#okay fine they just picked that daisy from the front walk but
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->Case in point, Alice dipping Victor and laying one on him without a care in the world right in the middle of the shop. XD I’d say “PDA to a minimum, you two,” but, well, I directed you to do it. XD
-->Anyway -- date meandered on, through the world’s worst fashion show and the townies utterly swarming the clothing racks, the fashion show, and the boba tea counter. The trio watched the latest townie make her mark with a rather basic bad outfit, then Smiler went outside to catch some locusts and get in some chess at the table in the nearby little park area while Victor -- after trying very unsuccessfully to actually ORDER some boba tea -- (first it wouldn’t let him do it at all, then it claimed there was no free counter space) -- just swiped an unclaimed Lychee Milk one and took it and Alice to one of the outside tables to decompress for a bit. The boba tea proved to be absolutely TERRIBLE at actually filling up his hunger need, though, and once he was done, they went back inside to watch more terrible fashion while he drank a Potion of Plentiful Needs. Now THAT hit the spot!
-->It was around this time that I realized “wait a second, this lot has a microphone -- why not let Smiler tell some jokes for the crowd?” And so that’s exactly what I did. Smiler’s audience was small -- just the owner of the place to start -- but she was appreciative, at least! Victor and Alice, meanwhile, started up a spontaneous slow dance in the corner in the final minutes of their date, awww. :) I had them end things with a dip kiss (thanks Cute Romance!), then head over to watch some of Smiler’s show while the timer ran out. Date ended in Gold status, and Victor and Alice successfully completed that tradition for Love Day!
-->. . .meaning now it was Victor and Smiler’s turn! XD I had Smiler kick things off by giving Victor a wild daisy (which he did NOT appreciate -- seriously, flowers, SO hit or miss), and then inviting him and Alice to another location, since ThrifTea had proved to be less than romantic. . .
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starkwlkr · 4 months
beautiful boy | cillian murphy
do I know anything about labor and the process? no 😭 pls remember this is fanfiction and idk anything about childbirth
barbenheimer series
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The day Y/n began to feel ill, she had an idea of what was going on. Of course she did some math and realized her period was late. Cillian was still filming in the uk so she was alone in their cottage. A little family owned market was close by so she decided to walk there to buy a pregnancy test just to make sure. The owners already knew her and Cillian, they were nice people that brought great comfort to her.
While she was there, she figured she might as well get some groceries that she needed. As she browsed the aisles for spices and other items, she got a text from Cillian.
C ❤️
i should be done filming soon. i miss you.
She quickly replied.
Okay, I’ll pick you up from the airport. I love you more ❤️
After she payed for her items, Y/n walked back to her cottage. She put away her groceries rather than immediately take the test. She didn’t want to get her hopes up so she occupied her mind with something else.
It wasn’t until she thought about Cillian, that’s when she decided that it was time to take it. She grabbed the small box from the bag and walked to her bathroom. She read the instructions over and over again until she ripped open the box.
“It’s going to be fine, you’re going to be fine.” Y/n whispered to herself.
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Y/n was early to the airport the day Cillian was scheduled to come back home. She couldn’t contain her excitement. It had been months since they last saw each other and she desperately wanted to feel him close to her.
She finally spotted him wearing sunglasses and a hat, his outfit reminded her of the crappy disguises superheroes wore when they were under cover.
“Well hello Tommy Shelby.” She said in a flirty voice.
“You’re hilarious.” Cillian replied. He placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her on the lips. “Let’s go home, I’ve missed you too much.”
Cillian wanted to drive, but Y/n wouldn’t let him. After all he did come back from a long flights and months of filming, he needed the rest. Eventually Y/n and Cillian made it back home. He quickly took notice of the garden she had made while he was gone.
“You’ve been busy.” Cillian got out of the car. He opened the trunk and got his luggage out. “Are those red poppies?” He pointed out.
“Yeah. I also planted tulips and daisies.” Y/n pointed to the flowers that decorated her front porch.
Cillian then saw the light blue flowers next to the poppies. “Forget me nots, your favorite.” He smiled.
“You remember?” Y/n asked. She had told him about her favorite flower many dates ago.
“I never forgot.” Cillian replied. “Ha, forget me not, I never forgot.” He tried to joke.
“Funny.” Y/n chuckled lightly. “Come in, I have a surprise for you.”
“It’s not what you think.” Y/n rolled her eyes playfully.
Cillian opened the door allowing Y/n to walk in first. He saw their home completely normal so it wasn’t something like a new furniture piece or art work that she had bought.
“Okay, wait here.” Y/n instructed. She walked to their shared bedroom and came back with something in her hands, Cillian wasn’t sure what it was. “I never told you I was feeling sick when you were away, I didn’t want you to worry and i most certainly didn’t want you to leave your work and fly back just for me. I had an idea of what was wrong with me so I went to the market and got a pregnancy test and it’s positive.” She nervously said. That’s when she showed Cillian the pregnancy test.
Cillian immediately pulled Y/n into a tight embrace, burying his face in her shoulder. “Oh, I love you so much.”
“We’re going to be parents.” Y/n whispered as her eyes filled with tears.
As they held each other, Cillian knew that his life would never be the same. But he also knew that with Y/n by his side, he was ready to embrace the journey of fatherhood.
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“People are starting to ask questions. What do I say to them?”
“Tell them you don’t know me.”
Her assistant, Joli, had been on the phone with her for the past hour. Y/n had finally told Joli about the pregnancy. Only a few people knew, obviously both of the parents’ families and close friends, but apart from them, no one knew that Cillian and Y/n were going to be parents and they liked it that way.
“You know I can’t do that. Listen, I love you and I’m happy for you and Cillian, but are you really going to step away for good?” Joli asked.
“Not entirely. I’ll just take a break.”
“Y/n, no one has seen you for a while.” Joli stated. “But when you decide to come back, I’ll be here. If you or Cillian ever need anything, let me know.”
“Thanks, Joli.” Y/n smiled. Joli was always her biggest supporter.
“You’re going to be an amazing mom.”
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Y/n loved her quiet life. She was living in a cottage starting her family with the love of her life. What more could she want?
Her stomach was growing everyday and it amazed her every time. The gender was going to be a surprise so all the baby clothes and furniture was gender neutral. She even wrote down some gender neutral names that her and Cillian might like.
“Here,” Cillian came back from the kitchen with a glass of cold lemonade. “Let me know if you want a refill.”
Y/n and Cillian were enjoying some time in their garden. All this time at home, Y/n picked up a new hobby and in no time, the couple had their own garden.
“Thank you, my love.” Y/n replied as she grabbed the glass from Cillian’s hands. “I’ve been thinking about the name Rowan, cute or not?”
“Rowan, Rowan . . . Rowan Murphy-L/N.” Cillian tested it out. “Not sure. Can you imagine yourself yelling the name Rowan like what if our child is running and you have to yell their name for them to stop. Rowan! Hmm, I don’t know.”
Y/n began to laugh at Cillian’s words. “That’s how you decide if the name is good or not?”
“It’s a good way, just try it.” Cillian encouraged.
Y/n hesitated a bit, but cleared her throat. “Rowan! Rowannnn!”
“See? Now what’s the verdict?”
“The verdict is . . . We have to find another name.”
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JULY 21ST, 2013
Cillian was thankful that he didn’t have to work that day. It was all going good. Y/n was in the final days of pregnancy and everything was ready for the arrival of baby murphy. Around 2PM was when Cillian’s driving skills were put to the test.
“Fuck! Fuck! I hate this! I’m never having kids again!” Y/n groaned. “Hey, did I ever tell you how much I love you?”
“Not recent-” Cillian said as he kept his eyes on the road. They were only two minutes from the hospital.
“I hate you right now! But I love you so so much, but I fucking hate you!”
“Love you too, baby.”
Soon, Y/n was being taken by nurses to labor and delivery. Cillian made sure to call both of the families to let them know that in a matter of minutes, he would be a father and Y/n would be a mother.
“Are you Mr. Murphy?” A nurse asked. “Your wife is calling for you.”
Wife. He loved the sound of that.
Cillian quickly ended the call with his mother and ran to Y/n’s room. “Hey, I’m here.” He grabbed her hand, placing gentle kisses on it.
“Do our parents know?” Y/n asked.
“I just got off the phone with them. They’re so happy for us.” He smiled.
Thankfully, a C-section wasn’t needed. Baby Murphy entered the world crying. He was perfect in the eyes of his parents.
“Congratulations, it’s a beautiful boy.” The nurse announced.
“A boy.” Cillian whispered to Y/n. “Our beautiful boy.”
“Alex. His name is Alexander or Alex. I like it.” Y/n said, completely out of breath.
“Alexander Murphy-L/N. That sounds perfect.” Cillian smiled.
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@leclercloml @butterfly-skinnylegend @rockerchick05 @equallyshaw @agustdpeach @celesteablack @hnybitches @ietss @probablypossesedbysatan @kittyrumbl3r @electrobutterfly @knpgituloh @butlersluvbot @captainwans @bellstwd @theekileypage @marti-su @multifans-things @ceruleanrainblues @litterallnobody @jackierose902109 @sinarainbows @cosniffee @thatgirlthatreadswattpad
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harrywavycurly · 5 months
What You Deserve Part 5: Details
Masterlist: Here
CW: brief mention of toxic ex
Tag List: @littlered0000 @saramelaniemoon @ali-r3n @sapphire4082 @sweetmoonlove0214 @eddies-girl-22 @darknesseddiem @peaches-roses-sins @blckburd @comeonatmebruh @daisy-munson @cultish-corner @mrsjellymunson @aol19 @micheledawn1975 @2000babies
A/N: I hope y’all enjoy this update it answers some questions and shows another side of Eddie, it’s a long one and I broke it up into sections!✨
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“What…are those?” “They’re called flowers.” “And who..are they for?” “They are for you…you didn’t expect me to show up to our first…date empty handed did you?” “This…this is a date? You’re calling this a date? We are on a date?” “Hey hey relax a bit please it’s okay…I just…I mean yes? I’d call this a date because it’s…well it’s when we are going to discus our…relationship so yeah…it’s a date.” “Okay…” “is that okay? It doesn’t need to be a date if it’s too-” “No no it’s a date…yeah we…are going on a date.” “Perfect…uhm do you want to maybe…get in the car now?”
“Holy shit.” “What’s wrong?…are you cold? You can wear my jacket if you’d like?” “Sorry I’m fine it’s just….I didn’t get a good look at you in the car because I was distracted by the flowers but…seriously…do you always just look like…this?” “Uh…yes?” “You…you look like you just walked out of a magazine and…well I look-” “Amazing…you look amazing…now unless you have anymore questions…we do have a reservation that we are almost late for.” “This place looks nice…you come here a lot?” “Oh yeah…I take all my first dates here.” “I can see why…” “you…do know I was joking right?… I’ve actually never been here before.” “Oh yeah…yeah I knew that.”
“So…uhm what are some things you…don’t want me to do?” “Oh right to the point huh? Can’t even let me order you a glass of wine first?” “You want to order…for me?” “Oh forgive me….I didn’t mean for it to sound like you can’t order yourself a glass of wine I know you’re more than capable of telling people what you want.” “It’s okay I’ve just…never had someone offer to order for me before.” “Well I’m more than happy to if you want…” “thank you…so-” “hi welcome to Enzo’s what can I get you to drink?” “Hello…I’ll have a glass of your house red and a water to start.” “Perfect…and for you dear? What would you like?” “Uhm…uh…there’s a lot of uhm choices…uh-” “if you’re not sure I can just come back?” “Uh Eddie can you-” “I’ve got you sweetheart…she’ll have a glass of your white wine and a water with lemon please.” “Excellent choice…I’ll get those right out to you.”
“So you asked easier what are some things I would prefer for you not to do…and that’s actually a tough question to answer because I don’t want you to feel like you have a set of rules to follow because you don’t…” “Okay…well there are uh some things…that uhm I’d like if you…didn’t…do.” “Such as?” “I don’t like being around uhm…men when they drink too much so…if you do want to go and get drunk please just…don’t invite me along or…show up at my house banging on my door or yelling my name from the front porch.” “Has…that happened before?” “Yes…several times…and each time it ended…badly.” “It ended badly?…do you mind explaining what that means?” “I don’t want to ruin…the mood by talking about what an asshole my ex is.” “Understandable…so what else would you like for me not to do?” “This one might sound a little odd but..I don’t like being called babe…it just…I don’t like it.” “It’s not odd…we all have names we don’t like to be called…is there anything else?” “I don’t think so.” “Well if you think of anything else…just let me know because I don’t want to do anything or say anything that’ll upset you.”
“How was your dinner?” “It was great…that place was really good and so cute I can see why you picked it for our…uhm first date.” “I’m glad you enjoyed it…do you mind taking a walk with me? I know we have a few more things to…discuss.” “A walk sounds nice…oh you’re a hand holder? I didn’t see that coming.” “Really? Why? Do I not look like someone who likes to hold hands?” “No you look like a…shove my hands in my jacket pocket type of guy or…let me act like I’m busy on my phone so no one bothers me kind of guy.” “I see…well your hands just looked too good not to hold.” “I have been told I have nice hands once or twice.” “You know what? I actually believe that…so I was wondering if we could talk more about what we both want out of this…and maybe set up some…boundaries of some sort?” “You start…what do you want from all of this Edward?” “Ah back to Edward are we?” “Oh shit sorry Eddie.” “It’s okay…well what I want out of this is just…to spend time with you doing things as simple as this…a walk around downtown or more…extravagant things like trips to wherever you’d like to go…but most importantly I just want to make your life easier.” “And…all of that would make…you happy?” “Yes…it would.” “I just don’t see how spending money on me will make you happy?” “It’s not necessarily about spending money on you…yes I have the money to spend but it’s about having someone to do things with…and knowing you’re not stressed or worried about things that I can…easily take care of for you.” “Okay…that kinda makes sense.” “I have managed to build this wonderful life for myself and…I just want someone to enjoy it with me that’s all.” “And that someone is me?” “If you want it to be.” “Okay…but you just have to know this is going to take some getting used to.” “I understand…you’ll have to be patient with me as well because I’m used to doing things alone.” “So we both have to be patient with one another…that can be one of our ground rules.” “Okay…if we are making ground rules let’s add honesty to that list…that’s a big one for me because I don’t have time for games…just tell me the truth…even if you think it’ll hurt my feelings.” “That’s a good one!”
