Dante/25/He/They 🦷 Writer, artist, monster fucker, professional menace 🦷 (18+)
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Arachnophilia: (Part Thirty-three)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️

The HQ was lulled into a strange, quiet limbo in the wake of what came to be called ‘the serum fiasco’.
The details of what happened were whispered from person to person as everyone waited for Lyla to confirm that the anomaly was contained, and on the way the story turned into a strange amalgamation of its former self. Piece by piece things changed and shifted, details being embellished or lost.
People loved a good story. They loved a good villain, too. So why not whisper about how this giant, monstrous version of Miguel, the vampire, the beast, created an anomaly out of a twisted, lustful desire?
The Spider Society was made up of so many people, so many beings, and that inclusivity was brandished like a righteous sword on the outside. All belonged here. But a spider was still a spider, and just as Mig had feared, people hated spiders.
That black-and-white thinking seeped across the multiverse like a virus, and on that quiet, somber evening, it found its way into the whispered gossip of his colleagues’ mouths.
Thankfully the anomaly did not spread. The elites managed to stop it before it breached anything beyond Miguel’s office, leaving the HQ largely untouched, but the real damage it did wasn’t physical. It was mental.
The damage was in Mig’s broken, dull, glassy eyes as he sat folded on the floor. The damage was in Miguel’s cold red stare, his dissociative empty expression as he tried to pretend he wasn’t falling apart inside. The damage was inside you, in the storm of emotions you were feeling.
It was hard, but you couldn’t say that, could you? Mig was a mess, and he needed you at his side, which left very little room to acknowledge your own feelings.
Your own agony…
Mig loved you. He loved you so fiercely, so genuinely, that you’d forgotten the barriers between you. The logical part of your brain that used to flinch at the sight of his enormous spindly legs had been drowned out by kisses and whispers, by the word ‘arañita’ moaned against your forehead. Your naïve fascination, your tender growing adoration, had caused everything else to just melt away.
You forgot that Mig was from a whole other universe to you. You forgot he was a hybrid of man and spider. You’d always known your love was forbidden, nigh frowned upon, but even that had been drowned out if not met with outright disdain. He was your Mig, who cared what people thought?
But you couldn’t ignore it now.
There was an unspoken expectation on you that evening, one that you saw in the eyes of everyone who passed you by.
There was an expectation on you to be the smart one, the reasonable one, and for you to leave Mig of your own volition. There was a sadness in the air, a pitiable sympathy, like someone putting an injured racehorse out of its misery. You were supposed to put the metaphorical gun between Mig’s eyes, and end this charade of an affair.
You’d look at Mig occasionally, and while he never met your gaze, you knew he’d felt it too. It thrummed in the air like static. He felt their judgement, and it sank into his flesh like a knife.
A human could not love a spider.
It disgusted you. It infuriated you.
Why couldn’t you love him?! He was more of a human than anyone else here. He loved like a human, he needed like a human, he WAS a human for gods sake. He was yours. He was yours. He was all you had.
You hadn’t realized how truly lonely, how truly miserable you’d been until you’d met him. He was your friend, your confidante, your lover, your biggest supporter. He was everything to you, and you were everything to him. Yes, you had issues. He was possessive, blunt, and driven to foolish flights of desperation, but you could work through it. You could DO this.
You weren’t ready to give up. You just hoped it wasn’t too late for Mig.
He was so quiet, so cold, it was agony to see him this way. You got no insight into his mental state, no little snippets to soothe your anxiety. You had no idea what he was thinking.
What if he decided to end it?
That whole evening you clung to Mig’s hand, refusing to ever let go. You couldn’t dare. He was your Mig, and you would not part with him.
Once the anomaly was confirmed to have been subdued, Miguel approached you in silence. He didn’t tell you what to do. He just stared, his eyes sombre and yet unwittingly affectionate.
‘You… You’re free to go home’ he murmured after clearing his throat. He used his watch to draw up a portal that would lead you back to Mig’s universe.
‘They won’t stop us?’ you instinctively asked. You were aware of the other elites watching from their vantage points around the open HQ, staring down like vultures.
Miguel shook his head. ‘No. No, they won’t. I spoke to everyone, it… It won’t make a difference to let you carry on as you are, as you have been for the past few months. You can go home. I… Suggest, that you go home.’
He fixed you with those cold, red eyes, and you fixed him with your own intense stare. You weren’t the same frightened newby you were before, skittering beneath his authority.
And Miguel knew it. His eyes softened as they stared into your own, and you watched that cold red glow turn warm and wet and wild, flickering like a dying fire. His face remained stern, but his eyes betrayed how he really felt.
He was scared. Just as scared as you.
‘Go home’ he murmured, and without another word he turned and stomped back towards where his office was being rebuilt.
Soon it was just you and Mig, sitting in silence amidst the destroyed decorations. A broken bat swung in a circle above your head, and bunting lay crushed and dirtied at your feet. You took in a deep breath and turned to face Mig.
‘We… He’s right. We should go home’ you whispered. ‘You don’t need to put up with all of this right now.’
Mig nodded, but he didn’t speak beyond that. You would have given anything to hear his voice again.
In silence you used your watch to create a portal back to his universe. You reached out your hand for him to take, and while there was a brief second where you thought he might reject your touch, you soon felt his thick, calloused fingers wrapping tightly around your own.
Together, you stepped through the portal and went home.
He barely spoke as you made your way into the den you’d both built together. He’d stop you every few steps just to lift you up and over any obstacles you’d missed in the dark, such as brambles and rocks, but beyond that he was silent.
You led him by the hand into the den. He almost refused, physically freezing in denial, as if he couldn’t handle going back to the home he’d made for you with the knowledge he now had. You had to coax him in by burying your face into his abdominal fluff, soothing his pain with gentle pets and small kisses.
‘That’s it’ you’d whisper when he took a tentative step, ‘that’s it. Come here, my love. I’m here.’
Step by step, inch by inch, you lured him down into the depths. Your den was just as warm as ever, almost as if mocking you with its indifference to your sombre mood.
The lamps in the earthen walls were burning with fiery, orange light, and the air was warm and sweet. It smelled like fur and dry wood, with a hint of cinnamon from when you last cooked. The silk-spun rugs were soft underfoot, and soon you were surrounded by homely bliss. Your fire hob, your pictures poorly pinned to the wall, your clothes on the floor and your empty plates in the water basin.
You saw books half-read, electronics still being tinkered with, and your skincare bag sitting on the floor by a mirror from this morning.
It twisted your heart until it hurt. You didn’t even want to think how Mig must be feeling.
With his hand still clutched in yours you led the way down the den’s tight tunnels to your bedroom, and only once inside did Mig take control. He grasped you with both hands and lifted you to his chest, clutching so tightly that his claws dug through your suit. You didn’t have time to protest, but you wouldn’t have even if you could.
You clung to him, burying your face into his bare chest, as he took you to the bed.
He collapsed on top of you, smothering you with his skin and fur, and all eight legs came to entrap you in that tight embrace. He lay awake in the nest with your body clutched to his abdomen, squeezing you like a child squeezing their plush toy, and you squeezed him right back.
You weren’t sure how much time passed in that bed. It could have been minutes or it could have been hours, but however long it was, it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.
‘… I love you.’
Mig’s voice breaking the silence broke your heart along with it. He sounded so defeated. As he spoke he shifted, pulling you closer, and your gripped his fur with every ounce of strength you had left.
‘I love you too’ you whispered.
Mig shuddered as he breathed in. ‘… I am so sorry’ he croaked. ‘What I’ve done to you—’
‘No. Stop. Stop it’ you interjected. It took all your strength to not sob. ‘Stop it. I love you, Mig. I love you, and I don’t regret a single thing. I never have, and I never will.’
His voice cracked as he spoke your nickname, and you shook your head to fight back your own tears.
‘No, no. It’s okay.’
‘We’re still together, mi amor’ you whispered. ‘I won’t let them separate us. I promise.’
Mig didn’t respond. He just clutched you a little tighter, a little harder.
‘It’s not… It’s not, perfect’ you murmured in between stroking his flank. ‘It’s not. I know that. I have to wear the wristwatch to be stable, and… And, obviously, there’s a few other things.’
‘A few other things’ Mig repeated back coldly. He wasn’t mad at you, but it didn’t help to hear the sting in his tone, the hopelessness he was facing.
‘I know… He said, about kids—’
As you forced yourself to speak again, conjuring up what little positive energy you had left, Mig abruptly shifted in your grasp. You fell silent as he moved into the light, as the flame began to flicker across his gaunt expression.
He looked so haunted. Those deep grooves and dark shadows filled in around his eyes and his downturned lips, and you realized with some horror that he’d lost those lines since meeting you.
You’d seen them before when you first met, when you’d first encountered that scuttling, frightened, nervous man in the woods, carrying his trauma like a weight on his spine, but since then they’d dulled. They’d loosened, softened, eased by days then weeks and then months of smiling at your antics.
But there they were again. It was enough to make your throat choke up.
‘Mig’ you whimpered. His eyes softened a little in the face of your pain, and with a shuddered gasp he cupped your face in his hand.
‘It’s not about the babies’ Mig whispered back. In the flickering firelight, his expression was hard to parse. The shadows on his deep-set eyes seemed to shift, filling in the contours of his knotted brows and the lines in his forehead.
‘… It’s not about babies. I can live without babies. It’s about you.’
‘… Mig, what do you mean, sweetheart?’
‘... It’s about you’ he repeated in a whimper. ‘It’s about, you. Because we—’
He paused and pursed his lips. He seemed to be struggling to speak this next part, whatever it was. ‘When we die, arañita… Where do we go?’
For a brief moment your pain turned to confusion. You sniffled and frowned.
‘I… I don’t, know, Mig.’
‘Neither do I. I tell myself we go nowhere, as a scientist that is my lot in life, but… It is, somewhat hard to believe that now. When I’ve seen other worlds, other realities, when I know that they are all possible.’
You listened to his soft-spoken rambling while still tucked into his fur, your brow still knotted as you tried to parse what he meant.
‘… It can’t be that, people from every universe, share the same afterlife. Can it?’ he whispered.
You felt a burning pain in your eyes that compelled you to blink, only for you to realize you were crying. You looked down at the bed to escape your own agony.
‘The idea… That when we die, you might go somewhere else… And for eternity, I’ll be waiting for you, mi tesoro, waiting for you to come home…’
Mig couldn’t stand the idea that you would never belong. The idea you’d have to wear a metaphorical collar just to survive in his universe, the idea that if you removed your watch or left the society that you’d never be able to be his…
He couldn’t live like that. There was no real future. Forcing you to live on knifes edge for his selfish love…
And yet, he still couldn’t give you up.
With a soft sob he pulled you closer, burying you in his fur. You felt his human arms squeezing the life out of you. ‘… Mi amor’ he whispered, his voice barely a choked whimper, ‘mi amor… Don’t go.’
You squeezed him back with a sob. ‘I’m not going anywhere’ you wailed. ‘Mig, I-I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I promise.’
‘Don’t go.’
He just kept repeating it, over and over into your ear, and nothing you said seemed to soothe him.
While you eventually fell asleep in Mig’s grasp, he couldn’t find the same respite. He watched you as you slept instead. He watched and caressed you, gently brushing the same piece of hair out of your eyes over and over like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. This simple, tender touch, repeated forever.
He’d never get tired of seeing you at peace like this. Even after all the stress of the day, the knowledge that he could lull you into the depths of a warm, dreamless sleep, with your lips parted and a trail of drool slowly accumulating on his fur, kept him sane.
He loved you, and he needed you, and when he saw you like this, he felt like you needed him too.
It wasn’t just instinct. He was a spider, yes, but he was a man too. Your man.
He couldn’t give you up.
He had to do something.
He shifted out of bed at around 3am, being extremely careful not to wake you as he did. Luckily you were exhausted, and even though you sleepily clung to his fur, you did not stir when he pried your hands aside.
He left you to sleep beneath the pile of silk blankets that he’d knitted for you, and silent as the night, he slipped away.
Mig crept out of the den and into the cold night, where he used his own watch to create a portal. All alone, he slipped back into the HQ.
When he stepped through the portal it was eerily quiet. The decorations were still up but the entire building seemed empty, to the point that it was almost uncanny. The open lobby wound upwards like a honeycomb made up of cold, white pillars, its surfaces sterile beneath the moon as it shone in through the glass walls. That great inner sanctum echoed with every step he took.
Mig walked his way through those empty corridors with no real plan in mind, wandering aimlessly as if on autopilot. He had no real intention of winding up where he did, but in hindsight, it was obvious that that was where he was heading. He padded his fluffy spider paws up, up, until at long last he wound up back on the edge of Miguel’s lab.
The empty doorway to the office gaped at him like a maw, creaking like a ship on a windy night. It seemed to move as he swayed in place. He felt like prey being lured towards something, some dark
He pushed aside broken beams and rebar to go deeper, forcing his way through the darkness towards a single, distant beam of light.
When he finally stumbled back into the office, he realized that the light was from a hole in the ceiling where the anomaly had ripped away the coating, allowing the distant moonlight to trickle downward. It created a perfectly cruel spotlight right over the broken glass on the floor by the broken desk in its centre.
Broken glass. Broken dreams.
He huffed and watched his breath turn to vapor in the air.
‘You shouldn’t be here.’
That familiar voice caused his hackles to raise, but Mig didn’t turn. He knew who it was, and he had no desire to speak to them. He allowed the silence to drag out until it became nigh unbearable, and then he dragged it out some more.
‘… I suppose I don’t blame you for coming, though.’
Miguel lowered his voice when he spoke again. His footsteps echoed as he walked out from his hiding space in the doorway and into the open, slowly rounding the giant spider hybrid so he could catch him face-to-face.
‘I’d be stupid to do that’ he added.
‘You would’ Mig growled.
Miguel paused once he was standing about three feet from Mig’s side, and there he stayed, staring ahead at the ruins of their ambition.
‘… How are they doing?’ Miguel asked.
Mig, again, refused to speak. Miguel sighed. He felt his brow twitching, threatening to knot, but he held himself to some account.
‘… How are you doing?’ he asked instead.
‘I feel… Abstracted’ Mig replied in a cold, empty voice. Miguel’s brows twitched again.
‘Abstracted. You—’
‘I feel… Numb’ Mig continued, cutting Miguel off mid-query. ‘It’s not like a dream. I’ve felt that before. When I met… Them, mi arañita, that felt like a dream. It took me a while to realize it was real, that they were real. But this…’ He flexed his claws until his knuckles popped. ‘This is—’
‘A nightmare?’ Miguel cut in.
‘No. No, not a nightmare. That would still be a dream. This is the opposite… This is real.’ Mig paused his speech to swallow, only to discover a lump in his throat and tears in the back of his eyes. His barely suppressed agony was lingering there, choking him.
‘It’s all… Real. This is reality. It feels as if I have finally woken up after a long, long, happy dream, and now I’m here. I’m, me. I’m a monster who thought he could love something beautiful.’
‘… It’s like the universe reminding you of who you are. What you are’ Miguel replied.
Mig snorted in surprise, and for a moment his walls lowered enough for him to glance at Miguel below him. Miguel didn’t move. He was resting his chin on his hand while his other rested on his hip, and he looked a million miles away.
‘Just… A reminder that fate has other plans. Right?’
‘A reminder that this was all just a dream’ Mig concurred.
The two men stood in silence as water dripped down from the leaks in the ceiling above. The office felt dead, like the cavernous maw of some long-downed creature. The wide, dramatic space and high ceilings used to exist to give Miguel space, to isolate him from the world, but now that isolation felt like it was mocking them both. It was eerie to stare into.
‘I know that feeling’ Miguel eventually murmured. ‘I do.’
‘What feeling?’
‘The dream’ Miguel continued. His eyes roamed the cold walls. ‘The feeling that everything is too good to be true. That you’re living a dream. I remember always being afraid I’d wake up, living in that constant anxiety. And then it ended, and my fears came true, and… No matter how much I expected it to fall apart, it didn’t make it easier.’
‘… The child?’ Mig replied softly. He noted the way Miguel tensed, as if about to be sick.
‘… My, child, yes. My daughter.’
Another painful silence fell.
‘… I tried so hard to make it work’ Miguel said, his voice cracking as he spoke. It was painfully sincere, betraying a layer of emotion beneath his cold, hardened exterior that he rarely allowed to show. Mig didn’t respond beyond a slightly stilted breath.
‘I did. Same as you. I tested fate, and I pushed the limits of space and time and nature, for my own needs. Stupid, selfish beast, that’s what I am. That’s what we are.’
‘Do not—’
‘Because we’re still human’ Miguel seethed through his fangs. ‘We’re still, human. We need love. We need a family, we need stability, we need to touch and protect and cherish and love. And I hate it. You can’t do this work and be human, you can’t be me and still be human. Miguel O’Hara has to be MORE!’
He clenched his fist and physically restrained himself from punching the nearest wall.
‘I have to be more… Because I’m not good enough for those things. I want to be human, but I’m not. And you… You. You are me.’
He slowly rolled his eyes up to Mig.
‘… I cannot- I cannot give them up’ Mig gasped. He spoke as if he was being choked, and his enormous chest heaved as he struggled to take breath in. He reared up until his shadow eclipsed Miguel’s body, leaving nothing but his cold, empty red eyes glowing in the darkness.
‘I won’t. I won’t. I won’t.’
‘I’m not asking for you to give them up—’ Miguel tried to say, but Mig cut him off before he could finish.
‘You are!’
The enormous beast bristled until every hair on his body was standing on end. ‘That’s what all of this- stupid posturing is about!’
‘Stupid…’ Miguel repeated the word slowly before visibly sneering. He looked angry, yes, but more than that he looked hurt. ‘I’m not posturing to you, Mig, I’m trying to help you. I don’t—no, you know what? I don’t care. You’re upset, it’s—’
He paused to take a deep breath. He’d never been good at explaining these things, of keeping his temper in check, but he tried. He tried so damn hard. ‘Listen to me. I am trying to tell you, that I know what it’s like. I know how much it hurts.’
Mig was still breathing heavily, his chest heaving up and down as he fought his own irrational anger. He was lashing out in a desperate bid to gain back the control he’d lost, and he knew that, but unlike Miguel he wasn’t used to anger.
He’d gone so long being meek and quiet, subdued to his own worthlessness, but he wasn’t worthless anymore.
He had something to fight for.
‘You… You tried to break us apart’ Mig hissed.
‘Ay Dios- yes, I did! I did, and I have answered for that already!’ Miguel snapped back before raising both hands, willing himself back down. ‘No puedo mas… Ah, listen to me, Mig, I know. I’m not—I know it hurts, but I also know that the pain you would feel if anyone got hurt in your pursuit of this, you would feel worse.’
‘Nobody has to get hurt!’ Mig replied, but as he cried the anger left him. He was pleading, desperately searching for a lifeline that Miguel could never in good conscience provide. ‘It was a mistake! We were so close, so close—’
‘One mistake. That’s all it takes’ Miguel retorted. ‘One mistake, and people are DEAD! You don’t come back from that mistake! You carry it, every day, EVERY DAY, on your back! Can you do that?’
‘No, no—it’s not the same’ Mig pleaded.
‘It is the same!’ Miguel snapped again. ‘The dead will hurt the same—’
‘NO, no this- this situation is different—’
‘HOW? How is this different?!’
Miguel finally felt his claws unsheathe as his emotions grew too much for him to bear. Mig instinctively bristled back as his abdomen rustled and twitched. As always, he was torn between the man and the beast, the spider who saw only a rival male, and the man who saw both friend and foe at once.
‘It… It is different’ Mig repeated weakly. ‘It’s different...’
‘No, it’s not’ Miguel repeated coldly. ‘It’s not different. I went to another universe, to find a family, to be happy, because I couldn’t have it in my own world. And for that mistake, for the sin of believing I could be good, everything was destroyed. That one, good thing I made, was destroyed.’
‘I could fix it’ Mig continued, wilfully ignoring Miguel’s speech. ‘I could. We were so close…’
Miguel slowly lowered his hands as he realized he was never going to get through to Mig like this. Despite his anger, his jealousy, despite the hurt he felt at Mig’s perceived naivety, he was still deep down sympathetic. ‘… I thought, for a while, that maybe you were the exception’ he murmured in a softer tone. ‘I started to believe that. I really did. I wouldn’t have helped you otherwise. Maybe you would be the O’Hara, somehow, who broke it.’
Mig scrunched up his sharp nose as he forced his feelings down. ‘… And you were jealous’ he growled.
Miguel didn’t even flinch. ‘Yes,’ he conceded with a cold growl. ‘Yes. I was. Of course I was jealous. Pendejo.’
The two men fell silent again for a moment or so, breathing in the silence and the painful honesty they’d both torn from each other.
‘… I was jealous. But I got over that. And I am telling you this so you understand, I’m not doing this right now out of jealous, Mig.’
Miguel craned his neck to look Mig in the eye as he spoke.
‘I’m doing this because I…’
Mig turned his head. He was drawn in by the way Miguel’s voice broke, something that was unusual for his cold, steady counterpart. Miguel faced him down. He’d bitten his tongue when he realized he was getting a little too honest, and so when he spoke again it was slow, methodical, and commanding. He had to be the leader right now, not Mig’s friend.
‘I… I can’t allow this’ he finally whispered. ‘I can’t. And I’m sorry. But I will never risk another universe again, ever. Ever. For both our sakes. I won’t… I won’t.’
He could have said his reasons why. That he didn’t want anyone else to carry the weight he carried, that he was petrified of seeing his other self watch your body fade into nothingness while he tried his hardest to hold on. He could have said that he was scared, scared beyond reason, of seeing anyone turn into nothing again.
But the truth was, he didn’t know how to say that. He couldn’t even admit it to himself, even now. So he stiffened his lip and grunted. ‘We were never meant to be happy, Mig. Be glad for the little joy you got. Anything more... I can’t allow it.’
Mig didn’t open his mouth to argue. Not this time. He turned away and instead stared out into the darkness.
Miguel watched him turn without a word of comfort. He briefly raised his hand, considering whether to touch his shoulder, or whether even to hug him. He knew, when he lost Gabriella, that he would have given anything for someone to just hold him.
But, no. It was better that they didn’t. It was better that he learned the hard way to close himself off. He didn’t deserve pity.
Mig deserved pity, but he also wasn’t the one to give it.
‘Go home’ Miguel growled. ‘Go home to your mate.’
Those were the last words he said before he turned and stomped out of his office, leaving Mig to stew in the dark.
With Miguel gone, Mig turned back to the destruction on the office floor.
He stood there for a long time, listening to the dripping of water above and the slow, methodical thump of his heart, stewing in his own mind.
Then, he took a step forward.
One spider paw went after the other, growing faster with each cautious step. He crept towards the mess, towards the broken monitors and the broken vial, and he bent his front legs like a horse so he could reach them with his human hands.
He grabbed a glass shard and lifted it to his keen red eye.
It was wet. It glistened when he tilted it towards the light, showing a smear of liquid that wasn’t water.
He lowered his head in silence and tapped on the broken screen. It flickered before dying, proving that despite its condition, it could be repaired.
Once again he went still and silent, listening to the void of sound in the empty office. He sniffed the air; Miguel was definitely gone.
With the slowness of a man who knew he was breaking all the rules, he gathered up the broken monitor and a few glass shards into a nearby bag. He clutched that bag to his chest as he left, cradling it like a newborn babe, because to him this was his life.
His only shot at life.
A selfish beast, that’s what Miguel called them, and he was right. He was just a man.
A man who wanted you, his arañita, his angel from beyond the stars.
He was panting as he created the portal home, and visibly sweating by the time he stepped back onto the cold, dewy grass outside his den. His breath formed little puffs of smoke in the air as he scurried through the dense foliage.
Never once did he let go of the bag
He scuttled back into the den and shut the door as tightly as he could. He kept glancing over his shoulder, as if certain that he’d be seen. Thankfully, though, no one came after him.
He moved through the dimly lit earthen dens, stopping only to check on you in the bedroom. He saw your sleepy little body beneath a mound of warm silk sheets, still drooling and snoring and snuggling with one of the pillows that smelled like him.
He couldn’t help but give you a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving to one of the other free rooms. You stirred, just a little, but you didn’t wake up.
With bags in hand Mig pushed his way into one of the many empty rooms in your shared home. You’d been busy re-structuring, setting out new spaces to make it feel a bit more open, before the Halloween night fiasco. Mig had wanted to build you a little private study so you had a space to be alone in sometimes, and in a rut he had also dug out a theoretical nest for any young.
Now, though, he’d use it for something different.
In the dark, earthy room beneath the tree he lit a single candle and spread out his spoils. The glass, the monitor, and a few extra wires and vials. Without skipping a beat he sectioned off the glass and very carefully scraped what little juice was left into a new vial.
He scurried back and forth, dragging boxes of his own electronics into the empty room while he set everything else up. His spider legs moved to and through, separating and organizing while his human hands got busy.
He patted the dirt on the wall down flat, and with one claw at the ready, he began to scratch out his equations from memory.
He wasn’t willing to sacrifice anyone else for his own shot at happiness. Not really. But he also wasn’t willing to give up the way Miguel had.
He could do better. He knew this could work. They’d been so close, so CLOSE, and all he had to do was learn from that mistake.
With or without Miguel, he’d finish this serum. He’d allow you to live permanently in his universe.
So long as you loved him, you would be his, no matter what.
#miguel o'hara#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel o'hara fanfiction#miguel x reader#miguel o'hara x you#spider man 2099#smut#arachnophilia#miguel o'hara smut#drider#monster human relationship
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Hey it's been a hot minute since anyone's heard from you. You doing good?
Hey! I am still around, I've just been so swamped I haven't been able to update anything. Just for context, I got married a month ago (the gays win again) and then went on honeymoon and IMMEDIATELY jumped into a 9-5 in quite a demanding role, and I love my job but its a big shift. I'm also at the tail end of my PhD so I'm not free from that yet, and this week I'm moving house aND I'm sick so there is no rest for me even though I am truly just a little guy I'm writing in short bursts but nothing enough to upload sadly. I'm very much hoping once the move is done n the wedding is out of the way I'll have time to write, but I don't want to promise anything at this point with how much I keep getting overwhelmed. You're never forgotten though, I do check in and I'm still very much in the fandom. The only other stuff I'm doing on the side is my own original novel work, but I've also been neglecting that too. Hope you're all doing good <3 love u
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Arachnophilia: (Part Thirty-two)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
Content: Time to cry.

