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animeomegas · 2 years ago
if you notice, Shino always looks like he's angry because of his eyebrows that always look angry
imagine if the alpha before starting to court Shino was afraid to approach because he thought he was always angry, but in reality his eyebrows are naturally like that
Haha, that would be pretty funny XD
Shino just looks aloof and cold, but he's actually warm, nerdy, fuzzy and anxious underneath, and the alpha courting him gets to see that side of him slowly come out.
Shino is so underrated and also unbearably cute.
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dark-omegaverse · 3 months ago
Just a thought and would totally love if you added on to it but just wanted to get it out😋
Ps. Was inspired by the Neji post and I can’t rlly write all that good so don’t mind)
Imagine either working or going to the same usual places as a modest omega. They’ve piqued your interest and as more time passes you can’t help but feel more obsessed with them, even at the mere idea. Of course this omega doesn’t know anything about you but one day when you’re walking home a particularly familiar smell catches your attention. And when you see the familiar face of the omega, well it only makes sense as to why the scent could only be described as perfectly enticing. You gladly walk towards the dark alleyway they’re in. How could you not? Their scent was practically calling your name and you’d hate for anyone else to have them.
An omega I immediately thought of would be Shino. He’s hyper aware and immediately noticed your silhouette as you neared the dead end. Unfortunately for him there was no way out and had no choice to take it as you disrobed him and took his last piece of innocence. He was nothing short of vulnerable and lewdly loud. Anyone near could hear his cries mixed with moans and after committing your crime and leaving he’d soon find out he was pregnant. Luckily for you he didn’t quite catch your face or scent for the matter so maybe you can use his vulnerability while pregnant to paint this good picture of yourself. You’d probably get married- let’s just hope he doesn’t decide to investigate his unfortunate incident that happened in that alleyway.
Maybe you can take it a step forward and force him to bond with you and because of his shame and fear of telling shibi- you end up getting married that year (maybe he ends up learning to love you in an unhealthy way, who knows?)
Another one would be Neji. He’d definitely try to fight back best he could but in the end his efforts would prove to be fruitless. He takes it best he can and although it hurts- that soon morphs into pleasure. He thinks something’s wrong with him once he starts moaning and actually enjoying the experience. He’s clawing at your back while simultaneously arching his back and rolling his eyes to the back of his head. If you decide to leave and never interact with him in the workplace then he’d just be left with that experience and new found fantasies. However, if you do develop a relationship and confess- well unfortunately I can’t think of how’d he react
(Hopefully this wasn’t much, I read your rules but if this is too much then feel free to ignore!)
But yeah that’s what I thought of this scenario and if you don’t mind, could I be known as 💣 anon? Thanks :3
Welcome 💣 anon!! And what an entrance this was!! I've thought about this so much since you sent it in, I swear. Thank you so much for sending this in!! Okay, let's do this.
Warnings: non-con, stockholm syndrome, forced mating/marriage, panic attacks, forced pregnancy, trauma, gaslighting, no prep.
Every day you walk into work at the exact same time as this one omega.
He's kind of cold, withdrawn, modest, and almost certainly doesn't know you exist and wouldn't give you the time of day even if he did.
You become obsessed. Your alpha instincts are sure this is the omega for you.
You love the modesty because only you should be able to lay eyes on your omega.
You love how anti-social he is, because he'll have the time and energy to dedicate to you and your future family.
With his coldness, he's like a forbidden fruit that you can't help but desire. A prize you are desperate to possess.
You're not a powerful alpha though, you don't have huge amounts of money or sway... so going to his parents to request his hand is out of the question. Not to mention, if they say no, your chance of getting him is only going to be slimmer.
No... you have to be smart about this.
And then one day, while you're desperately trying to come up with a plan to snare your chosen omega, you smell something from inside an alleyway just a few streets from your workplace.
It's desperate, it's panicked, and it's oh so sweet.
An omega in heat.
And one whose scent you recognise, too.
It's him.
You can't resist stepping into the alley to 'assist' him.
Neji smells like sweet chamomile, a scent so thick it almost completely overpowers the anxious burning smell underneath.
He's standing just in the shadowed part of the alley, hand pressed to his stomach. His eyes are wide like he can't believe what is happening to him.
Heat flares inside you. Poor omega, in heat, all alone, scared and in need of a big strong alpha to help him.
You were happy to offer your services.
Of course, omegas didn't always know what was best for them, and Neji was as stubborn as they come.
He fought back as best as he could, but he was weak and dazed. He still managed to land a hit, a fist to your cheek, but it wasn't nearly enough to stop you.
Wasting no time, you pin him to the wall face first, one hand immobilising his hands above his head, and the other making quick work of his belt. You shove his trousers and underwear down to his knees, exposing his delicate skin to the warm summer air and intensifying the sickly sweet chamomile smell.
You grab his little omegan cock, finding it red and hard. You jerk him with two fingers, delighted to find him the perfect size. Omegas need to know that their cock is useless, a cute decoration at best, and with his size you could hammer that lesson in well.
Neji's knees shake as you grope him. "P-Please, let- let go..."
"Shhh, it's alright darling, I'm here to help you. Let alpha help you."
He shakes his head but you ignore him. Removing your hand from his cock, you release your own from your fabric prison and run the head over his drenched hole. You don't need to prep him; he's in heat, literally designed to take your cock.
Tears make their appearance when Neji realises what is about to happen. You comfort him.
"It's going to be alright, you just need a knot, then you'll feel much better, baby, I promise."
Without waiting for his response, you push in. You groan in bliss at the tight, wet heat. Neji stiffens and tries to pull back, but you hold him firm as you carve your way inside him, inch by inch, until your hips are flush to his skin.
You immediately set a rapid pace as you feel his walls gripping and fluttering around you.
Neji cries out at the strange, painful sensation, but you soon see his body language change.
He stops crying out in pain, and begins moaning in pleasure. He leans back into you, pushing his hips to meet yours and chase the pleasure you're gifting him. His heat clouds his mind and he starts to whimper, calling you alpha.
He cums around your cock several times. The first is so sudden that Neji seizes, painting the wall white with his cum and soaking his own trousers, and it's only your grip on him that keeps him upright.
Inside his head, Neji is so confused. His instincts and common sense war, and his common sense is rapidly losing because it just feels so good...
He shouldn't... he couldn't... but he is.
And he feels better than he ever has trapped inside his clan, forced into servitude and tortured. In comparison... this is bliss.
When you cum, forcing your knot inside him and claiming him with your mark on his skin, Neji orgasms so hard that he blacks out for several seconds.
You hold him, shushing him, comforting him, adding to his confusion.
And when the fog eventually clears, he's angry, furious even.
