it won’t help your drink to cool down at all.”
“I know but I guess my childish side is coming out when I see something steaming.”
Kibum couldn’t help but smile, his boyfriend was someone so pure and naive he looked like a child. He would often scold him because he was almost twenty-four and should act more like an adult but… Jonghyun’s pouts were his weaknesses. He had won so much fights with only a pout it was beyond unfair.
He was an eternal kid stuck in a muscular and manly body, yet he knew how to keep a balance between both theses sides of his. The blonde man shivered as he remembered the first time Jonghyun had shown him how manly he could be behind his childish attitude. He could remember very well his strong arms around him, his possessive hands holding his hips tight and his feverish kisses claiming him as his…
Kim Jonghyun was a passionate man, about everything and especially about him, his boyfriend for almost three years. And so was Kibum.
“So, let’s talk now.” The brunette said after he sipped a bit of his tea. “What is troubling you lately ?”
“I will start my third year soon, and you know what that means…” Kibum started to explain, his eyes never leaving his hands holding his cup. “Thesis.”
“Are you afraid of it ? You think you won’t be able to find a subject and pass your degree with it ?”
“To be honest, I think I already got my subject. But our head teacher wants us to start preparing our thesis now, at the end of our second year. He said it was for our own good, so we wouldn’t arrive in third year without being prepared.”
“He’s a really good teacher then. You will get into the swing of things and trust me, it’s better for you, I wish I had this opportunity.”
The art student sighed and drank a mouthful of his coffee. Sure, the idea was good and extremely benevolent for him and his fellows… yet he wasn’t feeling ready.
“The thing is… our teacher wants us to present him our first work for our thesis.” He pursued.
“What does it mean ?” Jonghyun asked, tilting his head.
“It means I have to introduce my subject and to illustrate it myself. It won’t be part of my final thesis, it’s just a training… for him to see if I know what I’m doing. But I don’t feel ready yet and it’s scaring me.”
“What is your subject ?”
“Male bodies.”
The brunette raised his eyebrows with surprise. Male bodies ? He instinctively glanced at the several canvas in the corner of the room to check… nothing looking like male bodies, only landscapes, some portraits and Kibum’s speciality, abstract. So why had he chosen a subject as complex as this one when he seemed to have never worked on it yet ?
Looking at his boyfriend again, Jonghyun sighed when he felt his dread and put his cup on the coffee table to take his hand in his, softly rubbing its back with his thumb.
“Sweetheart… you surprised me.” He confessed, his voice low and soft. “I thought you were going to tell me about everything else but male bodies.”
“Is it that surprising ?” Kibum asked, looking at him.
“Well, yes it is. I mean… you never drew male bodies before, did you ?”
“Actually… I did, but never for school except when we worked on nudes. I never showed it to anyone but it was actually something that was interesting me so much and… I don’t know, I was afraid to seem weird.”
“Show me. You’ll never be weird to me.”
The blonde student shyly smiled and let his boyfriend’s hand go as he stood up to walk to his sleeping space. There, he opened the nightstand’s drawer and took a sketchbook out of it before rejoining Jonghyun. The brown haired man bent his legs to put them on the couch so he could feel more comfortable, and he stretched his arm on the backrest, behind his boyfriend’s head.
Kibum cleared his throat and his cheekbones seemed to tint with a shy pink color as he revealed his hidden art. Here, either on a single page or covering two, there were countless drawings of naked male bodies, sometimes full-face yet often from the back or three-quarters.
The brunette held a whistle back as he discovered a kind of art he had never thought his boyfriend was so gifted for. The first drawings were a bit weak, proof that Kibum had started from nowhere once again, but the more you turned the pages, the more you saw the improvement of the bodies’ details, proportions, shades… most works had been made with only a drawing pencil, but some loose sheets showed how the blonde had also tried with paint.
“Baby, it’s… amazing.” Jonghyun ended up whispering as he traced the line of a hip with his finger on the page. “Since when do you do that ?”
“Since our first nudes class, during our first year.” The blonde student said. “I was so bad at it that day, the poor guy was ugly as hell on my sheet. But I somehow enjoyed trying to reproduce the lines and I wanted to improve myself. We have way much more female models when it comes to nudes classes, I don’t understand why. Even in art itself, there are more naked women than naked men.”
“Is it why you want to do your thesis about male bodies in art ?”
“Yes. So to introduce it I have to write a text about what I think, with proofs of course, and I have to illustrate my words with existing works and with my own. But…”
“But ?”
“My head teacher liked the idea I talked about for my own drawing… but I don’t know how to proceed.”
“Tell me what is it, maybe I can help.”
“I wanted to show that, just as a woman’s body, a man’s body can have its proper beauty with its lines and curves. So I wanted to reproduce a traditional way to draw the female body, but with a male body instead.”
“That sounds like a really good idea, since those kind of works are made to show the beauty of a female body. This way, you’ll show everyone how a male body can be beautiful too. So what’s the problem ? Spit it out, love.”
“I don’t have any male model to draw.”
As he said these words, Kibum turned his head towards his boyfriend and the latter could see the worry in his eyes. His fear was understandable : since he wanted to do his best, he didn’t want to draw a male body only thanks to his imagination or some pictures he could find on the internet.
He wanted to have someone in the flesh to pose for him, so he could draw the reality of a man’s body and not reproduce a retouched picture that was only willing to show abs and other muscles, without body hair nor fat. Kibum had always been like that, willing to show the beauty in its reality, in the real life.
Jonghyun could attest to this idea, and even more now that he had seen his boyfriend’s secret works : the blonde wasn’t drawing fake bodies with an excessive muscle structure, he was working on every detail a male body could offer to his eyes. The brunette had noticed the interest he had shown to body hair and natural marks on his drawings.
“Don’t you have any of the models at school who accepted to pose for you ?” The man asked.
“I didn’t ask them, because they’re too… too fake.” Kibum shrugged. “Drowning in their muscles, not a single hair on the body except their so perfectly cut beard… No way I deliberately draw them.”
“Then… maybe… draw me ?”
“You ?”
The blonde student widened his eyes as he stared at his boyfriend, surprised by the proposal. Never had he asked Jonghyun to help him with his art, never had he drawn his naked body because he didn’t want to sound like a pervert… yet here his boyfriend was, proposing to be his model for a nude.
“Jonghyun, this work is really serious so please don’t play with me.” He ended saying, not believing his reserved boyfriend would pose for hours, his naked body offered this way.
“I’m not playing with you and you perfectly know it. Listen.” The brunette straightened a bit to look at the other student in the eyes. “You need a model to draw a natural body, a body which isn’t over-muscled and has hair. I know I’m not skinny, I don’t have a lot of body hair either but… am I not natural ?”
“You got a point…”
“And I’m your boyfriend. I actually don’t want you to have some naked unknown dude posing for you when you have me.”
“Are you being jealous, babe ?”
“Yes I am. So quit worrying, I’ll be your French girl tonight. Just tell me what to do.”
Jonghyun offered his boyfriend a splendid smile, embellished by the pure love he had for him. As he couldn't help but blush, Kibum returned his smile and thanked his man without a word, only leaning to put a soft kiss on his fleshy lips.
“Fine…” He whispered. “I’ll think about where to make you pose, okay ? For now, just remove your clothes and put my robe on to wait.”
“All my clothes…?”
“Yes, all your clothes. Do it for me.”
The brunette smiled and stood up, emptying his cup before walking behind the bar to quickly wash it. The blonde imitated him and observed his studio to find the perfect spot for a model to pose ; the sun was slowly going down in the sky, enlightening the room with a warm golden light… he should use this natural light as much as he could because it was the best way to enhance the body’s features.
But he had to be fast, the sun wouldn’t eternally wait for him. No sooner thought than done, Kibum made space to move the couch, making it pivot until it was facing the window wall. Then, he grabbed one of the chairs and placed it opposite the furniture, choosing the best angle with precision. His easel was patiently waiting for his turn when the blonde grabbed it, putting it in front of the chair and sitting to adjust its height.
Once he was done, he stood up again to catch one of his special canvas, made of grain paper. He liked to paint on fabric canvas but this time, he thought paper was better just like using a pencil sounds better than using paint. He would have to play with shades and he was more at ease with his lead pencil to do it.
