#oliver and thea queen
schrijverr · 8 days
AU where Oliver stays in the Bratva and doesn’t get found at the end of his fifth year and instead stays behind and helps Anatoli establish himself. After a year has passed, Anatoli has properly solidified himself in his role and Oliver has become a respected high ranking member – a Russian in spirit, they say – they suddenly get news of an earthquake leveling the glades.
Because he hasn’t been snooping or pushing Moria to do better, Malcom gets away with it and Tommy lives, because he hadn’t been meddling. So, the season 1 cast is all there, just a year later and in a city filled with devastation.
Anatoli can see that Oliver is worried about his family, no matter how much he left them behind, so he offers Oliver to become the head of the Bratva in Starling. They want to use the chaos anyway and he trusts him, so it’s not a hardship to send him there.
So, Oliver finds himself in Starling under a new identity. He does his Bratva stuff, and they’re deep in the drug trade. He runs into Thea.
He runs into his baby sister buying drugs from the Russian mob with her friend – thankfully she lets the friend get her hands dirty while she waits in the car but she is still there – and they both see each other.
Oliver pretends not to recognize her then and Thea isn’t sure, but she becomes a little obsessed. She finds him and keeps trying to worm her way close to him and Oliver doesn’t want her to get hurt, so he keeps letting her, but he also keeps pretending like he doesn’t know her and has no clue who this brother is she talks about. He puts on a thick Russian accent and steals bits from Anatoli’s life to sell to her.
It’s this bittersweet thing, where he is so close to her, but he can’t confirm, has to keep her at a distance, but it’s so hard. Thea feels much the same, feeling she has her brother back, but he’s not him and she can’t tell anyone, because they’ll tell her to stop and get away from this criminal, but she can’t, because he’s giving her a piece of family back that she misses so desperately.
Meanwhile, Thea also gets a reputation as a Princess of Starling’s underworld and close to a Bratva Captain. This puts her in the crosshair of not only dangerous enemies the Bratva have made – Oliver especially – but Quentin too, who has been put on the Bratva case.
In order to keep her safe, he goes undercover as Kapusion to check up on her, taking out threats and such. By doing that, he also notices his mom acting stranger and stranger, which drags him into solving the reason for earthquake.
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 year
Part Five master-post
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I giggled making this one
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forbescaroline · 2 months
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11k celebration: top 50 m/f friendships (as voted by my followers) #35. oliver queen and thea queen - arrow
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laurelsource · 4 months
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Black Canary & Speedy & Green Arrow Arrow | 4.11 "A.W.O.L."
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jbuffyangel · 3 months
No Choice to Make: Arrow 2x07 Review (State v. Queen)
Is there anything better than Oliver saving Felicity? The correct answer is no.  Of course, my feminist side is screaming Felicity can take care of herself (and does in most circumstances), but my inner Gloria Steinem needs to zip it.  I want romance novel heroism and “State v. Queen” delivers on a swoon worthy level.
Let’s dig in…
This is easily my favorite Oliver protecting Felicity moment because there are so many nuances in their two primary scenes. However, to understand those nuances we have to review a little background information.
The Count escaped from Iron Heights during the earthquake (and released the Dollmaker while he was at it). I love this explanation for returning villains because it makes total sense. Logic in Arrow is rare jewel – treasure the moment.
Moira's trial is under way, but Diggle is not feeling well. Oliver sends John home, but he collapses in the bunker.
Oliver: I heard you passed out.
Diggle: I told Felicity not to call you.
Felicity: Yeah, but before that you said ‘gaw’ and ‘thud’ so I didn’t take it very seriously.
Felicity has John's blood tested and there are trace amounts of Vertigo in his system. They try Oliver’s antidote, but it doesn’t work. Adam Donner, the lawyer prosecuting Moira, also collapses in court due to Vertigo poisoning. The Count kidnaps him and forces him to take the drug to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms. It’s broadcasted live, so everyone affected knows the only cure is Vertigo.
I feel I would make a pretty good drug lord after watching Breaking Bad, Power and Queen of the South. The key to success is return customers, so this is not a half bad plan. You have to admire the Count’s industriousness. Ghost and Walter White would definitely approve.
Oliver hoods up after Felicity tracks Adam Donner’s location through the city seal of the Starling Municipal Records Department, which is reflected in Donner’s eye. Ok, so science is not sciencing in this episode. Felicity is immediately concerned about Oliver.
Felicity: I know what you're thinking.
Oliver: No you don't. I made a choice not put an arrow in this guy and it was the right choice. There’s no more killing.
Felicity was concerned Oliver would regret allowing The Count to live, but it’s just the opposite. He’s doubling down on his vow to Tommy. Oliver is not a conflicted man. He knows he made the right call. That's called growth, my friends.
Felicity’s little assertive nod means she backs Oliver’s decision one hundred percent. In fact, I’m sure she had a whole speech prepared for why not killing The Count was the right thing to do. It’s not just Oliver who believes there is a better way – Felicity and Diggle believe it too. This is as much their mission as it is Oliver’s. They also made a vow to Tommy to do better.
Unfortunately, The Count has caught wind that The Arrow’s aim is not lethal these days. The Count holds his arms wide open – an easy shot – and taunts Oliver to kill him, while Donner is held hostage by a henchman. It’s always a bit of a pickle to determine how Oliver is going to get himself out of these situations without killing. I’m all in favor of the vow he made, but killing does have some practical applications.
Of course, Oliver always finds another way. He fires on some flammable canisters, which creates a fire in a drug factory – clearly against OSHA regulations. Oliver spins and throws a flechette into the henchman’s arm, so he drops Donner and they make their escape.
Felicity and Diggle determine the common denominator between all those poisoned with Vertigo is a flu vaccine, but they need to be sure. Oliver is busy with his mother’s trial at the courthouse and Diggle can barely walk. Felicity decides recon is on her tonight and seeks out the vaccine distribution van.  Low and behold, there is an entire shelf of Vertigo in the van, but The Count catches Felicity as she snoops.
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Oliver and Thea are waiting for their mother’s verdict, which could be coming at any moment, when he receives a call from Felicity. But it’s not Felicity. It’s The Count.
The Count: Oliver? Is it okay if I call you Oliver? Surprised to hear from me, right? Not as surprised as I was. You see, I find this… not unattractive blonde getting all up in my business. And what does she have on her?
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Source:  laurelscanary 
Oliver can hear Felicity crying on the other line and closes his eyes in absolute horror when he realizes she’s being held hostage.
The Count: A Queen Consolidated ID badge. Now, I think to myself, why does that name ring a bell? Oliver Queen. He tried to buy off me last year just before the hood put me in a padded cell. Ipso facto, ARROW.
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Source:  laurelscanary 
Oliver doesn’t bother to contain his rage and without a second thought leaves the courthouse. Thea calls after him, reminding him that the jury will have a verdict anytime. All Oliver can tell her is that something came up at the office, but he cannot hide shakiness in his voice.  Oliver is afraid.
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Oliver arrives at Queen Consolidated, suit on but hood down. For practical purposes, he doesn’t need to conceal his identity from The Count because he already figured it out – something so many other characters have failed to do with much more information than he had.
But from a symbolical perspective, the hood down is crucially important. Oliver is not here as The Arrow. He is here as Oliver Queen. This is personal to him. So much of this series is about Oliver struggling to reconcile his two halves – the hood and the man, but Felicity is one of the few people who truly knows both sides. He doesn’t have to hide with her.
Oliver approaches very slowly. He recognizes The Count has the upper hand and he cannot afford any mistakes. Felicity is zip tied to a chair and The Count holds a gun on her while he strokes her ponytail. That action alone sends the creep factor sky high.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
There is a sexual element to Felicity’s kidnapping. The Count referenced her attractiveness on the phone with Oliver. Now he’s stroking her ponytail. Oliver asks The Count what he wants and he responds, “World peace and personal satisfaction. Though not necessarily in that order.” He massages Felicity’s shoulders at “personal satisfaction” in the grossest way possible.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
It’s a thinly veiled threat of sexual assault, which does not go unnoticed by Oliver.  There are few things worse than rape and it serves to amplify Felicity’s terror and Oliver’s powerlessness and rage. If the writers intended to keep Oliver and Felicity strictly platonic they would not introduce this terribly disturbing aspect into the scene.
The Count monologues for a bit longer and tells Oliver someone else hates him almost as much. This mysterious benefactor funded the Vertigo operation, so The Count could draw The Arrow out and kill him. (Spoiler alert: it was Blood).
The Count gets the drop on Oliver and fires off a couple rounds. It forces Oliver to run and dive behind a couch. It always surprised me The Count was able to get the upper hand in this moment, which points to Oliver’s fear for Felicity more than anything. He’s not thinking strategically when it’s her life in danger. He can’t.
The Count cuts the zip ties and grabs Felicity by the ponytail. He drags her to the spot where Oliver was hiding, ready to finish him off, but this time Oliver gets the drop on him. He points an arrow squarely at The Count’s chest, but he is using Felicity as a shield. The Count holds two syringes of Vertigo (a lethal dose) to Felicity’s neck. It’s important to remember Oliver’s antidote for Vertigo did not work on Diggle.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
Don’t ever say to me Felicity Smoak is not a hero. She was willing to die to keep Oliver’s vow to Tommy. Felicity was ready to trade her life for Oliver’s soul. She believes in Oliver, and their mission, that much. What's madness is thinking Oliver would put the vow before her life.
The Count orders Oliver to lower his bow, which he does and tosses the arrow to the floor. Then we see him do something Oliver never does – he tries to negotiate.
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Again, Oliver doesn’t bother to hide the fear in his voice which makes the negotiating sound a lot like begging.
The Count: Consider this your penalty for making me go to plan B in the first place.
The Count raises the syringes to Felicity’s neck and Oliver manages to pull not one, but three arrows in rapid succession - killing The Count. 
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The look on Oliver’s face when he fires the arrows, tell me two things.  First, this kill is emotional. When Oliver shoots to kill he typically only needs one arrow. The Arrow never misses. Three arrows is excessive.  It is literally overkill which means one thing – pure rage.  
Second, the act is instinctual.  The rapid succession in which he fires the arrows shows there is something programmed deep in Oliver’s bones to protect Felicity. Her life was threatened and his body simply reacted.
Felicity drops to the floor and The Count crashes through the window. Oliver closes his eyes and exhales like he’s been holding his breath the entire time. I think it is part relief and part regret. He doesn’t regret killing that bastard, but regrets he couldn’t find another way this time.   
Or was there? Upon this rewatch I noticed a couple things. First, Laurel was held hostage by the Dollmaker and Oliver did not kill him. (Sara did the honors that time). But consider the scene with Donner. Oliver threw a flechette into the henchman’s hand to free Donner. The henchman let go of Donner as a reflex to the pain. Could Oliver attempt the same with Felicity? Would a flechette in The Count’s arm free her as well?
The point is we’ll never know. Oliver made a calculated risk at the municipal when he fired on the flammable liquid and injured, but didn’t kill, The Count’s henchman. Oliver was willing to take the risk when Donner and Laurel were involved, but not Felicity.
I’ve been watching a lot of Bridgerton, so the next scene screams romance novel to me.
