#omori plural sunny
faraway-sunshine · 4 days
Meet Whoever's In My Head #1: Haru
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Derived from an old nickname my grandmother used to give me based on my middle name, Haru is my oldest friend besides Mari.
I typed a lot, so information on backstory and why I drew him like this is under the cut.
(Saturday 16th September, 2000, 8:26 PM)
When I was little, I don't remember much, but I know I had meningitis. There was an outbreak at my kindergarten, and I got it really bad (this was before I moved to Faraway, by the way). Because of how dangerous it is and how fast it spreads, I was pretty much in isolation in the hospital. According to doctors, I had bad fevers and other symptoms that meant it was a miracle that I pulled through.
My only real memories were missing Mari, seeing crayoned pictures in my room being hung up, and a nurse who felt bad for me and read comic books out loud.
I guess one of the comic books had something about cloning, so I later invented this kind of story that I was actually a clone and my original copy had died of the sickness and that's why I couldn't remember, because it wasn't actually me who went through it. It fit with how I was, as my dad said, "not really the same after". It also fits with how the next time I saw my grandma, who was old and confused, she kept asking for "Haru" and denying I was her grandson.
Later on, I felt Haru's presence whenever I was lonely or screwed up or did something bad. When most prayed to God, I tried to talk with him to figure out what was wrong, what they screwed up when I was cloned, what I was doing that made my family look so worried and sad sometimes in comparison to how they saw Mari.
It got to the point where my memory would black out sometimes, and whenever I described the blackouts to Mari she said she could tell because I seemed almost a different person, seemingly brighter and more out-there and weirdly clingy with my parents (who I was very distant from after being sick) and not seeming to know my friends as well as I should. It scared me at first, but then I extended my prayers sometimes to wanting Haru to take control more, as he seemed to get the "good son" act that I never could.
Although I was sick when I was four, Haru part-grew, part-didn't with me. Like, his face and voice and stuff was still like me as a kid, but he got taller and his intellect mostly kept up. But some "babyish" habits that I abandoned after my sickness, like thumb sucking, persisted as when Haru was there Mom and Dad would find it endearing and wistful seeing me act like I did when I was "happier" (I don't know if I was actually happier, or just better at showing it with them). He also is more likely to see things very black-and-white and stand his ground on odd opinions, and his handwriting and drawing is a lot messier.
He hadn't fronted properly for a while in the time leading up to Mari, but I could feel him in the back and understand some of his thoughts and emotions and what he wanted and liked in comparison to myself. But after Mari died, and once Dad left and Mom was working all the time again, Haru was almost entirely silent. And I felt worse because I remembered the old baby story I told myself and felt I had "failed" at my "purpose" and should have just never been "created" (even as I knew that it can't have been real). Maybe I locked him away deep in my mind to protect him from all these big scary things that were already like that for me, I don't know.
He's slowly emerging back, carefully, as things settle and I figure out how to be a functional human again, but the collapse of the status quo leaves him wondering if he even has a place now in whatever ecosystem my mind is. And if he recognizes us as being at a hospital, doctor's office or similar location he usually darts right away and leaves me or whoever else picks up after wondering why we feel all stressed and scared and sad and alone.
Haru isn't a big fan of scary things or science fiction, unlike how I like comic books and cartoons. His favorite book is Paddington Bear, and every time he sees a train station he makes sure to look for any bears with name tags just in case.
Haru's one of the only ones allowed color in my head. He exudes a sense of innocence, but at the same time, he's trapped in my early childhood in the way that he affects me. I drew him in pajamas both times because in a way, he never left the hospital properly.
The stuffed animal is a weird cat plush with a tail but no proper legs that was a baby toy of mine. It was thrown out at the hospital at some point.
Also, the red line represents the life support he was on. In that first dump, the red stand was some sort of solution. The red here is meant to stand out against the colder, softer color pallet I used for the rest of him. He gets a hospital bracelet too.
His pajamas are a bit too big for him, as hospital issue during a meningitis outbreak in his age group. He's also usually quite tired. That's the only trace of his sickness that he has, though, as I don't remember the rest.
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5unf10w3r-fi3ld · 1 month
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completely wiped my blog cus i can, here's my new icon, I made it the other day -sunny
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maeshelix · 7 months
Plural Sunny real.
He always was. But "Welcome to White Space" solidifies it.
The manga, as a whole, might honestly.
