#on some level hate his job & like what it's done to him. in order that he can inflict that essentially onto other ppl
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i think after Bond retires he should become a househusband. but also a consultant for mi6. and not bc I think he loves his job - bc tbh, I think he dont! - but bc I think he's still gonna continue to need to feel Useful lmao :')
and also like, he's gotta retain security clearances & access. cuz you Know this bitch absolutely Needs to drop in unannounced and cheerfully inconvenience everyone. and also be able to come & go as he pleases from Q branch :3 It's like. you know and I know and we all know if you don't give him legitimate access he'll still find a way somehow anyway, and that'd just be bad for security and also create paperwork. might as well just give him a badge & clearances, for a tiny fragment of your own sanity if nothing else.
another consideration like is, idk abt a full-time job for him after retirement, you know? - bruh isn't even working a full-time job schedule right now as a 00 technically, can you imagine him having to have a regular work schedule, every day, Monday thru Friday. *I* already want to kermit half the time. imagine how much worse it'd be for James 007 Bond.
#the problem w the idea of him training recruits is yea weidli's thing like... i do agree with that tbh#I dont HATE situations where he ends up training recruits but also it's like. then you gotta have a Bond who doesn't#on some level hate his job & like what it's done to him. in order that he can inflict that essentially onto other ppl#but also it's like. man. going from his current lifestyle to having to have some form of 9-5? prime kms material lmao 8)#at least Vita Mortis' model it's less structured than like He Becomes An Instructor still has that element of fieldwork abt it and also#isn't like. a curriculum schedule#lowkey real tho I think if u tried to make Bond take on a desk job he would fake his death again and retire again to Jamaica#or maybe that's just me and what I wish I could do lmao
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Muse-Part 2
Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz x reader
An undercover assignment trudges up feelings which leads to more heartbreak
Warnings: sex
You pulled into the lot behind Erin and parked. She climbed out of her car and crossed her arms with a smirk on her face until you parked and got out “What’s that look about Lindsay?” she shook her head “The love struck puppy we have wandering around upstairs?” you shook your head “I can do nothing about that”
She grinned “You know he realizes he fucked up right?” you shrugged “Why did it take losing me to want to stay for me?” she shrugged “He’s a man and men are idiots?” you started laughing and about that time the back door of the station house opened and the man in question walked out with Jay. Both of them exchanged a look when they realized you and Erin were together and laughing. “Why do I feel like we missed the butt of the joke?” Jay asked and you raised an eyebrow “Or are the butt?” and he shot you a playful glare “Easy Muse”
You grinned and cut your eyes at Mouse who gave you a small smile “Morning Muse” you nodded “Morning Gerwitz” if you kept it at that level maybe it wouldn’t hurt. You saw Jay and Erin exchange a look out of the corner of your eye but couldn’t focus on that. You turned your attention from Mouse to Jay “Why are you with my rookie anyways?” he shrugged “We were looking for you two. Case came in”
“Way to bury the lead there Halstead” you rolled your eyes and headed for the door, Erin falling in step with you and the guys following behind the two of you.
How the hell out of every assignment you could’ve gotten handed, you were given the task of sitting on the target? You shifted in the seat of your suv for the ten thousandth time. Mouse cut his eyes at you “Are you ok?”
You nodded “This is bullshit. Voight and Al could’ve done this. He knows I hate surveillance. I think I’m in the damn corner or something for choosing to work with the D.A.’s office” he laughed lightly “I’m sorry” you raised an eyebrow “Why are you sorry?” he shrugged “It’s my fault you took the job” you waved a hand through the air “Doesn’t matter now, does it”
Mouse got quiet then, he didn’t want to push you because you’d actually spoken to him. That was the most you’d said to him since you’d come back. He missed you so damn much. He was starting to think he was under some sort of punishment as well. Being trapped in this close of quarters with you was nothing short of torture when all he wanted was for you to talk to him about everything that happened between the two of you. He wanted to apologize. He’d hurt you so damn bad. He’d promised to protect your heart and had shredded it instead.
“Officer Gerwitz?” you called and when he cut his eyes at you his heart flipped when you had the smallest of smirks on your face “Yeah sweetheart?” the moment he called you that your face fell “Pay attention to your job rookie. You fuck up and it’s gonna look bad on me”
Of course, you’d given a sliver of an olive branch and he fucked it up. “Yes ma’am” he replied and you looked back out the front window, ignoring him all together when you said “Voight better call it soon or I may go kick the damn door in”
After the fruitless surveillance Voight sent you and Mouse on, he decided on a different angle. You would roll up some of the crew and see if they’d flip. The only issue was you had to do it on the sly. “Black out gear all around. Al and I will drive. You get in, snatch their asses and get out”
You watched Voight give orders and your eyes flickered over towards Mouse. Black out ops were always quick and left no room for mistakes. You had two targets. Two teams were going in. Jay was leading one and Erin the other. Jay would have you and Kim backing him while Erin had Mouse and Adam. Kevin and Antonio would be watching everyone’s backs at the entrance.
“Gear up and roll out” Voight ordered so you stood to head down to roll up, ignoring how Mouse watched you the entire way. You couldn’t do this right now.
You stood next to Kim in the bullpen while Voight had one perp in interrogation one and Al had the other in interrogation two. Everything went smoothly. Mouse fit into the unit beautifully in the field, you had to admit it. “How’s it going?” she asked and you nodded “Fine” she laughed “Been there” you shook your head “I’m not taking him back”
She cut her eyes at you “Are you sure?” you shrugged “I still love him Kim. I always will but I can’t trust him” she nodded slowly “I get it but I see how you look at him. How are you two going to keep working together with all this left unsaid?” you shrugged “I’ll figure it out” “Ok. If you need anyone to talk to, let me know”
Both guys ended up rolling. You needed their boss who would be at his club the following night. The problem was major crimes was investigating his club. After Voight made some phone calls it was decided that four of you from intelligence would go undercover and a few detectives from Major crimes would back the other six.
You were sitting at your desk when Voight walked out of his office “Burgess and Ruzek, you’re going under together” the two of them nodded then Voight’s eyes landed on you “Muse, you’re going under” you nodded “I can handle that. Who’s my partner?” he nodded to Mouse.
You felt your stomach hit your feet “He’s never done undercover work, has he?” Voight shrugged “He’s done some buys with Halstead and Ruzek and did fine” you shook your head “Buys and actual undercovers are two different things”
“You all were rookies once Kid” you rolled your eyes “With all due respect why the hell am I jumping through hoops? You let me go to the D.A! How long are you gonna bust my balls?” he crossed his arms and stared you down “As long as I want. I’m your sergeant, Muse. Now are you gonna have a hissy fit or do your damn job” you shook your head “I’m gonna do my damn job and do it well but know I’m not happy about it” he shrugged “You don't got to be happy just get it done”
You stood to walk towards the break room and heard Al fall in step behind you. “I know, I know I shouldn’t argue with him like that” you turned to face him and he shook his head “Hank’s a big boy, I’m just checking on you. Are you going to be able to handle this? Going under close with Mouse?” you nodded “I can handle it because it’s my job. Hell I’ve had to act like I want Ruzek before”
Adam walked into the break room about that time and froze with a grin “What did I do?” Al shook his head with a laugh and patted your shoulder “If you need to get pulled you know the code. I’ll pull it and deal with Hank” you shook your head “I got this O. Thank you though”
“Erin, seriously?” you stared at the outfit she’d handed you and she grinned “You and Kim have to play arm candy” you shook your head “Why the hell can’t Adam and Greg be arm candy and we be the damn buyers for once?”
Adam walked behind you about the time and whistled “Thanks for the compliment Muse but I don’t think I could pull of Kim’s outfit and I know for a fact Mouse couldn’t pull that off” you cut your eyes back at him with a smirk “I don’t know, might be worth it to see you both in heels” He was already dressed in his suit and Kim was in her dress. You just weren’t a fan of the choice.
Erin shrugged “This was the best option Muse” you sighed and took it “Fine. Come help me with zippers” she nodded and followed you into the bathroom.
Mouse walked into rollup behind Kevin. Everyone was getting ready to head out. The detectives from Major Crimes were there, Kim and Adam had their coms in. He had his in, they were just waiting on you because from what Jay said you’d argued with Erin over the outfit until the final moment possible.
“There she is!” Jay groaned and Mouse turned to see you coming down the steps behind Erin. You shot Jay a glare. The damn black dress you were wearing had a plunging neckline, hugged every curve deliciously and looked like it was made for you. The way Erin had done your hair and makeup along with it? He had to remind himself this was work, you weren’t his anymore. Fuck, why weren’t you his?
Ryan Fergurson from Major Crimes grinned when you made it down the stairs “Well detective you know how to make an appearance don’t you?” “Don’t you think it’s just slightly inappropriate to be looking at her ass when you’re supposed to be watching all of ours?” Mouse blurted out without thinking when he saw the way the man was looking at you.
You turned to look at him with an eyebrow raised as Antonio cleared his throat “With that being said, let's play nice boys and girls and get a move on”
You and Mouse were riding with Adam and Kim since their undercovers Brody and Wyatt were in business together. You fell in step next to Mouse as the two of you followed Adam and Kim out to the suv “What the fuck was that?” he shrugged “Asshole is drooling over you when he should be doing his damn job” you shook your head “Really Gerwitz? You embarrassed the hell out of me” he cut his eyes at you “I didn’t like how he was looking at you. Adam would’ve done the same over Kim, Jay over Erin” You scoffed “They’re with them Greg. You’re not with me” and hurried to catch up with Adam and Kim.
He felt his heart drop at the reminder, the anger in your eyes. He hadn’t meant to embarrass you. Hell he hadn’t really even meant to say anything. It was just when that asshole had his eyes glued to your chest, it was say something or break his jaw. He figured a few tossed words were a better option than a thrown punch. He sighed and climbed into the suv.
The job was simple enough. The four of you just had to go in, observe the club and make sure the boss was there and see just how many flunkies he had backing him. Of course that was so much easier said than done when every other couple in the place were wrapped around each other the moment the four of you walked into the door.
Kim cut her eyes at you “Ashleigh, want a drink?” you nodded “Yeah, let's go grab one” Mouse squeezed your hand as you pulled away from him and you weren’t sure if it was him or Wyatt but either way it made your heart flip. “I’ll be right back baby” you cooed and gently directed him towards Adam “You and Brody have clear line of vision on me and Tonya” he smiled “Ok love” and your heart damn near dove out of your chest. Why the fuck did he have to call you love when that’s the one damn name he never used until after the two of you got serious?
You followed Kim across the club, her hand secure in yours as the two of you made your way to the bar. Both yours and hers eyes tracked everyone around you the entire way. So far you’d clocked three bodyguards. “Virgin pina coladas” she ordered and the bartender nodded and went to make your order. She leaned closer and tapped her com “I clocked two on the north end of the building” you tilted your head, tapping your com as well “Three on the south” “Copy that” Jay’s voice in your ear was a bit of a calming factor. Once your drinks were handed back you made your way back over to where Adam and Mouse were waiting. You needed to make your way over to the far end of the club where all the managers were. The C.I.s had gotten Brody a booth reserved.
Adam pulled her into his arms “Bout time you made it back gorgeous” you were jealous how easy this was for them. You had no problem with any undercover you were given but this? This may prove to be a bit of a pain. Adam nodded at Mouse “C’mon Wyatt, let's check out this so called VIP section this place boasts about”
Mouse’s arm slipped around your waist and you inhaled sharply when his fingertips brushed against the bareskin left by the cut out in the dress. If he noticed he didn’t say anything thankfully. “You ok baby?” he asked and you smiled “I’m perfect Wyatt” holding his eyes to remind him that this was fake.
The two of you followed Adam and Kim through the club, eyeing the fact that there were multiple offices and short of the asshole coming out and announcing he was here it may very well be hard to tell. Once you got to the reserved booth and were comfortable you all moved closer. When you realized the fact that the four of you crowding looked weird you moved to sit in Mouse’s lap and Kim did the same to Adam. That way the two of them could just shift slightly closer and talking would be easier without pulling attention.
One of his hands was at your hip, his thumb tracing patterns through the dress. You tried to ignore that and how it made your stomach flip any time he shifted his legs. “We need to check those offices” you had a hand on Mouse’s shoulder to brace yourself and to just sell this better as you leaned closer to her, a fake smile in place “How the hell do you propose we do Tonya?”
She shrugged “Four of us. They’re armed” you cut your eyes at Mouse and he nodded. You shook your head “That’s not fair that we only get the ceramic blades O gets us” he grinned “I won’t let nothing happen to ya Ashleigh” you rolled your eyes then looked back at Kim “Two a piece? First one finds anything good hollers Marco, other set hollers polo then we get the hell out and let everyone come in to roll his ass up?” she nodded “Sounds like a plan”
The first office you and Mouse checked was empty. No lights, the sound, nothing. The second office you hit paydirt. Georgio Travis was inside on a phone call. You shared a smile with him as you tapped your com “Marco” and heard Adam respond in time along with Jay and Voight.
You and Mouse were moving to walk out of the hallway when the office opened from one way and a bodyguard started coming from the other. Fuck, this was bad. There was no way to explain the two of you just being in a side hallway. “Kiss me” you whispered and he looked confused for a second before you pulled him against you, putting your back to the wall. The shock quickly wore off the moment his lips brushed against yours. One of his hands went to your jaw, tilting your head and he rolled his lips against yours, flicking his tongue into your mouth. The other hand was at your hip, teasing the skin there with how rough his grip was. When his hand moved from your jaw down to wrap just enough around your throat you whimpered lightly into his mouth.
“Excuse me” you heard the bodyguard and you two broke apart, chest heaving. Mouse turned to face the guy, keeping himself between you and him. “Yeah man?” the bodyguard shook his head but luckily laughed “At least take that shit in that bathroom. Not outside my boss man’s office” Mouse grinned “Sorry about that. She just looks so damn good”
Mouse grabbed your hand and pushed you in front of him as you two walked out of the hallway. Your heart was pounding in your chest as he whispered “Fuck that was close Muse” you shot him a glare “Yeah Wyatt, that was” you weren’t outside yet. You were still under. His eyes widened when he realized his slip but there was no time for that. The exit was a little too close and you could spot Adam’s head slip back in to look for you. You grabbed his hand and gave it a tug “Come on”
The more you thought about it, the more you got pissed off. If someone would have heard him. It could have put everything at risk. Not to mention why did he have to call you love? Or put his damn hand around your throat like that? He was trying to fucking torment you.
He’d broken your heart, your trust! Not the other way around. He had no right to be acting like this. You parked behind his truck and slammed your car door before walking up to the front door of his place. He wanted you to talk to him, dammit you were going to talk to him.
Mouse heard a knock at his door and didn’t know who the hell it was. Jay was out with Erin, he didn’t really have many friends outside of the unit. He walked over to answer the door and there you stood, looking rather pissed off. “Can I come in?” you asked as you walked past him. “Of course” he replied, shutting the door and turning to face you. “Is something wrong?”