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Oliver makes his way to Felicity who remains crouched on the floor and crying.  He gets down on one knee and tenderly touches her shoulder.
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Felicity immediately flinches in fear at his touch, so Oliver in a voice so soft it’s almost a whisper, gently reassures her. She finally looks up and sees Oliver staring back at her with concern and love. She exhales with relief.
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The shock wears off quickly once she hears Oliver’s voice and feels his hand on her shoulder. Oliver’s first thought is for Felicity, but her first thought is for him. SHIP COUPLES WHO WORRY ABOUT EACH OTHER FOR CLEAR SKIN.
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Oliver moves his uninjured arm from Felicity’s shoulder and cups her face. The man has an actual bullet in his shoulder, but can feel no pain because Felicity Smoak is alive and safe. She is all that matters to him.
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These physical moments are no small thing. Oliver keeps an extremely rigged line with Felicity that he rarely crosses. Shoulder touches are the maximum physical contact he allows and even those are on rare occasion. But she almost died tonight, so Oliver allows himself to take it one step further and touches Felicity’s face.  Oliver’s whispered reassurances in his reserved-for-Felicity-only voice unveil the real intimacy between them. He comforts her. Not in the way Oliver would like, but in the way he can allow. The line is still there, but it’s blurred at the moment.
There is no moment which better encapsulates the two sides of Oliver Queen than this scene. One moment he is a rage filled killer and the next he is a soft spoken, loving and tender man. It is not an accident the two sides merge into one for her. Darkness and light working in perfect cohesion to be the hero Felicity Smoak needed.
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Source: @laurelscanary
Oliver makes his way back to the courthouse. He is so visibly shaken that Thea asks Oliver if he’s okay. She touches his injured shoulder and Oliver flinches, but it’s not the bullet that’s bothering him. He came too close to losing Felicity. Way too close.
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Source: @laurelscanary
Sadly, this somewhat reinforces what Oliver said to Felicity in 2x06. There is a direct correlation between proximity to Oliver and danger, so he thinks it’s better to remain emotionally unattached. In his mind, keeping Felicity at arm’s length means keeping her safe.
But there’s what Oliver says and what he feels. He can refuse to acknowledge or act upon his feelings for Felicity, but that does not eradicate them. If Oliver is truly worried about proximity then why does he allow Felicity to be part of the team? Two reasons, Oliver needs Felicity and firmly believes they can protect her. But this was a frightening close call and Oliver’s fear is stemming from a more than friendly place. Felicity Smoak has become too important to him and it is scaring the crap out of him.
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Oliver returns to the bunker after his mother’s verdict to check on Diggle and Felicity. The way he looks Felicity up and down y’all is… a lot. Queen Consolidated is formulating a non addictive antidote for the people with Vertigo poisoning. Moira is not guilty. All’s well that ends well, so Oliver tells Diggle and Felicity to go home and rest.
But Felicity needs to get something off her chest.
Felicity: Oliver, I uh…
The way this man spins at the sound of her voice like he's a golden retriever who saw a squirrel. He is so gone for this woman.
Felicity: I just wanted to say thank you.
Oliver: (nods) Yeah.
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Source: laurelscanary
He truly cannot fathom what she is apologizing for and steps much closer than necessary.
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Source: laurelscanary
It seems Felicity has inherited a little bit of Oliver’s guilt complex. YOU WERE KIDNAPPED MY PRECIOUS CUPCAKE!!!
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Source: laurelscanary
HE. TAKES. HER. HAND. We had a shoulder touch, tender face caressing and now holding hands. At this point, this equivalent to first base for these two. MY BRAIN SHORT CIRCUITED.
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Source: laurelscanary
Earlier in the episode, Oliver and Felicity discussed not killing The Count previously and how it was the right decision. Oliver’s certainty in the rightness of the decision solidifies his commitment to his vow to Tommy. It is not something Oliver is questioning or wavering on. 
But Oliver is not qualifying what happened to Felicity in those terms. This is not about right or wrong. In fact, it wasn’t a decision at all. Oliver was not calculating the risks. Oliver was not thinking about a vow, or honoring his best friend, or the mission. His only thought was Felicity and her safety. Oliver simply reacted. All he could see was Felicity. All he could feel was the unbridled rage that came from anyone threatening her life.  It is programmed deep into Oliver’s bones to protect Felicity. There is no rational thought when it comes to her.
Nor does he care if it was right or wrong now. Oliver is not Monday morning quarterbacking the situation. Someone raised a hand to her, so that person is dead. End of discussion.
There is a war happening between Oliver’s mind and his heart. Oliver was clearly thinking with his head when he told Felicity in 2x06 that he will not allow himself to love her. But this episode was a completely different story. Sometimes life and death circumstances bring a much needed moment of clarity. Oliver may believe he has a choice whether or not he loves Felicity, but his actions show his heart knows different. There is no choice to make.
Moira Queen
The trial is not going well, so Moira is forced to testify. Laurel is lead prosecutor now that Donner is infected with Vertigo.  "Conflict of Interest" is flashing in a neon sign. On any planet in the solar system, Laurel would recuse herself. THE INSANITY GIVES ME A MIGRAINE.
Laurel also decides she’d like to get disbarred and visits Moira in prison because they are “family." Yack. Give me a break. She doesn’t want Moira to take the stand because Laurel will have to prosecute her to the best of her ability and use their smoking gun. Sure, because now she cares about legal procedure.
So, Moira comes clean to Oliver and Thea and tells them she had a one night stand with Malcolm Merlyn while married to their father.  The kids are shocked to say the least. Oliver has a solid case of the yicks. Thea is more than a little angry since she accused her mother of having an affair with Merlyn last year. Moira assures Thea it was not an affair, so technically she didn’t lie. Moira should teach Professional Gaslighting 101.
Inexplicably, Moira is found not guilty. (In my notes: Hahaha suck it Laurel)
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Even Oliver is wondering what the fuck just happened. Upon release from prison, Moira is driven to a secret location to meet up with none other than MALCOLM MERLYN. His explanation for being alive is basically, “I’m a super awesome actor and faked it.” Oliver – did you check his pulse? What happened to the body? Did we miss a step Team Arrow? CLEARLY WE DID.
Merlyn bought the jury and Moira’s freedom (Ummm thanks I guess?) so he can deliver the second bomb. He ran a DNA test and knows he’s Thea’s father. PLOT TWIST! Honestly, this makes a lot of sense. I wasn't that surprised. Thea looks more like Tommy than she does Oliver.
Wait, this means Thea kissed her brother. Are we just going to Star Wars this and never talk about it again? Works for me.
Stray Thoughts
Oh shut up Laurel. Quit your bitching - me every time she opens her mouth lately.
Ivo is looking for the hosen because it contains coordinates to a sub that sunk in WWII. Whatever is on the sub can save the world. Shado and Oliver hope it can save Slade, so Team Island is going on a submarine field trip!
Slade has burns on half his body and yet he can still move. The man is not human.
"I have this thing about needles, all pointy things, which is ironic given who we work for.” I just love her so much.
David Ramsey is so enormous he doesn’t fit on the table. The mind cannot conceive of all that muscle.
 “Mom secrets are what put you into this situation. Secrets and lies. And now is the time to give truth its day.” Oh the irony, Oliver.
Donner took drugs on live television. Re-election is going to be a real bitch for the DA.
I like the Thea’s boxing moment with Roy. Nice foreshadowing. Girl is going to have a lot of rage to work through.
Laurel did make a good point about Walter and Merlyn. See? I can be positive about her.
OLIVER. STOP. ASKING. LAUREL. IF. SHE. IS. OK. Her whole “how can you possibly forgive me” speech was also nauseating and not believable. I like her better drunk.
“I’m pretty sure they aren’t interested in Buddhism.” Slade is burned over half his body but he jokes.
30-30-175-12 I’m sure that has something to do with the comics but I don’t care.
Some guy named Cyrus survived Blood’s Frankenstein experiment. So that’s not good.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x07!!!
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thewrittenpodcast · 3 months
Oliver: listen up you little shits
Oliver: not you felicity you're an angel and we love you
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kent-farm · 9 months
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—Arrow, “Year’s End”
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wonderbatbvs · 2 months
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I Miss Arrow... 🥺
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jackiequick · 3 months
Bravery in Her Blood | April Merlyn♡
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-> Face Claim: Grace Phipps
Name: April Roberta Merlyn-Queen
Aliases/Nicknames: Ally, Robbie, Goldie, Sparrow
Age: 8-22 years old (age depending on appearance)
Height: 5'2
Birthday: March 20
Zodiac Sign: Pisces  
Biological Father: Tommy Merlyn
Biological Mother: Isla Mendes
Uncle/Adoptive Father Figure: Oliver Queen
Aunt/Mother Figure: Dinah Laurel Lance
Aunt: Thea Queen
Uncle: John Diggle
Biological Grandfather: Malcolm Merlyn
Grandmother: Moira Queen
Grandfather: Robert Queen
April Roberta Merlyn, known affectionately as "Robbie" or "Goldie," was born into a complex family with connections to both the Merlyn and Queen families. Her childhood was marked by the dynamic relationships within her family, including her close bond with her biological father, Tommy Merlyn, and her adoptive father figure, Oliver Queen.
Raised primarily by Tommy, April grew up as a daddy's girl, cherishing her time with him and viewing him as the best father figure in her eyes. Her relationship with her Aunt Laurel also played a significant role in her upbringing, with Laurel serving as a maternal figure and role model for April.
Despite the challenges and turmoil within her family, April developed a protective streak, often finding herself entangled in their struggles and challenges. Her loyalty to her family was unwavering, even as she grappled with her own fears and vulnerabilities.
April Roberta Merlyn is a dynamic and multifaceted individual. She is ambitious and determined, always striving to achieve her goals and make her mark on the world. Her wit and charisma make her a natural at connecting with others, and her courage and compassion shine through in her interactions. 
April is also creative and imaginative, often using her talents in writing and photography to express herself and capture the beauty of the world around her. Her loyalty and kindness are unwavering, making her a reliable and supportive friend.
Despite her positive attributes, April has her struggles. She can sometimes be lazy and unmotivated, preferring the comfort of her own world to facing challenges head-on. Darkened by revenge for what happened to her father and hatred towards her grandfather. Trust issues and feelings of hopelessness occasionally cloud her judgment, leading to moments of jealousy and rash decisions. 
However, her faithfulness and respect for others usually guide her back on track. April's journey is one of growth and self-discovery, as she learns to balance her strengths and weaknesses while navigating the complexities of her family's legacy and her own aspirations.
Skills and Interests:
April is a talented writer and aspiring copywriter/content writer, with a passion for storytelling and creative expression. She enjoys photography, writing, and occasionally playing the guitar in her free time. In her youth, she created videos using her Barbies, showcasing her early creative instincts.
April also has experience playing baseball and possesses basic combat skills, having learned archery and firearm handling from Oliver, Diggle, and Laurel. Despite her initial reluctance to engage in combat, April eventually embraces these skills as a means of self-defense and protection for herself and her loved ones.
While April is single for the most part, she develops occasional crushes on individuals like Dick Grayson, Superboy, and others. Her friendships extend to superheroes like Supergirl, The Flash, Batgirl, The Atom, Starfire, Miss Martian, and Beast Boy, among others, highlighting her ability to form meaningful connections beyond her family.
