#omgosh i am so sorry this is late
fedoraphe · 2 years
hello brooklyn i tip my hat to you 🎩
Oh Robin!! Aww, random hat tip, I tip my fedora to you too! 🎩
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
hi gorgeous!!! idk if u rmbr me but I told u that I was going to delete tumblr and only comeback with a success story and I have not just one but two!!
the first time I entered was through a meditation, I just used this subliminal https://youtu.be/b66f_Ca0jBQ and I meditated and I entered within 30 minutes or so? it was soooo calm and quiet and i only affirmed that I had my desired face and that I always wake up in the void state completely aware every night. i woke up and had my desired face and just marveled over my face and cried because it took so long but i finally got it. i also wrote down everything that I wanted onto a list like money, desired body, social life, and stuff like that and then I went to sleep and woke up in the void state and I manifested everything to come true and now I'm living my dream life.
for my advice to everyone, first of all, read gorgeouslypinks doubt post. Like rlly read it and understand what she's trying to say and make sure that you read the proof section until you really believe the void is real. Then I suggest reading these two posts by Edward art supply hands: https://www.reddit.com/r/EdwardArtSupplyHands/comments/l28q2o/no_one_or_nothing_to_change_but_self/
Now before you're like "ugh, Edward art" and don't even read it, I still don't even know what states are but these 2 posts just rlly explain manifesting and how to know that you desire is coming even when the 3d doesn't reflect it.
Have u guys ever read those edwardart bloggers who are like "you shouldn't care if it shows up in the 3d" and you're like but that's the entire purpose?? Well I was too but after reading those 2 posts I understood that they just used his words out of context. Just read those 2 posts, trust me it will make manifestation click for u and help u stay motivated until you enter the void and if u follow it correctly u will enter the void quickly (I entered 5 days after reading and implementing what he talks about).
Basically I would just do the Mary kate meditation that gorgeosulypink recommended in the morning and just know that the void is easy for me and I enter instantly and easily. Then I would go about my day and just like if any inconvenience happened I would just be like it's okay I'll enter the void and fix this and if I ever thought abt the void I would just tell myself I always enter the void instantly and easily, like I feel like it doesn't sound special reading it but once u read those two posts and understand you'll see what I mean. I was basically like Neville when he was in the army just keep telling yourself that u enter the void easily even if the 3d doesn't reflect that.
Then everyday I would meditate for the void. I did 4 guided meditations but they didn't rlly work for me so I switched to just void subliminals and then I entered! I basically just let myself calm down and relax, focus on just my breathing and breathing slowly and once my head cleared up then I rolled my eyes to look at the center of my forehead and imagined like a black hole surrounding me and just started affirming I am in the void and I entered.
Thank u gorgeous and everyone just follow what I did and I promise it will work for you.
Hi love! Sorry for the late response and omgosh I'm so proud of you and you deserve everything! 💗
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garoujo · 2 years
good morning, sweet girl. i better get the most kisses :( i miss my baby:((( idea 💡, we stay in bed all day and sleep together 🥹. i feel like i’ve hardly gotten to spend time with you lately :(((
- gojo <3
i am so sorry, sobs, i think we’re in different time zones but i am trying to respond as quick as i can 🥹🥹🥹
- gojo mod <3
good morning ‘toru ! did u sleep wellll i hope so ^3^ giving u so many kisses rn cause u deserve them all sm duh < 3 missing u just as much promise . it’s okay i’m always gonna be here waiting 4 u wenever u visit gonna be yours anyway >_<
[omgosh mod pls don’t apologise its okay ! i promise there’s no pressure or anything 2 be responding 24 / 7 ur welcome in my blog always n i’ll save ur spot if u ever get busy mwah <3]
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yokohamabeans · 2 months
Ah, this is embarrassing but I never had tumblr before. I got it to chat with a friend, how do I change my name and post? Also if I change my theme can everyone see?
Omgosh I am way too late to answer this and I am so sorry! If it still helps, you should be able to change your Tumblr name in settings. For posting, all you have to do is click / tap the pencil icon! And yes, everyone will be able to see your theme changes once you save it!!
