#once again the EDAs slap
little-alien-duck · 7 months
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rule following 101 with the doctor
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Arcane x TOH Pilot/Pitch?
So I rewatched Arcane and I’ve also been looking into the TOH pilot/pitch bible and I just did what came naturally: I made an AU!!!
ACT 1: Luz and William are siblings, with Luz being older by 5 years, and they lived in the 1600s, so obviously their family was accused of witchcraft due to racism and that shit so Luz and William’s parents were burned at the stake but Luz managed to take Baby William and run off into the woods. One of the witch hunters followed them and cornered them against a rock. That witch hunter was - you guessed it - Caleb!!! He was intending on bringing them back to Gravesfield so they could suffer their parents’ fate but seeing Luz’s scared little face overwhelmed him and in the end, he couldn’t do it. He led them further into the woods where they met up with Evelyn, who was a real witch. Caleb and Evelyn agreed that the kids could seek shelter in the Demon Realm, and that Evelyn and her family will raise them. A rebellion and sibling rivalry later, 13-year old William wants to help his adoptive father and sister fight against Philip but Luz tells him to stay behind. Thinking his sister didn’t want him, poor William has a meltdown but then comes up with an idea. He would sneak off to where Caleb and Philip were gonna fight, light a match, and throw it at Philip, burning him alive and saving the day. But instead, he missed Philip and it fell to the ground, starting a fire. Caleb was distracted by the sudden fire and Philip took this as a chance to stab him. Caleb and Luz share a heartbreaking loss moment and William comes out of the shadows, telling Luz he saved them…only to find out he killed Caleb. Enraged, Luz slaps him and tells him to leave and never return. William is horrified and heartbroken but does as she says, walking off into the distance. William finds Philip’s cave and seeks shelter there, and he’s found by the guy. Philip decides to put William to sleep…forever. He didn’t kill him, if that’s what you’re asking, he simply put his body in a little glass coffin and put a memory-erasing spell on him.
ACT 2: Fast forward to 2 years later. Luz is 20 now and she discovers a time pool which sends her hundreds of years into the future. By then, William had been awaken by Belos and grew up besides Hunter. The two have a brotherly relationship and William doesn’t even remember Luz’s name. Luz is heartbroken by this and decides to go back through the time portal because as long as he’s happy, she’d be fine. But the time pool is gone!!! So she has to team up with Eda the Owl Lady, her adoptive mother’s descendant, in order to create a new time pool that leads back to the 1600s. In her journey, she’ll meet many new friends and properly reunite with her little brother once again.
That’s all for now. I’ll update this post once I figure out the plot for ACT 3, but it’s obviously supposed to be based on what happens in Arcane.
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(art is by @brother-bon3s , go check out his account! He’s super talented and feeds me all the yummy William content I crave for hehe)
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CH 11 Don't Give Up Now
When Eda returned to work, she walked into Efe’s office, not bothering to knock. 
He was in the middle of a business call and held up a finger to her to ask her to wait. 
Eda placed the folder she spent the night working on, on top of his desk and reluctantly waited. 
She was still fuming, remembering the night before. 
His words cut through her. It was not his place to say, and yet he believed he had a say in her personal life. 
It was insulting, to say the least. 
Efe ended his call and looked up at her, his expression carefully guarded. “Eda, I-”
“I finished in time for your deadline.” Eda nodded at the folder. “Tell me what you think.” 
Efe realizing Eda was not going to make this easy on him. He lifted the folder and opened it, going through her prepared designs and, as always, he was impressed with her work. “Eda, this is perfect.” 
“Don’t thank me. I was just doing my job.” Eda headed for the door. 
“Eda, wait.” Efe quickly rounded his desk to stop her. He grabbed her arm, turning her back around. 
Eda wrenched her arm away from him. “Don’t touch me.” 
Efe did best to not let her words discourage him. “Eda, let me apologize for last night. I crossed a line.” 
“I don’t want your apology. I don’t want anything from you.” Eda tried to reign in her anger, but she always hated when someone tried to control her. “Yes, you crossed a line. And you will not be doing it again. Do I make myself clear?” 
“Eda, I only wanted-” 
“Your behavior was completely inappropriate.” Eda cut him off. “And furthermore, I do not share your feelings and would appreciate if you would just let it go and move on. I certainly plan to.” Eda stepped away from him. “And one more thing, if you ever try to tell me who I can be with again, you will come to regret it.” 
“Eda, I’m sorry but your grandma-” Efe fell silent, realizing he had unintentionally slipped up. Not once in the time he had known Eda has even ever mentioned knowing her grandmother. 
“My grandmother?” Eda repeated. “You know my grandmother?” 
Efe didn’t answer. Choosing to say nothing. 
“I swear to God Efe you better answer me!” Eda walked backed to him, shoving at his chest. “How do you know my grandmother?”
“I’ve known her for years. She’s my biggest investor and has been an amazing business mentor to me,” Efe admitted. “We’ve been in contact every week ever since you moved here to Italy.” 
Eda fought the urge to slap him. “Has our entire friendship been a lie?” 
“No, I hired you here because you're talented, but your grandmother wanted you close. She wanted you away from Serkan.” Efe confessed. 
“Last night was that just you being her whipping boy?” Eda demanded. 
“I am not her whipping boy. We are business partners and she is not someone you make an enemy of. She wants you away from Serkan, but so do I. You deserve better than the man who killed your parents.”
Efe's head snapped to the side from the force of Eda’s slap. The skin of his cheek burned as he turned back to her. 
He would have to be a blind man to not see how livid she was. Eyes blazing with an anger he never seen from her before. 
“Serkan did not kill my parents. Don’t speak to me about my parents’ deaths. You know absolutely nothing about it,” she seethed. “You don’t know what I deserve. You don’t know me. Not the way he does, and you never will.”
“I know he waited years to come after you,” Efe said in return. “Why? If he cared about you so much, why did he wait? What changed?”
“As far as I am concerned, neither Serkan nor I are any of your business, and you will do well to remember it.” Eda curled her hands into fist, resisting the urge to do more than slap him across his deceitful face. “Now, get on the phone, call my grandmother. I have a few things I wish to make very clear to her.”
“No,” Efe’s response was immediate. 
“What?” Eda glared at him. 
“I will not being calling her.” Efe said with finality. “I will not admit to your grandmother that I have failed her. She can destroy everything I have built. I won’t allow it to be taken from me because of Serkan Bolat.”
“Trust me.” Eda glared at him heatedly. “Ms. Simiha will be the least of your worries from here on out. I will be taking the rest of the day. Don’t call me.”
Eda turned on her heel, her dark hair whipping behind her. 
Efe fell back against his desk, shoulders dropping in defeat as his office door closed behind Eda. 
It wasn’t often that Eda reminded him of her grandmother, but just now, she did. 
She was a woman he didn’t want to make an enemy of. Much like how he didn’t want to make an enemy of her grandmother. 
Unfortunately for him, he found himself in a rock and a hard place and did not know what his next move would be. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Eda gathered her things from the office, not wanting to work in the same building as Efe right now. 
She felt betrayed by him. He had broken her trust. She had no idea how long he had been deceiving her and manipulating her. 
He claimed to have feelings for her, but it was obvious he didn’t know what genuine feelings were. 
Before leaving the building, she gave her assistant the week off. 
As she walked to her car in the company parking lot, she wasn’t sure when she would be back. Right now, she didn’t want to see Efe. She didn’t want to talk to him. It would make working with him very trying. 
She needed some time away so she could gather herself and the energy she would need to continue working with him, knowing he was not only scheming with her grandmother, but that they were business partners. 
She unlocked her car when she reached it and tossed her things in the passenger seat and got behind the wheel. 
She didn’t immediately start the car. She searched in her purse for her phone. 
Efe wouldn’t call her grandmother, but he wasn’t the only means she had to get in contact with the evil old woman. 
She scrolled through her contacts, finding her aunts, and pressed the call button. 
It ranged a few times before she heard the voice of the woman who raised her. “Eda, my beauty, how are you?”
“Honestly?” Eda asked, leaning her head back against the seat headrest. 
“Oh no, what happened?” Ayfer asked. 
Eda told her aunt about Efe working for her grandmother and how she was attempting to interfere in her life. 
“I can’t say I am surprised. Your grandmother is controlling and even more so in personal matters.” Ayfer replied. 
“I won’t allow it.” Eda said firmly. “Could you text me her number? I need to make a few things clear to her.”
“Of course I can, but Eda, is Serkan worth picking a fight with her over?” asked Ayfer. “Do you still feel that deeply about him?”
Eda was quiet for the longest time before speaking in a soft voice. “You can’t choose who your soul calls out to.”
“Just remember to protect your heart this time. He’s broken it before,” said Ayfer. 
Eda didn’t want or need the reminder. “I know. Look, I don’t want to keep talking about this. Can you send me Semiha’s number? I wish to get this over with.” 
More importantly, Eda could not let her grandmother’s meddling in her life go unanswered. 
“Certainly, if you need anything, even if it is just to talk, I am only a phone call away.”
“I know,” said Eda. “Thank you.” 
After saying their goodbyes, Eda ended the call and waited for the text from her aunt to come in. 
She loved her aunt; she did, but if she needed to talk about Serkan, it wouldn’t be with her. Her aunt never really liked Serkan. If she wanted to talk about Serkan, she would call Melo or Ceren, but not her. 
Her phone vibrated with a text. She opened it to see it was from her aunt with the contact information for her grandmother. 
She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation to come, and dialed her grandmother’s number. 
Her grandmother may be used to controlling everything and everyone, but she would find she could not do the same with her. 
She refused to be a pawn on her chessboard. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Eda was left seething after her call with her grandmother. 
No one in the world had the power to make her so angry, like her grandmother. 
She took a walk in one of her favorite gardens to calm her mind and then she message Layla to find out where Serkan was. 
Once she learned where he was, she stopped by her favorite cafe and headed over to meet him. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~    
Serkan moved about the property, overseeing the work that was being done. 
He rather spend his time here than he did at Efe’s and Eda’s office. 
Just the thought of seeing the two of them together was painful. 
It was just as painful as the tumor that was killing him. 
