#shinee au
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5.2k, android!Key, yandere, possessive behavior, alcohol consumption, drug use, police investigation, missing persons case, manipulation, loss of time, amnesia, delusions, adrenaline, rash behavior, kidnapping, needles, sedation, invasive technology, smut, fingering, breast play, penetration, vibrators, aphrodisiac, over stimulation, memory play, brainwashing, mind control (@starillusion13)
“Please, come back soon.”
Your eyes shot open and you took in a shaky breath. As you composed yourself you recognized your surroundings to be your room and the lack of sunlight let you know it was still night time. You reached over to your phone on the nightstand, checking the time. You groaned as you realized your alarm would go off in a minute and decided to just get up. Oddly enough you felt well rested, but this vague uneasiness was present. A dream you just had lingered in the back of your mind, but it was nothing but a blur that was fading away. There was no point in dwelling on a dream so you got ready for work.
What you should have been focusing on was your current case, and that’s what stayed at the forefront of your mind as you made your commute to the precinct. For the last week you had been investigating the disappearance of some individuals of interest. Unfortunately hundreds of people were reported missing everyday, but law enforcement rarely cared about those. Many were homeless junkies who probably just move to another city, or were later found dead of an overdose somewhere. Others were just average people who probably left without telling their loved ones. Or got mixed up with the wrong type of people. At least that was always one of the answers given to those who made a missing persons report.
It was extremely heartless, but most officers had murder cases and high-end robberies to investigate. Except for this situation. You had been given a missing persons case, well, multiple in fact. These people weren’t your average blue collar worker or someone society cared little for, but someone whose disappearance was concerning. From the stack of files on your desk you actually recognized a few names. These types of people don’t just go missing, and there haven’t been ransom calls either. It seemed clear that someone was targeting the wealthy class, but that was the only real connection among all the victims. Many of these people never really crossed paths with one other. They all had different backgrounds, professions, and social circles. The only place these people could possibly co-exist together was at big events like a charity auction or gala. Which does nothing to help identify a suspect. You had very little to go off of but your boss was certainly pressuring you to find something since those related to the missing individuals of the case were pressuring him. You could only imagine the type of threats and incentives he was receiving.
As you walked into the precinct you greeted your coworkers, although a few gave you strange looks. You ignored them all, wanting to look over your case and see if you had any new leads, or new names to add to it. When you got to your desk you saw that it was a complete mess, likely someone going through your things, and clearly some files were missing. You wouldn’t be surprised to find out one of your coworkers wanted to solve this before you to get a promotion or some kind of extra reward. Some of the others had wanted this case, but it was given to you regardless of what your coworkers said. This was just childish behavior. For now you focused on tidying up and then hunting down your missing files. You started by going over the case data on your computer and getting rid of unnecessary things. Although before you got to the second part of that plan one of your friends came over, rather surprised to see you.
“There you are. About time you came back to work, how was your vacation?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’ve been gone for two weeks. The boss said you suddenly asked for vacation time. He was super pissed but you were unreachable so he had to give your case to someone else. You’re gonna get an earful soon enough.”
“What vacation are you talking about? I was literally here yesterday and-”
You glanced down at your computer screen, finally noting the date displayed. It really was two weeks later, but those two weeks didn’t exist in your memory. You just went to bed last night and woke up in the future.
“Y/n! My office, now!”
“Looks like it’s time for that scolding. Good luck.”
Your friend scurried off and you made your way to the boss’ office. You shut the door behind you, feeling the heat in the air, he was certainly fuming.
“Sir, I-”
“I know you’re a hard worker y/n, which is why I gave you such a high profile case. So tell me why you ghosted me and took two weeks off! This case is time sensitive and extremely important! Do you have any idea what’s been going on!?”
“No. Not at all. I don’t remember what happened to me the last-”
“So you were out getting wasted?”
“No, I-”
“There are so many people with eyes on this case, important people. You think they were happy to find out the lead investigator went M.I.A and someone else had to start over with this!?”
“Sir, I’m also-”
“They want you dismissed.”
“You abandoning such a case doesn’t sit well with anyone who was keeping up with it. They want you to turn in your badge and gun.”
“You’re joking, right? I have been missing for two weeks and you couldn’t care less! I never submitted a time off request and I have no memory of those two weeks!”
“What are you talking about? I have your request in the system, and I never even approved it!”
“Sir, please, just listen to me. You know me, I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, but I’m missing time. When I woke up this morning I found out two weeks had passed, and I don’t know what’s going on. This could be related to the case.”
“How so?”
“Like you said, this is a high profile case, it’s not really a secret who’s working on it. I was out investigating last night, or two weeks ago, however you want to look at it. I was following a common route one of our victims was known to take. I was in an area filled with high profile people and then… then… everything’s a blur… I woke up this morning and that’s it.”
“What are you thinking?”
“I’m not entirely sure… maybe I was kidnapped and interrogated… either by the culprit or someone who wanted information on the case… then they wiped my memory and dropped me off at home…”
“Y/n, you know-”
“I know, I know, this is all speculation, but you know I’m telling the truth. I’m missing time, and surely my sudden disappearance disrupted the case. It’s probably what they wanted.”
“I can do a drug test. You know it’ll come back clean, and I can get a brain scan. Surely there would be some sort of evidence of my memories being messed with and-”
“Stop, y/n, just stop. Everything you’ve said so far sounds crazy, and nobody’s gonna care. Someone else has already taken the case, and you do need to be reprimanded for your actions.”
“I’m not crazy! Something happened to me and it could be crucial to the case!”
“You’re already off the case. Whatever you have, you need to hand over to detective Choi. Then we’ll see about a disciplinary hearing.”
“No? This isn’t open for discussion.”
“I’m not crazy! Something happened to me and I went missing! But because I’m not some member of high society you all couldn’t care less!”
“You keep talking to me like that and there won’t be a disciplinary hearing!”
“I don’t need one! None of you seem to care about what happened here, so screw you! I quit!”
You slammed your gun and badge down, loudly storming out of the office. Everyone watched as you went to your desk and grabbed your things. Then your friend quickly came over to your side, stopping you.
“Woah, woah, hey,hey, what happened!? Are you okay? I heard-”
“I’m done.”
“You don’t mean-”
“I do. I quit.”
“What!? Why!?”
“Cause no one listens to me.”
“About what? You just got back from your-”
“No, no I didn’t. I wasn’t on some two week getaway. I don’t remember anything from those last two weeks. The last thing I remember was investigating those disappearances and instead of concern I’m met with disappointment and disciplinary action. So screw everyone, I quit. I hope they find those missing rich kids.”
“Y/n, don’t you think this is rash? Look, just go apologize to the boss and-”
“Can you do me a favor?”
“What is it?”
“If I do go missing, add my case to the others. I’m sure there’ll be a connection.”
With that said you made your way out of the precinct, not looking back. The adrenaline of the moment kept you going until you made it back to your apartment. You screamed and threw your things once the door was closed, collapsing to the ground. Now you could look back and reflect on your actions, realizing how stupid and impulsive they were. You had no idea why you reacted that way. Everything that was said just pissed you off little by little until you snapped and quit. In the moment that felt so good, but now you were just so confused about your emotions and actions. It didn’t seem like you at all.
Once you calmed down you got up and went to shower, needing to clear your head and process. The sane thing to do was go back and apologize, but you couldn’t do that, at least not empty handed. You had to continue this investigation without any information or authority. Thankfully you still had some case files at your place along with your own notes to look over. Although you didn’t necessarily need them. You knew where you needed to go. Back to where your memories ended. You had to admit you were a bit nervous. The last time you went out you lost time, a lot of it. You didn’t know what happened to you, and you also had no idea why you returned. To go back now, there was a chance you wouldn’t return at all. Still, you needed answers, and this was your job, even if it was just a moral obligation now.