“Hum… I’m ready ?”
Raising his head as he was preparing his tools, Kibum bit his lip. Standing up in front of him, Jonghyun was seeming a bit embarrassed as he was naked under his boyfriend’s navy blue robe, opened above his navel. Since their bodies weren’t shaped the same way, the satin cloth was a bit too tight for the brunette yet it was emphasizing the curves of his arms and thighs, and the line of his shoulder breadth.
“Did I ever tell you that you were beautiful with my robe ?” The blonde smiled, approaching his boyfriend to style his hair.
“Since it’s the first time I wear it, no.” Jonghyun answered. “Does it suit me ?”
“A bit tight, but satin suits you for sure. Come, remove it.”
Without letting him the time to obey, Kibum lowered his head and ran his fingers on the soft fabric until they met the belt, untying it himself. Once again, he felt a sudden heat on his cheeks because of this kind of erotic situation, but he tried to ignore it as he pushed the robe away from Jonghyun’s shoulder until it fell on the floor.
Eventually his boyfriend was as naked as when he was born, and the latter cleared his throat, looking away.
“Are you sure I must stand in front of the window…?” He shyly asked. “Someone could see me…”
“No one can see you, there is no building opposite and you know it.” Kibum smiled and picked the cloth up, putting it on the back of a chair. “But something’s missing…”
“Missing ?”
“Yes. Nudes are a thing, true, but I want you to have something on you, like an accessory.”
“Babe, I accepted to be your French girl but you won’t make me wear a necklace.”
“It could actually work but I have something better for you. Sit down.”
“If you bring me a bow tie, I’ll get dressed and leave, do you hear me ?”
The blonde laughed at the comment and quickly walked to his bed, grabbing a box under his hung clothes before coming back, sitting next to his boyfriend. When he opened it, the sunbeams made several glass dials shine : it was Kibum’s precious watches collection.
The student possessed the latest design of the Apple Watch, yet he had some guilty pleasure for traditional, old-looking watches with leather bracelet, hands and Roman numerals.
“A watch ?” Jonghyun asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, you’ll look damn sexy with one. What do you think of this one ?”
Kibum took one of his favorite watches out of its unit, with its brown leather bracelet, golden edges and visible mechanism.
“It’s called a skeleton watch, and I think it’s perfect for art.” The student said as he tied it around the brunette’s wrist. “Like… you can see everything that makes a watch being a watch, it’s like it’s naked, just as you. Like inner beauty through physical beauty.”
“Poetic, indeed.” Jonghyun smiled, his literary side always agreeing with his boyfriend’s artistic one when it comes to beauty.
“Okay, now we can start. Let me see… women are often represented lying down from side-on, with a hand slightly covering their pubis and the other arm above their head or resting next to their face.”
“You want me to do the same ?”
“No, this position won’t emphasize your male body’s features, it really is good for women but you… no, you’ll have to lie three quarters on to me.”
Saying this, Kibum stood up and put his watches box away as he took place on his chair, looking at Jonghyun slowly lying the way he was told to.
“Just a little bit more on your left…” The blonde said, squinting. “Yes, perfect, stay like that.”
“I don’t know what to do with my hands actually.” The brunette said, clearing his throat as embarrassment made his cheeks turn pink.
“Cover your private parts, honey. Even though you're beautiful, a dick isn’t extremely pretty… and to be honest, yours is too big to be seen as something artistic. In classical art, the tinier the better.”
“Well, thank you for the compliment, my love.”
Both students laughed as the elder obeyed the command, letting his hand nonchalantly cover his parts with its wrist resting on his hipbone. His several silver rings on his fingers were grabbing the attention on them, so on the part he was covering… it was fairly erotic and Kibum had to look away in order to keep a straight face.
“It’s good, now just put your other hand under your chin, elbow on the couch.” The artist ordered his boyfriend, who immediately complied.
“This way ?” The latter asked once his chin was resting on the back of his hand.
“Yes, perfect… perfect. Can you… let me see, can you just raise your forefinger and like… put it on your lower lip ? Not really put it, like, make it graze your lip and- yes, like that ! Wait.”
The blonde stood up and walked to the couch, kneeling as he adjusted the watch on Jonghyun’s  wrist. He then slightly moved one of his legs, made him more comfortable and pushed his chin up with his thumb.
“You’re the best model I ever had.” He said, smiling before he put a gentle kiss on the brunette’s nose. “Now, all you have to do is to lie still, okay ? And… never break the eye-contact with me. I need to see your eyes so be sexy for me.”
“I’m always sexy for you.”
The literature student smirked, making his boyfriend blush a bit before the latter went back to his chair. He placed his easel better and took a minute to choose the best pencil, its lead neither too thin nor too thick. Once he got the perfect one, he adjusted his glasses on the top of his nose, approach the paper with his tool, his eyes looked up to Jonghyun…
And the work began.
The last sunbeams were giving the brunette’s body a soft peach color and making it slightly yet delightedly shine. Its lines, curves and shades were emphasized with subtle delicateness, a perfection to draw.
Kibum’s gesture was gentle and precise, the graphite lead grazing the paper just like Jonghyun’s finger was grazing his own lip, dancing a slow with the grain. It was like an evidence, as he was tracing the lines of the brown haired male’s face features, insisting on the side of his jawline that wasn’t hidden by his hand. Sharp, yet so softly appealing…
The artist let the drawing of his boyfriend’s face on stand-by to focus on the main lines of his entire silhouette, his pencil sliding on the sheet to reproduce the curves of his side from the shoulder to the foot.
“Baby, try not to move please.” The blonde asked, his eyes never ceasing their back and forth between his canvas and his model.
“I’m not moving, I promise.” Jonghyun protested.
“You bent your left leg, do you have pins and needles in it already ?”
“Maybe a bit… are you done soon ?”
Kibum couldn't help but laugh to his love’s wonder. Of course he had expected that, Kim Jonghyun wasn’t someone who could stay still for too long, that man had boiling blood in his veins.
“You’ll have to be more patient than that, honey.” The art student said as he gently rubbed a line with his thumb to play with shades. “I’m drawing your silhouette right now, then I’ll go back over to trace your body’s details like muscles lines, body hair and shades.”
“Goodness, how long will it take…” The brunette whined.
“Don’t worry, I’m just doing a sketch while the sun is still enlightening you. This is only the first draft, I won’t ask you to pose for six hours like our models at school do.”
“Six hours ?!”
“Of course, it takes time to paint nudes so I’m sparing you. I’m only drafting your body’s main lines and shapes, and I’ll use this to paint you alone.”
“Thanks God.”
“Kibum will be enough, sweetheart.”
Jonghyun laughed and cleared his throat as he became serious again. So his artist boyfriend was planning to… paint him, yet he was sympathetic enough not to force him in that position for several hours. He made the most of Kibum’s silence and concentration to observe him.
Even though he had watched him draw countless times, he had never seen such a powerful flame in his eyes like the one he noticed at that moment. The blonde had always been passionate about anything he could draw, and when his face was closed for hours while he was working on his art, everything that was on his mind could be seen through his eyes.
Either was he satisfied by a line or annoyed by a failed curve, only his eyes would react and Jonghyun had noticed that ages ago. Even when it wasn’t about art, the blonde’s eyes were extremely expressive and his elder had learned all by himself to read into them. And just when he thought about it, Kibum’s left eye blinked — it was something unique, both his eyes wouldn’t always blink together — and seemed to stand for a pout.
“Did you mess something up ?” The brown haired student asked.
“Rectifiable, give me four seconds.”
“Four ? It’s really precise, how can you fix something in only four—”
“Rectified. Now please stay beautiful and quiet.”
Without hiding his smile, Jonghyun quietly agreed and prevented a yawn to leave his mouth. It was so tiring to lie without doing anything ! He couldn’t even say for how long he had been like this, posing on the couch… maybe an hour, or only ten minutes. The sun was slowly setting on the day, disappearing and only leaving a warm red light through the windows.
Before the brunette could react, Kibum suddenly stood up and caught his easel, bringing it closer to his boyfriend, really closer. He then grabbed his chair and brought it too before he sat on it again and looked straight to Jonghyun’s face.