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*practically inhales the goods you've brought out because I am a sucker for sweet things* Yess!!! Tea parties are honestly so charming and quaint but also weirdly fun at the same time aaah!! Omgosh same!!! I drink apple juice a lot too (I might have an obsession help-) I'm actually drinking black Nilgiri tea (it reminds me of home since rn I am in the US rn but I've always visited the Nilgiri plantations back in India *sobs*) and ngl, darjeeling tea is AMAZING- tho I don't think I've drank the white one! I am excited to taste it soon!! Thank you, hun!! In three months I have something coming up that may or may not change the course of my future so I am a little stressed TT I am also travelling back home in a few days and flights have never been my forte TT Plus I have an exam day after tomorrow I am not prepared for TT *cries* *sips tea* *burns my tongue* *cries even more* Waaah!!! Really??? Oh no, hun, that's not selfish!!! 🥺 I think it's cute!! o-O Oh! Wow! You ARE cute! WE'VE GOT A NEW MEMBER!! Welcome to the cute club, dearest member!! 💖 And wow!! You've been busy!! I am so proud!! I completely get it tho, with so many things happening, sometimes writing does have to take a backseat. But that's okay!! I think it makes your writing more special!!! Like they say, quality over quantity and at the end of the day if you're proud of what you've done, then that's the biggest reason to smile of all <3 I know, right??? Why is it so cold here??? TT Did it snow over there few days back?? *finishes the last dregs of my tea* *sobs* Wow, this is a big ask, my oh, my o-O! I really enjoy talking to you so much!! (I'm serious, y'all are so nice I am smiling silly rn <3) Hugs!! -🌸
Oooo~ I've never heard of nilgiri tea 😳 What does it taste like? What kind of flavor profile does it have? How do you prepare it? Sorry for the questions; I'm a self-proclaimed tea snob 😅 Wait, you're in the US right now 😱 I live in the US! What part are you in? (You dont have to tell me if it makes you ubcomfortable). Are you here for work or school or fun??? I only ask because I know international travel can be stupid expensive. How do you like it? Also, you're from India??? That's so cool! I've never had a friend from Asia before, so you're the first 🥰 I really hope that whatever happens in three months will go well for you 🙏🏻 I know life changes can be so stressful and make us anxious. Good luck on your exam!!! I know you'll do great with that too 😘 Thank you so much for adding me to the Cute Club 🥺 I'm so honored 😭 Well, it is winter, so I would expect it to be cold. We've actually gotten barely any snow this year, which is super weird. I live in Southern New England, which tend to get at least 3 feet of snow every winter, but we've only gotten maybe 3 inches total... It's super strange. Sorry for the late reply, but I'm on my lunch break now. Oh, I also stopped by this cute little french pastry shop bear where I work and picked up something sweet for my afternoon break 🤤 I can't wait to show you what I got! Hugs to you too!!!! 💚💚💚
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ughgclden · 2 years
agh i missed you too🥹🥹 ALSO!! IT WENT GREAT AHHH!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU EEEEE<3 my fingers are firmly crossed! i cant wait to hear all about it(:<
so uh…funny story- i was told about this show thru someone at work, i check out the post and as i’m looking at the performing bands…i saw his I DIDNT EVEN KNOW. but he didn’t invite me BUT my friends and i may have went cause we wanted to get out of the house and i may have saw him and he was super nice! and then he literally ghosted me. he has not texted me in over a week. i thought we had a good dynamic but alas, here i am, band boy-less and bummed ):<
i’m happy your classes are going well! i find the rory remus mindset quite literally essential, esp in fall! cling onto it girly! ALSO THE CAKE!! IT LOOKS SO GOOD AND CUTIE AND !!!! i love the silly pic of it<3 it was needed,, do you bake a lot or was this kinda a one time thing?