“So…what about you? What do you want out of this?” “I just…I just want to know what it feels like to be…treated well.” “I promise you I can do that.” “Oh trust me…I know.” “Is there anything else you want or…need from me?” “There is one more thing.” “What is it?” “I need you to save Dave.” “You…need me to save…Dave?” “Yes because he means a lot to me and I just…I need you to save him.” “Okay sweetheart…I’ll save him.” “You promise?” “Yes…even if it means he gets a whole heart and brain transplant…I’ll save him.” “Oh thank god…I was so worried you’d tell me you can’t do it.” “Why wouldn’t I be able to do it? You don’t trust my abilities as a mechanic? That hurts…that actually hurts.” “Oh no no I’m sure you’re great with your hands and…getting dirty and…stuff i just…thought maybe you’d say it was a waste of money or something.” “I’ll be honest with you…I could buy you a new car for what it’s going to cost me to fix Dave but…I get it…he means a lot to you.” “Thank you Eddie.” “Anytime.”
“This…was really nice Eddie…thank you.” “I’m happy you had a good time.” “I just…I have one more question.” “I was waiting for this one…go ahead and ask it.” “What do I call you now that we…have set up the ground rules and are actually…moving forward with…this.” “What would you like to call me? Besides Edward.” “I…don’t know? What…do you want to call me?” “Is it wrong that my first instinct was to say mine?” “You…want to call me…yours? Like…like…I’m…yours?” “I would…but if that’s too assertive or makes you uncomfortable-” “I’d like that.” “You would?” “Yes…uh I…would.” “Okay…well you can call me whatever you’d like.” “Uhm does…that include like…boyfriend or…something?” “Sure…whatever feels comfortable.” “Okay…thank you again…for everything.” “You’re welcome…have a goodnight sweetheart…don’t forget to put those flowers in a vase with some water.” “I don’t own a-” “I’ll bring one by tomorrow.” “You don’t have to do that.” “I know…now I have a question for you.” “What is it?” “What time do you normally get up in the morning?” “Oh uhm…like nine or so on weekends.” “Perfect…I’ll be here at ten then….goodnight.” “Goodnight…uhm can you uh text me when you get home?” “Sure…can’t have you up all night worried about me.” “Exactly…” “You’re going to have to go inside or I’ll stand out here and find an excuse to keep talking to you all night.” “Oh..right…goodnight Eddie.”
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wooahaes · 4 months
hot & cold
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pairing: non-idol!seungmin x fem!reader
genre: fluff. established relationship au.
warnings: very very slightly suggestive (heated kissing, under-the-shirt touching) with reader and seungmin implying they'll pick things back up later. food mentions. playful menace seungmin.
word count: 1.2k~
daisy's notes: idk i just think silly lil games are fun :)
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For the past week, Seungmin had been hyping up your birthday gift. It was just him bragging, talking about how he’d be giving you something you’d love. And now, the day of, you just found him sitting on the couch. 
“It’s me,”  he’d said, not looking up from his phone. “I’m your gift.”
Masking your slight disappointment, you’d just nodded along. Okay. Was it wrong to be disappointed? He’d been building it up for days, and he’d kept bragging about how you’d love it when he finally gave it to you. Turning away, you started to make your way over to the kitchen, unsure what to say or do. This was fine. You’d push past the disappointment and spend the day with your love—
“You’re getting colder, by the way.”
Immediately, you turned back to face him. He hadn’t looked up from his phone yet. You took a step toward him, “What?”
Another step. “Seungmin, what are you—”
Oh, so this was how he was going to play it. With a roll of your eyes, you turned, heading back toward the kitchen again to get a bottle of water. “Seungmin, if you’re my gift, then I don’t see what playing—”
“You’re gonna freeze.” Seungmin turned around, watching you with this playful glint in his eyes. “I didn’t say I was your only gift.” 
Sometimes you wanted to fight this man. As much as you loved him, he loved to mess with you in the silliest ways. He was smart and snarky and you loved him dearly… But him turning this on you should have been expected. Of course Seungmin wouldn’t just make it easy for you. The two of you had hid your Christmas presents last year to find, and it’d been fun to do a little hunt for them separate from one another. Not that you minded: the two of you frequented escape rooms often enough. Seungmin still had videos from the time a few of his friends tagged along… and then proceeded to be completely useless. 
“You’re a headache, Seungmin.”
He just smiled at you. “Aspirin’s in the bathroom.”
So thus began your game. You’d slowly traverse the apartment, step by step, letting Seungmin guide you one way or another. You were warmer when you went toward where he was, cold when you started toward the doorway… And it became very apparent that Seungmin had hid the present well. You’d searched underneath furniture, trying to find something (no matter how small a present was, you weren’t going to leave things uncovered). When you finally turned to face him again, you’d crossed your arms.
“I’ve looked everywhere on this side of the apartment, you know.”
Seungmin’s eyes were twinkling, smiling hard as he watched you. “And?”
With a huff, you rolled your eyes. “I think I would have found it. If you didn’t get me anything—”
“I did,” Seungmin said, dropping his phone onto the couch beside him. “I wouldn’t lie to you like that. You just aren’t looking hard enough. So look harder.”
Another roll of your eyes. You turned, walking until you were standing in front of him. “How about a hint?” You reached forward, taking his face into your hands. “Please?”
He hummed to himself, seriously considering the request before he met your eyes again. “What do I get?”
You tilted his face back, pressing your lips against his for a long kiss. When you broke away, he’d pulled you back in for another series of short, soft kisses. He drew you closer for a moment, hands slipping underneath your shirt for just a moment. The minute his touch grazed a little too high, you pulled away.
“Seungmin,” you said. “Later.” 
His hands dropped down to your hips, giving them a gentle squeeze. “You already checked it.”
“That doesn’t tell me anything,” you frowned. “I checked everywhere—”
“Just think about it.” 
You pushed his hands away after a moment, sighing as you began to search through spaces. Then you stopped, looking at Seungmin once more. Last Christmas, you’d taped part of his gift (an envelope containing a purchase confirmation for pretty expensive baseball tickets—the absolute best seats for the two of you to go support his favorite team) on the inside of the bathroom mirror. Which meant that if he’d hid it this well, whatever your gift was, it was paper in some form. So you returned to the TV, leaning back to look behind it to see if he’d taped it there.
And colder again when you’d started looking behind other furniture. The moment you stepped toward him, you’d become warm again. So you stopped right there, taking in the sight. Seungmin wouldn’t move the couch or either armchair just to tape something out of sight. Your gaze drifted down to the coffee table. It felt so obvious, but you scrambled down to the floor, looking closer underneath it. Blending in all too well to the surface, Seungmin had taped an envelope up right where it’d be hidden by wood. You pulled it free, and moved to throw yourself next to him. Before you could open it, you looked up at Seungmin.
“Can I…?”
“Yes!” He laughed. “You don’t have to ask.”
After he made you work for it? You didn’t think so, either. So you slowly opened it, careful not to tear the little star sticker he’d used to seal it shut (one of your stickers from your stache for them, no doubt). You pulled out the paper inside, unfolding it to read over it. But you didn’t have to read much before realizing what it was, the location all too obvious to you what Seungmin had planned. You turned, staring at Seungmin.
“Seungmin, these are—”
“You haven’t seen your family in a while,” he said softly. “So… I thought we could go visit them later this year. Together.” 
Tears began to well up, and all you could do was pull him in for a long kiss. You only drew away long enough to set the envelope on the coffee table, opting to pull him closer to you as you kissed him again and again. He laughed, taking your face into his hands as he drew back.
“I love you,” he said. “But I’m hungry. Later?”
He was throwing your word back at you, but you didn’t mind. “Later,” you promised with one final peck against his lips. “You feel like going out?”
“Mhm,” he reached for his phone. “We could get Chris to pay. It’s your birthday, so…”
The two of you already had plans to go out for dinner, too. So you just smiled, hopping up to go get changed. Chris adored the two of you (as he should, in your opinion: he was the one who introduced you two), the least he could do was treat you on your birthday. “Are you gonna call him?”
“Mmhm.” Seungmin reached out, catching you by the hand. He hopped up, drawing you back in for one more quick kiss. “Happy birthday,” he said. And with that same mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he let go of your hand. “Pick somewhere expensive.”
It just earned a laugh from you as you walked away, so in love with your silly menace.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @jinnie-ret @cheesemonky
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specialagentlokitty · 11 months
Thomas Barrow x sister!Reader - protect you
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Could you maybe write a Thomas Barrow x sister!reader where she lip reads because she's deaf or hard of hearing and Thomas just has her back every step of the way despite what people say? It's okay if not. Thank you🤍 - Anon💜
Sitting at the table, you were reading from your book, immersed in your own little world only to be pulled out of it when you felt a tap of your shoulder.
Looking yup, you smiled at your brother as he sat down.
“Have you had breakfast?” He asked.
You gave a small nod of your head, and he rose a brow at you.
He took a plate from in front of him and passed it over to you.
“Don’t lie to me (Y/N), I never saw you down here.”
You gave him an apologetic looked, and he gestured to the plate, taking the book away from you so you would focus on eating instead.
While you were doing that, he went to reading his paper.
When Mrs Hughes walked in he kicked your foot and you looked up before standing up, giving her a smile.
“Good morning (Y/N). How are you today?”
You gave her a bright smile and she smiled back.
“Doing well today I see, wonderful. I will need you to do a few small repairs on her ladyship’s dress after you have eaten if you have time.”
You nodded and Mrs Hughes smiled, leaving the room.
Sitting back down, you turned to Thomas who looked at you.
“You’re welcome.”
With that you carried on teaching before going about your daily tasks and the jobs that needed done as soon as you could.
You tried your best between working and focusing on your surroundings so you knew people were there, but sometimes it was hard.
While most of the staff knew about your condition, some of them didn’t, so when it came to more servants coming for a huge event, they were oblivious to the fact you needed to be tapped on the shoulder if they wanted something.
So when Mr Bates was walking past the boot room and he saw people crowded around the door he stopped.
“Is there something interesting in there?” He asked.
“There’s a girl in there and she has yet to notice we’re here, so we are playing a game.”
The small group parted to show him who was in there and he stared in shock.
You had small bits of paper thrown around you, and they were clanging some shoes together behind your back while laughing.
“You know, I don’t believe it wise to be messing around with her like this.”
“It’s fine, we so have no idea who’s servant she is, nobody will admit to her being part of their staff.”
“I see.”
Mr Bates did debate on getting involved, but instead he walked away, and he went in search of somebody else to deal with the situation.
And soon enough he found who was looking for.
“Mr Barrow.”
Thomas looked up and sighed heavily.
“You may want to come handle the servants who are currently using your sister as a game for their entertainment.”
Thomas immediately dropped what he was doing and stood up.
“Boot room.”
Thomas sprinted in that direction, and Mr Bates followed with Anna, Mrs Hughes a few others behind him.
They could hear the shouting before they even reached the hallway, and they turned around to see a young man crying as he held his nose while some others cowered in fear.
Jimmy was standing by a door, blocking them from running into the kitchen, keeping Mrs Patmore and Daisy out of the way.
“You think it’s funny to be picking on a young woman?!” Thomas yelled.
They stayed quiet.
“If I ever see you talking, or so much as looking at my sister again I will do so much worse than break your nose.” He growled.
“Mr Bates, please take the injured boy to see Mr Carson and tell him what has happened, the rest of you sit down, we will be telling the head butler and head housemaids for your respective employers about this, as well as his lord ship.”
The rest of the Downton servants helped ensure that the culprits were kept in one room and kept quiet, and Thomas turned to you.
He took some small paper balls out your hair, and placed his hand on your head.
“Are you alright?” He asked.
You nodded.
“We will have them all dealt with.”
You nodded again, and he sighed.
He could tell you were upset, he could see it on your face as he held out his arms.
Getting up, you tightly hugged him, and he hugged you back.
He was furious, but he knew you needed him to be with you, so he set aside his anger to be there to support you.
This was the exact reason he had gotten you a job with him, so he could keep you safe, and he was furious anybody would this it okay to use you for their own entertainment.
Yes, you may be different, but you were still human after all.
You were his little sister, and he would be dammed if he ever let anybody get away with treating you with anything but respect.
He didn’t care who it was, high status or not.
Nobody was going to treat you like that and he would be sure of it
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
daisy, chapter seven
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A/N: it will probably be a little bit before I finish the next chapter because that one is crazy...
summary: “could this maybe help cheer you up?”
warnings: private school!reader, perv!steve, smut, kissing, size kink, dirty talk, public sex (locker room), handjob, blowjob, spit kink
word count: 1550
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Walking down the hallway, you saw the last few team members stroll out of the locker room. Your boyfriend not being among them persuaded you to creak the door open and poked your head in. Spotting him at an instant, seemingly the last one still in the changing room, he stuffed a blue towel into his duffle bag and zipped it up.
“Hey,” you announced your presence softly, not sure how he was feeling after what a fiasco that basketball game had been. 
“Hey ace,” he flashed you an exhausted yet content smile, “I’ll be ready to go in just a minute.”
Taking one last look over your shoulder at the now deserted school, you gently swung the door close, stepped up towards Steve and without giving a warning, pulled him down for a kiss. 
Lowering yourself back down from your tiptoes, you saw him blink in surprise and then practically purred, “hello…”
“Hi,” you caught his hand and weaved your fingers with his own. Still not sure if he was just putting on a brave face, you asked, “are you okay?”
“Me? Oh, yeah, I’m fine, tired, but fine,” he said, actually sounding genuine, “the team hasn’t won any championships in many many years, so it’s not really a huge surprise that we lost yet again,” holding both of your hands in his, he slumped back against the locker and exhaled, “I kinda just wanna get home.”
Somehow still not completely convinced, you checked once more, “are you sure you’re okay?”
Your abundant concern made him smile, as he squinted his eyes at you and said, “if you give me another kiss, maybe…”
Lowering himself a bit more to make the job easier for you, you raised your chin up and brushed your lips against his again, quickly causing his smile to fade away into just blissful relaxation. 
When his tongue inevitably poked past your lips and danced across your own, it didn’t take long for you to recall the plan you had dreamt up as you watched the game turn south from the stands. 
“You know,” you breathed, long ago having been twirled around by him so that it was your back that was pressed against the cool locker, “I’m really happy that you’re not all broken up about this,”  you let your eyes close a second as his lips went on a whirling path down your neck, “because if you were then I would have to do all of these things to cheer you up…”
Picking up on your innuendo, he stopped kissing your neck at once and came up to be face to face with you, stating abruptly, “I am actually so sad.”
“Yeah?” you smiled, running your fingers through his still-damp locks.
“Heartbroken,” he said dramatically, “there is this unbearable pain in my chest,” he thumped his closed fist over his left peck a few times. 
“Oh no, poor you,” a giggle bubbled out of you.
“Yeah,” his smile never waving, “I think I might cry in a little bit.”
“Oh no,” you ran your hands down his body, “we don’t want that,” reaching his grey sweatpants, you twirled the string around your finger and gave it a small tug, “could this maybe help cheer you up?” you cupped his rapidly growing bulge through the fabric. 
Breath getting caught in his throat, he shrugged, “maybe, I don’t know, I think we’ll just have to try and find out,” keeping the joke going even now as your hand disappeared down the front of his pants.