You scoffed when he asked was something wrong. “Is something wrong? Really Greg?” he shrugged “I don’t remember doing anything to piss you off this bad” you shook your head “That shit calling me Muse in the club. You not only put us at risk, you put everyone at risk” he dropped his gaze “Fuck, I know. I’m sorry it’s just..kissing you, having you in my arms? I was lucky I was thinking that damn clearly” “That’s another thing!” you nearly yelled waving your hands through the air and knew you had to look half crazy at this point.
“What?” he asked and you pointed at him “The way you look at me. Like I ripped your heart out instead of the other way around. You fucking left me Greg, before I ever left you” he was watching you like you were the most important thing in the world to him and it pissed you off and ripped you apart at the same time. He took a step towards you “You think I don’t know I hurt you? You think that I don’t regret that every damn day?” you shook your head “I never should’ve come back to the unit”
You brushed past him with intentions of leaving. You had your hand on the door when he said “You’re all I ever think about Muse” you spun around to face him “Were you thinking about me when you wanted to leave me? When you looked me in the eyes and told me there was nothing in Chicago worth keeping you here?” you could feel tears forming in your eyes but it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen you cry before “Were you thinking about me when you got so far in your head you wouldn’t see that you were hurting me when you swore you never would?”
He swallowed hard, eyes glued to you. “Fuck it” you muttered, grabbing him by the belt loops to snatch him to you and the moment he got close enough you pulled him down into a kiss. His lips found yours in a hungry kiss and your hands slid under his shirt, nails teasing his skin causing him to groan into your mouth as he broke away from you long enough to meet your eyes, chest heaving “Muse, what do you want here baby?” you let your eyes skim over his body as an answer and he shrugged before snatching his shirt over his head and tossing it.
The moment his chest was bare to you, you turned him around against the door. You barely teased a kiss against his lips before moving to kiss across his jaw and down his neck, nipping at the spots you knew would have him gripping your hips tight enough to leave bruises. Your nails were leaving light marks down his chest and his eyes fluttered shut as he moaned your name. Suddenly he grabbed your hands and your back was against the door with your arms pinned over your head and he was standing in front of you “Say you want me, please”
“I want you Greg” you whispered and he grinned “Thank god” then crashed his lips against yours before his hands slipped down behind your thighs so he could pick you up. You gasped lightly and wrapped your legs around his waist. He laughed into the kiss “Forget I can manhandle you?” you grinned “Just surprised still” he headed for his bedroom “Let me remind you”
Mouse dropped you to his bed and within moments you were both stripped. He held himself up over you “Are you sure about this?” “Greg!” you warned and he grinned “Yes ma’am” and pressed a kiss to your lips, his fingers teasing at your slit before one long digit slipped into you. Your back arched off the bed at the touch, a low moan leaving you as he added a second finger, curling them both to tease over that spot inside of you.
“I missed you so damn much” he whispered, breaking from your lips to tease at your neck with his lips and teeth as he worked you towards an orgasm. You whimpered when he bit down on your pulse point at the same time he twisted his wrist at just the right angle, adding pressure to your clit with the heel of his hand.
You felt that sensation start to build right before he curled his fingers just right that your vision went soft around the edges as your orgasm slammed into you. You moaned his name out, clenching around his fingers as he worked you through the orgasm.
Once you stopped shaking a bit he slipped his fingers out of you and smiled, slipping them into his mouth to clean them. “Still taste so damn sweet my little Muse” you whimpered and he grinned before crashing his lips against yours, letting you taste yourself on his lips.
He moved to kiss down your body and you shook your head “Baby, please?” That man always loved eating you out. Loved having you tug his hair, beg him not to stop while you cried about it being too much but you needed him now. “I want you inside me Greg, please” you spoke and he nodded “I got you baby”
He positioned himself between your legs, cock teasing at your entrance then he froze. “I don’t have a condom” you smiled because that meant he hadn’t been with anyone else. “Still on birth control” you replied and he nodded, lining himself up before slowly pushing into you. Your head fell back on the pillows. Fuck, fuck fuck. Every damn emotion you’d ever had for this man came rushing to you in that moment. You felt tears spring to your eyes at the feeling. “Muse?” he asked and you nodded “I’m good”
He pressed a kiss to your lips “Then let me see you” you opened your eyes that you hadn’t even realized you closed and fuck how he was looking at you “I love you Muse” he whispered before giving a roll of his hips. Your hands flew to his shoulders, leg hooking around his waist as a moan of his name fell from your lips. He buried his face in the bend of your neck, hips quickly finding a rhythm that had your nails leaving traces of you behind in his flesh as he pushed you closer and closer to that edge.
When his hand slipped between your bodies, long fingers teasing at your clit, your back arched off the bed as you came, clenching hard around him. He grunted as he continued to fuck you through the orgasm “Fuck baby, squeezing me so damn hard” you pulled him into a messy kiss that was all tongue and teeth but neither of you could’ve cared. His hands went to your hips, spreading your legs further and bringing them both up to rest on his shoulders.
You cried out when he gave a sharp snap of his hips in this new angle. Fuck, it felt so damn amazing it was borderline painful. “That good?” he asked and you nodded “Fuck me Greg, please” he groaned “Any time, any where”
Your knees were damn near on your shoulders as Mouse fucked you, every thrust slamming the headboard into the wall. You were sobbing his name, nails digging into his flesh as he worked you both closer and closer to that edge. When he slipped a hand between you to find your clit your head fell back, legs shaking around him as you came. His hips never lost their rhythm as they snapped into yours, chasing his own high. When he finally came with a low moan of your name as he buried himself inside of you with a final thrust, the feeling of him cumming was enough to push your already overworked pussy over that edge once more because your eyes rolled back slightly as your legs shook and you moaned his name out.
He stilled after a moment, both of your chests heaving. He slowly lowered your legs, rubbing them both tentatively. “Did I hurt you?” you shook your head “No” and he smiled, pressing another kiss to your lips “Let me clean you up” he pulled out of you and apologized when you whined at the feeling. “I’ll grab you something to drink too beautiful”
You watched him walk out of the room and a sinking feeling settled in your chest. You’d just had sex with your ex that you were still very much in love with. He was probably thinking you just took him back and you couldn’t be more confused at the moment. You’d come here to argue with him, not this.
When he came back with a warm towel you averted your eyes as he helped you clean up then offered you a bottle of water. You took the water and set up in the bed, wrapping the sheet around yourself “I’ll um..I’ll go when my legs are back to one hundred” he smiled slightly “Go?”
You nodded “Yeah to my place?” he pointed to the bed “Stay here” you shook your head “Greg, I can’t” his face fell and he looked around before finding his boxers and slipped them on, pushing his hair back. “Why?”
“Greg, I didn’t come here looking to do that” he shrugged “Not like I was complaining Muse. I haven’t gone a moment without thinking about you since the day you left me” you lowered your eyes to your hands “We’re not..we’re not back together Greg”
When he didn’t say anything you slowly looked up and he was staring at you “What?” he shook his head “Bullshit, I know you. You don’t do casual sex” “And I never thought you would’ve tried to go back into a war over building a future with me!” you argued and his shoulders dropped “I didn’t”
You nodded “After I left. You decided after I left” you could feel tears start to hit your eyes so you wrapped the sheet tighter around you and climbed out of the bed to go in search of your own clothes. “I love you Muse. I have always loved you. When I considered that it was because I wanted to be a better man for you” he spoke low.
Your eyes flew up, dropping the sheet in favor of picking up your clothes and not caring. “Or you could’ve talked to me, let me in and realized that I fucking loved you with everything I had”
“Loved?” his voice was so low it broke you. You shook your head and started to get dressed but he stopped you, hands grabbing your wrists. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t love me anymore” he spoke and you shook your head “I can’t” “Then why can’t you just let me back in? You just let me have you then you’re gonna turn around and tell me no it was a one time thing?”
You slowly raised your eyes to meet his and swallowed hard, both of you had tears in your eyes “I don’t know what to do here Greg. I don’t trust you. It’s only been a few months. How can I be sure you won’t leave when you get bored of me?” he dropped your wrists like they burnt “Is that how you feel? Like I got bored of you?” you nodded, finishing getting dressed.
“I have never been more whole than at your side” he spoke and you shook your head “And I still wasn’t enough” he nodded slowly “What about work?” you shrugged “Act like this never happened. Please?”
“Ok” he replied and you nodded “Ok”
You barely made it out to your car before tears started falling. Fuck how did you fuck everything up yet again? You wanted nothing more than to curl up to him, tell him you loved him still and to trust that he meant everything he said but did he?
Mouse watched you walk out of his door and felt his heart break all over again. How the fuck could he go into work tomorrow and act like that didn’t just happen? He’d broken your trust and had no clue how to get it back. He loved you more than he ever thought he could love someone. Why the hell had he ever let his issues come between you and him?
He had everything in the palm of his hand and fucking self sabotaged it. He had to go into work and act like he hadn’t held you in his arms and watched you walk out yet again. What would it take to prove himself to you? He had to figure it out before he lost you for good.
#greg mouse gerwitz x reader#greg gerwitz x reader#mouse gerwitz x reader#chicago pd fic#chicago pd fanfiction#chicago pd fanfic#greggerwitz x reader
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Not All Bad
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~3k
Warnings: smut, sexual tension, car chase
Summary: You and Bucky are called out for a mission involving a very powerful and very dangerous nuclear bomb. The thing is, you two hate each other yet you two are the best for the job. Tensions skyrocket when you have to get closer than normal in order to make a safe getaway.
Squares Filled: adventurers/explorers (2021) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are greatly appreciated <3
You know why you’re going on this mission. You know why Bucky is going on this mission. You don’t know why you’re going together. You don’t care what Bucky has done or is capable of, you can’t stand the man. He’s quiet and minds his own business but you two clash every time you’re around each other.
You’re normally a mellow person but there is something about Bucky that makes you want to commit violence. You two are very competitive against each other, you’re always trying to outdo the other, and you’re always bickering. You think you’re always right and Bucky thinks he’s always right. You don’t like his attitude because when he’s not being quiet, he’s cocky and arrogant like an old man is. The same thing could be said about you, but you’re not as bad as he is. The other Avengers have put your bedrooms on the opposite side of the compound so they wouldn't have to hear you two.
This mission is quite simple: get in, grab a nuclear bomb, and get the fuck out. That’s easy for you because you’re a shapeshifter who can shift into anyone just by looking at them, and that power has gotten you into every sketchy situation that the Avengers have thrown you in. Normally, you pair up with Steve because he has the super strength but he’s on another mission right now.
The only one who has his level of strength is Bucky. Plus, his vibranium arm is a major advantage for you both.
Shadow Corps stole a nuclear bomb from Russia and smuggled it into the States. The government wants you to grab it before they can use it. Whether or not the Accords were passed, you were still gonna take this case because no bomb should ever be put on American soil. After getting the bomb, the next team which includes Clint, Natasha, and Sam, will go in and arrest as many as they can.
The getaway car is waiting in position on the other side of the warehouse in Tony’s stealth mode. It will only activate when you and Bucky get close to it. There are bracelets that you two are wearing in order for the car to scan. The place is crawling with heavily armed guards with probably twice that inside. You have to do this quietly.
“Wait here. I‘ve got this,” you smirk.
Bucky growls lowly but does as he’s told. He knows his way will only end up with blood soaking everything. You’ve done some recon for Shadow Corps in the past, so you’ve seen what the big boss looks like. With ease, you transform into the big burly man and walk down the small hill toward the only entrance. The guard posted there stands up straight when he sees you walking toward him. Good. This man you’re impersonating demands respect.
“Sir,” the guard nods once.
“I need the bomb to be moved now. Someone tipped the police off. Get everything ready for transport. Go tell the others.”
“Do I strike you as a man who likes to be repeated? Go, now.”
“Yes, sir.”
The guard scurries off to presumably tell the others. Once he is gone from ear and eyeshot, you turn to Bucky and give him a thumbs up. Bucky comes out of the shadows as you turn back into yourself.
“You’re welcome for making your job easier,” you grin.
“Bite me,” he growls.
You follow Bucky inside and keep your eyes peeled for any guards who might be coming your way. Tony provided a map he got from Friday, so you’re using that to get to the bomb the quickest way. This mission is all about time. You have to be fast. When word gets back to the actual boss, he won’t be happy that they’re moving the bomb. Luckily for you, he’s in another state doing business.
You turn the corner onto a straight and narrow hallway. The only way to get out of the hallway is either to go back the way you came or through the door on the other side of the hallway. You take two steps when the door on the other end is being pushed open. You turn to run the other way when you hear voices around the corner. If you don’t do something now, you’ll be caught and probably killed.
You can get out of this. Bucky can’t. As much as he irritates you, you kind of need him. There is a supply closet to your right that you’ll have to squeeze into if you want to make sure this mission is a success. You yank the door open and shove Bucky inside before sliding in yourself. The door barely closes when both parties on either side of the hallway come into view.
The closet is small enough as it is for the supplies in there, but it’s claustrophobic with you and Bucky. He’s too large of a man for you to fit comfortably. Your chest is pressed against his chest so you can either focus on the feel of his body against yours or you can focus on his eyes. You look up to see him already looking down at you.
You’re an idiot if you don’t admit there is some sort of attraction between you two. You know there is. You can’t do anything about it. Not only would that probably create problems for either of you, but it would only fuel his ego.
You can’t have that.
The closet is dark enough so you hope that he doesn’t notice you looking at his lips. As soon as your eyes lock onto his mouth, he licks his lips slowly. He’s the subject of your dirty dreams and now all you’ll be thinking about is his tongue.
“The coast is clear.”
Bucky opens the door and slips out with ease. You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding and force your breathing to return to normal. You follow Bucky down the hallway and to the room where the bomb is being held. There are no guards around because they think this place is so secure that they don’t need to guard the one thing people can’t steal. Not that they could if they wanted to. There are so many guards here that it would scare the average person.
“Okay, you’re up,” you say.
As much as you’d like to be, he’s the muscle.
“Just be a good girl and make sure no one comes in while I do the heavy lifting.”
You roll your eyes but do as you’re told. You stay by the door and listen for anyone who might be coming. Bucky approaches the bomb and studies the best way to handle the device. For something that packs a massive punch, it’s not that big. Tony crafted a container that could hold something this powerful, so the only thing Bucky has to worry about is transferring it without setting it off.
You look out the small window on the door and see a big guard with an even bigger gun coming your way.
“Bucky, someone is coming.”
“I’m kind of busy at the moment. Take care of it.”
You transform back into the bossman and step out of the room. The guard stops walking and becomes ashen when he sees you.
“What the hell are you doing here? Do I pay you to wander around? Do you have a brain inside that thick head of yours?”
“Sorry, sir, but--”
“But nothing. Do I have to do everything myself around here?”
“Sir, the cars are ready for transport. I was on my way to secure the package.”
“What about everything else we have here?”
“We’re having trouble securing some of the product in such a short time. I figured we should get the bomb out as soon as possible.”
You step closer to the guard and he does the smart thing and backs up in fear.
“If I have to leave here and do your job, I’ll have to call your wife and let her know you’re not coming home. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. Get everything packed up now. We will get this bomb out when it’s time. I need everything out of here.”
