#bleu answers
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bleusarcelle · 1 year ago
Hey, I don't mean to be a bother, but can you tag your Zoro and Sanji stuff? I'm happy to see you active and enjoying fandom, but I want to be able to filter them out because some mention spoilers. If you dont want to, that's totally okay too! You do you. I just figured there wasn't much harm in asking.
Hello! Sure, tbh I don't know which parts are spoilers other than the lastest anime episodes but I can just tag those under "one piece spoilers", so it's more generic or maybe just tag zosan. :)
I hope that helps !
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rwac96 · 5 months ago
Whiteknight, Secretly dating Au
When team rwby and JNPR visits jaune's town, childhood home and family store,
When they're finally alone:
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"Where the heck is Jaune?!" Papa Arc shouts, seeing the clerk counter unmanned.
"He went with Weiss," Bleu Arc squeaked to her father, holding her teddy bear tightly. "She unbuttoned her shirt, and Jaune left the counter."
The Arc Patriarch raised his brows for a moment, then furrows them. It was one thing for his only son to steal the family heirloom, fake his way into Beacon, his choice of friends, and his relationship with the middle Schnee of all people. But what he heard from his youngest daughter, who possibly saw them sneaking off, felt like the straw that broke the camel's back.
Nora felt a shudder going down her back, making Ren notice. "Oh, crap," the hammer-wielder said in dread.
"Gods, Nora," Ren pinched the bridge of his nose, "What did you do?"
"Not me," the orangette shook her head, "Jaune's in trouble."
"Sounds like their relationship's gonna bite 'em," Blake comments.
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snakepitgunner · 5 months ago
Does anyone think it's weird that all the articles about Lucy Blue's death say that Slash is her stepfather? He's not married to Meegan. Do you think she forces him to say he's the stepfather to her daughters so it seems like they are married?
Yes, she absolutely does. Lucy's passing has brought a number of things to light and people are finally starting to see Meegan for who she is. I would be surprised if her and Slash aren't broken up by Christmas 2025.
I give them a year, tops.
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blueiight · 1 year ago
Is it me or when Louis says “you not gonna go in” you can barely hear the ‘go in’ part like he’s whispering those two words lol
Its also like by virtue of his accent hes not enunciating allaway cuz to me it sound like ‘u not gone go on [in]?’ but its cute. armand saying i am now where i most want to be right after is killlingggg me. im still there tbh.
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cleofast300 · 4 days ago
realistically what do you think is the best protege for c!dream and best team mate for he and c!punz to work with out of like c!purpled, c!tommy, c!tubbo, c!ranboo, c!slime or any others I’m missing in ur opinion. Or how do you think each would go. I think c!punz and c!purpled are brothers so it might work out best
If I'm honest I think c!Purple would be a best team mate for c!stageduo. But as a progere It's kinda complicated in my personal opinion. So here are my thoughts:
c!Purpled would be a good team member for c!stageduo. He worked well with them overall when they had a common targe I can see him becoming a good team menber for both. The fact that both c!stageduo have generally positive/neutral terms with him also helps.
I think in canon c!purpled and c!punz arent brothers so idk about that. But both are mercenary with a diffirent criteria in accepting jobs, so I can see maybe they reaching an understanding or respect over that. Seeing that c!punz also ended up changing that criteria when it came to c!dream.
But for me I think he'll be more of a team member than a protege itself. I dont think c!stageduo would see him as their protege nor him would see himself as that. They would be a sick team tho.
About being their protege, I mostly think about who they would work better and also get along well. Bc being a protege is about being helped and taught by an older person, I'll look also at how they get along with both c!stageduo and how they would work together.
For c!tubbo, he could be a good protege for them. c!Tubbo and c!dream showed at the start could get along. Even when c!tubbo was president, while c!dream was acting to get the discs, i do think some of it was genuine in some way. Mostly bc I remenber c!Dream did say that he think c!tubbo is one of the few on the server that hadnt done anything wrong [x] in daedelus. So I dont think c!dream sees c!tubbo in such a negative light compared to people like c!tommy.
And like, I know that while as president c!tubbo didnt come out with the idea of killing c!dream, he did come out with the idea of the green festival [x]. But I think that without the other l'manberg members influence, specially c!quackity's, he most probably wouldnt have treated to kill him. He does hesitated about the plan when they ask him to kill c!dream himself [x]. And he did give him the disc seeing it'd be for the best, and seemed hurt for c!dream saying they werent never friends. And he questioned if it was morally okay to go kill c!dream in the prison in the nuke finale.
And as far as Im aware, c!punz and c!tubbo got along pretty well during most of the lore and wasnt that bad blood bewteen generally until c!tubbo took c!dream's final life.
So I think it's complicated. I do see there might be a chance of c!tubbo being c!stageduo protege. And c!stageduo trying to like guide and look after him and them all getting along pretty well and working together without many problems.
With c!ranboo it's complicated bc all the stuff about the mental control was added so idk for sure but I can see his enderwalk side being c!stageduo protege and getting along too. But c!ranboo himself fears c!dream a lot and starts to hate him in some point so idk if they would choose to be their protege when he's not on enderwalk. Bc i am dont remenber enough of his lore i cant really say much.
Same with c!slime. I do think that when c!purple kidnaped him he could have been their protege if maybe they managed to kill c!quackity directly. But I cant say much about him too.
With c!tommy, well I think is obvious all the shitshow his relationship with c!dream is. And the fact c!punz doesnt like him and they didnt have a genuine friendly relationship either. I think mostly on this two instances in which c!tommy might become their protege.