Both you and Mig were hesitant to leave the closet. Despite the abysmally horny scene you’d both made in the lobby in the throes of Mig’s prey-driven rut, now that you were both a little more sober, the thought of facing your colleagues was less than enticing. You didn’t want the little whispered concerns about whether you were okay, and you certainly didn’t want the snickers about Miguel’s size.
And besides, he was ever so warm. You loved the soft fuzz of his legs as they brushed your cheeks, leaving a glow on your skin. You loved the heat of his torso when he hugged you, and the little sigh he did as he rested his chin on the crown of your head.
But, you couldn’t exactly stay in there forever.
You creaked the door open just an inch and peeped your head around the corner, allowing just your eyes to appear. Mig did the exact same, slowly sliding his head around the door just above your own, like curious prairie dogs.
To your relief it seemed that the party was already in full swing. There was music playing, people laughing, cheap plastic pumpkins cackling, and huge groups of spiders all hurrying about in full costume.
Nobody would notice you. But, would they notice the room?
You glanced back over your shoulder at the mess of webs you’d left behind.The sticky stings were dripping with some kind of obscene liquid. Whether it was saliva or something else, though… well, of that you weren’t sure. Your eyes met, and in near unison you agreed:
‘They’ll just think its decoration.’
You spread your leg forward as if to leave, only to then duck out of sight once more as a gaggle of spiders rushed past, squishing yourself behind the door with Miguel awkwardly pressed up against your chest. You eyed him and your little mess up for the second time.
‘Is this… Is this a health hazard, Mig, do you think?’
‘Why are you asking me that, arañita?’
‘You’re the super genius!’
‘I’m not a doctor.’
‘A genetical physicist is better than doctor!’
‘Ay, arañita, be careful who you say that to…’
‘No, just- come on. I trust your judgment. You will ease my guilty conscience.'
‘… I mean we have never gotten sick from it.’
‘A very good point, Mr. O’Hara. A very good point indeed. In that case, I am sold. Let’s just leave it.’
Once the noise immediately outside the little closet door had passed, you allowed yourself to slip out and join the fray. Mig followed close behind.
Your hands instinctively interlocked as you headed towards the main party. It was a little nerve-wracking to be around people knowing the state of your body. You could feel the little web plug still sitting snuggly inside you, which would undoubtedly stay there until later that evening when Mig would finally and reluctantly pull it out, only to most likely stuff you again.
You were very, very, VERY full, and it was unbearably distracting.
As you took your first few steps into the crowd you glanced up at Mig. You looked at him with the expectation that you’d see the same concern on his face, that shared fear of being found out, but to your surprise, Mig looked the exact opposite. His eyes were glinting with a smug, primal sheen that you could only describe as possessive pride. He was relishing the knowledge that he’d stuffed you up and now got to parade you around while filled with his seed, his web knot, even if he put up a shy front before all the other spiders.
You huffed and gently elbowed his leg, causing him to stumble.
‘Mm! Arañita? Are you—’
Mig glanced down in shock at your unexpected nudge, but the moment he saw your expression he knew what you were thinking. He at least had the sense to break into a bashful blush as he shook himself out.
‘… I will not apologize for my instincts’ he grumbled.
‘I will not! I can’t help it. It’s in my nature to feel pride about such things.’
‘Mig, come on—’
‘Nature! It is my nature! I cannot argue with nature, arañita!’
You tried to pout, you really did, but as you stared up at his red cheeks and those big red eyes that even now betrayed a deep level of possessive adoration, you couldn’t help but break into a smile yourself. You giggled and tried to cover your mouth while Mig grunted.
‘What? Why are you now laughing?’
‘Oh, nothing. Nothing.’
‘What is so funny?’
You decided to tease him a little more, and broke into a slight jog so that he was forced to scurry after you across the floor.
‘Ah- arañita?’ he chirped as you sped up. You saw his legs shuffling faster and picked up the pace, breaking into a run.
‘Mmm, come on. Faster’ you purred.
Mig purred back as he obediently followed. ‘Faster?’
‘Come on. You wanna know why I’m laughing, you gotta catch up’ you giggled.
Mig bristled with joy as he started to speed up alongside you. It pleased something in his primal brain to be chasing you, pursuing you. He moved his legs faster, clambering over fake pumpkins and spiders passing by as he tried to keep up with your pace.
Neither of you even paid attention to the other hoards of spiders who all jumped aside as Mig barrelled through. All you could think about was how fun it was to tease him, and how fun it would be when he caught you. In those moments, it was only you and him.
Mig breathlessly called little nickname as he scurried through the crowd, his eyes fixed on the top of your head. He kept having to duck beneath plastic spiders hanging from the ceiling, though even at his most careful he took a number of pumpkin garlands to the face. Soon he was draped in paper decorations like a giant Halloween statue.
You finally skipped to a halt in front of the big open craft table, a movement so sharp that Mig barely had time to course-correct his own lumbering body. He skidded on the slippery tiled floor and bumped right into your back, pushing your stuffed belly into the table with a slight ‘oomph’.
A handful of people looked over with a mixture of disgust and morbid curiosity, but you ignored them. You were too busy giggling.
‘Jesus, Mig- oof, my god.’ You grunted as Mig withdrew from you, his hands outstretched to cup your shoulders as he ensured you were alright.
‘Arañita, you stopped so suddenly. Are you okay—’
‘I forgot how big you are sometimes’ you groaned, cutting off his little interjection. Mig snorted.
‘Excuse me? That seems untrue, mi amor.’
You tilted your head back and your brow tilted with it, shooting him a slightly confused expression. ‘What?’
‘That you’d forget I am big’ he repeated back. Immediately you rolled your eyes again. ‘Ohhh, okay. Okay. Really? A double entendre?’
‘A what?’
‘Your dick, Mig. You’re talking about your dick, right?’ you whispered back.
You were too busy giggling at Mig’s wide eyes and gormless expression to care about the spider people standing within listening distance, all of whom were now frozen in horror. He huffed and tried to play it off, glancing anywhere except your face.
‘I- I did not, necessarily mean that, arañita’ he insisted. Your lips curled into a smile so wide it hurt. His enormous legs were scuttling and shifting from side to side, something he only did when he was doing a terrible job of lying.
‘Oh, Mig. It’s not like you to be so coy’ you teased. You made a point of tickling the spot between his foreleg and his abdomen, knowing it would make him skitter and dance. His little tufty paws hopping back and forth always brought you joy.
‘Oye! Not there, mi tesoro’ he hissed back. He attempted to grasp and hold you still with his front paws but you just tickled those as well, noting the way his scarred, muscular body twitched and tensed as you did. Oh, to make that terrifying beast of a man quiver. It was pure joy.
He wrestled with you in the most childish form of PDA until he finally had you clutched to his chest. He held you there, one hand on your head and both forelegs wrapped around your chest, and he purred as he felt you squirm and laugh. His exasperation quickly turned back into a worn but gentle smile pulling across his chiseled, weather-beaten face.
‘Mi tesoro- ay, Dios Mio. You are in a state tonight, aren’t you?’
‘It’s a party, my love. Can I not enjoy myself?’
His smile deepened. You watched those little lines appear by his eyes as the corner of his lips tilted upward, the lines you could now count off by heart. His fangs flashed white in the spooky lighting.
‘I would love nothing more, arañita’ he murmured back. ‘I promise, I would love nothing more.’
He gave you another firm squeeze before letting you go, but his clawed hands remained on the small of your back. It was just a light touch. Not enough to herd you, but just enough to let you know he was there. It was enough to let you know he loved you.
When you turned back around all the other spiders had left. It seemed your little sickly romantic display had put them off their food.
You shrugged it off and tried not to focus on it too much, mostly for Mig’s sake. Instead, you focused on the food.
‘Ooo, they went all out.’
You picked at a few spider-themed cupcakes while Mig peered over your head. You could feel his chin on the crown of your head, nestling into your hair.
‘Mm… I remember these, I think. From before I changed’ Mig murmured to himself. He picked up a cupcake between the claws of his thumb and forefinger, coyly raising it to his face. You grabbed one for yourself and hopped up so that you were seated on the table's edge.
‘How’s it look?’ you asked, taking a bite of your own. Mig turned it a full 360 degrees barely an inch from his eyes, then took a cautious lick.
‘Mm… I’m, unsure if my stomach can adjust to this’ he grunted. ‘I’m so used to raw meat…’
‘What?’ you snorted. ‘You still have a human stomach, right?’
‘Yes… But it will pass down to my spider half’ he noted. He took another lick and visibly bristled at the sudden, overwhelming taste of butter and sugar on his tongue. You watched every hair on his abdomen stand up at once.
‘Ach! That is- overwhelming’ he hissed. You tried and failed to stifle a giggle as he bared his fangs at the little dessert.
‘Alright, alright. I’ll ask if there’s any raw venison around’ you teased, and with your free hand you grabbed the cupcake from him so that you had two.
‘No! No, I can… I will not be, defeated by this, sugary nonsense’ Mig insisted. He eyed up the cupcakes like they were about to bite off his finger, tepidly tapping back and forth as he worked up the courage to take it back once more, but as he dithered on his decision you got an idea.
‘Okay. Okay, come here. Let’s share’ you offered. When Mig raised both brows you peeled the wrapper off of the cake and placed half of it between your lips, leaving the other half hanging out for him to take. You leaned up, coaxing him down with those soft eyes you knew he couldn’t resist.
Mig almost blushed. His little abdomen wriggled with excitement, his paws tapping, and slowly he lowered his legs until you were both at the same height.
You felt his breath, his nose, the little bump of his forehead. He parted his lips, moving forward and back as he tried to find the right angle, and then he closed on the other half of the cake.
Your lips touched, and you savored it for just a moment before messily pulling apart.
Crumbs covered your lap as the middle of the cake collapsed, and you rushed to swallow between fits of giggles. Miguel was so flustered he swallowed his half in one go, forcing him to cough and thump his bare chest. That only made you giggle more.
‘Oh my god, Mig—’
‘Ah- ah. I-I don’t think I even tasted a bit of that’ he wheezed. You laughed so hard that your belly started to hurt.
‘God damn it! Alright, alright, let’s try another one—’
‘Hey! You two!’
A sharp voice drifted over the ambient spooky music, and for just a second you tore your eyes away from Mig to search for the culprit.
To your surprise, it was Jess. Miguel’s second-hand elite was moving with exorbitant speed and grace towards you and Mig, and her eyes were fixed on you in particular. You panicked and rushed to brush the crumbs off of your suit.
‘Jess! Hey, what—’
‘Where’s Miguel?’
You paused.
‘Uh, Mig? He—’
‘No, Miguel’ Jess stipulated. She looked weirdly distracted as her eyes darted around the room. ‘You know, our leader? Head of the society, the guy who should be here?’
‘Oh, uh… I-I’m not, sure’ you replied. ‘He—’
‘He is in his office’ Mig interrupted. You could feel his enormous torso leaning in over your shoulder so he could look Jess in the eye, and you could also see the way she stiffened at his presence. You bit back the urge to scowl.
‘His, office?’ Jess replied.
‘Yes. He ah, he offered to stay up late working on our project. The uh- the cross-universe serum, ma’am’ he added. ‘I offered to stay with him, but he said I should… enjoy myself, down here. With my mate.’
Jess took only a moment to dissect Mig’s response before immediately scoffing. ‘Uhuh. Uhuh. Wow, very interesting. VERY interesting.’
Her dry tone didn’t exactly land well with Mig, who instinctively took it at face value. He purred at the notion that he had, indeed, told Jess some interesting news, which only made you bristle more. You couldn’t stand the way people would talk to Mig, even if it was unintentional.
‘What’s the issue?’ you asked.
‘Oh, nothing. Just, it’s a very good story for him, isn’t it?’ Jess added sarcastically. ‘He’s being all altruistic all of a sudden, so he doesn’t have to attend the party.’
She spun in a circle and glared up at the entrance to his lab as if Miguel could somehow see her through all those dense walls. At this point Mig had finally caught on that his response hadn’t been taken as well as he assumed it would be, so he quickly shuffled forward to speak more clearly.
‘He did insist’ Mig said. ‘I offered to remain with him, but he insisted he continue working. We are very close to finding a solution, after all.’
Jess grumbled. She seemed perturbed that Mig was suddenly on Miguel’s side.
‘Ahuh. Alright. Guess I’m the honorary leader then, again, as always’ Jess said. ‘He calls me for backup when he gets his ass handed to him, and when everyone votes to throw a party I’m the one watching over it like you’re my hundreds and hundreds of spider kids—’
‘I apologize’ Mig suddenly blurted, interrupting her complaint in such an abrupt manner that both she and you jumped. Jess cocked her brow at the tentative-looking spider.
‘You- what?’
‘You seem…
Jess blinked. She blinked, and she gaped, and then she sighed. ‘My god… I forgot what you were like. Look, I’m not mad at you. I’m just- your uh, variant, is kind of a pain in the ass sometimes. Okay?’
Mig purred, his face unphased. ‘… Yes. I, believe I understand’ he purred back.
‘I’m sure you do’ Jess grumbled, and before you could even have a real conversation with her she turned and began to walk away.
‘I’m gonna go find Miguel in his office then. God damn antisocial little—’
Her mumbling faded into the background as she pushed through the crowd, leaving just you, Mig, and the ambient spooky music in the air.
As she hurried off you noticed Mig’s eyes following her. He had a blank expression as he watched her leave, but his eyes seemed instinctively driven upward to the huge gaping door that you knew led to Miguel’s office. You saw him shuffling in thought.
You knew he was probably thinking about going back himself. He looked antsy, shuffling his paws and his abdomen like a little saltshaker. You knew he was pining to finish that damn serum.
But you’d gone too long without just enjoying his presence for a while, and you were loathed to give him up now. Besides, Miguel was meant to be working on this project to make up for all the time he’d spent trying to pry you apart. You deserved to spend some one-on-one time with Mig now.
You reached out and tenderly tugged at his fur, urging him to meet your gaze.
‘Come on, my love’ you said gently. ‘Let’s go relax.’
Mig reluctantly dragged his eyes away from the office at the sound of your voice. It drew his head down until your eyes met, and he huffed at the sight of your smile. Your face was perfectly framed by the cheap Halloween lights, your lips turned up into a goofy grin that dimpled your cheeks.
He just wanted you to be his. He couldn’t stand another day without having you in his universe, in his world.
But… Perhaps, he could just enjoy you for a while. Just a while.
‘Okay, arañita’ he purred, and he returned your smile with one of his own. You adored the way his weathered, chiseled face shifted to accommodate his full lips tilting upward, the little lines by his eyes and the flash of his fangs. He never half smiled. He would always give you a full, wide, fang-filled grin when he saw you, and you wouldn’t change it for the world.
‘Good boy’ you whispered, before patting his flank and heading back into the fray. ‘Come on handsome. Let’s do some good ol’ Halloween fun.’
With Mig’s hand gripped tight in your own, you dragged him into the depths of the party to see what Miguel had allowed them to get away with.
It seems he’d allowed them to get away with a lot.
The training station with the pop-out targets had been turned into a makeshift haunted house. They’d put up fake holographic haybales to hide the pop-outs, creating a labyrinth of twists and turns with pop-up villains around the bend of each corner. The lights were so dim that spiders kept falling into themselves.
You dragged Mig in with you. He didn’t quite understand that the fear was supposed to be fun, however, and every time something popped up and caused you to squeak with shock he would instinctively pounce on it like a wild beast, crushing and tearing the flimsy holographic cut-out to pieces. By the time you reached the end the poor thing was sparking and fizzling, now nothing more than a boring hay maze filled with decapitated doc oc figures spewing gibberish one-liners.
You hurried away and hoped that anyone going in after you didn’t realize who had destroyed it. Either way, it was certainly fun.
On the higher levels, they’d set up a fake trick-or-treating scenario, with spiders lounging in different offices so others could show up, knock on their doors, and beg for candy while showing off your outfits. You were pretty excited to show off your moth costume, especially with Mig at your side, but every time you knocked on a door the response was almost always the same. They’d open it with a cheery laugh, expecting to see one of their fellows in costume, only to blanch at the sight of Mig at your back. They never even gave you the chance to speak. They’d just throw candy at your feet and slam the door, leaving you to awkwardly scoop it back up.
At least twice you’d knock and receive on response, only to realize that the spiders were peering at you from behind the curtained window. The moment you’d lock eyes the curtain would fall, hiding their cowering faces like mice from a cat. In those instances, it was Mig who had to drag you away.
It was a little disheartening, but you refused to let it bother you too much. You went through the entire hall, knocking on every door, and then led Mig to a balcony overlooking the main lobby below so you could swing your feet and share your haul.
You basked in the quiet time together. You’d throw candy into his mouth only to get it stuck in his fur, and then you’d horrify him by getting it out with your teeth. You’d test him on sour candy to see how much he could manage, and giggle at the way he writhed and rustled at the overstimulation.
Once you’d calmed down a little you made your way towards the games corner, which was a little more fun. There was a re-creation of a classic arcade, ones that in Miguel’s timeline were almost extinct, and you tried your hand at those with Mig. He was god awful at video games. His hands were huge and undexterous, barely capable of holding either the panel controls or the guns, but he liked seeing you win, so he just pretended to be trying.
There was a room hosting a screening of old, spooky horror films in black and white at the far end of the building, but Mig was too big to even fit through the door, so you sat in the doorway and described the film to him in horrifying detail. You may have exaggerated a few things.
When someone complained you were letting in too much light you used your savings to buy up the entire popcorn stand and ran off with it bulked onto Mig’s back like a horse, followed by a trail of irritated, hungry film viewers.
The moon was at its peak by the time you began to slow down. You’d been absolute menaces in just about every activity the night offered, and you’d been left with a flushed face and a mild tummy ache. Still, you weren’t perturbed. You were extremely content with Miguel’s hand gripped in your own, and so was he.
Mig hadn’t felt this good since he turned. In fact… The more he thought about it, he hadn’t felt this good ever. He was such a punk teenager that he could never allow himself to be happy, and Alchemax was a slog. Dana had loved him, sure, but looking back, it felt… superficial. It felt, childish.
He was so immature with you, by all accounts. The rabid sex, the possessiveness, the menace energy, and the constant breaking of rules. And yet… He felt older with you. He felt, settled. It was like he was clawing back the decade of life he lost out on in the woods alone, and you never once complained.
He was in love. He was a giddy, stupid fool in love, and that made it so much more real.
‘You having fun, my love?’
Mig paused in his contented daydreaming to glance down. You were peering up at him with those soft eyes, your face glowing as you smiled. He smiled back.
‘Yes. Of course, mi tesoro. Why do you ask?’
‘Your butt’s wiggling.’
Mig’s smile faltered for a second. He spun around and discovered that, just as you’d said, his abdomen was rustling with glee. It was an involuntary reflex he’d never learned to control. He turned back with a rather flushed expression, but that embarrassment wasn’t allowed to fester for long. You threw yourself against his side and squeezed him, burying right into his fur.
‘Oh, you goof. God, it feels so good to see you happy.’
Your voice almost cracked as you spoke the words directly into his soft down. Mig was left speechless.
Happy. Yes, he was happy. Truly happy.
‘Do we have anything else left to try?’ Mig asked. You pouted and turned a full 360 degrees in a circle, pondering that same question. You could see the holographic hay maze, the food stand, the apples and the—
You grasped Mig’s hand and pulled, attempting to drag him towards the far side of the lobby.
Mig remained rooted to the spot, totally unphased by your attempt to shift him. You had his hand in yours and you were tugging, your feet slipping on the fine marble flooring, but he didn’t move a single inch.
‘Mi tesoro…’
As Mig spoke he lightly tugged, and immediately you were lifted off the floor and into the air. He raised you by your hand as if you weighed nothing before dropping you into his arms.
‘What? What’s up?’ you asked while settling down. You could see the avoidance in his expression, the way he darted his eyes and shrugged.
‘I don’t… Know if I can dance, here’ he replied slowly.
‘You love dancing though! What? Is it—’
You paused and darted your own eyes. People were still staring.
All day, they’d been staring. All day.
The staring, the whispers, the judgment. You couldn’t stand it a second longer. The idea that even now, when he had every right to just exist, Mig was still afraid of being squashed like a bug, it was too much. You finally felt your bristling, broiling irritation at their gawking eyes spill over.
‘No! Come on!’
You squirmed like a hyperactive puppy in his grip until he was forced to let you go, and without saying a thing you grabbed his hands and began guiding him again. Mig sighed.
‘Come on! We’re gonna dance!’
‘Baby! Baby. Just- okay, listen to me.’
You tugged one more time before pausing, but you kept both of his hands tightly gripped within your own. You felt every bump, every calloused ridge, every fine hair on his knuckles, and every sharp claw protruding from the ends of his fingertips. He returned your stare.
‘I want you to be happy’ you insisted.
‘I… Arañita, I am happy, I just—’ Mig choked on his words when he saw the group staring at him from across the lobby. You pinched his hand to draw him back.
‘They don’t matter’ you whispered. ‘They don’t. And I’ll sit here until you’re ready, but… You love dancing. I know you do. It makes you happy. So let’s do it, Mig.’
The great, terrifying spider stared down at you in a state of absolute stillness.
For a moment, you worried you’d perhaps upset him.
You hadn’t though. Instead, it was the opposite. He was staying utterly still so that he didn’t break, so that he didn’t fall into a rustling, tapping, mewling mess. That enormous, terrifying, muscular beast of a man felt his heart nearly triple over so hard it hurt.
He did love dancing. And you knew that. And you didn’t care who stared.
He pursed his lips to avoid letting out any, ‘unmasculine’ noises, which you immediately noticed. Your eyes widened and your lips parted in an attempt to ask, ‘Mig are you crying?’, but the words never came.
Because before they could be spoken, the air was filled with a soft, dull, tap.
Mig tapped his huge paw, and then the next, and then the next. He moved closer to you as he did.
Tap, tap, tap.
You knew people were staring. You felt their eyes glowing in the dim light, like bats in a cave, straining to watch this odd display. They would always be staring, and you knew that now.
But right now, it was just you. It was just him.
Your smile widened until it hurt your cheeks, and you began to tap right back.
You moved with him towards the hall, letting the music fill your ears. Louder, louder, pulsing under your feet. His tapping got faster, and he began to match the rhythm.
Never once did he let go of your hand. Never once did he let go of you. You were all he could see, dancing and swaying and moving with all the grace of an impromptu, drunken rave with a partner three times your size. Miguel was graceful, precise, just like the spider he was, but your clumsiness only endeared him more.
Round and round you went under the golden glow of the lights above. You moved until you were dizzy, you spun and crossed your feet until your ankles hurt.
Mig got so excited that he whisked you off of your feet. He raised you to his chest and reared his body high, raising his front four legs as if throwing you up into the heavens. You squealed with joy and instinctively grasped his face, and he gazed at you with all the revelry of a dying man staring at an angel.
In that moment, time seemed to stop. Your mouth widened into the widest smile, ready to burst into a fit of pure, unspoiled laughter.
But your laughter never reached him.
That sweet, beautiful sound was cut short by a dull rumbling from further up the building. It was not explosive, nor was it even particularly loud, but it was deafening. It seemed to drown out every other sound in existence.
Mig stared at you, and in unison, your smiles began to fade.
You didn’t want to move. You didn’t want to turn your head. You could see the hair on Mig’s abdomen slowly rising to stand on end, the sign of his animalistic instincts kicking in, and in turn, you felt the hair on your nape rising with the goosebumps running up your skin.
Something in your subconscious could feel what was about to happen far before your other senses ever felt it. Call it a spider-sense, call it a sixth sense, or call it dumb intuition. Whatever it was, you knew.
You knew.
The explosion followed soon after.
A horrifying whistle filled the HQ, echoing through each corridor before punctuating in a violent burst. A flash of fire erupted from one of the higher chambers in the higher HQ, and its debris scattered across the open-plan beams in a raining cascade.
Mig’s instinct was to grasp you to his chest. You were nowhere near the fire and yet it was all he could think to do. His forelegs and human arms reached out and snatched you, drawing you close to his body as he turned his back on the sound, as if he could somehow swallow all of the potential damage with his own form.
But no damage came. As the society gasped and cried and even screamed, you barely heard it, because your ear was pressed too close to Mig’s chest. All you heard was his heartbeat, thudding hard and fast against the side of your head.
It took you a moment for the shock to die down, but the moment it did you began wrestling your way out of Mig’s grasp to assess the damage. You were still a hero, after all. Mig kept his hands close to your waist as you scurried over him and gazed out over the ground to assess the damage.
Luckily nobody seemed to be hurt. Their spider senses had kicked in with enough time to jump aside, and the debris was only a few smoldering lumps.
Instinctively your eyes went up, following the trail of destruction to its source. A single, open hole in the side of the wall, a gaping maw now spewing black smoke from within.
Mig’s eyes followed your own, and immediately he froze. Your blood ran cold.
‘No, no, no—’
You both knew where the fire was coming from. The smoke curled in the air like a snake, slithering out from the entrance to Miguel’s office.
It felt like your heart exploded.
You moved reflexively. You were a spider, after all, and your instinct was always to protect, but this wasn’t just anyone. In that moment, despite all your animosities and the strangeness of your relationship, you felt fear. You felt pain. You felt terror that Miguel was hurt, or even worse, gone.
You prepped your web-shooters and rushed into action, but Mig wouldn’t let you move. He caught you by the nape right as you moved to swing and dragged you back to the floor kicking and yelling.
‘Mig! He—’
‘I know!’
Mig spat you out onto the floor with all the tenderness his panic would allow him to muster. His head was darting so fast it hurt, spinning between you and the smoke as he scuttled on the spot.
‘MIG! He was in there—’
‘I KNOW! I am going, you stay here!’ Mig insisted, his voice rising into a firm bark.
‘Mig, what are you doing!?’ you cried.
‘You stay here! It could be dangerous!’
‘I-If it’s dangerous then I should GO, why should you go?! I don’t want you to get hurt—’
‘I have to go, arañita!’
‘HE’S ME!’
That was all Mig could say before he barrelled his way through the crowd, leaving you behind in the dust. He didn’t bother to look at who he pushed aside, nor who he trampled on his way.
He knew in his heart Miguel was alive. He felt down to the core of his soul that he would have felt it if Miguel died. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t injured. It didn’t mean he couldn’t still die, and so he pushed his body to the brink of its physical capability to climb that impossible architecture, because he refused to know what it felt like. He refused to feel his other self die like this.
