#om nightbringer x reader
mylittlesecrethaven · 4 months
I Had The Best Yandere/Pervert Mammon Thought
Ok ok ok.
Y'know how Mammon has his little talk thing with crows right?
So, I was thinking about it-
Imagine this shit-
(I'm cutting it in case I go off the rails with uncomfy stuff)
He uses his crows to spy on you.
I know, nothing new, but just imagine it to an extreme.
Maybe you meet a crow, yeah? And it's super friendly, so you become friends with it.
And you show it to the brothers, and they're fine with it, and Mammon's chill with it (cause it's one of his familiars), and the bird's super nice.
And you take it with you everywhere.
And I mean everywhere.
To your room, to school, to eat, to bathe, to piss, fucking everywhere.
And you kinda think it's weird that the crow just sits there and watches you sleep.
You kinda think it's weird that it's so rude to anyone who's not one of the brothers.
(I mean, fuck, it nearly pulled someone's eye out cause they asked you something)
You kinda think it's weird that not matter how much you try to lose it for a moment, it appears right beside you.
And you kinda think it's weird that it sits in your bathroom and watches you piss with such intensity that it's actually uncomfortable.
And you swear your trash bins (in your room and bathroom) never get emptied anymore. Anything you throw in them is gone the next day.
And your clothes have been disappearing. (Though, you did find your underwear the other day, but it was stained with something)
And you're just so weirded out.
So you tell Mammon.
But he just says you're being paranoid.
And you ask him to get rid of the crow cause it's freaking you out.
So he does.
But the next thing you know-
You know have a snake doing the exact same thing.
(Cue obsessive/pervert Levi)
(I'm probably not doing another part to this. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be)
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5mary5 · 5 months
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leafybnuuy · 3 months
Solomon : *sleeping*
MC, nudges him : Sol!
MC : Sol~
Solomon, croakily : Mmh?
MC : Sol, wake up! Let’s go see the sunrise together!
Solomon : mmmh.. I’ve seen the sunrise a thousand times now, MC
MC : hmph, well I want to see it together! Wake up, old man!
Solomon, pulling the covers over his head :
MC : . . .
Solomon : 😌
Solomon : H-hey!
[MC drags Solomon to the balcony]
MC, mesmerized : Woah…
Solomon, rubs his eye :
Solomon, looks at the sunrise with a bored expression :
Solomon, internally : “sure, it looks beautiful”
Solomon : “not like the sunrise changes or something”
Solomon : MC, we should get back to sleep—
[The sunlight shines on MC’s face, he could even see the sparkles in their eyes]
MC : The sunrise is truly beautiful, don’t you think so, Sol?
Solomon, only looking at MC : yeah..
Solomon : ..really beautiful..
. . .
Solomon : MC?
MC : yeah?
Solomon : I… want to see more sunrise with you
MC : and we will..
[They holds hands and continues to watch the sunrise]
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satangcrush · 1 month
pact marks
✦ CAST: solomon x reader ✦ SUMMARY: g!n reader, solomon teaches you that pact marks can be deactivated by will ✦ WC: 0.7k
You blink, your head tilting to the right as you stare at the sorcerer with wide eyes, and your upper lip trembling. He matches your stare, as he dips his head to a calculated fifteen degrees to his left.
“What?” Amusement seeps into his voice, as he pursed his lip to stop it from curling into a grin.
“So you’re telling me… this entire time I could have been walking around without these?” You let out a huff, voice coloured in disbelief. “I was basically walking around like a flashing signboard…” You jab a finger at his chest heatedly, face scrunched up in displeasure.
You were in the RAD library studying with Solomon when you came across a book talking about how pact marks could be deactivated by will, you had then questioned him about the contents, thinking that it was inaccurate.
“Mm…I guess so.” You could practically hear him feigning nonchalance as his eyes quickly skimmed over you as you crossed your arms in front of your chest, “Give me your hand.” 
You shook your head with a loud sigh before flinging your hand at the conniving sorcerer which he caught easily in his grasp. You find it concerning at times how carefree and happy-go-lucky he is but alas, if he has managed to survive this long with his attitude, he mustn’t be doing anything wrong.
The whisper of a spell caught your attention as you curiously peered at Solomon, watching as he lifted your hand to his mouth to press an open-mouthed kiss to each of your fingers. A puff of smoke materialised in front of your face and you could feel a breeze of cold air brush past your cheeks. Suddenly, you could see the tell-tale markings of your pact mark on your finger, gradually disappearing as if it were a puddle of water evaporating under a hot summer day.
“Oh my-” You met his questioning gaze before clearing your throat, “Days.” He let out a chuckle, lifting his free hand to give you a light pat on the shoulder. You stared pointedly at your wrist still very much grasped in his but he just blinked and shrugged at you. 
You bite back another sigh. Seriously, you feel like you have aged decades with the amount of sighing you have done around him lately. You opened your mouth to ask, but the words got jumbled in the back of your throat as he squeezed your hands. You decided to ask another question instead, “How long does this spell last?” 
“This is just a temporary spell to cover up any type of markings. For pact marks, you don’t require magic to cover it up. You just need to visualise your pact marks disappearing. Remember, magic is all about imagination.”
