#ok sorry guys class over. good bye
jackdoohangf · 1 year
i may not know anything about astrology but i am a virgo (like esteban) who was in a codependent and eventually toxic best friendship w an aquarius (pierre’s star sign) as a child so. i do think i am qualified to give my opinion
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lexisecretaccx · 4 months
A+ Student Pt.4
(Fem reader, bit of angst.. ish? suggestive, dramaa , got a lot to catch up on so this is a pretty long part😚 you guys deserve it tho, not proofread!)
Summary: Y/n is a great student in her college, always getting good grades. Her college professor Matt, thinks she can get even higher ones with some “extra credit.” That is until she meets her new gym teacher..
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(Quick little note: hey guys I haven’t written in a while so I may be a bit rusty but I hope it’s ok)
“How’d you get here so early?” Lizzy walks up to me, I’m sat on the bench where Chris’ stuff was previously. “Oh I.. I came in here at break to get ready before everyone.. I feel insecure for anyone to see me getting dressed.” I lie through my teeth, less than half hour ago the exact person who is teaching us this gym class was balls deep inside of me.
“You are stunning y/n,” Liz chuckles “no need to be insecure but okay.” She side hugs me gently. As the class fills up Chris walks through the door from the cupboard, the exact one we were.. you know. His eyes dart to mine and I awkwardly smile. “Okay girls, we have an important choice to make..” he starts to speak.
“You have a choice between what you wanna do in gym class, basketball with me or soccer with Ms Jones.” He clears his throat, “so uh.. stand on this side of the room if you wanna do basketball, and that side for soccer.” He points and shrugs. I stand up and follow Lizzy, she starts to walk to the Soccer side and I pause.
“Y/n? You love soccer right? Come on.” She smiles, “I’d rather.. step outside my comfort zone, you know.. push myself to try something new.” I smile enthusiastically, but the truth is I just wanna see Chris more. “Oh okay! I’m good at basketball I’ll do it with you.” She walks back over to me.
There’s about 8 girls on the basketball side and the rest are standing for soccer. I guess they’d rather have a female teacher, I would too if my teacher wasn’t so hot, but it’s pretty bare I don’t know how we’d do with 4v4 in basketball. “You won’t like this..” Chris talks to the class, interrupting my thoughts. “We have to mix the female and male classes,” complaints fill the gym.
“I know, I know you guys don’t like it but, because of the work being done on the boys gym, the boys need to come into here. Temporarily, and then the class can go back to normal and we won’t have to split it.. okay?” He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. All of a sudden, the boys pile into the gym.
Chris explains what either options are and all the boys start to pick a side. It’s fairly equal in the end, either side having a good amount of us but I start to feel anxious at the difference in how many girls are doing basketball compared to soccer. There’s a good 20 boys on this side.
The other group goes to the soccer field and we stay put. I get budged by a boy, he’s gotta be at least 6ft. “Ouch.” I mutter, he turns around to face me and I realise just how tall he is, the height difference is too different I don’t like it. “You alright? Sorry my friends push eachother around.” He chuckles awkwardly.
“I’m okay thanks.” I go to turn away and his hand places on the side of my arm, I tilt my head in confusion. “What’s your name? I haven’t seen you around.” He smiles, his brown eyes looking down at me. “I’m y/n, I tend to keep to myself.” I shrug. “I’m Mason.” He looks me up and down, “how tall are you?” He laughs lightly.
“I’m 5ft 3.. why?” I smile nervously. “I’m just worried how you’d do with a bunch of 6ft something boys playing basketball. You’re the shortest here.” He laughs. I hold back a smile, “I’ll be good. Bye Mason.” I rolls my eyes and I feel his gaze burning into me as I walk to Lizzy. “Flirting much?” She smirks, “no.. he’s not my type.” I shrug.
“Hmm sure.” She laughs slightly, I look over and see Chris looking at me, he turns his head to face the boys putting up the basketball hoops. I smile to myself, “ohh.” She whispers, drawing my attention to her, “hm?” She grins, “you like the teacher? I thought you liked Professor Sturniolo?” I shrug and sigh.
“Right let’s get into teams, we need two captains to pick the people for their team..” Chris spoke, “what about you Mason?” He scans the room, “no girls wanna be captain? Okay then Will you can be the other.” He smiles. His perfect smile.. perfect teeth. “Y/n.” Mason says my name and I look up to him, “what?” I awkwardly look around, “I want you on my team.” He looks down at me.
I look around, I’m the second person he’s picked.. why me? I know nothing about basketball and I’m not even his friend. “Oh.. okay.” I walk over to him. I see Chris glaring in the corner of my eye.
The teams get picked, Mason picked Lizzy because she’s my best friend, Which is nice I guess. They start to play, I don’t know much on basketball and I freeze when 5 boys rush past me to get the ball. “You okay?” Lizzy calls to me, she’s lucky she’s a tall girl. 5’9, she can keep up with them but I look like a lost puppy.
“No.” I say back to her and she chuckles before pointing next to me frantically, I turn and a basketball comes plowing into my face. I freeze again, not wanting to embarrass myself by crying but that fucking hurt like a motherfucker. I feel tears build in my eyes and Chris runs over to me, “hey you good?” He speaks softly and calmly, hands on my shoulders.
“I..” I go to answer but I just start crying. Without thinking he pulls me into his chest and hugs me. The sounds of feet scuffing on the ground stops, “you’re okay, just a scratch.” He smiles as I pull away from the hug and he turns my face, holding my cheek and observing the scratch. It feels like nobody’s here, it’s just us. Until..
“Everything good in here?” Its.. Matts voice? Chris’ hands drop off of me and all the other people are watching me. I feel nervous as Matt walks up to us, “I don’t have a class, thought I’d watch my brother teaching.” He spoke falsely as his eyes meet mine. “She ok?” He’s talking as if I’m not there. “Uh yeah.. gonna need to clean the scratch though.” Chris awkwardly chuckles.
“I can take her to clean it? Maybe she can explain how she walked out my class earlier.” He smiles, and a few ooos come from people around me. “Uh yeah okay.” Chris says, but I know deep down he doesn’t want me alone with Matt.
“Come on.” Matt motions me to walk with him. “Distracted in class?” He spoke up, breaking the short silence. “Uh no. I wasn’t looking and it came out of nowhere.” I shrug. “At least Chris was there to give you a little comfort hm?” He spoke harshly and sarcastically. I just hum in response.
“Where’d you go when you stormed out of class?” He turns into the janitors closet, where the med kits are kept and I follow. “To the bathroom.” I lie, “don’t lie to me y/n.” He sits me down on a stool and grabs a med kit off the shelf. “I’m not..” he cuts me off by shushing me. “You went to gym class didn’t you? Wanted to practice? I bet you weren’t practicing basketball were you?” He hisses as he leans down with an alcohol wipe in his hand.
“I.. what do you” I breathe in sharply as he pushes the wipe on my face without warning, the stinging causing my eyes to water. “Ow.” I look up at him, blue eyes burning into mine. “You think I didn’t try to find you after you didn’t come back? I did.” He seems hurt.. does he know? He grips my chin and turns my head to get better access to the scratch which is bleeding lightly.
“What do you mean?” I speak innocently and he groans. “You’re a slut.” He smirks, “fucking slut.” He stands up and bins the wipe. “A slut? What do..” he cuts me off, “stop asking me what I mean y/n. You know exactly what I’m saying, you and Chris were.. practicing in the gym closet hm?” He sighs. My face goes red.
“I didn’t.. you were flirting with that new girl, I just..” I also sigh, he scoffs, “flirting? Don’t turn this on me, I wouldn’t have done anything with her but you? You brought it upon yourself to..” he grumbles as his eyebrows knit together, “well if you don’t want anything with me why should it matter? You said it yourself, you don’t wanna lose your job.” I smirk.
