#okay can someone help me pleease
ofallthestarsabove · 1 year
*hands you a paper binder* i sadly don’t know how this stuff works but take this :) go do what i cant
*He put his papers and pencil inside the binder. She saluted comically. *
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moon-tell-me · 10 months
Them having a crush on you...
The outsiders (separate) x GN! reader
Warnings: nothing I don't think :))
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It's been a reaalllyy long time since he's felt this way for anyone
So a small part of him is excited when he realizes it
But the majority of him..?
Well.. that's a different story
He's very busy with work and the family
He just doesn't have any time for love or romance
You understand ://
So it's unlikely he will do much of anything on his own
He will probably even avoid you a bit in hopes of making himself feel better
That being said, if you realize what's going on, and decide to pursue the relationship, he may manage to fit you in his schedule :))
"Hey, Darry.. uhm, could we talk for a second..?" You asked, as you popped up from around the corner, completely catching him off guard. It had been almost two weeks since you two had a proper conversation, and you weren't gonna let it go on any longer.
Okay so this is gonna come as a surprise to no one, but..
Throughout his life he has consistently gotten girlfriends and boyfriends with no issue
Again, no one's surprised
I mean, look at him, he's beautiful
He immediately knows that he likes you
And he very quickly starts planning out how he can go about the situation
It won't take very long for him to make his move, however if you beat him to it, he would definitely be over the moon
There you are, looking as good as ever. He's already decided that he's gonna ask you out later, an- wait.. your walking over to him..?
Poor kid doesn't know wtf is going on at first
All he knows is that he suddenly enjoys your company more then before
It wasn't until you interlocked his fingers with yours one night that he finally became fully aware of his feelings
He is not nearly as subtle about these feelings as he thinks he is.
He's so obvious, you'd have to be pretty inattentive to not notice anything
Based on this, you will likely be making the first move
With a dramatic sigh you let your head fall against his shoulder. The two of you have been studying together for about two hours and your in desperate need of a break. "C'mon, you need to focus." He said, sounding more annoyed then he really was. You grabbed his hand, interlocking your fingers and looking up at him pleadingly. "Pleease.?"
Ohh boy
Out of allll the guys in Tulsa, you caught his attention?
Lucky 🙄
I love him sm istg
In all seriousness, this is very new to him
He's not used to genuinely caring about someone
Besides Johnny, he's never really loved anything
He's gonna start off with his typical flirting
That won't change until he realizes his feelings
After that, he switches to being a total jerk to you
Mans does not know how to process his feelings
Just give him time tho, he'll figure it all out
Here you are, sitting on the porch of the Curtis house. It's late and everyone is inside the house, save for you and Dal. He's been real difficult lately, although tonight his attitude has noticably improved. As you watch him struggle to light his cancer stick you can't help but wonder, what did he want to ask you.?
My sweet, respectful boy
He falls head over heels immediately
Everybody realizes his feelings rather quickly too
Including himself
He's not stupid
He notices how his cheeks get all warm
His hands get all sweaty
His knees feel like they might give out
It's a new feeling for him
For once he has someone touching him without causing him pain
I'm gonna fight his parents- WOAH! Who said that!? 😅
If your the type of person who is really affectionate with your friends (me fr) then you might actually kill the poor kid
He asked Dally for advice only to completely ignore it
Turns out Dally sucks at giving good advice, who woulda known?
He was thankful for how dark it had gotten, otherwise you would be able to see just how red his face had gone. For some reason you had decided it would be a great idea to hold his hand out of nowhere. Why can't you see what your doing to him?
You guys prolly met in middle school
He pulled some dumb shii and put gum in your hair or something
After that he often teased you
Referring to you as his girlfriend/boyfriend
You better expect a lot of playful flirting with this one
He pretty much confesses his feelings on the daily tbh
Albeit in a way that makes you think it's a joke
Eventually you just kinda realize that hey, maybe he isn't joking
"See, I always knew we were perfect for each other, ever since that day in sixth grade." He teased, throwing his arm around your shoulder only for you to immediately push it off. "Get off of me, would you?"
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Hey can you write something about Jeremiah Fisher finding out the reader is insecure about their looks and helping them possibly?
Requests: Reader who is insecure about freckles and Jeremiah tells her she's gorgeous the way she is pleease
This is short, but it's okay. I have more coming!
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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When enrolling as a debutante, you braced yourself for the occasional catty remark from other girls. While it was known that the debutante world could be competitive, you never imagined they would resort to bullying you about your freckles. 
This level of bullying reminded you of the hurtful experiences you endured back in primary school. Despite your efforts not to let their words affect you, being called "dirty" in a haughty tone or hearing them discuss how nobody would want to be your ball date because of your freckles brought you back to when you were crying during recess as a kid for the same exact reasons. 
‘’Do you think I look weird?’’ you asked as you were sitting in the passenger seat of Jeremiah's car, eating ice cream together in a parked spot. 
Spoon still in his mouth, he furrowed his eyebrows, trying to understand the context. ‘’Weird?’’ 
You looked down at your hands in your lap, the constellation of freckles very apparent on your pale skin. ‘’I heard some of the girls at my debutante lessons talking about my freckles. They said they make me look dirty.’’ 
Jeremiah shook his head, looking at you warmly and sincerely. ‘’I think they’re beautiful.’’ 
As you stared at Jeremiah's kind expression, a small smile began to form on your lips. ‘’You think so?’’ you asked, taking a spoonful of your sprinkles topped ice cream.
He nodded. ‘’Those freckles are a part of what makes you unique and special. And, more appears after spending time under the sun, which I think is fascinating.’’ Jeremiah placed his hand on yours, offering a reassuring squeeze. ‘’Don’t let the other debutantes get to you. Uniqueness is better than looking all the same.’’ 
His sweet words touched you. You were grateful to have someone like Jeremiah in your life. ‘’Thanks, Jere…’’
He smiled back at you, then got back to his ice cream. ‘’I know it's not a competition, but I think you'll be the most beautiful in your debutante dress.’’
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully @aerangi @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti @lomlolivia @5sosbands @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart @gilbertscurls @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole @Veescorneroftheworld @papayaboyluvr  @bchindureyes @bellysbeach  @slytherinambitious
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watercolor-hearts · 1 year
Hello V! Would you be interested in writing a Carlando fic. with them not being racing drivers? 🩵 I have a few prompts in mind (and I found them on some great prompt lists!) Here they are:
013.   a great ballroom during an elegant party. (location)
"That was you?"
"You did all of this for me?"
"Can I hold onto your arm while we walk?"
"If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?"
"Say you want me, and i’m yours."
Forehead touching. (this literally drives me insane!!!)
Thank youu and if you'd rather not do it I'm perfectly fine or if you need time, no worries! I'm patient 😘 Oh and pleease make it a happy ending! (so sorry if I'm asking for too much 😖)
Hi! 😊 Oh my God, this idea was like a dream for me. I was able to include everything from the prompt and I loved writing it. 😍 Thank you so much for it, I hope you'll like it. 😊❤
Also, I've never made people say 'I love you' as many times as in this story. 😃 It wasn't intentional, it just happened this way.
Carlos/Lando • 1391 words • Royal Family AU • mentions of secret relationship • revealing a royal relationship • comfort • supportive Carlos • ballroom dance • marriage proposal • happy end • Ao3 link
There's a Christmas Ball in Spain every year for people of the upper class from all over the world. What makes it really special is that the members of the Spanish royal family attend it and usually the Queen and the King are the ones who open the ball with the opening dance.
But this year was different, because the prince, Carlos, got the honor to dance the opening dance with his partner, Mr. Lando Norris, to introduce him to the world.
They'd been preparing for this day for months, learning the waltz with a choreographer, getting tailored tuxedos, and having lessons with protocol and etiquette experts because the family wanted to make sure everything will be perfect.
“Someone put this on my bed,” Lando showed Carlos the really expensive-looking watch in a black box.
“Surprise,” Carlos winked at him.
“That was you?” Lando asked, eyes wide in surprise. “Oh my God, Carlos, this is...”
“It's elegant, fits the dress code, and also, I wanted to give you something you can always wear for events like this. It's a family tradition for us, we love watches and I think it's good if you have one, too. Timeless classics show good taste and elegance.”
Lando could barely hold back his tears. “Thank you so much. Can you help me put it on?”
“Of course, Landito,” Carlos smiled, taking the watch out of the box and putting it on Lando's wrist. It looked perfect. “It was made for you. Perfect match.”
“Thank you so much,” Lando whispered before kissing Carlos on the mouth. “This is going to be an amazing night.”
“It's always amazing, sí,” Carlos agreed, “but this one is going to be special because we planned this night the way it is for you, to make it a bit easier because it can be a bit scary when you're not used to being around these kinds of people, not used to the pressure and all things like this.”
“You did all of this for me?” Lando asked, not wanting to believe how nice and caring Carlos is.
“Yes, you're the most important part of this night. I'm proud of having you as my partner and I want people to know that I'm serious with this relationship, I'm not doing it just for fun. I love you and I want to be with you forever.”
“Oh God, I'm going to cry,” Lando said, wiping his eyes already. Carlos held his hands and looked into his eyes.
“Don't cry, Landito,” he said with his most calming voice. “Everything is going to be okay. It doesn't need to be perfect. I don't care about perfection. I just want you to be happy.”
“I'm happy,” Lando said in a thin voice, trying to suppress the tears.
“Take a deep breath, Amor,” Carlos asked Lando and showed him how to do the breathing exercise. “I love you and nothing's going to change that.”
“I love you too. This is such a big step. This ball and everything. We were... Kind of a secret until this day. Or if not a secret, at least not a really official thing, and now I'm scared,” Lando confessed, not daring to look into Carlos's big brown eyes. “I love you so I'm not scared because of that. It's just... The people, their opinion...”
“No need to be scared, I'll be there with you,” Carlos reassured, pulling Lando closer to hug him. “Close your eyes for a bit and focus on my breathing and heartbeat, it'll help.”
“Prince Carlos, Mr. Norris, one hour until the start!” Someone from the staff told them, “You need to start preparing. The staff is here with the tuxedos, the hairdressers are ready to start as well as the makeup artists.”
“All right,” Carlos nodded, “I have to go to my own room but we'll meet again soon. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Lando whispered before kissing Carlos and then letting him go.
“Oh my God!” Lando exclaimed when Carlos came back, fully dressed up, hair and beard perfect, just like how you'd imagine the perfect prince.
“Is it this bad?” Carlos joked to ease the pressure a bit and held Lando's hand. “You look amazing, Cariño,” he said, looking at Lando from head to toe. His curls were beautiful as well as his face, the tuxedo and the shoes matched him perfectly with the watch being the cherry on the top.
“YOU look amazing,” Lando said, not being able to take his eyes off Carlos. “Like a dream.”
“Let's make this dream reality,” Carlos said, holding Lando's hand as they walked to the door that divided them from the ballroom.
“Two minutes until the start,” a staff member said. Carlos looked at Lando.
“When we go out, don't look at anyone, only me, okay?”
“Okay,” Lando nodded, taking a deep breath.
“It doesn't matter what they say, just follow me. Remember the schedule? First our opening dance, and when we finish, all the others can start dancing too. We can stay there for another dance if we want to but we can also come back.”
“All right,” Lando nodded. He was ready. He wanted it, he wanted to show the world that despite being an ordinary guy, he can be good enough for a prince and he can make Carlos happy.
“One minute until the start.”
“Can I hold onto your arm while we walk?”
Carlos smiled. “Of course, you can.”
“Thank you.”
“Is everything all right?”
“Yeah, I can't wait to go and dance with you.”
“We're starting now. Doors are opening in three seconds!” the staff member said, quietly counting back from three, and then the doors opened.
“Let's do it,” Carlos murmured, looking at Lando for a moment and then looking straight ahead of themselves as they walked to the dance floor. They stopped in the middle of it, waiting for the song to start.