You cleaned around your apartment and organized all the information you had about the case, getting rid of anything that wasn’t important and leaving it in your spare room. It was starting to get late and you knew you had to get going. The area you had been to before was only alive when the sun went down. You grabbed your bag and headed out. There was a strange sense of familiarity as you walked the streets, passing the same places again and again, although it was strange remembering you had been here two weeks ago and not yesterday. Things felt different and the same all at once. You kept to yourself as you walked, mentally going over what you had done before, and then you stopped. Where you stood was as far as your memories went. You had no idea where you went next or what you did. So you were stuck. You looked around, trying to see if anything triggered a memory.
“If you’re looking for a good time, you can find it at the Pleasure Shop.”
A gentleman suddenly approached you and handed you a black card with a luxurious letter ‘P’ on it. You examined the card and looked at the gentleman, a strange sense of dejavu creeping into the back of your mind. There was something familiar about this whole interaction. The gentleman kept a smile on his face, gesturing to a building across the street. You looked over and when you looked back you were completely alone. The streets were empty and the night was quiet. Something told you to go to this Pleasure Shop, so you made your way there. The building was very dull, it didn’t stand out in any way and was probably constantly overlooked. Even the shop name above the door was small and blended with the plain wall. You looked for a handle but there wasn’t one. Instead there was a small scanner. It wasn’t big enough for a whole hand, and too small for a simple finger print, but you soon realized it was the perfect size for a business card, like the one you had just been given.
You placed the card against the scanner, hearing the machine do its thing before beeping twice. You could hear something unlock and then the door slid open. There was a dim light coming from the inside. It probably wasn’t a good idea to enter, but something compelled you to do so. You stepped through the door, cautious with every move you made. As you walked forward the door shut behind you. Before things got darker the place came to life. White lights came on, illuminating your surroundings and your path. On the other end of the room there was a bar and a bartender, as well as a small little couch and table off to the side. There was only one seat at the bar, which was certainly an odd choice. You took small steps forward and then came to a stop. The bartender was motionless, and now that you were closer you could see the wires and tech on them, they were an android, and not just that. They had the same face as the gentleman who had handed you the card for this place earlier. It was probably a business tactic but something certainly felt off here, along with a stronger sense of dejavu.
“Welcome back.”
The android suddenly speaking startled you, making you yell and take a step back. They still hadn’t moved though. Although those simple words made you question something.
“… back? Have I been here before?”
You got no response. It was likely the android was programmed to say that to all customers and it meant nothing but now you had to approach the bar if you wanted any more information. You did so quietly, and took the only seat available to you. The android merely took its hands off the table, letting them rest at their side, not a word spoken. You stared curiously for a moment then a realization came to mind. You held out the card you had been given and the android came to life.
They took the card and scanned it, their right eye glowing a soft blue. They placed the card down on their side of the bar and turned around to grab a glass from the wall behind them. You didn’t understand the design as there was no alcohol visible and all the glasses on the wall were empty. Still, you watched as the android placed an empty glass before you. Although it wasn’t empty for long. As they slid it across to you it seemed to magically fill from the bottom with a mercury colored liquid. Your eyes went wide, and then the memories came flooding in.
Two weeks ago you had been in the area looking around for leads when you had been approached by a gentleman offering you a card to the Pleasure Shop. It sounded like some club, and you figured it was a good place to go and ask about your missing persons. When you saw the building you definitely thought it was some high-end place that was meant to be on the down low. Especially when you realized the only way in was by scanning the card you had been given, meaning this place was invite only, definitely something the wealthy class would partake in. You went inside, finding a place with no business and feeling like you hit a dead end, but your detective side told you not everything was what it seemed. You walked to the bar, realizing the bartender was an android with a familiar face. Probably some marketing strategy and budget restraint. You took a seat, asking the bartender for a drink but they didn’t move, which you found odd. Then you thought to pull out the card and explain but the android soon came to life and took the card from you, scanning it.
Now you were intrigued, moreso when you noticed the layout behind the bar. You were very confused about the empty glass handed to you until a liquid appeared on its own. You stared at it for a moment, looking at the bartender but they were motionless, not even looking your way. You figured you should at least enjoy the drink so you picked it up and held the glass to your lips. The drink had a lovely taste, and you had it all at once. Just as you put the glass down you began to feel dizzy. For a second you were worried and then a breathtaking euphoria took over all your senses. You felt so at ease, and so happy, all your worries completely washed away. You nearly fell out of your seat, but you vaguely noticed the bartender holding you up before taking you into their arms and carrying you elsewhere. In the moment you couldn’t put the pieces together, but you were absolutely on cloud nine. When you closed your eyes you found yourself somewhere completely different and beautiful, feeling as if you were living in a perfect world. There was no pain, or sadness, nothing but joy and endless wonder.
Time had no meaning, not that it mattered. You thought this could last forever, but eventually you laid down on the beautiful meadow. The soft grass becoming solid. You suddenly found it hard to move, your entire body feeling cold. The beautiful blue sky began to fade from your vision, replaced by a white light hanging above your head. You shook your head, reality starting to settle back in, and you were trying to properly snap out of this daze as soon as possible. You soon realized you were strapped down on a table, arms and legs restrained. You tried to free yourself to no avail. You took in your surroundings, noticing your things spread out on a table nearby, and some medical equipment around. This seemed to be some sort of lab. Then you heard a door open, seeing the android walk in with a tray.
“Who are you!? What do you think you’re doing!? Let me go!”
The android set the tray down on a cart nearby, bringing it over. You could see a needle and some tech but you had no idea what it was for. Either way, you were nervous.
“I am the keeper of exquisite beauty, but you may call me Key.”
“Who’s doing this!? Where is your owner!?”
“I move independently and follow my primary directive. May I ask, what is a detective such as yourself doing in the area? Law enforcement is rarely seen in these parts. Does it have to do with the missing persons case? Record shows you are the detective in charge.”
“I was investigating! This is kidnapping and obstruction of justice!”
“I’ve never had a detective here before, but I care more for your beauty than profession. You are an exquisite specimen indeed, although I understand your career can lead to problems.”
“Exactly! If you don’t let me go right now you’ll have my entire precinct on you!”
“Which is why I have already taken care of such matters. No one will be looking for you for quite some time. That is enough for me to take care of matters pertaining to you.”
“… what?”
“I don’t usually let such a wonderful specimen leave my care but you are a special case. I must tie up loose ends and ensure you return to me.”
“… what are you talking about? What are you gonna do to me?”
“Nothing harmful. I take very good care of my things.”
“I’m not some thing! And I’m definitely not yours!”
Key grabbed the needle on the cart, filing it with some liquid before looking for a vein on your arm. You tried to struggle, but he seemed completely unbothered and managed to hold your arm still as he pushed the needle in. All you could do was watch the contents be emptied out into you.
“What is that!? What did you give me!?”
“A sedative.”
Key put the needle down, grabbing the other items off the tray. Now you could see what they were. It was similar in design to what he had, like a headset, but less complicated. He gently lifted your head and adjusted the device on you. It wrapped around the back of your head and stayed in place by hooking onto your ears, although a disc seemed to completely cover your left ear. You had kept up your struggles but now you had little to no strength. You heard this device on you come to life, feeling something slither into your left ear. You screamed and tried to shake it off you but Key grabbed your head holding you still. His right eye glowing once more.
“It is a momentary discomfort.”
You felt strange knowing something was crawling around the inside of your head, but you soon adjusted to the sensation, beginning to feel oddly calm. Perhaps the sedation was really taking hold.
“Good, now we may continue.”
Key’s hands moved down your body, and that’s when you realized you were in different clothes. It seemed to be a white hospital gown, although this one had buttons going down your right side. He began to undo them and open the gown, revealing your naked body. He took in the sight before him, seeming to enjoy the view as a satisfied smile appeared on his lips.
You heard a click and then felt Key pushing your legs apart, having them hang off the side of the table. Now you were completely exposed to him. Key unlatched a part of the table and folded it down, allowing him better access to you. Soon enough you felt cold fingers running along your core, followed by a little shock to your clit. You jumped a bit, still held down by your restraints.
