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asta-daily · 1 month ago
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Children of Lost Thing Found - Chp.8 sneak peak
Whilst most Children’s Books fall into tropes of fantasy – all well and good, of course – or tailor specifically to one culture (to balance what authors/publishing companies perceive as an imbalanced shelf), the series The Children of Lost Things Found focuses on telling a story and imparting a virtue. Each story and every lesson have contemporary significance using history, a call to action, and cultural respect. Each book of the series follows a group of children seeking to return traits – such as goodness, honesty, truth, etcetera – to a world, our world, that seems to have lost them. The children are sent backward and forward in time to events and peoples who personify these traits. The Children of Lost Things Found gives readers of all backgrounds insight into other cultures, traditions, religions, and histories they might not ordinarily have an opportunity to understand. In the end, we want everyone to learn that talking to, and working with, the person across from you is always better than looking down at, or relying on, a screen. In "The Last Urumi", our trio of heroes - Artie, Olesea, and Priya - live through the catastrophic event of a "screen-out" all across the globe; then, they are sent back in time and to India by a mysterious god-like figure of myth and legend, to retrieve a virtue their present world has lost. https://www.amazon.com/Last-Urumi-Children-Things-Found/dp/B0DNZN6JCW?crid=2N19ZVHXY6LQP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-LyIMz1lpz6vpfNXHtc-3g.zeKOi9_ZED1Jcu3qP-T_Mx9yQB0N0mdzo4Sz2DQpj_0 Written by (c) Matthew RR Morrese - Canticles Production LLC - www.canticlesproductions.com Cover and interior illustrations by (c) Astanael - www.deviantart.com/astanael
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likarotarublogger · 1 year ago
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Miss Badante 2023 ha 48 anni e viene dal Brasile: “La vita va affrontata con il sorriso”
Si chiama Elisangela Dos Santos Santano, ha 48 anni, è originaria del Brasile (città Salvador), vive e lavora nel campo dell’assistenza presso le famiglie in Italia. E’ lei la nuova Miss Badante International 2023, eletta domenica, 22 ottobre, durante la finale che si è svolta a Roma. Il titolo “Miss Badante Web 2023” è stato conquistato da Olesea Ciubotaru, 39 anni, della Moldavia, in Italia da 6 anni, che lavora a Torino
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Nella competizione sono state assegnate altre due fascie “Miss Badante International”: al secondo posto si è classificata Natalya Zhovnir, 46 anni, originaria di Leopoli (Ucraina), dove ha lavorato come medico presso un laboratorio analisi. Ana Drăgan, dalla Romania, ha vinto il terzo posto.
Il concorso, arrivato all’ottava edizione, si è svolto a due passi da Via Veneto, nell’atmosfera incantata del ristorante “Le mille e una notte” ed è organizzato, come ogni anno, da Elena Rodica Rotaru, ideatrice e patron della competizione. E’ una competizione rivolta alle donne di tutte le nazionalità che vivono in Italia e svolgono qui il loro prezioso lavoro di aiuto alle famiglie, come colf, assistenti familiari, baby sitter.
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“Miss Badante Web 2023” è stato conquistato da Olesea Ciubotaru, 39 anni, della Moldavia.
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Ana Dragan, Stânica Vinatoru, Elena Chirila, Aneta Anehei,Elena Rodica Rotaru, Natalya Zhovnir, Natalia Khvalyboha, Elisangela Dos Santos Santano
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Elena Rodica Rotaru e concorrente Elena Chirila della Romania 🇷🇴
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Concorrente della Romania Aneta Anehei
Le finaliste hanno affrontato tre prove: una presentazione in abito tradizionale del proprio paese e il racconto delle loro storie, una prova di talento ed infine la sfilata in abito elegante.
Il racconto di vita di ogni concorrente è stato emozionante. La vincitrice, Elisangela Dos Santos Santano: “La mia vita è una saga. Sono rimasta vedova in Brasile, quando una mia amica della Germania mi ha chiamato per prendermi cura di un ragazzo che aveva la sclerosi multipla. Poi sono arrivata in Italia, dove sono rimasta a vivere. Ormai sono anni che faccio la badante. Ogni lavoro è dignitoso, la vita va affrontata con il sorriso, bisogna essere positivi”.
La giornata di festa è stata completata da momenti artistici speciali, come le esibizioni di Marcia Sedoc (l’esplosiva interprete storica di Cacao Meravigliao), del cantante romeno Vasile David e di Antonio Delle Donne, che, oltre a presentare la gara, ha emozionato il pubblico con la sua voce è Dj Lilian Ioniță e Marilena Bãcanu.
“Per me sono tutte vincitrici, perché vengono qui per lanciare un messaggio di umanità, per dare visibilità al loro lavoro ma anche all’essere donna. Ecco, questa è la forza delle donne! Sono contenta che il concorso sia diventato davvero internazionale. Abbiamo avuto concorrenti iscritte da 9 paesi. Una gioia per me vedere che la fascia è andata ad una concorrente del Sud America, e che tra le vincitrici ci sia anche una signora del mio paese, la Romania”, ha dichiarato Elena Rodica Rotaru, organizzatrice ed ideatrice dell’evento.
