#one went as Doodlebob
deansurvived · 11 months
I absolutely love that the biggest costume for older kids this year was just
a sheet.
a sheet with eyeholes, and sometimes, a silly little hat.
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How do I Name This One? - 7/28/23
I had a lot of dreams last night that I remember small fragments of.
1. I was in the lobby of a Great Wolf Lodge (which was very spacious and had a high ceiling). The place was super empty, one on desk worker and a group of about 6 people (all one family) who were checking in. Someone was with me. I commented on how empty the place was, to which they said it wasn't. We debated a bit, before we both gave up and the other person began to tell me about stories when they worked at a hotel. I began to eat some fries from a cardboard container. I held the container sideways and had put some ketchup on the top part of the opening, which made it kind of hard to get a fry without touching the ketchup with my fingers.
Notes 1: - That was not what a real Great Wolf Lodge lobby looks like. - The fries were crinkle-cut and could have used more salt.
2. I can barely remember this one, but I'm pretty sure I had a dream where Doodlebob was learning how to drive a car. Patrick and Plankton were there, as well as Spongebob, but I can't remember much of it. At one point when Doodle was parking the car, it rolled back a couple of feel. Spongebob drew a line behind the back wheels with red paint.
Notes 2: - I believe this dream took place after the next one (3).
3. I had a dream were me and some friends went to a McDonald's. One of them was going to pay for our meals. I just wanted some fries, but it turns out they were all out. I was then debating getting ice cream, but they had a TON of flavors with enticing names that didn't describe the flavors. We ended up getting to the front of the line (where we were to pick up our order) and they also had different colored cones. I decided not to get any ice cream.
Notes 3: - Some of the ice cream names were day/night themed. - All of the ice cream looked to be berry/fruit flavored. - Only one or two of the friends were people I know irl.
4. I was in some gymnasium type place with I believe padded flooring? The lights were dim and there was a video being projected on one of the walls. There were other people in there, all of which were either laying down, doing their own thing, or watching the video. No one was talking. I decided to experiment with how flexible I am. I ended up being able to curl my back in a way that let me put my feet on the floor in front of my shoulders as I laid down on my stomach. I also did something with my arm, but I don't remember what, and even had trouble remembering in the dream.
Notes 4: - I have no idea if I can do that in real life or not. My guess is no since I've had no flexibility training.
5. I was in some building that was possibly a school? I was looking around and ended up opening a door that lead to a hallway, as well as some other buildings (more like an alleyway, I guess?). Some of these buildings were dark and kind of drawn-looking. Outside were a few creatures, some shadow beings, some just off-looking. All were humanoid. I talked to them a bit, and one tried to attack me. I yoinked their weapon and threw it inside the building I came from. I continued to explore the alley after, going into some buildings here and there. Most of them seemed to be abandoned/in a state of disrepair.
I wound up leaving that area, and ended up finding some aura nodes (from the Minecraft mod Thaumcraft 4) as well as a vortex which appeared to be stable. I had a staff with me now, which I was about to charge when the vortex began to show some signs of instability. I used warded glass to protect the nearby nodes, and flew off to look through my book to figure out what I needed to stabilize the vortex. Some eldritch guardians began to spawn close to the vortex, which alarmed me a bit. I ended up rearranging my inventory to make sure I had the necessities in my hotbar. Before I could do anything about what was happening, the ground suddenly began to be covered in lava. Luckily for me I was in creative mode, and had been hanging out in a tree. The eldritch guardians died and I ended up winging it when it came to making sure the vortex was stable. I places the blocks that I (hopefully) needed to in the right spots, and it seemed to work fine. I then flew off to try and get back home.
I landed in a place I thought was close to my home, but it turns out it wasn't. I began to look at some spots around the area, and marked one for me to come back to an forage. A few other people showed up and one guy began to tell me about some of these plants and fruits that were around. One was a large yellow fruit that grew in clusters. The outer texture of it was bumpy in a lined kind of way (like the outside of a pumpkin, but even thinner segments). I forget the name, but it had "sour" in it. I planned to get some seeds from it and grow a few in the future. There was also a plant that grew black-colored berries, which looked like a combination of elderberries and wild grapes. I never figured out if they were edible or not.
Notes 5: -I think this dream took place after the previous dream (4). - Eldritch Guardians in Thaumcraft scare me even in creative mode. - I almost always play Minecraft in creative. - I had found a knife at some point but forget when. It was during the search of those buildings. I didn't have it afterwards.
6. I was at school. Turns out the school was a mix of humans as well as some of the animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's (though they looked like cartoons). I talked to a few of them for a moment (I believe Bonnie and Chica) before me and a friend left the classroom and headed outside. Despite it being a highschool setting, it was apparently recess time (though in the dream, I felt unsure when calling it that). Me and the friend walked and talked a bit. I believe we were on a paved area that turned into a grassy one. At one point someone somehow managed to put a mask on my face. I took it off after a moment and looked around for who did it, but didn't find anyone else close enough. It was a Sun mask. My friend ended up trying it on as well.
Notes 6: - In the dream I was wearing fuzzy pajama pants as well as a hoodie. My hood was up outside. - I do own that pair of pants in real life. They're black with white stars on them. Very comfy. - The "friend" of mine is someone I don't really know. They were tall and kinda lanky. I think they had a dull green jacket on and had dark hair.
7. Bug death mention. I was in my room. I had woken up at night and there were some bugs that had gotten in. One was a large moth that I was able to catch inside to small plastic boxes. I also caught a Japanese beetle, which I crushed by accident when I caught the moth. When I went to put the moth outside, it had become a butterfly with black wings that had yellow spots. I released it, only to find out I had accidentally decapitated it when I caught it. I felt bad about it, but decided I could keep the wings. The body had landed on the porch outside, which now had some ice and snow on it. I carefully picked up the body, but the legs and wings still twitched and moved every now and then. This freaked me out a little since the butterfly should have been dead by this point. I returned to my room and found a large wasp-beetle like bug on a wall as well as a smaller brown/tan/beige butterfly, which seemed to still be inflating its wings.
Notes 7: - The type of butterfly I had caught was one I've seen in real life. - Before I fell asleep I remembered a fly I had killed by accident. I think this may have been a guilt dream.
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Week 1 in Limerick
Hello, it's Katie again, after a fun first week in Ireland. Here's an overview of each day so far and all the cool stuff I've done.
Tuesday: My flight landed in Dublin around 5 AM, and after a nightmarish trip through customs (I had none of the documents ready), I had a few hours to relax there while I waited for Arcadia to pick me up. I met up with Grant and Maanav from Umich, as well as Grace, Jess, Ekundayo, Pascale, Luke, Maddy, and Lexx, students from other universities also in the Arcadia-sponsored program. We all had little to no sleep on the plane ride, so we were exhausted most of the day. Once Grainne and Stanley from Arcadia picked us up, we dropped our bags off at the Harding Hotel and went to their office for a brief orientation. Then it was off on a quick scavenger hunt through the streets of Dublin before meeting at the entrance to Trinity College. (Not to brag, but my group won the photo challenge). After that, we had an early dinner at The Church, a really nice old church turned restaurant. I had the coconut vegetable curry and a peanut butter brownie, and they were both pretty good. Then, we headed back to the hotel, and then me, Jess, and Pascale went on another walk downtown so Pascale could get a SIM card and we could see more of the city.
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Wednesday: We woke up around 8 am for a quick breakfast at Harding, which had a nice little restaurant in the back. We reviewed the orientation material, and met Ashley, another student on the program whose flight was Wednesday morning. Then we got back on the bus to go to Limerick, which was about 2.5 hours away. I was still pretty jetlagged, so I alternated between nodding off and reading my guidebook. Once we got to campus, we put away our bags and walked over to the library for coffee and snacks, and then a quick tour of campus with the Arcadia crew. Dinner was at the Stables, one of the major pubs/restaurants on campus. I had a vegetarian curry (again), and a pint of Guinness. If you've never tried it before, it's like a moldy loaf of bread that got somehow juiced, but apparently if you drink it enough you'll start to like it. However, the UL Irish dancers were very excellent and it was super fun to watch. The Arcadia group headed back to Thomond Village, our dorms, to have drinks and hang out. We also brought over new friends from other colleges, such as Savannah and Lauren, who are both really cool.
