#one girl got angry and called people ‘sick’ for shipping certain characters
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disownedbytiime · 3 years ago
Now that I’m free and that my iPad is about to die, I do have thoughts about the tws/t anime
Like first, I hope they’ll keep the voice actors because that’s exactly why I started the game. Itokawa Yojiro and Futaba Kaname mostly, but I appreciate a lot of them.
Now will they do the regular story or will it be like that Heartslabyul manga?? Like… the story is not finished and ngl if it takes them a year to complete a chapter, I wonder how much it’ll take for the anime to come to that point. But lol I’m not fan of that manga, so idk what I’d prefer.
And Yuu… I… have low expectations about them. Probably unpopular opinion but I don’t like what they did w Yuuken. But ?? How will they manage a blank avatar?? What TR did in Hanamaru was not including them directly and the characters only spoke to the camera as if that was the saniwa. And I liked this approach but it won’t work here because Yuu is actually part of the story. What TR did in Katsugeki was making an original character for them but… I didn’t like him at all. If Yuu is included they’ll have to give them an appearance which means also a gender and honestly I don’t want to see the fandom when it comes to that.
And the last one is exactly about the fandom. I don’t wanna sound elitist nor gatekeep anything but like…. The fandom will become insufferable…. I remember all the issues when the game just came out. People calling it an otome, people making fun of the animefied characters, the discourse. I can even see shipping wars forming. It’s already hard enough as it is, more people will just make it more insufferable :’) especially since it’s Disney which brings a different kind of insufferable fans.
Now, of course I’m excited (even tho certain things will kill me again if I watch them!!) and I’ll try to watch even if I know games don’t translate well into anime, but I simply can’t have high expectations.
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codename-adler · 4 years ago
Hey! Hi, so I have seen that you ship Kevin and Aaron very much. Now, I read your 9th part of the foxes + onesies series and well now I'm craving more Kevaaron. I love them so much, but I have the hardest time finding good fics for them. So could you recommend me some of your favorite Kevaaron fics? (you can give however many you want, but no more than 10, cause I know you are going to give good recs and if I start reading one, I won't be able to stop until I finish all of them.)
Well hi!!!
I read (and publish) all my fics on ao3, so I hope this won’t be a problem! Also, most of these Kevaaron fics, if I remember well without the tags, are rated Mature or Explicit, so I’ll try to diverse my recs a bit but if these are too much for you (or any of you) please don’t hesitate to ask again for more sfw/G-rated fics, and I shall answer your call! And, I’ll only suggest completed fics, because I’d hate to leave you hanging.
The only fic I will recommend that is not on ao3 is the first one. 
Kevaaron Fic Recs
Twilight & Daytime - @ukamushu_the_bibliophile on Instagram
This. This fic. I have followed the chapters since day one. It is now complete. What was even better than this fic is the friendship I’ve been blessed to form with its writer, Kammy. She is an amazing woman and a wonderful writer who gave each character of our beloved series a new and unique twist, and much more depth. Kevin and Aaron are lucky to have her writing them, and we are lucky to have her for reading her sweet, heartfelt and honest story. This fic is an emotional journey, but a welcomed one. I urge you all to read her story and encourage her and show her some love!
(44 parts, completed, TW at the beginning of each posted chapter)
* Summary to be added once I get it from Kammy *
coming loose - dhedy on ao3 
I mean... I think we all started there... 
(13 chapters, 26,300 words, completed, G)
“  “What are you doing?” Aaron heard the door shut and closed his eyes. Even his eyelids were sticky. “It’s hot,” he said, the effort of peeling the words from his lips lingering in the form of sweat dripping down his face. “I was asking Andrew.” From somewhere near his feet, Andrew said, “It’s extremely hot.” - it's hot, and the twins are disgruntled, and aaron can't stop hoping for things he can't have. “ 
twin high maintenance machines - thisnightsrevels on ao3
This is slowburn af but god is it good.
(1 chapter, 17,500 words, completed, G)
“ Healing was never going to be easy, but maybe together they could find a way
Kevin and Aaron have grown sick of living under Andrews thumb, and slowly they're coming to realise that there are better things to live for beyond the bottle he shoves in their hand. “
The Thing About Andrew - aristotlethecat on ao3
This shit gets heavy but... so worth it.
(11 chapters, 10,300 words, completed, M + TW + Explicit)
“  Kevin is ignoring Andrew after canon events because of the choking thing and he finds solace in late night talks with the more sane of the two twins who has also suffered at his brother's hands. “
all of the things (that i’m not) - vertigo on ao3
Oh boy, this? This is a heartwrenching AU, slowburn-y and angsty and. ugh.
(5 chapters, 47,500 words, completed, M + TW + Explicit)
“  It took three swats of his racquet (heavy, short in length, shallow net depth, one parallel red mark on the middle of the body) to break Kevin's hand and spirit. “
or; Kevin never really heals from his hand injury, never goes to PSU, moves to Cleveland to co-coach its Exy team that just happens to have Aaron as one of its backliner...
Honey, You’re Familiar - OfficialStarsandGutters on ao3 
I don’t have words for this. A comfort fic of mine for sure.
(1 chapter, 18,300 words, completed, M + TW + Explicit)
“ Kevin is so warm, and solid, and bright. He is Enjolras, Achilles; the blazing hero, self righteous and certain, and Aaron is just a lost companion stumbling in his wake, grateful to be in his presence.
When the fuck did he become a Kevin Day fanboy? Because fuck that. “
I Wanna Make You Move - sheerpoetry on ao3
It’s NOT just smut, okay? It’s not. There are feelings.
(6 chapters, 9,600 words, completed, M + TW + Explicit)
“ Kevin is drunk. Aaron is drunk. Andrew is oblivious.
(Kevin hits the dance floor after hitting the bottle. He finds Aaron, who actually doesn't mind his company.)
[Then neither of them wants to let it go and it's a journey for everyone.] “
Only Fools - Moth2Flame on ao3
Oh this is dark. But it gets better. Promise.
(1 chapter, 12,400 words, completed, M + TW + Explicit)
“ Aaron was just going along, minding his own business, content in his life and then... feelings.
Unwanted ones. Bad ones. Ones he shouldn't be having and ones he definitely shouldn't be having about Kevin fucking Day.
The thing is, Aaron's not particulary good when it comes to feelings.
In fact, he could almost give Andrew a run for his money when it comes to being self-destructive in his stubborn determination to deny them
Set post-canon, and AKA: Aaron is an angry prickly cactus and Kevin just wants to hug him (but with angst) “
(don’t matter what) people say - psychOmidget (cominupforair) on ao3
We all need therapy, especially Kevin and Aaron. 
( 1 chapter, 8,000 words, completed, M + TW)
“ Aaron knew he was bi.
He had long come to terms with it, but he believed that he could pretend he was straight as long as he kept dating girls.
But then Kevin happened. That’s where Aaron’s carefully constructed world really started crumbling. With him and Kevin kissing on his bed, legs tangled and hands roaming each other’s bodies. “
And so I’ll stop there, even if I got more suggestions... You know where to find me if your life lacks some Kevaaron again!
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neeterloveschenford · 5 years ago
Thoughts on RNM 2x13
Howdy partners! Well here we are at the end of the season. Even though I didn’t have to work today and was able to watch last night, I needed time to process what happened. I also was very interested in all the diverging opinions last night and today over everything that happened with Malex. I am still smiling when I think about all that went down. (And I know I keep harping on this, but I am NOT a positive person outside of this show. Every time I talk about how hopeful I am to my two friends at work who are are fandom junkies, they are like Damn Dawnita, when’d you get so positive! But I digress.) All in all I was very pleased with this episode. And it sure as heck was loads better than last year’s finale. So without further ado, let’s dive in shall we!
Things I Liked:
 -Badass science goddess Liz saving the day! She’s amazing. I love her. And Isobel also being a badass containing the fire! That’s my girls!
 -Glad Charlie was rescued! At least Helena did something right.
 - Gregory Manes is bestest brother to ever brother and I would take a bullet for him. And even thought I really love Trevor St John and thought Jesse was a very compelling villain, I am glad Jesse’s dead. It was time for him to go. He was getting too comic book villain. 
 - Even though I have some issues with Max, I am glad he’s ok. I did not want to revisit the save Max at all costs storyline. 
 - Liz getting recognition for her brilliance is nice, But we know Diego shady, so.......
 - “Witch serum” made me snort. Also, Maria knows what’s what. I still maintain she’s feeling Michael’s leftover emotions from Alex’s kidnapping now that she’s not wearing the bracelet.
 - Well, it took several episodes, but Max finally was supportive of Isobel without making it all about himself. She is pretty amazing and it’s about time he told her.
 - Isobel acts all hard and tough, but she wants to find real love so badly!
 - They FINALLY faced their trauma from the tool shed! Michael handing Alex that hammer was so symbolic. Alex angry screams. God baby I wanna give you all the hugs!
 - Of course there was a dead body! Poor Tripp!
 - I am totally loving the brotp of Max and Cam. She gets so much joy dragging him. They make me laugh every time they are together.
 - I think the M!luca I love you’s were handled well. I’m not upset that she got an I love you before Alex. I mean haven’t we gotten these epic declarations from Malex over the last two seasons? I’ll take and I never look away, not really over a simple I love you any day of the week. And what’s so wrong with them actually loving each other? Maria KNOWS she’s not Michael’s cosmic love. She realizes that, yes, Michael would have risked his life to save her. But I think he would have gone to the others first and not just dropped everything to save her. And it’s not a bad thing to love someone but know that in the long run they are not the one you’re supposed to spend your life with. I have an ex-boyfriend that I still think is one of the finest people I’ve ever met and I love him dearly. But we just weren’t meant for the long haul. I think this is what Michael and Maria will be to each other.  (Ok, enough of that.)
 - Tripp and Nora (sigh!) I just love their romance. The fact that Tripp used the word cosmic just melted my heart. And the Malex look when Alex read that. I just died a little. Such a beautiful parallel. 
- Drunk acting Jenna is perfection. And she’s right! Women should tell other women when they’re beautiful!
 - So what’s wrong with Max’s heart? I want to see that x-ray Kyle. 
 - I like that Isobel ships Tripp and Nora. Same girl. Tell me more boys.
 -”Can we all cowboy up and focus please?” I love it when Isobel sasses. She’s the best. And can we have more bro moments between Max and Michael please? It’s some of the few times Max doesn’t get on my nerves.
 -How many times are the Manes/Truman couples going to break my heart? Tripp had to leave her. (SOB) He doesn’t a family without her! 
 -I really want to know about the date June 14, 1997. Why will they be safer 50 years from then? 
 -Loved the Jenna/Charlie reunion. Glad Charlie decided to stick around. 
 - This Echo fight has been too long coming. They have held things back from each other every single time they had any kind of conflict. It was bound to boil over. And they are both right. Liz was taking things too far. Max makes decisions without consulting anyone else. They both needed to be called out on their behaviors.
 - I adore the sisters Ortecho. I would watch a whole show just about Liz and Rosa. (With plenty of Arturo moments.)
 - Finally some Kylex! It was flawless. It gave us hope for Flint’s redemption and acknowledged how Alex has forgiven Kyle. In Alex’s mind, if Kyle can change, then anyone can. Give me more of them in season 3 please and thank you.
- Alex’s song! It just gutted me. Tyler is so incredibly talented. And the look on Michael’s face when he realized it was Alex singing. Then when Alex saw Michael. These two goobers! Ugh! (Ok I’m going to delve into more of this at the end.  I have a lot to say.)
 - Rosa telling Helena loves her but she needs to leave them alone was beautiful. This is Rosa growing up. She’s not the angry teenager anymore.
 - “We are sick of being pissed at you for being obnoxiously yourself.” Same Michael, same.
 - I’m not sure if I like or don’t like Max 1.0. Although I will be obnoxiously saying Howdy partner from now on. And I want to know about him being the stowaway. (Hey, we got an answer to something!)
Things I Didn’t Like:
 - Gotta say I didn’t enjoy Crash Con. Glad it was over and done with quick.
 - So did anyone wonder what was actually wrong with Maria at the hospital? Michael said she had surgery, but for what? I’m assuming it was for internal bleeding, but most people don’t just spontaneously start bleeding internally. 
 - Of course Jesse gets to die a hero. But who covered it up? Was it Alex? Is there someone else involved int PS that we don’t know about yet?
 - Diego, you are just shady and I don’t like you. I was rooting for you too. Shame.
- Is it bad that I really don’t care about Steph? It is? Guess I’m resigned to just being bad. Cause I just don’t care. Congratulations you didn’t die. 
 - Max! You couldn’t have just taken everything, or called Liz or even Alex? Wrong move dude. Seriously dude.
 - That’s the building you blew up? I am not impressed. That was a waste of f/x.
 - No romantic gesture from Max to try to get Liz to stay. Just goes to show how off the deep end Max really is at this point. 
 - The stowaway’s beard upsets me. 
 Ok here’s where I’m going to dive into the deep end of my Malex feels. First of all, I did not take Alex performing as his big love declaration. He didn’t tell most people that he was going to sing. Even Kyle didn’t know. He had no idea that Michael was going to walk in at that moment. And since it’s been at least a week, maybe more, since Crash Con, I think Alex and Forrest were already seeing each other casually. Obviously, since Forrest at least knew he was singing, they have had some kind of contact. And Michael’s reaction was probably the most Michael thing he’s done all season. Michael sacrifices himself for other people’s happiness. When he looked over and saw the besotted look on Forrest’s face, he knew that Forrest could give Alex something in that moment that Michael couldn’t. Stability. Michael is just now realizing that he can’t blame all of their problems on Alex walking away or the despicable acts of the Manes family. He knows that if he’s going to good for the one person in this world that he wants to be good for, then he’s going to have to work to get there. He can’t hide in his relationship with Maria anymore. He has no choice but to face his problems head on and change for the better. I’ve seen so many people upset that they didn’t have a conversation after the song, but did they need to? They have hashed this out over and over again almost every episode this season. Despite talking in past tense, they know how much they love each other. Michael built a bomb that would kill himself and every alien on the planet just to save Alex. Alex wrote and performed a freaking love song about Michael. Michael knows that he has to deal with his traumas before he can be with Alex. But for the first time in forever he’s confident that they will find their way back to each other. And he would be a complete hypocrite if he asked Alex to wait for him and not get involved with Forrest. Michael wasn’t exactly celibate during the lost years. Also, I don’t think we’re going to get the big love triangle that we got this season. I don’t think Forrest and Alex are going to be a super heavy romance. As far as we know Forrest isn’t looking to lose himself in a relationship like Michael and frankly Maria were. So I’m not worried about them at all. And with a big time jump to deal with Covid-19, they can even have the relationship end organically. Alex could get deployed somewhere and they realize that they are better off as friend. Then Alex can come back and Michael will have worked on being a better person and they can start over again. And it will be glorious, because once those two work it out, that’s it. They are going straight into domestic bliss. They might even start a little dad band!
So that’s all I’ve got for now. I have many more thoughts, but this is probably the longest review yet, so I will be back with more theories and such at a later date. I am planning on a little project for the lengthy hiatus where I write my thoughts on each individual character. Some will be short because they are minor characters without much backstory. Some will be huge and no one will finish it because Dawnita says way too much about certain things! But until then, I hope you all stay safe and healthy. Till later my lovlies!
