#mammom om nightbringer
mylittlesecrethaven · 4 months
I Had The Best Yandere/Pervert Mammon Thought
Ok ok ok.
Y'know how Mammon has his little talk thing with crows right?
So, I was thinking about it-
Imagine this shit-
(I'm cutting it in case I go off the rails with uncomfy stuff)
He uses his crows to spy on you.
I know, nothing new, but just imagine it to an extreme.
Maybe you meet a crow, yeah? And it's super friendly, so you become friends with it.
And you show it to the brothers, and they're fine with it, and Mammon's chill with it (cause it's one of his familiars), and the bird's super nice.
And you take it with you everywhere.
And I mean everywhere.
To your room, to school, to eat, to bathe, to piss, fucking everywhere.
And you kinda think it's weird that the crow just sits there and watches you sleep.
You kinda think it's weird that it's so rude to anyone who's not one of the brothers.
(I mean, fuck, it nearly pulled someone's eye out cause they asked you something)
You kinda think it's weird that not matter how much you try to lose it for a moment, it appears right beside you.
And you kinda think it's weird that it sits in your bathroom and watches you piss with such intensity that it's actually uncomfortable.
And you swear your trash bins (in your room and bathroom) never get emptied anymore. Anything you throw in them is gone the next day.
And your clothes have been disappearing. (Though, you did find your underwear the other day, but it was stained with something)
And you're just so weirded out.
So you tell Mammon.
But he just says you're being paranoid.
And you ask him to get rid of the crow cause it's freaking you out.
So he does.
But the next thing you know-
You know have a snake doing the exact same thing.
(Cue obsessive/pervert Levi)
(I'm probably not doing another part to this. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be)
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kadeeesworld · 1 year
Your Angel son
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Protective Mc headcannons
Everyone knows that Luke, for lack of better phrase is under your protection and if anybody has anything to say to him that isn’t all that kind they’d better be ready to deal with you.
An angry Mc is not a pleasant Mc that’s for sure and most of the brothers have Learned this the hard way especially mammom who just can’t seem to keep his mouth shut.
Mammon said a few unkind things to Luke while you were around and to this day you still haven’t let him hear the end of it, whatever was said to him the first time though kept him in check from then on nobody knows what you said and he won’t say- he also looks a little scared when asked.
Lucifer let a slick comment pass while you weren’t in the room and the moment you stepped back in luke ran and hid behind your leg giving Lucifer a shit eating smirk you couldn’t see all you said was “I expected so much more and better from you lucifer”.
Congratulations Mc you broke Lucifer he lokey looked like a kicked puppy and luke was eating it up, you wounded his ego and the damage was irreversible.
You once send a very lengthy message to the group chat with everybody in it that had some very questionable language but everyone has toned down their ‘Luke teasing’ significantly.
Simeon thanks you for your service™️ free snacks for mc at the angles Halo and luke bakes for you regularly.
Diavolo and barbatos get a small kick out of seeing you stand up for the small angel, Diavolo finds your vulgar language amusing and barbatos thanks you as well.
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Luci and I are on the same wavelength here. This was absolutely my thought. Fuckers.
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Again they note Barbatos' silence. WHY???? WHY IS THAT RELEVANT?? WHAT DOES HE KNOW??
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Big props and appreciation for Diavolo sounding like the King he is meant to be. Level headed but stern. Thinking of the way this will effect more than just his realm. Big love for that.
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the-great-empress · 2 years
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mylittlesecrethaven · 1 month
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May I stare?
*most intense stare of my life*
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kadeeesworld · 1 year
Brothers + Lord Diavolo and Barbatos with a Surgeon Mc headcannons
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- He wasn’t the most ecstatic when you first arrived of course the way you spoke to him when you dropped out of that Portal had him immediately thinking about how to but your surgical skills to the test “how fast could you save your own life Mc?”.
- Now things have changed at first he realized you and him had much in common especially with your working habits you’re both workaholics always behind a desk, always on the way to the meeting, always rushing to get done with paper work.