You nod, a concentrated frown marring your face as you listen intently to him. “So… I just need to think of the pact marks disappearing?” You take note of how he looks at you with a twinkle in his eye as if he is scheming. He waved his hand, and you felt a shot of cold air brush past your fingers. With a glance down, you could see the pact mark peeking through again on your hand. 
Despite your itch to ask what was on his mind, you decided that it was better that you didn’t need to know. Whatever it was, you don't feel like getting involved in it today. Instead, you closed your eyes trying to focus on the imagery of smooth, unmarred skin that you once had before you made any pact marks with the brothers.
You knew you had succeeded when you heard Solomon take in a sharp inhale of air, prompting you to open your eyes, “You really are a fast learner, aren’t you?” Although, it was normal to get praise from Solomon especially after he started tutoring you in the basics of magic… You still get flustered sometimes.
You starkly avoid eye contact even as he coos at you with praises, walking away in embarrassment as he trailed behind you like a lost puppy. 
a/n ▸ this was supposed to be a fic abt the brothers reacting to mc learning how to hide the pact marks but once again, it got derailed by solomon lol, maybe ill make a follow-up with the intended purpose of the drabble
edit: I will make a follow-up soon!!!! i just hate proofreading 🫠 it's up!! part 2
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eldrichboyo · 1 year
Demon mc gets stressed and subconsciously tugs at their horns and rub at the base where they grow out from similarly to how human will sometimes pull at their hair or pick at their skin.
A self soothing action found in demons with high anxiety.
Diavolo noticed this action over time and made a point to have you sit next to him or one of the other lords for comfort. If he catches mc, reaching to tug at their horns, he will gently take their hands and shake his head authoritatively. " No tugging, it'll hurt you"
Mc puts their hands back down as diavolo gives them scratches and pets on the spot in between their horns. He dgaf who sees, what is anyone gonna do??? He's the prince, and you're his favorite.
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valsdelulucorner · 5 months
Imagine MC gets a deadly familiar while down in devildom
Imagine Mc goes for a walk around the devildom after classes one day and they hear a small sound coming from a thorn bush. Inside they find a creature completely made on thorns, bush and beautiful blue devildom roses. There was little flower buds starting to grow along its body, indicating it was still just a cub. Now imagine it took a liking to you and refused to leave your side, clinging to your leg while its thorny tail dug into your ankle. It looks like you have no choice but to take the creature home, it looked so helpless and so looked like it wanted to come with you
Once you bring little Juniper (Little buddies name) home, the reaction from the brothers was something you did not expect. Every single one of them hid behind Lucifer while lucifer held up a chair, apparently this creature excreted spores and flowers lethal to demons. Now the question is, will you keep it?
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slutifer · 5 months
Solomon: mc isn’t feeling well, so how ‘bout i take over their cooking duty tonight?
Lucifer: is that a fuckin’ threat
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satanghulu · 7 days
under a trance!
✦ PAIRING: mammon x reader ✦ SUMMARY: mammon goes under anesthesia. shenanigans ensues. ✦ WC: 0.7K
“Yer’ so cute.”
The sight in front of you could only be described as endearing. It was cute, unbearably so. The ditzy look on Mammon’s face and his dopey smile makes you want to pinch his cheek, but you refrain from doing so to maintain some form of dignity.
“Thanks?” You answer, shifting his current position to sit upright, prompting him against the wall as he flops around like a boneless pack of goo. You stifled a laugh. Lucifer had assigned you to pick up Mammon from the dentist, which you had initially assumed was for a regular dental checkup. Though looking at the state of the demon in front of you, he definitely had undergone some kind of procedure. 
“Who are you?” Mammon threw his arms over you as he leaned into your chest to take in a deep inhale, “You smell so good.” He mumbles with his cheeks squashed against you. His half-lidded eyes were hazy and you couldn’t stop yourself from giving him a quick pat on the head.
“I’m your human.” You said simply. His face scrunches up into an adorable frown as he pulls back to pout at you. The sound of the door opening sends Mammon scuttling back with a groan, knocking his head against the wall. Thankfully, demons are hardier than they look, and after a quick checkover, you twisted to see who had entered the room.
“Ah, you’re here to pick Mammon up right?” A person? demon clad in all white, presumbly the dentist, questions you. He peers past you to look at the patient, who is hissing at him and taking a defensive stance. It was pretty amusing to see a full-grown man curl in on himself to exhibit behaviour similar to the cats that Satan feeds.
You nod.
“Great. He just took out his wisdom teeth and is now under anesthesia. The effects should wear off pretty quickly.” The dentist starts, tapping on his clipboard before handing you a stack of instructions. He then continues to overwhelm you with a long list of aftercare steps that you have already forgotten. Noticing you were distracted, Mammon had taken his chance to cling onto you again, nudging your hand to find its place on the top of his head. You take it as a cue to start petting him.
It was kinda sweet how little inhibitions the Avatar of Greed had when he was medicated. It makes your stomach do a flip whenever he directs you a dorky grin. It almost makes you wish that he could be more forthcoming but his brand of tsundere was what appealed to you to fall head over heels in the first place.