truly never be sorry for late responses ):< but it is also sweet to hear from you too🤍
you are the sweetest ever omgosh?!?! jumped for joy when i saw this in my inbox i swear-
and oh my god no?! ghosting is the worst ever, you deserve some sort of explanation so im so so sorry??? even band boys can let us down i suppose:( extending all my love n hugs, you were definitely too good for him anyways<33
yes!!! autumn is the time for the remus/rory mindset, its the one thing getting me through uni at the moment. and thank u sm!!!! i do! i have to bake at least once a week or i risk going insane /hj. proper cakes are a rarity though so it was exciting!!!!
sending u sm love!!<333
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lettersformiah · 2 years
9:19am, 8 aug
hi bubsy <3 i love you so much im in english right now and it so fucking boring. like we are just filling in the table of language features n shit and i do not care at all. mrs wilson didnt call my name on the roll so i hope she at least marked me present. but i hate her and i hate this class. thankfully only like 2 more terms of it to go ^-^ omgosh i just thought of it! today si the day you get your flowers >:] which means i cant upload this letter until after you get them and text me about them so i dont spoil the surprise! but yeah hehehe >:D i got some flowers sent to u bc obvs i cant cant get you any and i think you deserve some <3 im so sorry we havent been spending that much time together, its so fucking hard online bc i am so tired after work and dance and even just plain school and then when you are busy we cant call until late and by then im already so sleepy. i am very very sorry its so fucking hard recently but i still enjoy just sitting with you when i can. youre very very very lovely and i hope the flowers make u happy <3 mwahmwhawmahwmhamh other than that! i have a headache! but i get to hang out with kealan for a bit after school and chat so that will be nice bc i havent talked to him for like a few weeks? like properly talked ig? yesterday was mainly maya and leo chatting so i havent really hear about his life in a hot minute. thatll be fun. unless its raining then it absolutely wont be. oh! my dad is sick :( was a bit ill yesterday but this morning was even worse and didnt go to work. poor fella. i hope he feels better soon but at the very least i hope he doesnt give it to me bc as much as i hate it i do actually want to make it to gisborne this weekend. omg! my bday is saturday. so fucking weird. im gonna be old :D and our 6 month is tomorrow!! so the flowers are also for that, even though that wasnt at all what my intention for them was. they are bday flowers, anniversary flowers, and simply flowers because i love you. :D ! hehehe i love you soso smuch babba. i still have half an hour of this fuckin class left and my head achy and shit :( but ignoring that, the rest of my day will be all good and im excited to judt get home and eat bro. like i want a munch on the risotto and my chocolate and i want to talk to you. and then i have to deal with dance which will suck but this week i gotta actually go both days and im gonna try my best to enjoy it and be okay :D okok im gonna text u and tell u i wrote a letter so that u can remind me to post it after school. i love you!
i lub u so much and ur so so pretty and i cant wait to be able to give u a lil kiss on the cheek while ur sleepin cause ur sosos cute hehehhe >:D okok talk soon talk soon please wake up soon its unbearable without u <3 mwahwmahmwahmwah
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my-one-true-l · 3 years
idk if youve discussed this before but lately ive been thinking... how much ‘delinquency’ (for lack of a better word) would the boys (+light, if you would) tolerate in an SO? im saying, maybe like, alcohol consumption, cigarettes or consumption of other... ‘substances’, or daredevil streaks (like, maybe, careless driving, speeding, etc?)... or really anything further than that, anything you could think of? where do they draw the line? anything specifically off-limits?👀 i hope my question makes sense heheh i’d love to know your thoughts ;D
OMGosh Dani! I am SO SORRY! This got lost in my Asks!!! 🖤
Hates cigarette smoke. He has a super good sense of smell, and the smoke bothers him.
Drugs and alcohol. He has little tolerance. He is easily lured to such vices and doesn’t want the idea of them being softened by associating them with someone he loves.
Reckless behavior? Can’t they see he’s busy with cases? Now he has to worry about them getting themselves killed or arrest. He doesn’t have time for this.
Minor crimes like shoplifting and pickpocketing for the thrill…he gets the allure, but he doesn’t want them doing it. He can’t just drop everything to bail them out.