But at least the tumor would leave his heart intact. He couldn’t say the same for Eda and her relationship with another man. A man he had always distrusted. 
Most of the work inside the home was done. His mother had even taken over designing the decor but keeping in mind what he wanted for it. 
The worked that remain was the garden outside and the wrapped around porch and the deck and a large dog run and house for Sirius. 
The sound of a car coming up the road gave him pause, and he looked away from the design he was going over with one of the lead construction heads to see Eda’s car pull in beside his car. 
He swallowed. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to see her. He knew for a fact he didn’t want an audience around. 
He turned back to his lead construction head and informed him that he and the rest of the crew had the rest of the day off. 
As Eda approached, he called the gardener over and gave him the day off as well. 
“Hey,” Eda smiled, pointedly ignoring how Serkan had just cleared the place out. That was either a good sign or a bad one. 
“I’m calling it a day.” Serkan said. “You have no need to be here right now.” 
Eda watched as the crew drove away before turning back to Serkan and held out a coffee to him. “I wanted to see you.”
Serkan took the drink and turned his back on her before heading inside his home. “I find that hard to believe.”
Eda followed him and paused to take in his newly required furniture, the warm tones, the throw pillows and flowers that decorated the home. 
It was beautiful and something she would envision for herself. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” asked Eda, observing him. She didn’t believe she had done anything to change his attitude toward her. 
Serkan turned to look at her. She stood there, looking so beautiful, and all he wanted to do was bring her in the circle of his arms, but he couldn’t. 
She wasn’t his. 
She belonged to another. 
He couldn’t understand why she couldn’t have just told him unless she set out to hurt him.
He knew he had no right to be angry. His presence in her life would only cause her more pain in the end, but he couldn’t help the way he felt. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” Serkan asked, finally setting the coffee down on the end table. 
“Tell you what?” Eda asked, doing the same, turning to face him. 
Serkan wasn’t sure if he believed Efe, but he did know the thought of it being true and Eda keeping it secret was enough to drive him crazy. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were seeing someone?” he asked. 
“I’m not.” Eda protested. “And even if I were, I have no obligation to tell you anything. We are not together and therefore, my personal life is not any of your business.” Eda’s mind went to Efe. “Did Efe say something to you?”
Serkan took a step away from her. “He said you were together.”
“He lied. I have never been involved with him.” Eda exclaimed, stepping into his space. “Furthermore, why do you care? It has absolutely nothing to do with you.” 
Serkan glared at her. “You know why.” 
Eda stared up at him. “I told you before, you don’t get to come back into my life act like nothing happened.”
“That’s not what I’m doing,” Serkan argued. “But I can’t help that I am still crazy about you as the first day I told you I was in love with you.” 
Eda was expecting him to say he still had feelings for her, but it had been a long time. She didn’t expect him to say he was in love with her. “Serkan, it’s been years.”
“I know how long it’s been, Eda,” Serkan’s voice softened. “And I have missed you every second or every day. I have never, not for one moment, stopped loving you. I’ve been in love with you from the moment I saw you, and that’s never going to change.”
Eda's lips parted, thrown by his confession. She could see in his eyes he meant every word, hear the emotion in every word he spoke, see the way his hands moved like he wanted to reach for her but kept himself from doing so. 
“I know it doesn’t change anything for you, but I need you to know. I am so in love with you. Nothing else matters to me. It’s why I am here. If I could, I would give anything just to have one more day with you in my arms.”
Eda’s heart pounded in her chest. It was everything she had dreamed of hearing. It didn’t erase their history, but it meant more to her that it was real, and that what they had was stronger than what they’ve been through. 
Emotion swelled in her chest. 
“I know you need more time but I promise you, that’s not going to change and I will be here waiting for as long as I am able to,” Serkan continued. 
“Serkan,” Eda shook her head. 
Serkan nodded, accepting her rejection. He looked away. 
“Serkan.” Eda repeated softly. 
Serkan felt her hand on his cheek, turning her back to him. “I don’t need more time. I’ve been thinking about you, us, since you came back into my life, questioning a lot of things, but the one thing I have never questioned is my love.”
Eda pressed her lips to his softly and then more firmly. 
Serkan’s reaction was immediate. He cupped her face in his hands, deepening the kiss. 
Eda kissed him until they were breathless. 
“You say you have never stopped loving me,” Eda leaned her forehead against his. 
“I haven’t. Not once.” Serkan vowed, breathing her in. 
“And I have never stopped loving you.” 
“Eda, my love,” Serkan was guttural with emotion. He was overwhelmed with passion, with love for the woman in his arms. 
“Kiss me and don’t stop.” Eda breathed. 
Serkan didn’t need to be told twice. 
He touched her like a man coming home from war. He kissed her like a man dying for his first taste of water. 
Eda melted beneath his touch. Everything else fell away and all she could feel was Serkan’s lips brushing over hers, his tongue sweeping into her mouth, his hands running through her hair, over her body, on her skin. 
Her heart continued to rise to a crescendo, matching the desire he created within her for more. 
For all of him. 
That was the thing with holding yourself back. When you finally let go, it was a tidal wave taking everything away in its path. 
It didn’t end with an earth shattering, life altering kiss. 
Serkan pushes her jacket off her arms. She yanked his white button-up shirt from his pants and began unbuttoning his shirt, as his lips trace her jawline, down the length of her neck.
She pushed the fabric off his shoulders as he started sucking at her pulse. 
“Serkan.” she breathed. Her hands slid up his chest. Grasping his face, she pulled him back to her lips, her tongue sweeping into his mouth, tasting him. 
She only deepened the kiss when he hoisted her up, urging her to wrap her legs around him. 
She did so without hesitation. She didn’t care that they were moving. All she cared about was kissing him until neither one of them could catch their breath. 
Love and passion consumed them both, clothes were removed until nothing remained. 
Eda felt soft sheets beneath her skin, Serkan’s warmth washing over her as he braced himself above her, staring at her with so much love it overwhelmed her. 
“Please,” she whispered. She didn’t even know what she was asking him. All she knew was that she needed him. “Serkan, baby.” 
And then Serkan was pushing inside her, his movements slow and controlled. He kissed her slowly, matching the pace of his thrust. 
Serkan was consumed by his love for the woman wrapped around him, giving herself wholly to him. 
He had hoped for Eda to forgive him, but it felt asking for too much to have her give herself over completely to him, but here she was doing just that. She gave herself to him, body and soul.
He was the luckiest man alive. 
He got to make love to the woman who held every piece of him in her hands in the home he bought for them.
It was the most beautiful night of his life and God, he was terrified. 
“Serkan,” Eda had pulled her mouth from his, cupping his face in her hands as he buried himself deep. “You’re shaking,”
“I’m scared.” he held himself above her, his movements stilling as he was buried to the hilt inside her welcoming heat. 
“Scared?” Eda repeated. Serkan was so open and vulnerable before her, she never felt closer to him at this moment. “Of what?”
“I don’t want you to regret this when it’s over.” Serkan confessed. His hand moved to cup her face, his thumb brushing her lip, his fingers moving to trace her jawline, every inch of her he could as he looked into her dark eyes, getting lost in them. “I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow feeling like you made a mistake.”
“Oh, Serkan.” Eda pushed as his back until he was flush against her, she took his hand and placed it over her left breast, her heart racing just beneath the skin. “Do you feel my heart beating?”
“Yes.” Serkan answered. He felt its strong beat beneath his palm. “I feel it.” 
“It’s beats for you.” Emotion welled up inside her, making her voice choke up. “It has always beat for you. This is not a mistake and I will never regret you. You are the greatest love of my life.” 
“God, I’m so in love with you,” Serkan breathed, emotions welling in his chest. 
“Show me.” Eda brought his mouth back to hers, kissing him deeply. 
Serkan laced their hands together, pinning them to the bed and moved deeply, slowly inside her, swallowing her every moan and whispering words of his love into her skin. 
Tonight would be a night, he would cherish in his heart as his time came near and he could only hope that this would one day be one of Eda’s favorite memories of them. 
His life may be a short one, but it gave him the greatest gift he could’ve asked for. 
Eda Yildiz. 
And that was a life worth living.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Eda laid against Serkan, her ear resting over his heart, her body tangled with his. Serkan had fallen asleep almost instantly after pulling her against his body. 
Not that she blamed him, he deserved the rest. 
Laying in his arms after he made love to her was an experience that she always cherished. 
She felt safe, wanted, desire and loved. 
She wasn’t sure where they went from here, but she knew it was a decision she would make with Serkan. 
She allowed the beat of his heart to lull her to sleep and she fell into sweet dreams of a future spent with Serkan. 
A future, after finally admitting to her feelings and giving into them, she couldn’t wait to start with Serkan. 
She knew in her heart there was a beautiful life together ahead of them, and she couldn’t wait for it to begin. 
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pookha · 1 year
Owl House One-Shot Preview
A preview of an Owl House one-shot I'm working on in between chapters of the Harry Potter longfic that I'm working on.
TW: violence, mild gore, self-sacrifice, major character death (Luz Noceda)
“You failed, Luz,” Belos says as he snaps back into the dead Titan’s slowly beating heart.
Luz looks at her hands, which now hold decaying bits of Belos that drip and ooze away from her to move toward Belos.
“No! No! No!” she shouts, then she brings her hands together. Glyphs fly out behind her and encircle the charging forms of Eda, King and Raine.
“I’m sorry,” Luz whispers as they whisk away in the teleportation circle of glyphs that now surround them. They reappear outside the castle. In the distance, the Archive is being held up by the Collector, who is slowly losing his grip.
Luz steps forward as Belos sinks further into the Titan’s heart. It beats faster now, but oozes with rot as Belos combines with it.
“You lose, too,” Luz says as she lays hands on the Heart. Hundreds of Fire and Light Glyphs cover it. She nods to Stringbean who flies away with one last caress of Luz’s face.
“I’m sorry, Mamí.” She slaps the runes and they all explode. Fire fills the throne room, the rot stops spreading everywhere; all at once in the Boiling Isles it catches fire with a blinding light. The fires last only a few seconds, then red grass grows in its place almost instantly. The Titan’s reaching skeletal hand stops: it now reaches almost into space.
