#omg I’ve been seeing you on my dash but I thought you lost interest in OP
thevirtualvalentine · 4 months
Idk how i didn’t see till today that your back but hi!!!! I missed you and look forward to reading through everything you’ve posted later!!
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GINGERRRRRR, hi! I missed you too! College killed my creativity but summer has brought me back! I look forward to talking to you about our interests.
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minkkumaz · 2 months
AHH I SEE I SEE!!! okg it feels so nice to catch up ur so sweet and omgmgmg
i understand the stanning thing too honestly, but i’ve just been sticking with the same groups i loved, i dont think i’ve gotten into any new groups recently. i still love kpop but ive been watching more animes that finding new groups to stan LMAO
do u watch any animes?!! my favorite atm is kaiju8 i am in LOVE with hoshina soshiro.HE IS EEVERTYTHIGNG!!!!
and omg i unfortunately do not have any form of writing skills atm but ill share some little thoughts!!
crush stage woonhak!!
>> i am a firm believer that when woonhak first crushed on you, his hyungs would find out affer seeing him on his phone more than usual. LIKE WOONHAK!! WHO ARE U SMILING ABOUT?
>> and the funny thing is he wouldn’t allow anybody to know. like they’d finish a performance and woonhak would dash straight to his phone. very very suspicious of him!!
>> his hyungs find out after jaehyun heard woonhak giggling at night, then he’d have no choice but to explain to his groupmates that he has a tiny little crush.
like omg i LOVE LOVE LOVE the stage before dating. like id want to know every thought, every word and literally anything i was mentioned about to his friends. plz share any interesting cute woonhak ideas whenever u have any >_<!!
I DO WATCH ANIME! i was actually an anime kid way before i got into kpop... the one i recently finished watching was jujutsu kaisen! i started collecting the manga recently. i've also read all of chainsaw man (up until the new arc that released recently) and i have yet to watch the anime!
actually a lot of my favorites are ones i read.... next to those i absolutely adore orange (read not watched), and erased! one of my favorite underground animes though is astra lost in space i recommend! :3
also lack of writing skills rn is real LMAO
crush stage woonhak is actually the cutest :( him running to just giggle his ass off about reader!
imagining them facetiming at night and jaehyun walks in asking what he's up to as he shoves the phone under the pillow acting all nonchalant, readers muffled voice coming from underneath LOL
i feel like whenever woonhak has a s/o, she is immediately adopted into the fam! treated just as cutely as woonie and always doted on. maybe jaehyun steals her away to tease his maknae :) and she plays along by hiding in all the best spots in the house while everyone pretends like they don't know wtf is going on LMAO
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lorenlily · 2 years
heyyyy. it’s february anon. i’m really sorry about not getting that job you wanted! i’m sure you will get one that you want, and i’m really happy that my message helped a bit with taking it calmly :)! 
how’s your day going today? i hope everything’s going good and if you haven’t eaten anything in a while or had some water that you go and get some now! also unclench your jaw, stretch your legs, and do anything else that will make you more comfy! 
to answer your questions, my comfort shows are gilmore girls, once upon a time, taskmaster, one day at a time, derry girls and heart stopper. 
comfort music is taylor swift 100%! my favourite albums are evermore, midnights and reputation, with speak now closely behind! and long story short is my favourite song right now! what about you?
and as for books, i haven’t really read in a while so i can’t really say. but i’ve been really enjoying benjamin alíre saenz and his books are pretty comforting to me :)! what about you?
i am sending all the love i can and i hope you wake up feeling totally refreshed and have the best meals ever and see a nice animal during the day :)
-february anon <3
hiiiiii february anon <3
I am having nice day despite being ill lol and I hope you're doing gooood!! I hope you're getting good sleep and are warmed up :)
oh i love ouat and heartstopper, haven't see the others but derry girls has been on my watchlist and gilmore girls is always appearing on my dash, mainly rogan posts lol what's your thoughts on it all?
ahhh evermore appreciation!!! and midnights/rep are great!! what's your top 3 for them (lol if you can decide)
just searched him up and realised it's the aristotle and dante author which i haven't had the chance to read yet / i love pjo and i think the one book i've reread the most is you deserve each other by sarah hogle i love love it so much!!
i read daisy jones and the six last month because the tv show is coming out and i found this fantasy series called the war of lost hearts trilogy omg the second book devastated me so much i've been procrastinating reading the final book by reading a romance series instead lol
what kind of media are you interested in at the moment? any new releases that you're excited for? did you check out the paramore album? are you into marvel lol because i've been losing interest but ant man is releasing next week and it's one of the ones i'm actually excited for
i'd love to know more about you literally anything (as you can see i can become a bit of a rambler) 🫠
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yarodey · 2 years
ya girl accessed her Tumblr! OMG fireworks everywhere!. lol I honestly started a new one at one point earlier this year because I thought this one was a lost cause but GOD!!! 
Anyways, I’m listening to the new SZA album feeling all sentimental n shiiii. It’s super comforting to know that I’m not the only one who is out here struggling lol. Honestly, this year has been pretty tough. It’s funny too. In 2020 I swore on everything that I had hit my absolute lowest. Oh how I’ve proved myself wrong. Two years later, I’m still not thriving still not shining still incredibly unhappy. I struggle a lot especially with my emotional poise lol. That sh*t don’t exist with me it feels like. I’m either over the top ecstatic, incredibly irritable, or deep into my feelings (most times being the latter of the two). Now to be fair, literally as I’m typing this,  I am on day two of entertaining my cousin Flo and my fiftyleventh shot of mr Jim (with a dash of orange liqueur>>>>>). So it is safe to say that my disposition on the woe of my life is heavily subjective. 
But that simply cannot discredit the  just all around low I've felt in the year of our lord 2022. I’m no where where I want to be. I’m not even happy lol. BUT GOD and his beautiful creation SZA. The latter half of my year has been graced with just experiencing the imperfections of women of my age (whether present or past references) just trying to figure life out; and many times alone. I’ve felt very alone this year for sure. Partially because I have built a habit of ostracizing and completely disassociating myself from everyone including those I love (which has surprisingly been easy.... lol I kinda hate everyone no shade). But also partially because people push me away (or maybe just live their lives without me for which I narcissistically take personal). I’m not sure if this is a response to their own personal issues (life be lifing) or me (ahhh intrusive thoughts) but DAYUMN. I’m kind of at a point where I burn the bridge with people before I even give them the chance to rub me the wrong way.
There is zero fluidity in this essay but can I just say, people are so selfish. lol 2022 has definitely played a role in my villain origin story (which has been quite interesting). I really kinda wanna expound on it more but I’m not sure that Tumblr is the appropriate platform (but at the same time....who really gives af about yaro enough to explore her personal and mostly one-sided beefs?). But we’ll see, maybe later I’ll feel compelled to share. In the meantime hey. lol this made no sense to read (so bless ur heart if you made it this far). I’m yaro and yea I’m kinda reinvinting myself. call it my rebranding or call it my rebirth idk. But I am currently focused on just  building me again...
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birb-tangleblog · 3 years
Rise of Flynn Rider - THOUGHTS
Ok so first off, a very brief summary: the book centers on Eugene and Arnie (Lance), childhood best friends. The orphanage they've grown up in is financially struggling, under threat by a crooked tax collector, and they're both aging out of the system; the only clue Eugene has to his parents is a letter from the woman who left him there, which is signed with a ~mysterious symbol~. When a traveling circus run by the Baron (yes, that Baron) passes through town and Eugene learns of a possible lead on his past, the two boys reinvent themselves, join up, and eventually end up entangled in a scheme to steal from the King and Queen of Corona. 
I won't lie, I enjoyed this one a lot- it was a fun read, very cozy to curl up with, and even with some contradictions, it felt like a novel that was derivative of the series and set in that world. There are a lot of cameos and references, enough that I think most TTS fans will find something they like to nibble on.
Like I said in my earlier post abt the prologue and first few chapters, I'm so happy that Lance got a role alongside Eugene- he's definitely a secondary character to Eugene’s main, and he does get sidelined somewhat, but it's charming to see his friendship with Eugene and his growing passion for cooking. 
'I didn't expect anything, so I'm more delighted and pleasantly surprised than genuinely unhappy with the execution' is a running theme with this book for me and basically the tl;dr of this write-up.
There are soo many cameos and little treats- I get the impression Calonita didn't have the most complete knowledge of the series, but her chats with Chris and interest in the series’ writing definitely show. King Edmund, the Stabbingtons, all of the pub thugs, Weasel, Stalyan, and the Baron all make appearances, and we get cameos from Cap, Maximus, Pascal's mother, and even Cass gets a name drop. Several series-exclusive locations are also mentioned by name- Vardaros, the Spire, and the Forest of No Return.
I'm not immune to the fannish hit of 'hey! I understand that reference!' and I really enjoyed hunting for easter eggs, so even if the presence of the pub thugs in the Baron's crew, or the boys stumbling on Rapunzel's tower in one scene and making nothing of it (yea that happened) is a lil questionable, it made me smile and I can't be mad.
I would just describe this book as 'comfy'.
(That said, I'm a little unsure who all those references are for- I feel like if you hadn't seen the series, you'd lack context and some details would be meaningless, but if you had, I think you might long for more depth and exploration...)
Structure & Progression
Here's the part where I start criticizing the book aimed at middle and elementary schoolers lmao
It's a v short book, but the plot progression still feels a little scattered- it didn’t feel quite like a heist OR a mystery. The subplot that takes up a lot of focus is actually interpersonal conflict between Lance and Eugene- and they reconcile, but not after spending much of the book in a standoff due to a misunderstanding/'liar revealed' trope.
One of Eugene's motivations for joining the circus is spotting a man with a mark on his arm that matches the one from his letter working there, and believing he'll be able to learn more abt his parents from him. He doesn't disclose this to Lance right away, and when it comes out later on, he's upset that Eugene didn't tell him- he feels tricked, and like Eugene's prioritizing his biological family over their bond. I had a hard time with this, b/c I honestly think Eugene could've literally said to Lance, 'hey, joining this circus is a great opportunity to travel, make money, send some back to the orphanage, AND I found something about my parents, will you come with me?' and Lance still would've jumped on it. Later on, there's also another similar miscommunication that deepens the rift. 
It feels like manufactured drama, and I would've loved a book of the two of them just being buds, bouncing off each other, and trying to unravel the mysteries of the DK symbol and the Baron's ulterior motives together. Lance's fears of being left behind by his friend absolutely could've surfaced without the misunderstandings, especially the closer they got to the truth. (And I don't think that'd have been dissimilar to the unused 'Trial' episode concept and flashback.)
The pacing itself... meanders. After the boys complete an initiation mission to get a hold of a special key for the Baron, time passes (two weeks in-story) and there's some slice of life as they learn the ropes, get inducted into a lifestyle of thieving (it’s revealed the circus is a front for a crime ring), and get to know the Baron's crew.
I liked these parts and would've kept them in a longer book! But maybe there could've been some fine-tuning here so big events (Eugene stealing for the first time, the heist, the meeting with the mysterious Man with the Mark) weren’t so one-and-done. There are several points where nothing's really happening because the characters can't quite connect with each other, or they're waiting around for an opportunity passively, and that makes for a frustrating exp for me as a reader.