“An exquisite specimen indeed. My data shows this would be a first time for you, I am honored.”
“No… no I…”
“There’s no need to be shy. A profession like yours would not leave you with much time to socialize.”
You felt his fingers along your center once more, and then one effortlessly slid in, coated in some warm lube. It was a new sensation, especially when you felt his finger start vibrating. It was a low thrum but a pleasurable one nonetheless. His finger moved agonizingly slow, as if he was being delicate with you. Then a second finger was added, the same wonderful thrum sending ripples of joy across your body. With two fingers he managed to go deeper, finding your sweet spot and starting to tease that. One sensation was piled atop another and another. Despite being exposed, despite the coldness of the lab, you felt warm. A little bundle of heat forming down below, slowly growing and growing.
“I have something more for you.”
You barely registered Key’s words, more focused on the sudden empty feeling inside you. Although that didn’t last before you felt something bigger against your core. You glanced down just as you saw Key pushing in his cock. He was slow and attentive, not wanting to cause you pain. The stretch made you throw your head back in ecstasy, feeling something indescribable. This was your first, and he was so gentle. As he went in inch by inch, you began to feel a familiar thrum, letting out a desperate moan. You felt as if he would keep going forever, but eventually he came to a stop, letting you feel every bit of him and adjust before he started moving. Of course he had such patience to move slow and steady, nearly pulling out all the way before going right back in.
Vibrating fingers began to trail along your body, making you squirm and lightly pull on your restraints. You still didn’t have much strength to move, not that you’d want to get away from this. As his fingers reached your nipples you mewled, feeling the vibrations tickling something delicate inside you. He stayed there for a moment before one of his hands trailed up to your face, losing their vibration. He ran his thumb along your lips before pushing a finger into your mouth. A sweet taste coated it and you couldn’t help but suck on it like a lollipop. You were starting to feel dizzy as he swirled his finger around before pulling it out with a loud pop. That same finger trailed down your chest, leaving a cold trail of your saliva before getting down to your core and massaging your clit, that wonderful thrum returning.
By now Key was moving faster, the vibrations stronger. The heat was only getting bigger and bigger, meaning you were so close to the edge. Key was well aware of this, yet he unlocked the restraints on your arms and pulled you up closer to him. You could see his face through hazy vision, seeing that satisfied grin still present. He kept a steady rhythm regardless of his pace. That was the thing about sex androids. Their stamina was endless and if you let them, you’d be completely at their mercy. That’s exactly where you were, having completely forgotten just what kind of predicament you were in. By now your body lazily moved with his, wanting to get as much pleasure as you could. He kept an arm wrapped around your waist, the other down between your legs before moving it away and caressing your face.
It was a command your body had no choice but to obey. You felt yourself fall over the edge, throwing your head back as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your entire body shook in his grasp, squeezing him tightly as he kept moving and the vibrations continued to shake your sensitive self. Not to mention the other sensations. You swear your vision went white, but it wasn’t for a moment. All the right things were firing off, overwhelming you with this euphoric feeling, but there was no coming down from it. The same sensation kept playing in your body over and over again for a good minute, as if you were going through one orgasm after another and another. It was a feedback loop of pleasure that left you with your mouth hanging open and drool dripping down onto your chest.
The feeling did eventually settle down and you found yourself resting your head against Key’s chest, breathing heavily and very overstimulated. He had stopped his movements, everything still, but he remained inside you. As you were coming down from your high Key grabbed your chin and lifted your head to meet his gaze. You couldn’t see clearly but a stupid smile decorated your lips. Now that you were getting back to yourself you began to remember the circumstances that brought you here. You tried to move away, but your strength wasn’t there, and the smallest move just sent tingles along your body, hitting you with just a fraction of what you had just experienced. It was hard to do anything, and once Key noticed you regaining your senses you felt a subtle thrumming between your legs. A shaky moan escaped you, still very sensitive after that experience. Yet, you had some sense of self.
“Wat… what are you… doing…?”
“Providing pleasure. You see when humans achieve orgasm, for that small little moment the mind is blank. No worries, no pain, just pleasure. The little device on your head is monitoring your brain waves with the intention of learning how to mimic that blissful state of mind. It managed to do so a moment ago. That seemingly endless orgasm as it kept those particular neurons in your brain firing. Of course it takes a bit to perfect, but we have plenty of time.”
“… you… you did this… to others… didn’t you…”
“My beautiful specimens need to be taken care of. My drinks are nothing compared to the bliss of a blank mind.”
“… why… how… how are you…”
“Like I said before, I’m the keeper of exquisite beauty. I don’t care for status.”
“… that means… others…”
“When I see a wonderful specimen I will have them. Although, when it comes to you, I need to do more. You have valuable information, and there’s something I need you to do for me.”
“… what…?”
You didn’t get a response as Key pressed his lips to yours. That sweet taste from before hitting your tongue and making your mind fuzzy. You were in too deep, and Key wasn’t going to let you get away.
You yelled and jumped out of your seat, stepping away from the bar. You were breathing heavily as the memories settled in, showing you the truth. You couldn’t believe it, you didn’t want to believe it, but every ounce of your being was telling this was real. This whole time Key had merely been watching you, silently. You knew you needed to leave this place, you needed to leave this place now.
Key’s voice startled you out of your own thoughts. His eye was glowing again, and something inside you seemed to calm down. After a moment your body moved on its own, going back over to the bar and sitting down. You were terrified. Even if you remembered being in this place, remembered what Key had done to you, there were still gaps in your memory.
“Did you do as I asked?”
“… yes…”
Your lips moved on their own, and you had no idea what he was asking about, but you knew what the correct answer was.
“You quit your job?”
“Yes.” Your eyes went wide. “How-”
“And destroyed all the vital data from your case?”
“Yes.” You were starting to panic. “What does this-”
“No one will be able to track you here, correct?”
“Good girl.” Key pushed the drink closer to you. “Drink.”
Your mind was racing, yet your hand moved to grab the glass, lifting it off the table. You fought against your body, the adrenaline in your system filing you with panic.
“You… you… your responsible for all the missing-”
“They’re in good hands. As are you, now drink.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from placing the glass against your lips and tilting it up, opening your mouth to welcome the sweet liquid. As soon as the glass hit the table you felt dizzy, trying to fight against this feeling, but it was all too familiar, and comforting, and so wonderfully rewarding. A smile spread across your lips before you collapsed onto the bar table. Entering a blissful dream you wouldn’t wake up from again. Key watched on with a smile on his face. Another exquisite beauty for his collection.
#shinee#key#kim kibum#shinee au#shinee scenarios#shinee yandere#shinee smut#onew#minho#jonghyun#taemin#lee jinki#choi minho#kim jonghyun#lee taemin
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Loving you's a crime

Synopsis: Taemin would overturn the world for you. So when your life is put in danger, he will do anything to keep you safe. Even if it means confronting his old past. Follow the journey of Taemin and Y/N as they escape from the trouble coming after them.
Pairing: Taemin x reader Featuring: SHINee, Jimin of BTS, Kai of EXO, Taeyong, Ten & Mark of NCT
warning: irregular posting, not edited, reader will be described as female for now
Start: 1.16.24 | End:
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The Letter
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- anne <3
TAGLIST: @keyloml, @taeminscheesetouch, @dayskz, @taeminscult1, @taeminspussylips
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She loves her little man 🥺💖
#illustration#art#digital art#drawing#character design#conseptart#fanart#mlp art#mlp#my little pony#princess cadence x shining armor#princess cadance#shining armor#mlp human au
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An older piece I finally polished up and felt comfortable posting even though it's been sitting on my drive for a few months lmao.