As soon as your small fingers wrapped around his girth, you felt him grab the sides of your face and kiss you hard. He let out a soft groan as you suddenly detached your lips from his and started to glide down the locker and land on the cold tile floor at his feet. His eyelids flickered as you settled yourself on your knees and hook a finger in his waistband to help free him. 
“Hey,” you smiled up at him as his heavy length sprung free, “you know I love you, right?”
Poking out your tongue, you gently swiped it over the head, the corners of your lips still upturned in bliss. 
“Y-yeah you do, wow,” his jaw hung low, and a palm fell to stroke your hair. 
Well aware of how this was kind of uncharted waters for you, he quickly picked up on your hesitation to do too much in fear of it being wrong, that he stepped in and plucked your hand off his cock, turning the palm up to your lips, “spit,” he commanded, completely enamoured by your every move. 
After doing as he asked, he then returns your palm to his throbbing length, wrapping his own around yours just to get you started. After gaining a bit of confidence and feeling him relax and let you take the lead, his fingers fell from yours, making the stark contrast of your own small hand behind his seem that much bigger. 
To compensate, you reached up and wrapped your other hand around his girth as well, jerking him at the same steady pace he had shown you. 
Letting out a small chuckle, he commented, “your hands are so small, ace. You want me to help you?”
“No,” you nearly swatted away the fingers he lowered half as a joke, “I can do it.”
Turning your head a bit, you still looked up at him as you placed a handful of sloppy kisses along his dick, tracing your tongue over the veins that mapped his length. 
“Yeah you can,” and then when you found yourself at his tip once more, lapping up the beads of precum, you felt his hips instinctually twitch, attempting to gain entrance to the warmth of your mouth. 
Not truly comprehending what a mouthful he was, you only parted your lips a bit at first, but it didn’t take very long before your lips were stretched around his fat head and his fingers were rooted in your hair, maybe for support, maybe to be a shield between your skull and the locker, or maybe he was simply at the brink of taking over himself and pushing your head down even further, till your nose was pressed against his fuzz and you couldn’t even think about breathing. 
Quickly hitting the back of your throat, you instinctually pulled off and choked out a tiny cough before blinking away the growing tears and determinedly filling your mouth up once more. 
“There you go, ace,” he encouraged, though your enthusiastic efforts never led you past his swollen tip, you tried your best to even it out with what little attention your small hands could give him. “You can do it,” you felt one of his thumbs swipe a tear from your cheek before returning to the back of your head, “just a little deeper,” he gently pushed you down till you gaged, sending you reeling back to try and recover quickly. 
You wanted to reach up and wipe your eyes, clear your vision so you could better see Steve’s breathtakingly pleasure-filled expression as he stood there towering over you, but you were covered in spit, your hands, your lips, no doubt dripping down your chin. 
“Jesus christ, you’re so hot, ace.”
Your whole body was tingling as your mind just kinda shut off, trying time and time again to take him down, even though your untrained throat wouldn’t grant him entrance.
When you felt like you had gotten into a good rhythm, slobbering all over his tip and working the rest of him in your hands, making him moan like mother fucker, he suddenly plucked you off his cock, lifting you up towards him, and just as you were gasping for air, completely drunk on him, he amplified the feeling by bending down and ruthlessly spitting in your mouth, quickly lowering your head once again so he could feed you’re his girth.
“Fuck, just keep your mouth open, just like that,” he briefly tapped the tip against your presenting tongue before repeatedly feeding you his dick, then withdrawing it completely only to buck his hips forward again, giving you as much as you could take, fucking your face and making you feel like you were made out of jelly.  
“That’s it, ace. Just relax for me,” you heard as your hands slid down his thighs, clawing at the fabric and painting it with saliva, “that’s a good girl.”
Entirely taking over the operation now that he was so painstakingly close to the edge, he panted, “stick out your tongue baby,” and furiously jerked his cock off right before your very eyes, “let me see it,” your tongue lazily peeked out from the smile he somehow always conjured. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, not holding his moans back nor caring if any of the remaining souls on the premises would hear, as hot white ropes spewed out and added to the mess of your face. 
Both of you heaving for breaths, you heard the clank of the locker as Steve’s forearm slumped against it, lazily grinning down at you as he admired his masterpiece, swiping up the various stray stripes only to smudge the against your swollen lips, “shit, ace…”
“Did it work? Are you happy now?”
“Yeah, ace, it worked.”
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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melancholicheart · 1 year
All This Time- Chapter 5
cw: trans male pregnancy (past, mentioned), angst, miscommunication, fluff and happy ending
The supermarket was as uneventful as a shopping trip with a four year old gets. Elizabeth was determined to show her Dad all her favourite things, like the cat food that has the ‘pretty kitty’ on the box and the dog toys that cause arguments between her and Johnny since he won’t get them a pet.
She asks politely for a chocolate bar, which she receives, and she shares it with Simon after he tells her that Snickers are his favourite too.
Like clockwork, when they near the checkouts, Johnny grabs four different flowers without a word. He picks a tulip, a rose, a chrysanthemum and a gerbera daisy.
Simon tried to ask what they’re for but got distracted by Elizabeth pulling on his hand when the crowd around them grew. It was busy in the store, lots of people getting last minute back to school supplies as well as their weekly shops.
Before long, they wandered across from Tesco towards a church. Simon knows it well, it’s the reason he and Johnny had the flat so close to it, he buried his family there many years ago. Simon is surprised to see Johnny pick Elizabeth up, swinging her onto his hip as she holds the four different flowers gently, as he then waltzes into the graveyard.
Simon is a few steps behind but quickly catches up as they wander through the cemetery. It’s more crowded since he was last there, newer gravestones deep in the ground with gold etching on the marble.
Just as Simon goes to speak, Elizabeth is placed on the floor and she rushes off, quiet mumbles of ‘Nanny!’ escaping her mouth. Simon stands to Johnny’s side, “Johnny, why are we here?”
“To see her Nan,” Johnny says, matter-of-factly. He turns to Simon and his face pales dramatically fast. His hand comes to his mouth as he gasps, “Shit! Fuckin’ shite! Simon, I’m sorry, I didn’t think and I- I- Christ Almighty, I’m such a fuckin’ moron! I- we can go back, I’m sorry!”
Simon shakes his head, “No, Johnny, it’s okay. Probably about time I paid my respects.”
“Simon, I mean it, if you want to leave, we can go. It’s your call.” Johnny says firmly.
Simon looks up in time to see Elizabeth plop herself down in front of a grave with a smile on her face. He knows the plot well. Two companion plots, at a hefty sum too, but the lifting weight from his pocket did nothing to ease the weight on his mind. Far on the other end of the yard, an abandoned plot at this point, probably still stands. Withered with age and damaged from the weather. He hopes it rots eternally.
“Johnny, it’s fine.”
And with that, they catch up to their daughter.
For a four year old, her knowledge of graveyard respect is exceptional. She sits by the graves, but the heavy load sitting on Simon’s shoulders as he approaches dissipates when he sees Elizabeth there. She is plucking at the weeds in the ground, muttering ‘yuck!’ to Johnny as he sits beside her. She grabs dying flowers from out of the pots and places one of the flowers in each one.
Elizabeth Riley gets the Rose, Beth Riley the Tulip. Tommy gets the Daisy and Joseph. Joseph, whose age doesn’t even reach ten, he gets the Chrysanthemum.
The graves are perfectly maintained. No damage, no disturbed soil, no birds leaving their mess on the stones. They’re meticulously cleaned and Simon sees immediately that this has been Johnny and Elizabeth’s ‘project’ over the years.
“JoJo, I brought the- Papa I forgot how to say it! Ah, bronty- bron-to-saurus,” She spells out with a grin, “This week.”
She places the little toy dinosaur in front of the grave marker and lets it walk over the ground before saying, “Your turn!”
Joseph lays in the plot between his mother, and his grandmother. Tommy is on the end but there’s one grave missing. There’s a chunk of marble still forced into the ground and Johnny sees where Simon is looking.
He clears his throat, “A documentary came out a few years ago. About what happened. Kids came here and vandalised your stone. I- I was about eight months pregnant when it happened but I came and removed the stone. Broke it into pieces and took it out from here in the middle of the night. Police came knocking the day after, thought they might’ve caught me somehow, but they came to inform me of the incident. They had caught the vandals and assumed it was them. Think they took pity on me.” Johnny turns to Elizabeth and combs a hand through her wild hair.
Simon nods weakly and huffs, “Why'd you do that?”
“Regardless of what you think of yourself, Simon, I wasn’t going to let a group of kids ruin your name. I couldn’t stand it. You saved my life multiple times, you gave me my daughter, you’ve done everything and more for me and all I wanted to do was pay you back. Do something for you, for a change.” Johnny mumbles. He reaches over to Elizabeth Riley’s grave and plucks a dandelion out the ground.
“Talk to your Nana, sweetheart.” Johnny tells Lizzie, letting her clamber in front of the stone. She natters away about how she’s starting school and how the little girl next door is going to be in the same class.
She then mumbles, “Mah Daddy came home, Nana! He’s funny and big!” She giggles and Johnny turns to Simon to see him walking towards his Father’s grave.
“Ah shite,” Johnny sighs. He gives Simon his space for a minute, watching him out the corner of his eye as he stops at the grave in the far distance. He lets Elizabeth say everything she wants to, plays with ‘Joseph’ again and tells Beth how her hair is growing long and pretty like hers, before he bundles her into his arms and goes after Simon.
Just before they get there, Johnny places Elizabeth down and tells her he’ll just be a moment. He asks her to stay close by and she nods, going sitting at some other graves and taking weeds out the ground there instead.
Johnny walks over to Simon and places a hand on the small of his back, feeling Simon flinch. He looks at the grave before him. The sides are chipped and damaged, the words are weathering away and there is moss growing on the surface of the rock. The name ‘Damien Riley’ is slightly visible on the grave and Johnny notes how Simon’s hand is in a fist.
“I never brought her to this one,” Johnny mumbles, “I knew what he did to you all, couldn’t even think about paying respect to him, never mind force Elizabeth to.”
“You- How long have you been coming?” Simon asks.
“Since you left. It sounds silly, because I knew, deep down, you were alive. I was scared you may have been KIA or something though and I- I wanted to feel close to you. I would sit at your grave a-and talk to you. I would bring pictures from my scans and I played you a recording of her heartbeat once. I thought that if you knew you would’ve been here.” Johnny mumbles, “Since then, I’ve been caring for all the graves. Brought Elizabeth for the first time once she had all her jabs. I’ve talked to the graves a lot, these past five years almost, Simon, but I’ve never been to this one.”
“And Elizabeth,” Simon mumbles, “You’ve told her all about them? She calls my Mum, Nana.”
Johnny nods, “Well she is, isn’t she? I told her that they were in an accident.”
“Johnny I-” There’s a crack in Simon’s voice and when Johnny looks up, he sees tears on his face, “I don’t know how you could say you want to pay me back when that’s all you’ve been doing always.”
“It doesn’t feel like enough.” Johnny says.
“Well it is! You have cared for my family, thought about them even in death. You protected my honour. You did it all whilst having and raising our daughter when I wasn’t even here. I walked out on you when you needed me the most, and I'll never forgive myself for forcing you to do this all on your own.” Simon sighs. He glares deeply at the grave before him before turning his back to it and looking into Johnny’s eyes instead.
“And I’d do it all again in a heartbeat,” Johnny confirms, “Whether you believe it or not, I was indebted to you Simon. I always repay my debts.”
Simon wraps his arms around Johnny and buries his face into his neck. He breathes shakily as Johnny holds him close and mumbles, “Thankyou.” under his breath.
Elizabeth comes over, tugging on both of their jeans in an attempt to get their attention. Simon breaks the hug and lifts her up, sitting her on his hip, before leaning back into Johnny’s embrace.
A hand rubs his back, distinctly Johnny’s, but he feels a smaller hand gently patting between his shoulders when a voice speaks up, “Sad Daddy be happy now.”
Simon chuckles a little and rests his head against Elizabeth’s, “I am happy, darling, I promise.”
Johnny leans over and plants a kiss on Lizzie’s cheek, mumbling to her about how proud he is that she’s been good and that she’s such a sweet girl and Simon feels the large weight on his chest lift, like a dam opening up, and love comes flowing through the gaps and encompasses his heart entirely.
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bagerfluff · 3 months
Trying To Be Romantic
Older Takaishi Takeru x Male Reader
Prompt - Flowers
An: I just realized while editing this that this fic heavily implies that the reader might be on the aromantic spectrum and that wasn't the intent but I'm going to keep the fic the same. Just wanted to say that.
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You weren’t romantic. No, you weren't what people called romantic. You didn't buy extravagant things for your boyfriend, you didn't act all lovey dovey with him.
It just didn’t come naturally to you.
You didn’t like romance movies, valentines day, and why? Just why would someone be romantic? You didn’t see the point in it, you didn’t need to buy flowers or chocolate for your partner.
You also found it hard to do stuff like that. You didn't exactly know how to. Maybe it was because no one did it to you or no one taught you how to.
But still.
It's not the only way to show someone that you love them. Even that, you were still here, at a flower shop trying to buy some flowers for your boyfriend.
Takeru had been talking about how other people were getting their partners stuff. Either for valentines day or anniversary or just because.
You knew that Takeru was working really hard so you thought this would be a nice gift. The only problem, what were you going to get? You had no idea what Takeru would like.
Roses or daisies? Tulips or sunflowers? What color? How many? This was harder than you thought. You groaned and ran a hand through your hair.
This shouldn't be this hard.
It was just picking flowers! You rubbed your forehead and took another look around. There were some roses, red, yellow, pink, all different colors.
With or without thorns, bows, they smelled decent. Though you cringed at the thought of getting flowers, could your gift be any more basic.
You look to the right of the roses, there were tulips. Same as the roses and almost as basic. You then looked to the left of the roses, some sunflowers.
You liked the sunflowers. It was a nice metaphor as well, Takeru was like a sunflower. Always looking to the bright side, tall. You would have gotten to the sunflowers, if they weren’t wilted.
Who left wilted flowers on the shelfs, you had no idea but you wanted to punch them, or give them a stern talking to at least. “Y/n, when will you be done?”
You looked over your shoulder to see your Digimon with their head poking out of your bag. You sighed, “Just a few more minutes”, you said before looking back at the flowers.
“You said that twenty minutes ago”, your digimon mumbled before going back into your bag and falling asleep. You knew why they wanted to leave. Them, and you, were hungry.
You’ve been at this since you got off school. Spending the entire rest of the day going from flower shop to flower shop trying to find a flower for Takeru.
Yet you had no luck.
This is why you don’t do this type of stuff. Waste of time. You shook your head and walked out of the store, starting your way back to yours and Takeru’s apartment.
You weren’t sad because you couldn’t find a flower, you didn’t like this so you weren’t upset. You were more upset that Takeru wouldn’t get anything.