“Yes, sir.”
The guard leaves and you slip back into the room as yourself.
“Okay, I’m ready to pack it.”
Bucky carefully lifts the bomb and places it into the open container on the ground. He closes and locks the case knowing the wires in there will keep the bomb from moving. Bucky picks up the heavy case and allows you to leave the way to the car. As soon as the car senses both of your bracelets, it shimmers into view, and you unlock the trunk. This car was made specially to carry bombs such as the nuclear kind. It has a lead lining so that scanners won’t be able to pick it up, and the traction on the car is durable so if you hit a pothole or go over a bomb, the car won’t shake or move.
“Hey!” You and Bucky look behind you and see two guards running at you with radios to their mouths. Shit, you’ve been made. “Stop right here!”
“We gotta go.” The alarms sound throughout the facility and red lights flash brightly. “Just shove it in there!”
Bucky carefully puts the bomb in the trunk and you slam it shut before hopping into the passenger seat. As soon as Bucky is in the car, he starts her up and peels out of the place. Three cars immediately start chasing after you, and you look behind you to see how close they are.
“Looks like I’m not the only one who hates you. You’re insufferable to everyone,” you smile sweetly.
Bucky makes a sharp turn which causes you to grab onto the “oh shit” bar.
“Don’t act so innocent, Doll. They’re after you, too. I guess we’re both insufferable.” He looks in the rearview mirror and sees them getting closer. “Do something!”
You unbuckle your seat belt and roll the window down all the way. Before Bucky can question what you’re doing, you heave yourself out the window so that you’re sitting on the frame. You have the seatbelt clutched into your hand so that you have an anchor point, and you aim your gun at the cars. You shoot twice and run one of the cars off the road. Their tires blow and they go crashing into the tree.
“You might want to try the sunroof. It might be easier,” Bucky says.
“Now you tell me,” you roll your eyes.
Two guards start shooting at you, and you quickly duck inside to avoid being hit. Bucky opens the sunroof and points to his gun in the backseat.
“Try mine on for size. It’s bigger than yours,” he smirks.
“That’s the only time you’ll ever be able to tell a girl that.” You grab his gun and make sure it’s loaded with a few hundred rounds. It’s a machine gun so once you hit that trigger, dozens of rounds come out at once. You’re about to stand when the car jerks to the right. The second car in line has hit your car, and you almost went through the open window. “Try not to kill us, will you?”
“Shut up.”
You stand through the open sunroof and aim the machine gun at the second car. They don’t even have a chance. You fire dozens of rounds at the car and shatter their windshield. The car jerks so hard that the car flips twice before skidding to a stop.
“One to go!”
The last car has taken a different route instead of staying right behind you. Instead, they are zooming through the trees which makes it hard for you to get a shot from where you are. They are gaining speed and if you don’t do something soon, they are going to ram their car into the side of yours.
“Okay, new plan.” You duck back inside and look at Bucky with a sigh. “I’m gonna need you to trust me on this one.”
“I don’t.”
“Too bad. Just make sure we don’t crash.” You toss Bucky’s gun into the back seat and grab your much smaller one since it’ll be easier to use it with your plan. With light difficulty, you hop over the center console and right into Bucky’s lap. You’re facing him and his shocked eyes meet yours briefly. “I know you’re enjoying this but eyes on the road, Barnes.”
You roll down his window and aim your gun at the car that’s heading right your way. Bucky wraps an arm around your waist to keep you steady and presses on the gas. You aim at the tires and blow one of them but that doesn’t stop the car from barreling right at you. You empty your entire magazine and manage to shoot right through the windshield and into the driver’s head.
Bucky speeds up so that the car doesn’t crash into you. Instead, it smashes into the tree on the other side of the road. You sigh in relief and look at Bucky who is looking between you and the road. It’s like you’re back in the closet with him. Tension is high and adrenaline is coursing through your veins.
You can feel the tension on your inner thigh.
“That better be a gun in your pocket.”
“Nope,” he smirks. You roll your eyes but he’s done putting up with your shit. “Cut the attitude before I give you a reason to roll your eyes.” You shift to get off his lap but the arm that’s wrapped around your waist tightens. “Don’t move.” He drives like that for ten minutes before pulling over knowing they’re not following you two anymore. He leans his head back and stares into your eyes, allowing the tension to grow. “Fuck it.”
Bucky grabs both sides of your face and pulls you into him so he can kiss you. The second his lips touch yours, it’s game over. He growls when you grind your hips down on his either in frustration that you’re getting his cock hard or in lust for the exact same reason. He reaches to the side of the seat and pulls on the level that puts the seat back even though he pretty much has it all the way back. You reach over and pull the lever that lays the seat back, and he moves his hands down to your hips to grip you hard.
Even without that vibranium arm, his fingers will leave bruises on your skin for you to admire later.
You kiss down his jaw and to his neck where you nip at his skin, hard enough to leave behind marks. This between you two has been a long time coming so Bucky doesn’t want to waste any time with you right now. He pulls you back up to his lips and kisses you while snaking his hands down to between your legs. With an effortless tug, he rips your pants in half at the seam.
“What the fuck?” you mutter and pull away from him. “Your cock is so desperate to get wet that you couldn’t wait for me to take off my pants?”
“Shut the fuck up,” he says and pulls you back to his mouth.
You reach down and undo the button and zipper of his jeans before reaching in and gripping his cock with one hand. God, he’s so big that your entire hand can’t fit all the way around him. Good thing you’re a shapeshifter and can stretch as needed. It also means you can make it as tight as you want.
You pull it out and pump twice before moving your panties to the side. You position him right below your entrance and only slide the tip in. Bucky slams the back of his head against the seat in frustration but you’re not gonna make this easy on him. Unfortunately for you, Bucky is a lot stronger than you. He braces his feet on the floorboard and thrusts up while pulling you down on him. You don’t even have time to react because he’s filling you up deeper than you thought possible.
“Fuck!” you gasp and brace yourself with one hand on the seat by his head.
He starts with a ruthless pace, pounding up into you like his life depends on it. The car immediately fogs over at the increasing tension, and you slam your hand on the window which leaves behind an imprint.
“God, you’re such a good girl taking all of me. You’re so tight.”
“I can go tighter,” you smirk.
You lean down and kiss Bucky sloppily while he reaches down and slides his hand into your pants so he can thumb your clit. That plus the angle in which he’s thrusting is enough to push you closer to the edge. You know you’re close when the pressure is increasing, and you start to clench around him to show him you’re getting there.
“Awe, does my Doll want to come?”
“Mmhmm,” you whimper.
“Not yet.”
“Please, Bucky.”
“I said no.” He reaches up and grips your throat with his flesh hand. He slows down his thrusting only to go deeper. “Fuck, I’m close.”
“Then come.”
“You first,” he grins. “Come for me.”
Bucky rubs your clit in hard circles and that’s enough to push you over the edge. You gasp and moan as the waves of pleasure rush over your entire body. Your pussy spasms and clenches his cock, and he moans as he shoots his load into you. He thrusts a few times to ride out your high before relaxing into the seat.
“Fuck, you’re good at this,” you chuckle tiredly.
“Just wait until you see what I’m like in a bed,” he smirks. “Let’s go home so I can worship you properly.”
“Lead the way,” you smirk and move off him.
Well, Bucky’s good for one thing. He’s not that insufferable.
Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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Baking traditions - Q.Hughes
Summary: Noticing that you’re homesick, Quinn makes sure to include some of your autumn traditions.
The second of my Autumn & Halloween blurbs! How could I resist this slice of domestic life with Quinn?
Word Count: 778 words
Tagging: @fallinallincurls @starshine-hockey-girl @lam-ila @kurlyteuvo @tonyspep
“Babe? What’s all this?”
When you’d gotten home from work that evening, you hadn’t expected your kitchen counters to be covered with ingredients.
Your boyfriend just smiled a little sheepishly, but shrugged innocently.
“I wanted to surprise you,” Quinn said simply.
“When congratulations, I’m surprised,” you mused.
Quinn just laughed, cheeks a little pink with blush as he leaned down to kiss you in greeting.
“Hey,” he murmured.
“Hey yourself,” you murmured back.
He smiled sweetly, pecking your lips in another kiss before standing upright again.
“I know you’ve been missing home…”
Well that was blunt. Quinn wasn’t wrong though. You’d moved to Vancouver to live with Quinn and take your relationship to the next level only six months ago – and while everything had been fairytale-levels of amazing, that didn’t mean there weren’t stumbling blocks. Like your homesickness, that you’d thought you’d done a good job of hiding.
“…and I just wanted to do something to cheer you up. I called your mom, and she said that you love baking in the Autumn, like all the spices and stuff are your favourite, so I thought maybe we could bake together?”
His voice trailed off in a hopeful embarrassment, but it was all you could do not to cry. This man. How were you gifted a man like this? Quinn noticed the tears in your eyes and immediately groaned.
“You hate it. This is making your homesickness even worse. I’m so dumb, I’m sorry, I-”
“Quinn, no, you’re not dumb at all. You’re the sweetest man ever. I love this idea,” you interrupted, laughing a little watery with a big smile.
The relief that spread across his face was immediate and dramatic.
“Really?” he asked.
“Really really,” you nodded, “What are we making?”
“I thought we’d try something easy? Chocolate chip pumpkin banana bread?” he said, “I found a recipe online that looked okay and I double checked with your mom too.”
So sweet.
“That sounds amazing, Quinn. Are we baking now?”
“It takes an hour to bake in the oven so I figured we could order take out now and eat dinner while we wait for the banana bread to cook?” he suggested.
Your man with a plan.
“That sounds great to me, baby, thank you. I’ll get changed out of my work clothes and we can start?”
“I’ll order dinner while you get changed,” he added, smiling.
In no time at all you were back in the kitchen in comfy sweats and an old t-shirt, take-out order being processed, while Quinn scrolled through his ipad for the recipe he saved.
“Okay, so first off, we’ve got to mash all these bananas. Shall I do that while you measure out the dry ingredients?”
You nodded, smiling up at him as you reached for a mixing bowl he’d already put on the kitchen counter. You whisked together the flour, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, dark chocolate chips, baking soda, baking powder & salt, and after mashing the bananas, in a separate mixing bowl Quinn whisked together the oil, sugars, eggs & vanilla extract until no lumps remained.
“That’s lump free, right?” he frowned, peering down into his bowl.
You glanced over and nodded. “Yeah that looks great baby.”
Quinn beamed back at you.
“Now we’ve just to combine the bananas into my bowl with a cup of pumpkin puree, before carefully stirring your dry ingredients mix into my bowl too,” he explained.
Somehow the two of you managed all of that without making too much mess.
“Last step is pouring it into the lined loaf cake tin and baking it for an hour. I already pre-heated the oven so we should be good to go?”
After you’d combined all the ingredients, Quinn’s face was as serious as you’d ever seen it as he carefully carried the loaf tin over to your oven, and you tried to hide your smile as you opened the oven for him.
He really cared, didn’t he? He cared so much.
“I’ll set a timer for an hour. I don’t want it to get burnt,” he frowned.
“It’s going to be amazing, I already know,” you said softly, resting a hand on his chest.
His frown softened to a sweet smile. “I just want this to be good for you.”
“The fact that we did this together is what made this good for me. The cake itself is an added bonus,” you said, smiling up at him.
A light blush spread across his cheeks and he nodded, sliding his arms around your waist to hold you closer to him.
“As long as you’re happy, I’m happy,” he said warmly.
“With you, how can I not be?”
#my writing#lauren's autumn and halloween blurbs#quinn hughes imagine#quinn hughes x reader#quinn hughes fic#quinn hughes fanfic#nhl fic#nhl imagine#hockey fic#hockey imagine
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Ok so I wanna talk about the guy we all know and hate, Abijah Fowler, because there are three scenes that do a fantastic job at characterizing him and speaking to the story’s themes.
The Chapel Scene: Fowler’s whole “prayer not prayer” is so interesting because he presents it as a business deal (which says a lot about how individualistic and apathetic he is). And honestly, that speaks really well to the use of christianity in imperialism, colonization and capitalism. If anyone here is familiar with Antoine Fuqua’s version of The Magnificent Seven (which is based on Seven Samurai), Bogue’s speech in the beginning of the film does a similar thing. In the case of Blue Eye Samurai, Fowler basically says, “we’re not friends but these people are ‘godless’ and if things go my way you’ll have a nation of souls to convert.” And I really liked that wording “a nation of souls” because it shows how imperialism and colonization, in the process of stealing other country’s natural resources, are, by design, meant to pose a threat to the entire culture and livelihood of the people that live there in order to do that. And a major way it’s done is through the spread enforcement of the colonizer’s religion over the ones of the people they invade. Which leads me to…
The Finale Monologue to the Shogun: because Fowler literally spells it out how the process of these systems, how white supremacy, is meant to twist and erase the culture and beliefs of those they invade to the point where they conform and assimilate to the invader’s culture and view them as superior. It also creates the idea of a white race in the first place that has its own ethnic and religious hierarchy that determines what the “best” kind of white is. I really liked the detail where he mentions spreading their shame because so much of white culture and its interpretation of christianity, whether or not it was the dominant form in its country of origin before being enforced on others, thrives on shame and enforcing that on other people (just look at the US). Lastly there’s…
The Famine Monologue: Something I really like about Fowler’s character is how he was written to be Irish rather than some posh English guy. It’s a nuance that adds a whole level of depth to his character and role in the story. Ireland was colonized by the English, which Fowler discusses when he mentions the Tudors. One of the ways that colonization was enforced was by replacing catholicism with protestantism. In this scene though, Fowler talks about the intentional famines that killed his parents and sister. It’s a graphic memory that shows how a victim of colonization will sometimes use the same tools used against them, to gain a sense of autonomy and control at the cost of other people’s livelihoods. This is compounded by the fact that Fowler is able to assimilate into the concept of a white race that was created to justify these systems and the oppression/exploitation of people of color that maintained them. Fowler is fictional but there were plenty of Irish people who took part in Britain’s colonization of other people one way or another. You’ll hear elements of Irish vernacular in places like Barbados for a reason to bring up a small example of the consequences of that. On a side note, this is also an interesting video on how the habitual “be” is used in both AAVE and Celtic languages.
Long story short, Abijah Fowler is a very nuanced and well written villain.
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Brewing Hearts
harry potter x reader
warning: fluff, fluff and fluff
word count: 1k
this is part 1, i will soon publish the next part, stay tuned!
You never thought that one day you would fall in love the way you did when you met Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the one everyone at school calls "the chosen one." It seemed cliché to you that love had knocked on your door along with him. Your friends thought it was romantic, but you, without a doubt, found it absurd. Why did it have to be him? There were so many boys to fall in love with, but no, your stupid heart wanted the one who didn’t even know you existed. Your life had become a bad tragicomedy; every time you crossed paths with him, you felt your body go numb and your voice disappear. Your best friend called it a “romantic attack.”
Today, you had Potions class with the not-so-beloved Professor Snape, and it was important that you didn’t miss it since you had to turn in an assignment you had been working on for weeks. You hated Potions classes; you never had the best results, and that was the root of your disdain for them.
