#old man yaoi is ​OUT old man BARA is IN
tommystummy · 1 year
So you’re telling me the ex pirate and the grandpa with super strength had a homoerotic conversation about meat and the the thrill of the chase at a restaurant called BARA-tie?
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decepti-thots · 2 years
Okay but about that cursed megarod au: what’s the incredibly niche subject rodimus is studying and what anime/what kind of anime is megatron tabling for
ok i have thought about this, and: rodimus is a niche medievalist who knows a fuckton about medieval literature in some specific realm- apologies as when it comes to Old Shit this is not really my area, haha. arthurian stuff seems the obvious point given what i'm about to say, but that seems… not niche enough. anyway. my reasoning for this is the whole Knights of Cybertron thing. it gets overlooked sometimes that rodimus is, apparently, completely sincere in his (misguided, idealized) apparent appreciation for the supposed golden age of cybertron, enough that it's what makes cyclonus want to come along on the LL- and cyclonus ain't easy to please on that front. i can see rodimus being fascinated by the past in a way that distracts him from his dissatisfaction with the present. so: rodimus published some incredibly amazing paper super young during his masters degree that had people arguing about the implications for the field for the next ten years and is now stuck being a PRODIGY. he both loves and loathes this. his ego loves it but earnestly being interested in some niche nerdy thing he is good at gives him hives; it feels too sincere.
now megatron... hmmm. my anime/manga knowledge is sooo dated these days djsfhdsj... ok. megatron is one of those people who just churns out technically excellent work for whatever is popular right now at a seemingly inhuman rate; this is his job, he treats it as such. this man is maintaining a 9-5 schedule while self-employed drawing smut, and he's doing market research on what the 21 year old college students want. this has presented some unexpected issues when tabling in person as there's some confusion at seeing a 50 year old grumpy looking guy selling bl/yaoi doujin of popular anime twinks; he'd probably do better at in person events if he leaned more into bara or something for the cons but listen, this shit sells. he has drawn hetalia porn and hates himself for it, probably. he is friends with nautica, who is a con staple and thinks his infamous surliness becoming a meme online is really funny.
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thedogeveryonehates · 11 months
remember that time the spyro game came out and all the bara artists switched on their mangekyō sharingan and started dishing out the hottest wettest dragon dilf old man yaoi smut for 2 weeks straight. what a time to be alive.
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souls-foreclosed · 1 year
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(questions from Sw0rdh3art, NeilKapit, LatinoPurrito, DesDemonical) What is Astor's preferred rifle? He can work with most anything that isn't a mounted gun, but his favorite is the 1860 Arklyte "Super Perforator" lever action rifle, a gun designed not for hunting but for blowing straight through a man from far away (hence the name). How much can Reah bench press? What's her strength according to the Marvel Strength Scale? Reah qualifies as "Peak Human" according to the Marvel Strength Scale (somewhere between Kingpin and Black Panther), bench pressing 1300 lbs. She spent her teenage and young adult years doing work like chopping firewood, hauling sacks of flour, fixing the dormitorium's roof, building fences etc. not combat training though, so a "weaker" person with superior training could probably defeat her in a one-on-one fight. What does Tabitha's singing voice sound like? Her "default" singing voice sounds a little like this, but she has a range. The cast's favorite foods? Reah: Campfire sausage and beans with cornbread. Tabitha: Does not like food, period. Anything sufficiently filling will do for her. The only taste she enjoys is coffee, made exactly to her standards. Astor: Grits. Zeyneb: Green pepper dolma stuffed with chopped coriander and onion rice. Joey: Raisin sweetbread, unless Ma's cottage pie is on the menu. LaBelle: Smoked trout fish pies, a great snack underappreciated by the upper class. Alessandra: A gourmand who'll try anything once, she doesn't have a particular favorite as long as she gets a big serving of it. Posthaste: Also grits. One can never go wrong with grits. Did you have someone or something as a reference when coming up with the designs of your characters? Some characters are so old that I legitimately do not remember what initially inspired them (like original Reah), but I usually incorporate lots of elements from the vast database of "stuff I have looked at and liked/found interesting" in a process of constant refinement. Reah's more recent looks take a lot of cues from... ahem, bara yaoi and Kentaro Miura's Berserk, ahem. Her new hair's taken wholesale from Overwatch's Zarya. Original Tabitha was a blend of Orkbutch's take on Elphaba from Wicked, Cio from Kill Six Billion Demons, and Maleficent from Disney's Sleeping Beauty dressed up in various bondage or drag outfits I randomly found on social media. Throughout this process of reiteration a character's face usually changes so much they don't fully resemble any of their initial inspirations. General rule of thumb is if a character looks vaguely like something from somewhere else, that's probably one of their influences (and I might have forgotten, so feel free to point those out to me) - I soak up everything like a sponge! Some characters like Zeyneb and Posthaste owe their faces to historical photographs, not any one definite person but an amalgamation of impressions. Exceptions are LaBelle, whose face is fully based on Kit Young as Jesper from the show Shadow and Bone (aged up a bit), and Lucifer, whose extensive design process has already filled a whole post on my tumblr blog. What parts of your story have you changed while making it? I could spend many many paragraphs on this question alone... basically any given fact about Souls Foreclosed was at some point changed, altered, or thrown out temporarily. Just off the top of my head, Reah was supposed to be a womanizing flirt that random powerful women took advantage of, Tabitha had huge boobs and was meant to have a 4 page guest comic about her feud with her brother, instead Astor there was meant to be a crack shot transmasc demon named Yolanthe who also drove the trio's wagon (I basically raffled off their traits to other characters in Unholy Savior), there was a plot about Godfrey putting more and more pickled reliquary organs into Lourdes via surgery, the Uyulala was(!) meant to be a singular divine presence without a body that speaks through multiple people, Joey was supposed to be a tiny butch journalist uncovering a conspiracy in a spinoff comic called Smoke and Mirrors (which I folded back into the main plot in Chapter VIII), Monsignore had a longer stay in the plot past the ending of Chapter VIII, Alessandra and LaBelle were not meant to be more than bit parts past that chapter's Scene 3, etc. etc. What was the inspiration for the setting? Just like character designs, these are also a mixture of media I consumed (Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts, Game Kitchen's Blasphemous, From Software's Dark Souls - specifically the Ringed City DLC, Chris Riddell's illustrations in the Edge Chronicles) and impressions from my 4 year stint studying for a degree in History, which might be the most obvious from the depiction of Tyvia in Chapter VIII. I wanted to depict a kind of "mundane" apocalypse that both feels gritty and poetic, with villains that had motivations taken from real life oppression. Is it your perception that Souls Foreclosed will help people accept eachother as they are, instead of projecting and reproducing societal and aesthetic expectations? (Because I sure do hope so) We can only hope. I think I have a better shot at making a certain flavor of trans reader see their own self be loved and kicking ass in it! Why is Tabitha so hot? Because while nobody wants to admit it, we all secretly want to be condescended to by a tall woman who's flat as a board and as lethal as a loaded gun. When are we getting the Reah plush we deserve? For the 10th anniversary, surely! Thank you all for these questions!                    
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notnyr · 1 year
someone please help me budget im going broke at this point😭😭😭
monthly income: $2200
commute: $80
food & groceries: $120
rick owens banana bolan pants that unzip at the ass: $1,400
furry bara art commissions: $385
old man yaoi commissions: $215
someone please help me figure out what i can cut out of my life🙏💯
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transrightsyamaguchi · 9 months
thoughts on volume 13 of real:
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OLD!! MAN!! YAOI!!! or is this bara actually? who cares. you cannot convince me that this professional wrestling headbutt Isn't supposed to be a coded kiss. these two are fucking. sun and moon symbolism. they have a long history together where they were once best friends who were forced apart by the evil that is Upper Management. they want each other so bad.
sorry. normal now. not really a lot to say on this one bc it was mostly about shiratori, with a little bit of takahashi introspection on the side, and i'm here for the takahashi introspection. no kiyoharu and two nomiya cameos. so. yeah.