Has a “do as I say, not as I do” kind of attitude with daredevil behaviors. He wants them to be safe, but doesn’t give a thought to the reciprocal.
Smoking drives him crazy. He hates the smoke and has a lot of ‘facts’ about why they’re bad for your health.
Drinking is fine, as long as they keep it in check. If they’re going to get drunk, he rather they do it at home, but it better not become a habit,
Never gave it a thought until he saw them drinking. The he started to keep track of it in case it was something more than something they enjoy. (he doesn’t want them self-medicating with any substance.)
Illegal substances are a no-go. He’s just not having it.
Reckless behaviors depend on the situation. If it’s necessary, then it’s necessary. If it’s for fun’s sake, he’s rather they didn’t do it.
Is chill about all their vices. In fact, he’s a little too chill about them. Smoking, drinking, substances. He’s really not bothered, especially if it’s occasional for recreation.
Daredevil behaviors are all good, too. Matt loves a fast car and a good race now and then.
He’s just the kind of guy that doesn’t think anything bad will happen until it’s too late.
Beyond Birthday
Drinking! He likes to go drinking with them and play pranks on people, especially off-putting ones where they call strangers by their names and telling them when they’re going to die.
Smoking is ok now and then. Depends on his mood and if they’re roleplaying. If it fits who they’re pretending to be, he’s all good with it. When they’re being themselves though, B doesn’t like them smoking. (It makes sense to him.)
Reckless behaviors are not only tolerated, but encouraged…as long as they’re together doing them. If they’re apart, then it’s a no-go and he’s going to be pissed.
Drinking is fine as long as they are of age and do not make a spectacle of themselves. What would people think if they were intoxicated in public?
Smoking is a disgusting habit. He won’t tolerate it.
Any illegal substance is out of the question. He’s a member of the NPA for God’s sake. What if they got caught? How would that reflect on him?
Again, reckless behaviors are more about appearances. The Yagamis are good, law-abiding citizens.
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tsumusamu · 4 years
asks :D
sorry i took so long to answer these! i just put them in one post so i wouldn't spam too much
Um I read both your series recently and I just wanted to tell you omg I love them so much I couldn’t put down my phone I got so invested into it and if it’s not a bother if you could add me to the tag list for Amorentia and Call you mine🥺💜👉👈
of course! it’s not a bother! i’m happy to hear you’re enjoying the series! <3
hello, i just want to ask if you have any haikyuu fic recommendations (preferably abt bokuto or atsumu)? Or know any other acct/s that write them? im currently on a fic hunt and i just want some writing that’s as good as yours 🤧
hi there! honestly i havent read many haikyuu fics as of late but alkhale on ao3 is probably my favorite author of all time. they have explicit fics but their rated t fics are just as good. i admire them so much!!
I LOVE UR WRTING omgosh am looking forward to the next part of call you mine SO MUCH u have no idea !!! heheh take ur time will be patiently waitinggg <3 take care!!!
i’m so happy you like my writing it means so much! you take care as well ok <3
My emotions went everywhere!! can you add me to the Call you mine taglist please?😆
Of course!
Omg omg omg I really enjoyed the most recent chapter of ‘call you mine’!! I know you were stressed about writing/publishing it but GIRLL IT WAS AMAZING AND HEART-WRENCHING - and it was a great read! Keep up the awesome work, and I’m looking forward to seeing reader and Atsumu’s interactions in the future like UGH MY HEART. PLEASE, YOU LOVE BLINDED IDIOTS. Take care, lovely!! <3 stay healthy and get some good many hours of sleep! :)) 
GLAD THAT YOU ENJOYED IT!! yes i dont think it was my best work but i will do my best to keep writing in the future! they are such idiots that i felt myself cringing so hard while writing LOL </3 i will take care of myself and i hope you do too!!!
can I be tagged in the next update of Call you mine? 
