#one shot: eso
bardic-tales · 2 years
Mistletoe & Blackberries
Timeline: Pre ESO Wordcount: 1, 041 Pairing: m! Dragon knight || f!Templar Premise: Wulfric creates a holiday dessert and hangs decor for the New Life Festival.
Prompt: Where did all this mistletoe come from?
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New Life Festival Outskirts, Windhelm
The cloying smell of blackberries cooking filled the entire house. Wulfric had gone to much trouble concealing the purchase from Mirne, sneaking away to a vendor while she was busy. He kept the preserves hidden until this very day when Mirne was going to pick up some exotic herbs for her cooking. She always did the cooking, and for good reason. Mirne was good at it. He wanted to show his appreciation for it.
On top of that, he could show her that he cared for her. That was the one thing that she hinted about but never outright accused him of. She didn’t understand how much she meant to him. He only hoped that his blackberry tart would do the job. Unlike Mirne, he wasn’t very good at cooking.
While the tart was baking, he was busy hanging mistletoe all over. He pinned some up over the threshold, several bunches, in fact. Every few feet, he hung some from the rafters, spacing them out so that the entrance room was covered with dangling mistletoe.
“She’ll have to kiss me this time,” he muttered to himself.
It was not like Mirne had no interest in him. She had admitted to loving him, but she also protested any romantic relationship with him. Six months ago, they attended a wedding of his dear friend, Carmine. After he tried to kiss her, Mirne rebuked him and told him that she would love to have a relationship with him, but she couldn’t. Through tears, she told him she was afraid.
Wulfric didn’t know what she was afraid of. She didn’t talk much about her past before she joined the House of Dibella. When he asked, she would say that her childhood didn’t matter, as her experiences as a priestess was what shaped her into the woman she currently was. He never pushed her beyond those words.
That, however, didn’t mean that they would never have a relationship or that he shouldn’t do nice things for her. Carmine told him that she would be won over by Wulfric’s charms, but he didn’t want to win Mirne over. She would need to come to terms with her past.
The door creaked open. It was a funny thing. He couldn’t remember a time when the house felt so alive. Mirne brought such beauty in the house, and, although he secretly railed against it at first, he was appreciative of her and her devotion to Dibella. Was he really living before she came into his life?
"The house smells delicious." Mirne shook off the snow blanketing the thick white-fur cloak covering her entire body, and a second later, murmured, “Did you bake a blackberry tart while I was away?”
“And this mistletoe?” She looked up and observed his handiwork. ‘Where did it all come from, Wolf?”
“It seemed to have sprouted all on its own.”
“Really?” she laughed. “You expect me to believe that this mistletoe sprouted and grew all on its own, in just the time I’ve been gone? It’s been a day, Wolf. That’s hardly enough time.”
“It must be magic,” he continued the ruse. “It’s growing all over the top of the doorframe. It’s growing everywhere. Look. Isn’t it strange? But look, you’re standing under some. You know what they say you have to do when you’re standing under mistletoe.”
She lifted an eyebrow.
“And look at this!” He pointed aloft to the rafter overhead. “I’m standing under some, as well!”
“What are the odds of that?” Mirne lowered her fur hood and shook her head, freeing her locks from the hood’s confines. Bits of her mousy brown hair danced from the movement. He thought it was impossible for her to appear more attractive to him, but every day brought something new.
Wulfric wanted her, but not only as one who would wish to revere the Aedra Dibella. He wanted Mirne as a lover and longed for her to confront her past, so that they could have a future together.
‘It’s never happened before,” he said.
“It couldn’t have anything to do with the reason you sent Alvis to market with me instead of you accompanying me?”
At the mention of his name, the gray elkhound sat next to her, looked at Wulfric, and wagged his tail. Alvis was always a happy hound. However, he seemed to be ore joyful since Mirne came into their life — and Alvis was not the only one.
“No, nothing at all,” Wulfric said, doing his best to sound innocent and failing. “I have no idea how this all got here. It must have been some sort of forest spirit.”
“Forest spirit? Why would a forest spirit cover your dwelling in mistletoe?” Her voice lilted like a jovial melody. It lifted his spirit as always. “What motive would they have for that? Does it want us to kiss so it can watch? That doesn’t make sense, Wolf?”
“I don’t deign to understand mystical beings, Miri,” he laughed, once more. “Their motives are beyond any of us. Could be, it’s just having a bit of fun with some mortals.”
She didn’t protest this time, and he tried to squelch the hope surging within him. He wondered if she were ready to pursue a relationship. Wulfric wouldn’t bring it up to her, giving her enough grace to make that choice herself.
Still, she needed to know that he was serious about them. He was not like one of Dibella’s patrons. Wulfric wanted to wed her, to watch their children grow, and live the rest of his life with her.
“Then get over here,” he growled, “and I’ll show you games. This might be fun, but it’s no game.”
As he kissed her, she tasted like the tart snowberries she must have eaten on her way home and wine. Her icy left cheek felt cold beneath his hand, but the fire in the fireplace would quickly warm her.
What struck him the most was that he was lost, lost in her and her warm arms. Wulfric closed his eyes. This would be a New Life festival he would remember for years to come.
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sanicsmut · 3 months
Words of the Fallen
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Technically Darien Gautier x Vestige!Reader, but all I can say is play Summerset's main quest in ESO before reading this.
part 2
Warnings : Use of Y/N once. Angst because it is. Spoilers for the end of Summerset. Language. The letter is taken directly from the game, which is why it’s written way better than what I’ve actually written.
Words: 1000 (I can't believe I got such a perfect count)
Robin’s comment: Cried making this, bon appétit. More seriously, this chapter (the game's DLC I mean) made me hate Meridia. She was one of my favorite daedric princes, but now it's over. All hail Azura. Anyway this is basically me telling Meridia what she deserves to hear. There's also a hint of a part two at the end ;). I'll try to write it, but I can't guarantee anything.
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"Never trust a Daedric Prince. If there's anything I learned from all this, that's it in a nutshell. I used to think I had a purpose, a part to play in the grand scheme of things. I suppose I did, sort of, but the way things turned out, it wasn't at all the way I imagined. Meridia said I was her vessel. I guess my fate was sealed from the moment she brought me into existence.
Now, here I am, back in the Colored Rooms. I thought that when I gave my energy to restore the sword—and I did that for my friend, not for Meridia—I thought that was the end of me. I'm back, though, but this time is different. My light, it's fading. I can feel the darkness getting closer, pressing in. I expect that once the light goes out, that will be the end.
I need to tell you something about Meridia. She's a deceiver. She promised that if I served her faithfully, I'd earn my freedom. She never told me that freedom was just another word for the void. Don't trust her. Don't trust any of the Daedric Princes. Not ever.
I've found peace though. Meridia gave me a chance to see the world, and those I care about, one last time. To save those I loved. I'm grateful for that, at least.
I wish I had a chance to say goodbye to everyone. To Skordo. To Gabrielle. Gods, I'll miss them. But most of all, (Y/N). I don't know if she will understand how much she truly meant to me. Perhaps we'll see each other again, in another place, another time. I probably won't be the version of myself that's writing these words, though. That me will be gone. I can live with that.
I only wish I could have spent more time with everybody. Had a few more adventures. Ordered those drinks like we always talked about.
I hope my friends find peace, happiness, and love. They deserve what I could never have. If anyone ever finds this book, know that I will never forget those I named herein. And, if you find them, and I pray that you do, tell them this.
Protect the ones you love. Hold them close. Cherish their every moment. Make them laugh, and laugh with them. Smile together and never, ever, forget that the moments you have are so very precious.
Oh, and tell them not to forget me, either. I mean, I am a legend, as far as I know.
The polite, handsome, and humble knight,
Darien Gautier”
You let the book fall back on the bench where you found it.
No… No…
You were breathing heavily. And a few minutes later, surrounded by those trees, you let out your anguish.
