#on an entirely personal level i LOVE when the weather is like this i LOVE full weeks below zero
merakiui · 1 day
thinking summer thoughts and the octotrio preferences with bikinis/swimwear,, i feel jade is more of the type of guy to enjoy a more teasingly covered up look,, for example a long skirt that has a slit on each side that is so flowy when wind hits it you need to readjust or else it might reveal something,, or perhaps a backless one-piece that reveals the curvature of your spine,, something just enough to gif him over for later, he doesn’t want the full meal yet
for floyd, i’m thinking jade calls his preference ‘teasingly slutty’ and floyd just throws out the teasing part altogether,, skimpy bikini enjoyer!!! dude wants you wearing the thinnest pieces like IAMGIA level bikini sets,, this is so self indulgent but i love buying from that clothing line, like the tops that are the tiniest triangles and thong bottoms, maybe 🤔 skimpy bottoms with frills he would enjoy
i didn’t have a big epiphany for azul but i was thinking azul might like those waist beads that are silver or blue just for the pearl motif or eye color symbolism,, imagine you going out shopping and holding each waist-bead chain up to his eyes, making sure to get the right color
anyways these are my silly thoughts!!!! 💕💕 kiss
!!!!!!! these are all such delicious thoughts omg... feasting on all of them like it's one big buffet. I so agree,, it's just like Jade to be patient enough for the entire meal. I also think he enjoys using his imagination to fill in the blanks, so he likes things that will feed his thoughts. A peek of your thigh or a sliver of shoulder and collarbone just barely hidden by your outfit/swimwear!!!! I also think he would enjoy elaborate lingerie because he appreciates the imagery and also the delicate nature in which he must slowly peel it from your person, lest he be too rough and tear gentle fabrics in his haste. I think he's a big fan of sundresses, but then maybe that's just because he gets to fantasize about all that's beneath the dress, with such easy access should he wish to sample you.
But I digress!!! Floyd absolutely loves all things skimpy and slutty. The IAMGIA bikini sets........ the way he'd adore you in frills,,, omg YES!!!!!! If he's really feeling it, maybe he can be patient enough to appreciate those long slit skirts and whatnot, but no one in Octavinelle holds a candle to Jade's level of patience. ^^;;; Floyd just likes showing skin and thinks human bodies are such a wonderful, beautiful thing. Why hide that with layers of clothes? Besides, the weather is so hot and humid. Less layers means more relaxation (and less things he has to pry off, but then he's the type of impatient to just slide your swim bottoms to the side and go from there,,,,) but also....... I think he has a soft spot for the types of swimsuits and summer clothes that make you look so cute and soft and !!!!! His cuteness aggression is off the charts as soon as he sees you hehe.
And Azul....... I think anything that has any sort of mer motif (pearls/waist beads as you noted, etc) is going to have him salivating because he likes the symbolism (also,, pretty, shiny things on his pretty darling = very yum in his tako brain hehe). The fact that you could enjoy his culture in the same way he enjoys yours means a lot to him. That, and for someone who is so self-conscious of his true form it warms his heart that you find octo-mers so fascinating and pretty. 🥺 can he marry you on the spot right now!!!!! I think Azul has a thing for sarong skirts. Also a fan of sundresses; he just doesn't realize it at first.
Matching pieces with his eyes... that's really cute AAAAAAA. Picking out jewelry and other accessories based on his eyes while he does the same, and he's just melting because you're such a sweetheart,, oh, he's so in love,,, I think Azul is the best person to go shopping with because he enjoys shopping (especially when he has a list of things he needs) and is good at helping you choose things if you're debating different aesthetics and prices and whatnot. Very logical. Jade is the type who will go and has fun seeing you shop, but he doesn't buy anything (he insists on holding your bags and everything else so that you can have free hands,,, he's so boyfriend). As for Floyd, I suppose it's entirely mood dependent. He does make for a fun shopping friend, but then he's also a big spender who likes luxury brands,, also, I feel like if you go shopping with Floyd there's a high chance he'll buy things that remind him of you and gift you them after the fact. He shops with Shrimpy in his mind all the time. <3
AAAAA OTL I rambled so much,,, but your thoughts are now wedged in my mind. It's just so perfect. Octavinelle + summer fashion/swimsuits is so *chef's kiss*!!!!!
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
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continues to be a lovely warm December
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harmoonix · 2 years
♡Sweet astrology notes♡
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Ascendant - Moon aspects: These people give a very warming energy when you are around them you can feel safe, they are the the sweetest touched and blessed by the moon 🌙
Venus - Moon aspects: These people can love very deeply, their love is unique and very intense. If they get attached to you, you can feel the most blessed person on earth because these people will love you no matter what ❤️‍🩹
Saturn - Moon harsh aspects (square, opposition/conjunct can apply too): These people went through so much pain in their lives and all they need is a warm BIGGG huggg. They deserve the entire world 💖
People with Scorpio Moon/Moon in the 8th house deserve to experience the most cutest love, they need love to live. They need love in their lives. This placement can be a very painful placement, but y'all be sure it's not for the weak ❤️. (Applying to people with Moon in the 4th house/Scorpio in the 4th house/)
People with Moon in Libra need to have some around them always, because their lives is based on setting harmonious relationships they exist by the feeling of having harmonious relationships ❣️
People with Moon in Pisces are very emotional and they can attach to you so fast, but they are scared they will end up hurt. If someone around you has a Pisces Moon please give them a very big and warm hug 🥹🥹
People with Venus - Pluto aspects love very deeply and they can put a lot of trust and sacrifices into their relationship. If you are happy then they will be happy too, these people want everyone to feel good around them. Pure souls 🤍
Jupiter - Moon aspects: These people have the most brightest smiles, their smile can also be contagious. They love to smile 😁
Uranus - Moon aspects: These people can be emotional at a very different level, they experience the things emotionally but in different and unique ways. You can also feel very comfortable around them, because they have something unique in their soft side 😇
Now i don't know if i am right but isn't that people with air moons (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra Moons) likes to listen to music all the time, is like they cannot live without music, and Water Moons (Scorpio. Cancer and Pisces Moons) might experience this too) 🎶🎶🎶 (Applying to people with Moon in 3rd/4th/7th/8th/11th/12th)
My darling Earth Moons (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo), they are so soft, elegant and charming, these people can find beauty in everything i swear. It can be a very very ugly weather outside and these people would still find something pretty in it. Respect for them ⭐⭐⭐
My intense Fire Moons (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo), they are so charismatic and are having extra much energy... They never get tired , can do like a lot of things and they would still have energy for something. They do everything with passion and love 🔥
Water Venuses are natural charmers, it's in their aura to be like this. They were born for this.💞
Earth Venuses are having one of the bests styles in the entire world, they know how to match the colors and can look very pretty too🌺
Air Venuses love to spend time with their special ones 🥹 they can give you all their time and affection, so cute because rare you find people who can do these things. They are like a treasure for their special ones. 🪙
Fire Venuses need a lot of affection from other people, they want to be taken care of, like some babies and that's not bad at all. Because these Venuses will do the same for you if you treat them right, they will love you for eternity 🌸🌷.
Aquarius Placements are the definition of 🌠 UNIQUE 🌠they are not weird, just different because their ruler Uranus is the planet is the planet of uniqueness 🌠🌠🌠
Uranus in Pisces degrees (12°, 24°), they are having something unique in their appearance, most time might be the eyes, but of course they can have other unique things in the way they look. 🧚‍♀️
Uranus in Cancer degrees (4°, 16°,28°), can have a very innocent look, that angelic type of look with big eyes and and lips. They can look like a doll tho 💕
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miley1442111 · 2 months
Hi my love!
I'm sorry if this is a bother, but I saw you were taking requests and I really wanted to see this one written and you do such amazing writing.
Please don't feel pressured into writing this tho
So, we all know Derek is like, 6'2" is, right, so the girls he talks to are shorter than him, but I was wondering if you could write something with a female reader where she is almost as tall as him, and decided to wear heels to something, like a party or a gala or something, and she feels insecure about being so tall and he's just swooning over her because look at his tall woman, his amazing tall woman who works as an FBI profiler and can literally kick anyone's ass and just look how cool his girlfriend is.
Like, if you wanted to you could write about how some guy made a comment and Derek literally had to be held back because he was full on ready to throw hands for the reader.
Bonus points of she's like really fit, like she definitely hits the gym and you can see it
Again, you don't have to write it if you don't want to/don't feel comfortable, I just thought it would be cute
OMG I love this idea, it's so freaking cute! I had so much fun with this and istg I'm so sick of y/n always being some small fragile little thing in fics, it drives me crazy!!!!
Thank you for requesting my dear ! :)
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my girl- d.morgan
a/n: intended for tall fem!reader but as per usual imagine what you like :)
summary: derek comforts you after something happens at the yearly award show
pairings: derek morgan x reader, (platonic) bau team x reader
warnings: insecurities, suggestive tones, crying, fluff :)
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You loved your body, seriously you did. It was your vessel, your home. You nourished it and took care of yourself. 
But sometimes you wanted to feel shorter. Being tall has its advantages, and yes, you knew you were more than conventionally attractive, but it didn’t stop the nagging feeling in the back of your head, telling you it was weird that when you wore heels, your boyfriend was looking up at you, not down. Derek was 6’2. You were 6’2 ½ with these heels on. You were taller, which was fine, but it played in your mind more than you had wanted it to for the entire night. 
Derek on the other hand? When he saw you in that perfect dress he didn’t think he’d have the willpower to actually stop himself from fucking you before the event. He felt so lucky. His beautiful, ass-kicking girlfriend was wearing a dress that he’d bought her and she looked fucking delicious. He knew you were gorgeous, especially when he was regularly graced with the image of you naked, but this was another level. On your latest mission you’d taken the unSub down on your own and he swore he’d never been more turned on. The way you just overpowered him, getting his knife off him and cuffing him. You were the most beautiful person in his eyes, you always would be.
Walking into the gala, he couldn’t keep his hands to himself, gripping and pawing at you, kissing you constantly. Though, he could see something was wrong. Was this gala too much for you? Did you want to go home early? He wouldn’t have complained.  
“You alright baby?” He asked as another award was announced. 
“Fine,” you sighed, staring into your plate of food as you just moved the mashed potatoes around. 
“Baby,” He placed his hand on your thigh, grabbing your attention. “Talk to me.”
“It’s nothing.”
Derek frowned. You weren’t usually one for keeping things from him. “Baby-”
“I’m going to the bathroom,” you announced to the table, and stood up. You avoided Derek’s concerned eyes and he got up to follow you. 
“How’s the weather up there?” A drunk asshole asked you and he saw the way your face subtly contorted into upset, trying to hide tears. 
He saw red.  
His eyes darkened and his fists balled at his sides. “You wanna say that again?”
The drunk asshole sobered slightly after seeing the seriousness on Derek’s face. 
“Derek it’s fine-” you pleaded, wanting to sink into the floor. 
“No it’s fucking not. Say it again.”
David and Aaron got up from the table, stalking over before Derek swung at the guy. 
They were too late. 
“Derek!” You shouted as the other two pulled him off the man. Other tables were starting to stare and you felt perpetually worse. You should’ve just worn flats. 
“You can shut up next time, yeah?” Derek jeered at the bleeding man as Aaron and David held him back.
“Calm down,” Aaron ordered cooly, and Derek instantly pulled himself out of their arms,brushing them off. 
“I’m calm,” he said. He was not calm. No one got to insult his girl. 
“Can we just go home?” You whispered through shaky breaths. Derek’s attention was all on you.
“Of course we can.”
The drive home was silent, his hand on your thigh as you attempted to calm down. 
Derek was wracking his brain for why you’d been off all night but came up empty. 
What was wrong?
You kicked off your shoes, practically running to the bathroom and locking it behind you. Derek sighed to himself as he set down the keys, deciding to grab himself a beer. 
You took off your makeup, your dress, and showered, trying to wash your insecurities away. You knew you were pretty, you knew Derek loved you the way you were. 
Sometimes insecurities just get the better of you.  
You sheepishly walked into your bedroom and saw Derek on the bed, waiting for you. 
“Can we talk?” He asked and you nodded slowly. “What’s wrong?”
And with that, the floodgates opened. You pushed your face into his chest, crying against him as he comforted you. “I just… I know I’m ‘pretty’ and all but… sometimes I just-”
“Hey, you are pretty, so goddamn pretty baby,” he smiled at you and it eased some of the hurt in you. “But I get that you don’t always feel like it, which is fine too, y’know why?”
“Why?” You snuffled out, looking up at him through running mascara.
“Because I can alway remind you, my pretty girl,” he smirked, and sealed his statement with a kiss. 
You felt better, knowing you had someone who loved you no matter what. 