When he reached the corridor entrance the other spiders were all trying to evacuate. They blocked his body like a tidal wave, a sea of tiny bodies pressing on his legs and threatening to buckle them in their panic. He had to physically force his way through them, using the strength in his upper arms to help propel the smaller spiders to the exit.
‘GO, GO!’
He glanced up and squinted in the darkness, but he could only see the faint outline of someone moving towards him. Luckily, he remembered that voice.
‘Fuck- FUCK! Something blew in there!’ she cried back as she hurried towards his voice. ‘I left him in the middle of some- fucking- I don’t know what he was doing, but then the air just hit me—’
‘It’s okay. Go back down, I’ll find him.’
‘You- what?!’
Jess paused and spun right as she reached the exit, only to lose Mig into the dark, curling smoke. She screamed after him to no avail.
Mig’s first call elicited nothing. He heard someone yelling at him from back out in the main lobby, but he refused to acknowledge it. He was solely focused on the thick of the smoke and the body he knew was contained within it.
His second cry echoed as he stumbled forward, blindly grasping at the walls for guidance. The smoke grew thicker as Mig descended toward the main lab. As a larger beast than any other in the society he could just about handle the intake into his lungs, but not for long. He knew he had to be fast.
He blindly clambered deeper, stumbling over fallen debris and smoldering electronics. With one hand over his mouth, he screamed again.
Through the crackling of the fire, a response finally came.
Mig felt his chest lighten. That was him. That was Miguel.
‘I’m coming through! Can you move?’
Mig paid no mind to the repeated cry. He could tell Miguel’s voice was hoarse and slightly muffled, implying he was trapped beneath something. He continued forward until his clawed hands finally grasped the rim of his laboratory door.
It was a mess. It looked like a shockwave of some kind of flown out and destabilized a lot of the beams above, and it had sent the floating desk plummeting into the ground. The broken electronics must have caused the fire and the smoke. He could see them flickering and burning in the corners.
Miguel's last angry cry thankfully drew Mig’s eye straight to him. He was just visible through the debris. His body was crushed under several pieces of rebar, with only his upper torso visible through the swirling grey. Thankfully he didn’t seem to have been pierced by any of them. He had his head down in an attempt to avoid breathing in the smoke, which meant he likely couldn’t get out on his own.
Mig wasted no time scuttling across the floor towards him.
With almost painful ease Mig grasped the rebar and eased it upward, filling the room with the spine-tingling scraping of metal on metal. Miguel gritted his teeth and dragged himself out like a cat, digging his claws into the floor before wrenching himself forward as far as he could. The moment his rear and thighs were free Mig dropped the rebar and yanked him by the nape the rest of the way.
The two men collapsed on the verge of the exit, panting and coughing from the strain. Miguel’s suit was torn and sparking around his hips and thighs, the hologram seemingly torn in huge strips across his skin, but he was otherwise alive.
‘It… I-I don’t know what happened’ Miguel gasped.
‘Was it a test?!’
‘A-Argh… I-I was just, trying to run the tests, and it—’
Miguel broke down mid-explanation, sinking into another coughing fit.
‘What? It what?’ Mig snapped. ‘Where is the serum?’
‘I… I saw… I saw…’
Miguel heaved his chest as he forced the words out. ‘I-I thought I saw… A-An anomaly…’
‘A what?!’ Mig cried. He raised his head to try and make anything out, but he could see only one thing through the heavy smoke: The lab desk, the holograms, and their work still precariously balanced on its surface.
The desk where they worked had thrown a lot of the testing equipment to the floor when it collapsed, shattering it in the process. The antidote for Micaela was still safely held inside a holographic cube cage, which was designed to withstand gravity by keeping the contents inside stable at all times.
But the serum for you…
The serum had been taken out for its test, and the container had shattered. Half of it was smeared across the desk, dripping to the floor, shuddering with unstable energy as it morphed and fluctuated like liquid silver. The other half of it was still in the container, which by some miracle was propped up by a single textbook.
He could salvage it still. There was enough to salvage their experiment, he knew it.
He went to move, to save it, only to freeze once more. His eyes were drawn upward by a low, shuddered creak.
Debris. Heavy, creaking debris, slowly inching downward from where the presumed explosion had dislodged it.
Mig felt his whole body go cold.
‘I-I panicked’ Miguel wheezed. ‘I… I-I shut it down mid-test, it just- the fuses blew—’
‘No, no, no’ Mig whispered. ‘No, no—’
The debris was moving. That precarious, hanging debris was now swinging from side to side, like an axe preparing for the block. It creaked with an almost eerie, otherworldy groan.
Mig’s pupils dilated as he stared that debris down.
It wasn’t going to hit him. He knew that. But it would hit what was beneath it.
His eyes lowered and fixated on the table beneath the debris’ path.
One on side, the serum that would allow you to live in his universe. On the other, the serum to heal Gabriel’s daughter.
The debris began to groan as it inched ever lower. He felt his blood run cold.
No, no, no, NO, NO.
He had time. He had time to grab both. He had time. He had TIME.
Mig began to scurry towards the table, his spider legs struggling to move over the uneven terrain.
No, no, No, No, I have TIME! I HAVE TIME!
The debris inched lower. A wire strained and screeched as it struggled to hold its own weight. Metal poles and broken concrete littered the floor, impeding his movement like the hands of fate.
A wire snapped. The debris sank deeper.
He moved faster, physically clawing on all fours to reach the table. He could see and feel nothing else in that moment but the dangling claws of fate above.
And then, it snapped.
In that moment, there was only a second. There was no time to choose, no time to think. It was only instinct that could guide him. There was only something higher, something deep inside him that knew to act on pure adrenaline alone, that could make the decision that it did.
Mig threw himself at the table.
In one second, he’d grasped in.
In two seconds, he’d rolled out the other side.
In two and a half seconds, the debris had hit the table.
In a violent clatter the table burst and his body hit the floor with a deafening crunch. He could feel the concrete beneath cracking from the impact. He rolled twice before collapsing onto his back, his huge abdominal legs folded in for safety, and his hands clutched tight to his chest.
Between his tightly bound fingers, a tiny little glow was emanating.
He’d made it just in time, but only to grasp the antidote for Micaela.
Mig’s hands were shaking as he clutched it to his chest. He was wheezing, coughing painfully from the strain of the smoke, but he couldn’t even think about his own lungs in that moment, because his heart hurt more.
He was in shock. He was frozen.
It took Miguel physically screaming to draw him out of his own stupor.
Mig was numb as he raised his head. He couldn’t hear anything beyond a muffled cry. It felt like he was underwater, with everything moving painfully slow. He shuddered as he pushed himself up onto his knees.
‘I… N-No, no…’
He blinked at the sight of Miguel clawing towards him. He blinked, and he turned, and he saw it.
A tiny, unstable black dot, one that seemed to spark and burst like a solar flare. It was slowly formulating out of the fallen debris, moving upward from the spot where the serum had been.
He frowned, unable to even comprehend what he was seeing.
‘… W-What, is that…?’
He clutched Micaela’s antidote and squinted at the growing dot. It looked… unnatural. Like a physical hole in reality, like a dead pixel on a camera brought to life. He blinked, and he could have sworn it’d gotten bigger.
Growing. Morphing. Eating.
A universal anomaly. A disruption. A glitch.
Miguel was beyond rational thought at this point. His eyes were so wide they’d gone bloodshot, his fangs extended to a painful degree. He was eyeing up that black, glitching spot like it was a demon straight from hell, like it was a ghost coming back to haunt him. He was in a living nightmare, and all he could see was red. He had to fight to stay lucid, to not slip back into the screams of a little girl he couldn’t save.
He screamed again.
Mig stumbled to his feet all while staring at the growing anomaly. It was tainting everything in its path. It would touch a piece of debris and cause it to shudder, glitching in and out of existence before finally being consumed by the darkness. He moved around it in a circle, like prey pacing around a predator, until he felt Miguel grab his arm.
‘GO, NOW!’
The sharp pinch of Miguel’s claws finally triggered Mig’s instincts, and he turned and fled. Miguel fled behind him, all while screaming on his phone to get a stabilizer in there now.
The two variants burst out of the entrance to Miguel’s office and out of the smoke-filled hallway in a flurry of coughs and wheezes, only to be met by a gaggle of terrified spiders. Their voices created a deafening hum around them, one that was impossible to drown out. You were at the front of the crowd when the two burst forth from the smoke, and without even thinking you rushed immediately to Mig’s side.
‘MIG! Jesus, christ you—oh my god, you’re okay!’
Your wailing did not move Mig to comfort you. In fact, your voice didn’t even seem to reach him. He stumbled blindly until his forehead hit the nearest wall, all while you watched in stupefied horror.
You followed him closely but your hands hovered, unsure of whether to touch him or not. You’d never seen him so shell-shocked.
‘Mig? Baby, hey- hey, look at me sweetheart, I’m here—’
Your voice was just dead noise in his ears. Mig couldn’t hear anything but ringing, and he could see nothing but that little black void slowly growing on the floor. A black hole, an endless sucking abyss, the dark iris of an eye sent by the cosmos to mock him.
You continued to tug at Mig’s fur as he gripped the wall, pleading for him to look at you, but you turned when you heard Miguel wheezing. He’d staggered out into the fray in an attempt to appear in control, and was waving away the spider nurses with one hand while ringing up Lyla with the other.
‘Lyla, get the… G-Get the team in, now. We need… We need emergency, anomaly control’ he panted.
‘Miguel?’ you squeaked. He shot you a quick, red-eyed stare before turning away, unable to hide the agony your face caused him. The confusion in your eyes, the fear, the fact that you didn’t know what had been done, it made his chest so tight that it hurt.
‘Lyla! I said… I said, we need emergency anomaly control, now! No—’
Miguel froze when he heard that violent, echoing hiss, as did you.
Mig turned on Miguel with vicious eyes. Out of seemingly nowhere his soft, frightened face had been twisted with a deep, paranoid rage, a feeling of hopelessness that could find no outlet but despair.
He launched himself at Miguel, the two tousling as they collapsed onto the hard floor. A horrified cry rang out through the other spiders but they were far too afraid to intervene, not when the saw the splash of scarlet erupt from Mig's claws. For a moment you were also too shocked and confused to even intervene, but when you saw Mig physically slash Miguel’s chest you darted forward to try and drag them apart.
You screamed to get his attention, but he wasn't listening. He pinned Miguel down and try to claw at his face.
No matter how hard you pulled at Mig’s fur he refused. Miguel choked and gasped, his claws scraping at Mig’s face in an attempt to snap him from this emotional trance.
‘I DIDN’T- DO, THIS—’ Miguel wheezed.
In a moment of panic, you bit Mig’s finger. You sank your teeth into the skin with just enough force to create an impression, but nowhere near strong enough to cause damage. You just wanted him to stop. You just wanted him to stop. And somehow, he did. The sudden jolt of pain broke through Mig's concentration, though it did nothing to stop the red mist coating his senses. He squirmed and spun and shook his hand on instinct, throwing your body to the floor. It was the sound of your pained squeak that broke the spell fully.
He looked down and finally saw you there, clutching your hand, and his eyes flashed. He saw Dana, clumped and bloody on the floor. He saw the anomaly growing. He saw all the dreams he’d had where he’d hurt you, where he’d broken you, where he’d given in to his instincts and eaten you whole.
‘Arañita, n-no, no—’
He collapsed and reached out with shaking hands, too afraid to touch you. It was you who had to take his hand, showing him that he wouldn’t hurt you again, though you couldn’t hide the disappointment and hurt in your eyes at what he’d done. You knew it was an accident, and you hadn't been hurt badly, but that didn't make it okay. However, in that moment, your discomfort only furthered his panic.
'N-No... No, no, mi tesoro, I'm so sorry.'
‘M-Mig, just… Just calm, down, we can talk—’
‘I’m sorry’ Mig wailed. ‘I-I’m sorry, I didn’t- I-I didn't see you, I-I can’t—’
‘Shh, hey—’
‘I don’t want to hurt you’ Mig sobbed. ‘I-I don’t, I don’t, I—’
He turned and saw the hundreds of spiders staring at you all, their eyes a blurry sea of judgment. It was like staring at some eldritch monster with a thousand eyes, all of them peering right into his soul. He couldn’t stand it.
‘I-I don’t want to hurt you’ he sobbed. ‘I-I love you, arañita, I-I love you—’
‘I love you Mig’ you replied, and this time your own voice broke. ‘G-God damn it, just- listen, please—’
‘I-I’m sorry, arañita—’
‘I know, I know—
‘I’m sorry!’
In the middle of Mig’s breakdown, Miguel finally pushed himself to his feet. Once again he pushed away the nurses and first-aid professionals trying to tend to his new wounds. Instead, he turned on Mig, his eyes narrowed and glowering.
You happened to see him staring, which drew Mig’s eyes to the same spot. All three of you stared at each other.
Miguel could have snapped at him. That’s what the old Miguel would have done. Snapped at him, blaming him for all of this mess, right before turning and fleeing the scene.
But he didn’t.
Miguel stormed forward and grabbed Mig by the head. He pressed their foreheads together, holding them nose to nose, and he shared in that despair.
‘I swear, I didn’t do this, but I- I’m sorry’ he forced out. ‘I’m sorry. I know. I know, and I am sorry.’
As unflattering as it was to admit, Miguel could only truly relate to his counterpart when he saw his own suffering inside him. Even before his attempt to reconcile for his own hypocrisy, this had held true. He’d saved him from the Dana accident for a reason. He knew what it meant to feel as if they were doomed, to fight so hard for a life where they could just be happy only to be told by the very universe itself that it could never be.
When he saw the pain he tried so hard to hide reflected in Mig’s eyes, his eyes, it broke him. He could deny it no longer.
‘I’m sorry’ Miguel whispered, his voice cracking ever so slightly from its usual cold, husky tone. ‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry.’
Mig couldn’t take it. He broke, his body heaving a single, dry sob of despair, too exhausted to even wail. His lips parted but no sound came out.
‘I’m sorry’ Miguel repeated. He sounded miserable. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘S-Stop it. Stop saying that’ Mig wheezed.
‘I’m sorry, Mig.’
‘We have to- we- we can try again.’ Mig swallowed down the lump in his throat and tried his best to speak. ‘We just have to try again. It’s okay. T-The instability, the explosion, I think it set off the anomaly, but it’s not… It’s okay. We just need to be careful. It’ll be okay. We can try again.’
Miguel didn’t reflect Mig’s optimism. Instead, he looked drained. He looked broken.
‘… We can’t, do that, Mig.’
‘Why?! We nearly had it, we—’
‘No! NO, We nearly had it—’
‘Mig, please—’
‘NO! NO, NO—’
As Miguel held his gaze, Mig saw again that deep, haunting well at the pit of his iris. The darkness that went down, down, to a memory that had been burned into his eyes forever. The memory of just one, little, black hole, swelling until it consumed an entire universe.
A million people’s blood on his hands, and the ghostly stain of a little girl cradled in his arms.
Miguel hadn’t even realized that his hands were outstretched. He looked down, slowly, and realized he was frozen in the same position he’d taken on that day, when she vanished from his grip. When he’d cradled her so hard he thought he could somehow will her back to life.
‘I… There was an anomaly’ Miguel repeated slowly, almost as if in a dream. Mig felt his body caving in. He buckled like a horse, sinking and melting beneath the weight of what he knew was to come. ‘When it broke… You saw it, Mig…’
‘We have to- we have to try’ Mig repeated desperately.
‘There was an anomaly, Mig’ Miguel said, and the coldness of his tone drew even Mig to pause.
‘There was an anomaly, when it broke. That was exactly what I feared. We are meddling with things far beyond ourselves, far beyond the natural order, do you understand?’
‘No, no… It, just…’
The spider hybrid froze, his claws outstretched in a pleading manner. He looked broken.
‘Mig, I can’t allow this’ Miguel hissed, speaking in tones that only you and Mig could hear. ‘I can’t. I saw what messing with the canon like this does, and I will never see it again. I-I would rather die. Do you understand?’
Mig swallowed hard, only to find his throat had closed up. ‘… Please… Miguel—’
‘I saw this before.’
This time Miguel whispered, and he leaned in against Mig’s ear so that you couldn’t hear him. ‘I did this before. I messed with the universal stability, the webs. I tried to force myself into a universe I was never meant to be in. I-I did it for a family. I did it so I could be happy. And I watched that anomaly grow, and consume, and eat up my baby until she was nothing.’
Mig felt like ice water was going down his spine, trickling over the sharp bone beneath his skin and chilling him to the core. It was the most unpleasant, agonizing sensation he’d ever felt. He could almost see it; the little girl, the screams, the vanishing.
‘I. Would rather. Die’ Miguel repeated in slow, sharp terms, making his stance clear with not a drop of uncertainty. ‘I would rather throw myself, into that anomaly, than see anyone else ruined by it. I can’t. Mig, I can’t. I can’t see any more lives lost.’
Mig wanted to say something. He wanted to say anything.
But what did he say?
When he looked at Miguel, he knew there was no changing his mind. He had no serum left to test, no serum left to double-check. He’d saved Micaela’s antidote instead, because deep down, they were Spider-Man for a reason. Miguel O’Hara was a miserable creature, who loved far, far too much.
And he would suffer for that, forever. And so would you.
‘T-There’s… There’s nothing we can do?’
You finally stepped in and croaked out that question to Miguel, almost as if in shock. Miguel sombrely nodded.
‘I’ll do whatever I can, with the other elites’ Miguel murmured. ‘I might be able to get an agreement to sanction the relationship, even without the serum. The test still doesn’t prove that being together will cause any complications, just… Just that a combining of universal DNA might. So, no serum, and… And no children.’
‘But, we can still be together?’ you whispered. Miguel refused to nod, which caused your gut to twist.
‘… I’ll do what I can’ he murmured. ‘I will push the process as far as it can go. I promise.’
Mig nodded, but he looked numb as he did so. He didn’t even move when you crept back up to take his hand. He squeezed your fingers, clutching your delicate wrist so hard he could have snapped it, but he didn’t look at you.
Even when you whispered, even when your heart broke and your eyes grew wet in the face of his coldness, he didn’t look at you.
He couldn’t.
He couldn’t face the loss.
That beautiful life was gone.
#miguel o'hara#miguel o'hara fanfiction#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel x reader#miguel o'hara x you#spider man 2099#smut#arachnophilia#miguel o'hara smut#drider
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You’ve been gone for a minute you okay? Your fans miss you 🩷
Hey my loves <3 I am here, and I am so sorry I've been inactive. I wasn't sure how to update. Lots of stuff has been happening (sudden family death, house troubles, juggling phd + new job, struggling as a trans person in the current climate rn ngl), I'm just very overwhelmed rn and I'm struggling to keep up with my regular work, let alone fic stuff. I am still here and I am still writing, but I can only do small amounts per day before I'm just zonked out and exhausted. But please rest assured I haven't left the fandom, I haven't stopped writing, just need some time. I love you all very dearly and I miss you all a lot, I just wish I could offer actual content properly. For just a quick actual update though: - I have AFM 2 bonus chapter and regular chapter done and half respectively - Arachnophilia new chapter VERY almost done - New series!! Being worked on!! It has art!! It's a serial killer!Miguel AU - New werewolf one-shot almost done - OP is a sacrifice to demon!Miguel one shot on the workshop
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Arachnophilia: (Part Thirty-one)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
Content/CW: Mig is rutting, resolved sexual tension, web bondage, web knotting, copious sexual fluids, oral sex, pinv sex, tongue play, hormone scenting.
Mig padded his way through the HQ in a slight daze. He was distracted, so much so that he was continuously bumping into other spiders who fell beneath his enormous abdomen. He’d stop and apologize profusely every time, but nobody ever stopped long enough to receive it.
He watched them all scurry away with hands nervously clasped to his chest. Was he really still that scary to people, even here?
He glanced down at his furry body and his long legs. He was so used to being stuck in the lab with you and Miguel that he’d forgotten how the world really felt about him. You never looked at him with such fear. It was hard, to return back to his old self-loathing like that. He sighed and continued in his search for you.
It was inevitable that his mind would drift again, though. There was too much to parse through. He had half his mind fixated on you, but the other half remained fixated on Miguel.
He couldn’t stop thinking about their conversation.
Were they really cursed? He didn’t want to believe Miguel really put any stake in such supernatural nonsense. They had their differences, yes, but despite Miguel’s claims to the contrary, they were incredibly similar overall. They were scientific men. Maybe they harbored a few sentimental traditions, but overall, they valued cold, methodical facts over anything else.
So why did Miguel look like that when he talked about fate? About loss?
Miguel always looked… haunted, at least to Mig. There was no other way to say it. He embodied a kind of eerie, otherworldly loss, one that was oddly familiar. It was the kind of feeling Mig used to get when he wandered too deep into the woods at dusk.
He remembered it so vividly. It was back before he met you, and was left to fill his empty, lonely days with any kind of distraction. It was the feeling one gets when they pause and look back through the trees after walking aimlessly for hours, when you realize for the first time just how alone you are.
The emptiness, the otherworldly quiet, a place where you could lie down and die never to be seen again.
It would make the hair on his abdomen stand on end. It was the kind of place that made you feel like you weren’t wanted, like you’d gone somewhere never meant to be seen. It was a place where only spirits dwelled, and as a living man he didn’t belong.
In those times he’d always hurry back to his own den as fast as he could, and he would never, ever, look back.
And somehow, he saw that exact eeriness in Miguel. He saw it in his eyes when they narrowed, when the red glow obfuscated any humanizing features.
But Miguel wasn’t the woods. He wasn’t dead. He’d pause, and shake his head, and Mig would see the humanity come back to him. That anger, that jealousy, that love, all those little things Mig understood.
Mig didn’t know what Miguel had seen, but it hung over him, even now. Maybe it always would. Maybe it would come for him too…
Mig let out another sigh as he narrowly avoided bumping into another spider on the way down to the lobby. He was so torn. He was still nervous about trusting Miguel, especially with such important work. That eeriness… It put him on edge. He’d been helpful so far, but after all he’d done, it was hard to put that aside and entrust him with his future.
But he was also too close to Miguel now to distrust him fully, either. They had a connection that perhaps did border on something supernatural. No matter what happened, there was a layer of understanding between them that no one else could ever match. A rivalry, a hatred, and an affection too, one that went beyond normal relationships.
They weren’t family. They weren’t lovers. They weren’t even friends, really. They weren’t even just clones or copies of each other.
They were each other’s strengths and weaknesses. They were each other’s failures. They were each other’s dreams and desires. A two-sided coin, a mirror, a split atom.
Mig slowly padded to a stop in the centre of the lobby, with the warm autumn sun streaming in across his back from the big glass doors at the front. He rustled as the heat permeated his fur. For just a moment, it shook him from his melancholy.
He turned and glanced out at the late afternoon sky, admiring the shimmer of the skyscrapers towering toward the sky and the warm auburn sheet of leaves coating the street. He could see them shifting, dancing, and knew that there must be a cool wind blowing to offset the hot sun.
Mig still hadn’t left the HQ. Never, not once, even in all the months he’d been here. He’d always been far too afraid to see the outside world, to risk scaring any civilians. Miguel had initially forbidden it out of what he assumed was spite, but the more Mig got to know him, the more he understood that it was for their own good.
If even the spiders here were afraid of him, what would civilians think? If they panicked, they could get hurt too.
He told you and everyone else that he was fine with it, but… It did make him a little sad. It was hard to accept that he would never integrate into society properly. It was hard to imagine that life for you. Would you be happy like that?
Mig paused when he suddenly remembered what he was meant to be doing.
Right. Where had you gotten off too?
He’d been absently wandering the HQ for a while now, and he hadn’t bumped into you once. Even if his mind was distracted he’d have surely picked up your scent or your silhouette. He could never forget it.
He turned a wide circle in the lobby, ignoring all the other spiders as they scuttled around him. Last he’d seen on the monitors you’d been down here. Had you moved elsewhere?
He pulled up his little watch to try and call you when something outside the main doors caught his eye.
A group of civilians were gathered on the grounds outside the HQ, forming a sort of semi-circle around one individual. He turned, his head tilted curiously. Was it another touring group? Miguel always complained about something called ‘community outreach’, where civilians were allowed in to see and learn about the HQ, so maybe it was that. Perhaps they were just admiring the decorations.
But then one of the men moved, and he bristled so hard he nearly turned to stone.
That was you.
He saw just a glimpse of your face, but that was enough. You were hunched awkwardly and struggling to answer questions with the civilians crowding you from all angles. A huddle of men smiling. A huddle of males too close to his mate.
Mig couldn’t help it. He started to growl low in his throat, a sound that began gradually building in both intensity and vibration. It was a scary enough sound to cause more than one spider lingering in the lobby to scurry away.
No, no. Calm down. They can handle themselves, Mig frantically told himself. They’re fine. It’s fine.
He saw another glimpse of your eyes as a man moved closer to you. They were laughing. Looks like they were fans, something most spiders at the HQ had to contend with. It shouldn’t have been a problem… But they were near you. They were breathing your air. Males. Rivals.
His feet began to tap as he saw a glimpse of your face. He wasn’t supposed to go outside. He couldn’t risk putting anyone in danger. But this… This didn’t feel right. It just didn’t.
He squirmed on the spot, getting more and more visibly uncomfortable.
No. No. Just stay. They’ll come back in soon.
Mig began to tap impatiently. He could almost smell their musk from here, the smell of some tiny male encroaching on his territory.
No. No, they weren’t territory. They weren’t property.
Another man laughed and went to touch your waist, and his body tensed so hard it hurt.
Stop. Stop. Get away from them! They’re mine…
You raised a hand and stepped away, trying to excuse yourself. The man moved closer.
Mig snarled out loud.
He bristled, his fur slowly rising to stand on end. A deep, burning heat started to permeate his chest and face. He couldn’t see it, but his eyes were burning a dangerous red. His abdomen rustled like a rattlesnake, and his claws extended. His instincts were in full effect.
You looked uncomfortable. That would not do. That would NEVER do.
With a low hiss he ran forward. He didn’t care about his appearance anymore.
He wanted his mate. NOW.
The civilians were facing away from Mig, so even as he pushed the door aside they didn’t immediately turn. He managed to hear a few snippets of their comments through the pounding, pulsing blood in his ears.
‘We’ve never seen you out before! Are you a new one of those uh, spider people in there?’
‘Aha, uh- yeah, I guess’ you stammered.
‘Wow! Look at you, ain’t that neat.’