There were also lot of elements I thought were getting set up to come into play later, but not a lot of follow through? The folk hero Lance Archer is mentioned several times and has wanted posters, but we never meet him in the flesh. The Man with the Mark is revealed to be a former member of the Brotherhood(!) named Vedis(!!), but he isn't seen again after Eugene speaks with him... once. (More on this later this post is getting so long omg) 
The Baron’s plan is revealed to be stealing a reward offered for the lost princess when it’s on display to the public during a festival. Eugene and Lance balk b/c stealing doesn’t sit well with them, especially when it’s from what are ultimately a family trying to find their lost child- they decide to do the right thing by foiling the scheme/stealing it back and returning it to the royals. It goes a bit pear-shaped and they’re caught, but are forgiven and face no consequences after explaining, other than being ousted from the circus/crime ring and making enemies of the Baron. Eugene hasn’t given up on finding the DK, but he realizes he already has a family in Lance, and that’s the most important thing; the two resolve to travel the world and have adventures together.
I want to make another post on it, but at the least it feels like a foregone conclusion given we know ‘Flynn Rider’ goes on to become a renown thief who steals the crown of the lost princess- that’s literally the plot of the movie, and being a dashing rogue is Flynn’s defining trait- so even aside from questionable ideas about wealth, class, and morality, the novel’s ending doesn’t fit what’s firmly established about his character, and I think big fans of Eugene might have an even harder time with that then me. 
(I’m very suspicious that there might’ve been some executive meddling in an attempt to soften young Eugene’s character, and send a more palatable/upstanding message to children- it feels like Disney editing the old SW films to show Han didn’t shoot first.)
It’s def one of those novels where you can take some elements you like and leave others, but overall I’d still rly rec it for series fans! I’ve been buzzing and what-iffing about it for a few days, and I got some tasty tidbits on the characters and nods to the series, which is exactly what I wanted out of it.
And maybe it’s a funky take, but honestly I want to think of this book as the beginning of an alternate timeline where Lance and Eugene got out of crime earlier, Eugene got a clue abt his heritage by chance, and it changed his course. I think embracing the retcons and contradictions to canon makes for an interesting angle, and you’ll enjoy it more if you don’t take it too seriously. 
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halfpint55 · 4 years
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@oldpotatoe it arrived EARLY
And now some context!
On this epic shirt is is a quote from the iconic fic ‘feels like we only go backwards’ by legend oldpotatoe on ao3
Now if u follow me u know I’ve been loving the fic to the point of creation, being inspired enough to make art.
I love Ruby’s fic for a number of reasons. Firstly it’s Zukka and honestly that pairing is just everything to me.
But Ruby’s writing just makes it. A few times I’ve sat down, trying to write a comment about specific parts of her writing that I love and it’s HARD. Because the most beautiful thing about Ruby’s writing, what makes it special, is all the components of writing, all the little elements of it - they’re all GOOD, they’re excellent! - but more than that they slot together so smoothly that it’s impossible to chunk it down into pieces and break it apart to analyse. And the result is the most beautifully woven together story that you just MELT into. I’ve said this to ruby before but that fic just plays in my head like a movie as I’m reading it - it’s just that well written, with not a single word wasted. You get lost in it, and I honestly forget it’s not canon.
But I have to talk about how ruby writes sokka. Sokka is special to me. He’s a character I see a lot of myself in (I might even have a massive undercut at the back but we don’t need to talk about how kinning is my most recent coping mechanism so MOVING ON). To me he’s ADHD-coded and very much a bright, intelligent “gifted kid”. He struggles to follow through sometimes, he’s quick to react emotionally, he gets very insecure about his abilities and it affects his self esteem. Being left alone in the SWT there were high expectations of him, and again during the invasion. He takes a lot upon himself, and he’s a great leader but he’s never without the little voice in his head saying “what if you’re doing this all wrong? What if you fuck it up? What is everyone going to think of you then? Do you really know what you’re doing?”. I feel like sokka’s hyperactivity really manifests itself into overplanning - like he did for day of the black sun. He’s also so creative and inventive as adhd brains often are - he thinks outside the box and as Piandao said he “messes things up in a very interesting way”.
Sokka is one of my ultimate comfort characters and Ruby writes him immaculately. His fears, his anxieties, his difficulties with meditation and mindfulness, being impulsive. But also his humour and his charm. The way she writes his inner monologue and thoughts have had me WEEPING with laughter but also from the emotional sucker punch that is seeing ur comfort character wrestle with their problems.
This particular quote comes from a scene where Zuko is trying to teach Sokka to meditate and practice mindfulness - something I and a lot of adhd brains struggle with lmao - and Sokka, not actually being able to be quiet for two fkn seconds is being facetious, deliberately obtuse and snarky in classic sokka style that we all know and love.
And Zuko says to him “Insufferable, as always”. Now to me this is the most beautiful small moment. I have spent a lot of my life being very aware that I am too much. I feel like people with adhd become the funny friend so that we can ensure that people are looking and laughing at us on purpose, and for a good reason. Otherwise we risk being talked about for being too loud, too intense, too enthusiastic (because that’s ~*cringe*~), too passionate about our “weird” interests (that’s boring, who wants to listen to that). Simultaneously we’re not enough - we’re not punctual enough, not organised enough, not tidy enough, not paying enough attention, not listening well enough, not trying hard enough. We’re so aware of all of this. We spend our lives absorbing the idea that we can be tough to be around. But Zuko, when he’s looking at sokka and he says this, he does it with so. much. love. He does it with a smile. He’s saying “you’re insufferable AND I love you for it”. Not “you’re insufferable BUT” not “I love you despite your chaos”.
No he’s saying “I love you because of it. I love you AND your chaos”.
A slight sidetrack into a headcanon, I firmly believe Sokka struggles with Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. He internalises and takes to heart the smallest comments of perceived criticism- he wants so badly to do a good job at being the planner and the protector that the smallest comments can just crush him (but he’d never let on). And so usually if anyone else were to call him insufferable he’d laugh it off “yep that’s me! Insufferable Sokka at your service” but deep down that hurt. He’s gonna think about that for days. BUT so secure is he in the knowledge that Zuko loves him through and through that “insufferable” doesn’t even phase him. He KNOWS it comes from a place of love. (It wasn’t easy for him to convince himself of it at first - it took a long time for him to check his RSD with Zuko but it’s paid off). He knows that Zuko is thinking “you’re insufferable and I fucking love you”.
So I got it the quote on a fkn shirt because yes, I’m insufferable sometimes. But that’s just how I am and I claim that for myself because I’m not gonna change. The people in my life that love me, love me like this. I’m not insufferable to them, to them I’m just me. So just as Sokka has an unconditional love in Zuko, the people in this world who are worth anything will love us in the same way.
And Ruby. Omg ruby. thank u for blessing us with ur writing (and this quote) amongst ur academic deadlines. We’re so lucky you choose to share ur incredible writing with us. And thank u for just rolling w my very intense brand of love for ur work ❤️ it’s hyperfixation at its finest and u matching the energy and the love right back has honestly just made me feel so much less self conscious about being “too much”. I’ve also gained some lovely zukka-loving mutuals from the art of Zuko’s interlude and so I have you to thank for the little zukka bubble that is my dash now 💖💖💖 (I’m never going back).
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simpsamaa · 4 years
Miya Brothers Dating Hc’s
It’s your babe, Simp Sama back at it again with a head cannon-
this time with the Miya brothers
I’ve been thirsting about the brothers lately- 
Requests are open✨
Mwah I love you all so much💗
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Osamu Miya
y’all dont know how happy i was to see him be animated-
his v o i c e 
I love him
he’s my favourite brother-
cough don’t tell rat tsumu
You must have saved the whole nation in another life for this male to find interest in you
Atsumu makes fun of both of you
only to be told back by Samu at how he doesn’t have someone-
When you watch him play he does better
You’re able to get Samu from fight with his brother
Just sweetly call his name and he’ll stop everything just to leave a dumbfounded Atsumu to be next to you.
You and Kita have a mutual respect for eachother
Cause how tf do you not respect KitA?
Once you start dating Samu you’ll basically be the unofficial manager of the team cause they depend on you so much
which causes you to sign up and be the manager
Loves holding you
cause the size difference
Loves to cuddle you
Also loves to sleep on your chest and hear your heartbeat
someone get me a mans like s a m u alr
He loves to hold your hands because of how small they are compared to him and because they’re much softer then his
will die when he sees you in his jersy
thinks you look adorable in his clothes cause they’re waay to big for you
He likes PDA but not public PDA
though he’ll do it to see your blushing face cause it’s adorable
Loves to kiss you
before his games it’s a ritual to give you a quick kiss before he plays
it’s makes him play a lot better-
He’s the type of boyfriend to send you good morning and good night texts while going to your house to wake you up in the morning
His mom probably cares about you a lot
cause Atsumu spills the tea about you and him to his parents
Atsumu loves you cause you’re with his brother and even though he acts like he doesn’t care- he really does
Osamu spoils you with food-
Will hundred percent take you on dates just to eat street food
Calls you his berry, sweets, honey etc.
adorable ass pet names
“’Samu that looks good,“ you pointed to a food stand selling homemade mochi. You looked up to meet his grey hues, slightly blushing as you notice he was staring at you. “Sure,“ he says with a hint of a smile on his lips. You smiled up at him before taking his large hand into yours and going to the stand.
“You guys are adorable,“ The older woman running the stand gushed at how cute the two of you were. “Thank you,” you blushed, gripping Osamu’s shirt cause you were embarrassed. Letting out a chuckle he nodded a thank you before ruffling your hair. 
You pouted before fixing your hair and telling the woman your order, “Two packs of matcha mochi with red bean filling please,”. The lady gave you a warm smile before turning around to get your order. 
“that was mean,“ you said as you watched her turn around, “mean?“ your grey haired boyfriend asked, turning his gaze down to meet yours. “You messed up my hair,“ you pouted, Osamu’s grey hues moving from your eyes to your lips. 
‘How kissable‘ he thought, while bringing his left hand up to scratch the back of his neck, getting lost in thought.
“’Samu,“ you called, breaking his train of thought. He let out a hum, letting you know he was paying attention to you, as if his eyes on you wasn’t enough.
Going up on the tips of your toes you pressed a kiss to the side of his mouth before grabbing his hand once more and pulling him to walk with you.  “Cute,“ he mumbled, you catching on to his words. “What did you say?“, you laughed before sticking a mochi in your mouth, letting out a soft moan at the taste of it. 
“You’re cute,“ he said bluntly, watching as your red turned a light pink, “yeah I know that ‘Samu, you tell me that everyday,“ You flushed, hiding your smile with your hand. 