The latter understood : the artist was done with the sketch of his body, and was now focusing on his face’s features. They were suddenly way much closer to each other than a minute ago, yet the blonde student remained focused with his eyebrows slightly furrowed and a drop of sweat slowly running down his temple.
Jonghyun looked at him deeply in the eyes, his finger still resting on his lip and his face relaxed. Be sexy for me, had he said…
“Don’t smile.”
“I’m not smiling.” The brunette protested, unconsciously pouting.
“Don’t pout.”
“Just be quiet, someone’s working on that beautiful face of yours right now.”
“It’s hard to stay still when you’re so erotic. Has anyone told you how sexy you are when you’re focused ?”
“Yes, Minho told me so.”
“Minho ? Wait… your schoolmate ?”
“Hm. Well he said I had that resting bitch face when I’m focused but he ended up admitting it was sexy.”
“And what else does this Minho think that I should know ?”
“He thinks you’re cute and well shaped.”
“Well you’ll tell that brat that you’re mine and— wait, what did you say ?”
“Be quiet, I’m almost done.”
Jonghyun angrily pouted but obeyed, deeply exhaling before keeping a relaxed face without his eyes leaving his boyfriend’s face. Kibum’s eyebrows weren’t furrowed anymore, it seemed he had found peace in his drawing. Suddenly his orbs were like two sparkling stars and he withdrew his pencil, smiling.
Softly, he blew a bit on his canvas and stood up to walk to the table, putting his tool down and catching a baby-wipe — the kind mothers use when their babies have sensitive butts — to clean the tip of his fingers he had darkened when he had rubbed the graphite on the paper to create shades.
“I’m done.” He then said, smiling as he took the sketchbook from the easel, sitting on the edge of the couch. “What do you think…? Does it ressemble you…? Maybe I could have done your eyes better… and I’m not sure about your hips, maybe I overdrew them and—”
“Babe. It’s wonderful.”
Jonghyun sat up straight and stretched his arm to hold the canvas with Kibum, staring at his portrait. He remained speechless for a long moment, unable to think straight as the drawn body was… so him. He could see everything, his boyfriend hadn’t forgotten any detail of his anatomy.
There, immortalized on the grain paper, he could notice his thin line of body hair going from his navel to his pubis, and Kibum had played with shades to only suggest his privates’ hair, just next to the shades of his hipbone’s relief. His abdominal muscles weren’t overemphasized yet well suggested too.
But the thing that held the brown haired student’s attention was the way his boyfriend had taken the time to draw his moles. He could see all of them, especially the one on his chest he liked so much. And above this mole, his collarbones were underlined thanks to the artist’s techniques, his neck, the sharp line of his jaw… even his lips were like… a mirror.
“It’s… it’s beautiful.” Jonghyun whispered. “You said it was only a draft but it’s already so amazing, how can you hesitate to do your thesis about male bodies ? Baby, just do it. Go for it ! You have talent and you’ll succeed, I’m sure about that.”
“Really…?” Kibum asked, pouting as he seemed to hesitate. “But you can’t see all the flaws this work had, you know… while I can see them and they’re abundant.”
“You’re right. I’m not an artist, so I can’t see the technical mistakes you see. But what have I always told you about mistakes and flaws ?”
“That they can always be reduced and fixed, with work and time, but…”
“No but. You will fix your flaws, love. Please believe in yourself more, you’re skilled and the world deserves to see it. You deserve to see it.”
The blonde shyly smiled and nodded before he turned his head back towards his drawing. He was right, there were still some technical mistakes because he hadn’t drawn male bodies for a long time… but his boyfriend was also right, he could improve. He had to, and better than that, he wanted to. He deeply wanted to fix these novice’s flaws and to show everyone what he was capable of.
And he would. With the help of the guardian angel he has a his boyfriend.
“Then you’re happy about it ?” He asked, looking at the literature student.
“Of course I am.” Jonghyun smiled, raising his hand to softly caress his boyfriend’s cheek. “And I would be delighted to be your muse again, if it can help you to improve and to have trust in yourself.”
“It would please me a lot for my art to depend on you.”
“Then I shall do whatever I can to please you, my everything.”
Saying this, Jonghyun approached the blonde man’s face with his, and made their lips meet in a soft yet passionate kiss. Kibum smiled and ran his fingers from his boyfriend’s collarbone to his neck, holding his nape as he slightly moved his lips against his. With his eyes closed, he didn’t see but felt a hand covering his on the sketchbook, making him drop it on the floor before it came on his other cheek.
Soon, he was lying on his back on the couch, with the brown haired male’s naked body emitting a soft heat above his.
“Jonghyun…” The art student whispered, breaking their kiss as he put his hand on his boyfriend’s torso.
“I’m sorry, but staying there, naked with only you to look at… was deeply arousing.” The elder said with a hoarse voice, looking at the other man in the eyes. “We should do that more often…”
“I can feel that… You’re so warm and… is it what I think it is against my thigh…?”
“I think it is…”
Smiling, Jonghyun captured Kibum’s lips once again, this time more roughly as he pressed his pelvis against his, drawing a moan from the blonde’s throat.
“Jjong, baby…” The latter said as he broke the kiss once again. “Not on the couch.”
“Why not…? We never did it there, it could be a new experience…” The brunette pouted. “I posed for such a long time for you…”
“It’s pure leather and it costed me a fortune. We’re not soiling it with sweat and cum.”
“Alright, then…”
The literature student stood up and didn’t let a second for his lover to breathe as he caught him, lifting him by the waist to throw him on his shoulder. Kibum gasped and ended up laughing as he held onto his naked man, while he was being carried to his bed.
The sun had now completely disappeared on the horizon.
Sequel: Poetry.
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luvjjongtae · 3 years
SHINee Fics Master List
Talk to me on twitter! I'm there basically 24/7 for SHINee.
Or read fics for other fandoms I write for on AO3 (all of these are also on AO3).
Started: 1/1/2022
Last updated: 7/29/2022
Total works: 15
Member x Member
Airport Roses (Jongkey, oneshot, 2.5k)
The Honeymoon Suite (Minkey, 3 chapters, 12k)
I'm a Monster (2min, angsty and fluffy oneshot, 18k)
By the Time We're Thirty (Jongkey, 3 chapters, 20k)
It Started with a Drink (Jongtae, 5 chapters, 21k)
General AU stories (ot5)
The Shiners (The Outsiders AU, co-written with @kikisfuneralservice, multi-chapter fic)
Shining Magic (Hogwarts AU, many drabbles and oneshots)
Stranded at IKEA (oneshot)
An Unlikely Team (Star Wars AU, multi-chapter fic)
Reader x Member (all fluff)
What's Real? (Minho, 3 chapters + 1 smut epilogue, 13k)
Warmth (Jonghyun, oneshot, 2.4k)
Pretty Boy (Kibum, oneshot, 3.3k)
The Best Way to Meet (Taemin, oneshot, 2.5k)
Impress me (Taemin, oneshot, 2.1k)
Brownies (Jinki, oneshot, 1.1k)
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blingangelmk · 7 years
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Espuma En La Bañera (en Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/kVv6ZHf4bF Jonghyun temía bañarse, aunque ver el cuerpo desnudo de Key en la tina despertó en él unas enormes ganas de acompañarlo.
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Becoming Ten Dollars Richer - A Biography by Lee Jinki
Pairing: JongKey Word Count: 3,186 For:  Originally written for colorful fic fest round 2 A/N: I originally wrote this fic for colorful fic fest round 2 and posted on @ourshineeshrine
Summary: Jonghyun didn’t like black coffee at all. But, he really liked Kibum, so he supposed that that was alright.
Time couldn’t seem to be going any slower than it was in that moment, and Kibum had a heavy heart at the prospect of his awaiting mounds of homework. Life as a part time barista and student wasn’t always sunshine and daisies – the workload was beyond tedious and finding the time to study didn’t always prove successful. At the ripe age of eighteen Kibum had moved Seoul upon completing high school, partly to gain a better education, must mostly to escape his parents’ strict grasp. He didn’t regret his decision, Kibum loved the independence. But sometimes the effort that went into living was really too much.