‘They’re a verified hero!’
‘Can you show us some web action, little guy?’
‘Ah, no—’
‘Did you make the costume yourself?’
‘Aha, yeah, I uh—’
‘It’s super cute, so small—’
The group shuddered to a halt as a cold, creeping darkness covered the entire group. Nearly five men were all at once obscured by Mig’s shadow, swallowed whole by his mere presence. They felt the hair on their napes stand up, and the crushing weight of fear rooting them to the spot.
Mig huffed like a horse, letting the hot air cover their head. His paws tapped rhythmically in an alien dance. It was otherworldly, yes, but they knew what it was. It was territorial to its core. A pure, primal declaration, that their souls recognized even if their eyes didn’t.
‘Step away.’
After a painfully long pause one of the men decided to turn. His jaw went slack and his eyes bulged, but no sound escaped him. He pulled on his friend's jacket until they, too, were forced to turn, and only then did a sound permeate that painful silence.
All of the civilians fell aside as you turned to see what they were staring at. One of the men tried to pull you with him, as if to protect you from the monster, but Mig was faster.
‘Woah, Mig, hey— AGH!’
Mig bent grasped your neck. He pulled you by the nape until you were buried in the fur of his abdomen, and his little front paws had you tightly clasped. He didn’t even pause to see you: all he saw was red.
‘What the fuck is that?!’ one of the men cried. Mig hissed, visibly dripping venom.
‘Ah- I-It’s okay, this is my um- this is my partner’ you stammered out, though the group didn’t seem to hear it. They were too busy stumbling backward in horror.
‘Oh god—S-Should we call someone?!’ another man cried. You saw them glancing at the HQ as if praying for a different spider to come and trap the presumed beast now holding you close, and instinctively you bristled with both indignation and fear.
‘No, he—he’s fine’ you insisted. You turned and gently patted Mig’s chest, putting on a gentler voice. ‘Miggy, could you let me go, mi amor?’
‘No’ Mig growled. You felt his grip intensify, squeezing your ribs.
‘Guh- Mig! Come on, babe. I’m okay!’
‘You’re mine’ Mig seethed, his fangs briefly flashing down at you as his forelegs dug in. For a moment you were too shocked to speak.
One of the civilian men took a step forward. ‘Hey, ah- s-should we call someone—’
‘MINE’ Mig spat, visibly splattering venom across the floor in front of the men. ‘MINE! MY MATE!’
The man fell backward with a sharp cry. ‘Jesus christ!’
Mig rustled his abdomen as he stared the men down. You felt him dribbling venom onto your shoulders which he then began rubbing into your suit with his forelegs, smearing you with his scent marker. You shivered.
‘Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.’
He repeated each word with a vicious tap of his paws. Every time he tapped his claws extended, clicking on the concrete, and with every tap the men flinched.
‘Mig, would you just- calm, babe, calm! I’m okay!’
‘Mig! I said—gentle, please!’
Your sharp snap and the echoed release of his full name instantly spiked Mig’s instincts, and he softened like a puppy. He sank down to the floor, lowering and lowering until his furry abdominal belly was squished against the concrete. He peered up at you with his big, red eyes, still blurry and glowing with hormone-induced rage, and he panted.
His mate had spoken with authority, and he had to obey.
‘Don’t you ‘arañita’ me, you swine! What the hell was that about?’ you replied sharply. Mig whined, shuffling like a man on his knees.
‘Arañita… Lo siento mucho, mi amor.’ He whispered those sweet words as he nuzzled his face into your belly, swelling at the scent you gave off. His forelegs remained wrapped around your waist, holding firm but not tight.
‘Mi arañita… Mi amor, mi amor…’
You huffed with relief and awkwardly patted his head. ‘Mig, my goodness, you’re just the most sometimes, aren’t you… See? He’s not scary—’
You turned only to realize the civilians you were addressing had long run for their lives. It was just you and Mig in the HQ courtyard now, with a handful of civilians standing off to the side and watching you with morbid curiosity.
You felt that familiar bristle up your spine at the way they were acting. For a moment you almost felt annoyed at Mig for making such a big fuss, but it wasn’t his fault. That annoyance was quickly followed by guilt. He was just trying to take care of you.
‘Oh Mig…’ you sighed. Slowly you turned around and patted his chest, urging him to stand up again. He did as bid. You watched him rise to his full magnificence without ever once losing his grip on your body.
‘Ah… Arañita, I-I couldn’t stand the way they looked at you—’
‘I know. I know. It’s okay.’
‘They were touching you—’
‘I know! And I appreciate—’
‘Esos pendejos—’
‘Mig! I know. I know’ you insisted again, and this time you gently patted his abdomen. You saw the dark, aggressive glow begin to drain from his eyes, and after a few shakes of his head it was nearly all gone. You patted him again to try and draw his gaze down.
‘I know. It’s okay. Just- I’d rather not deal with you ignoring me, okay? I could handle myself. See? I’m fine.’
Mig slowly turned down to look at you, hoping it would soothe his instincts to see you safe against his chest.
But he froze. He finally got a good look at your body without the red mist of rage obscuring his view, and he froze from the tips of his paws to the top of his head.
You were wearing your Halloween costume.
A moth. A cute little moth costume.
While most of you was covered in spandex, you were wearing fluffy tights that got thicker the higher up your thighs they went, with a fluffy grey bodice to match and fake, fragile wings at your back. Your makeup was only half done, but it also helped to seal the effect, with soft grey and white paint around your eyes to make them appear bigger.
A soft, cute, fluffy moth. A spider’s natural prey, Mig thought, while licking his upper lip. How delicious…
‘Ah… Mig?’ you queried after a few moments of silence. You snapped your fingers in front of his face before following his line of sight, and realizing quite sheepishly what he was staring at.
‘OH! Oh, ah- sorry, goodness. I wanted to surprise you, with my Halloween costume. I thought, since we can’t really do one for you, this would uh… this would be cute. Like a, funny couple's costume’ you quickly stammered, putting on a smile as you bowed in your little fit. Mig just gaped.
It was cute. So cute.
And it was driving Mig MAD.
He was used to being aroused by you. Your scent, your heat, your pretty smile and the cute way you bit your lip when he got too close. He just had to think of you all hot and bothered, embarrassed by how he bulged your cute belly, how he’d squeezed the fat to feel it, and he was lost.
It wasn’t hard for you to arousal him. But this, this was something new.
In that cute little outfit, framed and helpless, he felt something wholly unfamiliar to him. You aroused his prey drive.
He could feel his stomach almost growling, compelling him to act. He wanted to tie you up, he wanted to chase you, he wanted to feel you in his mouth. But that hunger was merging with his arousal. He knew that it was still you, his mate, his love, and in the confusion his desires were merging and melting like lava ready to overflow.
His spider brain wanted to web you up, and so did his loins. His spider brain wanted to taste you, and so did his gently throbbing cock, still just barely concealed behind his abdomen.
He was fighting with the last scrap of his rational mind to stay calm, to stay in control, to not give in and plug you full of eggs—
He grunted at the thought and shook his head. No, no, he couldn’t think about that. Not out here. He couldn’t get rock-hard standing on the damn street.
But he also couldn’t do nothing. All that frustration from not cumming earlier had come back to haunt him. Oh god, he couldn’t stop.
You spoke his name again and leaned up on your tiptoes to slap in his face. Mig growled, and slowly his eyes turned to your face.
‘Mig? Are you…’
Your voice faltered beneath his stare. You knew that look too well.
‘Mi arañita…’
His voice was husky and dark as it slipped from his full lips, perfectly accented and rich with meaning. He took a step forward and watched you fall backward. Perfect.
‘You… Smell, like, them’ he said, punctuating each word with a rolling hiss and a sing-song affect. Another step forward, another step back.
‘Mig, you—’
‘I don’t like that’ he whispered, cutting you off. ‘I don’t like that, arañita.’
You stepped back and this time your back hit a wall, drawing your escape to a halt. You panted softly, feeling your chest heave and your heart thunder, both in your chest and your pants. Mig purred as he cut you off.
‘You should smell like me’ he purred. You felt your loins throb again and visibly bit down a soft whine.
‘Arañita’ he whispered, deliberately rolling the r as hard as he could, ‘I must hunt you now.’
Your eyes widened unintentionally, a sight that was utterly delicious to him. His abdomen rustled with delight, and you could almost taste the smell of rut sweating off of him like dew beneath a summer sun.
In a foolish moment of weakness, you turned and glanced back at the city. You could see the civilians crowding, their morbidly curious eyes peering at this overt display. You felt your heart thundering.
‘Mig? Are you—AGH! MIG WHAT THE- FUCK?!’
You squeaked as Mig grasped you by the nape and began dragging you back to the HQ like prey. He was scuttling like an animal, legs lowered and abdomen shaking, his body close enough to the ground that your feet dragged and pulled on the floor as he took you away.
You watched those same civilians ogling in horror, clearly confused by this display. They must have assumed they were watching a noble member of the spider society wrestle some other-worldly monster.
Little did they know they were unintentionally watching the first half of a very messy mating ritual. You flushed at the thought.
Mig pulled you back through the lobby entrance and continued to pull all the way across the marble floor, all while the other spiders looked on. If any of them got close he shot them the most murderous of looks, with eyes so red that his dilated pupil was eclipsed by the glow, and that sent all of them running.
No one was going to help you. Not that you particularly wanted them too…
You felt his breath as he huffed against your nape, his enormous teeth sunk deep into the thick skin. His venom was thankfully numbing the worst of the pain, but not entirely. There was a dull, sharp, pleasurable sting where he’d bitten into your hide, and a tingling where his venom was messing with your senses.
He was panting like a madman, huffing like he’d run a marathon.
He was rutting, frustrated, and now overwhelmed with the coalescing heat of his instincts as a spider and his desires as a man. His prey drive snapped at his arousal, his need to impregnate curled around his hunger like a snake. Did he want to eat you? Did he want to fuck you? It was perhaps one, the other, and both at the same time.
He would devour you whole, that much was for sure.
He’d make sure you smelled like him. He’d make sure you were scented.
Mig dragged you through the lobby and into one of the empty closets you sometimes used for messing around in secret, though this time he wasn’t trying to be discreet. He made everyone very aware of his intentions.
He ripped the door open with his back paws and dragged your grunting, squirming body inside, and then made sure to web the closet door shut behind you. There was no getting out.
‘Mig! You—MM!’
His lips collided with yours, aggressively smothering your mouth with enough force to pry it open. His tongue slipped inside and began eagerly licking at your own tongue, massaging your gums and teeth as if driven by some ancient, primitive desire to milk venom from your non-existent fangs.
You groaned and grabbed at his hair, drawing him deeper. You could taste the slightly bitter sting of his venom on his tongue, mixed with the faint lingering taste of the empanada you got him earlier.
With a low groan he fell to the floor, pinning you to the ground with his human arms while his paws tapped with excitement. His moans vibrated from his lips to yours, leaving you tingling and hot, and soon you were both wet with saliva.
‘Mig—mm, mm—Mig, you—’
Mig tried to focus on the kiss, but his instincts were taking over. He couldn’t stand it. He was physically shaking by the time he broke the kiss, and he could hold it back no longer. While you were still panting for air he grabbed your body and turned you onto your belly.
‘Mine’ he hissed, ‘mine.’
‘Mm—O-Okay, damn it, just— be careful’ you squeaked, assuming quite rightly that he just wanted to rut out his frustrations in the closet. ‘I don’t want to get caught aga—’
Your voice was again silenced by the feel of something sticky and tepid coating your skin over the suit. You shivered.
Mig didn’t respond. He was busy straining silky web against your back, strands so thick that you couldn’t hope to free yourself. All you could do was feel his weight at your spine, the hot huff of breath and the desperate, animal need permeating in his bristled fur. Your own frantic breath kept hitting your face in bursts as you panted against the concrete floor.
Only once satisfied did Miguel pull back, but you weren’t free. Not yet. He hoisted your body until you were hung in the air, legs spread and arms bound to your back, now suspended by a thick web that covered the entire room from bottom to top.
You were the perfect height. The perfect height for him.
You watched Mig approach as your chest heaved, fixated on his burning red eyes. His expression dripped with depraved hunger.
‘M-Mig’ you whimpered, your own arousal slipping out. You were panting hard and leaking harder, your clit throbbing painfully as you strained against the webbing. You couldn’t help it; you loved the webs, loved his strength and the stench of his arousal.
Mig didn’t respond. He purred low in his throat and rustled as he approached, letting you admire his tense and rippling musculature. The way his shoulders rolled and popped, so broad they eclipsed your entire form, his rough abs heaving as he breathed.
He stopped about an inch from your body and paused for a painfully long time. You could feel his forelegs probing at the faux fur on your thighs, feeling about for what he craved so badly. Every time you shifted, his breathing got faster.
‘My prey’ he hissed.
His hunger swelled as he huffed at your neck. He could smell your pulse beating rapidly beneath the skin, the sweet smell of pumping blood that he could reach with just a single snap of his jaws. It made his mouth water.
But beneath it… Beneath it, he could smell slick. He smelled that your blood was hot, that your skin was beading with sweat like dew on grass. Every instinct in his body pulsed.
He lowered himself as you squirmed, his head sliding down, down, with his nose lightly brushing your chest and belly, until it stopped right at the little nook of your pussy. He panted so hard that you could feel the heat through your suit.
‘Mmm! Mig—’
He breathed in hard and let his tongue loll out. Heavy drool coated your suit, leaving a warm, wet print in the shape of a heart right where your clit was. You felt the sensitive little bud throb and tingle. He breathed in again and repeated the licking motion, smearing over that heart until both his spit and your slick had created one notable, blurry patch of moisture.
‘Arañita… h-hah… qué rico.’
He rolled the ‘r’ so hard his tongue clicked, his voice heavy and gruff. Without waiting for a response he violently tore a hole into the crotch of your costume.
‘Mig! Ah- g-god damn it, that—’
Your momentary complaint as he destroyed your hard work was drowned out by a guttural moan. Mig buried his lips into the crook of your pussy lips and began to lick, hungrily sucking and sliding his hot, wet tongue over every fold.
It was all he could do to satisfy his urges. His hunger for you, his prey drive, his need to breed with you, his instincts as a male spider, he could do nothing but lap at your essence until full.
And you could do nothing but let him. You strained in the web as his tongue sent involuntary spasms up through your body, but every twitch caused the web to twang and snap you back into place. It was as tight as if his own hands were holding you in place, rendering you helpless to his ravenous tongue.
But god, you couldn’t fight it even if you tried. The wetness, the warmth, the intelligent curling of muscle as he flicked his tongue at your clit, and the tender sucking of his lips, it was unbearable. You lulled in the web and groaned, much to Mig’s delight.
Every so often his teeth flexed, allowing his fangs to brush the soft, velvety flesh, but he’d draw himself back right at the last second. He couldn’t hurt you, but he was just so hungry. So frustrated.
He allowed his mouth to cover your entire pussy in one hungry movement, groaning as he sucked.
Predictably, you didn’t last long. Not like this.
With a violent groan your back arched and you orgasmed on his tongue, your body shaking in its entirety as the pleasure of your climax gripped and twisted you like a doll. Mig tasted every second of it. He even snuck his tongue up into your cunt to get a taste of the sweet, flowing slick, and you could do nothing but whine as he lapped that warm appendage at your flesh.
‘F-Fuck, Mig… hah… ah… f-fuck…’
Mig rose back up and wiped his jaw, smearing the glistening wetness across the skin with one hand while he fondled his abdomen with the other.
You watched with wide, slightly dazed eyes as he helped the slit in his abdomen widen. He used two fingers to stroke the tip of his phallus, as if gently and manually easing it out. You’d only seen him touch himself a few times, and for a moment you were almost confused why he’d do so now. He seemed too animalistically hazed to want to jerk off in front of you.
But as he worked you quickly realized the reason for the sudden shift. He was utterly engorged, his plush cock swollen to the point it looked even larger than usual, and he had to help it out. With each throbbing inch that emerged you squeaked.
The second it stood to full erection he moved towards you. Your legs were already spread, your costume torn and dripping with that sweet slither of moist flesh on display. All he had to do was bend his spider legs and adjust his height to slip in.
You panted hard, watching him sink down.
‘M-Mig… ah… y-yeah…’
Your arousal permeated the air, drawing him towards you like a moth to flame. His abdomen rustled, and his cock visibly pulsed a little bead of pre-cum. He was breathing in your scent.
‘T-That’s it… c-come on…’
You squirmed in the web as he mounted you, shifting down between your legs. He steadied himself with both human hands on your thighs and two of his spider legs raised to the walls on either side of the closet, with his claws extended to anchor his body.
He purred against your face, letting you scent yourself on his breath, and with a soft hiss he moved in. You felt that familiar plush cock nudging your cunt, smearing itself with your slick. It circled a few times, testing, teasing, and then slowly began to inch itself upward.
As always, your breath caught.
You were visibly winded as he pushed his member inside, followed by the rest of his unusual shaft. You felt your muscle memory kicking in as your cunt stretched and quivered to accommodate his size. There was a growing pressure as the warm phallus slid up and eased you open, with just a twinge of an ache where your body teetered on the edge of being pushed too far, but Mig walked that line well.
‘Shh, shh, arañita… Mi arañita… gently now, just relax. Feel it. Feel me inside you. Let it slide up—that’s it, that’s it—’
He crooned so sweetly as he split you open.
‘Mi arañita… You’re so cute when you wince like that. That’s it, open up for me. Just a little more…’
Mig bottomed out with a soft grunt, and there he stayed, soaking inside you. He let you shift and clench until you were comfortable, with his lips in your hair and his calloused fingers petting your thighs in a soothing manner.
‘Good. Good, good arañita. Mi tesoro, mi amor, eres tan buena/o para mi.’
With a soft purr, he began to throb. He didn’t move his hips or his abdomen, but his cock began to pulse inside you regardless. You felt each pulse like a heartbeat, rising from his body and right up to the tip of your cervix. Every single one made you groan.
Mig watched with unblinking focus. He watched you squirm, watched you pant and groan and curl your toes. His breathing got heavier, to the point that it steamed between his fangs.
With a soft hiss he grasped your hips and held you steady. Then, and only then, did he begin to buck.
He moved slowly at first, letting his plush cock slide out to the tip before inching it back in. Part of him wanted to relish the wet squelch, the cute way your legs involuntarily kicked as the smooth veins stroked over your internal g-spot, but he very quickly grew agitated with his own teasing.
Mig hissed again. After just two or three slow pumps to help you adjust, he pushed in deep, and before you could even release a grunt of shock at the abrupt penetration he’d started rapidly pumping back and forth.
This time, he didn’t want to thrust. He didn’t want to slide in and out. He kept as much of his cock buried in your cunt as he feasibly could, right up to where the muscle grew tight and ached a little where he pressed it, and he committed to small, sharp, rapid squishing.
All you could see was his warm, furry abdomen right between your legs, and the slight bulge of his cock moving quickly inside you. It was so damn tight. The thickness, the warmth, the veins pulsing on your inner muscle, and the sight of that monstrous spider body rubbing up against you so eagerly…
The sight made you slightly faint.
‘A-Ah… M-Mig, ah—’
You groaned as his abdominal fur pushed your lips apart, allowing his firm skin to start stimulating your swollen clit while he moved. Your eyes rolled and you spasmed in the web, but Mig didn’t slow his pace.
He had an almost stern expression as he moved. He had his eyes fixed on you, watching your breathless panting and weak whines as he pulsated inside you. They were determined, firm, but tender too. He cupped the back of your head with one hand as his front legs reared up, giving him easier access to rut.
Mig grunted with each careful pump, the gruff sound forming an erratic rhythm alongside your moans. You were lulled by the familiar sound of wet, lewd squishing and tapping paws.
‘Mm… Mm… Mmm…’
His eyes rolled and he released one single, sweet moan of arousal. His lips parted, and he began to pant.
‘Ah… so, tight… so warm… my eggs will do well in here.’
He picked up the pace and you both moaned in unison. You couldn’t help but indulge his fetish for breeding, especially in this position. The web strained as you squirmed, releasing a noise like squeaking leather. It held firm, holding you in place for his use.
‘Mm… smell so, fertile… you’ll be swollen soon… Swollen with me… with my offspring…’
You felt something warm and furry sliding around your inner thighs, probing intelligently at the skin. You realized pretty quickly that it was his forelegs, but, why?
Through the haze of pleasure you felt the pedipalps in his forelegs sliding down to join his cock. They pressed almost curiously, as if feeling for your entrance, their fur becoming sticky and matted with slick as they felt for their purpose.
It didn’t take long for them to find it.
As the thick appendages found where his shaft had entered you, they rooted themselves into place at the top and bottom of your already penetrated entrance. You could feel the muscles shifting beneath the fur, as if they were readying something.
‘M-Mig’ you panted between moans, ‘w-what are you—’
‘Mating’ he hissed back, cutting you off with an especially sharp thrust. ‘N-Need you, plugged.’
He was getting faster, rougher, his claws digging into your flesh. He pounded into you with ferocious power, sweat flying from his brow as he turned your hip bones numb.
He pumped away erratically until you screamed, his lips drawn back into a hiss.
‘Gh- mm, MM, M—’
He pulsed hard, rutting your body until the web nearly snapped, and then—
He paused. He paused, still utterly buried in your cunt, and then he orgasmed in a way you’d never seen him do before.
He tensed, shuddered, and aggressively pulsed one thick, single flow of cum inside you. Your eyes widened; you felt the pulse like a heartbeat, just like before, as the veins swelled and then released. It was almost painfully tender.
But there was more to come with it. At the same time as he ejaculated, his pedipalps squirted a line of silk that fed up into your cunt alongside his shaft, sealing the semen in place.
He was knotting. He was knotting himself with his webbing, keeping you locked together.
Another shudder, another pulse, another rope of cum.
Another shudder, another pulse, another rope of cum.
Mig let out a deep, contented sigh, and rested his chin on your forehead. There he continued gently rutting, slowly pulsing each spurt of hot seed into the already cramped confines of your pussy, allowing the webbing to stick it in place.
He’d do a little shiver of pleasure every so often, as if he were feeling a micro-orgasm with each pulse and shot, and you jolted in turn as each time his vein would throb and nudge at your g-spot.
He continued this for about ten rounds before finally slumping, his body utterly drained.
He pulled out slowly, ensuring that his webbing was being fed through to seal off each spot he left behind. When he finally slipped the last inch of his cock out you were sealed off completely, left with the heavy, warm weight of his ejaculate package trapped inside you.
‘Mm… T-That’s better’ he murmured dreamily. ‘M-Much better… Ah… A-Arañita…’
Mig shuddered out your nickname with a heady gasp. He could feel his body slowly draining, as if his rut were melting and dripping off of his fur onto the floor. All eight of his legs buckled and trembled at the knee.
‘Mm… Nhggh..’
He collapsed, and with him went your body. He ripped you from the web and held you to his chest as you both panted for air. Mig was drained, and you were totally and completely stuffed. Every inch you moved made you aware of the webbing, thick and sticky and warm, alongside the heavy, sloshing seed he’d squished against your cervix. Whenever your muscles quivered, you felt it move. You whimpered.
‘Ah… Mi tesoro…’ Mig moaned softly and nuzzled your forehead. You sleepily nuzzled him back, the two of you lazily bashing foreheads and noses like two cats in a basket.
Your eyes fluttered open, as did his, and you locked gazes. Mig’s face softened instantly. He slowly smiled, as did you, and you let the same sigh in unison.
‘Ah… I-I’m sorry, arañita’ Mig panted, ‘I… Ah- I went, I really… S-Something, just…’
‘You’re okay’ you replied, speaking in the same breathy tones. ‘You’re okay, Mig. F-Fuck, that was amazing…’
‘I’m, happy to hear that, arañita, but… Dios Mio, I-I’ve never felt it that strongly.’
‘What? N-No, no… I wouldn’t say that’ you said, breathlessly laughing. ‘You’ve gone just as crazy before.’
‘N-No, not… R-Really?’ He opened his eyes and peered down at you. His mouth was still agape, gently panting like an overheated dog.
‘Yeah. Remember the uh… ah, the um- when you smelled that pollen?’ you replied. ‘You came in me like, 100 times? At least? It got everywhere?’
His cheeks turned a soft auburn color at the memory. ‘… Yes. I suppose you’re right’ he murmured. ‘I suppose I have, always been quite… Animalistic.’
A brief silence followed, one that wound on right to the point of creating tension. You could sense something was weighing on his mind in that post-cum moment of clarity, but he shook it aside. Without saying a word he pulled you into a tight cuddle and closed his eyes.
For a while you just cuddled together in that empty closet, allowing your bodies to relax and your hearts to start beating more regularly. The silence was comfortable, for a while at least, until you started to notice something was off. His heart slowed but then began to beat irregularly, as if panicked, and his arms began to tense around you.
You tried to wait it out, feeling that it wasn’t your place to pry, but eventually Mig broke the silence for you.
‘I… I’m sorry’ Mig whispered.
‘For what?’
Mig didn’t respond, and your shoulders slumped. His eyes were narrowed as if in pain.
When all was said and done, now that the fun was over, the dreamy haze of your coupling had left nothing but a plugged mate and a room full of webs.
An animal indeed. His mind began taking him back, reminding him of what he’d done. He’d dragged you in here, in front of everyone. In front of civilians. Surely that would spread throughout the entire city.
A monster… A monster…
The post-cum depression hit hard. He felt the sudden weight of your relationship on his shoulders.
He loved you, dearly, and he wanted you so much it hurt, but… He couldn’t stop thinking about his hesitation at the entrance of the HQ. His hesitation, fuelled by the knowledge that he didn’t belong out there. The way those men had stared at him, the way all those civilians had stared in horror. He’d felt it, even in the depths of his rage.
They weren’t like him.
They didn’t fly into possessive fits of hormonal possessiveness. They didn’t feel a prey drive that got muddled with their sexual frustration. They didn’t think about fertilizing eggs. They didn’t rustle when they walked.
Most of all, though, they could walk beyond the confines of this building. They could go on coffee dates, or to the movies. They could shop for groceries. They could walk in the park. They could sit in a parking lot downing coffee that was far too hot, because they got sidetracked on their finite break between shifts. They could go impulse shopping after seeing a new recipe while idly scrolling their phone, half-naked in bed.
Mig scraped at the last remaining memories he had of being human. The people out there could do all of that, together. But you couldn’t. Not with him.