But you remain calm. You explain that you're happy to pay the fine to his family for the crime of marking him without permission, because he's yours now. You tell him about the lovely little house you have by the river where he'll now live. How he's going to be your husband and you can't wait to spoil him rotten.
Neji wants to remain angry, he really does, but it sounds nice... You're offering him an escape, love, pleasure. And the fog from being marked, all the endorphins rushing through him aren't helping him keep a clear head.
And so, exhausted and tentatively happy with his escape, Neji slumps and allows you to take him home and sort everything out.
It's not like he has much of a choice anyway.
And you make sure to love him dearly, treat him tenderly, make him happy. Compared to his previous life, Neji is living a dream.
And he knows what you did, but the longer he's with you, the less that feels real and the less it seems to matter to him.
You're just so... perfect to him. He almost can't reconcile that first meeting with the person you are now, his brain doesn't understand.
You love him so gently that sometimes he finds himself craving the rougher sex, the feeling of helpless pleasure being forced upon him calling to him.
Eventually he finds himself begging for something rougher, and it's at that point that you know you have him.
"Alpha," Neji said softly, breaking your kiss. "Can you... um..."
"Yes, my darling? What do you need?" You ran a hand over his head. "Anything for my angel."
"Can you be a bit..." He directed your hand to his crotch and pressed it there. His cheeks were bright red. "Harder."
You looked at him with a concerned but loving gaze. Neji squirmed. "Oh darling, are you sure? I know that you love being treated like that, but it's sometimes difficult for me to do it. I'm more gentle by nature, you know that. Even our first time was a bit much for me, although I'm glad you experienced it as rough as you wanted."
Neji's mind felt slow as he tried to recall. Did he want it? He... he must have... you were so gentle, there's no way you would...
"I-I'm sorry for being needy, alpha..."
"Omegas are naturally needy, darling, don't apologise." You kissed him again, wrapping your tongue and his together until Neji was breathless. "It's my job to give you what you want, no matter what that is."
Your eyes darkened and Neji shivered. He felt like prey, and that made him hotter than it should have. He was so lucky to have an alpha that could treat him right. You saved him, and he would be eternally grateful.
Shino is perfect for this scenario too, and my personal favourite.
He smells like a meadow full of wild flowers, fresh and enticing in every sense of the word.
When you first lay eyes on him he's curled up in the corner, clearly having a panic attack. The bitter scent of panic is stronger with him than Neji.
You crowd him quickly, before he can realise what's happening, and you use a scrap piece of fabric from your bag as a makeshift blindfold.
You need to keep your identity a secret, for now.
Shino fights back, because of course he does, but his bugs won't attack properly, too addled by his heat, so you don't sustain anything worse than a few harmless bites.
It's charming how quickly you overpower him. He's so adorable, truly an omega worth sticking your neck out for.
It takes time to get through all of Shino's layers, so you just adjust his clothes enough to leave a gap for you to access his hole. It feels a bit like wrestling to get Shino into that position, but you're rewarded with a glimpse of his sacred flesh. No other alpha has seen it, and that makes it so fucking hot and special.
You rub at the trembling flesh with reverence.
"No, no no no no," Shino mutters, eyes closed tightly.
You want to comfort this precious omega, but you know better than to speak and give your voice away. He's the only heir to a prestigious clan even if he's an omega, so you can't risk being identified as his assailant.
Oh well, soon he'll come to understand that you're perfect for each other, meant to be.
As you push inside him, it feels like a vice around your cock. He's so tight it borders on painful, but you force your way in nonetheless.
Shino yelps but you don't give him a space to rest. He can take you, you know he can; he's the perfect omega after all.
It's hot inside him, deliciously so.
As you bottom out, you mouth at the spot where you know you'll one day put your mating mark. Shino struggles more, but he needn't worry; you aren't going to bite him, not today.
As hard as it is to resist.
You fuck him gently. Shino needs that kind of love and you can tell. You already know him so well, you're perfect for him, and one day he'll see it.
Despite your attention, he doesn't orgasm. As far as you can tell, he remains soft the entire time. You give his tummy a few warm rubs to let him know you aren't disappointed in him. It's a lot, and you understand that; you're a loving alpha :)
When it's time for you to cum, you push in as far as you can, shooting load and load deep inside of him. You'd bet an omega like him wasn't on any birth control. The thought of getting him pregnant almost sent you into a rut, and did send you into another orgasm, shooting more waves of hot cum inside him.
His hole is so tight that after you pull out, it sinches back and locks all your cum firmly inside him.
You wish you could stay for longer, but it was already a miracle that no one had stumbled upon you, so you flee, knowing that this is only step 1.
As for Shino, he's eventually found and taken home. His father looks after him and helps him patch himself together.
He manages to pull himself together enough to return to work, telling no one of what happened but his father.
And there's this one coworker, you, who doesn't seem fooled by his act. You seem to notice something is wrong, but you don't crowd him, you bring him lunch, you wordlessly take some of his workload, you give him a smile whenever you see him.
It's nice.
Shino... has never been the most comfortable around alphas, and now he can barely stand them near him, but there's something about your kindness that draws him in.
When he finds out he's pregnant, Shino can't go to work anymore. He's too humiliated and terrified to go out in public, so he just stays at home, supported by his father.
And you, his kind coworker, care enough to visit. At first you drop off some stuff he'd left in his locker. Then you bring him a gift basket and hope he feels better soon. Then you bring him some food and ask if you'd be able to eat with him.
He isn't able to say no, and so you eat together once a week, chaperoned by his father every time.
And you're... just so perfect. So kind, so respectful, you never pry, even when he's visibly pregnant.
You take care of him. And he can't help but let you into his life.
He eventually asks you to be at the birth of his pup. He needs a strong, protective alpha to feel safe, and you're the only one he trusts.
You hold his hand and tend to his every need, and as he watches you hold his newborn pup as he recovers, he just knows you're the one.
He's in love.
He feels so safe with you. You'd never let something like what happened before happen to him again.
Shino never looks too closely. He's smitten.
There's nothing suspicious about you adopting his pup as yours.
There's nothing wrong with you asking to keep what happened a secret from the pup and pretending you're the biological sire, Shino was thinking about doing that anyway.
There's nothing weird about how you and her look alike, he's probably projecting, seeing things because his trauma would rather that be the reality.
Everything about you is just... perfect for him. It's like you're soulmates.
"And that's the truth, about what happened. I'm sorry it took so long to tell you. Why? Because it is difficult to speak about," Shino finished, voice quiet. He owed you the truth, after everything, but that didn't mean it was easy. His throat felt tight and his body tingled in a horrible way.
You nodded sombrely as you used your thumb to wipe away a forming tear from under his eye. "Thank you for telling me. I promise you, something like that will never happen to you again. You're where you belong now, here, with me."