One on exile, if c!techno didnt interviene i can see c!tommy becoming their protege and working with c!stageduo. This one possibility would be like the more toxic option of all these. I think they wouldnt get along well. Bc while I can see c!tommy listening to them more as a attempt for them not to leave him, I dont think they'd get along perfectly bc of their crashing personalities. And I think he eventually would leave their side. So I dont think he'll be a really good protege here really.
Another after the nuke ending, if the reset didnt happen i can see c!tommy with time and a lot of healing becoming their protege eventually. I think c!punz wasnt attemping to be cruel while he said he didnt care about c!tommy's tower, but he genuietly doesnt care that much about him in general so he wouldnt lose sleep by learning that. And on this post I made, I noticed how when the alarms start sound in that stream, c!tommy looks at both c!stageduo with remorse and lamenting they're gonna die in just some seconds.
With c!tommy understanding c!dream and wanting to work with him to fix everything, I can see them all working on that if the reset didnt happen. I think the only "but" might be that c!punz probably wouldnt be happy bc he still wouldnt like c!tommy that much. But bc he didnt interrumpt and let c!discduo talk and understand each other without problem in the prison, i dont see why he would oposse much if c!dream wants to. This is where I can see c!tommy being a good protege and them getting along genuiely and working well the three for an extended period time.
So basically, I think the one who would work the best it's c!Purpled, but I dont think he'd be their protege. As a protege is complicated but I think under certain circustances c!tommy or c!tubbo could work with them. I hope I could answer your question well anon, sorry if this is kinda messy and too long. Hope you have a good day! :D
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lotus-pear · 1 year ago
do you have any bsd rarepairs that you ship?
is anything a rarepair these days /j
idk if fyozai is a rarepair but i’m going to assume so since skk and fyolai are so popular. i’m weak for two sides of the same coin ships not to mention their alr inherently ruinous and destructive relationship in canon. it’s like skk minus any mutual affection they have for each other but rather replaced by the cold calculating knowledge that this other guy is the only other person on earth who can match you intellectually and analytically. plus if they ever did have a romantic relationship it would be extremely torrid and intense and probably end w a knife in someone’s back which appeals to my extremely dark and twisted side. they are very cool :)
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skyward-floored · 2 months ago
I’ll keep you company :)
Have you ever had smoked cheese? If so, did you enjoy it?
I know someone who makes it himself and it’s super good :)
I think I have, it was alright! I'm not a big cheese person honestly, except for like, cheddar and mozzarella (I'm boring haha), but I've had smoked cheddar and it wasn't half bad!
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nerdalmighty · 3 months ago
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! ♡♡♡
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ouijamonstrr · 1 year ago
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yum 😋
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have a kibby. in da sink
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plantwithoutplot · 5 months ago
for the assumption ask, idk why but you just give me major Warrior Cats kid vibes. Like role playing at recess and whatnot.
I absolutely cannot deny that I was the weird kid at recess and all. Though what I did was trying to roleplay adventures from Pokemon or the Legend of Zelda or Le Secret du Sable Bleu.
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But I have to admit that I......i have never.... I have not........... I have never read the Warrior Cat Saga ⚆▽⚆💦
A-anyway, thanks for the ask, Anon!! You were 90% on point!! 🧐🧐
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jaybleu25 · 6 months ago
A few more questions ^^
4. Am I ever going to include any villains of my own that are not a part of the games?
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5. Will I ever make a video focused on Bowser's Inside Story?
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apollotronica · 1 year ago
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pedrospatch · 2 years ago
Not me organizing my weekend plans around being able to read ASH ch 8 tomorrow night and then cry for an hour after 🫣🫣🫣
Omg nooo that’s so sweet but you don’t have to do that! Tbh the chapter is going to be up late, I want to say around 10pm PST just to be safe. It’ll be waiting for you whenever you have the time to read it! 🤍
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knight-of-heart-and-art · 1 year ago
Veggitales' morality teachins were supposed to be "be christian but also eat healthy"
But eventually turned into "dear god is jesus a carrot"
okay but what purpose does the five minute hole in the bottom of the sea serve here other than to drive me into a new and interesting form of insanity
also in some versions of the intro song one of the veggies literally says "don't eat me" so like. what's up with that. what's going on.
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nudibutch · 1 year ago
hiiiii you (probably) know I adore you!!! You’re wonderful and I hope you have a great day!!!! 💖💖💖
ily2 beloved mutual 😭❤️
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jellyluchi · 2 years ago
👀🏷️ Hello, for the askgame thingy with Foca and her world. :3 *if nobody has dropped these as of yet*
👀OOO I think this is one of my favorite things about their relationship! I think they have a clear personal character arcs where Prosciutto starts to learn to be vulnerable, empathetic, and see different POVs while Focaccia grows increasingly more confident, strong, ruthless, and maybe even evil? It greatly affects the choices thy would make, shifting the world into more... balance? Or so I predict! I haven't written the lore properly with every detail yet so this is just speculation but I imagine because of their opposite natures influencing one another there's a balance to their characters as the more evil character shows more "good" signs and the good character shows more "evil signs" and so their decisions probably form some sort of equilibrium within the world and has bittersweet consequences some good and some bad as you would expect I already write some meta for them myself so I would HOPE that the fandom meta would be somewhat like that where it talks about the symbolism of their stands, metaphors of their motifs like Focaccia's heart and their personalities etc its personal my favorite part of fandom so having meta for Foca would be SOOO FUN !! it would probably reveal truths about her character I never noticed before!
🏷️There's a bunch but and I never seem to stick to one 😭😭it started out as ProSid then ProCaccia and ham sandwich to ProFoca so anyone could take their pick of their favorite nickname for them ! xD
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