you are such a talented writer and i just love “call you mine”. i saw that you apologised for making part 4 12k words long, but honestly write as much as you want to bc we all need as much of this series as we can get. (btw i saw that you said you don’t know when you’ll post the next update, but i kid you not when i say that i’ll check your blog daily to see if you’ve posted another part of the series and to check our your other content as well 🤭) 
YES HAHA sorry i do get really long winded sometimes hence the huge chapter that i posted a few weeks ago LOL the last chapter will be even longer so prepare for that....... sorry abt my inconsistency that i cant tell you when i’ll update next but thank you for being so patient and supportive!!
could i be added in the taglist of both atsumu fics 🥺
i am speed
and would love to be added to your general taglist whenever you update any of your fics!! thanks🤍
of course! <3
can i be tagged for the call you mine 🥺 
yes i’ll tag you :)
i’m in love with the hogwarts haikyuu au! i think it’s an amazing idea that needs more stories
ME TOO ANY HOGWARTS AU HAS ME GOING INSANE I THINK IT’S ONE OF THE MOST ENTERTAINING AUS TO BOTH READ AND WRITE. i will definitely be writing more hogwarts haikyuu in the future!!
i forgot to add to that last post that what you’re writing is wonderful and amazing and can’t wait for part 4!
thank you so much for your support!
call you mine is such a masterpiece, you’re such an amazing fucking writer (like the plot and everything???? GENIUS) and i can’t wait for the next update sndnkejdh 
AHHH ANON thank you im so happy that you liked call you mine uiefdiasifua im currently working on the update rn thanks for being patient!!
Hi i was the ao3 reader who discovered you and wanted to drop by and say i am sooo excited to read your latest chapter!!! i also wanted to say I love LOVE major love your hogwarts au fic! idk if you know james potter but you probably do seeing as you made an au but atsumu reminds me soo much of young james potter!! i read some fics of james potter and i find him and atsumu so alike in a a way i would love if you could do more takes on your hogwartsau!!! i could send you the links if you want!!
OMGJOIJAI I hadnt even thought of it that way?? now that you mention it james and atsumu in my story do seem to have some similarities but i hope i didnt make atsumu too much of a dickhead D: i will definitely be writing more for hogwarts haikyuu!
can i mayhap get added to your general taglist? your writing is AMAZING, never fails to send me into the stratosphere from how good it is.
sure thing! i’m happy you’re enjoying my work thank you for your message <3 pls dont stay too long in the stratosphere though it’s kinda hard to breathe up there LOL
hiii!!! can you please add me to call you mine taglist?? 
for sure!
Hello!!! Can I please be added to the Amortentia and Call you Mine taglist please? ❤️❤️ I think about them all the time, Atsumu brain rot for life!
Also super hyped for your upcoming Osamu fic! You’re amazing, I hope you’re not too stressed! Stay hydrated and get enough sleep you wonderful human being ✨✨✨❤️❤️
YES OF COURSE U CAN AND ATSUMU BRAINROT FOR ME 24/7 AS WELL. i hope i’ll be able to finish that osamu fic soon aaa thank you for being patient <3 please take care of yourself as well!
Will ch.5 be the last chapter of Call You Mine?
i just wanna say 'call you mine' is 10/10. your writing? *french kiss* i love how you go into detail - we see both atsumu's reader p.o.v - it gives depth to the characters! it's so realistic too. reader's hesitance is very valid - like how can you be sure of atsumu's feeling, when he's getting his dick wet everyday LOL! thank you for writing this, i am enjoying it so much! <3
HDSUUFHASUHF ANON PLS AHHH IM SO HAPPY THAT UR ENJOYING IT and also atsumu will get his dick wet one last time in the final part... u will see ;)
HELLO AMORTENTIA AND CALL YOU MINE ARE SO NICE im gonna cry my favorite tropes + one of them is a hogwarts!au + your writing 🥺❤️
i can’t wait for part 5 of call you mine. this series of yours is literally so GENIUS
i really hope that it will be satisfying!! thank you for your kind message!