Thursday: Today was our first full day on the UL campus, and it started with breakfast at the Pavillion, which is another dining hall/campus bar. The food was mediocre, but it kept me going for a while so that was good. The UL summer school staff gave us a quick orientation for the program, which was my third including the Umich and Arcadia ones. I think I'm very oriented at this point. Then, we got a more in-depth tour of the UL campus, including the library, the gym, and the concert hall, before heading back to the Pavillion for lunch and iced coffee. The afternoon was blocked out for either classes or introductions with research project leaders, so I went to the latter. Since Jess and I are both working on projects in chemical engineering/environmental science, we work under the same principal investigator and in the same area, although our PhD mentors and lab spaces are different. My mentor, Nina, briefly introduced herself and gave me her number, and then Jess' mentor, Italo, took us on a tour of the labs and a walk along the trails running through UL. For dinner that night, we had curry (I promise it's the last time), and most of my group didn't like it, but I did. We went back to the Stables for Trivia Night, and thought we did pretty well, but the group from UW Madison beat us (boo). Finally, we headed back to Thomond Village for a SpongeBob watch party with the Arcadia group. I forgot how funny it is, especially DoodleBob, which has the stupidest slapstick humor but is iconic.
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Friday: This was our first full day of research, so Jess and I took a brief tour of the library, then headed over to the Lonsdale building to meet with our mentors and get to work. In the morning, I worked on the safety training we received, then Nina gave me an overview of her project and a tour of the lab. We are working with sludge, which is basically a liquidized mix of waste products, and using hydrothermal carbonization to extract hydrochar, which has potential uses in sustainable energy. In the afternoon, I read Nina's article detailing the project so far, and she showed me how to use the HTC equipment. After work, the Arcadia group, plus Lauren and Savannah, went to the city for a night out. We went to Dolan's pub, which was giving out free Aperol Spritz cocktails, so we lucked out. Additionally, we met Laura, a friendly bartender who goes to UL. Afterwards, half of us went back to Thomond, while the other half went barhopping for a while. The next pub was Charlie Chaplins, which I didn't like as much because the music was too loud for any of us to hear each other, which always bothers me. Around 12:30, Lauren and I took a taxi home because we were tired and had an early-morning excursion to Limerick City, while the rest of the group went to a nightclub. Our taxi driver was friendly and conversational, which was super great. With the exceptions of the airport customs worker and a taxi driver on Saturday, pretty much everyone we've met in Ireland has been super friendly and fun (or craic, as they say here).
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Saturday: Saturday morning, we woke up for our trip to Limerick City with the UL summer school team, and got there around 10 am. They gave us two hours to explore the area, so we started with a trip to the Milk Market, which is basically a farmer's/flea market that sells food, coffee, jewelry, clothes, and all sorts of random things. We tried some yummy coffee and pastries at the different stands and walked around. Then, we walked around downtown, passing by St. John's Castle. It's really impressive because it's been around since the Middle Ages and withstood several invasions. Then, we looped back towards St. Mary's Cathedral to meet the bus. A few of us needed to go to the bathroom, so a tour guide let us in the church, and we got to see the interior for free. Then, we took the bus to Bunratty, a preserved village with a beautiful 15th-century castle, which we got to tour. If you ever visit, be careful with the narrow steps in the towers. There was only room for a single-file line, but we did not do great at organizing ourselves so we had crowds trying to move up and down. Frustrations were high, but the view was so worth it. The village around Bunratty also had some cool preserved houses from the 19th-century. That evening, we went out again. First, we went to the Locke Bar for dinner and drinks. I had the soup, which came with excellent Irish soda bread, and also shared appetizers with the group. Afterwards, we went to another bar, and then to Smyth's, which had a lot of room for dancing and where we met quite a few other people from the UL summer program. We were a bit confused when the bar closed around midnight, but then everyone went upstairs to the Icon nightclub, which was packed with people and had a super fun vibe. We stayed to closing time, around 2:30, and then waited for a taxi to take us back. The driver was much less friendly than the last, and initially refused to take all 5 of us in an attempt to get a bribe. Once we got back, everyone went straight to bed due to being so tired.
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Sunday: After our fun Saturday, we all wanted to sleep late, but we also were planning to see Galway. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to catch the bus or train, and since the next ones weren't for another 3 hours, we decided to stay in Limerick and explore some more. We had brunch at a place called Hook and Ladder, which had great food, coffee, and a super friendly waitress. Then, we took a walk toward the city stadium, which had a major hurling match going on. We couldn't get tickets, but we could hear the announcer and see the crowds in the stands. After buying a few groceries at a shopping center, we headed back the way we came, through the massive crowd that just formed after the game ended. It was relatively calm, aside from a kid with a loud horn, and we all felt immersed in Irish culture. When we finally got back, we were all dead tired, so we hung out at the apartments and watched Spongebob.
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ectokelpeigh · 2 years
For the title ask: Ecto Escapades
Something about the word "escapades" makes my brain go "HEIST GONE WRONG"
Plot bunnies:
-Vlad gets Team Phantom to do his dirty work
-Turns out Vlad himself is the target. He says he's trying to make sure his security is airtight.
-Fast forward through heist-y stuff until we reach our big twist: somehow one of Vlad's duplicates became self-sufficient and went rogue (we've got an all-out Doodlebob situation here, people). He needs Team Phantom to take/destroy/re-wire/etc some invention to make the duplicate go away. Vlad couldn't do it himself or be up-front about it with Danny & co. because Vlad suspects the duplicate is still psychically connected and can "eavesdrop" on him
-Bonus plot twist: oh heck, Team Phantom has been working with/for the unhinged duplicate the whole time! They barely abort the mission in time to avoid disaster for the real Vlad
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kristencsummerlin · 2 years
More Nicktoons Unite High School AU. Which means more characters in school uniforms. As pointed out by my sisters, you know my character list is deep if I'm using characters that haven't made an physical appearance in the shows yet. But you know what. I'm too into it. Also yes we are still on SpongeBob characters. I have like 5 left before I get to Danny Phantom. Anyway hope you enjoy.
For those new. I'm making a Nicktoons Unite Highschool AU thing. Listed every character from the shows then made a separate list for the high school students. Which is anyone between the ages of 13 to 21. And instead of giving everyone a single set of uniforms. I'm giving every character a costume uniform for them. So the pictures if you can see them. Apologies for the bad lighting. Are the character base and the uniform for the character.
Sandals: Brown and Orange
The twin brother of Scooter. They are like legit the same except for coloring. Love his uniform. It was fun to draw.
Little Crab (fave background peep): Red and Orange
I don’t mean the little crab thing in Patrick’s spinoff. I mean the little crab the makes one of the funniest expressions on the planet during the Pickles episode. He’s my favorite background character. So I will include him into the fucking background.
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Gale: Blue and Pink
This is the Gale whose married to Octavius Rex. No shit. She’s girly so went with a girly design. 
Stanley SquarePants: Blue and Yellow
One of Bob’s many cousins. Stanley is the youngest from my understanding and is the shiest. Like when I was youngest I was annoyed with him like Bob but I...want to hug him. Kind of a poor baby.
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BlackJack SquarePants: Black and Orange.
Bob’s cousin that bullied him throughout his life. I assume he bullied the others too. He’s also been to jail for littering.
Todd SquarePants: Orange and Light Blue
Todd is a cousin that showed up in one of the many SpongeBob comics or plain books. He has a funky pattern so I included it.
