#one ship to rule them all
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ohno-elrond · 4 months ago
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(based on this post by @darklinaforever)
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killedbyfrank · 11 months ago
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This is the best day ever for Starnerve fans!!
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konfuse · 2 years ago
I’m trying to find your Frobin Proof post for a friend, please;; where can I find it?
Hey there!
Do you mean this one?
It's a bit on the older side now and I do think I should work on certain points like that fact that in the new family dynamic Franky is not the father anymore... but that does not change the fact that Oda described the accomplishment of a husband laying his head on the lap of his wife to climbing a mountain and reaching the peak.
If you meant another one feel free to write me again!
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ohno-elrond · 3 months ago
#they're really just each other's moral compass aren't they? #what a terrifying though for the both of them (via @nocaptainonthisship)
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vakariaan · 7 months ago
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ultimate ships challenge - the first otp Harry/Hermione  »  Harry Potter
Harry felt a thrill of something that was beyond excitement, more like fear. Now that he was so near, he wondered whether he wanted to see after all. Perhaps Hermione knew how he was feeling, because she reached for his hand and took the lead for the first time, pulling him forward.
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angxlofvenus · 2 years ago
hi, hi, hi! could I request the brothers + diavolo during a meeting together when their s/o (the mc) starts to doze off and then suddenly faint? Turns out, the MC forgot to drink water that day-
That happened to mr a few days ago, it wasn't fun - so here's a reminder for you to drink some water too :')
Thank you so much for the request!!! I am so so sorry to hear that happened, I hope you're doing better <3 If anything in this post seems insensitive please let me know! Have a wonderful rest of your day/night
Genre: Mostly fluff, Some Hurt/Comfort Ship: Demon Brother+Diavolo x reader (individual) TW: Minimal cussing, mentions of fainting, mass panic, yelling, second person pov for reader (If I missed anything please tell me!!)
When You Faint
You watched as the clock slowly ticked by the minutes as the Demons around you spoke amongst themselves, Your talking had slowly come to a stop as the room started to spin, Some of the men looked at you strangely but nobody expected you to fall out of your chair and onto the council room floor...
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He's immediately up out of his chair
Oh lord, he’s now fully in mother mode-
Barking orders at everyone, Yes this includes Dia
As soon as he gets over to you his wings are out, shielding you from everyone else
Once you come to, He isn’t letting you out of his sight
And once he finds out you fainted because of dehydration? 
He would so buy you one of those big ass waterbottles 
One of these mfs
Freaking out pt. 1
Definitely hootin’ and hollering
He is indeed making a scene
Won’t really be on you until after you wake up because he knows Lucifer and Diavolo can do more for you then he can
After you have awoken though? He isn’t letting you out of his sight
You don’t have to worry about remembering to drink water, He’s there to remind you now!
Humans are such fragile creatures and now that he's seen that firsthand, He will barely let you do anything
He will make sure you are healthy whether you like it or not dammit
Freaks out pt. 2
Somehow freaking out even more then Mammon
He doesn’t know what to do! He leaves his room one time and this is what happens!
Will kind of just stand there in shock as everyone erupts into chaos
He isn’t the best example of someone who looks after their body lets be honest
But when ya’ll are gaming You’ll start to see some more healthy options popping up in the mix of chips and soda
He will beat himself up over not noticing, Please comfort this man before he decides you resent him
He won’t ever really bring it up but rest assured, It will never happen again
Would also run to your aid
He has read a lot of medical books in his time, He knows what to do
Would take you to a doctor afterwards, just in case
Kind of beats himself up for being unaware of your condition
I don’t think he’d freak out as badly after the incident, He knows it was probably a one time thing
Will bring up in conversation casually if you’ve eaten and drank water today, just to be sure
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Freaks out pt. 3
Yelling at Lucifer/Satan to do something!
Will be all over you as soon as you’re awake
Don’t scare him like that! 
Will get extra pouty when he learns why you passed out
Has Ya’lls self-care sessions meant nothing to you?!
No more of that, not on his watch
He will offer you water at random times throughout the day
Studying? Water! Watching Tv? Water! Sleeping? Water! no, no, Beauty sleep is important
Doesn’t knows what's happening, Why are you on the floor?