You opened your arms and Shino gratefully accepted the embrace, exhausted. He nuzzled in. It was amazing how you could make him feel safe when every other alpha now sent anxious shivers down his spine.
"I've got you," you said, rubbing his back. It was good that Shino couldn't see your smile. "I've got you."
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meglyfer · 8 months ago
Do you have any info about your Lux variant? :O Her design is literally so gorgeous; I'd love to know more about her!
Her design was made by both me and my friend @xommed, and more than a variant we think of her as our interpretation of the character, which may or may not be very different from the original Lux because the only thing we have from he is fro when she was a kid, so we kinda made up all about her lol
She lives in the Omega Timeline with her parents Dream and Cross, and her half brother Palette. Her best friends are Shino (one of the afterdeath kids) and Drew/Sasha (Mine and Xomma's horrordust fankid), though she is friend with a whole lot of other characters and fankids (The Death kids, Gradient, Blue Print, PJ, etc)
Lux doesn't have a defined age, as sometimes we may draw her older or younger depending on the situation, but most of the time we draw her as a teen or young adult. If I had to be a bit more specific regarding her age, I'd say she's about a year older than Shino and Drew
She is a calm and kind person who won't hesitate to help people, but she's not afraid to say things just how they are or kick someone's ass for being an asshole. Her world view is similar to Dream's but a bit more realistic; she belives that anyone can be a good person if they try, but she knows that not everyone really wants to try to be good
In her friend group she is the voice of reason, but just because she's usually the smart one it doesn't mean that she doesn't have her stupid moments either. She can be very silly, but knows when to get serious. Lux usually likes going along with whatever dumb thing Sasha and Shino have going on, sometimes even she herself initiating said dumbery, but knows where the line lies for things
Regarding school, Lux is a decent enough student. She is a smart girl, but school is just so boring! She does just the bare minimum to pass, leaving homework undone and projects half baked. She may be the "voice of reason" in most occations, but that doesn't mean she follows her own advice when it comes to responsability
As noted in the previous paragraph, Lux can be a bit "rebelious". She doesn't take certain laws, rules and regulations seriously, either because she thinks they're dumb or can't make any sense of them (Example: doing grafities in the Omega Timeline, eating in class, elbows on the table while eating, etc). There has also been ocations in which she has skipped classess she finds easy (like English class to give an example) out of boredom or gotten out of her house when she wasn't allowed to (She always notifies Palette though, so at least someone knows where she is + she knows her brother is not gonna snitch, because she does the same for him)
Lux has a very good relationship with her family, but her parents can sometimes be a bit too overbearing for her, specially when they talk about responsability. With Palette everything is all good all the time. They constantly tease each other about certain things, but they know there's no intent to hurt behind their words. The siblings are always there for each other when they need them
Some fun facts about her:
· She can change her "hair" however she wants. Most of the time she has it like how you see in my art, but if she wanted to she could change it so it lookes more like canon Lux, or make it longer, make it defy grabity, etc. The only thing she can't change about it is the colour
· She's very intuitive when it comes to figuring out people's feelings and what to do about them. However, she has a bit of a rougher time when it comes to figuring out her own feelings
· She is a self sacrificing type of person. She'd do and give anything, and I mean, ANYTHING for the people she loves
· She's a lesbian (of course she is)
· Her design was subconciously inspired by Hatsune Miku (we didn't realise how similar they were until later on)
Lastly, I'd like to share some sketches me and Xomma did while trying to figure out her design because, WHY NOT?
(All pencil drawings were made by Xomma)
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(Thank god we didn't go with this one ↓)
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rotnfleur · 3 months ago
★̲┊hi there, feel free to call me spica, shino(non), noko, or whatever other name i have in the back! ‘m posting something relatively general in hopes of finding another (1-2) partners to write with and possibly befriend as well! so, without further ado:
𓂃𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪₊˚♱ . . . (brief) about me ! :
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ☆̲┊i'm 21+, a college student, use she / they pronouns, and have been writing for majority of my teen years ‘till now—on and off, of course. to describe my writing style, i’d say i’m semi-adv. lit bordering novella at times depending on a few factors with a bit of prose sprinkled in here and there. i exclusively write in third person though the tense varies, i prefer past tense for the most part. my timezone’s mst and i can typically reply 1-2 a week, but could be more frequent or less frequent depending on how things are for me—i’ll let you know if that’s the case! i love ooc chit-chat, but sometimes it’s mood dependent for me so please don’t take it personal if there are some days where i don’t engage as much or flat out not respond! i will eventually get back to you. (-ω-ゞ
𓂃𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪₊˚♱ . . . main cravings ! :
★̲┊i honestly want to write omega/cakeverse! nothing set in stone, but i’ve been pretty hyped about it, going as far as to draft up ocs to use! i have the most experience with and am looking for mlm pairings, but depending on the plot and characters–i could be swayed and open to other pairings for the main (this doesn’t apply to side characters if there are any! side pairings can be anything!). i only write ocs. i don’t write as actual people or canon characters. fcs (art or real) are welcomed! hell, even a decent description could work for me as well. (*˘︶˘*) but if those two things aren’t your speed, then i’m open to ideas! just as a heads up: i don’t have an interest for high fantasy, sci-fi, apoc, futuristic, medieval—this is just from the top of my head, if you’re curious to gauge my interest on something then feel free to ask! + ask about my (generic) word bank!
𓂃𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪₊˚♱ . . . what i’m looking for in you ! :
first and far most, all characters, as well as yourself, will be 21+! i would prefer to have vers characters pitted against my own vers characters.
i usually write on discord using servers, but i’m open to trying out google docs as a medium as well!
starting things off is always so nerve-racking for me, so i would prefer if you could start but this isn’t a deal breaker—it just might take me a moment to get things off the ground from my end.
i need laidback and patient writers; if you’re looking for something more rapid fire, then i’m not the partner for you unfortunately!
pestering for replies ends with you being dropped and possibly on my block list, but interest checks / pokes are fine though!
i love enthusiastic partners, i love collaborating on playlists or pinterest boards or making up silly hcs/aus for our ocs so don’t hold back if you’re the same! i have a preference for nsfw friendly peeps, just don’t expect it straight from the get go and don’t be weird and we’ll be fine.
𓂃𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪₊˚♱ . . . etc ! :
★̲┊pre-made or characters made specifically for the plot are fine with me! i’m also drop / ghost friendly! i understand things happen or we weren’t as compatible as initially hoped. so, whatever the reason (or lack thereof), i take no offense and i’m always open to anyone wanting to circle back around if wanted!
i think this covered everything, if you have any questions and / or you’re interested then please reach out by dming me! tell me a bit about yourself, your writing style, and what you’re looking for! i hope to hear from y’all soon, thank you! (⃔*`꒳´* )⃕↝
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lucygriefer · 1 year ago
MHA UT Crossover
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This so far is the first picture to a MHA UT crossover idea I'm slowly working on. This idea was created based off a completely random thought that popped into my mind "What if characters from MHA fell into the Underground and became the human souls that the monsters have gathered?”. Like I said it was a random idea. I told a few friends of mine about the idea and they really liked it. So, I decided to work with it, and here we are so far.