You had said this morning that you had a gift for Takeru.
Takeru was excited for this gift. You stopped walking and let out a short scream. No one was around but it did wake up D/n. “You okay?”
They asked while looking around. “I’m fine, it’s just that I promised Takeru I’d get him a gift and I don’t have one”, you groaned at the end of your sentence.
You failed as a boyfriend. Your digimon tilted their head to the side. “But you tried, he’ll still be happy!” They said with a smile. You smiled down at them, giving them a pat on their head.
“Maybe”, you said. You continued walking till you made it back to the apartment. You opened the door with a sad expression on your face. You took off your shoes and placed down your bag.
Your Digimon immediately jumped out and ran to the couch. When you looked up to see Takeru standing in front of you. “Hey, why the sad face?”
Takeru asked as he walked closer to you. You looked away from Takeru and glared at the wall. “Well, I told you I had a gift for you but I don’t”, you said.
Takeru furrowed his eyebrows so you continued. “I wanted to get you flowers since you’ve been working hard but I couldn’t find any. Who knew getting flowers would be so hard!”
You yelled while throwing your arm in the air. Takeru smiled and placed his hands on your shoulders. “Calm down”, he said. Getting your attention and causing you to turn your head towards him.
You glared at Takeru’s smile.
“It’s fine, I’m surprised you put that much effort in something you find stupid”, Takeru said. You blinked a few times, “I’d do anything for you, no matter how stupid”, you said.
Takeru nodded, “Yes you do, also I don’t need flowers”, Takeru said. Takeru wrapped his arms around your neck and hugged you. “You’re enough”, he said.
You blinked a couple more times before wrapping your arms around Takeru’s waist. “I’m never doing that again”, you said. Takeru pulled away from the hug and smiled.
“Would never expect you to, now come on. I’m hungry”, Takeru said before walking away. You nodded and followed Takeru into the kitchen. Takeru was right, you were enough to make him smile. You were also right though.
You were never looking for flowers again.
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levithestripper · 1 year
rewatched the fellowship with my dad and it got me thinking about sam and frodo’s relationship.
sam—who’s been frodo’s gardener for who knows how long—going on a life-or-death adventure with the man he’s looked up to his entire life. sam’s had a crush on the cute, brown-haired boy who sits in his garden to read, who puts homemade pies on the windowsill to cool, the boy he believes will never feel the same way about him.
frodo, who watches the sweet, shy, blondie tend to his rose bushes and daisies every other day from the window in his room. never failing to notice the way sam flushes a pretty shade of pink whenever their eyes meet. frodo, who’s uncharacteristically sad at the start of every winter season and uncle bilbo can’t figure out why. frodo is practically jumping for joy when sam returns next spring with an armfull of plants to replace last season.
one fateful summer’s day, not a cloud in the sky to be seen. sam was working away in the gardens as usual, trimming bushes and pruning flowers, occasionally picking a few for a steadily growing bouquet. soon, morning became noon, and the sun had grown hotter than before, leaving sam sweating bullets.
“sam, why don’t you take a break? come inside, it’s hot out,” frodo offered through the window, elbows leaning against the frame.
the boy jumped, startled by frodo’s sudden appearance. “oh, mr. frodo! no, i’m fine, thank you. i haven’t finished cleaning the flower bed yet.” looking up from his work, sam was starstruck. a ray of sunshine illuminated frodo’s soft features perfectly. frodo’s pretty blue eyes shimmered like the color of the sky, framed by reddish-golden highlights popping up in his chocolate brown curls.
“sam? sam? are you okay?” the poor boy must’ve been staring, as frodo was waving a hand in front of his face to regain his attention. “let’s get you inside, it’s much too hot, yeah?”
sam nodded and stood, walking around to the front door. when he made it to the kitchen, he was greeted with a premade mug of his favorite tea and a tall glass of water. frodo had a mug for himself as well.
frodo looked at him with a sheepish smile, hand rubbing the back of his neck. “i already made it before i asked. thought it’d be best to have it ready and waiting, rather than having to wait for it.”
“thank you, mr. frodo. it—it means a lot that you thought about me.” sam downed the water eagerly, finishing it quickly. “didn’t realize how hot i actually was.” he smiles at frodo sweetly.
frodo gazes at him from behind his mug. “well of course i thought about you, sam. you’re my friend, aren’t you?”
“friend?” sam’s heart nearly leaped up out of his mouth and into his tea. “friend, of course.”
the couple sat at frodo’s kitchen table drinking their tea and snacking on the various foods they found in the cupboards. laughter echoed throughout the home, cute giggles pairing beautifully with one filled with wheezes. even after the snacks had gone and their mugs have dried up, they continued to enjoy one another company, eventually migrating to the living room.
sam felt like his heart was gonna beat out of his chest. they sat on the couch together, his leg pressed against frodo’s. “this was fun, thank you, mr. frodo.”
“sam, sam, please, just call me frodo,” he giggles softly, a smile still gracing his soft features. “makes me feel silly, like i’m your master or something.” frodo’s hand slowly inched its way closer to sam’s, almost inconspicuously, if not for sam’s hypervigilance.
he nodded, smiling back at him. sam blushes when frodo’s hand bumps into his. he curls his pinky around frodo’s, causing the other hobbit to blush too.
maybe he does feel the same way after all.
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Hi Daisie. Sorry for asking, I'm new to the fandom, but I always see Larries getting angry at people outside the fandom sexualizing Harry, who seems proud of his body and shows it off a lot, but they will always sexualize Louis and are constantly thirsting over him. I just wondered, why is it okay to thirst over Louis but not Harry. I'm not talking just a few people, it seems the fandom as a whole lives by it.
Anon, I'm choosing to answer this so I hope you're not a troll trying to stir shit up.
I think there's a fundamental difference that you're not picking up on here, and that is basically the entire context any of this happens in.
Fans are allowed to think both Harry and Louis are hot and sexy, and talk (respectfully) about it. They can talk about it and make sexy edits or whatever. In my opinion, it becomes an issue when fans begin to bring that conversation to shows, put it on signs and basically shove it in Harry's or Louis' faces. Or talk extremely explicitly online and tag them or try to directly involve the celeb.
As celebs they're of course at the public's mercy, and by default they're made out to be something the audience should desire. And that's fine as long as people respect boundaries and understand that there's a difference between thinking "OMG Louis is so hot I want to lick his fingers" and then putting that onto the actual real Louis.
In regards to sexualizing Harry or Louis tho, I think you're misunderstanding things, or missing the crux of the issue here, and that is that Harry's sexualization is not because of fans. It stems from the gross marketing xafctor did, that turned his sweet 16 year old self into a sex crazed object. They turned Harry into a one dimensional character that only exists as a sex symbol, for people to attach sexual meaning to. That is why we say people need to stop sexualizing him. But it's so ingrained into his image, that he can't so much as walk next to a woman without people going "oh there he goes fucking another girl". And unfortunately, this sex symbol image has become what Harry is to the public at large, so his "fans" think it's also ok to act that way in front of him, or that he likes sexual advances/signs from strangers at his shows or wherever else.
Anyways, I think I'm rambling now....
More detailed answer here.
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tetsunabouquet · 3 months
Heir To The Lands Chapter 41
The Beating Hearts of Two Sisters Masterpost Livvy stared at the ghost in front of her. He was a boy with wavy black hair and blue-grey eyes, perhaps a year or two older then she was and he looked around just as confused as Livvy was. Vaguely, she remembered Magnus saying something about how the spell tying her and Ty could potentially work as a beacon for other ghosts too. Did she call the boy forth? The boy suddenly stopped all his ghostly movements and his eyes were glued to the dinner table as his legs seemed to shake. "What's wrong? Who are you?" Livvy asked as she studied the suddenly distressed ghost. "I'm…I'm Jeroen Boomkikker." He croaked out, and Livvy could see what he was looking at. Tavi, who was having an animated conversation Tomas and Ty. And Livvy could see it then, how vaguely similar they looked. "You're her family, aren't you?" She asked sympathetically. "She's my older cousin. I haven't seen her since my parents decided to stay in Idris. I didn't had the guts to follow her back then. I hadn't wanted to impose myself on the Grünlichts, me and Tomas never were that close. And my parents," he said, choking and wasn't able to finish his sentence. Though Livvy could understand what he had wanted to say, that he loved his parents. The heartbreak on the boy's face was evident enough. "It's okay, Yuh…Rune." Livvy tried out, not knowing a lot of names from Northern or Eastern Europe. It made the boy chuckle between his tears. "8 points. Trill the 'R' a bit more and you're there. You have my compliments, most American Shadowhunters just decide to call me Jerome instead." "Really? That's so rude." Livvy said, her nose crinkling. "What's your name?" Jeroen asked. "Livia Blackthorn." She replied and he nodded with a little more energy. "I remember you, you're the girl who was murdered along Inquisitor Lightwood. Sorry, by the way." "It's fine. It seems we're in the same boat after all. Who killed you?" Jeroen swallowed. "Jessica Beausejours. You probably know that all our access to food outside of Idris was blocked and that a lot of Shadowhunters were struck by a famine. Zara called for a crisis meeting, and things got out of hand. Vanessa Ashdown murdered an older Cohort member and my uncle Antonius, Tavi's father. Out of rage I lunged myself at her but just after I delivered the final blow, Jessica took me by surprise and slit my throat." Livvy nodded, recognizing both names bitterly. In a dark part of her soul, she couldn't help but feel a little happy Vanessa was dead. "Further, I don't know what happened. I don't know if my parents or my little sister survived." Jeroen balled his fists, and Livvy honestly felt sorry for him. "If you want, I can take you back to Idris with me. I think it would be important for us to know what's happened to the Cohort now." "Thank you. If I can request one more thing, just don't tell anyone that can see a ghost who I am. It would be wiser to tell Tavi what happened after we know who's still alive. If Ellie died too, then it would be better to deliver the blow once then have her waiting for the news in agony." Jeroen said, his eyes still glued to his cousin. Livvy, knowing from experience with Ty how bad it might be, nodded in agreement. "We'll be leavving tomorrow, then."
The next day, Livvy had announced to the group she was leaving, with Ty and Kit looking extremely suspicious of it but they both kept their mouths shut. It made Dru a little paranoid, and so she had offered to do the grocery shopping for Tessa and Jem. She honestly was kind of excited to shop in England and discover some of the local sights along the way. The old world definitely had its charm with the rich history steeped everywhere. It was so different compared to New York and L.A that it left Dru awestruck like a child. She walked on the path leading to the city, looking at the daisies and dandelions growing along the way, when she heard the birds chirp a sudden tune. Dru picked up on the sound of the beating of large wings before she saw Ash Morgenstern landing just in front of her and she dropped the shopping bag on the ground.
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affinitystoryblog · 2 years
Affinity - Book 1: Connections Ch. 01 ROUGH DRAFT
Story: Affinity
Author: affinitystoryblog
Summary: Sinie's every day life is about to change when a mysterious transfer student shows up at her school...A girl who looks just like her. Csilla Beauchene is a classy, sweet, shy girl from the city that instantly connects with Sinie Castellano based on their shared necklaces that are imbued with magical properties. The girls must now find a way to awaken their powers and fight to save themselves from the evil hunting them down.
DISCLAIMER: This work is written in a simple formatted way that may be kind of hard to understand right now, but this story is going to be a webcomic so this is rly only written for me and my beta readers to understand. detail varies in areas. thank you!
Sinie wakes up from her sleep, recalling a dream she had moments ago. It was hazy, but the vision of a woman sitting at a throne weeping. Sinie didn't know what to do about this dream, so she brushed it aside like she did for a lot of her dreams. 
She sat up from where she laid and looked at her phone. 7:15 a.m. Time to get up. Slinging her legs over the side of the bed, Sinie got dressed, brushed her hair and teeth, and put on her favorite crystal necklace.
[focus on necklace, Sinie staring at it fondly, rubbing her thumb against the gem]
"Sinie! Breakfast is ready!" Sheri, Sinie’s mom, calls from downstairs
Sinie heads downstairs and sits at the table next to her little sister Anna. Anna is already stuffing her face with pancakes, eggs, and bacon, while their father, David, sipped on his coffee while reading the news on his tablet. Anna muffled a ‘morning’ with a mouth full of food.
[introduce david and anna]
“Oh, looks like we’re going to have a blood moon coming up.” David announced, his tablet screen on an article about an upcoming blood moon.
Sinie immediately perked up. “WHAT? WHEN?? YAY!!! I’ve gotta get my crystals and tell Granny!”
Sheri set a plate of breakfast in front of Sinie and sighed,  “Sinie, honey, you know I support your interests, but you also know how my mother…Overdoes it for her ‘holidays’.”
[introduce sheri]
Sinie furrowed her brow, “I think what she does is fun.”
“It’s dangerous and I don’t want you exposed to witchcraft.” Sheri said gently, pinching Sinie’s cheek.
Sinie sighed, sulked back in her chair and poked at her food. “It’s just a little magic.” She grumbled.
“Sinie.” Sheri said firmly without looking at her daughter. What she said was final.
[panel of an awkward silence while Sinie picks at her food, annoyed, while David awkwardly sips on his coffee and Anna has a funny welp face]
After breakfast Sinie walked out the door of her house and into town. She passed many shops before she met up with her best friend Daren. 
“Morning!” He greeted
“Mornin’!” Sinie replied cheerfully
[introduce daren]
The two walked to the nearby coffee shop so they could down some coffee and donuts on their way to school. As they walked in, the girl at the counter greeted them.
"Hey, it’s my favorite Sunrise students! What'll it be today?" The server asks them.
“Morning Daisy.” Daren greeted her back. “Any specials today?” He asked.
“No special deals per say, but we do have a new pastry available.” Daisy said, pointing to the display case where many delicious looking pastries sat. 
Daren and Sinie stared at where the cashier pointed. “It’s a German chocolate cronut topped with coconut shavings and two dark chocolate bars. It’s a bit rich, but the bittersweet flavors go well with coffee; iced, cold brew, or hot.”
“Hmmm…” Daren thought, staring at the cronut. 
Sinie was practically drooling at the sight. “Daren get one and split it with me!” She said excitedly.
Daren chuckled, “You don’t want one?” They asked in amusement.
Sinie whined, “You know what bitter chocolate does to my teeth! Also I really want a mochi donut.” She had pleading eyes.
Daren smiled at his best friend and playfully rolled his eyes. “Okay fine, I do want to try it. But that means you pay for my coffee.” He winked.
Sinie nodded and smiled.
The two made their order and waited for Daisy to prepare it. 
Soon she appeared with their order,
“Alright kids! I have three mochi donuts, strawberry, yogurt, and churro for little miss Sinie along with a cinnamon cold brew coffee. And for Daren, our new german chocolate cronut and his usual hazelnut macchiato with an extra espresso shot.”