Dawnbreaker gripped tight in your hand, you screamed.
“Take it back! Take your goddamn sword back!”
“It seems my vessel isn’t the only one who ended up having feelings when he shouldn’t.”
A bright light. There it was, this patronizing voice. This voice you had respected, after giving you back your soul and helping you in Coldharbour. This voice you grew to hate.
“You bitch, he was my friend!”
“Where is your respect, Vestige?”
Vestige. You hadn't been called that since that time you helped Abnur Tharn in Elsweyr. Only the companions called you that. The companions and Meridia. But even the Daedric Prince hasn’t called you that during this whole mission. It was like you were back in Coldharbour all over again. Back fighting for what you thought was right, back, fighting against and with forces you couldn’t comprehend.
“My respect for you died when Darien got condemned. By your fault.”
“He was my vessel, an empty shell, a weapon to do my bidding. He served his purpose.”
“He was my friend!” You yelled again.
“And a traitor.”
“How the f-”
“He sacrificed he life for you. He purified my sword, not to serve me, but to help you.”
“Oh, so this is it? You’re throwing a tantrum because your tool wasn’t devoted to you only?”
“Careful with your words, Vestige.”
“You owe me! I’m the one who fought Molag Bal, I’m the one who assembled all those allies to stop the coalition! I’m the one who just stopped Nocturnal! And you owe him too! He may have purified Dawnbreaker for me, but everything else he did was for you, to serve you, because he was your champion! Because he truly thought he could trust you!”
“And you owe me for your soul. And he owes me for the purpose I gave him.”
“You wouldn’t have been able to take my soul if I hadn’t fought in Coldharbour! It’s all thanks to me! And his purpose? He could’ve been a hero without disappearing for your fucking sake! Hell, he just wanted to help his friends!”
“Friends he shouldn’t have had in the first place.”
“I swear, I defeated Molag Bal and Nocturnal, I can defeat you too. Take back your fucking sword and give me back my friend.”
You could feel Meridia’s rising anger, the air feeling tense around you despite the Daedric prince not being here physically.
“You want your ‘friend’ back?” The prince of light asked, her voice filling you with a bad feeling.
“Yes!” You answered. “Free him from your realm!”
You swore you almost heard Meridia growling, even if that sounded out of character. But that being was strict and cold, full of authority, like a severe and cruel mother. But nothing about her was motherly. She might have been less ‘evil’ than other princes, but she still served her own interests, mortals were just tools for her, or obstacles she had to get rid of. And you were sure that she was now in the second category.
“You will have to free him yourself.” Meridia declared. “That is, if you can get out of my realm.”
Her voice was tainted in cruelty, and a blinding light burnt your eyes before everything went black.
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itsfennix · 2 months
okay but like…
if a soul-shriven can become a vampire (ex: the vestige), can a vampire become soul-shriven??
Vampires still have souls, and said souls are essentially already pledged to Molag Bal…
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captain-of-silvenar · 6 months
1, 4 and 8 for Kerasil
2, 6, 7 and 10 for Yera
Aw yeah, lets go. Thank you Sniv!
What is the character’s go-to drink order?
A proper Green Pact Bosmer would never pass up a mug of jagga when offered. Takes milk drinker to another level, Nords could never survive a keg stand of jagga. Kerasil finds it hilarious that drinking milk is seen as something childish or weak as it's basically a staple drink in Valenwood.
More for her, needs more bug juice in it though.
Do they have any scars or tattoos?
Kerasil has sleeves on both her arms of twisting bold lines that she's especially proud of. Then there are a whole litany of other scars they've collected from reckless and foolish adventures, and then more while she's the Captain of the Guard doing reckless and foolish things on the clock. If we're going to go with the Vestige line she does have a giant knife scar in the center of her chest from when she was sacrificed to Molag Bal.
It's pretty gnarly and nasty looking, like a curse. So it's not very appealing and Kerasil does make it a point to cover it as much as she could so she doesn't have to keep seeing the moment when her whole life turned for the worst.
Describe the place where they sleep.
The only place Kerasil could ever consider laying her head down at night is at home. It is warm lights and a tight embrace from her husband. The scent of dinner on the wind and the sound of her children rushing into the room. It is a bed covered in plush furs from shared hunts with her husband in days of youth.
Her bedroom has nothing relating to her job, no trophies of her accomplishments to the city, very few trinkets of her adventures. There are plenty other spaces dedicated to these things, but the bedroom and where she gets to be safe and vulnerable is just made for her and her husband and that's how she wants it to be.
What is their grooming routine?
I talked about her grooming habits in another post, but I can use this time to describe it in better detail.
Yera when she can enjoys a long warm bath. Something to wash away the aches and pains of traveling on the road and spelunking into caves and ruins. Circumstances have it where she can't keep to Green Pact rules as tight, so she enjoys a mildly scented soap of pines as a luxury.
Once washed down, she is semi-forced to do an actual hair care routine. Yera typically doesn't put maximum effort to her hair other than finger brushing it and keeping dirt and leaves out of it but Lydia won't have it. So she has soap to rinse out all the dirt and keep her hair actually white instead of grey. Then properly dried and combed out until it's properly styled and laying flat without random frizz and fly aways.
Then if they need to head out somewhere public, Yera will start fussing over what outfits to wear and accessories to match with it. Are these boots a good match with these pants? Does this shirt fall nicely off my arms? Lydia, Lydia please be honest with me I can hear you laughing across the room. Lydia I need to show off, Maven is going to be in the Marketplace and I need to be better dressed than her.
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child?
Yera is the oldest! She has one younger sister named Faylen whom was born when Yera was a grown adult. Bit of a surprise from Yera to her mom having another child so late, but welp that's elven lifetime and Faylen is Yera's entire world.
She got to help raise her baby sister, teach her how to shoot a bow for the first time. Watch her play in meadows freely under her watch. Taught her songs and dances they practice around the communal fire. Got to watch Faylen become a Spinner and grow into her own potential and give encouragement when she had the rare bouts of doubt. Faylen is the best sister Yera could ever ask for and she would tear the world apart if anything were to even look at her wrong.
Describe the shoes they’re wearing.
Yera... is an avid boot collector. Once she moved to Skyrim she knew she would not survive on the thin straps of leather that served as sandals in this snowy country. So she started investing in boots.
The first were a pretty basic set of traveling boots. Good quality leather, thick soles so that the rocks won't slice her feet into ribbons.
Then when she got into some money she got some nice knee high ones. Form fitting, sheath for a boot knife, extra padding to keep it quiet. Dark leather to match her time in the Thieves Guild.
And now? Now she has so many kinds of shoes and boots for every occasion.
This one for walking in town, this one for when we know we're going up the mountains. This one for the marshes and needs to be magically waterproof that marsh gets into her socks like no ones business. This one reinforced with dragonbones because there's a new dragon up on that mountain and we're going to kick it's ass 6 ways to Sundas.
If there is a boot out there, chances are Yera has bought it and added it to her collection.
What objects do they always carry around with them?
To go without saying that Yera does not go anywhere without a seeing cane. She has them in various styles, but she cannot leave the house without at least one of them on hand.
Even in the confines of her town and home, she usually keeps a dagger on her for self-defense. No one even bats an eye at that either, so it's convenient and accepted to have one carried around.
Otherwise, she doesn't keep a lot of other personal items. Most of them had to be left at home in Valenwood when she left so that she didn't have more identifying items to track her back to Silvenar. She got new personal items in Skyrim, but she still tries to cover her tracks and her family connections from the Thalmor as much as possible.
Now it's more important that she's Dragonborn than to find out her background. Which is why a dagger is always necessary no matter where she is. There is always dangers waiting around the corner...