First off, yes this is only 6 of the 7 souls. The 7th will remain a mystery for now. Gotta get through the 6 souls (not counting Chara), first. To tell their stories before the 7th soul falls into the Underground and what happened to each of them.
Let’s start off with the first human that falls into the Underground. Izuku Midoriya. The Kindness soul, and before anyone thinks I picked Izuku just because the kindness soul is green and Izuku is green that wasn’t really the reason I made Izuku the kindness soul (and no I was not giving him the Determination soul). I picked Izuku to be the kindness soul because he is the definition of kindness. He wants to help others despite what people did to him before he met All Might and got the OFA quirk. To give a quick summary Izuku is 4 years old when he accidentally falls into the Underground. Having gone on a camping trip with his parents and got lost before falling into the Underground. Never getting the chance to learn that he’s quirkless.
The second human to fall into the Underground is Katsuki Bakugou. The Bravery soul. At the age of 5 and a half years old he decided to go off and search for his best friend (Izuku never got tested to see what his quirk is after all). Having run away into the night, leaving a note that he’s going to find his best friend/practical brother, so his parents couldn’t stop him while also having an faint idea of where he went, as he looked for Izuku. Eventually during his search to try and figure out what happened to Izuku he falls into the Underground.
The third human to fall is Shinso Hitoshi. The Perseverance soul. Not because he’s purple and that the soul color is purple as well. One of the leading reasons I thought of this while picking out characters for each role I looked at the Omega Flowey fight. If you look at the attack that happens when Omega Flowey fights with the Perseverance soul the attack is word based. Shinso has a voice based quirk so he best fits the role. Shinso at the age of 6 ran away because of the bullying he was receiving for having a supposed villain quirk. Falling into the Underground as he was searching for some food in the woods.
The fourth human to fall is Tsuyu Asui. The Integrity soul. At the age of 5 Tsuyu fell into the Underground. She and her family having gone on a camping trip. During the trip one of her siblings had run off (chasing after a frog to show off to their parents), so she helped search for them. While searching for their younger sibling she falls into the Underground.
The fifth human to fall is Tokoyami Fumikage. The Patience soul. Tokoyami would need a lot of patience when it comes to training with dark shadow so that’s one of the main reasons why I picked him to be the Patience soul. He is 8 years old when he falls into the Underground. Having gone out into the woods at night with his parents so he could train. He lost control and Dark Shadow had accidentally pulled him around until they fell into the Underground.
The sixth human to fall is Jiro Kyouka. The Justice soul. I picked Jiro because of the Omega Flowey fight. A similar reason for Shino. If we look at when Omega Flowey uses the justice soul attack, the attack itself is a magic gun that fires off magic bullets. For this I simply made a small change, making the attack look like a stereo firing off sound waves. Jiro is 7 years old when she falls. Having gone out into the woods to train with her quirk and listen to all the different animals she came across. Hearing sounds that confused her (A bunch of monsters talking and other sounds that were coming from the monsters in the underground) she went to investigate. Finding the entrance to the Underground and falling down, wanting to see what was making the sounds.
I also tried to not go with all boys when picking out each person for the souls. I tried to make an even three boys and three girls but I had a hard time with that. I didn’t want to leave it where it was 5 boys and 1 girl. So, I made it to where there are 2 girls.
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omegamusings-writigs · 2 years ago
[HC] You And Omega!Kaminari Wanting to Court Alpha!Shinso
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Originally posted: Oct 09, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
My Hero Masterlist
you and denki were one of few omega couples at ua
and honestly, it was great
you’d have one nest in your room and one in his
both of them were made by the both of you and the two of you can usually be found in one of your nests
your nests aren’t just for cuddles for he two of you, you do pretty much everything in them: homework, watching tv, playing games, etc.
but you did feel like there was someone missing
both you and denki had more than one marking spot so you knew there was supposed to be another person with you
it wasn’t necessarily that you wanted an alpha with you (although that would make heats easier when you were older) but there were just some things denki was into that he’d like to do with his mate but you weren’t into
and the other way around
of course the two of you usually just agree to whatever it is anyway to make your mate happy but you don’t really enjoy it
enter shinso
now it wasn’t a new thing for you and your mate to lie in your nest and talk about ua students you found attractive
you are surrounded by hot people at ua so you’d often be talking about them together
however with shinso it was different
yes he was insanely attractive and his scent was incredible
but he also shared interests with the two of you
so you start plotting together to get him to join you into your relationship
you’re both too chaotic to just ask him smh
shinso does not take long to realize that there are two omegas following him everywhere also some of his hoodies have gone missing
but he just assumes you guys are watching him because of his quirk 
he knows you are a couple so he can’t come up with any other possible reason why
then one day shino catches denki stealing one of his shirts from his room
turns out pretty much everyone in shino’s class knew of your antics but the stayed silent 1) because they wanted him to find out himself and 2) because it was very entertaining to pretend not to notice two omegas regularly breaking into their dorms
it’s a wonder shinso hadn’t picket up on your scents in his room but then again he does smell you a lot throughout the day bc you keep following him to the point where it seems like he’s just always smelling you
he had always enjoyed your scents though so why would he try and stop you
anyways, as shinso enters his room he sees denki going through his clothes and just freezes in the doorway
denki is so surprised that he chirps and accidentally shocks him
then he runs lmao
you were in your dorm, lying in a blanket burrito on your bed bc you were sick
denki came up with the idea of getting you something with a fresher scent of what you now considered your alpha, to comfort you while you were sick
so you’re very happy to see him when he comes back to your room with a shirt of shino’s
then you start protesting at he lifts you and from the bed and pushes the y/n burrito under the bed where he hides with you
it doesn’t take long for the door to burst open
“hey idiots, there’s an alpha here searching for you” it’s bakugo
he was the only one in your common area and shinso didn’t know where he’d be able to find you so he asked him for help
you pretend you’re not there
bakugo just scoffs and leaves but motions shinso towards the room
as you hear him walk away, you turn to denki and he explains what happened before you suddenly both get yanked out from under your bed
standing above you is shinso, your alpha
he just looks at the two blushing omegas beeath him with a raised eyebrow and denki starts explaining everything to him 
shinso is so fucking confused
why would you want him as your alpha? aren’t you scared he’ll mind control you against your will?
neither of you even thought about the fact that he has the ability to do that bc you’re simps
he’s not opposed to courting you guys though
so your relationship starts with him picking up the y/n burrito and placing it back on the bed
as an omega, you likely have at least one stuffed animal on your bed so you pick it up and ask shinso to scent it for you
he blushes and does so and denki immediatly leaves to bring shino his pikachu stuffie to scent
you then dissolve your burrito and scoot to the side so that shinso can crawl into the middle of your bed
it’s pretty awkward at first and he just kinda lays there with an omega latched to either side of him but he soon relaxes and it’s the first of many night to come in which he actually sleeps well
“Wait is that my shirt?” he asks, looking down at the shirt you’re wearing. It’s a different one from the one that Denki stole earlier but it’s definetly still his.