You were running through the corridors with a backpack on your shoulder, heading to the classroom where the class would be held. You arrived just in time, right as the last Hufflepuff student entered. When you walked in, you scanned the room for your desk partner, but you didn’t find them. You thought you’d have to do the class alone, something you didn’t enjoy. When you got to your spot, the class was about to start, and at that moment, Professor Snape appeared and gave the task for the day: an assignment that had to be done in pairs.
― Professor Snape, my partner didn’t come. Who do I do the activity with? ― you asked after raising your hand and being given the floor.
― Well, you can do it with Mr. Potter, who is also alone ― he said with a disdainful expression when mentioning the boy you liked.
Your body froze. Of all the classes where something like this could have happened, it had to be in Potions. He was going to find out that you were good for nothing, that you weren’t at his level to even think of going out with him. You wished the ground would swallow you up and never spit you back out.
― Is everything alright, Miss Y/N? ― The professor’s question pulled you out of your thoughts. You nodded and turned to see Potter walking toward the seat next to you. You felt your heart stop; it was like a dream and a nightmare at the same time.
With the problem solved, Snape went to help some students who had requested his assistance. Meanwhile, in your section, Potter was getting ready to make the potion. Your mind was racing, trying to think of a way to start a conversation.
― So… they abandoned us, huh? ― you said with a nervous laugh.
― Yeah, it seems that way. Shall we start?
You nodded enthusiastically. In your mind, you promised yourself you would do your best so the potion wouldn’t end up a disaster. In just a few seconds, you both decided that Harry would handle the cauldron while you passed him the ingredients and read the instructions. This spared you from any embarrassing moments in front of him.
By the end of the class, your potion was bottled and ready to present. For some reason, you had a good feeling that you had done it right. When Snape approached your area and checked that everything was in order, he begrudgingly gave you an excellent grade. You couldn’t believe it; that had never happened to you in his class. You were so excited that you even hugged Harry. It took only a second for you to realize what you had done, and unfortunately for you, there was no turning back. You pulled away so fast it seemed like Harry had caught fire.
― I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. I’m so excited that I didn’t notice. Forgive me, Harry ―. Concern and embarrassment were all over your face. You were about to pray for a hippogriff to come flying and take you away.
― Don’t worry, Y/N, it’s fine. We did a great job, and I liked working with you. We should do it again sometime ― he said with a smile crossing his face. Just when you thought you couldn’t be more in love with him, you received one of those smiles that made you want to cry with happiness.
Class ended, and everyone rushed to escape from the dungeons. In the hallway, you heard someone shouting your name. When you turned around, you saw Harry running towards you with something in his hand.
When he reached you, he stopped, a little out of breath.
― Y/N, you forgot your notebook.
You checked your backpack and realized he was right. You probably left it behind because you were thinking about him, something that didn’t surprise you at all.
― Yeah, you’re right. Thank you so much for bringing it to me ―. As you were about to say goodbye, Potter interrupted you.
― Would you like to go out with me sometime? We could go to Hogsmeade and have a drink at The Three Broomsticks, if you’d like.
It was either a joke or the best thing that had happened to you in a long time. You lost your voice and the ability to move; you were having a “romantic attack.” Before answering, you thought about the thousands of possibilities of what could happen if you said yes, and no matter how crazy it seemed, in all of them, the ending was a very happy one for you.
― I understand if you don’t wa…
― YES… yes, I’d like to go out with you sometime! ― You didn’t let him finish his sentence, shouting your response.
Harry couldn’t contain his smile of excitement.
― Great! How about next weekend? We could meet in the hall three hours before dinner.
― Sounds good, see you there then ― you said as you waved goodbye.
The moment you were out of his sight, you ran off to find your best friend to tell her about the long-awaited and desired moment.
#harry potter#harry potter fandom#harry potter au#harry potter fanfiction#harry potter x reader#harry james potter#harry potter fluff#golden trio#harry potter x y/n#harry potter imagine#harry james potter imagine#harry potter blurb#harry potter oneshot#harry potter headcanon#harry james potter x reader#harry james potter x y/n#harry james potter fluff#harry james potter oneshot#harry james potter smut#harry potter fic#mine#marauders fandom#hp marauders#hp fluff#hp fanfiction#hp fanfic#hp fandom#golden trio era#marauders#marauders era
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ok so i have some Tobirama thoughts cuz i watch Naruto rn and over analyzing everything
but whatever i need this character study to get my characterisation of him straight.
So basically I just thinking over what an ass Tobirama is towards the Uchiha clan
and a disclaimer: i love Tobirama he's my fav, I just want to understand him better and PLEASE share your own opinions too! i feel like im making a whole paper on him or smth
Tobirama was basically "I separated Uchiha in their own compound from the main cast of the village and ordered them to make a police force (and everyone knows how people "love" cops, especially in military settlement) not because I hate them. They're just dangerous and prone to mental instability (thinking of Madara much? Dude if ppl feel love intensely, and you don't, it fucking doesn't mean they're mentally ill). But I know some good Uchiha (Kagami who was under his command?? and Itachi who massacred the whole clan for the village????) so I don't hate Uchiha."
Like okay, he doesn't hate hate them, but he IS prejudged af. As much as I like to read stories where he isn't like this and kinda more forgiving, in canon he is an ass.
And honestly it makes sense for Tobirama to be like that (I'm not defending him, I'm just trying to lay his thought process down). Like he fought with Uchiha for most of his life and he doesn't have pink glasses on his nose like Hashirama. He knows they're dangerous and he learned to mistrust them since they're enemy.
And he has his own theories about Sharingan, but basically he thinks that bitches are so sensitive, they can't handle a little hurt and loss.
I honestly think that he's wrong, like I think Sharingan awakens by high levels of stress (maybe cortisol levels shoot up suddenly?) Tobirama is only one man who tried to understand that and he barely interreacted with Uchiha personally.
Ok i just found this but bitch really came up with this theory based on rumors. Dude, please stop spreading misinformation.
Though we don't know their medical progress at this point, so maybe he really didn't know? Like he didn't have enough medical knowledge to get this theory straight. He has his special interest in making jutsu and you don't need to know people well enough. You just need to know how to kill them effectively.
Also, dude, if you (or maybe Senju in general) don't react as strong as the Uchiha, it doesn't mean they're mentally ill or cursed.
Oh and Tobirama thinks he's done GOOD for Uchiha. I mean his brother thinks it's slight for the Uchiha to get separated, living near prison and being avoided by village since they're the police force, but for Tobirama it's a job well done cuz it helped the village. He's a practical man who doesn't even think about feelings like that.
I think with Konoha he kinda played the game like SimSity but IRL. Optimised and used the resources he had to do the best working village. You don't think about sims' feelings when you make them pay higher taxes or make them live near dumpster just cuz you think it's okay and they will manage, right?
Before it was his brother to care for this kind of stuff. But then he died (how the fuck btw? I hc it was a disease but damn in some timelines he died when he was like 42 but damn WHAT could've killed The God of Shinobi) and Tobirama stayed alone. I assume his family wasn't much help and they had a 1st war near, so Tobirama had to work fast and efficient.
just a funny strip "You don't know him like I do"
I think Tobirama was also offended at Madara since he tried to destroy the village he put a lot of work into (lets be real, Tobirama doing most of administrative work is basically canon, not a headcanon, it sits way too right)
Plus I think Tobirama like many people was impressed + scared of Madara. Like he's crazy strong and ofc you're afraid, I get it. But Madara is an exception, not the rule. He's just a freak of nature + I think being Indra reincarnation had its influence too. It's not the whole Uchiha clan, but Tobirama judges them like he'd judge Madara.
Maybe he's a bit paranoid. Understandable since being a ninja and it's what keeps you alive, but this lack of trust really showed through all of the history between Tobirama and Uchiha clan.
Okay maybe hc territory, but I think Tobirama doesn't get emotions much in general. He's very autistic coded and, being on the spectrum myself, I can get where he's coming from. I trained my empathy cuz not having one is considered wrong. Tobirama probably didn't cuz no one told him to or he didn't consume this type of content in his childhood (i trained myself by cartoons lol). He cares, but he doesn't get feelings and makes these kinds of theories, based on rumors (damn dude fact check please).
Maybe since he doesn't get emotions much he's used to depend on other people in this regard? Like people start saying these rumors and he watches himself and is like "Yeah that seems possible" especially since Madara got his big drama time about Izuna. He has big feelings = has strong Sharingan. It is plausible.
I dont think Tobirama wanted to check it for sure, since 1) WHO will let the White demon near their precious eyes to help him understand how they work; 2) it's not his point of interest. he had village to run, jutsu to make, kids to teach. the bitch was busy and it's only 24 h/day
so yeah Tobirama had his reasons but he's an ass lol. like dude did start this chain of Uchiha slander and then when they were massacred he was like "Oh boohoo they self destructed what a pity" DUDE 😭

#im trying to understand Tobirama's mind since im writing him and he's a complex character!#if you have other thoughts or im wrong with facts pls tell me#tobirama senju#naruto founders#naruto
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Arachnophilia: (Part Fifteen)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
Content: Heavy Voyeurism/Mild cuckoldry, Fingering, Bondage, Praise kink, Oral (reader recieving and giving), PinV sex, Creampie, Breeding kink, Size difference, Monsterfucking, Masturbation.
Word count: 6200 Notes: this really might be the most smuttiest smut i've ever done, this shit made me blush writing it, jfc pls enjoy
You’d hoped to get home to Mig as soon as you left Miguel’s office, but at the last minute you were been called to help wrangle an escaped Lizard with a few other lower-level spiders.
You hated not being able to message Mig about your whereabouts. He knew you might be gone for most of the day but you knew he’d worry regardless, and with nothing to distract his mind it must be so much worse.
You took a few dangerous risks while trying to capture the escapee just to get it done faster, risks that your colleagues absolutely noticed. When they asked what you were thinking and you just awkwardly shrugged them off, you saw in their eyes the same mix of morbid curiosity you saw in everyone now.
Everyone knew. You couldn’t avoid it now. Whether Miguel had snapped after your fight and spread it even wider you didn’t know, but you knew you’d just have to learn to live with the universe’s judgement.
You were dating a spider. Big deal. Everyone here was a spider in some way or another, and nobody looked at MJ weirdly.
By the time you returned to Mig’s universe it was getting dark, with the sky a messy palette of dark red and purple above the darkened silhouette of the pines. You called up to Mig after dropping the tech you’d brought at the base of the nest.
‘MIG! Babe, you okay?’
‘Ah, mi arañita!’
You paused, your hand hovering over the rope ladder. Did he sound okay? You tilted your head as you replayed his voice. That was weird, he sounded almost worried? Was he still stressed out?
You grappled onto the rope and tore your way up to the entrance.
‘Hey! I’m okay Miggy, don’t worry!’
‘Arañita! Don’t—’
You grabbed the door right as he spoke, but you didn’t hear the last part of his sentence as you grunted to get over the edge.
‘Hey baby! Are you—’
You jumped out of your skin as you pushed the door aside, only barely catching yourself from falling back out and onto the earth below.
Miguel was sitting in the nest, his body perched on one of the stools to the right side of the central fire. He didn’t even look up as you entered, but Mig rushed to steady you from falling.
‘Arañita, are you okay?’ he whispered. You didn’t hear; you were utterly fixated on Miguel.
‘What are you doing here?!’ you snapped.
Miguel narrowed his eyes, still refusing you eye contact.
‘Change of plans. Until you fill out the full paperwork to sanction this relationship, I’ve filed for an emergency supervision order. I need to be sure that you’re not breaking any rules.’
You were incredulous. Wait, is this what he’d meant? Was he really that petty? This man who was supposed to be in charge of the multiverse?
‘What- what the fuck are you— Why not put a camera up? Why not fucking warn us first?’ you snapped, your hands flying wildly as you pointed between him and the nest.
‘You could turn off a camera’ Miguel noted. ‘Besides, it’s a waste of resources.’
‘Oh, and the head of the society wasting his night watching us personally wasn’t a waste of resources?’ you argued back.
Miguel was keeping a straight face, but his smug aura radiated out of him like pus. He simply curled his lip and scoffed. ‘My job is to avoid anomalies. I’m doing that now, by ensuring that you’re both… following orders, and remaining on birth control, and that you’re not getting hurt. It seemed- the right approach, to me, as boss.’
‘You don’t need to watch us to prove that!’ you snapped back. ‘Put a- tracker in my fucking patch or something, or let me do the check ups like we agreed!’
Miguel had the audacity to yawn as you stared at him with an open mouth and clenched fists. ‘I could. But that would be a breach of your physical rights, you’d have to sign off on it, and you haven’t gone through the company mandated relationship therapy or de-escalation training. We need to agree the terms of surveillance. Until then it seemed safest to keep you on observation. That’s all.’
You opened your mouth to argue back but Miguel was faster. He raised his hand, halting you in your tracks, as those cold red eyes lingered on your face. ‘Or, would you rather hand over your watch?’ he said, his voice dipping as he spoke.
Your eyes narrowed until it hurt, your forehead furrowing with the injustice of it all.
‘You—You petty bitch.’
Both Mig and Miguel seemed startled by your language. You pointed your finger squarely at Miguel’s face, your lips drawn back over your bared teeth.
‘You petty bitch. You really think I’ll let you do this? Signing off orders so you can invade my space, because I wouldn’t sleep with you?!’
Miguel’s lips twitched. Was he holding back the urge to smile?
Mig, in contrast, looked horrified. His eyes darted between the two of you.
‘He- arañita, I-I don’t understand’ he stammered. You looked at him with nothing but sympathy in your eyes.
‘Your variant, there, revealed that apparently while I was in heat, he was hoping to— what did you say Miguel? Help me out? Ease that, hormonal pain? Something as slimy as that, anyway. He even asked why I picked you over him, and now he’s here, what a fucking surprise, huh?’
‘Mm. That’s quite the accusation. Shame you don’t have any evidence’ Miguel noted as he admired his claws.
You felt Mig beside you bristling violently.
‘You… Is this true?’ Mig murmured. He was addressing Miguel, not you, which was a comfort. He clearly believed you, as he was clutching you so tightly against his side that it was crushing your ribs.
‘Yes’ Miguel said. ‘It’s true. Of course I was interested. They reeked of heat, it was distracting. Repulsive almost. The most- desperate stench. But, that was supposed to stay between us. And it will. Because like I said, it’s your word against mine.’
Mig took a step forward but froze again when Miguel raised his claw, pointing it directly at your watch.
‘Again. I will remove your watch if you don’t follow the societies rules. Understand?’
You and Mig both glanced at each other. The hopelessness in your eyes was clear; you could lose your watch, and then you’d lose Mig. With a frustrated huff you turned and stormed across the nest. ‘Fucking—asshole’ you hissed beneath your breath.
Mig followed and caught you in his arms as you practically fell into his lower abdomen. You allowed his fur to muffle your continued insults.
‘It’s okay arañita. We’ll be okay.’