Well, up until Kibum looked up and laid his eyes on the same guy as yesterday. And the day before. And well, it had been that way for a whole month, to be honest. He felt his eyes unconsciously light up in delight as the tanned male scanned the menu, wrinkled his brows in confusion and placed the menu awkwardly back where he found it.
Kibum scoffed in laughter under his breath. That kid really had no idea what he was doing. “Hey,” Kibum called, offering the guy a small smile. “The usual?”
Lifting his head in surprise, the stranger’s cheeks painted a pinkish hue, and he nodded slowly in agreement. “Um, yeah. A coffee please…the black one.”
A snort escaped Kibum’s lips despite his desperate attempt to remain silent, and in embarrassment he avoided eye contact when taking the man’s money. “Here’s your change…it’ll be ready in a minute.”
And when Kibum eventually handed the other male his long black coffee, he found amusement in the familiar way his face contorted in disgust upon taking a sip, wondering for the umpteenth time why he insisted on buying it. “Have a great day!” Kibum exclaimed, falling into a burst of laughter upon the customer’s departure.
“Why the heck does he still order that stuff? He clearly doesn’t like it…” Kibum pondered aloud, jolting in astonishment at the voice which responded to his queries.
“I bet you ten dollars he likes you, ‘Bum,” spoke Jinki, Kibum’s manager and close friend. Despite the age gap between the two, upon arriving at university in Seoul, they had just clicked, both taking part in the vocal club after classes.
Upon the older male’s sly words, Kibum hurriedly whipped him with a nearby tea towel, and laughed at Jinki’s shaken expression. “Shut up, Jinki. He probably just wants to look like an intellectual.”
“Or…” laughed Jinki, moving up to the counter to serve an awaiting customer. “Maybe he’s just gay.”
Kibum rolled his eyes in fond irritation, quite accustomed to his manager’s usual antics. ‘Gay?’ he thought to himself, with a light scoff at the mere prospect. ‘In my dreams.’
The next day followed in the same manner, and like usual, when the mysterious stranger’s face screwed up in a failed attempt to hide his distaste, Kibum couldn’t conceal his laughter. The man bit his lip in humiliation and blushed a furious red. “What?” he mumbled quietly. “Do I have something on my face?”
Shaking his head profusely, Kibum quieted his chuckles and straightened up. “No, no…sorry about that. I just—“ He paused, considered something for a second and then seemingly changed his mind. “Never mind. You just looked cute, is all. Taste good?”
Surprise littered the man’s face, and he faltered for something to say in response. “I…well, I mean. Same as usual.” His whole face was red now, and although Kibum wanted to feel sympathy for him, he found the whole expression to be rather endearing.
Kibum laughed loudly, throwing his head back in utmost amusement. Judging by the disdainful expressions which accompanied his face upon taking a sip, the ‘same as usual’ wasn’t necessarily a very good thing, but Kibum found the situation to be much too funny to care. “That’s…good then, I suppose? I never caught your name by the way…I’m Kibum.”
The man’s eyes were wide, and the blush adorning his sharp cheekbones still hadn’t faded away. He seemed to stutter on his words for a few seconds, before something coherent could finally be made out of them. “Um, I…Well…M-my name is Jonghyun. K-Kim Jonghyun.”
With excited eyes, Kibum reached over the counter to shake Jonghyun’s hand. Jonghyun stiffened immediately, but nonetheless shook back, though made sure to avoid eye contact with Kibum as he did so. Their size in hands were considerably different, with Kibum’s being much longer and thinner than Jonghyun’s, but the younger of the two found that they fit quite nicely together, and felt a large grin slide over his face. “It’s nice to meet you, Jonghyun!”
Their hands, with much regret on both male’s behalf, slid apart and Jonghyun’s head slowly lifted to meet gazes with Kibum’s. Kibum’s grin faltered upon locking eyes with Jonghyun, because in that moment he found that those wide, brown eyes with a double eyelid only on one side were the most beautiful he had ever seen.
“Nice to meet you too, Kibum.”
And then, much to Kibum’s joy, Jonghyun smiled softly. “I…I best be off now. Bye, Kibum!”
Kibum was the one blushing now, and being utterly speechless, could only offer a small wave of the hand as Jonghyun spun around and left the café, a light spring in his step as he went. He patted his cheeks softly to rid of the red hue, but no matter what he did, nothing could remove the dreamy smile which accompanied his expression for the rest of Kibum’s shift that day.
Unfortunately for him, Kibum didn’t work Mondays and Tuesdays, and throughout those two days he felt his anxiousness and excitement for his shift that Wednesday to be accumulating at a rapid rate. Although much too slowly for Kibum’s liking, Wednesday did indeed come eventually, and upon arriving at the café, the first thing that Kibum decided to do was interview Jinki.
“Did he do it again, Jinks?! He ordered black again, right?”
Jinki blinked and looked at Kibum with the utmost confusion. “Hello to you too?”
With a roll of the eyes, Kibum lightly slapped Jinki’s arm with impatience. “I’m being serious, man!”
“Kibum, what the heck are you even on about? You can’t just stroll in, ask “did he do it again?”, and expect me to know what you’re talking about, y’know.”
Kibum sighed deeply, and pulled an apron from the rack it was hanging on. “How thick can you get? I’m talking about Jonghyun, of course! You know? The guy who always comes here and orders a black coffee only to take one sip and use it as a hand warmer instead. Did he do it again when I was gone?”
It was a silent for a few moments, before all of a sudden an invisible lightbulb went off in Jinki’s head and he jolted with realization. “Oh, you mean that guy!” he laughed loudly, only to stop after deep consideration. “Actually…he didn’t come on Monday or Tuesday, now that I think about it. I told you Kibum, he’s gay.”
“He is not gay, Jinki. I told you, he just wants to look like an intellectual.” Kibum argued, finishing the tie on his ribbon and moving to wipe the bench clean.
With a shake of the head, Jinki continued. “How would you know?”
Kibum glared. “How would you know?”
“Let’s see, shall we…” responded the older of the two, reaching for a notebook and opening it for a scan. “Ahem, here it is: First of all, he only comes here on days you’re working.”
“That could just mean he’s bu—“
“Shut up, Kibum. I’ve got the notebook, so be quiet. Now, secondly, he orders coffee all the time even though he doesn’t like it. Because he wants to interact with you.”
The barista was getting agitated now, and went to swipe the notebook from Jinki’s hands only to be dodged skilfully. “C’mon Jinki, it’s not because of that!”
Jinki tutted indignantly. “Quiet means quiet, Kibum.” he sang. “And look here! Lastly – drum roll please.”
“I’m not drum rolli—“
“It’s drum roll or no job, ‘Bummie.”
Clenching his fists tightly and rolling his eyes, Kibum reluctantly began to drum roll softly. The sound was halted by Jinki with a loud click of the fingers, and then he spoke triumphantly.
“He’s gay!”
“You’re last argument for him being gay is that “he’s gay”? How clever of you, Jinki. I am in utmost awe.” Kibum drawled sarcastically, clapping his hands together with a quirked eyebrow.
Jinki laughed joyfully and moved to serve a waiting customer. “You just don’t get it Kibum, do you? He’s gay, trust me.”
With a scoff, Kibum finally got to brewing a coffee, thoughts running at a million miles per hour. ‘Gay my asshole.’ he noted with a scoff. ‘What would Jinki know, anyway?’
Time, fortunately, seemed to be moving a lot faster that particular day, but that was probably because like every other Wednesday, it was a morning shift. Kibum didn’t have any classes on Wednesdays so usually took the opportunity to snag the longer hours at work – he really was quite desperate for the money, if he did say so himself. Lunch time came, and Kibum couldn’t help himself from looking over the counter every few minutes to see if a particular customer was making his way through the door. It was safe to say he was thoroughly disappointed when he only had half an hour left and Jonghyun still hadn’t managed to make an appearance throughout the day.
He had just about given up on all hope when all of a sudden, while swiping the bench down for probably the last time that shift, a soft and quiet voice interrupted his lonely train of thought.
“H-hey Kibum…How’s it going?”
Kibum’s eyes shot up in astonishment, and upon landing on Jonghyun’s small and petite frame, felt his face split into a radiant grin. “Hey, Jonghyun! I was just starting to worry you wouldn’t show up…But yeah, I’m pretty good. And you?”