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Larry SquarePants: Teal and Orange
This cousin was mentioned in one of the many videogames. And I know nothing about. So kind of guessing about him.
Dreaded Patrick: Blue and Pink
Patrick already is a minor villain. Especially with some of the episodes. But he has an evil counterpart. I don’t know the proper version of Patrick. So he’s gonna be Rick. Because of that battle where Bob erased part of Patrick’s name off the nametag and Patrick yelled “My name’s not Rick!!” 
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NoodleBob or DoodleBob: Blue and White
I legit don’t know what his name is. I swear to god is was Doodlebob. But my computer and wikis say otherwise. It’s like confusing the fuck out of me. The students have to pick a color between blue, slime green, or orange to go with whatever color they choose. So mister black and white went with blue because he had to have something.
Squeeze Tentacles: Orange and Teal
The character with the saddest name in the universe in my opinion. He is Squidward’s cousin. And based on the small amount of info. He reminds me of a skater kid. So I went with the theme.
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Chip Plankton II: Dark Blue and Slime Green
So Karen the computer built a robot to be the child her and Plankton. Karen is a robot. So Chip. Is a robot too. And he have attitude like no other.
Randy Cheeks: Blue and White
Did you know Sandy has a twin brother. This is canon. His name is Randy. Not much else is known about him. Again kind of guessing with him.
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whereisten · 5 years
The Wedding Singer
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The Wedding Singer (Feat. Taeyong and Yuta)
Summary: You are an up-and-coming singer and songwriter who is thriving in the wedding singer business. When you find yourself singing for your former best friend Samantha Perez and not-so-former crush Yuta Nakamoto, shit really hits the fan.
Genre: Brace yourself...IT’S FLUFF (some suggestive dialogue and colorful words)
Multi-part series: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Part 2
Word Count: 4k 
The rehearsals were passing by quickly, thankfully. There was a month left until the wedding. You and Taeyong grew very close in the past two months. You had to be honest. You were ready to date him after you both cursed at the same jumpscare when you watched The Conjuring 3 and were shushed by the rest of the audience. You both had to hold in your laughter for ten minutes. 
But you wanted to make sure the friendship was strong before you explored something deeper. He respected that. He would’ve done anything to spend time with you.
Sonya also enjoyed tagging along whenever she could. She liked telling random passersby on the street that she was the one who brought this beautiful couple together.
Which brought you to your latest non-date but was practically a date. Taeyong took you to a Cigarettes After Sex concert in Miami Beach. You swayed to the sweet and seductive tones of Greg Gonzalez. Taeyong had his hands in his pockets and you felt him take your hand and squeeze it.
You turned to him and he gave you a shy smile.
You squeezed his hand back. You were going to surprise Taeyong that night and tell him you were ready to take it to the next step. You would be the one to ask him out on your first date together. 
As “Crush” played, you turned to Taeyong and held his face in your hands. You kissed him deeply, relishing in his frozen state. But he didn’t take long to return your kiss. He leaned into you and stuck his tongue into your mouth. You sighed in content and wrapped your arms around him. 
After the concert, Taeyong wouldn’t let go of your hand. 
“That was incredible,” you said, referring to both the concert and the kiss that transformed you. You’ve had your fair share of kisses in the past. Some awkward. Some that you wished you could erase. Some that you thought would lead somewhere but did not. 
But then there was Taeyong. 
His kiss was electric and lit you up. You were surprised you didn’t light up like a glowstick at the venue. 
Taeyong pushed you against the wall outside of the venue. The venue was nearly empty. Only a handful of concertgoers were walking out. “You have no idea what you’ve done.”
You laughed. “What? The kiss?”
Taeyong sighed. “What am I going to do with you, Y/N? I’ve been waiting so long for this and now...I don’t ever want to let you go.”
His head was down and he surprised you by looking up at you with bedroom eyes. All this time, Taeyong tried to contain himself when he was around you and played the benevolent suitor/friend/love interest rolled into one. But there were moments where he couldn’t and you could see it in his deep brown eyes. He wanted you so badly it was killing him. 
All this time, you had to keep it together. As much as you loved teasing Taeyong, it killed you to restrain yourself this time. You wanted to jump his bones when he left you at your door after your first non-date. 
You bit your lip. “Did I catch you off-guard?”
“Oh, more than that…” His words grew quieter as he moved closer to your neck and kissed it. 
“Taeyong, what if someone sees us?”
“You didn’t mind it at the concert....Or are you toying with me?”
You blushed, feeling his hot breath on your neck. You wanted him to look at you but he was avoiding your stare. “Taeyong.”
“So...what’s the verdict, Y/N? I think I’ve been very patient.”
You ran your fingers through his hair. “Yes, you have. Which is why I’m asking you out.”
He met your eyes. His eyes softened. “What?”
You smiled. “What are you doing tomorrow night?” 
Taeyong’s angelic smile reappeared full-force. “I was going to play pool with the guys. But to hell with that.”
You caressed his cheek. “You suck, anyways. You won’t be missed.” 
He pulled you off the wall and kissed you. His lips were soft against yours and you really regretted making you two wait for so long to do this. 
You were at Starbucks, working on song lyrics for a song titled “Jack Frost”. After your first kisses with Taeyong last night, your heart was ablaze and your fingertips were just dying to release lyrics for your new song. You were writing the lyrics on your Breaking Dawn notebook. It held all of the songs you’ve written since you were eighteen. And the Twilight Saga just stuck with you, whether you liked it or not.  
“Y/N!” You were so into your writing that you jumped at the sound of your name. 
You looked up from your notebook and saw Yuta in front of your table. He waved. 
“Oh, Yuta, hey.” You closed your notebook. “How are you?”
He smiled. “I’m alright. Just needed to get out and get a change of scenery. He held up his Five-Star notebook. Wedding vows.”
“Oh,” you said, “How’s that going?”
He sighed. “It’s...not.”
You frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m...not the greatest at expressing my feelings out loud,” he said, wincing. 
“You?” You were shocked. “I don’t believe that.”
He sat down across from you at the two-chair table. “Oh, you should. This is what I have so far. And this took two hours last night.”
Samantha, I am so excited to marry you. 
“Yikes.” You didn’t sugarcoat your response.
He shrugged. “Can I be honest with you?”
This didn’t sound good. 
“Samantha’s family and mine...Not only do they want to unite businesses but..they want to unite our families.”
You wished you didn’t sip from your Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher then. 
Yuta sighed. “I couldn’t refuse. Samantha’s family has done a lot for mine. Samantha and I figured we could appease our parents…”
Why was he telling you this? Why? Why was it that people thought you were the go-to for their deepest, darkest secrets?
“Yuta, I don’t-”
Yuta realized what he’d said. “Oh, shit. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’ve just been thinking too much these past few days and you’re the first person outside of the lie that I’ve seen for days and...it just slipped.” 
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. So...from the sound of it, Yuta and Samantha didn’t love each other. The marriage was a business transaction. And...Well, that was it, actually. 
Frankly, it wasn’t your problem. But it still rattled you to know the truth. 
You replied, “Yuta, it’s not my place but...why go through with it?”
He avoided your gaze. “I think I could love her...someday.”
It actually hurt you to hear him say that. You couldn’t understand their worlds. Samantha and Yuta’s. But from the sound of it, Samantha loved Yuta. But he didn’t love her. 
Warning bells were ringing in your head. This was way out of your jurisdiction as his old high school friend. 
Yuta apologized again. “I owe you Starbucks for life for unloading all of my crap on you.” 
You shook your head. “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”
“Please, it’s unforgivable. Allow me to buy you your favorite.”
This caught your attention. “What?”
He smiled knowingly. “Double chocolaty chip frappuccino?”
“How did you know?”
“Once upon a time, Y/N, I had a crush on you,” he said nonchalantly, like it was no secret. “Or did you forget?”