Outside, Eda and King shout as Raine holds Eda back and she holds King. The blast from the throne room subsides and the castle collapses.
In the Archive, golden lights dance around Camila and Amity, then pass slowly around Gus, Hunter and Willow. They float away past the Collector as he settles the Archive onto the ground none too gently.
“Luz?” he whispers at the lights as he collapses. Amity moves to him and helps him up.
“Luz!” he cries again as the lights fade away into the sky. He begins to cry, his tears soaking the ground. Amity realizes then that Luz is dead. Camila hugs her from behind and as Amity turns, she sees that Camila knows also.
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random-bi-writer · 2 years
My Reaction to Thanks To Them
Took me two days to finish my projects first before watching this but it is definetely worth the antagonising wait.
Spoilers for those who haven’t watched it yet.
And once again, Anne made me laugh.
Wait...there are sponges that aren’t yellow?
Get Some Therapy Challenge: Failed.
Nah, that british gay man who dresses like a straight person ain’t human to begin with.
Goddamit, of course he shows up.
I see a picture of what seems to be Luz slapping a cake on her dad’s face.
Child, you need to get out more often.
Why would they freak out- oh. right, Abominations...
I wonder if Disney let a full season, we would have a more in depth scene about Vee meeting the others for the first time instead of this.
Hallway of pictures. There’s the dad throwing baby Luz in the air (that explains a lot about Luz) Chat Noir cosplay, 
Hate that I can see the dad’s full face, but it’s too fucking small for me to stare at.
Pfft. I’m sorry, I had to rewatch this 5 times to make sure I’m not watching a fanmade amv instead of the episode. Also nice to include Hooty photobombing.
The amount of sadness with the drawings is just...
Designs. Gus, yes. Willow, maybe. Amity, maybe less dark colors and ditch the hat. Hunter, goofy boy.
Mirabel Madrigal.
Damn, that explains the haircut. Still miss the ahoge, though.
They’re so cute, especially Amity, I want to pinch her cheeks.
I prefer the non-romance cute. Lumity is so cute and wholesome that it’s disgusting.
Aww, the boys are having fun.
Willow looks like a mom with her hair down.
Is that spanish, I hear? I’m so proud.
I thought you were over that.
So Willow likes photography now.
Aww, Hooty’s there.
Vee is more babey when he speaks spanish.
Lmao. You’re gonna have three more kids once you meet King and the Twins. Maybe four, depending on the Collector. Or five, since Eda is kinda of a child sometimes. Wow, you’re gonna be busy.
Wouldn’t people find it suspicous to see four kids walking around town during school hours? Why aren’t they going to school, then again, it would cost a lot.
Luz, for the love of all things holy, get some therapy.
Pfft. Luz what the heck?
Aww, it’s nice to see other humans liking Luz...that better not be a prank...
Damn, imagine if Luz lost her dad from a car crash, this scene would have been really something.
Ugh, gross.
Dang. Nice, Hunter.
Babey Boy.
The back cover looks gay.
Flashbacks? Nice.
For some reason, I’m thinking of Marcy.
Oh, so it’s a nightmare.
Manny Noceda. Am I getting that right?
I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea what I should say about Camila’s nightmare.
Shit. I know this a serious moment, but look at the picture of Camila and Vee being cute together. Probably the last thing I should focus on.
You know that feeling where you feel like something’s bad is going to happen? I’m getting that from the egg.
Oh, god. That is disgusting and horrifying.
Hunter, no.
LMAO, Amity’s face!
Lmao, the Huntlow shippers are getting fed
Belos is gonna show up when Hunter’s alone, isn’t he?
God dammit, why am I always right? Can’t I be wrong for a change?
Lmao, Willow.
Are they watching Amphibia?
Gus is afraid of firelights. Amity is a mood with the circles.
Is the shadow fucking necesarry
Luz looks weird smiling like that.
Wait, that black haired actress looks like Luz.
Lmao, that’s saying it midly.
Huh, both of the siblings eyes glowed blue.
Fucking hell, he’s inside of him.
Damn, they went hard at the animation again.
Oh damn, having a basilisk on your team really is good.
No...no...No! Hunter and Flapjack deserve to be happy together!
Lumity call back, I don’t remember which episode..
Aww...I thought Vee would be coming.
Lmao, Vee.
So Thanks to Them is just Season 3A jumbled together.
Wait...Thanks to Them....Thanks to Disney...LMAO
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rhpsdys · 2 years
for a unpredictable child-like ... being ... the collector seemed to go out to play with king around the same time everyday. which mean that eda could sneak out and see raine. checking in to make sure they were okay. though they were never much for conversation like this, it was still nice to see they were ... okay. it didn't mean eda didn't miss them and that she didn't spend as much time filling raine in on what they've missed so far. how lilly was trying to help keep the curse at bay, though it was a lot harder than you'd think when it was the end of the world as they all knew it. she sighs, sitting up a bit awkwardly. slapping her hand against her tigh as she makes her way back to the broken cage door. hand gentle on their shoulder, though she wonders if they can hear her. " i'll bring you back, just hang in there rainestorm. " the end of the world came quickly -- and a lot quieter than eda would ever expect. staring up at raine, her raine -- but the face that looked back wasn't recognizable. even as a puppet play thing for the collector she still knew it was raine underneath. this? this wasn't them. they'd never hurt her, even when they'd been pretending. " give me back -- " she growls, from her place on the ground, far from defeated but definitely worse for wear. after all she couldn't being herself to return the attacks. just dodging as best as she could. arm shaking as she pushes herself up to her feet once more. nothing but her normal form before them. she couldn't -- wouldn't hurt them. never again. when she speaks once more, it's loud. angry. her own voice and the owl beast's mixing together. " give. me. back. my. raine. " ( @iorast xoxo totally a legit eda blog )
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you CAN hear her, even if the voice sounds echoy && far away, && your clouded mind struggles to remember — you know her, at least. you always would.
it's ironic. that she should be with you, at the end of everything, after you abandoned her && spent so long running. here she is, at your side.
then he returned, && you can hear him inside your head. a fight for control is futile — you already had no control of your body. the stringless puppet has found its puppeteer at last.
no, no, no —
even as your body is steered toward you, you're helpless. even all your mental fortitude cannot eject this usurper from your mind, && you're forced only to watch from behind glassy eyes as your own hands batter her to the floor.
fight back. please fight back. you know she won't, though. at least you can't do magic like this — a green tendril shoots out from your hand ( ?!?!?! ) toward her. okay. maybe you can, though it's nothing like any spell you've ever seen. there's something deeply wrong with belos. more than the obvious.
you can feel your mind clouding over as the presence of thing inside you grows.
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sepublic · 2 years
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If Lilith’s role this episode doesn’t reflect and establish a precedent for how she began to feel for most of her life, her role in the story to the audience, I don’t know what does; She exits, for Raine to take her place by Eda’s side, as if Raine is capitalizing on Lilith’s loneliness to have Eda for themselves.
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Eda gets to have a fun experience with a new person that opens her eyes, while Lilith is alone and further indoctrinated. Eda gets to effortlessly grow and mature as a witch and individual, taking the spotlight of the episode; Meanwhile Lilith is having her own quiet arc, mostly offscreen and just stewing in the background. While Eda takes up all of the attention as she did from their parents, from the teachers, and anyone else.
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Eda screws up with Faust and Terra and yet it still pays off for her, only for Eda to casually throw that aside when she finally gets it; Meanwhile Lilith has to work painstakingly hard and play by the rules, and only gets what she wants as a hand-me-down from Eda, who rejected the coven because she was too good for it, but Lilith wasn’t apparently. It must’ve felt like a slap in the face to her.
Eda doesn’t talk to her about what she’s gone through, what she now thinks. She learns something invaluable that informs what she does later, but Lilith isn’t around to witness that alongside her, and is again; Left behind, despite being older and doing more to get in with the coven. It must’ve felt so unfair, surely Lilith deserved something for looking after her sister? For working harder, something to level the playing field since Eda already has it good as-is, does it hurt to prioritize Lily for once?
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So when Lilith cursed Eda; Did she get what she wanted? She got the coven. And the curse led to Eda and Raine breaking up, as Eda’s secrecy drove a rift between the two... That curse was what Lilith wanted, but in a way that makes her realize how much she regrets it when it happens. Because even when Eda and Raine broke up, Eda still stayed away from Lilith and became unhappier. And even when Lilith got the coven, she became even more isolated from Eda, made a fool of herself, and subjected herself to thirty years of torment by a man who was petty over a broken nose he got from trying to sacrifice you.
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wholesome-lee-trash · 2 years
Fandom: The Owl House
Ship: Raeda/none
Characters: Lee!Raine, Ler!Eda
Warnings: tickles, none, tell me if I missed any!
A/N: *slaps fic* this baby can fit so much fluff- but, more seriously, I hope you enjoy it!
This takes place after "Oh Titan, Where art Thou"
Calming Touches
Eda was petting Raine's hair. They were leaning against her, eyes closed at the pleasant feeling. It always used to calm both of them down, and they both deserve a little bit of calm. She stroked her hand down a little too far and accidentally brushed their neck, which caused them to squeak.
"Oh, sorry." Eda removes her hand, in fear she has hurt them.
"You're fine!" Raine blushes and clears their throat. "Just, um... tickled, a little bit." There was a pause.
"You're still ticklish, Rainestorm?" She smiled, her gold tooth showing.
"Um..." They crossed their arms over their chest protectively. "Yeah?"
"Awe. You know," Eda moves her hand down to tickle their armpit, which wasn't a horrible spot. Raine pressed their lips together to prevent any laughter from spilling out, cheeks going red. "I once met a brave and strong witch."
"And their laughter was just adorable," Raine started to curl into Eda. She, in turn, started walking her fingers down their ribcage. "So I liked to tickle them to hear it."
"Wahahait, Ehehedaha." She took her hand off of Raine, hovering it in the air.
"Are you okay with this?" Raine looked up at her, and then buried their head into her shoulder.
"Yeheah." Eda placed her hand on their side, which was their worst spot.
"Do you know what their name is?" Eda asks, causing a lot of giggles to pour out of the flustered person burying their head into her shoulder. "Why, it's you, Raine Whispers!" Her fingers dug into their side, making tingly sensations run all the way to their core. Raine screamed, their sides were always their worst spot.