Will stand on the sidelines concerningly as he watches Lucifer take over, He trusts his brother to help you
Will also feel immense guilt he didn’t see the signs, He just wants to keep everyone safe 🙁
When he thinks Ya’ll are doing something too straining for a human, He’ll stop to ask if you’re okay/ need a break
Will start carrying around a water bottle specifically for you 
He totally wasn’t sleeping when it happened, nope
Woke up to his brothers and the Prince of the Devildom freaking out around you
I don’t think he’d really get too involved with helping since he doesn’t actually know wtf just happened
If you don’t immediately perk back up, He’s gonna cuss out Lucifer and maybe try to fight him
Gets a little snappy at everyone (except you ofc) after the incident
He even started to set alarms on your DDD as reminders to drink water
Will tease you just a teeny bit, But you can tell how worried the entire thing actually makes him
Was over to you in record time
Commands everyone to step back from you while he calls Barbatos and a royal doctor
You will be given the best treatment don't worry
He thinks he's being very sneaky about making you drink more water He is so obvious about it, it hurts
You will definitely notice how Barbatos now almost immediately refills your glass as soon as it’s half full
Another one to openly ask if you’ve drank enough water that day
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ohno-elrond · 2 months ago
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ohno-elrond · 5 days ago
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(via @ghostinthetumbchine)
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Touch the darkness once more.
The Rings of Power | 1.05 | 2.07 |
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opiopal · 2 months ago
I was thinkin abt a teen mc again, and this time the thought that came with it was them being the closest with levi, and how dumb they’d be together.
cause imagine they’re THE nerds ever. mc has been able to spend childhood summers and teen summers binge watching every single show that was available to them, browsing social media for more content, reading manga, getting in on all the drama and fan theories to figure out what was canon and not, and ect ect. So they are nearly on par with Levi with most human anime’s and mangas, which I could imagine lead to a pact being made VERY quickly. And it makes them both stronger. bc while Levi shows mc anime’s and mangas that they’ve never heard of due to them being from the devildom, mc introduces him to human brainrot and slang.
And honestly this is very confusing for the rest of the brothers, because they both get so close that they hardly even have to talk to each other to communicate, then they normally end up saying some sort of weird word from the human world to say goodbye, for example: mc could be talking to like, mams and beel while at RAD, and suddenly Levi approaches quickly, Mc quickly turns to the sudden noise then locks in as Mc and him make eye contact, and Mc speaks first
Mc: “New season?”
Levi: “new season.”
Mc: “One episode or all 12,”
Mc: “holy sh-“
They take a second to compose themselves as mc vibrates all their excitement away.
Mc: “Snacks?”
Levi: “ordered,”
Mc: “Wonderful, on skibidi,”
Levi: “On skibidi.”
They do an odd handshake then mc turns back to mams and beel as Levi goes back the way he came
Mc: “anyways, what was I saying again?”
Mam: “what was that!?”
Mc: “hm? Don’t worry about it,”
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momentomori24 · 5 months ago
This may just be me, but I think if you ship a canonically very abusive, manipulative and toxic relationship, you don't get to judge or call anyone degenerates for their own fucked up ships, actually.
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rafyki · 9 months ago
Btw I have to say that my fave pjo ships are all between Percy, Nico, Jason, and Leo - like, basically whatever pair (and even ot3, why not!) you choose, it's an amazing ship
Percy/Nico? Literally my forever otp, i think y'all know by now how much i love them lmao
Percy/Jason? YES yes yes, a thousand times yes, they have such an amazing dynamic
Jason/Leo? The perfect Leo ship if you ask me, sweet and funny and deep at the same time, they complement each other perfectly
Jason/Nico? The sweetest possible ship ever, just thinking about it makes me melt
Nico/Leo? What we could have had in canon if Rick wasn't a freaking coward. I said what I said.
Percy/Leo? This is a weird one, but whatever, at the very least they would be the perfect pair of besties.
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year ago
thinking about floyd and riddle spending their first halloween as a couple together... i think floyd absolutely loves how varied and lively all of the different halloween traditions he's learned about since coming to live on land are, and he wants to try out as many of them as he can each year. so when riddle tells him that his mother always made him stay in his room studying on halloween, and that the only halloween activities he's ever done were those that NRC students were required to participate in, floyd decides that the two of them are just going to have to spend the day doing everything they possibly can. riddle tries to say he's far too busy for such things, but floyd will not let it go and honestly riddle is only half-heartedly protesting anyway because he secretly did always dream of doing the things that other kids got to do on halloween, and maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal to take one day off and spend time with his boyfriend.
so, riddle never got to make jack-o-lanterns? floyd decides to "borrow" about half a dozen of the pumpkins jade and azul had bought for mostro lounge and takes them to riddle's dorm room. riddle is terrible at trying to carve them at first and floyd can't help but laugh at him a little, but since he knows it's not riddle's fault he's never gotten to do this before, he says he'll show him how to do it. unfortunately floyd isn't nearly as good as he thinks he is on account of having lived in the ocean for almost his whole life and now riddle gets to laugh right back at him. they probably both get the hang of it right as they're down to their last two pumpkins.
