#2023 qna
souls-foreclosed · 1 year
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(questions from Sw0rdh3art, NeilKapit, LatinoPurrito, DesDemonical) What is Astor's preferred rifle? He can work with most anything that isn't a mounted gun, but his favorite is the 1860 Arklyte "Super Perforator" lever action rifle, a gun designed not for hunting but for blowing straight through a man from far away (hence the name). How much can Reah bench press? What's her strength according to the Marvel Strength Scale? Reah qualifies as "Peak Human" according to the Marvel Strength Scale (somewhere between Kingpin and Black Panther), bench pressing 1300 lbs. She spent her teenage and young adult years doing work like chopping firewood, hauling sacks of flour, fixing the dormitorium's roof, building fences etc. not combat training though, so a "weaker" person with superior training could probably defeat her in a one-on-one fight. What does Tabitha's singing voice sound like? Her "default" singing voice sounds a little like this, but she has a range. The cast's favorite foods? Reah: Campfire sausage and beans with cornbread. Tabitha: Does not like food, period. Anything sufficiently filling will do for her. The only taste she enjoys is coffee, made exactly to her standards. Astor: Grits. Zeyneb: Green pepper dolma stuffed with chopped coriander and onion rice. Joey: Raisin sweetbread, unless Ma's cottage pie is on the menu. LaBelle: Smoked trout fish pies, a great snack underappreciated by the upper class. Alessandra: A gourmand who'll try anything once, she doesn't have a particular favorite as long as she gets a big serving of it. Posthaste: Also grits. One can never go wrong with grits. Did you have someone or something as a reference when coming up with the designs of your characters? Some characters are so old that I legitimately do not remember what initially inspired them (like original Reah), but I usually incorporate lots of elements from the vast database of "stuff I have looked at and liked/found interesting" in a process of constant refinement. Reah's more recent looks take a lot of cues from... ahem, bara yaoi and Kentaro Miura's Berserk, ahem. Her new hair's taken wholesale from Overwatch's Zarya. Original Tabitha was a blend of Orkbutch's take on Elphaba from Wicked, Cio from Kill Six Billion Demons, and Maleficent from Disney's Sleeping Beauty dressed up in various bondage or drag outfits I randomly found on social media. Throughout this process of reiteration a character's face usually changes so much they don't fully resemble any of their initial inspirations. General rule of thumb is if a character looks vaguely like something from somewhere else, that's probably one of their influences (and I might have forgotten, so feel free to point those out to me) - I soak up everything like a sponge! Some characters like Zeyneb and Posthaste owe their faces to historical photographs, not any one definite person but an amalgamation of impressions. Exceptions are LaBelle, whose face is fully based on Kit Young as Jesper from the show Shadow and Bone (aged up a bit), and Lucifer, whose extensive design process has already filled a whole post on my tumblr blog. What parts of your story have you changed while making it? I could spend many many paragraphs on this question alone... basically any given fact about Souls Foreclosed was at some point changed, altered, or thrown out temporarily. Just off the top of my head, Reah was supposed to be a womanizing flirt that random powerful women took advantage of, Tabitha had huge boobs and was meant to have a 4 page guest comic about her feud with her brother, instead Astor there was meant to be a crack shot transmasc demon named Yolanthe who also drove the trio's wagon (I basically raffled off their traits to other characters in Unholy Savior), there was a plot about Godfrey putting more and more pickled reliquary organs into Lourdes via surgery, the Uyulala was(!) meant to be a singular divine presence without a body that speaks through multiple people, Joey was supposed to be a tiny butch journalist uncovering a conspiracy in a spinoff comic called Smoke and Mirrors (which I folded back into the main plot in Chapter VIII), Monsignore had a longer stay in the plot past the ending of Chapter VIII, Alessandra and LaBelle were not meant to be more than bit parts past that chapter's Scene 3, etc. etc. What was the inspiration for the setting? Just like character designs, these are also a mixture of media I consumed (Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts, Game Kitchen's Blasphemous, From Software's Dark Souls - specifically the Ringed City DLC, Chris Riddell's illustrations in the Edge Chronicles) and impressions from my 4 year stint studying for a degree in History, which might be the most obvious from the depiction of Tyvia in Chapter VIII. I wanted to depict a kind of "mundane" apocalypse that both feels gritty and poetic, with villains that had motivations taken from real life oppression. Is it your perception that Souls Foreclosed will help people accept eachother as they are, instead of projecting and reproducing societal and aesthetic expectations? (Because I sure do hope so) We can only hope. I think I have a better shot at making a certain flavor of trans reader see their own self be loved and kicking ass in it! Why is Tabitha so hot? Because while nobody wants to admit it, we all secretly want to be condescended to by a tall woman who's flat as a board and as lethal as a loaded gun. When are we getting the Reah plush we deserve? For the 10th anniversary, surely! Thank you all for these questions!                    