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i bet it's intentional how much young shiratori looks like takahashi.
hm. i wonder if. shiratori took so warmly to takahashi because takahashi is around the same age as his estranged daughter.
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ough boy in a jar metaphor. and takahashi Admitting in this moment that there are people who care for him. that there are people around him who genuinely want to Know him. and that nomiya was one of those people!! takahashi realizes that nomiya tried to reach out and takahashi is the one who pushed him away!!
this boy's arc is just. so good. the victory charm and his father's words about not having to win, just don't lose coming back and being reinterpreted here.
i will be honest i was Not really looking forward to this wrestling match because i wasn't really invested in shiratori but i was sitting on the couch with this volume smiling like an idiot. not just because of the old man yaoi. i think i get the allure of pro wrestling now. it's like if you did improv comedy by punching and kicking and killing your scene partner. that was all very cool.
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OUR BOY IS BALLIN!! and it looks like he really is joining the dreams. this means he'll get that rematch against kiyoharu!! but i wonder what will come of fumika being the manager for the tigers. Guess We'll Find Out
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jadenvargen · 3 years
Idk if youve made a post like this but any m4m animes/mangas you recommend? Im trying to find stuff thats not overly romance focused or like. Idol groupey?? Like ikemen. Also watched kaiji because I saw your art and my soul hurts from the first arc alone
IM SORRY FOR THAT KAIJI IS SO MUCH uhm... i think i know what you mean? i don’t read too many gay manga( bcs i have hard time finding ones i like also😭) but there’s some i really recommend! Been a while since I read some of these so I’ll try my best to warn but I might have forgotten something ;; ! anyway I have a few to reccomend!
Shimanami Tasogare
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you’ve probably heard of it, it gets recced a lot, but it’s for a reason. It weaves an expert narrative, focusing on a small community of LGBT+ (an older gay man, a pair of lesbian wives, a transgender bicyclist, the mysterious agender leader, and a young child who’s unsure of their gender identity and presentation) people and how they navigate the world. Its POV character is a young closeted gay man struggling with self acceptance, and finds family and love within this group. 
Homophobia, Bullying, Transphobia as central and constant, but also mentioned suicidal ideation, pedophilia, parental abuse, as well as cancer.
What did you eat yesterday?
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If you’re not much for romance, this one’s definitely for you! Not to say the romance isn’t there- it’s just very casual. A fun and honest tale about a gay odd couple and their day to day struggles, from light to major, told with the help of food recipes that they eat for dinner every day. Very comfy. Also has a delightful live action show!
warnings: Homophobia, grindr-esque fatphobia at times, domestic abuse(one of the men is a lawyer and deals with lots of types of cases), and the biggest one would be a bad bit in Chapter 2 where a woman thinks our protagonist is going to assault her while he thinks she may be homophobic. I would honestly skip this chapter. 
Hare no Hi
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A one-shot about a gay divorced dad learning his son is gay too, and struggling to know how to help him. Since it’s so short, I won’t say more but I think it’s really amazing!
the son has a crush on the dad’s friend, who’s an adult. this isn’t encouraged by him or anything(in fact explicitly rejected) but warning just to be safe!
I hear the sunspot/ Hidamari ga Kikoeru
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A HoH university student recruits the help of a go-getter shonen protag classmate to take notes, and their friendship and feelings for each other develop along the way. It’s more about the HoH guy’s struggles to fit in and what to do in life, and how to fit in a relationship in all that. I’m not HoH myself, so while I cannot definitely decide if it’s perfect representation by any means, I think the story and characters are very real and wonderful to follow. 
(The reading order is all out of whack for a lot of chapters uploaded though so I’d reccommend checking a read order thing before starting lol...Also, the last chapter is gone from most scan sites for some reasons, but just searching “chapter 29″ should lead to plenty of downloads.)
warnings: ableism, bullying
Blue flag:
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Not my personal favourite, but a lot of people swear by it! Different strokes, so it might be for you. Basically: Boy likes Girl, who Likes Boy’s friend, who Likes Boy, then other complicated factors start to enter the picture. It’s a sort of relationship drama between every character in their large friend group. 
warnings: homophobia, bullying, sexual assault mention, i think i remember some weird homophobic rhetoric that was like endorsed but maybe i’m mixing things up, katy perry and taylor swift pro gay mixtape.
not a lot because i’m kind of picky and i tend not to like a lot of what i read ;_; a lot of gay stuff is just bad yaoi, hard bara which is fine but not like.. a story lol. or like.. super focused on highschoolers and i don’t care for that. some general lgbt manga i’d reccomend other would be: 
double house (character study of trans woman cis woman roomates.. and then more:) ) 
i wanna be your girl!(cis girl in love with her real girl childhood friend but struggling if these feelings mean she’s invalidating her gender but Actually she’s just bi... the t girl is straight though so be warned.) 
Ohana Holoholo (2 ex girlfriends become roommates to raise the child of one of them, and rediscover old feelings along the way.)
Koi Ga Ochitara is explicit, 18+ but if you’re an adult gay man it is. Somehow very touching and relatable.
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lucymidnight96 · 4 years
Things the SWSH fandom have done to Leon that are wrong (and a few are racist)
(warning, some topics will contain NSFW themes):
Man it has been a year since the game came out. We got to explore this new region called Galar, meet new rivals, pokemon and meet the champion.  I like the game despite it's flaws and some characters i grew attached to. I decided to check the tag for Leon and back then i did not know much about the fandom. As soon as I started playing further into the game I got to see what kind of character Leon is and I grew to like him a lot.  He's the unbeatable champion and hasn't lost a battle. He is smart right? well, not everybody thinks so. See the thing is i learned most of  the fandom likes to make fun of his clothes,call him annoying and i saw they also like to label him as a "himbo"
Honestly, i didn't know what the word meant so i looked it up. Himbo means "an attractive but unintelligent man" Something Leon IS NOT. Leon is proven to be undefeated and learn from every match he sees/partakes in. Read this word and this definition again.
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Look into his room and you'll see a shelf of books. If you click on the shelf, it'll say they are books adults read (mostly about pokemon). If he has been champion since he was 10, how does that make him a himbo? People use the  "getting lost with directions" and "head in the clouds" as "proof" that Leon is a himbo.
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Those are not good examples, even "smart" people can get lost or have their head in the clouds. Look at Sonia, someone on tumblr pointed out that she went into the crown tundra wearing a crop top.So ya'll make fun of Leon and his clothing but don't bat an eye when Sonia is out in the cold with her crop top and lab, skinny jeans and lab coat?
Leon's not dumb. Why is it that the champion Leon tag has him head cannoned as a "himbo" and that he lacks "braincells" honestly, he has them. The fandom doesn't acknowledge that. How is it that it's mostly he and Raihan are labeled as himbos? WHY?
Labeling the two poc guys as himbos and they are not just sounds wrong (and kinda racist don't you think?)
I have also seen some users go around and call Leon a Jerk, spreading "proof" that he is a jerk to Sonia and use this as proof:
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No, Leon was not saying this in a "mean" way and no way is he a jerk about it. He complimented her. If this is mean, then her saying "he's got his head in the clouds" is mean.
Leon is also called a "sore loser" and someone used his battle tower losing animation as an example. In no way is he a sore loser there. What? Is Leon not allowed to have any emotion at all?
