#once again this got loooooong lol
blackjackkent · 3 months
Now that we're out of Moonrise, we can bring Minthara into the party, and she has a LOT of camp chat for Rakha to catch up on. Moving this into its own post from the other camp stuff, because there's a lot of it.
Annoyingly, we can't have the usual Durge onboarding conversation that we've had with the other companions, about Rakha's murder urges and bloodlust and memory loss. She also has a dialogue node labeled, "I need to talk to you about a private matter," but when I select that item, there's no dialogue options in it, which is weird.
We do, however, have the option to ask her about her opinions regarding the other companions, which is always fun.
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"I'm curious to hear your thoughts about our companions."
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"A disparate collection of vagabonds and strays. Did you have anyone particular in mind?"
"I'm curious to hear what you think of Shadowheart."
"She is tolerable, but her faith in the Lady of Loss is poisonous."
"What do you have against Shar?"
"The Nightsinger has some admirable qualities - far more than her insipid sister - but her followers are repressed. Take the child, Shadowheart. She does not even know who she is, but still manages to pity herself. The very concept of Sharran worship is self-indulgent. They would have you think every whispered word and hidden thought is of value, but it is not so. I have performed a thousand interrogations, squeezing out the most-guarded secrets held in heart, mind, and soul. I can tell you this - when the trivial parts have been whittled away, and I have sifted through what remains, in most cases a person amounts to nothing at all."
This is a rather novel angle on philosophy for Rakha - but it echoes her own lack of interest in the religions that her companions are so invested in.
Somewhere in her past, she too has tortured people - she's had flashes of memory of it. Nothing concrete - but enough to know that her own experience was about pain and death, not about digging out information.
She wonders a little about the interrogations Minthara describes. What would that look like? Would Minthara, perhaps, be able to wrestle out the secrets hidden in Rakha's head that she herself cannot access?
Or would she, too, amount to nothing at all in the end?
"What do you make of Astarion?"
"He's been deprived of freedom and strong blood for so long that he is addicted to both. While those addictions have their hold on him, he is still a slave."
"He'll be a slave to his blood-thirst as long as he lives."
"And while you live, you'll be enslaved to *your* appetites and hungers. We all feed on something, and if we are deprived of it, we will fight for it. But Astarion is not only bound to his needs and desires, he is still bound to something more powerful - his Master. He will only be free when Cazador is dead, and that is as it should be. When the time comes, we must hope that he does not only take Cazador's long life, but the power that has sustained him as well."
The line about "appetites and hungers" obviously hits different for Rakha as a Durge, although Rakha has already long since equated her struggles with the Urge to Astarion's bloodlust.
More than anything specific about what Minthara is saying, I think Rakha is kind of just fascinated listening to her talk. In a way she is as blunt and direct as Rakha herself is, but still manages to project an eloquence and a sense of her words being informed by long experience in a way that Rakha simply isn't capable of.
"How do you and Lae'zel get along?"
"I have encountered few githyanki in my life. Those that I did were raiders - they croaked out please for mercy in their alien tongue as they died. Meeting Lae'zel makes me wish I knew more of their culture."
"Why not ask Lae'zel to educate you?"
"I did. She told me she has nothing to teach that cannot be learned through observation of her prowess in combat. Perhaps she is right - she certainly cuts a striking figure in battle. There is a precision to her ferocity that I admire."
"It seems a rather brutal culture."
"To one who only sees the surface of things, perhaps. You should look deeper. In spite of her youth, there is a patience and precision in Lae'zel's thoughts and actions that I admire. Those qualities will strengthen as she matures."
I do like this quite a lot in the context of the drabble I wrote about Lae'zel and Minthara's initial meeting in Rakha's worldstate.
Minthara definitely sees a lot that she respects in Lae'zel and also sees that she is terribly young but has potential to be much more than she is currently. Clearly she sees right through Lae'zel's attempts at bluster. In this case, Lae'zel refusing to teach her directly was absolutely another bit of trying to puff up and look big.
Continuing to be fascinated by how Minthara really feels like a refined and sharpened and experienced version of Rakha's own thought processes. I feel like Minthara is in many ways a vision of what Rakha might have been like with a more solid amount of perspective and education to draw on.
"Have you spent much time with Gale?"
"The wizard? No."
"Don't you like wizards?"
"Don't sulk. I admire your mastery of the Weave, but I have known many wizards. In my experience, they do not usually live long enough to make the effort of befriending them worthwhile. Either the enemy recognizes they are a threat, and kills them swiftly, or their curiosity leads them to combust while experimenting with the limits of magic." [Here she pauses and squints sardonically at Rakha for a moment] "Present company excluded, of course. I am sure you will live to a *ripe* old age. Gale, however, is already in a state of suspended combustion thanks to that orb between his ribs." [a humorless laugh] "I suspect it is only a matter of time before he goes up in smoke. I will reserve my social graces for those who might live long enough to appreciate them."
LOL. OK, it's official. I love Minthara.
I briefly thought this was sorcerer-specific dialogue but then I remembered Rakha has a couple levels in wizard; luckily it works regardless, because Rakha was definitely about to get sulky about he implications. I think she's gathered that the nuances of distinction between wizards and sorcerers tend to be lost on most people.
Minthara was absolutely being WILDLY sarcastic about Rakha living to a ripe old age. She's only seen Rakha in combat once so far, but she already knows her new traveling companion has a tendency for, to put it mildly, recklessness.
Historically, Rakha tends to be a little sour towards people who are mean to her companions. However, Minthara now is a companion as well, which in Rakha's eyes gives her a little more room to speak her mind. And, deep down, Rakha has to admit she has a point; after all, Gale himself insists that he has no choice but to let the orb do its work in the end.
"You and Karlach seem to be friendly."
"I have never known anyone so ferocious and unassailable in battle, and yet so fragile and impermanent in their very being. I often think of mortality as a curse. In time, all that I am and all that I have known and learned will be lost. In time, our cities will be dust. Karlach does not seem to have such anxieties. Perhaps because she cannot afford to. She exists in the moment, and she will burn out and be gone in a moment. There is something very beautiful about that."
<3 Everyone loves Karlach.
Rakha didn't have any further comments to make about this one. I think she's just kind of listening quietly. This conversation has already been enough to show me that Minthara just utterly fascinates her. Everything she says feels like something Rakha might have thought but would never have been able to find the words for - a blunt and pragmatic view of the world touched a deeper understanding and near-poetry. Her words are informed by history and memory, where Rakha has none.
She wishes she could speak like this to Wyll.
Speaking of which...
"Any thoughts on Wyll?"
"He is exceedingly self-righteous. Amusing, considering he bound himself to a devil."
"Wyll is a good man."
"I will take your word for it. I only care that he is a good soldier, and he has not disappointed me on that front."
Hah. This absolutely reads to me as Minthara getting herself revved up to roast Wyll like nobody's business, and then belatedly remembering Rakha's obvious feelings for him and just deciding to keep her mouth shut. XD
I don't think, at this point, Minthara could talk Rakha out of caring for Wyll; he's had too much of a formative impact on her worldview. But it would have made her uncomfortable, certainly, to listen to Minthara talk derisively about him.
There are a few other quick dialogue options outside the companion discussion; most of them are things we already know. Ketheric is invulnerable, which she witnessed in person in battle, and while her oath of vengeance on Lolth's behalf is now broken, she has a new one - revenge against the Absolute and all those who follow it.
But one bit was particularly interesting to me as part of Rakha's story:
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"Do you remember all that you did in the Absolute's name?"
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"I was the Absolute's dagger. I remember every throat that it held me to, and every drop of blood it forced me to spill. I take no responsibility for the lives I took. I did nothing in the Absolute's name - I was merely a weapon that it wielded."
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This is the first jarring note in the conversation, really. Rakha, too, has felt at times like her body is merely a weapon for the beast in her head... but she is all too conscious, especially lately, of her own feelings of guilt at what she has been made to do. "I've lost control of myself before," she mutters harshly. "I hate it."
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Surprisingly enough, Minthara's expression softens slightly. "You have my sympathy. The tadpole... the Absolute... they work together like a drug. I did not feel I was compelled to act against my will. I felt ecstatic to serve. Every action seemed a deliberate choice - the best choice - even though I could no more have resisted its commands than flesh can resist decay."
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"Even rational minds like ours cannot reject such a powerful influence. The Absolute can make the impossible seem inevitable."
Rakha remembers the moments where the beast has won. It is not exactly like what Minthara describes - more like watching her body puppeted from a distance while she is torn out of her own control. But it is still close enough that it makes her shudder.
Then again... with Rakha's help, Minthara has found a way free of the compulsions that the Absolute drove through her. Perhaps, with Minthara's help, Rakha may yet find a way free as well.
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rinstaro · 2 years
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a/n: this is an ask for twilight that i accidentally deleted lol. this one’s gonna be loooooong. i feel really sick today so sorry if it’s really bad 🫠 not proofread because im ashamed of what ive done
cw: overstim <33, clit slapping, twilight being mean cause you pissed him off, you shouldn’t have bitched at him!! he says mean things in the sweetest tone, he still loves you very much, crying, biting, squirting, he cums in you hnnnnn, reader has a vagina and no pronouns
minors do not interact.
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twilight was at his wits end. he’d come home to a clean house, a lovely dinner, and yet you were no where to be found. when he ventured into your shared bedroom, you were perched on the bed with your nose in a book. twilight got the feeling you weren’t reading, though.
you glanced at him quickly before letting out a small huff. what was that all about, he wondered. “i’m home, doll,” he smiled, reaching a finger out to push your book down. instead you snatched it away from him, causing him to jump back.
“did you eat?” you asked, still not looking at him. he frowned at your strange behavior. he decided to ignore it, maybe you were just really into that book?
“it was amazing, doll. i cleaned up the dishes for you.”
“hm. thanks,” you mumbled, finally setting your book down. twilight thought you were finally giving him some attention, only to watch you climb off the bed and walk towards the door. “i’m gonna fold the laundry.”
“oh, i did that too.” you grit your teeth. of course he did. he was just doing everything but you, huh?
the reason you were upset at him may have been silly, but you couldn’t help it. when you woke up this morning, there was an ache between your legs. you tried to ignore it, but how could you when your lover was right next to you? it was rare that you woke up before him, so you thought you’d use it to your advantage.
you turned over, wrapping your arms around his waist the same way his were currently wrapped around yours. you leaned up a bit, placing soft kisses on his neck at which he stirred slightly. you pressed your almost naked form closer to him, innocent kisses turning into little love bites. soon enough your lover was awake. “mmm, mornin’.”
“g’morning, baby. sleep well?”
“mhm. always do when you’re next ‘ta me. c’mere,” he mumbled, laying on his back and pulling you into his lap. perfect, you thought.
you ran your hands down his chest, your gaze heated. twilight had closed his eyes again, relishing in the feeling of your body heat. you leaned down, lips hovering over his when—
“are ya comin’ with me today?”