“No?” your answer sounds more like a question itself.
“Just how many of my clothes did you two steal?”
You share a look with Denki and the other omega smirks, “You’ll see when we show you our nests”
Needles to say that you guys are now the first he asks when he can’t find something of his though he’s come to realize he won’t get it back anyway.
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mariondeux · 3 years ago
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— Yuzuru Fushimi x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Massage / Fingering
— StepBrother!Wataru Hibiki x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Stepcest
— Soft!Dom!Wataru Hibiki x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Fingering / Praise
— Wataru Hibiki x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Grinding / Sentient hair
— Yandere!Popular!Wataru Hibiki x Nerd!Male!Reader [NSFW] .I
— Yandere!Popular!Wataru Hibiki x Nerd!Male!Reader [NSFW] .II
— Eichi Tenshouin x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Overstim / Vibrators
— Eichi Tenshouin x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Window sex / Orgasm denial
— Alpha!Mao Isara x Omega!GN!Reader [NSFW] | A/B/O / Fingering
— Chiaki Morisawa x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Fingering / Overstim
— Lovesick!Mayoi Ayase x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Somnophilia
— Mayoi Ayase x Cutesy!Male!Reader [NSFW] | Fingering / Hand kink
— Mayoi Ayase x Bully!Male!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Blackmail
— Stalker!Mayoi Ayase x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Dub-con / biting
— Yandere!Mayoi Ayase x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Manipulation
— Stepbrother!Hiiro Amagi x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Dub-con / Aphrodisiacs
— Yandere!Hiiro Amagi x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Jealousy
— Famous Racer!Tatsumi Kazehaya x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Rough/Sloppy sex / Fingering
— Yandere!Priest!Tatsumi Kazehaya x Angel!GN!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Religion kink
— Shark merman!Jun Sazanami x Marine Biologist GN!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Choking / Breeding kink
— Ibara Saegusa x GN!Reader
— Ibara Saegusa x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Jealousy / Creampie
— Mean!Dom!Nagisa Ran x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Bruising / Overstim
— Jealous!Nagisa Ran x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Jealousy / Biting
— Nagisa Ran x Transmasc!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Gentle sex
— Jealous!Hiyori Tomoe x Model!GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE] | Jealousy / Marking
— Mika Kagehira x GN!Reader
— Mika Kagehira x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Overstimulation
— Obsessed!Mika Kagehira x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Voodoo sex doll
— Shu Itsuki x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Dub-con / Size kink
— Shu Itsuki x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Somnophilia
— Shu Itsuki x Transmasc!Reader [NSFW] | Masturbation / Oral sex
— Beta!Yuta Aoi x Omega!Catboy!Transmasc!Reader x Beta!Hinata Aoi [NSFW] | A/B/O / Overstimulation
— Jealous!HiMERU x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
— Jealous!HiMERU x GN!Reader PART 2 [NSFW] | Public sex / Praise
— Niki Shiina x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Kitchen sex / Food play
— Niki Shiina x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Masturbation / Cum eating
— Rinne Amagi x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Drunk sex / Alcohol
— Rinne Amagi x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Chikan/train molest
— Rinne Amagi x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Blackmail
— Rinne Amagi x Male!Pleasure Spirit!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Mindbreak
— Kohaku Oukawa x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Rough sex / Degradation kink
— Kohaku Oukawa x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Dub-con / Jealousy / Implied gore
— Undead x Model!GN!Reader
— Werewolf!Koga Oogami x Red Riding Hood!GN!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Knotting
— Rei Sakuma x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Dub-con / Aphrodisiacs
— Rei Sakuma x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Phone call sex / teasing
— Rei Sakuma x Transmasc!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Bloodsucking
— Yandere!Rei Sakuma x Adoptive!LittleBrother!Reader [SEMI-NSFW] | Non-con / Manipulation
— Kaoru Hakaze x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Sex tape / Bondage
— Yandere!Adonis Otogari x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Dub-con / Aphrodisiacs
— Nazuna Nito x Designer GN!Reader HCs
— Bunnyboy!Nazuna Nito x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Dub-con / Breeding
— Mitsuru Tenma x GN!Reader [NSFW] | First time / Gentle sex
— Hajime Shino x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Manhandling / Overstim
— Kuro Kiryu x GN!Reader [SEMI-NSFW] | Fingering
— Keito Hasumi x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Blackmail
— History Professor!Souma Kanzaki x PhD Candidate!Transmasc!Reader [NSFW] | Desk sex / Dumbification
— Jealous!Ritsu Sakuma x GN!Reader
— Ritsu Sakuma x GN!Reader [SEMI-NSFW] | Teasing
— StepBrother!Ritsu Sakuma x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Stepcest / Sleepy sex
— Ritsu Sakuma x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Sleepy sex / Praise kink
— Izumi Sena x Sick GN!Reader
— Jealous!Izumi Sena x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Knifeplay / Degradation
— Izumi Sena x GN!Reader [NSFW] | Blowjob / Degradation
— Izumi Sena x Transmasc!Reader [NSFW] | Degradation kink / Orgasm denial
— Natsume Sakasaki x Male!Reader [SEMI-NSFW] | Erotic hypnosis / Dom/Sub elements
— Natsume Sakasaki x Transmasc!Reader [NSFW] | Dub-con / Mindbreak / Aphrodisiacs
— Literature Teacher!Tsumugi Aoba x Student!Masc!Reader [NSFW] | Classroom sex / Degradation kink
— Sora Harukawa x Masc!Reader [NSFW] | Bathroom sex / Masturbation
MaM ;
— Madara Mikejima x Short!GN!Reader [SEMI-NSFW] | Praise kink / Size difference
— Possessive!Madara Mikejima x Male!Reader [NSFW] | Non-con / Non-con sex tape/filming
— StepBrother!Madara Mikejima x Transmasc!Reader [NSFW] | Virginity loss / Praise
639 notes · View notes
wooobuddyletsgetnasty · 4 years ago
u know the rules. 2 characters for 1 day baby. i will update as requests come in. first come first serve.
if the prompt does NOT have TWO names next to it, and is NOT marked out— it’s fair game. to submit your request, put the character name, and the prompt number— as well as any details you would like the fic to include.
as a refresher i write for: Naruto, BNHA, AOT, JJK, Black Butler, Castlevania, Blood of Zeus, Batman & Company, Haikyuu, and Mortal Kombat.