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fortunatelylori · 6 years ago
GOT: The exhausting march towards the dramatic TWIST
I think I’m going to shock people with this statement but ... out of all the season 8 episodes we’ve seen so far, episode 4 is by far my favorite. 
Now don’t get too excited by the seemingly warm tone ... what I mean by favorite is that I hated it less than episode 1 through 3, which is about as high a praise as I’m likely going to have for this debacle that is season 8. 
General impressions:
There are two reasons why I felt this episode was better than the last 3: 
1. It was more focused, with 3 clear storylines: D*ny’s war for the crown (story A), Jon’s and his family continuing to be dead inside (story B), Jaime’s return to his sister-lover (story C). This kind of focus and definite structure should be a given. However GOT decided to go all yolo on our asses this season and as we’ve already covered in my other reviews, it’s gotten to the point where I’m genuinely shocked to see an episode that doesn’t jump from plot point to plot point like an enraged orangutan on ecstasy. 
2. It was centered around this woman: 
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Look at that face... Holy Shit! She’s going to give me nightmares!
Now, normally an episodes focused on D*ny would be bad news for me because I don’t particularly care for her, as half of my list of metas can conclusively prove. 
However, since she’s the only character whose POV isn’t hidden and her scenes aren’t cut short or drained of any and all possibility of actual human emotion, she’s become the only character that I can watch without feeling frustrated, confused or on the verge of an anxiety attack. I actually like to know what the hell is happening on screen and what the character wants in any given scene. Call it a pet peeve of mine. 
Although even D*ny, as well rounded a character as she is, suffers from the Ds oscillating trend this season. Last episode, D*ny stood her ground against the NK, committed herself and her armies to the defense of the realm and saved Jon’s life. This episode, she’s back in full Mad King’s daughter mode, with a pinch of Viserys on the side. 
But that’s a quibble, honestly and you can always argue that Jorah’s death really pushed D*ny into a dark place in which the crown of Westeros and her war against Cersei becomes more important than her own humanity. 
However, what isn’t a quibble is that death seems to have become a shorthand device the Ds employ to signal D*ny’s eventual rise as Queen of the Ashes. She loses Jorah in episode 3 and by the end of episode 4, she loses both Rhaegal and Missandei as well, leaving her in a seeming cliffhanger over whether or not to put the Red Keep to the torch as revenge. 
The problem is that D*ny had been chopping at the bit to burn down King’s Landing since season 7 when she had to be talked out of doing just that TWICE. This episode Tyrion once again has to put the breaks on D*ny’s fiery fantasies. 
This scene right here is a treasure trove of Mad D*ny clues. But let’s focus on two of them. Firstly, the impetuous to burn KL is stil there: 
D*ny: We will hit her hard. We will rip her out root and stem. 
Tyrion: The objective here is to remove Cersei without destroying King’s Landing. 
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That is not a happy face ...
As D*ny put’s it, they need the capital because otherwise Cersei can continue calling herself the queen of the 7 kingdoms. 
That’s D*ny’s priority, folks: the acquiring of that stupid title. 
And if she has to march her weakened army, her sick dragon/child for thousands of miles and burn thousands of innocent people to get that title, she’ll do it. 
Considering this set-up, why exactly did we need Missandei and Rahegal to die? One day into Tyrion’s proposed blockade and D*ny would be roasting giant marshmallows in the Red Keep gardens. 
In my opinion,  the reasons for killing Rhaegal and Missandei are not tied to the dark!dany arc at all. Instead, Rhaegal gets killed because they want to make the D*ny/Cersei conflict as even as possible so they’re eliminating one of D*ny’s weapons of mass destruction. 
And Missandei ... poor Missandei gets killed in order to shock the audience. There is absolutely no reason to kill her in this way ... If she was to die, the time for that would have been in episode 3. They have to actually push the suspension of disbelief in order to convince the audience that somehow Euron got a hold of this girl from an armada of wrecked ships, instantly knew how important she was, dragged her back to the Red Keep and then brought her up on that wall expecting .... what??! 
Euron and Cersei are far too smart to believe D*ny will give up her war for Missandei so why kill her so publicly? To intimidate D*ny? They didn’t need Missandei for that. They could have just as well beheaded all of the hostages they took from the ships. 
They kill Missandei because that’s the easiest way for the Ds to surprise the audience and for them to garner some sort of sympathy for D*ny when she eventually does end up going all Pablo Escobar on a city filled with a million people. 
The other glaring Mad D*ny moment in the scene and one that plays straight into political Jon, is this: 
Sansa: The men we have left are exhausted. Many of them are wounded. They will fight better if they have time to rest and recuperate. 
D*ny: How long do you suggest? 
Sansa: Can’t say for certain. Not without talking to the officers. 
D*ny: I came North to fight alongside you. At great cost to my armies and myself. And now that the time has come to reciprocate, you want to postpone?
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Jon: The Northern forces will honor their promises and their allegiance to the queen of the 7 kingdoms. What you command, we will obey. 
I’ve seen a lot of people being angry at Jon for “taking D*ny’s side” in this conflict but in order to understand how this plays into political Jon, there are 2 things you need to keep in mind: 
The first is exactly when Sansa intervenes in the conversation. She steps in directly after both Tyrion and Jon manage to convince D*ny not to burn down King’s Landing. D*ny reluctantly agrees to the blockade because that would mean having to wait to take the crown and as she puts it: 
D*ny: The longer I leave my enemies alone, the stronger they become.  
Now Sansa wants to delay her even further. This is not acceptable to D*ny. 
In addition to that, I don’t think Sansa appreciates just how dangerous and volatile D*ny is. She doesn’t know about the men being fed to dragons, or the 163 crucified masters or how close she was to jumping on a dragon and burning down KL in the past. 
Jon, however, does understand D*ny quite well by this point. I don’t buy his speech as him agreeing with D*ny at all in this scene and considering this is the face he puts on to silence Sansa: 
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I’d say this is a guy desperately trying to keep a bomb from exploding directly in the face of someone he cares very deeply about. 
Narratively, I believe this is supported by the Sansa/Tyrion scene later on when Sansa is surprised to realize that Tyrion is actually afraid of D*ny. She simply hadn’t considered that people are scared of what D*ny might do. 
As interesting as D*ny’s descent into madness is (despite Missandei’s useless death), it’s counterbalanced by the shit show that continues to be Jon Snow. 
Watching Jon’s arc this season, and by extension all the Starks, is like banging your head against a concrete wall over and over again, without making a dent. It’s pointless, exhausting and painful. 
At this point I don’t care if he’s in love with D*ny or Sansa, if he’s pol!Jon or idiot!Jon, if he wants to be king or fuck off beyond the wall. I genuinely don’t care anymore. What I do care about is being given access to Jon’s story enough to figure out what the hell he wants and what he’s doing. 
It’s one thing to keep a character’s POV hidden for an episode but we’re going on almost 2 seasons now. And Jon isn’t a secondary character like Littlefinger where you can get away with hiding the POV because he’s not as big a part of the plot as a main character is. 
But Jon is a main character and this effort to keep him enigmatic and mysterious isn’t only wreaking havoc on his arc but it’s also affecting the rest of the Stark family. Case and point: 
In case anyone is keeping score, this is actually the first and only scene all the Starks have together in 4 episodes, amounting to 5 hours of footage. 
And just look where they decide to end this scene! Right when we’re going to see Arya and Sansa react to the parentage reveal and see what they and Jon discuss next. They gave us the mere bones of this scene and left us without the meat. 
The important part of the scene, the emotional underbelly, the opportunity to see these people come together and support and embrace Jon as the Stark they still think he is, is taken away from us. Because that would chip away at the mystery surrounding Jon’s arc this season. 
I’d argue depriving Jon and the Starks of the emotional bond they share is way too steep a price to pay for what is essentially a cheap thirll that becomes cheaper and cheaper by the minute considering they’re delaying whatever reveal they’re planning on making past the point of me giving a shit!
This episode did, however, give me the perfect visual way of describing Jon’s storyline right now. Jon is basically stuck between: 
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and he chooses neither. 
He sends Ghost away (without patting him because having KH and the wolf in the same frame would be too costly for the overly expensive GOT) and refuses to ride Rhaegal because ... reasons. 
So instead of seeing him choose between being a direwolf and a dragon, we’re seeing him do nothing, while looking overly enigmatically blank for 5 hours straight. I just .... I’m sooooo tired of this. Can this be over now?
PS: I’d discuss Jaime’s storyline this episode but I don’t want to say: I told you so ... Well ... ok, if you insist:
a little sour milk dribble on Tormund’s beard and a silly giant story isn’t going to make me forget that Jaime has arrived in Winterfell on the coat tails of a 20+ year toxic relationship with a woman who is not only his twin sister but is also currently pregnant with his baby.
Jaime: She (Cersei) has always been good at using the truth to tell lies. Don’t be too hard on yourself. She’s fooled me more than anybody.
Tyrion: She never fooled you. You always knew exactly what she was. And you loved her anyway.
Yeah …  Imagine entering a relationship with a guy exiting THAT. Dealing with sour milk beard is mild by comparison.
Favorite scenes
The “If you love me, you’ll erase yourself” scene: 
There is something so deeply disturbing about this scene that I can’t help but be fascinated by it. The J0nereys relationship has always been toxic and this scene right here encapsulates just why: 
In order to be with D*ny, Jon needs to give up everything that makes him who he is. In season 7, he was forced to bend the knee and suffer the ire of the entire North for it. Now D*ny is asking him not only to give up his claim but also lie about who he is and separate himself from his family in order to make sure that D*ny gets to be queen. 
No one, not one person in this world, no matter how beautiful, rich, good in bed or seemingly in love with you, is worth you giving up who you are and removing yourself from your family (provided said family is not toxic, of course). And anyone that would ask you to do that, should be dumped on their asses pronto.
Jon can’t do that, unfortunately. Because he’s brought D*ny here to fight “his war” and pretended to be in love with her. And also because D*ny simply isn’t rational anymore. So he’s stuck apologizing for people liking him (just think about that!) and having to put up with her saying things like: 
D*ny: It doesn’t matter what you want! You didn’t want to be king in the North! What happens when they demand you press your claim and TAKE WHAT IS MINE? 
Except the crown isn’t D*ny’s. It never was. Logistically speaking, the crown belongs to Cersei right now. Legitimately, the crown is Jon’s. It’s D*ny that is actually taking what is his, not the other way around. Imagine making someone apologize for you doing that to them. That’s all kinds of messed up. 
Speaking of which: 
Jon: You are my queen! I don’t know what else I can say!
D*ny: You can say nothing! To anyone! Ever! Never tell them who you really are. Swear your brother and Samwell Tarly to secrecy and tell no one else!
You know what she sounds like? Like Tangled’s Mother Gothel convincing Rapunzel that she’s better off being her prisoner. 
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Yikes! She’s genuinely terrifying!
D*ny: Sansa will want to see me gone and you on the Iron Throne. 
Jon: She won’t. 
D*ny: She’s not the girl you grew up with. Not after what she’s seen. Not after what they’ve done to her. 
2 things: 
1. I hope every D*ny stan in the universe either denounces D*ny for victim blaming or closes their mouths about feminism, misogyny and pitting women against women for the rest of time. If you support this woman and consider her a positive role model, you are not allowed to discuss these subjects in public ever again. 
2. Can you really blame Jon for taking D*ny’s side against Sansa in the council meeting? He already knows just what D*ny thinks of Sansa and what she’d like to do to her if she is given the opportunity. Hurting Sansa’s feelings is preferable to her losing her life. 
The “This better not be unrequited love, Ds!” scene: 
This face right here ... this face: 
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It’s heartbreaking. And what really angers me about this scene is that it could have been all the more meaningful had the parentage reveal been played in full. Actually seeing Sansa reacting, hearing Jon’s fears or his anguish, would make her fighting for his crown when he refuses to do so even more powerful and romantically charged. 
Still, this scene comes in direct contrast to the Jon/D*ny scene. While D*ny wants to force Jon to live a lie for the rest of his life, to humble himself and make himself small so she can have all the power and the love of the people, Sansa not only shoots down the possibility of her being the only one in charge of the North and holding steadfast to the idea that Jon will stay in Winterfell. She goes as far as tell Tyrion Jon is the rightful heir when she realizes that despite his supposed loyalty to D*ny, Tyrion is actually afraid of her. 
She sees an opening to ensure Jon’s freedom and she takes it without hesitation. 
If, at the end of all of this, Jon ends up going beyond the wall instead of staying with a woman who loves and values him this much, then Westeros truly is a cruel and horrible place and I’ll be sorry I invested so many years of my life to it.
Episode MVPs
Euron “Best General in fucking Westeros” Greyjoy: 
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Euron gets to be MVP this episode because in one fell swoop he destroyed D*ny’s fleet and brought down one of her dragons. What can I say ... Competency really turns me on. 
Too bad Cersei doesn’t love him. If these two actually cared about each other, they could be the McBeths of Westeros. Nothing could stand in their way!
Lord “What an Icon!” Varys: 
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What can one say about this glorious man? He is MVP for the second time in 4 reviews and somehow I think he’s not done yet. 
Varys and Tyrion got down to some realpolitick this episode. But Varys had some truly outstanding lines, like: 
Varys: How many others know? 
Tyrion: Including us? Eight. 
Varys: Well, then it’s not a secret anymore. It’s information. If a handful of people know now, hundreds will know soon. 
It’s so rare to find a man that understands gossip so well!
Varys: I’ve served tyrants all my life. They all talk about destiny. 
As a person born under a communist regime, I concur, Varys. 
And my personal favorite:  
Varys: You know where my loyalty stands. You know I will never betray the realm. 
Tyrion: What is the realm? A vast continent, home to millions of people, most of whom don’t care who sits on the Iron Throne. 
Varys: Millions of people, many of whom will die if the wrong person sits on that throne. We don’t know their names but they’re just as real as you and I. They deserve to live. They deserve food for their children. I will act in their interests, no matter the personal cost. 
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If this show doesn’t end with a 7 foot, cockless statue of Varys presiding over the whole of Westeros as the ICON that he is, what was even the point?!?!?
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mollymauk-teafleak · 5 years ago
You’ll Get Yours
Please leave a comment on Ao3 if you like it!
Thanks to @spiky-lesbian and @minky-for-short
Molly is now the proud owner of Summer's Dance. And the person who gave it to him deserves a reward.
Molly wasn’t used to holding himself still but he made an effort now.
So much of his life so far, what little of it there had been, had depended on his knowledge of other people, his ability to know them quickly and make predictions about their behaviour. In fairness, this was hardly a life or death situation, there was very little at stake from his point of view. A bit of embarrassment, maybe. Having to eat a fair amount of crow for Yasha.
The tension he felt as he held very still under the thin, slightly damp covers was for someone else. That was something relatively new to Mollymauk; having a dry mouth and rapid heartbeat on account of someone else’s feelings.
He tried not to think about what that might mean.
His ears picked up, hearing footsteps passing the door to his room. Hard footsteps, almost angry but with a quality that suggested they could quickly become silent if they needed to. Beau. Not long after, lighter ones with a gait to them almost like skipping. Jester. Scrabbling ones, skittish and rapid. Nott. Molly listened carefully, hoping in silence. And finally, all three sets fell silent at the same time, muffled behind a creaking door not too far away. Yasha’s most familiar footfalls came soon after, going the other way down the hall.