I wanted to say that your writing is absolutely perfect. The way you capture these characters I’m truly speechless, and each chpt it just gets better and better 😭😭💛 could I ask to be added to the call you mine taglist? Truly, thank you for ur amazing writing !!!! 😭
AHHHH IM LITERALLY BLUSHING... THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENTS IM T___T yes of course you can be added to the taglist and thank you for reading my work!
Hi there! I love your Call You Mine atsumu x reader fic so much, it’s so well written! Would it be possible for me to be added to the taglist please?
thank you! and yes you can be added!
hi, just caught up with call you mine! i know this might be an odd comment on it but i'm currently going through a similar situation with my best friend as reader is (gray area, we haven't talked in a while) and reading both of their perspectives really brought me comfort. anyway thank you for writing it :)
ooo wow :O i really hope the situation you’re in gets resolved soon im wishing you good luck!! im happy that my writing was able to give you comfort <3 thank you for reading and supporting my writing!
your video edits are just *chefs kiss* my friends and I have been laughing at them for days in our gc and have even inspired memes of our own 😅 hope to see more them, they’re too good istg sending you love from three art school kids from Europe 🥺💕✨
??!#())(!@ OMG HAHAHA i would love to see some of the memes you guys came up with LOL sending love right back at you <3
hi love !! can i be added your gen tag list if you have one?
yes, i’ll add you!
Hello! Sorry for the bother but I’m suck a HUGE fan of your smau! And I’m talking about “Call You Mine” it’s so good and depressing...but that isn’t the point! I know you are busy with something else but I would like to ask if it’s be alright if I made a small fic about that story? If not, that is completely fine and understandable!
Thank you for your time and cya next time!!
yup yup that series comes with an angst tag for a reason! you’re not being a bother don’t worry! i would prefer for no fics to be made based off of the story, i’m sorry :( but thank you for asking!
I just discovered your blog and I love your writing so much.
I was wondering if I could be added to the tag list for call you mine with atsumu x reader? This story hurts me so much and it's written so well.
Thank you and have a nice day 🧡
hi! thank you for supporting my writing! yes you can be added to the taglist and im sorry it hurts </333 hope you have a nice day too bb
When do you think the next part of amortentia will be up? It’s my favorite series 😫 (no rush though!!!!)
hmmm im really not sure unfortunately :(
Sorry to bother, but I literally went through every part of Call you Mine just now AND I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT. Oh my goodness it hurts how much I love it. The friendship and the unspoken love for each other that leads to a long yearning for each other is literally my fanfic bread and butter. ITS SO DARN GOOD and I felt like I needed to tell you that. Anyways, I hope you are having an amazing week, you’re taking care of yourself, you’re safe and healthy! Thank you for what you do! 🤗
Hi! I recently saw your atsumu x reader fic on ao3 (Call you mine) and I haven't read it yet but I've seen others talk about it on tumblr so I was wondering if I could be added to a tag list for that fic (if you have one ofc). Feel free to ignore this ask if you don't have one or it's full!
yes i can add you the taglist! i hope you’ll enjoy the fic whenever you decide to read it! <3
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bleusarcelle · 4 years
Hii! I've kinda been binging old klance fics that I've saved, and Omgosh. I love your writing so much!! Like, I don't have the vocabulary to describe how much I love your writing, but the best way i can say is, if only they were books, I'd buy a l l of them. (I'm a bookworm, and I've got 3 bigshelves full of books, so I think that could describe it really well? I really love your writing 😭😍💖) sorry if this was long and annoying 😅>_
HI, HELLO!!! I’M BACK ppff, i am so sorry for the late reply, I hardly come to tumblr on my laptop and the app never really show me if i have asks, my apologies.
Anyway. Oh my gosh, thank you very much for enjoying my writing!!! :D It certainly was a joy and fun to write all of my pieces, so I’m really happy you enjoy them so much!!!!
hdjkhgkjdfhgkjdf man, I wish I could actually make them into physical books???? but, ah, productions costs and stuff is always so complicated, so I just ended up making them as e-book and put them up on my store!! It was fun making those!
hopefully one day I could write an original story and make it physical ngkjfdngkjfd here’s hope!
again, thank you for taking the time to share this with me, it honestly means a lot to me!!! please have a lovely day!!!! 