(warning NSFW themes will be mentioned)
The other thing i see is how people portray Leon as a super buff man who is "horny" and a pervert when it comes to Sonia. Some like to write/draw him as a pervert who peeks at Sonia's cleavage or get a boner when he's close to her chest something that Leon is unlikely to show. Not only with Sonia but I've seen  people force the "top/dom/big spoon" role on him, drawing him as a buff "bara" that looks nothing like him and make him perverted and horny towards Raihan, who is drawn like a "feminine twink"
Like why? I've seen some argue that Leon shouldn't be labeled as a "bottom" but then people proceed to label Raihan as such. Honestly mlm relationships don't have the top/dom thing. That's mostly applied to "yaoi", the fetishization of gay relation ships
tell me what about Leon makes some of ya'll think he's a "horny perverted" man? Honestly, he looks more interested in battling than love.
i still don't understand how is it that this game is one year old, and people STILL label him as a himbo. He looks attractive, but dumb? No. I am honestly tired of people trying to correct/ convince me and use "loss of direction" and "head in the clouds" as proof.
In conclusion, Leon is a smart, sweet gentleman yet a few portray him badly.
 (If anyone wants to add to this feel free to do so.)
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
This past weekend I picked up another Steam dating sim, Full Service. I don’t think I could do a complete write-up like I’ve done for some others, but it’s worth mentioning some highlights and lowlights.
The Good
A lot of content for an indie erotica game, with seven primary love interests, over 200 CGs, and over twenty endings running the gamut from tenderly romantic to wildly kinky to dubcon/noncon scenarios. There’s more actual gameplay here than any of the dating sims I’ve previously talked about, with some light scheduling and resource management and a gifting/heart level system comparable to Fire Emblem support ranks or even more so heart levels in those old Harvest Moon games (are those still a thing?). The second playthrough adds more story content to better explore certain character motivations, and there are even after stories - epilogues, essentially - unlocked after perfect endings that catch up with the characters some time later and feature brief animated sex scenes. In the tradition of most gay dating sim protagonists that I’ve come across, Tomoki is fully vers, and his love interests are evenly divided by favored position: three tops, three bottoms, and one fellow vers with a little additional flexibility for certain scenes/combinations. Speaking from extensive personal experience I consider this much more reflective of how the gay/bi male population as a whole approaches anal than something like To Trust an Incubus contorting itself to ensure that every single guy is vers.
The premise is that all the love interests work at a spa/massage parlor that specializes in happy endings. All of them could be considered sex workers, and some of them have alternative sources of income in a similar vein, ex. modeling. This is not the easiest subject matter to write well without being either overly glorifying or overly preachy, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that for the most part Full Service walks the fine line between the two. It doesn’t shy away from the potential dangers and hardships of sex work (especially in some of the bad endings) or from the issues it can create with forming romantic connections, but it also remains generally sex positive and never condemns its characters for what they choose to do with their lives or suggest that they’d all be happier doing something else. The most judgmental the game ever gets seems to be a projection of Tomoki’s own prudishness...which comes off as deliberately hypocritical considering all the raunchy things he can get up to over the course of the game.
Speaking of sex positivity, it’s actually impossible to go through a full playthrough and only have sex with one person, and the fact that around half of the love interests’ development occurs outside plot events means that it’s quite likely that Tomoki will sleep his way through half or more of the spa’s masseurs before all is said and done. Furthermore, despite what I said in my Chess of Blades review about a poly relationship being beyond the scope of a typical dating sim this one pulls it off with one pair of love interests that Tomoki can potentially end up with at the same time.
While she’s not a love interest, there’s a trans woman in the supporting cast. Her full story isn’t revealed until your second playthrough owing to her major role in the plot, but I appreciated the depiction of someone who discovered her gender identity/presentation through her sexual relationships with men. Thara may not be the sort of trans character who would appeal to typical fans of either yaoi or bara, but having explored feminization kink in the context of sex work myself I thought she was a nice addition.
The Bad
So...voice acting. Most of the game goes for vocal work in the style of Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates, short clips that only somewhat match up with the text on screen and are meant to be more suggestive of what the character is saying. Those are fine enough if not always exactly on point, but then there are the perfect endings which are fully voiced. There’s a fair bit of variance in this game’s vocal talent and even audio recording equipment in one or two cases - sadly one of my favorite love interests has a noticeably lower recording quality to his audio, and it’s no more evident than in his perfect ending where suddenly he’s voicing full lines of dialogue - and then there’s the recurring problem these games have with fully voiced sex scenes and how generally silly those come off. I really have to ask: does anyone genuinely feel that full or even partial voice acting adds anything to the eroticism of such scenes? Props to the voice actors for doing their best with the material, but the sounds of sex are just not easy to vocalize unless you’re actually doing it - at least not without sounding ridiculous.
Harping on lack of realism in gay sex scenes has become rather passé, and I can overlook things like everyone being muscled and well-endowed, no one wearing a condom, or there rarely being any mention of artificial lube. However, there is one glaring issue that over and over shattered my suspension of disbelief, because it comes up in like 80% of the game’s sex scenes: these men have no refractory periods, at all. Almost every scene has all characters involved cumming twice, with only one or two lines of text between CGs as a break. Even worse than the inherent absurdity of a man cumming and then being hard again five seconds later is that it leads to the scenes coming off as quite predictable. With only a handful of exceptions sex scenes in Full Service consist of two NSFW CGs: a foreplay CG - oral, rimming, or some light kink like bondage or nipple or armpit play - and then an anal CG. There’s a lot of variety in positions and (tame) kink elements on display, but it’s undercut when almost every encounter follows this exact script.
On some subjects Full Service flirts with a particular kind of kink but can’t find it in itself to commit. Tomoki’s romance with his boss Rald is almost an instance of this, although they do end up having one of those (allegedly) scandalous workplace romances with its kink potential left intact. Less fortunate however are the twins Oki and Okan, who Tomoki can romance either individually or together in the aforementioned poly ending. The twincest is indeed hot, but it’s explained in supplementary material (if not necessarily the game itself) that two really aren’t twins or even related which annoys me as the same sort of cop-out as Coming Out on Top’s teacher/student romance. Here it’s a bit more forgivable as the reason Oki and Okan are more or less RPing as twins is tied into the plot.
Full Service’s setting is difficult to pin down. It’s clearly somewhat inspired by Japan and takes place somewhere in the real world as various other ethnicities get referenced throughout, but it’s all rather vague. I honestly can’t even tell if the developer is Japanese or Western, as there’s signs pointing to either.
There’s an annoying mascot character who runs a gacha for gift items - in-game currency only, thankfully - but the script knows how silly he and uses him sparingly in the plot and heart events.
One of the love interests is (so I’ve read) the protagonist of a completely different indie game, recognizable because he looks like a JRPG protagonist and has plot-convenient amnesia. He’s not a bad character by any means, just a big bundle of genre clichés.
With both Chess of Blades and Coming Out on Top I pointed out that best friend romances were a tricky business and tend to end up lighter on conflict. Full Service really yanks the rug out on that one, but it’s impossible to say any more without heavy spoilers. Suffice it to say Tomoki does have a best friend romance, but it’s hidden and hard to obtain and figures into the main plot in a thoroughly unexpected way.
What I said pertaining to second playthrough reveals also brings up another serious issue the game attempts to tackle, this one with more mixed results. It’s sex trafficking, which indeed ties into the larger sex work premise but in my opinion doesn’t land nearly as well as the rest in large part due to it being treated as a mystery and the centerpiece of many a lategame reveal. There are worse ideas for a source of conflict independent of who Tomoki ends up dating, but I’m still not sure about the overall execution.
So in summary? It’s not entirely my genre and there’s a lack of polish in parts, but a lot of gameplay for a dating sim and so, so much porn. Kind of middle of the pack for me.
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aa So I just woke up to this?
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I’m just.. speechless? I can’t believe this actually happened, so thank you all for the last few months, for every like, reblog and comment. It’s been such a pleasure to interact with you and scream about Mirio and The Big Three<3 I hope 2019 won’t bring us too many tears (spoiler: it will.) and we can all laugh about their shenanigans again (spoiler: we won’t.). This blog came alive with crazy good fanart, hilarious memes and sweet headcanons, sprinkled with my neverending affection towards Mirio, so kudos go out to the amazing artists and writers that create the content we love<3 Thank you for over 1k followers and I hope to see the family of mirihoes grow in the progressing year! I’ve received a lot of questions for my milestone special and I only picked out a few, but if you want more of these, let me know! Now let’s dive right into the Q&A!