To Lando's surprise, he was able to dance without stepping on Carlos' foot or stumbling upon his own, which was already a success. Carlos led him perfectly, their rhythm was in sync like it had never been before. A totally dream come true situation.
“If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?” Lando asked not long before the end of the choreography. He wanted to have the most perfect end possible.
“Say you want me, and I’m yours,” Carlos whispered, mentally preparing for the end of the choreography not to screw it up at the last moment.
“I want you,” Lando said, just in time for the end of the dance.
But the kiss didn't come. Instead, Carlos got down on one knee, with an opened ring box in his hand. Lando's heart almost exploded as he realized what was about to happen.
“Lando Norris,” Carlos started, and right after hearing his own name, Lando started crying, “We've been together for quite a long time, and today with this opening dance I finally had the chance to introduce you to the world and from now on we don't have to hide anymore, so now I would like to take the chance to ask you the most important question which I've been thinking about since we got to know each other: Will you marry me and make me the happiest man on the world?”
Lando wanted to answer but not a sound was able to come out of his throat so he was nodding firmly. “Yes!” he said a few moments later when his voice came back, making everyone applaud.
“I love you so much, Lando,” Carlos said with tearful eyes as he put the ring on Lando's finger.
“I love you too, Carlos,” Lando said, wiping off his own tears and pulling Carlos up to finally kiss him. When the kiss ended, he touched Carlos' forehead with his own, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart down.
“We should stay for another dance,” Carlos murmured, “But I just want to hold you this time. Close to me, never letting you go.”
“Sounds perfect,” Lando agreed and at that moment, the violins started playing again, thereby indicating the start of the next song, calling everyone else on the dance floor to join the newly engaged couple and make this night unforgettable.
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ferinehuntress · 10 months
Positivity for @shimmerbeasts ?
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 ◈  ⇢  @elisethetraveller  ⋯  Send me a URL .      ❝ Send me a URL and I’ll share some positivity about them ❞
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 Oh man, you just opened up a flood gate wolfy XDD
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 Okay, so I met Miss T (@shimmerbeasts) within a week of starting my first blog. That was back in June, about the beginning of June can I binge watched Arcane and then a second time before going 'damn, I'm making Caitlyn thanks!' So I kind of went on a search for people who play Vi. Not because I wanted a ship, but because that is probably one of the easiest people to write with Caitlyn was Vi due to the team-up/partnership, etc...
 I was just a nervous little cat, I was like 'pleease, I love your writing follow me'. Yeah, the moment they followed, it was just instant YEEEESSSSHHH and now we are here and still spazzing about arcane and characters and all the wild shenanigans we can come up with.
 Miss T has been through thick and thin with me, and honestly, I don't think I would still be writing if she hadn't been there. I think I would have packed up my bags and given up on writing again cause sometimes, things are extremely difficult to deal with. But she's been the best thing to happen to me in this fandom, and someone I refuse to ever let go of. She's one of my best friends, and I never get tired of talking with her. Whether we are talking about arcane, or real life, venting about matters when need to get off our chest or just helping to process, I've never had someone understand me in such a way as Miss T. I swear it's like finding a 'long lost sister' and not even realizing I was missing one.
 I know I express it all the time, and I will not stop, at just how amazing and sweet Miss T is and how I love her blogs but also, the fact that as a person, she is incredible. I love her so much and I will never regret joining the arcane fandom because she is the best thing that has come from it.
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gemsofthegalaxy · 2 years
warning: criticism of tdp season 4 and rayla and callum's whole thing. if you love how it's going and love what they did with the narrative and can't wait for the slow burn, then this post probably won't be to your taste, which is fine.
pleease let me know if there are any commonly used "negative" or "critical" type tags that people blacklist if they don't want to see negative opinions on the show, I'm not here often enough to have seen any, and this isn't meant to piss people off but instead to commiserate with people who are more in agreement. lol.
Okay, after going back and watching the finale of Season 3 to give myself more context...
I understand even less how so many people are like "As much as it pains me, I understand why Callum is so hurt and won't talk to Rayla and why he's mad" and "I'm glad they let Callum be mad at Rayla and didn't resolve it too quickly"
because I don't? Not that I don't think it's valid to be mad at someone for leaving you, but, we're dropped into this new dynamic out of nowhere. we don't even get to see Rayla leave. to me, it's just like, a bizarre vibe and one created from stuff that happens entirely off screen?
(I do know that there is a comic that apparently explains what happened between S3 and S4 but I haven't read it! and i wouldn't know about it if not for tumblr. i don't care to keep up with creators and i hate it when it feels like that's a prerequisite to understanding a tv show, which I usually presume to be standalone media. but i digress)
We know Rayla left on Callum's birthday. Dick move. We also know she left because she wanted to get revenge... on Viren..? who, as far as she knew, was completely dead though I can understand it would be unnerving that they never found his body.
I would hazard a guess the real reason would be trying to get those coins back because they contain her family members- again, apparently there is a canon reason available, but i don't have access to it, so I'm left to invent my own.
And Callum... Is pissed and feels betrayed, which I do get, however... what I don't understand is why he's not interested in hearing her explanation?? see, most of the time when I am hurt or wronged I want to hear the reason and have the person explain their process EVEN when i think it won't do anything to help me, and most of the people I know feel the same (certainly not all, but most). So, Callum specifically not wanting to talk and having this quiet disappointment-type-anger just comes across strange to me when i would think he'd be more like "Why'd you leave me? and what are you back for now? what is going on here Rayla?"
now, i have read, also on tumblr, that Rayla left him a LetterTM. I don't remember this being mentioned in Season 4, but I don't disbelief it and I could have just missed it. if it was exclusive to the comics, what I said above still stands.
if the letter is mentioned in Season 4, then, like, surely Callum does know something about why Rayla left? or at least has insight into what she was going through that prompted her leaving?? What little we get from her in Season 4 shows that she seemed desperate for answers and was paranoid, etc.... would he not have some sympathy?
I know he was left behind, but I don't get why people say that Rayla "betrayed" him or "lost his trust". If she left with an explanation that she was leaving, anyway- if she left without a trace and on purpose I would get she "betrayed" him(but I also feel like, if she just vanished completely, wouldn't Callum be more worried about her, and then relieved upon seeing her- even if he quickly turned sour after realizing she chose to leave. If, for 2 years she was just GONE out of thin air, and showed up again I think that would have garnered a different reaction?).
like. I don't know. I feel like I'm missing huge chunks of things (which, I guess I am, having not read the comic). and I don't necessarily want the characters to outline exactly how they're feeling a-la therapy speak, but they felt so robotic and strange this season that I still didn't feel like I was accessing any emotion from them that made sense. like, that's a bit of a harsh way to put it, but still!
overall, i don't really understand Callum and Rayla's emotional reactions to each other. I don't get why Callum wouldn't have an ounce of faith that Rayla had a valid reason for leaving even if it caused him pain. I also don't get why he doesn't want to know about what she faced, or a further explanation for why she left, and I suspect one of the major reasons they can't talk about it is they're just drawing it out for next season, but in that way it feels contrived, to me.
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megan0013 · 2 years
For the fantasy pet:
Pittbull Draal for 6 years old Jim (I saw them being mentioned so I couldn't help😍) pleease
Draal had been a little, well, rough around the edges when they first brought him home from the shelter last year. He had an unnatural appetite for socks and destroyed the dining room table Barbara’s grandmother had given her, he’d enjoyed scratching his growing spikes on doorframes and his goosing game was (unfortunately) on point – but none of that really mattered because he absolutely adored Jim.
Still does.
Which is why he’s quick to investigate the unfamiliar human and his massive charcoal-colored pup the instant they enter the dog park.
By ramming his nose straight into the man’s butt.
Jim tugs the dog back by the collar and smiles just as the tall, lanky man with greying hair and bright emerald eyes whirls around in surprise. “Sorry about that,” he says. “It’s how he says hello to other dogs. I’m Jim, by the way. And this is Draal. What’s your doggie’s name?”
“Uh,” he blinks, clearly taken aback by the boy’s enthusiasm, “Bular?”
“Cool.” Jim reaches out to pat Bular’s head and earns himself a coveted tail wag in response. “You have a very nice dog.”
That, however, earns an incredulous snort.
“What?” Jim asks. “You don’t think your dog is nice?”
“No, uh. That’s not… He can be nice. I suppose.” The man frowns and looks up suddenly, gaze scanning the park for some sort of parental figure to help extricate him from the conversation. “Are you here with someone? Your mother or father? A nanny?”
“My mom’s on the bench over there,” Jim says, pointing to the far corner of the enclosure where a woman with bright red hair is watching them through narrowed eyes. Uh, oh. She doesn’t look happy. “What’s your name?”
“Walter. Why?”
“It’s okay, Mom! He told me his name, so he’s not a stranger anymore,” Jim hollers. “Me and Draal are gonna play with his puppy, Bular. Is that okay?”
The woman cocks her head and shouts back, “Did he say it’s okay to play with his dog?”
“Uh.” Jim turns back to Walter with wide, pleading blue eyes. “Is it okay if me and Draal play with Bular?”
No one could resist such a genuine request, least of Walter – who smiles, shrugs, reminds Bular to be a good boy, and then heads over to introduce himself to his new friend’s mother.
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years
“Look at us, dating a year and we already have three children.”
Warnings: N/A
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader + Friend!Marauders
Words: 1k
Summary: The Marauders are notoriously child like sometimes and you’ve began cleaning up after them like a mum would
(Here’s a short little one for you guys to make up for all the angst I’ve been throwing at you!)
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“Listen, Y/N.” You heard someone say behind you. “Please don’t panic nor get upset.” 
You sighed disappointingly, “What did you four do now,” closing your magazine and putting it on the common room table. 
“You promise not to get upset?” Sirius asked, clasping his hands in front of him.
“It depends on what you did.”
“Well, I. Okay-” Sirius grabbed your sleeve and pulled you up to the boy’s dormitory. You heard light screams and laughter which you were assuming came from James. 
As you pushed the door open, you sighed tiredly.“Alright, what happened then,” you said, walking in and taking out your wand. In the Marauder’s dorm, Peter was flying upside down on a broomstick, screaming like bloody hell. Remus was throwing pillows and duvets around to catch him in case he had taken a spill and fallen. 
“Okay so-”James interrupted Sirius with his laughter, clutching at his stomach, 
“Peter was wondering if we could charm a broom to see if it’d help quidditch players from falling off and-” he burst out into laughter.
“Help me!” Peter called, nearly touching the ceiling. 
Your face showed disappointment as you said to Remus,“Rem, you were supposed to make sure they did their charms homework, not actually do charms!”Remus put his hands up defensively, 
“Do you think I can control them, love? These boys are mad.”
Sirius placed a guilty smile on his face, “Pleease, Y/N. Please help us, we’re afraid Peter may be stuck up there till Christmas.”
“Till Christmas?!” Peter yelled as he fidgeted, almost knocking into the wall.
You sighed again and raised your wand to mutter a disenchantment spell. Peter fell from the broom and plopped on the pillows Remus had so nicely put out. He groaned and rubbed his bottom and dodged the falling broom that landed next to him. 
“Sit down, boys.” You pointed at James’ bed. They all complied, all with guilty grins.
“Are you mad, Y/N? Please don’t be mad, we’re just being fools,” James leaned back,
“I’m not mad,” you started. 
The boys all groaned and said in unison, “Just disappointed.” 
“Precisely. Now, I’m going to finish my magazine and by the time dinner is served, I expect you four to be done with your charms homework.” 
Remus stood and wrapped his arms around you to put a kiss on your lips, you raised your hand to block him, “Up,” you tutted, “No kisses until dinner.” 
Remus shot daggers at the boys, “See what you lot have done? Gone and gotten me in trouble,” he said.
“Don’t act like you weren’t laughing before Y/N came up, Moony.” 
“Yeah!” Peter piped in, laughing a bit himself.
You couldn’t help but smile and shake your head, “Crazy lot, all of you are.”
“Aw look at that, Mum and Pop you two.” Sirius teased. 