“You’re messing with me, aren’t you?” You asked. Yuta’s sense of humor was always so wholesome. Maybe sometimes a little sarcastic. But never cruel. 
His eyes grew bigger. “You really didn’t know?”
“No. Because you didn’t.” 
He raised his eyebrows. “I thought I made myself very clear at homecoming senior year.” 
“At homecoming? I-” And then you realized it. 
Gomez Addams Senior High School Homecoming 2011
Yuta asked you to dance to “Time After Time” by Cyndi Lauper. At this point, you’d come to terms with the fact that if Yuta hadn’t liked you at this point, then you could still enjoy his friendship. 
He spun you in circles and tried out his latest material on you and had you laughing at all of his cheesy jokes. He even surprised you by asking you if you remembered that one Spongebob episode, “Frankendoodle”. He did his impression of Doodlebob and had you cackling as you danced. No one loved Spongebob like you did but it was nice when people could at least appreciate it. 
“I’m having a great time, Y/N,” he started.
“Me, too, Nakamoto,” you said. 
He moved closer to you. “You’re beautiful.”
You blushed. “Thanks Yuta!”  Trying your best not to die on the inside. Yuta knew how to flatter a girl. He was always straightforward when it came to compliments. 
“I-” He was interrupted.
Vice Principal Mortimer was up on stage with announcement cards. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to announce your homecoming king and queen!”
Yuta and Samantha won that night. You knew Yuta would be occupied the rest of the night so you chose not to stick around. You met up with Johnny and the rest of your friends and left early to go to Burgers and Shakes. 
“You left early that night,” Yuta said, a soft sad smile on his face.
“Yeah, Johnny and everyone wanted to get burgers. And...I figured you forgot about me. Homecoming King is such a crucial position,” you said, still confused about what exactly went down at homecoming. 
“I thought I made it obvious, then...Kissing your hand. The ‘come hither’ eyes. The Frankendoodle impersonation.”
“Yuta, you were a total flirt back then!”
“I should’ve brought out the ring sooner.” He fiddled with his BIC pen. 
“Whoa, a ring?” You sipped the melting ice from your drink.
He chuckled. “I was going to ask you out that night. But I saw you leave with Johnny so I thought-”
You burst out laughing. The staff and other patrons at the Starbucks looked at you in confusion and concern. Tears were rolling down your cheeks. “Me and Johnny? Are you mad?” 
“You and Johnny were….awfully chummy back then,” he said, rolling his eyes. 
I laughed. “Clearly, you’ve never had a female best friend.” 
“So you and Johnny never…”
“Oh, trust me. We’ve never dated. Never thought about it. We actually have an unwritten agreement that if neither of us got married by forty, we would marry each other.”
Yuta laughed then. Not as hard as you but hard enough to earn a couple of stares. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
You doodled on a blank page of your notebook. “I’m immune to Johnny’s charms. Imagine the pain and disappointment I caused my parents all these years. For not dating Johnny.”
Now you and Yuta were laughing and remembering the good old times in high school. He told all of the times he wanted to tell you how you felt and you told him all of the times you thought about confessing to him. 
“I can’t believe you liked me,” Yuta said, seeing you in a new light. 
“Really? I thought I was pretty obvious.” 
Yuta relaxed his elbows on the table. “You were shy with everyone so I couldn’t tell if you liked me.” 
“See? We were both ambiguous for completely different reasons!”
And then you both laughed again. 
“Wow, I really had no idea, Yuta. Well, I’m sorry I accidentally rejected you…” You giggled again. This was hilarious. And good content for another song. Tentative title: “Fools in Time.”
“Water under the bridge, Y/N. Now about that frappuccino…”
You and Yuta spent a few more hours at the cafe. You gave Yuta few pointers on how to write his vows. He could draw inspiration from love songs. He could talk about how he treasured Samantha as a life partner and his most valuable teammate in life. 
“Get it? Because you’re a basketball player?”
Yuta blew his paper straw sleeve at your face. “Boo.”
Someone cleared his throat and interrupted you two.
You looked up and saw Taeyong, who was not shy about how pissed he was to see his girlfriend being so close with his best friend. 
“TY!” Yuta cheered. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Yeah, I’m here to pick up my girlfriend,” he said. “Surprise!” He added with a fake smile. Only you could tell that he was being insincere. You both were Cancers, after all. 
Yuta looked taken aback. “Wait, you two are dating?”
You nodded. “Yeah, we’ve been hanging out since the first rehearsal and...we went on our first date last night.” You were giddy remembering that that actually happened. 
Taeyong’s anger dissipated at the dreamy look on your face.
Yuta’s smile faded completely. He had no idea that you and Taeyong even knew each other. He almost felt like a fool. “So you’re the girl Sonya’s been raving about.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t know. Sonya’s not exactly discrete,” you noted. 
Taeyong hugged you from behind and relaxed. “Well, the cat’s out of the bag. We’re together.”
Yuta swallowed his pride and mustered his most winning smile yet. “Congratulations are in order, then. Let me treat you to dinner.”
You were about to say yes but Taeyong beat you at responding. “Raincheck, amigo. I’m taking Y/N roller skating.” 
Yuta blurted. “Y/N, you don’t roller skate…”
You sipped at the remains of your melted frappuccino, which Taeyong was pissed to find had “Yuta” written in Sharpie. “I don’t but Taeyong’s got it in his head that he can change me.” You said it so dramatically that you laughed. 
Yuta chuckled as he looked up at Taeyong. “Good luck. She’s hopeless.” 
It seemed your friendship with Yuta was stronger than you let on, Taeyong thought. 
Taeyong surprised you and booked The Milky Way Skate for the two of you. Taeyong’s family was wealthy but you didn’t realize just how much. 
“I hate you for making me do this,” you told him. You were tying the shoelaces of your skates. 
“You could’ve said no,” he said, shrugging innocently. 
“I did. Several times but I believe you said there was a reward at the end of the night so...I caved.”
Taeyong relaxed after you two left Yuta at Starbucks. You seemed to be completely unaware of the fact that Yuta was interested in you. He knew Yuta didn’t love his step-sister and that was something everyone in the Lee and Nakamoto families already knew.
But you would unknowingly pose a risk to the wedding if things kept going the way they did. He knew Yuta and he had never looked at someone so fondly the way he looked at you.
It made him want to beat Yuta up. But Yuta didn’t know you two were together until today. So as long as he didn’t try anything, then all would be well. 
Taeyong kissed your cheek. “I promise it’ll be worth it.”
You smiled up at him. “Help me up? I should warn you that I’m heavier than I look. I say this because I do NOT want you to drop me.”
Taeyong joked. “Resistance training is a hobby of mine so I should be fine.”
You punched him in the arm. “Hold me.”
“With pleasure,” he said as helped you up.
The skating rink was beautiful with its galaxy-themed atmosphere. The Milky Way was painted across the floor. The rink was huge but thankfully not so huge that you would have to suffer to get to a barricade.
The music overhead was oddly catered to your tastes. They played “Lego House” by Ed Sheeran, one of your favorites from your senior year of high school. Then, they played “Lose Yourself to Dance” by Daft Punk. Then it was “Last Dance” by Donna Summer.
Taeyong asked Johnny and Jungwoo to send him lists of your favorite songs. He knew you two were good together when he saw that you shared almost all of the same faves. He wanted to pull out all the stops for the date he planned for you. Especially after you blew him away with a homemade dinner and an acoustic concert. You knew how much he loved your voice. 
So when you mentioned a month ago that you wished you’d learned how to roller skate, Taeyong made a note of that. Actually, he made note of a lot of things you’d said.
Brace yourself, Y/N for a surprise trip to Niagara Falls, a horseback riding lesson, a Valentino handbag, and a record deal.
You really should be careful what you say around Taeyong.
Taeyong guided you to the rink. 
“All right, Y/N. You can do this,” Taeyong said as he guided you to the center of the rink. He was leading with his graceful movements. 