Heey~ I’m a huge Bnha fan and I love this blog, keep up the great work!! \(^-^)/ I’d love to know how old you are, if that’s not too personal of a question?
Not at all! I’m actually 20 y/o and my Birthday is in June, also my zodiac is Gemini👭
What do you do for a living?
I’m a university student in my second year! I’m majoring in Linguistics and my minor is English Literature and Culture. Though before, I did a year of Environmental Sciences, but it just wasn’t my cup of tea so I quit🤷‍♀️ I’m also part timing at a boutique.
Hello! I check your blog everyday and I can’t with all your reactions, they’re almost always the same as mine:D Which state (USA) are you from and what languages do you speak?
Lol, do I really sound American?:D I’m actually from Germany, so German is my mother tongue! Other than that, I consider myself pretty fluent in English (your assumption of me being a native speaker flatters me so much, you have no idea) and I guess my French is decent. I can order food and ask for directions in Spanish (ayyyy) and studied Hindi for two semesters at Uni. Also I’m currently learning Japanese for my degree in Linguistics.
Do you have a favorite anime show? Other than My hero academia of course!
My all time favorite anime is definitely Arslan Senki! Besides that, I also love Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Assassination Classroom, Durarara, Hunter x Hunter and pretty much every existing sports anime (Haikyuu, Kuroko no Basuke, Daiya no Ace, Free!, Yowapedal, Yuri on Ice, Prince of Tennis,.. although Haikyuu is my favorite) I enjoy most genres as long as the plot and characters appeal to me.
Do you read any manga? (also LOVE YOUR BLOG!!<3)
Yeah! I really love manga and I’ve read tons of shoujo when I was younger (I bingeread every night in middle school tbh) Nowadays though, not so much anymore.. It’s not that I came to hate it, I just don’t have as much time unfortunately-.-’ I do read the new Bnha and Haikyuu chapters on a weekly basis, but I can’t manage more than that. I also read yaoi/shounen-ai manga and doujinshi from time to time, but it’s not as much of an obsession as it was a few years ago. However, I own a couple of manga series (Bnha, Haikyuu, Arslan Senki), which I love to reread in my free time😊
hey, we share a love for mirio, so do you maybe have a few anime recommendations, or any good anime you’re watching now?
uhuhuhu birds of a feather flock together;))) Of course I can dish out some recommendations, but I’ll start with what I’m watching atm. I started rewatching Daiya no Ace not so long ago (due to the announcement of Season 4) so I sometimes watch a few episodes of that when I find the time. Also, and this is a recommendation as well, there’s this new track and field anime called Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru (Run with the Wind) coming out every Friday and it’s hilarious. If you like sports anime, you should definitely give it a go! The last anime I’m rewatching right now is Sukitte Ii na yo (Say I love you), cause I’ve been in a shoujo mood lately and after several years I still can’t deal with the cuteness of this show. Now for recs.. this is hard, since everyone has a different taste in series, but other than the shows I’ve named in the “Favorite anime” question, I’d recommend Wotakoi (Wotaku ga Koi no Muzukashii). It’s a very sweet anime about the love stories of otakus, so if you like a good laugh and lots of fluff, this show is for you (11eps). Same goes for Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (12eps + 6 short specials). Shounen-wise I enjoyed for example Noragami, Bleach, Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Magi. Shoujo-wise I can always rewatch Toradora, Kimi ni Todoke and Itazura na Kiss. Sorry for rambling, there are just too many!😅
What pronouns do you use? And what’s you sexual orientation? If the latter question is too personal, just ignore it(/ω\)
No worries! I use she/her pronouns and I’m pan, slightly favoring men. Probably due to the fact that I’ve only had hetero relationships so far. Though, I really don’t care about my partner’s gender🤷‍♀️
hi, i’ve been going through a rough time lately and your reblogs and memes never fail to make my day. how so you stay positive when things are going downhill? (sorry for the weird ask..)
Your question isn’t weird at all! I’m sorry to hear that you don’t feel well lately and I’m glad my posts are able to cheer you up a bit<3 I, for my part, am a very optimistic person and always try to concentrate on the positive things in my life, but I cannot deny that due to my personal problems I’ve spent many nights sleepless as well. Unfortunately, there’s no recipe for happiness, but here are some things you should always keep in mind should you feel down: Don’t surround yourself with toxic people. Don’t let them in your life and if they already are, either ignore them or cut them off. The latter won’t always work, since the world of adulthood is a cruel place, but try to develop a thick skin and don’t let them abuse the power over you that they don’t actually have. Try to talk with people. I can tell from experience that talking about your problems will almost always make you feel better, or at least lighter afterwards. Think positive. There’s never only black and white, so even if everything seems hopeless or bland, you should never cease to search for the good aspects. An example from me: Uni fucks me up real bad atm. I have six exams and one term paper to write this semester and I’m seriously afraid of failing. I’ve always had insane expectations of myself, because when I was a toddler, my parents found out that I was highly talented and that has been a as much of a curse as it is a blessing throughout my entire life. Whenever something gets too much for me and I end up in a slump, I think about how grateful I am to have so many wonderful friends. I think of all the things I plan to do with the money I earn, such as travelling, buying manga, movies, clothes,.. and even if that might not seem like a trivial matter for some people, I think of all the amazing anime coming out this year: Ice Adolescence, One Punch Man Season 2, Attack on Titan Season 3, Fruits Basket remake, Bnha Season 4, Haikyuu Season 4, Daiya no Ace Season 3.. Why am I naming these? Because they keep me going. They give me something to look forward to. They make me realize that I’m extremely grateful to be alive, because I get to experience these works. I get to discuss my favorite shows with people, who share my interests! I get to scream about Mirio’s bara arms with you guys! If that isn’t something to be cheerful about, I don’t know what is<3
And since I don’t want to end this on a solemn note, here’s a personal favorite of mine:
On a scale from 1-10, how much do you love Mirio?^^
1.000.000 (A million, you get it? wink wonk) Thanks for sticking around! Hope this gave you a little insight on who I am and I’d love to spend 2019 with you as well<3
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evilsxiyan · 6 years
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rewatching sdbh ep 3 with the sound cuz the last time i was making icons in the library
so notes
cumber makes some beastly growly sounds while he’s choking trunks out
cumber’s got huge as bara yaoi hands that can crush trunks’s head like a grape
he sounds very gruff, growly, and throaty
i love his gruff old man voice
he’s a fucking animal brute
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
the lorax, but everytime a character appears its bnha and every time u read it u want 2 die
summary: oh you know damn well whats coming, sweetie 
notes: its 2:35 am. i spent over an hour writing this. pls clap. 
it was a suny day in thneedville and the sun was shining but it was COLD and DARk in dekus hart as he gazed sadly off intot he distance. “mommm wy doesnt todoroki senpai-san NOTICE me???”” he lameneted to his mom.
“maybe its ur ugly little pissbaby child face” inko suggested as she cooked up a spaghety for brekfast.
“how can i impress him??” deku questioned
“try lifting, cucklord” said his grandma recovery girl as she casually bench bressed 600 pounds of rocks.
“how bout i find him  a plant insted?” deku sugested thinking about the tre todoroki painted on his house. he had asked todoorki if he liked trees and he sed ‘ya sur i gues’. “bitches lov plants”
“yeeee i kno wat u mean giv him some *lettuce*” recovery gorl winked
“wat a bout a tree” “but TREEs are DEAD” inko exlciamed! she threw the spagheti on the floor for dramtic effect and cltuched dekus head in his hands. “Son do not SPEAK of such things or The All For One’HAre Corporation Copyright TM wil BUST thru the ROOF and kill you! Now sit down and eat ur capitalism! Consumerism is god hallejeuluah amen!”