His world was the woods. His world was hunting, building, drawing water from the spring and heating up coffee over fire. It was idly watching the world go by from the safety of the trees.
His shoulders slumped. His world was rutting. He could make love to you as best he could, he could kiss you and bite you and lick you and watch your body tremble in the throughs of pleasure as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
But in the end, he would also just be mating you. He’d be pinning you down and smothering you in his scent to fulfill some primal, instinctual drive in his brain. He’d be plugging you with webs, knotting you, breeding you.
He loved you, but he’d always be him. He’d always be a spider.
‘I’m sorry, um… Ah, I’m sorry.’ Mig awkwardly shook his abdomen and wiped at his eyes. ‘I feel so dumb, I just—’
‘No, hey, it’s okay. Slowly. You can talk to me’ you whispered, tenderly taking his hand. Mig stiffened.
‘I’m sorry for acting like that’ he said softly. ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… I dragged you, in front of our colleagues, I bit you, and I—’
‘Hey, look, it… It was, spontaneous, yes, but… I mean I had fun’ you said, quickly trying to soothe him. Mig didn’t look soothed though; more than anything, he looked confused.
‘Those, people… They saw—’
‘Yeaaahh, they saw. I know. It’s not… ideal. But it… You know. Whether you gently held my hand in the park or ravaged me like, well, like you just did, they’d look the same’ you said with a shrug.
Again, he went quiet for a painfully long amount of time.
‘… You know, what I am’ Mig said, both a statement and a question. You nodded.
‘You won’t… want for more?’ Mig whispered.
‘Like, what, society?’ you replied, gently shifting deeper into his fur.
‘Yes… I suppose, in a broad sense’ Mig said, his eyes still fixed on the distant wall. ‘Won’t you miss the world as you once knew it? The world you came from? I accept my life now, because I have no choice, but you… You have a choice. You have friends, a-and family, and a place in the city and the world that I can’t… That I can’t, have.’
You watched Miguel as he spoke, but you didn’t even need to mull over your reply. You just snorted. ‘… Come on, Mig. Haven’t I already proven that I can accept that?’
Mig grunted, seemingly surprised by your response. His eyes rolled down to find you staring up at him with a small, slightly goofy smile on your face.
‘I know what you are, Miggy’ you said gently. ‘And I’ve put up a lot of fucking effort to protect it. So don’t turn on me now.’
‘… You have been, usually kind to me, yes’ he murmured slowly. ‘Kind in a way that, I still sometimes don’t understand.’
‘What? What do you mean, don’t understand?’
‘… How could you give up so much for me?’
Silence fell.
‘… Because I love you, dumbass’ you said, your voice wavering even as you tried to sound snarky.
Mig’s lip quivered. For all his bravado when in heat, he was a soft creature at heart, and even now he was so starved for affection that just those four simple words nearly broke his heart.
‘A-Arañita…’ he croaked.
You paused for a moment. ‘Yanno, Miguel asked me that question a while back’ you mused, which immediately made Mig bristle. He sniffed his softness aside, but he couldn’t stop his voice breaking as he spoke again.
‘Did he now… In, what way?’
‘Mhm. This was a while back, way before he apologized, but um… In a broad sense, he just said, why did I pick you? Why would I pick this, this uh… This ‘version’, so to speak, this life.’
Mig felt a shiver of discomfort go up his spine. His gut felt weird, tense and heavy, like he was on the verge of being sick. It wasn’t anything he didn’t already know, not really, and yet any reminder of that time and what Miguel had said about him still made him deeply anxious.
He thought of Miguel barely an inch from his own face, those dead red eyes and the well of emotion behind them. That earnest, pleading look. He felt the pit grow deeper.
‘I see’ Mig murmured. ‘What, did you say?’
Even if Mig kept an even tone you could tell how anxious he was. You felt his fur bristling, and you could hear his stomach grumbling from how badly the anxiety had stirred it up.
Without looking up you took his hand into your own. As you spoke, with each word, you rubbed over his knuckles.
‘I had a lot of things I wanted to say. That before you I was so lonely, and even if I was allowed into society I didn’t exactly feel a part of it. I didn’t feel wanted in it. The first time I felt a real connection with someone, was the day I went looking for help in the woods, and a giant spider offered to fix my watch for no reason but pure, unwavering kindness.’
Mig purred as he listened.
‘I wanted to say, I feel more at home in that hole in the dirt than I ever did in my empty apartment. I never had someone physically build a sewage system so I could cohabitate with them, I’ve never had someone knit me an entire bedspread to keep me warm. I’ve never had anyone take my hand and dance with me, just on a whim. I’ve never had someone chase off an entire gaggle of men because I looked vaguely uncomfortable.’
Mig let out a small grunt of amusement at the reminder. Bit by bit, his hand began to relax.
‘… I could have said a lot. I could have said you were honest, and kind, and gentle, in a way he wasn’t, in a way nobody else was. I could have said that most of the time, I don’t know why you are so kind to me, why you’d… Why you’d waste so much time on me.’
Mig opened his mouth to reply, instinctively driven to soothe you with reminders of how precious you were to him, but you paused his tirade with a single raised hand.
‘… But, in the end, I just uh… I just said the truth.’ You paused and glanced upward, your eyes twinkling in the dim light.
‘I said you’re hotter than him.’
Mig stared at you with unblinking focus for a few seconds, and then chuckled. It was a deep, husky sound, a gravelly vibration in his throat that echoed as it grew. He closed his eyes and smiled, his shoulders shifting as he laughed.
‘Mmhm. Is it wrong that knowing you told him such a thing brings me great joy?’ he asked between chuckles.
‘Nah. Not at all.’
You turned and nestled right up against Mig’s abdomen, and he cradled you in return. He lowered his human half so he could embrace you fully.
‘If we do achieve this… This, serum, that will allow you to stay with me, I will keep you’ Mig whispered into your ear. ‘I will keep you with me, always and forever. Mi tesoro. My beloved treasure.’
‘That’s what I’m counting on’ you whispered back.
‘I will keep you, always. I will do everything in my power to make you happy, but I will keep you.’
‘I know.’
‘I will keep you’ he whispered earnestly, his voice dripping with need as he nuzzled your neck. ‘I will keep you. I will mate you for life.’
‘You’re so dramatic sometimes, Mig.’
He purred, his lips tilting into a smile. You could feel him vibrating with contentment. ‘I suppose so’ he murmured back, ‘but I mean every word of it.’
You smiled back at him. ‘Yeah… I know. I know. And I mean every word too. Just you and me, big guy. Just you and me.’
The embrace tightened on both ends, as Miguel squeezed you to his chest and nestled into your neck while you buried your face into his fur.
‘And perhaps, we could… Foster a few teeny, tiny spiderlings?’ he whispered. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his enthusiasm.
‘Mm, perhaps. Very strong perhaps.’
‘Mmm… okay. Perhaps’ he repeated in a gentle murmur. You could feel his abdomen shaking lightly as he purred. ‘I only ever want you to be comfortable, mi arañita. I hope you know that.’
‘I do. I know. I only want you to be happy too, Miggy.’
For a minute you clung to each other, safe in the isolation of that dour little closet, only to be jumpscared by a blaring intercom message.
Lyla’s pre-recorded voice flooded the little room, reminding you of where you were and what you were supposed to be doing.
‘Oh, shit, shit, the party—’
You jolted in Miguel’s arms and glanced down at your ripped costume. You didn’t even need to speak; Miguel instinctively pulled you closer and used his legs to web it shut, stitching the ripped crotch back together with silk.
It was painfully obvious that your crotch had been ripped open, but, what about this wasn’t already painfully obvious?
You leaped to your feet and brushed yourself off once he’d properly stitched you together. ‘Alright, come on. Fun times over, time to get back to work!’
You held out your hands, bidding Mig to get up. He blinked at you in confusion.
‘You, mean the… party?’ he grunted.
‘Yeah! The Halloween party. Come on, Mig will be pissed if he pressured him into hosting it only to flake out of actually being there.’
Your enthusiasm didn’t sway him immediately. He nervously tapped his paws, his eyes darting.
‘I… I-I don’t know, it—’
‘Come on!’ you insisted. ‘I’ll be with you. The whole way.’
Mig paused. He stared down at your outstretched hand as your words echoed in his head.
Just you and me, big guy. Just you and me.
Perhaps it would be a while before he truly believed that you loved him, that this was the life that was right for you. Perhaps it would be months, years, a decade even. Perhaps he’d never truly get over his insecurities. Perhaps, he’d always fear that he was leading you into a dangerous life.
But when you looked at him, with those adoring eyes and that outstretched hand, somehow he found the strength to put those fears aside.
After a few lingering moments of hesitation, he reached out and took your hand.
You couldn’t physically help him up, not with your size difference. It was purely symbolic, and right now, that was all that really mattered. Mig lifted himself with his spider legs while keeping a firm grasp on your hand
‘O-Okay, arañita. Let us… ah… party, I suppose.’ Next part!
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Chapter 7 🤭
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Arachnophilia: (Part Thirty)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
Content/CW: Mig is rutting, workplace sex, fear kink, breeding kink, intercrural sex, copious sexual fluids, oral sex, tongue play, hormone scenting, unresolved sexual tension.

Mig stuck to his word as Autumn continued to roll in.
You would be his, no matter what.
The days passed and soon Nueva York was a beautiful patchwork of dull oranges and reds, with the upper city parks creating a gorgeous spread of burnt amber grass beneath the cold sun. Mig’s own universe went much the same way, with his forest home going from a bright evergreen to a spread of dark greens and slowly melting auburn shades as the trees lost their hue. You woke every day in his nest to a new blanket of leaves coating your front door, each load bigger than the last, and soon it was clear that winter was approaching.
You were getting chillier in the mornings, even with Mig’s huge, fluffy body at your side. More and more you were relegated to sleeping beneath his folded form like a baby bird beneath its watchful parent, and at a certain point the bed was so covered in silk blankets it looked almost like a mountain.
More of your stuff from your apartment made its way in too. Your clothes, your toothbrush, your kitchen utensils, your bathroom supplies.
It was a strange mismatch. The nest was rustic, with Mig’s makeshift tools and handspun tapestries, which made all of your modern appliances look out of place. There was nothing more jarring than a portable electric toothbrush sitting next to a hand-carved wooden basin over a bamboo drip, which was your version of a sink, or your phone sitting next to the firepit he used to boil water.
It was strange, yes, but welcome. It really was beginning to feel like home.
It was just that, with home, came pressure.
Time was passing, and it was passing fast. In those sweet early months with Mig it’d felt like you had all the time in the world, but the world was proving that wrong.
You had to find a solution to your universal separation, a way to prove that you and Mig could safely cohabitate forever, and potentially have a family if you desired that in the future. If you couldn’t prove it was safe, the society couldn’t sanction it any further. They couldn’t risk anything that might cause multiverse instability.
That left only two outcomes to this relationship, but in Mig’s mind, there was only one outcome he was willing to accept, and that was success. He was beyond the curious, testing phase of the relationship, the tepid exploration of lust and companionship.
He was in love. He was madly, inescapably in love with you, and he would not let you go.
This left him in a state of feverish devotion to his work, and he spent almost all his free time in Miguel’s labs working out the calculations to a cross-universe serum. At first, he tried to bring you with him, since he missed you far too much, but that ended poorly. He felt too bad making you stay up in Miguel’s office, where you’d inevitably fall asleep from exhaustion and Miguel would have to cover you in a blanket.
So instead he started doing calculations late into the night in the nest while you slept beside him. He even started doing calculations in his sleep. You’d wake to find wall after wall covered in markings you couldn’t comprehend.
The only other hiccup in his way was that he was also totally devoted to helping Micaela and Gabriel. Much of his and Miguel’s previous work had been put to the side to focus on her, using their joint background in genetics to find a cure for her ailment.
Miguel was obviously far more concerned with protecting the existing Micaela than with securing Mig’s future, and while it frustrated you both you couldn’t exactly blame him. Micaela did come first, and he was right to prioritize her, but the uncertainty in your future was becoming a strain.
Mig wanted to start living again, to hope again. He wanted to sleep beside you knowing that you were his, forever and always, and that he wasn’t a doomed abomination. He wanted to know you’d be with him until the end.
No more lonely wailing in the woods. No more singing for a person who would never come.
He wanted to live. He wanted you. He wanted his family.
But the longer their work took, the less certain it felt. Every little re-calculation felt like a punch to the gut, and every mission or postponement felt like a weight on his back.
But you can’t stay in limbo forever.
Closure had to come eventually, one way or another.
‘Come on, come on…’
You struggled not to impatiently tap your foot as you peered around the line ahead. You had to crane your neck to see over the 10 or so other spiders all idly waiting for their turn at the counter.
You were waiting in line at the HQ cafeteria to get lunch for you, Miguel and Mig, something you did almost every day now as an unusual little trio. The boys, as you called them, were utterly fixated on their dual projects, and while you weren’t much use scientifically you were the one little lifeline they had left to sanity and stability.
If left to their own devices they’d science themselves into husks. This left you the task of keeping them grounded, keeping them fed, and slapping them back into reality when need be.
It was slightly grating to be around two supergeniuses all the time. Mig was a sweetheart as always, and while he could be a little annoying when he talked to you like a child, he was never condescending or mean. Miguel, on the other hand, was very condescending. He had a need to explain, a need to teach, but he had the patience of a mouse and a tendency to get sassy if you ever got anything wrong.
However, you couldn’t pretend you didn’t enjoy your time with the two. Now Miguel had cooled down he really did seem to be making a difference in his attitude, especially after meeting Gabriel and Micaela. He was short-tempered and stressed, and that would probably never change, but there was an unspoken gentleness to his attitude now. It was almost, protective.
And Mig…
Your face grew warm at the thought of him. His smile. His soft-spoken compliments. His little abdomen wriggles. His big, open, honest eyes, peering down at you as they practically dripped with affection.
Your mind wandered to his breath on your neck in the morning, when he’d blow your hair aside to kiss your forehead. That warmth grew exponentially.
Mig was always perfect. Not literally, but to you… Yes. He was perfect.
You jumped in place as someone tapped your shoulder. You spun back and forth only to realize that the line had moved three spaces ahead, and you’d been too lost in your little daydream to notice. The spiders behind you did not look impressed.
‘Sorry! Shit—just a second.’
You stammered an apology and hurried forward, trying to ignore the curious stares you get. The morbid interest in Mig’s lover never seemed to go away.
You stayed hyper-vigilant as you waited to finally reach the front of the cafeteria. You’d replayed asking for your order so many times that it practically tumbled from your lips when you reached the server, making you appear like some kind of empanada-loving robot.
As you made your way back to the office you couldn’t help but pause to admire the new décor.
The whole building was covered in dainty, slightly tacky Halloween objects, coating the walls from top to bottom. It was all in place for the Halloween party tomorrow. There were skrunkly little paper spiders hanging from the high beams, orange cut-outs of cats and pumpkins plastered to the wall.
It was almost painfully twee, but you kind of loved it. It felt authentically true to form for this place. You also knew Miguel had refused to spend any more than the absolute bare minimum on decorations out of spite, since he hated the idea of doing this in the first place. Hosting events and being considerate of members' well-being was one thing, but being drawn out of work to wear costumes was, ironically, not his forte.
Unfortunately, despite being the de-facto leader, he’d been outvoted by the other elites, along with every other Spider in the society. You’d been subjected to his rambling about this for almost a week. Luckily, he didn’t know you’d also voted to have the party.
You prodded a little cheap plastic bat that was hanging from the ceiling as you hopped from the beams into the main corridor before Miguel’s office.
You were quick as you hurried down the same familiar route; passed the Spiders crowding the hall, passed the rudimentary go-home machine, and down the darkened empty corridor filled with Miguel’s old suits and gadgets.
As you approached the door you were hit by the smell of metal and the low hum of a machine. It vibrated through your bones in the most eerie way, causing the walls around you to jitter as if moving.
You instinctively slowed down.
Shit, they were in the middle of running their experiments again.
You crept up to the entrance to Miguel’s office and carefully nudged the door aside, being careful not to dip in any further. You didn’t want to startle them.
‘Pressure at 53%’
Lyla’s voice floated out from beneath the eerie hum as you peeked around the doorway. The office was usually dark, awash with cold navy light and the dull orange glow of Miguel’s monitors, but right now it was alight with an almost supernatural glow emanating from its center. It cast odd shadows across the walls and floors, like hands sneaking up to grasp you.
‘Lyla! Speed it up.’
‘Pressure at 73%. I’m going as fast as I can!’
That was Miguel’s voice, you thought. It was nearly identical to Mig’s but you knew them both well enough now to pick them apart. You peered a little further into the room.
‘Qué chingada… Come on.’
Mig hissed a few more curses under his breath as his abdomen rustled.
He’d bent his front legs like a horse so he could grasp the computer with both hands, and he was right on the verge of physically shaking it. Every
He was so close, so damn close. He’d gotten the formula down to a predicted 3% success rate, and if he could just get a few more test runs in, he’d have it. He’d have you.
‘Alright! Are you ready?’
Miguel called down to Mig from his floating office. He had to about halfway in the air, allowing him to look down on Mig as he ran some sort of experiment.
You could see the enormous table they were always huddled around, covered in glass jars and holographic screens all flashing with a million numbers at once. As you sank against the door frame, you noticed that the crackling was getting louder.
‘Pressure at 89%. Almost there.’
You could see something starting to spin on the table, creating a whirring noise akin to a helicopter’s blades. The sound was triggering every instinct in your body to run, to hide, and you had to fight yourself just to continue watching.
‘Hold it steady!’
‘I’m holding steady.’
The light expanded until you were forced to squint and pull away, hiding yourself behind the door. The sound was unbearably loud, the whirring grating on your ears as the light grew brighter and brighter.
‘Pressure at 98%...’
And then—
A crackle filled the room and the light dimmed in a single split second, leaving the room in darkness. You had to wipe your eyes to adjust to the dimness. Everything smelled like hot metal, and you could see smoke drifting up into the rafters of the office.
‘Serum stability at 99%’ Lyla’s voice called out, followed by a sharp bark of a growl.
Mig pulled back and kicked one of the loose chairs right into the wall, almost totally obliterating it with the faintest display of aggression. ‘¡Jueputa! Chingada Madre!’
As the low whirring of the machine dulled, he began to pace, his spider legs scuttling back and forth. His abdomen was shaking dangerously, that much you could see. He had his head in his hands and seemed to be trying his hardest to not lose his temper any further.
You felt your heart sink a little in your chest at the sight.
Miguel was cursing beneath his breath as he put out the fire. ‘God damn it… Lyla, what keeps going wrong?!’
‘It’s just routine checks, Miguel. It’s totally normal.’
‘We’ve been stuck at 99% for a week!’ Miguel barked back, ignoring Lyla’s slightly snarky tone.
‘99% is good! That’s better odds than your watch had when you tried it out’ she argued back. You could faintly see her hologram floating in the air beside them, pacing back and forth across the open air. Miguel bitterly waved his hand through her digital form.
‘Yeah, and I was stupid to do so. I can’t approve it until it's 100%.’
‘Maybe the calculations are off’ Mig murmured to himself. You saw him drop back down to the computer again, grasping at its mass like it was a person who he could shake sense into.
‘My calculations aren’t off!’ Miguel snapped back in a slightly harsher tone. ‘I know what I’m doing!’
You could see the tension rising. They’d just keep getting more and more irritable if they remained fixated on their work. You decided now was the time to step in.
With a huff you pushed the office door aside and bellowed towards them. ‘Hey! Come on guys, break time!’
The sound of you voice drew Mig to snap and turn, a motion so inhumanly fast he nearly wrenched the entire computer apart from with his hands. Miguel had to step in and shove him off just to salvage it.
‘¡Tonto! Ah, ten cuidado’ Miguel snapped under his breath, though Mig heard none of it. He didn’t even respond when Miguel elbowed him away.
He was fixed on you, watching you run down the corridor towards him. The way you smiled, the way you bounced as you sped up. He couldn’t stop his abdomen rustling and vibrating with a deep, profound sense of joy. Miguel noticed that too and promptly rolled his eyes.
You squeaked and jumped up into his arms, with the enormous spider catching you with instinctive prowess. He drew you up to his chest and held you like a large cat.
‘Mi tesoro’ he purred. ‘I missed you.’
‘They were gone for 15 minutes’ Miguel sarcastically replied.
‘I know’ Mig replied, his big crimson eyes still fixed on you. He kept tilting his head to get a better angle of your face, deliberately staring until you got flustered and tried to look away. You could feel him nosing at your hands as you covered yourself. Your quiet giggling was almost addictive to him.
‘It was still too long…’ Mig whispered against your fingers. ‘Too long…’
‘Still too long— Alright! Come on, computers finished that round. We can break.’ Miguel grunted and pushed the computer aside as he stood, his hands outstretched. ‘Can I eat, then? Or did you forget about me?’
You pulled back your hands and peered down at Miguel. ‘Forget? What? I wouldn’t forget about you.’
‘Ahuh. What about—’
‘Oh my god—I forgot your lunch order ONE time!’ you cried, cutting him off before he could bring up the same story he always brought up. Despite himself, Miguel’s lips did tilt into a slight smile.
‘Exactly. Once. And you could do it again’ he replied in a slightly snarkier tone. You huffed and threw his box of empanadas at his chest, which he caught mid-air with his webs.
‘You went—you were on a mission twice—’
‘Ahuh, ahuh—’
‘So, I had to remember to NOT get your order—’
‘Yep, keep digging that grave—’
‘I had to remember to NOT get your order the second time, because you sent that memo saying it was wasteful to leave your food, and then the third time you didn’t DIRECTLY tell me you wouldn’t be on a mission, so I didn’t have it there! I am not in the wrong!’
You burnt your throat out while rambling off your excuse. Miguel just kept trying to hide his growing smile of endearment as he webbed his way up to his floating desk, leaving you and Mig to sit beneath him.
‘It’s not my job to babysit you. If you can’t check the schedule that’s something for you to fix, not me. Consider it… character building’ Miguel replied smoothly.
‘Next time I won’t get it deliberately’ you huffed, before reaching into the bag and giving Mig his order. He purred as he took it. ‘At least you’re grateful, Miggy’ you mumbled, which caused him to purr even louder.
‘Always, arañita.’
As Mig folded his legs and settled down on the floor you sat at the front of his abdomen, snuggling into his fur with your meal resting on your folded legs. You could hear Miguel grunting with barely suppressed pleasure as he started eating above you.
Mig paused then as his watch buzzed. He glanced down and awkwardly tapped it at with his huge claws until he finally got it to recognize his touch.
‘Mm? It is—Oh!’
Mig’s face lit up into a smile as a hologram flashed up from his watch, revealing a line of text and a blurry picture. You tilted your head out of curiosity.
‘Hm? What's up?’
‘It’s ah- Gabriel. I’ve been re-learning how to text so that we may, converse, more easily, and he has sent me a picture of Micaela.’ Mig sounded so proud as he spoke, and his eyes as they flitted over the picture were deeply endeared. It filled you with joy to see him looking so comfortable.
‘Oh! That’s nice, that’s good. I’m glad you’re properly keeping in touch now. What’d he say?’
‘Mm! Well, last night he was telling me about how bad the hospital food is. I offered to send him some of my deer meat, which he seemed to find humorous, and today he has sent me a picture of his mates cooking and—’
‘They don’t use mate, Mig, that’s his wife’ Miguel added.
‘Wife. Yes. I forget… Ah, his mate- wife¸ gave him food to sneak into the hospital, and he has sent me a picture of him eating it with Micaelita.’
He glanced at the photo for the second time as he spoke, and the sight caused him to purr all over again. He’d only known his baby niece for a few months now, but he truly loved that little girl. He had an outlet at last for all his pent-up paternal instinct, and seeing her happy brought him so much joy.
‘How is the um- I mean I guess, sensitive subject to bring up, but… How is the serum going?’ you asked.
‘Well, Micaela’s stuff is almost fully done’ Miguel replied. Mig was too busy trying to catch an unseemly long bit of cheese now dangling between his mouth and his empanada to speak, so his variant took over with a slightly exasperated sigh.
‘Luckily, we buckled down and, Lyla did a lot of the work. Scanning the multiverse for somewhere with more advanced medicine was pretty easy, unfortunately the place we found with the right equipment does not have a Spider-man in it for easy contact.’
‘Did you need to go there to get it, though?’ you asked. You were trying to listen while also teasingly nipping in to steal from Mig’s string of cheese, something he found both adorable and aggravating.
‘Luckily again for us, uh—no. Not really. We scanned a few computers and managed to replicate it here’ Miguel explained. ‘Micaela should be just fine.’
‘Yes! But, it means we’re behind on the solution for us’ Mig said as he finally swallowed his food. ‘Which, we are trying to resolve, right?’
‘Jess is getting antsy’ Miguel remarked, more to himself than to you or Mig. He was picking at his own empanada bit by bit, taking off little chunks which he then threw into his mouth and slowly chewed between his fangs. He chewed his food like nicotine gum, as if he was in constant deep thought. ‘Everyone is. Especially with the anomalies getting worse.’
‘I mean… that’s not, our fault, right?’ you said.
Miguel didn’t reply for a moment. He stared into the distance before double-taking at you, almost as if taken by surprise. ‘What? No. No, it’s your fault. It’s… we’re not sure. Maybe it’s a coincidence. But, it’s not you.’
‘Oh… Good.’ You weren’t sure you believed him, but you also weren’t willing to press the issue. ‘But, um—I mean regardless it’ll be okay, right? We’re, getting close?’
To your relief, Miguel did nod as he swallowed his last bite of empanada. ‘Mhm. Mm… Yeah. I think it should be finished soon, if we can just complete the last checks.’
‘The stabilization test-runs’ Mig said. He’d finally finished his meal as was now paying very close attention to you, ensuring you continued to eat in between asking questions. He’d grab or gently nudge your hand up to your face to ensure you took bites. He was fussy, yes, but very sweet.
‘De-stabilization, huh? Sounds scary’ you added between quick bites of your sandwich.
‘Catastrophic’ Miguel corrected.
‘Not—necessarily’ Mig said as he wiped crumbs from your face. ‘All it means, is that we need to ensure the serum won’t de-stabilize and cause any anomalous activities or holes when used. We’re delicately re-organizing multiverse DNA, but, we are handling it with utmost care.’
‘You don’t need to convince me, Miggy, I believe you’ you snorted back.
Mig opened his mouth to speak again when a low beep drew his attention away. It was Miguel’s watch, most likely a message, and whatever it was had turned his contented expression into a deeply sour one.