It’s not like Derek minded, he was so head over heels for you you could’ve had two heads and he wouldn't have cared. You were his.
criminal minds masterlist:)
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what-if-nct · 8 months
Boiling NCT members down to my experience with their zodiac signs.
Taeil: Clingy, might love bomb you but is overall sweet.
Johnny: Oh dear god, hard to read, you have no idea how he feels about you while simultaneously knowing he feels something but you have no idea what. Most likely obsessed with big butts.
Taeyong: Genuinely the sweetest boy in the world, kind, considerate just a bit wishy washy but always returns to you.
Yuta: Possibly the devil, sex addiction, lies for no damn reason. Will drive you absolutely crazy.but really good in bed.
Kun: Rich, successful, can probably go multiple rounds, either talks a lot or not at all it depends but it's always surface level, loves cats, every Capricorn man I've known has had a least one cat I feel like there's something to that.
Doyoung: He does not act like a single Aquarius I have met. Not even the Aquariuses in NCT. He has strong Capricorn energy though.
Ten: Sweet but a little bit of a hoe, kinda ran through.
Jaehyun: Runs from commitment doesn't even know what that is, will text you at random times when he's nearby and really misses the way your mouth feels. Even if you're in the middle of Walmart with your family. But he's hot so you deal with it.
Winwin: Secretive, you have no idea where he is or what he's doing. You don't know if he's ever told you the truth. Secretively a little freaky. He has to be. I have not met a single Scorpio man that doesn't have a ridiculous sex drive or perversions.
Jungwoo: Honestly just a sweet precious boy, who's wide eyed and thankful and the sweetest thing in the world.
Mark: Playful, kind, loyal, talks a lot and might unknowingly overshare.
Xiaojun: A little bit dramatic, will scold you for dressing improperly for the weather. Handsy and gives deep strong eye contact.
Hendery: Over the top, kinda loud, random, literally the best person in the entire world, a little feral, will eat food out of your mouth.
Renjun: Renjun is perfect so any experience with an Aries doesn't apply to him. I wouldn't disrespect him like that.
Jeno: Very calm, chill, encouraging,sweet, quiet but a great listener, and just goes along with whatever nonsense you're up to.
Haechan: Has the most audacity, will say extremely specific things that leaves you speechless and questioning your character. Honestly might have you afraid to have another human interaction.
Jaemin: Kind, considerate, caring, affectionate, so so touchy, romantic, forehead kisses at random times. Literal sunshine.
Yangyang: Energetic, disappears every five minutes, shopping addiction, easily distracted, will follow a cat around for hours.
Chenle: Hilarious, loud, so out of pocket and great to be around, you never know what to expect him to say or do.
Jisung: Awkward, shy, naive, doesn't know what to do with his hands, will want to be held. Every Aquarius born in 2002 really likes to be held and laying on your chest. Every, single, one.
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knitwit1912 · 27 days
Team Tadpole: Modern AU Disney World Edition
A friend and I started riffing on what would happen if Team Tadpole went to Disney World.
Halsin 100% has a different ear headband for every day of the trip
Astarion tries to pretend he's too cool for everything, but is in fact loving it and gets a little emotional when they go for lunch at Be Our Guest
Minthara is just wondering how in the hell she was talked into this for the first half of the trip but betrays her growing enthusiasm by screaming gleefully on Tron.
Wyll gets blushy and nervous at all the princess meet-and-greets (Astarion does not let him live this down)
They go to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party and Lae'zel spends the entire time repeatedly riding Space Mountain because it's the one time it's 100% dark and as intense as Disney gets (she whines about going to Universal where they have "real rollercoasters")
Eating around the world: Gale, Halsin Drinking around the world: Astarion, Shadowheart, Karlach
Halsin laughs at all the dad jokes on the Jungle Cruise, Minthara seethes quietly, Astarion mumbles about whether he'd get banned from the park for jumping overboard
Karlach nearly gets the Mad Tea Party ride shut down for decontamination by spinning her teacup so hard the other occupants nearly lose their lunch
Minsc ties helium balloons to Boo until he floats. Otherwise he's carrying stuffies and huge amounts of food ("Gale, my foodie friend! Cheeseburger spring rolls; we must try these!")
Gale organizes the itinerary around dinner reservations (he's still a little sad everyone was like "HELL NO, GALE" when he floated the idea of doing the $425-per-person Chef's Table dinner at Victoria and Albert's)
"Which one would just run off and start causing chaos?" "Oh, Karlach. 100%. Well-meaning chaos, but chaos nonetheless."
Smuggler's Run positions: Pilot: Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Minthara (fistfight narrowly avoided by Jaheira splitting them into two groups) Gunner: Karlach, Wyll, Astarion Engineer: Gale, Halsin, Minsc
After the first 30 seconds of hearing the song on "Journey into Imagination" Astarion, Minthara and Lae'zel start discussing how they would like to kill Figment and settle on disembowelment (we will not discuss how "It's a Small World" goes)
Astarion and Shadowheart are Big Mad that the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique is for children only, because they are pretty pretty princesses. Karlach is sad for the same reason but manages to badger everyone (except Minthara) into getting pixie dusted, meaning they're all finding glitter on their clothing (and elsewhere) for weeks.
Halsin makes everyone take the train to Rafiki's Planet Watch just so he can pet the goats
Crying at "Happily Ever After" fireworks: Astarion, Karlach, Minsc Cuddling their crying partner: Halsin, Wyll, Gale Using the fireworks to ride the rides with no lineup: Lae'zel, Jaheira, Shadowheart, Minthara
Most likely to have watched every All Ears/Mammoth Club/Disney Food Blog guide: Gale, Lae'zel
Mostly likely do have done a reasonable amount of research and preparation: Wyll, Minthara, Jaheira, Shadowheart, Halsin
Least likely to have looked at anything that has the faintest whiff of planning prior to the trip, including the weather forecast: Astarion (therefore also most likely to have to spend $$$ for a spirit jersey because he didn't pack warm enough clothing.)
Most likely to figure out on the first day how to game Genie+ and makes it their life's work to get the most lightning lanes possible and the earliest Guardians of the Galaxy/Tron virtual queue boarding group: Lae'zel and Minthara
Halsin seriously suggests staying on a tent/RV campsite at Fort Wilderness; Astarion votes for concierge-level Grand Floridian
Person who always asks to squeeze in one more ride on Pirates of the Caribbean: Wyll Person who somehow always gets wettest on Pirates of the Caribbean: Gale or Astarion
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iwtvdramacd18 · 4 months
Well y'all know I have to do it. Louis T4T fic reclist
for @iwtvfanevents A meal 2 remember event! I'm picking one to highlight per person here but everything is HIGHLY recommended and many folks here have multiple T4T and trans hits as well as collabs!. (And I'm not telling you who, you better give them a click through)
I am amazed by peace–@dictee
This was a holiday surprise so desperately needed. There's an intimacy to every description here, I think of some deep conveying of wanting... wanted to be wanted and wanting to want in turn, and the joy of knowing you can be! And you can have that. One of those fics that feels like a film in your head. Whenever this updates my day stops so I can enjoy it.
try to swallow the wave– @diasdelfuego
Mindblowing use of prose, bringing disconnect and identity to the forefront. Mixing heartbreaking emotion and unexpected elation. I can't believe you first published this anonymously because I was lamenting the fact I couldn't give the author flowers... AND NOW I CAN. Brought a tear to my eye when I first read it. I get chills just thinking about reading it again.
Snow in the Champagne– @nakiaslilhoodoo
There is something masterful about taking these bigger than life characters and bringing them to a very relatable, intimately mundane level, the ability to take these "smaller" moments and give them weight and heat and humor. Grounding in small objects, rituals of love, that's the type of stuff I love.
cleave/tie– @kittyldpdl
What an emotional ride. Can you just call a fic "fleshy" and leave it like that? Carnality and horror, this is something I want to talk about at length but can't for hear of spoiling the experience. I live for the levels of trans parenthood on display as well. Scars in fiction that make you slam your phone down and shout NO WAYYYYY.
Allude me, Pursue me, Consume me.– @salmoncakepls
Angela Carter is nodding along to this.... LOVE the fairy tale trappings and the bleeding of human into animal and past the two thresholds. Incredible imagery that sticks to the mind, once again trans parenthood let's make it crazy let's make it insane. Ending chapter had me holding my breath.
perpetuum mobile– @knifeeater
I wanna pretend like I have something indepth to say about this. I really do. Because the depth is there. Thinking about vampirism in the far flung future, vampire bodies like orbiting planets and satellites. But also. This is just really fucking hot WE FUCKING? IN THE FAR OFF FUTURE????
breath, held– @enterprisery
Love the exploration of brief returns to humanity in an erotic sense, vampiric play with the vulnerability of mortality? The focus on sensation (and brief letting go of it), the communication and heat behind it, love to see Loumand getting down in this way.
Once Upon a Wine-Dark Sea– @weather-mood
Recommending the entire series because like many worthwhile many-chaptered many forked stories there's a lot of context to be taken in (and by all means you should take it in, the whole is recommended), Charybdis is chiefly what puts this in this list specifically, and ofc I must point to Tidelines, ongoing; another fairy tale/ mythic epic.
And here are some rapid-fire fic recs featuring trans Louis:
rhododendron– @blueiight (MY BELOVED...)
in a lonely place–@devotiondroid (FINE you're the final nail selling me on danlou noir....)
Charred–@blacclotusss (ANOTHER HOLIDAY BANGER)
Pleas on Deaf Ears–@ bloodiedroses (WHEW)
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
You have provided so many headcanons and, with a lurker’s thankful heart, I am now giving you my steddie headcanon, built entirely around the idea that Steve knows he’s queer but has no idea at all that he’s kinky. I’m thinking this takes place when Eddie and Robin and Steve have all come out to each other but Eddie hasn’t explained to anyone what that black bandana in his pocket is about; either steddie are pre-slash besties or a recently established relationship.
Steve’s been stressed and Eddie really wants to do something for him, so one day they’re hanging out and Eddie asks what Steve’s idea of the most relaxing day ever is.
Steve’s like “Oh, man, I’d love a day where I don’t have to think, like, at all. Zero decision making.”
“Right, right, a lord in his castle keep, languorous and content with pizza and a constant rotation of movies and high as fuck.” Eddie has already psychically made his way to Family Video and picked up Steve’s favorite films and is mentally on his way to Melvald’s to get all his favorite snacks when Steve interrupts—
“No, no, if it was that easy I could set that up for myself. No I need another person who I really really trust who wouldn’t mind a lot of planning; I’d ask Robin but I think by hour two being in charge she’d start to get bored or start to catastrophize. I could plan the day for her and just let her run it, but that sorta defeats the purpose. Actually,” and he sits up, looks at Eddie consideringly, “actually with those long campaigns you do, I bet you could plan it. And I trust you… it’s kinda weird though.”
Eddie’s like “You know I love weirdos; hit me with it Stevie.”
Steve, starts off slowly, darting looks at Eddie’s face while he talks. “It’s morning, and my alarm isn’t set. Alarm clock isn’t even plugged in. Is it because I’m sleeping in? No— it’s because it is Someone Else’s Responsibility to get me up on time, and I trust them to do it. They wake me up and normally- depending on the day- I’d decide if I’ll shower or take a bath or just wash my face and brush my teeth before doing my hair but not this day.
No, on Steve Doesn’t Think Day they wake me up and tell me how to clean up. I’m in there and they knock on the door and say “hey, Steve, I set your outfit out on the bed. when you’re done get dressed and come to the kitchen.” and I do! I still have a whole closet and wardrobe full of clothes that I don’t have to consider. Does my outfit match the weather? Is it color coordinated? Does it match the plans for the day? It probably is all those things, but I’m not worried about that. I’m just a very good listener, who doesn’t decide things.
And then I go in the kitchen!” Steve, excited, getting into it, starts pacing around. “Are there groceries? Am I cooking breakfast? Are we going to brunch later? Was that budgeted for? Is it a cereal day or a coffee and toast day or a full spread day? There are answers to all of those questions, and whoever woke me up has them. I don’t give a damn. They hand me a cup of coffee, I’m like thank you very much, they’re like of course, Steve, good job, Steve, I’m proud of you, Steve, don’t worry about it, Steve, you let me worry about it. Just. You know, man.
A full day of going places and doing things and not having to stress or plan for it any of it. I don’t have to drive, unless they tell me to drive. I don’t have to talk to other people unless they tell me to talk! Maybe I bitch a little, because complaining is fun!! And they don’t get angry at me for it and their feelings don’t get hurt because they know I’m just gonna listen in the end anyway. Total relaxation, no decisions, complete faith that whoever’s in charge won’t put me in a bad spot.”