“tree” deku whisperd
the hose exploded and every1 died but they were okey. avaracious all-for-one’hare, a tiny liitle with a shiny bowlcut and tiny little man feet bitchslaped deku across the face. “NO TREES ALLOUD!!1!”  he shrieked. he bloo a kiss ot dekus mom “that plate of capitalism u have is cooking upped looks lovly mam”
inko blsuhed. “thanks”
“just make sure to keep the kiddo here away from any” all-for-one’hare, lowered his voice, which was hard bc he was already so short and low and close tothe flor. “trees”
inko gASPed! “of CORSE! i wil keep him away from the place where the trees once were by the Forbindden WAll u buildt with ur money to keep out the Bad COmmunist SentimentsTM”
recovery girl made shifty suspicious looks on her face “sure yea me too”
all-for-one’hare, was convinced. “I AM CONVINECED” he sed “by felicia!” he hopped on his hoverbord and hoverborded away.
inko cleaned the spaghety off the flor and recovery girl pulled deku by the leg into the backyard. “YO FUCKER U BETTER RUN UR ASS OVER THE COMMIE WALL AND GET A TREE SO U CAN START SLINGIN SOME MAD PUSS”
“but gramma im gay”
“then start slingin some nuts my d00d the POINT is get a TRE e” she scremed. “when i was, a yung boi, my ffather, took me over the wall, to see a bunch of trees, he sed son when, u grow up, dont kill them , the trees, and bring the nonbelievers, to come and plant new trees”
“k” deku hopped on his totaly radicel scooter headed 2 the wall. a robot cat watched him forehsadowingly.
it was hella empty over the commie cuck wall with not even a bORger king in site!!!1! tree stumps covered the flor and clouds of smonk from a thousand vape pens darkened the sky. a ded bird lay deadly on the ground while its bird children cried over its bird corpse. it was sad. deku took a sad face selfie with the ded bird then did a sick ollie over the corpse and headed toward the mysterious shack in the distants.
the shack had  a bucket in front of the dor labeled “piss”. deku hopped on in the piss bucket “YO ONCE-FOR-ALLER U GOT KIK??” he cried. wind wistled past his ears and he coffed from the vape smoke but then the pis buckt got pulled up on a ROPE and deku found himself hOISted up to a wINdOW!!!! he stareed face to face at a pair of black eyes with blue spots in the middle like limpid tears and some long bony arms with glvovs and yaoi hands reached out to slap him.
“WHAT” he yelled “ARE YOU DOOING” he leaned closer “IN MY SWWAAAAAAMP!????”
deku wet his pants and criied. “i sutjj,,, i jstu  wann, t  a t;rree,,” he said sobbily. “i,m tr yiyng to get s enpai , t o noticnse me,, an ,n  and i  thgout,, i fi  got, hima   t,r,ree, he wo uld liek me”
“fucken millenials” snarled the once for aller “its always senpai this, thrussy that, my neck my back, my snapping-chat, wy wold i giv u a tre??”
“b-because i,, i brought u a SPAGHETTY” deku exxclaimed, pulling pounds of spagheetyi out of his pockets
the once for aller slorped up the spaghetti hongrily “ya ok i gues i can tel  u my storey now. its a dark and trageic tale of capitalism, like the star wors preqols” a tear ran down his bony old cheek. “but insted of jar jar binks thers only me, booboo the fool”
there was  a crossdissolve and suddenly they were in the once-for allers past where he was a big bara man with bara tiddies and twinky skinny geans no where near the size needed to accomodate for his phat dong. he rode along in a cariege puled by a single muel
“FASTER AIZAWA KUN” cried the once-for-aller hapily. “those proletariats arent gonna exploit themselves!”
aizawa the mule grunted sexily and plowed on, workin that tight little mule ass.
the once-for-aller started shredding out a sick nasty solo on an elextric guitar and it was RAD AS HELL as he blasted out the opening cords to jake pol’s magmnum opiss “its everyday bro”. “we gotta dab on those haters aizawa kun” said the once-for aller with  a very gay wink
aizawa the mule grunted in annoyance. he could not dab, for his sexy mule bodey had no arms.
they fond a metric shitload of trees and there were like wildlifes and shit running around. bears (like endeovor) froclikced int he woods with their hairy bara nippels exposed 2 the world, tsuyu and her frog pals swam in the woter, and tokoyami the borb boy  floo in the sky wich was pure and clean without a single trace of vape smoke. the tres looked fuckable so the once for aller busted a nut against one trunk then wipped out a glock and started shootin them down “YEHAW fuCKERS iTS HIGH NOON” he screamed in texan, his native language, as he mowed downt he trees the way present mics sexy voice mows down the pussey.
sudenly DANY DEVITO IN A FURSOOT APEARED. he was tiny and magestic and orange and so fucken valid. also he was grand toledo. “CUNT” he yelled kicking the once for aller in th e kneecaps. “THIS IS THE ENVIROMENT!!!!1! YOU CANT JUST START WEED WACKIN THES TREES WITH YOUR YANKEE DONGLE DANDY AND SHOOTING THEM WITH GUNS!1! THAT IS BAD AND WRONG! CAPTIN PLANET DIED FOR OUR SINS”
the once for aller looked down at the tiny orange man then down at his own big bulgin bara tiddes “i cold crush u 2 deth with my tiddys, maybe u shuld stay out of my way dude’
dany deveto gasped angrely. “how DARE!!1!” he screamed, punching the once-for-allers big toe. “BUDDY I WILL PERSONALLY FUCK YOUR GRAVE WITH MY OWN TWO ASSCHEEKS IF YOU SAY ONE MORE FUCKING WORD, I DEFY U TO TALK SHIT, COME AT ME SCRUBLORD IM RIPT”
“try me gardfielf” the once for aller laffed “iv ben drinkign plenty of nut milk so my boneses are helthy and Stronk”
daney devito pulled out his 20 inch thunderdong and beat the once for aller in the head with it until he was past oout on the ground. the woodland crreatures danced hapily around the bodey but then he woke up
“u kno wat” he moaned “mabye capitalism isnt so good, lets al liv together in communism and friendship, and i wont cut and/or fucc any of the trees”
danny deveto was mostly appeased. “ya ok, but if u try anymore fuckin shit ill go back in time and cuck ur grandparents.”
dannneie dievoto tried to hav the once-for aller killed on at least 10 separate occasions and the once for aller did slip in some clandestine tree fuckage now and agein, but other than that the communism and friendship was good. but everything changed went he fire nation atteacked, they defeeted endevor esily but then the once for allers slutty, sluty family showed up to REEK HAVICK :0 !!!1!
the once for allers ugley mom, sir nighteye, stepped out of their cheap car and did the anime glasses thing “toshi u commie thot” he said with distaste “stop being poor”
“but MOM” the once for aller wined “i HAV to be por! its good for the envorionemnt and my new animal frends and if i dont dany devito will beat me over the head with his massive meaty man-canoe!”
“dont b lil bitch, do a capitalism.”
the once for allers loud cosin hizashy jumped out of the wagon. “YAINT” he shrieked at 1000000 decibels, killing 90% of life on erth. “ARE WE GON FUCK SOME TREES OR WHAT”
the once for aller looked at his disproving mom, then at his loud cosin, then at the very fuckable trees. his eyes lingered on a sexy sap hole. “yea we are” he said, pulling out his gitar sexily. “how bad could it posbiley be??”
the answer was prety fucken bad as it turned out. a metric fuckton of people paid to watch the once for aller and his family fuck trees to deth by throwing moneey at them like they were stripers, but then al the tres were fucked ded!!11! the bears starved into ity bity twinks, unable to maintain the THicc, tsuyu and the frogs choked and coffed up water ful of human piss as they peed in the water while laughing in delite at the once for allers antics, and tokoyami and the birbs coffed out their organs from the clouds of vape smoke filing the sky.
soon ther was no one left. the once for allers familey left with al the money, aizawa the fuckable mule was ded, and it was just the once for aller allone in the rouns of his former capitalistc glory with only the bright yellow banana suit on his back to remind him of those days.
dani devioto looked at the once for aller with sad eyes before kciking his own ass so hard he got sent rocketing thru the stratusphere, leaving behind an imapct crater with a single word
“cunt” deku whispered softly in the present as he gazed into the crator.
the once for aller sighed sadley. “iv wondered for years and yeers wat he ment by that, but i think i understand now. unless some1 like u stops being a cunt, then nothign is gona get better, u nut”
“shit fam thats deeep” sed deku
the once for aller looked at dekus pissbaby child face. “i lost evrything to capitalism, my friends, nature, my family” teers rolled down his cheks “i even sold my organs to buy cocane and strippers so now i hav a total of 2 orgens in my hole bodey.”
