neon-yami · 1 month
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Artfight revenge for @neon-yami
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neon-yami · 2 months
ArtFight Progress!!
Wowowowowow Day 4 Already?! Thats insane! Anyways, as promised, here are the attacks/revenges I have completed thus far! I still have a bit more to do, but MWEHEHEHEE
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Ocs in order:
Vero Light - @ganjimain
Genevive Dubois - @neon-yami
Mimimomaumo - @kaleidoprismatic
LoveBug - @the-multi-geek
Hilda Klein - @chokkito
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neon-yami · 1 year
Drew Daisy in a stole which are very fluffy and the character herself is flufy
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neon-yami · 1 year
I'm working on my lineart! So here's Neo in a maid outfit. She needs to get money somehow, not like the Decepticons pay her.
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neon-yami · 1 year
Beatrix returns to Andou Art Party with the theme Dairy
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Also a very cursed drawing
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Here's the speedpaint of both
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neon-yami · 2 years
Nothing else only
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neon-yami · 2 years
Running through a forest with evergreen trees as tall as the sky, a woman no older than 20 ran through the ever growing thicket of trees, with moonlight as her only way to see. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as her body turned redder the faster she ran, her energy ran out miles ago but if she didn't stop, hell would be waiting for her.
Something caught her foot, she hopped on one foot while shaking the other, getting off whatever caught it in the first. She started to run again but as she went she got slower and slower. No longer running she tried to keep up her past by jogging but that only started to slow until she had to stop completely and rest.
Putting her back up against a tree she observed herself, clothing ripped and torn, scratches on her legs with little blood trickling down them. The area got cold as fog rolled in while the moon was blocked by clouds. She shedded her varsity jacket back at camp before all this went down.
It was just her and her friends camping as a celebration for the college's first ever win against The White Elks in over two decades. They were all laughing and smiling, having fun until the noises all around them stopped. They all worryingly went into their tents.
Until one by one each were killed, first was Ginger Grove, a nerdy girl with a love of plants.
Second Cassidy Irvine, a shy but not quiet person, Third was Waylin Quin the captain of their college's football. Fourth was Xavier Grant, a guy with a love of film and music.
Fifth was going to be her, Bonnie Carver the cheerleader captain.
Bonnie got up as she heard crunching of dried leaves behind her, she started to run but she tripped as all her energy was long gone. She started to crawl not ready for this fight to end, feeling a weight on her back she couldn't move anymore. She struggled though, yelling "who are you!" With all the malicious in her voice. The person only laughs, a laugh only her in movies and nightmare. Then everything went black for her.
"If someone screamed in the woods, could you hear them?" The person asked as he got up and whipped off his blade.
"Yes, yes they do"
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neon-yami · 2 years
I wanted to try and write for my story Level Up for the theme digital since the characters are trapped into a game world.
Also if there is any improvements I can make with my writing I would like to know, sense I'm trying to find my own writing voice.
Erica slowly opened the door to a desolate bar, she closed the door as she sat down. The bar stools were surprisingly comfortable, she leaned on the bar to take a rest. Where was she? She asked herself, she doesn't recognize anything around her. This bar was the only familiar thing she has come across for the past hour.
She started tapping on the wooden surface of the bar counter, "gettin' a little antsy there buddy?" A voice said as a person sat down next to her. She turned to the voice to see a cowboy. His face was covered by a zorro mask and bandana, Erica scanned the man as he let out his hand.
"No, no thank you" Erica said as she waved his hand away, "so the siren can sing?" The cowboy said as he brought out a bottle of alcohol and a deck of playing cards. "Want to play a game?" He asked. Erica thought for a bit, the guy looked at her as she thought. "No" She said, the guy gave an affirmative nod as a transparent screen in front of her appeared. With the word level and one on it, "you're a smart lady" he said as he grabbed the drink and cards. "Not many get past me." He said as he got up from the stool, tipping his hat at Erica "See you later siren" He said as he walked out of the bar.
"Get back here!" Erica yelled as she ran after the man, she almost lost her balance as the ground in front of the door wasn't there anymore. She turned back and the bar wasn't there anymore, only the door frame was standing. She gripped the door frame as she closed her eyes, even without having a fear of heights, this was mortifying.