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revolvius · 11 months
Trick or Treat you good cunt <3
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kryboxkrinkledicks · 1 month
joining the war on the gay allegations on the side of the allegations
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mxntio · 1 year
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ut-poppy-askblog · 8 months
Hey folks! To celebrate ChristmAUs 2023's One Monthversary, we're going to record a QNA. So if you have any burning questions, here they are!
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11o8x4 · 6 months
i adore you, hope you’re well <3
this is so old oh my god IVE BEEN WELL!!!! i have found myself thinking about you and your kind messages everytime i feel down so.. i want you to be happy too wherever you are ^_^
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therightchemistry · 9 months
"The Right Chemistry" QNA!
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Sup dudes!
Since Chapter 9 is taking longer than needed (also due to Season 2 of the Reboot taking it's time to air completly), I decided to do a lil QNA about "The Right Chemistry!".
If you want to ask any questions about this fic, you can ask them in the askbox or just under this post. Feel free to ask anything, as long as it follows the rules of this blog (go read them please).
Chapter 9 is currently being written, and it will hopefully be out before the end of the year!
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12thperigeeball · 11 months
How does one submit a troll to be a potential grand courtier? And do they have to be from a popular blog?
Hello Anon!
Oh god no, they DEFINITELY do not have to be from a popular blog! The Grand Couturier is meant to celebrate people's creativity and talent, so a well known url is NOT a requirement! Just make sure you're on theme!
So the Ball itself will be held in December, the weekend before Christmas. Once the ball opens, we will open up our Submit inbox for people to submit their trolls for King, Queen and Couturier. After the ball is over, we'll close the inbox and begin the vote for the three categories.
Here's our basic rules for submission under the cut:
NOMINATIONS SHOULD BE SENT IN CHARACTER - Either they nominate themselves or someone else does.
To be nominated, trolls MUST be at least 8 sweeps old/16 years old.
Their photo MUST be of them in their formal ball wear.
All nominations must be sent through our submit box and must follow the form available on the page.
Masks are allowed.
This is ONLY for fantrolls.
Deadline for nominations is [Deadline to be announced]
The Grand Couturier will be announced December XXth once the votes are tallied.
The Grand Couturier will receive an embroidered cape to commemorate their appointment.
After the ball, the Grand Couturier will be able to keep their cape, and will be given an option to donate their outfit to be on permanent display for future balls in a class case.
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roakkaliha · 1 year
i still rly wanna make voice over videos abt art stuff, up until the point where im planning to record my voice n then i get hashtag anxious abt it. so like.
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Hello! I signed up for the bigbang but I haven't heard anything since! I'm not part of the discord so I don't know if there's been more information on there but I just noticed that i missed the first check in because the blog hasn't been active? I'm just really lost on this (never done a bigbang before) and uncertain if the event is even still happening.
Hello anon!
We have indeed been quiet on the blog, this is simply an oversight as we have been busybees in the background and we will try to remedy to that in the future! The Bang is still very much kicking!
Depending on which preferred method of communication you have put on your form, you would've been reached either on your discord, tumblr or email address by your assigned mod! Please don't hesitate to nudge us either here or by email ([email protected]) so we make sure you don't slip in the cracks next time and so that we can send you the first check-in forms! Rest assured, it is not too late to check-in! We are, after all, all getting used to the rythm of things!
Take care!!
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nymriel · 11 months
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Elijah Wood Q&A
I know the pics are shit but I had a really good view irl, my phone camera just sucks:(
Seeing him was so cool and I learned bunch of stuff I didn’t know! (like that he can sing?!)
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myfavebandfizz · 1 year
Instagram Story Q&A- July 4, 2023
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Part 2/2
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themarsbiscuit · 1 year
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Would like to share my two ocs that have my brain in a chokehold :D!!
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sillyboysmackdown · 1 year
oh no I should've been more clear or used a tone indicator. I was pretty much entirely joking about rigging for johnsweep. I just think it's really funny that the coincidences shook out this way for John to be in the finals on his birthday
FJDJKS oh my god okay thank you for clarifying i was soso scared . thought i wasgoing to be the new noncanongaybitches or whatever that blog was its so hard to remember now that theyre deactivated
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lewishamiltonstuff · 2 years
People who don't have f1tv or other paid form of broadcast, where do you watch all the f1 races (including qualifying)?
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