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delemis · 2 years
I do think its pretty funny how the first three tes games respectively task the hero with killing a tyrant, recovering a dangerous machine and stopping an ethnonationalist eldritch horror-dude, and then from tes4 onwards its just like “Stop this bad man who wants to end the world. Otherwise the world will end”
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supercool-here · 2 years
El fandom de Betty la fea en Tumblr es el más intelectual de todos
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erythristicbones · 1 year
the problem w/ being someone who adores thief/rogue/stealth characters when im playing singleplayer games, but always being the one who steps up to tank in multiplayer games is that like...i always start out going "Okay, this time im finally gonna get to play the way i want" and choose squishy races/options/characters. only to have to tank with them later. and by god do i make it work, but you'd think i would just accept my role as permanent tank eventually
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malkaviian · 2 years
mi cerebro me está dando ideas para escribir desde que mav se separó de roxy y encontró a samael en sitios no muy legales, pero no quiero hacer eso
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jgnico · 11 months
Is someone gonna talk about the use of signage in yesterday's episode? Do I have to be the one to talk about the use of signage in yesterday's episode?
I know we all saw the billboard beside Choso displaying the abilities of his technique in tandem with the narrator, but there were so many more great uses of the signs in the background to convey information.
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The first sign (and also one of the first shots) that we see in the episode is a Pedestrian Do Not Cross sign overlaid by the sound of Yuuji running, followed by Yuuji's shadow itself taking up the position of the pedestrian on the sign. You can read this as the sign telling Yuuji not to proceed to where he's going or as an indication of how the upcoming fight will end for the viewer.
The next sign that we get is one telling us to Go Left, which doesn't really seem important, but I promise you, it is. We'll see a lot of arrows pointing left throughout the episode and every single one of them is pointing away from danger. Go Left to avoid danger, essentially.
These two signs are arguably the most important in the episode, but they aren't the coolest use of visual symbolism that we got, so lets keep going.
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The third sign that we see focused on in the episode is a No Running sign that Yuuji passes that says "Do Not Rush. It Is Dangerous." Yuuji, of course, runs past it on his way toward the escalators that lead (for him) to Gojo and (for the viewer) to Choso.
Once he does get to the bottom of the escalators, Yuuji is attacked by Choso immediately and Choso's opening move (Convergence), once Yuuji moves his arms up and away from his face, slices up through the subway cieling and the road above to cut the Pedestrian Do Not Cross sign that we saw at the beginning of the episode in half.
We also get out first big Left Arrow, placed immediately in the foreground of the shot and pointing toward the aforementioned sign that's been cut in half (this will be important later), but in a another view, it also points away from station itself. Again, go left to avoid danger.
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Our next Left Arrow is on the ceiling between Yuuji, indicating that he should go away from Choso. Interestingly enough, it also points toward the bathrooms that Yuuji will go into later once his fight with Choso in the hallway becomes too dangerous.
That same arrow falls to the floor between them once Choso gets mad after Yuuji tells him about Eso and Kechizu crying, this time pointing directly away from Choso.
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Another Left Arrow, this time in a more urgent red. We see this once Yuuji realizes that he's in serious danger, that he'll loose if he continues to fight Choso in the hallway. It's also pointing away from the bathrooms and toward the escalators from Yuuji's point of view beside the bathrooms, indicating that he needs to leave the area entirely.
The previous arrow pointing toward the bathrooms as a safe option has been destroyed and Yuuji has taken some serious damage by the time he moves toward them. The bathrooms are no longer safe. Yuuji needs to leave.
This is followed up by the only Right Arrows that we see focused on in the epsiode, but unlike the Left Arrows, they aren't used to convey how to get away from danger, but rather what is dangerous. Not only do these arrows all point toward Choso outside of the shot, they also have each of his techniques displayed below them.
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Once the bathroom fight is over and Yuuji is on death's door, we get a zoomed out shot of his body framed by (two) people cut in half. This sign is shown right before Sukuna makes his only appearance in the episode, where we hear the sound of electricity flickering.
We heard this exact sound earlier from the Left Arrow telling Yuuji to get away from Choso at the beginning of the fight, but I like to interpret it as an audio indicator of Yuuji's life and/or control of Sukuna flickering in and out, becoming weaker.
Side Note: In the previous shot of Yuuji that we get before this one, we see a blade of light cutting Yuuji in half, the same way Convergence cut the Pedestrian Do Not Cross sign in half earlier in the episode. This will come into play later in the post, but keep it in mind.
The next time we see these bisected bathroom signs is when Mimiko and Nanako approach Yuuji to awaken Sukuna. Two people framing Yuuji/Sukuna that have been cut, while those same signs are whole in the hallway to the left. Go left to avoid danger applies to the girls here as well.
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Our next important set of signs are actually the same sign, a large green arrow in the foreground that points away from where Yuuji's body is. While Choso stumbles away from it (away from Yuuji/Sukuna) the girls walk toward it.
This is also the first Left Arrow that we see point toward Choso, unlike the one pointing away from him at the beginning of his and Yuuji's fight. Choso, at this moment and onward, is no longer a source of danger to Yuuji or to us, the viewer.
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And finally, the final shot of the entire episode, our old friend, the Pedestrian Do Not Cross sign. Yuuji has lost to Choso, the girls have found him to awaken Sukuna, and we get a focus shot of the Pedestrian that previously represented Yuuji cut in half and covered in blood.
I mentioned earlier that we get another shot of Yuuji cut in half by a ray of light in the bathroom.
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Here is that shot, and the way that I interpret it is as a reminder that Yuuji shares his body. Yuuji's control of his body has been cut off in the same way that the Pedestrian representing Yuuji has had part of it cut away. What's left is the part that Yuuji can't control, the Pedestrian covered in blood.
Additionally, repeated use of a sign showing pedestrians cut in half and bloody can also represent the civilians in Shibuya, especially now that Yuuji no longer has control of his body.
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xo2dee · 13 days
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ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛꜱᴜ ᴋᴀɪꜱᴇɴ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴛᴏᴏᴛʜ
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✶ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Choso x Reader
✶ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: None
✶ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1,003
✶ ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: As sweet as he was, your boyfriend really couldn't cook to save his life.
✶ ᴀ/ɴ: never written for choso but i wanted to start with something little and hopefully something thats not ass as ive planned a choso longfic for the future and wanted to practice a bit. also i like to hc that he'd be a terrible cook ngl lmao. hope you enjoy!
✶ twitter - ao3
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Not your most eloquent response, but you supposed it could match the… delicacy of the situation.
By your side you felt him move, his shoulder bumping against your own as he shifted on his feet at your mumble and ducked his head lower to put his ear closer to your mouth. You could almost feel the sweat lining your forehead, his dark eyes boring into the side of your face as you fought to keep a straight face and stared pointedly at the… ‘food’ in front of you. It was hard not to laugh, your lips quivering and stomach knotting in a ball from holding your breath for so long, but the last thing you wanted to do was hurt your fairly new boyfriend’s feelings.
Even if he couldn’t cook a damn thing to save his life.
(No way Yuji lived with him like that… Either he cooked, or he was eating out every night.)
In your peripherals you eyed Choso for his body language. It was clear he was eager for your answer; perhaps a little praise here and there for his ‘astounding’ cooking expertise, but you weren’t oblivious to the anxious undertones he was permitting as well. It was almost like he knew he fucked up, but he wanted you to give it to him easy, so he didn’t have to come to terms that you and Yuji possible grinned and bared it every time he made something for the either of you two (and you didn’t even want to think about Eso and Kechizu. God they probably scarfed the shit down while Yuji’s stomach fought for its life).
Though looking at the dessert he made…
Choso’s finger dug into your side, effectively cutting off any more mental insults you could throw at the food, and he poked you twice in the hip while latching onto your belt loop, “You’re just standing there staring at it.”
Well, what could you say? “I’m just in awe how you cooked something that looks so good.” Something along the lines of that would butter him up.
Choso sighed, “You’re the worst liar I’ve ever met.” Or not.