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Membri della Giuria.
Livia Malcangio, Direttrice Relazioni Internazionali - Segretariato World Summit Premi Nobel per la Pace, presidente della giuria, ha raccontato così la competizione: “Una giornata fantastica, abbiamo avuto delle concorrenti meravigliose, provenienti da vari paesi. Ci sono stati momenti di commozione, ma anche di divertimento, con la lettura di poesie, teatro, ballo. Il lavoro che loro svolgono è fondamentale, in un paese come il nostro, dove l’età media della popolazione è molto alta”.
I criteri di valutazione sono stati la presenza scenica, l’originalità, la creatività e l’ingegno. La giuria è stata composta, oltre a Livia Malcangio, da: Marcia Sedoc (cantante, attivista per i diritti delle donne), Michelangelo Letizia (giornalista PaeseRoma), Dott. Roberto Rosati (Medico, Dentalcare), Massimo Meschino (patron del concorso "Una Ragazza, un Ragazzo, un Bambino per lo Spettacolo"- e promotore dell’inclusione sociale), Zoriana Belei (Miss Badante Web 2021), Roberto Mercuri (co - fondatore FashionLuxury.info).
Ionela Mihaela Dumitru, consulente fiscale che svolge da anni campagne di informazioni sui diritti delle badanti, in qualità di presidente della giuria Web, ha annunciato così la vincitrice: “Olesea Ciubotaru, della Repubblica Moldavia, ha vinto, con 19 punti, la gara online. Voglio sottolineare che hanno partecipato signore da sette nazioni: Ucraina, Romania, Albania, Rep. Moldavia, Georgia e Perù. Il nostro compito non è stato per niente facile. Ringrazio tutte le partecipanti, e soprattutto alla signora Elena Rodica Rotaru che ha dato atto di questa opportunità di valorizzare questo lavoro difficile, della badante”. Dalla giuria web hanno fatto parte anche Marianna Soronevych, giornalista ucraina (Gazeta Ukrainska) e Rodica Ciobotaru, assistente familiare e collaboratrice di testate romene.
Ecco i premi assegnati: 3° Premio - Una cena presso il Ristorante “Le mille e una notte” offerto dal Ristorante, 2° Premio - Un soggiorno per un fine settimana nel borgo medievale della Sabina a San Polo di Tarano, offerto dall’organizzatrice Elena Rodica Rotaru e lo sponsor Salvatore Braca (presso Holiday House by Elena Rodica Rotaru), 1° Premio WEB e 1° Premio in presenza - Un soggiorno per un fine settimana sulla splendida Isola di Ventotene, offerto da Pandataria Film e Elena Rodica Rotaru. Nell’ambito del concorso sono state assegnate anche delle fasce di accesso alla finale regionale Lazio del Concorso Nazionale "Una Ragazza, un Ragazzo e un Bambino per lo Spettacolo" nella categoria OVER consegnate a: Elisangela Dos Santos Santana, Ana Dragan, Natalya Zhovnir. Inoltre è stata consegnata la fascia di accesso diretto alla finale nazionale del suddetto concorso, che si svolgerà dal 1 al 3 dicembre p.v. a Fiuggi (FR), a ZORIANA BELEI che rappresenterà la regione Emilia Romagna per la categoria LADY.
Sponsor: Pandataria Film, Dentalcare, Pasticceria Cardone 1846 Bagnara Calabra, Elena Rodica Rotaru Fashion, Hairstyle by Bacanu Marilena, Ristorante “Le Mille e una notte”, C4 Premiazione di Roberto Costantini (Guidonia)
Partner Media: Paese Roma Quotidiano, Fashionluxury.info, LikaRotaruFashion
Ufficio Stampa: Media XTE/ Miruna Cajvaneanu
Dj e foto di Lilian Ioniță.
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Articolo di @likarotarublogger @elenarodicarotaru-blog
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kinbaku10 · 1 year ago
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bmhasdeu · 1 year ago
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În cadrul Zilelor Europene ale Patrimoniului, Direcția Generală Cultură și Patrimoniu Cultural, împreună cu Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”,  organizează lansarea a trei cărți scrise de Maria Romanciuk: „Din casă în casă: Terapie prin gospod��rie”,  „Din neam în neam: Terapie prin zestre” și „Din sat în sat: Terapie vernaculară”. Evenimentul va avea loc pe 29 septembrie, ora 15:00,  în Sala cu Coloane a Bibliotecii Municipale „B.P. Hasdeu”.
Cu un mesaj de salut vor participa Ion CEBAN, primar al municipiului Chișinău și Alina TABACARI, șef interimar, al Direcției Generale, Cultură și Patrimoniu Cultural. Vor ține discursuri: Lucia ARGINT, șef, Direcție, ANACEC; Adriana LUCA-NEAMȚU, artist plastic; Irina BADIUC, muzeograf; Olga CARAMAN, muzeograf.