Daren and Sinie smiled to confirm their satisfaction with their order, Sinie waving goodbye to Daisy with a smitten expression. They made their way to their esteemed private school, Sunrise Academy, Sinie sipping happily on her coffee. [draw hearts around her head] 
“You know she’s too old for you.” Daren said, teasing.
 “I’m a young woman.” Sinie stated through slitted eyes
Daren scoffed a little, “Sinie you’re in high school, she’s a senior in college. We probably look like babies to her.” He took a sip of his macchiato 
She nudged him with her elbow, “Don’t act all high and mighty just because you’re already 18. We’re both in high school.” She stuck her tongue out as he chuckled at her frustration.
The two friends arrived at school, joking and laughing alongside each other, carefree. They said their goodbyes at some point as they had two different homerooms. Sinie sipped on her coffee as she walked to her locker. Once there, she got her things around for her morning classes.
Then her vision was cast in black. 
"Sinie~ Guess who!" A high pitched, bubbly voice called out.
Sinie smiled. "Elise!" 
Elise released her hands from Sinie's eyes with a giggle.
[introduce elise]
The two then walked to their homeroom class together, talking about manga. As they entered the classroom a tall, thin girl approached them.
"My darling!" She cried
"My honey!" Elise replied
The two girls embraced and rubbed noses as Sinie smiled beside them.
[introduce Heather]
"Ahem" A harsh voice broke up the sweet moment. "Are you girls supposed to be displaying PDA in the classroom?"
"Sorry Mrs Terris." The two mumbled
"And Sinie, are you supposed to have that drink? Throw it away immediately." The teacher demanded.
Sinie pouted, but chugged the rest of her coffee before throwing away the cup.
"Everyone take your seats, class is about to start." Mrs Terris commanded the students
The bell rang, morning announcements going underway. As the homeroom started, Mrs Terris looked at the class.
"So, before we start, I have my own announcement. Miss Beauchene, please come to the front of the class."
[show a figure of a girl walking to the front, don't show face]
Sinie looked up to the girl now standing in front of the class, her eyes widened, setting her sights on her. 
[show face of girl]
It was like looking in a mirror.
Everyone then looked from the girl to Sinie, thinking the same thing.
"Please introduce yourself."
"I'm Csilla Beauchene, my name is the Hungarian spelling for ‘star’ but it’s pronounced as the name Sheila. I'm new to Sunrise, but I hope we can make a lot of fond memories together." She smiled kindly and bowed slightly.
Everyone looking at Csilla now looked at Sinie again, smirking.
"Wow, she's nothing like you, Sinie." A classmate said,
Sinie and Csilla then made eye contact, Sinie feeling her heart pound
"Thank you miss Beauchene. You may take your seat." Mrs Terris said.
Csilla took her seat once again, and class started. She was a bit far from Sinie, however Sinie was too excited. She had a doppelganger! Sinie began to write in her notebook, ripping out the section and folding it up into a small square. She handed it to Elise, who was sitting next to her, urging her to toss it to Csilla. Elise gave a thumbs up in acknowledgement. Csilla was still a little ways away from Elise, however the shot landed right on the girl's desk.
Sinie and Elise made a victory sign at each other.
Csilla looked in the direction of where the paper came flying, seeing Elise and Sinie looking at her with big eyes. [in this frame, you can see Heather staring at Csilla]
Csilla opened the note and it read:
"Doppelganger! Did you steal my face?" [a little doodle in the corner of a Sinie head with no face.]
Csilla glanced back at Sinie, then to the front of the class, making eye contact with Mrs Terris as the teacher turned around, still continuing with her lecture. Once eye contact broke, Csilla wrote a reply for Sinie, taking a hair band from her wrist and using it to launch the note to Sinie. 
It landed safely in Sinie's lap.
"SCORE!" Sinie yelled.
"Miss Castellano, care to explain why you're interrupting my class?" Mrs Terris asked unamused
"Uhh..." Sinie quickly picked up her phone which was placed on her desk. "A game?" She smiled nervously.
Mrs Terris stared Sinie down for a long time. She then turned back to the board.
"Make sure you study hard on your own if you want to space out during class. I'm not going to be the one your parents yell at when you fail." She wrote on the board.
Sinie sighed, then quickly opened Csilla's reply. It read: "I'm here to steal your identity" with another doodle of Csilla herself, a little lacking in quality compared to Sinie's doodle.
Sinie laughed to herself at this reply, liking Csilla's response.
Sinie tried to get Csilla's attention all morning, however after that initial reply, Csilla seemed to ignore her advances. It didn't help that they didn't have all their classes together.
At lunchtime, Sinie looked all around the school for Csilla. She eventually found her in the quartyard, sitting on the grass with a homemade lunchbox. 
"Csilla!" Sinie called out
She approached Csilla as Csilla took notice of her. 
"Castellano?" Csilla asked
"Wow, no one but the teachers call me by my last name." Sinie rubbed the back of her head. "But hey! Wanna have lunch with me and my friends? We usually eat in the cafeteria."
Csilla looked down at her homemade lunchbox. She looked around to make sure no one else was watching, then pulled Sinie to the side. 
"Whoa hey!" Sinie yelped
"Shh." Csilla whispered. "I know this may be weird right now, but I have to talk to you."
Csilla takes a deep breath. 
"Would you believe me if I told you I've seen you in my dreams?"
Sinie gasped, bringing her hands to her cheeks. 
"We've never met before, but I know you. I've lived your life through these dreams, your father is a hard working accountant for a small company, your mother is a preschool teacher, and you have a little sister."
Sinie gasped louder, "Are you a magic fairy!?" 
Csilla chuckled and shook her head. "No, I just have a lot of weird dreams...I've recorded all of them in my dream journal."
"Wow! I have a dream journal too! I have a lot of intense dreams and I like to know the meaning behind them, so I jot them down."
Csilla smiled. Then she looked down at what Sinie was wearing around her neck and gasped. 
She then reached into her shirt and pulled out the same exact crystal on a different necklace. Sinie also gasped seeing this, her eyes wide. She took off her choker and held it up to Csilla’s necklace. The girls held their necklaces closer together, a ringing noise beginning to make its way into their ears and the crystals began to glow. 
Cautiously both of them looked at each other, then touched fingertips. 
They suddenly both got flashes of each other's lives in their minds, all of Csilla's memories flooding into Sinie's mind and vice versa. However, there were more flashes; of two women, a village of mysterious people, a giant tree in the middle of a grove, and one of the women crying on a throne.
Once the flashes ended the girls gasped and fell to the ground. They came to their senses and stared at each other, wondering what happened. 
"So..." Sinie starts, panting a little. "Lunch with me and my friends?"
Csilla smiled.
Sinie and Csilla walk into the cafeteria, Sinie scanning the room for her friends. Then she found a small round table that they were sitting at. She urged Csilla to follow her, and Csilla did. They approached the table.
"Guys! This is Csilla! Elise, Heather, you remember her." Sinie introduced, gesturing to Csilla.
Csilla waved sheepishly.
Heather greeted the girl with open arms as Elise pulled up another chair for Csilla to sit. 
"She's new." Sinie said to Daren.
Daren stared at Csilla for a long time in awe. 
"Don't they look so much alike!" Heather interjected.
"It's like I'm looking at twins!" exclaimed Elise.
"Yeah. Wow." Daren said, almost in disbelief.
"We also have the same necklace, check it out!" Sinie cried, displaying her own necklace.
Csilla was shy about revealing her necklace at first, but pulled it out. 
"Whoa! Sinie, I thought yours was one of a kind!" Elise cried
"So did I!" Sinie replied
"I've had this since I was a baby." Csilla started. "I used to ask my parents where they got it, but they said they found me with it."
"Found you?" Daren asked.
"Yeah, I was found on the street by my parents. I'm adopted." Csilla replied.
Heather, Elise and Daren looked at each other for a moment in disbelief.
"Sinie, you're adopted too, right?” Heather asked.
Csilla then turned to Sinie with wide eyes. "You are?" She asked.
"Yeah! I was in an orphanage until I was 6, then my mom and dad adopted me. I don't know who my real parents are." Sinie shrugged.
Elise then gasped really loud and lunged herself forward onto the table. 
"Could it be!? You two are long lost twins!?"
"Come on Elise, this isn't a movie." Daren said unamused.
"YOU come on! Csilla has the same one of a kind necklace that Sinie has, and Sinie has had that necklace for as long as we've known her." Elise said
"I've had it since I was born." Sinie chimed in.
"Plus you two look TOTALLY the same!" Elise said.
Sinie and Csilla looked at each other. They then looked down at their crystal shard necklaces, then back to each other. They stared for a long time. Csilla was the first to look away. 
"It's...possible. But how did we get so far from each other? I just moved to this town from the city where I've lived my whole life. Sinie have you been here your whole life?" Csilla asked
Sinie thought for a moment. "Yep! Sometimes I still volunteer at the orphanage I lived in, it's right by the downtown park."
"Sinie likes to play with the younger kids." Heather said.
"I see..." Csilla said, thinking.
"Well, either way it is weirdly coincidental but I don’t think it’s anything fantastical at work.” Daren said, taking one last bite of his lunch.
The bell then rang, signaling lunch was over. 
"NOOO!'' Sinie cried. "I spent so much time looking for you that I didn't get a chance to eat!!" she began to cry in Csilla's bosom.
"Please, let me have some of your home cooked lunch box!"
Csilla smiled pitifully at the other girl. 
"Come one Sinie, you can eat when school is over." Daren said, gathering his things from the table.
"But i'm so hungryyyy!!" Sinie cried.
"Yes we know, you're a growing girl." Elise said, putting her lunch tray into the washable dishes pile. "But youre gonna get in trouble if you eat in the hallway, and we have to get to class."
Sinie and co walked out of the lunch room, Sinie sulking.
The day went on as normal, Sinie waving goodbye to Elise and Heather after school was over and they were heading their separate ways.
"Sorry, I have to help out at home today. I can't hang out." Daren said with an apologetic look.
"It's okay! Tell everyone I said hi!" Sinie replied.
She then took off to look for Csilla, looking around the school grounds for her once again. She walked down hallways, checking every classroom she could. She walked past the staff room, peaking in. She then spotted Csilla talking to Mrs Terris. 
"Csilla!" Sinie called out loudly into the room.
Everyone in the vicinity jumped, and teachers jumped on the chance to scold Sinie for her behavior. Csilla said her goodbyes to Mrs Terris and came over to Sinie. 
"Is something wrong?" She asked
The two walked away from the staff room.
"Nope! I was just gonna ask if you were free today." Sinie chirped
"Well, my papa told me to come straight home after school today, but I don't mind playing hooky." Csilla smiled.
"You seem so prim and proper, you sure you wanna disobey your dad?" Sinie said
Csilla giggled. "I just like to have fun. So what's up?"
"Well...I was hoping you'd go somewhere with me. I think...we can get some answers."
"About us." Sinie looked her in the eyes.
Csilla stared back, then nodded. She followed Sinie out of school and down the roads and streets. The two walked for a few blocks before they came into a small neighborhood.
"Are we meeting someone?" Csilla asked.
"Yeah!" Sinie replied. "You're gonna love her."
Csilla felt a bit nervous, but pushed those feelings down.
The two came up one of the homes' driveway
 [show house]
Sinie knocked loudly on the door. 
A large, old woman answered the door.
"Sunshine!" She exclaimed with her arms open. 
"Granny Witch!" Sinie cried, embracing the old woman.
[introduce Granny]
"I haven't seen you in a while, you grow more beautiful every day." Granny Witch smiled tenderly. 
The old woman then noticed Csilla.
"And who do we have here?"
"Ah, Granny, this is Csilla! She's new in town!"
Csilla curtsied and said her greetings.
Granny Witch whistled at her sophisticated greeting. 
"Hello Csilla. You can call me Granny if you like." She smiled, then turned to Sinie. "So what brings you to me sunshine?"
"Actually granny...we wanted to know if you could help us." Sinie said shyly
"Is someone bothering you two?" She asked.
Sinie giggled. "No, nothing like that. Besides, I think Elise and Daren would beat up anyone who messed with me." She said proudly.
"Actually, it's a little more...complicated." Csilla spoke, pulling out her necklace. 
Granny Witch looked closely at the crystal shard, then to Sinie’s choker.
"Come on in, I'll make you two some tea."
Sinie and Csilla walked into the home, smelling of incense.
[show interior of home]
The two sit down on the couch, a small gray cat jumping onto Sinie's lap.
"Starlight!" Sinie exclaimed, petting the cat.
Csilla scratched under the cat's chin, smiling.
“A beautiful cat." She said tenderly.
"Do you like cats?" Sinie asked.
"My best friend is a cat." She said confidently, then suddenly felt shy, "I know that's kind of weird, but I don't really have any other friends."
"All the other girls in my circle just kinda thought I was weird and stopped talking to me eventually." Csilla said nonchalantly
"That's so sad..." Sinie weeped.
“It's fine. Rosemary keeps me genuine company." Csilla smiled.
Granny then came into the living room with a tray of tea with cream, sugar, and lemon slices. She set them down on the coffee table in between the two rococo couches. 
"So, what exactly has you two troubled?" Granny asked after sitting down on the opposite couch.
"Granny, could we be lost twins?" Sinie asked suddenly. "I mean, we're both adopted and have the same necklace. Plus we look exactly alike! It's the only logical explanation!"
Granny thought for a moment. 
"It's possible, and seems like the logical solution, albeit a little far fetched."
"Do you know if we were ever separated at birth?" Csilla asked.
"I don't. When David and Sheri adopted Sinie, she was all alone at the orphanage. She had no other siblings...how were you adopted?"
Csilla explained her story.
"I see." Granny nodded. "May I see your necklaces?"
Sinie took her necklace off without hesitation, while Csilla hesitated a bit. She gripped her necklace and looked at Sinie. Sinie only smiled at her, convincing Csilla to trust her.
Granny took the two necklaces and examined them. she noticed the mysterious shine they seemed to emit. She then held the crystals close to her heart and was silent for a long time. When she finally opened her eyes she looked at the two girls.
"I cannot give you the answers you seek, however I will give you this: there are mystical properties about these gems. I noticed the power in your necklace long ago, Sinie, and to find out there is another piece to this crystal leads me to believe your meeting was nothing short of fate."
"Granny is sensitive to the mystics of the world. It’s why I call her ‘Granny Witch’" Sinie whispered to Csilla. 
Granny handed the girls their necklaces back.
"I don't know what exactly this means, but I think this may be the start of your destinies."
"Destiny?" Csilla asked.
"What that destiny is, I cannot tell you. But Csilla, you were brought to Sinie for a reason. And maybe that reason is about to unfold."
The girls stared in wonder at the old woman.
"Whatever happens, however, I want you two to do what you think is right and never lose sight of each other."
The two concluded their meeting with Granny, waving goodbye at the door and heading to the bus stop.