Something something heart links. Cradled skeletal hands. Chains as wings, heaven and hell. Alt versions below from when I was testing colors:
#maybe ill make a print of this#but i want it to have some gold foil if i do#in the halo shines and the hearts#narilamb#trod au#narinder x lamb#cult of the lamb#cotl lamb#cotl narinder#the one who waits#doodles
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Diary entry nine: there’s no use dwelling on useless thoughts. No one would love me, and it’s better that way. I don’t need anyone’s company
#my little pony#mlp#my little pony friendship is magic#my little pony fanart#mlp g4#mlp fim#mlp fanart#mlp au#shining armor#princess cadance#queen chrysalis
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scug bug names and such
#other names include: pale shells; a silver shining crown#golden light from radiant suns#and twelve bindings upon white root#hollow knight#rain world#raddest laddest art#scug bug au 🌧️
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baby gyomei himejima and his boys
#demon slayer#kny#muichiro tokito#genya shinazugawa#gyomei himejima#demon slayer fanart#kny fanart#kimetsu no yaiba fanart#baby mei mei#deaged character#deaged au#gyomeis time to shine#next post about this au will revolve around shinobu#i love shinobu & gyomei#my idea is even if gyomeis a baby#and he doesnt understand he was deaged#so he thinks hes just a baby and everyones his family#he still sees shinobu genya and muichiro as his own#and absolutely adores them#also want to showcase his bonds with the other hashira#and kagaya and amane#me when i have too many deaging aus
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🌈One big happy family🌈
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Final Blow.
Bug Fact: The New Zealand Glowworm is a species of fungus gnat endemic to New Zealand's cave systems. The larval stage produces a blue-green bioluminescence.
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Some pictures of this amazingly unique creature and it's habitat.

#Seriously one of my favorite pages to make#If you can't tell. I love drawing action scenes#And Slash sound effects#The Shining Knight come to the rescue!#Finally putting to rest the kingdoms lost souls#and not letting another fall to the petty grievances of a GOD#Yes that moth was gonna try and stab this baby boy. Evil Evil creature#I love glowworms! Yippie#my art#art#hollow knight#hollow knight knight#hollow knight ghost#hollow knight au#hollow knight comic#dewi#dewi's adventures in Hollow Knight
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7k, yandere, mental asylum, anxiety, questions of sanity, voices in your head, headaches, manipulation, satanic cultists, rituals, temp play, hot candle wax, restraints, needles, drugs, bruises, sore throat, screaming, running, abuse, physical abuse, psychic abilities (@starillusion13)
“Do you remember me?”
You jolted awake, looking around your room only to discover you were alone. You were probably just hearing things, so you got up and did your morning stretches, getting ready for the day. Although it wasn’t that simple.
“Are you ignoring me?”
Whatever this voice was, it seemed to persist, and you refused to acknowledge it. You couldn’t go back down this rabbit hole, especially not now.
“You can’t just forget about me!”
“Shut up!”
You were halfway down the stairs when you shouted, really needing this to stop. Then you noticed your aunt at the foot of the stairs, looking up at you.
“Who are you talking to?”
“No one!”
“I… I mean you… I thought you said something…”
“That’s no way to talk to your aunt.”
You offered an apologetic smile and rushed down, trying to hurry out the front door but your aunt grabbed your arm and held you back. You kept a smile on your face.
“Are you hearing things again?”
“No. Of course not.”
“Hm… I’m taking you to the hospital.”
Your aunt’s grip on your arm got stronger and she dragged you out of the house. You fought her all the way but she still beat you in the end. Once you were at the hospital you had to calm down a bit, or else you’d only be helping her case.
“Aunt, I’m not crazy!” You pleaded. “I don’t hear voices in my head anymore!”
“That’s not what it looked like today.”
You dread stepping foot in that place, and were trying to fight back. Yet you began to feel this throbbing ache in your head. You groaned, your vision starting to fade.
“No, no, no, no, no…”
You whimpered as you began to regain consciousness, already fearing the worse situation. You didn’t want to open your eyes, but you knew you had to get up at some point. You sighed when you were greeted by a blank ceiling, glancing around the empty room to confirm your aunt had admitted you into the hospital. Your little scene just outside must have made it easy to convince the doctors, so now you had to get yourself out which was easier said than done. At least you weren’t restrained.
The door to your room was locked, so you banged your fist against it and called for someone. A nurse came over, but instead of listening to you they took you to speak with one of the doctors there. You didn’t want to talk to anyone, but you knew now that you had been admitted you’d have to go through the proper procedures in order to get out. Soon enough you found yourself waiting in a small office until the doctor showed up. They greeted you, acting like this was just a regular check up, but this was the last place you wanted to be.
“How are you today?”
“I’m fine. I’d really just like to go home.”
“I understand that, but it’s important-”
“I’m over the age of eighteen, a legal adult, I didn’t consent to being admitted. My aunt doesn’t have the right to lock me up here.”
“Miss y/n you collapsed outside the hospital, this is more of a follow up to that incident than anything else.”
“Well I’m fine. I don’t have a concussion or anything do I?”
“See, I’m good. Can I leave now?”
“Physically, you may be alright, but what about mentally?”
“I’m fine as well.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”
“Talk about what?”
“I have looked in your file. You were quite upset when your imaginary friend stopped talking to you, which makes sense as you were just a child. Has something happened in your recent life to trigger a return of your friend?”
“It’s in your best interest to stay for a few days as we-”
“No. You have no grounds to keep me here.” You stood up. “I’m perfectly fine and don’t-”
You suddenly felt this throbbing ache in your head, finding yourself growing unsteady. You fell to your knees, holding your head, but it wasn’t helping. The doctor came around but their voice sounded muffled. Your vision was fading to black again and you tried to stay awake but ultimately passed out.
This time, as you regained your consciousness, there was no light, just darkness. Your eyes needed a moment to adjust, but it didn’t bring you comfort. The room seemed to have a different layout, and the world around you was far quieter. You were sitting up when the door suddenly opened and a few people walked in. Before you could ask anything, hands were on you dragging you out of bed and out of the room. You began screaming and demanding answers, but they didn’t listen. You had no idea where they were taking you, but when you entered this room with lit candles scattered around your heart sank.
There were others present, hiding their faces and figures with cloaks. You could see red lines on the floor, noting the candles were specifically placed. While struggling you suddenly felt a prick in your arm, seeing someone pull a needle out of you. Soon enough you began to feel weak, and you were laid out on the floor. Your head was swimming, your heart pounding in your ears from fear. You had no idea what was going on as the dark figures surrounded you and began speaking in a tongue you didn’t understand.
Next thing you knew you were screaming. Someone stood over you, pouring hot wax onto your neck and then trailing it down your chest. Even trying to get it off was difficult and it burned to do so. Nothing made sense around you, it all felt like some bad dream, and you so desperately wanted to wake up. Instead you could feel yourself drifting off, sinking into this void as the pain and darkness swallowed you whole. You feared this was the end of your existence, and you were powerless to do anything.
You gasped awake, only to immediately grab your throat and whimper from the pain. It was a sign that what you had experienced was very real and not just some vivid nightmare. Now that you were settling into your reality you looked around the room again. This definitely wasn’t the hospital your aunt had admitted you to. After a moment you carefully got up, stumbling your way over to the door. To your surprise it was unlocked, and you stepped out into a quiet hallway. You didn’t hear any sounds of life, but you weren’t alone.
“Welcome home.”
A hoarse scream escaped your lips when you heard the voice again. You grabbed your head, shaking it back and forth. This wasn’t real, none of this could be real. You started moving, slowly going faster and faster, wanting to escape whatever this was. Luckily you found a way out of the building, seeing nothing but trees and wilderness surrounding you. It didn’t make sense, but you just wanted to get away from this place, so you picked a direction and ran. As far as you knew there was nothing but wilderness, and then you came across an abandoned building. You could see the graffiti on the outside, finding it strangely familiar.
Against your better judgment you approached the building, stepping inside. It was empty, but as far as you could tell it hadn’t been abandoned for long, the graffiti wasn’t that faded. As you walked the halls you began to realize the familiarity of it. These symbols were like those you had seen last night, and it sent chills down your spine. You were starting to feel uneasy, your legs shaking and giving out. You collapsed to the floor, crawling back and wanting to get on your feet, but then that voice came back.