Ne vor încânta cu un moment artistic ansamblul etno-folcloric „Moștenitorii”, conducător, Valeriu Chiper, Maestru în Artă. În cadrul evenimentului va fi prezentată expoziția personală a cămășii cu altiță semnată de Olesea ENACHI, meșter popular. Evenimentul va fi moderat de Rusalina Rusu, jurnalistă, prezentatoare TV.
Zilele Europene ale Patrimoniului reprezintă o inițiativă a Consiliului Europei, începând cu anul 1985, prima ediție desfășurându-se în Franţa. Din 1999 și Uniunea Europeană s-a implicat în celebrarea acestora, iar sloganul permanent a devenit „Europa, un patrimoniu comun”. Zilele Europene ale Patrimoniului, sunt marcate anual, în luna septembrie.
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oriflameecoosmeticssss · 4 years ago
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#spain #oriflameespaña #oriflame #cosmetics #cosmeticosnaturales #mujeres #rebajas2020 #oriflameconsultant #hombres #wellness #perfume #cremademanos #cremas #cremaantienvejecimiento #likeforlikes #futureme #amomitrabajo #desmaquillante #desmaquillantenatural #olesea #novage #novacoleção #waterproof https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzhetXnyh7/?igshid=1uarrhf25qdiq
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gacougnol · 7 years ago
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Olesea Agafonova
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euphorictruths · 3 years ago
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Egyptian Cat Goddess Bastet- Olesea Arts
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mferrellmx · 4 years ago
Portrait / Vsco Effect 📷
Morning effects at home 🏡
Beautiful natural light across the window for the morning at the Olesea's home 🌤️
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yourdarlingfaux · 4 years ago
2p Name Master Post
This is a lil master post for my 2p characters :)
2p!A.merica: Alano "Al"/"Allen" C. Jones
2p!C.anada: James Williams
2p!E.ngland: Olliver Kirkland
2p!F.rance: François Bonnefoy
2p!R.ussia: Viktor Braginsky
2p!C.hina: Liu Longfei
2p!G.ermany: “Lutz” B.
2p!P.russia: Gilen Beilschmidt
2p!North I.taly: Luciano Vargas
2p!South I.taly: Flavius/Flavio Vargas
2p!J.apan: “Kuro” Honda
2p!D.enmark: Mikkel Densen
2p!N.orway: Loki Bondevik
2p!I.celand: Eiríkur Steilsson
2p!S.weden: Torbjörn "Tobbe" Oxenstierna
2p!F.inland: Vaito Heikkinen
2p!E.stonia: Antanas "Anti" von Bock
2p!L.atvia: Vilis Galante
2p!L.ithuania: Nojus Laurinaitis
2p!S.eborga: Stefano Vargas
2p!S.ealand: Jack Kirkland-Heikkinen
2p!L.adonia: Kurt Oxenstierna
2p!H.utt R.iver: Noah
2p!K.ugelmugel: Nikki Edelstein
2p!W.y: Scarlett
2p!T.RNC: -- --
Eastern Europe (excluding the previously mentioned):
2p!P.oland: Florian Łukasiewicz
2p!C.zech: -- --
2p!S.lovakia: -- --
2p!H.ungary: Kamilla Hedevery
2p!R.omania: -- --
2p!M.oldova: -- --
2p!B.ulgaria: -- --
2p!B.elarus: Anastasiya Arlovskaya
2p!U.kraine: Olesea Chernenko
2p!N.etherlands: Neil Andriessen
2p!B.elgium: Valentine Maes
2p!L.uxembourg: Ruth Schmidt
Mediterranean (?):
2p!E.gypt: Idris Muhammad Hassan
2p!T.urkey: Melik Adnan
2p!G.reece: Achilleas --
2p!C.yprus: -- --
2p!S.pain: Andrés Fernández Carriedo
2p!P.ortugal: Rafael Esteves
2p!M.onaco: Chiara Rossi
2p!Ancient G.reece: Melita
2p!Ancient E.gypt: Ramla
2p!Ancient I.ndia: --
2p!Ancient R.ome: Cassius
2p!G.ermania: Berinhart
2p!P.ersia: Musa
Characters that I don’t know where they fit in someone please help me organize this:
2p!S.witzerland: Andrin Zwingli
2p!A.ustria: Roland Edelstein
2p!H.ong K.ong: Martin [still working out his non English name :) ]
2p!M.acau: [Name under revision]
2p!S.eychelles: Chantelle Morel
2p!C.amaroon: -- --
2p!N.ew Z.ealand: -- --
2p!Australia: -- --
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valarmorghclisa · 5 years ago
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Click the heart  if you want a starter from my secondary muses below.  (click each muse that will take you to their bios)  Please comment on which muse you want, and multi-muse blogs please do the same. Lengths will vary and mutuals only.