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Writing and storytelling
Playing the guitar
Making videos using her Barbies (when she was younger)
Spending time with her family and friends
Watching comfort movies
Betrayal and manipulation
Feeling trapped or powerless
Uncertainty and instability
Conflict and violence
Being lied to or deceived
Feeling isolated or alone
Professional Aspirations:
April aspires to become a copywriter or content writer, leveraging her passion for writing and storytelling to pursue a career in creative and strategic communication. She envisions herself using her skills to craft compelling narratives and connect with audiences through impactful and engaging content.
Ambitious and determined
Charismatic and witty
Courageous and compassionate
Respectful and kind
Creative and imaginative
Faithful and loyal
Tendency towards laziness and lack of motivation
Struggles with trust issues and feelings of hopelessness
Prone to bouts of jealousy and rash decision-making
Vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation by others
Difficulty managing intense emotions and conflicts
Can become hateful and switch sides depending on the situation
Challenges & Turmoils:
April has faced numerous challenges and traumas shaped by the tumultuous events surrounding her family's past and their involvement in dangerous conflicts. The custody battle between Oliver and Malcolm placed her in the center of a power struggle, along with issues within the League of Assassins, forcing her to confront her own fears and vulnerabilities.
The death of her father, Tommy Merlyn, in a tragic accident deeply impacted April, leaving her grappling with grief and loss. The traumatic events surrounding her aunt, Thea Queen, further tested April's resilience and fortitude, exposing her to violence and danger that threatened her sense of security and stability.
Despite these challenges, April has demonstrated remarkable strength and resilience, navigating the complexities of her family's legacy and finding her own path amidst the chaos and turmoil. Her journey towards self-discovery and healing promises to be a compelling narrative of growth and redemption.
->Discovery of Oliver's Secret Identity:
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One evening, during a lavish party at the Queen mansion, chaos erupted as intruders infiltrated the premises, sending guests fleeing for safety. Amidst the confusion, April found herself separated from her family, lost in the crowd as panic spread throughout the house.
As she sought refuge on an upper floor, April stumbled upon a masked figure clad in green, engaged in a fierce battle with the intruders across the hall. Fear gripped her as she instinctively reached for the nearest objects, hurling them towards the intruder in a desperate attempt to defend herself.
To her surprise, the masked figure approached her with caution, his voice gentle and reassuring as he spoke. April's initial fear gave way to curiosity as the figure revealed himself to be none other than her uncle, Oliver Queen, known to the world as the vigilante Green Arrow.
In disbelief, April questioned Oliver's motives and identity, uncertain of whether to trust him. However, Oliver's gentle demeanor and familiarity with her family's history convinced her of his sincerity.
With a mixture of shock and awe, April watched as Oliver removed his hood, revealing his face beneath the mask. In that moment, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and April realized the truth about her uncle's secret identity.
Overwhelmed by the revelation, April struggled to comprehend the implications of Oliver's double life as both her beloved uncle and the masked vigilante who fought to protect their city. However, as Oliver extended his hand in reassurance, April made a silent promise to keep his secret, knowing that their bond as family was stronger than any mask or disguise.
With a newfound sense of understanding and connection, April emerged from the encounter with a deeper appreciation for her uncle's heroism and the sacrifices he made to keep their family safe. As she reunited with her loved ones, April carried with her the weight of Oliver's secret, a silent guardian of the truth amidst the chaos of their tumultuous lives.
Archery and Marksmanship:
April possesses a natural talent for archery, honing her skills with dedication and passion. She first discovered her love for the sport under the guidance of her uncle Oliver, who recognized her potential and encouraged her to pursue marksmanship as a means of self-defense.
Though April also knows how to handle firearms, her favorite weapon of choice is a crossbow. She finds comfort and familiarity in the weapon's design and mechanics, favoring its precision and versatility in combat situations.
Whether at home or at the Arrow Cave, April can often be found practicing her marksmanship with her crossbow, fine-tuning her aim and mastering her technique. She approaches each shot with determination and focus, channeling her passion and conviction into every arrow she looses.
As she grows in skill and confidence, April embraces her aunt Thea's words of wisdom, remembering what she's fighting for with every shot she takes. 
The quote, "If you remember what you're fighting for, you'll never miss your target.”, becomes a mantra for April, guiding her in both her marksmanship and her life's journey as a guardian of justice and defender of her family.
With her unwavering determination and her trusty crossbow in hand, April stands ready to face whatever challenges may come her way, knowing that as long as she keeps her eyes on her target and her heart set on her purpose, she will never miss the mark.
—April Roberta Merlyn is a young woman shaped by the legacy of her family and her own personal trials, continuously growing and discovering her path.
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As she navigates the challenges ahead, one thing is certain: her story is far from over, and the future holds endless possibilities for this resilient and determined heroine.
That's all folks! Pls let me know what you think Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @missstrawbs2001 @daughter-of-melpomene @t-nd-rfoot @yetanotherwells @rickb-chaos @sherloquestea @gcthvile @ohgodnotagainn @topgun-imagines @superspookyjanelle @xgoddessoffandomsx @cherrysft @lazywolfwiccan
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book-place · 1 year
Warnings: arrow s1 spoilers, mentions of death, nightmares, weapons, violence, cursing, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Oliver Queen x sister reader, Thea Queen x sister reader, Moira Queen x daughter reader
*not my gif*
Summary: When that yacht went down, you lost everything. But now, Oliver is back
A/N: Welcome to book place’s one year event!!
Inspired by: Paradise by Coldplay
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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When she was just a girl, she expected the world
“Have fun,” You smiled as you hugged your father, turning your head to place a kiss on his cheek.
He matched your smile, hugging you back tightly, “Don’t get too comfortable around here without us,” He teased, “We’ll be back before you know it.”
“We’re counting on it.” Your mother said with a smile, watching as her husband turned to her with a large grin.
As the two of them said goodbye, you turned towards your twin brother, and you scoffed playfully, “Just get out of here.” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t hold back the smile that broke out on your face.
He matched your sarcasm by crossing his arms over his chest and lightly glaring at you, “Yeah, yeah, I’ll miss you too.”
The grin widened on your face and you took a step forward, wrapping your arms around Oliver’s torso as he hugged you back in return.
Your brother turned his head slightly and planted a kiss on the side of your head in his own farewell.
“Make sure the yacht doesn’t sink.” You joked, not quite understanding the power behind your words.
“Don’t worry,” Oliver reached out and teasingly ruffled your hair, “I know how to swim.”
But it flew away from her reach
“-and then the boat went down,” The officer in front of you had his hat off and he stared at the three of you sympathetically.
Immediately, Thea fell against your mother with a loud cry leaving her lips as tears began to roll down her face like a waterfall. Moira tightly grasped onto her and held her to her chest while they sobbed together for the loss of your father and brother.
But you stood there, feet rooted in place and heart frozen over, you were sure that it had stopped beating.
Your brother- your twin brother- was dead. Your other half was gone. And though the two of you didn’t always see eye to eye on everything, you were still each other's best friend. You knew everything about each other and now that he was gone, you were certain that you would fade away into nothing.
Because without Oliver, where did you stand? How could you be expected to walk through life without your partner in crime by your side?
You were barely able to register the way your mother moved to wrap an arm around you, and how her and Thea clung to you. But you were still yet to move, to show any sign of what you were feeling, to look away from the officer.
“I understand that this is a lot to take in-“ He didn’t even finish his sentence before you slammed the door in his face.
Thea and your mother whipped their heads up and their lips parted in shock to see your arm still outstretched to where you closed the door.
Without a word, you shrugged off their hands and turned on your heel and walked away.
So she ran away in her sleep
“At least take a moment to think about this,” Moiras voice was desperate, begging, “We barely just had a their funeral, I don’t think you’re in the right state of mind-“
You cut her off as you slammed down the top of your suitcase and leveled a glare at her, “I am in the right frame of mind,” You moved around her to begin collecting things off of your desk and placing them in a bag, “And what I’m thinking is that I need to get the hell out of the place that’s reminding me so much of my dead father and twin brother.”
The words made her recoil, as if struck, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. You had spoken the truth, it hurt more to stay in a place that reminded you so much of them than not.
“You can’t just leave your family at a time like this,” She whispered, eyes filling up with tears.
It seemed like all of you had cried enough tears to last a lifetime after the reality of the situation had finally crashed over you at the funeral and you had broken down in a pile of sobs. You were surprised to see that she could still cry, you had thought that all three of you would have long since run out of tears.
Finally, you sighed and gently placed your bag down, softening at your mothers voice and making your way over to where she stood before wrapping your arms around her, “It’ll be alright,” It was an empty promise, and you both knew it.
She sniffled, holding you against her tightly and whispering in your ear, “Where are you even going?”
You cleared your throat, slowly pulling away, “I don’t know yet.” You answered honestly, “But I promise I’ll call you soon to let you know I’m alright.”
There was hesitation and fear clear as day present in her face, but you paid it no mind as you picked your bags up and made your way out of the room, bidding her one last farewell.
You froze in your steps though when you sucked in a sharp breath. Thea was standing right outside your door, staring up at you with those wide eyes of hers.
“Where are you going?” She asked softly.
A sigh left your lips and you gently brought the girl in for a hug, “I just have to go away for a little while, Thea,” You whispered, “I need to clear my head.”
She bit down on her lip and averted her gaze from your own, “For how long?”
“I don’t know. But I promise, I will be back.”
Dreamed of para-para-paradise
Your eyes snapped open and you flew up into a sitting position, breathing coming out rapidly and in gasping spurts.
It had been three years since the yacht went down and you were still yet to come home after all that time. You had moved to a nearby city, only communicating with your family every so often to let them know that you were still alright.
But no matter how much time passed, you could never shake that feeling of wrongness.
Somewhere inside you, against every bone of better judgment, you believed that Oliver was still alive. You knew it was wrong and you knew that it was nothing but false hope. But no matter what you tried, no matter how much you begged yourself to move on, you couldn’t.
How could you? After being told what had happened and it was as if half of your soul had been ripped out?
The nightmares began the day you recived the news. Senerios flashing in your mind of what could have happened. Of all the different painful ways your brother could have died. Your mind was a never ending torment of the whole thing.
Once you were finally able to get your breathing under control, you dropped your head into your hands and ran them down your face with a groan.
Your head picked up after a moment and your eyes subconsciously found the small picture frame that sat on your beside table.
In it, Oliver had his arm slung over your shoulder with a wide grin as you doubled over laughing at something that he undoubtedly said. It was your sixteenth birthday and you both looked so happy, so free. So oblivious to what was to come.
It had taken you about two and a half years before you could put that picture up without feeling like you were painfully being stabbed in the heart. But even now, it wasn’t the easiest thing to look at.
Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise
Five years. That’s how long it’s been. That’s how much time passed and you had finally, after all these years, begun to learn how to burden your pain correctly. How to be able to still live your life without him by your side.
That’s why you decided to return home for the first time since the funeral.
Just a few days ago, you had called home with the news and both your mother and Thea seemed ecstatic, much to your relief. You had been worried that they would scoff and turn their noses up at you that you were finally coming back after all these years of pushing them away.
