zealsocemporium · 1 month
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the way fandoms are desperate to make all aroace characters romance and sex positive but then dont do anything remotely similar to any other identity is astounding. hmm i wonder why
PLEASE dont derail this about shipping characters of other identities please let this one post be about an aroace struggle
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zealsocemporium · 1 month
"unalive" should just mean the opposite of undead. if undead means a dead thing thats alive, unalive shuld mean an alive things thats dead. no i dont have any examples. ☝️yet
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zealsocemporium · 1 month
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background Cody of the day
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zealsocemporium · 1 month
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Moth & Beetle
Timothy Locke and Jules Uriana, out on a normal nightly stroll. Jules has had to deal with so many neighbours pestering her before Mr Locke finally came out from his trenchcoat cucoon to clarify that no, Miss Uriana is not his very young girlfriend, or even really his friend. At some point, he just decided to call her his adopted sister to avoid further questioning.
Jules was very normal and chill about it (lie, this was the greatest moment of her life. From the unwanted sidekick of her favourite problematic vigilante, to his adopted sister. Her roommate could not shut her up about it for weeks)
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zealsocemporium · 1 month
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(The main guy who keeps breaking into Wenya’s home. His name is Moth, apparently.)
(Its okay though he’s. Well not chill. He accepts the coffee given to him and is perfectly capable of being polite. He just… Look, sometimes Wenya doesn’t want to mop up blood on the floor, and the coat hanger’s not sturdy enough to hold up a crowbar every week. And Moth has only ever knocked at the door once, which was when he was out of costume, and somehow he was less polite than usual? Wenya will continue to give Moth coffee and answer questions, of course. He lives a pretty stressing, but boring life- far from the way more stressing but very interesting life of a government-sanctioned superhero. It’s nice to have Moth around sometimes.)
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zealsocemporium · 1 month
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Lineart by @mothartella, otherwise this would've never gotten done! Gonna start posting non-fanart on this account, easier for everybody. More stuff @zealsocemporium for anyone curious!
This is Wenya. Wenya is iconic.
Wenya is haunted by people who never existed and deaths that never happened. He's trans and has telekenesis. He's young-ish, he's not-really-single-it's-complicated, and he's doing his best with raising his daughter alone in the layered metropolis of Dream City. Vigilantes keep breaking into his house for advice + knowledge for their crime fighting instead of knocking on his door, like normal people. He wants a nap and a full night's sleep so bad...
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zealsocemporium · 3 months
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My son!! My little creature bby!!!! Silly goblin!! It goes through emotional turmoil.
“Khelo” means “little shell” in North Aervian, and Ren is the name given to him by the Kanemese sailors who sort of adopted him as part of their crew when he was a kid.
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zealsocemporium · 4 months
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Btw her ending isn’t happy.
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My daughter with light manipulation magic.
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zealsocemporium · 4 months
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Huge nerd alert.
He loves reading, history, his son, astrology, his wife (rip), and long flights above the beach. He goes through a horrible time in the last year or so of the story.
Him, the plague doctor Vizar, and the jester Raijik end up having a… strange and unlikely friendship. That nobody likes.
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zealsocemporium · 4 months
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My daughter with light manipulation magic.
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zealsocemporium · 6 months
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The previous girl ever’s girlfriend and future wife!!! Waimarie is made of comfort and pure vibes. She is also very tired. She is everything and hates sea travel, which is ironic concidering her people’s proficiency in anything sea-related.
Her birth year is supposed to be 68 on all of these, I just didn’t count properly. Also i forgot her bodyhair in the first photo, i will never be forgiven.
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zealsocemporium · 6 months
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What’s this?? The most wonderful girl around?!! YES!!
These versions of the refs don’t have her body hair because I honestly forgot that detail. But know that a woman without body hair is like an angel without wings.
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zealsocemporium · 6 months
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Some random scrawny kid. He’s about to do his best even if he doesn’t want to. Tragic little guy that he is.
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zealsocemporium · 6 months
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Made them gayer somehow.
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zealsocemporium · 8 months
“Devil’s Parade” main characters redesigned and updated!
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The year is 2018. Ayodele is given her third case since she graduated: a vampire who’d been stuck in a crypt for the past 66 years who has to adjust to this modern world and the fact that half his memory is missing due to a misterious spell… Ayodele seeks out old college friend Sofie and her brother Barry to help Shigeru out with their witchcraft.
Things get out of hand. Somehow they prove that gods exist. Shigeru and Barry are doomed lovers who are also extremely goofy. Sofie and Ayodele are not doomed but they are lovers and they are goofy. Theres a tree man who lives on the O’rin property and knows everyone’s business. The Devil is real. Somehow these four keep being wanted by the cops.
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zealsocemporium · 8 months
✨Evil artstyle check✨
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I made another version on my fanart account with Captain Rex, but I originally did it with Sofie here!
Basically I’ve been seeing the opposite artstyles trend going around again and I felt like doing it. I actually really like some of the things from the opposite one.
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zealsocemporium · 9 months
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The girlie ever.
Not going to get into the plot and symbolism, just trust.
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