Red tinted the shorter male’s ears and he scuffed his feet along the wooden panelled floor in embarrassment. “Sorry I’m late…I had band practice at uni today. And y-yeah, I’m good! Could I have a um…the ur—“
“Long black?” Kibum interrupted with a smug smirk. “Sure.”
Jonghyun laughed softly and hid his face in his hands as he did so. “That’s the one.” he mumbled with embarrassment.
With a snort and a raised eyebrow, Kibum questioned under his breath. “Do you even like coffee?”
But apparently for Kibum, ‘under his breath’ didn’t mean very quiet at all because Jonghyun’s ears picked up on it quite easily. His head shot up in shock and with haste he began to stutter out a pretty unconvincing defence. “Y-yes! If I didn’t like coffee I wouldn’t be ordering it every day, would I? I’m just…not very good at remembering names. That’s all.”
Kibum, who hadn’t realised that he had been overheard, blushed furiously but nonetheless brushed it off and retorted with amusement. “You remembered my name pretty easily.”
“Well…” mumbled Jonghyun. “Kibum’s a pretty common name. Whereas ‘black long’—“
“Long black.” corrected Kibum.
Jonghyun snorted. “Whatever it is…” he pouted, before adding quietly to himself. “Tastes like shit either way.”
Pausing in his tracks, Kibum looked up with wide eyes. His face twitched, and thinking it was in anger Jonghyun tried feebly to apologize, only to be abruptly cut off as Kibum burst out into a loud fit of hysterics. Never before had Jonghyun’s face burnt this warm, but despite his upmost humiliation, he felt something akin to a smile appear at the state Kibum was in. Eventually, the younger boy’s laughter died down and he humorously flicked away invisible tears by the corners of his eyes. “You…” he began, running a hand through his thick black locks. “You really are cute, Jonghyun.”
“Thanks…I guess?” Jonghyun responded, flicking his hair from his eyes and smiling sheepishly.
Pride swelled in Kibum’s chest and with a sparkling eyes, he handed Jonghyun his coffee. “Here, try this.”
Their hands brushed scarcely as Jonghyun took the cup from Kibum’s hand, and even though Jonghyun really wasn’t expecting much, he took a sip of the coffee anyway. Abruptly, his eyes widened and he looked at Kibum with pure confusion etched on his features. “T-this long black certainly tastes better than usual.” he choked out, a soft grin growing on his face.
“That’s probably because it isn’t a long black.” chuckled Kibum, untying his apron after a quick glance at the clock. “You know, if you want to look like an intellectual you should have at least researched your coffees first. That’s a vanilla latte.”
After taking another long sip, Jonghyun regarded Kibum with confusion. “An intellectual? That wasn’t really what I was going for.”
Kibum scoffed. “Oh really? Then why the heck do you insist on buying coffee that “tastes like shit” every day? You’re seriously weird, man.”
Hovering at the door, Jonghyun looked back at Kibum and smiled a smile that Kibum was certain he had never seen from the older before. He blushed unconsciously and froze behind the counter, never feeling quite as vulnerable as he did at that moment.
“You know Kibum…” he spoke in that same soft, delicate tone. “Out of the two of us, I’m certainly not the only cute one.”
And then he was gone, out the door and probably already on his way home. Kibum stuttered incoherently and slapped his cheeks, chest warm at the compliment he’d been given out of nowhere. He trudged towards the back room in a trance, where he was met with a sly and knowing Jinki. “I told you, Kibum.” he laughed quietly. “Gay.”
The rest of the week passed, each day consisting of Kibum making Jonghyun a different type of coffee and feeling his chest swell with joy at the smile which accompanied his tasting sip. Jonghyun had told Kibum that his favourites were so far the ‘caramel latte’ and the ‘mocha’, and once again Kibum was utterly bewildered as to why a sweet tooth such as him had been ordering a long black this whole time.
“Hey, Kibum?” Jonghyun had questioned out of nowhere on the Sunday, right after Kibum had given him a ‘vanilla macchiato’. “What time do you finish work?”
Kibum glanced at the clock and then smiled. “In around twenty, why?”
“Oh um…I was just wondering if you’d wanna hang out afterwards. B-but if you don’t wanna then that’s fine too!”
“No, of course I want to!” blurted Kibum hurriedly, waving his hands in the air frantically. “Just…are you okay to wait a while?”
Jonghyun moved to respond, but was interrupted by Jinki popping his around the corner. “Actually Kibum, you can just leave early. It’s not very busy so…feel free.”
Simultaneously, Jonghyun and Kibum’s face burst out into a wide grin, and with a rush Kibum untied his apron and ran to the back room to gather his bag. Jonghyun rocked on his feet happily and hummed quietly to himself, halting suddenly as he noticed Jinki’s eyes were still watching him closely.
“You like him right?”
Jonghyun blanched and choked on his spit at the sudden question. “E-excuse me?”
“Kibum. You have a crush on him, yeah?”
“I don’t see how—“
“I’m letting him off early because after this gruelling year he deserves it…I just don’t want him to get all excited for nothing. So, do you like him?”
With red cheeks, Jonghyun diverted his gaze to stare at his shoes as though they were the most interesting thing in the world. He bit his lip harshly as though fighting an inward battle, and then sighed loudly and looked back up. “Y-yeah. I do.”
Jinki, unexpectedly, smiled. “Knew it.” And then he turned around and walked away, passing Kibum on the way out. “Have fun…” he whispered smugly. “With your gay friend.”
“He’s probably not gay, Jinki.” grumbled Kibum for the nth time, bumping shoulders with Jinki and leaving to meet Jonghyun by the door.
The two left the café with grins upon their face, and upon their departure, Jinki burst into loud chuckles. “Ah, he’s so oblivious. Just you wait, Kibum. Just you wait.”
Eventually, Jonghyun and Kibum were settled comfortably in a large park, watching the people pass by with warm, sparkling gazes. A few times, Jonghyun’s hand had unconsciously brushed against Kibum’s only to shoot back hurriedly in fear, despite the fact that each time it happened Kibum’s cheeks became littered with rose. They talked softly and cosily amongst each other, and it seemed as though no time had passed before the sun had already started to set.
“We should probably get going, right?” questioned Jonghyun, although a small pout accompanied his query.
Kibum exhaled loudly. “Unfortunately, yeah.”
And so with a heavy and reluctant trudge, they slowly made their way out of the park, hands swinging awfully close to each other as they went. And that was when Kibum’s gaze fell upon a certain key chain on Jonghyun’s bag, and he paused in his place. Jonghyun too halted, and regarded Kibum with a raised eyebrow. “What’s wrong?”
“O-on your bag…You have an LGTBQ+ keychain.”
Jonghyun’s eyes widened, and he pulled his backpack around to have a look for himself. “Oh, this old thing. Yeah.” he laughed quietly.
Avoiding eye contact, Kibum continued carefully. “You support it then?”
The sides of Jonghyun’s eyes crinkled as he grinned and he nodded enthusiastically. “Of course…Well—“ He paused, considered something for a second, and then nodded his head as though agreeing with a decision. “I’m gay actually.”
Kibum’s jaw dropped and he regarded Jonghyun with unadulterated astonishment. “R-really? You?”
Jonghyun nodded slowly. “That’s okay, right?”
It took a while for Kibum to compose himself, but after a few seconds he was nodding vehemently and a purely joyous grin was spreading over his face. “That’s perfectly okay!” Kibum smirked and tried to ignore the echo of Jinki’s voice replaying in his ears. “Me too.”
Silence accompanied his claim, and the two merely stared at each other in mutual awe and astonishment. But then, before Kibum could begin to worry, Jonghyun’s lips were on his, holding his waist softly while delicately using one hand to caress Kibum’s cheek. And Kibum was kissing him back with just as much tender care, twining his fingers through the hair on Jonghyun’s nape and holding him softly as they embraced. They were in the open public, and it would take no effort whatsoever for a civilian to see them there kissing in the park, but Jonghyun and Kibum didn’t care, and only pulled away when their breath ran short.
Jonghyun giggled quietly to himself. Kibum grinned so widely that his dimples showed. And then they kissed again.
“So…” began Kibum quietly while staring at their interlocked hands. “Does that mean you didn’t order coffee every day to look like an intellectual?”