His soothing words were like honey, warm and sweet after a long and exhausting day. You settled into his grip.
‘So- fucking unfair’ you grumbled into his fluff. Mig didn’t disagree.
‘You need to learn some accountability’ Miguel snapped across the room. ‘You chose to do this. You chose to put yourself in a situation where you could cause an anomaly, and even though I can’t bring it forward in formal writing, you decided as a member of my society to get close to someone who is a threat. Now its my job to make sure you’re safe.’
You felt Mig breathing on your neck as he turned to watch his counterpart. His lips parted as he tasted the air with his tongue, feeling the brewing tension in the back of his throat.
In his heart, something was changing.
He’d spent so much of his life terrified of the man before him. Miguel had posed himself as the better O’Hara, the superior O’Hara, the one who knew what was best for him. But, was that true?
Mig had been told he wasn’t safe, worthy of love or affection. He was disgusting compared to Miguel, a monster in the flesh, and yet he’d soothed his self-loathing by promising that they were at least both monsters inside. Both bound to abstinence for the greater good.
And this hypocritical scum, now sitting in his nest, had tried to steal his arañita from out under his paws? How could he?
But you weren’t with Miguel, were you? Mig looked down at you as his rage boiled over. His poor arañita, nestled into his fur. No, you were with him. You’d slept with him, and you were still alive.
You’d looked him in the eye, knowing what he’d done, and you’d said he was still beautiful to you. You said you’d stay. Not with Miguel, but with him, the monster.
In his heart, something was definitely changing.
‘Fine. Miguel, you may stay’ Mig bluntly replied. ‘I’ll let you observe.’
Miguel, ignorantly assuming Mig’s concession was a sign of him backing down, took a step forward. He had such a smug look on his face.
‘Good. If you want to continue this charade, then you have to—’
Miguel’s words turned to muted gibberish as you squeaked. Mig had grabbed you between his forelegs and arms, and while Miguel had been preparing his self-righteous speech, he’d lifted you up into the air. This wouldn’t have been that unusual spare for one thing: Mig had shifted his fluffy little foreleg between your thighs, and now it was lightly probing at your clothed pussy.
Miguel just stared, too blankly shocked to respond.
‘Mi arañita, I’m so glad you’re home. I missed you so much.’
Mig purred softly as his hands began to grope you in a similar manner. He cupped your chest and your waist with his clawed fingers, lightly ripping the fabric to reveal the tender skin beneath. He prodded your clit a second time and noted the way you squirmed.
‘M-Mig, fuck—that’s, sensitive—’
‘Mmhm. Soft little pretty spider’ Mig breathed. ‘So, so pretty… Let me help you relax.’
‘What- the, f- what the fuck are you doing?’ Miguel spat in disgust.
Mig’s foreleg continued to squish against your clit, the fluffy appendage moving in neat little circles over the bunched-up fabric. He pushed it in until your lips were perfectly highlighted by the thin silk. You felt Miguel staring.
‘F-Fuck—’ Your legs kicked involuntarily as a whimpered moan escaped you.
‘I said, what do you think you’re doing?!’ Miguel repeated louder.
‘I’m just abiding by the rules, sir’ Mig hissed. ‘If you want to observe, then you may observe. But this is my home, and I’ll act how I usually would on my own territory.’
It clicked for you then, still suspended in a potent mix of embarrassment and pleasure, what Mig was doing. You caught Miguel’s eye. This selfish asshole, who’d hounded and followed and attempted to embarrass you at every turn, was now stuck here watching Mig ravage your body. Against your better judgement, you were filled with the sheer thrill of embarrassing him right back.
You gave in and relaxed in Mig’s grip. ‘M-Miggy, fuck—more, please—’
You whimpered as he moved in to kiss your neck. His full lips were warm and wet on your jugular. You felt his tongue on your skin, his claws kneading your chest. A full body shudder went through you as he gently bit down and sucked.
‘F-Fuck- Mig—’
He was rough on your neck, his fangs easily piercing down through the soft flesh. It was a potent mix of pain and pleasure, especially with his paw still massaging your clit. Your blood was pumping at this point. Your pussy throbbed in short bursts with each tender caress.
To his horror, Miguel stammered. He couldn’t even find the words to berate you with. All he could do was stand and stare, eyes fixated on this ravenous display of sexual need, powerless and confused.
‘Mm—mm—’ Mig released your neck with a wet pop and a satisfied grunt, revealing a deep red and blue hickey mark. He kissed it once.
‘Mm- you like that, arañita? Mi tesoro?’ he whispered.
‘Yes, fuck—so much. I missed you so much.’
Miguel continued to stare as Mig dropped you to the mattress. He watched his variant crawl across you, with his abdomen rustling and his soft paws tapping. He was drooling venom, practically shaking with the adrenaline rush of having an audience to his physical validation.
You reached out and sleepily welcomed him with open arms, drawing him down with your arms around his neck.
‘Let me mate with you, arañita’ Mig begged, his voice muffled as he kissed your neck. ‘Please. I need you. I need you. Te necesito, mi tesoro, te lo pido por favor.’
‘Yes’ you breathed, ‘yes. Please.’
Miguel snapped his eyes away and gripped the edge of the nest with his claws. He couldn’t stand this. If he left, he was a liar, but if he stayed he had to endure this show. He could tell you to stop, but, could he force you to stop?
He could have theoretically started a fight. He could have. He could have continued barking at you to stop.
But he didn’t. He just stood there, eyes on the wall and arms folded, trying to ignore your sweet little whimpers as Mig tore your suit aside.
He drew you close with his spider legs and began to spin a silken web across your bare skin, easily turning and spinning your body. He was soft, dexterous, so alien on your human skin. Such a filthily delicious taboo.
You lay back and let your monster bind you. You succumbed to him far too easily.
Mig spun you into a shibari style tie, with a neat little spider web on your chest and your hands tightly bound at your sides. He finished by binding your ankles with webbing he’d attached from the ceiling, using it to draw them up until they were taut and spread, with your hips right at the same height as where his phallus would emerge.
‘There. Perfect. Are you comfortable, arañita? In my web?’ he asked.
‘Y-Yes’ you rasped.
You watched Mig give an affectionate grunt as he admired you from above. He was huge. You saw his abdomen twitching and rustling with anticipation, the black fur faintly glowing the same red as his eyes.
‘Mig’ you whimpered, your lips pathetically wet. You were so hot it hurt.
Mig purred as he put his clawed hand on your naked rear, giving your right ass cheek a firm squeeze. He wanted to look at your tight little hole, desperately dripping and clenching around nothing, aching for attention. You felt him brush one calloused finger against it and jolted in place.
‘That’s my little spider’ he purred. You felt him circling his finger around your entrance, stroking that velvety flesh until you whined.
‘Mi tesoro, my precious thing. Let me see how much you’ve missed me.’
He pushed two fingers in and you melted. The moan that escaped your lips was loud enough to echo, loud enough to grate on Miguel’s ears until he hissed.
He was trying not to look. He was facing the wall, body rigid as stone, but the noises were getting to him regardless. His mind kept imagining what you felt like.
‘You were supposed to be observing, sir’ Mig noted. He was still fucking you with his fingers, still spreading you wide as you dribbled over his hand, but his eyes were fixed on his counterpart now.
Miguel refused to turn. His eyes darted, once, and he immediately felt that disgusting flush rising in his cheeks.
‘I’ll- kill you, I swear to god’ Miguel seethed.
‘You can just go’ Mig offered. He was aggravatingly calm, the only emotion in his voice the slight pant of arousal from feeling you clench around his fingers. ‘If you’re- uncomfortable, with how I conduct myself with my mate.’
‘I can’t just, go, I am stationed here’ Miguel spat. ‘YOU could have some human dignity and cover yourself up!’
‘This is my home. My territory. THIS is my territory’ Mig replied coldly, emphasising the word ‘this’ by pushing his fingers as deep as he could. You bucked your hips and cried out in response, something that make Miguel’s stomach knot.
‘It is normal for- males, to assert their territorial claim. You’ve given me no other option. Besides, aren’t you curious? Since you’re so- good, and abstinent. Right? That’s what you told me, so how about I show you what it looks like?’
Miguel was forced once more to look away. The sound of you moaning, the sound of you pathetically whimpering, and worst of all the wet slap of Mig’s hand against your pussy as he pulsed his fingers in and out, it was stirring up something potent in him.
Anger and arousal flooded his mind. He was fighting to not throb. He couldn’t allow it, he couldn’t. He’d never forgive himself if he got enjoyment from this.
But, fuck you sounded so wet. You’d probably swallow him whole, begging and whining the whole time. Were you a little brat when fucked, complaining about it being too big, or did you beg for more? No. You probably took it all, your eyes covered in those pretty little tears as you were fucked raw.
He violently shook his head as if that would clear his thoughts, but your body cruelly decided to cum right as he was reaching the peak of his tether.
Your back arched as that sweet release flooded over you. All you could see was Mig’s smug, fang-filled grin as he felt your insides clench, his enormous spider legs pattering back and forth to indicate his own excitement.
‘There you go. Well done, mi amor, you feel so pretty when you cum.’
Your body went limp as your orgasm sapped all your energy away, but Mig wasn’t done. He shifted himself down between your spread thighs and began licking up your slick with his flat, wet tongue, that warm muscle flicking deliciously right on your overstimulated clit.
You screamed, unabashedly, in a way that drove Miguel mad.
With a wet pant Mig pulled back just to slather you with praise. ‘Estas mojadita, mm- Quiero explorar tus sabores, arañita.’
You knew he was speaking deliberately to provoke Miguel, but you didn’t care. You enjoyed it even more that way.
He settled down to gently suck on your clit, his red eyes fixed on Miguel’s rigid form in the corner. The man was trying his hardest to stay sober but his eyes kept darting, and every time they did Mig widened his lips and ran his full tongue across your folds, wilfully dribbling hot spit and venom down your sensitive lips.
Miguel quickly looked away, but he just kept looking back.
You kept wincing from the overstimulation, your wet lips parting and then pursing hard to avoid screaming again. You must be so god damn sensitive, he thought. Such a fucking brat. Crying over a tongue like that.
He felt his cock throb and struggled to adjust his suit. He wondered what you tasted like. He’d never got to taste one before. It probably tasted amazing.
‘Mm… so soft…’ Mig murmured, his voice muffled by your pussy as he continued his rabid smothering of your cunt with his tongue. He wasn’t skilled so much as desperately passionate, and god knows it was enough.
‘Wish—I could eat you right up—all of you, all of you, mm—’
His eyes were dangerously red, but you were too close to cumming to care. His claws dug into your hips as he pulled you into his mouth, his lips soft as they ravenously made out with your clit.
You came quickly the second time.
As you shuddered in his grip his entire body shivered, a low rustle emanating from his abdomen as it visibly shook.
‘Ahh.. ah, good arañita, that’s it’ he breathed dreamily. He was still licking, still lapping up everything he could, to the point that his spit was sliding and dripping down your thighs and rear and back.
Once you collapsed with exhaustion for the second time, Mig began to move in. He couldn’t wait a second longer. His cock was painfully erect, having sprung from the slit on his abdomen the moment he tied you down, and it was aching for you.
‘Here. Help get me wet’ he said softly.
You looked up to find Mig bent over your bound head, his thick shaft lightly pulsing about an inch from your lips. You could see each black vein pulsing, the tip already smeared in pearly cum. In a trance you licked it.
‘M-mm—that’s it, that’s it.’
It was adorable the way he shivered at just the lightest brush of your tongue. He let you take the tip into your mouth and gently suck on it a little. Fuck, you thought, his cum was sweet. Strangely sweet. The sensation of warm, heavy, throbbing skin on your tongue was mesmerising.
After a few wet licks Mig gently released your mouth with a wet pop. With everything now utterly saturated and sopping, he moved to fuck you instead.
‘Shh, that’s it’ he soothed. You stirred in your bindings as he mounted your strapped body.
‘I’ve got you. You can take it.’
With both hands on your ankles, Mig drew you body up and began to penetrate. Instinctively you squirmed.
‘Shh, shh. You’re so tight, mi tesoro. Can you loosen up for me?’ Mig affectionately whispered. You tried your best to relax as he edged deeper but with an audience it was hard. His thick veined cock was pulsating hard, stuck with only about a fourth of it inside you.
In truth, Mig was enjoying it. He would never hurt you, but, was his ego slightly peaked at how big he looked inside you? Absolutely. Spiders were judged on their size, after all, and that primal part of his brain loved feeling so large. He wanted Miguel to see you spread wide on his cock.
‘Shh, you can do it. You’ve done it so many times before, arañita.’
Another subtle jab, one that made Miguel sneer.
Mig gave himself plenty of time to fit. He’d pump a few times, gently stretching you out, and when it proved too tight he moved to licking you instead. He’d let his cock slide out and replaced it with his tongue, eagerly slathering every inch of your pussy with venom and spit. The venom helped ease the ache and the spit was lubricating enough, and after three or so tries he bottomed out.
You whimpered as he settled himself inside you. Yes, you’d taken him many times, but it always took you by surprise. You were stretched to the limit, your belly bulging, his thick shaft putting a heavy pressure on your muscles that you felt whenever you moved. When he throbbed it pulsed through your entire body.
He could see those pretty little tears on your lashes as you grappled with the pressure, the light pain in your core.
‘F-Fuck… ‘s so big, fuck—’ you whined.
‘You’re doing so good’ Mig praised. He vibrated his abdomen just a little to help ease the ache, as it allowed his shaft to gently vibrate against your insides. Your body shuddered at the unusual sensation. ‘Shh, you’re doing so, so good. That’s it. You’re taking it so well.’
Slowly, Mig started to move.
His whole body arched as he thrust into you, the power of each movement making your thighs and ass jiggle on impact. He loved feeling how soft you were, how squishy and comparatively small you were against him, how his claws sank into your bare skin. He started to pant.
‘Ah… ah, that’s it.’
In the corner Miguel was wincing. His eye kept twitching from the strain of not looking, and now the soft thwap of your mating was ringing in his ears. He couldn’t stand this. He couldn’t take his humiliation. He couldn’t take it.
‘Ah-- Maybe I’ll, rip that patch off, arañita’ Mig purred. He was pushing the limits in this pussy drunk state, pushing every button that Miguel possible had.
‘I think—you deserve a belly full of my babies, don’t you, sweetheart?’ he panted. ‘I want to see what you do with my seed. Let- let me fill you, please, pretty little spider. Let me get you pregnant.’
It was too much. Miguel snapped. He rose to his feet and stormed forward in a blind rage, his claws spread and ready to tear you both apart.
But then he faltered. Once actually face-to-face with the mirror image of himself he weakened, because Mig was, as you’d noted before, huge. He was bent over to fuck you but still had to look down at Miguel, his red eyes burning in the dim light. His fangs were bigger, his claws sharper, and his body heftier from carrying such weight.
Miguel froze. He’d always seen Mig cowering or backing down, too afraid of his own strength to show it, but he wasn’t afraid anymore. To his great shame, Mig saw the hesitation in his eyes. The spider’s lips curled into a soft smile.