“I thought you wanted me y/n.. me.” His voice cracks slightly but he collects himself and leans against a shelf. “I’m a college student Matt, I’m gonna fuck as many people as I want and can, don’t take it personal.” I laugh. “You don’t get it y/n..” “no you don’t get it Matt.. I wanted you, so badly, I still do but Chris? He hasn’t treated me like shit.” I lean my head back.
“I’m sorry y/n. I just love my job I don’t wanna lose it.” He whispers, “you’ve made that clear professor Sturniolo. Thanks for helping with this scratch.” I get up and walk out the closet. He follows after me. I’m being dramatic I know, I’m making this about me, it’s his job and he loves it I shouldn’t try to get it the way but.. “Maybe I could show you that I do care?” He whispers as he catches up with me. “What do you..” I look at his face, his pupils have dilated and he’s smirking.
“Oh..” I turn to him, “what changed your mind?” I chuckle lightly, “I imagined Chris’ face when I tell him I fucked you better than he did.” He whispers his face full of lust, I fight my instincts to kiss him, because of cameras. “you really shouldn’t be so competitive.” I smile as I continue to walk. “Where can we go?” He mumbles.
“I’m not doing it with you right now, I’m still worn out from.. basketball?” I lie even though Matt knows what I mean, there’s a janitor at the end of the corridor. “Oh okay.” He fake pouts as I turn into the gym, “I’ll text you.” I smile before we part ways.
As I enter the gym, Chris walks up to me. “All good now?” He asks, tilting his head. “Yeah.” I smile lightly before I walk up to Lizzy, “you seem happy?” She laughs, “yep all good.” I feel someone’s hand on my shoulder and they turn me around. Mason, I forgot about him. “I’m so sorry, on behalf on James. Your cheek okay?” His hand hovers over the fading scratch.
I pull away from him, “yeah it’s okay thanks, maybe get James to apologise to me himself instead of you.” I look over at James, who waves awkwardly. “Copy that.” Mason spoke, stifling a chuckle. “Why are you laughing?” I ask, “Im sorry it’s just.. don’t worry.” He pats my shoulder and walks away.
Lizzy goes to say something but I stop her, “don’t. I’m not into him.” She laughs, “he’s into you though, why aren’t you into him? He’s tall, brunette, brown eyes, strong.. he’s the whole package.” I huff, “if he’s so amazing why don’t you ask him out?” I speak impatiently. “Because I’m.. I’m uh not into tall people.” She chuckles awkwardly.
“There.. you aren’t into his height and I’m not into his.. everything.” I smile softly.
Class ends and we sit in the gym, “wanna skip Math?” Lizzy speaks up, budging my arm to get my attention. “Where would we go?” I ask curiously, “the bathrooms? We can make a fake out of order sign and chill in there.” I laugh and grab her face, “Lizzy you genius!” I bring our faces close before letting go.
She clears her throat, “they don’t even use out of order signs anymore, they write it on paper it’s easy to copy.” She smiles at me and I quickly pull out my notebook, I hand her the notebook and a pen and she scribbles down “out of order.” She grabs tape out of her bag and sticks it on the top.
We run to the bathroom and stick the note on a door and sit in the cubicle. She sits on the toilet seat and I’m on the top of the toilet, where the flush is. My legs are either side of her and I accidentally kick her. “Sorry.” I whisper.
We hear someone enter the door and they start talking, “I’m telling you, I would climb him like a tree, have you seen his tattoos?” It’s the new girl, Kelly. “Not my type Kel.” Some girl speaks back, “yeah you love stuffing yourself full of bbc don’t you.” Kelly laughs loudly, “don’t say it like that, but.. basically yeah.” They start to giggle.
“Also how can you have a crush on a teacher? That’s like weird.” The other girl spoke, me and Lizzy are staying silent. “Yeah I wouldn’t do anything with him, I wish I could but maybe I’ll hit him up once we’re out of college.” She laughs, and they leave the bathroom.
She was talking about Matt.
A/n: ooooo, drama. Sorry for the long break, my posting is gonna be pretty messed up because your girl has appointments😚 but anyways.. y’all know I love to add to the plot so we’re plotting super hard rn, I need to feed y’all, ur basically my children fr<3 anyways I’ll stop yapping but dw you may get some Matt smut soon? Whattttt🙈 Also who tf is Mason bro💀 bros obsessed.
Anyway hope it was ok, I haven’t written in ages.
Taglist: @blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @mattybslover @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @bueckerslover @fratbrochrisgf @sturniol0s @alwayssublimedelusion @certifiednatelover @freshsturns @riasturns @sturniololvrrr @maryx2xx @whicked-hazlatwhore @cammie4298 @sturnsjtop @sturnzblog @chr1sgirl4life @evie-sturns @milasturniolo @jaxyy219 @mattsturniolosbae @h3arts4harry @littlebookworm803 @realqueenofpepsi @elsxz1
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kookwashere · 1 year
Can we get over it?
Summary: You and Jungkook grew up together, you ate from the same lunch box, rode the same bus, cried on each others shoulders, until his new girlfriend came in between you two and you both got into an argument and began to hate each other, but can you guys just get over it?
Warning: Contains fluff (my baby 😭), smut (yeehaw bois) oral (f&m), soft AND rough sex, riding, OC is a virgin, Jungkook is experienced but still gentle with OC, breeding kink, petnames (Baby, my love) language (Obviously) Aftercare, smut with very little plot 😋 This is my first ff so please don't expect it to be good 😔
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Pain. That's what I felt as I laid in bed, curled in a ball, with dark chocolate and a heating pad on my stomach.
I didn't feel like going to school today, why? Well, what a very "lucky" day to be a woman, right? This period seems to be worse than some of the other ones i've had.
I groaned in pain as the cramps kept pulsing in pain, it felt like a knife was in my uterus and it was being twisted.
I managed to pick up my phone from my nightstand, I got a text from my friend Eunhye.
Eunhye: gurl u good?
Me: hell no, cramps 🤧
Eunhye: aw im sorry, anything i can do for u?
Me: no, it's ok, did you finish the project for art?
Me: it's due soon
Eunhye: uhhh abt that...
Me: wat?
Eunhye: jungkook is in our group 😭 but don't get mad at me!! i tried to tell the teacher to switch him out
Me: r u fr.
Me: time to switch out of that class
Eunhye: listen, maybe it's not the worst thing, i mean, he is a good artist? it could get us a decent grade
Me: yea but it's HIM and that's the problem
Eunhye: just pls give it a try, why can't yall js get over it?
Me: i wish it was that easy, i gotta go eunnie, love ya
Eunhye: ttyl girl, love u lots
You sighed as you put your phone down, maybe you should just sleep, you got tucked in your burrito blanket and fell into an abyss of darkness.
"Hey ____" You sighed and looked up, immediately recognizing the voice. "What is it, Jungkook?" You looked back down at your paper, trying to ignore him. "Why weren't you here yesterday?" He pulled out the chair to take a seat next to you.
"Why does it matter to you?" You said and rolled your eyes mentally "I'm just curious, calm down girl," He chuckled "You know, it's cute when you are annoyed." He smiled a bit, "Jungkook? Where's your girlfriend?" You started to become flustered so you changed the topic
"Oh, we broke up." Your jaw dropped, Mimi and Jungkook were basically like the golden couple, the couple that everyone wanted to be, they were like in love with each other, what happened?