Alara Sand - bastard daughter of Ashara Dayne and Brandon Stark
Alessa Velaryon - older sister to Monterys Velaryon
Belandra Martell - younger sister to Doran, Elia, Oberyn
Illyanna Mopatis - daughter to Illyrio Mopatis
Janei Lannister - canon/au (have changed her age)
Karyn Tully - sister to Catelyn and Lysa Tully
Maegelle Targaryen - granddaughter to Jenny of Oldstones
Maeve Blackfyre Larazen - descendant of Daemon I Blackfyre
Nyra Sand - bastard daughter of Euron Greyjoy
Olesea Waters - bastard daughter to Oswell Kettleblack
Romilda Bolton - daughter of Roose Bolton
Sylva Santagar - canon
Xanthippe - handmaiden to Daenerys Targaryen
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asta-daily · 1 month ago
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Children of Lost Thing Found - Chp.6 sneak peak
Whilst most Children’s Books fall into tropes of fantasy – all well and good, of course – or tailor specifically to one culture (to balance what authors/publishing companies perceive as an imbalanced shelf), the series The Children of Lost Things Found focuses on telling a story and imparting a virtue. Each story and every lesson have contemporary significance using history, a call to action, and cultural respect. Each book of the series follows a group of children seeking to return traits – such as goodness, honesty, truth, etcetera – to a world, our world, that seems to have lost them. The children are sent backward and forward in time to events and peoples who personify these traits. The Children of Lost Things Found gives readers of all backgrounds insight into other cultures, traditions, religions, and histories they might not ordinarily have an opportunity to understand. In the end, we want everyone to learn that talking to, and working with, the person across from you is always better than looking down at, or relying on, a screen. In "The Last Urumi", our trio of heroes - Artie, Olesea, and Priya - live through the catastrophic event of a "screen-out" all across the globe; then, they are sent back in time and to India by a mysterious god-like figure of myth and legend, to retrieve a virtue their present world has lost. https://www.amazon.com/Last-Urumi-Children-Things-Found/dp/B0DNZN6JCW?crid=2N19ZVHXY6LQP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-LyIMz1lpz6vpfNXHtc-3g.zeKOi9_ZED1Jcu3qP-T_Mx9yQB0N0mdzo4Sz2DQpj_0 Written by (c) Matthew RR Morrese - Canticles Production LLC - www.canticlesproductions.com Cover and interior illustrations by (c) Astanael - www.deviantart.com/astanael
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likarotarublogger · 2 months ago
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Miss Badante - L'Altra Bellezza": il documentario che racconta il cuore e la forza delle badanti in Italia va in onda martedì 10 dicembre su RAI 3
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È quasi Natale, e Roma, con la sua bellezza eterna, si trasforma nel palcoscenico di una storia straordinaria di coraggio, solidarietà e incontri tra culture. Martedì 10 dicembre, dalle ore 16 su Rai 3 - nella trasmissione GEO, va in onda “Miss Badante - L'Altra Bellezza", il nuovo documentario firmato dal regista Salvatore Braca - Pandataria Film, che offre uno sguardo inedito e toccante sulla vita delle badanti, una categoria spesso invisibile ma fondamentale nella nostra società.
Le badanti, provenienti da paesi come: Romania, Ucraina, Repubblica Moldova, Brasile e altri angoli del mondo, dedicano la loro vita alla cura dei nostri anziani. Vivono accanto a loro 24 ore su 24, diventando una presenza indispensabile nelle famiglie italiane. Il documentario entra nelle case italiane e racconta la vita quotidiane delle badanti, le loro emozioni, la lontananza dai cari, la dedizione e la cura quotidiana. Ogni gesto, ogni parola e ogni sorriso rivelano la profondità di un lavoro che non è solo una professione, ma “una missione”.
Tra le protagoniste ci sono Olesea, Natalia, Ana, Gianina, Elena, Elisangela, donne che hanno lasciato i loro paesi per garantire un futuro migliore alle loro famiglie. Le loro storie sono un intreccio di sacrifici, speranze e successi, vissuti con umanità e forza d'animo.
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Un concorso unico per celebrare l'"altra bellezza"
Il documentario segue anche un evento speciale: l'ottava edizione di "Miss Badante", un concorso ideato da Elena Rodica Rotaru, una donna romena arrivata in Italia per realizzare il sogno di una vita. Attraverso questa iniziativa, Elena vuole restituire dignità e visibilità a queste donne straordinarie, celebrandole con un concorso che mette in luce non solo la loro bellezza esteriore, ma soprattutto quella interiore, fatta di resilienza, empatia e dedizione.
Un messaggio di speranza e umanità
"Miss Badante - L'Altra Bellezza" è un invito a guardare oltre le apparenze, a scoprire le storie che si celano dietro i volti sorridenti di chi si prende cura dei nostri genitori e nonni. È un omaggio alle donne che, con il loro lavoro, costruiscono ponti tra culture e dimostrano che la vera bellezza risiede nella cura e nella solidarietà.