"EHEHEHEHEDAHAHA!" Their hands clung to her shoulders in an effort to not try and push her away. "NOHOHOHOHO!"
"Oh come on. You love this!" Their laughter became incoherent, and Eda lightened up a little, going back to their ribs. Raine didn't even try to say anything, just letting the laughter pour out of them. "Awe."
"Ehehe- nohohohahahahaha!" Eda moved her hand to rub their back soothingly, as giggles poured out of the bard. "Ehehe... Ehehedahaha."
"What is it, Raine?"
"Ihihit- ihihit tihihickled."
"That's kind of the point." Eda kept rubbing their back until all of the giggles were gone, and they turned to lean on Eda, like they were before.
"I'm tired."
"Then go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up. I promise." She starts to pet their hair again, and within a few minutes, they were off to dreamland.
And yes, she was there when they woke up.
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kammieceleek · 2 years
Did this a while ago for Ducktales, doing it again for Huntlow based on this post
All of this is based on my own headcanons of their relationship so take it with a grain of salt.
who is more likely to hurt the other?
Surprisingly it’s Hunter.  He has a nasty habit of putting his foot in his mouth and saying the wrong thing.  It doesn’t happen often and he feels awful when he does.
who is emotionally stronger?
who is physically stronger?
Willow.  Again.  Though she likes to say they’re about even.
who is more likely to break a bone?
Hunter.  Absolutely Hunter.  This boy has no regard for his own safety.
who knows best what to say to upset the other?
Hunter.  Once again, he has this habit of putting his foot in his mouth when he gets defensive.
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument?
They apologize at the same time, but Hunter usually regrets what he says first and makes the first move.
who treats who’s wounds more often?
Willow treats Hunter’s because as much as she loves him, he cannot keep himself from getting hurt and it drives her up the wall.
who is in constant need of comfort?
who gets more jealous?
Hunter.  He simultaneously hates the idea he can be replaced and believes that Willow can do better than him.  She doesn’t agree.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other?
Hunter.  He won’t ever be gone for long; he’ll just need to clear his head and he’ll be back.
who will propose?
Hunter, but it’s a close call.  He just gets to it first while Willow is still planning one of her own.
who has the most difficult parents?
Uh… *eyes Belos* no comment.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?
Willow.  Hunter was raised by a Puritan witch-hunter, he’s very awkward about physical contact of any kind.
who comes up for the other all the time?
Willow.  Hunter isn’t allowed to be alone with her in her room but Eda has no problem with them being alone in his room.
who hogs the blankets?
Willow.  Hunter doesn’t protest at all even when he’s freezing and she’ll just cuddle up with him.
who gets more sad?
Hunter.  He is the bad but sad boy for a reason, and he requires cuddles when it happens.
who is better at cheering the other up?
Willow.  She never minds cuddling him.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
Willow.  Hunter turns into a tomato at the contact at first.
who is more streetwise?
who is more wise?
who’s the shyest?
who boasts about the other more?
Hunter.  He never misses an opportunity to gush about Willow when asked.
who sits on who’s lap?
Willow sits on Hunter’s lap so he can sit with his arms around her.  It helps him feel like he’s protecting her since she can take care of herself in a fight.  She doesn’t protest because he’s pretty comfortable when she’s trying to read.
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polarpuppet · 2 years
“Get away from him!” Luz screamed as she charged the masked man once more, Hunter now laying motionless on the throne. “A child like you had no business being this annoying!” Belos growled as Luz flew backwards. “You WILL stay out of my way or else-“ He said before the back of his cloak was grabbed, the man whipping around to see what creature was brave enough to do so. “Or else you’ll stab them, perchance?” A familiar voice said. It was Hunter’s, but older, more sad.
In a single heartbeat, the crimson eyes and pointy ears vanished to show green eyes and rounded ears. “I see it’s happened already. I normally have longer.” Belos said as the young man stood up. “I see you are still making clones of me, brother. When will you let me rest?!” Hunter yelled. “I just…want to rest, please stop reviving me, stop this MADNESS!” He begged.
Luz watched Hunter in confusion. “H-Hunter?” She tried, but he didn’t even notice her, his eyes on his once littler brother. Now? Now he’s looking up to him, as all of his previous selves have once done.”I know the truth of who you are. Every time you bring me back, you look worse and worse. Please. Please, let’s just exist here.” He begged and held his hand out with a small smile.
“NEVER!” Belos screamed and slapped the hand away.”You offered that so many years ago, you offer that every time you regain your memories, but I will NEVER stop trying to leave this place! YOU are the one who likes it here! YOU are the one who fell in love! YOU are the one who turned your back on me!” He screamed as he produced a knife. “And you. Will. Die.” He said before he launched an attack, Hunter’s arms coming to protect his face before a wall of vines came from no where, stopping the blade.
“I’ll say it again! Get away from him!” Luz yelled as the vines pushed Belos back to the other side of the room, slamming into the wall.”Philip!” Hunter cried out in shock before looking at Luz. “Y-You saved me? Why?” He asked. “Because we’re friends! I don’t know who you are, but that body belongs to a friend of mine, so I plan to protect it.” She said, her words filled with determination as Hunter smiled. “Thank you. I’ve never had someone do that before.” He said before he suddenly pushed her out of the way of the energy attack sent from the cane.
“You brat! How dare you interfere!” Belos wailed as he launched another attack. Just before his cane met Hunter, the young man let out a small note. The sound froze Belos in his tracks as Hunter started to sing, his words mystifying as he held a glyph in his hand. Luz watched, mesmerised by the way he was able to do that.”Bard magic!” She squealed, keeping her voice to a whisper as Hunter stood in front of the blade as the final words were sung.
“NO!” Luz said as she realized what would happen too late. The blade went through the small form, the tip stained with red.”You did always fancy knives, huh?” Hunter teased.”Thank you, for helping me.” He said before Belos grabbed him, raising his hand high. “I shall help you. To your grave!” He said before Hunter began singing again, this time, walking around in a circle, using his new red ink to draw a glyph and gently placing Belos inside.
At his final note, the emperor snapped out of it.”You little-“ He said before he noticed the glyph and looked up at Hunter. “I’m sorry, brother. You’ve gone too far.” The blonde said before he activated it. “NO!!!” Belos cried as his body slowly faded. Hunter looked away as Luz had to shield her eyes, the light too bright for her.
Once the light subsided, a small figure could be seen. It was a palisman. A figurine of Belos. Hunter gently scooped it up and smiled softly before the door flung open, Eda, King, Darius, and Raine all looking ready to fight. When they noticed no one was there, they were confused. “Hey kid. What happened?” Eda asked. “We…won.” Luz said before she looked at Hunter. She was about to say something before Darius ran over and engulfed the boy in a hug. “You aren’t hurt are you? I will revive that monster and take him out myself if he did!” He yelled.
Hunte gently took the hands off him before he looked up at him.”This version…made friends…had a family?” He asked before he looked down. “I’m sorry. This…Hunter? He doesn’t exist. Not anymore. Forgive me.” He said softly. Those words, small as they were, so very simple, shook everyone in that room to their core.”But then who are you?” King asked, a bit more forceful than needed. “My name is Caleb. Caleb Wittebane. Philip, the man who killed me…tormented me for years…he was my baby brother.” He said as he held the figurine in his hand.
Tears went down the young man, now known as Caleb’s face. “I didn’t want it to end this way. I’m sorry for all the trouble he and I might of caused.” He said and bowed his head. A second later, he felt multiple arms around him, holding him close. “You have suffered so much, too much, kid.” Darius said. “Yes. You can rest now, Hun-I mean Caleb. Everyone needs to rest.” Luz said kindly, small tears going down her cheeks.
Caleb smiled softly at her.”Kid. Can you do me a small favor?” He asked. She looked saddened but smiled and nodded. “What is it?” She asked. “Can you bury us in the human realm? I know Phil wanted to get back their really bad. It would mean a lot to him.” He said, his voice getting softer. Luz sniffled before she nodded.”Of course! I would be happy to.” She said as Caleb’s smile grew. “Did you hear that Philip? We can finally go home…”He said before he let out a small breath, his body vanishing as he, too, became a figurine. Both men now had a smile on their faces, joining hands once more in death…
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snackleggg · 2 years
Once again, I would like to draw attention to the music in the latest episode of toh.
All of the music in O Titan Where Art Thou slapped so hard. They really werent pulling punches, especially during the fight between Luz and Eda.
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captainimprobable · 3 years
Here’s a very messy first draft of a fic I’m working on! There will be five parts, which I’ll post together on Ao3 once theyre all done.  This is the first part!
I’ll edit this for ao3 but I was too excited about it and wanted to post it here first before I did RIP
There are many things Luz admits she doesn’t understand.  She can’t figure out how cars work, and she’s not so sure about long division.  But, she thinks, as she watches her girlfriend chop up vegetables in the fading light of the setting sun, some things she does understand.  
“How did you get so good at this?” Luz asks, stepping closer to peer over Amity’s shoulder.  Every cut is perfect, each individual piece almost exactly like the one before.  It makes sense.  It is so Amity.
“Don’t get excited,” Amity warns, tipping the vegetables into a pot of boiling water.  “This is all I know how to cook.  I had a chef growing up.”  She blushes brightly, and Luz grins.  Amity blushing has become one of her Top Five Favorite Things, right under Azura and above Hexside.  
Amity herself, of course, is above them all.
“Sorry,” Amity says sheepishly.  “I didn’t mean to sound spoiled or anything, it’s just- my parents don’t cook, and they don’t have time to-”
“Amity.  It’s fine.”  Luz laughs, and Amity’s blush intensifies.  Luz is about to say something about it when Eda bursts into the room with all the subtlety of a hurricane.  “Look what I foooound,” she sings, proudly presenting something extremely dusty and unidentifiable.  Luz and Amity raise their eyebrows in unison.  
“Uh, what is it?” Luz asks.
“It’s a human-” Eda pauses.  “Okay, I’ll admit, I have absolutely no idea what it is.  But it’s cool looking and I like it.” “Another human treasure? Lemme see!”