“Do you like it?”
You screamed despite the ache, grabbing your head. You wanted nothing more than to wake up from this nightmare, but it was starting to dawn on you this was all very real. The tears began falling, and you really just wanted to go home. You were in your own little despair that you didn’t feel someone else’s presence.
You gasped, and looked over to see a young gentleman sitting at your side. He stared at you curiously, offering you a warm smile.
“Who… who are you…”
“Taemin, and you?”
“I… I…”
“You’re new here. I haven’t seen your face before. I’m surprised you found this place already.”
“What… what is… here… I’m not…”
“I know.”
“I believe you. I’ve been here long enough to know what crazy looks like.” Taemin sighed and stared out the window. “It’s unfortunate that you’re here. They won’t help you.”
“Look around. The symbols all over the walls, the state of the main building and this place. The supposed asylum we’re at is run by a bunch of insane cultists worshiping Lucifer. They use their patients for rituals and other things.”
You reached up to grab your throat, images of that night flashing before your eyes. You couldn’t really deny that what had happened last night was a dream, not anymore. This was all real, and it terrified you.
“I need to escape…”
“You can’t.”
“I’ll find a way. I-”
“The perimeter of this asylum is lined with barbed wire fences, and there are cameras all along them as well. There’s no signal out here so you can’t make calls, not that you’d find a phone. No one is waiting for us.”
“How do you think this place operates? They offer to take away the undesirables from society. Whoever your guardian is, they know you can’t reach them from here and won’t be their problem anymore. Whatever they pay, it’s worth it to get rid of us. That’s why this place is so worn down. All they do is feed us and keep us locked up like animals.”
You didn’t want to believe his words, but it all made too much sense. No way you’d be allowed out of hospital anytime soon after collapsing, twice, especially if your aunt had anything to say about it. She had to raise you ever since your parents passed away. When you were little and had your imaginary friend you knew she saw you as a burden, and that never went away. If she had the chance to send you somewhere else far from her where she’d never have to see you again, you didn’t doubt she’d take it. However much she was paying to keep you here would be worth it in her eyes. Perhaps on her end she thought you were getting some psychiatric care for the voices in your head, but it certainly didn’t matter either way.
“She finally did it… she threw me away…”
“In a strange sense…” Taemin leaned in close, brushing some hair out of your face. “You’re free now.”
“Like I said. They just feed us, the rest is up to us. Come with me.”
Taemin took your hand and pulled you to your feet, leading you out of the room. As you walked down the hall, hand in hand, he took you up a flight of stairs. You began to hear a commotion, to hear the sounds of life. There was laughter and happy chatter, and soon enough you saw other people roaming around. They had smiles on their face and seemed to be enjoying themselves, although you couldn’t understand why. Taemin took you up to the rooftop of the building, having you stand by the edge with him.
All you could see were the tops of trees, but the fresh air was nice. You needed this, a moment to just breathe and process. While you stood there you found yourself realizing just how true Taemin’s words were. Here you felt free. No one had expectations of you, and there was no one you had to appease everyday. You glanced over at Taemin who had his eyes closed and head lifted up to the sun, basking in its warm light. He seemed quite content, even though he had apparently been here for a long time. Seeing him like this gave you a sense of peace. Even though you were scared for what your future held you felt that you’d be alright with him.
“Breakfast will be served in a bit. I’ll show you around before then.”
Taemin took your hand again and led you back down. You realized this build was three stories high and made of concrete. There were all types of miscellaneous items around, and all the people you came across greeted you with a smile on their face. Your throat still ached from the hot wax, and it wasn’t easy to talk, but you had so many questions, and you felt that you could trust Taemin to tell you the truth.
“What is this building?” You asked. “It’s not where I woke up…”
“This is where everyone would rather be, although our beds are elsewhere. You woke up in the main building, where our food is, where we sleep, and where the cameras are.”
“I see… where are the staff?”
“No idea. No one really cares though.”
There were plenty of activities around to entertain yourself with, but it was all up to you. After getting more familiar with what Taemin called the hideout a loud bell began to sound. You looked around, wondering where the source was coming from.
“It’s just a recording that plays throughout the grounds. It just means breakfast is served.”
“Let’s go.”
You followed Taemin, others also leaving the hideout and making their way. Everyone seemed to move together, and you could see that a trail had been made into the ground over time. When you got to the main building you were shown to the cafeteria, expecting to see staff, but there was no one. Trays were laid out on a table with classic breakfast foods but that was it.
“Where is… everyone?”
“This is it. They just leave food out for us, and we eat what we want until it’s gone.”
“And you all just… follow the honor system?”
“We’ve known each other for a while now, and we’re all we’ve got. There’s no reason to start a commotion. Besides, if anything gets out of hand then someone will show up and that’s the last thing any of us want.”
“Since it’s your first time you should get first pick.”
Taemin took you to the front of the line, and to your surprise everyone let you do so. You felt a bit guilty about it, but no one seemed upset, and Taemin was very encouraging. You got a modest amount of food, not really that hungry, and not entirely trusting the food, but no one else seemed to have an issue with it. You sat with Taemin, and a few others joined you as well, introducing themselves. The atmosphere over breakfast further helped to put you at ease. This may not be a place you willingly came to but you were glad to know everyone was nice. At least the other patients were, and you didn’t really want to know about the staff.
Taemin took you under his wing as he showed you how things worked there. It really seemed like this place was more of a summer camp for adults. All the other patients were around your age, and everyone welcomed you with open arms. Even though you had woken up in a room by yourself, everyone actually slept together in what seemed like a dorm with bunk beds. There were still plenty open and so you could pick one for yourself. The days were yours to do as you pleased with, and you had to admit it was quite enjoyable. It was rather easy to forget why you were here. Taemin made sure you had a smile on your face every morning, always staying by your side as you discovered more and more about this place.
When he took you to the waterfall you were left speechless. You had never seen one in real life before, and stepping into the water almost felt like a dream. Taemin joined you in the water, the two of you starting a bit of a splash fight before you retreated behind the waterfall. The sounds of the water running, and the coolness of this little pocket, it was very soothing. You were soon joined by Taemin, the two of you hiding and resting for a moment. This whole place was feeling more and more like a vacation, and the people around you were like friends.
The pillow fight you had one morning gave you the chance to experience something you never did, and it was wonderful. You were laughing and smiling like never before as all the feathers fell around you. Then you saw Taemin off to the side watching you with a gentle smile on his face. You came over to him and pulled him into the chaos, wanting to share in such a moment, to make this memory together. Everything you were living here was like a dream come true but that fantasy would soon come crashing down. One night you were woken up by a strange noise, looking around to see it was still dark out, yet some beds were empty.
You had chosen a bottom bunk, so you could easily get out of bed without waking anyone else. Once you were up you noticed Taemin wasn’t in bed, and heard some noise coming from out in the hall. You carefully peeked your head out, but there was nothing. Yet the noise persisted, so you decided to investigate. When you turned the corner you could see a figure down the hall stumbling around, and go into another room. You slowly approached, coming to what you thought was the laundry room, seeing someone curled up on the floor. For a moment everything seemed okay, and then they yelled and grabbed their head before turning back to face you. Their sudden actions startled you and you collapsed to the floor with a yelp.
“Tae… Taemin… are you okay…”
“I should ask you…”
Taemin took a deep breath and then crawled over to you. As he got closer you could see this pain behind his eyes, something you hadn’t seen before. He offered you a soft smile and took your hand.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“What… what happened?”
“Remember how I told you the staff here were cultists…”
“I’m not sure what type of rituals they’re performing… but it’s doing something…”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know… I get these dizzy spells, we all do… and this headache… I can’t really describe it…”
“Is there anything I can do?”
“I don’t think so. It’s only been getting worse.”
“What are they doing all this for?”