“you said you wanted to come watch me work, right?” he asked, opening his eyes to look at your confused face. you almost couldn’t believe what you were hearing. here you were in all your glory, horny, barely any clothes on, and he was thinking about work?
you pouted, climbing off of him and laying back down, back towards him. “i’m still sleepy. maybe tomorrow,” you mumbled. twilight thought nothing of it, assuming your attitude was due to you being ‘sleepy’.
“alright, darlin, i’ll see you soon.” without a second thought, twilight rose, planting a kiss on your forehead before going to get ready for the day.
yes, you were pissed off because you didn’t get to fuck your husband in the early morning. damn him for being so hardworking.
now you were standing in the door frame looking silly, still scantily clad with a scowl on your face. “thank you,” you hissed. you had no choice but to walk back to the bed, sitting next to him and picking back up your book. twilight frowned. this was getting frustrating.
“whatsa matter, darlin’? you okay?” he asked directly, prying the book out of your hands. you looked appalled at the fact that he dared take it away from you. “i’m fine—“
“no you’re not. tell me. now.”
“excuse me? why do i have to?” you growled, “whatever. go play with your stupid goats.” with that, you stood once more, marching towards the door. before you could even reach for the handle, your lover’s hand was around your neck, chest pressed to your back.
a growl rumbled in his chest, making you freeze on the spot. you could tell that he was trying to calm his breathing, the grip on your neck pinning you in place. “mind sayin’ that again?”you choked back a whimper, slightly shaking your head no. “i d-didnt mean—“
“you didn’t, huh? so why you been so mean since i got here?” he could feel you swallow. when you didn’t respond, twilight took a moment to sniff the air.
right, just like he thought. surely you wouldn’t talk to him like that for no reason. “how ‘bout you go sit your pretty self back on the bed? i’ll make sure that attitude’s dealt with.”
and that’s how you were tied up by your wrists and stripped bare in the span of 15 minutes.
there were bite marks littering your entire body, coloring your skin in different shades of reds, purples and blues. you trembled, tears decorating your lash line already while your lover sat in front of you and spanked your clit.
“can’t even go one day without me touchin’ this cunt? that’s a lil’ pathetic even for you, doll,” twilight hummed, landing another slap on your clit. you cried out, legs twitching in an effort to close. too bad twilight was absolutely fucking massive. “got me a runner, huh? you know that’s not gonna work, darlin’.”
your pussy was sobbing, a damp spot already formed on the sheets. your clit was so sensitive from his spankings and you didn’t think you could take anymore.
“i-i’m sorry, please let me go! i won’t do it anymore!”
“hm? i’m just givin’ ya what you wanted,” he smirked, thumbing at your over sensitive clit. you gasped, legs trying to close again. he never understood why you kept trying to stop him, you craved his touch. how could he deny you what you had been asking for?
“y’know what? i think you even deserve a reward for waiting for so long,” twilight said while lowering himself and pushing your thighs back, not even giving you a moment to brace yourself as his tongue attacked your swollen bud.
you let out a slutty moan, rolling your hips into his mouth. “ahhn, link!–” finally he was giving you what you wanted and more. you couldn’t help but yell his name, eyes rolling back in pure bliss.
even though he was upset with you, twilight only ever wanted to please you. his dick twitched in his pants at every gasp you let out. more, he needed to hear you more. he wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking at your gushing cunt. the tears finally started falling as you came abruptly, overwhelmed by his ministrations and your own sensitivity.
you twisted and turned in your restraints when he didn’t stop, drinking your cum like he hasn’t had water in days. “f-fuuuuck! quit it, let go let go!” you cried. he didn’t listen, not even for a second. instead, he dove his tongue even further into your cunt, viciously tongue fucking you towards your second orgasm. your legs shook in his grasp.
“please please i’m sorry! n-no, no more! too much!” twilight laughed into your cunt at your cries. where’d his tough little darling go? you had only cum once and he was far from done with you.
he kept tongue fucking you until he could feel you cum again, creaming all over his face. he sucked your poor pussy til there was nothing left, pulling away from your clit with a ‘pop’. you continued to shake, eyes squeezed shut. twilight ran his hands up and down your body, massaging the tense muscles. he didn’t need you cramping, he still hadn’t fucked you full of cum.
he gave you a minute before he spoke. “you said you’re sorry?” “mhm,” you whimpered in response. he smiled softly, grabbing your chin and kissing you deeply so you could taste yourself on his tongue. “how you gonna make it up to me? you thought i’d let ya off that easy, brat?” you flinched at his words. his tone was sinister, holding promises that tonight would not end well for you.
“y’know, i was thinkin’ ‘bout you all day. your pretty face never leaves my mind,” he spoke quietly. “neither does that pretty cunt. thought about how my sweet darling feels so good when i fuck them. after all, don’t i deserve something for dealin’ with that nasty attitude of yours?”
as mean as he sounded, he was testing you. seeing if you wanted to stop. after all of that? fuck no. you needed him to batter your pussy til it was sore. you whimpered once more as you nodded, which made your lover laugh.
“there’s my good doll. just needed me to take care of you, right? then you’ll stop all that bitchin’?”
he finally stripped himself of his clothing, making you drool at the sight of him. you squirmed once more, whining at him. “liiiiiiink!” his dick throbbed painfully at the sound of his name coming from you. “please lemme go, i wanna hold you too.”
you’re so damn cute. how could he say no to such a precious request? he was gonna destroy you.
twilight untied the rope binding your wrists, sighing dreamily when your arms wrapped around his neck. maybe he should let you get this needy more often.
“you ready, darlin’?”
“y-yes, please give it to me,” you whispered, looking him right in the eyes. he could’ve came right then and there.
slowly, he pushed his cock into you, the stretch making you hiss. it felt like he was splitting you open every time and you adored it. a broken moan left your throat, toes curling so hard it hurt. twilight was no better off, shuddering when his hips met yours.
“oh my— fuck, move!” you yelped. he started at an easy pace, letting you get used to his size. your eyes rolled into the back of your head, the pleasure sending you into a frenzy. hell, twilight could even feel you trying to fuck him back, your hips chasing his whenever he pulled back.
“that’s it, fuck, let me feel you,” he growled, gradually increasing his pace. your cunt was so wet, clenching around him so hard, he felt like he was in heaven.
“my p-precious darlin’ was just waitin’ for me, huh? needed me to bury my cock in ya? ‘s that all?”
“yes! yesyesyes, please! i love you so much, please!”
twilights pace stuttered, a choked groan tumbling out of his mouth. “i love you, too. gonna make me cum.” you were about to cum yourself, thighs shaking violently. you pulled him into a searing kiss that sent both of you over the edge. you were cumming so hard you couldn’t breathe, cunt squirting all over your husband and yourself. he moaned loudly, thrusts slowing but never stopping as he fucked his cum into you.
you started growing sensitive once more, begging him to stop, to take a break. but he couldn’t, not when you missed him so much and your pussy fucked him so good. twilight suddenly started fucking you at an animalistic pace, his grip on your hips bruising. you were screaming, certain that the entire village could hear you. your poor neighbors.
“fuckfuck, can’t stop, so fuckin’ good, need more,” he moaned out, throwing your legs over his shoulders. your back arched almost painfully. he was so deep you could only feel him. everything felt so good, too good, and you weren’t sure if you could handle any more.
“link, it’s too good! c-can’t take it! can’t— oh my— hahhhh!” your fucked out babbling was cut short as you came again, squirting all over the two of you once more. you felt so good, you were sobbing. twilight chuckled darkly.
“there ya go, jus’ like that. give me all of it til there’s nothin’ left, you hear me?”
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antvnger · 1 year
This is kind of an odd ask but I read before that you think after you die, you either go to heaven or hell. It got me thinking of myself as a child a loooooong time ago.
I remember being so scared that I was going to end up "down there" (hell, but innocent 8-year-old-me wasn't using that word lol). I swear, I was so scared of ending up in hell. I'm not even religious (wasn't back then either), so I have no idea why I was so scared of that. I know it's illogical and sounds odd.
Anyway, this whole rant is to ask: Have you ever felt scared of that? At any point in your life. Did you (or maybe even now?) have a genuine fear of ending up in hell? Really curious on how you feel about this.
((Hi Anon. Ant-Mun is going to take this one if that’s okay.
((So yes, to answer your question, yes, I remember being young and being afraid of the idea of going to Hell. I grew up in church, and I’ve been taught about God and Heaven and Hell, and I remember the things I learned about Hell scaring me. And I remember being completely petrified of ending up there forever. I mean, who wouldn’t be scared? Especially as a kid.
((But growing up in church, I’ve also been taught about the hope God offers regarding that, the hope of not going to Hell, and that’s through grace. God’s grace. I realize many don’t believe in God, and since you’re not religious, I don’t know your opinions about Him, but I definitely believe in Him. And I’ve been taught if you ask God to save you and forgive you of your sins, He will do just that and you don’t have to fear Hell anymore. You will never end up there if you’re saved by God’s grace. That’s what I believe. And I believe God had done just that for me and can do the same for literally anyone.
((So I once was afraid of Hell, but I’m not anymore. And I never have to fear it again. If this wasn’t the kind of answer you were looking for, I’m sorry. But it’s the best one I got.))