"You and Mimi broke up? Why?" You put your pencil down, now stopping your work to listen. "She was just to controlling, she didn't even let me hangout with any other girls, I couldn't do it, plus, there are plenty other girls that are way better than her in this school." He explained, "Oh yeah? Like who" You said and crossed your arms looking at him. "Hm, well," He looked up thinking while leaning back and crossing his arms too "Bomi's pretty hot, so her...Your friend Hannie, and well..." He put up fingers naming the girls and then paused, "Well.." He chuckled once again "You."
"H-huh? Me? What?? Why?" You were shocked "Calm down, ___. You are just...like the perfect girlfriend, I mean, you are smart, you have a good sense of humor, you are drop dead gorgeous, what else can I say?" He smiled to himself, looking down.
"I-I'm what? Gorgeous?" You turned away, flustered again. "Have you seen yourself, ___? Every boy in this school wants you are has wanted you, no exceptions." You felt your breathing getting faster, as well as your heart beat. "Every boy...does that mean you too?" You whispered, he went silent and looked down "I have to go now, bye loser" He teased you and smiled.
"Why can't we just get over it?" You mumbled under your breath, playing with your fingers.
Okay, okay, Jungkook is coming over today for the project, Jeon Jungkook, my enemy, my first crush, my only crush.
I wish Eunhye was here but she got the cold, fuck you cold weather.
You were getting a snack and then you heard the door knock, you took in a deep breath and opened the door, seeing one of the most handsome man you have ever seen.
"Hi, Jungkook."
"Hello, ____."
"Come in, it's cold outside," You moved out of the way so he could come in, "Ah, so you do care about me." He smiled "Shut up or i'll lock you out instead." You closed the door.
"Where are your parents?" He asked while taking his jacket and shoes off "Out of town, my aunt died so they are at her funeral." You said while getting everything ready "I'm sorry for your loss, why aren't you there with them?" You sat down next to him on your bed "I wasn't very close with my aunt, I didn't know her that well.." You said and played with your fingers again
Jungkook went quiet, we both sat in silence for what felt like forever. "____, that fight that we had that night, I never wanted that to happen, you were the only good thing in my life and I just let you go." He was still looking away from you, you looked up at him. "Then why? You knew what she was doing to me, and still, you always picked her...it's like I didn't even exist to you anymore or I was just a burden in your life." He finally looked up at you too, looking in your eyes.
"You never have, never was, and never will be a burden in my life...I guess I was just scared." He laughed at himself. "It's silly, I know..." You licked your lips "Scared of what, Jungkook?" You scooted closer to him. He took a deep breath in and out, "I was scared of my feelings, I mean, fuck. You were the most beautiful, caring, funny, smart girl I have met, I guess I was scared I couldn't ever admit my feelings for you..." Your eyes widened "____, I don't hate you, if anything, those feelings never changed, I don't like you anymore, I love you, I'm sorry if that was sudden but I-" You cut him off.
"I love you too, Jungkook."
"You what?" His jaw was dropped "I said I love you too, I don't care if it sounds selfish but you don't know how long i've been waiting for you two to break up." You giggled a bit "I've liked you sense we were kids Kook," You smiled at him "I really really-" This time it has his turn to cut you off, but not with words, his lips were tangled with yours, one of his hands on your cheek and the other one on your waist.
"You don't even know how long I have wanted to do that..." He whispered and pulled you into a kiss again.
The kiss got more intense and he pushed you down onto the mattress and came above you"
"Mmh" He groaned into the kiss and pulled away, "Do you..do you want to?" He asked still hovering above you. You nodded and pulled him back down to kiss.
He started unbuttoning your blouse as you guys were kissing, you sat up to let him slide it off, then he pulled away from the kiss to slide the shirt over his head.
"Can I?" His fingers fiddled over the top of your panties "Yes." You whispered softly
You lifted your bottom up off the bed so he can pull your panties off, he threw them somewhere across the room, and let his fingers slide all over your body to your back, he undid your bra, letting it slide off your shoulders.
He takes a moment, taking in a deep breath, eyes scanning over your body, taking it in "Fuck, you're so beautiful...most beautiful girl in the whole world, my pretty baby..." He rubbed his hands on your legs, brining your feet up on his shoulder, he gave a soft gentle kiss against your foot and set it down
"Jungkook..." You whined "What is it baby? How do you want me? Hm?" His eyes still taking your beautiful frame in
"I want you here..." Your hand resting ever so gently over your mid section. "I'll get there my love, just be patient." He said while kissing down your thighs, going in a zigzag line between each thigh until his mouth was over your pussy.
With one lick against your clit, you developed goosebumps over your body "Kook- Mmh" You moaned softly.
His long tongue went over your clit, kissing, licking, sucking, with his mouth over your clit, he shook his head side to side to get you closer to your high.
"Kookie...I-I'm gonna...mmm- cum.." You said and gripped his hair "Yeah? let go for me baby, cum all over my face, you can do it baby, let go..." He mumbled, sending vibrations through your whole body starting on your mid section.
You released over his face, wetting it, soaking your bed sheets. "Good job baby, good girl..." He whispered while coming back up to kiss you so you can taste yourself.
"Jungkook, I want to help you too." You said softly. "Baby...you really don't have to, it's okay." He looked down at you
"No, I want too. Please?" You pleaded "Fuck, alright, yeah." He breathed out
He layed on his back, head resting against the pillows, you kissed down his chest, defined abs and toned body, reaching his jeans, sliding them off, then the exact same with his boxers, his cock hard and leaky, veins running his big length.
"Can you take it baby?" He asked teasingly "You know I can." You whispered before grabbing his length in your small hand. "Mmm, oh fuck...s-shit..." He moaned gently.
Jungkook was very vocal in bed, sometimes when he had girls over you could hear him, sometimes even louder than the girl, that was very rare though.
"A-ahh, baby, can you take it in your mouth? Please...I need it.." He whined, you slowly enveloped his cock with your mouth, gagging noises filled the room, your eyes getting teary.
"Oh my god...like that babygirl..." He tilted his head back, your hands caressed his balls and he whined at that, moving your head faster with his hand.
"B-baby, I need to cum...where c-can I?" He stuttered because he was about to see stars. You didn't answer so he presumed down your mouth, and he was right.
"O-oh yeah...shit! Oh my fucking god baby..." He cummed down you're throat, you tasted the salty liquid and swallowed it like the good girl you are for him.
"Can I fuck you now? Please.." He practically was begging "Yes, take me, im all yours Kook." You layed your back on the mattress again.
He put hands on each of your knees, slowly spreading your legs apart, seeing your pink pussy dripping with need for him, that only he could make happen.
"You are all mine, my girl, my princess, my pretty baby, my little cum slut." He said while looking down at your cunt, giving it a slap, making you jolt.
"Can I put it in now baby? I'll go slow...I promise." He said and grabbed his shaft in his hand "Yes, oh god please Jungkook."
He moved his hand up and down, getting on his knees while the top of his hand was filled with his pre-cum that had leaked out.
He slowly slide in with easily, your wetness helping both you and him to feel more comfortable. "I-Is this okay?" His breathing quickened and you nodded.
"I-I'm gonna move now, okay baby?" He slowly moved his hip back so only the tip stayed in, then slowly pushed it forward, you were already addicted to the feeling it gave you, and he felt the same way.
"Fuck, you're so tight...such a good fit for my fat cock." He breathed out, face stuffed in your shoulder and neck.
He started slow at first then started going faster, the headboard was rocking against the wall, you were pretty sure you were going to receive noise complaints.
"Ride me." He said out of breath. You winced when he pulled out and flipped you on top of him, he helped you guide him in and you sunk down, moaning loudly and throwing your head back.
"Come on babygirl, show your boyfriend what a good girl you are...only for me, no one else." You slowly moved up and down, gaining a steady rhythm, his hands were all over your body, your ass, waist, hips, your breasts that were bouncing right in front of him.