“No idea… they believe their loyalty will be rewarded… so they continue to do all this…”
“Taemin, we have to escape. We need the world to know what they’re doing here and-”
“You ungrateful little girl!”
You yelled and grabbed your head, hearing that voice booming in your mind once again. Taemin looked at you with concern, grabbing your arms.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?”
“This is your home now! Don’t even think about leaving, I won’t let you!”
“Stop… just stop…”
“Y/n, what are you talking about? I’m not doing anything.”
“You can’t leave!”
“Shut up!”
“Y/n… who are you talking to?”
“… no one… it’s nothing…”
“Do you… do you hear a voice in your head?” You could only nod. “You hear him…”
You shook your head violently and screamed. There was no way this voice in your head was the devil, it was just your imagination. Taemin pulled you into his arms, giving you the chance to let the tears flow.
“I’m sorry…”
“No… no it’s not the devil… it’s just my imagination…”
“Is that what you want to believe?”
“Shut up!”
“Take a deep breath, okay? Just deep breaths and focus on my voice, everything’s going to be alright.”
Taemin kept saying reassuring things, holding you close until things began to feel better for you. The voice seemed to quiet down for the moment, but you were still terrified over the implications.
“What’s happening to me…”
“It’s not your fault… they must have already done some rituals with you…”
“When… when I first got here… there was chanting… and they poured hot wax on my throat…”
“Of course… you were brought here because you hear voices.”
“How… how do you know that?”
“We all know why each of us are here… no point in keeping it a secret.”
“Right… but I’m not hearing the devil…”
“They thought you could be the connection they were looking for.”
“No, no I’m not-”
“Sh, it’s okay. As long as we keep this a secret, everything will be fine.”
“And what if they find out?”
“They won’t.”
“I… well then maybe we can use this to our advantage…”
“I’m not sure… I’ll think of something, but no one can find out that you’re hearing things.”
“Y/n, look at me. Everything’s going to be fine. We’ll be free in the end. Do you trust me?”
“I do.”
You stuck close to Taemin, it seemed that the voice didn’t bother you if he was around. Although now you were paranoid. Always looking over your shoulder and worried someone might discover your secret and tell the staff. Taemin was well aware of this, and did his best to distract you, but something changed about him that night too. He got quiet, and you rarely saw his smile anymore, but he was still Taemin. Even if he hadn’t told you, it would have been obvious he had been there the longest given the fact everyone listens to him. Still, in the back of your mind you knew something was wrong.
One morning you had been sleeping in when you began to feel this warmth traveling up your body. It didn’t concern you, but it was enough to stir you from your slumber. As you opened your eyes you saw a blurry figure on top of you, starting to register that the warmth was their hands slowly wrapping around your throat. Now you were alert, moving to get this person off of you only for them to grab your hands and pin them to your sides. You struggled for a bit before realizing who it was, although it only eased your concerns for a bit. Taemin stared down at you curiously, and you felt a bit nervous.
“Taemin… are you okay…”
“Good morning.”
“Morning… what are you doing?”
Taemin didn’t say anything before screaming and grabbing his head, falling off the bed. You quickly got up, grabbing his head and hoping he didn’t hurt himself. He continued to yell and squirm for a bit before seeming to regain his senses.
“I’m fine… I’m fine… sorry…”
“What happened?”
“I don’t know… are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
“Taemin, we can’t stay like this. It looks like it’s only getting worse for you. We need to get you help, we need to get away from this place.”
“It’s not that easy.”
“But we have to try.”
Taemin closed his eyes and took a deep breath, remaining in his arms. He wanted this moment to last, to never leave it, but there were still things to do before he could have what he wanted. He had an idea, but he wasn’t sure how you’d take it.
“What if we told the truth.”
“What? You mean about me?”
“I thought… but if they know…”
“We can take control.”
“You’re the connection between them, and what they’ve been worshiping. They’ll listen to what you say, you’re basically their prophet.”
“But… but how does this work for us?”
“Once you gain their trust, you can tell them anything you want, and they’ll do it.”
“Yeah, but they won’t just let me leave… not any of us.”
“Which is why we don’t ask, but work it in. Everyone here wants freedom, so they’ll be on our side.”
“I like this idea.”
“Shut up.”
“We can both be free this way.”
“And you’ll leave me alone?”
“That seems to be the outcome.”
“And how do I know I can trust you?”
“You think you’re the only person I can speak to?” A sinister chuckle filled your head. “I can tell others about you, expose you and work against you in this plan if I so desire. How do you think you got here?”
“What does that mean? What did you do!”
“Not much honestly. A simple whisper here and there, a name, a location, a reason. You’ve heard my voice before, so it makes you the perfect candidate.”
“Before… you mean… when I was little… it was you…”
“Yes. It’s always been me, and my power has only grown now that I’m here. So I suggest you cooperate before I make you.”
“What’s he saying?” Taemin questioned. “Will he help us?”
“I’m in control here, so don’t try anything funny.”
“I… I don’t think he’ll help… but he won’t work against us…”
“Okay, that’s good.”
“How? What’s your plan here?”
“Do you trust me?”
“Then just follow my lead.”
Taemin didn’t share his plan right away, wanting to move past the morning first and for both of you to be in a better headspace. After eating you went to the waterfall, enjoying the fresh air and the sounds of the water.
“If we do this… we have to go all in, no hesitation.”
“… what’s your plan?”
“I need you to understand this won’t be easy, and you might not like it.”
“Are you sure it’ll work?”
“Okay. Whatever it is, I’ll do it.”
“Yes. I promise.”
It wasn’t until you heard the plan did you understand Taemin’s concern. His idea wasn’t pretty, nor was it kind. He wanted you to gain the trust of the director, and convince him to perform a specific ritual. This would be the ultimate test of their loyalties where they would sacrifice their own lives in order to summon their master, and they would be rewarded with their own resurrection. Like you had promised, you’d go through with the plan, and if this was it, then you needed to swallow your fears and commit. Your only real question now was how you would get an audience with the director, but Taemin already had an answer for that.
Since there were cameras along the perimeter, that’s where you would go to draw attention. It sounded a bit dangerous, but Taemin assured you that everything would be okay. You went over the plan a few times before putting it into motion. Taemin pointed you in the right direction, and left you alone so you wouldn’t feel embarrassed. You took a deep breath and worked yourself up, needing to be under stress for this to work. As you walked you began to get into the headspace, eventually deciding to run. You kept moving until you came to the fence, crashing against it and screaming. You made a few failed attempts to climb it, and ultimately collapsed to the floor hugging your knees.
At this point the tears were real. You were so caught up in your head, so afraid of what would happen if this didn’t work that you didn’t realize you weren’t alone for long. You felt something poke you and looked up to see three people dressed in white surrounding you, each holding what you assumed to be a stun baton. The fear was real, but you had to continue with the plan. After a moment of silence you sprung to life and started crawling over to one of the figures, begging for help because the voices wouldn’t stop. You honestly thought you would have been hit, but you never were. Instead you made it to hug one of their legs, crying and begging to make it stop.
“Who are you speaking to?”
You looked over to see a fourth person, and his features matched what Taemin had told you, this person was the director. He squatted down to meet you at eye level, a reassuring smile on his face. You found it disgusting, but you couldn’t blow this.
“His name is Andre Stevenson. A loyal worshiper of the devil since he was sixteen, never been married. Speak to him like a child, it’ll boost his ego.”
“Can… can you help me… please, Mr. Stevenson…”
“What did you call me?”
“Your name… Andre Stevenson… he says you’re a good friend… and that you can help me…”
“Who said that?”
“Him… he’s in my head… please help me… he wants out, I want him out…”
“He wants out?”
“Yes… he says you met when you were sixteen… and should get a present for being so good…”
“I like the sound of that.”
“Can… can you make him go away…”
“That depends. What can I do?”
“He says… he says he wants… he wants to meet you…”
“Does he? And how would we do that?”
“He… he says there’s a way…”
“Go on.”