You dared a glance at him, sucking in your lips at the dejected pout and longing gaze at the hockey pucks he created out of cookie dough, before relaxing your shoulder and leaning into him, “I mean it. Just a tad overdone –” he shot you a withering look, making you laugh sheepishly – “we can just throw it in the microwave to soften them up a bit.” You really didn’t want to lose any teeth, and Choso had such pretty ones you didn’t want him to lose those either.
The side-eye you were receiving was uncalled for in your opinion, and he was gazing at your face for a rather long time to gauge the expression (and see through your lies) on your face before he scowled and looked back at the mess. Part of you wanted to reassure him, knowing he really did try his hardest, but other part of you didn’t want to lie straight to his face and save yourselves both a future mess on your hands for lying. Honestly, it wasn’t a huge deal, but Choso also looked so sad… like a little baby panda sad…
You went to reassure him (truthfully that time), yet at that moment your boyfriend uncurled his fingers from your belt loop, took one of the hockey – cookies and promptly banged it against the counter in a sound so deafening it promptly stopped the words on your tongue as you both stared.
You both stood in silence for a moment, and then – “Wow, it’s so hard not a single crumb fell off.”
Choso sighed – again – and grumbled something under his breath while scratching the back of his head, “You hate it.”
Your eyebrows rose, fingers curling around his wrist to throw his arm over your shoulder as you fought off another laugh from his behavior, “I don’t hate it. It’s just… you burnt them.” Leaning further into him whenever Choso finally relaxed, you began to pull on his cheek and relish in the tint turning a charming shade of red, “Plus I think it’s sweet you wanted to make me cookies.”
He hummed, eyelashes fluttering and lips twitching as he avoided your eyes to showcase his embarrassment, “It’s been three months since we started dating.”
Your heart and stomach flipped timeously, still not used to Choso’s blunt attitude when it came to expressing parts of his feelings for you. He was still rather reserved in some instances, but more often did he leave you speechless when he decided to openly show his affection for you in ways that didn’t involve any physical intimacy. You couldn’t blame him for trying, but you did want to get away from the burnt cookie smell…
“So sentimental,” you teased, giving his cheek one more pinch before guiding him back to the couch where popcorn and a movie you had planned awaited, “Let’s just stick to this tonight. Maybe one day we can make cookies together… so they don’t burn.”
He answered you through a squeeze with his hand, following you dutifully and at ease from your suggestion. Though as you flicked through possible movies to watch, you couldn’t help but tease him a little more.
“How did you forget they were in oven?”
“I don’t think I set the timer.”
“I mean it happens to all of us.”
“…They could be edible –”
“No, I mean – I think Eso and Kechizu might eat them.”
“Oh yeah, you’re right. Though it’s a wonder how they’re still alive if you were cooking for them the entire time.”
“I can cook some things, even Yuji says so.”
“Yes, the Yuji who eats takeout almost every night. Imagine what’d he say if he saw –"
Choso’s fingers found your lips, pinching them together and effectively shutting you up as he decided on a movie himself and not having to hear your mouth.
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milliumizoomi · 3 months
armando x black!fem!reader where they get into an argument but it ends all fluffy ? 🙏🏾
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☆彡SUMMARY.; Accusations get thrown around and disrespect as well.
☆彡WARNINGS.; Mature Topics, Mature Language, accusations of infidelity, name calling (bitch), Armando not knowing the weight of his words, fake friends and poorly translated Spanish (Google Translate).
☆彡NOTES.; when I TELLL you I had to shorten this so many times because my mind was running a mile a minute and I was packing so much in here. In the end tho I hope yall enjoy it and tysm for the request bb!!💕
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The shit that is leaving this nigga’s mouth right now is nothing short of absolutely appalling to you right now.
Just 15 minutes ago, you literally just walked into the house and put your purse down on the seat closest to you. You haven’t even had the chance to take your shoes off before you hear your name being called from down the hall by your boyfriend.
“YES BABE?” you called back. He didn’t answer. You rolled your eyes and took your shoes off the walked down to where you heard his voice come from, your bedroom. You walked in and see him laying on your bed shirtless, pants hanging low on his hips and had one hand laying over his face.
Damn he looked good.
“Babe you called me? I just got in” you told him. Still he doesn’t answer. Wordlessly, he moved his hand from his face and looked at you with a weird look on his eyes.
“Are you okay?”
Still nothing.
Now you were getting pissed off. If he didn’t want anything, why’d he call you? You look back at him, waiting for him to say something, anything, and still nothing. He just lays there.
Rolling your eyes, you turn on your heel, ready to leave the room since obviously he doesn’t want anything nor has anything to say.
And surprise surprise, that’s when he speaks.
“I ain’t say you could leave.” His voice is low, and almost.. menacing?
You turn back around and look at him.
“Well you didn’t say anything at all so I thought I should just be on my way.”
Sighing, he gets up from the bed and walks over to you as you watch him.
He stands directly in front of you and then grabs your face with one of his hands and cranes your neck to look at him.
“Who else you fuckin’ hm?” He asks so calmly, raising his eyebrow at you.
Meanwhile, you nearly choke on air.
The fuck was this man talking about?
“Nigga what?”
Which leads you to now.
The sheer audacity of this man to ask you this question, and now give you the silent treatment. He asked the question and when you tried to explain, you were once again met with silence.
Minutes go by as you practically trailed behind him around the whole apartment to ask him what the hell he was talking about. You told him that he’s being ridiculous and continued asking where he even got that idea from.
At this point you’re getting frustrated.
“Armando I don’t know where the fuck you’re getting this from but if you think I cheated on you then I’m telling you I didn’t!” Your voice was hoarse and your chest was tightening by the second.
How could he accuse you of doing something like this?
He looked at you standing in front of him, practically shaking in place and scoffed. “You know if you’re gonna lie about it.. don’t leave evidence behind.. eso es una tontería.” Now you scoff, you can’t believe what you’re hearing right now.
“What fucking evidence?! Where was it huh? Where’d you find it?”
He looks at you unamused then sits up because at this point, he had been sitting on the couch, with his arms resting on his knees and he was hunched over.
He pulls out his phone and throws it on the table in front of you. “Unlock it and see.”
At this point you’re shaking so violently you feel like you’re in a blender packed with ice. You pick up the phone and unlock it and the first thing you see are an assortment of text messages, screenshots and supposed photos with you and other men.
“This isn’t fucking me.” You threw the phone back done, having seen enough. They all looked convincing to the naked eye but you knew you didn’t have anything to do with any other man that wasn’t him.
“Yeah? Then who is it?” He asks condescendingly. He’s staring you down with such disgust in his eyes it makes you want to double over and throw up right there in the living room.
“I DON’T FUCKING KNOW!” Your voice is shaky and you feel lightheaded. The only thing you can do now is to sit on the floor, just so you don’t fall over and hit your head, or injure yourself in any other way.
“Where the hell did you even get that bullshit from?” Holding your head in your hand, you didn’t even look up at him. You were beyond anxious and stressed about the whole thing.
He leans back in the couch and manspreads, looking at you looking absolutely distraught and confused on the ground. “¿Y por qué debería decirte perra infiel?”
And at this point, you’ve reached your absolute limit.
Getting up off the floor, you circle the little table separating the both of you and then proceeded to get up in his face.
“Watch your fucking tone with me. You know I don’t like being disrespected and not only are you gonna accuse me of fucking some other nigga, you’re gonna sit up in my house and call me a fucking bitch? Armando are you fucking serious?” At this point you’re crying, pools of tears cascading down your cheeks as you give this man a piece of your mind.
“I am so devoted and in love with you and you treat me like some common fucking street whore that would leave you to fuck other men? You’ve given me the silent treatment and seem convinced that I’d actually do something like this when I’M the one that coordinates and works with your dad for when you get out of jail, I’M the one that cleans all those damn cuts, stabs and scrapes you come back here with, I’M the one that’s up with you all night if you can’t sleep. I cook, I clean, and I take care of you when you need me to and now you’re believing some other motherfucker over me?! And if that wasn’t bad enough, you won’t even tell me who told you all this shit! And then after all that you call me a bitch?! Are you fucking kidding me?!”