Opening her eyes she was being pulled into a train car, she fell onto the ground as the train door closed behind her. Getting up Erica looked up at the person who pulled her into the train, she had blonde hair with visible dark roots and pink streaks. She flinched at a thud sound heard behind her, she turned around in fear as a grotesque face was pressed up against the glass of the train car. "you're new to this world aren't ya?" She said with an annoyed huff, she grabbed something from her jacket pocket.
"Judge, Jury, and Excursioner!" She yelled as Erica grabbed onto a poll and hoisted herself to avoid this girl from hitting her. The train door looked like it was blown away with the area that was once the door looking like it was made of cubes. "And that's how you destroy a rejected player" the girl said as the dust cleared to reveal her holding a massive gavel. The gavel looked like it became blueprints and returned a miniature state. Erica fell from the poll she hoisted herself on hitting her head on the train floor. She put her hand on the back of her head and looked at it, no blood? NO BLOOD!? She got up in a panic and tested it again, still NO BLOOD! Looking up from her hand she saw the other girl looking outside of the train car.
"This coast is clear, come with me newbie" She said gesturing for Erica to follow her.
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neon-yami · 2 years
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Undertale Sans: Sans
Undertale Papyrus: Papyrus
Underswap Sans: Blue
Underswap Papyrus: Stretch
Underfell Sans: Red
Underfell Papyrus: Edge
The ringing of a smoke alarm sounded throughout the mansion as Daisy came running out of the kitchen coughing and swatting at the smoke alarm to stop it "I accidentally burnt the food" Daisy said disappointingly as the alarm stopped. As Alex-Bailey ran up from the basement holding a fire extinguisher, they stopped midway up the stairs and signed in relief "good thing you didn't burn with the food" They said while walking up the rest of the way and placed the fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Poinsettia ran up to Daisy and held her "are you sure you are okay!?" She said and she inspected her up and down and dragged her to the living room where a few skeletons were at.
"DAISY ARE YOU OKAY, YOU WERE COUGHING EVERY LOUDLY AND YOU SOUNDED LIKE YOU DYING!" Blue said as he dragged Daisy the rest of the way and sat her on the couch "like I said to Poinsettia I'm fine blue" Daisy said as she coughed one last time "LIAR YOU JUST COUGHED AGAIN! I THE MAGNIFICENT SANS WILL HELP YOU GET BETTER!" Blue yelled again as Daisy signed as she knows she can't convince Blue to not help her. "Brother, Daisy said she is okay and I think this time she is" Stretch said and with that Blue was convinced that Daisy was okay. "I'm sorry I burnt dinner, I'm going to clean up the kitchen" Daisy said as started to get up. "Too late Daisy I cleaned up" Alex said as they came into the living room whipping their hands on a paper towel. Daisy just limply sat back onto the couch and slid down it "dammit Alex I was going to do that" She said with a ting of sadness in her voice.
"You do so much for us, Daisy" Stretch said as he grabbed Daisy's hand and pulled her up so she was sitting on the couch properly, well as properly as a bisexuality monster lover can sit. Daisy frowned "but I don't do much, I just sit around and do nothing" She said with a monotone voice "that isn't true Daisy" Sans said as he teleported onto the couch next to her as Papyrus came walking into the living room. "DON'T BE SAD FRIEND DAISY FOR WE ARE GOING TO MAKE DINNER TONIGHT" Papyrus said as he picked up Daisy and held her "what do you mean we?" Daisy asked as she hung limply in his hands "YOU, ME, BLUE, AND EDGE ARE GOING TO COOK DINNER!" Papyrus said as he brought Daisy back to the kitchen.
It wasn't a disaster to cook dinner but it was difficult to get the four skeletons to not make a complete mess. Even one sat in the dining room as Daisy brought out the food and placed a plate in front of everyone "sorry I burnt the first part of dinner" She said again as she sat down to eat "stop apologizing Daisy" Alex said as they lightly punched her should "but I'm sorry…" Daisy was interrupted by everyone yelling "stop apologizing Daisy.
Daisy covered her face as she smiled with a laugh escaping it "I love you guys" she said as they all ate dinner. With some of the skeletons having a faint blush on the skulls as they ate, they felt the true and genuine love she had for them coming from her soul.
