#one grand scene
local-magpie · 1 year
feel like i should say if youve been watching me bitch about the mcu all day, that the context here is i adore the mcu to bits - i just fucking hate where it went & the quality drop as it became a performative cash cow project, abusing CGI & churning out work as fast as possible to make their grand (extremely mid) storyline. i was firmly in the "super" camp of superwholock back in the day and i am not ashamed to also admit to being a loki fan or basing a lot of things in my life on tony stark at the time. i still read frostiron fics to this day.
i am not here complaining the mcu exists at all. i am complaining that it's refusing to quit beating a dead horse into the ground - theres barely any bones left.
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ventresses · 8 months
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Star Wars + Text Posts & Headlines
Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022), pt. 2
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remyfire · 6 months
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Things I am never ever going to be normal about: the gripping the back of the neck
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bromcommie · 7 months
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Cursed Bread, Sophie Mackintosh
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turtledotjpeg · 3 months
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@hxhbigbang24 time!!
I drew for this fic which made me SAD and also made my HEART WARM!! I will not say too much to avoid spoiling future chapters, but I illustrated a few moments from this scene near the end of the story that I loved!
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
Oh my GOD I've fallen down the rabbit hole of your glorious skywalkers apart AU and quite apart from being ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED, I have to know if my boy Cal is around in it?!
yes but i never really developed it!! ok we all know i'm never gonna finish that comic script i'll just tell u guys -- in said script, after leia and anakin free Padme, they find out Luke was taken somewhere else which, after a family recon mission, they find is FORTRESS GODDAMN INQUISITORIUS! (which they assume is bc luke tried to use the force to stop the initial arrest, big mistake huge)
anyway all this to say cal's involvement was a tiny-mentioned cameo to explain why anakin knew how to infiltrate nur (the exact line i wrote in the never-finished-script was "we met this jedi survivor a few years back" + comments abt said survivor inflitrating nur 10 years ago yes it was that unsubtle) -- the idea was they had run into one another on a short mission in the past and then gone their separate ways!
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empty-dream · 5 months
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Jeanne d'Arc and Jeanne d'Arc Alter in FGO Memorial Movie 2023
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oceanicpoetry · 5 months
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Loki's arrival: official concept art (by Andy Park)
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fisheito · 4 months
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blade, superspeed superstar investigative extraordinaire (flinging entire men around since , uh, Saia)
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katabay · 11 months
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revisiting/redrawing of this comic!
now that I'm halfway through blocking out the individual chapters of bad governance, there are: character arcs! themes! conversation that fit in the greater context of a story instead of a handful of loose ideas that rattle around in my head!
the original conversation got chopped up and split across several different scenes (sulla felix is the one who calls pompeyo a wild dog that dreams of being a king now!), so now I'm playing around with this specific one: the start of cassio's politician arc
I'm also kicking around the idea of renaming brutus to liberato. we'll see if it sticks!
I've also been fucking around with photo/collage type backgrounds on my other blog (I like the aesthetic, but I probably won't do it as much for the actual comic itself), the difference is for bad governance, I can just use my own lmao
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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thinking about puppet tattoo parlors. A wall covered in so many different thread colors to choose from - swatches of different types of stitch for different textures / effects. modified handheld sewing machines for tattooing with multiple settings for the different stitches. individual needles + embroidery thread as stick n pokes...
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marymekpop · 18 days
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⟢ highlight of the hour: love next door [07/16] ⟣
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feliscygnus · 2 months
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the reunion
the reference:
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noveltybee · 8 months
Imagine putting your heart and soul into a project because you love the source material, but have to work around certain scenarios because they won’t really translate well to screen, which is fine because you’ve gotten help/blessings from the ORIGINATOR of said source material so you’re feeling really good about everything. Maybe you wish you could change somethings, but you’re proud of the story that you’ve told and how true it is to the HEART OF THE STORY…
Only to then read that some of the fans of said source material think the show is awful and (somehow??) worse than the bad movie adaptations that disregarded the heart of the material (the actually STORY), all because of a casino and either adding or dropping minor story beats.
Wow. Just wow.
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londondungeon2 · 3 months
concept with dullahan! dire crowley OR dullahan! floyd leech, you can imagine either ⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽
now playing harley poe’s vengeance the demon / close the door / outcrowd
part i. vengeance the demon.
it always starts with you running. it has never once changed; you, desperate and panting, throw yourself across the earth on two lunging legs.
sometimes, you trip. sometimes, you crash into things. but you always keep running and running away from the sound of clomping hooves in pursuit. they echo in the mine ruins that you always find yourself in, sounding like an army of horses instead of the single one giving chase.
one time, you finally manage to reach the end of the mine shaft as you can see these polka dot patterns of light just ahead. you break out into a sprint.
the air is less humid when you burst out of the mines like a bullet passing through a body. you make a wild run for the houses lit by lanterns. pumpkins are on each porch. you end up stumbling into one, acquiring a new shoe, as you throw yourself against the door.
“please! he’ll kill me! he’ll kill me he’ll kill me!”
the only response you get is the window by the door opening just slightly. you almost miss the motion, so focused on pounding your fist against the wood. but through your eyes and the blood and the mud, you manage to spy it. two fingers opening up a crack in the blinds and one single eye peeking at you.