It wouldn’t be a permanent move, just for a few days, to see how things were. Because despite everything you had been through in the last few years, you still had a life that you built in your new home for yourself, and you weren’t quite ready to abandon it entirely.
Now, as you stood, staring up at your childhood home, the one you had almost never dreamed of returning to, you were hit with a wave of reluctance.
What if too much had changed over the years? What if your family had just felt inclined to allow you back, only doing so because of the guilt that they felt?
You nawed on your bottom lip as you contemplated the possibilities, but ultimately came to the conclusion that you needed to get over yourself and you confidently pushed the door open with slightly more force than was probably necessary.
“Y/n?” Thea’s voice bounced off the walls and reached your ears the second you stepped into the entryway.
Quickly, your head snapped over to where your sister who was not so little anymore and smiling brightly, came bounding down the stairs and flinging herself across the room to come crashing into your arms.
“Thea,” You breathed out, allowing your eyes to flutter shut in contempt as you hugged her tightly to your chest. You had missed her far too much.
A new voice- more like a gasp- reached your ears and you opened your eyes to come face to face with your mother.
Quietly, Thea slipped out of your hold and stepped back to give you and your mother a moment.
Moira brought a shaky hand up to her mouth as tears filled in her eyes. It was almost as if she hadn’t expected you to actually come today.
“Hey, mom,” You greeted quietly, being the one to take the striding steps to meet her where she stood in the doorway and wrap your arms around her.
“Oh,” She breathed out, hugging you to her tightly and placing a tearful kiss on the side of your head, “I missed you so much, sweetheart.”
Every time she closed her eyes
You let out a loud laugh, throwing your head back and letting your eyes crinkle up as giggles left your mothers and sisters lips as well at the story Moira had just told.
The three of you were sitting around the dining room table, chatting about what had happened in the last five years and eating lunch.
At first, you thought it would be an awkward and stiff conversation, but you soon realized that your family missed you just as much as you had missed them, so you were able to flow into a lunch that consisted of laughter and catching up.
“Ma’am,” A voice tentatively called out from the doorway, a worker stood there hesitantly, seemingly embarrassed for interrupting, “There’s a phone call for you.”
Moira was still sobering up her chuckles as she answered, “Take a message and tell them I’ll get back to them as soon as I can.”
“Ma’am,” She said again, a little bit more confident this time, “It’s the hospital.”
All three of you fell into complete silence as the words dawned on you. The only family you still had was sitting in this room, so what could they want?
Wordlessly, your mother stood up and followed the worker out of the room, leaving you and Thea to share a worried glance behind her back.
A few moments later, you heard a sharp gasp come from the direction and you and your sister immediately shot to your feet and rushed into the room.
Your mother stood in the middle of the room with a phone grasped tightly in her hand and tears flowing freely down her face with a hand placed over her mouth for the second time that day.
“Mom? Mom?” Panic began settling in the pit of your stomach as you hurried to her side and gently took a hold of one of her shoulders, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
Painfully slow, she turned her body to face you and over her shoulder you could see Thea watching the two of you with worry.
Your mother then breathed out the one thing that made your heart stop.
“Ollie?” Thea came to your side, “What about him?”
“He’s… he’s alive.” Moira cried out, dropping the phone onto the carpeted floor and throwing her arms around the two of you.
But you were frozen in shock.
Oliver was alive. Oliver was alive. Oliver was alive. Oliver was alive. Oliver was-
“Oh my god,” You sobbed out, legs giving out and falling to the floor. You could no longer support yourself.
He was alive.
When she was just a girl she expected the world
“He’s right through here,” You barely even registered the doctor's words as he led you through the halls, “But just be careful Mrs and Miss Queen, this isn’t the same Oliver that you lost.”
Forcefully, Moira made herself plant her feet as she watched you practically float through the air and towards the door that had just been guestered to. As much as she longed to follow after you, she knew that you needed more than anyone to go in before a single other person could see him. She owed you that much.
For some incomprehensible reason, your mind was completely blank, almost as if you had gone into autopilot. Nothing of what you had done as soon as you heard the news had been by your own free will. It was as if something had possessed you and tossed your conscience to the side.
You opened the door and took a step inside. The snapping sound of it closing seemed to finally break you out of whatever trance you had been placed in and you blinked once. Twice.
A very tall figure that stood with his back facing towards you turned around at the sound, and you felt like you were going to pass out.
He was Oliver Jonas Queen, there was no doubt about it, but he had changed so much. He was taller, more muscular, so much more mature looking.
There was something behind those stunning blue eyes of his that automatically led you to believe that he had become a guarded man, holding secrets that you couldn’t even begin to guess.
Something about being on that island- as you had briefly been informed on the way over- had changed him. The only thing you couldn’t tell from a single glance was if it was for better or worse.
“Ollie,” You breathed out. It was the only thing that you could say.
“N/n,” He smiled softly, striding across the room and gently wrapped his strong arms around you.
“I-I-“ You stuttered incomprehensibly before throwing your arms around his torso in a desperate manner, “Ollie-“ You sobbed into his chest, a fresh set of tears emerging from your eyes and staining his- no doubt- new shirt.
He didn’t seem to care in the slightest though, only strengthening his hold around you, letting out an almost inaudible sigh of contentment as he did so.
“You’re here,” You whispered, almost as if saying the words aloud would send him away again, making him disappear into nothing.
“I’m here.” He repeated, placing a kiss on your forehead, “I’m here.” There was such intensity in his relief that you began to fear all the things he had been forced to go through.
You pulled away with a tearful smile, the first genuine one that you wore since before his disappearance and cupped his cheek with a disbelieving laugh, “You’re really here.”
But it flew away from her reach
“Thea?” You knocked on her open door and stuck your head in with a wide grin, “It’s time for dinner, you coming?”
She snapped her head up from staring at her hands from where she sat on her bed and you immediately realized the way her eyes were red and puffy, cheeks stained with tear marks.
Worry grasped onto your body and wrapped itself around you as you automatically rushed to her side and crouched down before her, older sister instincts kicking in, “Hey, hey,” You said softly, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
Your sister shook her head, chuckling tearfully and wiping her tears away with the back of her hand, “No, nothing. I’m just so happy.”
A smile of relief grew on your face when you realized that she was alright and you reached up to gently swipe a stray piece of hair away from her eyes, “I know, I am too.”
“It’s just- I finally have both of my siblings back.” She breathed out with a wide grin.
Your smile, however, faltered at her words, “What do you mean?” You asked quietly.
Her eyes flitted up to you and she bit down on her lip guiltily when she realized what she said and she shrugged, “No, it- it’s just- it always felt like I lost both you and Oliver when his ship went down.”
Your heart dropped to the bottom of your stomach and your breath caught in your throat, “Oh, Thea-“
“I’m not trying to make you upset,” She immediately rushed out, “It’s just- you left right after Oliver disappeared and it just felt like both of you had died even though I knew that you hadn’t.”
Tears of your own began to fill your eyes, one of sadness for the first time that day, “I’m so sorry.” You whispered, “I never- never meant to do that to you, Thea. I-I just couldn’t stay after everything-“
“And I know that,” She gave you a soft smile and squeezed your hand, “I know that you had to do what you had to do. I’m just happy that you’re both back.”
A smiled sadly, moving another piece of hair behind her hair, “I am too.”
And the bullets catch in her teeth
“Come on, you have to admit, that was fun.” You spoke with a large smile as you swung your arm around and linked it with your twin brothers.
Oliver smiled, placing his hands in his pockets with his arm still wrapped around yours, “It was.” He agreed.
The two of you had just gone out to lunch with Tommy, figuring that it would be best for all three of you to catch up at the same time, given that you all used to be- and still are- best friends.
You turned down an alleyway to take a shortcut to where you parked your car, happily chatting away with one another.
Ever since he got back, the two of you hardly left each other's sides. It felt more comfortable- safer- to be in the vicinity of each other whenever you could. Almost as if that would lessen the chances of the other being taken away once more.
“Freeze!” A deep voice sounded behind you all of a sudden, and you both halted in your steps, “Now turn around with your hands up.”
Quickly, your panic filled eyes flitted over to Oliver, making brief eye contact with him and he gave a subtle nod of his head to let you know to do as was said.
You both turned on your heels with your arms partially raised, and your breath caught in your throat when you caught sight of a man pointing a gun straight at you two with a ski mask pulled over his face.
“Give me your wallets.” He demanded.
No. No. No. No. No. No-
This couldn’t be happening. You just got Oliver back, you would not let anything take him away from you once again.
Quickly, you reached into your pocket and pulled out your wallet, drawing the man’s attention away from your brother long enough for him to shift his body in front of yours slightly.
You stuck your arm out to hand it to the man, and when he moved the gun into one hand and began to reach for it, Oliver quickly stuck his own arm out, slamming his fist into the side of the man’s face.
You stumbled back as the man’s eyes rolled back and he fell unceremoniously to the ground. Knocked out cold before he even hit the pavement.
Oliver let out a sigh through his nose, not even flinching upon the impact of his fist with the man’s jaw before turning back towards you.
“Are you okay?” He asked worriedly, eyes scanning over you for any sign of injury.
All you could manage was a small nod of assurance.
Before the island, the only fights Oliver ever got in were bar fights. Ones filled with sloppy punches and slurred insults. Never had he ever actually learned how to fight for real, let alone know how to punch a man out cold in one go and not look even remotely fazed.
“What happened to you on that island?”
It was the dreaded question. The ‘do not go there’ topic. Something that every single person had been avoiding since his return.
The man stiffened in front of you, “I don’t want to talk about the island.”
There was that look again. The one you saw in the hospital when you first went to retrieve him. That guarded, cold look that held secrets that clearly had restricted access.
“We have to at some point,” Your voice was now coming out as begging, “It can’t be healthy to keep all that bottled up! God knows what you were forced to go through. And I just want to help-“
“You can help by leaving it alone.” He snapped.
At his words, your spine snapped upright and a hard look of your own overcame your features, “Fine.” You said in a cold tone that could rival his.
All at once, he softened and ran a hand down his face with a sigh, “Look, I’m sorry, n/n. It’s just-“ He took a stuttered breath, “It’s just a lot.”
You softened as well, “I know that,” You mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest, “And I’m not trying to force it out of you. I just want to be here if you need to talk about it.”
“I know,” He walked over and hugged you, “I know. And I appreciate that, n/n, I really do.”
Life goes on, it gets so heavy
“I feel like I don’t even know you anymore, Oliver!” You shouted.
Ever since that day in the alleyway, something seemed to change in your twin brother. No longer did he stick by you every available moment, he now distanced himself from you- from everybody.
“You’re always running off to god knows where, doing god knows what!” You continued, feelings anger and betrayal and nervousness rising inside of you, “We just got you back, and you seem hell bent on making us lose you again!”
Oliver stood stiffly across from you in the living room, arms crossed over his chest and head bowed to the floor. Not once did he shout back, he just took your words with that guarded exterior of his.
“Just talk to me!” You begged now, “I’m not asking you to tell me about those five years- that’s your own business to tell at your own leisure. But I’m your twin sister for god's sake! Tell me what’s going on with you now- in the present.”