James exploded into laughter again,“He’s so right! Blimey, Y/N, you’re like our mother, and Moony is our lousy father!”
“Lousy!?” Remus yelled, throwing a pillow at James’ laughing figure. 
You clicked your tongue, “Yes well, unlike your real mother, I will not wash your pants.” All the boys burst into laughter while James grumbled with red ears. You pointed at them, “Homework, now. Mum says so.” 
And with that, you left their dorm. 
Going to Hogsmeade with the boys was like going to a park with toddlers. You had to pull Sirius away from kicking the head off of a snowman that some first years had built and helped Peter up from slipping on some ice. You and Remus walked hand in hand, enjoying the snowy day. As you leaned in to press a kiss to Remus’ cold lips, you heard a chorus of, “Eww’s” coming from the boys. You rolled your eyes and continued to walk to Hogsmeade. The three boys raced into Honeydukes and began picking the candies they’d like whilst you and Remus browsed the chocolate aisle. While Remus wasn’t looking, you secretly purchased a chocolate bar and some fudge that you knew he’d snack on when he was reading in bed. You heard glass shatter and thousands of small plunks on the ground. You spun to see Remus scolding the boys for knocking over the toffee display. 
“Can’t take you boys anywhere, can I?” You called, Remus looked back at you with flushed cheeks. You apologized to the store clerk and offered to pay for the spilled candy to which she denied with a grumble. 
“Are you boys three years old?” Remus sighed, picking up the candies with the boy’s help. 
“Really, they are quite sweet. Just a little numb in the head,” you excused to the clerk before helping the boys. The day at Hogsmeade was quite fun. You bounced around, laughing and playing with your friends, making jokes and poking fun at each other. 
As sunset began to settle on its way, you told the boys to bundle up before heading back to Hogwarts.“Now, hold Mummy and Daddy’s hand,” you teased, talking to the teenage boys as if they were babies, “Don’t want you to slip.” 
The boys complained and refused, but you laughed anyways and took hold of Remus’ hand. “Look at us, dating a year and we already have three children.”  
You grinned and shoved him a bit, 
“Our real children will be quite lucky to have us, I reckon.” You leaned to kiss Remus again but felt something pelt your neck. Something wet, icy, and covered in betrayal. You turned to see James smiling and pointing at Sirius with accusation. 
“I may be your mother, but I am not afraid to give you a good wallop,” you said before bending down to make your own snowball. You raised your arm and hit James squarely in the face, nearly knocking off his glasses. A battleground was placed in front of you as you five began throwing snowballs. It was a sweet day, and if you closed your eyes hard enough, you could still hear the laughter you shared and the cool snow on your skin.
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cheonjeolmi · 3 years
Stay With Me
Request Status: Open!
Pairing: Hange x GN! Reader
Word Count: 1181
A/N: Just wanna say I have an ao3 under the user thexaus ! I’ve got a Hange x reader story there and you can request for things there as well ! <33
Warning: None
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You felt the warmth of the sun on your face making you wake up when you realized you had work that day but as you tried to get up, you were locked down in your position laying down on the bed. 
You were slightly confused as to why you couldn’t get up, until you looked down and saw Hange’s arms wrapped tightly around your waist, instinctively holding you down as you turned to face your lover who was still sleeping and you smiled at how peaceful they looked.
Their brown hair was sprawled across your silk pillows, their face was calm, and you noticed how long their eyelashes were. ‘Cute’ you thought, continuing to admire their beauty before softly kissing their hooked nose, one of the features you loved so much about them.
Hange grumbled in their sleep and shifted to bring you closer to them and you softly laughed at their unconscious action, you took a sniff of their familiar scent of wood and slight hints of warm vanilla. Parts of you wondered how you were so lucky to have someone as amazing and brilliant as them.
Unfortunately, you were brought back to reality with the reminder that was work. You gently removed Hange’s arms from your waist and placed them on your side of the bed, planning to get up and leave the bed. But before you could do so, you felt something- or rather someone wrap a hand around your wrist, stopping your movements from getting up.
“Where are you going?” Hange asked, their voice was raspy and evident with sleep
“Sorry did I wake you?” you asked, as they shook their head while rubbing the sleep away from their eyes. “I have to go to work” you said quietly, as Hange still seemed a bit sleepy.
“Hmm, can’t you stay with me” they grumbled and shifted closer to where you were and wrapped you in a hug, trying to prevent you from leaving.
You laughed quietly at their attempt to get you to stay and though you were tempted to do so, you did have to do adult things, one of which was going to work. 
“Sorry Hange, I really do want to stay longer but I have to go.” you said, breaking away from their hold as you got up and walked over to your closet, picking out your outfit. Though, as you were picking out what to wear to work for today, you heard Hange in bed moaning and pleading for you to stay with them, you laughed at how they could be so childlike despite their age although that childlike personality of theirs was one of the reasons why you’d fallen for them.
You heard the bed creak which indicated Hange got off the bed and you felt their arms wrap around your waist, hugging you closer to them once more as they placed their head on the crook of your neck, leaning in further to take in your scent which they’ve associated with home.
“Y/N, stay with meee!!” they drew out and they took their head away from your neck, allowing you to look at them and you gave them a peck on the lips.
“I want to Hange, but duty calls” you told them as they slightly snickered “Heheh duty” it was stupid but you couldn’t help but smile. 
God, they really were just one big child. However, they were your child nonetheless.
“Pleease? Just for 5 minutes?” Hange asked as they turned you around, giving you their best puppy dog eyes, which they always used against you since they knew it was your weakness.
“Really, Hange? Puppy dog eyes? You really think,” before you could tell them that it wouldn’t work against you, their puppy dog eyes grew deeper and were much more pleading and soft. You turned your head away trying to avoid succumbing to them, as your face began to heat up. 
Hange was dangerous in the way that they knew you’d surrender to their wishes and they were going to capitalize on your absolute weakness if they wanted to. And right now, they did.
You turned back to face them and folded over in defeat as you couldn’t help but surrender to those eyes. How could you ever turn down or resist those precious eyes and their pout that made your heart flutter? That’s the thing, you couldn’t.
“Okay fine, but just 5 minutes!” you declared as Hange jumped for joy and ran back to your shared bed, throwing open the covers as they patted your side of the bed with a wide smile, wanting you to get into the covers beside them.
You sighed as a smile broke out your face “Yeah yeah, I’m coming.” you moved closer to them and got into the covers with them as they immediately hugged you the second you got there, you hugged them and the smile on your face grew from seeing how happy they were.
Once those 5 minutes had passed, you broke away from their hold and heard them whine. You turned to them as part of you expected this would happen.
“Yes Hange?”
“Why’d you leave?” they pouted and you felt your heart flutter at the sight. They were just so goddamn cute and you fully believed they knew the effect they had on you.
“I’m already late for work and it’s already been 5 minutes, Hange. That’s what we agreed on” you said, but they weren’t letting you go so easily as they pulled you closer to them, screaming for you to not leave them.
“Hange! I need to go-” before you could say any more,
“No.” they interrupted you, as they looked into your eyes.
“No? What do you mean no?” you asked in disbelief, slightly wishing you didn’t promise them the 5 minutes because you knew this would’ve happened.
“I mean no. You’re not leaving this bed, and you must cuddle the person in this bed” they stated as a matter of fact, pointing a finger in the air as you laughed.
“Says who?” 
“Says me!” they pulled you impossibly closer to them and you groaned but also smiled at their stupid reason. “You’re not going anywhere.” stating as they positioned their head on top of yours
“What about work?” 
“What if I need to eat? Or go to the bathroom?”
“You should’ve thought about that before I wrapped you. I order you to stay in this bed with me forever!”
“Hange- we couldn’t possibly stay in this bed forever”
“Yes we can!” you and Hange burst out in laughter and smiled once the laughter died down.
“I love you” Hange said as they placed kisses all around their reach. One to the top of your head, to your forehead, both your eyebrows, to your eyelids that were closed, your nose, both sides of your cheeks, your jaw, then finally to your lips.
“I love you too, Hange. I love you so so much” you smiled before kissing them on the lips as you both slowly fell asleep holding each other closely.
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sassyhobbits · 4 years
"Why are you awake right now?" FOR ROWAELIN PLEEASE
enjoy this one!
Rowan was thoroughly passed out when sound of his phone ringing cut through his peaceful sleep. Normally, he would ignore any call that came for him past twelve, but unfortunately for him, he recognized this ringtone. Aelin had set it herself.
Rowan groaned and peeled his eyes open, grabbing his phone and answering.
“Why are you awake right now?” he grumbled out as a form of greeting.
“I’m outside your door,” Aelin’s familiar voice came through the phone. “Can you please let me in?”
“What the fuck…” Rowan whispered mostly to himself, checking the time. 2:30am. He rolled lazily out of bed, not bothering to shrug on a shirt. He threw open the door, shuffling over the hardwood floor of the halls. He tried to keep quiet for Lorcan’s benefit, knowing his roommate was asleep in the other side of the house.
Rowan reached the front door, not bothering to glance out the peephole before opening it. Aelin Galathynius stood there, wearing an oversized sweatshirt that he was pretty sure she had stolen from him in the past, golden hair tossed up messily. Even in her casual clothes, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
He had been best friends with Aelin since sophomore year of college. They had despised each other before then, but being forced to work together on a project had allowed them to come to an understanding that morphed into friendship… and eventually, something more. For Rowan at least. He wasn’t sure what went through Aelin’s head. She was always thinking, creating, scheming… it was one of the reasons he was so drawn to her.
But he had to keep his distance. Aelin was involved with someone, had been dating him for a little over six months. Rowan could still remember the bitter disappointment that cut through him when she had mentioned offhand that she had started seeing a man named Chaol Westfall.
She had seemed happy at first, those first few weeks of puppy love. Rowan had met him on a handful of occasions. Chaol seemed like a nice enough man. Rowan just couldn’t help but think that he wasn’t right for her. He couldn’t put a finger on why exactly. Maybe he was just hoping they were wrong together, though he knew it was wrong of him to think. He should be hoping for her happiness for now and long into the future.
Yet, Rowan couldn’t help but watch when they were together. Curled up on the couch side by side, sharing casual kisses and touches, always knowing that they would leave together after a party, would spend the night together in bed. Rowan knew he was jealous. And it was an awful emotion.
Aelin seemed unharmed, but there was something in her eyes. Fatigue, maybe. Sadness? He thought about what she had mentioned about her day. All he could remember was her mentioning she was going out with Chaol that evening.
“Is everything okay?” he asked, voice still raspy from sleep.
She gave a stiff bob of the head. “Yeah, it’s just… can I come in?”
Rowan nodded, stepping aside and allowing Aelin into his apartment.
“Salvaterre here?” Aelin asked quietly.
“Yeah. Asleep. We can head back into my room.”
He knew it was something he should think twice about. Inviting Aelin into his room so late, especially when she was dating someone. It wasn’t anything they had thought twice about before in the past. They had slept in the same bed plenty of times before, nothing romantic about it. Still, Aelin had stopped staying the night since she started dating Chaol. Rowan understood, but he still missed her. Missed that extra bit of intimacy.
Rowan shut the door behind them as Aelin plopped down on his unmade bed, hanging her head in her hands with a heavy sigh. He sat down beside her, placing a gentle hand on her back.
“Aelin, what happened?”
She released a shuddering breath before sitting up, eyes gleaming in the sliver light of the moon. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Chaol. He, uh… he- we… we broke up tonight.”
Rowan blinked, wondering if he had heard her correctly. But… he had. It was true. They had broken up.
“Oh. Oh gods, Aelin. I’m sorry. Are you alright?”
Aelin sniffed and wiped at her face. “Yes. I think so at least.” She released a small, bitter laugh. “Is it weird to say that I’m almost relieved?”
Rowan hesitated, not knowing exactly what to say. “Were things… bad?”
Aelin shrugged. “It wasn’t really bad. I mean, he wasn’t being cruel and we weren’t fighting constantly. It’s just… for the past couple months or so, I got this feeling that what we wanted from each other, from the future… wasn’t the same.”