Il contesto sociale ed economico
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Elena Rodica Rotaru ( organizatorice Miss Badante)
Zoriana Belei -Ucraina -Miss badante web 2021
Marilena Bãcanu - Hairstyst
Il documentario si inserisce in un momento storico particolare per il lavoro domestico in Italia, caratterizzato da una crisi di personale. Secondo gli ultimi dati INPS disponibili (2022), i lavoratori domestici sono poco meno di 900 mila, in calo rispetto all’anno precedente. Secondo il 5° rapporto annuale sul lavoro domestico, a cura dell'Osservatorio Domina, il settore è caratterizzato da una forte presenza straniera (69,5% del totale), soprattutto dell’Est Europa, e da una prevalenza femminile (86,4%). Le famiglie hanno un ruolo importante: si calcola che, grazie alla loro spesa, portano allo Stato un risparmio di circa 9 miliardi (0,5% del PIL), ovvero “l’importo di cui lo Stato dovrebbe farsi carico se gli anziani accuditi in casa venissero ricoverati in struttura”.
Per ulteriori informazioni e materiali stampa:
Miruna Cajvaneanu, Ufficio Stampa 3886515430
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Articolo di @likarotarublogger @elenarodicarotaru-blog
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shinymoonbird · 6 years ago
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Golden Sri Yantra Mandala Dot Art
Olesea Arts  https://www.artmajeur.com/olesea-arts
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we-stan-bruce-ban · 7 years ago
Head Over Heels
Pairing: Bruce Banner/Thor Odinson
Word Count:  3454
Warnings: None that I can think of?
Note: I put this in a weird universe where it’s after the events of Thor Ragnarok but Asgard wasn’t destroyed and Infinity War hasn’t happened yet. Credits to @bahoreal for giving me a majority of the story line for this!
Bruce perked up slightly at the unmistakable voice. He turned and smiled at the sight of Thor standing at the other side of the lab. For the past few weeks, he’d been visiting the lab much more frequently. Not that Bruce minded, of course. It warmed his heart how he seemed to be getting more and more invested in Bruce’s particular line of work.
Thor happily bounded over to Bruce’s workstation. “How are things going?”
“Uh...they’re going,” he laughed softly, motioning to the stasis-pod in front of him. For the past month or so, Bruce’s goal was to reengineer the pod to be safe for both humans and Asgardians.
The stasis-pod was a small chamber, almost like a cot with a glass cover. It was built to automatically heal an Asgardian of any wounds when they were placed inside of it. Of course, it took time, but it worked well. If the Asgardian was in a near-death state or had extreme injuries, the pod was programmed to keep them in a suspended state of animation until help could arrive. The stasis-pod used neutronium as a power source, though, and while Asgardian bodies had no problems being around the element, it was highly dangerous to humans.
According to Bruce’s calculations, being inside a stasis-chamber for about three minutes was equivalent to being injected with about a teaspoon of pure neutronium. This would result in, speaking very bluntly, an excruciatingly painful death ending in the person’s implosion. Needless to say, the pod’s healing aspect wouldn’t be able to piece back together human matter splattered all over the glass.
Bruce had seen what the pod could do for Asgardians, though, and he knew that if he could just find a way to remove the dangers, it could be revolutionary for hospitals on Earth. But first, he had to find a way around these dangers. He had only a couple options to work with at the moment: find a different power source for the stasis-pod that had the same healing effects as neutronium but less of the negative effects, or alter the neutronium to be less harmful to humans. These were the two most practical solutions, but also two of the hardest. Bruce was determined to figure it out, though, no matter how long it took.
“Oh.” Thor frowned briefly, but quickly brightened again. “Well, ‘going’ is still progress, right?”
“Mm-hmm.” Bruce smiled a little and turned back to the half-disassembled pod. Every ounce of neutronium had been removed from the machine in order to keep Bruce alive.
“You’re being careful, right?” Thor asked, his tone suddenly almost motherly.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Don’t worry.” Bruce couldn’t help but smile a little. Every single time he came to visit the lab, Thor asked him that same question in the same exact way. It was nice to know that he cared so much, but Bruce wasn’t reckless. He knew the consequences of messing with such a dangerous element and wasn’t intent on taking any risks with it.
“Good. Do you need any help?”
“No, I’m alright. Just working things out in my head.”
“Which plan is this?” Thor asked, leaning against a nearby counter.
“Plan A, still.” Bruce huffed softly and tapped at the projection in front of him. “Nothing so far on healing elements that won’t completely destroy my body.”
“It’s fine. No one ever said this stuff was easy,” he laughed. Thor nodded.
“So, I had this idea last night. What if you altered human bodies to be able to accept neutronium? That way, you wouldn’t have to change the stasis-pod at all.”
“I’ve thought about that,” Bruce nodded. “There’re a few problems with that plan, though. For instance, how would I alter seven billion bodies? Or how would I be able to test it without killing myself or someone else on accident? I wouldn’t get it on the first try, and I’m not gonna kill anyone for an experiment, no matter how many people it would kill in the future.”
“Right. You are...very right,” Thor nodded slowly. Bruce felt his heart sink slightly at how dejected Thor suddenly seemed.
“It’s a good idea!” he said quickly. “It just has a few bugs. Nothing’s perfect.”