“Suit yourself,” Eda says, and hands it over.  
The thing is heavier than Luz expected, and she grunts as she puts it down quickly on the kitchen table.
“Dang, Owl Lady, you’ve got strong arms,” she says.  
“I work out,” Eda responds, flexing her muscles.
Amity and Luz look at each other, and then at Eda.  They blink.
“Fine,” Eda says.  “Buzzkills. I don’t work out. You caught me, congratulations.”  She stalks out of the kitchen, muttering something about “dumb kids and their dumb honesty”.
Luz snorts and turns her attention back to the thing on the counter.  “Let’s see what we’ve got here,” she says, and blows the dust off.  Once the cloud clears, the thing begins to take shape, and Luz squeals.  “A record player! With a record on it!  This is amazing! My mom has one of these back home!”
“Record player?” Amity says.  “What does it do?”
Luz grins, always happy to show off her human knowledge.  “I’ll show you,” she says, and sets the pin on the groove of the record.  It’s silent for a moment, but then a slow tune echoes through the room.  There are no words in the song, and Luz has no idea who wrote it, but she’s in awe.
“Wow,” Amity says, echoing Luz’s thoughts.  “It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah,” Luz agrees, completely entranced by the melody.  Once the song fades away and the next one starts, she gets an idea.  She regards Amity out of the corner of her eye, gathers her courage, and says “Amity Blight, may I have this dance?”
Surprise flashes across Amity’s face, but she recovers impressively quickly.
“I thought you’d never ask.”  
She reaches out her hand and Luz takes it, gently guiding Amity to the middle of the kitchen.  Amity hesitantly puts her arm around Luz’s waist, pulling her closer, as Luz puts a hand on Amity’s shoulder.  It feels familiar, and when they start swaying around the kitchen, Amity starts to laugh.
“What? What’s so funny? Did I do something?”
“No, no,” Amity says, tightening her hold around Luz’s waist.  “It’s just...this is so different from our first dance together.”
“Our first...oh, you mean Grom!”
Amity takes a step backwards, and Luz follows, trying not to trip over her own feet.  
“Yes I mean Grom!”
They dance in silence for a moment, moonlight shining through the window.  
“Hey,” Luz starts, not sure if she wants the answer to the question she’s about to ask. “Who did you wanna take to Grom, anyway?”
Amity stares blankly at her for a few seconds, and for a moment Luz is worried she said something out of turn.  But then she smiles softly, so softly that Luz’s heart does a funny thing in her chest, and she’s pretty sure that, for a second, she can’t breathe.
“It was you, Luz,” Amity says quietly.  “It was always you.”
Luz stops dancing.  She stops blinking.  She stops breathing.
“Uh, Luz?” Amity says, sounding worried.  “Are you okay?”
Luz blinks, comes back into herself, and says “YOU WERE GOING TO ASK ME TO GROM????”
“Yes? Why is that a surprise? You know I...like you.” Amity blushes again.  They’re still not used to saying these things out loud to each other.  It’s a process.  
This time, Luz blushes too.  “Yeah, but like..that long??? You’ve liked me since Grom???”
“Since before Grom, actually,” Amity admits, looking down at the floor.  “It’s...it’s been a long time.”
Luz’s grip on Amity’s shoulder slackens, then tightens again.”Wow,” she says, breathless.  “Me.  You’ve liked me for months.  You!!!”
Amity giggles.  “Me,” she agrees.  
Luz knows that the smile on her face is sappy, but she can’t help it.  She just likes Amity so much it’s overwhelming sometimes.  
They begin to sway again, and Luz feels like she’s in a trance.  She can’t believe that one person can make her feel this happy.  It’s like magic.
“So,” Amity says, cutting into Luz’s inner monologue, “When was it for you?”
“When did you start to like me?”  
Amity manages, with what looks like supreme willpower, not to blush this time.  Luz does not manage the same.
“O-oh,” Luz says, thinking back to all the times she made a fool of herself in front of Amity before they’d started dating.  “I don’t know? I mean, I realized it that time you saved my life, but I think I’ve probably liked you for a lot longer than that. Maybe even before Grom.”
“Which time?”
“Which time?  I save your life a lot,” Amity smirks.  Luz rolls her eyes.  “Okay, fair,” she says.  “But I mean that time at your parents’ presentation.  Right after you...when you called me “my Luz.”
“Oh, no, you heard that?” Amity looks extremely embarrassed as she leans forward and hides her face in Luz’s shoulder.  Luz tries not to smell her hair.  She fails.
“Of course I heard that!” She says when she’s done.  “You practically screamed it out loud to a room full of strangers!”
“I did, didn’t I? Wow, I was so obvious!”
Luz rubs the back of her neck sheepishly.  “I didn’t notice.”
“What??? How???” Amity asks, picking her head up to look Luz in the eye.  “I was a complete mess in front of you for months! What did you think was happening?”
Luz shrugs.  “I just thought you were cute, that’s all.  In hindsight, though, maybe I should’ve picked up some context clues.”
Amity snorts.  “It’s okay.  You being oblivious saved me a ton of embarrassment.  Until I kissed you on the cheek.  That..uh….that was not planned.”
Luz can’t stop the smile that takes over her face.  She remembers that day well.  She was so focused on finding Phillip’s diary entries and also not making a fool of herself in front of Amity, that she was taken completely by surprise when Amity kissed her.  She’s pretty sure she literally fell to the floor afterwards, overwhelmed with the fact that Amity had just kissed her and suddenly realizing that maybe, just maybe, her crush liked her too.  
“Well I’m glad you did,” she says gently, twirling Amity around once, twice, three times.  “I think it’s time for me to return the favor.”
“What do you-”
Before she can think about it long enough to stop herself, Luz leans in and kisses Amity on the cheek.  
The world freezes.  
Amity looks at her, and she looks at Amity, and Luz’s eyes are so wide, and Amity’s mouth is hanging slightly open, and suddenly Luz is completely, entirely unsure of herself.  Her confidence is gone, and suddenly she can hear the ghost of laughter and “Ew, why would anyone want her?” And she realizes she’s made a horrible mistake.  
“U-um sorry I-” She stutters, but can’t get a sentence out, until finally she manages “I’m gonna leave now.”
She backs up slowly until her back hits the door, and is about to turn the handle when Amity says “Luz, this is your house.”
“Drat,” Luz says, slapping a hand to her face.  “You’re right.”
Amity giggles, hand covering her mouth to stifle her laughter.  She’s bright red but so is Luz, and suddenly Luz is laughing too.
They laugh together for what seems like hours, until finally they manage to subdue themselves, tears in both their eyes.
“Hey,” Amity says softly, once the giggles have stopped.  “Come here.”
Luz complies, stepping around the table and over Ghost, who has an unidentifiable animal in her mouth.  When she finally reaches Amity, she finds herself pulled into a bone crushing hug.  Startled but pleased, she squeezes back, marvelling at the fact that she has the most perfect girl in the world in her arms.  
“Look,” Amity says, still wrapped up in the hug.  “I know we’re both new at this, and it’s kind of scary, but you don’t have to run away every time you kiss me on the cheek or something.  You have nothing to be afraid of, okay? You’re my girlfriend, and I’m not gonna stop liking you.”
Luz sniffles a little and squeezes harder.  “You don’t...you don’t think I’m too much?”
“Luz,” Amity says.  “I could never get enough of you.”  
They stand there like that, swaying slightly in the single stripe of moonlight that comes through the window.  When they part, it’s with a sigh, and a silent promise that they’ll come together again.  
“Thanks,” Luz says, eyes rimmed red.  “You’re a pretty awesome girlfriend.”
Amity smiles.  “I know.” 
Then she shrugs shyly.  “And if you ever want to kiss me again...I wouldn’t be opposed.”
“Noted,” Luz says weakly.  She thinks her knees might give out, actually.
When it’s time for Amity to go, Luz walks her to the door, like the gentleman she is.  “Goodnight,” she says, trying to ignore Hooty loudly digesting a mouse.  She doesn’t want to think about where his stomach even is.
“Goodnight,” Amity says.
They smile dumbly at each other, neither wanting to be the first one to leave.  But Amity needs to get home, and the night is moving quickly, so they reluctantly part ways.  Amity turns to wave at Luz when she reaches the end of the Owl House’s property, and Luz waves back, stars in her eyes and a breathless wonder at the fact that this girl, this amazing, brilliant, perfect girl, is hers.  
There are many things Luz doesn’t understand.  
But this, what she and Amity have, the bond she feels growing stronger and stronger every day they spend together; this she does understand.
She closes the door.  She doesn’t know what tomorrow will bring, but she knows that as long as she has Amity by her side, everything will be okay.
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
"He’s probably committed war crimes and I love him" Fic where various Emperor's Coven members are on trial after Belos is defeated. Some use the just-following-orders excuse, some see nothing wrong with what they did (Kiki), some defenses are clearly how they justified their actins to themselves (Lilith) but Hunter... he doesn't even open his mouth. (He knows he has no excuse for what he did. Which is why he's so surprised when someone does speak up in his behalf)
“Do you even remember me?!”
Hunter stared blankly at the man in front of him who’d accused him of stealing his palisman and attacking him. He remembered the mission. He remembered the altercation that had occurred, and he remembered writing up the report.
But the witch in front of him? His face?
“No,” he said quietly.
They all blurred like that—every person he’d ever hurt, falling into one blank mass.
He knew he’d hurt people.
He remembered every mission report that he’d written with the little note on the side that read “resistance from civilians. Force used.”
But individual faces?
Who could remember them all?
The witch had to be dragged back before he could lunge over the stand and try to strangle Hunter.
Why were they even going through this charade of a trial? If they wanted to know everything he’d done, they could just read his mission reports. Written confession of every person he’d ever hurt, every crime he’d ever committed—why did they need to parade every victim in front of him? All it was doing was making everyone upset.
And of course, he’d had to follow up Kikimora. Kikimora, who’d just laughed at every charge, had stated that she’d do it all again.
Everyone was a bit on edge after that.
