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lologoinsolo · 2 days ago
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Pondering my orbs.
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blossoms-and-petrichor · 8 months ago
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sonacava · 6 months ago
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pretty idiot man <3
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fairylando · 4 months ago
okay the video is actually THE WORST
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frownyalfred · 3 months ago
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fellas is it weird to *checks notes* write a fic that focuses on characters tagged in the fic
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samaraxmorgan · 3 months ago
Inumaki x deaf reader where you both bond over having a hard time talking to people, text each other constantly, you teach him how to sign curse words, and one day he surprises you by asking you to be his partner in sign language
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a-bucket-in-the-void · 2 months ago
i think we all need a week to just sleep
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mgu-h · 6 months ago
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lando nostalgia 27/? • nov 2019 • official driver press conference
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ficandkaboodle · 4 months ago
I fucked up. Thought too hard about what the Papas might’ve pursued if they hadn’t become entangled with the Satanic Church. Besides the very real likelihood that they may not’ve even existed, I mean.
And I thought about how Terzo probably would’ve gone on to make movies. His style is not for everyone, but he has visions he wants to bring to reality because he believes beauty, in its many forms, should exist in this world. Inspiration comes in many bizarre and meaningful forms, and who is he to deny someone story of imagery that might catapult them into what they were made to pursue, the same way watching Metropolis way too young made him discover filmmaking? He’s known for putting up fights with executives and whatnot because he hates having to compromise more than what should be while still maintaining his original vision. Film students love him and he’s active on social media and answers questions and whatnot.
The industry calls him “difficult to work with” — and while those who’ve worked with him admit he tends to be very deadset on his ideas, they all agree: Working with Terzo is amazing because he’s still quite kind and respectful and will go to bat for them if executives or producers try and come in and switch them out with bigger names.
He’s known as the Dark Angel of the film industry.
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darknanigans · 3 months ago
what if instead of dying, mirage and v2 lived out their yuriful lives and turned into anime girls sometimes
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automatonwithautonomy · 7 months ago
isn't it boring to you? making stories all about the romance? ignoring the platonic and familial and literally just anything that isn't shipping? i adore relationship and character driven narratives but, god, aren't you tired?
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onesnoopyaday · 4 months ago
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Snoopy #39
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bbeeew-boodles · 14 days ago
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Autism be damned, my girl can wear a dress
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SIGHHHHHHHH guess I'll have to kiss my husband
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qstarhalo · 3 months ago
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ok new prayer request: i really don't like my job. it's basically three jobs run out of the same shop, and I am only barely making miminum wage. it's frustrating and stresses me out so bad that I keep getting headaches, which NEVER happened this much before. the reason I'm here is because it is literally the ONLY place I applied that gave me the time of day, and because my boss and manager and coworkers are super nice.
I want a different job. something that maybe I'm not doing three(3) different jobs and only barely getting paid for one(1). maybe something that's just ONE SINGULAR JOB that I can be confident in instead of feeling like I'm constantly juggling things running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I also want to move. I want to get out of my parents' house and out of this tiny little two-horse town. I'd like to try and chip away at my ambitions and I just can't do that here, no matter how much my parents try to convince me I could have a small career here and stay in this town. I don't want to. I want to move.
the camp that my church has done retreats at is hiring for this summer. I'd make just about the same or possibly a little more working there than I do at my job currently for the same amount of time. and it's something I would LIKE to do. it's something that wouldn't make me so frustrated or anxious I believe and it also includes the opportunity to learn some higher-level production technology and possibly a connection to a major regional production company, which is the industry I want to work in.
I have two main hangups right now:
number one, the big one, is that for the last several months, for a while honestly, I've been struggling with some thought patterns and temptations that are sinful and wrong which I keep slipping back into those thoughts, letting my mind and imagination have the reins, and the habits that fuel this sin. I won't go into a ton of detail but some of my mutuals know a little. I'm working on it, but I have repeatedly messed up and turned back to these habits and that makes me feel like I shouldn't work at a Christian camp, since I'm struggling with (in my mind) a fairly major sin issue. however the camp's belief statement does mention the importance and value of repentance and growth, so there is that
the second issue is that I would feel SO bad for leaving my current job. I've only been here 6 months and everyone has been so kind to me and my manager is having a lot of family and personal issues and I would feel guilty for leaving so soon.
but I have this opportunity, which could be a REALLY good opportunity in many ways and would be something that I find PURPOSE in instead of just getting through the day. I'm praying on it, and I'm praying on my sin issues of the last half-year, but I would like to ask for additional prayer here on all these counts, too. I have confessed (mainly to people I trust here, since it's stuff I don't want to discuss with my mom lol) and repented but I have slipped and backsliding repeatedly, literally up until this week. I do think that wanting this camp job is a good motivator for growth in this, though. i could just use wisdom and prayer and peace about all this as I try to figure out what to do. thanks 😅💖
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