And dom top Eddie, white knuckling his black bandana trying really hard not to vibrate apart at a molecular level while he listens to Steve Harrington describe lifestyle submission as his most ideal day, fighting to answer in a calm and level voice: “Steve-o, you’re not gonna believe what I’m about to tell you.”
They have a long conversation and after Eddie’s like I want you to go in the other room and really think about what you want from this because I’ll take charge of you for the day but we need boundaries and guidelines; go consider this seriously for at least an hour. Steve respects Eddie (and also enjoys acts of service and doing what he’s told) so of course he listens. This does lead to Steve repeatedly sticking his head into the room Eddie’s in to say something unhinged, like
“Hey, sometimes when I’m struggling to get out of my own head I purposely wear my starchiest tightest jeans and my tightest polo and it kinda restricts my movement and reach and breathing and brings a constant awareness of my body that I find really grounding — is that bondage and do you think I should be tied up? okay, okay, thanks, restart the hour please.”
It’s a long afternoon for Eddie.
This is.
This is art.
Thank you for sending this in, please tell me you plan to write more of this because I would love that very much.
I love just about any type of realization Steve has about his kinks, but the one where he just realizes that the stuff he likes is actually very kinky and Eddie is the one to tell him hits every check mark for me.
Thank you thank you thank you for this. I hope you catch every green light on your daily travels and no one ever talks to you unless you want them to. ❤️
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604to647 · 5 months
Safest with You (Ch. 11 - The Poker Game)
5.9K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: Din hosts a poker game and invites you and your friends; the meeting of friends prompts a discussion about the status of your relationship.
Warnings: 18+ content (MDNI please), new-ish established relationship, dirty talk and teasing, mentions of infidelity (not Din), reader gets in her own head a bit (some anxiety), pet names as usual (Pretty bird, pretty girl, baby, sweetheart, etc.), reader is described as shorter than Din and Din can pick her up.
A/N: Please kindly suspend your disbelief and allow me to write Poe Dameron as Boba Fett’s son 😂😂😂 Like, when I thought of a roguish, charming, sh*t disturber son of a mob boss, Oscar Isaac’s delicious face just came to mind 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm going to level with you, I wasn't a big fan of Poe in the Sequel trilogy - too much fly boy/fuck boi energy for me, and that's kind of how I'm writing him here. I'm sorry, Poe-lovers, please don't come after me! (For the record, I *am* a big fan of OI!)
I ran a poll on WIP Wednesday asking asking if there was a preference to separate the smut at the end this chapter into its own post. I told myself that if even one person answered that they wanted it separate, then I would do that; it's easy enough to click on the link at the end of the chapter to take you to the smut if you so choose! I hope no one is disappointed that the storyline is moving in the direction where smut will be a regular addition to the chapters - but if that's not your bag, I totally understand! I'm sorry if you need to go and am so thankful that you've read along to this point 😘😘😘
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Series Masterlist
In the following weeks, you and Din fall into a comfortable rhythm and easily slot each other into your busy lives.
Your nightly dog walks resume and on most week nights Din tries to stay at your apartment, with you working late more often than not and it being closer to your office.  He’s becoming a familiar face to your work colleagues, bringing you (and often them as well) dinner as an easy and welcomed excuse to see you.  Some days he’ll just join you for a lunch trip to your favourite sandwich shop and the two of you will have a quick picnic outside your office building if the weather is warm enough.  Weekends are for long, lazy dates that span the entire day, rolling into romantic dinners that have you and Din eating your way across the city.  It’s so easy being with Din; the conversation never stops, the sex is brain meltingly good, and he never ceases to make you feel adored.  If anyone were to ask, you were the smartest, funniest, most beautiful woman on this planet and Din would readily unretire his boxing gloves if anyone dared to disagree.  Every moment with Din makes you giddy; not only is this bear of a man actually a secret softie, he’s also goofy and funny, and lucky for you, his new favourite pastime is to make you laugh.  
One night over dinner, you mention in passing that you love the arm waving tube men outside of used car dealerships (actually, you don’t know what they’re called, so you did a sort of arm flail with both your arms above your head and Din almost died laughing).  The following Saturday, you arrive at the gym in the afternoon to find that Din has rented two tube men and they’re bending, blowing this way and that, arms flying and rippling from the force of the air being blown from the fan units in their base.  You join a large group of onlookers in front of the gym, mostly children, laughing and watching with amusement as the silly attention-grabbing gimmick brings you pure unadulterated joy for a good 10 minutes.  After going in, you find Din folding some towels next to the boxing ring and you launch yourself at him directly, too full of laughter and delight to care who sees.  “Thank you thank you thank you thank you,” you murmur against his lips, unable to stop smiling.  Din picks you up so you can wrap your legs around him, not caring who sees either; he wants everyone at the gym to know whose girl you are.  Feeling your big smile against his mouth before seeing it, he grins, “You’re welcome, pretty bird.” 
“Are they a permanent feature?”
“Unfortunately, no.  Just for the weekend, then I have to give them back to the used car lot down the street, Watto’s.  Plus, people keep coming in asking if we’re having a special on memberships today,” he says with a groan.
Giggling, you slide down Din’s body and give him a long, deep kiss, one that will guarantee a fair bit of ribbing from the guys, before heading up to Din’s apartment via the gym’s second floor entrance.  Most of these indulgent weekends start at Din’s so he can stay close to work – you take to baking in Din’s apartment and bringing down treats for the patrons, which are generally very well received.  When you brought down ginger molasses cookies, Greef had jokingly scolded you saying his boxers shouldn’t have too many sweet treats as part of their training, before scarfing down two cookies, then swatting Jimmy’s hand away from the plate and pocketing three more.  You’re sure your offering the following weekend of high fibre raisin bran muffins were better for training regimens, but the enthusiasm for them seemed lower. 
Din’s place, the apartment and the gym as an extension, starts to feel more and more comfortable; a small collection of your things (books, toiletries) have migrated to his apartment, and you love that the familiar faces at Mando’s are starting to fold into your life as well.
The only small twinge of regret you have is that with all the time you're spending with Din, especially the time spent at his place, you’re not spending as much time with Al.  He’s more than welcomed at Din’s but you hadn’t wanted to uproot him too much, or impose too much on Din too quickly, so on the weekends Bea’s been coming by to walk Al and take care of him.  You miss your special guy, your long weekend walks and dog park events; as you cut the butter into your shortbread cookie dough in Din’s kitchen, you decide that you have to make more of an effort to make sure Al isn’t left out.
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“Can you do me a favour?”
“Anything, pretty bird.”
“Do you think you might be able to hang out with Al tomorrow night?  I feel like he’s feeling a little neglected, and I don’t want to leave him alone.  I’d take him to Rory’s but her building has a weird no pets rule,” you pout a little as you scratch Al’s head with one hand while holding the phone to your ear with your other.
Without hesitation, Din agrees, “Sure, baby.  I’d love to have him over during poker night.  Guarantee he won’t feel lonely.”
“I’ll make some food for your poker night as a thank you!  And I’ll bring a dog bed too.  God knows I have a few to spare,” you chuckle as you scan your apartment to pick a bed to bring.
“No need, pretty bird.  I bought Al a dog bed for here already.”
“Of course you did,” you smile to yourself.  Thoughtful, thoughtful man.
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And that’s how you find yourself with two big bags of food, an overnight bag each for yourself and a dog, and said dog in tow, looking up at the long flight of stairs leading up to Din’s apartment.  Luckily, you don’t have to wait very long before his thundering steps are heard and he comes to help you carry everything.  Once on the top landing, Din gingerly places everything on the ground before pulling you in close for the greeting you deserve.
“So… I’ve been thinking…” Din starts, almost shy, “Do you think your friends might like to come over and hang out here?  It won’t be a ‘girls’ night’ but there’s food and drinks and it might be fun for our friends to meet? …I mean, if you think it’s a good idea?”
Grinning at Din’s suggestion, you think outloud, “I mean, it’s not a bad idea… I’ll check with Rory and Bea, but what brought this on?”
Din answers by burying his face into your neck and nibbling on your earlobe, “Just like being with you, pretty bird.”
You relent easily, “Ok, but I’m warning you right now about playing with Rory, she’s going to take you all to the cleaner’s.”
“Good.  It’s been boring being the only one who wins money,” laughs Paz, who has suddenly appeared.  Giving Din a pointed look, “Hey, you know, the gentlemanly thing is to help the lady carry her bags inside,” before giving you a big bear side hug and greeting you with his new nickname for you (“Hey, Lil’ Lady.”) He picks up the food bags and heads in, passing Bo who’s on her way onto the landing to say hi.  For one reason or another, you haven’t seen her since Jimmy’s fight night; after a big hug, she looks at you with seriousness, “Thank god you’re back.  This one,” she jabs a thumb at Din, “was an unbearable grump while you were apart.  Please never leave us again.” She takes Al’s leash from you, and leads him inside the apartment; a second later you hear a raucous cheer of “Alfredo!!” followed by Al’s happy barks.
After setting out the food you brought (caprese sandwiches, sugar dusted mascarpone-blueberry turnovers, bruschetta) and putting what needs to be warmed in the oven (garlic knots, salmon-onion dip, turkey meatball pops), you text the girls and receive an enthusiastic response to the suggested change of plans.
Sitting on Din’s lap to give him the good news, you pass around the sandwiches to the delight of the players already seated at the big card table Din set out for the occasion.  You’re excited that the Mandos that are here tonight will get to meet some of your friends and you tell them so.
“Looking forward to it!  And… you get to meet Poe tonight,” says Koska, with an almost apologetic look.
“Who’s Poe?” you ask, curiously looking around at the facial expressions of the Mandos, ranging from eye rolling to what can only be described as shit eating grins.
Din explains, “He’s Boba’s son.”
“And you guys… like him?”
“We have to,” quips Paz, which is met with laughter from the group, “but we also do for real.  He’s just… a lot.”
Mayfeld chimes in, “He’s all about having good time; always trying to up the ante cause he’s got ‘My dad’s a big deal’ energy and always has.  Used to start shit for fun when we were in school cause he knew no one could do anything to him.”
“I remember it more like he would start trouble with that smart mouth of his, then one of us would have to finish it.”  Paz looks at you, “Used to be me and Din standing between him and a bloody nose, every damn time.”
Din appears to be a bit more forgiving of the past, “He’s calmed down a bit now… still has the smart mouth and a lot of energy, but blows off steam in more constructive ways… like poker instead of all night partying.  Which is like the rest of us, really…”
Jimmy reaches past you to grab a sandwich, “Yeah, the rest of you old timers…”
“What was that?”, Bo cocks an eye brow at the young boxer, who smartly pretends to be incredibly invested in selecting the right sandwich.
Wrapping his arms a little more tightly around your waist, Din draws soothing circles on your thigh with his fingers, “Don’t let Paz give you the wrong impression of Poe; he’s just bitter because he was always the one who ended up getting in trouble when someone wanted to kick Poe’s ass.”
Paz huffs, “Yeah, getting in trouble for defending him when he probably should have taken a pounding; kissing someone else’s girlfriend half the time.”
“Omigod” you giggle, as Paz puts Jimmy in a loose headlock; revenge for the “old timers” comment.
Woves pipes up, “Oh yeah, he’s still a shameless flirt.  Warn your friends.”
“Warn her friends?! Warn herself!” exclaims Koska.
“He’s mainly all talk though.  Lisa would slit him from balls to throat if she ever caught him cheating,” Woves explains, seemingly to you.
“Caught him again, you mean,” Koska grimaces.
“Oh shoot.  I forgot about that girl on the yacht.”
“I wasn’t even thinking about Fennec’s birthday party, but yeah she was pissed.”
“What were you thinking about?”
“Donut shop,” chime in Bo, Mayfeld, Din and Paz in unison.
“Lisa is his girlfriend?” you ask, unsure.
“His wife.  And the mother of his two beautiful kids.  They’ve been together since high school.  On and off, if you haven’t guessed already,” Bo looks embarrassed, even though she has no reason to.
Din hooks his chin over your shoulder and says gently, “That was in the past, though.  They’ve worked through it and he’s been good.”
“Nah.  I bet he just got good at not getting caught.  Always assume cheating until proven otherwise, is what I say,” pontificates Mayfield.
“And that, Mayfeld, is why you’re single,” snickers Woves.
“Right, and you’re beating them off with a stick,” counters Mayfield.  The group laughs, but you find yourself quiet.  You know the Mandos are just joking around and that they’ve all known eachother forever, but you can’t help but bristle a little at the casual way they talk about Poe’s past (and potential?) infidelity.  If the rest of the Mandos are anything like Din, you know they value loyalty and fealty, but did their sense of unwavering commitment not extend to partners?  You and Din haven’t officially discussed exclusivity; you had assumed that like you, Din wasn’t seeing anyone else – but maybe that wasn’t the case. 