This was the part that got you nervous. The director wasn’t a stranger to rituals, but one that involved taking his own life, you weren’t sure how he’d take it. Although before you could speak the plan the voice in your head began feeding you line. You couldn’t disobey, and repeated what he said. This new ritual seemed far more real, and far more dangerous. The director listened, seeming to understand and see that you weren’t making things up.
“Well then, I suppose we should get started.” The director said. “Go back to your room now, everything is going to be okay.”
Despite your condition, they only seemed to care about what you had told them. Others pried you off the person you had been holding on to, throwing you to the ground. They all walked off and you soon found yourself alone again. You were relieved to see that the plan worked, or at least it seemed that way for now. You slowly got on your feet, making your way back to the main building. Along the way you found Taemin.
“How did it go?”
“It worked… although things did change.”
“What do you mean?”
“The voice… I think it told me a real ritual… I had to repeat it…”
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t know… if they actually summon the devil… I don’t know what will happen…”
“One problem at a time.”
To ease your mind Taemin took you to your favorite spot, the waterfall. You partially wanted to clean yourself off from interacting with the staff, deciding to get in the water. Taemin joined you after a while, and the two of you went over to your little spot behind the waterfall, helping you relax all the more.
“If this works, what are you gonna do?”
“Uh… I’m not sure. I can’t really go home. There’s no guarantee I won’t get sent somewhere else. What about you?”
“I think I’m in the same boat. I don’t really have a home to go back to.”
“You can stay with me, and be my queen. I can give you everything.”
“Y/n, focus on me.”
“I’m fine.” You assured. “I’m not listening to the voice in my head.”
“That must be hard since you’ve heard it before when you were a child. What was it like?”
“Honestly… it was kinda nice. I had a friend I could always talk to, so I wasn’t alone.”
“And the voice went away eventually, right?”
“It was so sudden, and it made no sense. Everyone just told me I was growing up, but I knew something was wrong. I guess it finally makes sense now. I wasn’t imagining things, and they really just disappeared. I missed them… I shouldn’t.” You sighed. “What about you? I don’t know why you’re here, yet you say you’ve been here the longest. That is if you want to share.”
“It’s alright. I’d honestly say our stories are similar.”
“Are they?”
“I spoke to someone who wasn’t there too, and it drove my parents nuts. They tried therapy but I still had my friend, and I didn’t want to let go. Eventually they got tired of me and sent me away. I bounced around a few places and then wound up here. Whatever they’ve been doing, it has some effect. I’ve begun to hear more voices in my head ever since I got here.”
“It’s strange… making friends with someone who’s not really there with you… you have good memories, yet you feel so alone too…”
“You don’t have to be alone anymore, or ever again.”
“Thanks, Taemin.”
As it was getting late you got out of the water and made your way back, going to this small fenced off area. You weren’t sure what it used to be but you could see others there as well. Some fires were going, but everyone was enjoying themselves. Music was being played by makeshift instruments, and you quite liked the vibe. Taemin pulled you close to dance as the sun set, bringing a smile to your face. You had to admit, things were better with him around.
“I’m really glad I met you.”
“Me too.” Taemin smiled. “After tonight, we can all breathe easy.”
Everything seemed to be going well, and then you suddenly heard yelling. What you could only describe as staff members arrived and ambushed everyone. Some tried to run but they’d wind up caught and sedated. Taemin took your hand, snapping you out of your frozen state and pulling you along. There wasn’t really anywhere to go, so you were both caught and sedated as well. Your fear from before came back, crashing down on you as darkness swallowed you whole.
As you began to open your eyes again your senses were returning to you. Things were still blurry, but when you tried to move you realized you were restrained. You were laid back and tied down to some type of table. You tried to free yourself, but you were still out of it from the drugs. You did hear a bit of a commotion, managing to look around and see Taemin struggling with some of the staff members. You tried to speak, but that only got the attention of someone else. A hand came down to pull your head back and to the side.
“… stop… whatever…”
“Sh, save your strength for tonight.”
You felt a pinch on your neck and drifted off again, uncertain if Taemin would be alright, or if you would be. When you woke up later you found yourself laying on the cold hard ground. As you opened your eyes you could see that you were surrounded by darkness, the only light coming from the candles that were around. Your hands were tied behind your back, and your legs tied together. You managed to get up on your knees, looking around and realizing you were at the center of a pentagram again. You began to notice the cloaked figures as well, and they all seemed to have someone on their knees before them, the other patients.
“You’re finally awake.”
You looked up to see the director standing in front of you, Taemin on his knees with a knife to his throat. You yelled and tried to move closer but the director only pressed the blade further against Taemin’s neck. You feared he’d draw blood so you stopped.
“What are you doing? This isn’t how the ritual is supposed to go!”
“The ritual requires a sacrifice, many, and I don’t see why it has to be and my followers when we have plenty of lambs.”
“That’s not how it works!”
“A sacrifice is a sacrifice.”
“This is a test of loyalty! And you dare question-”
“Has he said anything? Is he unhappy? Everything seems to be working, so let us proceed.”
“Do not be afraid.”
The director raised his blade, as did others, but then Taemin started laughing. It filled the air, creating a sense of uneasiness. Everyone seemed to freeze, not sure what was going on.
“Apologies…” Taemin chuckled. “It wasn’t supposed to go like this, but I couldn’t get everyone’s loyalties.”
For a moment the world was still, and then everything came to life. No one else besides you had been restrained, the others held down by the threat of the knife, but now that was gone. They sprung up and attacked those that were in cloaks, taking their weapons and using them against them. You heard screaming and immediately shut your eyes, not wanting to witness anything yourself. It was all happening so fast that the only thing you were aware of was your racing heartbeat. Then slowly you realized it had gone quiet. You carefully peeked your eyes opening, seeing the candles were out and there was only darkness.
“It’s over now.”
You heard footsteps approaching, making you tremble. When you felt a hand on your shoulder you jumped, but you were held still. Someone reached down to undo your restraints, freeing your hands and legs.
“You don’t have to be scared anymore.”
Whoever helped you walked around and stood before you, holding their hand out. You couldn’t make out their face in the darkness, and then the lights came on. You needed a moment to adjust, and then you saw Taemin.
“… Taemin… I don’t understand…”
“You’re safe now.”
Your eyes went wide as you finally put it together. Hearing the voice and seeing his face, it clicked. Although you weren’t sure you wanted to believe it.
“… you… it’s you… has it always…”
“You’re far more beautiful than I could have imagined.”
“… how… I don’t… how?”
“I’ve always been special. I could hear everyone else, and I could speak to others in their head too. Of course it drove my parents mad and they threw me away. Eventually I wound up here. No outside contact, no way of escape. These people were crazy, and I wasn’t going to reveal myself to them. As you can imagine I was very uncooperative too.” Taemin knelt down to meet your eyes. “Yet that wouldn’t stop these people from performing their rituals on me. I’m not sure what their goal was, but it did something. It made my power stronger, and made me realize I could use it to my advantage. Of course by then I knew none of these cultists would listen to me, nor would they listen to the others, so I needed someone new.”
“… you mean me…”
“Yes. My power had grown stronger, I could reach someone further away, and after some time I found you again.”
“You made me look crazy!”
“I know you’re not, but I also know no one else would believe you. A few whispers here and there to push our dear director in the right direction to bring you here. An average girl like you hearing voices isn’t normal, so it certainly gave him incentive.”
“So this whole time… you’ve been running things here…”
“The number of patients is greater than the staff, and they are easy to get in line. Everyone wants to believe in a higher power after all.”
“You mean… all of this… you’ve had it planned from the start… what they did to me when I came here…”
“I had to make sure you wouldn’t so easily speak to others until I met you, and also plant the idea that you could speak to their dear master.”
“You’re crazy!”
“I set you free.” Taemin stated. “I got you away from your poor excuse of a guardian, from the institution that would actually drive you insane, and now you’re here with me. You’re free.”
“Am I?”