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neon-yami · 2 years
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The sun had set and the streetlights turned on, no cars were driving on the road, but many were parked and flipped on the road. The clicking of heels could be heard down the street as a guy looked down at an arm stuck under a car. He bent down and inspected the arm, chipped nail polish of rainbow colors, a black and pink arm warmer and a kandi bracelet "tck poor thing" he said in a voice low as the moon light shined on his fangs. Taking off the Kandi bracelet and arm warmer he inspected that skin, rough and dry, "not exactly what I want but I'll do" He said disappointed as his eyes dilated taking over his pink eyes.
Getting up he brought the arm with him, he ripped the arm way, the remaining blood dripped from the severed arm. He bit into it and tore away skin and meat as he ate the arm. All you could hear down the street was the sound of tearing flesh and the crunch of meat. Until a thud was heard on top of the car, he looked up as his white hair was sticking to the blood that was on his mouth. An hourglass figure in pink and maroon stood on top of the car "Tobi you really need to get control over your hunger" the figure said with a deep and caring feminine voice. "S-sabrina?" Tobi said as his eyes turned to normal as he moved the hair from his mouth. Sabrina jumped down from the car, she tossed a plastic bag to Tobi "eat" She demanded. Opening the bag fresh beef was inside, taking the beef out he dropped the bag as he ate the beef in his hand.
The sound of running footsteps ran towards them as a fast zombie screamed at them as Sabrina bashed her baseball bat into the zombie killed as a deranged smile was present on her face. Blood splattered on Tobi's face and hands. He fully got up from crouching down and licked his wrist, "where there is one there is more" He said as Sabrina smiled as screams and groans were heard all around them "hahaha! Let's paint these roads red!" Sabrina yelled as she skated and bashed a zombie in the face.
Tobi was holding back a zombie from biting him, it's not like he can get infected but it's still unpleasant to get bitten, "Watch your head!" A voice yelled from above as the figure landed behind the zombie "damn I missed" they said as they swung a green staff caving in the zombies skull. "Here Tobi" they said as they tossed a pair of sickles at him "thanks Panda" Tobi said.
"Another night full of killed" Panda said as they stretched " dammit I got my jacket dirty" Sabrina said as she held it with two of her fingers as it dripped blood. She threw it in the back of a van and got in along with Panda "seriously I get to drive the time" Tobi complained the dou gave him the seriously look " get your whore ass in the driver seat and get us back to bass" Sabrina said. Tobi signed defeated and drove them all back to base.
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neon-yami · 2 years
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They are valid and deserve more appreciation
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neon-yami · 2 years
My head is very foggy so have a very short uncompleted bunny themed story for Andou's art party
Something that the Decepticons didn't know about humans was cosplay, and all the intricacies and rules of it. What they also didn't know was that some cosplays were more suggestive than others. So one could expect the shock that the Decepticons showed when they saw their resident human flying around in a bunny girl outfit. A servo grabbed her out of the air "what are you doing fleshling?!" Motormaster boomed out "getting used to my bunny girl outfit for a convention." Neo replied with a stone cold face. "Now can you let me down Motorbreath?" Neo said out of frustration, Motormaster gave her a face "no, I'm not letting some fleshing go flying around looking like some sort of spike sucker" Motormaster explained as he tossed Neo up into the air and caught her by the scruff of her outfit.
Neo started to struggle to get out of Motormaster's grip "let me the fuck go Motormaster!" She yelled as she started to swing her arms "okay" Motormaster said as he let go of her. Neo activated her jet boots "Hey you could have killed me!?" She yelled up at him "but I let you go" He replied back. Neo crossed her arms over her chest as she flew away from Motormaster. " Well I can't really be mad at you for listening… for once." She said off handedly "What's that supposed to mean!" Motormaster yelled as he tried to grab Neo from the sky but she dodged his servo.
So that's basically how we got here with Motormaster in his holoform holding a serving tray over his spike in the line waiting to get into the artist alley. "See it's not annoying and uncomfortable" Neo said as she proudly held her serving tray with her hand on her hip. A snickering could be hurt as Wildrider arm slinged around Motormaster's shoulders "at least this is entertaining Mo_ Maurice" Wildrider said as he corrected himself with a human name for Motormaster so they don't blow their cover. Motormaster moved Wildrider's servo from him "Shut up Wyatt" Motormaster mumble towards Wildrider.
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neon-yami · 2 years
It was midnight, and I was still awake in my bed, looking up at the roof of Soundwave's hubsuit. My body felt heavy, and even the weight of my blankets couldn't help me feel alone. Being the only human on The Nemesis gets very lonely. My vision started to fade as my eyes slowly started to close.