You can feel yourself getting in your own head and before you can help yourself, an image of Din kissing someone else flashes before your eyes and your heart constricts painfully.  Sliding off of Din’s lap, you excuse yourself to go check on the food in the oven; you make to busy yourself with taking out and plating the food, but you can’t help it, the heart-breaking image has taken root in your mind.  You’re mad at yourself for spiraling so quickly over something created entirely by your own overactive imagination.  Yes, you haven’t confirmed your relationship status with Din, but he hasn’t given you any reason to give any weight to your sudden anxiety.   This stabbing pain in your chest is entirely of your own making and you feel so much embarrassment that you start to tear up a little bit, which makes it even worse.
You’re not sure how long you’re in the kitchen wallowing, but it must be a while because Din comes in looking for you, “Need any help, pretty bird?”
Turning away from him, you say quietly, “No, thank you though.  I should have everything out in a minute.”
And just like that, Din knows something is wrong; he makes sure you don’t have anything in your hands before wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his nose right behind your ear and kissing your neck lovingly, “I’m here, baby.”
He doesn’t ask you what’s wrong, even though he wants to know.  He doesn’t ask how he can help, even though he would do anything to make it better; he just wants you to know he’s there and that you can come to him on your terms.  You turn in his arms and bury your face into him, breathing in his soothing scent and instantly feeling calmer.  Face smooshed into his chest, you mumble, “Dhnn, dyoothkchhhteenisohhhk?”
Din chuckles, “Sorry, pretty bird, I don’t think I caught that.”
Leaning away slightly, but not making eye contact, you re-ask your somewhat loaded question in a quiet voice, “Din, do you think cheating is ok?”
Cupping your jaw and tilting your head up to meet his concerned eyes, Din says gently, “No, no, I don’t, sweetheart.  What brought this on?  Is it because we were talking about Poe?”
You sigh a small sigh, “I guess so.  You just seem to all be so… okay with his cheating history?  At least everyone talks about it so casually.  And I’m guessing you all know Lisa too… I feel so bad for her if everyone is talking about how her husband cheats like it’s so normal or something…”  You collect yourself and take a deep breath, “Din, actually, no, I’m sorry.  That’s being presumptuous.  You’ve all been friends forever and have so much shared history… I don’t mean to assume anything about your friendships.  I just… I didn’t know if the way Poe’s cheating seems to be no big deal… means that all cheating is no big deal.”
“I see,” considers Din.  He knows this is a serious topic and it obviously means a lot to you, but he can’t help but find your anxious state somewhat endearing, you aren’t usually so flustered and it makes him desperately want to scoop you up in his arms and soothe away your worries.    He bends down to give you a little peck on your lips before picking you up by your waist and placing you on a free space on the counter.  He doesn’t want you to be able to avoid eye contact with him when he answers, “Pretty bird, I don’t blame you for getting the wrong idea.  You’re right, we probably are too casual when we talk about Poe’s exploits.  It’s been going on forever, and he’s kind of like… a show that we get front row seats for?  Like a celebrity kind of?  We love him, and he give us something to talk about, but the way he lives is not the way we live.  He lives in a totally different world than the Mandos; when you’re the boss’ son, you play by different rules.”
You gaze reverently at Din as he so patiently and lovingly talks you down from your self created ledge and can’t help but let a little smile crack.
“Poe… well, you’ll see.  Poe is Poe.  Can’t be mad at him.  And sometimes that makes it seem like the shit he pulls isn’t that bad.  But, baby, for ourselves?  I promise you, no Mando has ever been a cheat.  It goes against everything we stand for; we don’t cheat each other, we don’t cheat the family, and we definitely don’t cheat in our relationships.  And I swear to you, baby – I never have and would never cheat.  Not on anyone, but definitely not you.”  Leaning in to alternate soft kisses to your lips, your neck, the corners of your mouth and your nose, Din’s voice gets low and husky, “Why would I want anyone else?  You’re my dream girl.  You make me laugh and smile.  You’re so sweet.  And the smartest.  You know how smart you are?  I’m obsessed with everything that comes out of that mouth.  I could listen to you talk about anything for hours.  Days.  And you’re beautiful, and kind, and you take care of me, and my friends.  Just look at how much effort you put in to the food for tonight when you didn’t have to even bring anything at all.  I’m so lucky.  Why would I ever want anyone else?”
“Oh Din,” you whisper, marveling at Din’s talent for saying all the perfect things; you had wound yourself up inexplicably tight, but he knew exactly how to calm you and pull you out of your dark place, “How do you always know what I need to hear to feel better?”
“It’s actually very easy, sweetheart.  All I need to do is tell you the truth,” murmurs Din, as he starts to deepen the kisses, “Actually, scratch that.  I lied a bit, I’m just obsessed with this mouth, period.  Love kissing this mouth.  Love when this mouth opens up for me.  How it feels pressed on my skin.  The way it takes my cock…”
“Oh fuck, Din-“
“…but the thing I love the most about this mouth is the sounds it makes when you come,” Din buries his face into your neck, nipping at your sensitive spots as you cross your ankles behind his back and pull him closer.
A round of raucous laughter from the poker table pulls you out of your arousal laden haze and away from Din, both of you panting lightly.  Looking in Din’s eyes and finding nothing but sincerity, you feel comfortable enough to broach the last of your overblown concerns, “Din, if you were seeing other people though, I couldn’t be mad, I guess.  It’s not like we’ve had any talks about exclusivity.”
At first, Din isn’t sure if you’re being serious, the idea so absurd to him.  But when he sees you start to chew your bottom lip nervously, he placates you, “Oh, pretty bird, I didn’t think we needed to have a talk about it.  I’ve been exclusively yours since I met you in the coffeeshop.  I was yours and only yours before I even knew your name, before I knew if I would ever see you again,” Din leans his forehead against yours and you can barely breathe from his romantic words.
When you sigh, relaxed, Din grins, “Feeling better, sweetheart?”  Looking up at him, your eyes bright, you smile and nod happily.  As he helps you hop down from the counter, you cheekily ask, “Don’t you want to ask if I’m seeing anyone else?”
Din stills, hands frozen where they were holding your waist not a moment ago, “Are you?”
Now you can’t help but be mischievous, “And if I were?”
Eyes darkening, Din reaches for you, “Baby, I-”
At that moment, your phone buzzes and you’re saved, “Oh!  Bea and Rory are downstairs!  I’m going to let them in!”  You grab a plate of garlic knots and practically flounce out of the kitchen, depositing the plate at the poker table before exiting the apartment.  You’re about halfway down the stairs when you hear the outside door being buzzed open, and see the smiling faces of your friends along with a the attractive face of a dark haired man you don’t recognize.
The man is chatting animatedly with Bea, his smile lighting up his whole face.  He is quite handsome, you admit – soft longish curls frame his face and he’s mainly clean cut with just a hint of a shadow, giving you a clear view of his chiseled jaw.  His lightly hooded eyes are bright and full of mirth, and his expression is currently so energetic he has a charming, almost boyish look about him. 
You wait for the trio on the second-floor landing; Rory spots you first (“Babe!!”) and rushes up the last few steps before enveloping you in a big hug, the bags in her hands full of clinking wine bottles.  You giggle and give her a big kiss on the cheek, “Is this overkill?” as you peek in her bags and find 7 bottles (2 Cabernet Sauvignons, 2 Sauvignon Blancs, 2 Beaujolais [that’s for you], and one bottle of Rosé).
Rory shrugs, “Didn’t know what everyone would like?”
“That’s why I brought tequila!  Everyone hates tequila!” quips the stranger, beaming widely.
“…and tequila hates everyone,” you smile and introduce yourself while pulling Bea in for a hug.
“Poe!  Poe Dameron!  You must be Din’s girl.  Must say, I can see what the fuss is all about,” he winks, “Guess it’s true what they say, beautiful girls only hang out with other beautiful girls.”
You’re so confused.  The line is so cheesy.  And you know about his flirting from the Mandos… but you’re not creeped out?  Apparently you and your friends are not immune to Poe’s famous charm and earnest brown eyes and you suddenly understand what Din meant when he said you just can’t be mad at Poe.
“Dameron!” comes a shout at the top of the stairs; it’s Paz, with a look of impatience on his face. Unless you’re Paz, you chuckle to yourself.
“Sorry, Heavy P! Got distracted, I mean, even you can’t blame me,” Poe flashes his winning smile again before angling out his elbows and offering up his arms for any willing woman to take.  Letting your friends have at it, you walk ahead and mouth to Paz as you get to the top, “Omigod.  Heavy P?!?”
Paz rolls his eyes and shakes his head (“Lil’ Lady, don’t.”) before muttering, “I swear to god,” and holding out his hands to take the wine from Rory and the bags of food from Bea (which you now realize that Poe notably did not offer to help carry).
You enter the apartment as a comical looking group: Paz laden down with bags that he carries directly to the kitchen (scowling), you looking amused (eyes wide with a kind of astonishment at the scene that just played out), then Poe bringing up the rear, making a grand entrance with a beautiful woman on each arm, grandstanding like a debutant making her entrance at the cotillion.  Al makes a beeline for Rory and Bea when he spots them, and they readily abandon Poe to greet the pup; you have to stifle a snicker when you see Poe’s look of disappointment at having been upstaged by a dog.
“Told you he’s a lot,” a voice whispers in your ear; you turn to find Din grinning at you.  He gives you a little kiss on top of your head before going to greet and welcome your friends.  Introductions are made and everyone gathers around the card table so that those who are playing can play, and everyone can chat, drink and eat.  The Mandos are incredibly hospitable and warm towards your friends; you don’t know if it’s out of kindness to you and Din or just because they really are a friendly bunch, but it fills you with joy to see your friends so well taken care of.  To no one’s surprise (not even Bea or Rory’s), Poe insists on pouring everyone a shot of the tequila he brought and plays deaf to people’s protests.  Rory downs hers without complaint before going back to her cards; you wrinkle your nose in disgust at your shot and when Poe isn’t looking, Din drinks yours, and you see Mayfeld nonchalantly do the same for Bea.  Poe just goes about his business, pouring himself more shots and chaotically raising bets while telling wild story after story about the people in the room (usually targeting the last person who called his hand).  He’s entertaining for sure, and he's seems less interested in winning at poker than he is getting everyone to have a good time.  It’s working.  Poe’s energy is infectious and the tequila is effective - the party gets livelier and livelier as the evening goes on. 
At a certain point, Woves and Paz nearly get into it after Poe (deliberately?) exposes his hand and everyone decides it’s a good time for a break so people can stretch and get more food.  You and Bea flop down on the couch with your wine, and a few people, including Poe, come over to join you, “So, when are you going to come and meet my dad?”
“Why would she meet your dad?” Bea asks curiously.
You look at Poe, your eyes widening just a little, mouth open to interject but having no response ready.  Without missing a beat, Poe says smoothly, “Oh, my dad and Din’s dad were best friends.  Din’s basically family.  My father’s favourite son.”
Bea laughs and you shoot Poe a grateful look, which he acknowledges only with the quickest of winks.  Din comes over, catching the tail end of this exchange; he claps Poe on the back appreciatively before sitting down and throwing his arm around you, “I think I’m done for the night, pretty bird.  Don’t have any more money for Rory to take.”
“Told you she’d clean you all out,” you giggle.
“I think both Bo and Paz are in love with her, too.  I’m not getting in the middle of that, so I’m just going to hang out here with you for the rest of the night, if you don’t mind.”
You shake your head, “Of course not, but are you sure?  I don’t want your friends to think that when I’m around, your attention is divided.”
“Oh, it’s not divided, sweetheart.” Smooth talker.  But you can’t help but feel flushed at Din’s words.
“Ok, ew.  Yeah, Dad is going to love you.  He’s been wanting Din to settle down for forever and he deep down he loves this gooey stuff,” bemoans Poe, and the group cracks up.
When the card game looks like it’s going to start up again, Bea yawns a bit and announces she’s going to go hover over Rory to gently encourage her to cash out her winnings so they can head out soon.  This reminds you that you have something for her, and you excuse yourself saying you’ll be right back.
When you emerge from the bedroom with the book you brought for Bea, you run into Din in the hallway; he’s leaning up against the wall, as if waiting for you.
“Hey you,” your smile easy and wide, reflective of how content you are with how this evening has gone.
Din moves towards you and using only his size advantage, crowds you against the wall he was just leaning against, then braces his forearm above you and peers down at you, “Hey pretty bird.”
You can’t help but let out a school girl giggle at this move.
Still holding your gaze, Din says in a low voice, “Don’t think I forgot what we were talking about in the kitchen before.”