Molly grinned. He didn’t know what Caleb had said to Nott, to get her to room with the girls. He’d thrown him a quick, exasperated look across the table when he’d grabbed the ‘feeling sick and needing to go lie down’ excuse first. That was Caleb’s go to. But Molly felt this whole thing would soon become less fun if they didn’t challenge themselves.
Soon there came heavy footfalls, easy and rolling. Fjord. This bit would be slightly tricky but Molly felt some confidence. Fjord seemed to have taken their trip into the swamp harder than the others, likely something to do with the gemstone eye.
Something about that whole episode worried Molly, a feeling he was certain the others shared. But that would have to come later.
Molly stayed with the covers pulled high over his head, as the door to their room creaked in protest at being opened. Fjord’s breathing seemed a little heavy as he moved around a little, tossing armour to the floor with a leather and metal thump, hanging his sword up on the wall. It wasn’t long before there came the heavy material sigh of him nearly collapsing into bed.
A little more anxiousness for his roommate plucked at Molly but he waved it away. Now wasn’t the time.
While he was waiting for Fjord’s snores- Molly held a lot of pity for whoever had to share close quarters with him on that ship of his- there came the last set of footsteps he’d been waiting for.
They were quiet, like everything else about him, trying hard not to be noticed. As quiet as the four other little feet that followed on his heels, along with the sound of a fluffy tail sweeping the dusty boards.
It may have been Molly’s imagination, but he couldn’t help but notice the slight hesitation in those footsteps outside his door. Just one missed beat. Almost as if Caleb was hesitating, looking towards their room, before moving on to his own.
Thinking about him? Wanting him, enough to resent even the short amount of time between this moment and the one where Molly would steal into his sheets?
He bit his lip under his nest of covers. He didn’t know what he was supposed to want.
Eventually, that hacking snoring he’d actually come to find kind of comforting started up from the bed across the room. Molly counted another two minutes, feeling them stretch on for a minor eternity, before he felt safe enough to carefully fold back his blanket and stand. Nothing from the lump of scratchy wool in the other bed. He’d mapped out where the noisy floorboards were on his way in and knew how to step lightly and avoid them.
Still, he didn’t relax until the door softly closed and the sound of Fjord sleeping was dampened to nothing. Molly allowed himself a triumphant little smile then, happy to know his talent for sneaking out to go meet lovers wasn’t diminishing with time.
He counted the doors on his fingers as he quickly crossed the corridor, making doubly sure he was about to open the right one. He’d have a lot of explaining to do if it wasn’t.
Molly checked that the belt around him was secure, that the magnificent golden scimitar rested just so against his bare leg, the metal cold enough on his naked skin to start getting him a little excited. He felt like a character in one of those trashy romances Jester was getting such a taste for. And, of course, he loved it.
After a soft rapping of his knuckles against the wood, Molly turned the knob and slipped inside. Immediately he felt the lovely prickle of Caleb’s eyes on him and when he turned, they were so satisfyingly wide, stunned and hungry.
“I said you’d be getting yours, Mr Caleb,” he purred, voice low and smoky, “Ready to have it?”
“Fucking hell,” came the raspy reply, the accent heavy in his sleepy, distracted state.
“Looks good, doesn’t it?” Molly let the gorgeous golden sword swing at his side as he steps languidly towards him, aware of some other things swinging too. He prayed it looked sexy rather than ridiculous, “Thank you for it…”
“It just seemed meant for you, Molly,” Caleb’s cheeks turned bright red in that adorable way they always did and he shuffled under the blanket, the one Molly was itching to rip away and find him naked under.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Molly admonished, close enough to raise his leg on the bedpost and lean against it which, of course he did, “Don’t think you can so casually call me Mr Mollymauk and think that isn’t getting brought into our bedroom, love.”
A giggle burst out of Caleb, lighting up his face, “Okay. Mr Mollymauk.”
Yep. It still gave Molly the same wanting lurch in the very pit of his stomach, same as back in the cave.
“You look like a pirate,” Caleb was still giggling, looking like he didn’t quite know where to put himself with all of the energy inside him.
Molly grinned, his teeth flashing. He drew the sword in one hand, letting it flash and sing through the air before coming to rest at a very safe, playful distance from Caleb’s face.
“Oh? And who are you, the treasure I’ve come to carry off at swordpoint?” he murmured, eyes glowing like embers.
Caleb looked like he was going to struggle to form words until he managed to choke out, “I’d like that.”
Molly nodded, some curls falling artfully in his face, making sure to still show his teeth and keep up this character he’d stumbled into, “Then on your back. Legs up,” he let his smirk billow out, “Surrender.”
The noise Caleb made was heaven itself. It made the newly acquired Moonweaver symbol around his neck feel warmer than any metal had a right to.
The sword, the beautiful, wonderful sword, was cast aside with half a thought. Caleb’s thighs and what was between them proved much more interesting. Molly bent down between them, breath hot against skin which soon flushed accordingly, as if the red blush that spread there was actually his breath etched onto the inside of Caleb’s leg.
Sex with Caleb was always different, each and every time. Sometimes he would be tense and it would be Molly’s task to undo the knots inside him with his tongue, his hands, his cock. Sometimes he would be whimpery and wanting, unable to find words but showing in other ways how desperately he wanted to be made to come over and over until he was boneless and blissed. Sometimes he would giggle a lot as if amused by his own responsiveness, his body’s own hunger, utterly bemused.
Sometimes Molly would draw back and find Caleb crying. It had terrified him at first but when he’d asked if he should stop, Caleb had looked and sounded as if his heart might break if he did.
It was always different but every time Molly would get the strong sense that everything Caleb hid so carefully behind his deadpan voice, his guarded nature, even his enormous, patched coat, was all coming out in one desperate release.
And Molly would take it all ravenously. There was something so thrilling about seeing sides of Caleb that no one else did, like every time they fucked he was being given secrets along with the touches and tastes and screams. And Molly positively adored secrets.
Tonight, Caleb was unrestrained and noisy. Molly’s breath had barely kissed the skin between the base of his cock and his ass and already he was audibly keening, shaking all over.
“Easy,” Molly soothed, realising very quickly that his task tonight would be to relax him, give him a way to shut out everything clanging and jangling inside him, “I’m here, love, it’s alright. Just focus on right now, yes?”
Caleb gave a tight, rapid nod. He would get there.
Satisfied, Molly rested on his stomach and stroked Caleb’s leg with one hand, “Well, prepare to be boarded, Mr Caleb.”
That got a groaning laugh out of him, “Gods above, Mollymauk…”
Cackling at his own ridiculousness- his favourite pastime- Molly leaned in and lost himself. He ran his tongue in a broad stripe across Caleb’s perineum, tasting the heady muskiness of the wizard’s skin, a taste he’d so quickly become addicted to. He was rewarded with a whimper, a sound like Caleb was about to burst, so he saw no reason to wait. His mouth wandered down, to where he grew tighter, warmer, tongue pressing gently for entrance.
Shuddering and keening, Caleb yielded to him eagerly, allowing the tip of his tongue to press inside and seek out the bundle of nerves he knew would very quickly get them where they needed to go. As his mouth worked, Molly’s hands lightly skated up and down Caleb’s legs, anchoring him, keeping him in the here and now. Every so often, he’d let his nails bite in a little, just to feel him jump and hear him groan.
Soon, Caleb was utterly lost, riding Molly’s mouth in earnest, making the headboard thump rhythmically against the wall. The tempo picked up pace, gradually getting faster and more frantic, as the flush spread to Caleb’s chest and soon he was cursing in his own harsh language, muscles tensing for a new reason.
Molly knew how to read the signs, even as drunk as he was on Caleb’s body. And just before his wizard would be in real danger of tipping over the edge, he drew his tongue back and pulled away, panting.
Caleb positively howled, “Molly!” He threw himself into a sitting position, eyes wide and wet, pleading.
Molly laughed gently, “Come on, Caleb, it’s okay. I just want to switch it up is all. You’ll get yours, I promised, didn’t I?”
Caleb relaxed a little, “You promised…”
This was Caleb on the very edge, short sentences, repetition, a thicker accent.
“I did and I never let you down,” Molly nodded, horns jangling, “Now keep your voice down before Nott hears and thinks I’m murdering you.”
He didn’t think it was possible for Caleb to go redder than he already was but he was wrong.
Molly soothed him further with a lingering kiss while he lined their bodies up, now aware of his own need, so strong it was a shade away from painful. He could feel Caleb in a similar state, hard, hot muscle pressing against his lower belly. Kissing wasn’t something they’d done a lot of since they started sleeping together but whenever they did, Molly could never figure out why. Kissing Caleb was deliriously good, feeling his stubble scraping against his chin, his quickened pulse in his throat.
He would always remember why later, when he felt the pang, the one that accompanied the realisation that kissing was too close to something like a relationship. But in the moment, it was always so good.
Caleb always kept a vial of oil in one of his many pockets these days and he summoned it to his fingers from across the room with a mumbled word. It always amused Molly greatly, to see him using his brilliant, hard won magics just so he could get fucked faster. This one was teardrop shaped, wrought in red glass and the liquid inside smelled like spiced cherries when Molly yanked the stopper out with his teeth and let it drip onto his fingers. He’d never concerned himself much with how his lube actually smelled but he knew Caleb got hooked on certain scents, the same way he did with certain textures. Molly wondered if anyone else in the Nein knew that Caleb kept scraps of velvet or polished chunks of sea glass in his pockets, not for any spell work but just to hold when he felt nervous.
“Take it your good and ready for me?” Molly purred, running his slick fingers up and down his erection.
“Thanks to you,” Caleb murmured, voice husky and low and unbearably sexy.
Molly gave a light laugh and bent to kiss him again, just because he was a glutton for punishment. But then Caleb’s legs fell open and his hips moved just so and suddenly Molly was in him, sharing his body, and nothing else mattered. Not even the thorny truth that the more they kissed, the more it felt like they were playing at something else rather than living what they had.
“Mollymauk…” Caleb gasped. The way he said his name was darling, the way the first two syllables ran into each other and the whole thing softened.
“I’ve got you,” Molly whispered back against his lips, sending the words right down his throat, “It’s all yours.”
At those words, Caleb took it. His hips fell into an easy rhythm with the tiefling’s, their bodies knowing by now how to fit and work together. The rough heels of his feet pressed into the small of Molly’s back, urging him on, locking them together like neither could bare even an inch of space between them. Molly sucked hard at Caleb’s neck in answer to every moan and whimper he was given, leaving marks he knew would be covered by the high collar of his coat but would prickle all day tomorrow and leave Caleb thinking of him.
Soon there was so much slick between them that Molly had to fight to keep on top of things, bracing his hands either side of Caleb’s head, panting heavily. Caleb’s cries grew more ragged and desperate, wavering with the force Molly was slamming into him with. All the taut, wiry muscle he used to whirl his swords fast enough to cut the air itself was focused utterly on hitting that sweet spot inside of him.
“Molly,” Caleb’s voice cracked, “I’m gonna…”
“It’s yours, love, it’s yours to take,” Molly gasped back, going slow but deep now. He drew back enough to watch Caleb’s face, wanting to memorise every flicker of muscle.
He finally came, from nothing but the pressure inside him, with a throaty groan and an expression of hard won bliss on his face. Molly was so lost in Caleb, his own orgasm gripped him and he cried out in shock more than anything. And in the last second, it became Caleb’s name.
That hadn’t happened before.
Caleb was in pieces beneath him but Molly helped him get back together, kissing his cheeks, his nose, his chest, picking up his hands and kissing every one of his knuckles.
“Look who's back,” he laughed raspily as he saw awareness dawn in those harsh blue eyes.
“Ja,” Caleb laughed back, sitting up a little and moving back so Molly could pull out, “That was pretty amazing.”
“Well, it was a pretty amazing sword,” Molly smirked, hoping that would take the edge off him saying Caleb’s name. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with that yet.
It made his wizard laugh in any case, only making him look even more gorgeous in the rumbled, tumbled way he always looked after they fucked. Molly found himself laughing too, giving him more kisses. Each one a low grade bad idea.
While Caleb came back to himself, Molly stood completely naked in the middle of the room and practised with the sword, testing the weight of it, watching how the light played off it when he swung it. The gold wouldn’t hold up much in a fight but it was a gorgeous decorative piece.
“Summer’s Dance,” Caleb murmured, watching from the pillows, “It’s a lovely name.”
Molly nodded, holding the name in his mind. He thought of summer. He thought of warm nights, sleeping on top of his circus caravan with Yasha. He thought of the taste of that cherry wine he could only find in summer. He thought about the hot days, where Caleb would shrug off his coat when he thought no one was looking, rolling his shirt sleeves up to his elbows. When his long hair would stick to his forehead and he’d wipe it away, tuck it behind his ears and look so beautiful doing the simplest things. When he’d lie back and look at the stars and once, when Molly asked, he told him all of the constellations, so clear and bright in the darkness of the summer night.
“It is a lovely name.”
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nerdasaurus1200 · 6 years ago
AU Masterlist
Any and all asks for these AUs are more than welcome.
Kwaminette AU- AU where Marinette is Plagg and Tikki’s daughter. She’s a Kwami instead of a human, but she prefers to take on a human form because she likes interacting with humans. She’s the Panda Kwami of Balance, and the kwami of Cory Bernard/Panda Girl, my Miracusona. When she’s not helping out Cory, she’s busy trying to bond with Adrien. This one takes place within the show.
Miraculous Injustice AU- AU where the members of Team Miraculous are placed in the Injustice video game. The canon Team Miraculous gets sent to a dimension where the team is split up and akumas fight for both good and evil because Cat Noir turned evil after they found out Gabriel was Hawkmoth. The Quantic Kids (Felix, Bridgette, Melodie, Sparrow, Gavroche, Kim Mime, and Mercury) are included in this AU as well.
Dupain Cheng Kids AU- AU where Tom and Sabine adopt everyone in the Miracuclass as their child (except Adrien cause he’s their future son in law). Marinette keeps an eye for fellow classmates that don’t have the best home life. She then passes word to her parents, who fight tooth and nail to earn legal custody of said child (We don’t care they aren’t on the adoption list, they deserve to be in a home FULL OF LOVE).
Catbug AU- AU where Marinette has both the Black Cat and Ladybug Miraculouses. She calls herself Catbug. Plagg and Tikki are like a second set of parents to her, and she eventually develops a harem.
Mike and Mari AU- AU where Marinette has an older brother named Michael. He is her favorite thorn in her side as well as her go-to Miraculous Holder. He’s dating Miss Bustier and is going to school to become an interior designer.
Role Reversal AU- AU where Marinette and Adrien are switched Miraculouses. Lady Noire and Mister Bug protect Paris against Pavona and Hudie (Gina and Sabine); who want the Miraculouses to bring back Tom. Involves reverse crush and somewhat reverse life.
Adrien’s Monster AU- AU where Duusu summons a full time sentimonster to protect Adrien. He names it Hiss and it follows him everywhere he goes. Hiss and Plagg hate each other.