“I guess.” Thor smiled a little, and Bruce relaxed.
“So, how are things going as being King, huh?”
“I, uh…” Thor chuckled. “They’re going.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “It’s a bit overwhelming, if I’m honest. It’s a lot of responsibilities. I wish I had more free time, but…”
Bruce nodded sympathetically. “Neither of us really get out anymore, do we?”
“You never got out in the first place,” Thor teased.
“Hey,” he laughed, turning to him. Thor just grinned innocently and stood up straight.
“I should probably get going.”
“If you have to.”
“Yeah…Kingly duties to attend to, and whatnot.” Thor smiled slightly and ruffled Bruce’s hair. “Good luck with being a scientist.”
“Good luck with being a King.”
“Yyyyyep.” Thor gave him finger guns--something he’d been doing a lot more since Bruce taught him what they meant--and took a few steps backward. Bruce waved as he left the lab and turned back to his work. It was silent for only a few moments before a voice spoke up.
“Oh. My God.”
Bruce turned to see his colleague, Olesea, shaking her head. Olesea was an Asgardian scientist with dark hair, darker eyes, and an excellent mind. She agreed to help Bruce with his research, which delighted Thor, since he didn’t like Bruce being alone for as long as he normally was. For the most part, the two worked separately, but they had grown to be pretty good acquaintances over the past few months. Neither would go as far as to say they were quite friends yet, but they enjoyed each other’s company.
“‘Oh my God’, what?” Bruce asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Just...I didn’t know it was physically possible to be that gay,” she said, shaking her head. Bruce tilted his head.
“What are you talking about?”
Olesea crossed her arms. “He’s head over heels for you.”
“Who, Thor?”
“Yes, Thor!” She squinted at him. “He makes it so obvious! How can you not tell?”
“Thor...is not in love with me,” Bruce laughed softly. “I mean, come on. First of all, why would he like me of all people?”
“I don’t know. Maybe he’s got a thing for nerdy scientists,” she shrugged.
“Okay, well, maybe he doesn’t.”
“Bruce,” Olesea rolled her eyes. “Why do you think he comes in here every single day?”
“He’s interested in what I’m doing.”
“Or just you.”
“No, it’s not just me,” Bruce frowned. “He checks up on other projects, too.”
“Does he, though?” she deadpanned.
“Okay, well…” He chewed his lip. “Maybe he’s just worried about me. As a friend.”
“You’re so oblivious,” she sighed. “Look, if you’re not gonna listen to me, then don’t, I guess. But I’m telling you: Thor is in love with you.”
Bruce shook his head and got back to work. As he continued his research, he found that his mind was cluttered with new questions. Did Thor really check up on only him? Even if he did, it had to just be a friend thing, right? Or the fact that he was human, and, according to Thor, ‘much more delicate than us Asgardians’. There was no way he liked him in a romantic way. Right?
The next afternoon, Thor was on his way to the lab. As he walked down the hallway, he heard shouting. His brow furrowed slightly. That couldn’t be a good sign. He quickened his pace and turned the corner to see Bruce standing in front of the lab door. His hands were planted on his hips and he seemed to be staring the door down.
“You can’t keep me out all day!” he was yelling.
“Hey, hey! Banner!” Thor frowned and rushed forward, placing his hands on his shoulders. “What’s wrong?”
Bruce jumped a little at the contact. “I-I woke up pretty late this morning, since I didn’t really get a lot of sleep last night, so I got here later than normal, but Olesea locked the door and she won’t let me back in!”
“What?” He turned to the door and pushed on it. Sure enough, it wouldn’t budge. He pounded on it. “Olesea! Hey!”
“Yes, your Majesty?” she called, her reply muffled slightly. Thor could practically hear the smirk on her lips.
“Can you let us in? Please?”
“Uh, no. Neither of you are allowed in the lab for the rest of the day.”
“That’s what she keeps saying,” Bruce huffed. Clearly, he was getting a little pissed off at being kept away from his research.
“We’ll get you in there,” Thor murmured, then turned to the door again. “Olesea!”
“I’m not letting him in! He’s, uh, he’s been too stressed lately! He needs a break, okay?”
Thor paused and considered this. Bruce had always been a very hard worker, sacrificing sleep and energy in order to get his work done. The fact that he’d woken up so late today was just a small piece of proof. Bruce saw the gears turning in his head and groaned.
“No, don’t agree with her! I mean, what am I supposed to do all day?”
Olesea answered through the door. “I don’t know. Go have nice dinner or something.”
“What?” Bruce scrunched his face up. Thor, on the other hand, beamed at the thought.
“Dinner! What a wonderful idea!” His eyes glimmered with excitement. “I know the perfect place for it!”
“I don’t know. I still have so much work,” Bruce sighed softly. If he was honest, the idea made him nervous. He wasn’t really the ‘fancy dinner’ type, and the fact that it was with Thor, who was now a King, wasn’t helping matters.
“Well, you can’t do any of the work since she won’t let you in,” he pointed out. “Besides, she’s right. I think you could use a day off. Come on. It’ll be fun!”