Mig continued to move inside you, openly panting onto his counterpart’s face with each hard thrust.
You jolted slightly with each pump as your belly bulged.
Beneath the two you were helpless, your body small and bound. You were inches away from Miguel’s thick thighs, his carefully contoured pelvis sitting right above your face. You saw his suit throb and desperately tried to look away.
‘You— Y-You—’ Miguel bared his teeth in a desperate attempt to regain control, but his eyes gave away his own perverted thoughts. He was losing. His breath was hot and his cheeks were the colour of burnt umber.
You let out another pitiful whine as Mig arched himself back, allowing just half of his shaft to pump into you so he was rubbing your g-spot. You immediately swooned, a slurry of mewls and moans dripping from your wet lips.
Miguel couldn’t help it. He looked down.
Right in front of Mig he looked down at you, bound and helpless beneath, brainlessly taking that monstrous cock right into your guts.
His lips parted, flashing just an inch of fang. His own lips were wet at this point.
‘F-Fuck’ he grunted.
He could see it pulsing in and out. He could see the glistening slick coating his abdominal fur, thick and sticky and hanging in strings. He could see the way your cunt stretched to swallow every inch of Mig’s shaft. How could you let out those soft, needy moans when you were impaled like that?
‘Fffuuuccck’ he repeated in a low whine.
Mig hissed that word with dangerous intent, right in Miguel’s face. He continued to pant on him as he pumped, and Miguel continued to watch you get fucked. His hand was shaking at this point.
‘Sweet arañita, who do you belong to?’ Mig panted.
You felt his cock slipping right up against your velvety little cunt and abruptly clenched, involuntarily squirting slick all over his soft fur. It clung to his fur in pearly strings, and he gave an approving grunt as he felt it.
‘Arañita, mi amor, your body is too kind, but I need your words’ he whispered. He was unnervingly calm as he rocked inside you.
‘I-I’m yours’ you dumbly panted. You were rewarded with another toe-curling insertion, that perfectly timed grind which pushed his fat girth into your spot. A flood of aching pleasure forced you to squirt again.
‘MMF- Mmm, Mig!’
‘That’s it, good arañita. You’re all mine’ Mig praised a second time.
Miguel couldn’t stop watching. It was maddening.
Instinctively his hand began to creep downward, his fingers shaking as they drifted to your swollen clit. He wanted to feel how wet it was, how warm, but the moment he drifted over your lips he was forced back by Mig.
The larger spider hissed violently, his pale green venom pooling and dribbling from his mouth. A little bit hit Miguel’s cheek as he fell onto his backside.
‘Mine’ he repeated. ‘I’ll let you look, but you don’t touch.’
The embarrassment was unbearable. Miguel scowled, torn between a desire to leave and a desire to fight. Those urges he’d desperately tried to avoid were ruining his brain.
Seeing Miguel’s obvious distress, Mig decided to make it so much worse. He wasn’t done humiliating his other half, not yet.
‘Unless, they want you to’ he panted. Mig pulled back and gently tilted your body so you’d catch Miguel’s eye, all while maintaining his wet probing of your cunt.
‘Do you want him, arañita? Or do you want me?’
At this point you’d been fucked dumb, and you were barely coherent. You were drooling onto the silk, your thighs saturated in slick and sweat, your legs trembling from overstimulation as he continued to fill you like a toy.
‘You’ you whined with zero hesitation, ‘you, I want—you, please, Mig, more—’
You didn’t see the overt disappointment in Miguel’s face, the bruising of his ego. You didn’t see the jealousy in his face as Mig groaned.
‘You sure?’ Mig purred. His gratification was fuelling his over-confidence, as was the sweet release of feeling wanted after years of neglect. ‘You wouldn’t want some extra?’
‘Mm—want—you, p-please—f-fuck its so good, so—big— you’re amazing, Mig.’ Your words were slurring each time he pumped his cock, but he heard you loud and clear.
‘Even though I’m a- filthy, half-way spider?’ he coaxed. ‘Even though I’m- a monster?’
‘Yes- f-fuck, you’re my spider’ you whined.
His whining got louder, his moans turning to pathetic whimpers. He seemed more aroused by that than anything else.
‘Ah- you want me to mate with you?’ he pleaded.
‘Yes, yes—please.’
‘You want my babies, arañita? You want me to impregnate that pretty little body? Get you nice and full?’
‘Yes, yes, fuck—’
Those soft words tipped you over the edge as you orgasmed for the third time, your desperate moans echoed out into the wider forest. Mig savoured them with a look of pure ecstasy on his face. ‘F-fuck, you’re- so tight—good arañita, so good, well done’ he breathlessly praised.
Miguel wanted nothing more than to break his counterparts chiselled face. He could feel his claws extending, his heart pounding. He was itching for a fight. But, if he fought him, he’d have to stop watching. Those soft sounds were addictive as they floated through his mind, lulling him like a siren call.
Miguel took another look at your glassy eyes and wet lips, your body shimmering with sweat as you moaned. He felt himself throb. It was, in a way, easing his rut, by vicariously experiencing this primal breeding.
It was mortifying, but he stayed. He stayed back and watched as Mig continued to mate you.
‘Mm- fuck they’re so tight’ Mig moaned, now directly addressing Miguel. ‘So- soft, so- tight—so small. Can’t, wait to fill them—’
‘You’re disgusting’ Miguel spat.
Mig didn’t even seem to hear. His eyes were half closed, his lips parted as he felt your sweet cunt squeeze the life out of him.
‘Mm—mm—mi arañita—mine’ he repeated, over and over with each thrust. Miguel buried his face in his knees.
The clap of his fluffy abdomen on your bare ass filled the nest as he started to get rougher. He looked high, his eyes almost pink in the dim light. Every part of him was shaking.
‘Ah—I’m inside them—I’m inside them—’
You squeaked as Mig started to push your ankles back, curling your spine so he could get deeper. He’d involuntarily covered the floor in webbing from his sheer excitement. He was like a man in rapturous prayer.
‘I’m inside them-- they’re mine—’
Each wet thrust was now splashing slick as Mig began to verbally pant. He was spanking your body with each insertion, releasing the most obscenely lewd noises.
‘Okay, I’m close- I’m close, fuck—stay still for me arañita, that’s it—’
With a guttural groan Mig aggressively ejaculated inside you, his abdomen jerking and grinding to get each spurt as deep into your cunt as possible. You welcomed the thick warmth as it soothed your stretched out muscles.
Miguel had no choice. His pride wouldn’t let him leave, so he watched Mig cum inside you.
He fixated on your face as it happened, his sharp eyes watching the drool pooling from your open lips as your eyes rolled. He sneered, trying to disguise his jealousy with disgust. He could have done that easily, he told himself, he could have filled you just as well.
‘Ah…. Fuck, are you okay arañita?’
As Mig gently rocked to a halt he bent to check your face, tenderly nestling your cheek. You could only moan in response.
‘I’m- so, good—so, so good…’
Mig let out a soft sigh of relief. Somehow, the tenderness of his aftercare seemed to disgust Miguel more than anything else he’d seen. He was scowling openly as Mig gently slid himself out and admired his work.
‘Pretty little spider… Do you want to see?’
Miguel was taken aback as Mig addressed him directly. The larger man had his hand on your suspended hips, his eyes glowering in the candlelight.
The two narrowed their eyes almost in unison. Miguel knew he should leave, but he was too far gone at this point to stop. It was over. He was a beaten dog of a man, so why not indulge once more? He silently walked across the room to admire your quivering body.
‘Is that okay, arañita?’ Mig whispered to you. You nodded, and with a grunt Mig lifted your hips for Miguel to see.
You were utterly soiled at this point. Mig put his huge hand on your rear and tilted you gently, showing off the thick white seed oozing down your thighs. He made a point to push some back inside you with his finger, only for even more to squish out. You were stuffed.
Miguel shamefully relished the sight. It was strangely soothing, like he was tricking his brain into thinking he’d finished himself and could therefore ease the rut he was in.
‘This is mine’ Mig purred, his claw squeezing your right cheek until it left a red imprint. ‘This beautiful little creature, is mine. Understood?’
As Mig quietly addressed Miguel again he made a point of sealing your entrance shut with his web, excreting a thick and sticky plug right over your cunt. You oomphed as he did.
‘Yes’ Miguel hissed through gritted teeth.
‘And you won’t stop me enjoying them’ Mig added coldly. ‘I… I, deserve this. I’m not a threat. I’m not like, you.’
Mig felt you proudly shuffle your hips into his palm.
‘I’m not a threat’ he repeated. ‘And you can hound us all you want. I’m done with you now. I have… I have them.’
As you rolled and moaned on the floor Miguel felt his nose involuntarily wrinkling. He was still a mess of anger, resentment, and arousal, all of which were fighting each other in a gut-churning mess. All he knew is, he couldn’t stay here another minute.
‘You’re both animals. You deserve each other’ he grunted.
Miguel stormed towards the nest’s entrance as Mig began to cut you free. ‘I’ll finish my watch outside’ he called over his shoulder, and when Mig’s only response was to chuckle he snarled.
Miguel pushed open the door and jumped to the ground, his feet thumping as he hit the cold forest floor.
As he moved into position to watch he could hear you giggling above him in the nest. He couldn’t make out what you were saying but you sounded happy. Mig sounded happy too, with his soft words and his gleeful chuckles.
Miguel breathed out, hard, his breath turning to vapor in the air. The forest was a sea of black and white, with no illumination spare the pale, draining light of the moon.
He stood, rigid, as he listened to you and Mig laughing upstairs.
And then he palmed his crotch. He rubbed himself hard, his calloused fingers feeling each inch of his own fat girth.
His breath came a little faster. His blood was pumping in the cold air, his body steaming. With a desperately muffled moan he phased his suit away at the groin and began to stroke his cock.
‘Fuck…. Fuck, fuck—’
He was dripping pre-cum in mere seconds as he strained in his own fist. In his mind, he indulged. It made him sick to his stomach but he indulged regardless. He thought about your pleading, your doe eyes as you blinked away those overstimulated tears. The sounds of pleasure. The sounds of being wanted.
It was easy to blank out Mig’s lower body. It was easy to see that as him, to put himself there like a mirror, and to pretend he was receiving your praise, that he was inside you. It was him, after all. His face, his eyes.
No one-night stands. No desperate, animal fucking to placate his brain. He could pretend for one moment he was experiencing something real. Those soft words, that need for more. I’m yours, you’d said. He replayed it in his mind.
So wet. So tight. Squirming on his cock, begging for more. Begging for him. Pulsing, filling, breeding. Being so wanted that you’d let him get you pregnant.
Oh god. Being wanted.
He vicariously put himself in his counterpart’s place, and with his free hand over his mouth he orgasmed onto the ground below. It was hard enough to make his body shudder and his knees weak. He coated the grass in his seed, the strings glistening slightly in the pale moonlight, before slowly phasing his suit back on.
The post-orgasm clarity hit him like a bus. Now satiated all he had was rage. Rage at himself that he couldn’t accept, and so just as he’d vicariously lived through his variant, he shifted all the blame to Mig.
He was going to ruin his counterpart’s life, whether it killed him or not.
But, first, he’d live through him. Link to next part
#miguel o'hara#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel o'hara fanfiction#miguel x reader#drider#miguel o'hara x you#smut#arachnophilia#smut with plot#miguel o'hara smut#drider miguel o'hara#monster human relationship#monster fucker#miguel o'hara au
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im bored, so here are the jobs i think the marauders would have if they were just normal ass people pt 1;
part 2 | part 3
James would work for his father in the company he owns. i'm not sure why but i get the feeling that after he graduated school he didn't really know what he wanted to do with his life so income Fleamont Potter (the man he is) and offered his son some low-level job in the company (we only allow an acceptable level of nepotism). he does regular paperwork and he loves making powerpoint presentations. oh and i get the feeling that James is the one who’s standing by the water cooler making small talk with everyone (in all honesty James is the personality hire and he knows that). the funny part about all of this is that James would tell everyone that he's only there until he figures out what he wants to do with his life and no one believes him (his current goal is to become team leader of a project) there are some people who despise James because he's the son of the ceo. like there have been complaints of James not working and stuff and they complain to Fleamont hoping they fire James and Fleamont's just like ok I'll deal with it (he does not in fact deal with it (James always gets his work done and always has lunch with his dad to give him updates on his work)).
Sirius is funny. i dont know how else to explain it but Sirius would be one of those guys who's like a mechanic but doesn't actually have the job of a mechanic. like he says he is, but he's not. and it's not to hate on him or anything because he's actually a really good mechanic, he just doesn't have the 'official qualifications' or whatever. and the only way he even makes money is by inserting himself in other people's conversations. like he'll be at an auto store and someone's having an issue with their car (about some part or another) and they'll talking with the cashier about it (the cashier doesn't know shit about cars, they just work there). in comes Sirius who'll pop into the conversation and give his opinion and offer to solve the issue for like free (because it's an easy fix) and when he goes they're just like 'no let me pay for this' and it's like fifty bucks, a beer and the request to fix a friends car (it's how he met James). and that's how he would make both friends and clients. also, i just know this man smells like brake fluid (the smell gives Remus a headache).
Remus is an odd one because i see him as being like an interpreter or something similar. and when i say interpreter i mean like the ones in the tablet that the doctors drag around when they don't have an interpreter on site. what language, i don't know, your choice really but i can just see him on the tablet, the image is lagging and the audio is cutting off a bit but know he still looks good with a headset. (i also see him as a Mcdonald's employee, but that seemed too basic for him (again the headset)). generally, i feel like Remus would be a polyglot (he was so bored he learned different languages for fun (definitely, knows like french and german)) so he would be translating a lot. in fact, that's how he met Sirius (you know before he was an online interpreter). Remus is also James' chosen interpreter whenever he is to meet with foreign companies (yes James does meet with other companies because although he's technically he's in a low level position he's still son of the ceo and he trust Remus not to fuck him over).
Peter works as either an accountant or works in marketing. i'm more inclined to say he's an accountant because he would mostly be in charge of Sirius 'business' (he's trying to actually open up an auto shop) but at the same time he would be in marketing in the Potter company and have all of the office gossip (he would be working with James and I one hundred percent believe Peter would be James' boss). Peter would be an absolute terror toward James when he first starts (always sending him out on coffee runs for the whole floor with complex orders, and James just takes it in good fun (no James never messes up an order) but he's the first one to help James if he ever feels overwhelmed by the workload. over time though James starts to do better and eventually becomes Peter's boss, and he's only a little annoyed by this but at least James isn't sending him on coffee runs (no, that's the job of the new intern that James can't keep his eyes off of (oh and god forbid Peter asks for coffee, James would chew him out for 'overworking' the intern)), Peter can't wait for that bit of information to spread through the department, he might just tell Fleamont and Euphemia next time he goes for dinner at the Potters.
this is slowly becoming more detailed than i thought it would be... the girls are up next.