Supernatural AU- AU where everyone except Adrien (who’s still human) is a mythological creature. Marinette is a fairy, Kim and Rose are werewolves, Alix is a Hobbit, Mylene is a Dwarf. Juleka and Luka are vampires, Ondine is a mermaid, Ivan is an ogre, Alya is one of the last of the Nine-Tailed Fox clan, Chloe is an elf, Lila is a changeling, Max is half-sphinx, Nathaniel is a brownie, Kagami is a yokai, Marc is a leprechaun, and Nino is a Kappa (though nobody knows). The Kwmais are fae creatures that run/protect the school. Miss Bustier is a pixie, Ms Mendeleiev is a witch, and Principal Damocles is the owl of Athena. Gabriel is secretly a hunter of mythical creatures and sent Adrien to the school so he could get closer to them. (Courtesy to @miraclesoup for some of these ideas)
Hive Guard AU- AU where Chloe keeps her Miraculous at the end of Miraculer, runs away, and becomes a freelance hero of sorts. She’s extremely active is trying to find and stop Hawkmoth and Mayura. She lives in the eiffel tower, and trains with Pollen every day. Nobody but Sabrina knows her location; and she becomes Queen Bee’s right hand.
Jurassic AU- AU where Emilie’s maiden name was Hammond, and one day Adrien discovers is grandfathers work and reopens Jurassic Park.
House Cat AU- AU where Cat Noir actually decides to date Marinette in Weredad and becomes the Dupain Cheng housecat.
Mother Peahen and Papallion AU- also known as the MP3 AU. AU where Duusu and Nooroo adopt Adrien after Heroes Day with Plagg as the greasy uncle.
Road Trip AU- An AU where Team Miraculous travels around the world looking for Lost Miraculouses after defeating Hawkmoth and Mayura. Ali and Aurore bear the Moth and Peacock Miraculouses in this AU.
Miraculous Descendants AU- An AU where Miraculous characters are in the movie Descendants. Most of them are the children of Akumas.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 AU- An AU where there are two boys that like Kagami. Conner (a new student from America who tries to make Kagami jealous by lying about Ryuuko being into him) & Hiroki (a rival from Japan that she beat who believes that she should be his girlfriend) & Luka/Viperion doesn't like how uncomfortable they make her or how angry they make her feel.
Guard Dragon AU (Rockstar!Luka & Bodyguard!Ryuuko AU)- An AU where Kitty Section's new bodyguard is so mysterious and tough. Anarka trusts her to keep her children and their friends (Juleka and Rose dating) safe. Ryuuko does not plan on letting her down, but with Luka? It's hard for our Lady in red black & gold to stay professional.
SongHeart & The Queen (Ryuuka's Beauty and The Beast AU)- Kim is Lumiere, Anarka as Maurice (great parents are great), Chloé and Sabrina as Gaston and LeFou (duh), Emilie and Adrien as Mrs Potts and Chip (need that adorable mother/son bond), Marinette is (a younger) Wardrobe (fashion girl!) and Luka's closest friend in the place. Luka is Belle and Ryuuko is the Beast. Instead of inanimate objects, they’re cursed to be akumas.
Scales and Whiskers AU- An AU where Ryuuko and Cat Noir fight over who gets to date Marinette. She eventually gets so sick of it that she just tells both of them to date her. Before she knows it, she’s got a superhero boyfriend and girlfriend.
Behind the Scenes AU- An AU where Miraculous actually is a show in the canon universe and the characters are all actors. Chloe and Rose are sisters from the South. Jagged, Marinette, and Kagami are siblings. Gabriel and Adrien are Uncle and Nephew, and Lila is Marinette’s best friend.
Akumavillian AU- An AU where everyone who has been akumatized has the ability to turn into their Akumas without the power of the Moth.
Cat’s Shipping Show AU- An AU where Cat Noir runs a blog dedicated to all the ships of Team Miraculous, because he’s shipper trash. He gives people the news on certain ships, and reviews ships as well.
Ghost Bug AU- An AU where the past Ladybug’s are attached to Marinette. They’re like her 24/7 Obi-Wan, and they’re a little Ladybug family. Turns out, everyone on Team Miraculous (plus Hawkmoth and Mayura) are in the same boat.
Sentibug AU- An AU where Bugette wasn’t destroyed by Mayura and instead becomes Ladybug and Cat Noir’s sidekick/daughter
Mom Pink AU- An AU where Pink appeared instead of Steven when his gem was taken out. Somehow they can both exist now and mother and son are reunited.
Adrien Universe AU- Steven Universe, but with Miraculous characters.
Momma Mayura AU- An AU where as soon as Stoneheart appeared, Nathalie grabbed the Peacock Miraculous and became Mayura. She fights on Ladybug and Cat Noir’s side to bring down Hawkmoth and quickly becomes the team mom.
Tales of Pegasus and King Monkey AU- An AU where Master Fu instead distributed the Horse and Monkey Miraculous and Kim and Max are the main characters of the show.
Chatroom AU- An AU where Team Miraculous has a group chat
Genderbend AU- An AU where everyone’s genders are swapped.
Teacher Kwamis AU- An AU where Miss Bustier is fired and the Kwamis take over teaching.
Frozen Dragons AU- A Hiccelsa AU that combines Frozen and How To Train Your Dragon. Basically, just before the events of Race To The Edge, Elsa and Hiccup have an arranged marriage and her, Olaf, Sven, Kristoff, and Anna are present for the events of the show and Dragons 2
Kumafeather AU- An AU where Max and Kim have the Moth and Peacock Miraculous and are trying to bring Max’s dad back. They call themselves Kuma and Dark Feather and are like that classic supervillain and dumb sidekick trope but they’re gay.
GrayBlue AU- An AU where Adrien and Marinette have the Moth and Peacock Miraculous and are trying to bring Emilie back. They call themselves Grayling and Beau Blue.
Mastermind Fu AU- An AU where Master Fu is evil and the Miraculass steal the Miracle Box to fight him.
Evil Miracuclass AU- An AU where the Miracuclass is evil and steals the Miracle Box. Master Fu must use the remaining Miraculous he has to fight them.
Marigod AU- An AU where Marinette and her parents are Gods.
Tangled Sisters AU- an AU where Cassandra grew up in the tower with Rapunzel and Varian is Flynn’s protege/adopted little brother. It’s be the same as the movie, just Cassarian, Aged Up!Varian of course, and the sister duo we deserve.
Apprentice AU- An AU where Master Fu was Emilie’s mentor. They have a father-daughter bond
Killer Princess AU- An AU where Juleka has the Moth and Rose has the Peacock
Timmy Dupain Cheng AU- An AU where Timmy (Sandboy) is Marinette’s foster brother and earns the Dog Miraculous under the name of Pup Fidele
Forbidden Love AU- An AU where Flynn is still a thief and Rapunzel is the ruler of Corona. The two of them have a little flirty to and fro, as he’s the most wanted theif in the kindgom and they both really dig each other but don’t want to admit it, not even to themselves. Lance is his sidekick and Kiera and Catalina are their young protégés. Meanwhile, Varian and Cass work under Raps. Cass as her royal adviser and personal bodyguard, and Varian’s her little brother and the royal alchemist.
Cousins AU- Inspired by the theory that Rapunzel, Elsa, and Anna are cousins. An AU where they were there to celebrate her birthday in Secret of the Sundrop and went with her and the gang to the Dark Kingdom! Sven, Kristoff, and Olaf tag along too, of course.
Twins AU- An AU where Marinette and Kagami are long lost twins
The Prince and The Pup AU- An AU where Prince Ali starts going to Marinette's school after falling for the heroine known as Chien De Guarde after his first encounter with her. What he doesn't know is that Chien De Guarde is Sabrina Raincomprix.
Tales of Monarch and Chien de Guarde AU- An AU where Monarch and Chien are the main heroes
Tales of Ryuuko and Viperion AU- An AU where Ryuuko and Viperion are the main heroes
Tales of Ryuuko and King Monkey AU- An AU where Ryuuko and King Monkey are the main heroes
Elsa Padare AU- an au where Elsa is adopted by Cass and Varian
Gandalf Swears AU- An au where everything is the same except Gandalf swears
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years ago
Why I stopped liking Misha after eight years.
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I loved all the guys at one point.  I don't stan anyone.  Some people may think I am crazy about J2 only.  Well, yeah.  I loved everyone, once upon a time, until they gave me a reason to hate them.  Now only the Js are left and despite being flawed [like every human being on earth] they are still decent human beings.  They are not manipulators or provocateurs.  They are just flawed.  So my admiration has gone back to season 1 to 3, when it was just J2 and they were enough.  With some side order of John.  I like all the Winchester boys, but not blindly.  Even if one of my boys do something wrong, I will acknowledge it.  I wont ignore it, or make excuses for it.  Nor will I dog him down for it.  Unless he is a repeat offender, like Misha.  Misha is not one of my boys.  He is barely a man.   
Before I started to really hate Misha, I had a soft spot for him.  I didn't ship him.  I don't ship.  I mix and match according to my mood.  That is how classic slashers used to do it.  Because pinning your happiness on one ship, when the are a bevy of beauties out there, is a silly thing to do.  I was going to write an epic story for Jared and Matt, where Misha was going to play a pivotal role as Matt's brother because I always felt Matt and Misha had similar fraternal features.  It was going to be an epic.  I was also going to do a suspense-ish story with Jared and Misha, where the epilogue was going to be Misha brutally killing an old woman, but he was the hero of the story.  That story was actually close to my heart.  Unfortunately I got sick, and didn't write anything for years, which is a good thing because I would have regretted wasting such a nice story on that leech. 
I was going to write a Cockles story about two years ago, with Jared, JDM, Gil McKinney and Tahmoh playing supporting roles.  I am meh! about destiel, but never begrudged others who liked it.  Hey, different strokes right?  Its all fantasy anyway.  Or so I thought.   I heard some canon talk on YouTube, here and there, and thought that ''this girl doesn't understand slash''.  How was I to know the majority of them don't understand slash.  Then the hellers started to really misbehave in YouTube comment sections, on Twitter and at cons.  You had to blind not to notice it.  And I was shocked.  I said, ''I wish I could meet Misha.  I will tell him about these fans.  They are giving him such a horrible name.''  I liked him and thought he would make everything better.  How stupid I was. 
Then I realized that everyone else is a either a jerk or leeching off J2's fame.  I realized that Speight was a Trump supporter and that put me off.  Misha blurted it out on a panel and Richard looked angry about it.  Its the first and last time I appreciated Misha having a big mouth.  At that time though, I still liked Misha.  I realized Matt was following a heller on SM, who was bashing Jared continuously, so he can get lost.  Osric was nice and I paired him with Jared mostly, because the big and small thing does something to me.  Sevin was my jam.  This was my honest thoughts when I encountered Kevin zig-zagging and outrunning Sam "Oh, let this cutie be Sam's pairing.  Poor Sammy is so left out because of destiel.  At least now he will have his own stinking cute pairing''.  Not even knowing how I was going to come to regret supporting destiel.  
I felt sorry for Misha, because he was poor and lived on handouts.  I remember him saying that Random Acts was inspired by a woman who bought gifts for him, his brother and mom on Christmas Eve when he was very little.  I felt sad that he cut himself, because he was a bullied teen.  I was furious when he got mugged.  I wanted those pigs caught.  ''Ok, fine, steal his stuff, but there was no need to hit him''.  In other words, I believed everything he said.  I was a sucker.  And I was livid when I realized that he played me and all his other fans. 
The first thing he did, which I didn't like, was bashing the Bible.  I am a Muslim and found that very offensive.  That made me think back on that lady who showed him kindness as a child.  Why would he bash her beliefs when she was so nice to him?  But I thought, first time offence, and let it go.  Then I realized that he was too provocative on stage.  Whether it was swearing or talking abut sex, he didn't care whether children were in the room or not.  I am fairly sure he curbed his language when West was on stage with him.  I cant remember though.  When it came to slash, I was always baffled at why he was talking about it at cons.  As far as I knew, slash-related questions were banned.  Later I realized it was because he was breaking the rules, which was essentially making Jensen look bad. 
Once there was a heartfelt complaint from a minion that fans were asking Misha very sexual questions in a panel.  I was angry.  Why are fans being vulgar with an actor?  He's not your boyfriend.  Later, when I checked for myself, I realized he was being provocative too.  He also made some blasphemous remarks.  Later he complained to one of the handlers ''I didn't know where to draw the line''.  I forced myself to give him the benefit of the doubt even though, that incident stayed with me for all these years.  So he creates the environment that he is complaining about, to make himself look like a victim.  Well sow it and reap it, hypocrite. 
Jaxcon 2017 is where I started to pay attention to Misha and his hellers, and Jibcon was where my mind are fairly made up.  It was only when I looked into Travis Aaron Wade's case that I fully made up my mind, that Misha might be a shadier character than I thought.  Misha has said some very scandalous things about Jensen and Dean followed by ''oh, I am going to get a phone call about this.  I just know it''.  If you have been told not to do something, then why do it?  It was Jensen's death threat that made me really hate this guy.  When I first heard about it, I thought, ''Misha is going to give them a stiff kick for threatening Jensen''.  Months went by.  When Misha kept on pandering and pandering despite the abuse online, that is when I realized that this man is a manipulative, heartless creep who only thinks about himself.  I regret my Misha admiration and I feel a little ashamed that he suckered me.     
A reader added this and it thoroughly surprised me:
Agreed on all, but one point I think is off and I’m almost certain I’ve heard that Mishas kids actually swear and he’s ok with it; jokes about it in his panels. I saw a clip once where J2 and MC are on stage and he talked about it and J2’s reactions were almost comical.
If anyone knows which panel that was, please let m know.  I want to see J2's reactions.  And what Misha said. 
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imatrisarahtops · 7 years ago
Thank you so much for making my day with these fics! I’ve been sick at home the past couple days and your stories always cheer me up! May I request 51 and 22 for the boys? I loved this show called firefly so I always look for space aus in fandoms.
51. Accidentally Married & 22. Space AU
Anon, I hope you feel better!  And let me tell you, I love Firefly!  When I started this, I was telling one of my friends that I really hoped someone would ask for a space AU because I would 100% go with a Firefly-style space cowboy AU.  So you have completely made my day by not only asking for number 22, but mentioning Firefly. ♥
All right, given this combination and the mention of Firefly, I feel like it’s natural that I go with an “accidental marriage” similar to the style of Mal and Saffron.  For those of you unfamiliar with Firefly, first of all, I highly recommend.  But essentially, the captain of the ship ends up married to Saffron, a girl who is posing as a local on the border planet where they are stopped, when he is drunk and he participates in what he does not know is a marriage ceremony.  Mal doesn’t accept her as his wife later on, and eventually he finds out she’s a con artist anyway, but that’s beside the point.
I’d go with a bit of a different set up.  So, first of all, because I immediately ended up thinking way too hard about this, here’s who all is on the ship:  Midoriya is the captain, with Iida as his first mate.  The pilot is Uraraka, with Todoroki as the ship’s doctor and Momo in the engine room.  Bakugou’s presence is very much a Jayne-like character: he challenges Midoriya, and is mostly there for the fighting.  Kaminari and Kirishima are passengers.  Kirishima’s role would be similar to Shepherd Book—not as a preacher by any means, but merely as a bit of a peace keeper who ties everyone together.  And then throw in Tokoyami as a River-esque character—just think of his occasional comments that are a little disarming.  I mean, it fits, doesn’t it?