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curiousskelekitty · 1 year
Hey, I'm sleep deprived and blasted on weed, let's see the reasons why I think I'm autistic
I'm awakemd super from a super high nap. And it's by the smoke and smell of incenst and can't get back to sleep until incest was out and fan on
Eye contact? Either really focused on making it and not listening or focused on conversation and eyes Drifting away
Say exact same way of hello at job
And other things
Sensitive to wet and cold so much that made it part of her image
Staying awake to make this list
Even though I'm supe r high and running on 3 hors sleep, latte, and pizza and 4 hb eggs
Special interest in pokemon most of 26 year life
And loves child things like video game sand toys, special plush toys
And weird sex too
sorry tmi 
Holy ahky I discovered something abot me that I didn't know
Loves reading
And loud music during loud lunch during hs
Sensitive to loud noises like toilet as child
An dlole sonic
Oh shit
It late
Waited blanket for win! Special as adult
Fighting slep to write this once again
Super shy
Talked in labg with sister when 
Goes to speech therapy 
Because I don't talk
Or maybe lisp
Imaginary friends until second grade
First friend grade younger 
No friends in my grade until MIDLE SCHOOL
I think
Sorry no remember 
This list loooooong
Writing still very clean
Nose so dry
Oh shkt Don her 
He didn't say anything about me being up
I'm supposed to be asleep
Argue with my self 
Like all the time
I even fight with my ocs
Autism brain go
Special cartoon likeys 
Just explained idea for video for YouTube to boo and we might collaborate
My mouth so drunk 
Suuuuuper sensitive to socks on feet at night! Even in winter
But can't walk out iputaide without shoes 
Loves swimming
sinuses dry as hell  I can feel the air coming in my nose and down my throat
Also likes anime and furries
Has phases of certain likes or Dislikes
Like love reading but then don't love reading
Hating spicy for most of life
But finding a love from some as long as there's flavors 
Mexico is so pretty
Making list like this
All the time
Will hypet focus on certain things for maybe a week
And it goes in curses 
Ow though hurt for typing 
Do stretches kids
Never admitted to watching porn whe her life insists of romances 
Ever since litter
First lover
Cucumber Larry
When he gets suck on by giat alien ad hero
That turned me on
not even four years old
This might be really revealing about me and my life
This Is where I add more to the title of this video
To warn me of the dangers
Of whatever the fuck I'm on
Could probably make this list over 200 points 
Listn3s to music at night 
Might be slightly dyslexic 
Vocal Stimson
When found out about stimming
Showed more stimming
So mad
Just took like 1 min to fix stimmong to swimming 
Make little songs whole life
Wow hide in DC bathroom. And sing sad songs to my self
Don't really to that anymore
Ah shit it's late
I need to pee
Sleeps with toys still
Like stuffed animals
Once could not fall sleep until Carla into toybox
Only woke up because got hot
when I was little I was looking g in the mirror and ask if I was more otm boy or girly Gil and decided I was in the middle
If that not nonbinary as FUCK than what is
Thinking g about if the video went famous and FIL saw and reacted
Whole family know
Please be warned 
Really sensitive about certain flavores in certain tempt
Those might go on Tumblr though
Incous make a lookout of people laugh 
And no one would know
Damn thos list loomg
often godb what if whole world kno
I could go on and on
But I think I will conclude here 
Thank you everyone for reading
Good night
You wish
I'm very empathic
I forget words all the time
Especially with age
Always had bad memory
Selective hearing
Forms who they are around eho they with
But my baby let me be me❤️
Sinsirve tk sounds
I'm probably going to talk to my therapist about this list next week
Realized made horrible ablist joke in my head and realized it and was like tf why
Intrusive thoughts
Holly fuck
I can do this
And this
So easily 
I love animals 
Dep3ndent and independent at the same time
I'm still making the list dumbadd
My bad
Too much of a topical thing like lotion makes me feel icky 
Hated mosquitoe spray because of sticky residue and smell
Hayes perfume
Sensitive to some smells, like perfume
Body pray okay tho
And candles
Loves sweets
Can't focus on reading
Super aware of body
Hates being touched unexpected or by stranger
Said loved all colors and didn't have official favorite color until like first grade because didn't want to hurt other colors favorite
Still doesn't have least favorite color
But I'm not suppsoes to coll me that
Made day dreams befo3e bed every night
Had one going on for about a month
Googles everything 
Okay I'll go to 200
Then I'll go to sleep
Lover of computers when little
Still love them
Have several unwritten stories to tell, including like three books and three or more wannabe books
Wrote toriko slitty fanfiction church
Drew a the time
Sonic the hedged hog fan
Loves pun so much
Made up "Copper later" for funny goodbye
Lives all her sisters
And all bet peanut
Hates pumpkin guts and still hate the feeling of them
Picky eater
May13b first 2023
Special interest in music
Went into band for school ad a trumpet and played for most of life until high school graduates but was never good at it.
That sucks
I could've learned how to song better
Now that I realize my voice is good and can be better
Hates needles 
Loves crystals Spiritually
Believes in a carefree, unknowing god
Two more to go
Weird obsession with sex since really little
Oh shkt
Just remembered something
That I never told anyone! Fucm 
I won't tell you guys
Good night
I love you
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ram-de · 2 years
march vibes
woohoo it's another month of possible thing i want to do and track!! let's see how much of song i listen to the most do this month around.
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I think this month, I returned to mostly Japanese song again. I think the media I consume affect the song I listen to directly. Well, I guess song and music in itself is a media to consume too so! But. It's mostly new tunes too!
Brownie by Macico is honestly... I don't know what it's about LOL I looked up the lyrics and there isn't any about it, not even the original Japanese transcribe of the lyrics. It sounds really chill and cute though. I'll assume it's just a song about eating brownies (not sus)
I don't know how It's a Dragon Party got here??? It's a cute and poppy song with trumpets and all, about a dragon who does dragon thing, burning villages and killing people!! Hitoyama does a lot of these thematic and each song is usually self-contained story. I love when song is direct and just a fun way to tell a story...!
Wonder Neverland is a VTuber group song. I don't really watch VTuber (at least not anymore), they do a lot of music!! Be it company-mandated or self-initiated. The song itself gave me feel-good and cheer up feelings. I sort of get the gist with my weeb-level Japanese and it's a song to listen to when I feel down. I'm reading the translation right now. ;; And it sure is a hopeful song about dreams and trying again after mistakes, the ensemble vocal is good too...! Not to mention it's by kz too!
Selfish is an electro? pop? song, that I actually listen to a lot before. I'm glad I discovered it and that it exist in Spotify... I don't really understand what it's about. It seems like it's about a selfless person who feel the burden of it, perhaps someone said something about this person that made them feel upset or something. OH. Wait... I think it's told from someone regarding their friend who's so selfless, and that their friend doesn't really look at their own wellbeing first and foremost. It's as if they're saying, hey! be selfish for once, say what you want to say, listen to me! or something like that. I never thought about it like that before.
Dream Dream Yume Dream is basically a demo song for the Vocaloid Yumemi Nemu by NayutanSeijin! So it never really have an official MV or Youtube release. I found it by chance and I like it! Despite the weird pitchy vocal, it oddly fits NayutanSeijin aesthetic, with the whole planet and alien themes. After reading the translation of the lyrics, it seems like it's a character song for the character herself. It's aboud someone who loves sleeping so much because when they dreams, perhaps because when they dream they met someone they found dear with or just because they love the sleeping and dreams itself. It's a cute song!!
KA-GA-YA-KI-RA-RI-RA is a song from the franchise Love Live. I don't know anything about it except for the fact that I watched one of anime a loooooong time ago. It's a song by Kira and the Idol group Aqours! It's giving me crush K-Pop vibes, so cool! The vocaloid tuning is *chef kiss*, and the song itself seems to be about reaching out and spreading their songs?
11 vapor lamps is a super chill lo-fi kind of song? Pedestrian (the one who made this) have a theme!! And for this one... It's calming and giving some sort of regret-ish? Honestly from sound alone, it's a lonely song. Looking slightly at the translation, it seems like it's about someone after a breakup? Life seems mundane and repetitive, losing motivation and hope, and the city streets and lamps keeps reminding them of memories they kept. Perhaps?
Okay ngl, I'm lowkey burned out writing by this point. But PASTEL is another cute feel-good song!! I remember listening it when I was at the shopping center looking for something, mazariatta Pastel🎵 city is a Thai song about feeling alone in a big city? Something about, this city holds so much people living day and day and yet only you... Or something. I forgot! Though I fear, I still walk appears last month but it's still a heartfelt song as ever.
I don't have playlist so it's basically from shuffle and the song I recently added to Liked Songs but... This month has been pretty all over. I think it's good I'm rediscovering music I used to like and listen to. It felt like a proof that I've exist in the past and there's something about looking back at how I used to do:) anyway... be good to me April...!
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nfly5 · 2 years
Hello, hello! Your EXOLSS Secret Santa here! I hope it's okay with you, but when I checked your blog for "secret santa" keyword I see you joining another SS event? So I'm thinking I'll specify from which event I am just to spare you the potential confusion. ^^; And I hope you have fun with both events! :3
I'd also like to apologise for the loooooong overdue followup. Sigh, life. *vaguely gestures to everything* I hope your flu has gotten better, if not fully recovered!
OMG, yes!! I saw the comeback news! Right about time, too -- I'm still somewhat a Baby EXO-L and only recently finished listening to aaaall of the group's songs. I can't get enough of a lot of them so they've been on loop for days, but I also want new soooonnggsss! I reaaaaaally can't wait for the CB!! I wonder how their new songs will sound like, will they venture to new territories or stick with their upbeat hip-hop/rnb? Either way, I'm sure it'll be great! Especially if Baekhyun'll be there too. That vocals 👀 like, damn!
I've also seen your edits and gifs when scrolling through your blog. They're really well made but I hope you'll understand that I hesitate to rb them because I don't want to be found out. ≧︿≦ Once the cat's out of the bag, though, I'll be sure to reblog to my heart's content. :3c
Oh my gosh, I've talked so much and none yet about your gift! Well, umm, here's a quick one: what would be your top 6 Baekhyun eras/looks? Just, you know, curious. 👀
Hopefully in the next message I'll get to the gift questions quicker. ^^; Take care, and I hope you're having fun!! <3
hi! so sorry for the delay responding :( i'm just stuck in a terrible cycle of flu! cannot stop getting sick it's unbelievable, completely lost my voice in midst of job interviews week!
i'm organising a secret santa for n.flying this year hehe first time trying it out. i'm sorry you've stumbled upon my endless reblogs promoting it! i'm not personally participating so don't worry it's not confusing since i'm not expecting any other secret santa. i'll make sure to tag our conversations properly so you can find them easier (#exoss22) but let me know if you can't see my answers!
awww that's really sweet that you got into them during this group hiatus period, their music really is so timeless!! i absolutely agree, it's going to be so fun when they come back and all the new eras and promotions *fingers crossed*! i'm super curious about what kind of music they'll be back with as well. to be honest i just really need a part 2 of obsession era LOL that was peak creativity and a new musical height or me.
thank you so much for saying such kind words about my gifs, it really means a lot to me <3 i cannot wait for christmas!
ohh i have so many favourite baekhyun looks!! silver haired baekhyun during obsession, un village, blooming days and that whole end of 2017 kokobop era awards seasons omg. and i absolutely loved tempo and love shot looks, very very superior, flawless styling!!
i hope to speak with you soon again, take care too!
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disembowel-me · 2 years
extremely emotional and horny tonight babes sorry </3
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lossie92 · 3 years
Hiiii!!!! Madara for the ask game😁
Hello! My fave Uchiha? Sure thing! 😌
favorite thing about them
Is "basically everything" an option? Because if so, then that lol
least favorite thing about them
That he let himself be so easily manipulated by Izuna and Zetsu. And yes, I think Izuna manipulated Madara emotionally, using his terminal condition to push for more conflict because of anger and spite. I believe it was, for the most part, caused by Zetsu (or at least that's my theory, since canon, as always, gives us scraps only), and I understand that Izuna has trust issues, but still, I don't like it.
Also, I've read this super interesting MadaSaku fic a while back where Madara was revived after the Fourth War and decided to take a trip over the world to retrace his footstep and find out when Zetsu actually started manipulating him. The theory was that it happened much earlier than he imagined and yeah, that just made me hella sad for him, but also made me realize that Madara has a tendency to try and please everyone, which in the end ends up pleasing no one, including Madara himself.
favorite line
I have two, because despite being unhinged for the majority of his screen time, Madara actually says a few very smart things imo.
1. "Talking about peace, whilst spilling blood, it's something that only humans can do." This hits soooo hard and is very, very true. Nothing like starting a war to bring peace, eh?
