#my lawd this was an essay!!
pr1ncessasuke · 2 months
Why Sasuke's Physical Beauty Matters
Thinking about this again, Sasuke’s characterization is super interesting to me, especially how he’s physically characterized with his beauty.
Firstly, I think his extra stylized, iconic “duck butt” hair is integral to his character. It’s spiky and edgy, meant to be rebellious. He’s the ultimate revolution. Even Naruto and Itachi had pretty normal hair! But in Boruto, Sasuke's hair looks plain and flat (neutral terms--not a diss to other people with this hairstyle). The edges are completely gone--matching his newfound conformity and detachment.
And further, why is he canonically attractive and what does it mean? I think the army of Sasuke admirers Kishimoto depicts throughout OG Naruto and Shippuden adds to his characterization as the anomaly—the one who goes against the grain. He questions the chunin exams and analyzes why and how they take place. He challenges the status quo in Konoha. Kishimoto actually keeps up with this motif whereas he seems to forget about other motifs (ahem, the Hyuga clan curse).
Sasuke's beauty also emphasizes his determination and focus. He could have had anyone he wanted but remained disinterested even as an emotional teenage boy. Kishimoto even has Sasuke call it out when Kakashi brings up Sakura’s feelings, with Sasuke literally saying, “I don’t see why I should love her and why she should love me.” (Now, I will add an important caveat that in an ideal world, I don’t think he’ll stay this disinterested forever, because Sasuke too deserves love and healing once he’s ready for it and grows up more. People don't stay stagnant, and trauma deserves to be healed).
Sasuke is fiercely single-minded and driven, and is a character that acts as a foil to the protags, the main narrative, and Kishimoto furthers these motifs through Sasuke's physical characterizations.
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tired-biscuit · 10 months
procrastinating doing my uni essay so i’m thinking ab giving kiba head HAHAH
lawd let me give him head at work!!! i need to see him pretend to act normal after i suck the life out of him let me lick his balls PLS 🤣🤣
ok time to do my essay
i always imagine him being the type of dude who starts kind of thrusting inside your mouth when he’s really close. holds the back of your head, maybe even pushes you down a little to hear you gag. can’t help but smirk when you do it, too.
all smug, like, “aha, that’s it… good fuckin’ girl.”
and then when he cums he’s like putty in your hands and feels all tingly and warm inside! and if you let him give you a facial, he’s like that spongebob ascending meme, lol.
good luck on your essay; imma go insane over imagining giving him head now!
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uc1wa · 9 months
season two mark is hella fine
lawd have mercy 😍😍
also how are you doing??? hope you’re taking care of yourself 💗💗
oh goddd he’s so fine with his bags under his eyes and his worn out voice i want him so bad you have NO idea. father son tag team when cuz i could take them w confidence.
im doing okay lovey, finishing up my finals! i have one last essay to do and then i’ll finally be on winter break :3 how have you been bebe!! i hope the best as well
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jazzytrait · 2 years
ask game! palm tree + orchid (^-^)
Hi! 👽 Thanks so much for the ask palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless? Ha. Lawd. Ok, I first wrote what almost turned into an essay as a response to this and perhaps I should pick someone less "the soul of all that is evil"... But let's just keep it simple and say that Hannibal Lecter is an amazing villain who is written in such a way that I end up walking a tightrope between absolutely abhorring the monster he is and admiring his remaining principles, academic prowess and frank way of speaking (as Agent Starling did). I scare myself with that one. I can't even trust me!
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
This... is the hardest question on the list. I'm a life-long musician, always listening and exploring music of all genres, just generally obsessed with music. I'm going to go with the first thing that popped into my head or we'll be here all night: Cheers Darlin' by Damien Rice. It feels like the song itself is drunk and miserable and it builds into this heart-breaking crescendo that I just love. I'm a sucker for a sad song.
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ondessiderales · 2 months
Train d'enfer
ATTENTION, les images et paroles qui vont suivre peuvent être choquantes (génocide, immoralité, monstruosité). Son contenu s'adresse à un public averti.