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stormyaxolotl · 8 months
system pfps and headers
sunny/omori from omori
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art credits: gavvinfree Ysungah luleevw Munamunaa Miel-de-colza CroissantLune snarkyshark14 ALIENxNOODLES Sunsetfoam AoiR0
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crytrncrawlrs · 2 months
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caprisun chibis
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strabbystabby · 3 days
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Omori but if sunny was a system ( and if others but omori fronted)
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New Fanfic !
Sunny was back at Faraway. This town where Sunny spent most of his childhood, a place filled with so many happy memories… Both his therapist and his mom had forbid him from ever coming back here, and yet, here he was. He tried his best to be the perfect patient she expected him to be and never spoke out of turn during their sessions, and yet…here he was. "She's a bitch who don't know anything ! You shouldn't listen to her !" Sunny ignored the voice, it wasn't real, it was all in his head, his therapist said so, so he should listen to his therapist, shouldn't he ? It was for his own good. … He wasn't at the lake anymore. Another blackout, great.
Relationships: Basil/Sunny, Minor Aubrey/Kim, Aubrey & Basil & Hero & Kel & Sunny, Basil & Polly, Omori & Sunny
Additional Tags: Written in collaboration with an AI, AI used as an assistive tool, Post-Good Ending (OMORI), Five Years Later, Reunion, Bad Therapists, Multiplicity/Plurality, Plural|Sunny (OMORI), System Denial, Recovery, Healing Together, Basil and Sunny are Forgiven (OMORI), Eventual Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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As someone who headcanon Sunny as plural, the “he has to completely abandon headspace to heal because it wasn’t real” thing that often happen in fanfics make me sad. Like, headspace and Omori and his headspace friends are treat as a bad thing, as a bad way to cope, but it’s all on the assumption that they’re not real.
I just want more fanfics (and other fanworks) where Sunny heal but also achieve healthy plurality, where headspace and all its inhabitants are treat as real.
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Round 1 Bracket 1 of the Ultimate Plural Tournament
[Pt for title: Frisk (Undertale) vs Sunny (Omori) /End pt]
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[Id: The Pokemon Series Generation 5 vs. screen with a sprite of Frisk from Undertale and official art of Sunny from Omori. /End id]
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
If we're sharing plural characters... Sunny and Omori. Because it's basically canon. Even better, it's whatever type of plurality I have because they're two halves of a whole and Omori is incapable of fronting. Actually helped me realize what Petrichor was and I use this analogy all the time.
I still need to try this one! I keep seeing it suggested as a plural rep but haven’t given it a shot yet.
I love hearing these stories of how media has helped them explain or come to terms with their plurality. It really shows the importance of plural representation!
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faraway-sunshine · 4 days
What about the split in half one? That one looks most like you, I think
Meet Whoever's Inside My Head #2: Sunny Omori (Myself)
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Once again, bulk of info under the cut.
You can address me as: Just Sunny and He/Him's fine. Calling me Omori might trigger something, I'm not sure.
(Saturday 16th September, 2000, 11:39 PM)
(Yeah, I stayed up all evening figuring this stuff out)
Until recently, I would have made this a separate page.
Omori was my most prominent other self. After Mari died, I escaped from reality via dreaming and sleep, and when I was awake often these dream elements were carried with me to the waking world. But every time I managed to escape for a while, I'd remember and it'd all come crashing down again.
Remembering a memory when I sat at Mari's piano, a uniquely crafted model the maker called an "Omori", I adopted that name when I felt myself kind of form another version of me. One twelve years old from a few days before Mari died, who played with his friends and existed in a vacuum, who only ever existed in this faraway alternate world with no parents or rules or school or music lessons or anything. One who was, for the most part, oblivious.
But Omori grew curious, as I, Sunny, faced the reality of moving. I think maybe Omori realized so many times before, but either I managed to get rid of his memories or he did so to himself. For all I know each wipe could have been a brand-new Omori. I also felt two extra pieces break off Omori after a time, one protecting us, the other a punisher of sorts.
As I developed and started facing fears and reconnecting with friends, this bled into Omori's world. At the end of it all, when for the first time I decided not to let myself fall back into unknowing and when I saved Basil, I had no need for this sort of escapism. I thought maybe Omori would vanish or die, that the vicious scramble in my head was for his own self.
But that didn't happen. Instead, Omori's presence changed. I could tell which "memories", which emotions and thoughts and likes and dislikes that I felt unified on or weren't coming from me or any other distinct voice. And I never really felt Omori either go away or take charge. I don't know if this is the right terminology, but I think maybe Omori and I merged? Became one person? I'm not sure. But it's a nice thought, really, that after years of separation and infighting that we're both starting to properly live.