riddle never got to go trick-or-treating with his childhood friends? floyd texts trey and convinces him to get in touch with chenya as well so that they can all go together. when they approach the first house, in the costumes they had prepared for each of their school's halloween events, riddle starts to get nervous and asks if they aren't all a little too old to be doing this. floyd shoves several huge handfuls of candy from that person's bowl into his and riddle's pumpkin-shaped buckets and tells him it's not like there's any rule that says they can't, and besides, riddle is such a cute little goldfish that he practically looks like a kid in his costume anyway! chenya stifles a laugh while trey has to stop riddle from committing murder that night.
riddle's never gone to a haunted house before? floyd and chenya both think it would be hilarious to make him go to one, so they do. riddle absolutely hates it, but it honestly does make him happy to see everyone else enjoying it--even if floyd and chenya both keep trying to egg him and trey on and get them to go down creepy corridors and check around corners by themselves, and even if floyd keeps running off to different parts of the haunted house and then coming back and hugging or even lifting riddle from behind knowing full well that he'll get freaked out by it.
riddle never got to play the apple bobbing game that's traditional in the queendom of roses? turns out there's a place right by the haunted house where they can go to do it! predictably, floyd is great at it while riddle ends up drenched without getting any apples, but just giving it a try is more fun than riddle expected.
riddle's never gotten to make candy apples before? luckily, trey knows an amazing recipe as well as what combinations of toppings work the best, and he's willing to teach them both! riddle gets very confused at imprecise directions such as being told to use "a few" drops of food coloring on the syrup or to drizzle "a little" white chocolate over it, and keeps asking trey exactly how much he should use. floyd thinks this is adorable. he also thinks it's adorable when riddle tries to scold him for ignoring half of trey's directions and just doing whatever he thinks sounds good.
riddle's never done a horror movie marathon before, or even seen any halloween movies in general? floyd insists that they marathon at least 3 movies together. after the experiences he had at the haunted house, riddle doesn't think he'll enjoy horror movies, but he tries to keep his cool throughout the first one anyway... which does not work out, because he really can't handle jumpscares or excessive gore. during the first movie they watch, floyd (who loves slasher films so much that he laughs and cheers every time the monster gets a kill) is happy to let his goldfishie cuddle up to him and grip onto his arm to keep himself from knocking the popcorn bowl onto the floor, but you know that once it's over riddle is getting teased relentlessly about how scared he was. floyd decides to be nice and put on something tamer for their next two movies, and riddle actually ends up really enjoying coraline and especially beetlejuice.
by the end of the night riddle realizes that they've stayed up way too late at night and a small part of him wants to scold floyd for keeping him up so late, insisting on having him do all of these silly activities and eat all of these terribly unhealthy snacks. another part of him wishes he could scold his mother for keeping him from doing any of these things as a kid, with his friends and the other kids in his hometown, the way you're supposed to do it... and another part of him still is just incredibly happy and grateful to floyd for finally giving him the chance.
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angxlofvenus · 2 years ago
Hii! I saw your requests were open and I thought I'd give you a hc/fic idea:
The brothers (or whoever you'd like to write for) reacting to Mc using their shampoo/ soap in the shower for whatever reason ^^
I hope this makes sense to you lol, anyways I hope you're having a wonderful day/night, don't push yourself too hard, and drink water!! You can also take any creative liberties you seem fit, or if you decide you don't want to write it I won't be offended ^^
Thank you so much for the request!! This is absolutely adorable, I hope everything is to your liking, Have a great rest of your day/night !! Genre: fluff Ship: Reader x brothers + Diavolo (individual headcanons) TW: clingy demons, minimal cussing, no use of readers' pronouns, second-person pov
When You Use Their Shampoo
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Stepping into the shower, You were greeted with the nice hot/cool water raining from above, Going to start your routine, You reached for your shampoo bottle only to find it empty! Looking around you spotted his shampoo and conditioner, surely he wouldn’t mind… right?
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100% smells it on you no matter how little you used
Won’t tease you in public but as soon as ya’ll are alone? Ho ho, he’ll never shut up about it
Smug, the definition of smug
You had to go and inflate the ego of The Lord of Pride even more
Very possessive afterwards
Congrats, You know have a scary guard dog demon!
He probably wouldn’t even really notice at first
He’d probably compliment how good you smell, Then would slowly realize…
Great, Now he's yelling gibberish while his face slowly gets redder and redder
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack, don’t do that to me!” But will become very clingy
If you say his shampoo smells good, he may lose his mind.