"Are you sure youll be okay not going home right away?" Sinie asked,
"I think this will be worth the lecture I'll get." Csilla replied. She then looked down to the necklace in her hand, "I never thought my necklace could have mystical properties."
Sinie held up her necklace to the setting sun, looking at the iridescent gem. 
"I never thought mine did either. I've never had magical power before."
"Aside from my weird dreams, neither have I." Csilla replied.
They reached the bus stop.
"You know your new address?" Sinie asked.
"Yes, I memorized it before we even moved. I think if I GPS it, I can work around the bus stops. I'll be home before you know it!" Csilla smiled.
Sinie smiled back and, just as they were about to say their goodbyes, an explosion came from around the corner. 
The two girls screamed as the smoke from the explosion began to fill the air. They covered their mouths, coughing from the smoke.
"What was that!?" Csilla cried
"I don't know, but we have to go!" Sinie replied. 
Then, before they could do anything else, the two were bound by ropes, crashing them to the ground. They looked through the smoke and saw two feminine figures walking towards them with ropes. As the smoke cleared, the two revealed themselves as two impish looking women.
The girls stared wide eyed at this. Fire appeared behind the women making her way towards them, only frightening the girls more. 
The imps stopped in front of the girls who were trembling. 
“Wow Calysta, that was much easier than we thought, these mortals are completely harmless.” The taller one cooed.
The chunkier, stout imp giggled. “They’re powerless, Myrtha! They have no magic!” She sang.
Myrtha clicked her tongue. “Tsk tsk tsk, looks like the mortal realm really does kill magic. All the more reason it deserves to go.”
Sinie and Csilla trembled, however Sinie tried to struggle free. 
“What do you want with us!?” She demanded.
“Oooh, she’s got spirit!” Myrtha cooed again.
She reached down to grab Sinie’s necklace.
“Don’t touch her!” Csilla cried.
Myrtha looked to Csilla with a bored expression. Then pivoted her way to face the girl. Csilla was trembling and terrified and had tears in her eyes. Myrtha grinned devilishly then stood up. 
“Well, this mission was way too easy and frankly, I’m disappointed.” She snapped her fingers.
From her side came another woman with a mask covering her face. She was completely silent as she crouched down to the girls and held her hands out to their chests.
Then, out of nowhere, a scimitar flew through the air and caused the masked woman to distance herself from the girls.  The masked woman looked at the sword and then to the other woman that appeared before her, standing in front of Sinie and Csilla.. The new figure stood there as the smoke cleared, the girls catching what she looked like; tall, wide hips, dark skin, and black hair tied into two buns with long side bangs hanging down. 
She turned to the girls, grabbing her scimitar first, then taking both Sinie and Csilla in each arm, picking them up and leaping into the air. The girls screamed as more rope flew at them. The new woman landed on a tall building, at least as tall as buildings were going to get in this part of town, and set the girls down. She cut the ropes binding the girls.
She said nothing as she grabbed both swords at her hips and took a battle stance. The two imps found them and threw more of their black ropes at them. The woman helping the girls let one of the ropes slither around her wrist then struck one of her blades into the rope to pin it to the ground, taking the rope in her hands and pulling Myrtha towards her. 
Myrtha yelped as she was yanked forward. She reached to her side and pulled out a sort of mini trident. She swung at the woman, but was immediately punched in the face and sent flying.
Calysta winced. 
"Yeah! Get her!" Sinie shouted.
"Sinie!" Csilla cried.
Calysta went to help out her fellow imp, fighting the woman on the rooftop. 
"Sinie, what's going on?!" Csilla cried
"I don't know, but it's awesome!" Sinie replied
"Awesome!?" Csilla cried again.
"I mean, it's scary ‘cause I think we were almost kidnapped, but we were rescued!"
Then, Sinie felt a tap on her shoulder. The girls turned around to see the third woman, the masked woman, behind them. She waved a little at them before giving a sort of “magic fingers” motion with her hands, her hands starting to glow.
Csilla winced in fear. 
“Uhhh, hey lady! We could use your help again!” Sinie called out to the woman who saved them, holding Csilla in her arms.
The woman was knocked back by the imps, her arms up in a block. She looked back to the masked woman who was about to use her powers on the girls, then back to her opponents. She then grabbed at Calysta’s ropes the imp flung at her and swung Calysta around, the imp colliding with her sister and the two flying into the masked woman, putting the three of them in a pile on the rooftop.
"Yea woohoo!" Sinie cheered.
The masked woman shoved the imps off of her, Calysta complaining that she could be more gentle. The masked woman stood up. She began to manifest glowing “needles” through her fingertips, the needles growing long and sharp at the tip of her fingertips. (picture this like claws) She lunged at the other woman, the woman putting up both her scimitars in defense. The two went at it, sparks flying between them. 
“Yeah!! Get her!!” Sinie cheered while Csilla covered her eyes in fear, peeking through her fingers.
Then, Calysta snuck up on the girls and grabbed Sinie from behind, Sinie crying out. Csilla shoved the imp off of her friend and dodged Myrtha from her side. The girls began to run around the rooftop in order to escape the imps. (draw this in a simpler, silly style)
“Hey lady, we could use your help again!” Sinie cried out
“Fight to protect yourself!" The woman shouted, not taking her eyes off her opponent, still evenly matched with her.
"Fight!?" Csilla cried.
"How do we fight?" Sinie asked.
"Use the power inside you! Your crystals!"
Sinie looked down at her necklace which was resonating. She gripped it in her hand, concentrating on the power. She felt pulsing through her veins. However, just before she could tap into that power, she heard Csilla scream.
Turning to the noise, she saw the imps had captured Csilla in their ropes. At the same time ropes came around her own body, and she collapsed to the ground. 
She began to wriggle around, struggling to free herself. She looked onto Csilla who was also on the ground, visibly trembling as the smaller imp crouched down at her side with a devilish grin. From her peripheral vision she noticed the lanky imp power walking towards her with an expression that made Sinie’s stomach sink.
“H-Hey! I tried but I could really use your help right now!!” Sinie cried, worry clear in her voice.
The warrior woman saw the two girls struggling, ready to be captured. “Shit!” She mumbled but in her distraction she was knocked to the ground by the masked woman. The masked woman slashed her claws at the other woman, however the warrior used her scimitar as a shield.  "Use your power! Fight!" She shouted amidst trying to ward off the masked woman.
"Sinie...!" Csilla had tears in her eyes now.
Sinie looked back down at her crystal necklace, it was glowing. She concentrated on the feeling she felt a few moments ago, and felt the power surge through her veins.
"I feel it!" She shouted.
"Feel it in your heart! You'll hear the words!" The warrior woman shouted back.
Sinie concentrated harder, and then suddenly her eyes were aglow, and she seemed to radiate light. breaking free of the ropes, a light suddenly surrounded her. 
[draw magical girl transformation]
Sinie looked down at herself, in a completely new outfit.
[full body view of her dress]
"Sinie..." Csilla gawked at her new friend in dazzling awe.
Everyone stood still for a moment in amazement (draw sweat drops on masked woman and myrtha and calysta with panicked expressions)
“She’s harnessed the power of her crystal…” Myrtha grumbled.
“Let’s just take the one who hasn’t yet and get out of here!” Calysta tugged on her sister’s arm.
Myrtha nodded, pulling a key from her bosom. She held the key in the air as it began to grow and sprout giant wings and grow into a long staff. The wings stretched out and had a sort of a galaxy pattern, as if the wings were a window to the universe.
Csilla looked horrified as Calysta dragged her closer to the portal.
"Don't just stand there, save her!" The woman shouted, taking advantage of the distraction she pushed the masked woman off of her.
"But how?!" Sinie cried, "I don't know how to fight!"
"Use your power!" The woman said back
"Sinie!" Csilla cried out to her friend.
Sinie balled her fist, then felt the energy of the crystal, it was still around her neck. she breathed in and out, summoning a sword from the crystal's light.
The imps began to retreat with Csilla, however Sinie was a fast runner, and caught up to them. With her sword she slashed at them, causing them to drop Csilla and dodge the attack. Sinie grabbed Csilla and took her to the other side of the rooftop. She then cut the other girl’s ropes.
"Sinie!” Csilla wrapped her arms around Sinie, Sinie holding her back. “What happened?" Csilla asked in awe.
"I don't know! But, Csilla, I think you can do it too!"
"Feel the power in your crystal! Concentrate!"
Myrtha balled her hand into a fist and growled. “Grrr, this is so annoying! Why don’t you little heathens come quietly and we won’t make this any harder.” 
Myrtha’s shadow then began to twist and coil, taking form out of the ground and manifested into a dark shadow creature. 
Calysta giggled, “Oh are we going to beat them up?” She clapped, “Can I, Sissy, can I?” She asked excitedly. Her expression turned sinister as her eyes turned black and her aura manifested dark energy, forming around her body as armor.
Csilla looked horrified while Sinie looked amazed.
“Ready Csilla?” Sinie asked, looking down at the girl she had rescued.
Csilla’s eyes darted from the imps who were now using their own magic, to the women fighting each other, and to Sinie. She was terrified.
Sinie’s expression twisted into a sort of confused sadness. She shook her head, "I’ll fight them off while you figure it out!" Sinie said, charging at the imp sisters.
Unfortunately she was hardly any match for them. She was getting her butt kicked. (draw various panels of Myrtha and Calysta beating her up)
Csilla did her best to calm her nerves and concentrate on the power in her crystal. She began to sweat, her hands trembling as she held the crystal shard in her hand.
"Power....Feel the power..." Her voice also trembled.
The warrior woman glanced at Csilla who was struggling to harness her power, and in this distraction the masked woman knocked her weapons from her hands and kicked the woman to the ground.
Sinie was also not doing so hot, knocked to the ground, sword knocked out of her hands. 
“Enough of this!” Myrtha groaned. “You!” She pointed to the masked woman. “Get this over with.”
The masked woman walked over to Sinie and crouched over her, pinning the girl to the ground with her knees on her shoulders. SInie groaned under her (draw her beat up). Then the masked woman placed her hand over Sinie’s chest and began to extract a bright light, causing Sinie to scream out in pain.
The sight scared Csilla, but ultimately triggered a fight or flight response, in which case she chose to fight. “NO!!”  She cried, her eyes began to glow, as well as her body. a powerful light exploded on the rooftop.
[draw magical girl transformation]
[draw her looking elegant and cool with a full body view of her outfit]
Everyone was shocked, however Myrtha was particularly annoyed while Calysta seemed panicked. 
“Dammit!” Myrtha mumbled under her breath
Csilla then formed her own sword and in one swoosh created a blast of energy to knock down the masked woman and the imps. She walked toward Sinie and helped her up, the warrior woman taking their side, still on the defensive for the others.
"Whoa!" Sinie had starry eyes, "You look so cool!"
"Hehe thanks."
Csilla then looked serious and determined, pointing her sword to their attackers. 
“Sissy, I think we should report this…” Calysta whispered to her sister.
Myrtha clicked her tongue. She tapped her foot on the ground rapidly in irritation. “Abort mission. Report back to the goddess.” Her shadow creature disappeared back into her shadow while Calysta and the masked woman disarmed. Myrtha looked back as she put her hand on the staff, a slight smirk on her face. “Play again.” She said in a sinister voice
The three escaped, the wings that were still there swallowed up the three and then coiled into itself until it disappeared into thin air.
The three left on the roof hopped down onto the sidewalk, noticing people had gathered around a large fire in the park behind the bus stop, as well as a fire truck. Sinie and Csilla's magic wore off and they detransformed, causing the two to be very tired.
The warrior woman approached them. “You two barely managed to get out of that." She said to them.
Sinie pointed, "Hey you were no better! If it weren't for Csilla we'd all be toast."
The woman put her hands on her hips and glared at Sinie.
"Excuse me miss, but...what exactly just happened?" Csilla said, gripping her necklace.
The woman opened her mouth, but was interrupted by the voice of a man.
Csilla turned to see her father getting out of his car and approaching her. 
Her father ran up to her and hugged her close.
[introduce Richard]
"Young lady, why didn't you come home right after school? What are you doing so close to this fire?!"
"Um..." Csilla looked down.
Sinie looked back, hoping the woman would address Csilla's father, but the woman was gone. 
"Um," Sinie spoke up. "I’m sorry sir, but it's my fault..."
Richard glared at Sinie for a second, but once he saw how alike she looked to his own daughter he was taken aback. He began to stammer for words, but Csilla spoke up
"This is my friend, Sinie. We met today at school.” She then downcast her eyes. “I'm sorry Papa…I disobeyed you to come home after school and instead went out with a friend. I will take full responsibility." She hung her head.
Richard, confused more than anything, decided to let Csilla off the hook with just a scolding and offered Sinie a ride, away from the fire.
Sinie declined his offer, saying that she knew a way home that was away from the accident. 
Csilla went home with her father in his fancy car, while Sinie ran home to her own family.
[show outside of home]
She walked in the door, her sister immediately announcing her arrival. 
"Sinie?! Oh my god are you okay!?" Sheri cried, running up to her daughter.
"Yeah I'm fine. Why?" She forced a smile.
"Steph called me and told me there was a big fire on your route home from school. You didn't get caught up in that did you?"
Sinie figured she shouldn't tell her mom about all the things that just happened, and shook her head. 
"Your uniform is so dirty, are you sure you're okay?" Sheri asked, still frantic.
"Oh yeah, Daren and I were just, um, wrestling earlier is all." She smiled awkwardly.
Sheri sighed. "You're going to get in trouble for rough housing on school grounds one of these days young lady. And how many times have I told you not to dirty your uniform? They aren't cheap."
Sinie nodded as her mother went on, tuning her out. She looked down at her necklace. It no longer held that glow, but Sinie could still feel the power pulsating through it when she held it.
[end Chapter 1] 
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neon-yami · 2 years
Tumblr media
Undertale Sans: Sans
Undertale Papyrus: Papyrus
Underswap Sans: Blue
Underswap Papyrus: Stretch
Underfell Sans: Red
Underfell Papyrus: Edge
The ringing of a smoke alarm sounded throughout the mansion as Daisy came running out of the kitchen coughing and swatting at the smoke alarm to stop it "I accidentally burnt the food" Daisy said disappointingly as the alarm stopped. As Alex-Bailey ran up from the basement holding a fire extinguisher, they stopped midway up the stairs and signed in relief "good thing you didn't burn with the food" They said while walking up the rest of the way and placed the fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Poinsettia ran up to Daisy and held her "are you sure you are okay!?" She said and she inspected her up and down and dragged her to the living room where a few skeletons were at.