“Can you just hold my hands the entire night and just spin me around every now and then?” You asked. You were thankful he had such an easy grip on you. 
He smiled. “You’re learning and you’re gonna like it.”
So, he taught you step by step how to roller skate. Sure, you’d fallen fourteen times out thirteen but you felt more confident and stable so after an hour of falling and moaning and groaning over the process, you could hold your own. Taeyong had been super patient and kept his laughter to a minimum. 
Or so he thought. 
Then, holding hands, you two skated together around the rink.
“You know something? All of the songs so far are basically my favorites,” you pointed out.
Taeyong smirked. “What a nice coincidence.”
You looked at him knowingly. “So you asked J and J to give you my playlists, didn’t you?”
“You caught me,” he said as he pulled you closer.
He guided you to the center of the rink. You two held hands and spun in circles. You were in a purely blissful state as “goodnight n go” by Ariana Grande played. 
You both got dizzy pretty quick and fell. You fell on top of Taeyong and you exploded in giggles. Taeyong groaned in exaggeration and started laughing with you. 
He cupped your face in his hands and gave you a quick smooch. 
“Taeyong, thank you so much. This has to be the best night of my life,” you admitted.
“Darling, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” he said as he pulled you to him and kissed you again. 
You were going to perform at Taeyong’s nightclub. He was the owner of the renowned Holy Hell nightclub in Downtown Miami. It was a Korean-American fusion nightclub. To your delight, it also had a karaoke bar. He surprised you after your night of roller skating. He wanted to indulge you and show you off to his high-profile clients, including some record label executives. 
You were backstage. You looked exquisite and sultry in a sleek black jacket and leather booty shorts. Your thigh high boots even left you stunned when you posed in front of the mirror. 
Taeyong’s close friend Stella was a talented makeup guru that helped you put the final touches on your makeup. You and Stella became fast friends. It seemed like Taeyong’s gifts never stopped. You wondered how you could thank him. 
“Taeyong adores you, you know?” Stella said as she fixed your eyeliner.
You blushed. “Yeah...He does, doesn’t he?” 
“It’s almost sickening.” Stella laughed. “He’s dated on and off for a while but...I’ve never seen him this happy.”
“Really?” You were about to tear up at hearing this.
“Oh, don’t you dare cry. Save the tears once you score that record deal, mama. We’ve come too far to secure that face for the next few hours.”
“Thank you, Stella.” You hugged her. 
Yuta and Samantha came backstage to wish you luck. Well, Yuta did. Samantha just nodded along with Yuta’s words before they left to join the audience. She continued to despise you and you wanted to wonder why.
But not tonight.
Taeyong was the last one to wish you luck on stage.
“Severely break your leg, babe,” Taeyong said. He could have a very dark sense of humor, this one.
You kissed his cheek, leaving a lipstick stain on it. You giggled but hoped he wouldn’t notice it. Seeing Taeyong walk around with your lipstick on his face would give you much more confidence on stage.
“I’ll humor you and keep it on,” he said, almost as if reading your mind. You hugged him tight and thanked him profusely. 
It was time for you to get on stage. You were so pumped to perform. You were also extremely nervous that if you let your mind wander to the worst case scenarios, you wouldn’t have left your makeup chair. You remembered that singing was everything to you and that you were going to go up there and have a great time. When you let yourself be you, you often surprised yourself with the results. 
You heard your boyfriend on stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce our next act. Give it up for Y/N!” 
You got up on the stage and performed your own choreographed performance of the English version of “Bad Boy” by Red Velvet. The crowd went wild. It was one of the first times you danced on stage. Usually, you only practiced choreographies in a dance studio but tonight was one of those rare nights that you really let loose.
You swayed your hair back and forth and your movements were sharp. You hit the notes to perfection, nearly making yourself tear up from how well you were doing. 
You were very emotional but you hid it well this time. 
Unbeknownst to you, the record label execs were eating everything up.
You were sensual and sweet. Taeyong lost his breath for a moment and couldn’t believe that a seductress hid beneath your sweet demeanor. He caught glimpses of your mischievous nature now and then when you sang but tonight, you released your demon. And he wanted to get to know you even more.
Taeyong yelled. “GO, Y/N!!!!!”
And so did Yuta. 
Taeyong noticed that Yuta’s jaw might as well have been on the ground. Samantha huffed and went to the bar to get a drink. He was also in awe of you. Taeyong had to hold in his temper. You were his. Yuta had his chance and he blew it. 
You finished your performance and were met with cheers and whistles. Roses were tossed onto the stage, to your surprise. Taeyong’s doing, no doubt. You bowed and ran off the stage. Taeyong was already at the bottom of the steps and you jumped into his arms. 
“You were amazing, love,” he said into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “I can’t wait for an encore performance when we get back to my place.”
You gulped. “Shut up.”
This had to be one of the greatest nights of your life. To your shock and delight, scouts from Capitol Records, Epic Records, and Atlantic Records approached you and wanted to meet with you. You were over the moon.
You told Taeyong all about it on the drive back to his place. “I can’t believe Epic Records was there!” Epic was your dream label. 
“Epic?” Taeyong frowned. He didn’t invite anyone from Epic but he was thankful they made it, anyway. 
“Taeyong, you spoil me. I can’t believe you’ve done this.” You said the last sentence in a British accent, paying tribute to your favorite Vine. 
He smiled as he turned into his driveway of his beachside estate. “It’s all you, Y/N. You are a true talent. You would do the world a huge disservice if you didn’t share your voice with them.”
You took off your seatbelt and leaned over to the driver’s seat and kissed him deeply. You tried to straddle over him but his car was too cramped. 
“Slow down,” he said, laughing. “Allow me to carry you inside.” He knew you were dying in your heels.
You laughed. “Thank you.” 
He carried you bridal style inside. He let you down so you could remove your heels. Taeyong took off his jacket and loosened his tie. You seized the opportunity and jumped into his arms. You kissed him again and he quickly reciprocated. He lifted you into his arms and took you up the stairs. 
You entered his bedroom and he plopped you onto the bed and jumped right over. You unbuttoned his shirt. He helped you pull your dress off. He kissed you so passionately that that alone made you weak. You wondered what you would feel when he fucked you for the first time. 
“Are you sure?” He asked as he looked down at you. 
“Absolutely,” you replied, nearly breathless. 
And Taeyong once again assured you that this night was the best night of your life. 
Part 3 (Coming Sooner Than You Thought)
A/N: I would like to say I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS FOR FIVE YEARS. I have ideas for the main climax and the ending but I want you to suffer...I mean ENJOY the ride. I would especially like to thank the sweeties who reached out and specifically asked for this. You really made my cold heart a little warmer. Bless. 
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seokjinchuriki · 5 years
baby, you is a vampire? (2) | jjk
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 927
Genre:  Honestly crack! Fluff.
Summary: you, reader, meet jeon jungkook on a fine summer's day and wow, after a year of dating! you learn he's a vampire! how dumb could you have been? WOW vampires are real!
Warnings: None lol
a/n: this is basically a series of drabbles yayay wowow of you and vampire!jk
1 2 3 4 5
"So... everything I know about vampires is a lie?" You asked, cuddled up to Jungkook, you were adamant on learning EVERYTHING, you had even asked if he eats human food for fun during sex and you know, being the wonderful boyfriend he is, he tolerated it, also answering that yes, he does and it still tastes good, but it doesn't help him at all.
"Mhmm, except the thing about my reflection, can't see shit- I haven't seen myself in 100 years, and I can walk in the sun, sure, I'm a creature of the night, but that has been debunked, I went to the beach with you." Jungkook was happy to tell you most days, other days he just wanted to cuddle because despite being someone who survives off blood and is over 100 years old, he's baby.
Your big baby.
He had told you, that ever since meeting you, his body became warm and that's why cuddling with him isn't like cuddling with Edward Cullen from Twilight.