“Nah,” the older of the two laughed. “I’m just gay.”
Kibum sighed. He supposed Jinki would be ten dollars richer after all.
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forever5hines · 7 years
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Summer storm Jonghyun x Key oneshot 1100 words
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lala-pipo · 4 years
tldr - Fic Ramblings -
Now that I got (w)HELP off the table (finally) *plays a song on the kazoo* I wanted to concentrate on some new projects and some old ones. 
There is a fic I’ve been working on since 2016 which is JongTae centric and that I really want to see finished. It’s 70k+ and I finally know how to let it end, so this will be the main project I will be focusing on (fanfic wise) in the upcoming weeks (hopefully weeks and not months and not years) because I DO want to post it one day. 
As I’ve mentioned in my previous post, I also plan on giving OnTae the story they deserve with a spin off/sequel/prequel to (w)HELP which focuses on how OnTae got together. It won’t be a big project, but that’s something I already wanted to do after finishing the first chapter of (w)help because I really adore over the top Twitch gamer Taemin T_T. 
Then there has been an idea bugging me for literal weeks now. It had all started out with a picture of Taemin and then it turned into this massive plot in my head (I have no idea how this happened - probably quarantine). It’s supposed to be set in a Vicotrian age inspired world. But I will see how things go...
Last but not least there are two oneshots I want to see finished, a JongYu one and a JongKey/JongHo one (we don’t discriminate against ships on this account  😂). A few years ago I posted a snippet from the second fic together with some other fic snippets and asked all of you what fic you wanted to see finished the most, that one was the winner back then, but since I didn’t know if I wanted to take it into the JongKey direction or in the JongHo direction I let it sit in my drafts (despite it being quite long already as well). This one is also from 2016 I believe (that’s the year I began writing fics again - but most of them are withering in my drafts - probably forever).
I also still plan on rewriting “Love on four legs” as I’ve mentioned last year (10 years later I’m still questioning my younger self how they could think that THIS was a good title - I will give it a new title for sure then - because I cringe whenever I see this one). 
Anyway, so - there are a lot of things I have planned for this year. Let’s see how many of these things I will actually finish 🙈 wish me luck!
Also, not fic related - but please stay safe everyone! ❤️
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
Chaptered fics
MAGNOLIA BOY Taekai & Jongkey. Fantasy!AU. Nymphs, Elves & Fairies. Romance. Deep into the forest, a nymph is born from a tree. Jongin likes apricots, hiding in trees, playing with fairies, and taking care of plants. Then his quiet, lovely life is getting turned upside down when his closest friend, Kibum, gets a crush on an elf. Foreigners enter their land on wolves and all the little folks get extremely excited over the Royal Family. The most unexpected event being that Jongin, too shy to approach anyone alone, might also fall for one of those pointy ears beings. Currently: writing & publishing (AO3 & AFF)
+ bonuses (additional AUs / thoughts & facts)
BEAR WITH ME Taekai Witchcraft!AU. Fluff. Romance. Demons, Ghosts, Spirits & other creatures. Once upon a time in a haunted forest lived a powerful warlock, a moody Potions Master who loved to dance under the moonlight, couldn't take care of plants and always liked a good dramatic exit. One day, said warlock -whose name was Lee Taemin- crossed paths with a pouty, snotty brat named Jongin. Currently: writing & publishing (AO3 & AFF)
YOU’RE MY CUP OF TEA Taekai TeaShop!AU. Fluff. Romance. Jongin recently discovered he likes tea a lot. Taemin works in a tea shop. But Jongin truly loves tea. Not only the cute tea shop’s seller. Chanyeol gets involved in everything. & Kyungsoo speaks French. Finished (AO3 & AFF)
+ bonuses
UNTIL YOUR DISTRESS SLEEPS (fill me up with your grief) Taekai Oneshot. Angst. Comfort. Taemin’s sadness after Jonghyun’s death broke him into a hundred tiny pieces scattered everywhere. He doesn’t know how to heal and where to even start. But then Jongin enters his life and starts picking him up. Finished (AO3 & AFF)
AMOUR Taekai. Short story. Asexuality. On a calm afternoon, Taemin has a very peculiar question for Jongin. A discussion ensues. “What is love?” Jongin couldn’t help but snicker, making the boy in front of him frown slightly. “What!? What did I say?” Finished (AO3 & AFF)
TO YOU (THE ONE I COULDN’T PROTECT) Taekai. Oneshot. Emotional Hurt. Some days, memories of Jonghyun come back. & everything Taemin did to get better suddenly seems to disappear before his eyes. & all that is left is the unbearable pain. Jongin is here, always. Even when he knows that he's not enough. Finished (AO3 & AFF)
IF I CAN SEE YOU Taekai Drabble. Fluff. Jongin explaining how Taemin is his shelter. Finished (AFF)
THE MOON, THE STARS, THE SUN & US Jongkey Oneshot. CoffeeShop!AU. Fluff. Romance. Pining. After days & weeks of pining, Jonghyun finally gathers enough courage to go talk to the gorgeous man sipping his large coffee. The one with the scar on his eyebrow, sitting alone at the table near the window. But Jonghyun forgets everything he had prepared to say, once those pretty eyes are on him. And his inner astrology nerd comes out. Finished (AO3 & AFF)
DO YOU EVER WONDER IF THE STARS SHINE OUT FOR YOU? Taekai Oneshot. CoffeeShop!AU. Fluff. Romance. Pining. Taemin’s favorite customer always orders a hot chocolate. He always has a sleepy, cute smile on his lips. He always leaves tiny star-shaped origamis behind. And Taemin really, really likes him. Finished (AO3 & AFF)
IT ISN’T SO COLD WITH YOU NEXT TO ME Jongkey Oneshot. Fluff. Romance. Kibum had quite a stressful day. He’s cold, tired, starving, lonely and he only wants to go home. But then he sees this odd guy who’s soon going to turn into a snowman and Kibum can’t help but worry for him. Finished (AO3 & AFF)
Mini fics & Prompts
I Promise you Taekai Fanboy!AU. Romance. Pining. Fluff Currently: writing & publishing. (Chronological order / Last post at first)
KoreanTeacher!Taemin & Student!Jongin (They’re adults! Taemin is a “Korean as Foreign Language” Teacher, don’t be scared.)
Taekai meet on Halloween + bonus (feat. ShyMess!Taemin + it’s super Cheesy)
Taekai as Neighbors (on twitter) (feat. Tornado!Taemin & Confused&AngryPuppy!Jongin)
“I fell in love with my brother’s best friend”!AU (on twitter) (Super Clichée & Super Cheesy)
Writer!Jongin & ClumsyBarista!Taemin (on twitter) (feat. a coffee shop. also known as Poetic&Soft!AU)
BaseballPlayers!AU (on twitter) (Rivals to Lovers)
Taekai’s First Fight!AU (on twitter) (spoiler alert: it’s actually super soft)
A tired Nini meeting a very pretty boy (on twitter)
Fanboy!AU 2nd edition (but smaller!! far smaller! & on twitter)
Childhood Friends!AU (on twitter)
Taekai on a picnic (on twitter)
A very soft ABO!AU (on twitter)
All Others Very Small Prompts
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shawolonreplay · 7 years
💚 Remembering Jonghyun 💚
Jonghyun has left an amazing legacy in so many fields, so here is a list of the lil random Jonghyun moments that never failed to make me laugh or smile...My beautiful angel, I’ll always thank you for bringing so much joy and hope into my life.
Like a Fire concert version adlibs
His savageness towards DoniConi on Weekly idol - JjongPD  “IT’S JUST ‘CTRL C, CTRL V’”
Speaking of Weekly idol - Jonghyun’s competitiveness that rivalled Minho’s. Who else would do that many push ups for a tiny piece of beef??
Him oneshotting some Cola lololoolol
High note battle with a soldier
Walking Listerine CF during Crazy era
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Jonghyun and his ice bucket challenge, wanting to get all the Jonghyun’s together
Hacking into SMTOWN’s youtube channel to post a video of Roo
Jonghyun and puppy Comme Des 
The birth of Taemin fanclub president - when he got drunk, fanboyed and came up with the nickname Dracula Oppa
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Falling into the little hole where your legs were meant to go and waving cutely whilst dancing Everybody on Hello Counsellor
When Onew threw the pen in Beatle’s Code and it hit Jjong in the face instead of Minho
His acoustic version of Lucifer!!! (and Mucifer’s lol)
Onew + Jonghyun’s artistic talents in full force 
This photo lolol Taemin helping cut Jonghyun’s leg hair?? 