“Please?” Thor asked gently. Bruce couldn’t help but laugh. He really was just like a huge puppy sometimes.
“Okay, okay…”
“Yay!” Thor clapped his hands together and chewed his lip thoughtfully. “Okay. I’ll go inform the kitchen staff to prepare us a meal.”
“Should I change into something a little more...um…” Bruce motioned to his current dress, which was a pale yellow button up and a pair of comfortable slacks.
“No, no! You look perfect,” Thor smiled. “Just...um, go back to your room and sit tight for a little. Read or something. I’ll come get you when everything’s ready.”
“Okay…” Bruce wanted to squeeze in another question, but Thor was already shooing him down the hallway.
“Can I open my eyes yet?”
“Um...no, just a little longer…”
“Thor, we’ve been walking for so long, I’m gonna—shit! I’m gonna trip!”
“No, no! It’s okay! I got you! Just a few more steps! Okay, and...now.”
Bruce opened his eyes and let out a small gasp. He was standing on a cliff overlooking all of Asgard, from the bifrost to the palace. The tall, golden towers shimmered in the orange glow of sundown. A pleasantly cool breeze blew through his hair.
“Thor, this is…” He laughed. “This is beautiful. I thought we were going to a restaurant, or—or something like that, I didn’t…”
“I thought you’d enjoy this more than something like that,” Thor grinned. “Just the two of us in a nice, peaceful place.”
“I really would,” he nodded, turning back around. Thor was unpacking a basket he’d been carrying. He placed a plate down for each of them and started to load them with large bread rolls, a handful of berries Bruce didn’t recognize, a slab of meat—probably beef—and, finally, a tiny pastry that looked like a cake.
“That looks amazing,” Bruce marveled, sitting next to Thor. Thor just laughed as he poured each of them a glass of red wine.
“It’s nothing compared to what we would have for larger feasts, but you’ll enjoy it.”
“I probably wouldn’t make it through a whole Asgardian feast. This is already a lot.”
“Oh, you’d do fine,” Thor smiled. Bruce laughed softly and took a bite of the warm bread, sighing softly as the buttery taste covered his tongue.
“So, how have you been lately?”
“Uh...well, I think I might be onto something. I started looking at other elements on Orilla, and I think there could potentially be a resource there that could be used as a substitute for neutronium.”
“Banner,” Thor said gently. Bruce ignored him and continued with his tangent.
“It’d be hard to get to, and even then, I’m not really sure how it would affect us—uh, humans, that is. I mean, it may hurt us even more than neutronium does, I have no idea. There’s actually a pretty big chance that could happen, but—”
“Bruce,” Thor said a little louder.
“Hm?” Finally, Bruce looked up at him.
“I meant you,” he elaborated. “How are you? Not your science. You personally.”
“Well...um, fine, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“Yeah. I mean, I’m not really doing bad,” he shrugged.
“Are you sure? You’ve been through a lot these past few weeks. Well, years.”
“So have you,” Bruce pointed out. “I mean...you lost a lot of important stuff. And you killed your sister you didn’t even know you had, and...I don’t know. That’s a lot.”
“And you lost two years of your life,” Thor said, putting a hand on Bruce’s shoulder. He suddenly seemed very serious. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You can talk to me if you need to.”
“I…” Bruce swallowed hard and shook his head. “Uh, no. No, but thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,” he smiled. “Friends are always there for each other, right?”
“Right,” he smiled back.
The rest of the dinner passed pretty uneventfully. By the end of the meal, Bruce was stuffed to the gills and feeling a little buzzed. He hadn’t had enough wine to be drunk yet, but he could tell he wasn’t totally sober anymore. Bruce stretched his arms as they walked back to the city. The last of the sun was disappearing behind the mountains, and a sort of hush had fallen over the land. Even the winds seemed to have died down. Now, the only thing Bruce could hear was Thor, who was babbling on and on about one of his many adventures. It was almost more relaxing that way, as if they were completely and truly alone.
“It was Heimdall’s idea, although I’m sure Loki had something to do with the plan. He seemed a little all too happy for it to be put into motion. Basically, what I was to do was dress as Freya and infiltrate Jotunheim. There, I’d take Mjolnir back and make those thieves pay for taking it in the first place.”
“Wait, so when you dressed as Freya, was it, like, just a wig? Or…?” Bruce asked. Thor laughed nervously.
“Well, yes. There was a wig. But there was also, uh, a wedding dress. Loki oversaw the whole process when they were measuring me and tailoring the dress. ‘More lace! Not enough frills!’ He really made it a goal to humiliate me.”
“You wore a wedding dress?” Bruce grinned, trying to keep himself from laughing. Thor’s cheeks were already red enough.
“Was I supposed to let the giants keep it?” he countered. “I didn’t really have a choice…”
“Okay, okay. Fair.” Bruce paused momentarily. “So...do you still have the dress?”
“Do I still--? No! Of course I don’t!” Thor crossed his arms. “I tore it to shreds the moment I got back home, and I made sure my brother was watching.”