“It’s… complicated.” He finally spoke and raised his head to meet your burning gaze, “I promise, I’m only trying to protect you-“
You let out a loud scoff, throwing your arms up mockingly, “Yeah, sure feels like it!”
Anger finally seeped through his mask and painted his features, “What do you want me to say, Y/n? What- you want me to be the same person that I was before the island? You want us to tell each other everything again as if we aren’t grown fucking adults?” His voice gradually raised throughout his small speech until you physically flinched back at the volume of it.
Both of you stood, chests heaving up and down in short pants as you tried to catch your breaths, and for a few moments, that was the only sound echoing in the vast room.
“Fine.” It was your turn to put on a cold exterior, “Fine, you’re right, Oliver. We don’t know each other and we don’t have to. Why would we? We’re ‘grown fucking adults’. We don’t need each other anymore. We’re not children.”
His arms dropped to his sides, “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
You shook your head and backed up, holding your hands up in surrender, “No, no. I think that’s exactly what you meant.”
“Y/n-“ He called, but it was too late. You had already stormed out of the room.
The wheel breaks the butterfly
“How did you know I’d be up here?” You mumbled, not lifting your head from where it rested upon your knees that were pulled to your chest.
Moira sighed, carefully lowering herself to sit beside you on the roof, “You used to come up here all the time whenever you and your brother got into a fight.”
You winced slightly, “You heard that?”
She hummed, “Put on quite a show for me and Thea… while on the other side of the house.”
“Sorry about that,” You whispered, taking your sleeve and rubbing the tear stains off your face.
“Oh,” She breathed out sympathetically, reaching over and rubbing your back comfortingly, “It’s alright, sweetheart. You both just said some things you didn’t mean, nothing you can’t come back from.”
You looked at her uncertainty, “Are you sure? We were both pretty brutal.”
Your mother wrapped her arm around your shoulder and allowed you to rest your head on her own, “That’s true, but you and I both know that you two can’t go very long in an argument without making up.”
“I know that,” You whispered, “But that was before. We’re both different people now.”
You missed the way she lifted her head to look at the window she had just crawled out of to come see you, “That’s true. I don't think either of you could last in your arguments as long as you used to.”
Confusion overtook your features and you turned your head up to her with furrowed eyebrows, but her eyes were trained elsewhere. You followed her line of vision and paused. Oliver stood on the roof, looking as if he had just climbed out.
Moira left a lingering kiss on the top of your head before walking back into the house, offering your brother a reassuring smile on her way.
Wordlessly, Oliver sat down beside you, staring out at the garden that you could overlook from where you were perched.
At the same time, you both turned to each other and synchronously said, “I’m sorry.”
You chuckled slightly when you did so, each relaxing slightly.
“I didn’t mean it- any of it.” Oliver said, turning apologetic.
“I know,” You stated, “Neither did I. It’s- it’s just that after everything we went through-“
He cut you off by wrapping an arm around your shoulders like your mother just had and pulling you into his side. Oliver dipped his head to give you a kiss on the top of your head, “I know. I know.”
The two of you fell into a silence that lasted until you finished watching the sun fully set.
Every tear a waterfall
“This is the first time I’m seeing this since the funeral.” You admitted, swinging your arms back and forth by your side.
Oliver turned to you, “Never felt like coming to visit me?” He teased.
You shook your head, “It wasn’t that.” You admitted, “I moved out as soon as the funeral was over.”
Your brother faltered in his steps before catching up to where you now stood, feet planted in front of his and your fathers empty graves.
“You moved out?” He asked in surprise, this being the first he was hearing of it.
“Yeah,” You laughed slightly, “The day you came back was actually the first day I had come to visit home. Looks like we both thought that would be the perfect day to do so. Maybe it’s a twin thing.” You hummed thoughtfully at the end.
“I-I didn’t know you left.” He stuttered out, turning to look at you.
You were slightly taken aback by the way he was taking the news, “Well, yeah… it hurt too much to stay here.” You explained, head tilting slightly as you tried to figure out why this was such a big deal to him.
“I thought- I thought you were still here after all this time.”
“Oliver,” You laughed slightly, “What’s the big deal? I’m here now.”
He shook his head, “It’s just- I thought you had mom and Thea to look after you all this time- and now I find out that you were alone for everything?”
You fell silent, finally seeing what the big deal was for him, “Oh,”
Tears shone in his eyes, “I went through all of it alone- but that doesn’t mean I wanted you to as well.”
“Ollie…” This was the first time since his return that you saw him get so emotionally upset over something.
“Why didn’t you stay with them? Why didn’t they stop you from leaving?” He asked suddenly, “They could’ve taken care of you-“
“Hey.” You cut him off sternly, taking his hand in your own and shaking it firmly to get his attention, “That was all my own decision. And besides, we’re both back now, so it doesn’t matter. We’re alright now.”
In the night the stormy night she'll close her eyes
You laughed loudly as Oliver threw a piece of popcorn at you, “Oh, come on! You know it’s true!”
“It is not.” He scowled playfully.
Thea joined in your amusement, “Oh, it totally is!” She snickered, “You used to be too scared of the dark to sleep alone! I remember- you would always sleep with mom and dad!”
The three of you sat around the couches in the living room, munching on popcorn with a long- forgotten movie playing in the background.
“I did not!” He protested.
“Oh, yes you did, young man.” Moira smiled at the sight of her three children, all playfully bickering with one another as she entered the room.
“Mom!” He complained as yours and Theas cackling grew louder at her admitted statement.
“I’m sorry,” She shrugged, completely unapologetic, “I can only speak to the truth.” She jokingly wagged a finger at Thea, “And don’t you be laughing, young lady, remember what happened during the Christmas party when you were eight?”
Your sister's eyes immediately widened with horror and it was then Oliver’s turn to join in on your laughing.
“Mom!” She shrieked, “That’s not cool! Don’t bring that up!”
“And you,” Moira playfully narrowed her eyes at you, “Need I remind you of your seventeenth birthday fiasco?”
“No! No!” You quickly shook your head back and forth.
Your mother was the only one left laughing after that, but you couldn’t deny that this felt good. Joking around as a family again. All together.
In the night the stormy night away she'd fly
You tiptoed across the hallway towards Oliver’s room as if you were a child again. The two of you used to sneak a candy bar or two up to your rooms during the day and stash them under your pillows for the nighttime and would oftentimes have a mini party with one another while feasting on your treats.
This time though, it was different. There were no more candy parties. No more stifled giggles in the middle of the night. No more childhood.
About a few minutes ago, you had woken up with the feeling that something was off- that something was wrong. It was such a strong feeling that it became practically impossible to ignore. So you found yourself throwing off your covers and creeping to your twin brother's room to try and figure out what was wrong.
As soon as you stepped through the already opened door, you realized what the problem was.
Oliver was sitting on the edge of his bed with his head dropped like a rock into his hands while his elbows rested in his knees. He had a nightmare.
You didn’t know how you knew, it just came to you and there wasn’t a single doubt in your mind that it was what happened.
Wordlessly, you shuffled into the room and sank down onto the mattress beside him.
At first, he tensed up and whipped around to face you, only to relax when he realized that it was just you.
The silence carried on between the two of you for a few minutes before you spoke up in a small whisper, “I used to get nightmares almost everyday after you and dad…” You trailed off and swallowed thickly.
“What did you do about them?” His voice was as soft as yours was. Your brother didn’t even question how you knew.
“Not enough,” You admitted, hugging your knees to your chest, “I let them plague my mind because I didn’t know what else to do about them.”
“What were they about?” You could tell from the sound of his voice that he didn’t want to push, but curiosity had taken over.
“How you- I mean how you could’ve…” You harshly blinked tears away, “Every nightmare would be a different scenario of how you could have died.”
Without another word, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and brought you into a strong, side hug, planting a kiss on the side of your head as you leaned into his chest.
“They stopped, though.” You craned your neck to look up at him with a teary smile, “As soon as you came back. I haven’t had another one since.”
He shook his head softly, “I’m sorry you ever had to go through that.”
“Don’t apologize.” You copied his head shake, “There is absolutely nothing that you need to be sorry for. The ship going down wasn’t your fault.”
Oliver gazed at you with sad eyes, “But I wish it hadn’t happened.”
You let out a small laugh, “Of course,” Small giggles continued to pour out of you, “You can’t actually be glad something like that had happened.”
A smile pulled at the ends of his lips as he turned his head away from you to look out the window, “No, I suppose not.”
Dream of para-para-paradise
“What the hell is all of this?” You asked quietly, turning in a slow circle from where you stood.
“You know what this is.” Oliver called softly from behind you. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked- dare you say- nervous.
About an hour ago, he had rushed into your room, rambling nonsense about not wanting or being able to lie to you- his twin sister - anymore, and had practically dragged you out of the house and to an old abandoned warehouse that used to belong to your father.
“You’re the vigilante.” You breathed out.
Deep down, you felt as if you had somehow known all along, because now, it all made sense. The obvious secrets, the interaction with the mugger, the difference in, well, everything about him.
“Oliver.” You turned and looked him directly in the eyes, “You have a lot of explaining to do.”
Chaotic Hero’s 🤍- @lovanitu @mukbee @i-writes-things @kiyomi-uchiha777
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ARROW (2012-2020)
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justletmeramble1701 · 4 months
I'm rewatching Arrow (might turn into an Arrowverse rewatch depending on how much I hate myself) and, man, season one Oliver's story is really tragic from the perspective of the housekeeper (Raisa) or, really, just from the perspective of an onlooker.
This man spent 5 years in hell and his support system doesn't care! They are too caught up in themselves to notice that he's struggling (again, this is from the perspective of someone who doesn't know the secret). They literally give up on him after a week or two.
Everyone is expecting him to both be the spoiled rich kid that he was before he left and the perfect mature adult that they've created in their heads. This causes him to hide in the bratty persona to try to find some comfort (angering those around him), while anytime he tries to be mature, no one takes him seriously (leading to more anger at the "hypocrisy"). It is almost painful to see.
To be more specific: his mother is already trying to shove him into taking over the family business, a police detective who desperately wants to prove he's a monster so he can punish him, and an ex who wants to hate him while also being obsessed with him. The only one who is understandable is Thea, his little sister, who is on a downward spiral because she never got the help she needed after she lost her father and brother. It's understandable that the troubled 17 year old would be behaving like thus.
All this drives him into the arms of a mob boss's daughter, which also becomes a toxic relationship, because she is one of the few people who will empathize with him. If it wasn't for Tommy and his new body guard, he would have no support system.
This idea makes me want to see a fanfiction that is either from the perspective of an Oliver who is not the Hood (the Hood still exists, their just a different person) or from the perspective of an OC watching the Queen family drama during season 1. I would write it myself, but I don't think I could write in Oliver's head or know enough about mental health.
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fanfics4all · 2 months
Shock Collar
Request: Yes / No Thank you @badthingshappenbingo​ for my card! 
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Oliver Queen x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 2317
Warnings: I think the title is a warning in itself, but shock collar, burns, being tortured. 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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  It was a bright and sunny day and I was spending the day at the park with William. Olliver was working as Green Arrow right now. I knew he didn’t want to put William in danger, but the city needed a hero and that’s exactly what Oliver was. It took William a while to accept Oliver as the Green Arrow, but he eventually did. It took him being saved, and yes he was put in danger still after that, but Oliver would always save him. 