"That's a good girl, that's a good fucking girl..." He growled out "Nobody in this fucking world gets to have this cunt, just me, just your boyfriend." You whined again "You like that huh?" You nodded fast, still riding him hard, his hands intertwined with yours and you rode him faster.
He threw his head back and his eyebrows furrowed, biting on his bottom lip. "Shit, I think i'm gonna cum baby..." You nodded "I-I am too..." You whimpered feeling a knot in your belly, trying to chase that feeling.
"You gonna let me cum in you? You gonna let me fuck a baby into you? Let you be my baby mama?" He growled and flexed his hips up to meet you in the middle.
"Oh yes! I will Jungkook, take all of me.." You moaned out.
"I-I'm cumming..." He moaned and came inside you, just a few seconds later you came, your legs shaking and back arching.
You rolled off of him, onto the side right by him, and he slowly pulled out of you. He kissed your forehead and got up to clean the mess. When he was done he joined you back in bed and cuddled you.
"Fuck, that was amazing, you're amazing.." He whispered while playing with your hair "Thank you Kook, the feelings mutual." You giggled
"I love you so much, ____, words can't even describe it." He whispered "I love you too, Jungkook." You smiled, and he smiled back sighing contently, but also while wondering,
"Why couldn't we just get over it?"
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urfavouritegirlie · 10 months
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Miles x black fem reader
(Not my image)
Summary - Y/n delivers a textbook to Miles’ house when he forgets it in maths class.
The extra curricular maths class is over. I attended because we have an exam next week. I really don't know why I stayed, I don't think I needed it. It's only a few students that went after school. The teachers words are just gibberish because I'm too tired to listen. The bell rings and everyone immediately starts packing up to leave this place to enjoy their weekend. I'm a bit slow in packing my things making me the last one to leave.
"Oh Y/n!"
I was literally by the doorway when Mrs Williams called me. I put on an award winning fake smile and walk to her desk. She's not buying though.
"You can stop the act."
*Sigh* "Was it that obvious?"
"I'm a black woman too okay. Don't get me started."
We both share a small laugh before she continues talking.
"Mr Morales over here has left his text book. Could you go and give it to him. I'll write his address on this paper. Usually, I wouldn't do this but we have an exam next week and I have a feeling he might need it over the weekend."
She writes it on a piece of paper and hands it to me. I read and it doesn't seem too far. Just in the opposite direction I go. I walk outside and start heading in the direction of the address. I really haven't walked here before but it looks pretty lively. There's a basketball court with guys my age playing, music blasting but in an enjoyable way and everyone talking to each other.
I reach the apartment building. I go to press the buzzer but someone was making their way out and held the door for me. I walk inside and up the stairs. I check the paper again to be sure. Third floor. Ok In that moment I realise how awkward this could be. I mean we barely talk. The only time we do is when we are put in groups to work together. Nothing else.
I knock on the door and wait. I can hear a lady talking. Spanish I think. I couldn't hear another person so she must have been on the phone. The locks on the door unlock and the door opens showing a lady in scrubs and an apron on top. The aroma of well seasoned food graces my nose. But that's not the focus.
She looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I think I should introduce myself before I die of awkwardness. I take a peek at her name tag. Rio Morales
"Umm hi Mrs Morales?"
"That's me."
"I'm Y/n and I'm just here to deliver Miles' maths textbook, he forgot it in class and we have an exam next week. Our teacher thought that he might need it so that he can study over the weekend."
She looks me up and down like the security guard at school. All of a sudden I feel like in hiding illegal substances. Her expression changes to a soft one. She's balancing her phone between her ear and shoulder.
"Oh come in."
"Wait but-"
She continues her conversation on the phone and walks to the kitchen. What now? I look at the time on my phone. Its 4:48 and I really should be home by now. I close the door and I peek into the kitchen to where she is. She finishes her conversation on the phone with a 'girl bye, talk to you later'.
She looks at me and I stand up straight. I've been taught by my dad to make a good impression and to respect elders, only when necessary. "I didn't know Miles a 'girl' friend." She did the two finger gesture at the word 'girl'.
"Well we're just classmates really." I give an awkward laugh to sorts ease the tension inside me. "Umm Mrs Morales I really shou-"
"Would you like something to eat. I cooked a lot so there is plenty"
The food she was cooking smelt so good. I haven't smelt something like this since my mom died. My stomach was begging for it but should I really. She has this smile on her face that is so convincing. Why not.
"Let me call home first."
I call and someone picks up the phone.
"Y/n where are you? You should have been home by now. You have me worried sick."
"Yeah, sorry Jay. I had to deliver something to a classmate. His mother offered for me stay for dinner. If that's cool with you."
"A friend? Oh how nice. Sure you can stay over. Don't stay too long though. Ok bye now"
I thought she would be my saving grace but no. Jadyn is my neighbour and is looking after me whilst my dad is out on deployment. She's always telling me that I need to make friends. I do have friends, in LA.
I cut the phone and look at Mrs Morales who has a waiting look on her face. "I can stay over."
"That's good. My husband should be back in a minute and Miles..... where's Miles?"
I take my jacket off and hook it by the door and place my bag in a corner. I take off my shoes and place them to where other shoes are.
"Well since I'm here I can help you. If you don't mind."
"Oh sure. You can set the table for me."
She hands me plates, cutlery and mats. I place them nicely with the fork on the left and the knife on the right. I place the extra mats in the middle for the food. The door opens and this big guy in a cop uniform walks in. I freeze in my spot.
"Hey Jeff, welcome home." Rio goes and hugs him and kiss his cheek. I look away though.
"Hi. Who's this?" He asks looking at me through those dark glasses. I can feel the intense look.
"This is Y/n. Miles friend at school."
Again with the 'friend'. I barely know the boy. We've only had a few interactions at school.
"Nice to meet you Mr Mora-" I had put my hand out to shake his.
"What brings you here." He takes his jacket and hat off to hang it.
Well, that hurt.
"I was just delivering Miles' maths textbook. He had forgotten it in class so I was leaving it here for him because we have an exam next week."
"Oh ok. What do your grades look like?"
"Jeff stop."
"What? I'm just making sure she ain't a bad influence on Miles. Speaking of you don't happen to be keeping Miles later than usual?"
"N-no sir. I'm a straight A student at school."
Now he was inspecting me from head to toe. I know the feeling. My dad did that if he thought I was doing something suspicious or making sure my room was clean. I get put on the spot, especially by people of authority.
"What do your parents do?"
Oh damn. Here we go. I always hate this part. When I tell them they have a look of pity and I don't like it. They start treating me like I'm fragile.
"Umm my mom died when I was a kid." I look down so I don't have to see their faces morph into sorrow. I finally look up and of course they look sorry for me. I give a small smile. "That was many years ago, it doesn't bother me too much." I try to brush it off.
"Oh gosh. I'm so sorry."
"My dad on the other hand is a staff sergeant in the army."
Both their eyes widen. Mrs Morales in amazements and Mr Morales in an "oh crap" kinda look. That the look I always get after telling people my dad is in the army and his rank shocks them. I bet he feels bad for assuming I was a bad kid and intimidating me. At that same time the door opens again revealing Miles.
"Sorry I'm late. I was at the library studying for next weeks maths exam."
We all look at him. This guy is in so much trouble. He looks back and notices me. Lord help this boy.
"Oh Y/n, what are you doing here?" he asks confused.
"Oh you where at the library. Wow Jeff we have a smart and dedicated son right." Rio cheerfully says.
"Oh yeah, I'm very proud. So what topic where you studying?"