An de grâce 20XX, le train se remet en marche, fumant Freaky and flip out (monstrueux et pétant les plombs) I'm a seeker (je suis un traqueur) Te contant un mystère profond
Jouant des touches blanches (du piano) au paradis, je suis là ! Git up (bouge-toi et monte) La fumée blanche s'épaissit (Smoke moke)
Butcher's train (le train du boucher) Nous vous remercions d'être monté à bord Du charbon et de la peau, bien cuit s'il vous plaît Un groove noir qui reste collé au fond de la cheminée Et qui profane tes oreilles
TOP to the HAM to the HAT-KYO
Gentleman Silk hat (Haut-de-forme) Sampling Swing Tel est le nom que j'emprunte modestement et avec lequel je m'amuse Un nom qui me désigne Un nom qui se superpose aux cadavres bleus* Comme une marque de café Frais moulu et libérant son arôme (JAC IN)
Tchou-tchou ! Nature verdoyante qui nous surplombe, pardonne-nous Sur ton noble sentier le chemin (l'amas) de fer semble sans fin, perçant l'air Entends-tu leurs plaintes ? Lawd ave mercy (Seigneur aie pitié de nous)
TOP to the HAM to the HAT-KYO
Vroum vroum, aussi vite que mes roues me le permettent Sha la la la, je vais à mon rythme (my pace) Rempli d'êtres vivants de toutes les tailles et de toutes les formes Si tu veux accélérer je t'en prie, fais comme chez toi
Plutôt que les hurlements et les râles Fais (laisse) sonner le sifflet du train ON & ON
M'arrêter alors que les wagons sont encore accrochés ? NO ! Même à la queue du train On aperçoit leurs corps chauds Des cendres scintillant comme des étoiles filantes Rongeant leur énergie pour avancer My name is
TOP to the HAM to the HAT-KYO
On commence à se connaître maintenant Alors écoute-moi bien, ne m'ignore pas Même si c'est une leçon (un sermon) glauque Même si ce n'est qu'une blague
N'en fais pas qu'à ta tête Ne fais pas la sourde oreille Le jugement suit une logique implacable Il n'y en a pas deux comme lui
Le chemin de rails ne dévie pas Si tu essaie de le tordre ou de le corriger (de lui taper dessus) Même s'il semble tomber en morceaux Comme par enchantement
Spurt ! (Rejaillit !) Scoobie do be TRAIN* A l'humeur comme à la vapeur Il se met en rogne
Un hybride d'élite (d'avant-garde) et de folie
Let me hear say ! (A vous !) TOP to the HAM to the HAT-KYO
One more time ! (Encore une fois !) My name is TOP to the HAM to the HAT-KYO
* HAM signifie jambon, en lien avec l'ancien métier du chanteur (boucher) Le pseudonyme est aussi une allusion à Sir Topham Hatt, dit "The Fat Controller" dans la série Thomas le Petit Train et ses Amis
* Scooby doo désigne familièrement un indice, la clé d'une énigme
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madsdefencesquad · 3 years
Do you think the answers Madison gave at her bachelorette party about her future and perfect day with Kevin could be a clue of what we will see next season?
Thank you for this prompt because I've been meaning to talk about the parallel of these scenes for a while now so here we go (and sorry because it's gonna be loooooong)!
The talk about the future is divided into two perspectives: Toby's and Miguel's.
Toby's version goes like this:
"They're never gonna make it. Nothing has changed. All [Jerry] did was deliver an incredible line to some divorce support group. Jerry's gonna work too hard, Dorothy's gonna resent him for that. And that little kid's gonna get the short end of the stick 'cause they'll never stop fighting, and soon he's gonna be mad and sad instead of adorable and precocious and I can just see their whole little family in this boat and the boat is just filled with holes."