2. "When you fall in love, you love with all that you’ve got. You must learn to bear anger, hatred, keep your ego and attitude aside and handle things with care, calmness, and love." This, once again, is very true. It also makes me sad for Madara. He certainly had a lot of capacity for love. If only the was no Zetsu and if he hadn't made some very questionable life choices...
Again, I have two: HashiMada and MadaIzu.
The first one... I simply prefer them as friends nowadays, largely because I think they work better this way, at least in my head, and also because I ship them romantically with other characters.
The second, because I obviously dig brotherly bonding and we got so little of it with these two, which is a shame, but I still love it.
MadaTobi! Obvious answer, I know. They have been living in my head completely rent free for close to a year now and there are no signs of it ending any time soon, which I'm very happy about, actually. Tbh I haven't drawn or written this much for a ship before, and I have been in this fandom for a loooooong time, so...
The other Madara ship that I enjoy (if done well!) is MadaSaku.
Anything with even hints of incest is automatically a no and, as mentioned before, I prefer HashiMada as a platonic ship these days.
random headcanon
Madara smokes weed to help with stress management. The specific mixture he uses was prescribed to him by a medic and this is actually what he puts in his kiseru.
unpopular opinion
Gotta be honest here, I don't care for the overblown flailing. There is very little evidence of adult Madara failing, even though he certainly has a temper, and I just think it doesn't particularly work with his character. Nothing wrong with it if you like him this way, obviously, but I just prefer him being written closer to what I gathered about his character from canon, I guess.
song i associate with them
Hmm I'll go with Razorlight's "Hostage of Love"
favorite picture of them
Not a picture, but a gif. I love this fight scene in general, but this particular fragment is just immaculate imo
Tumblr media
Send me a character...
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ofmusingsxandmayhem · 2 years
BIRTHDAY: 5th June
NAME: Pluto
ZODIAC: Gemini
Favorite Author: Not entirely sure I have one? Haven’t really thought about it. I loved reading Tolkein as a kid though.
Favorite Character from Literature: Following on from the last one, I always loved Eowyn - strong willed and doesn’t let people tell her what she can or can’t do
Favorite Music Genre: It depends on my mood, but I like most things (except the hardcore rock and screaming lol). But my go-to is any kind of instrumental/classical music (listening to some right now lmao)
Favorite Kind of Book: I quite like autobiographies. I like learning about people and hearing their stories.
Favorite Animal: Red panda 
Favorite Disney Cartoon: The Lion King
Favorite Video Games: I’ve not played proper video games for a long time. But I do have a laugh on Among Us of late.
Favorite Color: Once again, I don’t have just one. But I love red, yellow or turquoise. 
Favorite TV Shows: I’m super into Stranger Things of course. Really enjoying the various Disney+ shows too.
Favorite Mythology: Hmmmm not entirely sure. Haven’t done a lot of research into any but I do enjoy Norse.
Favorite Food: Pasta of any kind - or chocolate
Favorite Actor: I have so many I love and admire. But I guess I’ll go with my childhood icons and say Julie Andrews, Angela Lansbury and Dick Van Dyke.
Favorite Countries: I adore Austria, could keep going back over and over. Also love Singapore, and I’m eager to visit Dubai again. But I will always love my homes of England and Australia. 
CANON OR OC: Either? If it comes to writing, I can’t choose because canon is fun to explore but OCs don’t come with the pre-existing stuff. Writing opposite, I love both.
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RPING: Since 2010, on tumblr since 2012.
WHO IS YOUR CURRENT FC: Well I have a lot for my muses, and I don’t actually use one for ooc stuff. I think I used to use Merida from Brave.
FAVORITE GENRE: Anything I’m in the mood for? I do love angst and pain, but I adore little fluffy domestic things too
SOFT MUSES OR EVIL MUSES: More soft but I love evil too
WHAT IS YOUR PERFERED WRITING STYLE?: Para and multipara. I can do shorter replies but the one-liners or quick things I’ve seen around just really isn’t for me personally.
HAVE YOU BEEN ON OTHER PLATFORMS?: I started out on a Supernatural forum (yes the show lol) and then moved here. I tried facebook and twitter a loooooong time ago but they never worked for me. I think I just prefer the set up of here. This is my only platform now.
WHO IS YOUR TOP MUSE AT THE MOMENT?: Generally probably Oscar or Isabella? But I have a bunch and it can change up at any given moment lol
NAME YOUR MUSES YOU HAD IN THE PAST: I’ve got quite a few retired ones, still have their info just in case I ever brought them back. OCs: Ana Durant (Sofia Boutella -SHIELD agent), Caleb Embry (Ben Whishaw - a translator and part time stripper), Judy Gooding (Miranda Otto - psychologist), Rose Milner (Amy Adams - werewolf and teacher), Tony Castilla (Alfonso Herrera - vampire and bartender), Gwen Price (Sigourney Weaver - CIA director), Lewis Martin (Chance Perdomo - lit student and mutant), Natalia Dias (Daniela Ruah - werewolf and detective), Vic Reynolds (Michael Caine - history professor), Will Ashford (a fc who now makes me very uncomfortable so we won’t mention him - journalist). Canons: Napoleon Solo (Henry Cavill - from The Man from UNCLE), Hilda Spellman (Lucy Davis - from The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Louise Banks (Amy Adams - from Arrival), Giselle (Amy Adams - from Enchanted).
(Stolen from @wingsandahalo​ - tagging anyone who would like to do it)
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madsdefencesquad · 3 years
Do you think the answers Madison gave at her bachelorette party about her future and perfect day with Kevin could be a clue of what we will see next season?
Thank you for this prompt because I've been meaning to talk about the parallel of these scenes for a while now so here we go (and sorry because it's gonna be loooooong)!
The talk about the future is divided into two perspectives: Toby's and Miguel's.
Toby's version goes like this:
"They're never gonna make it. Nothing has changed. All [Jerry] did was deliver an incredible line to some divorce support group. Jerry's gonna work too hard, Dorothy's gonna resent him for that. And that little kid's gonna get the short end of the stick 'cause they'll never stop fighting, and soon he's gonna be mad and sad instead of adorable and precocious and I can just see their whole little family in this boat and the boat is just filled with holes."
Now young adult Kevin who was still married to Sophie then was this version of Jerry that Toby was talking about. The entire episode, the writers have shown us how easy it was for Kevin to be away from Sophie to the point that Sophie walks out frustrated because Kevin was just so nonchalant about their long-distance marriage.
I quote Kev, "Sophie and I were on different coasts for months, it was like super easy" and "it's no big deal". And Kevin keeps repeating this throughout the episode to the point that she finally loses it at him and asks, "how will this marriage even work?" and his response was all, "I don't know, Soph, it just will."
Now, Kevin goes and watches Jerry Maguire and like every moviegoer who takes on the personality of the movie they just watched straight after watching it, Kevin goes on full mission-statement mode and tells Sophie what she wants to hear about the future he pictures for them.
Now, take a moment to take in Kevin's line here where he says, "Jerry's the kind of character that decides what he wants and he goes for it."
Kevin writes the mission statement to appease Sophie because he got her upset (and also because he was called a "jackass" by his twin sister and was given disapproving looks by his mother).
And what of this seemingly amazing mission statement about their future together? Well, Kevin, using himself against himself, actually didn't want Sophie enough to make it really work with her. He chose his career over her which eventually caused their marriage/relationship to dissolve. Take note, this was also done the second time around when they were adults too. He was already in New York, determined to make it as a Broadway actor and he could've done so and stayed with Sophie but alas, once he was called to do a movie, he just packed up and left and made every excuse not to visit Sophie in NYC to the point that she had to come and surprise him. Anyway, that's for a different and (yet another long) post lol
Anyway, this is Toby's Jerry Maguire version of Kevin and Sophie. The one that didn't work and just won't work at all. Both time and circumstances included.
Now, sober, adult Kevin is the version of Jerry that Miguel was talking about. He says:
"Yes, there are some love stories that are written in the stars. There are other love stories... they're written together. Two people the universe had no plans for writing their story in the stars together. That's pretty fantastic too, isn't it? I think Jerry and Dorothy made it, Kevin. I really do."
Now, take note that before this speech, Kevin found the old mission statement that he wrote for Sophie and he laughed at it and even called it "embarrassing" because he knew that it was just a big fat laugh after all that's happened. He asks the question about how does one even know who to marry because obviously that one didn't work out and Randall could've done a typical Randall speech using his marriage with Beth as an example but instead, he calls Kevin's questioning "cold feet" because Randall knew that that Madison is the one for Kevin.
And that's why Miguel's speech hit hard because Kevin's finally enlightened by the fact that despite his and Madison's unconventional start, he knows that she's the one he's supposed to marry and wants to marry and that they can write their own love story in the stars together.
Now, finally to answer your question about Madison's vision of their future. Apart from the obvious parallel of Kevin not being able to answer and Madison catching his response to Jerry making that face during his own wedding with Dorothy, we can see now that they are on their way into making that future happen. Madison says:
"I hope we'll travel a lot and go out for long romantic dinners where we sit and talk until they kick us out. Like those older couples you see who still haven't run out of things to say to each other. Really, I just hope that things will slow down and we can sort of discover the world all over again. Together."
Note, the slowing down part. Everything's happened so fast for them and they haven't truly had a breath to slow down and take the time to truly discover each other let alone the world around them.
And anon, we are on track for this future together. It won't be Kevin's mission statement to Sophie that we'll see but this one that Madison had envisioned for them both, and if Kevin wants to add his own next season, then by all means! I hope he buys them an RV as a gesture of them growing old together and being like Madison's grandparents travelling from coast to coast together in their old age. It'll go well with Madison's "travel a lot".
Anywho, on track with Jerry Maguire's third act and the 'breakup' that is pretty much their release of breath, Kevin and Madison can finally slow down now and take the time to truly get to know one another and see each other in a different light apart from just being their kids' parent and the person they're supposed to be with because they both want that nuclear family.
And as Madison does her thang, depending on the damn writers, Kevin will either realise he's been in love with her all this time or fall much deeper in love with her as they co-parent which will lead to the "I love you/You complete me" Jerry Maguire confession at the end where Kevin finally gets the girl.
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claudemblems · 4 years
Request for a really fluffy birthday HC or imagine for Dimitri, Ashe, Felix, and Sylvain. Maybe they give them an unconventional gift or something? Ty!
Ask and you shall receive. I try to write for just three characters, but I decided to go ahead and write for Ashe as well because I can’t refuse making content for him <3 Hope you enjoy!
Note: Idk if you wanted the reader to give the gifts or the guys, so I made it the reader. Hope that’s okay!
Warning: This post is gonna be a loooooong one lol
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
It’s your dearest friend Dimitri’s birthday and you are getting that man a gift no matter how many times he tries to tell you it’s not necessary
But you’re kinda stuck because it’s like what the heck can you buy for a prince???