"Umm you know algebra, trigonometry and stuff."
"Oh what were you using?"
"My maths textbook."
Lord send an angel to take me now. The sarcasm is so present in the room. How can he not detect it? But at the same time I wanna watch. Both Mr and Mrs Morales give each other an unimpressed look. It's about to go down (insert Kevin Hart voice).
"Ok Mr 'I was at the library' answer this question. How can you study when your maths book is on the table?" His mom asks.
He glances at the table behind me and sees his textbook laying there.
"Y/n here has kindly come to drop your book here since you left it at school. Isn't that so nice of her hmm?" The tone in her voice is so unsettling. I would melt if I was Miles. Caught in a lie. Miles then looks at me. I feel guilty for bringing his book. Wait that ain't right, it's not my fault for the kind gesture.
"Anyway, dinners ready. We'll talk about this later. Y/n is staying over for dinner. She set the table so nicely."
His mom goes back into the kitchen to dish the food. His dad goes to sit at the table and Miles lays his stuff on the sofa in defeat and sits next to his dad. I shuffle to the kitchen to continue helping.
Now we are all seated at the table. His dad at the head of the table, his mom next to him, Miles opposite her and me next to her. But other than that, food looks great. I sit with my hands to my side. I don't want to make the first move.
"Let's say grace shall we."
They each other’s hands. I follow the same suit. I do this with my dad when he's home. His mom starts to pray.
"Lord may you bless this food we are about to eat, bless the people in this house.... even if they attempt to lie. Amen."
Talk about shade. I'm sure the heavens felt that. Now we are eating in silence. It's fine because the food is so delicious.
"So y/n, you said your dad is a staff sergeant. How long has he been in the army?"
I swallow my food and answer the question. "He's been in the army for 22 years now. He's 45 now so he was 23 when he joined."
We eventually finish eating. The conversations flow nicely without any awkwardness. However Miles hasn't said a thing. Kinda forgot he was here.
"Miles clear the plates." Without a word he hurry's to do the dishes. While his mom and dad are talking about their day at work I go to the kitchen to help him out. I grab a dish towel that's on the counter and start drying the dishes.
"Sorry if I got you in trouble."
"It's not your fault, it was for a good reason. I shouldn't have lied in the first place."
"Call me a detective or something but I think you had paint on your face. I don't think your parents noticed."
He pauses and looks at me. He clears his throat and discreetly says "Spray painting."
"Oh word?"
He nods his head and continues with the plates.
"Anyway thanks for bringing my book."
"Don't thank me, it was Mrs Williams' idea. I was just about to head home when she stopped me. Then your mom asked me to stay for dinner. Btw your parents are so intimidating but nice at the same time."
He laughs. He has a cute laugh.
"I think a dad in the army is more intimidating if I say so. I think you had my dad a bit shook. What does your mom do?"
"Uh my mom was a nurse."
"She died when I was a child, too young to remember."
"Oh I'm sorry about that."
"It's ok. Anyway, we've finished now. I have to get going home. It's dark now."
"Thanks for helping out. See you at school then."
We bothwalk to the dinning area. This grabs his parents attention. "Uh I have to get going now. Thanks for the meal Mrs Morales, it was really nice."
"Oh darling, it's fine. Hope to see you again. But it's dark now, I'm sure Jeff can give you a ride."
He happily agrees and gets up to put his jacket on. I put my shoes and jacket on and pick up my bag. I say goodbye to Mis and his mom. I can see Miles say something behind his mom without her noticing. He said 'pray for me'. Oh yeah he's still in trouble. I close the door and walk downstairs with his dad.
I give him the address and it's a silent ride. I'm not complaining though. I open the door and Jadyn is already by the door.
"Y/n it's dark out and....... what have you done?"
She notices the cop behind me.
"Oh this is Miles' dad, he gave me a ride home. You know, my 'friend'.
"Oh well thank you Mr Morales for bringing her home, hope she wasn't any trouble."
"Not at all. It's my son that's in trouble. It was nice to have you y/n."
With that he leaves.
"Miles huh? Sounds like a boy name." She's smirking at me.
"No" I leave for my room before she can say anything else. I jump on bed thinking about today. Today was ok. That interacting with Miles was fun. I'm glad I stayed after all.
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d0wnb4df0rf1cm3n · 2 years
well my left hand's free
JJ x F!Reader
Summary: JJ's been staying at your house for a bit, and you catch him doing something you definitely weren't supposed to see.
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: Masturbation, Smut
AN: In case y'all didn't know, the title track of OBX is kinda an innuendo on masturbating, and that's definitely not what inspired this fic. Also, OBX3 comes out tomorrow and I'm excited! Ok, bye!
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You slipped out of bed to grab a glass of water. It was just passed midnight and you were sure everyone was asleep. The floor was cold against your bare feet and you wrapped your jumper tighter around you. It got cold on the beach, even in the summer.
You heard shuffling from your brother's room. It took you a second to remember that you'd put JJ up in your brother's room for the night.
You were walking home from work when you overheard JJ talking about needing a bed for the night. You considered yourself a friend of JJ's - more an acquaintance, but you sat next to him in half of your classes and let him cheat off your tests. Plus, he bought you new pens when he stole so many of yours that you ended up not having any left, and he invited you to every kegger personally. Yeah, you guys were friends. Your house was also closer to John B's than JJ's, and since your brother hadn't come back from college on the mainland yet, it seemed perfect.
JJ had tried to argue with you about it, saying that he didn't want to be in the way, but you were far too stubborn for him to even try to reason with you. "Plus, my parents aren't going to be home. They're going to dinner. It's their anniversary."
You walked past his room and went to the kitchen. You grabbed two glasses of water, given that JJ was up, and you softly padded back over to your brother's room.
You were knocked on the door with your elbow, holding a glass in each hand. "Shit." You heard him whisper through the door and then a loud thump as he fell off the bed.
"You good in there? JJ?"
You went to push the door open, but he yelled out quickly, "Wait, wait, wait. Give me a second."
You waited for a second before the door flung open. You were met with a flushed - and very shirtless - JJ. You shamelessly checked him out as he moved out of the way to let you in.
"Like what you see?" He smirked.
"You didn't need to go to all the lengths of taking your shirt off. It's not anything I haven't seen before." JJ raised his eyebrow at you, "Gym class, JJ, get your mind out of the gutter."
"Sorry." He muttered as you elbowed his chest, "I - um - sleep naked." He said, scratching the back of his neck, "Didn't think you were still up."
You shrugged, "Thought you might want some water. Heard you shuffling around." You handed him a glass of water, before walking over to the window, "You can open the window, by the way. My brother said it gets really hot in here sometimes."
"What are you doing up?" JJ said, taking a sip of water.
"Just making sure you're not having sex in my brother's bed. He'd kill me if he found out." JJ choked on the water. You looked at him, mischief glinting in your eyes, "I'm kidding." JJ smiled unconvincingly.
You walked out of the room, and JJ shut the door quickly behind you. You smirked at how easy it was to fluster JJ.
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JJ sighed heavily when you walked out of the room. Shit. He'd almost been caught. His head had flown out of the gutter when you knocked and he'd fallen off the bed trying not to get caught with his hand on his dick. Just thought of sleeping in your house, with you less than 15 feet away, had his cock standing at attention. He downed the glass of water and grabbed the towel that you gave him, headed to the bathroom for a cold shower. Maybe that would stop his racing thoughts.
He forgot that you had told him about the faulty lock and that he should knock to make sure no one was inside. You were inside having a shower when you heard the door open. You shrieked, and tried to cover yourself with the curtain, except the curtains you had were practically sheer.