“What happened tonight then?”
“We were at dinner, and we were talking. Chaol mentioned something about marriage. I tensed up. He noticed. We talked about it on the way home, argued. He said I didn’t love him the way he loved me. I said he didn’t love me, he loved the version he had created in his head. It got a bit nasty. He called me some not so nice names. We didn’t end on the best of terms.”
Rowan’s jaw clenched. The idea of Chaol spewing insults at Aelin made him see red.
“You didn’t tell me,” Rowan said, the fact hurting more than he thought it would. “That you had been feeling that way for so long.”
Her eyes flickered towards her hands in her lap. “It’s not easy to talk about, you know? I didn’t tell anyone about it. Maybe I should have. Someone would have talked some sense into me and we could have made a cleaner end.”
“Do you need me to kick his ass?” Rowan asked.
Aelin released a short laugh. “No. I can kick his ass all by myself, thank you.”
Rowan wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. “I know you can, Ace.”
She sniffed and hugged him back, resting her head against his shoulder.
“Do you mind if I stay here tonight?” she asked, looking up at him through her lashes. “I left my apartment to clear my head and I left my keys inside. Lysandra is with Aedion tonight so I won’t get back in until tomorrow morning.”
“Of course, Aelin. You’re always welcome here.”
She smiled and it warmed Rowan’s heart. She detangled herself from Rowan, taking the right side of the bed, her favorite. Apparently, they hadn’t changed since she had started dating Chaol. He took the other side, helping to fix the comforter and get her tucked in properly.
They settled on their sides, facing one another.
“I missed this,” Aelin confessed softly, reaching out and placing a hand on his cheek.
Rowan covered her hand with his own, relishing in her touch. “I missed it too.”
Her eyes fluttered shut, scooting an inch or two closer to him. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Rowan.”
He smiled, breathing in her flowery scent, admiring the contours of her face highlighted in the cool moonlight. He would do anything for this woman, he knew.
“You’ll never have to find out, Ace.”
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julyarchives · 3 years
Don’t You Hear Me Howling ||(M)|| 03
Finding out you are a female Alpha sparkled some rivalry inside your pack, and resulted in you losing your best friend and your life turning upsidedown, so leaving for college was the fresh start you needed. Years later, you are about to finish your degree and suddenly this past comes back to mess with your head.
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→ Pairing: Yeo One x Female Reader | Kino x Female Reader
→ Genre: Smut; A/B/O AU; Omegaverse; College AU.
→ Words:  3K
→ Contains: Thigh Riding; Riding; erotic asphyxiation.
→ Index: 01 • 02 • 03 • 04• 05 • 06 • 07 • 08
→ A/n: Hey guys! Finally some Changgu action for you all heheh hope you like this chapter :)
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“Can we talk?”
“Are you really sure you want to talk to me, Changgu?” you answered, but focusing on the dish as an excuse to not look at him, it was easier for you to keep your cool without getting angry at him again “Better think that through.”
“I am pretty sure.” he said firmly and seriously, “I want to apologize for my behavior yesterday.”
He caught you off guard, not expecting this attitude coming from him.
“Okay” you tried to not show your surprise. You quickly dried your hand on a dishcloth and turned yourself towards him “Talk.”
“Not here. Can we go to my room?” he asked and you thought it was unusual of him, but judged it harmless
You followed him across the house just to enter that familiar corridor. Your stomach froze. Changgu slowed down his steps. When he stopped in front of the same room you were just in with Kino, Changgu turned around and lifted an eyebrow at you.
“Been fucking around in my room again, have you?” He did not sound mad, amused instead. He tilted his head sideways “I guess that you still enjoy being surrounded by my scent.”
“Don’t flatter yourself” you rolled your eyes “I didn’t know it was yours” you said walking past him and entering the room.
“Yet, you chose here, of all rooms. I don’t think I believe in coincidences that much.” His smug expressions were so familiar to you, being brought up with him as your best friend. It was one of his charms. Cocky son of a bitch.
“What’s your point, Changgu?” You said, confronting him. Yet, you were not mad.
He stepped closer slowly.
“My point is, I think that you want to fuck as much as I do. And you can’t help but be drawn to me” he placed both of his hands on your hips, and you couldn’t bring yourself to move away.
His touch was electrifying. Nothing would replace the connection between an Alpha and their beta. His low voice and dirty talk got your core throbbing, even if you were still sensitive from having sex not an hour ago.
“So you think I should put all you’ve done to me behind easily like that? I can’t forget that you completely shut me off after you found out you were under me” You emphasized the word knowing that Changgu always liked to feel the dominant one, but he couldn’t get that from you. Not how he wanted.
“I think,” he stepped even closer, snaking his arms tighter, ending any distance between your bodies, his warm breath tickling your cheeks. “That if you give me the chance, I can show you how sorry I am for not being near you all those years.”
You inched closer, lips grazing the slightest together, but moved back, letting him chase a kiss.
“All you want is a chance to once in your life” you slid your hands up his arms, fluttering eyelashes and joining his little game. Silly boy thinks he can win over his own alpha. “To feel like you’re in command. You want me to let you in control, Changgu. Want me to be that girl following you around in school just eager to satisfy your every need. Would you like that, sweetheart?”
Changgu couldn’t take his eyes off your lips, he nodded unconsciously.
"So you do want me to give you permission to control me? Is that what you always wanted, Changgu? To be my big bad wolf? Let’s see if you can handle me, wolfie. Show me what you got.”
His chest vibrated with a loud growl. He suddenly crashed his lips against yours in a bruising kiss. Different from Kino, there was nothing soft or delicate. It was pure lust and want, amplified by the genetic connection between the two of you, it was desperate. He knew what you wanted. He knew what buttons he had to push you to get you to come undone in pleasure. He knew how to get you there good and fast without you saying a word.
His hand went down to grope your ass and pull you up. Instinctively you clasped your legs around him, and your arms around his neck to support, neither of you stopping the kiss. He hummed in satisfaction when he copped a feel of your bare ass, your ripped panties long forgotten
Changgu backed you up until your back hit the wall roughly, and he pressed one of his thighs in between your legs for support, holding you up just by pressuring you between the wall and himself. Your hand messily gripped his hair, not being able to control the dominant behavior, but he didn’t seem to mind. Instead, he rocked his hips against yours, your bare core rubbing against the thick fabric of his pants. You began to move your hips unconsciously.
“You like riding my thigh, y/n?” he broke the kiss and said in between pants. You bit your lips and nodded, not stopping seeking your pleasure “Imagine how good it will be when I have you bouncing on my cock”
The thought of Changgu fucking you senseless got you to moan
“But I think I’ll let you ride me like this a little more, you look good grinding on me.” He said before attacking your neck
You forced your hips to press harder against him, rubbing against your clit faster and getting you trembling in pleasure.
“Look at you, full of marks that aren’t mine, smelling like someone else.” he licked a particular spot where Hyunggu had just left a bruise. “I can’t allow that, y/n”
He sucked harder at the skin on your neck, his sharp canines digging through. His hand pinning you against the wall holding onto you tighter, probably bruising you more. But the pain was enough to have you whimpering his name.
“Fuck” he breathed out “my name sound so good when you say it like that”
He picked you up again, only to throw you down the mattress, wasting no time taking his shirt off and stepping out of his pants. Changgu looked hot. He then kneeled in between your legs hooking his fingers in between the buttons of your blouse. He glanced at you, smirking before pulling it hard, snapping completely all the buttons, and you yelped in surprise.
You shrugged it off of your arms, pulling your bra out as well while he worked your skirt off. Changgu admired the vision of your naked body under him and you just knew he was loving the dominance over you.
“When I’m done with you, everyone will smell me in you, y/n. They will know I made you moan my name like that.”
You watched him through hooded eyes, his body changed so much since you were friends, his chest was now broad and strong, and all you wanted was to dig your nails in it. You reached your arms to grab him, but he caught your wrists and trapped them above your head using one of his hands.
“You will only touch me when I say so” he said, towering over you.
You leaned up and caught him in a kiss. You thought for a second that your younger self would be having butterflies all over her stomach for just kissing Changgu like this. But your current self only felt wetness pooling in between your thighs.
The blond kissed down your neck and chest, never letting go of your hands, and caught your nipple, swirling his tongue around it. You squirm around, eager to touch yourself and enjoy the insane amount of pleasure he’s giving you. You feel him grinning against your skin. You tried to buck your hips up, but his other hand pressed it down strongly.
“Don’t. Move.” He growled
He didn’t stop sucking in your sensitive nipple, the hand on your hip slid upwards for him to play with the other one, twisting and pinching it as he pleased. The urge to touch yourself was unbearable, you could already feel your juices leaking down your thighs.
“Changgu, please” you whispered.
He let go of your nipple with a pop, just to look at you and smirk
“Say that again”
“Changgu pleease” you whimpered, this time risking to roll your hips against him again
“Tell me what you want, y/n” He stared at you deeply
His lips were a dark shade of pink, coated with his saliva, his hair starting to stick to his forehead. He never looked so good before.
“Please, touch me!” your voice came out all whiny
“I am touching you, y/n, you have to be more specific than that.” he chuckled maliciously.
You growled, but it only made his grin wider.
“I need you inside me, Changgu, please!” you finally cave in
He leaned closer to your years and finally whispered
“All you had to do was ask” and winked, mentioning the same thing you’ve said to him before.
You growled again, but he was just amused with your struggle. He swiftly used his free hand to reach down and shimmy out of his underwear, before pumping himself a couple of times.
He penetrated you painfully slowly, closing his eyes and grunting. His hips began to move at the same pace, though he took his time to get deep inside of you.
You hooked your legs around his bottom, pushing him against yourself, encouraging him to go faster. But your action didn’t go unnoticed. A sharp crack echoed around the room, taking you by surprise. Your eyes widened and a growl died in your throat. His hand caressed the stinging spot but he followed it with another harsh slap. This time you couldn’t hold back a moan.
With each slap you clenched harder around him, getting him to move faster as you wanted. Your sense of being still in control no matter what made you smirk. As Changgu’s thrust became harder so did his noises. His voice getting deeper with each grunt and moan, neither of you worrying about being heard.
He caressed your body and it rose goosebumps all the way. It was like Changgu was reading your mind like he knew exactly how and where to touch, and it gave him pleasure too. Maybe the connection between you made you share strong sensations, and that’s why sex with him is so intense. You can’t say you’ve been curious about this before, but the reality was better than you could have imagined.
He angled his thrusts and slammed into you, hitting your swollen g-spot. Your body began to tremble and before you realized you were reaching your third orgasm of the day, your fingernails dug into the flesh of your palms, seeking something to grab to handle the intensity, while his hand tightened around your wrists.
As soon as you finished riding your high, Changgu finally let go of your wrist, but only to grab you roughly and put you on your knees, holding your waist while you supported yourself holding against the headboard and perking your ass up.
You bounced yourself to meet his thrusts, the loud sound of skin hitting skin filled up the room along with his loud grunts and the bed cracking strongly. You could tell Changgu was close by his shaky breath and louder moans, but his thrusts never became sloppier or slower. Instead, he aggressively snapped into you, his hands holding you strongly by the hips, you couldn’t help but be loud yourself from all the overstimulation.
Changgu came intensely, bruisingly grabbing you and guiding your hips on the best way for him. As he was riding out from his high, still not losing speed, you heard a loud noise and it was all too fast when his bed broke to the ground, throwing your body against his chest.
“That good, huh?” he said and you could just hear him smug.
You got off of him, laying by his side, and tapped his chest a couple of times
“Yeah, it was not so bad after all” you replied, teasing him.
He was quick to find his way on top of you again, pinning you against the mattress now on the floor. He leaned over you to speak seductively closer to your year:
“I think you begging me to fuck you, and all your loud noises meant more than ‘not so bad.”
You caught him off guard, bucking your hips up you threw your weight against him and quickly overpowered him, switching positions so now you were the one pinning him down by holding against his chest muscles and straddling him.