Somehow, the admission that demons had wisdom teeth came to you as a surprise and the thought of it was pretty funny. Briefly, you wonder if the other brothers had already gone through this process.
From your position on the bed beside Mammon, you idly continue your action of stroking his head while he mumbles gibberish into your chest. And you’re pretty sure he’s also slobbering on you if the wet patches on the front of your shirt were any indication. (And of course, you jumped at the chance to take multiple photos and videos and had already backed it up.)
“Mammon.” You tried to admonish him. He lifts his head dazedly at the sound of your voice, and you can’t help but change your tone to coo at him. It was so adorable to watch him preen under your attention. It was a rare sight to see him like this and you were going to exploit every opportunity you could. 
You kiss the top of his head.
“No… I have my treasure…” His voice had shifted to a sleepier tone even as his arms tightened around you. But seriously, he has you in his arms and he’s still thinking about Goldie? You were slightly offended at the thought.
“Ya smell like them… My treasure. Treasure!” Mammon roared, suddenly biting the corner of your shoulder hard. A flash of pain jolted through you at his unexpected movement.
“What the-- Ouch!” You quickly swatted him with the back of his hand, glancing down at your shoulder to see the damage sustained. A clear impression of the bite mark was imprinted right on the edge, though thankfully, it wasn’t as deep as it had felt.
You pull back to look at him disapprovingly.
“Treasure!” He slurs happily with a dumb look. This time, you kind of wanted to punch him.
a/n ▸ dorky mammon has my heart. also i know I'm terribly late for his birthday whoops
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dlscenarios · 5 months
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Once you weasel your way into his heart, Mammon becomes such a clingy demon. You have the pact, sure, but Mammon hates being away from you for a long time. At school, he’d follow you through the halls with either his hand in yours or on the small of your back. At home, he wraps his arms around you and refuses to let go. Most days, the two of you end up cuddling in either of your beds or on a couch in the common room. It’s strange for him to admit that a piddly little human turned him into a lover.
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moonstrumpet · 4 months
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“My love for you transcends time” ~Barbatos, The Nighbringer..
UGHH IVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR SO LONG.. i’ve been coloring it and coloring it over and over so i gave up and decided to post it.
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mylittlesecrethaven · 2 months
Where I Think Each Of The Brother's Marks Are
Been a minute since I've done something like this for the brothers!
I'm just gonna list them without explanation cause I can't think of anything right now, but if y'all want full headcannons for why I think this, lemme know.
Lucifer - On the side of the neck, high up enough that it's visible above a turtle-neck or something.
Mammon - Right over the heart. About the size of your heart, too.
Leviathan - Covers your entire freaking stomach. There's an empty space on the mark that doesn't cover your belly button and it's kinda cool.
Satan - All across your back. Freaking huge. Biggest mark out of all the brothers.
Asmodeus - I'm sorry, but I can't help it. His is right above your genitals. Like, the bottom ends right before your pussy/dick.
Beelzebub and Belphegor - They both have their marks on your hands, Beel's on one and Belphie's on the other. They're on the back of your hands, not your palms.
I thought of this during a midnight YouTube Short marathon, so..... yeah.
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5mary5 · 6 months
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leafybnuuy · 3 months
MC : the stars are so beautiful..
Solomon : they’re just giant balls of gas
MC : you know what, if you’re just going to ruin this then I—
Solomon : and yet none of them are as huge as my love for you
MC : Oh— (⸝⸝⸝O_ O⸝⸝⸝)
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satangcrush · 1 month
pact marks pt 2
✦ CAST: lucifer, mammon, levi ✦ SUMMARY: brothers’ reaction to you hiding your pact marks (reader has hair covering the back of their neck for lucifer) ✦ WC: 2.3k-ish
Will mention it in passing to find out more about why the pact mark is gone but will not interrogate further. Instead, it keeps him up in bed wondering why you weren’t wearing the mark with pride LOL
The clear sound of someone clearing their throat caught your attention as you paused in your note-taking to glance up at the culprit who broke the silence in the library. The towering figure above you makes for a dashing picture although you weren’t sure why he was hanging around you when there was a perfectly good chair opposite you that he could take a seat in.
“Can I help you…?” You trailed off as you started racking your brain for any misconduct that you might have done in the past week that he was posing as an intimidating shadow above you. Either way, it was always a safe bet to apologise first.
“I’m sorry.” You blurted out, nervousness making your heart beat a little faster. This should be enough, right? This time, you can see his expression morph into one of confusion and a hint of…frustration. 
His breath escaped with a sigh, “Why is it that whenever I come to talk, you always apologise first?” The mirth in his voice obvious as he pulled out the chair beside you to take a seat.
Oh okay, he was sitting beside you. Great, maybe you did do something wrong that you simply couldn’t recall at the moment. Or maybe, Satan and Belphie tattled on you about the prank you had helped out with last week.
He cleared his throat again, folding his hands pristinely on the table. “I just wanted to check up on you. How are you doing?” You paused in your movement, ink blotting on the sheet of paper as you pondered fervently for an appropriate reply.
