#How To Train Your Dragon
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remld · 3 days ago
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a fed dragon is a happy dragon
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psalidodont · 2 days ago
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missed doing a bunch of traditional doodles c:
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amiiva · 13 hours ago
The Combo! I gasped audibly love love it
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I was contractually obligated to make this tag real, it was simply too adorable
(Not canon to the Toothless in Gravity Falls AU!)
[ID in alt text]
(Alt version and tag screenshot under the cut)
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( @mouthsfullofsharpteeth thank you for the tag <3)
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thereweredragonshere · 1 day ago
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Little guys round 4
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ratlordsarah · 1 day ago
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ms paint doodle I did in class today
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neytui · 2 days ago
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A man⚔️
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corneredleveret · 3 days ago
hell yeah
Reblog if you love "How to Train Your Dragon"
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serafium · 2 days ago
I've been hit by! I've been struck by! A httyd hyperfixation and will now be drawing dragons!
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purinshock · 9 hours ago
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sketches so messy they dont deserve their own post
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mahoganyrust · 2 days ago
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Right in the owie
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byfulcrums · 2 days ago
I hate the third movie so much!!!! Like a lot!!!!!!!
Prepare for a rant (under cut bc it got a bit long, sorry!)
First of all, here's a thing I always complain about when talking about HTTYD 3: the designs, and the characterization
The designs as in, the armor, is cool as hell, I'm not complaining about that I love the armor so much. But I hate how they made Toothless a literal puppy. His head is literally a square!!! They changed his personality too, when he's always been more similar to a cat than a dog
There's also the light fury. I have no words for this. The fact that they only made her Like That because they needed her to be "feminine" says enough about her
It was weirdly sexist for a HTTYD movie, considering how well done the female characters are in this series. They only made this character to be Girl Toothless, and being a girl was her only character trait
Besides that, they gave some of Toothless' mannerisms to her! The more cat-like behavior, at some points, for example. Toothless in the first movie was more graceful, stealthy, moved silently, etc. They gave all of his different, elegant ways of moving to her, because they wanted to push the golden retriever agenda on him (that's a joke btw. Like they did do that but "golden retriever agenda" isn't a thing)
Ruffnut was far too stupid too. She would NEVER in rtte
Now; let's move on to why the ending is shit
First of all! Toothless is not an Alpha. He is king, yes, but king of Berk's dragons specifically. When he defeated Drago's Alpha, he did not suddenly gain telepathy powers; the dragons under the Alpha's control went to Toothless when he won, and it was a willing decision. They listen to him, yes, but not every dragon will, because HE'S NOT OF THE SPECIES THAT HAS LITERAL DRAGON MIND CONTROL POWERS
That being said!! If Toothless isn't an Alpha, then why the hell did all the dragons leave when he did? And why did all the dragons in the Hidden World immediately bow down to him? Maybe they recognize his status as King (of Berk), but that doesn't mean he's the king of them
There's also no way all the dragons wanted to leave. Just no way. I know I wouldn't!
Then, there's the Death Song problem
There are multiple cannibalistic dragon species. If they go to the Hidden World with the rest, they will try to eat everyone else, and if they can't do that, they'll starve. These dragons can't just change their entire biology and start eating fish, plants, boars, or whatever thing you have in mind. They have to eat other dragons, or they'll die. Sending them all to the Hidden World means that either they'll eat all the other dragons and eventually they'll be one of the few species left standing (highly unlikely) or they'll just go extinct (most probable)
Along with that, there's the fact that many dragons are extremely territorial. if stuck in the same place for the rest of their lives, there will be fights, and dragons don't have medicine! They can only heal naturally, there's no outside help. So many will die, far more than necessary
Now, I do like the ending of the dragons leaving. In the books
And sure, dragons die every day; no one can stop that (no matter how sad this makes Hiccup), but putting them all in a big cave will result in losses that are WAY bigger than necessary and than what they're used to
Plus, what about the species that can't fly? The Speed Stingers, for example? The mutation in RTTE was a thing that only happened with that one group. Only they would be able to reach the Hidden World
I understand that they were trying to end the sagas the same way the books did, but it doesn't work in the movies! Also, (I haven't read all the books yet, it's a work in progress, so correct me if I'm wrong, but) as far as I know, in the books the dragons were basically slaves to the Vikings. It makes sense that they would want to leave. In the movies, it's not like that. Berk's dragons are friends, not servants! They have no reason to want to leave!
And even then, I'm like 99% sure that in the books Toothless still didn't leave Hiccup. And even then, apparently leaving (or when to leave, most likely) was left to be each dragon's choice, not something a random telepathy powered Toothless told them to do
The villain also sucks. I didn't like his design, but I'm not gonna complain about that
It makes no sense for just one person to wipe out an entire species! And besides, Grimmel wasn't scary, wasn't interesting, wasn't anything at all. He's as bland as the Light Fury
Also also also. Toothless would never leave Hiccup for a girl. I'm not talking about a "bros before hoes" thing (I hate that phrase) I'm talking as in, Toothless would never leave Hiccup. Ever. No matter the circumstances. ES MÁS, he wouldn't have let the Light Fury get close to him after she attacked Hiccup! He would've defended him! That's his friend. HIS FRIEND. He's his best bud, his soulmate!!!!!
God the Toothless characterization pissed me off sm
I'd say Hiccup was pretty spot on in the sense that if Toothless wanted to leave and could leave without, like, dying, he would let him; he'd be sad about it, but he would let him. There's other things I don't like about the way he was written, of course, but that wasn't too bad. WHAT WAS BAD IS THE FACT THAT TOOTHLESS LEAVING WAS EVEN A POSSIBILITY IN THE FIRST PLACE
And, to add something: doesn't the "oh I built a new tail and now he can leave forever because it's like basically his old tail! It's like it was never missing at all!" thing feel a bit ableist? Idk that's just a hunch, I'm not disabled so I can't talk about it, but. Just leaving that there
Still, even without the ableism, it's still shitty. The tailfin would never hold that long. It'd need repairs. Things like that can't be permanent, and I know Hiccup is a great inventor, but he's not a god, come on. He can't do everything
Toothless can fly on his own now, yes, but if the tailfin breaks (which is a thing that can happen, either because of an accident or simply because of time), there's no one to fix it. In a place like that, he'll be stranded. It's dangerous!
Also they made Snotlout, Hiccup's cousin in the books, be attracted to Hiccup's mom. HIS AUNT
The HTTYD universe's ecosystem must've been so damaged when all the dragons dissappeared.
"but people wanted to hurt them!" people want to hurt wolves to, but we don't send them all to an isolated cave because it would destroy the ecosystem.
In fact, "dragon" is just a collective word for multiple species so they really fucked themselves with that one.
In conclusion, the third movie was stupid.
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k4pp4-8 · 2 days ago
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thereweredragonshere · 2 days ago
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I 3D modelled little guy
In the process of 3D printing him
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feathereye12 · 2 days ago
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All my traditional drawings currently FOR SALE!!
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darkcrowprincess · 2 days ago
Another reason why I don't like the third movie! Toothless does this, but he leaves Hiccup in the end!
ok but i will NEVER be over the look on Hiccup’s face when he slowly realises that the reason Toothless destroyed his new tail and pulled out his old saddle is because he only wants to fly if it’s with Hiccup, together, instead of on his own
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like Hiccup almost always has a dry, sarcastic remark or comeback for pretty much everything, but in this moment he was completely speechless because he was so overwhelmed and awestruck at the affection from his dragon
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