“I think you are letting it get to your head, wolfie” you dragged the last word “I hope you didn’t forget who’s really in charge here.”
You felt Changgu’s body vibrating in a growl
“Now, now. Don’t be a bad wolf, let me show you how an Alpha does”
Changgu frowned and didn’t say a word, struggling to comply. All he managed to do was a quick nod.
You leaned against him, your bodies covered in sweat, and kissed him slowly, taking your time to explore his mouth. Your hands explored his upper body and each touch filled you with sparkles, the collective euphoria of you two being overwhelmingly satisfying to you. His hand carefully traveled all around your body, his touch almost uncertain of its boundaries, but it was not like you would stop him any minute soon.
Slowly you began to sway your hips against his, ever so lightly biting his lips. The atmosphere wasn’t rushed anymore, but sensual, you two just basking in each other’s bodies. You intended to give him time and stimulations enough to make him hard again, which you achieved sooner than you expected. Aching to have him again, you sank on his dick, riding him while kissing him harder, messier, and hotter.
Your nails dug in his chest while you supported yourself and he responded well to the pain.
“Do you think you can handle me, Changgu? Think you can last while I bounce up and down in your cock?”
“You’d be surprised” He answered full of himself
“I wouldn’t be so sure”
You kissed down his neck, marking his skin. You couldn’t help but be territorial, wanting everyone to know that you had Changgu on the palm of your hand, had him pinned under you and you did to him as you pleased. You bit and sucked, getting the hottest noises from him. His hands grabbed your ass, squeezing it and encouraging you to grind on him.
You pulled yourself back up and snaked your hands up his torso, gently wrapping it around his neck. You gave him the slightest squeeze, studying his reaction, which was to close his eyes and bite his lip. The view was gorgeous, he all fucked out because of you. He put one of his hands on top of yours and made you squeeze harder. Hard enough to low his blood flow and allow some air into his lungs.
You knew that deoxygenation can increase the intensity of orgasms and that’s what you were aiming for. He held your hand and showed you exactly how much to press him, so you focused on working your hips until he squirmed under you, his whole body trembling and his face getting red. He finally tapped your hand three times and you let go. He loudly gasped for air, mixed with moans as he came inside you.
You got off of him and collapsed by his side, gently massaging his chest as it rose up and down fast.
“Fuck, y/n.” he said, voice a little hoarse.
“Breath slowly, Changgu” you whispered
Even though you two just fucked each other senseless, this small moment of aftercare felt the most intimate. You just watched him look up at the ceiling, controlling his breathing until it was steady enough to be considered normal. You unconsciously brushed a few strands of hair away from his face as he watched you with big eyes.
Suddenly your heart skipped a beat. You were getting into a dangerous zone. You definitely didn’t want to bring back all those feelings from the past like that, and you felt the urge to run away.
“I’ve got to go” You simply said, getting up quickly and trying to collect your clothes.
Changgu didn’t say a word, just watched you with a confused look.
You dressed up with your skirt and bra, but when you went for your blouse you suddenly remembered that it was currently missing all the buttons.
“Erm… Can you borrow me a shirt? You kinda ruined mine and I wouldn’t like to flash my boobs for the whole campus to see”
Changgu reached for the one on the floor by his side, the one he was previously wearing, and tossed to you silently. You hesitated, to wear something smelling like him rather than plain laundry detergent, but found it might sound weird to ask for another.
You put it on, and even though he is muscular it fitted you well since your Alpha body is bigger than most girls. He got up and put on his pants quickly.
“Let me drive you”
“No, it’s okay,” you stopped him. “I’ll take a walk, it's a short one.”
You left without looking back. You tried to find Wooseok to say goodbye on your way out, but the house seemed empty, so you just followed your path.
You got home and showered, getting yourself clean from the messy afternoon, and slipped into comfy pajamas. You relive your entire day on your mind, trying to organize your thoughts with so much information. You had an amazing sex with Kino, then with Changgu. Changgu, your best friend who has ignored you so far, fucked you until you both couldn’t take it anymore. Then it hit you: did he really meant to apologize? Or did he just play you into getting what he wanted from you? Could he be that selfish? The Changgu you knew, your Changgu, wouldn’t. But is he still the same? You highly doubted, so at this point, you didn’t know what to think anymore.
You started to feel used and played. All these years you spent hating on Changgu for just abandoning couldn’t simply be forgotten because of a one-night stand heat sex. It just didn’t change anything. You felt like you fell on a trap. A very well-arranged trap.
You roamed your fingers over the keyboard of your phone, considering to text Wooseok to ask if he knew something about where Changgu was about you, but easily brushed it off. You felt like a high schooler again, confused and upset for being left behind by her best friend. A few stubborn tears rolled out of your eyes.
You curled up into a ball under your blanket, hugging the pillow and just allowing yourself to feel everything. All of the memories of your teenage years by his side suddenly flooded your head, the nights spent awake on the phone or playing random online games, the partying, the lunches at school, the plans for the future. Reality’s contrast was too harsh.
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twinklecheeks · 4 years
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 9
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does.  You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series. Also, I’d like to apologize for the typos, if there are any. I’m just illiterate lmao.  
Warnings! Pregnancy, PURE FILTH, KINKY AS SHIT, I SWEAR THIS MESS IS NASTY, NSFW. I’m being SERIOUS. Most of this chapter is sex. 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Part 7,  Part 8
Word Count: 1.7k
Jeff’s Birthday 12/15/19
David: *Vlogging* Everybody get in the room quietly
Zane & Toddy: *has buckets of ice water*
Jeff: *under his blanket and pillows* Guys. I’m old now. Let me sleeep.
Zane: Wakey wakey baby
Toddy & Zane: *throws the ice water on Jeff*
*Everybody runs out of the room laughing*
Jeff: So now that I’m awake, are we all gonna snowboard today?
Y/n: I can’t, so I’m just gonna stay here.
Carly: Erin, Corinna and I will stay back with her.
Y/n: Great, people are feeling sorry for the pregnant girl.
Corinna: Not true. I also hate the cold and I don’t wanna fall down a hill.
Jeff: Okay cool. We’re gonna leave in 20 and y/n, call me if anything happens.
Night time
David: I know we already sung it this morning but-
Jeff: I just like to say thank you so much guys. I know that I’ve been such an asshole the past couple weeks but now that I’m 30 and we’re entering  a new decade in like two or so weeks, I want to make things right and also I’m going to be a father to two little girls. Y/n I know of personally apologize to you already but I just wanna say in front of everybody here. I am so sorry for everything I have done to you. I will admit, I am scared to become a dad, I will protect you and the girls with my life. And thanks to everybody that came here. This friend group has changed my life for the better.
Zane: Can we stop with this sappy shit and eat some caaake.
David: *vlogging* VARDON THROW THE CAKE
Jeff: wait what
Vardon: *throws the cake*
Jeff: *dodges the cake*
*little cake fight happens in the kitchen*
David: hey y/n, can I talk to you?
Y/n: Sure..
David: I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for how I acted yesterday. After hearing what Jeff said and the way you looked at him, I’m guessing you’re still probably in love w/ him.
Y/n: ummm…
David: I don’t blame you. He is the father of your kids and he most likely still has feelings for you too. Can we just move on and be friends again?
Y/n: I’d like that very much.
*after Jeff gets cleaned up*
Jeff: What did David say to you?
Y/n: that he wanted to move on and be friends again. So now, I’m officially single.
Jeff: So does that mean I can win you back?
Y/n: woah woah woah, slow down there Wittek. You're still on a trial run.
Jeff: Is there anything I can do on this trial run to make me a lifetime member?
Y/n: *getting horny* Maybe… I mean, technically you’re already a lifetime member. I’m pregnant w/ your kids.
Jeff: Sooo… I’m not crossing any lines if I do this? *pushes y/n down gently on the bed and hovers over her*
Y/n: Ummmm….. no.
Jeff: I bet your tits have gotten a lot bigger since I saw them last. I’ll only continue if you’re okay with this
Y/n: *smiling shyly* Oh gosh yes. Please continue
Jeff: *takes off y/n’s shirt* Wow, no bra? Were you planning this? *smirks*
Y/n: No but this better fucking happen because I’m gonna beat you if it doesn’t. My tits have gotten so sore since I got pregnant.
Jeff: *sucks of the right nipple and massages the left* Mmm, they taste sweeter from what I remember.
Y/n: *moans* Mmmm.. fuuuck. Daddy you can suck on my tits all you want.
Jeff: *laughs* Daddy? Someone’s got a daddy kink now?
Y/n: Oh shut up. Let’s be honest, you had a breeding kink before because you always loved cumming inside me before I got pregnant.
Jeff: touché… and I still will cum inside you at the end. I like to finish what I started babe *winks*
Y/n: You kinky whore.
*pulls Jeff in for a needy kiss*
Jeff: *takes off your leggings* Damn babe no underwear too? You were definitely planning this.
Y/n: *getting impatient* Jeff please eat me out.
Jeff: No problem. *kisses his way down to your pussy and his warm tongue licks from your entrance up to your clit.*
Y/n: Oh my god pleease don’t tease me Jeff.
Jeff: Anything for my queen *slowly circles his tongue around your clit* I love how you were always wet for me. *eats you out*
Y/n: *cries out in pleasure* I’m trying so hard not to cum so early.
Jeff: Cum anytime you want baby.
Jeff: *fingers her and sucks on clit*
Y/n: *trembling* mmm I feel like I’m still cumming.
Jeff: You ready?
Y/n: *smirks* I’m always ready for you.
Jeff: You’re making it hard to be gentle w/ you cause I wanna fuck you so damn rough, but I don’t want to hurt you. And you also won’t be able to walk normally..
Y/n: And who says I want it gentle? *winks*
Jeff: You’re gonna be the death of me doll.    
Y/n: *gets on her knees & unzips his pants* I’ve missed your cock so much daddy. *You suck the pre-cum* It’s bigger than I remember.
Jeff: You’re daddy’s little pregnant whore aren’t you?
Y/n: I’ll always be your whore, cum slut, doll, you name it. *licks from the base of his cock to the tip* No one can suck like I can. *You hollow your cheeks so you can suck off as much as you can. His cock hits the back out your throat; you start to deepthroat Jeff*
Jeff: *grabs y/n’s hair & bucks his hips* Only daddy can fuck your mouth, cum inside you and get you pregnant, you got that?
Y/n: Of course. I’ll always take your cum.
Jeff: Get on the bed. On all fours.
Y/n: *Gets on the bed* Just fuck me rough daddy.
Jeff: *slams cock into y/n, gives her a bit to adjust* What’d say doll? *slams it into her again*
Y/n: Jesus fuck. I’ve missed you so much. No one can fuck me like you can.
Jeff: I remember you liked it when daddy fucked your ass doll. Remember?
Y/n: *trembling* Please fuck my ass and then my pussy*
Jeff: *slowly pushes cock into her* FUCK. Shit I almost feel like cumming rn.
Y/n: Fuuuuck me- too. SHIT oh MY UGH. I haven’t done anal in so long.
Jeff: *goes faster* oh fuckk… Your ass feels so amazing.
Y/n: *being a moaning mess* Cum inside my ass Jeff!
Jeff: Don’t worry doll. I’ll cum in both. *goes faster* Fucking SHIT. Sss-o ttight *cums inside y/n*
Y/n: *screams into pillow* SHIT SHIT SHIT IM CUMMING.
Jeff: *Quickly pulls out of ass and fucks her pussy* I’m still rock hard for you baby
Y/n: *Has 3rd orgasm right after the 2nd* Jefff!
Jeff: *cums inside her* Jesus.
*both are sweaty messes wrapped in the blanket*
Y/n: *cuddles with Jeff* Well that was-
Jeff: Kinky-er than usual. I didn’t think I liked to be called daddy.
Y/n: *laughing* Oh god don’t remind me.
Jeff: I’m gonna take a shower, wanna join?