Day 10: FEMDOM— DEIDARA — TOSHINORI (reader is soft dom)
Day 17: CHOKING — NEJI (he chokes reader) — TENDOU (also choking reader)
Day 24: DADDY KINK — TOBIRAMA (extra mean) — MADARA
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cuteconsortboys · 3 years ago
I have an answer to your question!
I would choose the omega who is most ready and is looking to further where they are.
Meaning, if I have an omega who is happy doing what they are doing (say a military or gardening position) I would leave them be and let them keep that consistancy. If there is an omega who is wanting something more or doesn't feel like their current place/hobby/position is fulfilling anymore, then I would go to them first.
However I also would bring it up to the whole group seeing as we are in fact (through my eyes and structuring) a family and we all have a say. So they would all be aware and it would be up for a group wide discussion and anyone who desires it upfront will be able to hold that role.
Wow, that got long but that's how I see it
Ah, the diplomatic answer!
That family meeting might be a tense one depending who's in your harem.
If your harem has Itachi, Neji, Naruto, Haku, Gaara, Shino, Izuku, Denki etc. it's going to be tense because they all want to go first.
If your harem is Shikamaru, Sasuke, Kakashi, Kankuro, Bakugou, Aizawa etc. they're all going to try and pass it on to each other lol
Still, I think this is a good answer, answered like someone who is good at managing the power. You'd make a fine empress clearly!
Thanks for playing along! <3
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animeomegas · 9 months ago
New Things and Misunderstandings - Naruto Omegas x Alpha!reader
A/N: Happy birthday @omeganronpa !!!! I can't write more because ow, but yay, it's your birthday! I don't know what this post is, I just picked a few of your favs and wrote about misunderstandings lol, but I hope you like it anyway lmaoooo ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🤎🖤🩶🤍
Warnings: Just some innuendo lol. And me thinking I'm funny, that needs a warning.
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*Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto having a drink together*
Sakura: It's your birthday soon, right Naruto? Do you have anything special planned?
Naruto: Uh, not much. Work is crazy, y'know?
Sakura: Ugh, you don't have to tell me. I haven't got my birthday off from the hospital in four years.
Naruto: Yeah, it sucks. I'll probably just spend the evening at home with my alpha. I was thinking of asking for a quickie or something.
Sasuke: *grimacing* Tmi, dobe.
Naruto: What? I've never had one before, so I thought it'd be cool to try.
Sakura: Naruto! No one wants to hear this.
Naruto: Why? You don't like quickies? I always thought they looked tasty. I mean, they aren't ramen of course, but I always get birthday ramen from Ichiraku, so I can't ask my alpha to make it.
Saskue: ...
Sakura: Naruto, spell quickie.
Naruto: Um, okay? I think it's Q-U-I-CH-E.
Sasuke: 🙄
Sakura: 😠
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Alpha: *in the middle of a chat with Kiba* -and Shikaku was so hot yesterday, it's kind of crazy, y'know.
*Shikamaru suddenly walks in, home from work, overhearing*
Shikamaru: What 😐
Alpha: Shika! You're home!
Shikamaru: What 😐
Alpha: We were just talking about how the aircon has given up in the jounin headquarters. You must have heard about it. The common room wasn't too bad once everyone opened the windows, but I was just saying that your father was suffering a lot in his small office.
Shikamaru: *visibly relaxing* Oh, I see. Yes, for once I've been grateful that Naruto keeps me in Hokage tower most of the time.
Alpha: Yeah, I bet!
Shikamaru: Okay, I'm going to take a shower upstairs, I'll be back in a bit. *Shikamaru leaves*
Kiba: ...
Alpha: ...
Kiba: Good save.
Alpha: Thanks 😅
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Lee: *sighs sadly*
Alpha: You okay, baby?
Lee: I... Do you think I'm intimidating? To our fellow Konoha shinobi I mean.
Alpha: I mean, I would hope that they have a healthy respect for your abilities, but I don't think people find you unapproachable. Why do you ask? Did something happen?
Lee: I overheard some people talking in the jounin common room. They were saying that they could suffocate in my thighs... But I would never hurt them like that, even in a spar. Do you think they're... afraid of me? 🥺
Alpha: ...
Lee: ...
Alpha: Oh, baby, no.
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Shino: *visibly relieved* Alpha, you're back from your mission!
Alpha: Yes... Is everything okay?
Shino: No... it's Shihori. I'm... I'm worried about her, but I didn't know what to do and you were away and I was scared I'd make it worse so-
Alpha: Woah, slow down. What happened? Is she okay?
Shino: She's... been drawing things. Horrible things. I don't know where she's getting it from, I didn't want to ask in case I made it worse! What do we do??
Alpha: Deep breaths, what sort of things has she been drawing?
*Shino anxiously opens a drawer and pulls out a stack of drawings. They depict large, scary creatures. A brown bear, a purple rabbit, and a yellow chicken. You immediately remember hearing your fellow parent shinobi complain about the latest horror video game trend that became popular with children*
Alpha: Ah. It's Freddy.
Shihori: *overhearing from the living room* YOU KNOW FREDDY, APPA?!?!
Alpha: Of course. And Bonnie. And Chica.
Shihori: 🤩🤩
Shino: 😧
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Alpha: Oh, hey, you're back from reconnaissance. Did you catch them doing anything suspicious? Pein seemed really sure there were our guys.
Itachi: No. Unfortunately, they both kept entirely normal schedules for the day, as far as I could tell.
Alpha: Damn. So we came all the way out here for nothing?
Itachi: Not quite. While their conversation was mundane, I believe they may have been using a code.
Alpha: Seriously?
Itachi: Indeed. They mentioned at one point that their compatriots had been 'sixty-nining' each other. I believe that might have been code, although I am not sure of it's meaning.
Alpha: ...
Itachi: What?
Alpha: ...
Itachi: You recognise the code?
Alpha: *suddenly remembering that Itachi had no friends as a teenager and parents that taught him how to dismember people instead of teaching him anything about sex*
Alpha: ...I'll explain on the way back 🫠
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tomago · 3 years ago
Hello my leedle omega I am here for ze match ups. I think it’ll be interesting considering I know close to nothing about mhyk 🧐 gimme someone to zoom in on
How to describe oneself uhmmmm okay I’m like. Super relaxed and down to earth, and also somewhat shy?? I’m also really paranoid and anxious about literally everything, and I’m easily overwhelmed flex emoji anyway I’m super short (if that means anything), I’m super physically affectionate with my friends, and I’m often regarded as “the mature one” flex emoji eggplant emoji anyway I lauvyou I hope you get to like one million one day teehee
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i match you with . . . nero turner !