“What’s up with the artificial pleasantries?” You asked warily, not sure what to make of his behaviour. You leveled him with an even stare, as you tried to decipher his thoughts.
He stared at you, noting your defensive position, with your shoulders to your ears and the way you gripped your writing utensil tightly, “Are you a masochist? Do you like my scolding that much?” He stared at you with a deadpan expression, leaning forward to flick your forehead gently.
“Relax.” He demanded, uncurling your fingers to wring your pen away as he placed the cap back to its rightful position. You continued to look at him doubtfully, leaning back in your chair as you hummed a tune that you had picked up from Levi’s anime.
(You had an idea why he was seeking you out now.)
You wore an inquisitive smile, angling your head in the way you knew Lucifer liked. “I feel like you have a question for me?” You deliberately drawled out the end of your sentence, bringing your legs up to tuck it under your chin. With his piercing stare, he met your eyes, bright crimson eyes flashing as he snorted, “Do I?”
“Well if you don’t, I’ll go back to my studies then.” You proceeded to reach out for your pen in Lucifer’s grasp, smiling when a gloved hand enclosed it further away from you, holding it high above his head. 
“Fine.” He huffed, finally dropping all pretenses. “I heard that the shady sorcerer taught you something new.”
You nodded in return, not providing any further explanation. If he wanted to know any other details, he would need to learn how to put his big boy pants on and ask you with words instead. 
He continued to look pointedly at you, his feet tapping an incessant rhythm on the carpeted floor. When he realised he wasn’t going to get any other information from you, he continued, ”He taught you how to cover up the pact marks, correct?”
“Yes, he indeed taught me how to cover these up,” You motioned to the back of your neck, moving your hair out of the way so he could get a better view as you rotated in your seat. “See, it’s not there.” You said triumphantly, turning back to face him.
He had a complicated expression on his face, a dark scowl planted on his lip. “Lucifer?” You called out, a teasing remark already at the tip of your tongue but before you could let it slip, he abruptly stood up to excuse himself, saying that he had to finish some work.
You sat there, bewildered. For a second, you actually contemplated standing up to chase after him but then against your better judgement, you decided not to.
‘Well, he can work through those feelings by himself before coming back to you.’ You pondered before turning back to your notes and noticing the mess left behind. Damn it, you would need to rewrite your notes seeing as the ink had seeped through... as well as getting a new pen as Lucifer had left with it.
Out of everyone, he would be the loudest at making it known that he disliked you not showing the pact.
“HUH?! Where did it go?!” A hand shot out and grabbed onto your wrist, making you stretch out your arms as you hurled forward in the hallway and into the chest of someone.
“Wha-” Putting your hands on his chest, you pushed back the assailant and instead met the worried expression on the Avatar of Greed’s face, “Mammon?” With a hesitant voice, you tried to tug your hand away from his scrutinising eyes.
“Arghhh… The mark! I don’t believe it! Where did the mark go?!” The panicked voice of Mammon resounded in your ears, a shrill symphony that rang throughout your head. He proceeded to grab onto your shoulder, spinning you around so many times as if an answer would apparate in thin air if he did it enough times.
You were starting to feel dizzy, the unmistakable taste of bile forcing its way up your throat. In the serene recesses of your mind, you wondered if you should just puke on Mammon and call it a day. Unfortunately, you knew that Lucifer would still make you clean up the mess and you just weren’t in the mood for it.
‘Then, there’s only one way left.’ You thought to yourself, sending a silent apology along Mammon’s way.
“Stay!” As Mammon got flung to the ground, you also ended up shooting for the ground as his arms were around you. You closed your eyes tightly to brace yourself for the impact, comforting yourself with the thought that you could just blame Mammon if you ended up with any injuries.
A yelp escaped you as you grabbed onto his shirt , as one of his hand rises up to latch on the back of your head as he tried to cushion your fall. With a poorly concealed grimace, you sat up rubbing your head with one hand while the other hand found its bearings below you… which was surprisingly soft and pillowy? 
“H-hey… Are ya’ done feeling me up?! I’m ‘bout to suffocate here! Get off!” With your face burning, you quickly stood up, dusting yourself off before you offered a hand out for Mammon to grab.
He looked at the offered hand suspiciously, eyes thinning as he stared at a particular spot on your ring finger… Oh, right. Your pact mark. Right. Darn, you had hoped that none of them noticed so that you wouldn’t need to explain yourself.
“Oh, I learned how to conceal the pact marks. See?” You raised your head, finger pointing to the column of your neck, where it once laid the mark of the Avatar of Sloth. Mammon remained silent for a second, hands furling and unfolding by his side. “Well, I don’t care that ya hid the rest of the pact marks, but you can’t hide mine! No way!”
You looked at him, amused by his spluttering. “...And why’s that?” 
“Why do ya’ even need to ask? You’re my human! You should be wearing my mark…” He grumbled under his breath, voice turning into a mutter towards the end.
“Well, I’m going to keep the pact marks hidden for now so that I get used to it. Also, I feel like I get too much attention when the pact marks are out on display.” You complained, mouth warping into a sulk as you remembered how the lesser demons almost broke their neck while trying to get a glimpse at your pact marks. Your eyebrows furrowed as you crossed your legs to sit down when it seemed that Mammon wasn’t going to get his butt off the floor.