"DAISY ARE YOU OKAY, YOU WERE COUGHING EVERY LOUDLY AND YOU SOUNDED LIKE YOU DYING!" Blue said as he dragged Daisy the rest of the way and sat her on the couch "like I said to Poinsettia I'm fine blue" Daisy said as she coughed one last time "LIAR YOU JUST COUGHED AGAIN! I THE MAGNIFICENT SANS WILL HELP YOU GET BETTER!" Blue yelled again as Daisy signed as she knows she can't convince Blue to not help her. "Brother, Daisy said she is okay and I think this time she is" Stretch said and with that Blue was convinced that Daisy was okay. "I'm sorry I burnt dinner, I'm going to clean up the kitchen" Daisy said as started to get up. "Too late Daisy I cleaned up" Alex said as they came into the living room whipping their hands on a paper towel. Daisy just limply sat back onto the couch and slid down it "dammit Alex I was going to do that" She said with a ting of sadness in her voice.
"You do so much for us, Daisy" Stretch said as he grabbed Daisy's hand and pulled her up so she was sitting on the couch properly, well as properly as a bisexuality monster lover can sit. Daisy frowned "but I don't do much, I just sit around and do nothing" She said with a monotone voice "that isn't true Daisy" Sans said as he teleported onto the couch next to her as Papyrus came walking into the living room. "DON'T BE SAD FRIEND DAISY FOR WE ARE GOING TO MAKE DINNER TONIGHT" Papyrus said as he picked up Daisy and held her "what do you mean we?" Daisy asked as she hung limply in his hands "YOU, ME, BLUE, AND EDGE ARE GOING TO COOK DINNER!" Papyrus said as he brought Daisy back to the kitchen.
It wasn't a disaster to cook dinner but it was difficult to get the four skeletons to not make a complete mess. Even one sat in the dining room as Daisy brought out the food and placed a plate in front of everyone "sorry I burnt the first part of dinner" She said again as she sat down to eat "stop apologizing Daisy" Alex said as they lightly punched her should "but I'm sorry…" Daisy was interrupted by everyone yelling "stop apologizing Daisy.
Daisy covered her face as she smiled with a laugh escaping it "I love you guys" she said as they all ate dinner. With some of the skeletons having a faint blush on the skulls as they ate, they felt the true and genuine love she had for them coming from her soul.
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j3rs3yg1rl · 1 year
Super Mario Sex Ed Edition - Part 1
Who is up for reading some crack? https://archiveofourown.org/works/47880385/chapters/120712087 A crazy night on Discord led to Lakin5 & I creating a monster- I mean, masterpiece. Read at your own risk. Leave your sanity at the door.
One day, Luigi was summoned as a representative of SMB Plumbing to Sarasaland. By royal decree, he was tasked with laying pipes for Princess Daisy.
The desert was scorching hot as he helped to fix the pipes that led to irrigation systems that water the crops. Once the pipes were fully secured and the water flowed through the desert like a blooming oasis, Luigi stopped to look at the beautiful orange vixen in front of him.
“Mamma Mia, it sure is hot out here, but hard work has to be done!” Luigi commented as he wiped away his hard earned sweat.
Daisy looked at him with lidded eyes, “And how should I pay the green hero for his hard work?”
Luigi blushed, “Uh cash is good, but you always send it through CoinBuddy!”
Daisy smirked devilishly, “I’ve got a better idea, one that both of us can enjoy?”
“Like a date?” Luigi asked, confused.
“No, Sweetie, like what we did during Peach’s birthday party!” Daisy clarified.
Luigi was redder than his brother’s signature colors as he remembered the night where he and Daisy snuck to a guest room to have some “fun” during their friend’s bash.
“Oh, that, of course, I can provide an extra service for free. If the Princess is so willing to offer a generous payment in return!” Luigi smirked as he walked towards Daisy to offer her his hand, which she greedily took.
They made their way to Sarasaland grand palace as the pair eagerly wanted to make due on their offers. The couple mischievously giggled the entire way to the palace’s inner garden that was her chamber.
Daisy pulled Luigi down with great force as he got to work on laying his large pipe in her sprinkler system. His watery seed was tempered by a rubber tarp to prevent any accidental spillage in her fertile soil. Once her garden was thoroughly plowed and drenched in her pollen, Luigi made sure to dispose of his used tarp that contained his potent seed.
Both the plumber and the princess were satisfied by a job well done and their well deserved payment.
Mario was out getting the mail after drinking his morning coffee with his brother, Luigi, hoping he didn’t have to deal with another ransom note from Bowser or a plea for help from some far off kingdom.
When he opened the mailbox to skim the letters, most consisting of junk mail, he was surprised to find one sent by none other than Princess Daisy of Sarasaland. Must be for Luigi then. Curiously, he picked up the letter by his other hand and stored it into the back pocket of his overalls. He went inside of his and Luigi’s shared home to properly throw away the junk mail before heading to his room so he can read the offending letter.
It read:
“ To My Dearest and Bravest Hero, Luigi:
Yo, Weegee!
You are the sexiest creature I have ever laid my eyes on! My petals just quiver at your mere presence as you dutifully laid your pipe in my sopping wet garden. Your pipe is so big, it could hardly fit into my soil! I’ve so never been thoroughly fucked like that before. I hope you can 1-Up your game for the next level!
Your Deflowered, Princess Daisy”
Mario might have just lost his breakfast then as he fully processed the contents of the letter.
“What the fuck, Daisy!” Mario yelled in shock. Why did the desert princess have to be so blunt about everything? Why can’t she write a letter like a normal person?
Luigi’s got some explaining to do, but first Mario needed to puke his guts out after reading that vile letter!
Once he was done, Mario entered the kitchen to see his brother making another cup of coffee as he made eye contact with him.
“You okay, bro, you look like you’ve seen a boo?” Luigi asked in concern.
“I am fine, but I am going to see Peach in the meantime. She, uh, has a job for me to do!” Mario replied as tried to think of a quick lie so Luigi wouldn’t suspect that he read the letter that was meant for his brother. Plus Mario did really want to see Princess Peach, she always knew what to do to make him feel better.
“Alright, just come back before dinner!” Luigi requested.
“Will do, bro! Will do!” Mario said before leaving for Princess Peach’s castle.
Princess Peach was dutifully standing tall among her council. Her sweet nature and sturdy presence always gave them a peace of mind. They just finished discussing plans on the latest efforts to reduce mold in the kingdom. Given this was a population of fungi, they had an exceptional problem with mold everywhere.
“If the council has nothing further, we may dismiss for the day.” Peach ended the meeting and disappeared to her chamber.
It was exhausting when you had mushrooms everywhere spicing up your life. Speaking of spicy, she swore, she could hear her Italian red pepper rambling in the corner.
“Mario? Is that you?” Peach inquired curiously, peeking inside her closet.
“It was awful, Peach… awful!!!” Mario shivered like a wounded warrior returning home from battle. He pulled a random blanket he found tighter around him.
“What could possibly have been so bad that’s got you so traumatized now?” Peach snickered at what seemed to be his overreaction.
It was then, a letter appeared in front of her face. “Oh… OH!!!”
Peach couldn’t help feeling a twinge of jealousy that her floral counterpart had such a dutiful gardener tending to her garden. She wished her arborist would pay more head and tend to her tree grove.
“This is why we respect people’s privacy. Now tell me you learned your lesson Mario?”
Mario huffed and grumbled. “Yes, Mom!”
Peach offered her hand to Mario. “Now c’mon… get out of the closet. I have enough skeletons in there.”
“What?” Mario cried out startled.
“Nothing.” Peach waved off her sort of semi-joke.
“Uh-huh…” Mario nodded cautiously at the strange implication and denial.
“Anyway, are you okay? Because I got a recipe that will perk you right up!” Peach said sweetly, hoping that Mario would get the implications of her words.
“I am always up for a slice of your yummy cakes!” Mario replied, totally missing what Peach was insinuating.
“No, what I meant is I want your Italian sausage in my sweet dough!” Peach tried again with far less subtlety than before.
“But won’t that taste horrible! I thought you knew how to bake well? Don't you like what you already whip up? Is this something you really wanna try?” Mario replied in absolute confusion.
“For the love of Miyamoto, Mario, I-I want to uh…” Peach trailed off on how to phrase what she wanted without actually saying what she wanted.
“You want to do what?” Mario asked, his confusion compounding.
“You and I could… Knead my dough?” Peach blushed in all our embarrassment.
“So making cakes?” Mario replied back innocently.
“Mario, you sweet summer child! No, I want you to, uh, how do I say this nicely?” Peach commented more to herself than Mario.
Peach smiled to herself as she found a solution to her problem. She pulled Mario into a tight hug before closing the gap between them with a sweet and sensual kiss.
Mario pulled her closer as their tight embrace grew hotter like a preheating oven. Peach ushered them to her bedroom as the billowing steam around them needed to be contained in a closed room.
Once they entered the bedroom, Mario got to work on kneading Peach’s dough as Peach was busy rolling Mario’s Italian sausage. Peach’s dough had fully risen as her sweet fruity juices were ready for Mario’s hot and spicy Italian sausage. Mario and Peach pounded each other enthusiastically before Mario filled up her seedy peach with his sweet Italian crème.
The plumber and the princess laid next to each other as they needed a well deserved rest after the long baking session they had partaken in.
Daisy made way to the Mario Brothers' house as she had her actual letter to Luigi to deliver to him personally. Stupid Mario and his nosey behavior. Why can’t he just mind his own damn business?
“Oh Sweetie!!!” Daisy’s knocking resounded, waiting for her skilled green handyman with the even greener thumb to answer.
Luigi was pleasantly surprised to see a blooming flower at his door. “Hey Daisy! This is a surprise! What's brings you here?”
Daisy’s sepals wrapped around her gardener with gleeful affection. “Oh you know… just to give you this.”
Luigi took the letter in his hands. It was folded just like a daisy and had cute orange lipstick marks all over. “Aww that’s so sweet of you! You didn’t have to come all this way though. You could’ve just mailed it.”
Daisy raised brow. “Yeah? Tell me Sweetie. Did you get the one I sent in the mail?”
“There was a first one? Luigi was confused.
“That tells me that salty little red tomato didn’t even bother to give it to you.” Daisy’s cheeks puffed out. If she had been a Piranha Plant, she’d have turned Mario into an Italian dinner. Except, he’d most likely give her indigestion. So out went that idea.
“Now that you mention it… Mario did seem rather… odd this morning.” Luigi thought back to this morning’s encounter.
“As opposed to any other morning?” Daisy countered.
“Touché.” Luigi conceded. “I can’t believe he’d stoop to reading my mail! First my journals. Now my mail!!!” Luigi’s was steaming. The pressure in his valves were about to burst.
“I’m surprised you didn’t notice sooner. But don’t sweat it Sweetie. Is the red menace here now?” Daisy peeked around, seeing if her and her green plumber were alone.
“N-No… Mario went to visit Peach.” Luigi eyed Daisy carefully. He wondered what his sneaky vixen was up to this time.
“Oh good.” Daisy eyed Luigi hungrily. Licking her lips, she pounced. “You look like you could use a bit of release. All that pressure is gonna make you pop.”
“Mamma Mia… you sure know how to help give a guy relief.” Luigi smirked, looking up at his fiery flower from where she pinned him.
“My busy little worker bee must be so hungry.” Daisy cooed seductively.
“I could sure use some pollen right now.” Luigi winked, loving every second of where this was going.
So Luigi went to work on extracting the slick nectar of Daisy’s sweet flower as Daisy worked to unclog Luigi’s bursting pipe as it spilled all over his bedding, making sure none of it touched Daisy’s delicate petals.
A few months had passed and Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom was feeling rather not like her usual self. She felt sick to her stomach for more than a few weeks, and she felt more bloated than a balloon. Not to mention her menstrual cycle was off by a few weeks while her lower back felt stiff like a board.
Peach tried to convince herself that it wasn’t a problem and it wasn’t what she mostly knew that it meant. But all the signs pointed to the same conclusion, one that wasn’t just her fault but also Mario’s all well.
“Mario, I’m pregnant!” Peach told her red plumber, hoping he would take the news well.
“But how? Did you reproduce by yourself like the Toads do?” Mario asked as he couldn’t comprehend the magnitude of the situation he was in.
“What? No, Mario, you and I are both humans, humans need each other in order to produce a child!” Peach explained, as it is, an obvious fact, which by the look on Mario’s face was a fact that completely slipped his mind.
“But I didn’t put my filling inside your pastry!” Mario added, not knowing how this could have happened?
“Are you serious?" Peach deadpanned. "Well I am pregnant regardless, so it looks like I am going to be the mother and you are going to be the father of our future child!” Peach smiled despite the fact that she was scared for the future of her and her child, hoping that Mario would be there for her all throughout the pregnancy.
Suddenly Mario fainted as the news fully set in and as he crashed to the ground in an unceremoniously fashioned fashion. Mario had been knocked out as Peach had been knocked up!
0 notes
Getting to Marigold
Chapter Eleven
Icy-Pink, Mint, Almond Cream
“Oopsie-daisy!” cried Jeanie. “Spot the mom!”
The elderly man had slipped and fallen on an icy patch on the city sidewalk in front of Lindy Styre’s house. 
“Are you okay?” Jeanie enquired, offering a friendly hand-up.
“Fine!” snapped the man, ignoring her help to stagger to his feet under his own power.  “Now—bug off!”  Brushing the ice crystals from his knees, the old grouch limped away.
Jeanie let Mr. Boor go without further comment.  The world has gotten less and less courteous over the last few years, she frowned to herself.  Thank goodness that Chuckie and Dolores made sure to teach Tara her p’s and q’s…
Turning on her heel to resume her walk down to the convenience store post office with her bag full of Christmas cards, Jeanie skidded sideways just a little bit.
“Watch out for that icy patch, Jeanie,” came Lindy’s voice.  “You don’t want to fall like that other guy did.”
“Maybe you should throw some salt on it,” muttered Jeanie.
“Sorry?” said Lindy from her open front door.  “What did you say?”
“I said, may-be—” over-enunciated Jeanie, “—you should—”
“Ms. Jeanie!”  Warmly wrapped in the icy-pink lamb’s wool coat that Jeanie had purchased on their last shopping expedition to complement the child’s Deep Winter complexion, Tara came running up the sidewalk to where she stood. “I said I was coming with you!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, kidlet,” said Jeanie, completely changing her tone to address the little girl. “I thought you were searching for something upstairs with your daddy.”
“My new winter boots, Ms. Jeanie!  Daddy put them in a bag inside my wardrobe, instead of in the mudroom where they belong!”
“That was very silly of your daddy,” readily agreed Jeanie.  “It only takes a moment to sort things into their proper spots—”
“That’s what I told him!” nodded Tara.  “But he always just laughs or makes a dumb joke.”  The seven-year-old sighed at the foibles of her elders.  “Boots go on the boot mat, I told him—even if they’re brand new from the store—!”
“Tara?” called Lindy, still hovering in her open door.  “Can you take a script from me to your dad?”
“Sure, Ms. Lindy!  But first I have to help Ms. Jeanie post her Christmas cards at the store.  She always sends hand-signed cards to her West Coast relatives on the first Saturday in December.  But I’ll pick up whatever you want on my way home.”