Now young adult Kevin who was still married to Sophie then was this version of Jerry that Toby was talking about. The entire episode, the writers have shown us how easy it was for Kevin to be away from Sophie to the point that Sophie walks out frustrated because Kevin was just so nonchalant about their long-distance marriage.
I quote Kev, "Sophie and I were on different coasts for months, it was like super easy" and "it's no big deal". And Kevin keeps repeating this throughout the episode to the point that she finally loses it at him and asks, "how will this marriage even work?" and his response was all, "I don't know, Soph, it just will."
Now, Kevin goes and watches Jerry Maguire and like every moviegoer who takes on the personality of the movie they just watched straight after watching it, Kevin goes on full mission-statement mode and tells Sophie what she wants to hear about the future he pictures for them.
Now, take a moment to take in Kevin's line here where he says, "Jerry's the kind of character that decides what he wants and he goes for it."
Kevin writes the mission statement to appease Sophie because he got her upset (and also because he was called a "jackass" by his twin sister and was given disapproving looks by his mother).
And what of this seemingly amazing mission statement about their future together? Well, Kevin, using himself against himself, actually didn't want Sophie enough to make it really work with her. He chose his career over her which eventually caused their marriage/relationship to dissolve. Take note, this was also done the second time around when they were adults too. He was already in New York, determined to make it as a Broadway actor and he could've done so and stayed with Sophie but alas, once he was called to do a movie, he just packed up and left and made every excuse not to visit Sophie in NYC to the point that she had to come and surprise him. Anyway, that's for a different and (yet another long) post lol
Anyway, this is Toby's Jerry Maguire version of Kevin and Sophie. The one that didn't work and just won't work at all. Both time and circumstances included.
Now, sober, adult Kevin is the version of Jerry that Miguel was talking about. He says:
"Yes, there are some love stories that are written in the stars. There are other love stories... they're written together. Two people the universe had no plans for writing their story in the stars together. That's pretty fantastic too, isn't it? I think Jerry and Dorothy made it, Kevin. I really do."
Now, take note that before this speech, Kevin found the old mission statement that he wrote for Sophie and he laughed at it and even called it "embarrassing" because he knew that it was just a big fat laugh after all that's happened. He asks the question about how does one even know who to marry because obviously that one didn't work out and Randall could've done a typical Randall speech using his marriage with Beth as an example but instead, he calls Kevin's questioning "cold feet" because Randall knew that that Madison is the one for Kevin.
And that's why Miguel's speech hit hard because Kevin's finally enlightened by the fact that despite his and Madison's unconventional start, he knows that she's the one he's supposed to marry and wants to marry and that they can write their own love story in the stars together.
Now, finally to answer your question about Madison's vision of their future. Apart from the obvious parallel of Kevin not being able to answer and Madison catching his response to Jerry making that face during his own wedding with Dorothy, we can see now that they are on their way into making that future happen. Madison says:
"I hope we'll travel a lot and go out for long romantic dinners where we sit and talk until they kick us out. Like those older couples you see who still haven't run out of things to say to each other. Really, I just hope that things will slow down and we can sort of discover the world all over again. Together."
Note, the slowing down part. Everything's happened so fast for them and they haven't truly had a breath to slow down and take the time to truly discover each other let alone the world around them.
And anon, we are on track for this future together. It won't be Kevin's mission statement to Sophie that we'll see but this one that Madison had envisioned for them both, and if Kevin wants to add his own next season, then by all means! I hope he buys them an RV as a gesture of them growing old together and being like Madison's grandparents travelling from coast to coast together in their old age. It'll go well with Madison's "travel a lot".
Anywho, on track with Jerry Maguire's third act and the 'breakup' that is pretty much their release of breath, Kevin and Madison can finally slow down now and take the time to truly get to know one another and see each other in a different light apart from just being their kids' parent and the person they're supposed to be with because they both want that nuclear family.
And as Madison does her thang, depending on the damn writers, Kevin will either realise he's been in love with her all this time or fall much deeper in love with her as they co-parent which will lead to the "I love you/You complete me" Jerry Maguire confession at the end where Kevin finally gets the girl.