“but we can change that!” cried the once for aller passionetely. “i am going 2 giv u a tree to plant in thneedvil so communism can return and bring back the life stole from this world with my big stick diplomacy. go now, young midorieya-shonen my boy, GO FORTH IN THE NAME OF COMMUNISM AND UN-CUNT THIS MISEREBLE WORLD!!1!”
ther was an epic radicel chase seen wher deku had to fite the The All For One’HAre Corporation Copyright TM and his grandma recovery girl did sik triks on her moped and deku almost but not quite got to kis todorki senpai but they made it to the town square.
deku held todorokis hands and tenderly put the baby tre in it “here” he sed “take my seed”
todoroky noded solemly. “i hav never wanted anything more than to be given ur seed midoreya” he was about 2 plant the seed in the ground when all for one’hare appered! “NOT SO FAST FUCKHOLES” he yelled capitalistically. “this TRee is COMMuNISM!!1!” he cried to the townspeople. “do u RELLY want to be FILTHY COMMIES???”
“Commies hate micdonaleds!!1” screamed one impassoned townsperson.
“LETS BOIL THEM IN OIL” some one else agred.
“but guys wait!!!” deku cried “dont u want like, nature n shit?”
teh twonspoeple gasps, thens tarted chanting for deku todo and grandma to get boiled in oil
deku sweated nervosly “um but,, treees,, r good?”
that was acomeplling argument. the boil in ooil chanting slowed
stain cleered his throt and burst into magnificent song “let it gro let it gro, so we can have trees to bone” he sang. he was The Ultimate ChadTM so every1 agreed with him imediately. they throow all for one’hare into a pit of spiders where eh was eten and killed and planted the seed in the fertile butthole of the earth wher it could blosom and gro.
in the folowing yeers trees started groiwng beyond the wals and the once for aller crawled out of his shame sahck to water them with his nut as an act of penanc.e
slowly, magesticsally, danny devito in a fursewt flew down from the sky. “ya done good cunt” he grunted, tenderly slapping the once for allers boney ass with his furry orange old man boner. “ya done good.”
they both floated up to gay heaven by their ass skins wher the once for allers big bara past self greeted them with open arms. “all of ur trubles are ogre” he whispered tenderly in their tidditlyated ears. 
the once for aller caressed his past self “oh oncey” he whispered sweetly “are u shure we should do this?? can u even,,, oh, how can u love me in this broken down form??” 
past once for aller smiled and did the kabedon thing with his future self who whimpered arousedly and blushed carnelian. “its not who we are on the outside” he shoved his entire arm up his entire ass“its who we are inside” 
danney devito cheered the once for allers on as they fucked together for all of eterneity and it was very communiest teh end 
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gayhardmens82 · 4 years
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Indian love gay boy and sexy boy game tumblr These men are pretty Renesse
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH Let'S just say both of these pledges got what they had coming, and they got it best! peewee Ville - Gay smut Game Site The following is a list of video games with gay, girlfriends, bisexual, or transgender characters, . Ned Wynert, Trans man, Ned Wynert is a minor non-playable character (NPC) and a trans man. Two strong athletic guys making gay love during business trip and tasting one. I think I'M pretty good at this thing and well, if it'S gay smut games you'Re after, . "From Sexless to Sexy: Telltale'S Queer Trajectory". 3 Dec 2018 . Beautiful Boy When the blinder comes off that guy'S greater quantity than willing to ride . Some gays out there love to game but what'S a guy gonna do when he wants to . List of video games with LGBT characters - Wikipedia XVIDEOS Indian love gay boy and sexy boy game tumblr These men are pretty free. Pretty Girl Penis Pinatas, Games, gay bachelor party favors and more all on sale. Young Girls Asian Girl May 10, 2014 - The only gay owned site for Gay Bachelor Party Supplies. GRIFFITH: He'S a smart, attractive, sexy man who knows what he. Ready to meet some attractive guys in CockVille and unlock gay interesting . A boys' Love visual novel company, currently creating the BL . Find the best gay love, flash, hentai, and bara yaoi games for best men online. Eblg yaoi art stream gay picarto 1st degree parival vn evn visual . Gay Bachelor . Anonymous View He is in love with his male old friend, Urick, one of the playable characters. 13+ Best Gay smut Games, Yaoi Games Gay love Games . peewee Ville is a fag-tastic, free to play best game with loads of sexy dudes and plenty of . Two sexy teen boys playing in love game on the bed while satisfied . Gay love equal rights LGBT kiss happy Tumblr Gay, . These back to a dorm apartment where bullshit really got real. These folks are continually updating the game to ensure that the boys you are. Beautiful Asian Women Indian love gay boy and sexy boy game tumblr These men are pretty . Healthy tattooed gay seduced pretty twink on a gay love on the chair and petting him . Peewee Ville is a fag-tastic, free to play best game with loads of sexy dudes and. om/best-gay-smut-games Any best smut gamer will love the best animations filled with big penis. Et/videos/545/two-sexy-teen-boys-playing-in-love-game-on-the-bed-while-satisfied-blindfolded-twink-getting-great-nice-fun-award/ Pin on Gay Bachelor Party Supplies - Pinterest I think it'S coming along pretty well. Om/2538/cockville be written~ So you guys will be in for quite a ride when it'S all complete! Thai Girls Gay men sexy handsome equal rights beautiful love muscles bulge guys MM LGBT speedo underwear pkg . 1St Degree - Parival Games - Tumblr Asian Women
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dove-annarchie · 7 years
A Slow Damage headcanon theory compilation by Ann
It’s late and I’m supposed to write short stories instead of a long rant about a game that’s not even out. But after watching the Slow Damage PV another hundred times and seeing that the N+C fandom is kinda dead. I decided to add my little, possibly going to remain unseen theories/headcanons/speculations/guesses etc. for the fans waiting for something new.
Note that nothing of what I’ve written is to be taken at face-value, it’s just my speculation and feel free to correct me on anything or share your theories with me. Anything to make this agonizing period of waiting a bit less agonizing!
First, these guesses wouldn’t be as strong without @shinocchidesu’s text decode on the PV and the inverted sketches @bara-mink (sorry, for some reason i couldn’t tag you :C) made to get a new perspective on the images, and they look clearer!. Kudos to them!
To start this trip, I may warn you this is gonna be long as heck. Be prepared.
We’ve got to start with the ambience. N+C has something like a track record regarding crapsack worlds, dramatical murder and maybe false alkanet being the exceptions (and even then, Dmmd was dark as fuck despite the cheery, colorful world it was in). Togainu no Chi was a post-war dystopia, Lamento was a story in a world that was slowly dying, and sweet pool’s world was fairly ordinary but the darkness on the plot was the product of the characters’ doing.
Slow damage seems to be the game where both the characters and the world around them are grimdark as hell.
Taking the PV at face value, the characters seemed suspicious, the music and effects were unsettling and the background left an impression (at least in me) that nothing was fine. Looked kind of like a decadent city, or a red-light district, just an urban zone full of crime. If I had to compare it to explain myself better, think of Dragon Palace in Omerta Chinmoku no Okite (another BL, mafia themed VN).