Dimitri has told you before about his loss of taste, and you know that he can only really notice any kind of flavor when the contents are really strong
So since you can’t really come up with an actual gift to give him, you decided that you’d try to cook a whole grand meal that he might be able to actually taste
Maybe it would end up being for nothing, but you at least wanted to try
It’s later in the evening when you bring Dimitri into the dining hall, the whole place empty except for the two of you
And Dimitri’s eyes land on one of the tables that has food taking up almost every inch of its surface
“Surprise I made you a four course meal haha”
Before Dimitri can tell you he won’t be able to taste anything, you remind him that you remember what he said to you before
You still  want to see if anything you cooked was strong enough (but still delicious) to be recognized by his taste buds
Dimitri can’t help but stare in shock at the amount of food you spent all that time making just for him. He’s really touched. You went above and beyond to make his birthday special
His day gets even better when he takes a bite out of his first course and he realizes: he can taste it
And holy Sothis it’s literally the finest meal he’s ever had
He’s so torn between just eating it all at once or carefully enjoying every bite
The smile on his face instantly makes all of that work worth it
After all of the courses, Dimitri shyly asks if you could cook for him again some time. The food was absolutely delicious, and it helped that he could actually taste it, of course
You said you’d be happy to cook for him for the rest of his life if that’s what he wanted
He doesn’t get what you mean at first until you say all it would take is a promise to spend the rest of your lives together followed by a wink for good measure
Thank Sothis you promptly left the dining hall after that because he’s now a blushing mess
Felix Hugo Fraldarius
Felix has to be the most difficult person in the world to get gifts for
When you ask him what he wants for his birthday he’s just like “I don’t need anything I just need to focus on training” like,,, SIR
He doesn’t see the point in giving him a gift just because he’s a year older
But dang it you’re stubborn and you’re giving this man SOMETHING
But what? A sword? New gloves? Equipment to help repair his swords???
Do you see the issue here
He doesn’t take in an interest in anything but training
You’re gonna have to give yourself plenty of time in advance to come up with some relatively good gift idea
Eventually you come up with an idea and, of course, it has something to do with swords
You try not to make a big fuss when his birthday finally arrives because you know Felix is already going to hate all the attention he’s going to get from his friends
He just really doesn’t like birthdays lol
So you keep it lowkey, treating him like normal, just enjoying spending the day with him
It’s not until the two of you go into the training grounds that you ask Felix to wait a minute before you start your regular sparring session
When he asks what’s going on, you tell him that you have something to give him for his birthday
He’s already got that scowl on his face that you knew he’d don, but you tell him that you were going to get him some sort of gift whether he liked it or not
That’s when you place the wrapped gift in his hands and he sighs a moment before weighing it in his hands, wondering what it is
When he opens it, you watch how his eyes widen and how he stares at it in awe
You’d given him a custom-made sheath for his sword, his name engraved into the metal
Felix looks up at you and begins to ask how much it was, that he couldn’t accept such an expensive gift
You shake your head and tell him not to worry about it. You wanted to get him something he could use for a long time, and this was the perfect choice
Felix stares at it for a few moments before he gazes at you with a soft look in his eyes, thanking you for such an incredible gift
Honestly seeing the genuine happiness on Felix’s face makes that gift worth every cent
Felix is quick to toss his old sheath aside and replace it with his new one, marveling at how well it matches his style
You do pay a lot of attention to him. You can’t count the amount of times you’ve stared at him without him knowing
“This will be with me wherever I go, and whenever I look at it, I’ll be reminded of you”
It wasn’t supposed to be that poetic and romantic and the moment Felix realizes what he said his whole face turns beet red
“I-I mean...nevermind. Let’s spar. As much as I like this sheath, I don’t want my sword to be in it forever.”
Spending all that time figuring out the perfect gift definitely turned out more than worth it
Sylvain Jose Gautier
Being Sylvain’s girlfriend is a gift in itself
1) because you actually managed to get the skirt-chaser to settle down and 2) Sylvain has actually told you that you’re the best gift he could have ever asked for
Bro why is he so sweet and smooth at the same time :,)
But his birthday is coming up and you’re clueless on what to get him
Doing something really cheesy and romantic sounds like something he would do (and has done probably dozens of times)
So you want to make this gift count
The weeks went by and still, no thoughts, head empty, you’re going to lose it if you can’t come up with a solution
Eventually you decide that you’re just going to make him something, cause gifts made from the heart are always the best ones, right?
When Sylvain’s birthday arrives, you make sure to shower him in the utmost affection, reminding him that you care about who he is, not what he has to offer
He’s loving every minute of it you can just see it in his face
Most of the day is spent going to classes, having lunch with him, Dimitri, Felix, and Ingrid in the dining hall, and checking things off the day’s schedule
Later in the afternoon you shyly ask Sylvain to come to your room because you want to give him something
He tries to crack a joke at that and he nearly gets smacked on the head
But when the two of you finally make it to your room, you’re getting really nervous, thinking about just throwing your gift in the trash
You worry that Sylvain will be disappointed or that it’s nothing like he wanted and that he’ll be offended that you’d give him such an awful gift—
Sylvain has to pull you back to reality and get you to sit down on the bed before you end up fainting
You muster up the last bit of courage and take the presents out of your pocket: it’s a pair of matching bracelets you made yourself; one for you, and one for Sylvain
When he goes quiet for a few moments, you start rambling out loud, saying that you “knew you should have just bought something instead” and that your idea was so stupid
But then you hear soft sniffles coming from beside you
He explains to you that he’s just so touched that you’d spend so much of your time making such a perfect gift for him, knowing you wanted to make sure just how much you cared for him
He immediately slips on the bracelet and grins, saying that whenever he looks down at it, he’ll think of you
Now you’re slipping your matching one onto your own wrist, admiring it in the light
Whenever it catches your eye, you’ll be thinking of Sylvain, too
Ashe Ubert
Everyone in Garreg Mach absolutely adores you
But no one adores you as much as Ashe
If you looked in the dictionary for the definition of whipped, there would be a picture of Ashe there
Because you love this darling man to the moon and back, you are determined to give him the best present he’s ever received in his life
It takes you awhile to figure out what you want to get him since Ashe isn’t one to ask for much
He’s learned to treasure what he has and finds pleasure in the simple things in life
Still, you want to give him something just as a display of thanks and to show that you’re whipped for him too
You ask the other Blue Lions for some ideas, and everyone has wildly different suggestions
Annette and Mercedes suggest baking him treats, Sylvain says to treat Ashe to a date, Felix says that Ashe needs to work on training more
Finally the day of Ashe’s birthday arrives. You make sure to smother your favorite boy in affection (which always leaves him blushing bright red in front of everyone)
You spend the whole day right by his side getting all your daily chores done
But in the middle of the day, the rest of the Blue Lions “coincidentally” leave you and Ashe by yourselves in the dining hall
You just finished preparing a meal with Ashe and you two are sitting down to eat when you pull a letter out of your pocket, handing it to him
You watch Ashe scan the letter’s contents, his eyes gradually widening as he takes everything in
“We’re going on a mission near my hometown?” “Yep. I informed the Professor of some issues that have been going on over there, and she’s sending the two of us to go resolve them.”
Ashe just gapes at you. “But why?” “Oh, I don’t know. I just thought maybe someone would like to go visit their little siblings or something. I mean, you’re a full-fledged knight now. They’d probably think you’re so cool. Maybe.”
A squeal leaves your mouth as Ashe rises up from his seat and runs over to you, enveloping you in his arms
“You really did all this for me???” “Yes. Happy birthday.”
Ashe’s embrace is tight and warm, making you melt into his touch. He’s peppering you face and hair with kisses, unable to wipe the grin off his face
“What did I do to deserve you?” “What did I do to deserve you?”
The Blue Lions spying on the whole ordeal playfully roll their eyes or quietly clap their hands in victory. Even Felix seems to be glad to see you two happy
“I can finally meet your siblings! I wonder if they’ll like me…”
Ashe takes your face into his hands and locks eyes with yours. “They’ll love you.”
He presses a sweet kiss to your lips and you place your arms around his neck, the both of you oblivious to the crowd watching from beyond
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moonflower-rose · 3 years
For your boredom asks! Do you fancy talking about your fic writing and reading habits? How do you decide what to write? What's your favourite thing about fandom? Do you plan or are you a pantser? What's your favourite fic? When did you start writing? (Just throwing these out there btw, feel free to ignore any or all!)
Firstly, thank you, omg. I needed something to focus on so much! This got loooooong. You are brilliant, thank you so much for asking.
I started writing in 2004 in terms of putting fic out there online, but I used to write RPF in high school about people in my year, lol, and there were dramatic readings held on the bus on the way home. Man, those were funny, I remember one of them was about two friends of mine who had very poorly disguised crushes on each other (no clue why they didn’t just get together) and the story was about one of them visiting the other one and they start to shag, and do so with such vigour that the floor collapses beneath them and their bed ends up in the living room downstairs. This one was extremely popular with the bus crowd, circa 1998. Looking back I think I’ve always used a fair amount of humour in my fic!
I’m not a good planner, I would LOVE to be a planner. I have a lot of ideas like literally all the time, and I keep track of them all using Trello, but I very rarely do any sort of genuine planning. I generally have a really persistent idea or scene that won’t leave me alone until I start writing it, and then wing it from there and hope my muse doesn’t abandon me in the middle. It causes all sorts of problem with writing myself into a corner or having to go back and re-read a million times to remind myself of plot details from the beginning. I think that’s why I don’t have more finished work or anything long - lack of planning!
As far as how I decide what to write, the ideas kind of decide for me because it either starts flooding out of me uncontrollably or its little sluggish trickles. The floods are so much more fun because my motivation is high, it feels great to be smashing out words, that makes more ideas flow, it’s like a huge buzz. The other kind is so painful, lol, like I desperately want to write the thing but the fact that it’s so difficult makes me want to lie down and sleep. Writing for fests is a lot easier, because there’s a deadline I have no control over that forces me to buckle down, and there’s a prompt to focus on which means I can’t procrastinate over my own ideas. I don’t know if that makes sense. It’s the structure I guess that helps me be productive. I have something like 20 WIPs of my own ideas because I lose focus, lol, but I’m determined to finish them all one day.
My fave thing about fandom is that other people have the same hyperfixation/s I do, and that we can lose our minds about them together. I have tried to talk to a couple of RL friends about fanfic and when I’ve had a successful (in my estimation!) piece, but they don’t get it, lol. Like, once someone bookmarked one of my fics and said something like it made them feel like their heart had been microwaved, and I loved that SO MUCH, and I told my work BFF who just looked confused. The pure joy of frantically exchanging DMs about something you’re obsessed with, to someone who is equally obsessed, ugh, such joy.