The muttering was spreading, the jury was looking at him in disgust—really, why did they need this show? To prove that they were doing something about the crimes committed by the emperor’s coven? It was too late—citizens had been hurt, palisman were broken—there was no going back. He’d hurt them, and that was that. He wasn’t like the scouts, who claimed to just follow orders, he wasn’t like Lilith, who had a bit of hero status after standing up to Belos, who’d only ever wanted to help her sister. He’d hurt people, he’d seen nothing wrong with it, he’d done everything Belos had asked of him.
Joking all the way.
No wonder they all hated him.
One face came up to the stand that he recognized, a face that he did remember attacking after a hand of friendship had been extended.
Yeah. Once Amity Blight testified, it was all over. She and Luz were the heroes of the story, and he, he was the villain. Belos wasn’t around to stand trial, so he and the rest of the coven would have to do.
Most of the scouts and guards would probably get off—there were too many of them, and they had outside families, they couldn’t all be punished. Lilith would probably get off with a slap on the wrist at a good word from her sister.
But he and Kikimora?
They were going down for what they did.
And it was what they deserved.
Amity took a deep breath. “I know you’re all upset. You want justice. You were lied to, tricked, had your magic bound, keeping you from reaching your full potential. You want someone to pay.” Another deep breath. “I wanted to ask, though, who here would hire a powerless witch?”
Grumbling and muttering spread around the court. But no one piped up that they would. Hunter’s face flushed—did she have to humiliate him while she was at it?
“When Luz the human first arrived, we ostracized her for her lack of magic,” Amity continued, her voice getting stronger, surer. “I know—I was one of the worst, at first. She was lucky enough to fall in with Edalyn, who taught her as best she could. Without Eda… Luz probably would have been killed. Anyonewithout magic is in immediate danger here, and even if they can survive, their chances are limited. They’d always be kept back, always passed over.”
Hunter felt like she’d punched him in the gut.
Things he’d always known he’d be without Belos.
Amity swept one finger around to point at him. “The Golden Guard you hate so much is a magicless witch. I know, I know, you’ve seen him do magic. But he wouldn’t have been able to do any of that without Belos, who created a way for even the magicless among us to perform spells.”
“Get to the point,” someone called.
Amity took another deep breath. “Without Belos, Hunter probably would have died, or at the very least have struggled to survive. All of you admitted that you never would have taken him in, never would have given him a job—Belos was his only option. Yes, he’s done bad things. Yes, he’s hurt people, has hurt me, has hurt some of you. But it was the only way for him to survive. You all would have let him die when he was young—can you really blame him for turning on you?” She turned to face the one who’d asked if Hunter remembered him. “Would you remember leaving a magicless witchling to die? I doubt it. You can condemn him now for what he did, sure. Go ahead, kill him. Prove that everything he did to survive was fruitless, that it wouldn’t have mattered if he’d joined the coven or not.” Amity sighed. “I did bad things too, to please my parents. Not as bad as what he’s done. But when you’re caught between a rock and a hard place, when you think that you have to do anything to please your parents, or else your life will be a living hell? It’s a hard place to get out of.”
Hunter could barely breathe.
His mind crashed and whirled, trying to make sense of what was happening.
Amity was… defending him?
She was giving him this sympathetic, compassionate look, and he hatedit, hated that she was defending him, hated that his enemy, someone he’d fought and hurt and threatened was trying to save him. Because she shouldn’t, she should just leave him to rot. All of her problems would be solved, and he’d be where he couldn’t hurt anyone else.
So why aren’t you letting that happen?
The jury left, filing out to make their decision. Amity leaned against the podium Hunter was chained to. “You look like you’re going to throw up.”
Hunter swept a hand across the room, the chains on his wrist rattling. “Why are you defending me?”
She shrugged. “Because you’re not defending yourself.”
“Yeah, because I deserve this. I deserve everything they’re saying, I deserve everything coming my way. I hurt people—all of these people. I deserve to get locked up in the darkest hole with Kikimora forever.”
“No, you don’t.”
She said it so simply, so confidently, that it made him pause. “What?”
“No. You don’t.” she repeated. She didn’t elaborate. She just said that, then left it.
“What do you know?”
Amity shrugged. “I know that you’re probably beating yourself up worse than any punishment anyone else here could think of. I know you’re probably wondering how you could be this blind as to what Belos was up to, so blind to how little he cared—and I don’t think anyone else here could possibly understand that. I think you’re at least a little bit sorry about everything you’ve done. And I think you can be a better person, if you’re given the chance. So I’m going to get you that chance.”
“I’m not you,” Hunter said in a low voice, “I’m not you, and maybe you think I can be a better person, but I’m pretty sure it’s too late. So just give up on me.”
Again, so simple and confident it shook him. Just a simple no. No explanation, or justification. Just a simple refusal.
The door opened again, and the jury filed back in. Amity tapped the podium. “Good luck.”
She headed back to her seat, leaving Hunter alone again.
But feeling just a little better about himself.
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pookha · 1 year
Dead Inside
Chapter 1: You're Dead
An Owl House fanfiction
Luz dies defeating Belos. Amity tries to join her, but is saved. She falls into a doomed relationship with Vee. She falls further into addiction. Camila dies and the bottom crashes out of her world. Sometimes when you’re down, you can fall even further.
Look in my eyes And know that I am dead inside From the countless lies That have eaten us alive I know why I'm dead inside You're dead inside We're dead inside
Dead Inside—Nita Strauss, David Draiman, Kile Odell
A doomed Vee/Amity ship popped into my head. As I was writing this, I realized that it just got darker and darker. The whump is real here.
TW: suicide, self-sacrifice, cancer, major character death (Luz, Camila), drug addiction, self harm.
This will post 1 chapter a week, most likely on Sundays. It will be complete when I post the fifth chapter.
Don't sing if you want to live long
They have no use for your song
You're dead, you're dead, you're dead
You're dead and out of this world
You’re Dead—Norma Tanega
“You failed, Luz,” Belos says as he snaps back into the dead Titan’s slowly beating heart.
Luz looks at her hands, which now hold decaying bits of Belos that drip and ooze away from her to move toward Belos.
“No! No! No!” she shouts, then she brings her hands together. Glyphs fly out behind her and encircle the charging forms of Eda, King and Raine.
“I’m sorry,” Luz whispers as they whisk away in the teleportation circle of glyphs that now surround them. They reappear outside the castle. In the distance, the Archive is being held up by the Collector, who is slowly losing his grip.
Luz steps forward as Belos sinks further into the Titan’s heart. It beats faster now, but oozes with rot as Belos combines with it.
“You lose, too,” Luz says as she lays hands on the Heart. Hundreds of Fire and Light Glyphs cover it. She nods to Stringbean who flies away with one last caress of Luz’s face.
“I’m sorry, Mamí.” She slaps the runes and they all explode. Fire fills the throne room, the rot stops spreading everywhere; all at once in the Boiling Isles it catches fire with a blinding light. The fires last only a few seconds, then red grass grows in its place almost instantly. The Titan’s reaching skeletal hand stops: it now reaches almost into space.
Outside, Eda and King shout as Raine holds Eda back and she holds King. The blast from the throne room subsides and the castle collapses.
In the Archive, golden lights dance around Camila and Amity, then pass slowly around Gus, Hunter and Willow. They float away past the Collector as he settles the Archive onto the ground none too gently.
“Luz?” he whispers at the lights as he collapses. Amity moves to him and helps him up.
“Luz!” he cries again as the lights fade away into the sky. He begins to cry, his tears soaking the ground. Amity realizes then that Luz is dead. Camila hugs her from behind and as Amity turns, she sees that Camila knows also.
Everyone else gathers downstairs in the Owl House, but Amity sits in the nest upstairs, staring at nothing, feeling nothing.
“Amity.” Luz’s voice is coming from somewhere nearby. Amity closes her eyes, shutting out the ghost voice. It comes again, louder.
She opens her eyes. The voice comes again from the photo of Eda, King and Luz in their ugly sweaters. Ghost is nosing at it and meowing.
A spectral form of Amity in her Azura costume reflects on the cracked glass of the photograph. Amity looks over her shoulder, but Luz isn’t there.
“I’m here,” Luz says. She stretches her hand out, but it doesn’t come through the glass like Amity expects it to.
“How? Where?” Amity gasps, picking up the photo.
“I don’t have long. I’m in the In Between, but I’m not coming back this time.” Tears stream down Luz’s face and Amity sees them drip into water around her ankles.
“Why?” Amity is crying now, too. She thought the tears were done, but they’ve come back and now they’re even stronger.
“I’m dead, but I have a little bit of the Titan’s power left. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry and I love you. I wish we could have been together forever.” Luz looks down and Amity sees that her ankles are covered by the water now and she’s sinking, sinking, sinking, slowly, slowly, slowly.
“Please, remember me, but live your life.” Luz is up to her knees now.
Amity reaches her hand out to the photo and plucks a sliver of glass from it. She stares at it for just a second before plunging it into her wrist. She gasps. She pulls it with all her strength and it tears jaggedly through her skin all the way to her elbow. Blood pours out of her arm and pools on the straw of the nest. She kisses the ghostly Luz on the photo and collapses on the edge of the nest. The photo tumbles out of her hands and lands on the floor. Ghost runs out the door in a streak of white.
“No! No! No!” Luz’s voice shatters with the glass.
The only reason Camila hears Luz is that she’s standing by the window watching the red grass sway in the breeze. Stringbean sits on her shoulder and nuzzles her hair.
Camila turns to see the image of her daughter on the window. She’s seen this before, but this time she sees that Luz is sinking in water. She’s up to her waist.
“Amity’s hurt herself! She’s upstairs in Eda’s bedroom!”
Camila shouts over the din of all the conversations.
“Amity’s hurt in Eda’s bedroom!”
Alador reacts faster than anyone else, but Eda knows the way and they rush out. Eda’s changing shape, growing her wings even as she runs. Ghost runs up to them and they pass her. Ghost screeches to a halt in a flurry of claws, then turns back around.
Camila turns back to Luz, who’s up to her chest in the water now.
“I love you, Mom. Keep Vee safe; love her like a daughter. I’m sorry I had to die.”
Camila reaches out her hand to Luz and they meet on either side of the glass, on either side of life and death. Stringbean touches her nose to the glass next to Camila’s fingers. The water is up to Luz’s chin now.