Having said that, there's a lot more me than there's Omori, as Omori largely thrived on distance and neutrality and drifting by and also kept himself very guarded. That doesn't make Omori any less important or deserving of nice things, though.
Although we both have overlap, Omori is more left-brained, focused on logic and facts and straightforward ways of getting through things, while Sunny is more right-brained. We can play off each other pretty nicely. And although I (Sunny) never feel Omori take total control anymore, sometimes he lets me zone out while taking control of a tedious chore or boring conversation so I don't have to think about it.
The parts of me that feel more like Omori aren't interested in deep conversations. Or blog passages. But there's a bit of Omori in everything I do now.
I tend to think of Omori and I as like a yin-yang symbol, so the black and white is paramount. Splitting down the middle was more of an introductory thing; visually I see us as kind of the same person wearing one outfit rather than half of two. However, I do imagine myself being a bit lopsided, as Omori did not really age in any way and when Omori totally fronted he completely believed we looked as we did when we were 12. And for the white in our eyes, I tend to draw only a little bit in one eye and a larger bit in the other, as when Omori was almost always confined to my lucid dreams I tended to think of him as having lightless eyes and I think it's a nice visual metaphor for getting used to the sunlight.
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yourfaveisafictive · 2 years
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Your fave is a fictive: Sunny from Omori
(request by anon)
[ Image ID: a pastel horizontal striped flag ranging from green to pink from top to bottom with a picture of Sunny from Omori imposed over it /end ID ]
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maeshelix · 10 months
Omori Au where Omari(Hikki) Au Mari after getting unalive by a incoming car, her soul gets transported to the Canon Omori timeline on the exact date of the incident and the exact spot it happens
In Sunny's perspective, for seconds she was angrily scolding him for throwing the violin on the stairs and all the sudden she went quiet
The recital gets canceled and the friend group and her parent's are confused as to why the happy and kind girl they know and love became depressed all the sudden
Aw fuck, I can't believe hikki got brian griffon'd aw fuck oh dios mio
But yeah! That sounds like a pretty good au! Especially if og mari is still in the body with hikki that'd be a trip for them lmao.
But yeah! Very good! I like it 👍
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skyedancer-system · 11 months
Being one of the 3 members of the system that are from specific fanfics, but not wanting to make the authors of said fics uncomfortable with our existences
Nightshade (Basil from Faraway Killers by Lugei) is especially worried about it since we’re in the discord server for the fic, so we interact with the author. We’re relatively open about being a system in the server and have mentioned my existence to the one person there that reads the fic I’m from, but mentioning Shade is something we’re still nervous to do. We really don’t want to make Lug uncomfortable, but at the same time we don’t want to hide either.
Being from a fanfic sure is an Experience™️
-🔮Sunny from Dread Hunt by ShardOfHope (He/Crow)
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Plural!Sunny and Alive!Mari AU for my personal Omori Angst fulfillment needs (DON'T LIKE THEN DNI):
Full name is Sunny Suzuki.
Their body is Japanese and Filipino American, and also intersex/hermaphrodite with a chromosomal, chemical and gonad variation! He looks mostly like a boy but has VERY androgynous and even somewhat feminine traits in his body!
They were born on July 20th, 1987 to Masayoshi Suzuki and Christine Suzuki (nee Bishop) in their hometown of Faraway Town, Nevada, and are three years younger than Mari, their older sister.
Sunny is definitely a cat person- he loves the texture of Mewo’s fur and will pet him as a stim whenever he’s stressed.
Transneutral nonbinary bigender rosboy who sometimes presents femme and uses primarily he/him but also she/they pronouns and neopronouns. We stan-
Greysexual but also pansexual and nebularomantic.
Both Sunny and Omori do like Basil as a close friend, and both Sunny and Omori have a small crush on Aubrey without being aware that Aubrey feels the same.
Sunny likes steak, steak is a safefood for him: he’s very texture sensitive to food. He does have other favorite foods, but foods such as eggplant, asparagus, sweet potatoes, squash, papaya, black pepper, et cetera, are an instant no-no.
Sunny’s mother has tried to incorporate steak into other foods she makes for him, but in a few cases Sunny doesn’t eat them. Simple salted and grilled steak drizzled lightly with sauce is all he asks for, and it is something he will gladly eat.