“And you’re mine,“
“Just being honest“
Where in the world can i get a samu🥺🥺
He can cook
will cook you things
even if you dont ask for it
He adores if you can’t cook
so he’s able to teach you 
is very touchy when teaching you
though im not complaining and i dont think you are either-
basically what i’m saying is
Osamu Miya is Ten million billion percent husband material
we love him✨
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Atsumu Miya
I love his barry looking ass
✨Ratsumu✨ at his best
SeasON FouR InTRodUcEd sO mAnY oF mY FAvIeS
cough Sakusa cough Kourai cough Suna cough Atsumu cough Osamu cough
Everyone is surprised that he has you cause of his shitty ass personality
They were like “Woah Atsumu got a goddess-”
His fans are probably very surprised as well cause they know how tsumu is
You guys probably meet cause of Osamu
He always has Tsumu’s back-
is lowkey glad that you’re there so that Atsumu can stop bothering him
Atsumu loves PDA
He’s a pretty big fan of it
Cause he loves touching you
Loves to hold your hand cause it’s smaller then his by a lot-
Loves the size difference between you both tbh
He likes to ruffle your hair and then watch you pout about it cause he thinks you’re the most adorable thing on the planet
And you pouting making his heart soar
Loves to cuddle you-
Obsoletely loves to be the little spoon
Goes soft for you
Has dedicated a serve to you only to miss it
he still acted like he made it tho
Kita loves you btw
You’re able to stop Atsumu from fighting with Osamu
Fr like just call his name
And he’ll go to you like a sad little puppy and rest his head on your shoulder as you prompt him to apologize to Osamu
He does too- which makes the team surprised 
He’s the type of boyfriend who sometimes forgets to send you good morning and good night texts
He cares- i promise
tIme SkIp
Y’all are probably still together during the time skip
cause Atsumu ✨loves✨ you
And he can’t find anyone else who loves him better then you
Him and Sakusa have probably gotten into a fight while in a game
while it was being recorded live on tv
Which you have to break them up-
Which reveals your relationship with Tsumu
“TSUMU LET’S GO!!!“ You exclaimed from the stands, watching as he was about to server. The fake blond turned his head to find you in the crowd in his jersey. 
Your face turn a light pink as he sent you a small smirk and wink. You lifted the sign you were holding, ‘ATSUMU MIYA💗’. You watched as the setter pressed his pointer and middle finger against his lips before blowing a kiss to you. 
You gave him a shy smile before moving your left hand to ‘catch’ the kiss, before sending one back at him. Giving you a wink he pointed to you before moving back to serve.
“Seems like Miya Atsumu is dedicating this serve to his sweetheart, very sweet of him,“ The announcer stated as the camera pointed towards you, You covered your face, cheeks blushing a pink and you shyly waved to the camera. 
The camera turned towards Atsumu once again, watching him server.
Atsumu let out a smirk before taking six steps back, tossing the ball up he dashed forward and jumped, hitting the ball with all his might.
“That server might have been a bit too powerful,“ The announcer announced as the server was served out of bounds. 
You covered your face in embarrassment as your lover down on the court lifted his right arm and pulled his hand into a fist. You watched as he looked at it before pointing to you again.
Letting out a laugh you raise your hand to point at him too, a smile adorning his face as you did so.
And so there a memory was created, one that Atsumu’s teammates make fun of him for, but one that you keep dearly in your heart.
He can not cook-
that was always Osamu’s thing so he just decided to never learn
So expect to cook for this big babie
He will learn to cook for you though-
Is very cocky and can hurt your feelings-
Will give you kithes and cuddles after hurting them though
Atsumu Miya is a billion percent boyfie material<3
OMG- It’s been like a hot minutes since i’ve written anything-
Im so sorry my lovelies ! !
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter though !
My requests are open so feel free to hit them up with SFW and NSFW tingz or if you just want to start a convo hit me up<3
I love you guys💗
✨Thank you for reading✨
mwah mwah mwah kithes ! !
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Starcrossed Losers 2.IV (Josh Wheeler xF!Reader)
A/N: I’m sorry it took me so long omg I’m the worst. Let me know if I forgot to tag you or if you wanna be tagged -Danny
Words: 2,022
Series’ Masterlist
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Listen to me!
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I guess you're all expecting me to say something about what happened. I should, after all, I hid this piece of information from you, not that I owe it to you, but I guess it's confusing...
'More than just a dream...'
Josh and I are still holding hands while we start the tour, and I wish I could say I was feeling bad about it but to be honest I'm still way too drunk on the bliss to be ashamed. I felt bad though, I did promise Nathan a date before everything went to hell. As a matter of fact, he was going to be my homecoming date.
Where to start? Perhaps you'd like to know who Nathan was in my group of friends? Easy.
*Throwback time*
Nathan was the 'popular' of our group. Do you know how there's always that one friend that seems to know everyone for really strange reasons? The one that 'knows a guy, that knows a guy, that has a cousin'... that's Nathan.
He was also the good looking guy of our group. I know I said Alex was attractive, but man, Nathan was the real deal, he had charisma and a great smile, try to beat that when you're sixteen and have zero social skills.
I didn't have a crush on him though, but it was a very well thought decision like I said before, I wasn't going to let someone close to me break my heart, and both Nathan and Alex were too close, so I buried those thoughts about him before I could even consider it.
I never had a thing for him until... well, until he asked me to homecoming. I never knew why he asked me, I mean sure we were good friends but he never tried to make a move (and this is not me being oblivious this is me saying Nathan never even commented on my looks not even once). While I do remember having said to him something along the lines of "you're so pretty you annoy me" one night while I was completely shitfaced.
He laughed it off then, not bringing it up to tease me the next morning. He knew he was attractive and I certainly used to dream about dashing men like him coming to take me out for a ride or a movie, but I never thought that it'd be him the one who would ask me out.
'All the days I waited for you You know the ones who said I'd never find someone like you'
Then the end of the world happened and we never went to homecoming, yet we remained on the same group until one day he just vanished. No notes, no nothing. He left. He was also the first one to go, followed by Aria, then Phillip, then Lily, until we were just Maya, Alex and I, you know the rest.
We heard about Nathan a few weeks later though, the first loner on Glendale (Josh was very good at keeping a low profile, we didn't know he was by himself) and I thought it was a great idea to do the same, you know, follow the loner's path until I had Katie back... and you know how that turned out.
My point is, how was I supposed to know he was going to come back and still ask me for a date? What kind of person does that?
"Here we have the Cheeramazon division," Josh pointed to the sports section of the mall. "We teach sign language for those who are interested in learning, it's also handy for communicating while we're outside on a Ghoulie area..."
"Why're they here?" Nathan asked in a voice that was completely unlike him. "I mean, I know their old place got trashed but why haven't they looked for a new place?"
"They don't have enough people or resources," I replied. "They'll wait here until enough girls decide to join them or until they get enough food to survive on their own."
"And you guys are okay with that?"
"Good relationships with old tribes are everything," I shrugged. "We want to keep it friendly with everyone, we don't want to start another war."
"Really? Because you seemed ready to go out and set houses on fire five minutes ago," Josh replied sternly.
"That's different!" I scoff. "Those kids need our help and you know it!"
"What kids?" Nathan asked in curiosity.
"Are you familiar with the AV club?" I ask him.
"The kids with the podcast?"
"Exactly! They've been kidnapped and I've been trying to convince my tribe to go out and look for them but they refuse–"
"Because we're barely recovering from Triumph," Josh interrupted. "Listen Y/N, we can't be heroes fighting against some kids in suits..."
"Here we have the gamer's layer," I continue, forcing them to leave the subject. "But you don't have to write that down, they're leaving in a few days to their old cave. Been here to help us with some tech stuff..."
"Those over there are the X-jocks," Josh points over a couple of kids playing and exercising at the other side of the mall, "they followed Turbo after he was kicked out. They're no longer Jocks, but they don't want to be called Daybreakers either."
"They don't wanna mingle with all the weirdos, apparently," I roll my eyes.
"We have a healers division, which is coordinated by Y/N," Josh puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles. "She's great... a training division that Wesley and Turbo handle... Am I missing something?"
"The Daybreakers, which are lead by this loser," I look at Josh with a smirk. "He schedules our vigilance system, the hunts– Oh, and the weekly competitions."
"What are those about?"
"We organize tournaments and the awards are free days from working or having to go outside, stuff like that."
"Okay," Nathan nods, writing everything down. "I think that's all..."
"Cool," Someone calls Josh and he looks back at us. "Can you finish the tour on your own?"
"I– Yeah, okay," I reply anxiously. "See you in a while..."
Josh gives me a quick kiss and leaves to where he's needed, leaving me alone with Mister 'U-owe-me-a-date'.
"So..." I awkwardly start.
"I think I owe you an apology," He replies immediately.
"I didn't know you and Josh... what I said was completely out of place anyway, who asks that kind of stuff to someone they haven't seen in months? I–"
"Nathan," I stop him, "It's okay, really, you didn't know, it's alright."
"I'm sorry," He repeats, this time calmer. "I ditch you and the group, I just... I don't know, I felt stuck..."
"I get that, we left too, eventually," I shrug. "Went to look for my sister, but... she died."
"Oh," He frowns. "I'm so sorry... was she–?"
"A Ghoulie, yeah," I sigh. "It's okay, I'm better now, I have this place and I have..."
"I was going to say I have a sledgehammer, but sure," I joke.
He smiles and suddenly I remember why I used to like his smile so much. It really is quite dreamy.
'And you were out of my league All the things I believed You were just the right kind Yeah, you were more than just a dream'
"Those kids..." He mentions. "The AV club?"
"Yeah?" My heart jumps at the mention. "Do you know anything about them? Anything that could help?"
"No, but Josh mentioned kids in suits? I think I've seen them–"
"Y/N!" Josh runs back to us in a hurry. "They found them!"
"What? Who?"
"The AV Club!" He replies.
I try to walk over to the gamer's layer but Josh stops me.
"Wait," He holds me in place. "It's an X-Pug zone."
"That, or the kids in suits want us to believe it is," I point out, "Josh let me go! I want to know where it is!"
"We're not taking anyone there! You know we can't, Y/N! We don't have enough people, who knows how many of those are out there..."
I want to argue back but I know that Josh is right.
"Fine," I let go of his arms and he does the same with me. "Can I at least take a look? Maybe one day we'll go and... and just take a look..."
Josh doesn't need me to end the sentence though, he understands.
"Okay," He starts walking when Nathan speaks up.
"Can I see?"
We turn to see him, both wearing the same confused expression.
"It's just..." He moves his weight from one foot to the other. "I was telling Y/N that I've seen those kids before and maybe... I could talk to Sam, maybe she'd like to help?"
I look at Josh with my best puppy eyes and he sighs in defeat, nodding along.
Nathan catches up with us and grins at me. What I shame I lost my chance with this guy, he looks like straight out of a fantasy, who knows, maybe he was the one meant to be with me if all this apocalypse stuff never happened in the first place...
'You were out of my league Got my heartbeat racing If I die, don't wake me 'Cause you are more than just a dream'
When we arrive Aria takes me directly to her laptop and points to the image in it. I hear her talk to Nathan for a moment while I see the streets and the directions and since I know the whole city by heart it takes me a minute to memorize the whole thing. I don't tell this to Josh, of course.
"Are you going to leave us alone now?" She asks irritatedly.
"Sure thing, you can leave during the night and I wouldn't even bat an eye at it," I reply, still looking at the screen. "Let me just..."