Oh. So that’s what this little display is about; you’ve had a little time to think about it and you smile sheepishly, “Oh Din, I have to apologize for that.  Like, the image of you kissing someone else only flashed across my mind for a second and it upset me so much!  I shouldn’t have teased you with the same thing.  I’m sorry.”  You look up at Din with your most innocent, forgive-me eyes.
Din softens internally; he had been prepared to tease you mercilessly, but now looking down at you and feeling a little bad that you had been upset earlier, he’s tempted to let you off the hook.  Maybe.  
“Pretty bird, I’m sorry you had even a moment’s doubt and that it upset you; in case it’s not clear, I’m yours and yours only.  There isn’t anyone else, baby.  Couldn’t be anyone else.”
You melt under Din’s words and you want to make sure he knows how you feel too, “I feel the same way.  You’re so sweet, and kind, and caring, I can’t believe you’re real sometimes.  You make me so happy.  There’s no one else for me but you, Din.”
“But,” Din leans in to whisper darkly in your ear, “if you were seeing other people…”
You gasp a little at the low edge to his voice. “…I would want to know who they were.”  Din places a light kiss on your jaw before pulling back to move to the other side of your face and when he does, the expression you see on his face makes you shiver.  “I’d want to make sure they were treating you right.”  Another light kiss on your jaw.  Switching back again to the other side to nuzzle just below your ear, he continues in his deep, sultry drawl, “But when it’s my time with you… I’d remind you of who you really belong to.”
Afraid of letting out a whimper, you bite down on your lower lip, eyes open wide while you take in Din’s words.  “The things I would do to you would make you scream out my name until you couldn't speak, until you forget every other name but mine.  And when I’m done, there wouldn’t be any doubt in that pretty head of yours that you belong to me, sweetheart.”
This time you do whimper out loud and you’re sure everyone on the other side of the wall can hear; at this, Din dips to kiss his way to your other ear and growls, “Mine.”  You feel your panties dampen at his possessive words, the low timber of his voice making your knees buckle; Din catches you by wedging his thigh between your legs and you curl your arms under his to steady yourself.  “Yours,” you whisper, “all yours, daddy.”
Din’s mouth is on yours in a flash, tongue gaining quick entrance as your soft moans escape without your permission.  He drinks you in like a man parched, chasing your taste, unable to get enough.  You match the pressing brush of his lips and the movement of his tongue, stroke for stroke; his possessive manner and almost jealous sounding tone unlocking a deep desire within you.  It’s the same part of you that loves to be marked by his mouth, his hands, his cum; that part of your being that wants Din to claim you.  You’re getting all the way lost in Din and the way he surrounds you when you drop the book you’re still holding for Bea and it makes a loud thud that silences the chattering voices on the other side of the wall. 
“Hey, lovebirds!  We can fucking hear you!” booms Paz.
“Looks like I’m not the horniest one for once!”
“Shut up, Dameron!” Din yells, but with a grin only for you, “Yeah, I’m kicking them all out now, pretty bird.”
Chuckling, you give Din a sweet kiss before picking up the book that gave you both away, “Don’t do that.  We need to give Rory time to take all of Poe’s money.”  Winking, you turn to blow Din a kiss before rounding the corner to a chorus of hoots and hollers.
Poker night has been so much fun, you’re almost sad it’s over.  Everyone ate and loved the food you and the girls brought over; Mayfeld quietly apologizes for eating over 70% of the garlic knots and on behalf of everyone else who plan to politely demand that you supply the food for all future poker games.  To no one’s surprise, Rory leaves the poker game the big winner, having taken nearly everyone’s money and also the hearts of both Paz and Bo.  Jimmy and Brian encourage you to invite your friends to the next big fight, making sure to do so in Bea’s earshot.  Woves and Koska, both wine drunk, fight over who gets to take Al out for his nighttime walk; a fight they both lose when Din steps in and declares clearly that Al’s late-night walks are spoken for.  Poe, to (poorly) quote Pride and Prejudice, simpered and smirked all evening and made love to them all – you concede that the Mandos were right, he really is the life of the party. 
After everyone leaves and you put your girls in a cab, you and Din set out on your nightly walk with Al.  As you stroll through the neighbourhood, still bustling despite the late hour, you feel Din pull you closer into his side and you respond by hugging his waist and looking up adoringly at him, “I think Al had such a good time tonight, Din.  Thank you for letting me bring him.”
“Of course.  Al’s my boy.  What about you, pretty bird?  Did you have a good time?”
You nod truthfully, “I really did.  I think everyone had such a good time and your friends were so, so nice to my friends.”
“Even Poe?”
“Especially Poe.”  You both chuckle and continue the walk in comfortable silence for a bit.  Deep in thought about the serious discussion the two of you had in the midst of all the fun tonight, Din wants to make sure you’re feeling okay, “How are you feeling about what we talked about?  I know some of the stuff with Poe made you a bit uneasy.”
“Mmmhmm, I went to a bad head space for a bit, but you pulled me out.  Thank you, Din,” you say, lightheartedly, your easy tone suggestive of having moved past it.
“I’m always here for you, pretty bird.”
“And I’m more than okay with what we talked about,” you add; it’s an innocent enough response, but now you’re thinking about how hot your conversation in the hallway was.  Recalling Din’s dark expression as he talked about making you his has you squirming and you feel the warmth of your arousal start to seep through your panties.  When you finally make it to the sidewalk outside of the gym, you decide to broach the topic again.
“Yes, baby?”
You consider how to ask for what you want, “When we get home, do you think you can.. I want you to… do what you said in the hallway?”
Din tilts his head slightly to convey he’s not sure what you mean.
Suddenly shy, the words spill out in a hurry, “I want you act like I’m seeing other people, and then I want you to fuck me hard until I forget that anyone exists but you.”
Realization hits Din like a freight train and he’s overcome by his need to have you right now, “Is that what you want, pretty bird?  You want me to make you scream my name so many times you don’t need to know any one else’s?”
You nod, biting your bottom lip, “Fuck me and claim me, daddy.”
“Holy fu-, I can do that.  But tonight, I’m not your daddy.  You only call me by my name.  Got it, pretty bird?”
Wordlessly, you nod again.
“Good girl.  Now get upstairs.”
Go to: Ch. 11 Addendum - After The Poker Game
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an-au-blog · 7 months
Thought: so many merman buggy aus out there and so little merman Shanks. I get it, Buggy lends himself to being a pretty bluehaired merman and the clownfish pun is too good to ignore. But god I love the idea of kid Buggy getting thrown overboard and almost drowning until a mysterious redheaded figure saves him. Buggy waking up on shore and seeing someone sitting crosslegged with their back turned to him, stumbling to get up and drowsily walking over to said figure, who turns around towards him and Buggy’s eyes are still foggy, but those pants are extremely baggy and he tries to wrap his mind around how this guys sitting „Oh thank god you’re awake! Almost thought you wouldn’t make it.“ Buggy’s eyes focus and he takes in the young boys features. Red hair, tan skin, pretty brown eyes, not wearing a shirt. And then Buggy comes even more to himself as the boy continues babbling on „Easy! Sit down for a second. I don’t know if walking is supposed to look like this but you’re pretty wobbly.“ That kid has a really sharp set of teeth… and there seems to be something wrong with his hands, his fingers connected by a paperlike membrane up to his knuckles. And finally Buggy’s eyes fall down further and he notices the reason why he couldn’t make out how the other guy was sitting for a second. „… I can’t believe it.“ most people were lucky if they ever got a glimpse of merfolk once in their life. Now Buggy is talking to one eye to eye.
Just… let Buggy fall in love with creature!shanks for once. Let that clown be swept off his feet by a handsome merman! You could even have OG Shuggy breakup angst in there. Shanks basically becoming a member of Rogers crew right away when he brings Buggy back to ship, being an invaluable asset due to his abilities, which Buggy grows incredibly jealous of, especially since he is still cursed with his Chop Chop Abilities. And then it goes to shit after Roger’s dead because Buggy learns that Shanks wants to become HUMAN, even tough Buggy would slit a throat to be a merman like Shanks and Shanks doesn’t even want to go after the One Piece? It feels like a slap to his face. Shanks meanwhile has been wanting to become human for ages just because he feels him being a merman has kept him from his chosen family for too long. Rogers death just cemented that in his brain even more. He was never able to see the same places all of his friends did, he was the one waiting by the ship when everyone boarded land and went exploring. He was keenly aware how different him and his best friend were not just in personality, where they balanced each other out he felt, but on a fundamental level as well. That’s why he never took the initiative to take Buggy’s hand when they where both laying on the beach and talking about the future. That’s why he never asked to kiss Buggy because he feared the rejection. If he could just be human things would be easier. He could dance on the deck and drink with his best friend and he could help Roger fight and he could- well he just could have all he ever wanted! He would miss diving and the ocean and the way he could just FEEL the weather change with just a slight change in current, but even if he lost all that, it would be worth it.
And then he gets what he wants just to see his father figure get executed and watches Buggy storm away in the rain and he balls his fists at his side in despair because how was any of this fair?
Yyy i adore this! I like how it's a switch-up in the usual au standard ::D
I love the idea of having Buggy kinda swoon at first sight. Mermaids are already fabled to be these magnificent beings, rivaling the beautiful of any land dweller.
Shanks is a sight to behold. And yes, Buggy had never seen a mermaid, but even if he had, he doubts they'd like him. His charisma, his shine, his entire existence made Buggy gawk in awe.
When he became part of the crew Buggy was so happy. He couldn't even believe it! He was happy because not only does he get to see his new friend every day, but he actually gets to have one.
Slowly he realizes it's... well, to say it lightly, not as idealistic. Still, one of his favorite things was when they swam together. Whenever Buggy's feet touched the water, be could never stay truly mad at him. Shanks was an undeniably better swimmer, but he would take him to the prettiest reefs, the coolest fish, and the best views. Maybe even one time, they were under water for so long that Buggy forgot he needed air, so Shanks shared his own. He could breath under water so it was a bit like giving first aid mouth to mouth, but Buggy always liked to thunk of it as their first kiss... No one else thought of it as such. He couldn't even dream of asking but it was a delusion that kept him satiated.
He loved the ocean. And he loved Shanks. And their life was bliss at sea.
But then the unspeakable happened and he ate something he was never supposed to. No... he didn't eat it, he was forced to because of Shanks. That was something he would never forgive him. From then on seeing Shanks swim was only a painful reminder. It felt like salt in a wound.
To make it all worse, he finds out Shanks wanted to give it all away? Everything they had? Their legacy, the sea! And for what? A pair of boney legs???
On the other hand...
Shanks had felt Buggy slowly getting more and more standoffish towards him and he couldn't do anything about it. He could never be with the crew, not in any meaningful way. There were so many things he wanted to do on solid ground. And of course the crew got to do all the exciting adventuring, but all he got to do hear about it. To top it all off, even when his captain was being executed, he couldn't be there for him. He felt like a liability more than anything and he hated it.
So when Buggy came back upset, Shanks decided to tell him what he felt, open up. Let's say it went less then ideal. Buggy left for good, his father figure was dead and he couldn't even be with him in his last moments, he was cursed with this damn tale when the ones his heart went out to where on land.
... He was lost.
A decade or so, Buggy almost drowns. He fell in the water and could feel his consciousness simmer down. He was dying and must have been hallucinating, because he felt a pair of strong arms hug him from behind and then he woke up washed up on the shore.
The amount of salt water must have been inhumane because on top of that, for a second he thought he saw an adult version of the same merman who saved his life so long ago in the same manner. But he also knew it was impossible. The oceans were a vast and dangerous place. The chance of Shanks being there - same place and time as Buggy was close to none. Not to mention how festered the waters were with sea kings. No matter how fast a swimming one is, there's no way of our swimming a sea king.
Still... it was odd that there was a sudden income of driftwood with supplies. Oddly specific and useful supplies.
Buggy felt like even if there wasn't whatever he saw, there was someone... or something there. He decided, why not, and shouted a "I can see you there," (he couldn't) "you can come out now."
He didn't expect anyone to appear. And he definitely didn't expect his old cremate - Shanks. Shanks who had changed so much... he was well built, one armed, scarred and... was he... was he wearing pants?!
"Hey, Buggy... it's been a while..." Shanks smiled.
Okay, sorry, I have this hc that Bughy loves swimming, or I gues... used to... and I added the mouth to mouth thing because when you have a crush you read into everything too much and idk... sorry if it sounds like I'm retelling what you wrote, I love your idea <333
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tartagilicious · 1 year
i love the fact that dottore just somehow was able to successfully treat collei's eleazar, and it's always just made me think 😭😭 who in his life had it to the point where he mastered caring for a disease with no cure? insane lore for a mad scientist archetype!! also hello (: this isn't the end of my hiatus, but i'm trying to play genshin more again now that i have the time so dottore brainrot is back!!!! c.w: blood
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all the ways to kill the one you love (1.6k)
When you fall to your knees in the dark hall, you can only pray that the person in front of you knows that it wasn’t of your own volition. The only thing to blame is your own negligence for getting you into this situation – perhaps you’d be in better shape if you had been more prepared for your Eleazar to break out. 