Armando is floored at your outburst. He hears the raw emotion in your voice paired with the look of heartbreak and like you’ve been kicked in the stomach all over your face. As you finish you just sink to the floor, completely and utterly exhausted and defeated.
How could he do this to you.
Even after you’ve said all that, he says nothing.
Absolutely nothing. It’s like his mouth had been wrapped with duct tape multiple times. He didn’t even murmur or whisper anything.
He just sat there.
Your definitive next words are what jump starts his brain again.
“Get out.”
It’s been about 2 hours have passed and you’re wrapped up in bed, laying in a ball while, at this point, softly crying. 2 whole hours has gone by and you haven’t moved since Armando left. You haven’t ate, used the bathroom, hell you were still in the clothes you were in earlier when you just got home.
You’ve cried so much your eyes burn and your body feels heavy. To be quite honest you’re mentally and emotionally exhausted. You just want to understand the situation better and put this behind you because if you didn’t, you knew you’d be incapable of doing anything else until you get a grip on your emotions.
And apparently your boyfriend has the same idea.
You heard the front door of your apartment open and close, followed by footsteps. Growing up in a black household, you were already familiar with knowing who it was that was walking down the hallway. So you knew, even before hearing his voice or seeing his face, that’s it was Armando.
He comes straight into your bedroom and stood at the entrance of your room, because the door wasn’t closed. He didn’t say anything, he just looked at your frame laying on the bed facing the way.
You get nervous and tried to steady your breathing.
“Mama?” He called out.
You didn’t answer, why would you when he didn’t give you the same courtesy?
And you guessed he picked up on that because he just continued.
“Lo siento mamá, la cagué.. i shouldn't have said those things but i got so angry when i thought you were..—“ he trails off. He took a deep breath and continued. “I got possessive.. that’s what my dad said anyways.. I uh.. I talked to him about it and he told me I fucked up. I should’ve let you explain and I should have listened to you. I let me not knowing how to deal with this shit hurt you and I ain’t want to be a person to do that to you… I’m sorry baby.. te amo mamá.. mucho.”
You always cursed at yourself, knowing you were too weak to him when you found yourself turning around to face him. He watched as you turned and when he saw your face, he felt terrible. Immediately he reached out to wipe the little tears rolling down your cheeks but stopped himself. He knew in this moment he didn’t have the right to touch you.
He looked at you first, and you looked back at him, silently.
“Babe I’m so sorry.. I ain’t used to talking much but.. I won’t treat you like that again.. prometo.” You sit up slowly as he watches. “Don’t ever call me nothing disrespectful like that again or I promise your father will be digging my nails and teeth out of your chewed up body parts.”
He laughs a little. “Te lo prometo bebe.”
He spent the rest of the night showering you in love. He bought you a bouquet of roses and got your favorite food. He held you on his lap and kissed your tears away, promising you he’ll never do that again and tells you to kill him if he does it again.
Truth be told you don’t know if he meant that literally.
You spent the night laughing and giggling at his attempts to make you feel better. Yes he did hurt you a lot, but you can tell he was genuine about his apology and that made you feel better. You know he doesn’t have much experience with relationships, so you want to learn and grow with him.
Still though, he better not cross that line again.
Afterwards after the situation was settled to a degree, he finally explained the entire situation to you, saying it was apparently one of your so called “friends” that orchestrated the entire thing. She made fake messages, fake call logs, and even went as far as editing those pictures to make it look like you.
The bitch just wanted your man.
And the gag is, Armando didn’t even know who she was, she sent everything to him anonymously. The only reason you knew it was her was because of how she texted the messages, she used phrases that you wouldn’t normally use in messages.
And your slow ass boyfriend didn’t even notice. Men and their lack of attention to detail.
Safe to say both you and Armando were ready to handle her ass. But before that.. he had to handle you🩷.
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“Eso es una tontería” — “that's just dumb shit”
“Lo siento mamá, la cagué..” — “I'm sorry, mama, I fucked up..”
“¿Y por qué debería decirte perra infiel?” — “And why should I tell you a cheating bitch?”
“te amo mamá.. mucho.” — “I love you mama, so much”
“prometo” — “Promise”
“Te lo prometo bebe.” —“I promise you, baby.”
{TAGLIST} :: @loakswifesworld @ghettogirly @tinys0ftie @shurisgf @radioloom || if you’d like to be added to the taglist just let me know in comments or dms🤗💕.
©2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — MILLIUMIZOOMI. Do not modify, repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any work posted on this blog without my permission.
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leah-lover · 5 months
Two hearts one timeline. Alexia putellas x reader.
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Part 2. Part 1
When you woke up the only thing you could feel was the soreness between your legs. Your consciousness took a minute to come to you. You started to slowly become aware of your surroundings. The pillow beneath you didn't feel like yours. You were on your side and a set of arms were holding you. You were being spooned by someone. Alexia was spooning you. Your eyes popped open as you started to remember what happened last night. You confronted Alexia. She confessed that she had feelings for you and you two slept together. Your jaw dropped when the details came to you. She threw you on her bed. You two made out. She Ate you out, and fucked you with her strap multiple times. She was dominant, rough, and demanding, but she kept praising you and telling how good you were for her, she praised you into taking her big strap, and edged you. She didn't let you come easily, you had to beg her for it time and time again. You also remembered that you returned the favor to her. You went down on her and she grabbed your hair while doing so. You felt proud when you remembered that you made her feel so good.
You couldn't help but move when the events of last night were flooding your memory which woke Alexia.
“Buen día.” She whispered in your ears. You then smile and turn your back. “buen día.” You reply. “ Sorry I woke you.” You whisper still.
“cómo te sientes?” She asked.
“ Well I can't feel my legs. Other than that I feel fine.” You say jokingly which she chuckled as a response.
“you are gonna force me to speak English aren't you?”
“ We can speak both.” You respond.
You two lay there in the dark, comfortable in the silence and in each other's touch.
Suddenly, you felt her hand trace along your stomach and chest, her hand was gentle she almost doesn't touch your skin.
“ Why didn't you tell me earlier?” You ask.
“ I didn't want to take advantage of you. I wanted to protect you from pressure and what people would say.”
“ Capitana, people are my last thought. I would trade everything to stay here with you forever.”
“ Are you sure?” She asks with worry in her voice. As a response you turn around to face her. Your hand cups her cheek, and kiss her in a short and sweet way. “ Yes I am.” You say as soon as you pull out. She attaches her lips to yours again this time pulling your body closer to hers. You make out for a little while longer only for your alarm to interrupt your sweet moment. You pull out from the kiss and touch her nose with yours. You stay like that for a moment before pulling out hold to shut your alarm.
You two then get up. You shower while she prepares your coffee. Once you were in the shower you notice the dark spots all over your neck, chest, and thighs. You smile and make a mental note to cover them up once you are in your car.
“ Seems like you had fun with my neck last night.” You say to her when you get out of the shower. She smiles at you and says “ I can do whatever with what's mine. “
“ So my body is yours then.”
“ Your the one who said that while begging me to come last night.” She responds.
“ Let's not bring that up or else I would want a rematch.”
You two leave her apartment and head towards the practice facility.
Upon arriving you two didn't look at each other or talk to one other. You joined your usual group and spent the day separately.
“te ves diferente” said Claudia after you left the gym to go to the pitch.
“no dormí mucho.” You respond.
“no, no es eso. Apenas escondes una gran sonrisa. Qué paso anoche” added Jena.
“nada. Déjalo en paz.” You respond before you run to the pitch leaving your friends behind.