“Thanks, Tara,” called Lindy, disappearing inside her house.
Jeanie and Tara made quick work of their mission and were soon ringing the doorbell at Lindy’s place. 
“Hi, guys,” said Lindy, as she opened the door. “I’m having some trouble getting my printer to work.  Do you two want to come in and wait for a minute or so?  It shouldn’t take much longer.”
“Okay,” replied Tara, readily stepping into the front vestibule and unzipping her coat.  Scenting an opportunity—at long last—to buttonhole the playwright about her Reunion skit, Jeanie followed suit.  For a moment, the pair stood quietly with their boots dripping onto the scruffy red linoleum floor.
“Lindy?  Have we got company?” came a masculine voice from the hall and then Malcolm stuck his head around the vestibule door.  Spotting Jeanie, his tone soured.  “Oh, it’s you,” he said, coolly.
“It’s me too!” piped up Tara, as she slid from behind her companion into his line of vision.
Malcolm’s face lightened and his voice warmed.  “Oh, hi there, Bugsy—”
“Mr. Malcolm.”  Tara’s eyes narrowed accusingly.
“I mean, Miss Tara, of course.  Please come inside...”  And Malcolm gave them a royal wave into Lindy’s home.
Slipping off their boots, Tara and Jeanie hung their coats on hooks and, crossing the hall, seated themselves in the shabby living room where, as far as Jeanie could see—despite her perceptive comments in August—nothing had changed at all.
“Would you like a hot chocolate or a soda pop?” Malcolm asked Tara very pleasantly.  Then, losing his smile, “Drink?” he enquired of Jeanie.
“Thanks, Mr. Malcolm,” replied Tara, politely. “I don’t drink soda pop, but I do like mint hot chocolate.  Do you have any of that?”
“I’ll check the larder immediately,” said Malcolm, with a serious nod.  “But—if we don’t have mint—will regular do?”
“I think so,” said Tara, equally seriously. “As long as you add plenty of whole milk or table cream.”
“I’m on it,” guaranteed Malcolm, heading for the kitchen but, at the doorway, he paused and turned to ask Jeanie, in a slightly kinder voice, “Tea?  Coffee?  Soda?”
Again, mindful of where the coffee had come from the first time she’d been there, Jeanie requested black tea, with no milk or sugar, “Thanks very much...”
Malcolm nodded and disappeared.
Left alone, Jeanie and Tara settled into an amiable silence that was only broken by the entrance from the dining room of a beautiful silver-grey cat.
“Phyllis…!” called Tara, lightly twiddling her fingers toward the feline.
Phyllis sat down on the rug well out of range of the little girl’s reach and licked a velvet paw.  Why should she bother having her fur ruffled by a miniature intruder who clearly admired her a lot?
Tara sighed.  “She never lets me pet her unless Ms. Lindy makes her sit on my lap.  Why do you suppose that is, Ms. Jeanie?”
“Cats are pretty contrary creatures,” replied Jeanie, but her mind was on something else.  “So—have you been here often?” she asked the little girl.
“Pretty often,” said Tara, still trying to get Phyllis to come over to her by wriggling one of the pompom tassels that dangled from the edge of her tunic top.  “One time, Daddy brought me to a table reading when he couldn’t get a sitter.  And a couple more times when Ms. Lindy was having a party.  But I see her and Mr. Malcolm a lot more when Mommy drops me off at the parks or at the playhouse when it’s time to go to Daddy’s place.” 
“We did have mint hot chocolate, Miss Tara!” announced Malcolm, triumphantly, as he brought four mugs into the living room on the plastic Hawaiian tray and placed it on the coffee table.  “That’s yours, and yours, and mine,” he said handing them around.  “Lindy should be here in a minute.  She says the paper ran out—scat, Phyllis!” he growled, when—the very second he sat down—the cat sidled over to rub her furry body against his leg.
“She won’t ever come to see me,” lamented Tara and took a cautious sip from her mug.  “This is perfect, thank you, Mr. Malcolm,” was the considered verdict once she’d swallowed a mouthful.  “Not everyone puts in the correct amount of milk.”
Malcolm smiled.  “That’s high praise from you, Tara.  Thank you very much.”  He drank some coffee and then gave Jeanie a quizzical look.  “Did you just happen to be wandering around with Tara or were you—?”
Jeanie took a delicate sip of her tea and smiled as sweetly as she could.  “No, no.  Tara and I were posting Christmas cards and Lindy invited us in to give Tara a script for Chuckie.  That’s all…”
 “Posting Christmas cards?  I didn’t realize that anyone did that anymore.”
“Oh, I know.  E-mail’s easier.  But I think it’s important to reach out in a more personal manner.  That’s why I’m trying to put together a Family Reunion for next summer—all in the old-fashioned way.  I’m sending snail-mail invitations and including postal reply cards and envelopes—"
“Sounds expensive.”
“A little, I guess.  But people spend way too much time—and a whole lot of money—on their devices.  You know, phones and computers and tablets—”
“Skyping has kept me a lot closer to my daughter and grandson in Calgary than handwritten letters ever could—”
“Okay—I’m not saying that—”
“It’s finally done.”  Lindy came in through the hallway carrying a folder of paper which she tossed on the coffee table as she flopped into an ancient armchair.  “I guess I could have just e-mailed it to him but then he’d have to print it out anyway so he could use it for rehearsals—”
“But then Chuckie would have paid for the printing, Lindy—”
“Oh, quit being such a Scrooge, Malcolm!” chuckled the playwright.  “It’s practically Christmas, and he obviously has other places to stick his cash.  Thanks for the tea.”  She took a swig from her mug.  “So—what were you all talking about?” she asked Malcolm.
“Oh, one of your favourite subjects,” he replied.  “Phones and computers versus old-fashioned contacts with folks.  You know, sending actual Christmas cards and invitations through the mail...”
Lindy took another sip and shrugged. “Nobody does that anymore.”
“I do,” said Jeanie, while Tara faithfully echoed, “She does…”
“Really?  Oh but, of course, you told me that you hate phones—”
“Those and the other devices.  Which is why I want to put on an Olde Fashioned Family Reunion with a Roaring Twenties theme—”
“Yeah, you said—”
“—but I can’t send the invitations until I know your schedule.”
“Jeanie,” sighed Lindy, “I already told you that I don’t want to accept your ‘deal.’  I’m comfortable with my house the way it is.  So, you might as well set any date you want—”
“I can’t do that until you tell me when—!”
“I haven’t got a clue when—!"
“But there won’t be a Grand Finale to our Reunion Week if you won’t be reasonable about writing the skit—!”
“For the last time, Jeanie, I don’t write skits—!”
“LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!” interrupted Tara.  She’d put her hands over her ears to block out the racket.
Both Lindy and Jeanie came to a screeching halt.
“Tara—?” enquired Malcolm, with a worried look.
“I hate it when people argue about stuff I don’t understand,” moaned the child, hands still guarding her ears.  “Mommy and Tío Mark are always doing it—and sometimes Mommy and Daddy too!  I wish everybody would just stop!”
“Sorry, kidlet,” said Jeanie, contritely.  “You didn’t need to hear us bicker.”
“Yes, that was very rude of us, Tara,” added Lindy. “We ought to discuss matters more quietly.”
“Okay,” said the little girl, slowly lowering her hands.  “But I really hate it when the people that I like fight with each other.”
“You’re quite right, Tara,” said Malcolm, scooping up Phyllis and handing her over for a petting. “Those are always the most painful words to hear.”
Tara nodded, holding the cat gently but firmly on her lap.  “I worry that sometime it will get so bad that they’ll just give up and never talk to each other again.  And then where will I be?  Maybe all by myself ’cause they can’t agree…”  She ducked her head to give Phyllis a kiss between her ears to hide her trembling lips from the grown ups, but it was clear to them all that she was definitely on the brink of tears. 
“Well—maybe we can work something out,” mumbled Lindy to Jeanie.
“I’d appreciate that,” replied Jeanie, softly.
“Now, I’m not crazy about the idea of turning A Tale into a skit.  But perhaps I could write a short one-acter set in the nineteen-twenties anyway.”
“That would be good.”
“But you’re going to have to pay me a stipend.  And I don’t want you messing with my house.”
“Okay,” nodded Jeanie. “I understand.” 
Although she didn’t. 
In Jeanie’s opinion, Lindy’s house was as dark and cluttered a hole as Bernie’s bedroom.  About as liveable as a hollow stump.  Which something as simple as applying a coat of almond cream paint to the scruffy wooden trim and a soft brandied-pear colour on the walls would instantly lighten and brighten—but—
Jeanie didn’t have to live there. 
And a win was a win. 
And Tara, diligently stroking purring Phyllis, had begun to smile. 
So, everything was working out fine.  She could call it a victory for rationality—and a huge step forward for her plans.
Now Jeanie could finally pick the dates, fill in the blanks and get those invitations into the mail.  Swiftly, the RSVPs would start flowing in, and the Olde-Fashioned Dinmont-Todd Family Reunion would be really and truly an upcoming event.
The Event of the Summer.
The Event of a Lifetime!
And, then, every other family reunion would be green with envy. 
Because Jeanie was going to make this The Greatest Family Reunion in The World—no!—The Greatest Family Reunion in the History of the Universe!
As Sylvie would have said, ‘Just watch this space…’
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Sidelines: Sick
@pagina16ps thanks for the prompt!
You’ve always enjoyed the week that you get to watch your nieces and nephews while your siblings head off on child free vacation. Daisy and Lincoln had taken the weekend and you had the week since your work schedule was a bit easier to work around on a week day.
At least until you’d gotten a call from the school. Trish was running a fever and could you please come and get her. So, you’d hopped into Danny’s truck and headed over to the school.
Two hours later, you’d had to pack Trish back into the car and gone back to the school to pick up Jessica who had thrown up. Both you and Foggy have already gotten the flu so you’re hoping that you’ll both stay healthy but the school asks you to just take him too when you’d gone back to get Jessica. Just in case.
“Can we order pizza?” Foggy asks as you walk back to the truck and Jessica blanches.
“I already have some food going. Besides, I don’t think Jess or Trish are going to want to smell pizza when they’re not feeling good.”
“Can I go to Matty’s?”
“No.” Foggy sighs heavily and you chuckle. “Sorry dude but we gotta keep the germs in the house.”
“Fine.” He agrees but he looks so disappointed.
“Once I get the girls settled and you finish your homework why don’t you and I play a game? Whatever board game you want.”
“Sure.” You tell him as Jess climbs into the back of the truck with her cousin. “Hop up front my dude.” You tell him as you circle the truck you text Steve.
You free tonight and willing to risk the flu?
You climb into the truck and just before you pull out of the parking spot you get a response from Steve.
I’m gonna need a bit more than that sweetheart. You wait until you’re back at the house, Foggy working on his homework and both girls in their respective beds, Trish in her bed and Jess in the guest room, before you text him back.
The girls are sick but Foggy and I are fine. He’s feeling a bit glum so I thought maybe you could come play some board games with us?
I can. Or I could take him out for a boys night? So the house is quiet for the girls?
Let me run it by Frank and Karen but I think he’d love that. This man.
After clearing it with Frank and Karen you let Steve know that they’re totally fine with him taking Foggy out for a while.
You don’t tell Foggy. When Steve texts you that he’s arrived you head out to meet him.
“Hey,” you say with a small smile.
“Hi Sweetheart.” He greets closing the door of his truck. You press a soft kiss to his lips but he pulls you closer and kisses you again. When he pulls away this time he smiles down at you.
“Hi.” You say again and he chuckles softly. “Foggy has no idea you’re taking him anywhere.”
“What time do you want him back?”
“7:30, it’s a school night and I’m hoping that I’ll be able to at least send Foggy tomorrow.”
“Is there anything else I can do?”
“This is huge, thank you.” You tell him and he kisses you again before you wrap your arms around his waist hugging him tightly. Steve wraps his arms around you, one hand sliding gently along your back.
“You okay Sweetheart?”
“Just a little stressed,” you admit into his chest. “I’ve never had to take care of sick kids before, not like this, so I’m a little nervous.”
“You want me to stay over?”
“I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You didn’t.” He says and you sigh softly. “Before you ask if I’m sure, I’m sure. Foggy and I can stop at my place and pick up some stuff and I can come over.” You open your mouth to still ask if he’s sure when he chuckles softly, “Sweetheart I’m sure.”
“Okay, let’s go get Foggy.” You and Steve make your way into Danny and Colleen’s house.
“Auntie, can I have a snack?” Foggy asks when he hears you walk into the house,
“Sure but maybe wait a second and Steve can take you somewhere.” You tell him rounding the corner and Foggy’s mouth drops open. Steve chuckles from behind you,
“Hey Foggy. Wanna go to Starks and Stripes? We can do some bowling, arcade games or some laser tag?”
“Really?” Foggy asks and Steve nods. “Can I see if Matty can come?”
“No.” You answer before Steve can, “I don’t know if Matty has had the flu or the flu shot so I don’t want you accidentally getting him sick.” You explain before Foggy can argue.
“Okay,” he says before shoving his folder into his backpack.
Foggy and Steve are gone for four hours, they come rolling back into the house around 7:20 and Foggy has a huge grin on his face and several prizes in his arms.
“You guys have fun?” You ask as Foggy dumps all his stuff on the counter.
“Yea. Steve won like half of these in the football target game.”
“That, seems like cheating.” You tell a smirking Steve who just laughs and shrugs. “I’m glad you had fun. Why don’t you go shower and get ready for bed, if we have time we can watch one of those half hour shows.” Steve rounds the island as you talk to Foggy, his hand resting on the small of your back.
“Okay! Thanks Steve!” Once Foggy tears up the stairs Steve tips your chin up with a curled finger and presses a soft kiss to your lips.
“Thank you.” You murmur after he pulls away.
“For what? Kissin’ you?” He teases and you roll your eyes fondly at him.
“For taking Foggy out. How did it go?”
“It was lots of fun. He gave me permission to marry you.”
“Oh my god. He is his father’s son.” You say with an embarrassed laugh.
“To be fair that was after I won all the prizes.” Steve admits and you laugh.
“Honestly, win the Super Bowl and you’ll probably get told the same thing by the rest of my family.”
“Good to know that’s all it’ll take to win their approval.”
“All? Steve that’s winning the Super Bowl!” You laugh and he gives you a little smirk and a half shrug,
“I’ve done it before, and for you? I’ll do it again.”
This is a series of one shots, the series isn’t posted in order. If you have ideas for Steve and Cat please let me know.
Tag list:
@memyselfandmaddox @thefanficfaerie @patzammit @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @killcomet @thesassmisstress @sophham @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @dumblani @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @giggleberts @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @also-fangirlinsweden @connie326 @inkedaztec @eralen @valsworldofcreativity @strangersstranger @dontbescaredtosingalong
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