Also, I’m gonna call their ship the All Might.  Because Midoriya would.
Anyway.  Kirishima and Bakugou are definitely pining after each other and dancing around each other with their flirting, but never quite do anything about it.  Eventually, they end up on some border planet—basically, a planet where many people will take part in dirty dealings because they’re just far enough away from the Core and the Alliance.  This particular one is a small moon—it’s got a very small-town almost backwoods sort of feel.  The whole crew of the All Might are enjoying the festivities they have going on in town that night, and are enjoying the company of the friendly locals.  So of course, since they’re enjoying themselves, they do as the locals do.
In Kirishima and Bakugou’s case, this means accidentally participating in a ritual that is essentially a marriage ceremony.
The next morning is when some of the locals say things, congratulating the newlyweds.  Cue a very confused Kirishima and Bakugou, who have no idea what the hell is happening.  Then, probably Iida mentions something along the lines of, “Ah yes… now that I think about it, I do remember hearing about a certain ritual on border planets like this…”  Bakugou, of course, gets annoyed at him.  He yells at him, asking him why the fuck he wouldn’t have said something before, then, “so I wouldn’t have ended up in this fucking mess—”
The minute he’s said it, he knows it’s wrong.  He knows he said it in a way he didn’t intend.  Because suddenly Kirishima looks so hurt and Bakugou just knows that he’s fucked up.  Kirishima excuses himself and walks off, and Momo and Kaminari go after him.
Bakugou ends up sulking a bit before Uraraka tells him to stop being an idiot and say something to Kirishima.  Bakugou is, of course, torn between telling her he has no idea what the fuck she’s talking about and being impressed with how she stands up to him in times like this.  In the end, he decides to take her advice.
He basically forces his way into Kirishima’s bunk, despite any and all objections Kirishima makes.  He is already frustrated and angry with Bakugou, not to mention still hurt, but this time Bakugou’s not backing down.  And maybe they argue a bit about it first before Kirishima just finally, in the heat of the moment, asks him, “Is it really that terrible of an idea to be married to me?”
And Bakugou looks like Kirishima’s slapped him.  His eyes are wide and his lips are parted and he’s staring at Kirishima as if he did actually hit him—not necessarily angry, but in shock because, well, he hadn’t expected that question.  But then Kirishima is looking horrified that he’s said anything and he’s trying to backtrack, saying he didn’t mean it like that, but he’s stumbling over his words.  And Bakugou just... gets it.
So Bakugou’s response, of course, is to grab the front of Kirishima’s shirt and yank him forward so he can kiss him.  When they finally part, Bakugou still doesn’t let go.  Kirishima is staring at him, as though trying to figure out Bakugou’s intention.
Bakugou probably tells him that, no, it isn’t that the idea is terrible, but it just wasn’t how he imagined it.
Kirishima grins at this because, “You imagined it?”
It’s Bakugou’s turn to get flustered now, but Kirishima laughs and presses his hands against his shoulders.  He tells him that he cares about him.  And Bakugou presses a less desperate kiss to his mouth and tells him that he feels the same way.
Kirishima sighs and rests his forehead against Bakugou’s.  He smiles and points out that they’ve done this all out of order, that usually you don’t start out by getting married…  But that doesn’t matter.  They can’t change what’s happened, right?  So all that matters is where they go next.
And they’ll figure that out together.
Fan Fiction Trope Mash-Up — send me one here!
(You can find all of my other fills for these in my BNHA fic tag!)
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velveteenlop · 7 years ago
ALL THE ODDS FOOOOOR- uh- Kiseki owo
Ask me about my oc~ (I’m willing to give a list of them if people want lol)Revenge, my dear? 1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?Kiseki... Gosh. She was created originally to be a love interest for @gamerlux​‘s take on Kaito Kuroba/Kaitou KID from the DCMK series. Waaay back when I first got into trying to rp, which means her og concept is hella bad. HELLA. lol A high school girl with a crush on a mysterious phantom thief in a household that was terrible. And of course she’d get the guy because we were predictable high school children. She had so many paintings of KID. 
As more of our friends at the time became involved and we learned more about story telling (still not the best at story telling but ya know), she evolved and changed and then- as things happened and the story changed she became hard to work with. Honestly, probably unstable as a character who didn’t know how to move on so she got put to the side. As, pretty much my first oc I couldn’t just throw her to the side, ya know? So I kept her close and waited for a chance to make her into something great again. And it came in the form of needing a sort of adult/role model character and from there a joke about shipping and, well, the Kiseki that’s active now is one I feel very comfortable with. One I want to share with the world! If I could get past not really being one to talk about things lol. Maybe one day I’ll write her story. (please don’t hesitate to make me talk about her. she’s also pretty flexible! i could throw her just about any where). 
3: Has your OC gone through different incarnations during their stay on Tumblr? Were they reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?She’s had two iterations on tumblr, though I don’t play either on tumblr because I can’t entirely handle it anymore. There was an attempt to bring a revamp younger Kiseki to a working thing but she ultimately didn’t get much attention outside of like, her bestie. Which is fine lol but it wasn’t working too well anyway. So once Kiseki made the character move to Momshine she got a tumblr. She’s pretty much stayed the same since she became Momshine. 5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there? How long did it take before you decided to play your OC here on Tumblr.I totally was nervous, forever nervous honestly. And part of it is because I have tried putting my ocs out there before and they garnered no interest. Kiseki herself didn’t garner much interest either which reinforces my anxiety but that’s a whole other thing lol. It took some time after coming back from my first hiatus of my Shinichi muse to bring in the first attempt at a Kiseki tumblr to first broach her. And then Momshine!Kiseki as brought in after attempting to come back from a second hiatus of Shinichi muse. This time I tried to work her and Shinichi into a merged storyline for ease and an attempt to maybe make Shinichi stand out and garner interest once more but. *shrugs* Neither worked too well.7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?Considering the ages of most ocs in her main fandom... Friends aren’t a thing entirely? Cause like, who wants their teenaged characters to be friends with someone who’s old enough to be their mom. Ideally though... she.. Honestly she doesn’t know and I don’t even know lol. She’s too busy hiding from the criminal syndicate she was forced to grow up into to make friends. And she’s afraid of getting hurt through friendships again so... *shrugging noises* I guess, ideally, as long as no one tries to be too holier-than-thou or push their agendas on her? She’ll take drinking buddies I guess? Don’t pry too much either. She’s a Scorpio, if that says anything about her (and believe me, it does).9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?LOADED FUCKING QUESTION MUCH??? God. Um. We don’t talk about her syndicate job, she’s presumed dead by them for the moment so. Currently in her hiding out life she owns a jewelry store called Pandora’s Box and.. it’s mostly her? Like it’s a tiny jewelry store so she doesn’t entirely need associates. But she would get along with co-workers because she can be a very friendly lady, but she’s also kind of a hard ass and it’s her rules sort of thing. When she worked for the syndicate, of which her dad was her boss (or grandfather depending on the parental verse), she was a very yes sir/no sir sort of woman who always asked how high when told to jump. She wasn’t really allowed to be a slacker because that usually ended with death. There was also a demand to get along well enough with her co-workers though she didn’t have to (and definitely did not with most of them) like them. It was kill or be killed (sometimes literally) so you do what you have to when it comes to your survival. 
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place?Tokyo Tower or a certain high rise where she first met a rival thief in her thieving days of young. Sometimes it’s the old theater where her greatest love lost his life. Mostly it’s at the Blue Parrot with a bottle of whiskey. 
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?Homemade ramen with pork cutlets. Usually she gets it from this ramen place not far from her apartment but she does like to make it herself on occasion. It’s just hard to cook when it’s only one person. She doesn’t have too much she doesn’t like to eat? She’s not overly fond of bitter things, in all honesty. 15: Does your OC have any awful fears? Do they get paralyzed with fear or can they work through their fears?She’s fearful of love, of letting people back into her heart. She can’t bear that sort of heartache again, nor can she stand the idea of losing them as she’d lost her greatest love. I think the only thing that really makes her stop in fear is her father? Even then, though, she more tends to get angry because of a history of abuse and the fact he had her mother killed. 17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure when it comes to Kiseki. Life is too short to worry about feeling guilty about things that give her pleasure. YOU CAN PRY HER LACEY GARMENTS AND WHISKEY FROM HER COLD DEAD HANDS.19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
Plenty to both of those. But in her previous line of work you suck it up and deal with it because you have a job to do. Unless the injury or illness is really bad, then there’s no point in working because you’re a hazard until you get better. But you just suck it up and deal and that’s what she’ll do to her dying day. 21: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.The entirety of her young crush on another syndicate member after she was pulled away from playing rival thief to her first love. She refuses to discuss any of it or acknowledge it was a thing. Don’t ask. 
23: Any ships for your OC?Kiseki x Happiness? But nah, I got like... two. Kiseki x Toichi/OG Kaitou KID and Kiseki x... @nightmarette‘s phantom thief oc who’s name escapes me because I’m fucking terrible. Kiseki has a thing for phantom thieves, okay? She has a type.
25: What are your plans for your muse in the future?
*shrugs* Keep doing things with Kiseki. Keep letting her live and enjoy life even if it’s... not the best? lol Nah, I mean she’s not dead so. She makes me suffer in return for her suffering so we’re pretty even here lol
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 5 years ago
Rokuhoudou 1 - 12 (REWATCH) | Fruits Basket 25 (FINAL) | Demon Slayer 25 - 26 (FINAL) | Mob Psycho 100 II OVA | Cop Craft 11 - 12 (FINAL) | Dr Stone 11 | Ahiru no Sora 1 | Shinchou Yuusha 1
New anime of the season, here we go!
Rokuhoudou 1 (REWATCH)
I’m doing a new project where I rewatch some of my favourites to test their integrity in that regard. Here’s the first show - Rokuhoudou. So what I remember about Rokuhoudou is that it’s very simple – the guys make food and help people, occasionally there’s cats – and that was enough to help me through a mental rough patch I was going through at the original time of airing.
Being sick and watching with a cinnamon roll really brings home the idea of Rokuhoudou as “comfort food for the eyes”…No, it’s not what you think. I’m eating a cinnamon roll.
I always assumed the title was translated to “Four-Coloured Daily Life at Rokuhoudou”, because that would be the best translation if the title was fully in kanji. It’s not though, so the hiragana-rendered parts could mean anything.
Rokuhoudou almost gives you this sensation of being spirited away by good food (and Good Boys).
Sui sometimes reminds me of Kunikida (BSD)…must be the glasses.
Gure’s such a tease, LOL.
Tokitaka’s so refined, yet also has the heart and patience to help old people, plant things and make pottery. I love him~!
“You don’t need to show appreciation with bodily functions!”
I only just noticed it…but Gure has a nice eye colour.
Oh…I just realised this since I now know Tokitaka grows the veg and herbs out back, but Tokitaka must’ve grown them.
Hmm…I was wondering why you’d need a spoon for chazuke, but then I realised it’s because of the soup…D’oh.
I wonder if Tokitaka also made the chopstick holders…
Update: The ikura reminds me of Hinamatsuri…
Rokuhoudou 2 (REWATCH)
(Sorry, I had a note, but I didn’t write it down fast enough so I don’t have any for this ep…)
Rokuhoudou 3 (REWATCH)
Tokitaka has a flower in his hair (during the pottery wheel scene)…cute~!
Rokuhoudou 4 (REWATCH)
“You need to chill out.” – More like “you need to calm down”, amirite??? (LOL)
Look at how badass my bois are!
Now that I’ve been seriously working on my customer service skills, I sort of get the ethic behind the Rokuhoudou workers in general.
Rokuhoudou 5 (REWATCH)
Oyaji ga Susumeru Café Iko! – “The Old Guy Recommends Cafes to Go To!”, literally speaking. However, it’s quite slang and seems to be hinting at the positive connotations of an oyaji (fondness, the sort you’d have for your dad), so I approve of the chosen translation “Daddy-o’s Café Go!”.
Oh yeah…this is the weird delusion from Isago, isn’t it? I still rmembr writing a blog post about it!
Why does Tokitaka look so evil in this one scene (where he’s helping Tsubaki), anyway?
Rokuhoudou 6 (REWATCH)
(no notes, sorry!)
Rokuhoudou 7 (REWATCH)
(no notes, sorry!)
Rokuhoudou 8 (REWATCH)
I love how Gure gets all fired up just to pedal a duck boat.
Is it just me, or does young!Gure look like he was designed by Rihito Takarai (creator of Ten Count)…?
I can’t believe this…my stomach grumbled in the middle of an espresso episode…
“Who else could it be for?” – The dog?...I’m kidding, man…don’t get so angry at me, dog lovers.
I think this might be the 2nd time I thought the kid was called “you” (2nd person pronoun), but his nam is “You” (given name).
Oh! I don’t think I noticed this special ED the first time around.
Update: Gure is a happy drunk, LOL. Also, Gure is half-Italian, with his father being Japanese. (see ep. 1 of original watch-through for corresponding notes)
Rokuhoudou 9 (REWATCH)
Is the land of love France or Italy…?
Shinchosha is real…in fact, they’re the ones who publish Rokuhoudou’s manga!
Oh, seriously, I ship it now! Isago x Hayashi, that is…and Sui x kittens.
Update: Somehow I only just ralised it…but the titular “Mont Blanc Boy” is Tsunozaki, even though technically the only boys we see in this episode are young! Kyousui and Yakyou.
Rokuhoudou 10 (REWATCH)
The Napolitan episode…this is where Astral’s post comes from.
I get the feeling this segment’s title is a shoutout to “You Don’t Know Gunma Yet”, which is in…Kurage Bunch, also by Shinchosha, if I’m remembering correctly.
Gure and Tsubaki are like children sometimes, I swear…
Kuromitsu = brown sugar. (It means “black sweetness”, literally translating and it used to confuse me so much that I want to mention it here.)
VAINO computer, eh?
Tokyo NX, LOL. (Parody of Tokyo MX, which has a lot of anime.)
Short-haired Tokitaka!
I think Koto(ko…?)’s words, in particular, were one of the best monologues in this series when it comes to relaxing by realising I wasn’t alone in my doubts of the world. “Can I make it to my dreams?” I was asking the first time I saw this and even though I haven’t achieved the dreams of past me, I just had to adjust my expectations, make some new dreams and keep on going.
Rokuhoudou 11 (REWATCH)
Good heck, Gendo-I mean, Kyousui. (re: finger tenting)
Also, there is one univeral truth about this show: don’t watch it on an empty stomach…I had to go get some food a few eps. back in this rewatch because my stomach grumbled…
When I thought of “something rich”, I thought of a pudding too. Maybe my memory is better than I thought, huh?
I thought there was something dirty on my screen…turns out it was just Gure’s beauty spot.
Rokuhoudou 12 (FINAL, REWATCH)
“I’ll wake you up, then.”
I learnt this from the manga, but Itou is the old tea vendor.
Gin-chan reminds me of the inventor Logicalist from Hina Logi.
Karamimochi. By the way, from earlier in the ep…ankoro mochi.
Neneko was meant to be into kimonos, wasn’t she…?
Nion (sic) camera, LOL.
Okay, that’s the end of my first rewatch. It’s a keeper!