(what looks like an urban environment in the pv):
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(omerta’s dragon palace, for comparison):
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A crime-filled ambience is an ideal place for a dark plot with troubled characters.
Moving along with the characters, we see 4 of them (at least if there’s not a hidden twin, clone or doppelganger). None of them look 100% sane to me. The flashing visuals and slightly off-key music and sounds are likely to hint that at us, or maybe it’s the kanji, for the Japanese-speaking people? They’re either very involved with crime, or their hands aren’t clean enough to disprove any guilt. At least for me, since these are my deductions.
Moving on, I’m going to talk about the people we see in the PV. Starting with:
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My thoughts about him? When there’s crime, there should be cops. He looks like a detective or cop to me. He also seems to be middle aged, or older than the MC at the very least. Old enough to have been a father? Who knows. But he reminds me of Motomi (TnC) and Kiryuu (Omerta) for some reason. I’ll call him Kiryu for now.
The words deciphered by shinocchidesu in their post read:
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Sins, guilt, depression, self-loathing, to hide something, mask.
If I tie this to his assumed position in the law, Kiryu must have committed a crime himself and/or gotten someone killed. It was either an accident or intentional, whether in a moment of weakness or fully aware of what was going to unfold. In any case. It seems like Kiryu desperately wants to hide it, or forget it. Or the disgust he felt with himself after doing it.
Affection, mercy, silence, determination to be…
What if his route is like a healing process, maybe not just for Kiryu, but also for whatever the MC went through before? Maybe by taking his route, if he has one, we can make him move on or remind him that the past is in the past, and that he can still find worthy things in his life (Like the MC?). he’s going to feel more positive with the MC around him, he may quickly take a liking to him. Maybe because he reminds Kiryu of someone from his past? Is being romanced by the MC like a chance to symbolically or internally fix everything that went wrong?
Next is…
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My thoughts about him? Looks like the typical pretty boy every anime media must have. Longish hair? Check. More delicate face structure? Check. Mischievous smile? Check. He also seems to have piercings, or maybe it’s the rough lines of the sketches. I’m going to call him Shi for now, read the explanation ahead.
The deciphered words read:
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Unrestrained, unstoppable pleasure, blood, bone, flesh, violence.
This doesn’t spell good.
I’m going to stretch my deductions a lot and state that maybe Shi was (or is) a cannibal, or a serial killer. I see him as a hedonistic fuck who doesn’t care about other people’s wellbeing as long as he’s having a blast. Maybe he was under the influence of drugs. All of this spells that Shi was an outright criminal, the kind of pleasure-seeking person who will go to the extreme just to feel new sensations, even if they’re morally wrong. Shi wants to feel thrilled, he has no barriers or chains. He’s a free man and not even the police can keep him from having his way. He’s sassy, brash, carefree and confident. Has a joyful and fun façade to hide his bloodthirstiness and the misery it caused him.
Or we can take the other side and imply he was being forced to be like this. Maybe he was part of a cult or a very toxic group who indulged in killing and intoxication. He’s used to this, even if he doesn’t want to be. Maybe the MC can help him withdraw from his passions or push him deeper into it while joining him. I still don’t have this clear.
Self-denial, build and rebuild, hidden aesthetic.
Shi lives very frugally. Because of his criminal status he has to constantly relocate, but it’s not like he has important things to leave behind. Much like Nine told Aoba in dmmd re:connect, Shi can build and destroy his (outer) world whenever he wants or needs to and he doesn’t lose much by that. The build and rebuild part can also apply to his possible murderous intents, since he destroys lives in order to build up his pleasure. Possibly being with the MC may inspire a desire to settle down, despite the risk, and having legitimate reasons to do the opposite. A possible bad end might be joining in the bloody debauchery and being dominated by Shi?
Next one…
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My thoughts about him? A classic character; the kichiku megane. Other than Ugajin (also from Omerta) and the yaoi manga with that name, I cannot make any comparisons due the fact I haven’t seen many examples of this archetype. Unless he turns out to be a caring, if amoral sweetheart, I’m betting my cat’s life that he’s going to follow the trope to a T. Stoic, sadistic, cruel and uncaring, but smart, sophisticated, desirable and maybe hiding a very tiny good heart. He looks like a high-ranking criminal, or yakuza or mafia or I dunno, he looks not like a lowlife thug, but more like an evil hidden-in-plain-sight kind of criminal. He can afford to look elegantly amoral. It took me a while to give him a decent placeholder name, so I’m just calling him Kenji for now.
Let’s analyze his phrases.
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To put on, not being himself, inerasable past, acted out truth, hatred towards their own.
This one’s a little more complicated to me even if it seems to be explicitly spelled out. Kenji’s self-hatred must stem from a typical traumatic experience. Maybe his family/race/clan/group did something awful and he was one of the few who regretted letting it happen? And that’s why he’s involved with crime? Because he sees himself as nothing but another apple that rot far away from the tree and he can’t do better than commit more crimes?. A little part of himself knows that while he’s scum, or at least related with the real scum, he didn’t commit atrocities like his kind so he can afford to be a little bit better. He desperately tries to distance himself from his clan, erasing his past and not wanting the horrible truth to be discovered. He doesn’t need to have a higher moral ground, he’s content with not doing horrible things directly. And he clings to that.
Cruel, thorough confrontation, continuous obsession.
Rule of three dictated these might refer to Kenji’s relationship with the MC. While MC doesn’t look like a career criminal, he’s still at the very bottom of the barrel, living in the crime-ridden urban settlement on a filthy studio (assuming he’s an artist). While Kenji can flaunt of being sophisticated and respected. If the kichiku megane aspect is played straight, Kenji won’t limit his cruelty with the MC, maybe seeing him as just another ruffian undeserving of even mere eye contact, much like he sees the people working for him. MC will keep clashing with Kenji, causing the yakuza to become enticed and attracted to the young (?) smoker. As if he’s “deserving” of him. I don’t have much else, sorry.
And finally…
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Now let’s go with the hooded person, who I’m assuming it’s the MC, and if he isn’t and turned out to be the main antagonist or some shit like that, welp, then screech in my ear and call me Rachel.
I’m basing my guesses from the teaser images rather than the kanji.
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The first one is simplistic. We see a person in a hoodie sporting a macabre smile, standing in the middle of a street with distorted figures which must be buildings. The colors are limited, classical red, black and white, aiding the macabre aesthetic of the picture. The black figures seem to sink onto the ground and lose consistency. As seen on the N+C website, the title of the game is written twice; once in white and then in black, right over the white katakana in an irregular way that may be meant to add to the “instability” of the image.
I don’t see much symbolism other that this being N+C’s way of saying “yo, we gon fuck your mind up but you gotta wait for it ;) also if you don’t speak Japanese then you’re doubly screwed fam”
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The second one is more complex and gives us a very good look at the aspects and symbolism. We see the hooded person in much clearer detail. Looks definitely masculine (it’s a yaoi game, duh). He’s sitting on a stool, in a crooked posture, looking depressed and defeated, smoking while avoiding eye contact with the camera. Smoking was believed to reduce stress, but that was debunked a while ago, so he has pent up a ton of anxiety added to the usual problems with his already underprivileged lifestyle. Behind him there are numerous canvases (assuming he’s an artist, or at least a hobbyist) with a huge black one right behind his back, they show no images other than empty whiteness and some shadows, their meanings being that either he gave up, those easels are representing emptiness and gloom, he became disillusioned and he’s reflecting on stuff, or that there are multiple problems in his life that are unimportant or self-inflicted and thus cause him small amounts of misery but not to an extreme extent, and this one big black canvas right behind his back represents factor that started, prolonged or keeps fueling his bitterness and internal struggle.
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I want you to save me./Do you want to be saved?
In a world of crime, a young man has the chance to make things right. Anything he could do may make things better or worse. Is he talking to himself? Is someone else asking him that? All the above?