JJ's eyes dragged over your body before his mind caught up with him. He spun on his heel quickly and slammed the door shut behind him, quickly retreating to his bedroom. He threw himself face down on his bed, and groaned, head in his hands, cock somehow harder than before.
You stormed into his room, towel wrapped tightly around yourself, "I told you to knock!"
"I'm sorry! I didn't think anyone would be showering right now!" He said, refusing to face you.
"Well, it doesn't matter, just forget it ever happened." He groaned, "It's fine, JJ, you didn't see much."
"Yeah well, maybe that's the problem." He muttered under his breath.
You looked at him, stunned, "What?"
"Shit." He sat up to face you, trying to apologise and explain himself, but as his eyes met yours, you dropped the towel. His eyes went wide, drinking in everything he can. You crawled over to him, his legs widening as you settled between them, straddling his cock.
You gently pressed your lips to his, hoping you haven't massively misjudged the situation. But JJ's hands moved to rest on your ass as he kissed you harder. You broke away for air and pressed light kisses down his neck.
"As much as I'd love to have sex with you. I'd prefer if we didn't do it on my brother's bed." He chuckled into your neck, picking you up with ease. Weeks of working in the junkyard lifting scrap metal had definitely done JJ some favours.
He attached his lips to yours as he walked over, kicking open the door with his foot and carefully dropping you onto the bed. He shut the door and ripped off his t-shirt before re-attaching his lips to yours. He bit your lip gently, eliciting a low whine from you.
"Just like that pretty girl, keep making those pretty sounds for me." His fingers ran over your slit, caressing the clit as you bucked up against him, "Didn't know you were this dirty, acting so innocent in class. Makes me wanna fuck your brains out every time you bite your stupid pencil." The thought of that makes you smile.
JJ thrusted a finger into you without warning. You shrieked, grabbing his hand as a hot pain burst through you. He looked at you in concern as he retracted it quickly. You held on to his hand, not letting him move further away, as he lifted you up and into his arms.
"What's wrong?" He searched your face for any secrets that you were hiding from him.
"Just...hurt. Never done that before." JJ looked shocked. You were mortified.
You tried to crawl away from him, covering your body with your hands and trying to find some clothes.
"I'm sorry, baby," The nickname sent a hot flame straight to your core, "I didn't know." He came up behind you, rubbing his hands up and down your arms, pulling you back to rest on his chest. "I'll be more gentle."
"You still wanna have sex?"
"Of course, I do, baby." He turned you around, eyes gazing into yours, filled with adoration. He leans down to kiss you again, but this kiss was different. The other kisses were fervent, lust-filled, driven by purpose. This one was slow, understanding, driven by trust and love. He carried you back to bed, lips never leaving yours. He trailed kisses down your throat, in between the valley of your breasts and down your stomach. Each kiss made your back arch, the sensation completely unfamiliar to you.
"You ready?"
"Please, JJ. I swear to God, I need this so bad. Please, JJ, please, please... please." His head dove between your thighs, placing small kisses on your clit and slit. He let out a low groan at the sight of your glistening cunt, the hot air making you shiver. His tongue slipped between your folds, parting your pussy just for his view, pulling a loud moan out of you.
He delved further between your folds, tongue-fucking you as you writhed above him. He placed a hand on your stomach, keeping you in place as he continued his ministrations. JJ drank like a man starved, letting out moans every now and again. You couldn't believe it. There was no way JJ was truly enjoying what he was doing.
He sure acted like it though. His mouth attached to your clit, sucking harshly, as rutted into your bed. He moaned loudly before he pulled away. Arousal coated his face, and the sight alone made you want to combust. "You ready for more?" You could only nod.
He returned to your clit, tongue running over it, flicking it before sucking it again. He slid a finger into your now dripping pussy, and the intrusion felt much less painful now. His pace was slow, his finger pushing into you completely. He watched your face for any signs of discomfort, but all you could do was throw your head back and moan out loud in pleasure. The pad of his finger circled over the spongy patch at the top of your vagina. You bucked your hips up, eyes watering in pleasure.
"You like that?" He placed a gentle kiss on your clit, before he picked up the pace with his fingers. Your moans had become silent, mouth stuck in an 'O' shape. JJ rutted into your bed beneath you, speed picking up with his fingers.
"So close," you whispered, moans breaking through you. “JJ… feels so g-good JJ… oh shit… oh, JJ-” Your orgasm crashed over you like a wave, a white-hot lightning strike bursting low in your stomach and shockwaves through your cunt. It made your ears ring, black spots covering your vision.
You felt JJ brushing the hair out of your face and kissing your forehead gently when you came around. His fingers were still pumping in you slowly as you rode out your high, "Just like that, baby girl, just like that. There you go, you did so well. So good for me, pretty baby." He pulled his fingers out of you, and you whined at the loss of fullness. It felt nice.
Your cum clung to his fingers, and brought the digits to his mouth to lick them all clean. You moaned lowly at the filth of his actions, pulling his lips to meet yours again.
He kissed you, but stopped you again, "I think that's enough for now. Got to let my favourite girl recover."
You blushed at the compliment, but looked at him confused, "What about you?"
"I kinda already took care of myself." He said, sheepishly. You looked down to see a wet patch on the front of his shorts.
You burst into laughter as JJ let out protests of, "Hey, it's not my fault you look so hot when you cum."
You clean yourself up with your towel as JJ changes your bedsheets, and then you find a pack of unused boxer shorts in your brother's drawer.
You throw the pack at JJ's head, and he creeps into the bathroom to clean himself up. You throw his boxers and his shorts into the washing machine, before heading back to your room. JJ comes in a few seconds later with a glass of water in his hand.
"Drink. Or you'll get dehydrated."
You smile and down the entire glass. JJ turns to leave, but you grab his hand. "Stay?"
"Tut tut tut. What will your parents say?"
"They don't have to know."
"Still I'd rather not get beat up by your dad." You pouted as he pressed a tender kiss on your lips, "I'll see you in the morning."
"In the morning."
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lizzieislife94x · 8 months
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Its You (w.m)
Requested <3
WandaxFem Reader
NO under 18s 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣
Wandas POV:
I take a nice walk to the library it's nice out and I need to get out of the compound for a bit it was getting hectic in there some fresh air and a good book is what I need I take in all the sights along the way, feeling happy and content it's good to get out while I can, I start college in a little over a week and I've never really been to school before I'm smart really smart just never had the school setting so it's exciting but I have a feeling the work load will be a little stressful at the start before I know it I'm walking up the beautiful stairs heading into the library once I reach it I look around and smile a little as I take deep breath before wandering around isles looking for the perfect book I let my fingers skim over all the books as I walk along gently biting my lip in hopes of finding what I'm looking for.
Y/ns POV:
My eyes skim the books as I look for the book I'm looking for after a minute I spot it and smile I've been meaning to read this for the longest time I reach for To Kill A Mockingbird and gently pull it to me but feel a gentle resistance I look slightly confused as I stop and look through the gap and notice a stunning brunette at the opposite side I take the book and walk round to her side "hey I'm so sorry I didn't know you wanted this, here please you can have it first I don't mind waiting a few extra days to read it" I smile wide as I hand her the book and she accepts with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen "I don't mind if you want it first, I'm wanda by the way" she says reaching her hand out for mine I can't help but get lost in her beautiful green eyes as I take her hand shaking gently "I'm y/n it's nice to meet you wanda and honestly no its ok you read it first I can find something else do you maybe wanna go grab a coffee or something" I say with a smile as she nods shyly I quickly pick another book as we both head to check them out and head to the cute cafe across the street, I get us a table as we order our drinks "so do you come here often" I say making light conversation her eyes find mine as she plays with her rings "I've been twice now but I love it its good to come and relax I like to get a book to check out and spend a little time inside the library reading I feel like it's good to get a few hours of silence" she says honestly as the waiter brings our drinks I say thank you before turning my attention to wanda "I've been coming here for years and yeah I totally get what you mean I love coming in finding a nice spot and spending hours reading here" she smiles as I speak we spent the next few hours chatting getting to know eachother I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends, I find her insanely attractive but I know she'd never feel the same but she's an amazing girl from what I know and just getting to have her even as a friend is amazing "here take my hoodie you're shivering" I say handing my hoodie to her as we're sitting outside the cafe and it's getting late which makes me look at the time "oh my god wanda I'm so sorry I really have to go will you be ok getting home" I say getting up leaving some money on the table as she smiles "yeah ill be fine y/n thank you for today" I smile and we bid our goodbyes as I run to parking lot.