Fruits Basket 25 (FINAL)
Shihan = shisho = instructor.
Notice the Jizo, protector of children.
“…didn’t have to block…”
LOL, Tohru’s shocked face going from Kyo to Yuki.
Ooh, Makoto Takei and Machi Kuragi…
Okay, that’s the end of that. See you next time!
Demon Slayer 25
So the other butterfly mansion girls (aside from Aoi, Shinobu and Kanao) are called Naho, Kiyo and Sumi, huh?
Tanjiro is seemingly a freakin’ masochist right now to those girls…
Ooh, there’s a butterfly in a chrysalis on the title card!
It seems, based on the kanji for Tsuguko, the word literally means “inheritor”, “successor” or “one who makes [another person’s role flourish by being in it]”…Like a Legacy Character from TV Tropes. Also, “Tsuyuri” literally means “chestnut flowers fall”, if I understand the characters right.
Kanao does the Naruto run. She wants to see them aliens too!
“Putting in effort isn’t my thing.” – Now there’s a sentence after my own heart!
Why does Kanao not talk???
Kanao’s coin says “front” and “back” instad of heads and tails.
Hmm, hmm…very heterosexual reading of Kanao here. It almost makes me lose hope in the “gay Shinobu” department (not that I’m angry about that).
This guy with the hat…I swear he looks like a jellyfish…
Why do all the swordsmiths wear that mask???
There’s one thing I realised this episode…anime humour means I expect exaggerated reactions to a lot of things, such as Inosuke chipping his swords like that.
I remember being a bit annoying about the interchangeability between the translation of honoo as “fire” and “flame” when I was a Boueibu rookie...*sighs happily* good times.
Okayyyyyy…Tanjiro’s gone cuckoo…
Nezuko, Inosuke and Zenitsu, huh? There’s a combo I’ve never seen!
Mob Psycho 100 OVA
Isekai hot springs, LOL.
I think I can see Saitama’s bald head, LOL.
I think there might be CGI on this hot springs establishment…
This is Reigen, king of bulls*%$, everyone!
“[P]air of plumbers”, eh…?
Ooh, 8-bit graphics! Remember season 2’s early scenes? That 8-bit one was good.
Dude, Reigen…just leave the train already…then you’ll get out.
LOL, “Mobpis”...Mobpis 100, maybe?
Strangely, Teru looks vaguely hot in one frame of one scene where he has his eyes closed.
Why do I get the feeling the capybaras on TV will be relevant later…?
Now, this parallel world brings a new meaning to “Infinity Train”!
Nice callback to the opening words of s1 and 2.
…and randomly, Dimple can be seen in the red waves.
It seems Dimple likes sprouting legs these days.
Cop Craft 11
Tourte’s career…almost sounds like Trump’s…
“No one treats me like an alien.”
Don’t bring a sword to a gun fight, Tilarna…
The name “transitional crises” is perfect for this episode…geesh. Just like episode 1, there’s a cliffhanger.
Dr Stone 11
Notice the focus on E=mc2 when Senku talks about passing on knowledge.
Ahh, science…the cliché says it’s for loners, but truth be told, science works in tag teams just like anything else. (Yes, even IT, if you look at it a certain way – such as how creating your code builds upon the people who built that code and the people who made the programs you code in.
Why do all the villagers have platform shoes anyway???
Demon Slayer 26 (FINAL)
Is that woman (not the Biwa player, the other one)…Muzan?! Update: Yes.
Genya…he got so tall in 2 years(ish)…poor Tanjiro. He’s fated to kill Kibutsuji, but he’s also fated to be short.
Does every girl in this series have to fall in love with Tanjiro?!?! (or be implied to be shippable with him, even Nezuko???) I obviously don’t like that kind of direction, as you can see.
Ah, Kanao speaks…for once.
I guess Nezuko has a really loud heart voice, to contrast Kanao’s tiny heart voice, so to speak.
How does Inosuke eat anything through the boar head if he’s taking it off all the time now to do things with his mouth???
Darn that ninja Giyu, leaving as soon as he feels sentimental. (LOL)
*starts yelling at top of lungs* MU-GEN TRAIN! (roughly to the tune of TM Network’s Love Train, which I heard about a few months before this)
I just realised Tanjiro’s probably never seen a train, considering the only transport he’s ever known is maybe a carriage/cart…or maybe just his legs.
As Zenitsu’s struggling to keep up with the train, I almost expect the Harry Potter theme to play and a flying car to appear in the distance…okay, I’m kidding about the car, but I did wish for a second the Harry Potter song would play. Nur-nurr-nur-nurrrrrr-nur-nurrrrrr-nurr…(or something)
Cop Craft 12 (FINAL)
“…taking the lead in the mayoral lead.” – That sounds redundant.
Hey! It’s that one Demon Slayer joke again! (i.e. Kei used his head.)
Dead Randall: too much for TV.
I still can’t believe they properly managed to incorporate the porn case into the finale…
I watched Hellsing today and all this “Sir Matoba” this and “Sir Matoba” that made me wonder…why is Integra a “Sir” as well…?
Zelada does look like Alucard in some senses…hmm.
I think the large bruise over Kei’s eye disappeared in one of the scenes…Now it’s just under his eye.
Wait, Tilarna has a sibling??? Wuh???
I like how they transitioned into the OP, but man…talk about a fast ending. That’s a Hellsing kinda ending fo’ sure. Oh well, see you next time.
Ahiru no Sora 1
New season, new faces, new series. Let’s get into it.
Man, this sparrow freaks me out…
Lyrics from the outset. This must be something special to warrant such a thing.
I always thought Kuzuryuu (“nine-headed dragon”, literally translating) was a cool surname to have! Or just a place name, in this case.
LOL, his name is Momohara (peach field).
The arcade machine says “fist” in the back.
Uh-oh…nothing ever goes right when a boy tries peeping into the girl’s locker room…
*sigh* The male gaze…geesh.
“What are you doing?!” (Nani yatterun da?!) doesn’t translate to “This isn’t the circus!”.
Oh right…Momo = 100, chi = 1000, haru = spring, aki = autumn.
Hey, Chiaki actually got Sora’s name right for once…
Basically everything I know about basketball is from Kuroko no Basuke, so…uh…Sora’s reminding me of Kuroko right now.
Shinchou Yuusha 1
I just call this “TUEEE” instead…don’t mind me. Obviously, my target here is Ume…y’know that, right?
Most of these gods and goddesses look suckish, but I wouldn’t mind an anime about the one with the long hair and Monkey King headband.
Ristarte’s already a bundle of fun…although her leg jiggling’s a bit annoying…
(mocking) There must be a downside to this, right, Listarte…?
Can we not with boob storage??? I bet no matter how big a woman’s knockers are, you can’t store anything between ‘em in real life! (I think we’d need an anime Mythbusters for something like that…make it happen, someone!)
YesyesyesyesYES! OOH, Ristarte, you sure know how to pick ‘em! The fact he’s over 180 cm in height is…well, it’s bad for trying to kiss him, but otherwise it’s just a cherry on the cake of smokin’ HOT!
“[F]ish story”??? You mean “fishy”, right? (Oh well, seems like synonyms work too…)
I…don’t quite get this song…but I think I saw a hot guy (might’ve been a woman, but I’d like it to be a man since there are already so many women in the OP as is) about halfway through the OP. It’s a real 2 for 1 bargain here, people. Update: Argh…that’s a woman after all…
Argh! *is suddenly sabotaged by one Ariadoa* If you’ve read the Spellbook, you’ll know one of my aliases is “Aria Noyed”. It just happens to be the same as an anime and manga already, but now I have it ruining my fun here too…
LOL, did you hear that “ba-bing!” acquistion sound when Rista produced the money?
To be honest, I think regular Seiya (with the purple-highlighted armour as you see here) looks pretty hot anyway (plus Ume’s voice, which I came for), so I think I have a lock-in for the season right here.
The sakuga in this show is way too good (according to all the cubes of soil I keep seeing)!
This ED is a pretty cool bop, yo.
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wanderer706 · 6 years ago
Behind the Screens Ch 8- Playwright
(Cam. Airl- Written Draft 2)
The paracetamol didn’t seem to be doing anything to help Layla’s headache. She had been lying on her bed for nearly twenty minutes now staring at the patterns of her ceiling, and had achieved nothing. She knew exactly why she had this thumping pain in her skull. A combination of her forgetting to drink any water today, and the stress brought on by her shouting match with a movie studio for script she was writing for them.
The script was an adaptation of a story entitled “The Final Race.” A sci-fi about the human race discovering that they are the last race in the universe. She had read the book herself before being assigned the project, and had really liked it. So, when she came to writing this screenplay she had tried to be as faithful to the book as she could. However, such dedication was lost upon the studio’s executive heads. They were worried about the film not bringing in enough of a crowd to make the film break even at the box office. Thus, came out the dreaded focus group analysts. They were concerned about certain elements being too extreme for audiences so suggested some “minor changes” as they put it. These changes, however, were not minor in the slightest, and Layla had gotten into several shouting matches with them over this.
First, they suggested that the child character Evie Malone shouldn’t die, and instead should live to say the films closing remark about how the human race was good. Two problems with that request. The first was keeping Evie Malone alive. Her death in the book was one of the most traumatising moments for both the reader, and the protagonist. In fact, it caused another character to give up, and commit suicide. Second, the closing remark about the human race being good missed the point of the ending completely. The ending of the book was quite a downer, and it fit the narrative perfectly. In her screenplay she thought she had captured this to the best of her ability. This statement about wanting the human race to be seen as good would come across as unbelievably forced. It made her think they didn’t care about the story at all.
Today she had received another order. The studio wanted a point where they could play some bland pop song that all the teenage girls were apparently in eating up. A song called “I Love You Baby” by a band called the Tweenage Boppers. This again had multiple problems. First that song was about love, and had several sly remarks that translated to I want to have sex with you baby. There was also no love interest in the original book, and again it would come across as tortured compared to the visuals. Second this would indicate they are aiming the film now at the teenage girl market. Sure, she thought, popular teenage girls love stories that end by reminding people of how they are an insignificant speck in the grand scheme of the universe.
She had pointed out these problems these problems to their faces, but they didn’t seem to care. They just filled her head with talk about how it had worked for other movies, and would thus work perfectly for this one. That logic was so backwards that she left that meeting telling asking if they had even written a story before. All the could muster was blank stare before they returned to the comfort zone of their focus group study.
Layla now dreaded them trying to contact her at home because she knew that it would be another bone headed idea that just wouldn’t work. Not to mention the fact that she only had two weeks left until pre-production began. By then they needed a decent script.
Layla took a deep breath, and got up from her bed. She thought about what would be the best way to calm down. She had heard some video games had helped with this type of stress. She had never tried playing one before, but then again you were never too old to do something like that.
She went to her computer, and logged onto it. There she saw that she had received an email from the studio. Fearing the worst, she opened it, and saw that it was from the studio demanding that they call her as soon as she saw that message.
Layla had of course turned her phone off, because she was in such a rage. Now though she figured that she had to hear what they had to say otherwise they might hand it off to somebody who was much more willing to play ball.
“Layla. We’ve got a few more requests that will make this the best script in the world.” The voice on the other end of the line said.
“That’s what you said about the last batch of changes, and I pointed out how that would ruin the script.” Layla said. It was best if they didn’t know how angry she was right now.
“These will be different I promise. Look we’ve further analysed our focus study, and we have two more changes that will work. First, you should ditch the space entity, and replace them with aliens who are pure evil.”
Thus, it began again. The enemy in The Final Race was a mysterious entity. The book never revealed where it came from or why it wanted to wipe out all life in the universe. That was what made it so terrifying, and matched the feel the book had of feeling helpless in the face of god like entity. Replacing it with a race of evil aliens turned it into another bloody film about clear cut good versus evil.
“The second thing that should change is they shouldn’t destroy earth in the end, like in your script. Instead we should defeat them in a heroic manner.”
So not only did they want to go ahead with good versus evil plot, but they wanted to continue that by having good win with no consequences. Even though the protagonist was an illegal scavenger who kills several innocent people at the beginning, so she didn’t get arrested.
“That wouldn’t work at all.” Layla said before telling them her reasons. It was while she in the middle of this that a thought crossed her mind. “Are you using “The Galactic Saviours” as a model for your statistics?”
The Galactic Saviours was the last film that the main stream audiences had latched onto. It was about a group of rugged, doll-like, heroes saving the earth from a group of aliens that may as well have been space Nazis. Layla thought the film was a bland piece of grey goo, but it turned in a massive profit that looked exceptionally good for the studio who made it. Ever since then multiple studios had tried to copy it, or at least try to crowbar in scenes to movies that didn’t need it. Layla was sick of it at this point. She believed that that movie only worked once, and it was best if she, and everybody else in the film industry, made no attempt to copy it.
“No.” The voice on the other end said. Failing to their obvious lying tone.
“You can’t keep copying that movie. All pieces of that pie are gone. Your best bet is to move on, and try something new.” Layla told them.
“But, what if it doesn’t make enough money?”
“Who gives a shit if it doesn’t makes bucket loads of money.”
“Excuse me!”
“The only audience cares about is if the movie is good. If it is then it doesn’t matter how much money it makes so long as it breaks even.”
“No! Audiences want something familiar not something new that makes them feel depressed.”
Layla slammed her fist down on her desk.
“God-damn it that’s not how it works. Answer me this. Would like the movie to be forgotten immediately or remembered for years to come?”
Silence on the other end of the line.
“We’ll continue this tomorrow. Right now, I’m tired. Goodbye” Layla said hanging up the phone.
Layla put the phone back on her desk, and let out a lengthy sigh. She wondered how much experience that trend studier actually had in writing stories. She figured it was not an awful lot. Their area expertise was numbers, and making them say exactly what they wanted. For Layla numbers like that had place in the business of storytelling, or anywhere in the arts for that matter. But, here they were, and it was making her life a living hell. Then again, she had enough experience to not be bullied or intimidated by people like that. The only people she let tear her work apart like that was critics, and that was because it was the only way she learnt how to hone her craft.
She quickly closed down the email box, and opened the news sight. She began to skim when suddenly a single thought entered her mind. She looked down at her wrists, and saw that her hands were starting to shake. She knew she didn’t need it, and it was only that part of her brain that was addicted that was demanding she do it. Her breath increased. Her mind became a blurry haze clouded by one single thought.
She opened her desk drawer, and there it was a small little packet of that familiar white powder. Now her mind was screaming at her, and finally she caved. She took two pinches of the powder out of the bag, and snorted them up her nose.
Her mind was clear again, but now she felt like garbage. It wasn’t something she wanted to be addicted to, but it was something she used frequently in her twenties as a way of showing rebellion against the system. However, once her mind matured she realised that she didn’t have anything to rebel against, but her mind was still addicted to cocaine. Her one shame in life that nobody should know about except for the man who gave her the stuff.
As her mind cleared she looked back at the screen. There were the usual articles about drama with the politicians, some famous person donated money to charity, and a cruise ship had been quarantined due to someone being on board with measles. She then saw a box that flashing, and trying to get her attention. “Police press conference on apartment killer live in 20 minutes” the message in the box was saying.