- Over time he started to realize the scowl he had on his face when he looked at you started to slowly form into a small smile and because of your working habits he started to take more breaks, yeah his brothers practically begged you to give him a full medical exam even though he insisted he was perfectly fine.
- Sitting in front of the fire place and drinking coffee working on your own things are common between the two of you, listening to a safe cursed record that the both of you loved you’ve found that just the two of you sitting in silence brings you both peace, a peace that he enjoys.
- To say he wasn’t super excited about having to babysit you at first was an understatement but after you made a pact he started to hover always being there saying “I’m your first man Doc I’m not going anywhere” which is just code for I’m totally obsessed with you and the fact that you play with peoples brains all day intrigues him.
- He protects you and lets you know when you’ve been overworking yourself aside from asmo and belphie he’s one of the first ones to notice the dark bags under your eyes and your sluggish movements, he’ll literally pick you up bring you to your room and throw you under the covers and place you on bed rest standing outside your door to make sure you get the rest you need.
- He won’t leave for the required 8 hours of sleep that you fragile humans need and he’ll stay awake the whole 8 hours if need be and if you sleep even longer than that even better as long as your healthy and we’ll rested to him, it’s worth it you’re worth it.
- Ewww a normie who plays with brains for hours count him out (jk ik) but really he thought it kind of weird and at first he wanted nothing to do with you he didn’t want you trying to cut him open to see his brain (not that you could anyway he’s way stronger than you) still he wouldn’t take that chance.
- After getting to know you and making your pact together he started getting curious about what it is that you do even looking for a few anime’s that involve your profession and asking questions now Levi is a demon and most of the things you say don’t bother him because whatever you’ve done to somebody’s brain he’s done worse.
- All in all he thinks it’s pretty cool and doesn’t mind listening to your surgery stories or your rants because you’re his Henry and you listen to his TSL rants so it’s a win win.
- Oooh Satan is having a field day the moment he read your file and saw that you cut people open he immediately liked you and he had plans to learn everything he could from you and besides your stories are way better than reading a book the bloodier the better Mc and don’t hold anything back he wants all the details doesn’t mind you explaining your procedures.
- Somebody got into and accident and got there skull partially crushed and you had to reconstruct it interesting, a spouse found out the other was cheating and hit them in the head with a hammer making a small hole in the back of their skull causing bleeding into the brain tell him more Mc.
- You have very intense conversations with Satan and some of the questions he asks makes you wonder weather he’s planning a murder or not some are not entirely practical but at least you know not to get on satan’s bad side and god help anybody who does who knows what Satan will do with this newfound information.
- Asmo never really had an interest in your profession after you turned down his doctor/patient role play but he thinks it’s sexy that you’re smart enough to work on somebody’s brain like that you remind him of somebody he knows.
- He doesn’t really ask questions something will come up every once and a while though “what was the craziest case you ever had Mc” he likes it best when you leave out to super gorey details but if one or two slips it’s fine he’s seen and heard worse Mc.
- Mostly worried about your sleep schedule and your poor hands holding a scalpel steady for hours and standing on your feet your back must be killing you Mc come let him give you a massage you’ve earned it.
- What’s does a brain taste like he wonders is it slimey, does it go down easy what’s the best way to crack open a skull without damaging the brain too much come on Mc he needs details.
- Other than trying to eat a brain and wondering what it tastes like beel doesn’t really mind your profession he thinks it’s cool you save people and after you tell him the other surgeons are like your family and the hospital is kinda like your second home he loves it even more.
- Beel is well aware that because of your schedule you might not eat as much as you need to rushing from surgery to surgery being up for long hours drinking nothing but coffee just thinking about it makes his stomach hurt, but that’s fine he’s in charge of your meals Mc especially now that your in the house of lamentation don’t worry Mc he’s got you covered.
- Another who wants to hear your stories he doesn’t mind the gorey parts either Mc so leave nothing out.
- He enjoys listening to your stories while he’s awake it fascinates him how you can do brain surgery holding a scalpel steady for hours making just the right cuts one small mistake and it’s over for whoever is on the table and maybe even you.
