#and yes - i’m implying strickler is a werewolf
megan0013 · 2 years
For the fantasy pet:
Pittbull Draal for 6 years old Jim (I saw them being mentioned so I couldn't help😍) pleease
Draal had been a little, well, rough around the edges when they first brought him home from the shelter last year. He had an unnatural appetite for socks and destroyed the dining room table Barbara’s grandmother had given her, he’d enjoyed scratching his growing spikes on doorframes and his goosing game was (unfortunately) on point – but none of that really mattered because he absolutely adored Jim.
Still does.
Which is why he’s quick to investigate the unfamiliar human and his massive charcoal-colored pup the instant they enter the dog park.
By ramming his nose straight into the man’s butt.
Jim tugs the dog back by the collar and smiles just as the tall, lanky man with greying hair and bright emerald eyes whirls around in surprise. “Sorry about that,” he says. “It’s how he says hello to other dogs. I’m Jim, by the way. And this is Draal. What’s your doggie’s name?”
“Uh,” he blinks, clearly taken aback by the boy’s enthusiasm, “Bular?”
“Cool.” Jim reaches out to pat Bular’s head and earns himself a coveted tail wag in response. “You have a very nice dog.”
That, however, earns an incredulous snort.
“What?” Jim asks. “You don’t think your dog is nice?”
“No, uh. That’s not… He can be nice. I suppose.” The man frowns and looks up suddenly, gaze scanning the park for some sort of parental figure to help extricate him from the conversation. “Are you here with someone? Your mother or father? A nanny?”
“My mom’s on the bench over there,” Jim says, pointing to the far corner of the enclosure where a woman with bright red hair is watching them through narrowed eyes. Uh, oh. She doesn’t look happy. “What’s your name?”
“Walter. Why?”
“It’s okay, Mom! He told me his name, so he’s not a stranger anymore,” Jim hollers. “Me and Draal are gonna play with his puppy, Bular. Is that okay?”
The woman cocks her head and shouts back, “Did he say it’s okay to play with his dog?”
“Uh.” Jim turns back to Walter with wide, pleading blue eyes. “Is it okay if me and Draal play with Bular?”
No one could resist such a genuine request, least of Walter – who smiles, shrugs, reminds Bular to be a good boy, and then heads over to introduce himself to his new friend’s mother.
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