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i think your relaxed personality would immediately click nero's personality. common traits between you both will make it easier to relate to each other in times that the both of you do get to indulge each other in conversations.
your down-to-earth nature is something that nero will appreciate; and as long as wizards like him will outlive eons, he will continue to enjoy every minute he spends with you.
as a chef, he takes pride in serving only the best — and by that, he remembers everyone's favorites. including yours. in times of struggle, and in moments where you don't feel okay, why don't you stop by the kitchen? he'll whip up your favorite to cheer you up.
"so what d'ya want for lunch today?" said nero, who seemed to have slipped in right at your side after your small little talk with the twins about later's assignment.
"oh, does the souls of the wicked and the hearts of evil count as lunch?"
"ha-ha, very funny. the usual? i can make your favorite."
i think most of your meetings would definitely be in the dining area; in which everyone else leaves and the both of you are left to converse and help each other clean up or eat leftovers, whichever of the two.
the rest of the east country could immediately tell about his little crush on you. although he denies it, nero still tries to stop shino from telling you himself.
nero prepares little snacks for you from time to time and personally delivers it to your room in the manor — it's just leftovers, he claims, but his smile that comes up on his face when you open the door says otherwise.
the lingering smiles and the laughter that roamed inside your room was a telltale sign of his heart opening up, little by little, until the moon would pull the words from his mouth — or at least, the next mealtime.
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ao3feed-kakaobi · 3 years ago
Omega Convention
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EdeqYgT
by MadameJustice
Naruto goes to a heat convention where he can, you guessed it, go into heat in peace.
A safe place for omegas.
But the incubi and succubi police are all hot and even more bothered about not being invited.
The smell of heat can drive one to pure insanity.
Words: 1993, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Sarutobi Konohamaru, Umino Iruka, Ebisu (Naruto), Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, Udon (Naruto), Hyuuga Neji, Gekkou Hayate, Shiranui Genma, Morino Ibiki, Orochimaru (Naruto), Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Hyuuga Hinata, Hyuuga Hanabi, Rock Lee
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Obito/Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito/Umino Iruka, Aburame Shino/Inuzuka Kiba, Sarutobi Konohamaru/Udon, Gekkou Hayate/Shiranui Genma, Ebisu/Morino Ibiki, Hyuuga Neji/Uchiha Itachi, Hagane Kotetsu/Kamizuki Izumo, Gaara/Rock Lee
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Some creatures have a second gender and others don’t, Police, Hybrids, Hybrid Naruto, Werewolf Kiba, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Uzumaki Naruto, Omega Gaara (Naruto), Omega Verse, Succubi & Incubi, incubus kakashi, incubus Obito, Incubus Sasuke, incubus Genma, incubus Itachi, hybrid Konohamaru, hybird Iruka, hybrid hayate, wizard hayate, hybrid Ebisu, Police Officer Hatake Kakashi, Police Officer Uchiha Sasuke, Police Officer Uchiha Obito, Almost all Incubi are police in this fic, Please Don't Hate Me, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut, Seduction, Why Did I Write This?, Don't Like Don't Read, Secret omega Society almost, everyone hates and is super prejudice against incubi and succubi, Top Hatake Kakashi, Top Uchiha Sasuke, Bottom Umino Iruka, Bottom Uzumaki Naruto, Bottom Gaara (Naruto), Bottom Konohamaru, Omega Hyuuga Neji, Bottom Hyuuga Neji, some is omega verse some is not, Mpreg
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EdeqYgT
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narusasu-ao3recs · 4 years ago
Sasuke gets an unexpected heat, and his oldest rival and once best friend Naruto is there for him.
* “I promise I won’t… make things awkward.” “It’s already kinda awkward, admit it.” He relinquishes his hold on Naruto’s hand and sighs. “Alright, well then, I promise to be a very good omega and not claw your dick off.” “Do omegas do that?” “This one will.”
Tags: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, SasuNaru, Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Itachi, barely there kids, Inuzuka Kiba, Akamaru, Aburame Shino, Nara Shikamaru, Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino, Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Omega Uchiha Sasuke, Alpha Uzumaki Naruto,Sudden Heat, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Explicit Consent, Anal Sex, Self-Lubrication, Knotting, My Rival is my True Mate, First Time, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, consent as a kink, ABO, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
Word Count: 34,525
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: Explicit
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cinnamonbun-dai · 5 years ago
respectful alpha (2)
(hitoshi shinso) (omegaverse)
(*≧∀≦*) fluff (*≧∀≦*)
part 1
You managed to get about 2 hours of sleep before you felt an arm around you and him mumbling in his sleep. “You’re such a pretty and strong omega.” “If only I had known sooner that you’re an omega I would of courted you like I’ve wanted to since the beginning.” You also heard him purring, making you purr back at him. You felt him squeeze you tighter, making you chirp. You felt him stir in his sleeping, rubbing his forehead against your back.  “Oh my god I am so sorry I promised myself I wouldn’t do that!” he woke up, startling you. “No it’s okay don’t worry.” you reassure. You felt more relaxed, maybe it was time that you presented to someone as an omega, the suppressants always made you on edge. There was another awkward silence. “Is it true that you want to court me?” you giggled watching all the colour in his face disappear. “EH NO I MEAN YES I MEAN I’M SORRY I’LL JUST GO BACK TO MY APARTMENT!” “Toshi no stay...” you pouted, grabbing the sleeve of his t-shirt. In his mind, Shinso was flipping out, his dream omega was asking him to stay and sleep in their bed even after he made a fool out of himself. “I-I would like to court you too.” you admit, looking away from him. You felt your omega swell with joy, finally maybe having an alpha after so many years of denial. “Why did you try and present as a beta for so long? How long have you taken suppressants? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” he questioned, curious. “Because people look down on omegas, well especially when I was little and all my goals weren’t seen fit for an omega. Plus since my family is known for having omegas with strong scents, I didn’t want any attention for it. I’ve been on suppressants since I started presenting and I didn’t know how you would react. I was scared that you would treat me like an inferior if you knew...” you explain. “(Y/N) I would never treat you like an inferior, no matter what your second sex is I’d treat you the same. Plus more and more rules are being put in place so that omegas are equal to alphas. Have you thought about going off suppressants, new research has shown that it increases the likelihood of omegas developing physical and mental illnesses.” “Yeah I guess, it’s just that I’m also scared of the attention it may bring.” “I could scent you so people would just think that you’re an alpha or something. I don’t want you becoming ill...” you watch him drop his eyes at the thought of something happening to you. Your omega begged for you to do something to comfort him, making you whine. ‘Oh fuck it’ you thought before going in to kiss him after quickly taking his mask off, surprising him. You pass you hand through his hair, giving an experimental tug on it. “What was that Omega?” so this is why so many of your omega friends liked being called omega by their crushes or lovers.  “I-ummm...” you felt a blush creep onto your cheeks and a feeling in your lower stomach you had never felt before. You saw him sniff the air before letting go of you. “Shit I think I accidentally sent you into heat I’m so sorry.” he got up, ready to leave you in peace. “Please don’t leave. I don’t know what to do please. Please take care of me Alpha, I’m scared.” you whined, scared. He gulped, half of him wanted to stay, hating the idea of another alpha getting you but the other half wanted to respect you fully, wanting to wait for the right moment. He looked at your begging eyes and sighed. “Okay but only because I don’t want another alpha hurting you and I will not touch you.” he thanked himself for taking rut blocker and the mask. “W-what do I do?” you asked, he tried to remember his high school biology classes. “You should probably try and make a nest. It’ll go get the blankets and cushion from earlier.” he let himself follow instinct. He watched you take the cushion and blankets and organise them on your bed. 