- Belphie wonders if you ever botched a surgery on purpose maybe someone who didn’t deserve to be saved was put down before you and you had a choice to make. It’s okay Mc he’s a demon you’re in hell who’s he gonna tell (Satan) and even if he did who would give a shit there are people down here who have done worse things.
- your stories keep him entranced Mc keep it up he loves them, he loves hearing about you in general especially when your talking about something you love.
- He admires how hard you work too Mc,med school taught you a thing or two about cramming as much as you can before an exam don’t think he hasn’t noticed how high you score on your rad exams.
- He invites you over to the castle often just to give you a little break from rad work and the brothers he understand how they can be a handful sometimes and he doesn’t mind being your saving grace every once and a while. You may not be in the human world performing surgeries right now but he can understand how dealing with them can make you feel like your back in that hospital all over again.
- He cuts people open to Mc, wether there for political reasons or personal ones he had his fair share of time behind a scalpel and anything else sharp, he’ll tell you all about it if you like. No? Oh what a shame.
- Wether you want to hear his stories or not he’ll always want to listen to yours he could learn something from you and he has you’ve made his job a lot more easier Mc even though he’s been doing this way longer than you’ve been breathing it’s never to late to teach an old dog new tricks.
- “Would you like some tea Mc we could be here a while I’d like you to tell me everything”
- Ah yes the urge to cut someone or something is strong with this one it’s always the quiet ones Mc.
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kadeeesworld · 1 year
Surgeon! MC- you’re arrival and your first friends
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Working 100 hours a week can take a toll on anybody and to most that much time sounds crazy but when you’re a surgeon it’s completely normal just another day in the office. It brings unwanted and unnecessary stress but what really stresses you out, being kidnapped and dragged into hell for an exchange program nobody consulted you for the one thing that bothers a surgeon most is not knowing and this is something you didn’t have the slightest clue about and now…you’re pissed.
“What is this place and what am I doing here.”
A tall red haired man speaks up a little taken back by your straightforward tone.
“We’ll firstly my name is Lord Diavolo the head of this little exchange program and the prince meant to bring peace between the three realms”
“The three realms?”
“The human world, the devildom and the celestial realm”
“And what does this have to do with me? And cant you find anybody else I’m kinda busy like super busy if you read that file you apparently used to stalk me with you would know that I’m a surgeon”
“Yes and a very important one at that it seems”
A blonde man speaks up now seeming to be reading the very file you were talking about.
“Dr.Mc a Neurosurgeon, one of the most recognized medical practitioners on your side of the globe.”
“That would be me, glad to know somebody did there homework and as much as I would like to chat will you all about my operations I have brain surgery in *you pull up the sleeve of your white lab coat and check your watch* 4 hours and I have to get back so if you could please”
You gesture to the open space behind you where you came out of a purple portal.
“Send me back”
“I’m afraid we can’t do that doctor”
A tall raven haired man speaks
“You’re essential to this exchange program you were chosen specifically and you’re already here so no, we can’t send you back”
Now you’re super pissed
“I was just in the middle of working a 18 hour shift, I’m running on two whole pots of coffee I haven’t slept in two days and I haven’t showered in three hell I haven’t even seen my house in close to a week so do not tell me what you can and cannot do because if I can do all that and stay standing you can open one of your freaky portals and send me back home.”
Everyone knows that Lucifer is not a man you should mess with, anger or question everyone but you, did you care? No as far as you were concerned it had nothing to do with you as you were soon to be gone.
Luckily Lucifer agreed with that just in different ways.
“Lord Diavolo what will you do”
A man with teal colored hair speaks up from beside him
“Mc I would like to offer you a deal, if I could ensure that all your surgeries for the next year will be taken care of without any consequence to you would you stay?”
All you could think about was a break, the ability to sleep in and not have to complain about patients or other surgeons no standing up for hours cutting people open.