I pull out my phone and take a picture of the screen, is not perfect but it's quick and it's just in case. Josh gives me a warning look but I smile.
"Thank you for doing this," I step closer to him and put my arms around his neck. "See? It didn't kill us to find out, right?"
If I've learned anything in my short stupid life, is that flattery can take you places... and it distracts a boy's brain faster than anything else.
Josh smiles at me and I know I have his whole attention, so I quickly put my phone away.
"Anyway!" I break the spell and look at the gamers. "You guys did a good job, I'll leave you now. Nathan, let me walk you to the door..."
Halfway to the entrance, Nathan speaks.
"You're so not going to listen to what Josh told you to do. I know it, I can see it in your face."
"How long till I can hear from you and Sam?" I ask him in a business-like voice.
"A day, maybe two?"
"You think she'll help?"
"That if we can push Maya to a side."
"Don't mention my name and you'll have a bigger chance to succeed."
I stop at the door and turn to look at him decidedly.
"You have no idea how much this means to me."
"If you're risking your stay at the mall and your relationship with Josh, I assume a lot," He raises a brow.
"He won't kick me out for this," I roll my eyes.
"He's your leader, Y/N."
I remember that none of our feelings ever stopped Josh from kicking me out the first time. So he's not entirely wrong.
"Don't sweat it," Nathan shakes his head, "I'll do my best to keep everyone happy, just like you've been doing for the last few weeks. Consider this my thank you gift for all the hard work you've been doing, Vinchi."
"Oh," I cringe. "I don't really go by that nickname anymore..."
"Oh, sorry," He pouts. "Just Y/N, then?"
"Unless you have a new nickname for me," I grin.
Nathan tilts his head like he's considering what I'm saying.
"I'll think about it," He smiles.
"I'll see you in two days," I smile back.
'Yeah, you were more than just a dream...'
@letsbe-queer @slythermyg​ @loving-u-3000​ @one-loud-mind
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poemistic · 4 years
top 10 mlp musical numbers
since I’ve been rewatching the childhood tv show, i was like ‘well why not?’ the songs I’ve chosen to rate are all from my mlp songs playlist on spotify, so it is already personally biased. when i watched mlp as a kid, most of my memories are from seasons 1 - 5 and maybe a little bit of season 6? (i really lost interest when starlight came into the picture as a “redeemed villain” like are you for real??) so a lot of these songs i have an attached childhood nostalgia to. if you think i missed any...no i didn’t ❤️ 
so before we get to the good part, we first got some honorable mentions (that are not in any particular order) 
the spectacle 
the smile song
ballad of the crystal ponies 
EQ cafeteria song 
in our town 
the magic inside
CHS rally song 
life is a runway 
my past is not today 
you’ll play your part
awesome as i wanna be (after this are the songs I want to be in top ten but don’t make the cut ;-;) 
apples to the core 
glass of water 
unleash the magic (im really sad about this one its Good) 
omg those last two songs hurt to put on the honorable mentions. but now onto my top ten personal favorites! rated from least favorite to most. 
10.  What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me. (this song just scratches me right in my 9 yr old brain. I remember recording the episode this song was in and being so excited to see it. it was the season 3 finale. also rainbow dash, applejack, and rarity’s parts in this song Slapped period.) 
9. Flim Flam Brothers’ Super Speed Cider Squeezy 6000 (honestly 9 and 8 are tied but i like 8 just a liittttle bit better than this one. but like cmon.  the title? already fire. this song made me like capitalists HORSES for crying out loud. this one is a Bop and a half.) 
8. Hearts Strong as Horses (awkward title but the SNARES IN THIS SONG THO. this song gets me fucking pumped and not to mention this song is in the best cmc episode. just a really catchy upbeat tune. can’t go wrong.)  
7. Battle of the Bands (i have THREE DAZZLINGS SONGS IN A ROW for this. rainbow rocks really went off when making the dazzlings, adagio dazzle especially. All of their songs made onto the list because they’re just That Good. like Seriously. also me gay for adagio :P) 
6. Under Our Spell (ME BIG GAY FOR EVIL HYPNOTIZING WOMEN!!! the lyrics, the Vocals, the way you start to hypnotically sway unconsciously... its all so fantastic.)
5. Welcome to the Show (this song had me playing it on repeat and imaging that I was sunset singing along with twilight and the main six to defeat the dazzlings. i loved this song so much, so much serotonin. the dazzlings sound amazing and yea maybe the music in our hearts is a little cheesy but it still makes me pumped whenever i hear it 🥺RAINBOW ROCKS BEST EQ MOVIE)
4. Bats (im going to be totally honest here. Bats is objectively better than number three and will name you reasons why. Bats is those rare mlp duets where not only does it have really good dynamic exchanges between characters, but also drastic tonal changes with great visuals to go along with it.  Not to mention the duet is very confrontational, which you honestly can’t find much of in mlp. the song is definitely one of the best out there. Plus i also really love applejack’s angry singing voice. her yeehaw accent is just *chef’s kiss*) 
3. Babs Seed (the reason why bats is 4 and not 3 is well....it simply does not bop harder than babs seed. and babs seed is. A. BOP. this shit fucking BUMPS. SLAPS. HITS. A FUCKING BANGER. you put this on at a party i AM ON THE DANCE. FLOOR. PERIOD. just fucking listen to it alright. cause this is playing at my funeral.) 
2.  I’m The Friend You Need (listen this is song is soo good. you wanna know why? i didn’t watch the movie this song was in and it’s on my #2 spot in my Best Mlp Songs Ever list. Also just the trumpets, and how sleazy and slippery capper is and how his vocals exude that exact vibe. You never even meet characters like capper in mlp. everyone is either a friend or a villain who cackles with dramatic lightning in the back. capper is, refreshingly, neither. and the whole song in general just wants to make me samba or something i have no idea. just listen to the song!!) 
1. This Day Aria (i had to put this as number one. i had to. i am legally bound to do it. this song was the peak of the mlp fandom and my life. it was revolutionary. it changed fandom history. the season 2 finale was not advertised properly, but in a good way? they said nothing about the changelings and the queen At All. it was just “get ready for mlp’s season 2 finale! a canterlot wedding :D” and it lowered everyone’s expectations for it. and that was GREAT. when the twist happened it made EVERYONE FREAK OUT LIKE WHAATTTT!!! AND THE SONG?? UGHHH!!!! it was SO HYPE and the SCORE, THE VOCALS, THE DUET, THE SHOCK OF IT ALL!! disney was crying, they WISHED THEY HAD WHAT MLP HAD. This Day Aria has best villain song of mlp, as well as the best song of mlp Ever.) 
and thats the end! thank you for reading this far! i started this because i saw the most trashiest ‘best songs of mlp’ list in my entire life and Had to fix it. BITCH PUT LET THE RAINBOW REMIND YOU AS #1??? one of the boringest songs in mlp ever. sorry not sorry but if let the rainbow remind you is your favorite song, please get some taste. 
anyways these are all just my own personal opinions! and if you like mlp and wanna talk about it more don’t be shy to tell me your thoughts! although, don’t expect a lot of mlp content from me. i’m still hyper-fixating on hxh. hope you guys appreciated my thoughts on mlp’s best songs! :DD have a nice day! 
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eemamminy-art · 4 years
How is it that you don't get asks, your art is fabulous. I'm enjoying your Femslash February as always. I really like that you draw women with muscles!! And I loved your monster stuff 👀 from before you left tumblr. And your Zenos with the booty shorts omg. Honestly I could go on. I just love seeing you on my dash ❤️❤️❤️
Aww you’re so sweet! ;3; I tbh wonder if some of it is just that there isn’t nearly the community on tumblr that there used to be? Sometimes I feel bad about deleting my old blog but like, even after I deleted all my nsfw posts my blog was still flagged as adult so I was hidden from searches. And I thought with that and with a lot of people migrating to other sites, that I may as well just delete it than have this inactive, hidden blog. I kind of regret it now because I lost like 2k followers and for that matter someone has squatted my name now x__x but I have been able to reconnect with quite a few people so that’s something at least!
Omg yeah that Zenos booty shorts pic is still making the rounds on tumblr apparently, at least from what my friend told me ahaha. I find it interesting you mentioned the monster stuff since I didn’t draw much of that in the first place, but I guess the few things I did make must have stood out! 
Femslash february has been a good exercise so far, and I’ve been wanting to draw more women for a long while anyway. It’s just a bit hard when so many of the games I like have only a handful of women in them ;3; I should really make more original content someday but I struggle with that because I feel like I have to get myself invested in the ocs before I can get others invested. One day though!!
I feel like I’m rambling now but thanks for the message and the kind words! :3
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years
My URL, The URL Meme
Send Me A URL and I’ll Respond With My Opinions... | @thornstocutyouwith | Mun
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why
Gosh dang it. You’re really gonna make me pick? Alright... for now I’m gonna go with Lief because he’s a Good Boy (tm). So sweet and caring to Oliver. Their relationship is so nice when Lief isn’t bringing / cooking wild animals in his home x’D Also I just enjoy his view on things. So simple, and amusing at times
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs
Again. Pick?! Hm... That food fight in the IMs was pretty funny x3 Aeron and Jace making play bites their Thing (tm) was also good. Or that thing with them as kids playing with dino toys together. It wasn’t a thread but it was so freaking cute
My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s)
Anyone that gets to see such content should feel blessed. You have SO MANY muses and they’re all so unique and real. Also seriously love how they connect in this relationship web that I’ve only seen part of
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole
Good shit bro. Sometimes a little overwhelming but good
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in
ALL OF THEM??!?! But to be more specific, H.unger G.ames or T.he G.ood P.lace plot would be cool. Ooo A.merican H.orror S.tory? C.oven or A.pocolypse? Omg humor me with a C.ells At W.ork AU. ( Eira and Tancred can be the white and red blood cell!!! ) Or another anime, P.arasyte? U.mbrella A.cademy?! D.etective P.ikachu / P.okemon?!?! All the plots Thorn.
Someone else I love seeing them interact with
I honestly don’t read a lot of threads n stuff outside of what I’m doing. Sometimes things will catch my eye but otherwise... heh... I do be seein u with ofwondersandhares a lot tho. So there’s that?
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying
I really don’t get why people don’t write with you more. There’s a lot of opportunity right there for people. :/
And did I mention content?! You know so much about your muses. I aspire to be that in tune with these guys one day
If We Know Each Other
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities
Honesty. I mean sometimes it can be pretty blunt but I don’t really have to be guessing what you might not be saying. I figure if you have a problem with me you’ll tell me. Which is kinda relieving to me. Helps when I overthink.
Also ridiculously imaginative. I mean do I really need to elaborate on this one?