Y/n: What, so you can make me cum for a 4th time tonight?
Jeff: No you little nasty. We’re sweaty and gross. We gotta wash off our sins.
Y/n: *gets out of bed and tries to stand up*
Jeff: I told you you won’t be able to walk.
Y/n: Oh shut up and help me.
The next morning
Y/n & Jeff: *wakes up at y/n’s phone ringing*
Y/n: It’s my doctor. *picks up the phone and puts it on speaker*
Doctor: Good morning y/n, how are you feeling?
Y/n: I’m feeling great.
Doctor: Well that’s good. Is there time for you and Jeff to come by my office today?
Y/n: *confused* Umm no. We’re out of town and won’t be home for another 2-3 days. Is there something wrong? You can just tell it to us over the phone.
Doctor: Well… Okay. The only thing that came up in both of your test results was that you and Jeff are carriers of a mutation of the GJB2 gene. Normally, that gene has a protein that plays an important role in the development of the cochlea, which is in our ears.
Jeff: Can you please get to the point.
Doctor: So because you both are carriers of the mutation of the gene, there’s a chance that one or both of your girls will be born partially or completely deaf.
Y/n: Wh-what?
Jeff: Is there no way in knowing if they are beforehand?
Doctor: The only way in knowing is doing a hearing test on both girls when they’re born. If one or both are born deaf, there’s options like the cochlear implant. I’ve seen this used on babies as young as 5-6 months old but that’s in the UK. Here in the states, babies would have to be at least a year old. Just remember that I’m saying there’s a CHANCE. I’m not saying that they will be born deaf.
Y/n: Ooo-kay. Th-thanks for calling. *Hangs up the phone* D-deaf? Our girls are gonna be born deaf?
Jeff: *holds y/n* Hey hey hey, she said there’s a chance. Since there’s a chance, we gotta be prepared. We gotta do our research and see what the best options are. We might also have to learn sign language and also teach them. Y/n I know you’re terrified and I am too but we have to look at the bright side.
Y/n: And that is?
Jeff: That we’re gonna have 2 beautiful baby girls.
Y/n: *smiles weakly* Should we tell the rest of them?
Jeff: Let’s wait a bit until we tell them.
Y/n: Okay.
Ummm… Yeah so that happened… Don’t say I didn’t warn y’all in the last chapter. Jeff is really stepping up after only a few days. What do y’all think of my little plot twist at the end? Also, Jeff still hasn’t told his parents! How do you think they’ll react. 
Comment if you want to be on the taglist!
Taglist: @elvlogsquad​ @siemprestan​ @zavidzobrik​ @galxydefender​ @iminlovewithenchilidadas​ @ilsolee​ @ranprivate @one-sweet-gubler @thoughtfullymysticalpoetry @sunwardsss @shamalamashams @michellemxndes
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thedreammweaver · 4 years
You really thought I’d leave? (Burton-Schumacherverse riddlebird , trans!Oswald)
Warnings: Dysphoria, misunderstandings, accidental misgendering, Clueless Ed is clueless, brief mention of suicidal thoughts of no physical consequence, medium to mild amount of blood, forced to come out by stupid dumb uterus, so. many. penguin. tears., A N G S T, pain, suffering, the lads talk about their trauma, 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 (it turns out okay though)
Ed was still feeling his post heist high when he threw himself onto Oswald’s bed while Oswald was hanging up his coat, hat, and umbrella. Ed looked over when he heard Oswald sigh, he was rubbing at his back like it hurt. “I’m sorry..” Ed blurted out.
“It’s not your fault.” Oswald said flatly as he went behind an ornate screen in the corner of his bedroom to change into pajamas. Ed had wondered a few times why Oswald didn’t change in front of him but after all they’d only been in a relationship for a few weeks, it felt like longer to Ed, but maybe the other man just needed more time. Ed rested his head in his hands, feeling guilty
“I was being theatrical and I took too long...if I had hurried up like you said batman wouldn’t have gotten there in time to hurt you..”
Oswald scoffed “It’s OK, Eddie! I needed to let off some steam anyways.”
“If getting thrown into a cement wall where you could’ve been seriously hurt and I would’ve spent forever wishing it had been me instead because..” ‘Because I love you. C’mon, Ed, just say it!’ Ed screamed at himself in his mind “well... because it just wouldn’t be right..I mean if that’s you’re idea of letting off steam then sure.” Ed pouted, kicking himself mentally and burying his face in Oswald’s bed, the comforter smelled like him which lifted Ed’s spirits a bit. “I don’t wanna go home tonight.” He hadn’t meant to say that out loud but didn’t regret it either. “Then stay,” Oswald said, coming out from behind the screen now dressed in black and purple satin pjs “I mean...if this- or- we work out you’ll probably be staying here half the time anyhow, right?” “Yeah, I guess so.” Ed said absently getting off the bed to peel himself out of the green glittery spandex suit he was in, he only had his briefs and a plain tank top underneath, he’d learned to wear some sort of undershirt with the spandex if he was going to Oswald’s after unless he wanted his core to feel an ice box. “Look! The bat got you too, we’re even.” Oswald chuckled pointing out bruises on Ed’s arm and shoulder as he got under the covers. Ed rolled his eyes and crawled into bed next to Oswald he had been afraid this would be awkward but the idea of falling asleep next to Oswald came naturally and he was soon asleep.
Ed was stirred awake just as easily as he’d drifted off by Oswald quicky getting out of bed and muttering curses “Shit, shit, shit...goddamnit..” Ed sat up a bit “Wha...Ozzie, what is it??” He asked groggily. “Uh- it’s- just- nothing, nothing just uh-uh stay there or you maybe better sleep on the couch instead uh...just- go back to sleep. Don’t turn the lights on.” After that panicked deluge of unclear instruction Oswald ran off to the bathroom down the hallway. Ed still drowsy, now worried and curious he turned on the lamp by the bed and looked over to Oswald’s side of the bed, all he could make out was a blurry red blob. He huffed and clumsily reached for his glasses, he’d left them on the nightstand before he and Oswald had gone on the heist as he’d gotten changed at Oswald’s too. His eyes were slowly adjusting and the red blob revealed itself to be a sizeable bloodstain, Ed’s heart dropped. He got up and ran down the hall to the bathroom as well. When Ed went to open the door there was a shrill “DON’T COME IN!!” which made him jump and step back. “But Oswald you’re bleeding!”
“I know, Ed, it’s normal...” Ed could hear that Oswald’s teeth were gritted. “That was a lot of blood Oswald! You could have internal damage from “letting off steam” with the bat earlier. I have to take you to the hospital, I know you hate doctors but-“
“It is normal, Edward! Now leave me be!!”
Ed was taken aback, Oswald had never yelled at him like this before. He put his ear to the door, he could hear plastic ripping and crinkling, was Oswald trying to tend to the damage himself? “Oswald, please please let me help. I know you have a lot of weird..stuff going on but bleeding like that isn’t normal.”
“Yes, it is. This has nothing to do with that son of a bitch Batman, this happens every month..”
“EVERY MONTH?! Since when??”
“...since I was about twelve or thirteen..I don’t remember.”
Ed was bewildered “Since you were- you mean as in years old right??? Oswald! That could be indicative of SERIOUS health problems!!”
“Ed just leave me alone please...stop worrying, it’s fine.”Oswald’s gruff voice was beginning sound shaky. Ed was wracking his brain trying to figure out what was going on. “Oswald please talk to me, if this is “normal” I want to understand why..I-I mean is it like the stuff that comes out of your mouth or-“ “No! It’s not like that...”
“Then what??-“
“Gimme a minute! I’ve never really had to..vocalize it..before..”
Ed leaned his head on the door, now he felt confused and impatient. Oswald cleared just throat nervously “So...I’m a man right except I- Except I got born with the wrong sort of...equipment for that..”
“What??” Ed asked, more a noise of exasperation than a question. “Jesus, Ed- I...got born with a chick’s body but later I figured out I’m not a chick alright, not really..not on the inside-We’re both guys but if you wanted to narrow things down to a strictly physical matter I have more in common with the catbitch than with you..”
Ed’s brow furrowed “So you’re a woman?”
“Okay! Okay! I-I-just-“
“OKAY!!” There was an uncomfortable beat of silence before Ed spoke again “So.....what are are you?” Oswald scoffed, a pitiful tone to the noise “You’re just trying your damndest to make me feel like shit aren’t you?” Ed’s heart broke when he heard Oswald’s voice break. “No! No! I- Oswald, I swear I’m just trying to understand. S-So you’re a guy? Right? On the inside..that’s what you said? But you have...girl..parts? Then-so the blood.......oh......you-...you’re just..menstruating?” Oswald didn’t answer him. “Oswald??” Ed gently pushed the door open. Oswald was on the floor leaning against the bathtub, he was just in his underpants and pajama top now, the blood stained bottoms tossed aside. Parts of his thighs were also bloodstained, he was sobbing into his flippers, a pathetic gasping hitching noise. Ed got on his knees beside Oswald, he’d never seen the man cry before and it was making him panic “Oswald, please...I didn’t mean to- did-did...I get it right the last time at least..?” Oswald whined “Yes!...yes...but it doesn’t matter...you don’t like me anymore..” “What?? Of course I still lo- like you.” Ed grabbed the other man by the shoulders to make them face eachother. Oswald took his flippers down from his tear drenched face “Just wait, you say that now but in time..you’ll get frustrated and you’ll leave, your need for a “real man” will win out over any feelings you claim to have for me. Eddie, I’ve been through this before..I know how this works..” Oswald broke down into sobs again “Except it’s worse this time..because you actually fucking matter to me, you’re not someone I paid to tell me they love me just because I needed to to hear it on a shitty night.” He was beginning to hyperventilate now “I-I never needed anyone before like I need you and I-I didn’t mean to keep this from you but I got so scared! I was so SCARED!! Scared because I think if you left me especially because of this I’d-I’d just have to go and find the tallest building in Gotham and throw myself off...see if maybe one penguin an fly after all...this poor old bird couldn’t take that, not after everything....not after all this. I thought about it so much and I’d really rather die than have you leave me, Eddie, leave me like every other little sparkling thing that cuddled up to me as if I meant something to them! Like my parents the night I was born!! They doomed me to a life of being thrown away. Th-They cursed me that night do you understand?! An-and I so need you to be the one that breaks that curse cause I. AM. telling. you! I can’t stand that happening again..not one time more...please...not once more..please.....pleease...” Oswald begged as he collapsed into Ed’s arms, sobbing, burying his face in the other man’s chest. “Oh...Oswald I- please don’t talk like that...like you’re nothing..” Ed felt tears flowing down his own face as he cradled his bird. “I..love you. God, Oswald, I love you..you really thought I’d leave?” Oswald raised his head a bit “...Eddie, people get killed for being like me...you can never tell how people will react to what they don’t understand..” Ed absently rocked himself and Oswald softly “...I love you...I wanted to say it for so long but I was scared too, I thought you were gonna be like these type of guys I messed around with in school, they’d call you baby when you’re alone and act like they really care but then you see them with their girlfriends the next day, acting like they don’t know you...and you just feel like a fucking idiot all because they don’t like who they are... I never thought I could mean as much to you as...how you said.” Oswald wrapped his arms around Ed’s waist. “You love me? Why?” There was a pitiful wistfulness in his voice. Ed didn’t have to think for long “You’re warm. You’re the only thing that makes me feel held, only thing that makes me feel safe, wanted. It’s like I wasn’t even real before I met you...I was just here..barely. I carry your warmth with me everywhere now, so I can feel real all the time..instead of like I’m floating away. You...obviously love me too, why?”