Am I floating? I don't know there's nothing around but the great expanse of the abyss. Something grabbed me as I was pulled under something. My lungs started to burn as water started to fill up them. I tried to reach out but I was too far from the surface as I was getting dragged further away from it. No! No! I don't want someone to die, someone please save me!
I woke up yelling in a cold sweat, I patted my body to get a hold of my surroundings. Soundwave peaked over to look at me "Question: Are you okay? Your pulse is unnaturally high." He said I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I looked up at him "I'm okay, I just had a nightmare" I said Soundwave tilted his head at me and I sighed "Nightmares are like dreams but scary" I explained. I looked back up at the cellist, I don't want to get out of bed…
I took a deep sigh as I stretched and got up, sitting on my bed I looked at the mirror. I don't look so hot, sleep deprivation in human form. I put on my jet boots and grabbed my comforter and started hovering wrapped up in the comforter. I flew over to the door and out of Soundwave's hubsuit, I don't know where I'm going, I just want to move.
Soundwave looked at Neo as she fell out of his hubsuit, he grabbed a datapod he stored stuff about humans in. He looked around in the datapod to see what was wrong with the human. Not eating, not sleeping, low energy level. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, humans are creatures more complicated than Cybertronians. Human brains aren't programmed like Cybertronians, they don't have pre programmed personalities, humans can change.
Soundwave leaned back in his chair as he looked up from the datapod.
Falling around The Nemesis my brain felt like sand, my body feels like lead, the bright purple gray walls of The Nemesis started to get dimmer and dimmer. Until nothing.
My body hurt, like I just rammed into a wall, I weakly opened my eyes as I see the unmistakable roof of the medical ward. Hook looked down on me as he tried to help me, he was holding very tiny metal sticks to make sure I didn't break any bones and to check my blood pressure. "Everything looks fine but I'm keeping you here to make sure you get into perfect shape" Hook said as he placed down the metal stick.
Hook picked up a datapod and tapped on it "you are worrying Soundwave you know" He said I looked at him "I am?" I asked as he hummed and nodded his helm as he tapped on the datapod. "After you flew into the wall, he got very worried. So what's up?" He said as he placed down the datapod and crossed his leg as he folded his arms and looked at me. I looked at Hook, my mouth slightly open "I'm…lonely. I'm the only human on The Nemesis so I feel alone" I said as tears started to slowly come out of my eyes "I…I feel weak and inferior to you guys, why do you keep me around?" I asked with a tear-covered face as I looked at Hook.
"I can't answer for the other Decepticons or for my fellow Constructicons but I can answer for myself. You remind me why I joined the Decepticons" Hook said I looked at him perplexed at his answer "I wanted to help people, I wanted to create" Hook added onto. I looked back up at the ceiling "have I really helped the other Decepticons?" I softly asked as I closed my eyes to relax them. I felt a rag glide over my face, it wasn't from the metal sticks holding the rag it was human hands.
I opened my eyes out of panic and grabbed the wrist. I looked at the owner of the hand, a guy with dark hair with features slightly darker than mine, which isn't that hard when i can blind a person if the sun hits me right "Calm down Neo it's me Hook" He said as I let go of the wrist "This is suppose to be a surprise for you but I decided to go against the plan" Hook added I was very confused "what plan?" I asked "for the shorter version, with the help of holograms and mass displation we invented holoforms, so now we can take you places in human cities." Hook answered. "Now get some sleep" He said as he closed my eyes.
I was floating in the endless abyss again, but it wasn't scary anymore to me. It was oddly beautiful. There were stars in the sky, and there weren't any consolations I could point out or the moon.
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neon-yami · 2 years
Sitting by the fire on my computer as I waited until the clock ticked by, wrapping myself up in a blanket to keep the cold of the nemesis from me. Looking up to soundwave as he tapped away "Question: why do you look sad?" Soundwave suddenly spoke up, I looked up at him and then back at my computer. "It's just… that, this is my first Christmas away from my family" I said as I signed at the computer. It looked like Soundwave was thinking, or what looks like thinking to me. "Problem has been rectified" He said as he tapped away again.
Realization hit me "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO SOUNDWAVE!?" I yelled, I wasn't mad, just scared of what he just did. "I rectified the problem" he repeated as if I knew what he meant.