Fic reading habits - in the early days, I would read every new thing in whatever fandom I was in, literally every single one. But since my long fandom break (2012 to about 2017), it’s been more accidentally stumbling over things, or recs from people I’m following. Normally I start following people because of THEIR fic, so 99% of the time if they love something, I’m going to really enjoy it too. As soon as I find a fic I enjoy, I then read everything that author has written in a huge binge. I also tend check out their bookmarks as well. I find it very hard to stop when I’ve started, I will 100% start a 100K fic at midnight on a Monday with no sense of self preservation, and on occasion I have made excuses for RL activities so I can stay home and start/finish a fic, lol.
I truly could not pick a favourite fic, there are too many. I try to bookmark everything on AO3 because so many wonderful fics were lost on LJ with account deletions, and old archives going offline over the years. I can re-read Far From The Tree by aideomai a million times, and Only A Kiss by @writcraft breaks me into lil teeny pieces every time. Gosh there are just so many good things out there. Now I’m probably going to re-read Only A Kiss again, lol, whoops.
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a3theatrejunkie · 4 years
Don’t be silly Wrap your Willy!
Hanasaki Private Academy, St. Flora Middle School, and Ouka High school Students have to take care of a baby for a school project. For more context look at this post
Hanasaki Private Academy- They got robot baby dolls
St. Flora Middle School- They got Eggs. Each of the eggs have the St. Flora logo printed on it to prevent students from 
Ouka High School- Got bags of flour to be made into a baby,just random bags of flour.
Masumi is doing pretty well with the baby, she doesn’t cry much.(That’s because you have your headphones in. dumbass.) He gets a full nights sleep too. (That’s because Tsuzuru is usually up and takes care of her out of habit.)Tries to get the director to marry him this way. “Please. I’m a single father. My daughter needs a strong role model.” “Her name is Izuumi. Get it? It’s our names put together.” He and Sakuya talk about their children like their real.
Sakuya is baby and now he has a baby too. His child’s name is Romeo, he couldn’t think of anything else. He has a realistic experience with the baby, late night feeding, baby crying during rehearsal, and struggling to budget with a new member. Grows attached to the baby fast, his own little baby, his family. Doesn’t want to seem rude but gets nervous when other members of  Mankai holds his baby. “O-okay but take his burp cloth! and make sure his neck is supported. A-and!....” “Sakuya I’ve got like 12 younger brothers.” He cried when the assignment was over.
Itaru “Can we get an ‘F’ in the chat?” He remembers having one of those robot babies,their annoying and cut into his free time. Apparently you can use a strong magnet to mess up the sensors and get an easy A. Haphazardly holds the babies to play video games, He’s never been asked to hold the babies since.
“Sakuya...Masumi...” Tsuzuru worries about him getting too attached to the baby and Masumi using the baby to flirt with the director. Gave both of them some old baby clothes so they wouldn't have to buy any.
Citron loves the new members of the Spring troupe! He gives... interesting advice. “Do not worry! I’ve helped over a thousand woman and a thousand elephants give birth!” :D
Yuki made cute little clothes for his egg and carries it in an equally cute basket. He was actually excited for this project so he could practice making children clothes but unfortunately St. Flora gave them eggs instead of the dolls. His child is named Omelette, because that’s what’s their gonna be after the project is over. While creating a budget as part of the care assignment spent over $400 of clothing. 
Muku keeps forgetting his egg everywhere he goes, he’s doing his best. His egg has a little crown on top of their head. The eggs name is Endymion, he’s gonna grow up to be the best prince ever. A some point  he forgot where his egg was and accidentally knocked it off his desk. It broke. Muku cried, the Summer troupe held a funeral and the egg prince is buried in the Mankai courtyard. He didn’t fail since he completed all the budgeting, and other sidework that came with the project but lost a good chunk of points.
Tenma is adjusting. “Why can’t I just hire a nanny? It’s in my budget.” “Well what are the chances you’ll actually become a famous actor?” “???....?!...?!?......” Anyway he hates having to carry this stupid bag of flour, the paparazzi is gonna have a field day with this. Named his child Tenma Jr. and he’s also gonna become an actor. Tenma practically spent all of his budget on luxury items, designer clothes, foreigner cars, and a million dollar house. Forgets about utilities, “What the hell is rent???”  Not adjusting well. Doesn’t help that Yuki calls his child, Hack Jr.
Kazunari- LOL! He remembers having to do that when he was still in grade school. He ‘Babysits’ while the younger actors are working or doing a scene. He’s the best uncle ever! #Blessed💖💖💖💖 Offered to redraw the ST. Flora logo onto a store bought egg when Muku’s broke, but Muku’s an honest prince, so he and Yuki decorated a coffin for the funeral.
“Poor Muku, You’re egg broke but it became a bunch of mini triangles!” Misumi didn’t help much. 
Surprising or not, Sakyo is the most serious about the assignment. “Children are expensive and time consuming.”  Whether It’s a bag of flour or a robot doll, Sakyo makes the students of Autumn troupe take proper care of the children.He helps the students that need to make budget though.
“Hyodo if you don’t get get you child off the damn floor i’m calling your school and reporting you for Negligence.”
“I don’t know Nanao, are you gonna pay me to watch your child?”
Worst Grandpa ever
Omi is a little more helpful, but he agrees with Sakyo that this is an important assignment. While in school he totally bombed the assignment, but as an ex- delinquent he’s seen a few people start families waaaayy too young, It’s very stressful. Doesn’t want that for any of the Autumn Troupe. He’s willing to hold onto to the babies free of charge. Nice Grandma, probably gonna turn her grandkids into dinner
Taichi is already on thin ice with his school, he turned his flour baby into a monster child,(Ya know the little monster character he’s always drawing)
“Haven’t you seen Alien?!?!?”
Now he has the struggles of raising an alien child as a single father in highschool. “His name is Zognoid XJ-9″ 
It was fun at first for Banri, a new challenge approaches, but now the Baby is cutting in on his gaming time and what ever else it is he does. It hard to be a tough guy when your carrying a doll around. Considered taking out the batteries, but if Sakyo found out he’d fail the project. His baby is named Majima.
Juza was kind of excited for the project, maybe it would make him seem less intimidating, but no, it seems he’s gotten into more fights due to this sack of flour than before. No matter he’ll project this baby with his life, he calls her pudding. All was well until fuckin’ Settsu started calling his daughter a ‘cocaine baby’ Juza threw a few insults back and Banri punched him...in the baby. Flour went everywhere. Juza saw red. He grabbed Banri’s babydoll and though him outside into the street. People saw. Thought it was a real baby. The police were called. Sakyo had to call in A LOT of favors and explain it was just a doll. Both him and Settsu nearly failed and got chewed out by Sayko for almost ruining the companies image. 
They had separate funerals, once again buried in the Mankai court yard
Tsumugi thinks its great the kids are learning responsibility and that childcare is no joke. Brought flowers to the funerals.
“Oh! THE WOAHS OF CHILDREN, BUT THE LOVE OF A LITTLE JOY YOU TAKEN INTO TO YOUR SOUL.” Homare find this amusing and inspirational. He remembers his egg project and how- blahblahblah. Gave nice loooooong eulogies during all the funerals.
Azuma thinks it’s funny, he’s old so he never had to experience the baby project. Although the sight of seeing these new families makes him a little sad. Better drink some sake.
Tasuku “What the fuck is wrong with y’all.”
 Hisoka I’m Sleep.
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v-hope · 3 years
Hi! I saw the ask talking about the pill and IUDs. From my personal experience of having an IUD, you need to do research on what type of IUD you want. I've got the copper one that you need to replace every 10 years. Now before I got mine, I've always had extremely painful, heavy and loooooong periods. I was told to go on the pill, but I'm a horrible pill taker and I was scared about fucking around with my hormones like that so I opted for the IUD. It is so uncomfy when it gets put in, and the first week I could feel it everytime I moved ;-;
But after that it was all good! But unfortunately my periods have gotten heavier in flow and some cramps feel worse than before. I know there are hormonal IUDs as well (once again didn't want to fuck with those personally) and I believe there is a plastic one that needs to be replaced every 5 years. Now this isn't me discouraging from getting one! Not at all, I'm just saying learn about all types of them before deciding which is best for you 😁 I find it so sad when I see women talk about IUDs like there's only one type :( (not saying this is you) we need more education on these things ;-;
yeah, honestly i only knew about the copper one bc that’s the one my mum and cousin have, so i always thought that was the only one that existed (my lack of sex ed is showing lol), and hence i wanted to get that one but i read that you can only get it if you have given birth before and now that i read about your periods getting heavier in flow and your cramps getting worse i don’t think i’ll ever want it 😬 mine are so bad as it is, to the point of almost passing out a couple of times, so no thanks, i would die with the copper one then jsñaksñs.
someone already told me about the plastic one though and i looked it up and i’m gonna try and get that one! still will ask a gynecologist but i think so far that’s the one that’s convinced me the most, since i am also an awful pill taker lmao, like i do take my anxiety and anemia meds everyday but not always at the same time and with birth control ones it needs to be taken at the same hour everyday and i just... nope, won’t work out for me lol
thank you so much for sharing your experience with me! 💕
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 259: Jakku General Hospital
Previously on BnHA: We chilled with Hawks and Twice, who filled us in on the various different facets of Pliff’s plan to fuck over the world. For starters there are like a dozen new bad guys who are each heading different Pliff regiments, just in case anyone forgot that this is a literal army we’re dealing with here. Hawks also reminded us of the fact that Twice can clone basically any one of the bad guys as many times as he wants now, so that’s a nicely terrifying thought to sit and mull over. We learned that once Tomura is done powering up, the villains intend to attack all over the country simultaneously and basically destroy society as we know it. Oh and also kill all the heroes of course. But I think we already knew that. Anyway, so the one bright side in all of this is that Twice naively let it slip to Hawks where Tomura was currently undergoing his Frankenstein procedure. And so the chapter ended with basically all of the heroes in Japan launching a surprise attack in the mountains of Kyoto, while the kids waited on standby to help with the evacuations. And I know that doesn’t sound very safe, but... well... shit.