What I Think Are Their Strengths
Besides the answer to the above question, you don’t take things to heart too much, which I admire since I do that all the time. It’s great you can brush things off and move on to other good things without getting too caught up in being upset
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours
First game night. Absolutely one of the best nights I’ve ever had. Hilarious. Can’t wait to do it again. The fact that we named the killer Asher was AMAZING
Why Others Should RP With Them
Hello if it’s not clear from what I’ve been saying then idk how to help you. The sheer vastness of content for all the rp you could ever want is right there man. So much opportunity! All the little details and plots too!! Bonus, you get a friend that will give you head pats- no, wait. those are mine. But still, good fren! *pats their head* A lot of friENDSHIP can fit in here
How Others Should Approach Them
You could toss them some memes. Pretty sure they crave them lol ( Not like they don’t post about it ). And as a multi I am well aware of the specifying muse deal but I don’t think they mind so much that they won’t answer. You’ll just get whatever they roll lol BUT definitely specify muse if you can bc like I said, as a multi, it’s just better that way especially with the number of muses they have. OR you could do the big brain move and IM them “Hey I wanna write with you but I have no idea where to start with your muses. Do you have a preference?” and you guys can talk about who would mesh well together and then you can send memes or write a starter or even get a starter! Pretty sure it’s the same for anyone.
Funny note on that one tho. I think they approached me ooc by just sending my a post in IMs. I don’t even remember what it was or why they sent it. I was wildly confused but ya know. Gotta start somewhere lol Point is, you’ll be fine approaching them however you do. Just don’t ghost.
Other Roleplayers I’d Recommend To Them
You could write with the Teares’ siblings ( in the verse where they are related at least. Haven’t talked about if that’ll be a main thing or not ), baby sis @the-wonderland-jinx and Aeron’s twin @faultycode. The other muses on there are also great.
@klavz​ is a great Klaus imo. The dialogue is so on point. Like I could actually hear Klaus saying those things. Whether you feel the same is up to you but... definitely give ‘em a chance.
There are others but it’s more of a general ‘I like them’ rather than having specific reasons you’d mesh well with / be interested in them.
Anything else I want to say about them
I think I’ve said quite a lot already lol Anything more is pretty much a repeat
I like writing with them. I like talking to them. I think they’re pretty cool and I think other people ought to check them out. A summary by me
If We Have/Plan To Interact Together
A plot I’d like to write with them
Ooo. Um. I know a lot of plots probably got lost bc I’ll come up with an idea and then get distracted with something else. But if I remember any of those definitely lol Also now that I’m on a fresh new blog I will heckin put that shit in a post so I don’t lose it.
That thing where Aeron drops into Wonderland and runs into Soulless!Asher is still in my drafts if you still want that to be a thing. So not all things were lost! lol
But getting back to the question, outside of those sort of things, and being more specific than just everything... T.he G.ood P.lace plot seems good. Pretending these people got into ‘heaven’ when they’re actually in a special hell that tortures them psychologically by picking a set of people that would eternally torture each other bc their personalities and behaviors clash perfectly. Asher ( or all your deadly sin demons really ) would definitely get a kick out of that I bet. Especially on Aeron. Ooo and Oliver.
A muse I want to introduce to them
Max. He’s a muse that’s gonna be on my other multi. He’s a soft boi like Oliver but not as fragile. Very friendly, and actually not human! He’s a changeling that ended up being raised human. Still working on him but I feel like he is basically the peak of my creativity lmao
A ship/broship I’d like to propose to them
I mean I know we mentioned it but Post!Oliver and Tancred would be cool. And I say Post! bc I’m pretty sure Tancred would stay the heck away from him otherwise lol
Also! Lorelei should meet Killian sometime. I’ve never really figured out her and Oliver’s relationship soo... It’s bound to be interesting whatever I do on the fly lol
A thread with them I’m excited about
Every time I see you in my notifications I get excited. But I suppose I am pretty excited for that band ask to turn into a thread 👀
Anything else I want to say
At this point, you might as well follow them if you follow me. Spice up your dash with whatever they’re into for the moment. Find new interests. Learn how to develop your muse
Please read that with the same energy as ‘fuck around and find out’
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diningpageantry · 5 years
Put A Ring On It
Archive Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19934752
Epilogue of “It’s A Handheld Disaster”
Word Count: 2165
Summary: After years of being together, Baz finds the perfect spot to propose at.
Notes: this fic has been a long time in the works--as in, i started it nearly two months ago, didn’t have a laptop for a month and a half, and finally was able to finish it tonight. this goes out to @the-lincyclopedia, who i promised this to a while ago (i’m sorry it took so long omg). i hope y’all like it!!!
“You really won’t tell me where we’re going?”
The cellophane wrap around the flowers squeaks as I squeeze the stems, letting them roll in my hands as Baz’s fingers keep snuggly wrapped around my bicep. I feel his index and middle finger tap a few times while the soft rumble of his voice just barely escapes the thundering noise of the underground.
My lips press together as I huff, staring out into darkness.
Fucking drama queen, with his blindfolding and romantic gestures.
“I hate you.”
“You don’t mean that.”
I can’t stop myself from smiling, even if it’s a tiny smirk. “Never have. Doesn’t change the sentiment, though.”
His hand curls tighter, pulling the fabric of the nice shirt he made me wear. The car jostles, and we roll our feet with the track’s bumps. It isn’t really jarring, but instead a bit calming. Baz’s head drops to the top of mine, settling there as his hair falls down and brushes my cheek. I move to push it off, but it falls right back into place.
“Do you not trust me?” Baz murmurs, his hand sliding down to mine as my nose wrinkles.
“Of course I do,” I protest back, taking hold of his hand and pressing out palms together. His fingers sink right into place. “After nearly half a decade, I don’t think I have much a choice, do I?”
Pause. “No, not really.”
“Thought so.” We lean against one another, the car of the train rocking a bit and starting to squeal into the next station.
“Mind the gap between the train and the platform,” it stirs, the masculine voice speaking over head before changing to, “This is, Bakers Street.”
Baz gives my arm a good tug, leading us out of the Tube as I blink curiously. Yes, sure, there’s a few things around here that are worth the trip. Like that one shop with the fantastic lemon poppy muffin, or the zoo, and of course the Gastrell museum, but it’s all usually a bit of a splurge given our usual budget (especially since his father stopped sending cheques once we graduated).
“Can I take off the blindfold yet?” I ask, feeling him pull me out towards the stairs.
“Not yet,” he calls, steps ahead and voice getting lost amongst the crowd. In hopes of keeping him close, I tighten my grip and carefully follow him step by step.
The crowd keeps around us, and finally breaks as we rise up into the outside, city air.
It’s a change in volume now. Moving cars, passing busses, and the remarkable scent of the nearby street cart vendors.
Baz drifts close enough that I can take hold of his bicep, feeling the slight chill of his skin underneath as I walk closely to his side. “How far?”
He hums beside me, other hand closing around our joint ones as the wrap for the flowers audibly catch on his face. “Not even five minutes--will you hold up until then? Please?”
I sigh, dramatically, and tighten the hand around his arm. “Five minutes?” I enthuse dramatically. “Better be for the bloody Queen.”
“I thought I was the queen of this town?”
“Drama queen, maybe.”
I feel a pinch at my arm, and I can’t help but smile, tugging him closer as we slow our strides. His hand circles around mine, rubbing my wrist and soothing my nerves as we step in time together. It feels like we’ve always been like this--in synch. I don’t know how, and I don’t know why, but we’re always in this rhythm.
I wonder, sometimes, if that’s what made me fall in love with him. The beat. A nonstop back and forth. A pace to our connection.
Something irreplaceable. Something I don’t know if anyone could ever replicate.
We weave about and walk in time until we get to a stop. He tugs my arm back, looping his free hand around my elbow as I halt and turn at his will. Suddenly, he lets go before steady hands work around my skull, unwrapping and untying the careful knot in my blindfold.
Once it falls, I see it in fine, carved lettering.
“The Huxley Gastrell Museum”
I turn slowly back, barely seeing the excitement contained on Baz’s face as he tries to gesture up cooly. “Well?”
“Holy shit,” I laugh. I don’t have much else to say, or do, besides hug him tight, nearly making the flowers fly everywhere as I exclaim “Holy shit!” once more.
He smirks proudly, arms circling around me and tugging our bodies together. Keeping mindful, I carefully tuck my face into his neck and press a soft, slow kiss to his skin. It’s a bit cold to the touch, but easy to indulge in.
He hums, clearly grinning as he speaks. "Happy anniversary, my love."
Pulling back, my face starts to hurt from all the smiling. "Fuck you, and your surprises," I breathe cheekily, nose brushing his as I go in for the kiss.
We laugh together before he hauls me into line, letting me practically curl around his bicep and kiss his shoulder as often as I like. Screw anti-PDA bullshit, he's getting all my affections.
“How long have you been planning for this one, then?” I hum, glancing around the street as I think through it. Sure, he’s been putting in hours at the bookshop he’d took the job at last year, and we’ve been eating out a bit less, but I’d figured we’d just been saving generally.
Not that this is expensive, or anything. Just not something we tend to work towards spending money on. Still, not a terrible surprise by any means, regardless as to how deep we are (or really, aren’t) in the fandom, nowadays.
It isn’t like we abandoned our love of it at all--quite the opposite, really. Our bedroom practically has a shrine, after all. Stacked special editions, antique copies of the book. Copper busts, the collector’s item dolls. Hell, Baz even got the same type of violin that Gastrell plays as a holiday gift two years ago that just sits there and collects dust as a display centrepiece. It feels like, sometimes, we appreciate it more than we did when we were younger.
But our worlds changed.
We found new ways to cope. New ways to love.
Healthier things to enjoy.
Our blogs are still up, but just shifted a bit. Mine ran out of focus and is mostly my shitposts now, while he’s moved towards more life-updates sort of shit. He’s got enough followers accumulated over time that they shockingly care about what we do now, but the overarching urge to post about Gastrell has died down.
Now it’s just people asking about our lives (and Penny’s too, by relation). It’s a bit amazing that people actually care about shit like our relationship, but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when people ask if we’re planning on getting married. Which, we agreed that we’d wait until we were done schooling to figure out that far into the future.
Although, now that we’re done, it feels like neither of us have mentioned it. And, while it doesn’t feel awkward, it still comes back into my mind every now and again as a question. I tend to ignore it. Figured we’ll talk about it when he’s ready.
But now? Now we’re in a happy place, regardless. Separated from the past now, and moving towards a new life.
Which excludes most of our old online life--guess isn’t a shock, anyway. Given the fandom’s practically dead along with it. Still, we read reread the stories, rewatch the better episodes, and always use it as our go-to for a costume party.
But it feels like history, now.
It’s still part of our history--Huxley and Sammy. Part of their story has become part of ours.
“Planned the museum idea a month or two ago,” he says, a bit self-righteously (still a prick, after all this time). “Good idea, though, isn’t it?”
“Suppose so.” I shrug up to him as we step ahead. “Lucky guess, but good idea.”
“I never guess on these sorts of things.”
Together, we wrinkle our noses up to one another, then follow the line as it scoots closer, people piling into the bottom of the shop.
We’ve been down here before--we came here the first week we moved into London. Which, strangely, feels like centuries ago now.
We didn’t have much money to do anything, but we just wanted to peer inside, given this space is free. Fiona bought us some housewarming mugs here that day.
I smile when I see the same ones, looking over them as we brush past and head towards the ticket booth for the proper parts of the building.
Baz pays with cash as I lean against his arms, trying to get a good look up and sniffing my flowers happily. It looks like what I’d imagined from the book--especially with the way Baz peppers in emphasis on details.