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Jjong trying to eat a lemon in one go, choking and then still losing
The rise of savage Jjong making the wasabi dumpling but then ending up eating it himself lolol
Jonghyun and Onew’s failed attempt at laundry during Hello Baby
This glorious picture that is the epitome of JongKey
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Jonghyun creating a youtube channel for the ice bucket challenge and uploading Minho’s and Taemins, and then a  bday video of Key getting a cake in the face 
“I plagiarised ‘ACE’ and this is ‘BASE’. They’re connected. Taemin: “Wow I got a Jonghyun photocard!!” Key: “Am I in there too?”
Teasing sleeping Jjong
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Jonghyun biting Taemin’s arm in this iconic video where they have to pretend to be calling their “girlfriend”
Embarrassed Jonghyun caught dancing to EXID’s Hot Pink (@3.47)
Scared pup screaming in falsetto over a toy game
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When the SHINee members tricked Jonghyun into having a little solo dance break in the middle of Downtown Baby
My smol pupper choosing to sit between the two giants Woobin and JJY
Of course this video!! Noodle Krump king
and of course Bling Bling...is Jonghyun
These are just a little of a lot of this beautiful soul. Feel free to contribute more random moments that made you laugh, smile, cry, anything that will help these moments last forever ❤️
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shineefics · 8 years
Kibum has always been blind and he has been always insecure. But his loving boyfriend confesses that not even he is perfect, no one is. Pairing: jongkey Chapters: 1 Rated: nc-17 Completed: yes
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katrinawritesthings · 7 months
Junghee/Gwiboon ; whole ass husband ; pg
I just think if you find a woman crying on purpose in a public bathroom to embarrass her soon-to-be ex-husband then you should help her out
"Oh, you're so sweet," the woman says, putting a hand on her heart. She was busy pushing more tears out, angling her head to spread them more evenly over her cheeks, but the watery smile gives Gwiboon is genuine. "Yeah, I would like that. I'll stop by if I don't get kicked out. I'm Junghee."
If Gwiboon is estimating the time correctly, she has at least 10 minutes to go pee before her food is going to be delivered to her table. Easy. Easy peasy. Nothing to it. She leaves her jacket on the table so people will know that someone is sitting there and hopes it looks too shitty for someone to steal and heads off to the back of the little diner. 
She walks into the bathroom, glances over her short black hair in the mirror, glances over the other woman in front of the mirror having an absolute breakdown, and is halfway to one of the stalls before she stops and does a double-take.
Yeah, that's definitely another girl with mascara running dreadfully streaky down her cheeks, her chin, even down onto her neck and chest. One drip has even gone so far as to soak into the hem of her low-cut pink dress. Her chest, flushed red under her tan skin, rises and falls with heavy breaths and her fists are clenched on top of the counter so hard that her knuckles are white. Her cheeks are red too, the tip of her nose, her eyes absolutely overflowing with tears, and even as Gwiboon watches, her eyebrows furrow, angry, distraught, and another tear leaks down her cheek. Her dark brown curls are mussed and frizzy, tangled a little bit when she tries to run her fingers through them.
Forgetting that she has to pee, and forgetting that she has a limited amount of time before her lunch gets delivered to an empty table, Gwiboon turns around and walks towards the woman.
"Oh, sweetie, are you okay?" She asks, immediately entering mom mode. She reaches to push some of her hair out of her face gently, compelled to fix this however she can. "Do you want help? Do you want to talk about it?"
"Uh–wuh? Oh,” the girl says. She blinks, turning away from the mirror, and instantly all of her features soften. Her eyebrows relax, her nose unwrinkles, her mouth stops being all screwed up and wobbly and is just neutral, normal. "No, I'm fine," she says, and despite all evidence to the contrary 10 seconds ago, she really looks and sounds like she means it. She sniffles–Gwiboon winces at how extremely snotty it sounds–and flicks the rest of her hair out of her eyes. She points in a circle around her face. "This is on purpose," she says. "My whole entire ass husband is here cheating on me with another woman."
"Oof,” Gwiboon says instinctively. She scrunches her nose, shaking her head. Oof, owie, her heart.
"Yeah," the woman says, a scoff. “I've known for a while and I finally got real proof so now I'm here in my best hell hath no fury look to give him his divorce papers." And she smiles when she says it, a little smirk, a little shimmy of her shoulders, a little pop of her right foot, like she couldn't be happier that the day is finally here. Well. Good for her, Gwiboon guesses. 
"Good luck?" She says, unsure, and then, deciding that that was correct, nods her head. "Yeah. I'm going to pee." She gives herself a hard out of the conversation before she says something embarrassing and just heads to the stall, patting the woman on the shoulder before she goes.
She hopes, as she pees, that if she ever marries a dude and he has the nerve to cheat on her, she can make the confrontation at least half as dramatic as this girl is doing. It's inspiring, honestly.
"Hey," she says when she finishes peeing and comes out to find the woman still there. As she washes her hands, she says, "if you want to hang out and complain about him after, I'm at the table next to the fake tree in the corner." She's always down for complaining about men and helping a babe fix her makeup."I'm Gwiboon, by the way."
"Oh, you're so sweet," the woman says, putting a hand on her heart. She was busy pushing more tears out, angling her head to spread them more evenly over her cheeks, but the watery smile gives Gwiboon is genuine. "Yeah, I would like that. I'll stop by if I don't get kicked out. I'm Junghee."
"Nice to meet you, Junghee," Gwiboon smiles back. She turns to leave, then stops and reaches for Junghee again. Carefully, she takes one of her dress straps and pulls it down off of her shoulder far enough to be obvious but not far enough to be revealing. Just distressed and disheveled. 
Junghee looks down at it, then back up with a smirk. "Nice,” she says.
Gwiboon winks and turns to leave for real. 
Back at her table, her jacket hasn't been stolen and her food hasn't been served yet. Two wins, she thinks. And a third when, five minutes later, she hears a shrill, loud voice screaming obscenities in a different part of the restaurant. Soon it's accompanied by another voice, presumably Junghee's garbage awful soon-to-be ex-husband, and then another voice. Not loud or shrill, but still angry, forceful. Gwiboon sips her free water, very invested.
A few minutes later, just after her extra cheesy omelet arrives, so does Junghee. She has another woman with her; a few inches taller, curvy even in a turtleneck and baggy jeans, long straight black hair, a face that looks like it would be soft and round and quick to smile if it wasn't in such a severe expression.
"Hey Gwi," Junghee sighs as she deflates into the seat across from Gwiboon. She looks devastated and worn out in a genuine way, tired in her bones, but at the same time, like a weight has been lifted off of her shoulders and maybe even a little proud of herself. "This is Eunsook."
"Number 2," Eunsook says as she drops down next to Junghee. She crosses her arms, glaring down at the table. "Cannot fucking believe that shithead made me a mistress. Humiliating."
"Hey, it's okay," Junghee says. She hooks her arm around one of Eunsook's and rubs and cheek against her shoulder. Then she pulls back with a frown, because that wiped a lot of the black mascara still on her cheek into the light green fabric. "Sorry," she says. "But I'm friends with some of his work buds and they like me better than him so they're going to do a presentation all about how he's been cheating on me in front of everyone at the big meeting next week."
"Hell yeah." Gwiboon hands a makeup remover wipe, her compact mirror, and a thumbs-up across the table to Junghee.
"Oh, sweet, thanks." Junghee takes them and gets to work cleaning herself up. "Hey, do you mind if I tell two of my girlfriends they can join us in here?" She adds, looking at between the both of them. "They're outside in the car waiting to be my moral support or whatever."
"Sure, but you're the one that's going to have to explain to my waitress why this has gone from a one-person table to a 5-person table," Gwiboon says. Eunsook shrugs after, so Junghee grins and pulls out her phone.
"That's fine," she says. 