Today on BnHA: A quiet morning in the Kyoto suburb of Jakku. All is peaceful -- or so it seems. Little does the elderly CEO of Jakku General Hospital (a stand-up citizen, philanthropist, and caretaker of orphans all across the country) know that lying in wait just outside his doors is a group of wicked and immoral HEROES ready to -- okay lol you know what, I can’t. Not sure what I was really going for there anyway. So! Meanwhile in the woods outside the ol’ villain hotel, a second group of heroes led by Edgeshot and featuring several child heroes in training, including KAMINARI WHO WAS LITERALLY JUST BORN YESTERDAY AND SHOULD BE AT HOME IN HIS NURSERY WATCHING PAW PATROL AND NOT OUT HERE IN THE WOODS WHERE HE IS IN TERRIBLE DANGER, is gathered and ready to attack the League’s main forces. So things kick off with Death Arms apprehending the traitorous Slidin’ Go, while elsewhere the heroes bust into Jakku General Hospital to capture Ujiko. Show of hands, who here thinks this is going to go smoothly? ...Yep. Yeah. That’s what I thought.
okay guys, before we get started I’m gonna answer a couple of relevant asks from last week. first:
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I’m almost hesitant to talk about this, because I’m paranoid that Viz and co. could pounce on these sites again at any moment, and so I feel like this sort of thing is better left to private messages and discord servers. but I guess one little mention of it won’t hurt. so the site currently doing the scanlations is readheroacademia.com, which has been around for a while. and there are several other sites which also host the new chapters and have all of the old chapters archived as well. kissmanga is a big one which I know a lot of people use, but my personal favorite is readmha.com (idk, I just feel like its layout is... cleaner? if that makes any sense)
also do keep in mind that all of these sites are pretty ad-heavy, so I wouldn’t recommend visiting without a good adblocker at the ready (I generally use Chrome on both desktop and mobile, and have uBlock Origin and Disable HTML5 Autoplay enabled on my desktop browser). that being said, I’ve never had any issues myself
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good question! I was actually thinking about doing a weekly follow-up post on Sundays after the official Viz translation comes out, but obviously I did not end up doing that last week lol. so now I’m thinking it might be easier for me to just post any subsequent thoughts/remarks in the following week’s chapter recap, since I’m already committed to doing those anyway and so it makes it harder to flake out
so that said, my one follow-up thought about chapter 258 is that the fan scanlation seems to have mistranslated that whole “AFO’s resurgence” part. in Viz’s version Hawks was instead saying that the PLF’s plans would “throw the world into chaos and enthrone Shigaraki atop the rubble.” and he then referred to Tomura as the second coming of All for One. sooooo, pretty much exactly the opposite of the other translation lol. this is a big blow to my continued effort to search for evidence that AFO is gonna come back and be the final villain, but I am still not deterred. we will continue to fight on until AFO either actually dies, or does come back like I keep predicting he will! please try to work with me a little better here, AFO
one other thing, instead of “New World Movement”, Viz used the same “Vanguard Action” regiment name that was used during the forest training camp arc. Caleb said that the wording (“kaibyaku koudou”) was exactly the same. so I’ll be using that too moving forward. I guess that means that Pliff is still on the menu though, pity
anyway so let’s get started now
so it’s a house... no, holy shit, wait, it’s the house!
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THE NEW TODOROKI HOUSE OH MY GOD. ahhhhh lol what the fuck is this. Todofeels coming up to slap me in the face out of nowhere?! here I thought we were gonna just dive right into the Shigaraki raid and the resulting carnage
I’m... not really sure how I feel about this? like, right now I’m not trusting anything Horikoshi does lol. “quiet beginnings” you say? this is just a sneaky new way to bring me more pain. isn’t it
(ETA: I guess “quiet beginnings” also summarizes the other activities of this chapter pretty well. also is that Natsuo’s girlfriend??! at first I thought it was Rei, but those look like quirk-related ears? so Natsu then really is living his best college life huh.)
oh hey everyone it’s a brand new character!
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(ETA: wait, is he actually quirkless? or is that just another LIE. you big LIAR.)
I’m so curious what the kanji is for this latest name. can’t wait for Caleb to enlighten us. I wonder if it’s “shi” as in “death”, just like with Tomura/AFO’s name. and no idea at all what “Maruta” means. basically I just want to know if there’s some pun or something, since yet again he’s obviously using a fake alias here
(ETA: so someone informed me in an anon ask that this is a reference to Unit 731, which was a Japanese unit that undertook lethal human experimentation during WWII. basically the people who conducted the experiments referred to their human subjects as “logs” to dehumanize them. and the Japanese word for log is, you guessed it, maruta. so that’s an extremely powerful and disturbing association for this name, and it’s obvious now why Horikoshi went with it.
that said, the anon said that some people were really upset by this name choice, and while I guess I can understand that, I also think that’s kind of the point, though? like, it’s supposed to be horrifying. anyone with a human conscience and any kind of empathy whatsoever should be horrified. and atrocities like that shouldn’t be forgotten, and I actually think that for someone born and raised and living in Japan like Horikoshi to be making a reference to this is fairly ballsy. because my understanding is that, like a lot of Japan’s other war crimes, it was more or less hushed up by the government afterwards, and isn’t really taught in schools or mentioned in history textbooks other than in passing. so while I can understand people maybe finding it disrespectful, I don’t think it was meant as such. it seems to me that if anything, Horikoshi wants people to look into it and be educated about it. and again, obviously he’s associating it here with easily the most reprehensible and morally sickening character in the entire series, which is fitting I think. anyway so those are my thoughts on that.)
anyway, guess what guys? looks like we’ve got ourselves another Star Wars reference! let’s just hope this particular Jakku doesn’t wind up as wrecked as its namesake when all’s said and done. it’s gonna be a loooooong day
you guys. Maruta is such a nice guy
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he’s a philanthropist! and he runs orphanages all over the country! wow! what a great person!! and nursing homes as well, where residents presumably die on the regular (of old age and other natural causes no doubt), at which point they are presumably cremated, and I wonder who runs the cremation facilities? I’m sure whoever it is is definitely on the up-and-up
and “quirk-based community healthcare.” I wonder if they’re selective about who they treat based on what their quirks are. all the better to make sure people with particularly strong and/or unique quirks get the specialized treatment they need!
anyway. see, this is more like what I expected. some super dark shit, and finally some answers to a few long-established questions as well, but not without a price. that price being the churning feeling in my gut right now lol. oh man. well I just ate, so that might have something to do with it. but I tell ya, nothing makes you vaguely queasy like trying your best not to think about a massive conspiracy to kidnap and torture innocent children in the pursuit of ultimate power! so anyways I sure do hate this!
fffff like, really hate it. I HATE IT SO MUCH
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[reluctantly goes ahead and slides AFO down one notch on my list of people I need to see die the most] well there it is. we have a new champion
so now we’re cutting to a hero briefing!
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so Nao says he had one of his guys go undercover to investigate, and they found that this hospital’s blueprints included a giant suspicious unlabeled place that nobody knows anything the fuck about
oh my god. you guys. forget Tomura, could that also be where they’re keeping the Noumus?? omg. omg omg omg. omgggggggggggg. omg
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come on, is Pixie Bob the only one of you here with normal human reactions or what?!
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lol Nao
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oh yes, not difficult at all. I’m sure he’ll come along real quietly. hey, let me know how that one works out, okay
“we have the trauma of Hosu and Kamino still haunting us.” thanks for that reminder. gonna have another city to add to that list real soon aren’t we. preemptive r.i.p. Jakku
oh man you guys. can you feel this tension building up
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interesting how he says “destiny.” I wonder if that’s the actual dialogue. at any rate this overconfidence is terrifying and I would really like for you all to stop jinxing shit my dudes
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holy shit. please tell me this is a separate group from the Endeavor group we saw at the end of the last chapter
but that doesn’t make any sense though, because this group has Midnight and Kamui, two of their deadliest and most efficient capture specialists. not to mention Edgeshot the literal ninja who can break into anywhere. so this really should be the vanguard here based on what I’m seeing, but if that’s the case why are the eighteen-year-old Tamaki and the sixteen-year-old Toadette right there with them?? can we not, you guys. can we not
fucking shit. at least they’ve got Ms. Joke there too to back them up. if we actually get to see her quirk in action I can die happy. and so, presumably, will the villains
so the “hospital team” (is that the Endeavor team??) said they’re gonna eliminate the villains’ warping ability, which presumably means John-kun. do they even know it’s him that does it?? they don’t seem to actually know who Ujiko fucking is so I have my doubts?
on the bright side though, it seems like this Midnight team is actually going to be raiding the mansion, and won’t be involved in the hospital raid. but on the less bright side, the mansion is arguably almost as dangerous. :/ that’s where Twice is!! and probably most of the League! but at least they don’t have a dozen Noumus in the basement just waiting to be unleashed
god. people, if we don’t get moving on this action soon I am going to give myself a damn heart attack. this is way too much suspense for a chill Friday night
son of a bitch that guy behind Toadette is Honenuki, I just realized. what the fuck, U.A. ?? “hey kids! guess what! we’re going on a field trip!!” ...
-- NO!!!!!!
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IT WILL NOT BE ALL RIGHT!! DON’T YOU LIE TO THEM!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!! Tamaki, fine, okay, he’s experienced, and arguably more powerful than half the people there. Toadette, she’s just a kid, but she also tried to kill Tokoyami back during the joint training arc and I’m still not sure how I feel about that so whatever! Honenuki is probably the most responsible person in this entire group so fine. Tokoyami needs to be there to have a lot of angst about Hawks
but Kaminari. Kaminari fucking Denki. no. no, sir. excuse the fuck out of me. how fucking dare you. he is a five-year-old boy in the body of a high-voltage adolescent. and he’s maybe, just maybe, more powerful than anyone else in this fucking group but that still doesn’t give you the right to put this little baby boy RIGHT ON THE FRONT FUCKING LINES!! holy shit! HIS BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS!! I DON’T LIKE ANY OF THIS
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RIGHT?!?!? omg omg omg omg omg
he’s literally wailing “I miss class 1-A” so loudly that it’s echoing all the way through the forest. see now that’s why you DON’T TAKE KAMINARI WITH YOU ON YOUR SECRET STEALTH ATTACK MISSION!! would somebody please point me towards whoever’s fucking idea this was so that I can go kick their fucking ass please and thank you
and here are the rest of them oh my god
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Momo, Mina, Jirou, and Kiri at the forefront. okay, fine. this, I do like
so Edgeshot says they’ve surrounded the villains on all sides. man, no wonder they’re so worried about their warping capabilities. this is basically their one chance to capture all the bad guys in one fell swoop. I guess it makes more sense why all their capture specialists are in Edgeshot’s group, then
now I’m starting to wonder exactly what task lies in store for the Wonder Trio’s group, though? because they said evacuation, but is that really all there is to it? it’s no secret that Bakugou, Deku, and Todoroki are the three strongest interns they have. so you’re really expecting me to believe that they put baby Denki there on the front lines and yet plan on keeping their heaviest hitters in reserve? Nao is there more to this plan that you’re not telling us
oh shit Endeavor wants to know where his adopted chicken son is at
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it genuinely does warm my heart to see Endeavor worrying about Hawks. I’m glad Hawks has at least one person out there who actually gives a shit about him. even if that person is mister father of the year here. the plot thickens
I wonder if Enji would actually die to save Hawks, if it came to that. which I’m not saying it would. but we all know some fucking shit is about to go down so I’m just having these thoughts here okay!