“Te amo,” Camila says as the water covers Luz’s head and the image disappears from the window. She turns to see Willow behind her with Hunter holding her tightly. Gus collapses on the floor, crying. Stringbean turns back into inanimate wood and Camila catches her as she falls from her shoulder.
Eda flies down with Amity in her arms. Blood trails in spatters behind her. She lays Amity on the ground. She’s breathing shallowly still, but her arm’s a mess. Camila steps forward to start stitching, but Amity’s sister (Camila suddenly remembers her name is Emira) is there first and spins a spell circle. It fails and breaks apart. Emira tries again and it sputters then sparks to life. She puts the circle on Amity’s arm and the blood oozes slower, but doesn’t stop. King steps forward and pulls the piece of glass from Amity’s arm and pricks his paw with it. His blood wells purple and he smears it on the wound and spell circle. The circle flares and strengthens. The blood stops flowing and scabs over. The Collector steps forwards and takes King’s hand. The circle flares brighter still and Amity’s wound scars over like it’s months old.
Her eyes open and she sees Emira holding her.
“Luz?” she asks, but Emira shakes her head.
Camila kneels next to Amity and pulls her into an embrace. Alador is there on the other side, helping. Their eyes meet over Amity.
“She’s dead, cariño.” Camila’s tears fall onto Amity’s hair. Amity lowers her head again and looks at her arm. She turns to meet her dad’s eyes.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I…I just…” Everything else she was going to say is drowned out in sobs. Alador takes her out of Camila’s arms with a nod and he holds her. Eda is there with a hand for Camila’s shoulder, then a hug. They both blubber. King and the Collector sit heavily on the floor with Willow, Gus and Hunter around them. Willow asks the Collector something, but he shakes his head. Willow’s eyes glow with anger, then go out. Suddenly she’s crying too. Everyone is crying, their tears trying to drown the Boiling Isles.
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
Okay, time for Hunting Palismen and a closer look at this Golden Guard fella! Unlike approximately 99% of the fandom I wasn't really taken with him right away. Will I change my mind with this episode? Only one way to find out!
Ah, the coven leaders are here! So are the Abomitons!
I see you, Rayne. You look...less than thrilled to be there.
Purification under the coven system, eh? Wonder if we'll learn more about how that's supposed to work.
Oh lawd time for the fandom to thirst over Handsome Sq-I mean the Abomination Coven head (who I've decided is totally Gavin's dad)
Utopia? Wow, this really is a cult, huh?
Kiki does not like GG
Nope, that transformation bit wasn't at all unsettling or terrifying. No sir.
Also, the way Belos was pounding on the pillars was quite...visceral.
How many of those masks does he go through on a regular basis?
Uncle? I knew they were related in some capacity!
A wild witch cursed Belos, I'm calling it
Hey, intro update for Eda, King, and Amity!
Echo mouse apparently does not give up all its secrets that easily
At least King isn't trying to eat it?
Loving Luz's face pressed up against the glass
Luz living up to her name at the mention of a magic staff, 'cause she's moving at light speed
Come, now, we all knew Amity wouldn't be in this one.
Yo, uh, Bump's kinda, uh...😳
So Frewin was Bump's palisman the whole time, huh?
There's the Bat Queen! Makes sense she would be involved in the palisman adoption process.
"Your loss!" Tell her, Willow!
Clover! Loving this already.
Boscha stans getting some juice today, I see
The way the students are reacting to finding their palismen is really setting up the inevitable gut punch when Luz doesn't match with one.
Reestablish contact with the giraffes? Oh, Gus.
(Makes you wonder what the deal with giraffes is. Then again, maybe it's just a running joke at this point)
Ah, here's the windup
Okay, we're going with full-on existential crisis, then. Poor Luz.
Connecticut? No wonder Luz doesn't fit in back home! She lives in friggin Connecticut, of all places!
Disclaimer: I have never been to Connecticut. I've heard plenty of people weigh in on it, though, and the general consensus seems to be that there isn't much to it.
Eda's up to something...
That cardinal really wants to go somewhere
That outfit being sleepwear makes sense, actually.
You'd think GG could leverage his position to requisition those palismen rather than go in for a heist, but bureaucracy doesn't make for a compelling story, I guess
Whistling the opening theme. Cute.
Okay, the whole fire glyph thing was funny
I did not expect this show to channel Looney Tunes as much as it has, but I'm okay with it.
Nice, Luz! Also, maybe that'll teach GG to keep his ship clean.
I think weird hand dragon might be sufficient to stop you, yes?
An assassination attempt? Oh, Kiki, you rascal.
Kiki really does not like GG
I'm convinced they specifically wrote that moment to be memed
Oh, they're giving off some real sibling energy, huh? I'm into it! Especially if it quashes the possibility of a love triangle.
This place seems a bit more rough and tumble than Bonesborough
I see that mlm date in the background! Very nice
GG may be older than Luz, but she is definitely the more mature one.
That said, he does have a point about her not always thinking things through.
Thus begins the Enemy Mine segment.
"Too slow" yup sibling energy intensifies
He seems quite interested in the glyphs
Okay, them nerding out over magic together is a) adorable, and b) a solid argument for his inevitable face turn
Wait, so is GG actually related to Belos, or was he a foundling? Somewhat ambiguous here, at least to me. Hopefully that's explored.
"At least you have your future figured out now." "At least you can figure out your own."
Cardinal's gonna be his palisman, isn't it?
Luz finds it cute despite herself
The whole sleep mist thing is a hell of a strategy to have in your back pocket. Luz being super smart yet again.
God help me if I'm ever at a point in my life where Luz tells me to my face that I'm not her friend. I don't think I could handle it.😢
Hunter? A little on the nose given the circumstances.
Also, goddamnit the episode title was foreshadowing his name the whole time
Oh hi, Kiki, still awake?
Ooh, well-animated fight sequence let's goooo
It's somehow reassuring that Luz is as weirded out by Hand Dragon as I am
Hand Dragon just follows the whistle? So much for loyalty.
Ah, there's Eda!
What did they get into?! Maybe supplemental materials could go into these offscreen adventures? Please, Disney?
Robbing a garden club to acquire some rare wood so your surrogate daughter can make her own staff? If that isn't love I don't know what is!
And loving the way Eda emphasizes that there's no rush on carving the palisman. Amazing family moment.
As a contrast: fuck you, Belos, you piece of shit
"Outbursts" riiiiight
Belos giving out some Shadow Weaver vibes with Hunter, ngl
Uh oh, Kiki suspects
Hope someone picks up that phone, because I called it!
(I know I write these after watching through once already, shh)
Well, considering the things that were revealed and developed, this was a surprisingly low-key episode! To be honest I kind of welcome that, considering how the previous episodes have been. That said, fairly solid overall, and I can see why Hunter is Dana's favorite. A less charitable summation of his character might be "What if Luz but white boy," but I think he has enough unique characteristics to stand out.
I'm also glad for the breather because I think Eda's Requiem is gonna hit pretty hard. Can't wait for that!
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stupid-stew · 3 years
The Blame Game
me when I have an idea and have never written fan fiction before and then accidentally write 3,000 words about it OOPSIES anyways I was like what if Eda got mad at Luz after YBOS and um could not get that out of my head
Eda was tired
So tired
Too much had happened over the course of the last day, she hadn’t had any time to think, but now she had a moment to herself, thinking was all she could do. All the events of the last 24 hours, heck the last 30 years, they all came back to her at once.
Lilith had cursed her? Her own sister? And then betrayed the emperor for her? First she’d been hurt by Lilith and then saved by her, and now Lilith was living under her roof? They’d barely talked at all in the last several decades, and now Eda was expected to just be ok with it? Just like that? After the screaming match they’d had not even an hour ago, Eda wasn’t sure there would be much talking at all for the next few days, not like she wasn’t used to it. There was too much to unpack with her sister right now, she felt too hurt to give it any more of her attention. And Luz, poor Luz, oh that kid was going to be the death of her-
A quiet whisper of “Hey Eda?” interrupted her spiraling thoughts.
Eda sat up from her nest and saw the focus of her thoughts standing in her doorway, “What’s up kid?”
What was Luz still doing awake? It was too late, was she having issues sleeping too? It wouldn't be surprising, the kid was probably traumatized up the wall.
Luz moved her mouth, but Eda didn’t hear a word she said, still consumed by her own brain
Luz, her kid. Eda supposed that she might as well admit to herself she loved the kid at this point. But what was she thinking, breaking into the emperor’s castle like that? Didn’t she know she could have gotten herself hurt, others hurt. Eda got hurt, Eda got hurt beyond repair, she’d lost her powers. Her powers had been the only thing keeping her alive, keeping her sane. What was she going to do without her magic? She couldn't live without it, she was the most powerful witch on the boiling isles for titan’s sake, but what is a witch without her power? And if Luz hadn’t broken into the castle, regardless of her intentions, maybe Eda could have had a shot at keeping her powers longer, but no, Luz just had to play the hero didn’t she, everyone else be damned huh?
“Get out” Eda said flatly
“And th- what?” Luz said, startled and confused by the sudden interruption
“I said get out, I don’t want to see you right now” she replied sharply
“Eda I don’t understa-”
“Of course you don’t understand, why would you, why would you ever think about anyone else, you didn’t even think about the repercussions of breaking into the castle”
“Eda I promise I didn’t mean for any of this to happen I just wanted to…”
“No.” Eda cut her off abruptly “I know what you wanted, you wanted to play the hero, you wanted to be back in your imaginary fantasy world where nobody gets hurt and you can always save the day, you wanted to win, guess what kiddo, you won. You won and everyone else got to lose.”
“Eda, I don’t understand what you’re trying to say…” Luz trailed off with tears forming behind her eyes
Something in eda snapped.
There was a stunned silence after those last words, Eda slapped her hand over her mouth, shocked at her own outburst, and Luz doubly as hurt by the words. She didn’t know where that had come from, of course she knew that Luz hadn’t meant for any of this to happen, it wasn’t the kid’s fault Eda was cursed, much less her fault that Eda was a wanted criminal who had gotten herself caught. It was her choice to go save Luz from Lilith, even when the kid was being pressed into spikes she was more worried about the older witch than her own wellbeing.