He shares many interests with Omori, such as having the same favorite toys, sweets, videogames and comic books (such as Captain Spaceboy).
Sunny is unaware of Omori’s existence until much, much later when he comes back into consciousness again several weeks upon a few months after the recital.
Shy and quiet, he rarely ever smiles.
Sunny’s hair is vantablack, and his eyes are nebulously dark- unlike Mari’s hair, which has a brown-ish tint to it and her eyes are warm and the color of dark chocolate and honey. You could put Sunny in a room where the walls are pure light and his hair would still be pure black.
Sunny and Omori both are big fans of flowers such as the black dahlia, queen of the night tulip, white tulips and white coronations.
When Sunny was younger, he would often zone out and wander off to places, especially particularly fascinating places that caught his attention and interest. Mari and the others had to frequently run after him and drag him back to their intended destination/original location- however, zoning out became dissociative fugues.
When he was younger, he would try and mimic Mari because he looked up to her so much- everything from her speech to her mannerisms and the way she worded certain phrases. This somewhat is like the creation of Omori and his personality in this AU, who was very similar to his sister and his friends in many aspects despite also retaining many personality fragments of Sunny. Yet, Omori is more like Mari, and takes inspiration as well from fragments of the values and demeanors of the Faraway Friends.
Both Sunny and Omori go virtually nonverbal when emotionally distressed, and also when dissociating.
They are autistic and have alexithymia. They pretend to have great memory but actually begin to have terrible memory when he has his first blackout switch an hour before the recital.
Literally has zero self-esteem, someone give this sweetie a hug-
Always loves and cares deeply about his sister and his friends.
He doesn’t have the best relationship with his dad- his mother infantilizes him and his father trivializes his troubles and pain and emotionally neglected him in favor of Mari, the golden child.
He’s traumatized by his parents’s unstable marriage and all the fights they would have, as well as the lake incident and all the pressure they and Mari would put on him to do exceptional at everything they wanted him to do and uphold the family reputation.
Their family is only picture-perfect on the outside- Mari basically had to raise him due to the dysfunctional relationship between their parents. Mari was essentially the Golden Child in her father’s eyes and that also damaged her.
Sunny is very creative and has a capacity for dissociation alongside his rich inner world, which is why he blacked out and switched in his room after he pushes Mari down the stairs and Hero caught her before she could suffer any injuries (save for a little bruise on her legs and the initial shock from falling).
His repetitive childhood trauma may seem minor to others around him, but to him it was utterly damaging and psychologically scarring. He did have several happy memories throughout his childhood, though.
He suffered really bad injuries when he almost drowned in the lake in this AU and has medical trauma from going to the hospital. 
His father’s love was conditional in every way- whenever Sunny did fail, he was subjected to harsh emotional and verbal mistreatment, followed by gaslighting and trivializing after said incident, leading Sunny to develop a mixed and turbulent relationship with his father. Sunny would walk on eggshells around his father similar to how his mother did, and every time his father would point out that Sunny was ‘just like his mother’ or ‘just like Mari’, Sunny would grow increasingly uncomfortable.
Of course, Sunny was always in touch with his more feminine side, and being told by kids often to ‘man up’ or to ‘speak up more’ when he was younger didn’t exactly help with such a feeling.
Doesn’t consider home to be exactly a safe place, and is overattached to and emotionally dependent on Mari because of the emotional immaturity of his parents- because of this he’s a huge fan of escapism and has struggled with maladaptive coping and daydreaming since he was a very young child.
He is significantly more timid, volatile and self-destructive than Omori.
Unlike in the canon of Omori being a manifestation of Sunny’s guilt, anger, negative emotions and self-hatred/unhealthy escapism, Omori in this AU is also "Sunny", in a way: he's Sunny’s protector, and was created to be a coping mechanism. But they both experience many terrible side effects for the both of them such as blackout, dissociation and large gaps in memory and much more.
Because of this, instead of being a blank slate, Omori is instead a distinct personality visibly different than that of Sunny’s despite them being both technically “the same person”, and despite the similarities they may share in certain traits, habits, likes and dislikes.
Omori is noticeably more outwardly expressive, compassionate, gentle and merciful than Sunny.
Omori was the name engraved on Mari’s piano as well as the piano in Faraway Town’s church- Sunny’s mind, and therefore Sunny himself, had created Omori to be a 'better' version of himself so he could dissociate during upsetting and/or traumatic events and remain functional afterwards, and even if Omori had never made his presence clearly known to Sunny, he knew that Sunny always had a feeling that something protected him during his darkest hours and that he was never alone, which comforted him.