‘Ah… Mierda. So stupid.’
He cursed beneath his breath as he dropped from his office back down to the floor, landing with a dull thud.
‘What’s up?’ you called over.
‘It’s Jess. It’s this Halloween party, ah—I didn’t even vote for it! But I’m the leader, apparently, of course I only become leader when it suits them—’
You paused Miguel mid-rant by snapping your fingers. ‘Miguel! Come on, to the point. You’re rambling.’
‘Ay, don’t be rude. What I meant to say, then, is apparently I have to go approve these new decorations. I’ll be back soon, we’ll finish the second test run when I’m done.’
Miguel had begun walking before you could even think to say anything else, so you and Mig just resorted to waving him off with a soft ‘bye!’. He shot you a deflated thumbs up over his shoulder before vanishing out the door.
Silence fell in the wake of his departure, and for the first time you were alone with Miguel. All you could hear in the office was Mig’s thudding heart and his slow, rhythmic breathing against your scalp.
You blinked and leaned back against his abdomen until his face came into view. His eyes were wide, and as they watched you awkwardly blowing his fluff out of your eyes, they dilated. ‘I didn’t get to mention, this morning…’ He paused and swallowed. ‘You look, radiant today, mi amor. You look very, pretty.’
The second those words left his mouth you broke out into a dumb little smile. You tried to look away, but Mig was quick to catch your chin with his claw, forcing you to hold his gaze. His eyes softened.
‘No, no. Don’t deny it. I know you want to.’
‘That is not to say that you don’t always look pleasing. You do. But I wanted to tell you today. I feel I don’t tell you enough.’
‘You make it more than clear how you feel about me, Mig’ you whispered back. His fur was warm and sweet on your cheek, and you couldn’t help but nuzzle deeper into it. ‘You don’t have to say it.’
‘Mm… But I will, mi amor’ he whispered back. God, he loved saying that. He’d say it all day every day if given half the chance. ‘Mi amor, you are such a beautiful creature. I am grateful every second of every day that I have you as my mate.’
You felt the heat in your cheeks growing in tandem with the lightness in your chest. You squealed internally as he smiled down at you, his face filled with open, honest sincerity. ‘Yeah, well… I could say the same about you too, so… you know’ you murmured. His eyes narrowed with barely suppressed joy.
‘Do I know?’
‘You… Yes, but—Okay. You are also, a beautiful creature, and I am extremely grateful every millisecond of every day that I met you’ you replied with a teasing jab. He chuckled, and when you chuckled back, he bent his torso down to meet your own.
‘I missed you’ Mig whispered. You could feel him nosing at your hair as he spoke, taking deep and lingering breaths around the crown of your head.
‘I missed you too, Mig’ you whispered back. The warmth of his fur was nice on your back as you leaned into him, relishing the small moment of peace and quiet. You could hear nothing but a distant beep of some nebulous electronics and the soft, deep breaths Mig was savoring above you. You could tell he was huffing your scent.
‘You, uh… you sure are smelling me a lot, lately’ you said. The break in silence and the bluntness of the question caused Mig’s eyes to shoot open.
‘… I am?’
‘As in, more than usual?’
‘Oh, I—I’m sorry, arañita—’
‘No! No, don’t apologize. I didn’t mean it was an issue. I just…’
You slowly rolled your head back to catch his gaze, only to wind up nose to nose with him. You felt his breath on your lips as you both locked eyes. The warmth, the proximity, it made something familiar in your gut tighten and twist.
Mig purred. ‘Then, how did you mean it, arañita?’ he whispered.
You felt that sweet tightness in your gut twisting tighter, and without even thinking your thighs squished together. Mig’s eyes darted down, catching that tiny act, before sliding back up and narrowing ever so slightly. He let you catch his tongue slipping out to slide along his lower lip.
‘I meant, ah… I meant, I just, noticed it. It—it’s usually a sign that, something else is going on, you know?’ you stammered back.
‘I know what you’re referring to, mi arañita’ he murmured back. ‘Are you implying I might be heading into a rut?’
‘Well… I wouldn’t, dare, assume, but…’
You felt your breath starting to catch as your heart rate sped up, matching the steady rhythm of his own thundering beat. You could see his eyelids drooping, his abdomen gently jerking back and forth like a dog wagging its tail.
The growing heat was physically palpable. It was like the sun on your skin, itchy and hot. ‘We’re in the office’ you whispered softly. You’d both drifted so close now that you could feel his lips on your own. Mig was panting, breathing in you, verging right on the edge of snapping you up and eating you whole.
‘Mig… W-We’re in the HQ, we—’
‘We’re in the office…’
Mig pressed one sweet, tender kiss against your lower lip, but he lingered just long enough to let you know that, if he could, he’d have bitten down on that lip in a second. You stammered out a shaky whine in response.
‘Mig, we can’t.’
‘Do you want to go back to the nest?’
‘What if Miguel comes back? We need to—finish the, stupid work—’
‘Then here.’
You paused your soft whispering to kiss for the second time. It was almost reflexive, with your lips losing focus and going against your better judgement to press up against his. You’d kiss once and then pause, as you both brushed against the realm of better judgement for a fleeting second, only to kiss each other once more.
Soft then hard, lingering and passionate, tasting him for just a second until it got too painful to not kiss him again.
‘Mm—Mig, mm—’
You felt his tongue slip out and obediently parted your lips, letting your tongues wind between your barely open mouths. You could taste his breath, you could feel the heat brewing in him as he tried to slip into your open maw. At this point your skin was burning, and worst of all, you could feel your clit throbbing like a second heartbeat.
You were a shivering, burning mess. You’d gone too far.
‘Miggy— Mm… Miggy, come on—’
‘If, Miguel comes back—’
As you withdrew from the kiss Mig moved closer, gripping your waist with his thick, heavy claws so you couldn’t pull away. He didn’t kiss you, but he did press his lips to your nose, and there he spoke again.
‘Don’t make me chase you, arañita.’
Those sweet, husky words whispering against your skin made you shudder. It was enough to make your insides clench and quiver, and Mig knew it.
‘F-Fuck, god damn it… hah… mm. Okay. You wanna play like that?’
You stealthily shifted your suit down by just the pants, taking your underwear with it. Not enough to be naked, but enough to get Mig hooked in the sweet scent you knew would drive him crazy. Just as planned, the moment your underwear went past that navel line, his pupils dilated.
‘Mm… arañita… You smell, delicious…’
He lowered his head with a speed and strength you knew you couldn’t match, but he did relinquish his grip on your waist to do so. You let him bury his nose between your thighs, slipping right into the little defined curve where your suit met your pussy lips, and he huffed like a madman.
‘Mmm… qué rico, mi arañita hermoso/a…’
He whined the words directly against your clothed cunt, letting you feel his lips and tongue moving against every ridge and inch he could get. You were sure that if you let him linger any longer he’d rip the fabric with his fangs and have himself a little dessert, and while part of you desperately wanted to let him, that wasn’t the plan.
You grabbed his hair and pulled, letting him get as pussy drunk as you could allow without fully tipping him over the edge.
‘Good boy, good, good boy…’
You held him there just long enough, until his spider legs were tapping that familiar mating rhythm and his abdomen was shaking with feverish intent, and then—
‘Catch me, big boy.’
You whispered those words before webbing yourself out of his grip, flying over his abdomen and landing squarely on the office floor behind him. You saw his claws grasping to try and catch you, but he was too late. You’d escaped.
He spun around just in time to see you hurrying into the dark corners of Miguel’s office. He hungrily growled. ‘Oh, arañita… Okay. We’ll play that game then.’ He licked the little traces of your scent from his upper lip, and he gave chase.
You webbed your way into the darkness and crouched down behind a pile of forgotten electronics, moving stealthily on four legs to avoid being seen. You could faintly see Miguel’s shadow as he moved through the office and toward your location. As he abandoned the light his eyes began to glow, illuminating the shape of his spindly legs with an eerie red outline.
‘Mi tesoro?’
The adrenaline was thick. You knew that it was just your sweet, gentle Mig roaming after you, but that didn’t stop the sweet, controlled dose of fear that you got whenever you played hide and seek with that enormous, skulking spider.
‘Naughty arañita… You like playing at this, don’t you?’
Mig purred softly as he crept around the edge of the lab. His paws were quiet underfoot, carefully padded to keep even his enormous body nearly entirely silent.
‘You like playing at being prey… So cute. You know what’ll happen when I catch you… Does that excite you, arañita? That I will rip those pretty clothes off and mate with you the moment you’re in my paws? Are you thinking about it right now?’
The echo of his voice drove you lower to the floor. You could hear him getting closer, but your cover was running out, and if you raised your head he’d surely see you and pounce. You didn’t want the fun to be over that quickly.
You began to back up instead, shifting along the wall until you found an opening. It felt like a door of some kind, and as you carefully, carefully creaked it open, you realized that you’d found an old, unused closet in the back of Miguel’s space.
Miguel’s hungry, husky groan filled the air, alongside an animalistic rustling. It sounded like a rug being shaken out, or a rattlesnake, but you knew better. That was his abdomen prepping for his mating ritual.
You subdued your own shiver of excitement and slipped into the closet.
In here it was pitch black. You could feel the dust on the floor, betraying just how old this space was, and the trickle of light peaking in through the door wasn’t enough to go more than an inch into the closet’s depths.
You were forced to blindly shuffle until your hands hit a wall, forcing you to turn and shuffle backward until you met the same fate. Eventually, you stopped moving altogether, realizing that it was pointless, and resigned yourself to cowering in the dark like a rabbit.
You couldn’t hear Mig in here. Either that, or he’d stopped taunting completely.
It was terrifying how quiet he was. For something so big his soft paws muffled any sound he might have made, allowing him to move with little to no noise. He was a real predator, a creature at the top of his theoretical food chain, and you often forgot that yourself.
In the dark you waited, listening to your own heart hammering in your chest. You could feel the cold creeping up on you in here, giving you goosebumps on your arms. You felt the strain of the concrete floor on your knees.
But that wasn’t all you felt.
A heavy, overwhelming presence had abruptly settled against your back, and now something hot, warm and wet was sliding up your nape to the base of your skull. Instinctively your body tensed, but then you felt it again, and in a second that primal fear disappeared.
It was Mig’s tongue. He was licking your nape, tasting your scent with your highly adapted senses. He’d move in shyly, lapping once or twice, before nuzzling his nose into the thick of your hair and starting the cycle all over again.
‘I caught you, arañita.’
Your body began to relax. You felt his claws fondling your chest and rear in the darkness, squeezing your ass until his claws left a little imprint. His lips, too continued to grope at your nape, licking and nipping the skin until it bruised.
‘You know what that means.’
You let out a low groan. Between the fear, the heat, and now the dark, cramped space you’d been trapped in, there was no turning back now.
‘Mm… O-Okay, you win. Just… just a little…’
It took very little convincing for you to turn around and smash your lip into his. This time you didn’t hesitate before opening your mouth for him to explore, letting his huge, warm tongue slide into your mouth. He wound his tongue around your own, tasting your scent, your moans, everything he could get.
‘Mm… arañita…’
His hands began creeping up and down your body, squishing lightly at your belly and waist. He loved feeling the way your flesh moved beneath his fingers, how frail your ribs felt under his claws. He deepened the kiss.
You could feel that Mig was already getting erect. In the pitch black you could only rely on touch to sense any changes, and you could feel his soft phallus slowly beginning to peek out from the slit in his abdomen. It was twitching against your belly.
The kissing just barely muffled your sounds as you tried to speak. ‘Mm… Mm.. I-I can’t, get fully naked, but—’
‘Why not?’
With a soft moan you broke the kiss, leaving the two of you panting into each other’s mouths. ‘I need to- be able to re-suit quickly if anyone comes in, you beautiful idiot.’
Without another word you shifted your suit pants down to the middle of your thighs, leaving just enough bare room for Miguel to slip himself between your legs. His eyes dilated at the sight.
‘Oh… r-right. Hah. Right…’ Mig purred as he grabbed your body and spun it around, bracing you in a slightly tilted position. He braced himself with his hands on either side of the closet walls, and with the bare minimum delicacy he could muster, he began to buck himself in.
‘C-Careful… just, s-stay still. I’ll be quick.’
He started thrusting, shifting his cock in the darkness as he searched for his prize. You felt that bulbous tip nudged at your back, then your ass, before slowly making its way down to the warm, sweet space beneath.
You bit your lip and braced yourself, internally prepping for the pressure. He paused, angled, and thrust.
However, he missed.
‘Ah! F-Fuck—’
In his haste, he slid right past your cunt. His cock was so big that it slid right between your thighs, settling between your pussy lips with a full handful of member poking out the other side. It almost made you dizzy, remembering that you so frequently let such a beast of a shaft inside you.
Mig groaned at your back and began slowly humping at your clenched thighs, shifting his plush phallus back and forth.
‘Mm… S-So, warm…’
You were quickly coated in thick, sticky pre-cum and your own slick as he began to thrust faster and faster, riding out his frustration. He was too eager to even stop and try to enter you properly. This would have to do.
With one hand over your mouth and the other bracing your body to the wall, you let Miguel rut his cock between your thighs, eagerly fucking them and your clit raw.
There was only one thought in your heads:
More. More…
You coyly grabbed the little bit of shaft slipping out the other side of your thighs and began to manually pump it with your fist, relishing in the warmth and the slipperiness against your palm.
‘A-Ah, arañita…’
Mig moaned your nickname into your hair as he continued rutting against your back, the double stimulation driving him absolutely mad. You were beside yourself as he continued grinding that soft, plush, velvety shaft up against your clit, using your slick as lubricant to slide a little easier.
You bent forward and down, contorting yourself so that you could hungrily lap at your member. Mig barely stifled his predatory groans.
‘A-Arañita, ah—c-careful—!’
You slurped at his member until you could just about get a little of it between your lips, and while he continued furiously pumping between your thighs you began sucking on the tip. It was weirdly sweet, as always, though not in a sickly way. It was thick and slightly earthy, like raw, natural honey, and it soon coated your tongue in that sticky white fluid.
Mig, at this point, was losing his mind. He dug his claws into your hips to hold you steady as he began bucking without rhythm, driving himself into every crevice of your body he could.
‘Hah- o-okay, good arañita. G-Good. That’s it, lick it up.’
You allowed him to thrust between your parted lips and groaned. Mig was left breathlessly humping, with one hand still dug into your side and the other tenderly petting your hip as he rode out his frustrations into your mouth and between your legs.
‘Good, there you go. There you go. Mm… Así así, arañita, estás haciendo un buen trabajo.’
His sweet praise helped to ease the pain in your jaw as you took more of him in. The plush, squishiness of his cock made it easier to mouth and suck, but there was just so much of it. You were choking on the tip.
Luckily, Mig could only handle so much. He was utterly overstimulated, between the beautiful sensation of your lips and tongue on his member and the warmth and wetness of your thighs, topped off with the sight of you bent over and taking him from all angles—
‘Ah! Bájale, bájale, arañita.’
He pulled back and began patting your hip for clemency as your lips nearly drew him to a violent impromptu orgasm. You gasped as he withdrew. You were panting hard, slightly dazed from the pleasure and the blood rush to the head, your lips now a mess of saliva and pre-cum. You couldn’t see it, but you could feel the little trail of fluid hanging between your lips and Miguel’s twitching member.
‘Ah… h-huh?’ you mumbled. ‘W-What?’
Mig had to tilt you back to an upright position himself, and there he hugged you close while still slowly pumping between your thighs.
‘Shh, that’s it arañita. You did so good. Just rest now, treasure, let me do the work.’
‘Mm… But—’
‘Let me do the work.’
He repeated those words in a sweet, cooing manner, drawing you to relax in his grip. It was easy to give in, especially with his shaft still gently massaging your swollen clit.
He wanted to focus on you now.
He drew back and began carefully thrusting at just the right angle, probing his hot and now very wet member was pressed right up to your clit. The sensation was hard to describe. All you knew is that you weren’t going to last long like this.
‘Ah… M-Mig, fuck…’
He kept you stabilized with his arms, allowing you to focus on just the pleasure of his movement.
‘You smell so good’ he moaned directly into your ear. ‘So good, arañita. I’d eat you up if I could. My beautiful, beautiful little spider. So—f-fucking, soft—’
He groaned out loud as he started to speed up, frantically squishing and grinding every inch of his cock between your lips. You could hear the manic, wet squelching of your own slick being papped back and forth by his movements, a soft ‘thwap’ that was getting louder and louder.
‘Mm, so soft, want you—covered in seed—’
‘Stuffed, s-stuffed with it. Stuff with my cum. Pretty little spider, full of my babies, full of my e-eggs—’
You tried to warn him, but Mig was too wrapped up in his own manic, heat-induced fantasy to notice. He was dizzy with the thought of web-knotting you, imagining his cock sliding right up to your cervix and then being webbed into place so none of his seed would spill. He was imagining you swollen with his offspring and resting in his silk den, his perfect little mate for life, fulfilling all of his desires.
You had no chance of stopping him, so you did the only thing you could do: you shuddered and orgasmed all over his shaft.
It was your barely muffled scream of pleasure that finally jolted him back to reality, and back to the gorgeous sight of your body trembling and spasming as it throbbed all over his member. He audibly gasped and twitched, letting his cock throb right back as he milked you for all the slick you would offer.
When your knees began to shake, he held you in place. Your weight was nothing to him. No matter what you weighed, with his size, he could have carried you like a kitten.
‘Mi amor’ he cooed into your hair. ‘Mi amor, mi amor… So beautiful. What a beautiful sight.’
‘Hah… f-fuck, uh… I-I can, barely feel my legs’ you panted back.
‘Shh. I’m here. You did so good, arañita.’
‘I-I didn’t, do anything, mi amor, I just… came’ you said, letting out a breathy laugh.
‘You did more than enough’ Mig purred sweetly. He took the chance to slide two fingers down between your lips and around your clit, letting your slick accumulate on his claws. Your body jerked at the sudden rush of stimulation.
‘More than enough. I’d pay to watch you do that again.’ Mig kissed your forehead as he slid his fingers back up and pressed them to his lips. You heard him licking them clean.
‘But I’ll take my payment another way, I think.’
You let out a shaky groan as he moved your body back into position. He was lining himself up again, and this time, he wasn’t going to miss.
You could feel his thick member pulsing at your entrance, teasing the sensitive skin before its final penetration. He’d rock himself a few times, shifting just an inch in before pulling back out, just enough to make that sweet squelching pop ring out. He could picture it now: the sweet feeling of your cunt enveloping every inch of him, welcoming him in, squeezing the life out of him as you moaned his name.
His name. His mate. His.
‘That’s it, arañita, are you ready for me?’
‘Y-Yes, yes—fuck, please Mig—’
‘You want it?’
He bucked closer, preparing to push in. You cried out.
‘Yes, fuck, please!’
‘You want it?’
‘You want—’
‘Hey! Mig?’
Miguel’s voice echoing through the halls drew you both to an abrupt and awkward halt. God damn it.
Mig tried to force himself to push through it, with the animal half of his brain wanting to just ignore the call of his variant, but he couldn’t bring himself to it. He slowly rocked to a stop and, with great reluctance, yanked his cock out from between your thighs.
‘Ah, my mistake… We got carried away again, didn’t we? Come here, mi amor. Let’s calm you down.’
He whispered those soft words into your hair as he yanked your body up and into his arms. He began applying as much desperate aftercare as he could; stroking your hair, kissing your neck and cheeks, stroking over and gently rubbing your muscles until the weakness in them subsided.
He held you with the utmost care while you struggled to recover from your orgasm. It was a big ask to compartmentalize all of the sweet arousal you’d just barely tasted.
‘Mig, you… b-but you didn’t fini—’
‘I’ll be fine, arañita’ Mig whispered. He was already carefully concealing his erection, letting it subside back into the little slot in which it was usually hidden. He was sweating from the strain, yes, but he had some control.
‘Mig, the rut—’
‘I have your slick covering my phallus with your scent’ he very bluntly murmured into the curve of your ear, causing you to shiver. ‘I wreak of you, arañita. That is enough for me right now. At least… It will tide me over, until I can get you home properly.’
You managed a small, slightly breathy giggle. ‘And then I’ll be your little cum dumpster, huh?’ you teased back. Mig purred.
‘You will be a good mate’ he whispered, ‘and you will do your duty by me, I’m sure.’
‘And that duty is?’
He leaned closer, gently nipping your earlobe. ‘Being, as you so brazenly put it, my little cum dumpster.’
You may have given in and fucked him right there in the closet space if Miguel hadn’t called out once more, drawing you back to the present.
‘Hey! Mig?’
You both gave a slightly similar sigh. You knew this was your own doing, and you couldn’t exactly be mad at Miguel. You just couldn’t wait for this stupid serum to be done.
‘Alright, come on. Let’s go get back to work’ you whispered. Without another word you began frantically pulling your suit back into place, and once you were both relatively dressed and presentable you silently crept back out into the main officer together.
‘Mig?! Ay! Are you—Oh. Oh… ¡Ey, que la chingada!’
Miguel raised both hands to his face as you both sheepishly appeared from behind the loose paneling. He didn’t need to ask what you were doing.
‘In my office!’ he snapped. ‘My office— Dios Mio… It’s going to smell, in here, for- hours, if not days!’
‘No, it’s not’ you called back as you hurried over. ‘Calm down.’
‘DON’T—Don’t, tell me to calm down, YOU did this!’ he seethed.
‘We’re—it’s, stressful, with the heat, and- we are very sorry, I swear’ you hissed as you finally caught up to him. Mig remained sheepishly stone-faced at your back.
‘I’m stressed too!’ Miguel replied just as sharply. ‘¿Y que hay de mi? Eh? Nobodies around to relieve my stress, but you don’t see me complaining!’
You and Mig both blinked and glanced at each other before turning back to Miguel in near unison, all while he continued to heave his chest in righteous indignation. You allowed the silence to continue just long enough to make his eyes dart a little.
‘… What? Why are you staring at me like that?’ he hissed.
‘… I mean, are you asking to be involved?’ you replied bluntly. You just barely managed to suppress the urge to giggle as he blanked. The way his eyes widened, the way his lips drew back to flash his fangs in a mixture of intrigue, disgust and confusion. You knew your response would create that exact reaction, but it was funnier to fix him with a neutral expression as he scoffed.
‘You- no!’ he snapped back. ‘No, I wasn’t- no! No!’
‘Are you sure?’ you asked. As you spoke you coyly leaned forward, noting the way his eyes darted over your body. He was forced to physically turn his back on you to avoid being accused of anything unseemly.
‘Tienes una mente bien cochambrosa’ he grumbled under his breath. ‘Look, whatever traits me and him might share, there is one big goddamn difference, and that’s that I’m not a massive pervert.’
‘Aw, but you’re stressed, like you said! Come on, lemme help.’ You continued your teasing as you took a few steps closer. He glanced over his shoulder, catching your little tiptoe motion, and like a frightened deer he stumbled away.
‘What- no!’
‘Yeah, come on! I’ll help you out’ you cooed, your hands stretching out to grab him. He took another step back.
‘What are you- has the heat melted your brain or something?’
Miguel was getting more and more heated as you crept towards him, his irritation betraying the little auburn glow in his eyes and cheeks. Your eyes crinkled with joy; you could practically smell his inner thoughts, and he could definitely smell you.
‘Come ‘ere, Miggy’ you cooed again.
‘No! I will- I will subdue you! I’m warning you!’ he hissed, which only made you giggle more. You continued forward, and with each step you took Miguel scurried in the opposite direction. It was almost absurd to see that enormous, terrifying hybrid of a man fleeing from you in circles around his office, like a kitten chasing a guard dog.
‘I’m serious! If you don’t stop—’
‘Come on, come here!’
‘YOU- Hey, pendejo! Control your- mate!’
Miguel made a desperate plea to Mig as you both sped around his body, but Mig was enjoying himself at this point. ‘They are correct. You did say you were stressed’ he purred back, which caused Miguel to sneer at him.
With a grunt of exasperation Miguel sank his claws into the wall and began frantically climbing, forgetting that you could use your webs to follow. You pursued him up into the rafters and back down again, all while Mig watched with a smile on his face and his hands clasped in his lap.
You knew Miguel could have genuinely ended the chase immediately. He could have used a light cage, a web, anything really, but he didn’t. He let you chase him until you were exhausted, too tired to even finish swinging from the web you’d slung, and only then did he grab you by the nape and carry you back down himself.
He handed you over to Miguel like a stray cat, unceremoniously dumping you into his lap.
‘You are both a strain on my existence, and if I could I would have you both exiled to a barren universe where nobody would ever hear from you again’ he said in a totally deadpan voice, which only drove you into another fit of breathless giggling. Mig, too, chuckled a little in response.
‘No, come on. You love us’ you cooed back.
‘I hate you both. Sincerely. With absolute determination, in every universe.’
‘No, don’t lie! You love us!’
‘Dios mio— Alright. You, you—’ Miguel said, pausing just to point his claw in your face. ‘Yes, you, go help Jess with the Halloween party.’
‘What?! But—’
‘You are distracting my co-worker’ Miguel slowly repeated, cutting off any excuse you might have made. ‘You can mess around after our work is done. So, you know what? You’re taking over my Halloween duties. Got that?’
You instinctively shot Mig a look, expecting him to argue on your behalf, but the moment you locked eyes you realized he was technically right. Mig wanted you, badly, but he wanted to finish his work too. After a moment of silent conversation, you relented.
‘Alright’ you sighed, ‘alright, fine. I’ll go do the stupid party work.’
‘Good. Thank you’ Miguel said, though he clearly tacked the apology onto the end at the last minute. You took it regardless.
‘Actually, that means I can go get my costume’ you mused as you grabbed up your bags. ‘I’ll come show it to you later, you’re gonna LOVE it!’
‘I’m sure I will, arañita. Be careful’ Mig hummed back.
You reluctantly bumped foreheads with him, giving each other a very quick kiss to avoid starting up any more unwanted urges, and with that you hurried out of the room to go find Jess.
Mig watched you go with a slightly melancholic expression. He was doing a good job of hiding how badly he wanted you, how painful the rut was as it went unfulfilled, but he was less adept at hiding how much he missed you in general. He pined openly as he stared at the empty space where you’d been.
‘Come on, back to work’ Miguel snapped over his shoulder. He tossed him a pair of safety glasses to snap him back to reality, and after watching the enormous spider struggle to catch them he slipped on his own.