I was reading a book while William played soccer with some kids when my sunlight was suddenly blocked. I looked up confused and we met with a man in a suit that I’d never seen before. 
“Can I help you?” I asked and he smiled. 
“Possibly, are you Y/N Y/L/N?” He asked and my eyes widened. 
“Who are you?” I asked closing my book. 
“A friend of Oliver Queen.” He answered and smirked. My heart skipped a beat and I realized the danger far too late. He grabbed me and I tried to scream, but he covered my mouth with a wet cloth. I struggled as best I could, but he was much stronger than me. It wasn’t long before I was going limp and my vision was fading to black. 
*Oliver’s POV* 
Felicity and I were looking for Diaz, but haven’t gotten any hits. I always hated leaving William and Y/N since he’d already gone after my son before, but I needed to find him. 
“It’s like he’s a ghost Oliver.” Felicity said and I sighed. 
“I know…” I said, running a hand down my face. My phone started ringing and I saw it was William. 
“Hey buddy, what’s up?” I answered. 
“Dad! Y/N was taken!” He said, panicked. 
“What?” I asked, sitting up straighter. 
“We went to the park and I was playing soccer with some friends, but when I looked over I saw someone carrying her and she wasn’t awake.” He said. 
“William, I need you to tell me exactly what he looked like.” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. 
“He was wearing a suit and he had short black hair and a dragon tattoo near his ear.” He answered and my blood ran cold. 
“Diaz…” I whispered. Felicity shot her head over and looked at me with wide eyes. 
“Dad, is Y/N gonna be okay?” He asked worriedly. 
“She’s gonna be fine buddy. I’m gonna call your Aunt to pick you up okay?” I asked. 
“Okay.” He answered. 
“I’m gonna bring her home buddy, but you’re gonna stay with Thea for a bit until I do, okay?” I asked and he sighed. 
“Just bring her home, please…” He begged, it sounded like he was crying now. 
“I will I promise.” I said and hung up. I quickly called Thea and asked her to pick William up and explained what was going on. 
“Felicity, Diaz has Y/N and we need to work fast.” I said and she nodded. 
“What park were they at?” She asked. I thought for a second, I didn’t ask William, but I knew her favorite park. 
“I didn’t ask, but her favorite park is the one near Mario’s.” I answered and she nodded. She started hacking into the camera to see if she could see anything. 
“Got it!” She said after a few minutes. I looked over her shoulder to see Diaz putting her unconscious body in a van. He looked up at the camera and smirked. He knew we would find it… 
“Did he just…” 
“Yes.” I growled. 
“Smug bastard.” She said and tried to zoom in on the license plate. 
“Shit, he took the plates off.” She said and I groaned. Of fucking course he did. My phone rang and I looked over to see a blocked number calling me. 
“Hello?” I answered. 
“Oliver Queen! I’m assuming you’re little tech friend found the footage already and you saw me with your precious little Y/N.” Diaz said with a smirk. 
“If you do anything to her I swear I’ll-” 
“You’ll what? Kill me? Let’s face it Oliver, you wanna do that already.” He said and laughed. 
“What do you want for her.” I growled. 
“Giving in already? I thought you’d last a little longer.” He chuckled. 
“Diaz…” I growled. 
“I want you dead, Oliver. You’re in my fucking way of owning this damn city and as long as I have Y/N you’re gonna do exactly as I want.” He said and I growled. 
“You fucking touch her and I’ll kill you!” I said and he chuckled. 
“You’ll have to find me first.” He said and hung up. 
“Felicity tell me you go a location for that!” I said as she clicked the keys. 
“Not an exact, it was bouncing between towers.” She said and I threw a glass at the wall. 
“We need to find her now!” I shouted. 
“And we will, but you need to calm down.” She said and I sighed. I knew she was right, but this is my wife we’re talking about. 
*Y/N’s POV* 
I woke up with a headache and my wrists chained to a pole. Once I got my bearings and my head settled a bit, I attempted to escape. Unfortunately that only resulted in my wrists being raw. I sighed and slumped against the wall and just waited. 
After some time I heard the door open and looked up to see the man that kidnapped me. He had a smirk on his face and his hands were behind his back. 
“Glad to see you awake, Y/N.” He said and I narrowed my eyes at him. 
“Who the hell are you?” I asked. 
“Well don’t you have a mouth on you.” He said and pulled one of his hands in front of him. It was a set of keys. 
“I’ll unlock your wrists if you’re a good girl.” He said and I rolled my eyes. 
“Who are you?” I asked again. 
“Ricardo Diaz.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“Ah so Oliver’s talked about me, how sweet.” He said. 
“W-What do you want?” I asked and silently cursed myself for stuttering. 
“I want Oliver out of the picture. And with you here, he won’t be worrying about the other stuff I’m doing.” He said. 
“Now, let’s get you out of these cuffs, hmm?” He asked and walked towards me. I eyed him suspiciously, because why the hell would he let me out of the cuffs without a catch? He knelt down and smiled at me. He placed the keys on the floor next to him and I furrowed my brow. He pulled his other hand in front of him and my eyes widened. It was a fucking collar. He quickly grabbed my hair and pushed the collar onto my neck. I tried my best to keep away from him, but he was stronger and locked it around my neck.
“What? You didn’t actually think I would just unlock the cuffs without a way to keep you under control, did you?” He asked and chuckled. He picked up the keys and unlocked my wrists. I pulled them to my chest and gently rubbed the raw skin. 
“Now, be a good little bitch and you won’t get hurt.” He said and I glared at him. 
“Tell me where your little husband’s hideout is.” He said and I scoffed. 
“Like I would ever tell you.” I said, sneering at him. He smirked and reached into his pocket. I felt a painful shock shoot through my neck and I screamed in pain. It stopped after a few seconds and I looked up at him in horror. He pulled a remote out of his pocket and smirked. 
“Like I said, be a good little bitch and you won’t get hurt.” He said, waving the remote around. 
“Now let’s try this again. Where is Oliver’s hideout?” He asked. 
Hours later I was laying on the floor with my tears staining the concrete. The pain was intense and I was trembling uncontrollably from the aftershocks. 
“Where is Oliver’s hideout?” He asked again. I didn’t even have the strength to answer anymore. I just laid on the floor, gasping for air and letting the tears fall to the floor. Every part of my body hurt from the electricity running through my system. I was surprised I hadn’t passed out yet. There was a soft click and my whole body started to convulse again. I screamed and withered on the floor, my throat already raw the screams were almost silent at this point. It felt like it would never end, but about a minute later the collar stopped. Diaz let me recover again before shaking his head at me. 
“Come on Y/N, Oliver Queen can’t be worth all this.” He said, crouching down to my level. I took a deep breath and looked up at him. 
“Oliver is ten times the man you’ll ever be…” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. He shook his head and sighed. 
“You’re not getting it.” He said and pressed the button once more. I screamed as the electricity made its way through my body. The pain was becoming more and more unbearable. I felt every single muscle contracting, my teeth clenching so hard it felt like they might break, my eyes rolling to the back of my head again. Finally, the collar turned off again and I laid there gasping for air. Diaz looked down at me with anger and annoyance. 
“You’re fucking stubborn huh?” He said and stood up. 
“How about I make you a deal?” He asked and I weakly looked up at him. 
“You tell me what I want to know and I promise that once Oliver Queen is dead, you and William will be safe. I won’t do anything to either of you, hell I’ll even make sure the two of you are protected.” He said and my heart clenched at the thought of William. There’s no way he has him too, right? 
“What’d you say, Y/N? Deal?” He asked. 
“Screw you…” I said, voice still nothing more than a whisper. He sighed and pushed the button again. 
“Have it your way.” He said as I screamed in pain once again. 
*An hour later* 
There was a loud bang and Diaz looked at the door behind him. We heard shouting and gunshots. Oliver. He looked back down at me and growled. 
“Thought it would take him longer to find you.” He said, annoyed. He cracked his neck and pulled a gun out of his pocket. 
“I’ve got something to take care of, for once be a good little bitch and stay put.” He said and left the room. I could hardly move as the aftershocks slowly stopped. At this point, I wasn’t sure if I was flinching because of the shocks or the loud gunshots. I couldn’t focus on anything so I didn’t notice when it grew eerily quiet. It wasn’t until I heard footsteps rushing closer to me that I realized. I tried to move, but I was so weak. I felt my eyes slowly closing as my body finally got to relax. I heard the door open and someone saying my name. I couldn’t make out who it was, but I felt them pulling the collar off and lifting me into their arms. I faded to black as someone carried me away from the cell. 
*Oliver’s POV* 
I sat next to Y/N as she laid in the hospital bed. She had electric burns on her neck and her body was incredibly weak. The doctors said they were shocked that she was even breathing with how much electricity she had coursing through her. They said it would take a little while, but she would be okay. Diaz was lucky he was already dead or I would strap that fucking collar to his neck until he was dead. 
Y/N’s hand twitched and I shot my head up to look at her face. She stirred slightly and slowly opened her eyes. They quickly closed again and she groaned. 
“Y/N? Honey?” I asked and she slowly opened her eyes again. She looked over at me and her eyes widened. 
“I-Is this real?” She asked in a whisper. I nodded and grabbed her some water. I held the straw up to her lips and she gulped half the glass down. 
“Thank you.” She said, her voice still weak, as I placed the water back down. 
“You shouldn’t thank me. I’m the reason this happened to you…” I said, gripping her hand and kissing her knuckles. 
“But you saved me.” She said with a small smile. 
“You can’t keep getting put in danger because of me, Y/N.” I said with tears in my eyes. 
“Oliver, I knew the risks when you told me. I also told you that you wouldn’t be getting rid of me no matter what. This is no different.” She said and I let a tear fall. 
“Look at you. You were fucking electrocuted because of me! I should have never gone back to this life…” I said and she gently lifted my face to look at her. 
“You’re a hero, Oliver Queen. Everyone in the city needs you to stop people like Diaz.” She said and I shook my head. 
“You and William are more important the the city.” I said and she smiled. 
“Is William okay?” She asked and I nodded. 
“He’s fine, he’s with Thea.” I answered and she sighed in relief. 
“Thank God…” She said and slowly closed her eyes. 
“Get some rest, I’m not going anywhere.” I said and kissed her hand.
“I love you…” She whispered before she fell asleep. 
“I love you too honey… I promise I’ll protect you next time…” I whispered and held her hand a bit tighter.
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joeey-dee · 2 months
Unpopular opinion but Felicity didn't deserve the career she had and didn't work for it, it was just handed to her by men she was involved with. She was severly underqualified and had no understanding of a company's hierachy and zero respect for anyone, including her superiors. It wasn't badass, it was cringe.
She was promoted from simple IT worker to EA of the CEO not for talent, not because of her experience, not because of her degree, not because of her professionalism (which she was entirely lacking) but simply because Oliver was an idiot who didn't realize the issue of "If I'm going to be Oliver Queen CEO, then I can't very well travel down 18 floors every time you and I need to discuss how we spend our nights." could've been easily taken care of by the CEO requesting she travel up the 18 floors to come see him at his office, where they could privately discuss how they spent their nights. You're the boss, have the employees come to you, not the other way around. No need to give her one hell of a promotion she didn't even appreciate.