You were the Bella Swan of your own story, minus how emotionless she was. Kristen Stewart is honestly not that bad of actor, in the Twilight books, Bella is known for not showing her emotions very well! Anyway, back to the matter at hand.
"Did you know I love you?" Jungkook said, suddenly, causing you to nod, he smiled his cute, adorable bunny smile.
"Yeah, I do and I love you more, Jungoo!" You sat up, clutching your chest with your hand (lol what else would you clutch it with?), pretending to be hurt, "the... love- I have for you is too strong!" you huffed, being a little annoying, but Jungkook still loved you despite the fact that you do things he doesn't necessarily understand... he's been alive for so long and you're harder to solve than a Rubik's cube. You then dropped onto the bed, pretending to be dead, a result of loving the man too hard.
He decided to act along with you, holding your fake-frail body in his arms.
"No! The love of my life! Dead! And I wasn't the one to kill her- God, this cruel world! WHyyyyyyy- Wait... now I can throw that ugly, mean hairless cat ou-" And before he could finish his sentence, you jumped out his arms, gasping.
"HOw are you! How...How dare you? Mr. Wrinkles has done nothiNG WRONG!" Mr. Wrinkles was the cat you adopted when you moved in together, and despite him wanting something fluffy and cute, you were immediately attracted to the devil in disguise, formally named Rick, but you decided Mr. Wrinkles was a better name for him.
Of course, Mr. Wrinkles liked you, but he absolutely despised Jungkook, maybe the cat knew that the male living with him was a vampire and he wouldn't hesitate to claw his eyes out for you. His lovely owner, who took care of him and all of his naked glory.
"Ma'am... have you met Mr. Wrinkles? He's the devil in disguise!!" Jungkook exclaimed, his doe eyes widening.
"I mean, I wouldn't know if he was- It took me three years of friendship and a year of dating to find out that you're a vampire..." you trailed off, now thinking back to the signs, "and even if he was, he is a protector of our home!"
Jungkook was damned, if he wasn't so in love, that cat would be long gone and replaced with something else, a snake would be nicer to him than that cat, but here he was.
"And now that the cat's out of the bag [a/n: i can't breathe, why is this so funny to me-], I can be protector of the home! I have fangs and super strength and speed." He said, but you were giggling, laughing about how you were both discussing the placement of your cat in this home and how he used the phrase, 'the cat's out of the bag', you were hopeless sometimes. [just like this story lol]
"GASP! It's been a few days and I still haven't asked you this!" You were speaking so loudly, your words coming out a jumbled mess due to your excitement, and you were kind of spitting in Jungkook's face, but you didn't notice, not even when he wiped it off with his hand.
"How do you drink blood? No- Wait, let me rephrase that-" You were a mess, but a cute one, with your pajamas on, specifically the ones with Ryan the Maneless Lion on them, your hair messily laying atop your head. You were honestly thinking a little too long, since what you were trying to ask wasn't even that hard to rephrase, but your mind was going boop boop beep beep.
"Where do you even go to drink blood?" You asked, sneezing right after, for whatever reason.
"Well, we vampires have been coexisting with you humans for decades, there's a cafe nearby that adds little drops of blood to your drink if you ask." Jungkook was suddenly, and weirdly, speaking in a southern accent, maybe to make you laugh or just because the sentence he spoke called for it.
You just started imagining him in a cowboy hat and boots, but your brain pulled a 180 and started thinking about Doodlebob from Spongebob.
"You know, in Twilight, how all the vampires have a specific set of powers? Do you have those?"
Jungkook nodded, "my very, VERY special power is to love you, baby!" and with that, he was pulling you into his arms and kissing you all over your face.
a/n: i enjoy writing these woowow
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parkerwhitmore · 4 years
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we all know parker is dumb as hell, but have you considered that being dumb as hell, drunk as hell & in the possession of a tattoo gun is a recipe for disaster?
parker has. eight tattoos going on nine, in the next few months. he’s basically a trainwreck when it comes to this. he doesn’t believe in the concept of “tattoos should have meaning” and will pretty much get anything he thinks is funny, not thinking of any consequences. basically, he’s the drunk idiot who stumbles into the tattoo parlor and ends up with... doodlebob. 
1. “SCOUT” 19 october 2014. richmond, virigina. 
this is a tiny portrait of scout in the movie version of “to kill a mockingbird” that he got alongside his sister, scout. he thought it was hilarious, and somehow he conned her into getting it, too. it’s on his right shoulder blade, and he’s been asked about it countless times when he’s at the beach. 
2. “TRAMPOLINE” 23 august 2011. morgantown, west virigina.
this is a tiny tattoo of a stick figure and a trampoline that, when parker bends his hand the right way, makes it look as if the stick figure is jumping. yes, it’s as stupid as it sounds and it entertains him for hours at a time. 
3. “COW ABDUCTION” 5 july 2009. richmond, virigina.
this is the tattoo he got two days after he turned eighteen. he went alone, and told nobody where he was going. it’s right above his elbow on the outside of his left arm. his mother went absolutely insane after she saw it, but he refused to get it removed or anything like that, and he went off to college that fall, so it became a non-issue. this was parker’s first true act of rebellion, the first thing he did that couldn’t be fixed with a bribe or his mother’s influence. 
4. “DOODLEBOB” 28 february 2011. morgantown, west virigina.
this tattoo of the famous spongebob character doodlebob was done in the basement of his fraternity house. one of his frat brothers, an art major, had bought a tattoo gun and wanted to try it out on someone. so, drunk idiot parker to the rescue! it’s, to be honest, a really clean tattoo for someone’s first try. parker claims it’s his favorite, but his matching set with his sisters is his actual favorite. this one is done on the inside part of the back of his knee. 
5. “SUTTON” 1 june 2016. washington, district of columbia.
during the first year of his mother’s presidency, he took sutton (after she’d turned 18) and let her pick out a tattoo to match with him. she picked dinosaur outlines, and he got a t rex making a face while sutton got a brontosaurus. they’re both easily hidden,on their ankles, and their mother has never noticed the matching dinos. 
6. “AVOCADO” 7 may 2019. dublin, ireland.
parker got this tattoo because he wanted to see how michael would fare in a tattoo shop while sober, to be honest. it was in the artist’s book and he simply chose it on a whim, but now he jokes that it represents how michael completes him. anyone who knows him better than on an acquaintance level would know that this is bullshit and call him out on it. it’s on the nape of his neck, and it hurt like a bitch. 
7. “PHI SIGMA KAPPA” 17 may 2015. morgantown, west virginia.
he got this tattoo, a simple one of his fraternity symbols, on his last day of college. he went to his commencement in the morning, already drunk, and got the tattoo right after alongside his other graduating frat brothers. they each got the exact image of the symbols on their bicep, and parker probably cried right after because he had to start campaigning with his mother in the fall and he didn’t get to be his own person any longer. 
8. “O SHIT WHADDUP” 12 november 2020. ibiza.
he will, at the end of this year, be getting this matching tattoo with @serpcntine. they’re two idiots who shouldn’t be left unsupervised, pretty much. it’s decently small and on his thigh, but it’s of the “here come dat boi, o shit whaddup” frog meme. parker is a garbage bin for this, i can’t believe serafina went for it. 
9. “TATTOO.JPG” 10 august 2016. washington, district of columbia.
he got this tattoo while drunk off his ass after his mother publically outed him. he pretty much pretends that bender didn’t happen, but when people ask why, exactly, he got that tattoo, he can’t give them the reasoning. he just felt like doing something his mother would hate, that’s the truth of the matter. it’s on his left ankle. 
on the topic of future tattoos, he’ll probably get one for michael eventually. and a lot more stupid ones. i almost gave him one of a cat meme, but i feel like he’s not ready for that yet. one day, his kids are going to be embarassed by his very existence and his tattoos are going to be like 70% of it. 
parker has no current piercings, BUT in college he had an ear piercing and a belly button piercing. both were done drunk and as a joke.
parker has a TON of scars, all of them from stupid stuff. there’s one on the back of his leg from where he hit the edge while trying to jump from the roof into into the pool at his frat house. there’s one that he got from playing baseball as a kid, where he split open the back of his scalp after a baseball bat hit him. there’s one on his collarbone from the time he slipped while shaving and cut a straight line across it. there’s one on his shin from where he fell going upstairs at the castle in dublin right after he met aisling for the first time. basically, parker is a walking disaster. but we already knew that. 