“No buts. This is my decision, Mammon.” You shushed him gently, pushing him down to lay on his back as you hovered over him, blocking the lights from the hallway out from his eyes. Once satisfied that he wasn’t going to argue, you laid down beside him as he instinctively spread out his arm to let you lay on it.
“Now shut up and just lay down with me for a minute.”
First, he will start with his yucky otaku tantrum. He will just cautiously mention it once while you guys are gaming and then when you give an answer, he will go like, “ofc u don't want the mark of a yucky gross otaku” even though you are indulging in the same interest as him rn… like okay guess we are both yucky otakus tgt! 
You know the word had gotten out that you had learnt to conceal your pact marks so you were pleasantly surprised that Levi hadn’t actually questioned you about it yet. It could be because of the fact that his pact mark was usually hidden so it’s not as obvious as the other demon brothers or honestly, you knew it was because he was too shy.
Thus, you had decided to wear a comfy pair of shorts today for your gaming session with Levi, the fabric shorter than what you would choose to opt for on a normal day of relaxation. You shrugged as you headed to the kitchen, maybe you were a sadist but you really wanted to see Levi’s reaction.
“Levi, I’m here,” You announced your presence while kicking the door open to his room, carrying snacks that you had gotten earlier. The back of Levi’s tousled head greeted you and you observed that he had already set down your usual blanket in your spot, though he seemed to be currently engrossed in his game.
An evil idea brewed in your head and immediately, you dropped the snacks you were carrying and snuck behind Levi to cover his eyes with your hands, “Guess who?” You leaned closer, nudging his headphones out of the way so you could blow hot air in his ear. 
Levi sprung back with a loud shriek, hands flying up to grab at yours, which you reluctantly set down at his insistence. “Surprise?” You chuckled smugly and knelt down beside him to grab your own pair of headphones lying on the blanket. After wearing them, you sat back down not noticing the lack of silence from Levi as you continued chattering. 
Having been struck speechless from your audacity, Levi was now too distracted by the flash of skin visible from your shorts riding up. He startled, noticing the smooth skin where his mark used to occupy, and felt the familiar glimmer of envy brewing in the pit of his stomach, clawing its way up and making itself home in the heart of his throat. He finally snapped out of his head when you paused in your speech, clearly waiting for an answer from him.
As you entertained yourself while setting up the multiplayer game that Levi had set out, you couldn’t help but notice the furrow in his eyebrows and his clenched fist around his controller. You shifted your weight from side to side, watching as his gaze followed the movement of your shorts.
“Do you like my shorts that much?” Your lips widened into a cheshire-like grin.
Levi almost puked out blood. Beads of sweat started making themselves apparent on his forehead as he scrambled for a defense; having mixed feelings at your accusation of him sounding like a pervert. 
Was it really an wrongful accusation when he liked seeing your skin, just not without his mark on it?
“No, I mean yes! I was just staring because the mark is gone--" Ah… he definitely had just messed up. He just had to go and say it. He just had to go and say what he was thinking in his head. Levi slowly turned his attention, dragging his eyes up from your unblemished skin only to meet a broad smirk plastered on your face. The smile was so big and aggravating that he wanted to take his controller and throw it at your head.
“Why didn’t you continue?” The impish smirk on your face made Levi want to punt you into the next century so that he could peacefully crawl into a hole and die, “I wanted to hear you confess that you couldn’t keep your eyes away from my thigh too, Levi-chan.”
He thinks that he could probably die of embarrassment now. First, he professed that he liked your shorts, and now you probably think that he was some weirdo, wanting to see his mark on you, like some kind of branding cattle.
The sound of your laughter rang in his ears as he covered his face with his arms, dropping his controller to the ground. “Urgh, I hate you.” He said melodramatically, shoulders slumped even as you tried to tug his hands away from his face.
“Aw, baby. Don’t be sad, I won’t conceal the mark during our gaming session ‘kay?” You cooed, tone infuriatingly playful. Successful in your attempt to push his hands down, you peppered the Avatar of Envy with kisses and dragged him over so that you could properly embrace him. 
Levi knew he was still red-faced so he buried his face into the crook of your neck, arms wrapping around your waist as you continued coddling him. “Don’t tease me like that again,” He muttered despondently, a frown staying on his face. A small laugh escaped as you replied with a half-hearted affirmation while ruffling his hair.
Honestly, he already knew that you wouldn’t hold up your end of your bargain but how could he possibly be angry when all of your attention is focused on him?
…Huh. Maybe he was a masochist, after all.
a/n▸ here are my hcs on the placement of the pact marks:Luci - back of neck leading to your spine, because he wants u to THINK.Mammon - around ring finger on ur dominant hand bc u always use that hand to payLevi - around right thigh because his tail always curls there and it just feels special to himalso, im positive theres no mention of pact mark in the OG story so im very curious as to how this idea became so prevalent in the community
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devildomditzy · 3 months
You’re late for your date.
Like, Late late.