“Well of course ya wanted to smell Like the great Mammon!” 
Poor awkward nerd
He never saw this coming
I think he would realize you used his shampoo but won’t say anything
Flustered to the max
You have broken him
Levi.404 has stopped working, please reset.
After like the third day, You’re gonna have to bring it up
Secretly really likes it, Won’t tell you that though
I think he is very picky about scents so he knows as soon as you walk into the room
A little bit of a tease, asking if you were trying out a new shampoo
Smug 2.0 
He would tease you a little bit around the others but not bad
He would flood you with compliments, You using his shampoo would make him very lovey-dovey
Expect him to ask for ya’ll to just use the same stuff from now on
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Oh honey, he knows.
He knew before you even got out of the shower.
But that doesn't mean he's any less excited!
Better plug your ears because he will let out the loudest squeal known to mankind
Seriously, Lucifer may come and check on ya’ll helicopter mom
Asks what you do and don’t like about it
He just wants you to feel as fantastic as he does when using it
Everyone will know you used his shampoo, He brings it up in every conversation
Would also 100% ask you to use his bath products 24/7
Now Beel has never been really into insane products like Asmo or Luci
So he may not really recognize it at first
If you decide to tell him, This man will become a happy demon puddle
He’ll give you a big smile and tell you you’re free to use any of his stuff at anytime
We don’t deserve Beel
Will bury his face into your hair and just stay there
Takes you out to Hell’s kitchen that night just because he loves you so much
Oh this little shit
Tease! He won’t quit bragging!!
Smug 3.0
Such a brat about it too, He won’t let anybody near you, Well of course he’d let Beel, but who wouldn't?
He has practically locked you up in the attic with him
Why go outside when ya’ll can cuddle? 
Has really expensive products 
He may even have a custom scent
If so, He’ll know instantly that you’ve used his shampoo
He’ll bring it up with a large grin on his face
When you confirm his suspicions, he’ll just laugh
He’s so happy ya’ll are close enough to share things like that, You have no idea!
He may make a sly comment to Barbatos or Lucifer just because he’s a little possessive
Will follow you around like a lost puppy, Now Barbatos is mad at you because even less of his work is done
He can’t help it! He just loves you!
Will be the third on my list to offer ya’ll to just share bath products
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ohno-elrond · 2 months ago
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man's cannot take his eyes from her ever 😭
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sysig · 3 months ago
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I think they’re the same guy, somehow (Patreon)
#Doodles#Webkinz#Dex Dangerous#Deltarune#Spamton#The only thing I can figure is Celebrity - Goofy - Bbygrl#In the Cats Pajamas music video Dex just...he gives off Such energy and it's so cute#Doing the chin-in-hands feet-kicky pose while the girls all put bows in his mane he's bbygrl your honour#Though that is all him as an actor - when do we get to see Mayoral Candidate Dex Dangerous do the kicky-feet pose please#Also he needs to win sometime with his Kinzcash proposal but that's neither here nor there - he knows what the people want is all#As for Spamton I mean - guy is guy what more is there to say about him that I haven't already lol#Spamton in spaaaace haha#I did enjoy tossing them into each other's clothes - turned Dex's rocket ship symbol on his chest into a mouse cursor for Spam :3#And the pink/yellow I mean that's just obvious - yes they both get it don't question me#Lol#If I gave Dex his signature blues on Spamton's round glasses then they'd just become Scriabin's glasses....#I've never drawn them ''flat'' like I do with Spamton's glasses tho I don't think :0 But where's the fun in a lack of shines!#I do like how my first attempt at Dex is like - Mostly on-model keeps the nose style and the little whisker dots#And then just immediately abandoned in the second go 'round lol - it's my pencil I make the rules!#S'the fun of Having a style to play in lol#Do any of the Adulkinz actually have tails? I don't recall Dex having one... But what if he did tho he deserves one#Would there be a tail hole in the outfit then lol - Spamtail?? Could be cute#Although I'm just imagining something ball-jointed like his legs hmm perhaps not#Well anyhow that was fun lol
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lambmotifz · 4 months ago
In these trying times when people assume we only want bottom Sam for a plethora of shallow reasons, none of which are true for me, I find solace here with someone who gets it. God bless.
sometimes there is a right and wrong way to interpret things. if you understand how power dynamics work in sam and dean’s relationship and see the blatant parallels between john & dean and dean & sam (the cycles) and also aknowledge the fact that dean is canonically straight and homophobic, then you know dean wouldn’t bottom and sam wouldn’t top in their relationship
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