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omilicevic2025 · 3 years
Frankenstein Entry 9: (1/30/22)
So far, the story of Frankenstein reminds me of this one specific episode,  Frankendoodle from the show Spongebob Squarepants. 
summary of the episode is in this link: 
Similarities to Frankenstein: 
- spongebob that his creation of doodlebob would be the best idea to create but turns out, doodlebob wasn’t the best idea to create which is similar to Victor thinking it would be a great idea to reverse death on a corpse but as soon as the creature came to life, he regretted ever making it.
- Doodlebob beats up squidward which is in reference to how the Creature killed William
- Doodlebob shows that he has a lot of strength, similar to the Creature having a lot of strength 
- Spongebob realized his mistakes and demanded that they went to go and find doodlebob before he hurts anybody else. This is similar to Victor realizing his own mistakes of creating the creature after hearing the news about his dead brother and decided to find the creature so the madness can end
- In one part of the episode, spongebob says,” Not evil. He was a two-dimensional creature trapped in our three-dimensional aquatic world, longing for a purpose.” This is similar to the creature in Frankenstein. He questions why he is on this earth and what his purpose was. He isn’t evil, he is longing for a purpose. 
- Also, when spongebob tells patrick about how doodlebob was longing for a purpose, Patrick still claimed doodlebob to be creepy. This reminded me of how both Mary Shelley and Percy viewed the creature differently. 
This is what I found so far for similarities after reading two volumes of Frankenstein 
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presentableenigma · 8 years
Tagged by @lolitslloyd​ to do alot of typing So here I go LAST… [1] Drink: Ginger Ale [2] Phone call: Sometime last week I think [3] Text message: Like about a few minutes ago  [4] Song you listened to: We Got This - A Day To Remember [5] Time you cried: Kamen Rider Ghost Ending HAVE YOU EVER… [6] Dated someone twice: Wouldnt you have to date someone once? [7] Been cheated on: Besides video games? Nope [8] Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes  [9] Lost someone special: Meh [10] Been depressed: Im depressed right now [11] Gotten drunk and thrown up: I almost threw up due to the taste of alcohol  LIST THREE FAVOURITE COLORS… [12] Red [13] Black [14] Green IN THE LAST YEAR… [15] made new friends: Yup :D [16] fallen out of love: Trying [17] laughed until you cried: Yeah [18] found out someone was talking about you: Not in the last year [19] met someone who changed you: Kinda.....? [20] found out who your true friends are: Kinda.....? [21] kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Like 14 of em  [23] do you have any pets: My Cat Snow :D( And my moms pet dog) [24] do you want to change your name: Not anymore [25] what did you do for your last birthday: Nothing [26] what time did you wake up: Wake up? [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: 
[28] name something you cannot wait for: Activity on my youtube channel  [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: like about a few minutes ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Lots lets just say that [31] what are you listening to right now: Wii U Eshop music [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: No....I think [33] something that is getting on your nerves: Dunno
[34] most visited website: Its a tie between here and youtube  [35] elementary: Yeah I went there [36] high school: there too [37] college: nope [38] hair color: black, brown and blonde(its weird I know) [39] long or short hair: short  [40] do you have a crush on someone: Yeeaahh [41] what do you like about yourself: Thats debatable [42] piercings: naw [43] blood type: hell if I know [44] nickname: Jay :D [45] relationship status: Single like a pringle......but pringles are never bout singular though......so how does that saying makes sense??! [46] zodiac sign:
[47] pronouns: He/Him/It [48] fav tv show: 
[49] tattoos: Naw
[50] right or left hand: Lefty FIRST… [51] surgery: No, but I thought I did on my knee [52] piercing: Naw [53] best friend: Dont remember [54] sport: Basebol [55] vacation: Sounds nice [56] pair of trainers: God no, I dont work out RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: Nothing [58] drinking: this is literally question 1 [59] I’m about to: Sit on my chair and wait for this game to download [60] listening to: This is literally question 31.....what??? [61] waiting for: My YT channel to launch [62] want: friends....err....more [63] get married: Maybe? Dunno [64] career: YouTube WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: I LOVE HUGS :D [66] lips or eyes: Wait where is this going [67] shorter or taller: am I filling out some application or something? [68] older or younger: I am arent I  [69] romantic or spontaneous: Oh shit [70] nice arms or nice stomach: thats kinky [71] sensitive or loud: What? [72] hook up or relationship: Ok this I can do, relationship, definitly [73] troublemaker or hesitant: 🎵IM A TROUBLE MAKER, NOT A DOUBLE TAKER, DOING THINGS MY OWN WAY, NEVER GIVING UP!🎵 HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger: Sounds nastee [75] drank hard liquor: Is nastee [76] lost glasses/contact lenses: Oh yeah [77] turned someone down: Wouldnt someone have to talk to me first? [78] sex on first date?: People do that? Yikes [79] broken someone’s heart?: After eating their food yeah  [80] had your own heart broken?: Bit personal but yeah? [81] been arrested?: No.....Why are you asking me this?? [82] cried when someone died?: Rip in pieces my boi doodlebob [83] fallen for a friend?: Yeaaaaaaah...... DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself?: No, but I believe in you that believes in me  [85] miracles?: I try [86] love at first sight?: .......yeah...... [87] Santa Claus?: Ho Ho No  [88] kiss on the first date?: whats a date? [89] angels?: I have a friend named Angel, that count?  OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: I kinda dint wanna say it cuz I dont think they see me as such [91] eye color: Greener With The Scenery  [92] favorite movie: The Power Rangers Movie(the original) Okay, ill tag someone for once( Im sorry)(Dont have to if you dont wanna) @kaine--parker @killerkitty707 @half-halal-trash Empty sheet here so you dont have to type like 3 pages
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evenstevensranked · 8 years
#45: Season 2, Episode 13 - “A Very Scary Story”
Annnnd, we’re back! Let the countdown resume. I know y’all remember this one. How could you not?! It’s THE ICONIC HALLOWEEN EPISODE!!! Lawrence Jr. High is holding free eye examinations on Halloween. But, instead of being legit eye exams, students are getting their eyes BURNED OUT OF THEIR SOCKETS?!
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It opens with Ren seemingly home alone the night before Halloween watching some knock off of “Psycho.” I like this bit. She yells at the TV, “Honey, you’re getting chased by 6 mutants and you’re just deciding to take a shower?!” — Seriously, though. People in horror films make the dumbest decisions. I think the fake movie footage is hilarious.
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Just then, the phone rings. Naturally. And now we get a knock off of “Scream” lol. Whoever’s calling distorts their voice and says “Do you like penguins, Ren? MAHAHAH!” and hangs up. I wonder who that could be. (Sarcasm) Ren is walking around holding a skillet as a weapon which is kinda funny. She looks so uncoordinated with it. Turns out it was just Louis calling from inside the house. Shocking. He comes jumping out at her making what’s supposed to be a “penguin” noise, I guess. I really don’t know. He kinda sounds like Doodlebob, honestly. Obviously, Ren screams and Louis has the audacity to ask “Ren, why are you so jumpy?!?!" I love this line and the way Shia says it. I use it a lot, lol. He claims he just wanted to show her his penguin jockey costume. The costume itself is a true a stroke of genius. But, I’m sure there was a less serial killer way to go about the reveal, lol. This episode definitely gets iconic points for that costume, though. People have gone as penguin jockeys because of Louis: x / x ...Incredible. 