Because from the moment you set foot into the frigid country’s very own Zapolyarny Palace, it has been in your absolute best interest to stay under the radar. Coming from the Akademiya, you know well that you are not particularly popular with any of its inhabitants.
Though, that isn’t your concern. You’re here to determine if the Fatui have been able to locate the missing Dendro archon as a vessel of Irminsul; a child of Sumeru and vision holder in the Akademiya. Effectively, you don’t intend to make any lasting friends, so to say. You’re unsure of the Akademiya’s plans with the information you find, but whatever you glean from your time here will be insignificant once out of your hands.
It was easy to convince the Grand Sage that your place amongst the heretics in Snezhnaya would be with their soldiers, despite the fact that your student-life had been plagued by your condition. Because the simple truth is that they didn't care about the technicalities, as long as you’re able to relay the info they require, they could care less if you died with it. 
Your time in the Fatui itself has been anxiety-inducingly bleak, though, and certainly nothing like what you expected. Low ranking soldiers are treated as employees, almost, sent from place to place in order to protect property and officials. But nothing has ever made you rethink your decision to accept a mission as much as this. 
The hydro vision you keep tucked away in your uniform should be helping to push down the pain – it has always helped. But be it the cold weather or something else entirely, your incorrigible disease seems to be flaring up more than usual. Even if you were blessed with a portion of Celestia's magic, you have been reminded from a young age that power is dangerous; and it cannot fix everything. 
However, your vision has never failed you so noticeably until now. 
The awful warmth in the back of your throat is a stark contrast to the cool tile beneath your hands. Your bunkmate is somewhere behind you, you think – she had been the one to find you, after all, clinging to a wall with a hideous mixture of blood and mucus pooling at your chin. 
You call out to her, voice weak as you attempt to stand. No response. The unknown doctor you had been led to is still silent so far, possibly making no move simply to see what you will try to do in your state. You can feel his eyes on you as you croak, 
“Has she gone?”
Something in the quiet air sparks as your voice breaks the silence. You look up begrudgingly, curious to see who you’re at the feet of even as your skin tingles painfully. You’re disappointed to find that the man’s face is obstructed by a mask that is vaguely owl-like, leaving nothing but the very corners of his lips visible. 
You don’t recognise him in the slightest, and yet, he frowns. 
Then, in his expensive slacks and in a way that surely creases his boots, the doctor kneels down to your level. Your heartbeat quickens intermittently as your eyes track his slow movements. You can’t help but be shocked by the sudden display of attention when he had clearly been resigned to only watching you before.
It’s difficult to look right at him when there are no eyes to find, so you can only look at the ground as the doctor studies you. 
You want to speak badly, to ask him to help you, but the words catch regrettably in your throat. Brows tightening, you throw a shaky hand over your mouth as a cough forces its way up. And too quickly, the blood that had pooled at the back of your throat empties into your mouth without warning, the taste instinctually pulling a whimper from you. 
A brief chuckle sounds from above you.
All you can register from that point on is a gloved hand slipping under your chin, tipping your head upwards. You attempt to shake your head in protest. Yet, all the Doctor does is wipe the blood that pebbles from your lips with a careful thumb. 
“How pitiful” The Doctor finally speaks, his rough voice thoughtful. “I’d thought you better than this.”
Your brows wrinkle in confusion as his thumb lingers near your mouth. He provides no explanation to his mysterious remark, though, merely turning your chin from side to side in an effort to look at your face in its entirety. Your chest burns with each movement.
Too helpless to do anything but stare at him, an old image slowly begins unfolding before you – though his face is covered, canine teeth are visible as he teases you. You’re almost certain that if he took off his mask, you’d be staring into the crimson eyes of someone you’d never forget.
Without thinking, you grasp at his wrist. The painful buzz solidifies between you without the barrier of a glove, but you don’t back down. 
“Zandik?” You whisper, brows creasing in concern. “How…?”
The Zandik you know is dead. This much is clear, no matter the way you look at it. But until now, you’d thought the former was undisputable. 
“You disappeared. I thought you were gone, but now you're with them?” You whisper harshly, sadness leaching into your voice.
After a few quiet moments, he drops your chin with a deep hum and pulls himself away from you. 
You crumble in on yourself and cough excess blood into your hand almost instantly, though he does nothing to help you this time. When you’ve caught your breath, he says, 
“You’ve always been one for flattery. I have never been any better than them.”
That’s not true. It’s not. You want to yell it at him, to insist until this awful cold facade of his ceases and you’re able to see the same person you’d gone to the Akademiya with. The same person who, despite having been hardened by the people that had outcased him, still flinched when insulted. The only one who would touch your hands that were inured with violet scales, and who valued your ability to forgive those who have hurt you. 
He was a person whose interest in things stemmed from his want to improve. Who’s status as an outcast came from his inability to compromise when it came to his life’s work, his desire to evolve. You found solace not in his frigid company,  but in the way your condition garnered the most intimate of his attention.
With the very same material that was enough to consider him a danger to Sumeru, he had successfully fought off the more gruesome symptoms of your Eleazar. With you, he was understood; needed. But with him, you finally felt whole. Both were things neither of you were ready to give up.
“Flattery.” Your voice is broken as you stare at the ground, body propped up by nothing but your weak forearms. “It’s so like you to insist anything good about you is false.”
A small frown is visible around the corners of his pointed mask. 
“What brings you to Snezhnaya, ___?”
“...I’m dying, Zandik.” You say quietly. He’s the first person you’ve admitted it to, even before yourself. In your student years, you’d been hopeful, confident, that your hydro vision would be enough to sustain you through a normal life. The very archon it stands for vies for equality on all fronts, between good and evil as well as sickness and health. 
But now, you know it isn’t enough. You’re old enough to look past the thin veil that has been protecting your fragile mind all these years and see the truth – that you were never meant for a long life. 
“What a headache.” He sighs it out placidly. You can’t find it in yourself to meet his eye as he kneels before you once again, every ounce of love he had once felt for you gone, yet somehow seeping from the cracks of his resolve all the same.  
You fully prepare yourself for the inevitable result of being told to leave, to seek refuge with a real doctor and not test fate in his hands. But, he doesn’t. Instead, a gloved hand reaches for your shoulder, pushing you up your knees. Your muscles sting with over-exertion as the cloud of hair leaves your face.
“How long have you been aware?”
Your back aches as you wipe the blood from your lips.
“A couple weeks.” You answer quietly, your words like a ghost in the frigid winter air. 
Dottore doesn’t answer immediately, a frown etched into his face permanently. Your breath catches as he reaches into his pristine white jacket. Gingerly, he wipes the blood from your lips with the steady hands of a surgeon. The action is not necessarily cold, but it is not full of the same warmth you remember either.
His voice is guttural when he says, “You’re foolish for coming here.” for coming to me. 
You want to laugh, to half-heartedly agree with him. You aren’t sure that you would have let your bunkmate bring you here if you knew that this was the fate you were going to meet. Of all the people in the world, Dottore is the only person who would be able to call you on your bluffs – on all of the reasons you’re here, and every reason the Akademiya has to value you. 
You could become nothing very quickly, as soon as he wishes. 
But, there's something inside you that wrestles with the fear -- something soft and carefully hidden that refuses to leave this revelation, this reunion, behind.
And so, you force out a soft, “I know.”
You both know his harsh words don’t hold any real meaning. After all, the fearsome Harbinger is equal to you in this moment, on his knees just as you are. And if nothing else, it gives you hope that things are not as lost as they seem.
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tartagilicious 2023
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stwrljoo · 1 month
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Davis Schneider x (GN) Reader
SFW + NSFW Headcannons!
Warnings: (mild) sexual themes **DO NOT interact with this if you are a MINOR!**
A/N: there is absolutely NO fanfics or anything for Davis anywhere on the internet? since nobody else has bothered to write for him, i've decided that i will! this man is such a gem, and he deserves all the love!
disclaimer: i do not know anything about Davis on a personal level. these Headcannons are written purely based on personal opinion, and the vibes that i get from him.
imma be honest, this man would be the absolute SWEETEST
i sense that he likes taking care of those that are around him
Clement literally said that Davis basically did all the cooking and cleaning (and driving, lol) when they were roomates throughout Spring Training earlier this Year!
if Davis is willing to do that for a coworker/friend, then i have no doubt that he would give the same treatment to someone he's in a romantic relationship with
expect lots of homecooked meals
even after he's been running around in the heat for 4hrs
should he rest and let you take care of dinner? probably
will he? no
this also means that ofc your shared space will always be tidy <3
the only time it might get a little messy is if you, or Davis, is feeling under the weather
bc who wants to clean when they're feeling ill, right?
and he can't keep up with it if he's busy tending to you 😌
but any other time, Davis doesn't hesitate to assist with chores
✨ written by a woman ✨ fr!
you'd always be giddy in his presence
this man's smile literally lights up any room he's occupying
he has more of a subtle sense of humor, but he knows how to pull a laugh out of someone
Davis notices when you physically relax around him, and it makes him feel good to know that you're comfortable at his side
he has said that he's not big on recieving loads of attention
i feel like getting spoiled, or being given the same amount of care he puts towards others, would fluster him a bit
but he'd appreciate every ounce of it regardless
would always return the favor tenfold
obviously, Davis is very serious when it comes to his career!
he would hope that anyone he enters a relationship with is supportive of what he does for a living
(who wouldn't be?!)
of course, if baseball maybe just isn't your thing, he could come to accept that
he might be a little dissapointed, but as long as you support his goals and milestones, i can see him moving past it
but, if you LOVE baseball, he would be ecstatic!
he does strike me as someone who loves sharing his passions
Davis appears to be very close with his family, and a lot of them attend his games, so i know he'd love it if his partner was also in attendance and cheering him on
would come to you when in a slump, or needing advice in regards to how he's playing
feels a sense of.. pride? when he calls you up after a game you couldn't attend and you tell him you'd been watching the whole thing on TV
always looks at you with so much love 🥺
feels he doesn't deserve you
treats you with so much respect and care!!!
this man drives me ABSOLUTELY CRAZY
Davis loves kissing
kissing, kissing, kissing
80% of your foreplay is just making out
and groping 🤭
is amused whenever he leaves marks on your neck and his mustache ends up tickling you
it almost always results in your soft laughter mixing with moans and it drives him MAD
Davis' winning personality continues to shine when it comes to matters in the bedroom
makes sex about YOU
he wants to cum as much as any other man, but he doesn't give much thought to himself until you've been satisfied first
loves giving oral
loves recieving oral
just... loves "mouth stuff" 😳
given the fact that his profession requires a pretty solid workout regiment, Davis has got that stamina!
you want round 2, 3.. ? he's got you covered
for him, (and you 😉) it's better if he doesn't bounce back right away because that means he can dedicate an entire round to getting you off instead
and if you haven't bounced back either, well..... kissing!!!!
i feel Davis is all about that lust and fervidness
he's not just fucking you, he is taking the time to learn and worship your body
(i'm assuming he's had a few flings in his lifetime thus far, but i feel like he's not the type to treat a sexual partner like an object)
"slow and steady wins the race"
the orgasms Davis gives you are INTENSE, so hang on!
loves when you whimper his name!
loves when you pull his hair!
any position that has you on top is his FAVORITE
man likes the view 👀
and likes when you hold his hands and use him as support 👉👈
it puts those lovely arms of his to work, and showing off his strength in any manner gives him a confidence boost
talks lowly in your ear for a lot of it
tells you how good you feel
tells you how beautiful you are
sometimes just curses and says jumbled up nonsense
Davis is kinda quiet i feel, but does have his moments
lets out deep, loud, moans when he cannot contain himself
especially when he hits his climax 🤤
always takes the time to make sure you're all cleaned up and feeling okay aftwards no matter what! just.. again, treats you with so much respect and care!!!
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theshowliveontour · 21 days
Niall Horan brought his headlining tour, THE SHOW LIVE ON TOUR 2024, to Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee on Monday night (June 3), and delivered an impressive set that highlighted his evolution from boy band heartthrob to a bona fide rock star. The concert marked Horan’s first time headlining an arena in Nashville and follows his previous visits to Music City, when he headlined The Ryman Auditorium and Ascend Amphitheater.
Sold Out Concert At Bridgestone Arena In Nashville
The sold-out show served as a testament to the 30-year-old singer/songwriter’s solo success, drawing fans of all ages adorned in homemade merchandise and Niall Horan-inspired outfits, eagerly awaiting the former One Direction star’s arrival.