He is also autistic and has alexithymia.
Transneutral genderfloren using all pronouns and he’s grey aroace (rarely feels romantic attraction except towards Aubrey, exclusively asexual).
If Sunny and Omori were made aware of each other’s existence and acknowledged each other officially, they would have an extremely close relationship, brotherly and familial and deep in nature. After all, they do share everything- and by everything, I mean everything, from a body to a heart to a mind to a soul. Everything.
A few minutes before the recital, Sunny blacked out and Omori had taken over with no memory of pushing Mari down the stairs or Hero catching her. He didn’t have any memory of his arguement with Mari or nearly being about to destroy his violin in a fit of rage. As a result, he acted cordially and sweetly towards Mari instead of out of contempt and seething fury, which shocked and utterly confused both Mari and Hero. Why exactly was Sunny acting so different and cheery, and being significantly more emotive than usual?
Omori is more like Mari in terms of personality (kind of like how Sunny would always mimic Mari when he was younger)- he is outwardly more kind, goofy, gentle, polite, and the manifestation of more positive emotions of Sunny (with a more carefree and mischievous side to him, unlike Sunny, who is uptight, paranoid and straightforward). He esembles Mari in terms of personality and demeanor, as well as some of her likes and dislikes. Mari grows incredibly unsettled when she realizes this when Omori switches in for the first time and the Faraway Friends get to know Omori better.
For example, his favorite color is purple, he’s an incredibly forgiving and perceptive person, he loves challenges and riddles, and he is somewhat of a semi-perfectionist (nowhere near as bad as Mari- and yes, Mari has OCD in my AU, pry this from my hands I dare you).
Omori is visibly more different than Sunny in the way that he carries himself- his face muscles relax, his features become more kind, loose and expressive, he becomes more soft-spoken and polite/sweetly sincere in his words, his brows unscrunch, his muscles slacken, and he looks significantly more approachable than Sunny, who’s blunt, vigilant and cliff-faced most of the time.
Even his handwriting and drawing style changes- although they both can draw, Sunny’s drawings are usually more morbid and abstract in nature, while Omori draws whatever he sees/creates in the system’s inner world/headspace- the latter loves to use markers that are purple and turquoise, and just loves pastel and neon colors and palette and draws frequently with them in general. Sunny meanwhile, prefers colors like black, white and red. They both love the colors purple and yellow, however, because those are Mari's favorite colors.
Omori has a very prominent sweet tooth, even more so than Sunny.
Just like Sunny, Omori dearly loves Mari and his friends, and has a complicated and strained relationship with his and Sunny’s father. He sought to keep his existence a secret from the rest of the group until the recital, when he was forced to take control of the body to protect Sunny from harm as he was aware that his other self had self-destructive tendencies.
The purpose of Omori’s creation was to protect and take care of Sunny as well as the body that they shared, and Omori loves and cares about Sunny more than anything. Sunny, being Omori’s first priority first and foremost above all else, was the reason why when the former was having a panic attack an hour or two before the recital, Omori forced Sunny to dissociate and black out, and he forced himself to take control and discarded all plans of keeping his existence a secret to the world: protecting Sunny was paramount to ensure their survival and their continued existence. 
Afterwards, Sunny remained blacked out for a long period of time, and Omori was the one interacting with the physical world, including Mari, Hero, and all his friends and the residents of Faraway Town. Everyone was very unsettled by how different “Sunny” was acting, and nobody really knew the truth behind why. The Faraway Friends resolved to try and find out somehow.
Sunny didn’t break the violin in this AU, Mari stopped him and grabbed onto his wrist so tight it sort of bruised it before he could throw the violin down the stairs. This still resulted in an argument, and Hero did catch Mari when Sunny pushed her down the stairs in a fit of anger before she could receive any injuries. The recital went on as usual, so did the pizza dinner afterwards, but it wasn’t Sunny playing at that recital alongside Mari, nor was it Sunny talking to his friends: it was Omori.
Ngl I might write a fanfic about this-
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goopy-nightmares · 1 year
Hehehe, guess who just split~
It’s system knife boy #3! Your local bathroom ghost, Hanako!
Pleasure to meet you all ^^
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…wait Sunny, Spaceboy, and Elfilis didn’t make posts when they split/realized they were here. Whoops! Guess I’m doing it for them lol!
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