Mig paused and glanced between the glasses and the empty doorway, but he only allowed himself a moment to disassociate. After a few seconds of thought he obediently slipped the glasses on and got back into position at the desk.
‘Yes, sir.’
The two managed to work in silence for about a half hour, but there was a strange tension in the air that was hard to place. They were struggling to focus on their calculations or on the prep required to run the next test. Despite their attempts to hunker down and focus, it seemed inevitable that one of them would break the silence.
‘… You okay?’
It was Miguel who spoke first. Mig paused on his calculations and turned to glance at his counterpart, carefully shifting his glasses down so he could see him better.
‘Yep. You’re the only one here, bud.’
‘… Yes. I am, fine’ Mig replied cautiously. ‘Are you, okay?’
‘… Why do you ask?’
Miguel grunted and withdrew after soldering a single piece of metal together. He, too, raised his glasses, and fixed Mig with a veiled glare. ‘… I mean you were, copulating in my office’ he said bluntly.
‘… Ah. Right. Yes. I—Should apologize for that, I suppose’ Mig mumbled. He didn’t drop his eyes the same way you did, but he looked bashful enough to seem sincere. ‘I swear it was not personal, this time, I wasn’t trying to—’
‘Yeah, I know’ Miguel sighed. ‘You’re just two stupid rabbits. I got it.’
Mig didn’t reply. He held onto that silence for a minute or so more before Miguel spoke again.
‘… Three, stupid rabbits. I know I can’t keep discounting myself.’
‘Mm. I do not, blame you for discounting yourself. I know our nature is frowned upon’ Mig replied in a kinder tone, one that irritated Miguel. He couldn’t stand Mig’s gentle nature. He knew, deep down, he didn’t deserve it.
‘Let’s just… focus on the experiment’ he grunted. Mig gave a curt nod, and he turned back to the table.
But they both knew that they couldn’t actually stay silent.
‘I think… if we try it this way, we might be able to get over that final 1% hurdle’ Miguel said after a minute's silence.
‘Mm. I hope so. I have high hopes for these next few trials’ Mig purred, giving his abdomen a happy little wiggle. ‘It has been a hard wait, but, I will be grateful to have it finished. I will be grateful for the help you offered. To finally be with mi arañita…’
‘Yep. You’ll get everything’ Miguel murmured. ‘If this works… You’ll get everything we both wanted.’
Mig’s purring dulled as he gazed over at his counterpart. ‘… You, make it sounds as if you are jealous of that fact.’
‘Do I? I hadn’t noticed.’
Miguel’s sudden, sarcastic tone caught Mig off guard. Miguel’s face hardened as he tried to maintain that cold façade, but even that quickly fell apart. He couldn’t stay mad at his big, stupid variant anymore, not now.
‘… Yeah, I’m jealous’ he murmured.
‘But, why?’
‘You know why.’
‘I’m aware we had our troubles, yes. But I don’t understand why you would still be envious of me now.’
Miguel scoffed a little, which only urged Mig to get closer. He bent his front legs to peer at Miguel with earnest eyes.
‘Is it still mi arañita? Do you—’
‘No! Not—’ Miguel paused and instinctively raised his hand. ‘Sorry, that sounds defensive. Ah.’
He ran that same hand down his face with a sigh. ‘It’s not. At least not… I mean I’m not, envious of your relationship to them, but… Perhaps, maybe I am envious that you have someone.’
‘Right. I see.’
‘It all, just… works for you. It works out for you’ Miguel grumbled, his hand slowly sliding back down to his side. ‘And I don’t know why.’
‘That seems an unfair assessment’ Mig replied quietly. ‘You are, implying that my life has somehow been notably easier than yours.’
Miguel opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it.
‘I used to think you were the better of us all’ Mig said when Miguel failed to speak for himself. ‘You were the most human. The most adjusted. You had friends, co-workers, your… your, Dana was still alive, even if now gone.’
‘I’m sorry’ Miguel grumbled reluctantly. He couldn’t look Mig in the eye as he said it, but he managed to force it out. ‘I am. I didn’t—mean to imply that.’
‘It’s okay’ Mig purred. ‘In that mandatory therapy you made us go to, I… Came to understand a lot about my perception of you. You were everything that I wasn’t. A hybrid who passed for human, surrounded by people. And I hated you for it, but, I didn’t hate you—’
‘Well, you did. You hated me. For, justified reasons, I will add.’
Mig purred a mild chuckle in response. ‘Yes, I hated you after you tried to interfere. But I know why you did, perhaps better than anybody else. I liked rubbing it in your face, that I had achieved something unique and beautiful, because I put all of my misgivings onto you.’
In almost near synchronicity their smiles faded.
‘… Yeah’ Miguel murmured back. ‘Yeah. I see what you’re getting at.’
For a few minutes the two were silent. Miguel continued running logistics while Mig watched the screen, keeping track of the numbers as they flew past. For a while Miguel wanted desperately to pretend that he could leave the conversation there, but, that was a fools hope.
After testing a few logistics he paused the screen and gripped his desk for stability. Mig watched him with unblinking focus.
‘I tried to have a family. Even a, tiny little piece of a family, for myself… and I failed’ Miguel murmured. The cold blue light of the screen danced across his expression, filling in the hardened trauma lines in his face. The shadows in his brow and nose were sharpened under that dead light.
‘I failed. There was only one universe where I was happy, and I lost it, because—’
Miguel paused, unable to continue with that line of thought. Mig just purred.
‘Did you never wonder why?’ Miguel said, his voice barely a whisper. He sounded like a child re-calling their nightmare to their parent.
‘Why we suffer?’ Miguel hissed. ‘Did you never wonder why? Why every O’Hara has to suffer, alone? Why there was only one universe where one of us was happy, and even there he… even he… and I…’
Miguel bit his tongue and went totally still, his eyes wild. Mig allowed him a few more moments of silence before speaking again.
‘… I pondered that thought all the time’ Mig murmured back. He turned to gaze at the screen, seeing the little snippets of video flashing in the corner. He could see you, making your way down the beams, and it made his heart ache.
‘I pondered it before I came here. Why did I have to turn, why did my loved ones have to go, why did I have to be left alone? I’d ponder it every night as I looked at the stars, playing my silk strings, wondering why I didn’t deserve better.’
‘I always said, I created interdimensional travel to try and keep things on the straight and narrow. To, fix everyone’s stupid little mistakes’ Miguel said, more to himself than to Mig. ‘But I don’t think that was true. I don’t think that’s very honest.’
He caught a glimpse of the same video Mig was watching then, and he froze up. He saw that little girl tossing the football around, beaming and smiling at the camera with mud on her face. His little girl.
His expression darkened, and he swiped the video away.
‘I did it to fix my existence. To find somewhere better.’
‘And you did, did you not?’ Mig replied.
Miguel scowled until the red light of his eyes was reflected onto his cheeks like tear stains. ‘… I did something, that’s for sure’ he replied. He ran another hand down his face as he mulled over the choices he’d made, and the choices he was about to make.
‘If this serum works…. We are going against fate by doing this’ Miguel said slowly. ‘We are, testing the very limits of what fate allows.’
‘You talk of fate as if it’s a real thing’ Mig replied. Miguel’s scowl deepened.
‘… What if it is?’
The two men glanced at each other in unison. The two were now barely a few inches apart, with the monitor light perfectly highlighting their differences. Mig’s soft, hopeful eyes against Miguel’s dark, narrowed hopelessness. Red like blood, and red like the sunset, fixed on each other in the silence.
‘There is no such thing as fate’ Mig said directly to Miguel’s face. ‘There is no fate. There is a universal series of likelihoods, that are numerically inescapable. They must exist, in a world with infinite possibilities. In every universe, for us to exist as we are, as hybrids, as monsters, there must be suffering. It’s not fate. It’s just the same, sad event, playing over and over again. But after that event… There are a million choices to make.’
Miguel narrowed his eyes further as Mig spoke. He clenched his fists and let the squeak of leather stretching fill the silence.
‘Then why does it still all go wrong?’ Miguel hissed.
‘Because bad things happen’ Mig replied matter-of-factly.
‘Bullshit. This is more than just- regular bad things. You can tell me what happened to us is just, regular bad!’
‘No. Some people, have it worse, I admit—’
‘Much, worse. Much worse!’
‘Okay. Much worse. Yes. I concede that.’
The two fell into a slightly awkward silence as Miguel tried to soothe his temper. It was his only coping mechanism
‘All I meant, is… Bad things will always happen. But the good still happened too. No matter what happens from here… I will be grateful for the time I had’ Mig said softly.
‘Do you really think, you could lose this, and still be happy?’ Miguel argued back, though his tone had also softened. ‘Really?’
That thought drew Mig to pause. He tapped his little fluffy paws on the floor of the office, as he tried to decide how to respond. In the end, he did what he always did: he spoke the painful truth.
‘No’ he whispered. ‘No. I could never be happy again if I lost them.’
Miguel didn’t reply with words. He just gave his own somber nod of agreement. Despite the nice platitudes, despite wanting to altruistically believe they could be calm and composed enough to accept their fates with grace, both of them knew what loss could do.
In the end, there was only one thing Miguel could think to offer.
‘Okay. Come on, I’ll handle the last of this. I can run the last few tests by myself with Lyla. The Halloween party should be starting in a few hours, just um- just, you go and help them out. They probably got themselves lost. Tonto.’
‘But, Miguel, I want to help—’
‘That’s an order’ Miguel said, sharply cutting off Mig’s retort.
The two stared at each other for a moment longer, almost as if they could speak without saying a word. Their eyes were locked.
Part of Mig wanted to say no. He didn’t want to leave his work, he didn’t want to wait. He also, deep, deep down, didn’t necessarily trust Miguel fully yet. What if it was a trick? What if Miguel used this as leverage to sabotage the test? After all, it’s what he’d have done in the past.
But the more he looked at Miguel, the more he doubted those fears. He looked so irritated, the stubborn fool, but he looked so open too. So genuine in his annoyance that he was allowing himself to do this kindness. There was no quiet pride, or any façade of politeness to hide his intentions. He really wanted to do something nice, and he hated himself for it.
Eventually, just as you’d done, Mig relented. He bowed his head and agreed to go, but not before giving Miguel an awkward clap on the shoulder.
‘Thank you, amigo.’
Miguel flinched at the new nickname. It caught him so off guard he nearly snorted out loud.
‘You, wh… Shut up! Jesus, you tried to fuck in my office behind my back, don’t start with that. Get out. Go on.’
To save face Miguel quickly snapped and pushed Mig’s hand aside, though there was no genuine fire in his words. Even Mig could pick that up. ‘Very well. I shall see you later, then. Take care’ Mig added, before turning and padding his way out of the office in hot pursuit of wherever you’d gotten off to.
Miguel was left alone, hands clasped to his desk, trying to hide the bemused and confused expression on his face. He hadn’t even noticed his claws had sunk into the desk.
‘Tonto’ he hissed beneath his breath, and with cheeks now burnt a soft shade of auburn red he returned to his work.
Link to next part!
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A Fortunate Mistake II has been updated, finally, thank y'all for your patience ily v much hehe please enjoy 💗
#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel o'hara fanfiction#miguel x reader#miguel o'hara x you#afm#a fortunate mistake
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Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader (+18)
You're alone with your new boss Miguel in his office, and you decide to finally ask a question you've been harboring for a while: Is he really a vampire?

CW/Content: Description of blood, Miguel has a blood-drinking/cannibalism fetish, Mutual masturbation, messy kissing, consensual kink, dirty talk, hand job/clitoral stimulation. Notes: hiiii I'm back finally, back to writing anyway, life beat me half to death but I'm back and I'm horny. hope yall enjoy
‘Are you really a vampire, boss?’
Miguel flinched, his enormous body going rigid midway through typing. He’d been about to send a message to Lyla when that question was asked, but now suddenly all of his iron-tight focus was gone. With narrowed eyes he turned and glanced down at you, the person who’d asked such an odd question out of nowhere.
‘Am… Am I a really a vampire? Is that what you just asked me?’ he replied back in a cool, slightly cold voice.
You were both up on his floating desk, with you dangling your legs over the side into the gloomy abyss below while he basked in the warm, orange light of his desk monitors. While he turned to glance down at you, you didn’t return the favor, and continued to stare at the slightly misty darkness below.
‘That’s what I asked boss, that is correct’ you replied.
Miguel grunted, his lip curling ever so slightly. He was trying to be polite, he really was, but he was regretting more and more letting Lyla hire someone to help out with the mundane chores around his office. Maybe if she’d just hired someone… quieter… this wouldn’t be such a hassle, but instead, he was stuck with you.
When you beamed up at him again, he pinched the bridge of his nose.
‘No puedo más’, he hissed under his breath, ‘no! No, I’m not a vampire.’ He was trying to speak diplomatically but the intensity in his voice remained, that sharp authoritative bark that usually made people listen.
‘It’s not an issue if you are, I don’t mind’ you said cheerily.
I don’t believe you, Miguel thought to himself, though he didn’t say it.
‘Oh, good. Great. Well, I’ll keep that in mind if we ever do become a real vampire, won’t I?’ Miguel replied in that slightly sarcastic tone.
‘Boss, I’m serious’ you said again, lightly rolling your shoulders as you lay back down across the floor of his floating desk. You could see his body above you, so lean and powerful, and yet you showed no fear or concern.
‘I’m just… curious’ you continued. ‘I’ve heard the other newer members saying it, and, you know. It’s an odd rumor if true.’
‘Who did you hear saying such things?’
His sharp tone made you flinch, and you awkwardly hunched your shoulders. ‘Uh- just, a few people’ you said, not wishing to snitch anyone out. ‘They mentioned it a few times, enough times for me to think it wasn’t just a joke. So, I wanted to ask. That’s all.’
‘Eso es ridículo… No, I’m not a vampire’ Miguel finally grunted, his sharp features glowing in the light of his monitors. ‘I have fangs, and red eyes, but not- that’s not because I’m a vampire.’
‘So, what did cause that?’ you piped up. ‘The uh- fangs, and stuff. Because nobody else here has those traits, right?’
Miguel’s eye twitched as he strained to be polite. ‘I was mutated with a spider. That’s why. No vampirism, nothing supernatural, just… spider.’
‘Riiggghhtt, but… Spiders are cannibals, right? Quite famously’ you replied smoothly. He hissed, his head spinning until you caught just a glimpse of his eye. It was burning red, almost glowing.
‘What do you- can we please stop this?’ he snapped.
You flinched only a little at his sharp retort. He was usually polite, and restrained, even when irritated, but that sudden burst of anger betrayed something more serious. You slowly raised your hands. ‘Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Really, I’m- sorry.’
Miguel curtly nodded and returned to his desk, but now he couldn’t focus. He couldn’t get it off his mind.
Could you tell? Could you somehow see his deepest, grossest inner thoughts? The thoughts he hated?
The instincts that made him salivate at the thought of soft flesh in his mouth, of licking the sweat aside and smearing the skin with venom to numb it, so their breath wouldn’t catch, so they wouldn’t scream, so he could feel that soft skin puncture and give way to his fangs, letting him in, letting him deep inside, filling his mouth with—
Miguel blinked himself back to reality. He glanced down; he’d gotten so carried away he’d sunk his claws into his desk, piercing right through the metal. He slowly retracted them.
Another reminder that he wasn’t human, he thought sourly.
But you didn’t scream or look at him in disgust. That’s what he was used to. Instead, you looked genuinely concerned. ‘Boss, hey, look I didn’t- I didn’t wanna upset you’ you said, keeping a low voice. ‘I was genuinely asking before, not in like a morbidly curious way, I just… I don’t know. I wanted to be, considerate, if that was the case. I wasn’t trying to be cruel.’
Miguel scowled. ‘Calling it a… vampire thing, or, implying I am a vampire, that… How is that not going to come across as cruel?’
‘Well vampire isn’t necessarily a bad thing’ you argued back, ‘I didn’t mean it like—’
His cold, sharp stare drew you to silence, and you pursed your lips.
‘No, you’re right. You’re right! You are, I’m- I’m sorry. I am, really.’
Miguel stared down at you as you apologized. His lip was still curled a little, his brows knotted, but they started to loosen when he saw the sincerity in your expression.
‘… I’m, not used to anyone not being morbidly curious’ he muttered quietly. ‘Or, disgusted, or afraid, or—’
‘Jesus! No, I’m not disgusted or afraid. I mean look! I’m here, on your platform, no escape. Eh? That’d be a weird thing for me to do if I thought you were an evil bloodthirsty beast.’
Your cheery tone and smile faded a little as he shot you another disapproving look, but this time he didn’t snap or turn away. Instead, he coughed into his fist, and began a very curt explanation.
‘Hm. Look, I was mutated with a spider, physically, and it… gave me some, unusual traits. More, primal traits, I guess. I’m not some rabid animal though.’
‘I know, I know. I never said rabid’ you replied, suddenly very eager that Miguel was actually responding. ‘Just… Do you, need to engage in certain types of, ‘consumption’ so to speak?’ you asked softly.
‘I don’t… Need to, I don’t think’ he muttered back, awkwardly swiping a few holograms aside. ‘But, it- the rumors come from the fact that, it gives me some… Urges.’
You nodded along slowly, trying desperately to manage your growing excitement. Yes, yes, urges. Urges. That’s why you were here.
‘Hm… Do you, get the urge to eat people, then? Or is that an unfair rumor?’ you asked, trying to keep it light and polite as you buried your desires down.
Miguel grunted softly. ‘… Sort of’ he murmured. ‘My instinct goes against my better nature, sometimes. So, I try to… keep them in balance.’
‘How so?’
Miguel swallowed. He shouldn’t be talking about this.
‘I, uh… I desire, certain, non-lethal things’ he murmured, speaking as stiffly and awkwardly as possible to cover up how he felt.
But you just kept pushing. You wanted more.
‘Right… So, for example… Biting?’ you said, whispering that last word ever so softly.
Just the word made Miguel almost involuntarily hiss. His spine arched by an inch and his hand balled itself into a fist as he fought to maintain control, to not act on his awful desire and snap his teeth and imagine that soft, soft, sweet neck in his maw-
‘R-Right. Yeah. Biting. You could say, biting is, appealing. But- I believe most, adults find some level of biting attractive’ he argued back.
‘Sure… Sure, I’d agree with that’ you murmured, your voice involuntarily slipping. You’d seen his slip, his flash of a fang, and now you wanted more. ‘I’d agree with that… But, some people are into, more, than just biting.’
Miguel tried so hard to not be obvious as his dark, glowering eyes moved down towards your body. The way you were sitting, the way you coyly arched your head to stare at the distant floor so you didn’t make eye contact
Were you… flirting? Was HE flirting?
‘Do they?’ Miguel murmured, slowly unbaling his fists. You could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head, like a mouse finally sensing a cat in the shadows, and the fear was exactly what you’d hoped it would be.
This was delicious. This was ecstasy.
‘Y-Yeah’ you replied softly, letting your voice deliberately drop. You heard his curious little grunt in response.
‘And what do you mean by that, exactly?’ he replied, his voice slow and sharp. You heard his accent slip out a little, as if he was holding something back. You swallowed hard.
‘Some people… Might be, interested, in your traits’ you replied.
‘How so?’
His persistent, sharp questions made your gut do flips every single time. He could almost smell your primal response, but he wanted more.
‘Some people… Might enjoy the idea of being bitten, like you said, just as much as you enjoy doing it.’
‘I never said I enjoy it.’
Your fists tightened on the edge of the floating office, as you forced your next statement out.
‘No… No, but, I also never asked’ you murmured.
The two of you went silent then, with nothing to fill the void but the slow dripping of water somewhere in the enormous cavern of his office.
‘… Do you enjoy biting?’ you asked after a minute or so. Miguel narrowed his eyes, but you caught him slowly licking his upper lip.
‘… Yes.’
You hid the instinctive shudder that went up your spine at that curt response, and instead asked another question. Keep going. Keep going. You’re so close.
‘Do you, like the idea of drinking blood?’
Miguel shivered as he came to stand behind you, his arms folded over his chest. He stared down at your head, breathing in that sweet scent. It took all his inner strength to now bend down and huff your nape.
‘Yes’ he replied softly. ‘I do.’
‘Do you have, preferences, for blood? Does some taste better than others?’
He managed to chuckle at that.
‘Yes. I’d say so.’
‘… Do you think I’d taste good?’
That question hung in the air like a physical weight, hot and heavy and thick. Miguel felt his muscles tense. He was like a cat in the long grass, instinctively crouching as it smelled the potential of prey.
Slowly he turned and glanced down at you, your body still perfectly perched on the rim of his floating office. You met his gaze without fear. You looked coy, perhaps, but… not afraid. You weren’t joking either.
He’d felt his own prey drive before, but he’d never seen his prey sitting, staring, meeting him with equally hungry eyes.
You watched Miguel lick his lower lip, flashing just an inch of fang. His keen senses picked up the way your body shivered at the sight. ‘…Oh, yes’ he whispered. ‘I think you would. I’d- need to smell you first though.’
Stop. Stop, what are you doing?! His brain screamed at him to withdraw, to cough and dismiss what he’d said as a bad joke, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Not when you shivered like that.
‘… You wanna smell?’ you murmured back, idly tilting your neck. He saw the soft gleam of your bare skin and had to swallow down his increased saliva.
‘… This is, incredibly unprofessional’ he whispered back. God, his voice was so deep. He sounded tortured.
‘I’m aware’ you replied in the same soft, tender voice. You were speaking like someone talking down an angry animal. ‘We can always stop, if you want. But the offer is on the table.’
Miguel was still only for a moment. As his resolve crumbled, he dropped to his knees beside you, his hand outstretched and his head tilted as he silently requested your cooperation. You obliged.
You bent your neck and tilted it to the side, giving him access to the fine hairs on your nape. You couldn’t help your breath hitching as you sensed his size at your back. Those glowing red eyes, the way he had to look down at you even on his knees.
He kept his eyes fixed on your own for as long as he could while leaning in, letting you see his intent right up until the warmth of his breath hit your neck. You shuddered, and in response, he purred.
You felt the tip of his nose hit your nape, and with a soft growl, he breathed in.
And then he moaned.
You shivered openly at the sound. It was deep, guttural, fully instinctual, and it only got worse when he saw your body respond. You felt his nose sliding up your neck and into your hair as his lips found your skin; they were full and warm, slightly rough on your soft flesh.
He paused there, huffing your hair, his eyes open just a slither to see how you responded. When you remained still, your lips parted and your own moan just barely tittering on your lips, he moved again.
He licked you. His large, flat tongue just barely flicked at your nape, tasting your flavor profile through the sweat beading on your skin, and he growled with approval.
‘Mm… Qué rico’ he whispered against your ear. ‘Yeah. You’d taste good. Real good… So, rich. I bet your blood is, thick.’
In that moment he lost any resolve he’d been trying to maintain, and he indulged. He whispered those filthy forbidden words against your skin between breathy kisses, and you took it all.
‘Mm… So thick… I bet if I pierced here, I wouldn’t even need to suck. Hng… y-yeah. Yeah, it’d just, slide down my throat, so warm, so sweet’ he moaned.
‘Y-You just, wanna bite my neck?’ you whimpered. ‘Nothing else?’
‘Oh I’d bite everything’ he groaned. ‘Every little bit… But the neck, that’s my favorite. I want to feel your pulse, I want to feel you squirming. Mm…’
‘Y-You want me to squirm?’
‘Maybe just a little’ he cooed, almost crooning a little as he kissed your jaw. ‘But I want you to savor it. I want you soft, and still, and moaning. God, I want to feel that moan in your throat when I bite it. I want to taste it…’
‘Would you, rip it all out? Get too, frisky with it?’ you moaned back, your voice shaking with excitement.
‘Oh, I’d love to’ he hissed, another low groan echoing in his thick throat. ‘I’d tear into you like butter. It’d be too easy… Too easy… Just one, good bite, and you’d be nothing but flesh in my mouth. I’d have to drink you fast You’d be all mine, all mine.’
You let out a soft whimper and tried to turn, trying to face him, to see him.
‘Yes, please—’
You jolted to a stop as he grasped your nape, refusing to let you turn. He couldn’t allow it, at least, not now. He couldn’t let you see that he was rock hard, his erect cock straining almost painfully against his suit where he was trying to suppress it.
The smell, the softness, the taste… he couldn’t help it. He told himself he just couldn’t help it. Not when you moaned like that.
He held you steady, gripping your skin like a cat holding a kitten, and slowly he began to scent you again. He peppered kisses up and down your neck.
‘Mm… Shh, that’s it. That’s what you wanted, right, you little brat?’ he purred. ‘You just wanted to rile me up to get some—’
‘Would you… Would you eat me all at once?’ you blurted.
Miguel paused only briefly to glance at you, realizing that you wanted to keep going. You wanted to go further, not just with the physical play, but with the talk of eating. He felt almost a flicker of pride. He thought you’d drop his strange fetish the moment you got a little taste of his strength, his body, as everyone else did, but you… no. You really were different.
‘Oh, no, mi tesoro’ he whispered right into your ear. ‘No, no. I could. But that’d be a waste. You’re far too precious.’
You whined as he began sliding his tongue around the ridge beneath your ear, sliding up and then down to your neck, peppering kisses as he went. ‘I’d… I’d keep you going for as long as I could. My own little personal blood bank. I’d keep you in my private quarters, I think, and I’d chain you up above my bed, to keep the blood flowing, and… Oh, I’d indulge. I’d indulge in you. I’d drink from you until you were right on the verge of passing out, and then I’d let you recover, and then I’d do it again. Like you’re my cow, my little broodmare, my delicious little pet.’
At his response, you could hold back no longer. With no regard for professionalism you slid your hand down to your painfully swollen clit, still covered by your pants, and you circled it with one finger.
Miguel’s eyes widened so hard that the red glow began to reflect on your bare shoulder, drawing your gaze back to him. You locked eyes.
Miguel didn’t dare blink. He stared at your face, then your hand, then your barely covered crotch, then your eyes again. Your eyes moved from his face to his crotch, to the thick mass twitching beneath his suit. A low, barely discernible breath escaped his parted lips.
He raised his hand, and in front of your eyes, he grasped his own shaft, giving it a small, teasing stroke.
‘Slowly’ he whispered in that dark, husky voice. ‘Slowly… Eat you, slowly.’
‘Skin, and bone, and blood’ you whined back.
He groaned, hard, and you saw his cock fully twitch in his hand. With no resolve left he pressed to phase away his suit at the groin, allowing his hefty cock to fall free.