9 days later:
y/ns POV:
"Yeah mom I know listen I have to go I love you but if I don't leave ill be late for my first day back at college, ok bye I love you" I hang up the phone with a giggle as I grab my coffee and head to my car this is my second year back at college and I'm honestly so excited I make the quick 10 minute drive I got an apartment pretty close to the collage once I arrive I park up and grab my bag and phone I smile as I get out and see my 2 friends waiting for me "hey y/n" they both say excitedly as we all hug and walk to class chatting about what we done over break "guys hurry I really don't wanna sit anywhere near the front of class middle to back is fine" paige says as we all laugh and agree we walk in and sit 2nd row from the back as we fall into a comfortable chatter after 5 minutes we're silenced by our teacher he welcomes everyone back almost an hour into the class someone clumsily crashes through the door "I'm so sorry I'm sorry this is my first day I got lost" my eyes snap open to the voice no it can't be the teacher points her up to our row as I look at the empty seat beside me fuck she makes her way up to me as I look up at her and she looks at me a smile appearing on her face as she sits "it's you" I whisper "no way y/n hey" she whispers back before we get silenced I can't help but steal glances at her as we work once class is done we head outside I wait with paige and jade as they look at me confused "why are we standing here" jade asks "I met this girl at the library over a week ago we spent all day hanging out and she's beautiful and amazing and I'm waiting for her so if she's hanging out with us deal with it we have a new friend" they look at eachother and smirk while I look around for wanda I smile as I see her walk out "wanda hey over here!" She smiles walking over to me as she pulls me in for a hug I can't help but enjoy the contact and the smell of her hair is amazing "wanda these are my friends jade and paige, guys this is wanda" I say introducing them they all smile and say hello we spent the next few weeks together all of us hanging out jade paige and wanda quickly became friends too me and wanda hang out alone to spending time at the library or going for late night walks it was amazing.
5 months later: 
Wandas POV: 
"Yeah that guy Dan keeps asking me out and it's gross I don't think he understands the words I don't like men I like women" y/n says while laughing I can't help but feel a little jealous as I fake a laugh along with girls my feelings for y/n have grew so much stronger over the last few months when i first laid eyes on her I felt a connection but shook it off because she wanted to be friends and I wanted her in my life but when she talks about other people hitting on her or taking her on dates it upsets me it should be me "wanda you ok" jade says nudging my shoulder as I look at her "yeah I'm all good" I say faking a smile as I take a sip of my coffee "there's the waitress that always flirts with you y/n" paige whispers  as she makes her way over to us "hey its y/n right? You guys come in here all the time" I feel my sadness and jealousy rising as y/n smiles and speaks to her "yeah what's up" she bites her lip and plays with her hair "I was uh just wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me I think you're breathtakingly beautiful" I see y/n blush as I look down nervously playing with my rings I think jade noticed I'm not sure though I don't think I can take hearing her answer "that could be fun you know what yes let's do it ill go on a date with you" as I heard her reply I stood up and put some money on the table as my eyes water I don't dare look at any of them "I uh I need to go" and with that I quickly run out of the cafe and start running along the side walk once I get a few stores away I slow down and walk as the tears spill from my eyes i should have made a move fuck "wanda! Wanda!" I turn and see y/n running after me once she catches up I look down "I'm fine y/n you have a date to go plan for" she stops me making me look up at her as she wipes my tears "whats wrong please tell me" I sniff and shake my head as she rubs my cheeks with her thumbs "is it because she asked me on date" I look at her and slap my hands against my sides "yeah, yeah it is OK I just I dont" I stop speaking due to the tears "wanda ill go back right now and cancel I'd rather spend time with you" I shake my head and start to walk "no y/n I'm fine why waste your time on a friend when she could be your future" she grabs my wrists and turns me to face her grabbing my cheeks gently "she's not my future my future is right infront of me" before I could let her words sink in she crashers her lips to mine in a kiss full of emotion telling us both what we've been to scared to tell eachother both of us pouring our everything into the kiss it feels like the world has stopped spinning and everyone else around us has stopped, once air becomes an issue we break away resting our foreheads together "wow" she breaths out as I smile "I have been wanting to do that since we met but I thought you only wanted to be friends" y/n confesses as I laugh a little "I've been the same and I thought you wanted to be friends" both of us fall into a giggle. 
2 months later:
Y/ns POV:
Me and wanda have been dating for 2 amazing months after our amazing kiss and confessions I cancelled my date with the coffee chick and asked wanda to be my girlfriend and honestly its been the best 2 months every second with her is amazing all i could want and more this girl is my future.
AN: no smut bc it would have be mega long haha so I'm making this a 2 parter next part will be the fun haha on an unrelated note me and friends are booking a holiday to Turkey for next week so that's fun also unrelated I went for a bath forgot I had sun burn (a very warm bath) and almost screamed when I sat in the tub bc it stung like a bitch hope everyone has a great day/night �
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cwritesforfun · 1 year
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader: I might love you
You’ve been best friends with Steve for 7 years. You’ve seen him grow from a scrawny tween to a confident adult. Sure, his heart may have been broken by Nancy and a few others, but that doesn’t stop him from going on dates with random girls and trying to find love. However, the only girl he really wants to date is Y/N L/N, his best friend, and he’s scared of how she’d take it. The only guy Y/N wants to date is Steve and she’s afraid of being rejected by her only friend. 
Y/N = Your First Name L/N = Your Last Name **I do not own any of the characters in the Stranger Things series and yes, the plot is different.**
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Steve’s POV
“Why are you staring at me, Steve?” I look to my right at Y/N who is staring at me with determination in her eyes. I can't just say that I think she's beautiful and I could stare at her for hours because I love her. I could, but that would ruin everything. I answer "Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts. What were you saying?" She answers "I just wanted to see what you wanted to do on this group project and when you want to finish it." I reply "I can come over after school to your place. I promise to help you then."
I hear the bell ring and Y/N says "Ok I'll see you at my place after school then. I'm going to head to my next class, so see you later." I hug her as Tammy Thompson walks up to me saying "I wish you were my partner for this project, Steve." Y/N sighs and walks off. I smirk at Tammy and then walk off as well. I do not want to deal with Tammy or be late for class.
Skip to after school - I make it to my car and hear my name being called. I see Dustin running toward me and I wait for him. He asks "Hey! Could I have a ride home?" I reply "None of your friends can drive you?" He replies "No they can't. They rode their bikes. I didn’t bring my bike. Why? You usually say yes. Are you going on a date?" I answer "I'm meeting Y/N at her house for our group project. I don't want to be late." He asks "Where is she?" I see Y/N walking with her younger brother to the car and Dustin yells out Y/N's name. She sees us, waves, and they walk over.