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allpromarlo · 3 years
dame sent the 2 week prime mf packing with that rockets buzzer beater in 2014 too?? my man is on the agenda i love it
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peeta-pocket · 2 years
love to see that we had a similar meltdown about Katniss’s peaceful expression, succumbing? submitting? (but like positively) to love in @motherhenna’s gorgeous art 🥹 it’s what she deserves
Hi darling!! Ohhh my lawd, okay so I just had to go find your post to read your tags and um hi hello, we are totally sharing a brain right there and i'm so incredibly happy about that haha.
YES!!! I simply cannot get over her facial expression of those very words we used to describe it. @motherhenna's piece evoked so many emotions for me all at once. It's as if she feels completely surrendered by and to his love - fully accepting the bliss and the peace that goes along with that. What gets me the most? The absolute trust and bravery in accepting such a feeling, especially with her background of being abandoned by her mother, then going into survival mode and forced responsibility, thereby shutting out even the possibility of love as it is considered dangerous because of where that could all lead; it's not just about a relationship that would lead to having children that could go into the games, but loving someone so deeply that you are etched into each other's soul and if they leave in any capacity, she would be broken like her mother was after her father died. When you grow up with that mindset, even the possibility of loving someone is terrifying and also unthinkable that it would be reciprocated or deserved. Her bravery to make that leap combined with her trust in Peeta's love and devotion is one of my very favorite parts of their relationship and just thinking about that makes my chest ache.
Ugh okay, I have to stop because honestly, I could talk about THAT aspect alone forever (I see so much of myself in Katniss when it comes to that it hurts) and could very easily write a 1000 word essay on it haha. When I say the hold these two have on me is peak-level insanity, I truly mean it haha
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idsb · 3 years
lawd my agent sent me a job that came on her desk and wasn't FOR me but she thinks I can do it bc it's freelance creative essay writing for a huge alt/rock radio station and she knows that's in my wheelhouse but,,,, they wanna see samples 'of my writing and bonus points if we're able to see examples of how it resonates with people'
aka the best example of that would be,,,,, a whole assload of my long sadgirl posts on here
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chateautae · 3 years
SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP SAMMY OMFG YOU ARE A GENIUS WRITER HOLY SHIT!?!?!?!?!? The Heart Of Flame should be a fucking movie. LIKE SIS YOU FOREAL SAIDDDDD "YALL WANT ANGST OH I GOT YOU." Ugh I skimmed it this first round because a bitch wanted to know if they were gonna end up together!!! UGH listen, did I cry throughout the entire time? YES!!!!! My GOODNESS THAT WAS A RIDE!!!!! Ugh I need to do a separate ask because I need to write a fucking essay on Y/N and Tae's dynamic. LAWD YOU ARE GENIUS!!!!!!
PLEASE I did not realize at all it'd about the length of a novel i think? I never meant for it to be that long but this story just meant the world to me. THIS IS SO SO SWEET OF YOU TO SAY!! Seriously bubs you're a sweetheart for this tysm for reading and loving this story, AHH I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR NEXT ASK!!! <33
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toonqueen · 4 years
Do you think Djinn and Merlock's relationship would be like Fenton and Mark's?(that one job you really regret working for your now archnemesis)
First option- Merlock tricks Djinn into working for him. Maybe Merlock would be all “Oh I’m a descendant of a Genie too and needing to find my family lamp.” And like Djinn is happy like OH I CAN TOTALLY RELATE TO THAT. Let me help my new friend find their family lamp. Oh Scrooge has it let me talk to him and get it for you. But then like, it becomes obvious Merlock is the bad guy at that point  and so Djinn takes Scrooge’s side and helps defend the lamp instead I dunno man I don’t work here. In this option I think Djinn catches up early on that Merlock is not who he seems. Djinn is not the one that gets the lamp to Merlock (I’m thinking Merlock sneaks in like in the old movie I dunno.) Djinn did not betray Scrooge’s fam and is on the right side before shit goes down. 