Junghee quickly sends a text, then leaves her phone face up on the table. She drums her fingers on the wood, pops her lips, and Gwiboon can hear one of her shoes tapping against the floor. Eunsook isn't moving at all, just glaring down at the table with her arms still crossed. After a minute, Junghee starts rifling through all of the little packets of jam at the end of their table. She pulls out a grape one, opens it up, and just sticks her finger in there. Sucking it off, she absentmindedly offers it to Eunsook.
Eunsook reaches for it, then hesitates, then shakes her head. Reaching over Junghee, she grabs a little packet of sugar and rips off the top. She upends the entire thing into her mouth, then crumbles up the wrapper in her fist, resting her chin in it as she works to swallow all of it down.
Gwiboon looks between both of them over her omelette, more amused than she probably should be. A scorned lover and the other woman. How dramatic. 
"How come people always say cheating on me with another person?" She asks as the thought comes to her. "How else would someone be cheating on you?" seems a little redundant to her, if she thinks about it.
"Who knows?" Junghee sighs. “Ooh–!” She sits up a little straighter and waves her hand big above her head; Gwiboon turns to look behind her and spots two other girls coming in the front door. Must be Junghee's friends. Junghee lets her arms fall heavy back down onto the table and starts poking around in her jelly packet again. "Can you buy me a smoothie?" She asks. "One of you?" She looks between Eunsook and Gwiboon, her eyes so big and round and gorgeous that Gwiboon doesn't even hesitate for a second to reply.
"Sure, honey," she says at the same time that Eunsook says, "yeah, okay."
They smile at each other across the table for a second. Gwiboon guesses that Eunsook isn't made of any sterner stuff than she is. She doesn't mind. She's sure that both of them agree that Junghee deserves it. 
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jongandthekey · 4 years
Title: An easy target Author: figleaf Rating: R Pairing: JongKey/KeyHyun Status: complete Genre: slice of life,  Summary:  Jonghyun goes to a jazz club late at night and amidst the soft lights and dreamy music, he finds himself drinking some red wine with a young man named Key. They have never met and Jonghyun doesn't know anything about him other than what he can observe: Key seems younger than him, confident, with a coquettish and tempting attitude, he has pretty fingers with which he holds his cigarettes and likes red wine. His ordinary life gets swiped up by Key's eccentric nature during the span of the night: Jonghyun doesn't know where Key is going or how he intends on spending their time (probably on a whim, if the younger's carefree attitude is anything to go by), but he doesn't really care. He will follow. He feels bewitched. Key is a cigarette: Jonghyun knows he's most probably bad for him, but can't help but crave more and he is intent on letting himself have this pleasure at least for this night, before going back to his ordinary, predictable and planned life.
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baekyeol-fics · 6 years
[Fic Search] #23
1. I read this fic on AFF a few months ago, but I can’t find it anymore. It’s about this world where some people are considered less than people and called “trash” Baekhyun was one of them and became a servant to Chanyeol. Chanyeol made Baekhyun do stuff just to mess with him, but he eventually fell in love with him. I hope this is enough for you to help me find it. Thanks!
2. Hi i an looking for a fanfic i had read a while ago but i forget the title it was about baekhyun and luhan being brothers but they didn't know and one day baek get pregnant and they all were shocked because he's male and cant get pregnant but then luhan get preg also and the doctor said they are special same as their parent (i guess the parent was jongkey) i think its hunhan fic and chanbaek as side pairing 😓
3. baby put a ring on it (draft status) hiiii ive been following your account for a long time now. Thank you for keeping it active at most times lmao. Anyway, this is just a dumb question bc i just reread this like last week but cant find it haha. Baekhyun was wearing lip gloss at that time, he's in the car with yeol and then yeol pointed it out then commented about baek's habit of smoking and he wants to stop bc he doesnt want the taste of it when they kiss? I think this is the chapter 1 of it lol or was it a one shot? Idk. Thank you
4. More power to y'all admins! Anyway, i read this recently and i forgot it. I dont remember much about the actual plot but i do remember the scene where baekhyun had a lot to drink the night before and chanyeol brought him home? The morning came and baek had a massive headache and urge to puke but yeol is there to give him water, with a straw. I think baek likes to do have hookups too in that fic
5. you belong with me I was looking for a chanbaek fic. Baek had a gf but was dumped before prom. Baek attended prom but left early. He was found by Sehun and friends who were motorcycle riders. Baek became a prize for the race and CY won. Please help. :)
6. Hey! I finally got my chance. I've been trying to recall this fic and I'm pretty sure it's from AFF. It's about CY being a CEO while BH was his husband and secretary and they were a having a steamy scene at CY's office. I really wanted to read this fic again but just can remember the title. Btw, thank you for all the your effort in running this site. Thank you really!
7. Hello!! I've been looking for a fic, it was highschool!au and chanbaek were kind of fwb I think and one night Chanyeol sneaked in Baekhyun's bed through the window to cuddle with him (or something along these lines). Thank you for your time!!
8. Odd hewwooo im looking for a royalty au where baekhyun is a king and he has a wife but has an affair with chanyeol??? i remember that theyre also twins like chan and yeol. the twins and baekhyun are also siblings if i am not mistaken. thank you in advance uwu
9. Something Borrowed hi! i asked before i feel like my description was all over the place lol im looking for a best friends to lovers fic where chanyeol kept his feelings from baek but then baekhyun started dating either sehun or jongdae and i think at baekhyuns party, baekhyun was being really mean to chanyeol and then chanyeol confessed to baekhyun out of heartbreak/anger and then baekhyun realized he had feelings for chanyeol. i think it may have been on ao3 or aff but im not sure :(
10. Hello! So glad it’s open again, and I’ve been waiting to ask this but do any of you lovely admins know a fic where.. well I don’t remember much, but it was a really angsty one shot. Pcy was begging bbh to let him go so he can move on because bbh doesn’t love him anymore and bbh has moved on so pcy wants to too. But bbh makes him stay almost everytime and gets to have smex with him, until it’s revealed that bbh still really does love channie but has major problems. Yeah, um, it’s a oneshot. Thx!
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lipacks · 6 years
im back + requests  [pt/br]
oi gente!1111111111
depois de séculos eu decidi voltar com o tumblr HSBNJH e quem diria que nesse meio tempo eu conseguiria 1,2K DE FUCKING SEGUIDORES!11
meu deus mt obrigada <3
e bom, eu vou deletar todos os meus pedidos e mostrar que tipos de layout/icon e etc eu faço! então na hora de fazer o pedido sEJA ESPECÍFICO 
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soft layouts!
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soft aesthetic layouts!
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soft anime layouts [only random anime headers]
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eu também faço lq e soft icons, color packs (idols_color headers e vice-versa), matching icons/layouts, e headers! e pedidos sem ‘por favor’ ou grosseiros serão deletados~
“você faz messy/idol+idol layouts ou lockscreens ou bios ou users?”
“você faria alguma layout/icon com alguma foto específica [idol/ulzzang/trainee]?”
sim! me manda na minha dm @/shineepetit
‘você divulgaria meu tumblr *-*?”
nãokkkk so divulgo das minhas amigas :[
[ inclusive follow @archiveshinee @luviedits ]
“você usa algum psd?”
só edito no vsco mo
alguns fatos sobre mim pra comemorar o 1.2k
então meu nome é teresa, tenho 12 anos e eu sou de sp! 
sou shawol, nctzen, monbebe, carat, exol e gg stan felizmente
eu gosto de escrever várias one-shots/fanfics mas nunca postei elas SBHJH so uma oneshot jongkey mas nhe
eu estudo de tarde então provavelmente vou postar os pedidos ou whatever de noite ou de manhã
eu sou uma pessoa muito chata perdão
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life-n0t-knife · 7 years
I've been feeling inspired and so I wondered if you lovely people could help me by submitting a request ir prompt for a drabble/oneshot. (I dnt have time for another long fic)
If you would like to submit, just tell me the following:
Prompt (picture,song,word) or Request.
Pairing (kaisoo, taekai, jongkey, onkey)
Rating if you want, not necessary (PG,NC-17/M)
The only things I don't write are: Daddykink, gender bend/swap, hybrids or Mpreg.
I hope you can all inspire me!!! :)
Xx L xX
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