And of course, if the situation were switched, you wouldn’t have minded.
In fact, you would have expected it.
But you are you and Mammon is Mammon.
So of course, his leniency for being ignored is next to zero.
He leans against the front door inside the common room of the House of Lamentation. And he looks at his watch.
You’re an hour late.
And of course, Mammon tried to play it cool at first, swiping through his D.D.D with an unimpressed look on his face. He’s cool. Nonchalant. His brothers can’t know he’s internally freaking out;
Because he’s totally not.
Of course not. No way. Not over you of all people.
But he can’t hide the jitters so graciously given to him by his nervous system.
“Are you being stood up?”, Satan calls from a nearby armchair in the room, not bothering to look up from what he’s reading.
“I ain’t being stood up! They’ll be here, they’re just…busy. Yeah, that’s it. They’re busy.”
Asmo lays upside down on the couch, scrolling on his own D.D.D.
“Of course they stood him up, they’d much rather go on a date with mwah”, he gloats from his position.
“Oi! Shut up will ya?!”, Mammon screams back, now standing rigidly, hands balled up at his side in anger, leaning into the conversation, ready to make it an argument.
As he takes another breath to get a word out, Satan cuts him off.
“Where were you going anyway?”
“Yeah, where?”, Asmo brightly echos back.
Mammon sighs, body relaxing as he slouches back into his leaning position.
“We were supposed to go to Devil Coast ‘bout an hour ago. But of course MC ain’t got a bone of urgency in their body.”
He grunts, frustratingly looking down at his D.D.D. Twenty-five messages. No replies. What was up with ya?
Asmo cackles wildly, “Maybe they forgot about you, hm?”
Mammon’s face begins to heat up with anger.
“Listen here you little-”
Satan once again cuts him off. “We all know there’s no way they’d forget about Mammon. He’s much too loud”, he says, turning his page.
“Would y’all shuddup? Jeez”, Mammon’s tone becomes lethal in a way his brothers know they should stop pushing, so they do, shooting each other concerned glances.
“Have they texted you back at all?”, questions Satan.
Mammon sighs, “No, not yet.”
He looks down at his phone, scrolling through your message thread.
2:50 PM
Mammon: Yo! Ready to go?
Mammon: I’m by the front door, I’ll be waitin’ for ya.
Mammon: Remember to bring your coat ya dummy, cause I ain’t letting’ you borrow mine this time!
Mammon: Okay
Mammon: Maybe I would let ya borrow it if you really needed it and were shivering and stuff and needed The Great Mammon’s help to warm ya up.
Mammon: But you gotta say please 😜
2:57 PM
Mammon: Alright, where are ya?
Mammon: Thought we agreed on 3:00
Mammon: Do ya need more time gettin’ ready?
Mammon: Tryin’ to look good for your first, huh?
Mammon: I’ll wait a little longer for ya.
3:10 PM
Mammon: Hurry it up, will ya?
Mammon: I understand wantin’ to look nice, but it’s ten after! Ten!
Mammon: Ya know, you’re the only human that keeps me waitin’ like this!
3:30 PM
Mammon: Okay, yer bein’ kinda ridiculous right now.
Mammon: I mean come on, ya gotta date with Mammon. THE Mammon. Ya know how lucky you are?
Mammon: Alotta people would kill to be in your position.
3:35 PM
Mammon: But of course I wouldn’t go with them. I wouldn’t go on a date with anyone but you, okay?
Mammon: That’s why you need to get yer ass down here!
3:40 PM
Mammon: You’ve got some nerve makin’ THE Mammon wait around for ya!
3:45 PM
Mammon: Whatever, isn’t like I wanted to go out with ya anyway.
Mammon: I was doin’ this for you, ya know.
Mammon: Why would I wanna be see around with some lousy human?
Mammon: What am I, yer babysitter?
3:55 PM
Mammon: Look, I didn’t mean that, alright?
Mammon: Please come down.
“Are you sure they’re not asleep?”, Satan ponders curiously.
“Nah, I don’t think so. We’ve been talkin’ about this for weeks”, Mammon says defeatedly, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck.
“Are you sure they’re okay?”, Asmo asks, voice laced with concern.
“Okay?!”, Mammon shoots his attention to the avatar of lust. “Wah- what- why wouldn’t they be okay?”
Asmo looks around sheepishly, bringing his nails up to his lips to bite them, something he never does unless he’s either A) super stressed or B) covering something up.
Mammon steps towards his brother, anger beginning to boil, knowing what his mannerisms mean. “Whadda you know that I don’t?! C’mon, spill it!”
The urgency in his voice compels Asmo to speak, knowing how sensitive his brother is when it comes to you.
“Well… I promised them I wouldn’t tell you…”
“Tell me what?!”
His brother remains quiet for a moment.
“Asmo…”, Mammon threatens dangerously.
“Ugh, okay I’ll tell you”, Asmo sighs, mumbling quickly under his breath, “MC, please forgive me!”
Mammon stares at his brother impatiently as he starts,
“Well, MC came to me the other day after class. I knew something was wrong because there were tears in their beautiful eyes”, Asmo lays his hand across his forehead as if he were faint.