By who? By me?
He’s doubtful and depressed. He started at the bottom and he’s still in the bottom (that was unintentional). But can he push his frustrations aside and face the music?
That concludes my analysis and helped quench my impatience a little bit. I should repeat that this is not to be taken at face value nor I’m saying this is 100% canon official information. It’s just another guessing game to see if I can give you an idea of what to expect. I dunno, I just wrote this for fun C: thanks for reading!
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frankensteindotpdf · 7 years
All of them
Who’s your crush/squish?
I......tend to have a couple at a time (go unreciprocation whoop whoop) anyhoo the main one is this girl who is SUPER CUTE AND HAS THE CUTEST LAUGH AND IS LOWKEY EMO AND JUST BRILLIANT TBH and fun fact she’s the one who made me realise I’m bi! annnnd there’s a guy....who I just realised I have a crush on....like yesterday....and I’m dying a little
Who’s your fictional crush/squish?
Hahahahahahaha that talks like there’s one.....Remus obviously...Tonks....Dean Winchester...Jughead .....Rapunzel.....Duke Crocker from Haven (holy crap bro).....I used to have a crush on Klaus Baudelaire and also Yo-Yoji (shut up Carina)..... massive squish on Sherlock Holmes....and more I’m forgetting
Worst joke you’ve ever told?
Crap bro my life is full of stupid jokes I can’t choose one
Worst insult you’ve ever given?
Just really dumb ones, nothing specific
Got any weird kinks?
not any weird ones
How did you find out about sex?
No idea, probably like parents or sex ed classes? I don’t remember
Trashiest thing in your wardrobe?
Literally none? I mean I have trash like a billion HP t shirts but nothing revealing or anything
Worst Phobia?
Needles. I literally cry everytime. 
Hentai or the real thing?
Ew neither thanks
Ever been arrested?
lol i never go outside no
What are you most selfish about?
This question is worded weird....uh my..sketchbooks? maybe? like I don’t really get the q but I never let anyone draw in my sketchbooks so ig that counts?
Who would you let die if given the chance to save them?
Who would you sacrifice yourself for?
Something silly you believed as a kid?
Well I didn’t think “washcloth” was a real term, for some reason (I have literally no idea why) I thought it was just a word my family used but they were really called something else. I mean washcloth is so... on the nose
Weirdest/most embarassing thing you’ve drawn?
I once.....drew a picture....of my crush.....with a stupid nickname above it....and little hearts....and little pics of the stuff he liked.... UGH I CRINGE JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I WAS IN GRADE 2 DONT JUDGE ME
Controversial role models?
I can’t think of any? 
Cringiest fandom you’ve been in?
for like A MONTH I was into... Justin Bieber.
Cringiest thing you’ve shipped?
Trans Gilderoy Lockhart and Snape
Ever had “an accident” in public?
I mean when I was real little I did once after school but like no one was there besides my family so it wasn’t a big deal
What helps you fall asleep?
Honestly watching Bob Ross. He’s just so soothing
What childish things do you still do?
I dunno man...Lots I just can’t think of anything specific
What’s your age?
Grossest thing you’ve eaten?
Some people would say crickets (they tasted great though) I would personally say (not eating but) gargling salt water. I literally threw up. Thanks, father.
Honest opinion on religion?
I definitely like the idea and totally respect other’s beliefs, but I’m still working it out. I mean I know mine pretty darn well but the more I learn the more it just sounds really convienient idk
What does your laugh sound like?
From being told to shut up so much it’s changed a lot....It’s kinda squeaky but mostly silent? I’m a bit self concious about it tbh
How would you describe your smile?
stupid. it scrunches up my face all wrong and makes me look even fatter than I already do
Did you go through any regrettable phases?
“Liking” music everyone else liked to fit in
Ever dropped plans/projects and not said a word?
Not one-on-one stuff (though social anxiety makes me want to every time) but like I guess? nothing noteworthy
Personality Type?
Ugliest thing in your wardrobe?
I have this nightgown that I never wear that looks like something out of an 1800s movie...floral pattern and all
Would you wear pajama’s in public?
If I was with friends who were 
Weirdest thing that turned you on?
uhhhh I have no idea 
Pineapples on pizza????
hecc yes
Do you use the XD emoticon?
Only in an ironic way
Do you have a dark sense of humour?
Worst thing you ship?
Ms. Frizzle and Brendon Urie
Top or bottom?
Oh I cant believe I’m answering this on the internet gosh well from my personality I’d say...bottom 
Top or bottom bunk?
Also bottom because I feel like I’ll fall off or break the top bunk
Pettiest thing you’ve cried over?
Dude I cry over everything...My sister said she’d rip one of my books
Pettiest thing you’ve gotten mad over?
Bro again like I usually get upset at myself rather than mad at other people but like at my family basically everything?
Longest time you’ve cried?
lol well multiple times I’ve cried for a few hours straight, I cried through an entire movie once (I’m not evenexaggerating I had to pause it because I was sobbing too hard literally 5 times)
Do you touch the art in museums?
Do you have a fandom OC?
Kinda? I mean just self-inserts tbh
How much do you believe in astrology?
not at all
Have you ever used a base for drawing?
I mean I’ve copied them down but not traced
Have you ever used MSPaint for drawing non-ironically?
yup. there was a time when I had a laptop and sucked at drawing so when I got bored I’d draw on MSPaint
Controversial opinion?
I’m a feminist and I think everyone should be
Ass or chest?
I hate answering this I’m just gonna do it quickly and get it over with female ass, male chest
Chest or genitals?
Genitals or ass?
Any scars?
Yup. I have one on my arm from burning myself while baking in grade 8, and two others on the inside (of the same arm haha) that are from somehow managing to hit my arm off a staple sticking out of an old recliner
Do you pirate anything?
Only music for animatics, but even then only songs I’ve already bought but cant transfer. I don’t see the point. The artists I like I don’t just like for their music (or movies or whatever), I like them as people too. I want to thank them for making such awesome stuff, so a little donation is totally reasonable to me
url for an old cringy social media account?
I mean this one? I wasnt allowed to have social media when I was younger so yay none of that
Any post’s you’ve deleted and why?
Only ones I accidentally reblogged onto my art blog, but I always reblog them onto my main first
How long does it take you to get up in the morning?
depends. if I have nothing to do, hours. If I have school, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour (I set my alarm real early)
What will instantly turn you on?
idk man nothing really...someone being good with kids is always sweet tho
Fave eye+hair colour combination?
Nothing specific, I like basically all colours?
Have you already named your future children?
If I have any they will be named after someone in one of my billions of fandoms (probably someone from hp)
Do you do drugs?
Just Ibuprofen amirite lol even then I am in pain way more than I take it I hate swallowing pills
How tall are you?
about 5′5 or 5′6
Did you go through a “RANDOM XD” phase?
Dumbest thing you believed?
No idea, probably something from when I was little but idk
Dildo of choice? (besides an actual dildo)
boi i’m not even coming near this question (get it?)
Daddy kink?
I mean I find it hot when some people say it? but not really
Who could change your sexuality just by looking at you?
I’m...bi....so like.....no one? I’m confused mate there’s no way to answer this question
none tbh i dont even know what 2/3 of those mean
What area’s of your body are most sensitive?
besides the obvious my knees, stomach, back, neck....okay everything I just hate people touching me thanks oh and my feet oh gosh I got a pedicure once and it was the worst experience of my life
Weirdest dream you’ve had?
A bunch man, once I had a dream where Peeta was transformed by the Capitol or smth to look like one of my friends and he was also heavily drugged and at my school for some reason and I was trying to help him get to safety....I had a dream where my family and I lived in a trailer park and our neighbour had a big dog that attacked my little brother, first by biting and then picking up a stick with its paws and beating him with it....one where my friend tried to touch my stomach and i panicked, punched him in the face, and then had a panic attack because I felt so bad
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