As the lights went dim, a pair of eyes appeared at the top of the stage and then a cinematic introduction was projected on a vintage theater style stage set up complete with curtains and clamshell foot lights, bringing an old school vibe that flawlessly fit Horan’s set.
“Good evening Nashville,” Horan shouted, greeting the crowd with a big smile on his face, as he exploded into a high-energy performance of his fan-favorite tune, “Nice To Meet Ya.”
”I Have Dreamt Long And Hard About This Night”
Donning a black leather vest, black tank, black pants, and a handkerchief in his pants pocket, Horan looked every bit of the rock star he has become and kept the crowd in the palm of his hand throughout the entire concert.
“Welcome to The Show Live On Tour Lovers! Holy smokes, this is insane, thank you so much for selling out the famous Bridgestone Arena for me. I really appreciate it,” Horan said graciously. ”I have dreamt long and hard about this night, and thank you so much for selling this arena out for me, it’s mind-boggling, I can’t believe I am here. Nashville is one of my favorite cities in the world, and I love coming here. I love the music in this town, I love writing in this town, and it feels like home here. I love it, so thank you so much for welcoming me back.”
He continued, “All the memories that I’ve had in this city over the years, I just love the place. There are some cities that just stand out to you and just make you feel comfortable, and Nashville and the people in it just make you feel like you’re at home.”
Surprise Guest: Noah Kahan
A highlight of the show was his intimate acoustic set. With the curtain shut behind him, Horan took to the microphone stand with just an acoustic guitar and delivered a raw and heartfelt performance of “Put A Little Love On Me,” followed by the crowd-pleaser, “This Town,” which featured a surprise guest, Noah Kahan.
“Since we’re in Nashville, there’s some good songwriters around the place,” Horan said before welcoming Kahan to the stage to join him for the performance. The excitement to see the “Stick Season” singer was palpable, as he was welcomed by deafening screams.
He concluded the acoustic set with “You Can Start A Cult.” After Horan wrapped his set, the capacity crowd offered thunderous stomps and applause demanding an encore, which Horan obliged and returned to the stage for a two song encore that included “Heartbreak Weather” and “Slow Hands.”
21-Song Set List
Horan’s 21-song set included songs from all three of his solo albums: Flicker (2017), Heartbreak Weather (2020) and The Show (2023). He also threw in a cover of One Direction’s hit, “Stockholm Syndrome,” a fan-favorite that prompted a massive sing-along during his set in Music City.
Throughout the concert, Niall Horan made it a point to connect with his fans on a personal level. He took a moment to read many of the handmade signs brought by fans, interacting with them in a way that made the massive arena feel intimate. His gratitude was evident as he thanked his fans multiple times, often becoming visibly emotional as he watched his dreams unfold before his eyes, with a capacity crowd singing along to every word.
“I just want to thank you all for the loyal support over the last 14 years, it’s just been absolutely bonkers. Whether you’ve been there since day one or you just watched The Voice and said ‘well, I like him,’ thank you I really appreciate your support, and I am so happy to be here in this arena tonight with you,” Horan exclaimed with a big smile emblazoned on his face.
From Boy Band Member To Solo Superstar
Niall Horan’s concert at Bridgestone Arena was more than just a performance; it was a celebration of his journey as an artist. From his days in One Direction to his impressive solo career, Horan has proven that he is a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. His genuine connection with his fans, coupled with his undeniable talent, made for an evening that Nashville will not soon forget. With this tour, it’s clear that Niall Horan is not just a former boy band member, but a solo superstar who has truly come into his own.
Niall Horan kicked off his world tour in February of 2024 in Belfast, UK, at the SSE Arena. The North American leg of the trek launched at Hard Rock Live in Hollywood, Florida, on May 29, 2024. Produced by Live Nation, the stint will continue through the end of 2024.
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unhelpfulfemme · 9 months
...because in this, as with everything he did, there were layers of intent, moments when expected patterns would suddenly dissolve into something else.
This line is about a swordfight, but I feel like this sums up this entire book series, and Laurent's role in it, quite well. There is an internal logic, patterns and symmetries, to everything that's happening, but the moment you think you've grasped them they shift into something different (and as someone really fascinated with dynamic systems I love it). It's like that with the plot, it's like that with the romance, it's like that with the characterization, it's even like that with the worldbuilding through the power of Damen's very biased narration.
And what I particularly like is that it doesn't only get patterns, but it also gets dynamics, because things must be done in the right order, in the right moment, with the right intensity, to have an effect, and interpersonal relationships shift and change as a response to this constant back and forth. And this principle is everywhere: the battles, the politics, the swordfights, the sex, the chivalric tournaments.
He thought of Laurent's delicate, needling talk that that froze into icy rebuff if Damen pushed at it, but if he didn't - if he matched himself to its subtle pulses and undercurrents - continued, sweetly deepening, until he could only wonder if he knew, if they both knew, what they were doing.
^ Like that, for example. Or the way some things have to happen as a precondition to Laurent feeling safe, at first: on a micro level, there must be some token show of dominance on Laurent's part, to which Damen should respond sweetly and unintrisively, before he lets himself go, and on a macro level, the show of dominance before he lets himself go is the entire first half of book 1. You must always do something, which will then change the thing that you're acting upon, put it in the right position for you to do what you wanted to do all along. I love this.
Finally, I'm not a person who's very partial to symbolism. It tends to ruin my sense of immersion when the weather is dreary because the character is sad and the curtains are blue because they symbolize the sadness of the scene, because it always makes me feel like the world is small and unreal and like the writer perceives the world in a deeply egocentric way (I hate antropomorphising; if you have to project yourself onto something to appreciate it, you're not appreciating it. real appreciation requires accomodation, not assimilation). But man the symbolism in this, and the way it intertwines the cultural and the personal, makes me go feral.
The intricate crisscrossing laces of Veretian clothing paralleling the tangled threads of Laurent's mind, both of which require skill and patience to unravel, both of which have both a protective and a stymying purpose, and how they contrast with Damen's straightforward nature, because he is a man who sees beauty in simplicity and seeks to achieve it. The intricate lacing of Veretian clothing also reflecting the intricate, overly complicated way they do everything, which is also reflected in their intricate, overly complicated architecture, and Damen's immediate reaction to all of it. The Akielon philosophy of appreciating things for what they are - striving for measured simplicity in order to appreciate the quality of the fabric, the stone, the body, and how it makes Damen receptive to how artless Laurent gets when he's vulnerable. The man who is an unbeaten champion of the okton, a sport where you have to have the strength and precision and self-control necessary to ace a spear throw while dodging other people's spears flying by you while riding a horse, being the one who knows the right move to make at the right time regarding the saw trap that is Laurent's personality. The man who enjoys having spears thrown at him for fun taking on Laurent's prickliness in a spirit of sportsmanlike challenge.
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niqhtlord01 · 2 years
Humans are weird: The human test. AKA: Paranoia
( Don’t forget to come see my on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord )    
“This is survey team six entering atmosphere; touchdown in twenty at target location.”
With his report finished Xinth flipped off the transmitter and went back to bringing down his ship and crew safely. After making back to back landings within the last twenty rotations on six other worlds, Xinth was comfortable that this one wouldn’t be any different.
“We dying today or did I fill out my company life insurance for nothing?”
“You should know by now that when I’m at the helm every flight is safety guaranteed.” Xinth remarked with a smirk.
No sooner had the words left his mouth did the entire ship lurch down some twenty feet before co-pilot Tiktik reached passed him and flicked a on the stabilizer units.
“Safety guaranteed you said?”
Xinth grunted but said nothing as he leveled off the ship again.
The rest of the descent went without trouble and the ship finally came to a gentle landing in a large open clearing. Xinth looked out over a seemingly endless horizion of tall thin red grass like stalks that waved in the wind.
“Let’s go make some money.” Tiktik said over his shoulder as he unstrapped himself and left the cockpit. Xinth followed after taking a quick break to stretch his limbs. Nothing wore him out more than the tediousness of entry landings and he could feel his life essence returning with each crack of his muscles.
Feeling refreshed he passed through several pressure doors and made his way to the central hold where the rest of the team was waiting for him.
Standing atop the walkway lining the upper areas of the central hold he could easily see his entire crew as they were getting ready. Tiktik was next to Yon as he loaded up the mobile transport with the survey gear they would need. Desh and Mim were going over the most recent orbital scans to confirm there were no hazardous weather patterns that would endanger the team while they were off ship. Most importantly of all he saw Anthony tightening up his survival suit near one of the lower hold doorframes.
Taking a mental headcount as he saw each of their faces Xinth paused for a moment before realizing he was missing his newest crewmember. He was just bout to callout to Tiktik about their location when the doorway beside Anthony opened and in walked the devil himself.
Jakhaut had joined the crew shortly after their last survey when they returned to the ship to offload the data. Hi bulk barely fit through the doorframe as he entered. To Xinth’s amusement he could heat the rookie grunting as he squeezed himself into the room. It wasn’t that Jakhaut was fat; more that his muscles were so large that it was a miracle that he could fit through any doorway to begin with.
After several grueling moments of struggling he was finally able to push his way into the hold. Anthony was so focused on getting his suit in working order that he did not see the lumbering alien suddenly now thrust into the room and Jakhaut pushed him aside with a casual shove.
Anthony was thrown to the floor by the shove but Jakhaut merely looked down in disgust. “Human.” The brute muttered, the word dripping from his mouth like toxic slime as he continued by without a single look back. Not one to be pushed around Anthony stood back up and made to follow Jakhaut’s attention when Xinth spoke up.
“Alright everyone,” he said calmly to forestall what would soon be a brawl between the two, “this is our final survey and then we can return home for our fat paychecks and even fatter loved ones.”
A halfhearted cheer came from the crew as Xinth continued.
“Same deal as before; we deploy the scanning gear four kilometers from here, gather the readings and then head to the next marker in the southern hemisphere.”
Xinth looked over to see Desh speaking through his breathing tubes. It never was easy to understand him, and from what Xinth knew it was even more painful for the Desh to speak at all; so when he did say something it was often on point.
The other crew members all looked up to him in concern but he shook his head.
“Orbital scans detected no life signs along our path to the scanning site so we I don’t expect any trouble.”
To his lack of surprise none of the crew looked convinced. “However, we will of course follow standard company policy before beginning the survey.”
He motioned towards Anthony as the loading doors lurched loudly and slowly began lowering down to the surface. “If you would be so kind Mr. Anthony?” Xinth asked politely as he motioned toward the door.
“It’s what I’m paid for.” Anthony groaned before slowly treading in his heavy survival suit down the ramp. Out of the entire crew he was the only one to wear such a suit. Not because the environment of the planet was toxic to human or any of the other crew members of the survey team, but because his job was one of the most dangerous of them all.
Nearing the bottom of the ramp Anthony stopped just shy of touching the planet’s surface. The crew watched as the human tilted forward to look at the ground, then leaned back up to scan the surrounding sea of red grass. The plants were as tall as the ship and the wind made each one seem alive in the breeze.
With baited breath they watched as the lone human looked left and right several times silently. “What does the fleshling look for?” Jakhaut asked out loud, but the rest of the crew either glared at him or silenced him with a poignant “Shush!”  
Five minutes passed before the human slowly began backing up the ramp; never taking his eyes off the swaying red grass around the ramp door.
“What’s the word, Anthony?” Xinth called down as the human backed into the center of the hold once more.
“Yeah,” Anthony began slowly, “fuck that shit sir.”
The crew looked up at Xinth who rattled his fingers along the guard rail. “You heard him, pack it up.”
With that the loading door began rising once more while the entire crew save Jakhaut kept close watch on it.
“So that’s it?” the newest crewmember blurted out. “The fleshling gets scared and we just skip the survey site?”
“No,” Xinth replied, “it means on Mr. Anthony’s recommendation that we skip the entire planet and return home.”
Utter bemusement was an understatement for the expression to befall Jakhauts face. He turned in disbelief to the rest of the crew as the loading door finally sealed shut once more and they all relaxed.
“You all are okay with this?” Jakhaut asked. “We will not get our full pay without this final survey.”
The crew shrugged and continued back to their stations while Tiktik and Yon began unloading the transport.
“Since its company policy we’ll still get something.” Tiktik replied as he hefted down the drilling array. “Not as much sure, but something is better than nothing.”
“What?” Jakhaut asked dumbfounded.
“Anthony….say……bad.” Desh spoke once more. “No…..go….if….bad.”  
Hearing this Jakhaut shoved his way through the crew towards Anthony and hefted him easily into the air with his strong grip. “Then tell them it is good so I can be paid in full.” Jakhaut demanded as he held up Anthony like a rag doll.