It was absolutely no surpise Isabel and most of QC drew the conclussion she was sleeping with Oliver and got the job because of that. Her wardrobe changed from professional to too short, colorful and tight dresses, she openly disrespected her boss every chance she got, in front of other employees, his business partner (who was trying to take the company from him), and even clients. Why should anyone respect Oliver in is role as CEO if not even his EA showed him any respect and tried to demean and ridicule him any chance she got? And regularly pointed out that he'd dropped out of college? She was so ungrateful and acted as if the job was beneath her, not understanding just how important an EA for the CEO and their work is. People spend years to reach that position and it was handed to her for nothing while she was in her early twenties, overgoing more qualified personal in senior positions. It's no wonder QCs employees harbored animosity towards him. His choice was very unprofessional and the way Felicity behaved made Oliver look like a joke and not someone to be taken seriously and knew what he was doing.
Also, she was then responsible for Oliver losing the company. Showed zero loyalty towards him by taking the job his rival who took the company from him offered, then sleeping with said man to get back at a grieving Oliver and a rise out of him. (And can we just take a minute to dissect the fact she got mad at him for 'not caring about Sara, his Sara's death' but then expected him to get over it right this second and jump in a relationship with her, make it make sense! Do you want him to grieve the woman he'd loved for eight years or do you want him to pretend he doesn't care and get involved with you right away? Make up your mind woman!) Using Ray to get what she wants. Ray hands the company over to her even after the shitty and disrespectful way she treated him, used him really, while she had zero qualifications to run it. She got the company because she was sleeping with Ray. And Ray later on in Legends regrets that choice after she ran it to the ground.
Felicity never considers offering the company to Thea, after she and Oliver broke up. Oliver might not have wanted it but Thea may have and she'd been a great choice. Felicity uses the company's scientific discoveries for her own personal needs, does a really bad job with the board who obviously neither like nor respect her, she hasn't earned her position, she might have gone to MIT but she doesn't have a business degree, any understanding of how an international company like QC is being run and lacking the people skills to potentially make up for her lack of knowledge nor is she willing to listen to and learn from other people because she feels she knows best, she graduated from MIT! What do those people with their business majors and years upon years of experience in the field know compared to her IT knowledge from MIT?
Felicity literally slept herself into the position she was in and it was no wonder she wasn't respected by the company's board and employees. She'd done nothing to earn that position or their respect.
Let me know what you guys think and if I'm alone with this opinion on the matter. It just always bugged me how little respect was shown for the position of an EA and how unrealistic Felicity's rise in the company was. One degree isn't interchangable with another and it doesn't matter how prestigious the college you graduated from was if your degrees aren't in the field you now work in. You might be the most knowledgable about computers but that doesn't mean you know how to run an international billion dollar company and she obviously didn't.
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jbuffyangel · 4 months
The Love We Deserve: Arrow 2x06 Review (Keep Your Enemies Closer)
This is the episode I knew the writers were going THERE with Olicity. I wasn’t sure about endgame. I certainly did not know how Oliver and Felicity’s story would unfold, but “Keep Your Enemies Closer” confirmed we were in this, fam. We were in this all the way.
2013 Jen's live reaction:
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Let’s dig in…
The first scene immediately sets up this juxtaposition between Felicity, Oliver and Isabel and it carries through the episode. It’s not a love triangle. Isabel doesn’t matter enough to warrant a point on a triangle, but they use her (quite effectively I might add) to show Oliver and Felicity are anything but “just friends.”
Isabel is bitching at Oliver for whatever-he-failed-to-do-this-week and Felicity is trying to get his attention for some arrow (Roy Harper) related business. Initially, she tries using “Mr. Queen” in a very boss/employee way, but ultimately is fed up with being ignored and yells “Oliver!”
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Isabel barely tosses Felicity a glance, but Oliver ends the Co-CEO argument to leave with Felicity. Trust me when I say, Isabel clocks this decision.
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Source: @okmcintyre
Oliver and Felicity join Diggle in his search for Lyla Michaels. She went to Russia to search for Deadshot and now she’s missing. Oliver uses a Queen Consolidated subsidiary in Moscow as their cover story and use of the company jet. Unfortunately, Isabel tags along. She believes Oliver is meeting with their overseas partners behind her back. Once she discovered Oliver didn’t have any meetings planned with their subsidiary in Moscow, her accusations shift to Felicity.
Oliver: I’m not this person you think I am.
Isabel: That depends.
Oliver: On what?
Isabel: On if I think you used the corporate jet for a weekend of fun with your assistant.
Oliver: Excuse me?
He does his very best to look incredulous at the idea of hooking up with Felicity while on a romantic weekend in Moscow. I really wouldn’t put Russia on my Top 10 list of romantic getaways. Tahiti made a lot more sense, but whatever. The point is – Oliver’s feathers are immediately ruffled. Did I see him blushing? Oliver lies all day every day both professionally and personally, but this line of questioning has him quite tongue tied.
Isabel: A blonde IT girl all of a sudden gets promoted to be assistant to the CEO? There are only two ways that happens. One is nepotism and she doesn’t look like your cousin.
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Source: Paigeota
It absolutely should be happening, Oliver.
Isabel: What were her qualifications aside from an abundance of short skirts?
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Source: Paigeota
This scene is incredibly important because A) it’s hilarious and B) this is the first time Arrow has addressed OUTLOUD Felicity Smoak as a love interest for Oliver Queen. Everything up until now has been gazing, fervent glances, shoulder touches, soft tones, sexual innuendo and the electric chemistry between Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards. But Isabel puts her money on the table and flat out accuses Oliver of sleeping with Felicity.
We, the audience, know Oliver and Felicity are not having sex (much to our horror and disappointment), but Isabel presents the one question we’ve been dying to ask Oliver – does he WANT to sleep with Felicity? And his answer is… glorious.
First he laughs, uncomfortably, like this is the most INSANE line of questioning to ever take place. Keep in mind this man was tortured on Lian Yu for information about bombs, planes, the location of a Chinese archer and Japanese soldiers bones from WWII. But nope, Oliver is shocked – SHOCKED I TELL YOU – that anyone would ever think he’s having sex with Felicity. Methinks he doth protest too much.
But Oliver trips up at the mention of skirts. He stutters his way through defending Felicity. It is damn near gallant of him to argue they are an appropriate length. No ma'am, the skirts are not too short. Not for Oliver Queen!
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We can chalk this up to Oliver being a flesh and blood heterosexual man. The day they stop looking is the day they die. But this is the first time anyone has asked Oliver if he is sexually attracted to Felicity. He blushes, laughs, protests and stammers his way through his answer like a 13 year old boy.
Also, it’s extremely important to remember one episode prior Oliver was rejecting Laurel Lance in her apartment hallway after she tried to kiss him - his primary female love interest. Then the very next episode, the writers are crafting a scene forcing Oliver to address a romantic relationship with Felicity.
Is it a funny scene? Yes, but the real win for Olicity shippers is the question is being ASKED. The answer is even better. Yes, Oliver has noticed the skirts and the spectacular legs that go with them. You don’t say that about a character who is going to remain a platonic, comic relief Girl Wednesday.
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We are so far from done. Diggle infiltrates the Russian prison where Lyla is being held while Oliver and Felicity meet up with Anatoly to purchase a Russian police car as part of their escape plan. Felicity is extremely anxious about Diggle, so Oliver offers her some witty banter and a shoulder touch as reassurance.
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When the Russians try to fleece Oliver he threatens to make their children orphans in Russian.
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It’s all very Bratva Oliver and menacing, but with Felicity he makes a little joke and winks! One could say his demeanor is quite light hearted – dare I say flirting?
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Source: Paigeota
Oliver returns to the hotel and has a drink with Isabel. Bizarrely, he brings up Felicity again – unprompted. He couldn’t wiggle out of this line of questioning fast enough and now he can’t stop bringing it up! Pick a lane, my dude.
Oliver: Does everyone really think that Felicity and I are…
Isabel: No. Just everyone who works at Queen Consolidated.
My kingdom to hang out by the water cooler in that office.
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More with the loud chuckling. Nothing to see here but friendship. Look at all the friendship. Hardy har har.
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Isabel: You don’t seem like the kind of man who has female friends.
That’s the understatement of the century. Putting Oliver’s sexual partners aside for the moment - Felicity is in a unique position. Oliver doesn’t have a lot of friends let alone female friends. Felicity is also the only female in his life who knows he’s the Arrow. Has he told her everything about his past? No, but relax. We’re only on Season 2. 
Oliver has shared quite a lot with Felicity in a relatively short amount of time. He trusts her (as much as he's capable of) and Oliver does not trust easily. Felicity is the only woman Oliver can be completely and authentically himself with. This makes her more than unique – it makes Felicity special. I think Oliver understands that and he approaches their friendship with reverence. He toes a very strict line with Felicity – for a very good reason which he will reveal later on in the episode.
Isabel: Underneath that swagger, I see you pretty clearly. You’re intelligent, driven and lonely.
Isabel reveals she doesn’t buy Oliver’s bad boy routine and instead believes she shares a lot in common with him. We can take this conversation one of two ways – 1) two people connecting over vodka and a shared ability to speak Russian or 2) Oliver is working Isabel to keep the real reason for this trip a secret. Bonus? He gets laid in the process.
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Clearly, I’m going with option 2. He feeds her a line about loneliness in Russian and Isabel practically races Oliver back to the hotel room.
Mercifully, we don’t have to watch them have sex. Oliver is pressed for time because they need to save Diggle, but Isabel is fine with the wham bam thank you ma'am. Oliver thinks he left enough time, but as he opens the door to his hotel there stands Felicity just about to knock.
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Oliver left Isabel undressed and in his bed, but the woman finds her clothes with lightning speed when she hears Felicity at the door and purposefully makes her exit then.
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If Isabel bought Oliver’s “we’re just friends” speech then doing this would not be necessary. Isabel wants Felicity to know they slept together. Regardless of what people at Queen Consolidated think, Isabel knows there’s more going on between them than Oliver will admit. She wants to hurt Felicity. Isabel is marking her territory and I would encourage you to listen to Stephen Amell’s thoughts on why. #Cosigned.
However, this is NOT information Oliver wants Felicity to know. He is so embarrassed he can’t even look at Felicity as Isabel walks out the door.
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Felicity is stunned. She’s actually speechless. Oliver tries to offer up some feeble explanation, but he doesn’t get very far. 
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Felicity immediately makes a joke to alleviate the tension, but as she turns we can see her hurt and anger.
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She cannot fathom a reason why Oliver would sleep with this woman. Whether or not Oliver heard Felicity’s remarks – he grimaces because he knows he screwed up. BIG TIME. It is so awkward and painful.
But again, the viewers must ask a fundamental question – why is this scene being written like Felicity caught Oliver cheating on her? Oliver is single. Isabel is single. Felicity is single. Nobody is dating anybody. And yet, the Arrow writers make it clear Felicity is hurt by this encounter – like she’s been betrayed.