“please … please …” you sniffle, blood and snot a thick mélange running down your lips.
the eye stares at you. it looks like an immovable stone, something that has already made its decision. the light of the glowing pumpkin and lanterns pale in comparison to how bright the eye is.
“i can’t help you, yous folk is marked.”
ii. close the door
the girls and boys at your university hate you. your parents don’t hate you but they don’t like you either. you’re not even sure you like yourself.
the only person (and he’s not even a person) who loves you is your black cat, grim.
grim purrs at you which you take as validation as sweet as boyfriend saying he loves you or as validation as heartwarming as a best friend saying she’s grateful that two of you have become friends because no one gets her like you do. in him, you find validation that you have been missing since you were seven and that boy died at your birthday party.
it wasn’t your fault. your hands were only on the reins because the handler asked you, the birthday girl, if you wanted to hold and guide the horse. you must’ve fucked it up somehow because the horse reeled up, a black stallion of huge proportions looking like something carved into a monolith, before the stallion kicked back his legs and struck a boy in the head.
blood paints over the grass as the first adult came outside with the cake, the beginning of happy birthday on his tongue.
which is why some girls corner you in the bathroom, one wearing a party city horse mask and getting in your face. another kicks the stall, mimicking clop-clop noises with her mouth.
because the town hates you. everyone has always hated you.
it causes you little stress besides tears. what causes you the biggest stress is returning to your dorm, finding your window open yet not finding grim.
you search the streets like mad, shaking tuna treats in your hands.
eventually, you come across paw prints that have found their way into a water storm drain tunnel, those ones cities and towns install to minimize flooding risk. the paw prints are wet and small but you know deep down grim’s in there somewhere.
after some hesitation, you walk in.
it’s dark and humid. and you mean dark as in the only way to tell where walls are is to move your hands outward to check where they lie, you can barely make out shapes in this nebulous black. and you mean humid as your hair is starting to stick to the back of your neck and the place where your inner thighs touch are sweating with a passion.
but you have to find the only person who loves you.
you keep going till your foot catches on something. you don’t trip but you feel around with the sole of your foot, coming to conclusion you are stepping on none other than mine-tracks.
you have to go back. you have to go back! you think with a blinding panic.
but then you hear a meow, soft and faint. gradually, you calm down and call out for grim. please, grim come, you have been traveling too far down this rabbit-hole, both of you need to go home safe and sound.
but he doesn’t come, continuously meowing. a little farther, you can risk going that much for grim.
so you keep going, one of each shoe placed on the sides of the tracks, shaking your bag of tuna treats.
eventually, you come across light. not sparse light like polka dots but bright light that almost blinds you.
they’re celebrating something in a town just a two minute walk away. they are celebrating halloween.
the door on your old life is permanently shut.
iii. outcrowd
grim, you see him. just a bit down the way, he’s weaving through the crowd of people lined up on each side of a giant parade.
you pass by a man breathing fire, another on an elephant, one who is clipping roses from his skin and handing them out to children, another who is — your sight suddenly blurs when two forces hit you with surprising force.
“mama!!” they cry in unison. and two twins with your face but golden eyes gaze up at with love you have never been shown to before by human features.
“i told you two, not to run off during the parade; must i keep you on a leash,” a man with hair split black and white breaks through the crowd.
“oh well now i see why they ran so swiftly,” this mysterious man says as he addresses you. “welcome back, (name); i was worried you weren’t going to make it this year.”
“mama was gonna come this year! dad promised!” the twin on your right says, taking the easy opportunity to slip his hand into yours.
“dad never breaks his promise, uncle crewel! never!” the one on the left clings to your entire arm like a snake.
“i see,” the man tuts, giving you a mischievous wink. “come on then; he also promised to attain this parade,” mumbled under his breath, “if only he stays in the mood to attend this one and not chase his beloved wife around.”
the twins, with a surprising amount of strength, drag you along.
so, against your will, you watch this halloween parade pass by. finally apart of the crowd, loved and cared about by people. not part of that outcrowd that has kept you isolated.
it comes and goes until finally the star of the show arrives, a man cloaked in black, a pumpkin as a head, riding the black stallion from your childhood.
you try to pull away. the twins hold on tight. you watch in betrayal as grim walks up to the horse, only to be scooped lovingly in the arms of the rider, purring away.
that man is going to kill me, you think as he draws closer on that ebony stead of nightmares.
then, finally, he stops his horse in front of you and offers his hand up to you like a man offering up his entire heart, body, and soul. the twin on the right slots your numb hand into the rider’s easily. you are lifted onto the horse, sandwiched between the neck and a warm body, resisting the urge to cry like a baby.
“my wife,” the man behind you breathes amorous on your neck, removing the pumpkin from his face.
a single gold/two gold eyes greet you with such love you almost cry. “how lovely of you to finally join us.”
when he kisses you, you do cry.
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normalbrothers · 7 months
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TOMMY: Why do you play games with people when there's no benefit to you? TATIANA: In Russia, because we were bored. In England, because we don't know how to stop. At least there are silly games and orgasms. TOMMY: So lets fuck.
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