“Skip the dramatics and keep talkin’!”
“Okay, sheesh. So MC came to me and told me they haven’t been feeling very good lately.”
“What, are they sick or somthin’?”
“No no, nothing like that. More like, their brain feels sick? They said they don’t really know why, but they’ve been feeling bad about themselves lately - which I told them was totally ridiculous! AND I offered them a full makeover WITH facial and they denied it, but that always makes ME feel better.”
Asmo pouts before continuing, “Plus, with all the extra work Lucifer and Lord Diavolo have been giving them with the student council, they said they feel like they’re under so much pressure, they’re gonna crack soon.”
“Why ain’t they tellin’ me any of this!?”
“Because,” Asmo says annoyed, “they don’t want to upset you!”
“What? That’s ridiculous!”, exclaims Mammon.
Asmo matches his volume, “I know right?! That’s what I told them! But they said you were so excited about your date that they didn’t wanna ruin it- hey, where are you going!?”, Asmo yells as Mammon walks out of the room.
“Where’d ya think! I’m gonna go talk to MC!”, Mammon yells back.
So that’s why you weren’t there? You’ve been hurting? For awhile it seems, and you didn’t tell him?
He’s gotta admit, he’s a little hurt. But he knows this isn’t about him right now.
It’s about you.
Mammon didn’t know he would be nervous to see you until he was standing in front of your door. What if says the wrong thing and makes it worse? What if he can’t help you at all? What if he made you feel this way?
Okay. He realizes with that last one that he’s spiraling. Time to fix this.
He lifts a shaky hand to your door, knocking three times rhythmically - the one you know is his knock. And only his.
He cringes when he hears your weak voice choke out a small “come in”.
The room is dark; All the lights are out and it’d be pitch black save for the window next to your bed, illuminating your form, a shivering lump hiding under your blanket.
He lets out a sigh as he walks further in. He should have known about this. He should have been able to pick up on this. Boyfriend of the year, huh?
You sniffle as you pop your head out from under your hiding place.
“H-hey Mams”, you hiccup, giving away the tears that still stream down your face. “I-I’m sorry I ruined our date. I should have texted you, I-I just…”
Mammon walks till he’s leaning right over you, hands on his hips. “Uh-uh, I don’t care about that right now. What I do care about is you, mainly why didn’t ya tell me you were feelin’ like this before our date?”
The tone is his voice gives way to his own hurt, and you can’t help but start to cry again at the sound of it, knowing it’s your fault.
“Shh, shhh,” he quickly sits down on the bed next to you and puts an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into a hug. “I ain’t mad at ya or anything, I just wanna know why.”
He knows why; Asmo told him. But, he wants to hear it from you.
You pull your arm out from under the blanket (and Mammon’s hold) to wipe your face. “I’m fine really, it’s just”, you sniffle, but Mammon cuts you off.
“Ya clearly not, c’mon MC”, he says, oceanic eyes meeting yours and - it’s hard not to crack under that gaze. “Tell me what’s the matter, please.”
Mammon stares at you in silence, signaling that it’s your turn to talk, and he would quietly listen. As long as you trust him, he’d always listen to whatever it is you have to say, no matter what.
You sit up a little straighter, pulling your arm out from under the comforter to wipe your tears. Composing yourself, you look into his eyes. His face softens at the sight.
Clearing your throat you start, “I don’t know. I’ve just been so overwhelmed.”
“Overwhelmed with what? All that work Lucifer and Lord Diavolo keep pushin’ on you? Tell ‘em to shove it!”
You shoot him a dangerous look. “We both know I can’t do that.”
“Sure ya can, I do it all the time!”, Mammon proudly declares, making you smile brightly and chuckle.
“And you always end up hanging from the rafters”, you laugh.
“I never said I got away with it”, he replies, smiling just as brightly back.
Your giggle peters out as you begin to speak again. “I’ve got so much more work to do and so little time to do it”, you frown. “And I’ve been pushing myself really hard! And- I dunno. I guess it’s taking a toll on me.”
“Yeah, Asmo said you were havin’ it pretty rough.”
At the mention of Asmo’s name, you shoot upwards in shock.
“He told you?!”
“Course he did. Did ya forget which ones of us you can trust with secrets?”.
You grumble in anger. “That little - UGH! I’m gonna kill him.”
“Let’s put murder on the back burner,” Mammon says, pushing your shoulder to lay you back down in your slouching position. “How’s ‘bout ya tell me what’s really bothering’ ya and I’ll help ya threaten the primadonna later, yeah?”.
You give him the side eye, but collapse under his gaze. Curse those eyes! You swear he can put you under some kind of truth spell with those things.
“Fine. I guess… it’s just… I…”
“Any day now, Treasure.”
You make an exasperated noise and glare at him. “You know it’s not fair to use that word on me when I’m upset.”
“When you’re upset at me. And yer not upset at me right now, right? Please say right”, he finishes his sentence with a sense of urgency, now worried that he could be the cause.