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Ren is seriously a wet blanket here. She refers to Halloween as “childish dress up games.” What da heck?! Lighten up. You’re like, 14. I embarrassingly went as Hannah Montana for Halloween freshman year of high school, 2007. Bad idea. But just because I have tan skin and wore a blonde wig, everyone thought I was supposed to be Beyoncé. I constantly had to correct people. I WAS HANNAH MONTANA, DANG FLABBIT!!! The struggle. 
Ren tells Louis that his costume isn’t going to scare anyone. I never thought it was intended to be scary in the first place??? Either way, Donnie comes walking in and Louis makes some more Doodlebob noises at him and Donnie runs away screaming “AHHH! PENGUIN!” Wow. I’m only mentioning this because I read a little trivia that Donnie originally walks in holding a basketball, but when they cut back to him he’s suddenly holding what looks like an inflatable toucan or something?! What?! How do you forget that Donnie was holding a basketball one second and then hand him an inflatable toucan the next?! I do not understand. 
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“Wait, what was Donnie the Sports Jock just holding?! It was probably a basketball or something because that makes sense. But, I can’t remember. HERE! Take this INFLATABLE TOUCAN!” ?!?! - Probably the actual thought process that resulted in this ridiculousness. 
At school the next day, we see that LJH takes Halloween VERY SERIOUSLY. Stuff like this gave me unrealistic expectations. If you wore a costume to school growing up, you were a weirdo and people judged you. Not here! They have some intense decorations and the entire school is dressed up! Well, everyone except for Ren — who’s in a freaking pencil skirt and blazer, walking around making sure everyone gets an eye exam.
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This school is more ~lit~ than most actual Halloween parties.
We find out that Louis and the gang are planning a prank for the cafeteria: Putting fake eyeballs in the turkey gravy. Yum. Louis shows them the fake eyeballs he bought and says he just got them in overnight from Chico. It’s a small detail but I like that he mentions Chico. The city is also brought up in an earlier episode. I always laugh when Tom tells Louis “I need to get my eyes examined.” Louis says “YOUR EYES EXAMI— Tom, how many fingers am I holding up?!” And Tom has to squint at the fingers RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE in order to give the correct answer. 
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“.......Two.” // “Exactly. Your eyes are fine.”
Okay, long story short: Basically, anyone who goes in for an eye exam comes out acting like a robot. Students are walking around with sunglasses on and are suddenly obsessed with drinking milk and following the rules. Tom is the first victim of Louis’ crew. He says “I suddenly got quite a hankering for the Moo Juice. It’s an excellent source of calcium for overall skeletal health.” I FEEL LIKE THAT LINE IS ENGRAINED INTO MY MIND FOREVER! Tom bails on the cafe prank and says “If something like this were to go on our permanent records, it would follow us for the rest of our lives.” THIS LINE NEVER LEFT MY BRAIN EITHER. I feel like this episode was actually Disney propaganda or something, brainwashing us into drinking milk and being good students. Not even gonna lie, when I was young this episode made me crave milk... and I hated milk. *X-Files theme song plays in the distance.*
Tawny and Twitty both get their eyes checked and start saying the same robotic nonsense Tom did. Louis is having none of it, though. He yells “TAKE OFF THE STUPID GLASSES!” and we get one of the most terrifying moments of our childhood...
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This is still so disturbing. Show producers Sean McNamara and David Brookwell wrote this episode. I seriously want to track them down and make them explain what gave them the bright idea to traumatize children in this way?!
The classic Louis Scream kicks into full gear here. (see first image of the post) I’m laughing because I just noticed that as he runs away, he whips the butt of the penguin like “giddy up!” as if he’s actually racing on it… Oh my god. As he’s running he shouts “NO ONE’S TAKIN’ MY PEEPERS!” which I always kinda liked, haha.
Louis ends up spying on one of the “eye exams” and the process is revealed! Wexler and Tugnut zap the kids’ eyes and do in fact brainwash them with the milk and permanent record mumbo jumbo. Great. 
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Louis is now the only student who hasn’t had an eye exam. Wexler, Tugnut and the whole school are going after him. He calls home in a panic asking for Steve and Eileen to come pick him up before conveniently hiding out in the Penguin bathroom.
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His family shows up within like, 10 seconds. Teleportation is the only explanation for this. Louis goes to get his stuff before leaving... but OH NO! Wexler and Tugnut greet Donnie, Steve and Eileen and make them go in for eye exams. This always made me soooo angry as a kid. I felt Louis’ sheer horror and helplessness here tbh. Just then, Ren pops out of nowhere and Louis explains the whole situation to her. She acts like she has no idea what he’s talking about, but all of the robot students start chasing them so she helps him find a place to hide.
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“Safe?! For how long, Ren? How long before those eyeless, sunglass-wearing, milk-slurping zombies get in here?!” - ALL I CAN THINK OF IS THE WALKING DEAD. “DON’T OPEN. DEAD INSIDE.” 
Ren leaves Louis alone to see if the coast is clear. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?! Does she not see the horde of zombie students through the windows?! Regardless, Wexler and Tugnut appear and take Louis down to the school’s newly renovated torture-chic basement. (Louis: “When did the school get a dungeon?” Wexler: “Actually it’s an evil lair.”) 
Ren was the ringleader this whole time. She comes walking out looking like THIS and Wexler and Tugnut refer to her as “mistress.” Okay, this is a little creepy now...
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Louis looks at the wall and says “R.E.N.....? That’s gotta stand for something.” - I clearly remember laughing at this line when I was little for some reason omg. 
Ren explains that they’re going to turn everyone into “Renplicates” (actual Ren clones) because the world would be a better place if everyone just followed the rules. Okay, maybe that’s true. But, you don’t need to morph everyone into cloNES OF YOURSELF PHYSICALLY!!! Seriously... whaaaa?! lol. Around here Ren says “Tugnut! Turn on the juice!” which Jim Wise recently admitted was an innuendo line that the crew laughed at off camera. Adult jokes on kids shows sort of creep me out though, ngl. 
Anyway, everyone -- including their parents, step into the Renplicator and transform into Ren. 
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Everyone except... Louis.
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HONESTLY WHAT THE HELL?!?! I never liked thisssssss.
That’s where the story ends. THANK GOD! Turns out it was just Louis telling Beans a scary story. “Beans, you wanted to know what happened last Halloween. So, I told you!” To which Beans responds: 
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One of the only Beans lines I like. (x)
And that’s it! There’s a bit at the very end where Beans tries to get away with trick-or-treating at the Stevens house several times by wearing a bunch of different costumes. Donnie answers the door every time and says things like “That’s cute, kid!” and “Haven’t I see you here before already?” IT’S CLEARLY FREAKING BEANS! 
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I never understood this. I know Donnie’s dumb but he knows who Beans is. They should’ve just had a random kid do this scene. Using Beans makes NO SENSE. Also, he already raids their kitchen all the time as it is. He doesn’t need to go “undercover” to get candy from the Stevens house, lol. 
That’s the Halloween episode guys! Strangely, not as funny as I remember. Still a classic, though... obviously. I was originally going to rank it in the #30s, solely for the iconic value.. but, when I was deciding on what to put for #45 I just had to put this one here. It’s a “special” episode. So it’s difficult to rank it any higher than this since it’s just a fun one-off, silly, seasonally appropriate episode. Nothing furthers the overall arc of the series here, lol. That’s not the case for all “special” episodes... But, this one sticks out like a sore thumb in comparison to the other 64.  
Did it scar you for life as a kid?! I have to say that this episode and “Don’t Look Under The Bed” (which Larry Beale/Ty Hodges starred in!!!) literally scared the living crap out of me. Apparently DLUTB has actually been banned?! Whoa. To this day, I’m still afraid of some demon boogyman hand grabbing at my ankle...
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