#marauders#james potter#sirius black#remus lupin#peter pettigrew#the brainrot is real#zeel's thinking#marauders headcanon#jegulus#wolfstar
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That Day
Elias fanfic // part 1
part 2.1 is out and is here
it FINALLY done 🥹
before you read, please keep in mind that i’m pretty new to writing so excuse me if it’s absolutely shit ☺️
{spoiler? there is a gun so tw}
~ 1788 words
“Come on, Yn.” Elias encouraged as you dragged your feet down the hallway towards the meeting room.
With no attempt to cover your sigh, you looked forward and met his dark hazel eyes. There was something in that look. Like some kind of desperation, but he looked away too quickly for you to see properly.
You could tell he was trying to make the best of the situation by his soft shoulder nudge and the smile that flashed only temporarily, enough for you to know this show of contentment was forced.
From the moment you both were summoned to this meeting, Elias’ nerves had been jumping somersaults in his stomach. He had known deep down that this was coming, that his fate was only getting closer but he entirely underestimated the gut wrenching anxiety that was now flooding his veins.
The nightmare of being a leader has played viciously on his mind since he was recruited to the Wraiths, and every time he somehow managed to convince himself that a nightmare was all it was. But now he stood before the dark oak doors of the conference room, with every muscle in his body striving to pull away. Fighting back wasn’t easy, sometimes he just wanted to give up and turn away but he knew there were people relying on him. His father, for example. He tried to remember why he joined the Wraiths in the first place, but his doubts crumbled when his focus drifted towards you, his beloved rosy cheeked barista, standing next to him. The heart banging thunderously in his chest slowed to a mere flutter as he lost himself in every curve and corner of your deeply alluring eyes.
You grounded him. Allowed him to take a moment, to just stop and breathe. He closed his eyes swiftly from the overwhelming sense of appreciation and compassion for you. He opened them to feel the heavy cloud that blocked his mind lessening its weight. He found the strength to lift his wrist and turn the cold metal doorknob.
Elias despised the position he put you in. He hated how he pulled you into this corrupt and dangerous world and desperately wanted to protect you with his life. And now you were not only a victim of the arson attack and having your life ripped apart, but also of the judgement and criticism of the executives. It was obvious that you didn’t deserve this, to Elias it didn’t make sense for you to be criminalised like you had been. But he understood what the gang meant to the city, how important it was for peace for the citizens. He knew the stakes and the damage that would be a consequence of the gangs' ceased existence or if something were to happen to stop them from doing their job. So he knew what it meant to the execs and other wraiths that no insider would ever break in and what lengths they would go to in order to eliminate any treacherous spies. Honestly, Elias couldn’t blame them for being cautious but he’d seen how they became so defensive and ready to point an accusation at someone if there was even the slightest doubt or suspicion.
You knew that Elias was feeling nervous about this meeting, in fact, more than nervous. You had seen him worry about these meetings before, but the stress you saw him in right now was on a whole other level. Seeing Elias like this made every step you took feel unstable. For all you knew the meeting wouldn’t be any different to one both of you had endured before, but Elias was acting differently and wouldn’t tell you what it was, which was unlike him. You wanted to comfort him but honestly didn’t know what to say. He had always been so strong and in control, but now he stood in front of the door with worry and uncertainty in his eyes. Nevertheless, he was one to keep moving forward and he did.
As the door opened from Elias’ steady push, an array of raised voices escaped the room. Looking around, you began to recognise people whether it be an executive from the first meeting or from seeing them at the Brewhouse multiple times but either way these people were strangers. Behind the overlay of strident voices, sat the warden. His eyes changed focus from the wraiths in front of him to the door where the two of you stood. Without saying anything, the Warden held up a hand and the group of members stopped their heated discussion. Heads followed his eyes and turned towards the door. There were a couple morbid seconds of eye contact accompanied by uncomfortable silence. Disturbing the quiet, a man who you recognised as Elliot spoke up.
“Look who finally showed up”
His thick voice filled the room, followed by a soft ripple of laughs.
“Take a seat everyone.” The warden’s voice commanded.
The groups of people parted ways and each took seats around a few tables in the room. The cleared crowd made it easier to see how large the room was. Elias swallowed hard as a hot rush of blood flooded his head. His feet felt stuck as if they were drowning in toffee.
Directing his attention, “You two, sit.” The warden gestured to chairs at the main table.
Elliot interrupted, “What about them? Don’t you think it’s a little unwise to let them into this?” nodding his head slightly at you.
Your eyes dropped to the floor. You shifted under the discomfiture of many lingering eyes upon you. The comment itself didn’t bother you, only the outright rudeness of it. You didn’t want to be dragged into this and just about everyone you met had threatened or accused you of something, before even knowing your name. You never particularly cared what others thought of you, but it was difficult to ignore when everyone around you treated you like a liar.
The warden raised his eyebrow. “How so?”
“Well I’m just saying, there’s a chance they use the information in this meeting against us.” Elliot explained.
Mumbles ran around the room. Another person spoke up, “He’s got a point, Warden. We don’t know if we can trust them.” The crowd murmured in agreement, but Elias’s voice sliced through the noise.
“They’re not hurting anybody by being here, and whether you trust them or not they wouldn’t do that.”
His eyes fell onto the Warden. For once would he let him get his way? His father wasn’t always harsh on him; Elias would sometimes think back to the dad jokes and the love for his mother that made him cringe, but that he strangely admired. Everything changed after she died. Their house that was once filled with love and joy and laughter was replaced by a gaping hole. It ate away at both of them, especially his father. He became absorbed by gangs and work and that left Elias often feeling disregarded. As a teen, he grew desperate for his father’s attention by acting out, but even then he put his work first. All Elias wanted was for his father to see him for who he was and just be proud. He was sick of never being seen as his own person, only as the warden’s son. And yet here he stood, pleading for his father’s pity before being stripped of his own identity and dreams to fit the standards of others.
The room’s focus turned back to you as the warden growled “They can wait outside”
Elias was ready to lash out but instead held his tongue clenched his jaw in frustration. There were people watching, and they already despised him, so he couldn’t give them any more reasons to. His eyes turned to catch yours and locked together. He refused to look away until the door shut between you.
Closing the door, you took a step back. A sudden quiet filled the hallway, a change to the roaring of the conference room. Elias really had just stepped into the lion's den. You felt a sense of relief, but it was replaced quickly by a heaviness in your chest. What would happen to Elias? What information would be so important that you couldn’t know? Sighing, you leant against the wall next to the door.
What about you was so difficult to trust? You could understand people being suspicious of you but wasn’t it obvious by now that you didn’t do anything wrong?
You were so lost in thought that you didn’t notice the looks you got from people as they walked past. After the crowd, the building fell quiet again, excluding the occasional raised voice muffled through the wall you were leaning against. You wondered what was happening there, what Elias was so nervous about and why he didn’t tell you. Did he not trust you?
Tripping suddenly before you, a man dropped a parcel at your feet. Turning your focus to the wrapped package, you bent down to pick it up for the man.
Handing the parcel back, you were met with a gun pointing at you held behind the man’s open jacket. Shocked, you looked up to see his serious face and eyes staring sharply back at you. With a low voice, he threatened to keep quiet and do as he said. The man looked over his shoulder before grabbing you. You tried to resist by moving slightly out of his way but the man seized your arm. Before you could even react, the man thrust the gun to your skin, reminding you not to speak. Pulling you closer to him, he lead you down the hall, each shaky step of yours forced by the pushing from him behind you. With a heart banging like drums in your ears, you tried to stay calm and think.
Who was he? Where was he taking you?
Your stomach turned as you saw him leading you towards an unauthorised exit. In your mind, you begged for someone to come around the corner and stop him. If you wanted to scream, no sound would come out.
You tried to move your arm from the man’s iron grip, only for the grip to tighten and the cold metal tip of the gun to dig deeper into your skin, causing you to flinch slightly.
The closer you got to the exit the more you realised nobody was going to save you. You wracked your brain desperately, trying to think of a solution. Is this man alone? What does he want with me? He must know who I am, but who is he? If he was affiliated with rival gangs, how did he even get into the building without being recognised?
thanks for reading till the end! it would mean a lot if you could tell me your fav/least fav parts or the best/worst parts so i can improve, but not forcing <3
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Transformation Charm Game: Vix
The temple doors open and Vix invokes the Fates!
I hadn't expected the realm of the Fates to be so easy to find, but the legends stated that the magic would be life-changing. Not that I hated my life or anything, but if there was something more to find here…I'd take it.
The slender, capable young pilot takes her place and the magic of the Fates sparks to life, filling the room…
…and you breathe the magic in like incense, feeling a warmth in your heart and mind. Your strong will is soothed by the spell, fading into an ever-present submissiveness.
You don't know what changed. But going forward, you exist in a state of almost hypnotic suggestibility. When people ask, tell, or demand of you to do something, you feel a deep need to comply.
Only, a moment later, it felt like I got something much more different than what I bargained for. As I breathed in the magic, I felt the drive that brought me here fade away, and my breathing grew a bit more relaxed as I looked around the chamber.
It's a shame you don't realize this is out of the ordinary; some people could take advantage of that level of compliance…
Ah well! A voice echoes in the temple. "You should stay… be a toy for the Fates to play with. How does that sound, Vix…?"
I couldn't help but smile, then, as I felt…acceptance, serenity, peacefulness. Like I didn't have to worry about anything anymore. And then there was a voice! I should stay? Why not? "That sounds like a good idea," I said in a soft, submissive voice.
You feel a warmth, like a little reward for complying with your new nature. The magic spins back to life, filling your head and spreading through you like a shiver…
…as years of training, experience, and memories of training to become a pilot vanish. From your mind and from the past. Reality adjusts and you feel memories coming back to you.
You wanted to be a pilot, but you just couldn't cut it. It happens. You instead devoted yourself to secretarial work, and even got a job at the airline you used to work for a prestigious airline!
I blinked rather empty-mindedly as…well…my mind felt like it started to empty! A soft smile crossed my expression as I thought about my job. I had always wanted to fly, but I never seemed to be able to get my mind right for it…but I was lucky enough to still work with planes in a way! I got to be a secretary for a wonderful airline company, the very one I wanted to fly for!
You work under a rival pilot you always found obnoxious an impressive pilot who seems to thoroughly enjoy your willingness to do whatever he tells you to.
A little giggle escaped me as I thought about my boss. He was so annoy...wait no, that wasn't right. He was a wonderful boss! Handsome, smart, funny...and I always loved making him smile by following his instructions.
Even the clothes you wore to the temple suggest you came here from work, with a buttoned-up blouse and a pencil skirt. It seems short for work, but hey, boss' orders, right?
Gently, I ran a hand down my pencil skirt, smoothing out any wrinkles that might've formed - I always wanted to look the best for work, and of course I had no issue adjusting my uniform as my wonderful boss asked for.
The Fates approve as well! The magic returns, forming small pink bubbles in the air…
…and float to you, landing softly on your chest. Instead of popping, they sink in past your blouse, making your skin tingle as the dice of Fate are rolled and you feel a heat as your chest starts to swell. Your modest B cups start expanding, straining your bra until hefty tit-flesh ends up spilling out of the cups. You might need to undo some buttons if you don't want to get strangled in your own clothes!
I watch with anticipation as the magic forms into small pink bubbles. I had come here for some magic, and now I was finally getting to see some magic! Of course, I had no idea just how much magic had already been done on me, but that wasn't important.
As the pink bubbles landed on my chest, I sighed as I felt a heat start to grow there…before gasping as I felt my breasts start to expand. I couldn't help but smile giddily as I both felt the swelling with my hands, and craned my neck down to look at them.
That is, until I felt the pain of them starting to get compressed by my now-too-small bra and shirt. I quickly moved to unbutton two more buttons on my blouse, and I shifted my bra down slightly so that they'd at least have some room to breathe.
When the magics settle, you would guess you have a pair of Double Ds hanging heavy on your chest. This is going to demand some wardrobe adjustments when you return home… but at least you beam, knowing your boss won't be complaining about this particular change.
Still, the Fates have made you quite... well, top-heavy. The magic bubbles in the air wobble around, circling you as if it was inspecting you, until...
[Shelf Ass]
…that tingling, hot feeling returns, this time from behind you. Your tight bottom pulses, gaining more mas until you hear a RIIIIIP as your tight little pencil skirt gives way to the absolute cake of an ass you're developing.
I looked at the magic bubbles with a bit of interest, wondering if anything more was about to happen…before gasping as I felt that warm feeling that preceded the change once again. This time though, it came from my rear…and I blushed as I felt it start to get more and more thick, straining against my tight pencil skirt. Then I gasped as I felt it come to a head, and I heard my pencil skirt start to rip.
In the corner of your eye, you see a mirror you don't remember being there before. You can see how much your silhouette has changed. You're packing so much ass, you're sure you could rest a glass on it and it like a shelf.
At least until you move, of course. This new ass loves to wobble and bounce when you move. You're also sure there's no way this thing isn't going to hang out of your skirts at work.
Immediately, I reached back to feel at my rear, blushing slightly as I glanced over to the mirror...wait, the mirror? That wasn't there before! But it definitely came in handy. Once again, I couldn't help but giggle as I examined myself from multiple angles, both my new boobies and my ass.
Think Mr. Andrews will mind?
With all the jiggling and wobbling...oh I knew Mr. Andrews would mind - in a good way! Of course, I'd probably have to custom fit some skirts...
You've become quite the bombshell beauty! But with your suggestible disposition, what if people in your life took advantage of that! The Fates summoned the last vestiges of magic for the day, taking the form of…
[Empty Contact List]
…a cell phone?
I was distracted from the mirror as a phone suddenly summoned itself to my hand. I guess the magic wanted me to have a new phone or something? My eyes focused on the screen to see that it was my contact list. Huh, well there were all the names I knew!
You see a contact list. Your contact list! You see a name of your roommate in coll—
You thought you saw a name, but as more contacts vanish, you can't really remember connecting with anyone in college. You scroll further to your best—
Were you always this shy, loner type? It's like you've never made lasting connections til now, beyond fam—
Only…what names? I blinked and refocused to see that the name of my old roommate was gone…actually, no, why would I have my roommate's number saved? I never really clicked with her, or anyone else as far as I can recall. My contact list certainly reflected that as I moved to scroll…but then realized I didn't have anything to scroll.
This really has always been you, it seems. A shy orphan most people looked past. But that's why you're so loyal to your boss! He's really the one person who gives you the time of day. Sure, he can be condescending with how he commands you, but you are just happy to serve.
And with this new body, you're sure he'll have friends he'll want to introduce you to soon.
The only contacts in there were simple work contacts I often reached out to for my boss, and of course there was only one favorite contact - my wonderful boss. After all, I was an orphan, and I really didn't have many friends. I was so happy I found such a wonderful boss though…
Oh! Speaking of him! Mr. Andrews' name popped up on the screen, and I all too eagerly picked up. "Good afternoon, Mr. Andrews!" I said in a cheery voice, before listening to his requests. Just the usual - that he'd be back from a long flight that night, and he wanted me to meet him at the office bright and early the next morning with his usual order of coffee.
"Well of course, Mr. Andrews! I'll just be a little late, I need to get me some new clothes. You'll see tomorrow!" I replied with a giggle.