I grabbed my blanket and computer and went to my makeshift room in Soundwave's hubsuit. "Night Soundwave" I said as I closed the door.
Soundwave looked at the closed door and got up from his computer and walked out of his hubsuit and went straight towards Megatron. He explained to Megaton that the Fleshling that got into the sparks on the Decepticons was sad because she isn't able to celebrate it with her family. They can't return Neo to her family because she is wanted by the government for siding with the Decepticons. So Soundwave suggested celebrating it in nemesis for her. Megatron was apprehensive about the idea at first but he finally but eventually came around to the idea.
It wasn't difficult to keep the secret Christmas celebration from Neo because she normally spends her time in Soundwave's hubsuit, unless another Decepticon decides that they want her. Being as small as she is, she can't do anything about it.
It was Christmas Eve and Rumble woke her up "Wake up fleshling!" He yelled as he pulled the blankets off of her, "WHAT THE FUCK RUMBLE!" Neo yelled as she tried to get her blankets back. Being in pajamas in a metal space ship underwater isn't the warmest. "I told him not to do that" Frenzy said as he held out a wrapped up gift box. Neo got out of bed as she looked at Frenzy "what's that for?" she asked, pointing at the present. "It's for you…" Frenzy said "From us!" As Rumble finished.
"Soundwave told us about how you missed celebrating Christmas so we got you a present" Rumble said as he took the present from Frenzy and gave it to Neo. She opened it and it was winter clothes, "how?..." before she could start asking questions Rumble interrupted her "No time to explain! Get ready!" He yelled as he closed the door. "OH, okay?" She said very confused as she changed.
Getting out of her room in the winter clothing, a big comfy shirt and sweater, leggings and snow boots. The Rainmakers were waiting for her, with a very confused looked she got picked up by Acid Storm. He transformed and flew away to the outside of the nemesis and away from it with Nova Storm and Ion Storm following.
"So… what's up?" She asked Acid Storm "we are taking you Christmas Shopping." He said.
The landed in a snow covered clearing outside a big city, Neo got out of Acid Storm as the Rainmakers transformed into their bipedal forms and active their holoforms. Neo looked up at the sky as snow fell, "th-this is snow" She said as she looked as a snowflake fell on her nose. "Yes it's snow" Ion Storm teasingly said to her, "I have never seen real snow!" She yelled as she started to kick and play in the snow. "This is the best gift ever!" She said as she made a snow angel.
Acid Storm got a call on his comlink, "Yes, Starscream?" He asked "okay, roger" He said as he got off the comlink. Acid Storm spoke to the other two Rainmakers in Cybertronian "We need to distract her until she falls asleep" They nodded at him.
They spend the rest of the day playing in the snow and going into the nearby city and window browsed until the sun went down. Neo felt the sleep overtake her as she started to fall asleep on Nova Storm.
Waking up in her bed Neo looked around being confused as to how she got into her bed when she was in a city with the Rainmakers. She got out of bed slipping into some fluffy house shoes. She walked out of her room and looked around, this wasn't Soundwave's hubsuit it was the Seekers' hubsuit. And the Seekers were nowhere to be seen "strange" She thought as she grabbed her jet shoes as she flew around the Nemesis looking for any sign of Cybertronian life. She looked everywhere but no one, the only place left was the main bridge. She opened the door and it was dark, "guys?" She asked as all the lights turned on and a banner unraveled reading MERRY CHRISTMAS.
In tears she looked around, a massive evergreen tree was in the middle on the bridge. It was decorated with ornaments as big as her. The only thing missing was a topper, she pointed towards it "why isn't there a topper?" She asked as Soundwave came up to her holding a wrapped gift. "Suggestion: Open it" He said, Neo did just that, it was a star tree topper. She looked up Soundwave he gave her a nod as she took the massive star as she flew up to the top of the tree and placed it on top.
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neon-yami · 2 years
My boy Tobi, he's from my story Zombie Fly. He's basically a half zombie that can only eat meat because zombies in this world repeat the last thing they were doing.
He was a sugar baby before the zombie apocalypse.
Also anyone on stream should I keep his long hair or short hair?
Also his full name is Tobias "Tobi" Wagner
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neon-yami · 2 years
Did some drawings for my transformers world and story. Soundwave's design and a drawing of the main protag Neo Sticks
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neon-yami · 2 years
So I have been slowly working on a transformers universe called Ouroboros and this is Soundwave's design
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