“You make me feel human. I got too used to being an animal after being treated like one...manipulated like one. You talk to me like- I don’t know...like you care..” They sat there holding eachother for a few minutes more until Oswald’s crying resumed “It wasn’t enough that I had to get born like this..” he sobbed gesturing to his flippers and nose “I had to get born with the wrong insides too...as if I wasn’t a complete freak already..” Ed held the shorter man tighter “No, no, no, no, no, don’t say that, Oswald, don’t say that,” Ed cooed, stroking Oswald’s hair “I promise I’m going to learn how to treat you right, after all this time you deserve it..I promise I’m gonna learn, okay? And I’m not leaving, you don’t have to be scared anymore..” Oswald was still crying, Ed scooted back a bit so he could see Oswald’s face. “Look, look, I-I can run you a bath so you can get cleaned up and I’ll take care of the bed, then you don’t have to think about it anymore tonight. Would that be good...if I did that?” Ed offered earnestly. Oswald sighed and nodded, Ed smiled weakly and cupped the other man’s cheek “Good-..good, so I’ll- I’m gonna do that and you can stay here and just relax, please.” Ed kissed Oswald’s cheek before getting up and turning on the bath to let it fill while he stripped the bed. Before leaving the bathroom he just had to say it once more “I love you, Oswald.” “I love you too, asshole..” Oswald grumbled, while wiping the dried, drying, and still wet tears from his face. Ed sighed happily knowing that his bird was starting to calm down already, and basking in the knowledge that he was loved back.
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ayellowcurtain · 5 years
Wondering if you could write something about maybe Jens following Robbe from the party on Saturday and finding him at the edge of the bridge and talking him down, taking him home to Milan and Robbe spills it all to the both of them. // Please fulfill my crackhead dreams and write a Jebbander fic pleease // can I pls have smth like; jens is secretly pining for robbe while robbe is still sad abt sander but jens is a good friend so he's just supportive and protective (even tho he's kinda hurting) // Robbe's suicide attempt? How would the flatshare reach or Jens?
He didn’t understand how bad things were for Robbe until a second ago. It never crossed Jens’ mind that Robbe would have the courage to do something like this. 
“What are you doing?” The way Robbe talks so calmly while standing on the edge of a bridge, way too close to falling into some freezing water scares Jens. Robbe is unreachable. Whatever he might try to say to change Robbe’s mind won’t help. Something really bad happened and Jens can’t let him do something stupid, so he climbs right next to Robbe, never looking down. It’s not too high, but it’s enough to scare him. Jens really doesn’t wanna fall, but he’s more concerned about taking Robbe safely out of there.
He tries to look around, acting like he doesn’t know what Robbe plan was. It starts pouring and Robbe looks up. Jens tries to look at him without being noticed and he’s sure Robbe is crying. He quietly steps closer, just in case Robbe slips, he can hold him. 
“Come on, Robbe. Let’s get out of here.” Jens quietly holds the back of Robbe’s jacket, trying to keep him as far away from the edge as it’s possible. “I’m not leaving if you don’t come with me.” 
Robbe is still lost inside his own head, but he’s not trying to get away from Jens’ grip either, so Jens lets him be for a little more, trying to look away, calm himself down. He tries to stop thinking about what could have happened if he didn’t follow Robbe here. 
The rain stops all of a sudden and Robbe finally looks at Jens, but just for a second, looking at the water beneath them. 
“I’m gay, Jens. All these bruises are because some guys saw me kissing a guy I’m in love with.” 
It’s his turn to be in shock, not knowing what to do or what to say. Robbe turns around way too quickly for Jens liking, jumping back into solid ground, waiting for him to do the same. 
Jens swallows hard, looking at the water for just a second, jumping off as well, looking at Robbe. He’s in love with a guy. 
“I’ll walk you home.” Robbe is so small and he looks even smaller now. He’s soaked, his face is still a little bruised and he has really dark circles around his eyes. Robbe starts walking in silence and Jens can’t pretend like he’s good at giving advice. What Robbe said is still ringing inside his ears. Jens has absolutely no idea who the other guy is. Robbe has been hiding a lot of things from him this past month and Jens freaked out, acted like a fucking asshole and probably threw Robbe right into someone else’s arms. 
They walk in silence for a very long time. Jens looks at Robbe and he’s shivering. His lips are purple and his face looks even worse than earlier. Jens holds his arm, making him stop, already taking his windbreaker off, putting it in between his legs, taking his hoodie off, instantly feeling the cold air almost freeze him, but his hoodie is still warm. 
“Here. Put this on.” Robbe’s brain must have frozen because he doesn’t really move. “Robbe, put my hoodie, you’re gonna fucking freeze, bro.” 
Robbe finally holds his hoodie and Jens can put his windbreaker back on, holding Robbe’s jacket while he takes his own hoodie off, putting Jens’, getting his jacket back, but only holding it now. 
Jens wants to ask a million questions, but maybe tonight is just not the time. Robbe is constantly saying “not now” so Jens guesses he can ask later when they’re somewhere warmer, able to properly think again. On their way to Robbe’s place, he just watches Robbe. He’s clearly not present, he’s probably thinking about the guy he’s in love with or about their fight. Robbe talked about bruises, which means there are more than whatever happened on his face. 
“Robbe! Just let me see it, man!” Jens tried to understand what happened, what bruises was Robbe talking about and he’s angry, not wanting to talk about it, but Jens won’t let go this time. 
Milan comes to see what’s going on, looking from Jens to Robbe. 
“What’s going on?” Jens and Robbe are still looking at each other, waiting for the other one to give up, but Robbe loses, closing his eyes and lifting his shirt and Jens’ hoodie all the way to his chest. Jens can’t look at it after a moment, walking away and he can hear the shock in Milan’s shaky breath. The image of Robbe’s skin with a huge bruise all over his ribs will never be forgotten. Jens had never seen anything like that before. He can’t even imagine how bad the fight was. 
Robbe finally started talking when they got inside the elevator, but he doesn’t remember all the details either. Jens wants to find whoever did this to Robbe and just kill them all. 
“We have to go to the police.” Milan says and Jens turns back to look at the other two. Robbe is finally putting his clothes back down, shaking his head. 
“No. I’m not going to the police. There’s no way. I’m feeling better already.” Now Jens wants to punch Robbe too. He looks at him and Robbe already starts explaining himself, looking at Jens. “I’m ok, Jens.” 
“Are you fucking kidding me? Did you look at yourself in the mirror? I’m not even sure you’re in one piece, Robbe!” Milan is a little lost, but Jens doesn’t care, Robbe can be so stubborn sometimes. He always acts like he’s fine like nothing happened until it’s too late. And it’s past “too late” already. 
“Who did this, Robbe?” Milan finally asks, trying to stop their fight, give some time for both of them to calm down. Robbe looks at Jens and he instantly knows that whatever Milan knows, whatever Robbe told him, it’s a big pile of lies. 
Jens wants to tell Milan everything, but it’s not his place. Milan is older than them, maybe he would be able to put some sense back into Robbe, but there’s nothing Jens can do right now. 
Robbe doesn’t answer and Jens can see Milan’s brain starting to understand that Robbe is lying to him. 
“Robbe! You can tell me...” He puts both hands on Robbe’s shoulder, trying to get his attention. 
“Sander and I...” Robbe already can’t really say it, Jens can see him swallowing hard and Milan is not surprised to hear Sander’s name, so he knows. Everyone knows about Robbe except for Jens. 
Sander. Britt’s new boyfriend. He’s the one Robbe is in love with. And he and Jens have nothing in common. Robbe is falling in love with someone who Jens can’t even compete with. 
Jens watches as Robbe stops talking and Milan instantly hugs him tightly and Robbe finally exhales, his hands are shaking when he hugs Milan back and Jens feels like the worst person ever. Robbe trusts Milan and not Jens. Somewhere Jens fucked up so badly that it pushed his best friend as far away from him as possible. 
Milan and Robbe are crying and Jens feels invisible or unwelcome, but this is not about him. 
“Have you gone to the police yet?” Milan asks and Jens is so, so incredibly thankful that he’s on the same page as Jens, but Robbe looks down and gives Milan the exact answer he gave Jens not too long ago. 
“Robbe...” Milan shakes Robbe a little, but Robbe is not changing his mind. Jens thinks about how deeply traumatized he must be to not want to go to the police or talk about what happened to anyone. 
“Robbe, you have to go to the police. They can’t just keep living their lives while you keep hiding, afraid that this might happen again.” Milan and Robbe finally seem to notice that Jens is still there and Milan nods his head, agreeing with Jens and waiting for Robbe’s answer. 
“I’ll think about it. Now I just wanna sleep for a little.” Robbe looks at Jens and he can’t help but just look at his best friend for a second, using Jens’ clothes that are a little too long for him. “You can sleep here if you want.” 
Jens wants to stay, to make sure that Robbe is ok and that he’s going to the police first thing in the morning, but he’s not sure if he can handle watching how devastated Robbe is for not being loved back by Sander. 
“If it’s okay with you...” Robbe smiles and Jens can’t believe how strong he is, trying to move on with his life even after everything that he just went through. They’ll probably never talk about it, but Jens might never be able to forget how he found Robbe nearly an hour ago. From now on, he’ll try to always be close to Robbe, reminding him why it’s so good to be alive. 
“I have an old mattress in my room, wait a second.” Milan goes to his bedroom to grab the mattress and Robbe goes to his room, waiting for Jens to follow him. 
There’s more than enough room for both of them to sleep on the bed, but Robbe doesn’t say anything and Jens can���t just invite himself to sleep right next to Robbe either so he just waits and helps Milan put the mattress inside Robbe’s bedroom. 
If it’s worth something, Robbe sleeps using Jens’ hoodie, hiding inside the hood, hugging his pillow like he’s a koala spooning someone that’s not Jens. Jens thinks they might start sharing that hoodie and maybe they’ll have something that is theirs and nobody else’s. 
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magic-fluffie-boyes · 6 years
Pleease do the way the main 6 demonstrate they're jealous/hurt by something the apprentice did owo)/
First request! I’m really excited to see where I can go with this acc. I’m also sorry about the wait, sicknesses wait for no one I’m afraid.
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🔮Asra does get jealous, but not as much as he did before he got together with the apprentice.
🔮He had the risk of losing them to anyone at that point in time, so he was very protective of them. He just did not want to loose them again.
🔮After they got together he became less stressed about others stealing them away from him; he knew they were loyal, so he didn’t need to worry about it.
🔮That doesn’t mean he still doesn’t get jealous or protective, no the opposite actually. While he is less jealous, he is way more protective.
🔮When he sees someone flirting with them, or they’re getting a bit too uncomfortable for his liking, he feels this burning pit in his stomach that tells him to protect them and get them away from that situation as quickly as possible.
🔮In doing so he’s is very composed, approaching them and the assailant with care. He wraps his arm around their waist with a gentle yet dangerous smile pointed at the man who thinks he’s oh-so-suave.
🔮He joins in on the conversation, slowly turning the apprentices attention from the man chatting them up to him. They don’t even know what happened, one second they’re talking to the man then the next Asra is walking back to the shop.
🔮He’s just smiling with an arm wrapped around their waist as he walks them back.
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💊Julian is a pretty jealous person, but not to the point of being possessive.
💊He doesn’t really like the idea of them being with men he doesn’t know, but he does trust them to know they wouldn’t do anything.
💊He’s very quick to get in-between them and someone who’s flirting with them, and he does it in the most overdramatic way he could.
💊He struts over to the two of them and “slyly” wraps his arm around the apprentices waist and “casually” enters the conversation.
💊He kinda stays there the entire time and presses kisses and holds them close hoping the other person gets a hint and leaves them alone.
💊If they don’t he eventually just pulls them away from the situation.
💊He hates the idea of loosing them, it hurts him so much to think that they could leave him at any time.
💊They understand this well and reassure him all the time they could never ever leave him for someone else.
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👑Nadia does not get jealous… she’s way too good for that.
👑She is protective though. Nadia knows when her love is upset and knows that they deserve nothing but the best.
👑 Some random person flirting with and making them uncomfortable, is without a doubt, not the best.
👑Nadia has no problem letting them handle things themselves, but she knows when things get out of their control. That’s when she steps in.
👑She walks up to them with a calm and gentle smile on her lips. If the person doesn’t shut up because they’re in the presence of the countess, she’s surprised, but she knows what to do.