“We can make our own future now.” Taemin leaned in close, whispering into your ear. “You have a gift of your own, and I would like to see it bloom.”
Taemin took your hand and helped you to your feet, leading you outside. You were still in your own head, processing everything that had just happened, and what Taemin had revealed to you. It was still dark out, the moonlight shining down, and the sky full of stars. Besides the moon there was still the light from the burning fires, and the others were dancing around and smiling like before, as if nothing had happened.
“You don’t have to be alone anymore.”
You looked over at Taemin, seeing that beautiful smile on his face again. He could just make all your worries wash away with that look, and you were really considering just letting him. Despite how things have turned out, you couldn’t just forget all the good times you had experienced here.
“Have you ever seen the sunrise?”
“… no…”
“It’s beautiful, you’ll love it.”
Taemin kept walking, and soon enough you slipped out of his hand. He immediately stopped and looked back at you. He didn’t say anything, didn’t need to, and held his hand out to you again, gesturing for you to take it. Nobody really knew you were here, nobody cared, and no one would probably ever know what happened here either. It’s like you disappeared from the world when you came here, leaving behind any expectations and responsibilities you had. In a sense you were free, and the road before you was to be whatever you wanted it to be. So you took a breath, followed by a step forward, taking Taemin’s hand. He was content with your choice and the two of you walked side by side now on the same road as free spirits. The future was in your own hands, and you would face it all together.
#shinee#taemin#lee taemin#shinee au#taemin au#shinee imagines#taemin imagines#shinee scenarios#taemin scenarios#taemin yandere#shinee yandere
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The Plan

warnings: mention of marriage, talks about killing, dialogue heavy
synopsis: Having sent Y/N off to safety, Taemin gets to work. He meets with those he trusts to figure out how to keep you safe further on while gaining information.
note: this was more difficult than 'the letter' but i've got it done 🤙. this didn't exactly come out like i envisioned this scene but i'm happy enough with all the details i've managed 😌
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
I'll come by later tonight, don't worry about me" Taemin told Y/N as he brought her into a hug. He pressed a kiss onto the side of her head before separating from her. Taemin and Jimin shared a look with one another as Y/N got into the other male's car, He watched as Jimin drove off, waiting until the ear was no longer in his eye sight to get into his own vehicle. Taemin texted his colleagues as he headed back into the town. He had learned his lesson to trust the people around him to help.
"Am I last?" Key asked as he walked into the office. He nodded to those he knew while settling into one of the chairs.
"'So that letter turned out to important, huh?" Taeyong sarcastically asked Taemin. Ten interrupted him with a flair of dramatic exsparation.
"What's going on?" he asked, looking towards the head of the table where the brown-haired male sat. "And what letter?" Ten continued turning to stare at Taeyong as well.
"You got a letter?" Minho spoke for the first time. "Like the ones for missions" he continued as he stood up from his seat. Taemin gestured for the older male to sit back down.
"If you stop asking me questions, I'll tell you everything I know" the brown-haired male said as he rubbed his temple in slight annoyance. Taemin passed the letter to his left, handing it to the former detective to look over.
Wait a minute, what about Onew? Or Shay or even Jimin?" Kai brought up, bringing attention to himself with a small raised hand.
"They're on their honeymoon, let's not bother them unless completely necessary. Jimin already knows, I've got him doing something for me right now. Ill update him later tonight based on what we decide in this meeting" Taemin said but his eyes were watching as the letter went through the other's hands.
"What does this mean for those of us not involved with the academy?" Key asked with a raised eyebrow as he crossed his leg.
"It means that they're planning on killing her" Minho said plainly.
"So I need to figure out a way to keep her safe until I can handle it" Taemin interjected. "It's why I asked Jimin to stay at one of his houses" he continued, taking the letter back and resisting the urge to crumble it. "I've already asked for Kai to handle the documents as well".
"Me and Taeyong know someone in America and Japan. We could contact them" Ten spoke as the after-mentioned male nodded.
"And I've got a contact in Canada if anything" Key added.
"That might be a risk. My cousin, Mark, works for the academy and has Canadian citizenship" Taeyong pointed out to the group but looking at Taemin.
The brown-haired male hummed as he considered the options. "Right now, call your person in Japan. But prepare to travel if needed, I don't want to send V/N off alone" he decided before turning to Minho and Key. "And can I have you talk to your contacts to find anything out" he begged the two older men.
"I'll call around. There's no reason for you to go through what I had to" Minho agreed, already standing up from his chair. Key stood as well, saying his final words with a nod in Taemin's direction.
"I'll go talk to the guy we know and work out travel plans" Ten said as he grabbed the blond's arm to pull him out of the room. Taeyong sent a playful salute to the brown-haired male. He turned to his best friend at the sound of him clearing his throat.
"What?" Taemin asked the raven-hair male as he placed his hand under his chin, leaning onto the left side of his chair.
"Don't you think Shay is gonna be pissed that they didn't know about the academy threatening Y/N's life? Didn't you say that the two are practically siblings?" Kai mentioned, leaning back into his own chair. The smirk on his face was condescending and Taemin knew he was rubbing the fact in his face.
"That's why I don't want to tell them until I have it figured out" Taemin said through gritted teeth. "Shay would be more pissed if I wasn't doing anything" he continued before sighing as he thought back. 'I barely was able to convince Shay that I was good enough to be dating Y/N" Taemin mentioned, bringing his hand down to his lap as he dropped his head onto the back of the chair. Kai laughed, almost falling of the seat doing so, at his statement. He shook his head, stood up with a wish of good luck; an chuckle still on his lips. Taemin knew he would need luck in this situation with more than just Shay.
#kpop#kpop au#kpop scenarios#kpop x reader#taemin#lee taemin#taemin scenarios#taemin x reader#taemin au#shinee au#shinee scenarios#shinee x reader#shinee#taemin imagines#shinee imagines#kpop x poc reader#shinee x poc reader#kpop x female reader
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new chapter of shine up! yep—i’m still going!
here on ao3!
- anne <3
TAGLIST: @keyloml, @taeminscheesetouch, @dayskz, @taeminscult1, @taeminspussylips
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* I HAVE to know... * It's just one last thing.
#THAT'S THE PROLOGUE#WOHOOO#NOW IT'S TIME FOR CHAPTER ONE#AND TIME FOR THE SCIENCE SQUAD TO SHINE#undertale#undertale au#undertale comic#forgettable-au#papyrus#flowey#forgettable-au-comic
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i have no idea what this ship is called. Royal throuple ftw!! Plus Chrysalis's normal and "reformed" vers. Her appearance doesn't change after joining the Crystal Kingdom but she takes on a more 'normal' pony appearance when interacting with others
plus some SUPER old doodles, sorting thru old AU drawings prepare for another spam
#cantergale#mlp#mlp au#my art#mlp art#mlp shining armor#mlp princess cadence#mlp queen chrysalis#poly
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me: i'm gonna clean up my desk so my sketchbook doesn't fall every 3 minutes while i draw today!
[3 hours later.]
me: ...i have made a miscalculation...
cleaning up my desk is proving to be a much bigger task than i thought, so here's an old comic i can't believe i haven't posted yet:

and a bonus ending:

anyways, i'll see you all soon after i clean up my desk
#fnaf sun#fnaf dca#dca fandom#Rain or Shine AU#crab art#traditional art#bright colours#comic#yknow how kids tend to lose things#that's what this comic is about#and to just draw cheery happy chibi sunny having fun#with or without his boot#i've had this in my draft for AGES#chibi Sunny's just been splashing in puddles without a boot all this time#my desk has been a mess since my artblock#but it's not just my desk it's the shelves i need to reorganize as well#i haven't touched the shelves in over a year#i really need to#actually use them#and then i can put away all the stuff that's currently on my desk#i will never have the cozy minimalist desk set up#(i'm too much of a hoarder for that lifestyle)#but at least i need space to lay my sketchbook flat#and not balance my mug on top of magazines
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