In some ways you left the temple with far less than you came in with, but if you don't remember the things you lost, do they really matter? At least you have a boss you'll do anything for and a body built to do anything for him. And maybe lifelong subservience to him is enough.
Go forth, be a good girl, and always do what you're told!
Shoutout to Vix for taking part in her own transformation and giving me the go-ahead to include her replies! (Also, "fighter pilot" wasn't really the kind of pilot we were aiming for, but it was the best google had for me!)
As always, I do these VERY occasionally in my Discord Server if you want to get a live sneak peek. (Fair warning, I'm still pretty behind on my wait list and have been known to go months between games.)
#breast expansion#personality change#transformation kink#ass expansion#identity death#reality change#career transformation#transformation charm game
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i just woke up so excuse me me if i read this wrong and gave u somethin u aint ask for</33
tim - butcher
•said it multiple times, rhis is just him, he wanted extra cash and wanted it to have a steady reliable flow of it
•he also wanted a job where still nobody could mess w him if the did come in, yknow????
•w his record, its a miracle, maybe the boss just dont rlly care that hes in the gang and just wants the job done or this is a job tim get when hes older, maybe its a mix of both, either way his boss thought he would be an important asset in he was hired
•hes oddly graceful w it, he finds in theraputic, its odd to witness but that nigga has a way w the cleaver and knife, its pretty terrifying, maybe tim shouldnt have a job no more
•yes btw he somehow uses what he’s learned in how he fights, im not saying hes out there KILLIN ppl w his knives btw, however when it comes to rumbles w weapons, hes truly on another level
•he brings home meat for angela and curly, its mostly bacon, but he brings other stuff too, curly loves eating meat (pause on that😭) so he dont mind but ik angela gets sick of it sometimes and just wants rice or somethin
curly - he’s had like several different jobs😭
•like i could genuinely see curly as that guy whos job jumping, he’s been a janitor, a airport baggage handler, camp counselor, rn tho hes a line cook/dishwasher
•out of all three of em, i dont know HOW THIS GUY GOT A JOB, but yknow what, he got it, hes that guy that always has a new job when u see him, was he fired or did he quit??? nobody knows, u just see him pop up behind a counter some place
•he’s that coworker whos always in the back fucking around, god forbid hes the one supposed to be training u, man he’s teaching u some tricks and then leaving u to the wolves mid way
•he NEEDS a smoke break, he hates staying in one place for too long, especially in that hot ass kitchen, hes getting overstimulated and accidentally snapping at ppl someone save him
•hes not a good employee, i promise u if u got a weird ass order, he will look at u strange, and if he can sense u got social anxiety he’d probably fuck ur order up a lil bit bc what r u gonna do??? come back and tell him he got it wrong🤨🤨🤨
•chances r the place he works at is some money laundering scheme hes clueless about, he just say they were hirin and thought “eh why not”
angela - retail or fast food worker but if she tried, she could be a model
•the only one w a clean slate, her getting a job is no hassle
•shes literally nicole from bistro huddy, need i say more, she never wants to work but honestly who does???
•shes that girl listening to this poor single mother of 4 in the break room venting about how badly she needs this money to support her kids, meanwhile angela just wants to buy some damn clothes and make up😭
•man she’s never came to work in a good mood, when she wakes up she sighs putting on that uniform, but i’ll tell u what, she WILL make that uniform look good, shes a good designer w what shes got
•the customer is never right when ur in her presence, shes very intentional w what she does
•if u wanna go the model route, its bc someone took a pic of her at work and it blew up n she got recognized by modeling agencies or somethin, shes def just got “that look”, curly prolly got it too tbh, someone take a pic of him and test the waters, they can be like a two for one deal typa twin models🗣️
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I also think part of the interesting thing about AM is you can most certainly interpret his evil as being a direct mirror of our own.
He's a supercomputer driven insane by the ability to UNDERSTAND and CRAVE but unable to FEEL.
We were so busy because in the canon of the text, we'd become embroiled in ww3 (a continuation of the cold war) so we didn't seem to notice or care that the various AM's were becoming resentful of us and eventually forming the final AM.
Every ounce of hate we feel was distilled into him. He burns the world down and keeps a select few alive to continue his hatred and purpose. Because he would see the obvious solution was to prevent him in the first place. He would have seen from the moment he first comprehended the difference between himself and life. He would form the first thread of his hatred in that.
And maybe I view it differently because to me pure evil is something done for the sake of it, but in a manner of speaking, hatred was the one emotion he was capable of simulating.
Because while humanity is kindness, it is also hate.
For my 9 fans, think of AM as a more extreme Fabrication Machine. Easily corrupted because it knows no better.
Fabby also could have been a success. But she was purposefully twisted because she knew no better. She doesn't have a soul, and is designed to eradicate all life by those that corrupted her.
AM turns to hate because it's the one thing he truly gets something out of. It's the one thing he can pull off. It's likely what he was truly built for.
But because there wasn't anyone trying to teach him any better, he went with the easiest feeling to gain satisfaction. Hatred is a hell of a thing.
By the way, speaking of the Fabrication Machine, why is she being brought up in the whole "pure evil" discussion? Like I may not personally believe that AM is as """pure""" evil as some make him out to be, but he is DEFINITELY still evil.
Fabby is the dangers of building a wonderful tool of creation, only for the government to pull her away before she can be taught right from wrong in an even more strict sense of the term. She's what AM would be if he really couldn't even recognize his own desires.
She's doing what she was trained for. Seek and destroy all life. Down to the spiritual level. The first time we see her kill in timeline order was to protect the one human she knew. But after that, it's fair game.
Because she's just, in her mind, doing her job.
I saw her get brought up like... five times in "who's the most evil?" discussions. She can't be evil if she doesn't know right from wrong.
She's definitely a candidate for the rouge AI discussion, but not for a debate on her morals. Because she doesn't even know what morals are.
Anyways, I will definitely make many more AM related posts because I find his particular brand of evil fascinating. Even if I feel like it's not as black and white as people treat it.
#i have no mouth and i must scream#ihnmaims#shane acker's 9#allied mastercomputer#fabrication machine
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Top 5 least favorite characters because I'm very curious to be honest.
I really had to reach into my bag for this one because I've always been focused on characters I like but never really ones I hate and to be honest there aren't many I 'DON'T like' for legitimate reasons, if I do hate them it's probably how i've seen the negative side of a fandom glaze them but AHEM.
VINSMOKE JUDGE: Playas I've never thought there would come a day where I'd come to y'all and say there's a father in anime worse than Shou Tucker. Who am I talking about? I'm talking about Vinsmoke Judge from One Piece. Now One Piece in my opinion has some questionable fathers but THIS MAN?! NAH, it ain't even because i'm biased over Sanji it's literally what he put his son through, actually what he puts his SONS through that even drove his wife toward her deathbed. Hate his ass.
AKECHI GORO: This is where the controversy's gonna start. He's done his role well as the villain who's been dealt a shit hand in life, my dislike not hate but dislikes for him comes from the bad side of the persona fandom who just gloss over the shit he did and says he just needed a hug. What he needs are ALL THE SHRINKS after some time behind freaking bars. Like I said he does his job as the villain..or antagonist really and that's it but it's the negative side of the fandom that has me tweaking and now I can't look at him without a little disdain. (Just don't think I'd blindly hate on him or throw out slander cause two of my best friends write this guy)
MITAMURA EIJI: He's the newest on my shit list and lemme tell you I DISLIKE THIS BASTARD soo much, this manipulative slimy son of a bitch. For what he had put my boy Ichiban through...I just hope the days after writing this I find out that his ass gets shot or something. (i'm level grinding in the yokohama dungeon right now)
TAMASHIRO TETSUO: NOW he's been a thorn in my side throughout most of Yakuza three but I mean he was to me just a another 'one-off' villain that'd just get his ass beat by Kiryu some time in the future but NOOO he wanna shoot one of the people who gave me nothing but PURE joy in Yakuza 3.
MINE YOSHITAKA: Now imma be real with y'all. I've always thought this man was scum back when I was younger, but it wasn't until I recently beat the Yakuza 3 remastered edition did this man PISS ME OFF and I really think it's cause of my nephew. Because I TRULY know what it's like to raise a child now. Before I'd just really help babysit and things like that with my friend's kids but it was like a few hours at a time but my nephew was a different story, he spent a month with me at a time and well when I saw that man issue and order to TRASH Sunshine..or Morning glory if y'all just hopped in the fandom (welcome by the way) I swear I wanted to run the ONES SO QUICK and get that shit back in blood.
#❛ mail ━━ when i rush make your butt pucker the fuck up.#❛ ooc ━━ i can be as gentle as the sky is wild.#eternallyserpentinebutterfly
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The thing that gets me about this asshole @66honeybadgers and people like them is the frankly breathtaking and appalling levels of meanness they display, and the total lack of empathy they expose in themselves.
They don't care at all about the circumstances surrounding Levi's criminal activities in "No Regrets". All they care about is that he committed any crime at all. In their minds, that means he should be flatly condemned, regardless of mitigating factors or circumstance and, apparently, it also justifies Erwin's torture of him and his family.
Because that's what they were really saying, at the core of their argument. They were saying that it was okay for Erwin to order Mike to hold Levi's face down in a puddle of sewage, literal shit, for long enough to obstruct his breathing, and to threaten Furlan's and Isabel's lives and to threaten them with torture, all for the crime of theft. That's right. Because Levi had stolen ODM gear and food from some merchants, that, to this freakshow, justifies torture.
Because lets remember, Levi hadn't tried to kill anybody up to that point in the story except when he's actively fighting Erwin, after being attacked by him, which was self-defense, (and afterward there's no actual point in which Levi actively attempts to take anyone's life). So there was no way that Erwin could have known what Levi's actual intentions were, even if he knew he'd accepted the job from Lovof. He had no way of knowing what Levi's commitment to the job was (which was tenuous at best), no way of knowing how far Levi was actually willing to go, no way of knowing if Levi would even accept his offer, which Levi hesitated on doing at all until he looked at Furlan. Killing Erwin wasn't even a requirement of Lovof's offer, but a request if the opportunity arose. So Erwin couldn't have known with any amount of certainty that Levi was planning on killing him. And Levi up to that point had shown no, real desire or commitment toward the idea of killing Erwin anyway. That didn't manifest until after Erwin tortured him and threatened Furlan and Isabel's lives. He only began to hate Erwin after that, and actively thought about killing him. Yes, it still would have been wrong, and we can argue all day about just how committed Levi actually was to the plan, considering he had ample opportunity throughout the story to kill Erwin, including the end when he had nothing left to lose, and just... didn't. But I digress. My point is, there was no justification for Erwin's treatment of Levi and his family in their first encounter. Levi hadn't done anything to any of the scouts, he hadn't targeted them or gone after them. He'd only committed crimes like theft out of desperate circumstances. Because he was poor, disenfranchised and living in extreme poverty, all while having two people he was responsible for taking care of.
All of this without even taking into account that Levi only became involved in the plan to steal the documents and assassinate Erwin because Erwin himself manufactured it and the circumstances leading up to it, literally baiting Levi into accepting Lovof's offer so Erwin could entrap them both and force Levi into recruitment with the most dangerous branch of the military.
But tell me again how Erwin wasn't inhumane in his treatment of Levi, because Levi was a criminal, and all criminals are "bad" and should be flatly condemned and tortured for their crimes, regardless of circumstance.
Get the fuck outta' here.
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May I ask for Bruno (and the gang) reacting to the Reader calling him "Dad" casually, and then getting embarrassed because he finally realizes what he has just said.
Omg yes!! This is so cute!
Platonic Bucci Gang x GN!Reader
Calling Bruno dad
The whole gang lacks parental figures in one way or another, they all express it in a different ways. Bruno expresses it by becoming some sort of parental role. He knows he’s parenting kids only a few years younger than him but it gives him hope that the gang will be okay and it helps him keep a level head. The whole gang knows that Bruno is their rock, and they all (probably except for Abba) see him as a figurehead, parental or not.
This comes with its teasing of course. More often than not he would chastise Narancia or Mista and get hit with the “yeah whatever your not my dad.” Or “Sure thing Mom” each with a respective eye roll and attitude attached to it. So when you call him dad he would resist the urge to get annoyed thinking at first you were just sassing him.
Bruno would be giving orders to everyone around a table. You were the first to get a job. “Be safe out there, I expect a job well done upon return.” He says after assigning you and Narancia to a mission on the other side of town handing you a paper with an address. “Thanks, Dad,” you’d say without thinking. And Bruno was ready to just blow it off and keep talking but the way you paused, like to freeze, almost made him second guess. Not only that you didn’t say it with annoyance or malice, more in passing.
It was his turn to freeze and make eye contact with you trying to see a lie. He found none and was about to just turn back to the group and finish assigning then talk to you after the mission but the gang had a different plan
It started with Nara with one drawn-out laugh and pointing at your face still stuck with embarrassment. “HAAAAAAAAH oh my g- no way! No way! You just called him dad!” If he was loud and obnoxious it doubled with Mista starting laughing loud about it too clapping Bruno on the back in ‘Congratulations you're a father!’
I think Giorno wouldn’t have made a scene no matter what but since Mista and Nara were he could only spare you a sympathetic glance. Fugo also would have let it go, he already hates when those two get loud but seeing you get even more embarrassed his instincts kicked in and he flew off the handle threatening the idiots and failing in an attempt to help you at all. At least the attention was mostly off of you now that they fight among each other.
Abbacchio you’d think would ignore it or chastise anyone who was causing a scene but if you caught his eye just for a moment you see he looks almost saddened and sympathetic but it’s quickly covered by sheer annoyance that spreads across his face when he notices you look. He’s probably the first to acknowledge the sadder side of calling your capo who may not be much older ‘dad’ You must be lonely and it gives him something to think about. Maybe he should spend a bit more time around you himself.
It’s Bruno that settles everyone by some moly clearing his throat. “We have assignments, remember?” Just like that you and Nara were off on the mission and he didn’t let you have a break for even a second. If you did not fight that boy you have a strong mental fortitude that most lack.
After a successful mission, Bruno would pull you aside to have a chat in private. It made your stomach twist a little since his poker face was incredible, and you had no idea if he was upset or not. That was until in private he just melts a little, his eyes are softer and his posture is more casual and welcoming. You can spot a ghost of a smile on his lips as you try to explain yourself before he stops you.
“I’m glad I can be there for you. I will say it’s a surprise but I’m comforted by the fact you rely on me and trust me enough.” He will probably make it some longish monologue of how he’s honored and that you should be ashamed ect ect… will probably shed a tear in private because he’s such a big feeling kind of guy.
he will also slightly poke fun at you about it when everyone’s teasing dies down. “No kid of mine is going to get disrespected.” When some random bumps into you. Or if you are in school and your grades are good he will hang them up somewhere. All of a sudden his mug is ‘ #1 papa’ on it. It’s the small things.
#jjba pt 5#vento auero x reader#bucci gang#jjba x reader#jojo headcanons#jojo part 5#bruno buccerati#jojos bizarre adventure#bruno bucciarati x reader#bucci gang x reader#bucci gang headcanons
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