The next 5 days were hard, you had moved your nest to the bathroom so that Shinos wasn’t stuck in there when you had to take care of what he called ‘personal issues’ and he scented certain things in the apartment so you were safe if he had to leave. He even asked Jirou if she had advice to give you and ended up with a box full of stuff he was advised not to look into and just give to you. He made sure to keep his hands to himself, locking you in the bathroom when ever you tried to get him into your nest.
“I am never forgetting the take my heat suppressants again that was awful.” you say, walking into the kitchen for the first time in a couple of days. You let out a purr when you were hit by Shinso’s scent. You put the box Jirou gave you under bed, pushing it against the wall in hopes that no one will ever find it. “What’s in the box?” he let his curiosity get the best of him.  “Ju-just ummmm... stuff that helped me?” you hoped he would get the idea. You couldn’t help but giggle when you saw his eyes widen and his cheek become red. “You feeling alright?” he asked, changing the subject, casually sitting on your bed.  “Yeah. I’m really sorry you had to take care of me. You didn’t have to stay.” you patted his head. He smiled that you were back to normal, he always liked that you didn’t have a stereotypical omega personality and he missed it during your heat.  “I-I didn’t want to leave you alone in case another alpha tried to claim you...” he rubbed the back of his neck. He felt you kiss the top of his head, looking up at you.  “Thank you so much, you really are a very respectful Alpha. I’ll make it up to you somehow.” he slightly pouted when you moved away from him to undo your nest. 
Shinso gripped the blanket, taking in a deep breath.  “Would you like to go on a date?” he asked, scratching the side of his nape nervously.   “I’d love that!” you beamed, rushing to him to hug him. He was hit with a mix of your heat scent from the pillow you were holding and your scent that screamed happy.  “(Y/N) you forgot to put your pillow down and it still has your in-heat scent on it.” he muttered.  “Oh sorry. Do you want it?” you stood back up, presenting the pillow to him. “N-no!” he stood up, you watched him go over to the kitchen before throwing something at you. “I have to go to the pharmacy to pick up suppressants and I need some fresh air.” you went to go put your jacket when felt his hand on your wrist making you chirp. “Wait... take my hoodie, like that no other alpha can bother you.” he took his hoodie of gave it to you. “Thank you Alpha.” he let out the loudest purr you ever heard when you put on the hoodie.  “See you later Alpha.” you pressed a quick kiss on his cheek. “See you Omega.” he stepped out of the apartment to return to his own place.
Shinso walked into the living room, noticing Kaminari laid over the sofa while watching some rubbish day time TV.  “You know I could hear you purring when you were outside. Because of you I need to give Jirou 1000yen.” he heard him complain.  “Wait what?”  “We’ve been betting for weeks now when the two of you would end up together, but we only put money on it once we found out (Y/N) was an omega.” he explained. “I’ll make a bet with you that I’m gonna make sure that your mattress goes missing for a week if you make another bet like that.” he threatened before going back to his room for a proper and uninterrupted sleep. 
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babybottlepop96 · 4 years ago
Master List 2
Master list 1
Updated: 01/03/2022
A New Challenge - Kiba x Naruto (Smut)
“We’re in this Together” - Shikamaru x Sai (Fluff, Drabble)
“I Need to Let You Go.” - Shikamaru x Sai (Angst)
Sweet Melody - Ino x Kiba (Slight NSFW, Songfic)
Fireworks - Shino x Kankuro (Fluff)
Meant For Each Other - Itachi x Neji (Fluff)
Myths and Other Creatures (Attack on Titan Series)
Chapter 1
Attack on Titan
Moving On - Sasha x Niccolo (Fluff)
Road Trip - Jean x Reader (Fluff)
Fruits Basket
Dress Up - Yuki Sohma x Reader (Fluff)
Ouran High School Host Club 
Bad Boy - Tamaki x Reader (SMUT)
Home Again (Attack on Titan Multi-Chapter Story: Jean x Marco)
Chapter One / Chapter Two
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals (Attack on Titan)
All 10 Chapters
Omega Protection Program and Services (O.O.P.S.) - Attack on Titan (Eren x Jean)
Chapter One
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animeomegas · 11 months ago
There’s a tik tok trend where people refer to their partner as their spouse (when they’re in the bf gf stage) to see their reaction and I think this would just be too cute with the Naruto boys monarch😫😩 the alpha referring to the omegas as their husband to other ppl even when they’re dating 😫
Awww, so cute! I think they'd all have funny reactions haha. Here are my thoughts, Queen <3
If you referred to them as your husband before marriage:
Where's my ring? Where's my ring? Give me my ring then. Give it! Let's get married now, why wait, let's go: Naruto, Shikamaru, Lee, (non-massacre) Itachi
*Existential crisis*: Sasuke, Kankuro, Kakashi
Is this a hint?? Am I supposed to propose?? Did they mean to say it? Did they say it because it was easier? Panic, panic, panic: Shino, Yamato
Eh, you probably just wanted to say the more simple thing and move on. It helps people take your relationship more seriously, whatever: Kiba, Haku, Shisui (makes a flirty joke about it though)
Is a normal person, so he feels warm, maybe fantasises about what it'll be like when you do get married, but knows that it doesn't mean you have to get married right then and there: Chouji
Tingling nerves and anticipation. He WILL take this as meaning you're going to propose soon. If you don't propose within 3 months of saying this, he will be SAD: Neji
Assumes you said it by mistake. Corrects you: Gaara, Sai
WHAT?! Husband... ah, sdjfdjfhgdjfgsdfhg: Iruka, also Lee
Don't call him that: (canon) Itachi
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