He reads a story aloud whenever I can’t sleep. We’ve gotten through all the stories twice now.
I tug on his sleeve again as he’s thanking the ticketer, practically buzzing as he laughs at me and finally follows along as I dash up.
“Why don’t we start at the top?” Baz says gently as I practically skip my way upwards. “Work our way down?”
I shrug, nodding silently as we brush past other people stopping off immediately at the second floor. I tug him along, taking some steps two at a time to get up and finally start to look about the space. And, while it isn’t quite boring, the third floor fascinates us both a bit more, despite the wax sculptures feeling a bit creepy. I’ve never quite been one for lifelike shit that isn’t living, after all.
Still, it’s interesting. The staple items--the ones to gawk at. The ones I tug his arm over, watching him grin as I excitedly sneak in references.
He stays a bit silent most of the time, his hand in his jacket (which I probably should make fun of him for--it feels a bit too warm for thicker clothes). Sometimes I catch him staring at me instead, which I tease him a bit for, but he nudges my arm and rolls his eyes as his response.
“There’s only one Gastrell Museum,” I remind him at one point.
He shrugged, which made me feel a bit off, but I shrug away the thought. Maybe something to talk about later.
I do catch him after we make it down to the second floor, though. Give him a good peck on the cheek as we huddle into a corner.
He raises a brow as I stare up, one hand settling onto his chest.
“Just… wanted to say thank you for a fantastic present,” I whisper. “I don’t know if my anniversary breakfast quite lives up to this one.”
His face breaks into a private grin, eyes rolling as he kisses my cheek back. “I thought the pancakes were an excellent effort,” he whispers, making my cheeks flush.
Effort is the right word for them.
“Thanks,” I scoff softly before we step into the main room, glancing briefly before deciding to head through the back rooms first before taking it all in.
It’s fun to gaze around the bedrooms, sure, but I’m practically bouncing on the balls of when we make it back to the main one.
Baz lets go of me as I take a step closer to their armchairs set up, borderline vibrating as I peer around the space in front of me. “Hey Baz,” I start, going to spin around as I speak. “Can we take a picture of--”
I nearly drop my fucking flowers, staring wide-eyed as he exhales, kneeling down and staring up at me with raised eyebrows.
His smile and hand movement cuts me off as he opens a box, grinning like a madman. I swear, I’ve never seen him this genuinely joyful. Half makes me wonder if he’s just having a laugh, but fucking hell, the ring that he’s got int here looks expensive and old. “Simon,” he says gently. “I could give you a year’s-long speech about why I love you, but it’s never going to properly summarize how I feel. You have been, and still are, the most important thing in my life, and I’d be honored if you--”
“Stop rambling,” I laugh, bending down to grab his face. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you.”
He blinks, a little taken aback by my response, but ends up just pushing himself up and snogging me, right in the middle of the room.
Screw the fannish shit I wanted to do--kissing Baz in the middle of the Gastrell museum is probably both the best possible and most appropriate thing for us to do here.
After all, it is part of our history.
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gr-ogu · 5 years
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes
Okay so, I got like three of these asks, and for the sake of not spamming people’s dashes I’m just gonna do one post and tag many people and put it under a read more!!!!!!!
I would like to say there are SO many people I could put on lists like these so pls don’t think I don’t care about you if you’re not here!!!!!!! I have a lot of love to give but I can’t put everyone here in one go sdjfhjdfhjd!!!
@mikewheeler @elhoppers @scooptroops @lucascsinclairs @milevenhearteyes @milliebbrowns @fatechica @ericasinclairs @robinbuckleyy @milevens @martygalwrites @serendipitousrambles @summer-in-hawkins @mikeswheeler @sadiesinkt
@mikewheeler ally is LICH RALLY the nicest and most understanding person on the planet. I can tell her ANYTHING and she has honestly been one of the kindest friends I’ve met on my time on tumblr!!!! She’s the warm hug you need after a long day and I know I could call her 25/8 and she would be there if I needed her which honestly means the WORLD. She makes everything seem better even in the worst of times, and I can never thank her enough for that. 11/10 would die for her. Also I ruin my sleeping pattern every night for her so she loves me ;) THE MOST TALENTED GIF MAKER AND ALL AROUND WONDERFUL PERSON. LOML TBH WITH YOU.
@elhoppers SARAH. MY LOVE. MY LIGHT. I feel SO lucky to have met such a bubbly, thoughtful, positive soul in person. I could talk to Sarah for HOURS about anything and everything. Truly a comrade for life and she knows what I’m thinking even if I haven’t said it, which is useful bc sometimes my Thoughts should not be shared out loud ksdhfjkdfhjdfh. We have SO much in common and she’s so fun to talk to and scream with. Always down to overshare with this gal bc we get each other on a level. TWINS SEPARATED AT BIRTH TBH. also her gifs KILL me she always comes in swinging, especially where our daughter el or mileven is concerned!!!!!!!
@scooptroops omg how do i even BEGIN to describe my love for mady tbh? the funniest, wittiest, sluttiest and BEST human being i’ve ever met. not only is she fiercely loyal but she’s a true Baddie who always has my back. I love Mady so much I regularly talk about my love for her to people who don’t even know her, bc that’s just How It Be. this girl has me laughing until I cry with her hilarious memes and also crying with Pain at her beautiful gifs. She makes?? The best art?? On the planet?? Truly the full package and joe keery would be LUCKY to date her (sorry @ mady’s bf skdjfhjkfhfjdgh). I know I can talk to her about anything and I love Mady so so SO MUCH. Bestie and sister-wife for LIFE
@lucascsinclairs ohhhhh the ways i could describe jazz. GORGEOUS (inside and out), the most hilarious, supportive, understanding, caring, intelligent friend. I’m so so lucky to have someone in my life who is simultaneously so level-headed she can calm me down in an instant, and also engages in THE most crackhead-headassery with me AT ALL TIMES. insert *we irritating* meme right here. love this gal to DEATH. like i would literally die for her. 10/10 memes. 10/10 face. 10/10 EVERYTHING. I ALWAYS smile when I see Jazz pop up and I would be lost without her at this point!!!!!!!! LIVE for all our long chats and rants, Jazz is honestly one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met!
@milevenhearteyes ELLIEEEEEEEEEEE. MY BABY! Even though she’s older than me but don’t mention that ;) ;) ;) hands down, one of the sweetest, most genuinely caring and understanding people I’ve ever come across. But also the most SAVAGE oh my god she will sass you to the moon and back and i am HERE FOR IT! One day Ellie and I are going to meet and it’s going to be the summer of love and we’re going to have deep chats about what an influential and strong woman she is AND ALSO ABSOLUTELY SCREAM THE LYRICS TO TANGLED. CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! EVEN IF YOU HATE SOL I STILL LOVE YOU!!!!!! ;)
@milliebbrowns what can I say? 20/10 obsessed with this insane woman since the day I met her. Literally in awe of everything she does, especially her gif making talent. ALWAYS comes in with the tea, which……. I OOP I LOVE. One of the funniest people I’ve ever spoken to and I am always here for her Vaguely Chaotic and Loving Energy!!!!!!!!! will talk to me about anything and everything and never bullies me bc she loves me too much!!!!!!!!!! ;) LOVE THAT FOR ME. also go and talk to her about joe jonas but NOT nick………………… don’t even think about it. if you do you WILL be blocked on sight, although you’re probably already blocked because? colleen just knows these things? LOVE YOUUUU
@fatechica Julie - my absolute DARLING! Not only is she an absolutely incredible writer, she is a dear friend. I am constantly blown away by her talent, drive and ambition. NOT TO MENTION WE ARE BRAIN TWINS!!!!!!!! IT’S ACTUALLY KINDA SCARY BUT I LOVE IT. SO supportive and absolutely is here for all my crackhead, meme-loving, sluttiness and honestly, how could anyone ever compare to that? Gives THE best advice and is always telling it how it is, which I appreciate more than anything. 10/10 QUEEN who i adore and i can’t wait for the joint fic we’re going to write one day ;) ;) ;)
@ericasinclairs VAL. MY ANGEL. MY STEVE-LOVING PARTNER FOR LIFE. Honestly any time Val speaks I get excited because she always has something interesting, adorable or hilarious to say. LITERALLY MY GO TO SOURCE FOR EVERYTHING ST RELATED, LIKE THAT GIRL WORKS FOR THE FBI I SWEAR! IT’S INSANE! Out here making me laugh with the best memes and wowing me with her clever and gorgeous gifsets, like for real. This girl could run the world if she wanted to. 10/10 provider of the rares too, for which I owe her my life ;) honestly val is just a genuinely hilarious, talented, kind sweetheart whomst i adore
@robinbuckleyy ANNA! MY LOVE! MY BABY! LITERALLY ADORE THIS GIRL SO SO SO MUCH. Luckily she was introduced to my joe/steve-loving ass right off the bat so she puts up with my crazy ways and just laughs because she loves me for who i am ;) THE PRETTIEST, MOST INSIGHTFUL BEAN EVER WHO WRITES THE MOST AMAZING FICS!! SERIOUSLY!! GO AND READ THEM IF YOU HAVEN’T!! I am constantly in awe of her because she is SO mature and level-headed and I can’t believe what an excellent human being she is and how much she’s going to BOSS whatever she does in the future, because I KNOW she will!!!!!!!!
@milevens kate!!! a darling!!! a babe!!!!! i have loved stranger things since it first aired but kate was my first ever true interaction with the fandom, when i read one of her mileven fics and the rest was HISTORY! an insanely creative and talented gif-maker and writer, like she out here running a blog for the DECADES. I LOVE IT! I don’t know where I would be without kate’s work, tbh. Probably sad? Mileven stan for LIFE and I fuck with that. so looking forward to getting to know her better !!!!!!!!! and also the insanely generous person i have to thank for this ICONIQUE url she gave me, like could your fave ever? 
@martygalwrites oh my god. marty is actually SUCH a legend i stan her so hard? we didn’t start speaking until recently but she’s so quickly become one of my favourite people???? writes 11/10 amazing fics, like how could anyone NOT cry at her talent? ALWAYS coming in with the hot takes and realness, and a TRUE joe hoe at her core. ALWAYS APPRECIATES MY MEMES AND VALIDATES ME BECAUSE SHE IS SUCH A KIND, LOVING PERSON. genuinely in awe of how articulate but also downright funny this woman is. literally just radiates Cool Energy like how can I be you tbh? can’t wait to come and stay at her house so we can go to a djo concert together
@serendipitousrambles oh my gosh, not only does jess write the most AMAZING FICS AND DRABBES THAT KILL ME ON THE DAILY, SHE’S SO ELOQUENT AND PATIENT AT RESPONDING TO PEOPLE?? EVEN WHEN THEY’RE RUDE TO HER?? a truly thoughtful and supportive friend, who I’m so lucky I got to meet !!!!!!!!! her obsession with ST and HP parallels mine so that when you KNOW you’ve found a good one. ALWAYS comes in swinging with her mileven analysis and headcanons, like i swear she’s just out to attack me Personally at all times??? a wonderfully funny and talented human bean
@summer-in-hawkins Kaisa!!!!!!! an actual angel!!!!!!!! her gifs are SO good like she regularly blows me away with her talent and her creativity - it’s unparalleled. Not only is she one of the sweetest people ever, she’s so genuinely calm, rational and insightful, I am in awe? she works SO hard and I always smile when I see her speaking and speak to her because she always has something fascinating to say! truly so passionate about whatever she’s doing which means she can do ANYTHING she sets her mind to; kaisa has so many qualities people should want to embody because she’s honestly a ray of light on a cloudy day!! amazing human!!!