Second option - Djinn is actually mad about getting left behind during the whole alien attack thing. Like rewatch it because it could be taken at Della NOPING out of there and leaving Djinn and Amunet to fend for themselves. Djinn would still be somewhat tricked by Merlock to get the lamp but would be more mmmm- aggressive with dealing with Scrooge. Feeling betrayed by Scrooge’s fam he wouldn’t HURT Them but he would aggressively robin hood to get that treasure in Scrooge’s bin that has the lamp. Djinn, clouded by  his own anger, wouldn’t realize Merlock is a really bad guy until Djinn gives him the lamp and Merlock gets Gene under his control to take over the world yadda yadda. Djinn would feel so guilty about his mistake. The only honorable thing to do is fight Merlock and get the genie and free Gene oh ho ho. SO YES A LOT OF REGRET.
Third option - my headcanon that the show probably won’t align with but I really like this idea because PLOT TWIST.  Hrrrmm I will write this someday so I really can’t share that many details cuz I want to to be a surprise but in I’s and @cataradical   Fan fic universe Merlock wasn’t in the picture at all when Gene was freed. He shows up sometime later and the same amulet that gives him infinity wishes when put on the lamp if a freed genie touches the lamp he becomes unfreed. So Merlock would be at a position where he could kill Djinn if Gene does not touch the lamp to become a powerful genie again… sooo…… UNRELATED THINGS HAPPEN.
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sageblogsthings · 4 years
okay heres a real one whats your thoughts on philosophy and how people sometimes think it's "pointless" to study
if anyone would prefer to read this as a google doc rather than tumblr text post since this got HELLA long, here is the link!
oh lawd u really just wantin me to go OFF first thing in the morning huh 😂 i think about this a lot though actually so i may or may not have half a response to this just floating around in my brain at any given moment lmaooo 🙈 this is the first time i’ve put it in words tho so pls forgive my mad ranting. y’all lmk in the tags on a scale of -10 to 0 how coherent this was 😂
the first thing i would say to someone who thinks it’s “pointless” to study philosophy *cough cough most of my family cough* is that that in itself is a philosophical claim. the reason that i love philosophy and science, and think that they fundamentally go hand in hand, is that for both you have to have evidence, and clear, methodical logic (my virgo is showing, isn’t it?). you can’t just make a claim that something is useful or useless based on your own personal assessment of it and consider that a valid or sound argument. it’s an opinion, sure, but in every sense of the word that is not an argument.
i think what a lot of people mean when they say that it’s pointless to study philosophy is that it’s pointless to get a degree in philosophy, and i think that’s ultimately just a personal decision but one i don’t inherently disagree with. the whole point of philosophy, imo, is just to broadly analyze the world around you and try to make sense of our place within that world using reason and critical thinking. there is no reason why that should only happen in the context of an academic institution, and i could go on a whole other rant about the uselessness of most academic philosophy and how it actually works against the goals of philosophy as a whole in many cases, but that would be a very very long essay, perhaps another time lol.