Layla stared at this box with intent. Like everyone else in the city she was both curious, and terrified about the killer. She was terrified because he hadn’t been caught, and had killed god knows how many people. She should be extra terrified because he exclusively hit apartment buildings much like the one she lived in, but Layla’s inner writer got in the way of that. It felt like something that she herself would possibly write about herself in a work. Except this wasn’t fiction it was real life. A fictional story playing out before her. The idea bizarrely excited her even though people were dying.
She removed that thought, and closed down the news tab. She then logged onto a game store, someone at work had set up for her once as a joke, and began to browse through their selection.
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paradisefovnd · 8 years ago
i was tagged by @idyllicism <333
[ 1 ] how would you explain your muse to someone who knew nothing about them ??
depends on which one, but let’s use mark bc im always feelin him. mr. darcy 2.0. okay, so this guy is a lawyer, right? he’s a human rights lawyer, which is pretty cool actually, and he cares deeply about people. however, he keeps so manY THINGS INSIDE. he just bottles shit up, and he’s honestly a huge snob, but that’s also bc that’s what he feels like he should act like, and he loves bridget rose jones to the end of the earth. also he’s one of those “fight me” ppl - would not recommend getting him angry bc he’ll be like “let us go outside for a duel,” and actually it’s pretty funny, so if u need a good laugh, challenge mark darcy to a fight
[ 2 ] what’s your all time favourite movie ??
i don’t think i have one all time favorite, but i really can watch bridget jones’s diary over and over again. it’s my sick movie, my sad movie, my happy movie. it’s comfort food for my soul. 
[ 3 ] you have to marry a fictional character. who is it ??
this might sound weird, but i’ve always thought i’d do well with an entp spouse. so, like, any character who’s an entp really (look at this pic for reference altho i’d never marry certain characters on there, but u get the gist)
[ 4 ] favourite thing about yourself ??
i don’t really know at this point, it’s been a rough couple of days
[ 5 ] who was the first muse you ever wrote ?? would you consider writing them again ??
okay, so is this tumblr rp or other rp? bc the first rp i was ever in went way way back to when i was in middle school. it was on this forum, and it was this hayden panettiere oc who was a siren (she went to school with a ton of magical creatures), and i think her name was ariella bc i was obsessed with that name back then. and she was, honestly, the_worst.mp3. like i wanted her to be with this guy who was starting to see this other girl and so when they had play rehearsal (for legally blonde, she was cast as elle), i had her start to have a heart attack?? bc i was like ‘this will work, this will get him to love her’ and whoa, what a twisted time, my friends. i don’t think i’d write her again unless i revamped her - and actually that could be really fun hm...
[ 6 ] what is one television show that’ll never get old for you ??
the office
[ 7 ] what made you decide to start roleplaying in the first place ??
i think my cousin introduced me to forums? and it just stuck
[ 8 ] you can only eat one thing again for the rest of your life. what do you pick ??
[ 9 ] your usual starbucks order ??
some kind of latte with an extra shot of espresso (lately i’ve been getting raspberry bc i like the idea of me drinking a pink latte)
[ 10 ] your best rp experience to date ??
okay, buckle up, bc this is gonna be a ride. so, four years ago, i applied for this disney rp, not knowing anything about tumblr rp tbh, and my character was the daughter of tarzan and jane. and the rp was set up that all interactions were online - like the charaters had tumblrs or whatever and that’s how they interacted (unless you decided to para, and then that was in person. it was actually a pretty genius way to get ppl to para bc whenever u wanted to do something in person, you had to write it out), and tbh sometimes i forgot about that and i think other ppl did too. anyways, when the rp first started, there was this skype chat made, and we all bonded and it became like a family. for a long time, those ppl felt like my family, we called ourselves an ohana bc it really felt like that (and honestly, i still think of ppl from that rp as fam, inky & zoe, if ya’ll are reading this i love you so much okay <3333). i got so invested in that rp, and it became my life in a sad way. granted, this was when my depression was at its worst, so this rp was a way to cope and yeah. but the friendships i made with other people were so deep and precious, and the drama in character and out of character added much needed life to me at a time when i needed it most. also, my favorite ship of all time came out of that rp, so it honestly gave me so much, and i’m thankful for it.
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 7 years ago
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"Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face. Aaah, the perfect day to be at sea!" -Prince Eric
Archetype — The Hero can be Caregiver too Birthday — January 22, 1988 Zodiac Sign — Aquarius MBTI — ISFJ Enneagram — 2; The Helper Temperament — Phlegmatic Hogwarts House — Gryffinpuff Moral Alignment — Lawful Neutral Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Kindness Element — Air
Mother — Katherine Andersen nee Hightower Father — Derrick Andersen Mother’s Occupation — Lawyer Father’s Occupation — Owner of Andersen’s Marina Industries which includes ship/boat building and repairs as well as marine equipment manufacturing. Family Finances — Wealthhyyy. Aside from owning a company, they also got that ollddd moneeyy ayyeeee Birth Order — Numero two Brothers — None Sisters — Four!!! Apparently, Eric was the only boy his parents were able to produce xD but only three out of the four sisters are alivvee. Olivia is the oldest of the Andersen bunch (32), then came Eric (30), followed by Aileen (RIP mermaid ate her chomp chomp), then Vittoria (20) anddd Alessandra (19) Other Close Family — He has a niece and a nephew!! Christian (12) and Sofia (9). He adores them and is an awesome and wonderful uncle kk they adore him backkk!! They’re Olivia’s kids. Best Friend — Max!!!!!!! lmao He was very close to Aileen too :((( Other Friends — The Order becaussee his life basically revolved around it Enemies — All SEA CREATURES OUT THERREE I meann other monsters too, like monsters are monsters he won’t kill one just because they don’t live in the water buttttttt he specializes in the water dwellers. Conflicted with mermaids. A mermaid killed his sister, a mermaid saved his life it’s a rough struggle right now. xDD He’ll be on the hunt for answersss.  Pets — Max!!!!!!!!! Yes, directly stolen from the movie with absolutely no shame. His best-friend, his CHILD, his beautiful big fluff of pure love Old English Sheep Dog Maxxxxxxx.   Home Life During Childhood — Not shabby at all. Just going to put it out there he was/continues to still be dad’s favorite. Only boy, so of course it was only natural, plus he proved to be an #awesome Prince becoming the best in his specialized field so old Derrick is very prouudd. Things were a little rough for the Andersen’s during Aileen’s death, but they patched up. All in all, Eric was very loved, pampered, and aside from the death of his little sister, didn’t suffer much trauma in his childhood. Town or City Name(s) — Camogli, Italy is where he’s from and then Eric has basically bopped around the seas of Europe, living in many of Europe’s coastal regions. What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Pretty normal looking. Eric really isn’t the messy type at all, so for the most part his room was pretty kept. Had the standard furnishing. He didn’t care too much for decorating any decoration in his room was marine influenced. Any Sports or Clubs — Captain of the swim team in high school. Eric is an excellent and v agile swimmer as well as a bomb ass diver. Didn’t really indulge in sport teams though when he hit Uni because there was no time in between having full time Prince dutieess. Surfing, he does surf. Jet skiing he loves thaatt. Canoeing and kayaking he enjoys too.  Look any water sport he probably does. He’s like a fucking fish. Favorite Toy or Game — Of course he deff had little ship toys when he was young and those were his favorites!!! Even had those ships in a bottle hahaha, Sailing. Schooling — Primary, Secondary and University all completeeedd with a Masters degree. Wasn’t home schooled because ole Derrick didn’t want Eric to stay surrounded by all girls for his entire life xDD Favorite Subject — Science, specifically Marine Biology. Popular or Loner — Popular. Who didn’t love my sweet, shy, handsome sonnnn. xDD He’s like an introverted extrovert, deff shy but he does like people. It’s more in nature than like in complete mannerism if that makes any sense at all..... Important Experiences or Events — The death of Aileen, the beginning of his training enjoyed more of the sea stuff side of things, becoming a squire then rising up to a knight, the success of his very first solo hunnttt killed a SIRREENN, becoming a Prince, graduating and gaining his Masters, getting to travel all around Europpeee, and the death of his crew members :((( Nationality — Italian don’t think Matt Lanter is but shhhh I made Eric it anyways xD  He does have Scottish roots to him. His family originated from Scotland and then immigrated to Italy. Culture — Italian, and The Order bc that shit is basically a lifestyle Religion and beliefs — Raised Catholic and went to mass every Sunday like a good well-behaved boy. He’s not so heavily involved with it now, but like he’ll go to a mass from time to time to like appease his parents haha.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Matt Lanter Complexion — Fair skin, but not like pale fair, he got some good ole sun back in Italy Hair Colour — Dark Brown :/ I know it’s suppose to be that beautiful dark black but I had to comprimise to get my EYEESS Eye Colour — BLUUEEEE, a BEAUTIFUL crystal ocean BLUEEE Height — 5’10 Build — Athletic. Not like beefy or stocky, but definitely fit and toned. I meaann he goes around killing sea monsters and running ships course he’s going to be fitttt.   Tattoos — Nope. Piercings — Nope. Common Hairstyle — His hair is cut short. It’s always neat. Clothing Style — Simple. T-shirts, jeans, boots. He does own a variety of like weather coats for when he’s hitting the seas. On days he’s working on the University he knows how to dress it up, so he’ll wear his like button downs, still with jeans though haha. Eric deff knows how to dress up for occasions that calls for them, what Prince doesn’t thoughhhhh Mannerisms — Scratches at the back of his neck, runs hands through his hair, can have restless leg syndrome from time to time, jaw clenching when angry  
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Nope. Eric has awesome health, physically. Physical Ailments — None. Neurological Conditions — Probably got some PTSD going on from seeing the death of his sisterrr and then from the night of the storm :/ Allergies — None Grooming Habits — Great. Believer in looking groomed and showering twice a day haha Sleeping Habits — Not too bad. The occasional nightmare from his PTSD, but other then that Eric can pretty much sleep anywhere. Like if you can sleep on a ship in the middle of the ocean then I’m sure you’re pretty seettt.   Eating Habits — Eric is a health nuttt. Pesco-Vegetarian. Dairy free, though does cave with his protein shakes. Avid drinker of water. Likes for his food to be locally sourced. Course this is all from when he’s land base when he’s out at sea I mean it is what it is at that point haha Exercise Habits — Hits the gym a loottt. Exercises everyday even if he’s on a ship. When land base he’s normally a professor and so he hits the Uni pool every morning and does a good bout of laps. It’s how he starts his day. Emotional Stability — Pretty stable sorta kinda going through some shit at the moment no thanks to some recent events....   Body Temperature — Average I guess?? Sociability — Eric is like an introverted extrovert. He can be shy, but it’s not that kind of shy where it keeps him from talking to people or acting like he has no social cues. He likes talking to people, and all that fun stuff, but he can be reserved.   Addictions — None. Drug Use — Nope. Alcohol Use — Not really, maybe like the occasional here and there, but he isn’t much of a heavy drinker
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — Stubbornness, can lose eye contact depending on what’s being spoken about, blunt with facial expressions, can get bored easily Good Habits — Kind, health nut, exercises, polite, honest, courteous Best Characteristic — Loyal, daring and kind Worst Characteristic — His pride Worst Memory — Witnessing the death of his baby sister Aileen Best Memory — His solo hunt and any memory he has with Aileen Proud of — His family, his sisters, his hunting accomplishments (though he’s questioning some of them), his solo hunt, his education Embarrassed by — Not a lot really. Eric is a pretty laid back type of dude, though miscalculating that storm could deff be one he’s embarrassed about Driving Style — Really good. He’s one of those that follows all the street laws and always stays within speed limit. Doesn’t have a car though at the moment with him, never really saw the need in getting one because he wasn’t having a sedentary life Strong Points — His intellect, thoughtfulness, kindness, determination, daringness Temperament — Laid back. Eric is a pretty lax guy although he can get passionate and peeved out about certain thingsss like family. Attitude — Determined Weakness — His stubbornness and pride too Fears — Lost of his family, he’s such a family guy /pets him Phobias — None Secrets — None so faarrr err well accept that he’s part of the Order which is a secret societtyy other than that Eric is a pretty open book Regrets — Not being able to save his sister and crew members Feels Vulnerable When — Speaking about personal problems and when he’s unable to protect those he loves Pet Peeves — Didn’t exactly have any like real pet peeve…. Conflicts — Mermaids hahaha. No but legit mermaids. One killed his sister and then one saved his life. He was so sure his entire life that all sea creatures were MONSTERS and all of them were BAD and just harmed/killed people (huge in part because of what happened to Aileen) and then a mermaid goes and saves his life like tf he didn’t ask for thaaatttt, so he’s currently on the hunt for some answers and it hoping Swynlake will provide him with themmm.  Motivation — Aileen. She’s like his driving force behind every hunt he has ever done/does. He loved her so muuccchh!!!! /crieesss Short Term Goals and Hopes — Figure out his conflict crisis please and thank you.   Long Term Goals and Hopes — Find LOOOVVEEEE, a true love because he’s such a lost romantic (though ironically isn’t a current priority), settle down, marry and have kiddddsssssss, he would love a bunch of kids and probs even run his family business Sexuality — Heterosexual, Demiromantic Day or Night Person — Day Introvert or Extrovert — Introverted extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist
Likes and Styles:
Music — More acoustic and instrumental. He’s not into like current stream music, hell if he even knew what’s currently playing on the radio. xDD He can play the flute took lessons when he was youngeerr. Books — A non-fiction fan when it comes to what he picks up to read. Definitely anything marine involved for sure!!!! Got interested in the Dan Brown series.   Magazines — Nope. Foods — Sea food. He does love his fish. Is a vegetarian so no meats aside from sea food, so like he’s a Pesco-Vegetarian. Not really into sweets basically at all. He’s a health-nut!!! Likes fresh food, and can actually cook too!!!!   Drinks — Water. Water. Water. He drinks a lot of water. Likes protein shakes too. Not much of a drinker. Dairy free for the most part. Animals — Dogs, well more importantly his dog. xDD Lover of all sea animals, that are not sea monsters haha Social Issues — Protection of mundus against dangerous monsters Favorite Saying — He grew up constantly seeing his family’s saying “A mari usque ad mare” From Sea to Sea. He’s actually fond of it more so because it involves the sea and Eric loves being on the ocean not really because of the history behind it all hahaha Color — Blues and greeennsss are his very very favorites. He does like gray too because gray is also found in his family’s coat of arms. Jewelry — In his family it’s a tradition for a silver chained necklace to be forged for the males of the family, normally the eldest in which case Eric is among his line. Eric though added a sea shell charm to his chain because it was Aileen’s favorite charm. He wears his chain all the time, never takes it off. Oh yeah then there’s his family ring buttttt he doesn’t go stunting that around. Games — Boating, jet-skiing, sailing, anything water involved, does enjoy horse riding, is ehh about jousting but whatever he does it when he has too, fencing  Websites — None really.... haven’t even decided yet if he has an insta looool TV Shows — Not a lot either omg horrible Eric!!! But there aren’t really TVs on ships sooo he’s not like an avid tv watcher. If anything he’d probs like documentaries he’s so ehhh about tv Movies —  Loooook he’d rather be out by the ocean side then sit down and watch a movie. He’s an out door person, staying in toooo long probably gets him sorta restless. Greatest Want — To settle down eventually. Find LOOVVEEE get married have some kiddos Greatest Need —Get this conflict shit situated and get back to the WATERRR. He wants his OCEAAANN
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — Camogli, Italy is like his family home. Right now he’s in an apartment in Castle Suites would have loved more to live closer to the lake side by the WATTEERR but he doesn’t need a whole freaking house to himself. Household furnishings — Pretty basic. Favorite Possession — His necklace with Aileen’s charm on it <3 Most Cherished Possession — His necklace with Aileen’s charm on it <3 Married Before — Nope. Significant Other Before — Has had a few girlfriends before, but all have fallen through. None of them were THE ONEE. Children — Nope, but does want!!!! Like a bunncchh Relationship with Family — Closeee!!! He adores his family. Is close with his parents, adores his sisters and would do anything for them, loves his niece and nephewww. He often talks with them making sure to call them so that he can keep in touch. He’s the protective sort when it comes to his sisssterrssss. Car — Doesn’t have one at the moment, his life right now isn’t sedentary. He’s constantly moving from place to place and most of the time he’s on a ship sooo no need for a car too mcuch Career — Marine Biology Professor at Pride U; Prince in the Order Dream Career — He actually likes being a professorr, enjoys seafarer too which he does is often the helmsman. Anything water involveedd   Dream Life — Married with a big home back in his home town of Camogli or anything coastal region right by the beautiful ocean siiiddeee. There is definitely kids in his dreaamm lifffeee Love Life — Non existent at the moment Talents or Skills — He can play the flute, steer, captain and run a whole ship, fencing/ sword fighting, horse rider, swimmer, diver, fishing  Intelligence Level — Very well educated and is actually pretty nerdy in the things that he’s interested in
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — He has been a professor in different places. Helmsman and seafarer in more, takes any job ocean involving Past Lovers — Has had a few relationships in the past, but all have fell through. He hasn’t found his ONE yet :((( Biggest Mistakes — Miscalculating that fucking STORM. Biggest Achievements —Solo hunt, all his other successful hunts, becoming Prince, graduating Uni with both a bachelors and masters degree.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 6 years ago
AU Masterlist
Any and all asks for these AUs are more than welcome.