‘Skin and bone and blood and all.’
He hissed those words back as he fisted his own shaft in front of you. It was thick and curved, notably veiny, and you could see he was already profusely leaking. Either he was an extremely virile man or a pent-up one, and both thoughts excited you.
With a heavy breath you continued gently playing with yourself, letting him watch as his hard, calloused hand worked his girth back and forth.
‘Y-You could eat little pieces of me too’ you whimpered. ‘A finger, o-or my foot—’
‘Mm, foot. That’d be so greedy’ he moaned. His cock throbbed in your delicate grip. ‘Mm… I’d eat little pieces until you couldn’t escape me…’
‘W-Why would I ever want to escape?’
‘Oh, right. Right.’ Miguel purred as he spoke, suddenly fixing you with a slightly cocky, eerie smirk, flashing his fangs your way. He leaned in and watched as you melted.
‘You want this, right? You want that perfect, pretty body in my maw.’
You shuddered and moaned right against his face. As he continued to pant, as his lips parted to flash those thick, pearly canines, you leaned in and coyly let your tongue slip out. He released a low, curious growl in response, as if unsure of what you wanted.
He leaned closer, always moving slowly, and gently nipped your tongue with his fangs. A single, pearly drop of blood formed, causing him to groan. You moaned in response, but you weren’t satisfied with just that.
Instead, you leaned in closer too, and gently licked his fang. You ran your tongue along the smooth surface before coiling around to the curved underside of the tooth, licking at his slightly swollen venom glands until a little bit leaked out.
His eyes were wide as he felt you massaging him, milking him like a snake, taking those little drops and swallowing them down your gullet
It wasn’t enough to paralyze you, just enough to make you feel a little woozy and lightheaded. It tingled a little in your toes. It felt warm. You drank more.
Miguel watched for as long as he could before he was forced to break. Just the sight of you swallowing his venom, so soft and submissive, was almost enough to make him bust right then and there. He had to release his shaft to avoid stimulating himself too far.
‘Mm… mm…’
With a soft shudder his eyes closed, and he widened his jaw to let you in deeper. You obliged.
You continued like this, panting into each other’s mouths, your eyes both reflecting the same shared fantasy: one where you weren’t co-workers, one where you weren’t bound by appearances, where he could grab you by the nape and claw you body back up to his apartment where he’d fuck and lick and bite until you were barely coherent.
When you withdrew it was only because you were too close to orgasming, and you refused to stop the fun this quickly. Who knew when you’d get the chance again? So instead, you kept indulging.
‘W-What would be your favorite part to eat?’
Miguel almost purred at the thought, his tongue now eagerly tasting the saliva you’d left on his fang.
‘Mm… Your thighs’ he murmured dreamily. ‘Oh, I bet they’re delicious. So, soft, so… full. So rich. I couldn’t even save them for last. I’d eat them first…’
Without giving you a chance to reply he kissed you. You squeaked at first but quickly conceded, letting his rough, heavy lips crash into your own.
‘Taste so- fucking good, ah, mierda, muy rico’ he hissed between kisses, ‘me encanta, mm… tan suave.’
He gave you a few more hard, passionate kisses before grabbing your jaw and yanking it open, holding your lips open so his tongue could slip in. He was fisting his cock furiously now, with his tongue tasting every inch of your mouth and his claws digging into your skin. You just lay back and took it, feeling your climax growing closer and closer with every touch.
‘Mmm! Mm, so f-fucking good.’
When Miguel finally pulled back he was panting, and his lip was red. He’d bitten your lip so hard it’d started to bleed, and now he was almost angrily licking it up.
‘Mmm, yeah…’
His full tongue fell out and lapped at your neck, leaving a long, wet trail of saliva and venom across the skin.
‘Estás riquísimo, mm… te quiero.’
You didn’t even need to speak. It was like you both knew what the other wanted. Without words you swapped hands, with your fingers grasping his bare cock while his slid down your work pants and found your clit.
You both fell down onto the floor of his office and began to stroke the other, frantically pumping and circling as you both swelled and throbbed in near unison.
‘That’s it, that’s it. J-Just, think about my teeth under your skin’ Miguel groaned, his needy lips still sucking on your neck. You struggled not to scream. His fingers were huge, calloused and warm, and they felt like heaven as they slid between your lips and carefully massaged your swollen clit.
‘I’d pierce fast, so it didn’t hurt—’
‘NO, no, make it hurt’ you pleaded, your hips bucking up against his finger. His smirk widened.
‘Oh, you want it to hurt, huh? Putita/o? Me gusta el dolor…’
‘Y-Yes, fuck yeah, I bet you do—M-Make it hurt, god, make it hurt. Make it slow. Make me plead for it!’
‘Y-Yeah, yeah, beg for me’ he moaned, his cock twitching in your hand. You could feel his fangs rolling your skin as he licked at it, almost as if edging the possibility of sinking right in. ‘Mm, beg for it. I want you to beg me to eat you.’
‘Beg… Y-Yeah… P-Please, please, I want you to bite me’ you pleaded. ‘I-I want it, please—’
‘Oh, I’ll bite you’ he hissed, giving a teasing little nip to your neck. ‘I’ll bite you, and I’ll swallow, and I’ll do whatever I want with you. Every bit of flesh on your body is mine, your bones are mine, and I’ll do whatever the fuck I want with you.’
Your sweet, breathy moan gave him such a rush. Yes, yes, you wanted it. You wanted HIM.
‘You like that, eh? Puta/o? You want that?’ he hissed.
‘Y-Yeah… Yeah, yeah, all yours’ you panted back. ‘All yours…’
‘All mine. All mine. I’ll bite you, and I’ll taste you, but only ever when I’m inside you. I want you to feel me pumping you, feeling you, with my teeth in your neck. I want you to feel them both. I want you to know I’m in your body in every conceivable way. I’ll swallow you down and fill you with my love, mi tesoro, I’ll love you from your flesh to your blood to the marrow in your bones, I’ll worship every inch of your body, and I’ll make it all mine.’
He started to speed up as the heat of his own fantasy took over. Soon he was groaning into your ear, almost crying every sweet word as he massaged your clit. He was pumping his hips now, practically rutting into your hand.
‘I’ll fuck you while I drink from you’ he moaned, his voice now echoing through his office. ‘Y-Yeah. Little whore. Puta/o. I’ll love you, and I’ll use you. I’ll fuck you so hard, until you can barely walk, I’ll unload in this pretty little cunt until you can’t move, you’ll take every last drop, and I’ll sink into your neck when I cum and let your blood fill my mouth— This is mine¸ you’re all MINE—’
With a final shaky groan Miguel shuddered and nearly spasmed, and you realized he was about to finish. You leaned up and caught his tongue with your own, making eye contact as you open-mouth kissed right at the moment of climax
You both orgasmed nearly simultaneously, both filled with the same mental image of Miguel devouring your neck drop by drop.
Miguel’s cock strained and erupted, squirted thick rope after thick rope all over your lap and hand, a cascade of warm, rich cum so sticky it barely dripped. You, in turn, spasmed and throbbed against his two fingers, letting him hear your pleasure on his own tongue as those sweet, mewling whimpers filled his mouth. He ate them up.
You both throbbed and shuddered together before slowly collapsing into a messy, weak pile, with your clothes soiled and your skin damp with sweat. You withdrew from the kiss and held on to the taste of him in your mouth, and Miguel savored that taste like it was his last meal.
He even licked your spit from where it dangled between your lips, taking it right into his mouth. You whined at the sight.
‘Mm… M-Mmm’ he moaned softly, his eyes fluttering shut. ‘Dios mio… eso se sintió increíble.’
He slowly removed his hand from your pants and dreamily raised it to his lips, where he forced you to watch as he licked his fingers clean. You shivered at the sight of the hunger in his eyes, the way he treated your slick, viscous fluid like a sampling platter.
He treated you like you were delicious, like you were a privilege.
And then you opened his eyes and he looked down at you.
His eyes were all red now. No white, barely any black at all, just red. Red, hungry, predatory eyes, sensing only your pulse beating in your neck and your hot, heavy breath. He let out a guttural purr in the back of his throat.
You were exhausted, sweaty, broken. You couldn’t flee.
He lowered himself to your neck, and you lay back to oblige him.
Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat.
He needed it. He NEEDED it. He was starving, ravenous. He pinned your chest with one clawed hand and moved his lips to your neck.
Eat. Eat. Take. Eat. Take. Eat.
He licked your jugular, feeling your pulse rapidly increasing. He could smell your sweat, he could smell your excitement. Your hand weakly stroked his chest, bidding him to continue.
He opened his maw.
Eat. Take. Fuck. Eat. Take. Fuck. Eat!!
He snapped his jaw open, his fangs extending. He sank them into just the first layer of skin on your neck, and then—
‘Hey, Miguel!’
Both you and Miguel froze on the precipice of pleasure, with his fangs just barely piercing the skin. You knew that voice well enough, and Miguel knew it even better. That was Peter B.
Miguel scowled, his face contorting into a series of angry lines as his eyes burned. He was alight with crimson fire, almost trembling with rage. For a moment he closed his eyes and leaned in closer, as if willing to test Peter’s resolve and see whether he’d just assume Miguel was busy and leave, but unfortunately, his hope was short-lived.
Miguel withdrew and snapped in less than a second, causing you to flinch. You could have sworn you heard Peter flinch too, even all the way down there at the base of the office.
‘We got an emergency call, one of the new guys needs help with an anomy.’
‘No chingues… No me estes jodiendo’ Miguel spat under his breath, before finally pulling away from your neck with extreme reluctance. He had to wipe the growing spittle from his lip where he’d been salivating, smearing green venom across his jaw. You just lay where you were, too overwhelmed to move and too worried you might set him off again.
‘I have to go’ he grunted as he rose to his feet. You watched him phase his full suit back on, covering his bare cock again, which reminded you to glance down at your own utterly soiled clothes.
‘R-Right…’ you murmured back. ‘I, um… Look, I—’
Your attempt to speak was cut short as Miguel bent down and roughly grasped your collar, drawing you up to his face. You felt his lips brush your ear, and into it, he hissed.
‘You will be here, waiting, when I get back. Do you understand me?’ he breathed, almost spitting with intensity. A low, hedonistic groan escaped your lips, one you barely managed to stifle.
‘Mm…. M-Mmhm, mmhm, I understand’ you whispered back.
He gave a single, approving grunt before dropping down from his desk into the open air, his terrifying body vanishing into the dark and the mist.
You stayed where you were, panting and trying to figure out how you could clean the cum from his clothes before he returned.
Though… Then again, from the way he was talking, he probably didn’t want you clean. You felt your face growing warm at the thought.
No. He probably wanted to add more.
#miguel o'hara#miguel o'hara fanfiction#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel x reader#miguel o'hara x you#smut#miguel o'hara smut#vampire smut#18+ only#miguel smut#atsv miguel
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Sorry y’all I’ve been wanting to use this dumb little audio snippet for a while 😅
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Hello, beloved menace ily and your work I really miss AFM Miguel and our children I love the way you write them they are so fun to be around and their dynamic feels so healthy 🥺 just wondering if AFM will be updated soon we were left on a cliffhanger I must know how migs is healing 🥺🥺 but please don't push your self too hard ily hehe
Howdy <3 Yes it's not dead (and neither am I), I want to continue with all my writing, I'm just in a bit of a state still. I'm still recovering from the loss of my cat, it's just kind of drained me physically, and work and housing have suddenly gotten way more intense over the past couple months and it's draining me even more. I do want to finish it, and I intend to, but I'm just writing so slowly it's taking a while. I do hope you guys understand.
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Baby, its cold outside
Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader (+18)
You arrive home after walking through a storm, and Miguel offers to warm you up. Fluff 💗 Smut
‘Hey! Babe, I’m home!’
You instinctively called up as you slipped through the front door to your apartment.
Your hands were freezing. Outside this apartment a winter storm was raging at its fullest, and your hands were chilled to the bone. You’d foolishly forgotten your mittens, despite Miguel’s insistence, and had gone out with only a small scarf and coat.
Your head was damp, your hair soaked, and your shirt was so wet it was stuck to your skin. You could feel goosebumps on every inch of your body, a deep chill that ran through to the soul.
‘Ah, shit…’ you mumbled while stretching and clenching your fingers. They felt stiff, and rigid, almost like they were stuck in cement. You watched them clench and unclench a few more times before glancing around.
No one had replied.
For a moment you felt your heart sink, as the continued silence seemed to imply that Miguel must be out, but right as you were losing hope you heard the distinctive heavy steps of your favorite man plodding down the hallway.
‘Mi amor? Hey, there yo—oh, ay Dios mio- did you get caught in the storm?’
Miguel whipped from affectionately soft to concerned as he rounded the corner towards you. You could see his sweet smile faltering as you came into view, shivering and smiling as best you could.
‘No! No, I’m- it’s fine! It’s fine’ you insisted. You raised both hands instinctively as he approached, trying to play off how chilly you were, only to
Miguel paused about an inch from his body, his head tilted down to look at you. The floor was physically wet beneath your feet, as your coat dripped and your sodden hair hung about your wet forehead.
‘Oh, mi amor—come here.’ With a sympathetic sigh, Miguel drew you in to his chest.
‘No, no—Mig I don’t wanna get you wet—’
You squeaked as he pulled you in regardless, gripping you hard to his chest. His strong arms squeezed you tight as he ran his hands up and down your back, and he let your body soak his shirt through until a tiny little artistic imprint of your body was pressed into the fabric.
Despite your complaints, you melted in his grip, your eyelids fluttering. He felt so, so warm. He must have been taking a nap before you got home…
‘Mi amor… There, there. Pobrecito’ Miguel cooed softly. He let his thumb rub up your waist one or two more times before he finally pulled back, fixing you with his soft red gaze.
‘I’m not a baby, Mig’ you replied with a slight scoff.
‘No, no. Not a baby. A damn fool is what you are’ he said in his sternest voice, to which you rolled your eyes again.
‘Fool- what are you, my dad?’
‘Depends. Do you need a strong masculine figure to tell you what to do?’ Miguel teased, his voice getting a little lower as his lips tilted into a roguish, handsome smile. You snorted.
‘Oh my god- you’re so corny!’
‘Mhm. Okay, just- say that again, but without your teeth chattering this time.’
As Miguel spoke he lowered himself, letting his lips brush your forehead. He chased you as you tried to avoid his gaze.
‘Hey! Ven aquí, ven aquí!’ he chuckled.
‘Be nice or I’ll go back out in the rain!’ you insisted right back, only stopping your little circles when you realized you really were still shivering up a storm. Miguel took the opportunity to nab you, letting his strong, rough hands wrap around your waist.
‘Alright, enough. Come on. Let’s get you in bed before you get sick’ Miguel insisted, and without even waiting for a reply he lifted your body and threw it over his shoulder. To him you barely weighed as much as a cat, and he’d happily pick you up and throw you around all day if he could.
You squeaked as you hit his shoulder, and were left dangling over his back as he carried you confidently through the house. You flushed as you realized he’d also grabbed just a little bit of your ass as he walked. He considered that his payment for his chauffeur duties.
Miguel carried you to the bathroom and tenderly helped strip your clothes aside, even when they stuck to your skin like latex due to the rain. Your shirt came off with a wet pop after he physically had to tug it, and once naked you really felt the cold hitting you fully.
You were shivering as he turned on the hot water in the shower, and when he touched you he could feel the goosebumps. His eyes softened up even further, like a sad dog, and he tutted lightly as he lifted you into the shower next.
‘Podrecito’ he whispered in your ear once more.
He allowed his arms and shirt to get soaked as he helped warm you up beneath the water, turning the heat and pressure up until the thundering water felt like a warm, full-body hug over your skin. You sighed, audibly moaning as your skin tingled at the heat, and the heavy pulsing jets massaged your sore muscles into bliss.
He gave you a quick wash with the soap bar for good measure, ensuring you were soft and clean, once again taking a few special liberties.
A kiss on the wet cheek, a little too much time spent soaping up your thighs and chest and belly, a few soft squeezes as he washed it away. You’d shoot him a knowing glance and he’d coyly smile back, the lines in his chiseled face creasing as he’d shoot you a sly wink. Every time you’d just get flustered and look away once more, much to his delight.
Only once you were fully warmed to the bone did he lift you from the shower and wrap you up in his fluffy robe, one that caused you to get bundled up like a burrito. You stood around with floppy sleeves nearly twice your length and a hood covering your entire forehead as he chuckled at the sight.
‘You look good in that’ he murmured. ‘Oh, I wish I’d brought my phone. I’d love this as a picture, I’d make it my background.’
You could only stick your tongue out at him. ‘If you dare, I’ll get a picture of you snoring tonight and make that my phone background. I’ll make sure everyone sees it too. You won’t be Mr. Perfect and Flawless then, will you?’
Miguel chuckled again, a beautiful husky sound that made you shiver. ‘Aw, no, come on. I’m always Mr. Perfect and Flawless to you, mi amor, eh?’
As he leaned in you buckled and flushed. ‘… Yes, you are’ you admitted, and with a louder chuckle he scooped you up into his arms.
You were carried back to your shared bedroom in that fluffy robe. He didn’t even bother to put you down and take it off; he dumped you onto the soft, squeaky mattress and yanked the robe so that you rolled out of it, chuckling the whole time as you yelped with delighted surprise.
Your breath was catching as he clambered into the bed beside you. His weight caused you to bounce nearly an inch into the air, and the sight of him kneeling on the mattress to tear his shirt over his head made your heart nearly explode.
He was so goddamn beautiful.
With a yawn he stretched out his gorgeous, perfect pecs before sliding down beneath the sheets and dragging your body towards his own.
You were pulled beneath the duvet like hapless prey dragged beneath the waves by a shark, smothered in sheets and thick fabric, until at last you came to rest in a spooning position with Miguel utterly surrounding your body.
He mumbled soft little nothings into your ear as he nestled you against him. ‘That’s it, mi amor, shh, shh… Mi corazón, eres tan hermoso/a…’
The moment you got beneath the sheets you sighed.
The heat of his body began to penetrate your skin, leaving you with a light tingling sensation. You nestled right into the sweet heat of his chest, the softness of his rounded, hairy chest. All you could hear was his slow breathing as it stirred your hair, and the pounding of rain against the window.
‘Mi amor’ you mumbled back. ‘Mm… so, warm…’
You nestled in against his chest and allowed your eyes to flutter shut.
Miguel watched you resting in his grip. You looked tiny in his arms, as nearly anyone would with his impressive height. He’d always been insecure about his height, terrified of hurting people, but with you… With you, it felt… Good. He felt protective. He felt strong and stable.
‘That’s it. You rest up’ he murmured softly. ‘You rest up.’
You were still shivering a bit, even now, with a scattering of soft goosebumps on your upper arms and thighs, but Miguel was attentive.
Bit by bit his warmth reached you, permeating deep until it felt like a glow in your chest, and soon you were slowly drifting in and out of sleep. Miguel, too, felt his eyelids growing heavy, as you both bathed in the warmth.
You felt his abs and pecs against your spine and neck, slowly moving you with every tender breath. He felt your ribs moving beneath his huge hands as you sighed. The rain continued to pound outside, while inside, you forgot all memory of ever being cold at all.
You slowly drifted off together, slumbering lightly while the sun set behind the storm clouds.
It was while you were spooning beneath the sheets, tucked against each other in that sweet embrace, that you felt something gently nudging at your back. You shifted and blinked a little.
Then you felt it again, right up against your rear, and your eyelids fluttered open. You knew that feeling all too well.
His hefty bulge was straining beneath his loose pants, his member gently throbbing against your bare ass. Your body reacted so fast that it made you dizzy.
The moment you realized he was getting hard against you, your insides quivered. You felt your face burning, your muscles tensing and your core aching as it twisted. You tried to cover it up but it was painfully obvious that you’d noticed, as your hips shifted by an inch or so.
Miguel purred and pulled you closer. He was clearly still in the grip of a light sleep, probably dreaming something improper.
You’d intended to slowly pull away, letting him calm down on his own, but you didn’t want to wake him up. Plus… Oh, god it felt good. When you moved, and felt it throb against his loose pants, the tip twitching with need as it felt your warm rear squishing it.
Miguel let out a soft, sleepy moan, and he made another lazy thrust at your behind. His shaft was getting more erect with each throb, the tip pushing up and between your ass cheeks even with the thin fabric of his pants between you. You almost melted into a puddle.
‘Ah, yeah… Yeah…’
Miguel let out another soft, half-mumbled moan as his erection grew to full size. You felt it shifting between your folds as it got too big, lightly inching between your thighs until it was practically kissing your vaginal entrance.
‘Tan mojado/a, mi amor… me encanta…’ Miguel mumbled. He started moving ever so slightly, just sleepily rocking his hips as if searching for relief even in sleep, prodding his thick member at your sensitive folds. You squeaked.
You could feel how wet you already were, how tense you were, torn between what to do. You felt the fabric getting wetter and wetter each time it rubbed up against you.
You shifted a little and felt it throb for the millionth time, right on that sensitive spot, and unable to stop you moaned.
You blurted his name in a desperate whimper, and suddenly Miguel grunted. You froze as you felt him shift, lazily moving himself an inch or so as he realized what had happened.
‘Ah… Sorry, can you- can you feel that?’ he whispered. You gave a shy little nod.
‘Ah, y-yeah.’
‘Ay, mierda— Disculpa, mi amor’ he mumbled again. He was nestled into your hair still, his arms wrapped right around your waist as he groaned softly. ‘I tried to—I can move back, if you want, I just… You feel so good.’
You felt it throb again as his thumb moved back and forth over the bare skin of your waist. You felt your clit throb in response, beating like a heart as your mind wandered into dreamy little fantasies about his cock and what you wished it would do.
‘Ah—no, no, it’s fine. I gotta stay, close to get warm, right?’ you said softly.
You were sure you heard him grunt. You could almost feel his curiosity, the silent way his mind was turning as he tried to judge if you were implying what he thought you were implying. You just stayed still.
‘… Do you…’
Miguel stayed still, and while his body language was gentle and patient, his cock was anything but. You felt that thick shaft straining again, letting out a slight pulse like a heartbeat against your rear. You felt his pants were slightly wet now. God, he was already leaking. He must REALLY like this.
You were a sleepy mess right now, but, you weren’t so sleepy that you wouldn’t maybe enjoy just a little dry humping from that beautiful man…
‘… Yeah’ you whispered desperately. ‘Yeah, it’s okay if you wanna keep going.’
‘You’re sleepy, mi amor’ Miguel whispered right into your ear, his full lips and strong nose brushing the side of your face. His features turned up into a tender mask of concern to hide his deep, primal, absolute determination to grind against you.
You just chuckled back, your sleepy lips parted into a sigh. He admired those same lips from above you. They were so soft… so plump. So cold. He’d do anything to bite them…
No, no. Miguel gently slapped himself internally for getting carried away.
‘It’s okay’ you repeated gently, and to prove it you gently squeezed your thighs, tightening the grip around his shaft. His eyes rolled back like he’d just seen heaven. God, you were so soft, so tight, so warm. Perfect little angel. He couldn’t stand it anymore.
His hips bucked of their own accord, moving back and forth, grinding into your clit, and you moaned. That sealed the deal.
Miguel pulled back just to wrestle his pants down, leaving them hung loose around his thighs. His fingers found your hips and squeezed, dragging you to him.
‘Shh… you can keep resting, and- stay warm, under the blankets, just… l-let me, relieve myself before I fucking explode’ Miguel rasped.
You lay back and let him gently hoist your leg up, his hips scooting over the sheets until he was perfectly lined up to press in. He tested the waters, kissing and breathing on your shoulder as he edged his member up, feeling the soft flesh give away, before—
‘Mm, yeah-‘
With a low, heavy grunt he let the whole shaft slide right in, stretching out and stuffing you until your breath caught. He barely gave you a minute to settle before he started pumping, just lazily bucking his shaft in and out by a single inch, letting that fat cock bulge in your belly.
‘Mm, mm- good, good, there you go. Lemme just… Yeah, lemme just feel you.’
Miguel’s gruff, husky words were warm as he breathed them against your bare shoulder, as were his sweet moans. He was a loud lover, even in this sleepy state, as were you.
You moaned for him, and you tugged on the sheets and bit your lip, huffing and tensing tight around his cock as he lazily pumped it.
He was taking his time too, almost massaging your cunt with it, moving idly back and forth for minutes upon minutes. He went until your clit was swollen, until your slick had pooled and was dripping down his balls onto the sheets, until you were almost blissfully dumb with pleasure.
He kept his face in your hair as he went, breathing in your scent. He fucked you until you were barely coherent, and without even really putting in any effort at all.
Every so often he’d decide he wanted you to cum, and he’d make sure you did. He’d lower his finger to gently circle your swollen clit, whispering in your ear that you were his, all his, his good little puta/o, so wet and soft and stupid for going out in the rain, needing to be punished, and in barely a minute you’d tip.
You came a few times as he moved, and each time he’d stop afterward to kiss you and stroke your hair and soothe your trembling, post-spasm body, but he’d never pull out. Never. He’d let you warm his cock before moving again, gently pulsing back and forth.
He’d go all night if he could, and you’d let him.
#miguel o'hara#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel o'hara fanfiction#miguel x reader#miguel o'hara x you#spider man 2099#smut#miguel o'hara smut#miguel smut#miguel spiderverse#miguel o'hara imagine
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TW: pet death Howdy <3 its Dante Just a very quick update for anyone following my stuff. I'm sorry to say my cat Apple took a bad turn with her sickness, and we had to say goodbye to her yesterday. She was 20 years old, I've had her almost my whole life. She was mine and my fiance's little girl, she was the spoiled baby of two very devoted dads and she loved it. She was surrounded by family in the end, right to the end, and is now resting under the apple tree in our garden. I miss her too much. I don't really know how to do anything right now. I want to keep making stuff but right now I need time, I can barely function at all. Thank you so much for everyones patience.
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HELLO FWENDS ITS ME Just wanted to apologize for the slowness w content. My cat Apple has gotten really sick over the past couple days, I've been watching her closely and obviously worried sick and the vets asked me spesifically to keep an eye on her to make sure she starts getting better, so I haven't really been in the mood/had time to write I've had a bit more time today to write so might have some stuff up soon but I need to know she's okay first. She's 20 years old (old ass cat) and I've had her since I was 5 so its a big deal she's so ill rn Thanks sm for the patience <3 love you all
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