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december-snow · 4 years
Hi December, I found your tumblr a couple of months ago and I love your art style! I don't really know how this request thing works but can you please, please, please! draw Mimmikyu the pokemon? I'd love to see your art style with my new favourite pokemon. Thanks in advance and keep up the good work ^^ P.S. Also I cant seem to post links so feel free to do a quick google image search
hi wow, i was just browsing through my messages and i am so, so sorry i never properly replied to this, and omgosh, my answer to this is so late, ahh!! your request is here, i think i paired it with off because i was taking off requests at the time (which i never properly closed, so if any of the people who requested see this, i am sorry that i wasn’t able to complete everyone’s request). thank you for your lovely message and i am sorry once again that i never properly answered!
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Marvel Studio’s Avengers: Endgame | Special Look
*Originally i wanted to post all my screenshots but this is lagging my com and it cant seem to post so this will have little photos ok? :( 
- First like 2 secs, we open with the Avenger’s Headquarters. Looking still OK.
- Then we see Bruce! He is like stating the risk of doing whatever they plan to do!! Then we see Thor playing with bread! Then Rhodey says something kind of sarcastic to Bruce. Everybody is feeling so shitty :((
- THEN WE SEE NATASHA BB BUT SHE LOOKS SO SAD I AM HEARTBROKEN AFGHJKL!! She is sitting in the rain??? BUT THIS PLACE doesn’t look like the Avengers HQ! The places quite minimalistic and ZEN! Like a possible Japanese Garden vibe? Could it be where she went to search for Clint? But interestingly, when we see CAP next, his background has a similar design to Nat’s!! Notice the pattern on the frosted glass!
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- Maybe they went together? And look at the toilet sink!! Is that a shaver?? Is this the scene where he shaves his beard? IS NAT WITH HIM???? Sorry my inner shipper jumped out there.
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- Next comes the marvel logo! Then the back shot of the Benatar!!
- Rocket and Nebula holding hands for support!!!!!!!
- Pepper and Tony hug!! I think this is the scene where we saw in the first trailer when Nat, Steve, Bruce and Rhodey walked out! Could the space between Rhodey and Bruce be for Pepper? It looks to be the same timing and place!
- Looking at the background for both Pepperony and Rocket and Nebula, this could all be at the same time when they got off the ship? Could that be possible?
- Next we see a shot of the Avengers Headquarters from aerial view followed by a shot of Tony flying in his suit in what looks to be New York.
- Holy Moley then we get a shot of Clint with a TATTOO!! Looks like a dark samurai!
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- Then we see a closer and sleeker shot of Thor doing the Stormbreaker thing with Carol!!
*Special note! I just realised the frosted glass pattern appeared again in this shot! So the garden could be in Avengers HQ!! Sorry!
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- AND THEN STEVE AND TONY REUNITE AND PATCH UP FINALLY!!! So much talk about trust! And then handshake! Also, Steve’s new suit!!
- Benatar flies to space!! Not everyone is on board tho?? STEVENAT are next to each other okok sorry. LOL. No hate pls.
- And then the next shot gives me vibes from the first avenger movie when tony spoke to loki! hais but he looks so sad...
- Next we see Thanos’ ugly ass ship. Then Nebula and Rhodey!! And sad faces of Thor and Rocket. Rocket is crying and so am i!!!! 
- Cap’s new suit is the darkest and most saturated colours of red, blue and white! 
- Thanos has new armour which protects his chest and head! Oh no!!
- The holy trinity (so many versions of them lol) but this one is Tony, Cap and Thor facing Thanos who is sitting down??? Is he halfway defeated? Is he mocking them??
- And then we have the title. LoL im ded. Bye.
This is just a visual breakdown. I didnt even focus on what they said. Posting late cause my com is lagging so bad! If there is anything to dicuss or correct pls feel free but be nice ok!! Thanks!!