Nao always looks so tired nowadays. man
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so he clearly does know who Endeavor’s talking about, though. one of these days I’d like to get a clearer understanding of what exactly Naomasa’s rank is and how high he is in terms of clearance, because the idea that he’s actually privy to more information than the number one fucking hero is kind of bonkers to me, ngl. this guy is literally just a detective, right?? not even a commissioner or anything. and yet he’s involved in everything. I used to suspect that he might be the traitor lol, and while I’m pretty sure by now that’s not the case, I’m still curious as to exactly what his deal is. does he even have a quirk?? anyways
so now Endeavor is hmphing and stomping off, and meanwhile there are some closeups of Mic and Aizawa
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is that a whistle. do you guys think Mic could literally kill a man with his voice. shit. why do I kind of want to see it happen
as for Endeavor, I wonder if he was the one who made sure that his son and his friends weren’t on the front lines with the rest of them. sometimes it’s good to have some influence in these things
looooooool as if on cue
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well. that sure doesn’t sound like he intends to keep them out of harm’s way. does he really have that much faith in them??
serious question, why exactly are all of the heroes seemingly so confident that this is going to work? it scares me because it makes me feel like in spite of Hawk’s intel they still don’t have a clue what they’re truly up against
so now we’re cutting to some random street somewhere and WOULD YOU LOOK WHO IT FUCKING IS
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Slidin’ Go Suck An Egg. oh how I hate this man
look at him
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I hate his stupid face!
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wow, Burnin’s team really is just evacuating people
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I mean they’re obviously going to run into a Noumu, and just like that they’ll be in more danger than anyone, but at least for now it really does seem like the minds behind this raid wanted to keep them relatively out of danger. so yeah, for now I’m gonna chalk that up to Endeavor’s influence that they’re here rather than in the forest with the rest of their class
and here comes the hospital team!
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well that answers my question about Nao’s rank. so he’s not even a chief. that really is fucking ridiculous but whatever
and why do I feel like this poor undercover subordinate is mere seconds away from becoming the first casualty in what I think is about to become the most violently snafued situation we’ve seen in this manga to date. like this shit is going to make Kamino look like the fucking state fair. fuck
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I really wish I could believe that he was about to go down and it really was going to be just that easy
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(ETA: so then they do know that he’s the guy who made the Noumu? including the one that nearly took him out in Kyushu? and they’re still acting like this is going to be a walk in the park? ?? what??)
knock knock, who’s there, JUSTICE
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(ETA: sure hope Endeavor’s light here doesn’t go summoning any darkness. welp.)
oh my god. we’re really just gonna end it like that. well I guess next chapter we can all play a fun game of “let’s all count the pages until everything goes horribly wrong.” won’t that be a laugh. 10 to 1 the Noumu really are in the secret room and they’re all gonna be set loose by next week’s cliffhanger. remind me to have “Into the Trap” by John Williams cued up and ready to go lol
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theoriginalladya · 4 years
5, 8, 20, 37 for the writer asks?
from this list
5. Share one of your strengths.
Plotting.  Give me a niblet of an idea and I can plot the hell out of it into a full blown story, possibly a series! lol  I love plotting, actually.  I just wish writing was as easy in the end! :)
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oh wow.  Let me see here ...  Not exactly short, but this comes from Destiny’s Hand, the ME2 story for ShepShep, chapter called “Look Good for Dead” where Jane goes to see Wrex.
(also going under cut because this got loooooong! lol
“You humans,” he muttered as he walked back over to retake his seat.  “Always trying to hide what can be so clearly seen.”
Jane remained where she was for a minute or two before following suit.  She didn’t bother to ask him what he meant – that was clear enough.  Instead, she opted to pick at one of his earlier comments.  “So, you think I’m with Cerberus too?”
The krogan leader shrugged.  “You have their ship; you have their people – does it really matter beyond that?”
The ‘chair,’ such as it was, allowed Jane to sit in a manner where she could draw one knee up to her chest so she could rest her arms against it as she eyed him.  “You don’t care, then?”
“I have concerns,” he admitted, “but I know you.”  His deep, reverberating chuckle started again.  “No other human ever stood up to me like you did on Virmire.”
Jane blinked, startled by that remark.  “Really?”
The krogan’s head bobbed once before his eyes narrowed and he gave her a menacing look.  This lasted only a moment or two, however, until he sat back and laughed again.  “See?  You aren’t intimidated.”
Jane opened her mouth to reply, but then closed it just as quickly when she realized she didn’t have a response.  He couldn’t be serious, could he?  “Wrex …?”
He watched her closely as she struggled.  “You don’t see it, do you?” he asked.
“See what?”
Head still shaking, he said, “You wound me, Shepard.  Then again, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen you intimidated by anyone.”
Jane blinked again.  “I’m … not sure that I ever have been,” she replied.  Frowning, she stared over at him for a moment.  “Though, I seem to recall you giving a good effort the day we met on the Citadel.”
This time the krogan leader’s laughter was open and loud, a barking echo throughout the room.  “You see what I mean?”  He sighed and sat back.  “That’s how I know you are you.  You don’t back down from anyone.  And, if rumors are to be believed, you headbutt like a true krogan.”
Jane gasped, her eyes widening.  “You heard about that?”
“Shaman told me himself.”  He gave her a toothy grin.  “You’re the first human to impress him that much.”
Why am I so proud of it?  I fucking LOVE WREX and writing him is such a challenge at times, but this chapter ended up coming so easily to me, I couldn’t believe it.  I could ‘snippet’ the whole damned chapter for you I’m that proud of it, and that’s saying something because I’m so proud of that whole series, let alone the story itself.  
I remember going into that chapter feeling intimidated at the thought of writing his voice.  I stared at a blank page for almost TWO WEEKS before I finally started writing it.  And once I started, once those first words were down .. the rest just flowed.  And the dialogue - omg, dialogue isn’t always easy for me.  Sometimes it is, but most of the time it’s like pulling teeth.  Still, occasionally I hit a Zen zone, and that chapter was one of them.  The relationship between Jane and Wrex in it is just ... it’s beautiful.  
Here’s another snippet from that chapter - none of them can be short because one thing just flows into another into another, and I just ... AAAHHHHH!!!
Lifting her head, she turned to find him watching her intently.  “Just say the word, Shepard,” he rumbled, “and I’ll send a squad of Urdnot warriors to shake some sense back into him.”
Jane sat still as a mouse; her eyes wide.  “Wrex …?”  His name escaped as a bare whisper.
He folded his arms across his broad expanse of a chest and nodded once firmly.  “Don’t think I won’t do it, either.”
A hesitant smile twitched at the left corner of her lips even as a few tears leaked from her eyes.  Sniffling softly, she murmured his name again, this time in appreciation.
His expression shifted to a scowl.  “I’m trying to help you here, Shepard!”
Laughter managed to work its way into the mix as Jane swiped her hands across her face.  “I know you are, you bellowing bulk, and I can’t thank you enough for it!” she shouted right back at him.  Lowering her hands, she returned the scowl as best she could, nodding at him once.  “I … appreciate it, I really do, but I don’t think it’s necessary.”
Wrex moved his hands to her shoulders.  “You don’t want him back?”
Jane shrugged.  “I do, but I want him back because he wants to be back,” she explained.  “Forcing him back doesn’t help either of us.”  She sighed, her smile curving just a tick more up on the left side.  “But I appreciate that you want to help me.  I really do.”
“Bah!”  His scowl deepened and he yanked his arms away, turning to stalk across the room.  When he returned a couple of minutes later, he had two more cups of Ryncol in his hand.  “You have done more to help me and the krogan than anyone else ever has,” he insisted.  “And rumor has it, the Reapers are going to try again.”
Jane stiffened, her eyes focused on the pouring liquid even as dread filled the pit of her stomach.  “You – you heard about that, too?”
“Common sense,” he said as he handed one cup to her.  “We might have defeated Sovereign, but he was only one.  A scout.  Scouts are sent ahead of the main forces to report back what they find.  Since Sovereign won’t be reporting back, logic says those who sent him have to follow.”  Glittering eyes, as if anticipating the fight, focused on her.  “If we’re going to have to face more of those bastards and find a way to win, we need you leading the way.”
Jane’s breath caught in her lungs as the full impact of his words hit her.  He believes me!  “Wrex …”
The war leader sighed again, shaking his head.  “And if you’re going to do that, you need to have your head on right,” he bellowed, cutting her off again.  “That means you and your husband back together so you can focus on more important things …”
Jane’s lips twitched.  “Like saving the krogan?” she asked.
“Impudent pup!”  His scowl faded in the next second and he chuckled.  Lifting his cup, he amended, “Maybe helping the krogan save the galaxy.  Again.”
Jane’s lips formed a full-fledged grin now.  “I see.”  Her eyes dropped to the cup in her hand.  “So … what are we drinking to this time?”
“You really don’t want me to send a squad or two after him?”
A bittersweet ache worked its way through Jane.  “No,” she managed after a long moment, “I really don’t.  But … thank you.”  She lifted her head to find him nodding once at her.  “Really, Wrex.  No one has ever offered –.”
He swiped his free hand between them.  “And it’s doubtful you’ll ever get that kind of an offer again,” he groused.  “Especially, if you don’t quit the mushy stuff!”
Her head slanted slightly to the left, Jane asked, “Would it get you off Tuchanka and back into the fight?”
Jane lifted her cup, eyeing it closely.  There appeared to be about the same amount of liquid in it as before.  Pulling together her last threads of bravery, she raised it in his direction.  “To … Clan Urdnot,” she said, smiling, “and their leader.”
Wrex lifted his, knocking it against hers.  “To Commander Shepard,” he corrected, “who at heart is Clan Urdnot.”
See what I mean???
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Home alone, no cats or kids, music playing, a pot of hot tea that STAYS hot as long as I need it and all the time in the world to just sit and write ....
Or, alternatively, a notebook and pen and wherever I get an idea.  I’m not picky. :P  Seriously, I can write almost anywhere.  I’ve learned to tune things out or listen to music on my phone if I have to drown it out.  I’ve had more luck sitting in McAlister’s on lunch and writing most of a chapter than at home sometimes.  (not of late, though, sadly)
37. Talk about your current wips.
Okay, so ... I have a LOT of WIPs at the moment, and I just had a couple more Shepards end up on my doorstep, putting me at a solid #100 on my spreadsheet.  Beyond that, I have a number of Dragon Age WIPs, plus some original fics going.  One of these days, I’ll finish something! lol  Too many ideas, not enough time!!!
So ... a specific WIP ... Hmm ... Well, let me just say that the Biotic Pinball Wizard group - collection of WIPs over there, I swear! lol - is one of the most interesting ones I’ve come up with.  Writing the Reaper War from a perspective of being on Earth?!  What was I thinking????  (oh, that’s right, Anderson’s little visits in game inspired me :P )  I’m really enjoying the challenge.  Funny enough, this one isn’t as plotted through as most of my fics are.  There just wasn’t enough time, plus it’s so complex, I’ve relied a lot on my inspiration throughout Nano this year to help expand it - and it’s coming along quite nicely, to be honest.  I have a number of chapters partly/mostly written.  I have been able to flesh out some plot points that desperately needed it, plus develop the antagonist side of things (beyond just the Reapers).  Characters are falling into place.  Honestly, while more challenging than I originally intended for this year’s Nano to be, it’s been well worth it and I look forward to continuing with the story even beyond Monday’s finishing point!  Having Shepard, Kaidan, James and Kandra together as my core group of personalities has worked really well, too.
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