Jakhaut looked from the human up towards the captain who had shouted. His hand was casually resting on a side arm at his waist while his other was tightly gripping the hand rail. The crew stood frozen, waiting for someone to do something.
Lowering Anthony to the deck, Jakhaut released him and took a step back from the human.
“Mr. Anthony I think that has been enough excitement for today.” Xinth said, his hand still resting on the pistol. “Go back to your quarters and get that stupid thing off; you look like a refrigeration unit with legs.” He motioned to some of the other crew members. “ Desh, Min, go with him to help; Mr. Jakhaut, a word if you would.”
As the pair escorted the human out of the hold Jakhaut scaled the ladders up to Xinth. The gangway groaned under him as he walked upon it but thankfully it was more than capable of sustaining the both of them.
“I know you are new to this line of work,” Xinth began quietly, the sharpness of his tone enough to cut through steel, “but the first rule of any survey ship worth a damn is to never, EVER, threaten the human crew mate.”
Jakhaut was about to ask why when Xinth held up a hand for silence. Clearly the captain was in no mood for a debate.
“You can call it a sixth sense, or telepathy, or even some gift from their stupid floating cloud god; but humans possess the keen ability to sense danger even when all other reasoning says there is none at all.”
Jakhaut looked unconvinced. “I don’t have time to explain every situation a human has saved their crew from unseen death but you should be smart enough to realize that if the company deems every ship to have at least one human crew member, and that it is acceptable to abandon a survey if said human feels uneasy about a survey site; then clearly putting trust in a human is not as crazy as it sounds.”
He leaned forward and whispered “So if you ever lay a hand on our human again, I can promise you this crew will happily leave your scaly thorax on the nearest planet with no means of escape; do I make myself understood?”
Jakhaut nodded in silence and the captain finally took his hand off the pistol. “Good,” Xinth spoke, “now go and help store the gear; we’ll be taking off shortly.” ------------------------------------
Several dozen rotations passed since that event and Jakhaut had kept to the captain’s order. He ignored the human as much as possible, even going so far as to exit the same corridor as the human Anthony.
He was sitting in the mess hall one day when Xinth walked in and dropped a data pad in front of Jakhaut.
“Read.’ Was all he said, and so Jakhaut picked up the pad and began scrolling through the contents.
It was a report from an intergalactic rescue team that had been dispatched to the same planet Jakhaut had thrown his tantrum. A rival survey company had landed, one that did not include humans on every ship, and began work on surveying the planet when they were attacked by predator like creatures.
The report stated that the team was swarmed from all sides when they attempted to navigate through the tall red grass to their first site. The predators disguised themselves as the tall grass and would strike down and impale several of the survey team before hoisting their bodies high into the air as their liquids drained down. Out of a team of eight only one made it back to the ship where they promptly locked themselves in and sent out a distress beacon.
Finishing the report Jakhaut looked up to see the captain still looking down at him. His expression carried no snark for being proven right, nor empathy to show he was teaching a lesson.
Jakhaut nodded in acknowledgement but said nothing. No words were needed to show his understanding.
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Nonononono I would love to hear you get into why you despise the hidden world i am always ready to add more reasons to my list
This is gonna be super messy and infodumpy but you asked and I deliver. fueled by rage, 40°c/100°f weather and no aircon.
First of all, The Hidden World was NOT exactl up for success. The first two films had two people workin together: Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois. in the first film they were both directors, in the second one was a director and one was an executive producer. The first two are regarded generally as some of Dreamworks' best work, only really tailing films like Shrek and Shrek 2. The Hidden World isn't. I cant say I know a lot about what Sanders and DeBlois individually contributed to the films, but I can say this with confidence: DeBlois does not understand the dragons on a fundamental level. Time and time again the dragons are shown to be intelligent, capable understanding human speech and sarcasm, being fully sentient and sapient just as we are. For whatever reason, DeBlois never seemed to get this. Thats why The Hidden World treats the dragons like wild animals with instincts and a call for the wild when theyre shown to not be like that at all. At some point during the film, Astrid says, "What did you expect? You gave him his freedom, Hiccup." (paraphrased). Thats bullshit. And thats not even headcanon, its just bullshit. The whole idea of dragons being called away by their instincts to start a family and move on was already done in Gift Of The Nightfury, and it did it better! Literally the entire point of that short was that the dragons CHOSE to come back. They didn't want freedom, they wanted companionship - which clearly they understand as deeply as we do. Toothless is a special case, because its debateable that he never had those instincts to begin with. To that I say: Why didn't he have them to begin with? What was different about this time? That he SAW the lightfury? Gift Of The Nightfury was made to explore the idea of dragons laying eggs as a part of their instincts. If laying eggs is part of the instinct, why did Toothless and the Lightfury only do that like fifteen-twenty years later? And I dont have an answer for that. DeBlois did not direct Gift Of The Nightfury, but he worked on it. He watched the project grow and go through all of its developmental stages and came out of it learning apparently nothing. How To Train Your Dragon and How To Train Your Dragon 2 (as well as its respective TV shows) recognised the dragons as a very expressive, very complex part of the universe that have friends, familial ties, personalities, morals, emotions, understanding of human language. They dont get this treatment in The Hidden World. In The Hidden World Toothless is reduced to a romanticised, horny house dog.
DeBlois also doesn't seem to fully grasp the bond that the dragons and riders have. Toothless specifically has repeatedly risked his life for Hiccup. Off the top of my head, he saved him from that avalanche and risked being buried alive or dying of hypothermia; he (several times) swims far too deep to attempt to rescue Hiccup; he dives into the Red Death's fire to save hiccup; he deters, oh I don't know, a BEWILDERBEAST in order to protect hiccup. He has never truly in his life chose something over Hiccup. And you're telling me the Lightfury shows up, SHOOTS AT HICCUP, and Toothless still risks it all for some pussy? Like seriously? That bitch would have been GONE within seconds.
Now, I can't find a source for this, so take it with a grain of salt, but just like how the original villain of the second film was Valka, apparently the original pitch for the third was that they find a cave full of Nightfuries. First of all this wouldve been so much more interesting. I cant speak for Race To The Edge, but the ENTIRETY of Riders of Berk, Defenders of Berk, and even How To Train Your Dragon 2 lead up to the idea that maybe Toothless wasn't the last of his kind. I couldnt tell you how many times its alluded to in the show alone. And you're telling me, after, what, seven years, your answer is just, "That guy killed them all"? Which brings me onto Grimmel.
The selling point of Grimmel is that he's smart. He's the most intelligent villain they've fought yet. Personally I think thats fucking stupid. Thats not only blatantly untrue in regards to the actually intelligent antagonists they HAVE faced, hes also just not that smart. When he presents the ultimatum, among other things, Toothless could literally just shoot him. When he shows up in Hiccup's hut, Toothless could literally just shoot him. Even if hes fireproof (which i dont remember if he is) hes not momentum proof. A better point of interest on Grimmel would have been, "Hes the first villain weve really seen actively murder dragons." (Unincluding the red death). Which, ok, maybe. Hes still boring.
The designs. the designsbfurghensnebdndbd d
OKOK SO. Lets start simple. Toothless is so chunky. They really didn't understand what makes Toothless intimidating. Hes scary because hes sleek and aerodynamic and not because hes a beefy macho wrestler. Hes a panther! Thats the intimidation!!! And i guess I cant put it off anymore so lets talk about the Kids Youtube monstrosity this film gave us i guess.
The lightfury is... a mess. in every way. The dragons in the series are very dramatic and stylised, sure, but in a very intentional way. A Monstrous Nightmare's teeth are in no way practical but they go with the big bad carnivore idea. A Deadly Nadder is not at all expressive compared to other dragons but neither are birds, which it resembles. Most boulder class dragons would in no way be able to fly, but it adds to the idea that they are heavily armoured and underestimated. In the case of the Nightfury, it makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. It has large eyes because it lives in dark coastal caves. Its black because it is mostly nocturnal with hunting. It has echolocation BECAUSE of said dark coastal caves. However, when it comes to the lightfury, the design is... lacking. Smushed face not at all practical for fishing. Certain bird of prey and even dinosaurs (e.g spinosaurus) have distinctively long, thin mouths/beaks FOR FISHING. Lightfuries are not aquatic, and since they are presumably an evolution branch away from nightfuries, they probably cant spend too long in the water. Lightfuries have strangely smooth, round features. Its tail fins and wings being round make. next to zero sense. For the first film the creators took a pilots class to understand how flying works. I didnt. but i dont think that work, especially not for one of the fastest dragons. Its legs are weirdly shaped and It. Fucking. Sparkles. Its sparkly. Its 2019 fella I thought we learnt our lesson with Twilight. Shes so unneccessarily feminine its gross. And sure, The idea of variation between sex is shown but in very minor incidences. For example, The main differences between male and female Nadders are the curvature of the horn on the nose and which jaw is out more (overbite/underbite but idk which is which).
The Lightfury is also. Mean? Literally a softcore manic pixie dream girl? Its not even the cliche of like, she teaches him about the wild while he teaches her about stuff he learnt in "captivity" and theyre both endeared by the others ideas and home lives. She actively puts him down for everything and leads him on at the same time? its very strange. Also, Toothless' mating dances couldve worked on a Nightfury. We dont know. Theyre different species at the end of the day.
And the worst part about the Lightfury to me is that all of these issues are so easily solvable. For design, you have at least 2 options:
1. Make her a Nightfury.
I recognise they made her white so they were easy to tell apart. solution: Albino. done.
2. Make her a variation of Nightfury.
Plenty of people on this site have pointed out itd be plausible that there are, for example, Northern Nightfuries that live in harshly cold environments and are bulky and stong! Toothless seems like a wifeguy anyway let the man have a beefy wife
I've expressed this before, but I think that the ending is very lazy. Just tacking it on at the end that they have to leave bc they dont want more films. I have read the books before. I dont remember a lot about them, but I do remember that very little tracks. Like a couple of character names and thats basically it. Theyve NEVER attempted to replicate the books before, why start at the end of the final film? Its not even like there was very much motivation behind it. The dragon riders always win. I genuinely believe that the third film would have benefited from killing off Snotlout.
And yeah. I love him, hes my favourite character, this blog is centered around how much i hate his shitty dad. But his character went NO WHERE in the last film. Id even argue he got worse. Snotlout is a character where a lot of the appeal comes from the hope that he will be better. And he is! Compare his behaviour from The first few episodes of Riders Of Berk to the end of Defenders Of Berk. There is probably less than a year between them and it is night and day. He goes from being a school ground bully who neglects and actively deprives his dragon of sleep to someone who would maim, kill, die for him. You get to Race To The Edge and he is still the same cocky asshole, but he cares so deeply about his friends. He is inconsolable for days when Hookfang is thought to be leaving him. He cries of happiness at the wedding of his cousin and the girl he liked. He shows, more than probably anyone in the series, incredible growth. And then The Hidden World happens. To name a few things, he:
- Flirts relentlessly with his aunt
- Mocks his cousin's recently dead father ("Who died and made you chief?)
- Competes for power with Hiccup
And I think that killing him off would check the boxes of being closer tied with the books, Giving him a full redemption, and giving Hiccup a (albeit extreme) reason to send the dragons away. At that point Hiccup would have lost his mother (although she lived), his father, his leg, and his cousin (or best friend depending on interpretation) to dragons or to fighting FOR dragons. Thats got to be enough at some point.
Back on the subject of Hiccup, he was so... off. He's an absolute nerd when it comes to dragons (/pos)! He would never find a species of dragon and get upset that Toothless spent time with it, especially not A FURY???? He spends the whole film talking about Toothless and the Lightfury as if hes an over protective dad which again leads back to the ides of DeBlois not understanding the dragons fundamentally. The joke, to my understanding, is meant to be that he is treating his pet like his son that just started dating. But Toothless isnt his pet. Toothless is his friend. Thats not the relationship at all. And again, Hiccup wouldn'nt be??? upset???over that???
Ruffnut lost ALL of her nuance and interest and is now just "stupid." Tuff is... okay, i guess. Fishlegs is reduced to being motherly and feminine when hes otherwise CONSTANTLY shown being extremely intelligent and would also NEVER leave out Meatlug???? Ive already spoken about Snotlout, and Astrid is now just kind of. Hiccup's sidekick?? What happened she was literally so cool and stern and cutthroat and genuinely had chemistry with Hiccup. Now shes just there to give him advice. Dont get me wrong, I love the conversational parallels that have with the first movie, but they dont feel earned. they feel like its trying to leech off of nostalgia of the first movie. She also looks physically very different for some reason.
TL:DR, The Hidden World is a movie aimed at kids for a franchise that was always aimed at families. the themes are dull, characters are ooc, designs are ugly, and the problems are easy fixes
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