While you were training you kept feeling Alexia’s eyes burn through your skin. As a result you were more alert to your surroundings. You kept making good shots, never missing the back of the net. You aced all your drills and tried your best to impress Alexia.
“Lo hiciste muy bien hoy americana.” Said aitana after you were done training.
“Me siento muy feliz hoy, supongo que eso ayudó.” You respond to her loud enough for Alexia to hear.
You went through the rest of your day at the facility normally. You did some recovery, you showered, got ready and left for your car all while not saying a word to Alexia.
When you arrived at your car you found her waiting by it.
“ Let drive to my house.” She says as soon as you two are face to face.
“ No.” You respond.
“ What do you mean no. Did I do anything wrong?” She says nervously.
“ I am not going home with you again.”
“ por qué¿”
“ I am not a whore for you to sleep with whenever you want. If you want to sleep with me again you have to ask me out on a date, charm me with your presence, and convince me to go home with you.”
“ will you go on a date with me?,”
“ No. “ You say before getting in your car.
“ This won't be easy Capitana.” You say before driving away.
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sweetillnessofm · 8 months
¡hola! antes que nada escribes muy bien, y fui fan de tu trabajo pasado, sigue así🫶
queria pedir algo de rough angry sex con enzo🫣después de una discusión!!
holii, aparezco gente, gracias por tus comentarios bonitos anon🫶 espero esto les guste 😪
kiss and make up☆
(one shot)
ADVERTENCIAS/TAGS🗯: enzo vogrincic x reader, smut, rough sex, fingering, kinda mean enzo(?), hair pulling, cum swallowing
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todo empezó por una mandarina.
o bueno, eso creyó enzo al principio.
desde que despertaron ambos en la mañana, el mayor pudo notar que tus ánimos no eran los mejores. apenas dándole los buenos días te dirigiste a la cocina para hacer el desayuno; sin ni siquiera un beso, o un abrazo, ni el típico rato que pasaban enrollados uno con el otro entre las sábanas disfrutando del calor corporal... pasaste de él.
trató de no hacerse mucha mente y unos minutos después bajó a la cocina donde te encontró de espaldas, frente a un sartén del cual se desprendía el olor de unos panqueques. se acercó hacia ti con pasos un tanto ruidosos para que no te asustaras cuando sintieras sus brazos rodear tu cuerpo, y apoyó su mentón en tu hombro cariñosamente, observando desde arriba los alimentos que preparabas.
"te comiste mi mandarina, enzo" espetaste con fastidio, saliendo de su abrazo y moviéndote hacia el tacho de basura para desechar unas cáscaras.
"¿cómo?" respondió con el ceño ligeramente fruncido, sintiendo genuina confusión.
"anoche, anoche cuando llegaste te comiste la mandarina que dejé en la heladera" te giraste hacia él enfrentándolo. "ya yo estaba dormida" murmuraste y devolviste tu atención al sartén caliente.
el castaño pareció recordar su travesura. "aah, sí, sí. sí me la comí, pero no creí que te molestaría, chiquita" dijo con un tono suave y se volvió a acercar a tu cuerpo "perdoname, no es tan grave, sabés que puedo salir a comprar más-".
giraste los ojos, más enfadada que antes. "déjalo, ya, no hace falta" serviste en los platos de cada uno los panqueques y le tendiste el suyo a enzo "toma, provecho".
consumieron sus desayunos en silencio, evitabas la mirada del castaño a toda costa con tus ojos fijos en el plato. confundido y pensativo, enzo quiso preguntarte si realmente era una simple mandarina lo que había causado tanta molestia en ti, cuando fue interrumpido por el sonido de una de sus alarmas recordándole que se le estaba haciendo tarde para llegar al trabajo, que era una nueva película en la que llevaba dos meses participando.
se disculpó contigo y te dio un beso en la frente antes de lavar su plato y subir a la habitación a prepararse, dejándote con la mirada perdida en la mesa y terminando tu desayuno sola.
en algún tiempo libre del día te llamaría y trataría de arreglar las cosas, pensó, no podían quedar mal por un pequeño error de él y una simple fruta. sí, definitivamente eso haría.
si tan solo hubieras contestado sus llamadas.
llegó el mediodía cuando sentiste la primera vibración de tu celular, y en vez sentir felicidad al ver el nombre de "mi vida ♡" en la pantalla, solo sentiste tu pecho llenarse con un incómodo sentimiento de enojo. lo mismo fue con la segunda, con la cuarta, y la séptima llamada, tanto así que llegó a un punto donde tuviste que silenciar por completo el aparato.
no estabas segura de por qué actuabas así, te sentías como una nena malcriada hasta cierto punto, pero supusiste que era por los días que llevabas acumulando tus sentimientos reales.
obviamente tu malestar no era por una mandarina, eso solo fue un gatillo para que se disparara tu estado de ánimo reprimido. la realidad era que te sentías descuidada por enzo.
desde que empezó con su nuevo papel pudiste notar como cada vez pasaban menos tiempo juntos; habían menos oportunidades para salir, para las actividades que solían hacer antes, para tener sexo. apenas teniendo un corto momento en las mañanas para poder sentir el calor y el cuerpo del otro antes de que el mayor se despidiera, no era suficiente. te hacía mucha falta y sentías también que no tenías siquiera el tiempo para poder expresarle cómo te sentías.
al principio era tristeza pura lo que te llenaba pero con los días se transformó en rabia. porque enzo parecía no darse cuenta y parecía que no se sentía afectado.
cayó la noche y estabas saliendo de la ducha cuando escuchaste la puerta de la habitación abrirse.
"¿amor?" escuchaste la voz preocupada del castaño "nena, qué pasó? te llamé mil veces y no me contestaste ninguna, me tenías mal" se acercó rapidamente a ti cuando te vio salir del baño envuelta en una toalla. "de verdad necesitaba hablar con vos, pero sabés como es todo, no podía regresarme a la casa" tomó tus manos entre las suyas, mirándote preocupado.
"disculpame, me quedé dormida" respondiste tosca. te soltaste de su agarre y fuiste al ropero a buscar tu pijama.
"pero por qué no me devolviste las llamadas?" siguió tu andar con su mirada y chasqueó la lengua. "mirá, no sé si realmente estés así por la estupidez de la mandarina, te dije que podía comprarte más, pero si no es eso necesito que me digas ya qué carajos tenés".
notaste como progresivamente su tono de voz dejaba de ser suave y comprensivo para volverse más alto. "desde que despertaste me tratas diferente, ni siquiera un beso nos dimos. todavía en la cocina me girás los ojos y me sacás de encima así sin más, y en todo el desayuno me ignoraste, te buscaba la mirada y nada" negó con la cabeza.
"entonces aparte de eso te llamo porque realmente me preocupa estar bien con vos, porque sos mi mujer y te amo, y qué recibo? el jodido buzón" se pasó una mano por el cabello, con estrés. "no soy adivino, necesitamos comunicarnos, entendelo".
"te preocupa estar bien conmigo?" esta vez fue tu turno de responder, alterada. "te preocupa tantísimo que en estos dos meses te has distanciado un montón y hasta ahora sigues sin darte cuenta?" estabas casi gritando, finalmente le estabas contando la verdad, aunque en una circunstancia que se pudo haber evitado. "andate al carajo" te giraste hacia el ropero de nuevo buscando la ropa, esperando de espaldas a él con la piel erizada una respuesta filosa de su parte.
