ofallthestarsabove · 12 days
*It raises an eyebrow at the pause, growing impatient.*
oh. Well, nothings on fire anymore. There was a bigger one earlier, but I guess it’s been put out. And, was? Pfft, were you like… fired or something?
*Norion just crosses it’s arms, shifting it’s weight onto a leg.*
What’s my name? What’s yours?? You’re the weirdo walking up to strangers! Gods, what is it with this place and everybody just actin’ all odd to new people???
~ It seems like Rigani has been wandering through the forest, accompanied by two nymphs, for quite some time now. Their voices grow closer to Noiron, until eventually, one of the nymphs spot star in the tree line, pointing to him for Rigani. ~
My gods..
- @persephone-thegoddess
*It's starring at a burning bush, seemingly giggling.*
Stupid anon....Tiny! Baahaha...
*Norion/Noiro hasn't yet noticed the three.*
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ofallthestarsabove · 15 days
*He turns, and gods, isn’t he such a spitting image of orion? The only thing that seems to have changed is his clothing, and even then it’s just the color. No more purple, blues, or blacks, he seems to dawn on something more sunset-y. Oranges, yellows, and whites galore.*
Um… yeah? I’m just lookin’ at it. What’s your deal?
*…He certainly didn’t act like Orion.*
~ It seems like Rigani has been wandering through the forest, accompanied by two nymphs, for quite some time now. Their voices grow closer to Noiron, until eventually, one of the nymphs spot star in the tree line, pointing to him for Rigani. ~
My gods..
- @persephone-thegoddess
*It's starring at a burning bush, seemingly giggling.*
Stupid anon....Tiny! Baahaha...
*Norion/Noiro hasn't yet noticed the three.*
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ofallthestarsabove · 15 days
~ It seems like Rigani has been wandering through the forest, accompanied by two nymphs, for quite some time now. Their voices grow closer to Noiron, until eventually, one of the nymphs spot star in the tree line, pointing to him for Rigani. ~
My gods..
- @persephone-thegoddess
*It's starring at a burning bush, seemingly giggling.*
Stupid anon....Tiny! Baahaha...
*Norion/Noiro hasn't yet noticed the three.*
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ofallthestarsabove · 16 days
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ofallthestarsabove · 16 days
*teeny tiny sip*
*The anon has been Turned into a creature similar to a 'Tsum Tsum'*
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ofallthestarsabove · 16 days
reblog to give the person you rb’d this from a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows
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ofallthestarsabove · 16 days
…two cool swords and a crossbow?
if you take a sip first i'll do it
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ofallthestarsabove · 16 days
what if its just flavored water
then you drink some first
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ofallthestarsabove · 17 days
is there anything thats worth you drinking that thing
like a million cool swords and you guys not being FREAKS
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ofallthestarsabove · 17 days
*deltarune explosion*
wait that’s so sick
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ofallthestarsabove · 17 days
*the sword is making a ticking noise*
I no no wanna
*It throws the sword, landing near a tree.*
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ofallthestarsabove · 17 days
the sword will explode if you dont
and that will hurt
drink the fhing
im not thirsty
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ofallthestarsabove · 17 days
*sword becomes yellow*
*hands it to you*
drink the thing or the sword explodes
i don’t want to
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ofallthestarsabove · 17 days
*cool blue glowing sword*
drink the thing
give me sword
…can it be yellow
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ofallthestarsabove · 17 days
Trust me when I say it would be much more entertaining to tell you the truth
give me a sword I want a sword
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ofallthestarsabove · 17 days
drink it and ill give you a cool sword
so you can fight people
…give me the sword first
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ofallthestarsabove · 17 days
I mean who else do you have to believe? Like there’s. no one here
Also literally what do we gain from lying
hijinks, entertainment, testing, yada yada
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