👑She gives some believable excuse to pull them away and takes them back to her bedroom.
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🐺He does get jealous quite a bit, mainly because he knows they can do better and he just doesn’t want to loose them.
🐺He doesn’t really like confrontation, and he tries to avoid starting anything with a flirt, so he does let them try to handle the situation at first.
🐺If they just play along with the flirt — which they would never do — he would be absolutely devastated.
🐺He wouldn’t do anything but leave the scene without a word.
🐺If the apprentice does need his help and looks to him for it, he will come over to get the flirt away from them.
🐺All he really does is approach and the flirt is running in the opposite direction. He’s a very intimidating figure to have walk up to you mildly upset.
🐺When this happens he’s not confused or anything, but he’s very relieved. He didn’t want to have to fight with the person.
🐺Muriel gives them a pat on the head as he leads them back home, he’s ready to relax after having to deal with that mental stress.
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🍑She’s so chill about it, she almost couldn’t care at all… almost.
🍑It does bother her a bit that other people are flirting with the apprentice she doesn’t like it at all.
🍑It’s only because of their discomfort in the situations why she’s really upset with it.
🍑She deals with it easily and confidently. She need to assert her dominance over the flirt, she needs to be confident.
🍑She walks up and swings her arm around their waist with a big smile and enters the conversation smoothly.
🍑The annoyance is clear in her voice, but her face doesn’t show it for sure.
🍑She makes up a simple excuse to get both of them out of the conversation and back to the palace where they won’t be bothered.
🍑Basically she does the same thing as Julian, but she does it way better.
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🐐Rest in pieces dear flirt, you lived a… life, I guess. Lucio is gonna kill you now.
🐐Okay, seriously Lucio is not having this shit. He is the only one who can flirt with them, they are his and no one else’s.
🐐As he’s walking over everyone around him can feel the anger rolling off of him in strong waves.
🐐If the flirt doesn’t run away in fear as he’s approaching, he’s briefly surprised, but still way too pissed off to care.
🐐If not for the apprentice being there he would’ve murdered the flirt on the spot. Thank god they calmed him down a bit at least.
🐐They practically have to drag him away from the situation to make sure he doesn’t do anything.
🐐 The flirt does get a punishment later.
🐐First Lucio has to… reclaim his territory… yeah.
Sorry about the wait, school was being a bitch. I’m probably only going to have time to write on the weekends, so no breaks for me! Hope you enjoyed this!
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pinkletterday · 6 years
Title: You & I
Pairing:Barry Allen/Iris West
Other pairings:Coldflash, Coldwestallen, Olivarry, Queenwestallen, Queenwest, Superwestallen, Superflash, Superwest, Superflarrow, Westcanary, Iris West/OFC, Iris West/OMC
Summary:On the face of it, they have the perfect polyam marriage. Well, almost. No matter how loving the relationship, polyamory brings it's own set of problems.
It's 5am and I've been up three hours with a fever. I wrote a Westallen polyam marriage negotiation thingy. Probably gonna cringe at it in a few hours but am still gonna post cause reality is meaningless and future me can suck it.
Iris watched her husband from the doorway of the twins' bedroom. She loved listening to him sing as much as her children did. It engulfed her in warm contentment, transporting her back in time to her own father's crooning by her bedside.
"But you're so
precious to me
Baby of mine..."
Donny was asleep but Dawnie, as usual, was actively fighting it.
"One more, Daddy."
"Purrty pleease?"
"I'll sing you another one tomorrow night," Barry pressed a kiss to her temple, "Go to sleep, ladybug."
She sighed and acquiesied, snuggling under the covers. He tucked her stuffed rabbit next to her, dropped kisses on both their heads and slipped out, giving Iris a (very quiet) high-five.
She had just closed the bedroom door when his arms slid around her waist. He turned his face into her neck, pressing kisses to her bare skin.
"Mmm," she leaned back and smiled lazily, arcing into his lips. "Mr. Allen, you better not start something you can't finish."
"Why would you think I can't finish it?," he murmured and she felt his hardness press against her ass.
She tried not to grind back against it. "Because your boyfriend has already been waiting for you for an hour?"
Barry froze and drew back. "An hour? Shit, is it that late?"
"Uh huh," Iris fought down her disappointment and rolled her eyes at him. "I swear those two take longer to give in every night."
"Not possible. I vividly remember none of us sleeping for three months straight once," said Barry, but he was distracted calling Leonard on his phone.
"Hey babe, just wanted you to know I'm on my way. Just give me ten minutes to shower and change....yeah, I guess. Okay, I'll bring my bag. See you soon."
A familiar bleak feeling opened in her stomach, but she carefully schooled her features into wry amusement. "Ten minutes, huh?"
"Yeah, it's our code for "I'm having a quickie with my wife before I come over"," Barry crowded her against the wall, eyes dark with lust.
"Uh-uh," she tried to stop him with a grin and a hand on his chest. He ignored her and went back to kissing her neck. "Barry," she tried to be stern, but the dratted man knew her weak spots too well, "Barr, I'm really not in a quickie mood."
He drew back to look at her quizzically. "You sure? This morning you were all over me."
"No, I definitely want sex. I just want something slower and more thorough right now, and that's not what I'm going to get with a quick fumble before you run off to Len."
She immediately felt bad when his face fell.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he said, eyes full of contrition.
"It's okay. You haven't seen him in two weeks," she smiled encouragingly at him. Of course they hadn't had sex in two weeks either. But it wasn't like they didn't see each other every day.
He still looked troubled. "Are you sure? Maybe you could come with me. I don't think Len would mind," he kissed her in reassurance. "You have a standing invitation, you know."
The thought of being wrapped up in the bodies of both her husband and his lover sent pulse of desire through her, but her heart wasn't in it. "I know. But I'm not horning on your reunion sexathon. Seriously, hon, its okay," she grinned at him salaciously. "I'll just pour myself a glass of wine, switch on my vibrator and get myself off on our bed thinking of all the dirty things you two are probably doing."
Barry's eyes went dark. "Mrs. West-Allen, are you objectifying us?"
"Yes," she breathed close to his lips. "And you can tell Len exactly how."
He crushed him to her in a hard kiss.
They had a rule of greatly reduced superspeed in the house unless in case of emergency, so he had to take a few seconds longer to gather up his things than he would have.
"Have fun," she raised on her tip-toes to kiss him. "What?"
He was looking at her with a considering expression. "It's been a while since you've gone out with someone yourself. Not since Daniel."
"I go out," she said defensively. "Sara and I are going strong. And I get to join you and Oliver and Len and Kara whenever I want to. Plus, I had a fun afternoon with that intern last week," she slanted a sultry grin at him. Barry had been very interested in her detailed recounting of the encounter.
But he ignored her deflection. "I mean something serious. You see Sara like three times a year, we never know when Kara turns up to crash and I'm the one actually dating Oliver and Len."
A frission of irritation ran through her. "Why is this a problem? Not all of us have speedster sexual appetites, Barry. I barely have time for you between work and the kids."
"I know that. And it's not about sex," he framed her face and kissed her soothingly on her forehead. "I just. Want to make sure you're happy. I never want any part of you to go unfullfilled," his eyes were so loving and tender that her heart ached even more.
Then stay. "I'm fine, babe," she smiled, hoping she sounded convincing. "If I do feel "unfulfilled" you can help me find someone. Now shoo! And don't come back till at least afternoon, I can cover the kids till then."
He kissed her hard once more. "God, you're the perfect woman. Len and I'll take the kids out on Sunday, let you have the house to yourself. And tomorrow night," he husked against her ear, "I'm going to take you apart for hours until you pass out from cumming."
Her knees were weak when he flashed out the window. But the hollowness persisted.
Iris ruminated on it while she poured herself a glass of wine and snuggled under the covers of their bed. The feeling been rather pronounced lately, mostly whenever Barry had to rush out on family time for superhero emergencies or rush out on her for well, everything else it seemed. But more so when he had to leave her to make time with his lovers.
She couldn't figure out why that was. They had never begrudged each other their partners; there was some healthy possessiveness yes, but not jealousy and insecurity.
She had seen exactly when Barry had fallen in love with Oliver before he knew it himself, had been with him every step of the way over their subsequent I-don't-deserve-you-stay-away-before-I-hurt-you-why-won't-you-love-me ridiculousness; had held his hand during his hilarious spazzing out over Len. Thankfully he and Kara had been blessedly drama-free and cute as puppies, although she was more his queerplatonic partner with benefits.
In turn, Barry had encouraged her to explore her sexuality with Sara and Kara and other women. He had met and approved of Daniel and comforted her through the heartbreak of their breakup. He had even hoped for a while that she and Oliver would form a relationship of their own, but they had decided not to go down that road in the end. She had grown to love Oliver and was quite fond of Snart, and enjoyed the occasional romp with them immensely, but she was certain there would be murder involved if she was actually in a relationship with either of them.
She really held no resentment against any of them. Maybe Barry was right and her break up with Daniel was getting to her more than she knew. Maybe she should get out there and find another relationship for her own.
The thought made her feel tireder than ever. The obvious perk of marriage was to not have to navigate the hellscape that was dating strangers.
She opened the drawer in their bedside table and looked disdainfully at the assorted vibrators and sex toys.
She didn't want anyone else. She wanted her husband. And there just wasn't enough of him to go around.
Maybe she should have taken him up on that quickie.
She shut the drawer and slumped back against the pillows with a sigh. And waited.
The door creaked open right on time and small socked feet padded to the foot of the bed.
"Mommy, I can't sleep." Dawnie clutched her stuffed rabbit and stared at her with the hazel eyes that were so much like Barry's.
Her heart melted, the bleakness finally dissapating. "Come here, boo," she held out her arms and snuggled her baby against her chest.
Her Dad knew. He knew but carefully pretended he didn't know, probably for his own sanity. Joe West might go along with whatever science fiction shenanigans the universe saw fit to throw at him every year, but he drew the line at his daughter and son-in-law's sexual proclivities. Iris had once tried explaining to him that it wasn't just sexual, Len and Oliver and Kara were all relationships as meaningful to Barry as their own was, that they were part of their family too. He had simply ignored her.
She could have let it slide if not for how much it hurt Barry. He pretended that it didn't matter that Joe couldn't accept his relationships, that he even understood where he was coming from. But the boy who had sought his surrogate father's approval still hurt inside and that Iris could not forgive.
Fighting only distressed him more, so after two weeks of mutual silent treatment, Iris and her father had begrudgingly slipped into a status quo of "don't ask don't tell".
This had only been broken once. Iris had come home from spending the night at Daniel's to find Joe babysitting the twins, Barry having been called away on an emergency.
He had said nothing, but let Iris settle the kids down in front of the tv and followed her to the kitchen. She had gone about making lunch, determinedly ignoring him despite her own anger and embarrassment rising under his disapproving eyes.
"You're playing with fire, Iris," he told her. "What happens if you get pregnant by this guy? Or someone else?"
Iris resisted the urge to tell him it was none of his business, since he was so hell-bent on not even acknowledging it. "Then we bring up the kid together," she said evenly, staying focused on buttering the bread. "Me, Barry and whoever it is."
"You really think it'll be so easy? That Barry and "whoever it is" won't have problems down the line?"
"We probably will, but no more than other blended families," she finally looked Joe right in the eye, jaw set in a mirror of his own. "We've actually talked about these things, Dad. Any child of mine is always going to be Barry's as well."
"And what if Barry knocks someone up?"
Iris hid flash of amusement. If Joe had bothered to notice, Barry's extra-marital tastes mostly ran to men, and even then only to long-term relationships. Kara was an exception but then she was unable to procreate with humans.
They had discussed it though. Particularly in case Oliver had a yen to have another kid with Barry.
"There isn't one rule for him and one for me, Dad. Barry's kids are mine, my kids are Barry's, end of."
Her Dad had sighed and rubbed his temple in that "I'm-done-here" way. But he hadn't brought it up again. Iris figured it was the best they could hope for.
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