"entonces era eso," rió con amargura "te costaba demasiado decirlo desde antes? sabés lo importante que es decirnos este tipo de mierdas, dios" con cada oración se iba acercando más a ti. ajena a ello seguiste buscando entre las gavetas.
continuó "parece que sí, porque tuviste que esperar y llegar a este punto, para que yo llegara cansado del rodaje y en vez de ser recibido con un abrazo al menos, soy recibido con este berriche". te diste la vuelta rápidamente hacia él para protestar cuando lo encontraste muy cerca de tu cuerpo, con sus ojos clavados en ti.
teniéndolo tan cerca pudiste observar con detalle su expresión. iracundo, con el cabello desordenado, el ceño fruncido, los ojos llenos de agotamiento y una mandíbula apretada, tensa.
realmente esta era una parte de enzo que no conocías, porque sus discusiones solían ser tan tontas y reducidas que ninguno de los dos acababa enojado propiamente. claro, hasta ahora.
algo que no esperabas en lo absoluto era que tal cosa empezara a causar una humedad entre tus piernas...
tal vez ya te estabas volviendo loca por la falta de sexo.
negaste con la cabeza tratando de deshacer tus pensamientos. "es esto solo un berrinche para ti, enzo?" soltaste con rabia. "dime, crees que no me afecta estar jodidamente sola acá en la casa? nada más que esperando como imbécil a que llegues tarde por la noche y ni siquiera podamos hablar un rato, porque llegas durmiendo. y ni hablar de los días libres donde nada más lees y lees guiones".
caminaste pasando de él y dijiste a lo ultimo "hace cuánto tiempo que no cogemos?" el tono de tu voz ya había bajado, casi en derrota.
al ver que enzo se quedó de espaldas a ti sin responder, suspiraste y te quitaste la toalla que envolvía tu figura, para empezar a vestirte.
con la mirada fija en el suelo, a punto de deslizar por tus piernas las bragas que escogiste, sentiste como enzo se abalanzó sobre ti haciendo chocar tu espalda contra la pared que había detrás de ambos, con su boca empezando un camino de mordidas y chupetones nada suaves en tu cuello, hacia tus hombros y clavículas.
gemiste agarrando sus brazos, sintiendo sus manos recorrer desesperadamente tu desnudo cuerpo y bajar hacia tu culo, el cual amasó con fuerza acercándote lo más posible hacia él. en un movimiento involuntario abriste las piernas, lo cual aprovechó el mayor para introducir una suya en el espacio entre ellas y poder rozar su muslo contra tu coño.
jadeaste al sentir la fricción de la tela contra tu clítoris y empezaste a mover tus caderas con la intención de estimularte más, cosa que no lograste por el fuerte agarre que tenía enzo en estas. en cambio, sentiste como este empujó su pierna ásperamente contra ti, restregándola de atrás hacia delante y mojando la tela con tus jugos en el proceso.
"entonces lo que querés es que te coja, no?" musitó contra tu oreja, soltando una pequeña risa sin gracia al escuchar tus agudos gemidos.
desviaste tus ojos hacia algún punto de la habitacion, evitando su pregunta.
detuvo los movimientos de su pierna mirando con sorpresa el desastre que estabas haciendo en su pantalón "mirá como estás de mojadita... acaso te calienta que discutamos? mhm? decime".
tomó con fuerza tu mandíbula obligándote a mirarlo. "te calienta que me enoje con vos".
no querías admitirlo aunque en el fondo sabías que era cierto. era algo que nunca habías sentido hasta ahora. "puede ser" dijiste sin aliento "igual, n-no puedes culparme, si estoy así es porque me has descuidado".
"ah, en serio?" dijo bajando su mano hasta tu coño e introduciendo dos dedos de golpe, haciéndote soltar un grito ahogado. "no sabía que por unos cuantos días sin sexo te volverías tan sucia, sos terrible".
esto no era nada parecido a las otras veces que tenían relaciones. esta vez eran acciones bruscas y descuidadas, movimientos en los que podías sentir el enojo de enzo y tal vez la misma desesperación que tu llevabas sintiendo hace semanas. todo muy distinto a las caricias delicadas y palabras de amor a las que estabas acostumbrada
y te estaba encantando.
enzo comenzó a mover sus dedos rápidamente dentro de ti, abriéndolos y cerrándolos en forma de tijeras ocasionalmente para poder estirarte, con su otra mano todavía sosteniendo tu cara con firmeza. sus bocas se rozaban sin llegar a besarse como tanto anhelabas, cada vez que intentabas acercarte al mayor este se separaba burlándose de ti y causando que formaras un puchero.
"aw, qué pasa amor, ahora querés que te bese?" dijo el contrario con falsa inocencia. "no fuiste vos la que me estuvo rechazando toda la mañana?"
sintió como te apretabas alrededor de sus dedos, intentando callar tus gemidos, y empezó a dar movimientos circulares en tu clítoris con su pulgar sabiendo que así no podrías contenerte. "estás cerca chiquita?"
"s-sí en, no pares, por favor-" los jadeos y gemidos comenzaban a salir de tu boca cada vez más fuertes.
curvó sus dedos golpeando con fuerza tu punto más dulce, y cuándo sintió tu cuerpo entero tensándose a punto de derrumbarse ante el orgasmo, los sacó por completo dejándote vacía, lloriqueando con tu coño pulsando alrededor de la nada.
"no, no, enzo, p-por qué?" tus piernas flaquearon por el orgasmo perdido pero el fuerte agarre del castaño en tu cuerpo te mantuvo firme.
"perdoname chiquita, pero quiero que nada más te corras conmigo adentro". llevó sus dígitos mojados de ti hacia tus labios y sentiste tus propios fluidos en ellos. "si tanto querías que te cogiera..."
"chupalos" dijo en referencia a sus dedos y abriste tu boca obedientemente succionandolos con vigor, saboreándote a ti misma, hasta que los dejaste limpios.
enzo te encaminó hacia el tocador que estaba al otro lado de la habitación, tus caderas chocando con la madera de este al llegar. te giró bruscamente dejándote ver en el gran espejo el reflejo de la imagen tan caliente de ese momento.
un enzo totalmente vestido, ocupado desabrochándose el cinturón, detrás de tu figura desnuda y llena de las marcas que dejó previamente en ella con su boca y sus manos. tus mejillas rojas al igual que tu boca de tanto morderla.
sentiste como enzo separaba tus piernas con su pie desde atrás y finalmente deslizaba su miembro entre tus labios, esparciendo tu humedad en él.
"metemela ya, en" arqueaste tu espalda alzando tu culo hacia él, persiguiendo su polla "te lo ruego-"
"que impaciente saliste," susurró en tu oreja, y sin más demora metió de una estocada su miembro en tu agujero arrancándote un gemido lastimero. "tan desesperada por tener una pija dentro".
al instante comenzó sus embestidas duras y rápidas, jalando con su mano un puñado de tu cabello y con la otra agarrando fuertemente tu cadera, tan fuerte que estabas segura de que aparecerían marcas.
solo te quedaba gemir y lloriquear al sentir como golpeaba fuertemente tu punto dulce con la punta de su miembro. en parte sentías alivio de por fin tener su polla dentro de ti, y por otra parte un hormigueo nuevo de excitación te crecía en todo el cuerpo por la manera ruda en la que te cogía. apoyaste tus manos en la mesa del tocador como soporte y observaste en el espejo la escena que ambos hacían.
enzo se deleitaba mirando como su miembro desaparecía en tu coño con cada estocada, sus ojos fijos en la forma en la que rebotaba tu culo. jaló con más fuerza tu cabello haciendo que echaras tu cabeza hacia atrás y tu cuello quedase expuesto a su boca, con la cual empezó a succionar y moder tu piel nuevamente causando que tus ojos se pusieran en blanco.