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bangchan-sonyeondan · 6 years
Making out with Jungwoo
Hey can I request a fluffy make out session with Jungwoo that later turns out into a veeeeryyyyyy heated and touchy, but on the point where it is about to get anywhere further a member walks in,
omgosh hello I’m a new reader of your works and I gotta say I really love the way you write!! ;) could I req smth with jungwoo where he’s usually always shy and soft while you’re the more playful and flirty one in the r/s, and then one day he takes you by surprise when you guys are making out? like he becomes totally diff and you find it so hot omg you can cont it into some sexci times too if you want hehe thank you! <3
A/N: I am so sorry it took forever for me to post! school has been kicking my ass lately it was originally going to be a scenario, but it turned into a bullet list
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you cuddled up with Jungwoo on the couch as the two of you watched some random TV show you had recently gotten into
his arm was wrapped around your torso, your head placed on his shoulder
he smiled and kissed your forehead, making you cuddle further into him
you would stare at him for a moment, taking your eyes off the screen, but he would still notice you watching him
“why are you staring at me like that?” he asked, the corners of his lips turning upwards into a smile
“you’re just really cute, that’s all~” you sang, turning your focus back to the TV
he shifted in his spot beside you, his arm pulling you even closer if that was even possible
his lips captured yours in a passionate kiss
you were shocked when he pulled you onto his lap to deepen the kiss 
when you pulled away, you couldn’t help but smile down at him
“ooohhh~ look at you!” you sang jokingly, giggling at his sudden change in demeanor
he rolled his eyes, his hands trailing to the back of your neck
he pulled you back down for another kiss
you weren’t complaining about how touchy he was getting 
your hands rested on his shoulders, and you gripped at the fabric of his shirt
he laid you down on your back just as the door opened and some of the boys walked in
Doyoung gasped and turned away, while Lucas burst into a fit of laughter
Jungwoo got sat up and pressed his lips together, blushing like crazy as you began to laugh along with Lucas
“do you want us to leave so you can continue or...?” Mark asked, pointing to the door
Jungwoo sighed, waving them off
“no, you ruined it...”
he pretty much sulked the rest of the day
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makorrayear · 6 years
Hi, this ask isn't about Makorra, but I thought maybe it wouldn't hurt to send this. I was thinking about this one scene in episode 11 from Book 1—the one about the hobo sharing the food with the crew. Even on the first watching, I've always thought it was a nice touch that Mako and Bolin continued to eat the food despite knowing what's in it. Even though it's such a minor detail, it subtly reinforces their childhood. I've never seen someone even mentioning it, so I guess I just wanted to. (1/2)
That and, well, I was wondering if any of you guys ever noticed this. Like, I know it's not plot significant, but it's kind of a shame that it wasn't even talked about (as far as I am aware of). (2/2)Hello Mod 1 here! I’m so sorry for the late response. Omgosh I’ve actually never thought about that before. But I agree that it is a subtle look into Mako & Bolin’s life on the street. I’m sure they weren’t strangers to eating whatever they could to survive. And by Ep. 11 they were placed in a similar situation while hiding from The Equalists. Thank you for pointing this out! I’m going to invite Mod 2 @spiritedxmakorrian to add on to this post & open it up to anyone else for discussion.
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thelasttime · 6 years
Sorry that I’m late but... YOU MET TAYLOR??!?!! OMGOSH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM FOR YOU!!!! You were one of the first blogs I followed, and the fact you met Taylor makes me sooo happy!!!!
I DID!! thank you so much and i’m so honored to be one of the first blogs you followed 💖
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auroraphilealis · 6 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY i really hope you have a nice day and you’re a phenomenal writer. i found your blog because i was reading through fics on the pfc and randomly decided to click on the authors blog, idek why, and it was you! and i loved your blog, i still do. so thanks me from a year and a half ago for making a random decision. happy birthday, again!
awwwwwww omgosh I am so happy and proud
(sorry for the late response, I spent my birthday out of town/off the internet)
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