He’s wracking his brain for anything he could have said or done recently that made you upset. Are you mad at him cause he teased you the other day when you did your makeup differently. He told ya he only did it cause he liked it. Are you mad because he cheated off of you in potions class? Well, he’s your first, dammit! You should be helping him anyways. That’s what a loyal subject does.
“No, no it’s not you. I just haven’t been feeling very good about myself lately.”
“What! That’s ridiculous!”, he shouts and - he’s trying to be helpful in his own way, but his raising voice makes you wince. He notices, quickly shifting his tone. “I mean, what’s there not to like, doll.”
You smile to yourself at the nickname. He’s trying his hardest to be sweet. You should try your hardest to let him in on your thoughts a bit too.
“I don’t like the way I look. I’m not pretty, I’m not cool, I don’t even know what you see in me.”
“Don’t be dumb, MC!”
“Mammon, look at you! You’re you. You’re one of the seven demon lords of hell, you’re a whole model, and you’re one of the coolest guys I’ve ever met - Devildom, Human Realm, or celestial! You know you’re hot, so I’m worried…”, you trail off quietly.
“Worried bout what, MC?”, he asks at your hesitance, worry evident in his eyes. He places his hand on top of yours on the bed without breaking eye contact.
“…I’m worried that one day you’ll realize you’re too good for me and leave.”
“Leave? Whaddaya talkin’ about? How would I leave? I live here too ya know”, he says, poking your nose.
“You know what I mean, Mammon”, you say swiping his hand away from your face. “You’ll leave me.”
Mammon rolls his eyes, waving a hand towards your direction dismissively. “Oh yeah, I’ll leave you alright. That’s exactly why I was waitin’ for ya at the door for an hour to take ya on a date. Cause I wanna leave ya soooo bad. Do ya see how ridiculous you sound?”.
You sigh, eyes looking towards the bedsheets as you play with his hand that has found its way back to yours. You don’t look up as you speak. “See, I didn’t even come down for our date. Or text you. I just moped around up here. Im a terrible partner. And I’m sure you’re gonna realize it soon.”
Mammon makes a ‘tch’ noise with his tongue, before grabbing you by the chin and making you look into his eyes, making you gasp in surprise.
“And ya think I’m such a great boyfriend, huh? I’m just the best? The guy who spends his free time at the casino runnin’ up scams? The guy who used ta blame his screw ups on ya to get outta trouble? Yeah MC, I’m a real peach. Cream of the crop if ya ask me”, he lectures, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“What are you trying to say”, you question, grabbing his wrist to take his hand off your chin, to which he carefully obliges.
“I’m sayin’ that I’m not so great myself. But you still love me, right?
“Yeah, and?”
“Exactly. I’ve got flaws, we’ve all got flaws, even father had flaws, clearly”, he mumbles the last part under his breath.
“I wouldn’t stop lovin’ ya over any dumb thing like looks or status. In fact, I can’t think of a single reason why I’d stop lovin’ ya, ya dumb human. Sorry ‘boutcha luck, but yer stuck with The Great Mammon forever”, he jokes, ruffling your hair.
“What about when I die? I’m human, you’ll outlive me by a long shot. Don’t you want to be with someone, I don’t know, with the same…life span as you?”
“Nah, I’ll still love your dumbass skeleton when you’re a stupid ghost.”
“How romantic.”
“Listen. My point is I’m yours and you’re mine. That ain’t changin’, alright? And I’m not mad ‘bout our date, we’ll reschedule it. Just next time, ya could let me know before I stand by the front door for over an hour like a jackass. My brothers got enough to make fun of me over already.”
He pulls a little smile out of you with that last one.
“And about all that student council junk Lucifer and Lord Diavolo keep thrown’ on ya, I’ll talk to them. Maybe they’ll let you divide it up between all of us, alright?”.
You sniffle, wiping your face once more and shaking your head in an affirmative nod. “Sounds good. Thank you, Mams. I’m sorry.”
“C’mon now, quit yer apologizin’. It’s fine. You apologize for somethin’ like that again, I’m tellin’ Beel you ate his pudding from Madam Screams.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, I’ll dare alright, ‘n then some”, he jokes, tackling you to the bed. “Why don’t we watch a movie or somethin’. You gotta make up the lost date time you owe me.”
You laugh at his antics, agreeing. “Okay, okay. I’m on it.”
As you sit in front of your shared DVD collection to pick tonight’s selection, you throw your voice over your shoulder.
“Hey Mams?”
“Yeah?”, he asks from his spot on your bed, scrolling on his D.D.D.
“Anytime, Treasure.”
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eldrichboyo · 1 year
Nightbringer mc
You can not convince me that Solomon doesn't have videos of mc chasing their own tail or scaring themselves when their wings touch something.
Ever since gaining this new form, it's been a struggle. Learning how to use their new extremities and limbs. New parts of their brain have been activated thanks to the new physical form. So when mc's wings subconsciously move or instinctively flap, they get spooked and flinch, and Solomon tries so hard to hold his tongue and not laugh.
Or when mc's tail kept moving all on its own, and it was pissing themselves off. Solomon holds up his phone and records his student going in circles like a dog trying to catch their own tail and getting so frustrated " BECAUSE IT WONT FUCKING STAY STILL!!!"
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