now onto the good stuff! i think that a lot of people have this impression of philosophy just being “analyze this text written by this long-dead white dude who didn’t really say anything that profound” *cough cough Kant* and while that is definitely true of a lot of academic philosophy, i think that is very much not the point of philosophy overall. to me, philosophy is largely about asking the questions that characterize human existence: “what is our purpose on earth?” “how do we know which actions are good or bad?” “do moral grey areas exist?” things that are very likely unanswerable at the end of the day but which i think are still important to consider. and this brings me to my very hot take, which i know would annoy a lot of my professors to no end and that brings me great joy: it does not matter if we never answer a single question that philosophy lays before us. the importance of philosophy does not lie in answering the questions, but in asking them. why do i think this? because philosophy does not exist in a vacuum, as much as a lot of philosophers would like to pretend that it does. whatever questions we ask, rational steps we take, analytical tests we perform, we are always taking those actions in the context of our human society. a lot of philosophers like to think that their moral views and practices do not influence their philosophical stances, but they definitely do because they’re human and bias is inescapable. so the reason i say that asking the questions is important, answering them is not so important, is because how we ask and attempt to answer philosophical questions is largely colored by our societal biases whether we want to admit that or not. so, for example, let me trash my favorite worst philosopher (fight me on this), Kant. everyone knows that Kant was sexist and racist, no philosopher worth their salt will argue with you about that. what they will argue with you about is how his prejudices did or did not affect his moral and metaphysical theories. now this might be a “hot take” on my part but the bio major in me is screaming that it is physically fucking impossible for his prejudices to not have influenced his views bc that’s not how brains work. this is why i say that it’s the questioning part of philosophy, not the answering part, that is important. the questioning part is what gets us to look at our biases, recognize and face them head-on, and tackle them in the hopes of reaching an answer. we may never get an answer, but isn’t tackling prejudices like racism, homophobia, sexism, etc more important than being able to answer how ladder schema and limit paradoxes relate to mind-body dualism? (yes, i took an entire fucking course on that, no i would not recommend it lol). if we do come up with philosophical solutions, great! bonus! but i would argue that most of our “moral answers” are actually just sociocultural viewpoints we’ve come to adopt and that philosophy had nothing to do with them, so even when we think we’ve answered philosophical questions we really haven’t. i think a lot of philosophers get hung up on trying to create these impeccable moral systems from the ground up, and imo that’s impossible. what philosophy can do for us though, is give us the tools to question systems already in place, and evaluate our role within those systems so that we can improve them. soooo to summarize, bc this is getting so incredibly long-winded i’m so sorry, is that philosophy may or may not be able to answer any questions ever, but it can help us ask questions and it is in asking these questions, not in answering them, that we can critically analyze our minds and the world around us and recognize what we need to change.
whoooweee i feel like i went through a whole zuko-did-one-good-thing-and-ptfo arc over here tryna write this lol but i hope that my overall point was clearish?? maybe?? i lowkey might turn this into an actual paper later bc i am in full on Spicy Philosophy Mode now lol
tldr: philosophy probably doesn’t ever answer anything, but it does ask a lot, and ultimately asking questions about morality, existence, etc are more important than answering them because asking them is what allows us to critically assess established structures and biases.
ask my thoughts on things
if u dare after this lmaooo
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seraphic-diaries · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
*study outfit*
Today felt like the first official day of spring. The heat from the sun was so warm I thought it was my room radiator the whole time.
I’m proud to say that despite going through some personal stuff I managed to focus on creating a study plan for my closest deadline which is only a 1k essay but lawd gimme motivation especially as next week all of uni is moving to online classes.
Are you guys having online classes or physical classes still?🤍✨☁️
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darthwheezely · 4 years
plEASE lawd i need to do this essay but i did water charging and channeled Georgie today so my body is like “no girl, im not gonna do it” like 😀✋🏽 ig the checkpoint for my bullshittery is here guys
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catbcys · 4 years
LAWD YESSS!!!!! IM SNIFFLING I LICHRALLY HAVE THEM ON REPEAT RN I COULD WRITE A MILLION ESSAYS ON THEIR LYRICS I'M SO EMO!! my friend made me listen to tongues and teeth n that was the first song 'd heard from them and i was sitting there going absolutely crazy like. what the fuck this is illegal HELLO
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nomi--sunrider · 4 years
Hey! I know this was over a month ago, but you mentioned reading an essay written by a Guess woman married to an Ask man and how that affected their relationship on the ask culture vs. guess culture post. Do you happen to know where that essay is? I've tried searching for it but I haven't been able to find anything. It sounds really interesting! Thank you!
Lawd that was a hot second ago. I found this, which is the original post. There were some off-shoots as I recall which were interesting, but my tagging system is unevolved so I doubt I’ll be able to find the one I reblogged.
Hope that helps!
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