"e-enzo, besame" drogada de placer suplicaste al mayor quien, sin reducir la rudeza de sus embestidas, soltó tu cabello y envolvió sus brazos en tu torso, pegando tu espalda a su pecho.
recostaste tu cabeza en su hombro cuando sentiste su mano tomar tu mentón y girar tu cara hacia la suya, juntando al fin sus bocas en un hambriento y desordenado beso donde sus lenguas se enredaban.
gemiste en la boca de enzo quien gruñía con desespero al sentirte apretar su miembro, por lo que rompió el beso y habló "ya te vas a venir, chiquita? sí?" sus caderas no dejaban de chocar contra las tuyas, lo miraste con lágrimas de placer formándose en tus ojos y asentiste. "venite, preciosa, venite sobre mí".
a pesar de tus intentos de mantener contacto visual, inevitablemente tus ojos se cerraron al sentir un orgasmo azotarte con fuerza. te estabas viniendo sin siquiera haberte tocado a ti misma. espasmos recorrían tu cuerpo y tus piernas se volvían débiles con temblores, mientras que tus paredes se contraían una y otra vez en la polla del mayor haciéndolo gemir por lo bajo.
la velocidad de sus movimientos se redujo, pero no la profundidad, penetrándote así a través de tu clímax y sintiendo el suyo cerca.
cuando el conocido hormigueo se hizo presente en su vientre, salió del calor de tu coño y te giró dejándote frente a él. te arrodillaste aún temblorosa entendiendo el mensaje.
"abrí la boquita, amor" jadeaba mientras masturbaba su miembro frente a ti, moviendo su mano con rapidez.
obedeciste y abriste la boca, acercándola a la punta donde con tu lengua trazaste pequeños círculos llevando al castaño al límite. sentiste las calientes tiras de semen caer en tu boca, la cual cerraste tragando entero ante la mirada oscurecida de enzo.
la abriste de nuevo y sacaste tu lengua ante él, mostrándole que no dejaste nada. te ayudó a levantarte del suelo y empezó a besarte con desespero envolviendo tu cintura con sus fuertes brazos.
"perdoname por descuidarte, mi vida" rompió aquel beso juntando sus frentes, y habló con el tono de voz calmado que usaba siempre, ya relajado. "tenías razón, no me estaba dando cuenta de lo mucho que me hacías falta".
"no, perdoname tu a mí. sí debí decírtelo antes" susurraste acariciando su mejilla suavemente con tu mano.
"crees que me pasé?" el castaño recordó de repente la rudeza de su actuar hace unos momentos, escaneando tu cuerpo y observando todas las marcas que dejó en él.
"definitivamente no," no pudiste evitar soltar una pequeña risa ante su preocupación. "de hecho, creo que deberíamos discutir más seguido, no lo sé" bromeaste y reíste más al verlo lanzarte una mirada reprochadora.
"definitivamente, te volviste una sucia" dijo enzo sin poder ocultar la sonrisa divertida que se formó en su rostro.
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daggersandarrows · 1 year
wait ok here's another question:
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dreamauri · 6 months
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♪ — 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦 𝗥𝗢𝗖𝗞 - part three max verstappen x fem! driver! reader (fluff) series summary . . . when the lives of an f1 and wec prodigies collide, hey find out hey find out that they're not that different and carve out a place for their selves in each others hearts. the commentators from sky sports call this puppy love
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liked by landonorris maxverstappen1 and 21.6k others y.ln p4 on first our race, not where we wanted to be but we'll get there!! round one, check ✅ imola next, can't wait 👋
landonorris Y/NNN ⤷ yn.halimi LANDOO
username good luck
ferrarihypercar you did an amazing job out there! ⤷ yn.halimi forza ragazzi ❤️
username Wtf Porsche dominated like Red Bull in f1. A lot of work to do for Ferrari. But forza Ferrari
carlossainz55 Ojalá hubiera podido venir a mirar [wish i could have come and watched] ⤷ yn.halimi La próxima vez! Acabo de recibir noticias sobre tu p3, va a ser una gran temporada👍[next time. i just received news about your p3, it's going to be a great season] ⤷ carlossainz55 cuándo será la próxima vez? imola? [when will be the next time? imola?] ⤷ yn.halimi sí, Imola en abril. eso es hasta ahora [yea, imola in april] ⤷ landonorris soy lago ⤷ yn.halimi dora the explorer did not teach you well
username Consider Qatar 1812 a race about discovery, of finding out a lot about the car 🏎️🐎
maxverstappen1 thumbs up ⤷ landonorris soy lago ⤷ landonorris i think max is having a stroke? ⤷ yn.halimi soy lago? you trying to show off your spanish skills?😂
username I see the F1 ferrari energy slowly transferring to WEC
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thumbs up. you couldn't hold in the smile that curled on your lips as you re-read the comment. exiting your profile and going to dms, you didn't scroll far to reach the desired contact.
'saw you asked for me the other night' you typed, turning you phone off after so you could slip in your bed and shut your eyes for the night. it had been a long day for you and now that you were finally back in your hotel you couldn't wait for some proper rest.
but maybe you could stay up a little longer. Once your phone buzzed from on the nightstand you'd snatched it and unlocked it. 'we were playing fifa and i wanted to beat you' you couldn't feel the wide smile that stuck on your face. 'fifa you say? i might not have my console with me but i have some free time and my soccer shoes' you typed back quickly seeing he was still online and in the chat.
'what do you have in mind?' if your smile could have gotten any bigger, it would've. you sat up looking around your room. after a few seconds of thinking you looked back down at your phone. 'see you in jeddah?'
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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The weather didn't bother you that much. you barely ever wear revealing clothes so wearing modest clothes didn't feel odd. you were too busy dribbling the football to be bothered by something irrelevant as clothes anyways, especially since max was chasing you and trying to steal the ball away.
Unlike the dutch who didn't waste any of his time going over to jeddah, you arrived during the evening, sometime after four. it was only at 5:30 did the two of you decide to actually go through with the plan of having a small football match together.
You were very surprised that the dutchman had accommodated for your time together at his hotel, somehow managing to book the tennis courts and take out the nets so you could makeshift a football field. It was a single goalie match, your shoes that you never got to wear making where the goal was.
"That's cheating." You huff-laughed, pushing him back with your shoulder. You must not have been in race mode because Max's reaction time skills were still on. in your moment of weakness he was able to steal the ball and take his shot to the bake shift goal. "Yea!" He cheered throwing his hands up, dabbing.
Crouched down on your knees, you tried to hold in a laugh at max. "That doesn't cpunt! You cheated!" You accused, getting back up on your feet. the time was sometime in early 6 and the sky had taken a nice gold and orange colour. "Contact!" Max fiend hurt as you you pushed your side into his sending him a couple of steps to regain his balance. "a 5-second time penalty for ms. L/N." "A fine for mr. verstappen." "A fine?" max put a hand on his chest making a shocked face. "Oh dear, go easy my bank account."
"Hmm" you put your hands on your hips, pretending to think. "I'm sorry mr. verstappen, but it's pretty big fine." "oh no. How much?" he played along, pretending to be worried and shocked.
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"It's bad they don't serve wine here, I'd be getting two gorgeous bottles of 1945 Domaine de la Romanee-Conti." You hummed, whispering about the wine once the waiter severed your table and left. "1945 what?" Max chuckled as took a sip of his drink ( which was actually just redbull in a fancy glass ) before picking up his fork to begin with the mini feast you ordered.
"Expensive french stuff." you shrugged, starting to eat from your own plate. "How expensive." He asked, chewing and looking at you. You gave another shrug, drinking your own drink (which was also just redbull in a fancy glass) to help swallow. "about 558k?" Max chocked on his food momentarily and you laughed at his reaction.
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blackthewolf17 · 29 days
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Vale, bla bla bla voy a subir mis fanfics bla bla bla, van a ser dos libros con el mismo nombre "Malware Love" y "Malware Love: Compendium Edition", PERO☝ ...
Contexto de esto es el primer libro el cual tiene una historia lineal (Compendium es donde dejare one shots), prácticamente la historia parte con Turbo llegando al internet (ahora justificado con el lore de disney magic kingdoms) y topándose con el avatar virtual del lector, del cual despues vive en su computadora y le acompaña como una especie de asistente virtual como trato para que no lo eliminen y el pueda planear como regresar a el arcade para tener venganza.
🕴Eso asi, en resumen.
Y pues ya, solo hice bocetos tontos sobre eso.
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