@mikeswheeler KYY!! A QUEEN!!! ALWAYS SLAYING ME WITH HER GIFS AND MOODBOARDS TBH!!!! I don’t get to talk to her as much as I’d like, but when I DO? WOW. One of the most supportive and encouraging friends ever, 10/10 will always be there to hype me and I could not be more grateful for that. Also I love to make her lose her mind with all my crazy steve and joe tags, because the answers I get in response are absolutely HILARIOUS. just an all-round funny, helpful, lovely person who i am so lucky to know!!! like seriously!!!! brilliant human alert!!!!
@sadiesinkt ughhhhhh tuva is a BABE like no words to describe this darling of a human!!!!!!! firstly, her graphics? absolutely STELLAR like teach me your ways lend me your creativity pls!!!!! honestly i cry every time i look at them they’re so so SO good. secondly, she’s such a kind and giving person - we haven’t spoken too much but whenever we do i am struck by how thoughtful and authentic she is!!!!!! has my back and i could not be more thankful for that!!!! possessor of some ICONIQUE urls and just an overall amazing human!!!!!!!!!
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fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Can You Hear Me?-Part 2
Johnny x Reader Author: MoRo
Prompt: Oooh okayy, I’d like to request some Johnny fluff please? Like maybe a soulmate au 
Summary: You were unconcerned about soulmate things because getting it was the end of your final year in collage and time was counting down until graduation. But what happens when your soulmate suddenly appears right before your finals exams and it turns out he’s been there for much longer than you knew? Having your soulmate in your head was not something you needed but the more you get to know him, the more you appreciate him being there. College!Johnny x reader
Note: I love this part so much! I wrote it while watching some of Johnny’s videos in Korea since I could see this boy doing something with film or photography if he wasn’t an idol. He’s just all around so talented. Warnings: More fluff Word Count: 1.5k
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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You wake up to the sound of your soulmate's voice and roll over expecting to see him there next to you but he's not. There's a soft pang in your heart again but you push it away.
"Good morning baby. Uh i-is that alright if I call you that?" A deep voice asks softly, hesitantly. 
You giggle softly at Johnny's shy stuttering. "Yeah that's fine. I like it." You smile even though Johnny can't see you.
"Did you sleep well?" He asks you.
"Mmmhmm, I did. How about you...love?" You ask him, testing out a nickname for him.
"Love. She called me love." Johnny almost choked out of surprise on his food when you called him that. His heart fluttered and he smiled like a fool. "I slept good." He takes another bite of food. 
You sit up in bed and stretch, groaning as your muscles pull. Johnny hears you groan and gets concerned. "Are you okay Y/N?" 
You chuckle at the concern in his voice. "Yeah I'm fine. I didn't realize you could hear that. I was just stretching." 
"Oh..." You can hear his embarrassment and you laugh a little more. "You're so cute Johnny." He sends his laughter back down the bond, "Thanks babe. You are too ya know." You shake your head and laugh at him, cheeks growing red. 
Getting out of bed, you narrate your routine to him. "Right now I'm trying to figure out what to wear today. It's getting cold with winter coming in." You stand in your closet with a finger on your lips trying to decide.
 "Hmmm.." Johnny hums in response. "How about something warm?" He makes a smart ass comment. This boy wasted no time getting comfortable with you and you really enjoyed it. It felt easy and natural.
"Well no shit sherlock." You retaliate. Johnny laughs loudly down the bond. "So my soulmate has a fiery streak in her. I like that." You wish he was here so you  could swat him for that. 
"Believe me babe, I wish I was there too." He tells you softly.
 "Wait you heard that?" Your bond continues to surprise you in weird ways.
"Kind of? I heard part of it and felt you wanted me there..." He says. Then he goes silent for a minute. 
"Johnny?" You say his name.
"Come here during Christmas break." He suddenly says, popping back in and startling you. 
"What?" You weren't sure if you heard him right.
"Come here for Christmas break. Come spend a few weeks with me after you see your family obviously."  That sounds so amazing to you. The thought of going to see him pulls at your heart. Now you wish break was sooner. 
"Okay." You say finally
"Awesome." Johnny says in a breathy voice. You can practically see his grin.
 "Are you grinning right now love?" You ask laughing.
 "I am, how did you know?" He asks laughing back with you. 
"I don't know, I could just feel it. It was so bright." You tell him, cheeks turning pink at the soft confession. On the other side of the bond, Johnny's cheeks are doing the same. Both of you are turning into blushing cheesy soft messes because of each other.
 "Oh crap..." Johnny's turn to groan his time. "I have to get going and work on this film project with my group for class. I'll talk to you when I have the chance?" He sounds desperate like he doesn't want to leave you.
 "Yeah that's alright but I don't want to distract you. Besides I'll either be studying or whatever until Maeve drags me to go do something." You give him a little mental shove to get going. 
He laughs. "I like this Maeve. She's good for you. Takes care of you when I can't be around." Johnny confesses before leaving. "I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much." Then he's gone again. 
You roll your eyes at his comment and blush a little. It's still so weird to have a soulmate. Someone who is destined to be with you. You were relieved you won't be alone forever like you thought.
 Despite what you always said to Maeve, you were really worried about if there actually wasn't anyone for you. You never really tried dating, like some of you friends did, because no one interested you. You didn't want to put time and effort into something if you weren't invested. But having Johnny made you feel like this was right. Something just clicked in you and it felt natural. 
You had a few hours until Maeve woke up so you decided to watch some YouTube. You'd hope your favorite YouTuber uploaded today
He was a college student like you who posted vlogs and stuff with his friends since he's a film and photography major. You're not sure where he goes to school since he's really vague about his personal life except for what his major is, which is fine, you totally understand that.
 You scroll through his videos looking for some of your favorite ones. Finding one of your favorites, you click on it and settle back. 
"Hello everyone and welcome to another Johnny's Communication Center! JCC! Today with me I have my international friends, Jungwoo, Yuta, Doyoung, and Taeyong! Woooo~!" A handsome face with black fluffy hair and a gorgeous smile yells excitedly into the camera. 
You smile at the handsome face of John Seo. You loved watching his videos since they were always a nice break from the stress of school and made you laugh at his extraness. His friends were always funny too. They had really good chemistry together.
"Today we have planned another Johnny's Fashion Evaluation but in a special place! We're at the thrift store where we'll have 15 minutes to pick an outfit out for the person I’ve randomly assigned." 
You hear a voice of protest off screen. "Wait but what about you?" It was Doyoung asking when the camera turned to him. John, turning the camera back on himself, places a hand on his chest. "I am the judge for today!"
Rest of the boys give more shouts of protest at that comment. "Fine fine! At the end you all can help put together an outfit for me. Fair?" Then John continues with explaining the game, "So Taeyong is dressing Yuta, Doyoung is dressing Jungwoo, Yuta is dressing Taeyong, and Jungwoo is dressing Doyoung! Is everyone ready?"
The camera pans to the boys shouting and getting ready by doing ridiculous things like stretching excessively. "Ready, start!" The 4 boys then run off into the clothes racks. It's a mad house with them dashing to and from with clothes in their arms and quickly looking through things.
John takes you along, stopping by each boy and asking what their concept is.
"Desert." Taeyong says for Yuta.
"Mmmm, I think Mafia." Yuta says for Taeyong's concept.
"How about you for dressing Jungwoo, Doyoung?" John asks the brown-haired boy.
"Beachwear look." Doyoung responds back.
Then John finds a very confused looking Jungwoo. "And you Jungwoo? How are you dressing Doyoung?" 
"Aquarium!" He responds back.
"What?" A now confused John asks his blonde-haired friend. "Like blues?"
Jungwoo just shrugs his shoulders and nods.
You laugh at the John-Jungwoo exchange. He was one of John's funniest friends because he sometimes lost his head in the clouds. 
John walks around again to see what each friend has gotten. Jungwoo shows off a blue ombre jacket he found for Doyoung.
"Under the sea~ Under the sea~" the blonde-haired cutie starts singing randomly making John burst into laughter and you too.  
"It would be fun to hang out with them. They seem like fun." You think to yourself.
"Who seems fun?" A familiar voice pops back into your head.
"Ah! Johnny! You're back!" Your heart flutters with your soulmate being back. "I was just watching my favorite YouTuber to pass the time. He and his friends seem like a lot of fun. Today I was watching him do a fashion evaluation on his friends and it was funny."
"What's the YouTuber's name?" He asks.
"John Seo but he goes by Johnny. Well at least he does for his fashion evaluation stuff and his communication episodes." You respond back.
"Ahhh... He sounds like an interesting guy. Is he cute?" Johnny teases you.
Now you really wish he was there so you could hit him. "I mean he is handsome. He has a really nice smile and fluffy hair. But that doesn't mean anything to me." You say to make sure Johnny doesn't get jealous.
"Ohhh I seeee." Johnny laughs at your comment and your face gets a little warm in embarrassment.
"Oh hey does he happen to have friends named Doyoung, Yuta, Jungwoo, and Taeyong?" He asks you out of the blue.
You gasp. "Yeah! He does! How did you know that? I thought you said you didn't know who he was?"
Johnny started to laugh a lot at your comment. "Oh I know him REALLY well Y/N." His laughter continues to bounce around in your ears.
"Wait you do!? How?!" You are getting more and more confused by each passing moment.
"Because you goof," Johnny pauses for dramatic effect, "I'm John Seo. That's my YouTube account."
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oppsie--channie · 5 years
SKZ Song Tag
tagged by @honeyjxsung --- ily baby
entrance: if you could speak any other language which would you choose?
korean, japanese and spanish i think
miroh: what was the last thing you tried for the first time?
I can’t remember a lot because my mind is just ugh... but I tried posting my writing in here last year (2019) and it’s been a good experience so far
victory song: when was the last time you accomplished something really big? what was it?
I really don’t think I’ve accomplished anything big ://
maze of memories: what’s your best memory?
I honestly don’t have just one,,, but I’ll say that meeting my two best friends after two/three years with seeing or talking to each other are very good memories
boxer: do you like physical activity?
I actually don’t really like physical activity but I love badminton and dancing, sooo yeah
chronosaurus: who’s your favourite greek god(dess)?
OMG YES I HAVE A LIST OF THIS, BUT I don’t have just one, sooooo I love Hades, Athena, Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Selene and Peitho :))))
19: what kinds of worries do you have about your future?
I’m worried about not getting into college, about not finding a good job, about not finding someone right for me, about getting distant with my friends of “now”, and some other things...
road not taken: if you were going to a deserted island, what three things would you take?
a book of survival, a water purifier and a first aid kit
side effects: list some possible side effects from stanning stray kids
happiness, feel loved, always having something to listen to (btw I’m listening to them rn), having a safe place in their hearts. Basically just feel like you’re HOME! And HOME as in something you make yourself and not an actual physical place
tmt: do you like astronomy?