Kwaminette AU- AU where Marinette is Plagg and Tikki’s daughter. She’s a Kwami instead of a human, but she prefers to take on a human form because she likes interacting with humans. She’s the Panda Kwami of Balance, and the kwami of Cory Bernard/Panda Girl, my Miracusona. When she’s not helping out Cory, she’s busy trying to bond with Adrien. This one takes place within the show.
Miraculous Injustice AU- AU where the members of Team Miraculous are placed in the Injustice video game. The canon Team Miraculous gets sent to a dimension where the team is split up and akumas fight for both good and evil because Cat Noir turned evil after they found out Gabriel was Hawkmoth. The Quantic Kids (Felix, Bridgette, Melodie, Sparrow, Gavroche, Kim Mime, and Mercury) are included in this AU as well.
Dupain Cheng Kids AU- AU where Tom and Sabine adopt everyone in the Miracuclass as their child (except Adrien cause he’s their future son in law). Marinette keeps an eye for fellow classmates that don’t have the best home life. She then passes word to her parents, who fight tooth and nail to earn legal custody of said child (We don’t care they aren’t on the adoption list, they deserve to be in a home FULL OF LOVE).
Catbug AU- AU where Marinette has both the Black Cat and Ladybug Miraculouses. She calls herself Catbug. Plagg and Tikki are like a second set of parents to her, and she eventually develops a harem.
Mike and Mari AU- AU where Marinette has an older brother named Michael. He is her favorite thorn in her side as well as her go-to Miraculous Holder. He’s dating Miss Bustier and is going to school to become an interior designer.
Role Reversal AU- AU where Marinette and Adrien are switched Miraculouses. Lady Noire and Mister Bug protect Paris against Pavona and Hudie (Gina and Sabine); who want the Miraculouses to bring back Tom. Involves reverse crush and somewhat reverse life.
Adrien’s Monster AU- AU where Duusu summons a full time sentimonster to protect Adrien. He names it Hiss and it follows him everywhere he goes. Hiss and Plagg hate each other.
Supernatural AU- AU where everyone except Adrien (who’s still human) is a mythological creature. Marinette is a fairy, Kim and Rose are werewolves, Alix is a Hobbit, Mylene is a Dwarf. Juleka and Luka are vampires, Ondine is a mermaid, Ivan is an ogre, Alya is one of the last of the Nine-Tailed Fox clan, Chloe is an elf, Lila is a changeling, Max is half-sphinx, Nathaniel is a brownie, Kagami is a yokai, Marc is a leprechaun, and Nino is a Kappa (though nobody knows). The Kwmais are fae creatures that run/protect the school. Miss Bustier is a pixie, Ms Mendeleiev is a witch, and Principal Damocles is the owl of Athena. Gabriel is secretly a hunter of mythical creatures and sent Adrien to the school so he could get closer to them. (Courtesy to @miraclesoup for some of these ideas)
Hive Guard AU- AU where Chloe keeps her Miraculous at the end of Miraculer, runs away, and becomes a freelance hero of sorts. She’s extremely active is trying to find and stop Hawkmoth and Mayura. She lives in the eiffel tower, and trains with Pollen every day. Nobody but Sabrina knows her location; and she becomes Queen Bee’s right hand.
Jurassic AU- AU where Emilie’s maiden name was Hammond, and one day Adrien discovers is grandfathers work and reopens Jurassic Park.
House Cat AU- AU where Cat Noir actually decides to date Marinette in Weredad and becomes the Dupain Cheng housecat.
Mother Peahen and Papallion AU- also known as the MP3 AU. AU where Duusu and Nooroo adopt Adrien after Heroes Day with Plagg as the greasy uncle.
Road Trip AU- An AU where Team Miraculous travels around the world looking for Lost Miraculouses after defeating Hawkmoth and Mayura. Ali and Aurore bear the Moth and Peacock Miraculouses in this AU.
Miraculous Descendants AU- An AU where Miraculous characters are in the movie Descendants. Most of them are the children of Akumas.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 AU- An AU where there are two boys that like Kagami. Conner (a new student from America who tries to make Kagami jealous by lying about Ryuuko being into him) & Hiroki (a rival from Japan that she beat who believes that she should be his girlfriend) & Luka/Viperion doesn’t like how uncomfortable they make her or how angry they make her feel.
Guard Dragon AU (Rockstar!Luka & Bodyguard!Ryuuko AU)- An AU where Kitty Section’s new bodyguard is so mysterious and tough. Anarka trusts her to keep her children and their friends (Juleka and Rose dating) safe. Ryuuko does not plan on letting her down, but with Luka? It’s hard for our Lady in red black & gold to stay professional.
SongHeart & The Queen (Ryuuka’s Beauty and The Beast AU)- Kim is Lumiere, Anarka as Maurice (great parents are great), Chloé and Sabrina as Gaston and LeFou (duh), Emilie and Adrien as Mrs Potts and Chip (need that adorable mother/son bond), Marinette is (a younger) Wardrobe (fashion girl!) and Luka’s closest friend in the place. Luka is Belle and Ryuuko is the Beast. Instead of inanimate objects, they’re cursed to be akumas.
Scales and Whiskers AU- An AU where Ryuuko and Cat Noir fight over who gets to date Marinette. She eventually gets so sick of it that she just tells both of them to date her. Before she knows it, she’s got a superhero boyfriend and girlfriend.
Behind the Scenes AU- An AU where Miraculous actually is a show in the canon universe and the characters are all actors. Chloe and Rose are sisters from the South. Jagged, Marinette, and Kagami are siblings. Gabriel and Adrien are Uncle and Nephew, and Lila is Marinette’s best friend.
Akumavillian AU- An AU where everyone who has been akumatized has the ability to turn into their Akumas without the power of the Moth.
Cat’s Shipping Show AU- An AU where Cat Noir runs a blog dedicated to all the ships of Team Miraculous, because he’s shipper trash. He gives people the news on certain ships, and reviews ships as well.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years ago
Au Masterlist
Any and all asks for these AUs are more than welcome.
Kwaminette AU- AU where Marinette is Plagg and Tikki’s daughter. She’s a Kwami instead of a human, but she prefers to take on a human form because she likes interacting with humans. She’s the Panda Kwami of Balance, and the kwami of Cory Bernard/Panda Girl, my Miracusona. When she’s not helping out Cory, she’s busy trying to bond with Adrien. This one takes place within the show.
Miraculous Injustice AU- AU where the members of Team Miraculous are placed in the Injustice video game. The canon Team Miraculous gets sent to a dimension where the team is split up and akumas fight for both good and evil because Cat Noir turned evil after they found out Gabriel was Hawkmoth. The Quantic Kids (Felix, Bridgette, Melodie, Sparrow, Gavroche, Kim Mime, and Mercury) are included in this AU as well.
Dupain Cheng Kids AU- AU where Tom and Sabine adopt everyone in the Miracuclass as their child (except Adrien cause he’s their future son in law). Marinette keeps an eye for fellow classmates that don’t have the best home life. She then passes word to her parents, who fight tooth and nail to earn legal custody of said child (We don’t care they aren’t on the adoption list, they deserve to be in a home FULL OF LOVE).
Catbug AU- AU where Marinette has both the Black Cat and Ladybug Miraculouses. She calls herself Catbug. Plagg and Tikki are like a second set of parents to her, and she eventually develops a harem.
Mike and Mari AU- AU where Marinette has an older brother named Michael. He is her favorite thorn in her side as well as her go-to Miraculous Holder. He’s dating Miss Bustier and is going to school to become an interior designer.
Role Reversal AU- AU where Marinette and Adrien are switched Miraculouses. Lady Noire and Mister Bug protect Paris against Pavona and Hudie (Gina and Sabine); who want the Miraculouses to bring back Tom. Involves reverse crush and somewhat reverse life.
Adrien’s Monster AU- AU where Duusu summons a full time sentimonster to protect Adrien. He names it Hiss and it follows him everywhere he goes. Hiss and Plagg hate each other.
Supernatural AU- AU where everyone except Adrien (who’s still human) is a mythological creature. Marinette is a fairy, Kim and Rose are werewolves, Alix is a Hobbit, Mylene is a Dwarf. Juleka and Luka are vampires, Ondine is a mermaid, Ivan is an ogre, Alya is one of the last of the Nine-Tailed Fox clan, Chloe is an elf, Lila is a changeling, Max is half-sphinx, Nathaniel is a brownie, Kagami is a yokai, Marc is a leprechaun, and Nino is a Kappa (though nobody knows). The Kwmais are fae creatures that run/protect the school. Miss Bustier is a pixie, Ms Mendeleiev is a witch, and Principal Damocles is the owl of Athena. Gabriel is secretly a hunter of mythical creatures and sent Adrien to the school so he could get closer to them. (Courtesy to @miraclesoup for some of these ideas)
Hive Guard AU- AU where Chloe keeps her Miraculous at the end of Miraculer, runs away, and becomes a freelance hero of sorts. She’s extremely active is trying to find and stop Hawkmoth and Mayura. She lives in the eiffel tower, and trains with Pollen every day. Nobody but Sabrina knows her location; and she becomes Queen Bee’s right hand.
Jurassic AU- AU where Emilie’s maiden name was Hammond, and one day Adrien discovers is grandfathers work and reopens Jurassic Park.
House Cat AU- AU where Cat Noir actually decides to date Marinette in Weredad and becomes the Dupain Cheng housecat.
Mother Peahen and Papallion AU- also known as the MP3 AU. AU where Duusu and Nooroo adopt Adrien after Heroes Day with Plagg as the greasy uncle.
Road Trip AU- An AU where Team Miraculous travels around the world looking for Lost Miraculouses after defeating Hawkmoth and Mayura. Ali and Aurore bear the Moth and Peacock Miraculouses in this AU.
Miraculous Descendants AU- An AU where Miraculous characters are in the movie Descendants. Most of them are the children of Akumas.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 AU- An AU where there are two boys that like Kagami. Conner (a new student from America who tries to make Kagami jealous by lying about Ryuuko being into him) & Hiroki (a rival from Japan that she beat who believes that she should be his girlfriend) & Luka/Viperion doesn’t like how uncomfortable they make her or how angry they make her feel.
Guard Dragon AU (Rockstar!Luka & Bodyguard!Ryuuko AU)- An AU where Kitty Section’s new bodyguard is so mysterious and tough. Anarka trusts her to keep her children and their friends (Juleka and Rose dating) safe. Ryuuko does not plan on letting her down, but with Luka? It’s hard for our Lady in red black & gold to stay professional.
SongHeart & The Queen (Ryuuka’s Beauty and The Beast AU)- Kim is Lumiere, Anarka as Maurice (great parents are great), Chloé and Sabrina as Gaston and LeFou (duh), Emilie and Adrien as Mrs Potts and Chip (need that adorable mother/son bond), Marinette is (a younger) Wardrobe (fashion girl!) and Luka’s closest friend in the place. Luka is Belle and Ryuuko is the Beast. Instead of inanimate objects, they’re cursed to be akumas.
Scales and Whiskers AU- An AU where Ryuuko and Cat Noir fight over who gets to date Marinette. She eventually gets so sick of it that she just tells both of them to date her. Before she knows it, she’s got a superhero boyfriend and girlfriend.
Behind the Scenes AU- An AU where Miraculous actually is a show in the canon universe and the characters are all actors. Chloe and Rose are sisters from the South. Jagged, Marinette, and Kagami are siblings. Gabriel and Adrien are Uncle and Nephew, and Lila is Marinette’s best friend.
Akumavillian AU- An AU where everyone who has been akumatized has the ability to turn into their Akumas without the power of the Moth.
Cat’s Shipping Show AU- An AU where Cat Noir runs a blog dedicated to all the ships of Team Miraculous, because he’s shipper trash. He gives people the news on certain ships, and reviews ships as well.
Ghost Bug AU- An AU where the past Ladybug’s are attached to Marinette. They’re like her 24/7 Obi-Wan, and they’re a little Ladybug family.
Sentibug AU- An AU where Bugette wasn’t destroyed by Mayura and instead becomes Ladybug and Cat Noir’s sidekick/daughter
Mom Pink AU- An AU where Pink appeared instead of Steven when his gem was taken out. Somehow they can both exist now and mother and son are reunited.
Adrien Universe AU- Steven Universe, but with Miraculous characters.
Momma Mayura AU- An AU where as soon as Stoneheart appeared, Nathalie grabbed the Peacock Miraculous and became Mayura. She fights on Ladybug and Cat Noir’s side to bring down Hawkmoth and quickly becomes the team mom.
Tales of Pegasus and King Monkey AU- An AU where Master Fu instead distributed the Horse and Monkey Miraculous and Kim and Max are the main characters of the show.
Chatroom AU- An AU where Team Miraculous has a group chat
Genderbend AU- An AU where everyone’s genders are swapped.
Teacher Kwamis AU- An AU where Miss Bustier is fired and the Kwamis take over teaching.
Frozen Dragons AU- A Hiccelsa AU that combines Frozen and How To Train Your Dragon. Basically, just before the events of Race To The Edge, Elsa and Hiccup have an arranged marriage and her, Olaf, Sven, Kristoff, and Anna are present for the events of the show and Dragons 2
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