“I guess a vacation wouldn’t kill me”
“If anything it might help with that little attitude of yours doctor”
“Oh yeah try being In my shoes for a week or two cutting people open”
“Oh darling I do more than cut people open”
He snarls at you you’re pretty sure you can see a vein in his forehead.
“Careful now…would want anything to burst”
“We are gonna be such good friends Dr.”
“Now that’s something I can agree on”
Weeks have passed and you feel like you’re cramming for med school all over again satan has been nice enough to create a study guide for you as long as you answer his 30,000 questions about you’re surgeries and really it’s a small price to pay to keep Lucifer off your ass about grades.
“You know I almost forgot to tell you”
“Tell me what”
“Diavolo had summoned you to the castle he wishes to speak with you it’s about the exchange program I’m guessing”
“I sure hope so I don’t think I can talk about my old surgeries anymore, you know I only agreed to stay here because I thought I wouldn’t
have to talk about cutting people open.”
“We’ll really, you didn’t have a choice in the matter but you agreeing made it easier for us”
He takes a sip of his coffee and looks up at you with a small smile of his face
“You might be my only friend Satan”
“I wouldn’t call myself your friend just yet you’ve got a little more to go before I call you friend”
“Someone’s prickly”
It’s about 2:30pm now not that you would really know because it’s always dark in the devildom. Satan walked you to the demon lords castle for your meeting.
“Have fun in there”
“Don’t I always”
You go to knock on the door but just before your hand reaches it, it opens and the teal haired man that stood beside Lord Diavolo is on the other side.
“Hello Mc welcome to the demon lords castle”
He spoke so proper a small smile on his face unwavering.
“Thanks Mr?”
“Barbatos is fine”
“Barbatos that’s a nice name”
“Thank you.”
He takes your coat and leads you to a table in the garden out back. As you approach the table Diavolo stands up.
“I thought a change of scenery might do us bath some good I hope you don’t mind”
“It’s fine, it’s nice out today”
“It is”
You weren’t wrong despite it being dark it was warm but not smothering almost perfect weather.
“So how have things been going I’ve been told by Lucifer that you’ve been studying with Satan and making great progress in your schoolwork scoring high as well might I add”
“I studied longer and harder for med school if anything this is a walk in the park although demonology is a bit different from what I’m used to anything I need or want to know is in a book and as long as I can read it I can understand it”
“Good to know I’ve chosen such a hard worker”
“And speaking of Lucifer the pompous ass what is his deal, does he always have a massive stick shoved up his ass”
Diavolo and Barbatos gives you a blank look and there is a beat of silence before Diavolo bursts into laughter.
You’re kinda taken back by this but keep a straight face nonetheless.
“Excuse me I’m so sorry please forgive me that was way out of line it just caught me off guard I wasn’t expecting that from you”
“Well it was a genuine question it’s like he doesn’t know what a break is or how to relax”
“That’s a bit hypocritical don’t you think”
“Maybe it is but that’s besides the point and besides you work just as hard as both of us”
He smiles and looks at you for a moment
“Tell me about it.”
“About what”
“Your job as a surgeon I’m interested and curious I’ve heard a few things here and there from Lucifer mostly Satan and it makes me think what’s it like for you being inside of peoples heads”
Diavolo was not unfamiliar with opening people up and screwing with there insides neither was Barbatos they were demons after all, but they couldn’t help being a little curious seeing as you save lives and they necessarily don’t.
“It’s like a drug”
Blank stare from Diavolo small smile from Barbatos and if you weren’t trained in expertly reading body language you’d think Barbatos enjoys this almost like he kinda agrees but you carry on.
“Being in there bright lights shinning down on you scalpel in your hand smoothly cutting through skin like a knife through hot butter,
Cut, remove, suture it’s like an unexplainable high makes you wonder why people even do drugs.”
You didn’t notice but you had the faintest smile on your face the other two men noticed though they made no comment
Diavolo eyes you for just a moment you could’ve missed it
“How interesting,tell me more”
You don’t know what it was but talking to him about your surgeries and talking to Satan felt completely different you liked this a little bit more.
“Of course Lord Diavolo, I would love too”
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