“Luz-” Eda said, taking her hand away from her mouth to reach out towards the now shaking teen, not sure how to even begin to repair the damage she had just caused.
“No, it’s ok.” Luz cut her off, her voice breaking, “I’ll give you your space, I’m sorry.”
“Kid wait-”
The door shut with a quiet click, once again leaving Eda alone in the silence with her thoughts. She fell back into her nest.
Luz wasn’t sure what had just happened. She had never heard Eda yell at anyone like that before, well now with the exception of Lilith, and herself.
Was it something Luz had done? She was just telling Eda about how she had fought Belos, maybe if she replayed the events in her head…
*5 minutes earlier*
Luz stood outside the massive door to Eda’s room, not sure whether or not to enter. Eda was under a lot of stress, that had to be taking a toll on her, maybe she should just walk away and come back tomorrow…
No, this can’t wait, Eda needs to know
Luz sighed and reluctantly stepped into the doorway. Eda was laying down in her nest with her eyes closed, was she asleep?
“Hey Eda?” Luz asked in a whisper, not wanting to wake the witch if she was finally resting.
Much to Luz’s surprise, Eda sat up. “What’s up kid?”
Eda’s voice had sounded warm, which was a shock to Luz, she had half expected Eda to be mad at her, titan knew she blamed herself enough for the two of them already, but her voice also sounded empty. Maybe Luz was making a mistake, she should leave Eda alone for a little while longer. No, it was probably better to get it over with.
“Hey I’m sorry to bother you, but I need to tell you something.” Eda didn’t respond, so Luz took that as a sign to keep going. “Ok so you know how you gave me the portal key? When you and King and Lilith were up on the platform, Belos wanted to speak to me alone.” she paused, waiting for some kind of reaction, receiving none. “He wanted the portal, and I gave it to him, don’t worry, I set it on fire… which kind of means that I’m stuck here, and th-”
And then Eda had gotten mad, really mad. Was she mad about the portal? No of course it wasn’t about the portal, it was about Luz. Eda was mad at Luz. Eda hated her, maybe she should just leave, spare Eda the reminder of who made her lose her powers every time she saw Luz’s face. And the worst part is that Eda was right, she had gotten too caught up in trying to save Eda that she forgot that she could have gotten hurt. Maybe all those people back home were right, she was too caught up in her fantasy wor-
Luz ran into something, more accurately, someone. She had been so caught up in her own thoughts that she hadn’t been looking in front of her and had run right into Lilith.
“Oh my titan, Luz I am so sorry are you ok?” Lilith fussed over her, seeming genuinely worried about Luz
“What do you care.” Luz scoffed, immediately regretting her words when she saw Lilith’s face drop at her words. “I’m sorry, I guess I should be asking if you’re ok as well seeing as I was the one that ran into you”
“Oh, I guess we are both at fault then, seeing as I wasn’t watching my step either, nonetheless I do apologize. What are you doing up so late? Does Edalyn not have a bedtime set for you?”
Luz took mild offense to the fact that Lilith thought of her as such a child, but most of the pain came from the fact that Lilith thought Eda still cared about her enough to make sure she got proper sleep. Instead of admitting that to Lilith, Luz settled to retort with “I was just coming back from her room, what are you even doing in the house? Didn’t eda strictly forbid you from coming in here until she says otherwise?”
Lilith chuckled slightly at that, which caught Luz off guard, but Lilith’s reply quickly caught her thoughts away from that “I suppose you’re right, but I heard screaming and wanted to make sure nobody was hurt, I guess if you were just in her room then you’re both probably fine, perhaps you could tell me what that was all about?”
And then Luz lost it.
Lilith wasn’t sure what to do. Luz hated her, had every right to, but as she stood in the dark hallway with the teenager wrapped around her waist and sobbing, let’s just say she was more than a little bit confused. She expected a lot of emotions from Luz, anger, hatred, rage, was screaming an emotion? Maybe it should count as one. But this? This was very very far down on the list.
“Luz? What’s wrong?”
The girl mumbled something in between sobs into her dress, but it was completely inaudible.
Lilith continued to stand there with her arms out and away from Luz for another minute, not wanting to touch the girl and make her uncomfortable, and at an utter loss for how to comfort her. Not even a day ago they had been seated on the floor of a clearing in the human world while Lilith had shamefully explained herself, how had she ended up here?
Slowly, Lilith placed her hands on the younger girl’s shoulders and pushed her away enough to see her face, Lilith was horrified to see the girl had been really sobbing, hard, her face barely visible in the dark somehow still managed to show levels of pain she didn’t think were possible for someone so young.
“Luz, ” Lilith said as clearly as she could while keeping her voice soft “what’s wrong?”
She listened quietly as Luz tried to explain to her the conversation she had just had with Eda. Lilith was shocked. She had never expected Eda to yell like that at Luz, she had barely seen them interact, but she still knew that her sister cared deeply for the human, and had never expected that sort of outburst to happen, especially in Luz’s direction. Lilith knew that Eda didn’t mean it, but did Luz know that? Of course she didn’t. Lilith was used to Eda yelling at her, she took it and understood where she was coming from, but for her to snap at Luz like that? Something had to be wrong.
“Luz, look at me” Lilith looked down at the still crying girl wrapped around her waist, waiting for her to make eye contact before kneeling down on one knee to get eye level with her while still keeping her hands on Luz’s shoulders. “I need you to listen to me, ok?” Luz nodded, wiping her eyes. “Ok, this is absolutely not your fault. None of it. I don’t know why Edalyn has decided to place the blame on you, but she was wrong to do so.” Luz didn’t look convinced. Titan, Lilith thought, this girl must have really taken what Eda had said to heart. “The blame is on me, Edalyn, and Belos. Not. You. I am responsible for Eda’s curse and capturing you, for which I will never stop apologizing. Eda and I are responsible for the battle and any harm that came to you during it. I am responsible for capturing Eda, Belos is responsible for her losing her powers, even I played a part in that. None of that is on you. At all.”
Luz looked at her blankly, Lilith was unsure what to do, she had never been good with words, had she said something wrong?
“Promise?” Luz asked softly
Lilith looked at the girl in front of her, the girl who had put her life on the line for her sister, the girl who had fought the emperor and ultimately won, in all her years in the coven she had never seen Kikimora look that terrified, and Belos was a scary man, this kid was so strong, and here she was, asking the woman who had put her life in danger out of spite, for a promise.
Lilith raised her hand and drew a dim blue circle in the air, grabbed Luz’s wrist, and pulled her hand through it. “I promise none of this was your fault, and I will do everything in my power to make sure any part of it that was mine gets remedied in full.”
Their hands glowed faintly for a moment before the light went out.
“So,” Lilith began, “what do you say we get started on that promise?”
Luz, still holding onto Lilith’s hand, nodded and allowed the witch to walk her down the hallway, back to the doors where this had all begun.
Shit Shit Shit
Eda had spent the last half hour trying to think of any way to make up with Luz, she had never meant to say any of that at all, she didn’t blame Luz, not at all, she blamed herself, and Lilith, and Belos, but mostly herself
For the second time that night, Eda found her thoughts interrupted by someone in her doorframe, this time though there was no word of warning, just a silhouette.
“Lilith?” Eda asked, squinting to try and see her mystery visiter, splitting the curse must have split her night vision as well, add that to the list of awful things that had happened
It was a simple reply, but enough to make Eda jump out of her nest, “What the hell Lily, I thought I told you so stay out of here, what if Luz saw you?”
“Actually…” Lilith started before tugging lightly on something out of the door frame, bringing luz out from behind the wall.
She’s been crying was all Eda thought.
“Lily I swear to titan if she has even a scratch on her-” Eda began to threaten, but then she remembered. “Oh”
“Yeah, I ran into her in the hall,” her sister replied, “can we come in? I think you have some explaining to do”
Eda nodded sadly, seeing Luz this upset, knowing that she was the one who had caused this, it was almost too much, and when Eda got upset, she had a tendency to run her mouth, so she just started talking as soon as Luz had gotten sat down and Lilith had left the room.
“Look kid, I’m sorry. I know that doesn't even begin to make up for what I said, but I mean it. None of this is your fault, I mean you could have been a little more careful, but the blame isn’t yours. I was having a rough time, which isn’t an excuse for the things I said, but I got mad and snapped at you. I wasn’t even mad at you, I was mad at myself, and I took it out on you and that was wrong of me. I was upset about the loss of my magic, it meant a lot to me, but you need to know that it’s not your fault it’s gone. I’m sorry. I was playing the blame game and you’re the one who lost, even though you weren’t the one playing. You didn’t deserve me yelling at you like that and I am so so so-”
“It’s ok.” Luz cut her off.
“-rry. What?”
“It’s ok Eda. I get it. I know you were mad, and I wish you hadn’t said those things, but I know it wasn’t my fault.” Luz said, looking the older witch right in the eyes.
Eda sighed a heavy sigh, “Good.” They looked at each other for a moment before Eda remembered. “What were you in the doorway for?”
“I had something to tell you, but I think it can wait until morning.”
“Luz, I think it is morning” Eda chuckled, looking out the window to see the sun on the horizon.
“Then it can wait until the afternoon!” the teenager exclaimed back.
Luz got up to leave, but Eda grabbed her by the wrist “and just where do you think you’re going?”
“Back to my room? Eda I have to sleep.”
Eda yanked her wrist, pulling her back into the nest “what a coincidence, I have to sleep too! Maybe we could have an apology nest party?”
Luz laughed, slightly taken aback by Eda’s sudden affection, but relieved to see that she was actually sorry and didn’t mean any harm. “Fine by me.”
“Love you, kiddo.”
“I love you too, Eda.”
They lay in silence for a moment before Eda startled Luz by yelling “LOVE YOU LILY!”
There is a sudden scrambling outside of the door and the sound of a witch’s footsteps could be heard retreating back down the stairs.
“How did you know she was still listening?” Luz asked between giggles
“She never was a quiet walker, it would have been hard for me to miss her walking away”
That was the first good sleep Eda had in years, no thoughts eating away at her, no nightmares, no curse dreams, just her and her kid.
read @novelist-becca’s alternate ending!!!!
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