I really like it! I love the moon and the stars, and I like reading horoscopes even tho I don’t make my decisions based on it like some other people do, but I find it super interesting
mixtape 1: do you doubt yourself at all?
yes, constantly
mixtape 2: what’s something that gets you through a rough time?
MUSIC is my safe place! Whenever I feel down I put my earphones in and just jam to some music, it always puts me in a better mood
mixtape 3: what’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
I don’t really remember but if I have to say something that made an impact and will make an even bigger impact in the future was that this year my parents paid for me to take my drivers license and I AM TAKING IT!!!!!
mixtape 4: when was the last time you got lost?
Physically: I don’t remember but probably when I was a child. I didn’t have the urge to go explore much without my parents but I think I lost myself at the shopping one time tho
Figuratively: probably in 9th grade... at that time basically my whole class hated me and talked bad about me behind my back (imagine 26 kids hating you, it’s awful), and honestly I think I was starting to get depression... I had suicidal thoughts all the time and when I would find myself alone I would always cry for an hour or so... But I got through it with the help of my best friends at the time and now most of them don’t even talk to me
stop: where do you want to be most right now?
I would really like to be in a Stray Kids Fansign... Just so I could touch their hands and tell them how much they mean to me
double knot: if you directed a movie about your life, what genre would it be?
definitely a drama mixed with comedy and romance
levanter: when was the last time you had to give something up?
It’s not a big or significant thing but I gave up of my time alone in my room to be with my family on the living room for New Year’s night. Which is kinda of a big deal for me since I basically only get out of my room to eat or to go to the bathroom
booster: what are three songs that get you hyped up?
UGH, there’s so many but at this moment Miroh definitely, Juicy - Doja Cat and Tyga, My Pace
astronaut: if you could go on an adventure anywhere, where would you go?
I would go to Australia or to Korea or to the USA
sunshine: tag some blogs who brighten up your dash
@honeyjxsung @mintymiknow
you can stay: when did stray kids become your home?
I knew them since Hellevator era but I didn’t look into them until My Pace era, that’s when I fell in love with them. At the time I was really into EXO and GOT7 (don’t get me wrong, I still am but...) and Stray Kids stole me from them, literally. In November from 2018, I knew that they were (are) my ultimate group, aka my HOME,(with Chan being my ultimate bias) and that whatever happens they are never gonna stop being my HOME
mixtape 5: do you have an article of clothing you always wear?
leggings, t-shirt and hoodie instead of pj’s eheh
Tagging: @mintymiknow and whoever wants to do this, because it was so much fun and it made me think about a lot of things
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honey-piggy · 5 years
happy (i think?) 1 year
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Ok so it’s been a year y’all and I have been on a crazy ride this last year. I’ve met some amazing people, some shitty people, some lovely people and some really questionable people 🤔 I have so many wonderful mutuals who I’ve shared so many memes, moments, gifs, fics, recs, pictures and videos with and I’m grateful for the amazing friendships I’ve built on this absolute shit-hole of a website/app. 
Below is a mix of the mutuals I talk to, mutuals whose blogs I love and mutuals who I follow who always post amazing content and bless my dash with diversity, happiness, inspiration, love and colourful things. Even if we don’t talk, just know that following you has been a pleasure so far! This journey’s been great so far so thank you to everyone! Here’s to another year! (If your name is in bold, check below for a special message 💕)
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@afiwashere / @afroarmy94 / @angeljimiin / @awildblackkpopperappears / @dabaddestb-tch / @beekkul / @blksunflowergrl / @canadian-honey / @candiedmingyu / @cherry-bangtan / @cloudyera
@dearlytea / @emotiadouche
@gijitae / @gukgalore/ @guksheart / @heinekyun / @icasseopeia  
@jango-tango / @jour-de-printemps / @juniorgunners / @kainks / @kittenfran / @kuromatoki / @kwkwknsn / @lumochii
@magiic-shop / @minnpd / @mitaesoroo / @myleejooheon / @nanders-sk / @natazite / @noona-clock
@shininjjongg / @soft-hoseokkie / @softstancyj / @some-people-have-lives / @sunflowersinmyafro / @submissive-bangtan / @sunnychims / @sweetheartwonho / @tae-kun / @theangelcafe
@wheneverythingslipped / @wonhoneybun / @wonhosflower 
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✨ @afiwashere you’re kind and caring and loving, soft and empathetic but that doesn’t lessen your ferocity nor your sassiness. You’re one of the strongest people I know and I hope to always be blessed by your witty words, excellent humour and gentle soul.
✨@cherry-bangtan I had the pleasure of working with you to produce some headers for your amazing works and it’s something I’ll always remember. You were one of the first authors I followed on here and I thoroughly enjoy everything you’ve written. You’re always kind and patient with the people you interact with and such traits are difficult to uphold in such a hostile environment these days. I hope you continue writing masterpieces and I look forward to reading them!
✨ @dearlytea Rea! We haven’t really had the time to speak since you’ve been away on your hiatus but I genuinely love everything about you! You’re funny and talented and write some of the best smut I’ve ever read. Love love 💗
✨ @emotiadouche LEY WHERE DO I EVEN STARTTTTT. I remember following each other really early on and you’ve always rooted for me. You’re a fuckin comedian, brilliant writer and best friend! From whoring out over our favs to asking each other for advice on writing, you’re always there for me, my lil yeetling. Might I also mention your mind is just as filthy as mine and I adore it 😔🙏🏾 needless to say, you’re also a fucking great author and I love you works, I would love to write a collab piece with u. also thanks for ruining my life by introducing me to ATEEZ, I belong to one (1) woman and one (1) woman only. I love you big time, my bbg💘💋
✨ @gijitae minha querida, you’ve been so kind to me and so loving. I love our mutual passion for languages and writing and I absolutely adore the knowledge of cinema you bring to me. You teach me so much and support me so much more, I do not deserve an angel like you. 👼🏾
✨ @gukgalore Rayan, you write some of the best content out there and honestly, you’re so creative. So talented and open-minded and willing to listen to others. Never change, you’re absolutely perfect!
✨ @guksheart Cait, omg :( we’ve been through so much shit, but I can always count on you to listen in times of need and can always rely on you to give great advice. Honestly, you’re a queen and I look up to you so much, you’ve inspired me in so many ways and encouraged me in my writing. From our shared passion for tea and lofi to our undying love for bts and kpop, we clicked from the very moment we messaged. I hope that life is kinder to you than it has been and I hope you find the happiness you undoubtedly deserve. I love you so much! 💕
✨ @mitaesoroo  Bebe! Your timidness and softness is impossible not to like! I know you’re away on a hiatus but I hope you eventually see this. You’re back and I’m so happy! I always have you to thank for sharing amazing tunes with me (your taste in music is impeccable) and for always being there to cry about Monsta x together. I wish you all the best, mon amour 💗
✨ @jour-de-printemps we’ve been mutuals for only a little while but the similarities and things we have in common with each other are absolutely crazy! We’ve ranted together and I’ve enjoyed listening to your stories about the work you do. I also love your writing, you’ve written one of the most heartbreaking stories I’ll never forget and I hope you continue to write more!
✨ @kuromatoki I literally have no words that can express. You were my first follower and the first person I followed and ever since you’ve messaged me asking about CoD, we’ve pretty much been inseparable. Your undying, burning love for B.A.P and dark aes is what I love most about you, along with your soft personality and loyalty to your friends. You are the most amazing person and if it weren’t for the fact we live in different countries, I’d be by your side 25/8. You’ve always been there for me, even when I think I’m undeserving and I hope life grants you eternal happiness. I love you dearly 💗
✨ @minnpd Nova :( I know you left tumblr a while back but you remain one of the most cherished people in my heart. Your writing is absolutely phenomenal and I’ve pretty much read your entire masterlist. I’ll always remember our first interactions and me being intimidated by your status and I’ll never forget the excitement I felt knowing you were about to release a new work. I hope you’ve found happiness and solidarity in life and I wish you the best for the future. I love you! 💗
✨ @nanders-sk you’re such a talented young writer. Your words transport me to the worlds you create and I’m completely lost in every piece. Your writing is magical and although we don’t really speak, I know you have a kind soul. Please never stop writing and doing what you do best. The world deserves to see what an amazing author you are and you deserve such recognition.
✨ @shininjjongg RI LMFJSNS I LOVE OUR FIRST ENCOUNTER, ITS ABSOLUTELY UNFORGETTABLE; who knew two opposing opinions on Dragonball (a.k.a. The Best anime out there) would form such a solid friendship. My Pisces Partner in Crime who never fails to crack me up. You’re always bursting with knowledge about history and it’s so beautiful, your passion. You’re a fierce, determined, take-shit-from-no-one kinda gal and I love that about you. Not to mention you’re really hot too 🤧 I hope your exams went/are going well and I hope to speak to you again soon 💗
✨ @soft-hoseokkie​ Jo! We’ve interacted a bit more recently and I really appreciate the fact you stan underground/rookie/underrated groups who really deserve more recognition for their phenomenal efforts 😔✊🏾 It broadens my horizons and always piques my interest. But! You’re always kind and calm and I love that you’re so open minded. You’re also adorable 🥰
✨ @submissive-bangtan Miss Caro, I’m a little nervous writing this bc you’re one of my biggest role models. You opened my eyes to the domme lifestyle and while I think I’m not really a domme, I can appreciate that aspect a lot more than before. Your writing is sensual and sharp-cutting; thought-provoking and extremely sexy. You’re firm and take shit from no one yet still kind and patient with the people you speak to. You have the perfect balance. Interacting with you has always been a pleasure and I hope to do so more in the future 💗
✨ @theangelcafe Honey, you were my first anon and the way we spoke pretty much everyday was amazing! I know we’ve both been so busy and don’t talk as much now, we still remain close and I always love hearing about your day and your interests! 👼🏾
✨ @wheneverythingslipped Kat, i just, like, love you so much. I remember sobbing over how beautiful you are, your beauty is legit breathtaking. You’re always quick to tag me in things you think interest me and share your passions with me and for that I’m so so grateful. You’re one of the purest souls I’ve ever encountered, you’re so special ✨💕
✨ @wonhoneybun RAE ☀️ We’ve spoken a lot more recently and I think we’ve grown closer. You’re kind, sweet, loving and talented and we share a lot of things and experiences in common. You’ve always been kind to me and always take time out of your day to make sure I’m ok, I appreciate that more than words can ever convey 💌
✨ @wonhosflower Silvia :( you’re so beautiful it intimidates me bshsjsnshhs your passion for cakes and baking is so cute and inspires me to get in the kitchen more often! (Not to mention your love for Wonho & jikook) Whoever gets to wife you one day, will be awfully lucky to have such a gorgeous and talented girl like you 💕
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I’m currently away so this is queued but know that I love and cherish you all! 💕✨💕✨💕✨💕✨💕
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that’s enough emotion for one day, adeus y’all 👋🏾💗
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