Bruce giggled, and Thor’s pout broke into a grin.
“Hey, um...I wanna thank you,” Bruce said, suddenly growing quiet. “Tonight was nice. I haven’t really taken a break from working since I got back, and I guess...admittedly, it’s kind of because I’m trying not to think about stuff. Like, the two years. I’ll never get those back, y’know? And who knows if I--um, if the other guy--if he really stayed on Sakaar that whole time? He could’ve been anywhere, he could’ve hurt and killed so many people…”
“Banner…” Thor stopped walking and put his hands on his shoulders. “Even if that happened, it isn’t your fault. You can’t control what he does. He isn’t you.”
“And that’s the problem. I can’t control what his does, or how long he takes over, or, or any of that. It’s getting worse.”
“Hey. You’re okay. Even if he does take over, I can help bring you back. Hulk likes me. Um, a little. I think. But on Sakaar, we sort of had a connection. I think he considers us friends now. He’ll listen to me.”
“You’re friends now?” Bruce’s face fell. “Oh, great. He can make friends now. He’s gaining more of a personality, he--he’s taking control more often…”
“I can’t let him take over anymore. He’s never gonna let me come back, I don’t wanna go...shit, shit, I-I can’t…”
“Banner. Look at me.” Thor cupped his face and bent down slightly so they were level. “Deep breaths. You’re okay. I promise.”
“Shh,” he hushed him. “Listen to me. Hulk isn’t going to take over forever. You aren’t going anywhere. I’ll make sure of that.”
At first, Bruce didn’t speak. He wrapped his arms around Thor in a silent ‘thank you’. Thor just smiled and returned the hug, giving his shoulder a few pats.
“There we go.”
“Mm…” He nodded a little and pulled out of his grip. Slowly, they started walking again. To fill the awkward silence that now hung in the air, Bruce cleared his throat. “So, um...what happened? After you put the dress on, I mean.”
Without hesitation, Thor jumped right back into the story. “Loki took a good few minutes ridiculing me, of course, so I made him come with me as a sort of maid-servant. We rode off to Jotunheim and there, waiting for me, was my, ah, groom-to-be, the King of the giants. Thrym. That son of a bitch…”
Bruce gradually began to grow calm again as Thor told his tale. By the time they entered the city again, he felt far less troubled. He was a little surprised to actually see Olesea when they got back to the lab.
“So.” She was leaning against the the doors., her arms folded proudly and a smug smile on her face. “How was the date?”
“Date?” Bruce repeated. Instantly, his face flushed. “Wait. Wait, no, that wasn’t a date.”
“It wasn’t?” She raised an eyebrow. Thor looked just as confused.
“It wasn’t?” he echoed. Bruce turned to him, unsure of what to say.
“No! I mean, unless you--did you really--? Wait, wait wait. Thor, was that a--?” he stammered. He took a shaky breath and tried to sort out his thoughts. “Did you go into that thinking it was a date?”
“I…” Thor nodded. “I did…did you not?”
“No, I thought it was just a dinner, like...a dinner between friends or something!” He closed his eyes. The room was spinning.
“I’m sorry, I thought we were...um, on the same page there.” Bruce could practically hear his heart snapping in two.
“No, no! Um, if you wanna count this as a date, then, um, yes! Please. I would love that. So much. I just, uh, I wish I knew you felt that way about me.”
“Oh my God,” Olesea breathed, giving him a hard stare. Bruce chose to ignore this for now.
“Thor, I...I really, really like you. A lot. I think I have for a while, but...I was scared, y’know?” he asked, looking at the floor. “I thought you wouldn’t like me back, so…I never said anything…”
“Oh!” Thor grabbed his hands suddenly. “Of course I like you!”
Bruce realized just how close their faces were when he had the sudden urge to close the space between their lips. He held himself back, though, instead choosing to get lost in Thor’s glimmering eyes. “Then...that was a date. Definitely.”
“Great!” Thor laughed. “Perfect!”
“Yeah,” he breathed. “Um...do you wanna...I mean, tomorrow. Do you wanna do this again?”
“Yes! Absolutely.”
“Alright then. I guess...uh, I’ll see you then. Right?”
“Right.” Thor pressed a kiss to his cheek so fast that Bruce wasn’t even sure it happened. “Goodnight, love.”
“Um, good--goodnight…” Bruce lightly touched his cheek as Thor walked down the hallway. For what seemed like a long time, everything was quiet.
“See?” Olesea said, breaking the silence. “What did I tell you? Head over heels.”
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danielecama · 6 years ago
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Questa notte al Piper Club Roma - Official a cui vanno i miei ringraziamenti personali per l'ospitalità e per la cortesia di tutto il personale. le esibizioni con cerchio aereo di Monica Olesea e Barbara Fiorenza nella foto: Barbara Fiorenza Foto: Daniele Cama & Daniele Cama Bis (presso Piper Club Roma - Official) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsCT510Fb--/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jy68dtnkvmeg
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ekasuri · 3 years ago
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Olesea Ref
Finally came back to render this old drawing of Olesea
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