As for Oliver, he absolutely did NOT want Felicity to know he slept with Isabel. He knows it will hurt her. This shows Oliver is somewhat aware Felicity has feelings for him. Congratulations, Oliver you’re not a total pine tree.
What’s more telling is Oliver’s reaction. He acts like Felicity caught him doing something wrong. If he didn’t return Felicity’s feelings then her opinion wouldn’t really matter. It’s never stopped him from dating or sleeping with other women before. And this is just a one night stand. Not even – it was a quickie. But Oliver is ashamed. This makes him look bad. Generally speaking, when you have romantic feelings for someone you don’t want that person to see you hooking up with someone else. It sends a very mixed message.
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Felicity Smoak wears her heart on her sleeve. She can’t let it go. It’s not just that Oliver slept with someone. It’s that he slept with ISABEL. The woman who is trying to steal his company. Her bitchiness is embedded in her DNA, so Felicity’s work environment probably less than fun. Felicity cannot stand Isabel and Oliver slept with her. HER. 
Felicity: Over 64 million women over the age of consent in Russia and you sleep with her.
But this time it is Oliver’s turn to make a joke to deflect. The entire vibe is couple’s fight.
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Source: Paigeota
But Felicity is not joking when they get home and she’s tired of the mixed messages. So ask the question point blank. God bless her. No sexual innuendos, stammers, deflections, furtive glances or unspoken truths.
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 Source: Paigeota
Oliver’s initial response is kind of flippant to be honest.
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 Source: Paigeota
He gives Felicity a very generic “It just happened,” which is the exact non-explanation cheaters use. Sex doesn’t “just happen.” It’s a decision. Oliver made a choice and Felicity is trying to understand why because maybe if she understands then it will hurt less. Even worse, he says it didn’t mean anything. The problem is it meant something to Felicity. Take it away Willow Rosenberg.
Xander: We were just kissing. It doesn't mean that much.
Willow: No. It just means you'd rather be with someone you hate, than be with me. - BTVS "Innocence"
Truly one of the most devastating lines in television history delivered by an equally heart wrenching performance by Alyson Hannigan. What Felicity is truly asking Oliver is not, “Why her?” but rather, “Why not me?”
Felicity’s disappointment in Oliver’s response is palpable and feels very similar to their scene in 1x12 when she asked Oliver if she could trust him. She didn’t want a flip answer then and she doesn’t want one now.
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Source: Paigeota
Oliver lowers his voice into his gentle Felicity tone and says, “Hey,” so she’ll look at him again. The real intimacy between them is revealed in a single word. He cannot wiggle out of this, so Oliver is approaching her question, and pain, with the reverence she deserves. Felicity closes her eyes for a moment before she meets Oliver’s gaze again, like she’s steeling herself against whatever explanation is coming next. This time the answer will be honest, but it will hurt more.
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Source: Paigeota
Oliver speaks hypothetically of course, in an attempt to discuss what he feels for Felicity without really discussing it. It keeps their friendship in this little protective bubble as Oliver takes an infinitesimally small step over the strict line he has drawn between them. Oliver feels life as The Arrow, and his proximity to danger, prevents him being in a loving relationship. He slept with Isobel because he doesn’t care about her. Oliver won’t be with Felicity because he does care about her.
What is MONUMENTALLY IMPORTANT about this scene is Oliver acknowledges the elephant in the room for the very first time. He feels more than friendship for Felicity.  Does Oliver Queen love Felicity Smoak? Yes. Is he ready to admit that to himself - let alone to her? No. Oliver believes his love endangers Felicity. He cannot lose her, so he will not allow himself to love her. As frustrating as Oliver’s answer is it’s not difficult to understand why he feels this way - especially after losing Tommy.
Felicity gives a little nod like this was the explanation she expected, but still needed to hear. Despite the hypothetical, they both know Oliver is speaking about her. Rather than a meaningful relationship, Oliver has resigned himself to a life of loneliness. He may have hook ups and one night stands to fill his bed and relieve an urge, but he withholds access to his heart. This is not just about Oliver’s refusal to truly love someone. It’s also about his refusal to allow anyone to love him in return.
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He's taken bullets that hurt less than this.
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In the end, it’s Felicity’s response that truly packs the emotional punch. She believes Oliver deserves better, regardless of his way of life. He deserves more than empty affairs and lonely, dark and violent nights.
There is so much this man cannot forgive himself for and the guilt is overwhelming. Oliver believes he has no right to happiness. Loneliness is his penance.  When all you experience is pain and loss it can be difficult to imagine a life without it.
"We accept the love we think we deserve." - Perks of Being a Wallflower
Oliver hurt Felicity deeply by sleeping with Isabel.  They both know it. He continues to hurt her by drawing this line in the sand between them. Yet, in the face of that pain, Felicity dreams a life for Oliver that’s more than the one he’s resigned himself to. It is forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love in action. He does not feel worthy of Felicity Smoak, but those are the lies Oliver’s guilt tells him. She knows the truth.
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Source: Paigeota
The stunned look on his face says it all - no one has ever told Oliver Queen he deserves to be loved. 
John Diggle
Contrary to the previous six pages, this is actually a John Diggle focused episode. And boy, does he drop a bomb on Oliver and Felicity.
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Oliver didn’t immediately recognize Lyla’s name, which is fine because I don’t think they’ve shared a scene. Felicity reminds him Lyla is John’s ARGUS girlfriend and I had whiplash at that status update. Girlfriend? When did we get to girlfriend? I feel more comfortable with super spy sexy time friend.
Diggle lowers the boom. Lyla Michaels is his ex-wife. SAY WHAT??!
Felicity: Explain that sentence.
Honestly, how do Oliver and Felicity not know this yet? What do they talk about in the bunker? It can’t always be about crimes and arrows. Sharing is caring OTA – embrace it.
Diggle: We couldn’t figure out how to stay married without a war to fight.
Diggle and Lyla were married while on tour in Afghanistan, but divorced shortly after returning home. Lyla joined ARGUS and Diggle went back for another tour.
Diggle and Oliver hook up with Anatoly (!!!) and he informs them Lyla was trying to break into the worst prison in Russia on a tip that Deadshot was being held there. Unfortunately, she was captured. It hasn’t been a pleasant stay given how battered Lyla is looking.
The only way in Gulag is to be a prisoner, so Diggle volunteers. Oliver balks at that, but Diggle needs him on the outside make the moves necessary for an escape. Also, Lyla is Diggle’s woman and he's going to save her, damn it. SWOON. Find you a man with a hero's complex. They make divine husbands. I speak from experience.
Anatoly provides enough drugs to land Diggle in prison for 400 years. Oliver and Felicity are nervous about this plan. In one of the sweetest moments between Diggle and Felicity, she gently kisses him on the cheek and wraps his scarf around his neck. It’s a good luck kiss, but everyone is clearly worried it’s a goodbye.
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Of course, once John is inside he runs right into Deadshot. He sure is easy to find for a globetrotting criminal mastermind. Deadshot knows where Lyla is being held and wants in on the escape plan in exchange for her location. After Deadshot kills Anatoly’s guard, John has no choice but to team up with him.
Lyla: You came for me.
Diggle: I always have and I always will.
This is what stellar ships are made of folks. This is the content we're here for.
Of course, Oliver and Felicity rescue Diggle, Lyla and Deadshot, but the pinnacle of the episode for John is when they dump Deadshot on the side of the road. They’ll help him get out of prison, but not out of the country. John holds a gun on him – ready to pull the trigger to avenge his brother’s death, but he can’t do it.
Deadshot: That’s the thing about honor, John. You can’t turn it on and off.
What a great line! I love that line!!! It’s so fully encapsulates John Diggle’s character. I’m sorry I know he’s a killer, but between Deadshot bringing Olicity together with the ridden computer and this moment with John– I’m really starting to like this guy.
Deadshot offers John some additional information about his brother’s death. A thank you for not killing him I guess. He asks John how he thought Andy was killed.
Diggle: You shot at a client that Andy was protecting and you missed.
Deadshot: I don’t miss. Your brother was the contract.
Diggle: Who would want to kill Andy?
Deadshot: I don’t know their names, just an alias. H.I.V.E.
The plot thickens! I’m sure all the comic fans were excited about the introduction of H.I.V.E. I was clueless, but with a quick Google you’ll discover H.I.V.E is a terrorist organization. So, this means one of two things, John’s brother was an honorable man who ticked off a terrorist organization or Andy was not as honorable as his brother and ticked off a terrorist organization. This adds a layer of complexity the Diggle vs. Deadshot storyline desperately needed. It was running a little stale.
Diggle: You know me and Carly broke up because I couldn’t love her and hate him at the same time.
Lyla: I’m honored to be the exception.
Diggle: Lyla, you were always the exception.
Ok, I’m onboard the SS Dyla. Let’s get remarried. I’m ready.  
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We go from the Dyla love scene directly to Olicity’s final scene in the office. This is not a mistake. John guides Oliver on his path. This also includes his romantic life and one of the ways Diggle guides Oliver is by example. Dyla always points the way.
Stray Thoughts
This is the first episode we meet Amanda Waller. She’s loyal to Lyla Michaels and knows about Oliver and Diggle’s vigilante operation, so she’s arriving on the scene as a fully formed bad ass.  
Diggle refused Anatoly’s vodka. Based on the look Oliver gave him I’m guessing that was a very bad idea. Drink the vodka, John.
“I wouldn’t mind a drink.” I mean honestly the boys could be so sexist sometimes. Felicity likes booze too!
“I will take care of her.” Snort. Yeah, I’ll bet Oliver.
Isobel immediately jumps to the conclusion that Felicity is sleeping her way up to the top. Way to be supportive of your fellow female coworkers and fighting that glass ceiling together, Isobel. This just makes her more evil in my opinion.
Sara left town. That’s fine I need a break from the Lance drama.
Quentin lets Roy go because he's working with the Arrow too, so I'm counting Lance as part of the team.
No Laurel. Hallelujah. Did you even notice she was gone? Nope. This character lifts right out.
There’s this whole weird subplot where Moira’s lawyer wants Thea to dump Roy because he’s a felon and it makes Moira look bad. Sure, Roy Harper is the problem. Not the 500 people who died. Even Moira thinks this plot line is ridiculously stupid and gets these crazy kids back together. Can we be done with the Theroy breakups? I’m tired. Find these two an actual storyline.
Slade: I will not be the reason something happens to you.
Shado: When I care about someone there's nothing I won't do for them.
Slade is in rough freaking shape after being burned over half his body, but he gets snuggle time with Shado so it isn’t all bad.
Never trust a Russian woman. Has Oliver ever seen a movie?
Flashback Sara betrays Oliver and gives Ivo the location of Slade, Shado and the soldier bones. Let's go with Stockholm syndrome to explain this insanity. Or she's just completely terrified of Ivo. Either works. But still - dick move Sara.
Why does David Ramsey wear shirts? It’s really a crime against humanity.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x06!!!
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duckwnoeyes · 4 months
The idea of Laurel ‘winning’ Thea in her breakup with Oliver is so funny to me. Like pre-gambit they’re on again-off again, but everytime Oliver screws up Laurel shows up at his house, but just to hang out w Thea. I’m imaging a ten year old Thea, who’s taken Laurel’s side, just roasting Oliver at the dinner table 😭
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