Dustin exclaims "Sorry for yelling your name, Y/N. I need a ride home and I asked Steve. He wanted to make sure it was cool with you before he did so." Oh my god, he makes me sound pathetic. Y/N smiles and says "Of course. That's totally fine. As long as you don't bail on me completely for the project then we're fine, Steve." I reply "I promise I won't. I'll be quick." She replies "Cool. See you later then." She waves and walks off.
Dustin and I get into my car then I drive off to his house.
Dustin asks "So when are you going to tell Y/N that you like her?" I ask "Will you stop asking me that? When you're older, you'll understand." He replies "I don't understand because if you really liked her, then you would let her know. I knew when I met Suzie that I wanted to ask her out and I didn't waste time asking her out." I reply "That is very mature of you. I just... If I tell Y/N and she doesn't like me back, I ruined our friendship. I could lose my friend." He replies "Oh she's into you. I can tell." I laugh and reply "I wish I could just believe you and ask her out." He replies "Thanks for bringing me home anyway. Bring her a treat or something today and see how she responds. If it's something that she actually likes and she can tell that you notice things about her, you're in. Try gently asking her about her crush or a tip to ask someone out." I reply "I'll get her her favorite ice cream. I know that." He replies "Good. You better do it. Bye, Steve."
I stop at home to write a note for my parents not that they care, but just so they know where I am. They’re never in town anyway. I tend to spend the night when I hang out with Y/N, so I grab my sleepover bag too.
Y/N’s POV - After School
I make it home and clean my floor, so I can set up the group project there. Steve and I have a poster that we need to finish. Speaking of Steve, I found it so funny that he needed my approval before going to bring Dustin home. It's a wonder that he's able to have a girlfriend because he is so dependent on me and my opinion. When he was with Nancy, he was pretty clingy to her and I realized how much I truly liked him. I thought I just saw him as a friend until I saw him with other girls. It began to hurt to see how they embraced him and to know it could never be me.
I hear someone knocking and I run to the door. I open it and it's Steve smiling. I usher him in and he exclaims "I'm sorry I'm late, but I brought your favorite ice cream as a peace offering." I smile and say "You're the best, Steve! Remind me to always be your partner for group projects if this is how you treat your partners." He smirks and replies "Only for you, Y/N. Only for you." Why did that sound more flirty than normal? I reply "Ok... I'll grab spoons and meet you in my room. I have the poster on my floor." He nods and smiles.
When I get back to my room, I give Steve his spoon and we work on the project. We knock it out in an hour with several stolen glances between each other and leaning close to each other most of the time.
My door opens and my mom leans in to ask if Steve wants to stay for dinner, which he agrees to. She then leaves.
I ask "Wanna go on a walk?" Steve agrees and we head out on the path in the woods behind my house. We probably will only run into people walking their dogs. That's all who walks in these woods.
An old lady passes us with a small chihuahua and exclaims "I must tell you both, you both are the cutest couple that I've ever seen. I can tell you both genuinely enjoy each other's company." Cutest couple?!?! That is funny. I reply "Thank you, ma'am." She smiles and keeps walking.
We make it closer to my house and my neighbor, Betty, says “Y/N, is that you?” I answer “Yes ma’am.” She replies “Ooh and a young handsome gentleman. Please tell me the name of your stinkin’ cute boyfriend.” Steve says “Hi I’m Steve.” Betty replies “You’re cute, Steve. Treat Y/N right or I will haunt you in the afterlife.” Steve replies “Yes ma’am I promise.” Betty replies “Well good to see you both. I hope you both have a great night.”
Why did two people think we were dating today?!?! 
We walk back to the house in silence and by then, dinner is ready. Steve sits by me as always. Dinner passes. 
My family sits on the couch to watch nighttime tv together and Steve sits really close to me. I feel like he normally is not this close. Or am I just more aware of his closeness right now? 
After getting ready for bed, I get in bed and get set for bed.  Steve asks “Did I do something wrong?” I answer “What do you mean? You haven’t done anything wrong.” He answers “You have been very quiet today. You normally tell me about your whole day and you haven’t yet. Is it because I told Betty that I was your boyfriend and that I would treat you right?” I answer “No that didn’t bother me. I mean I didn’t exactly tell that lady in the woods that we weren’t a couple either.” He replies “Yeah... uh since we’re talking about crushes, Dustin was trying to give me advice on mine earlier. Wanna hear what he had to say?” I answer “Sure.” He replies “He told me that if I really liked this girl, then I would let her know and wouldn’t waste time not being with her.” I reply “That’s actually really good advice. I’ll have to tell him the next time I see him. Did he give you any more advice?” He looks over at the empty ice cream container sitting on the table and answers “Yeah. He suggested that I bring over something she liked when I saw her next to show her I listen to her and that I do care for her.” Is he saying what I think he is saying?!?!  I ask “So, are you going to tell her how you feel?” He answers “Yeah... hey Y/N, would you like to go out with me this Friday?” I smile and say “Yeah I would really like that, Steve.”
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rollo-flamme-nbc · 3 months
your days are numbered rollo flamme
you made my sister cry during that weird masquerade thing >:( dont ask why i have her account i hacked into it………
(Ooc; using cyan text implies that xeno stole rose’s phone heheheheheeh anyway HI heres xenos lore so you know more about him.. Xeno is 13, he died due to a lightning strike when he was 12, and he was reborn as a demon. (sort of.. his adoptive father (roses dad) built him a mechanical body). Hes Rose’s adopted little brother, not related by blood…… Hes a smartass kid and he’s in Ignihyde. Rose basically pays Idia for doing a good job of watching over him, and Xeno loves his big sister. He looks up to Idia and he loves going to his classes! he thinks ortho is a silly little guy, too ok thats all bye sorry for yapping)
Interacting with you makes ME want to cry
(Literally had no other response)
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Heyy how are you! In love with your work 😍 kinda have a request ❤
Imagine yn with a sprained ankle and chris being out of town for a day. She's working her ass off to every single thing including taking their kids to school and teaching dance to her students. Chris gets to know about it and gets angry about it. And they have a big fat fight about it.
Just Please Be More Careful- Husband! Chris Evans xreader fan fic request
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Summary: Reader has a sprained ankle but is still taking her kids to school and teaching her dance class and Chris finds out and gets upset but because he just really worries about his wife
Warnings: angst, mention of a small argument, fluff, mentions of pain, overprotective Chris! a lot of sweet fluff, let me know if I missed anything
One morning on my way to teach one of my dance classes I got a sprained ankle from tripping but I really didn’t wanna have time to take off from work and I didn’t wanna burden Chris to take our kids to school when he’s already so busy with his job. I got my morning coffee and helped Chris get the kids up though I had to ignore how my ankle was hurting really bad and I would try and not make any noise when I put weight on it though I Chris was starting to get concerned.
I was walking our kids Emily and Daniel to the car to take them to school and Chris noticed I was walking a bit slow and said “hey honey you ok there?” I turned to look over my husband Chris who was standing over by his car and I smiled and said “hey babe yea I’m ok I’m just a bit tired this morning that’s all, ok kids get in the car let’s go.” Chris came over to say goodbye for the day and kissed me and said “I’ll call you later when I’m on my way home.” I hugged him and said “alright sounds good honey have a good day I love you.” Chris waved to the kids and said “bye guys see you tonight ok? Be good.”
Later after I dropped the kids off at school I got to my dance class and I put my stuff away and said “everyone ready?” They all nodded but later on I noticed my ankle was starting to hurt worse than before and I went over to my assistant and said “hey Molly could you take over? I hurt my ankle and I need to go to the doctor.” Molly said “oh hey, yea of course! Feel better Y/N be careful!”
I drove to the doctor and got my ankle in a cast and I got home after picking up the kids and I sat in bed and heard Chris get in and he walked into our shared bedroom and said “oh god there you are, I went to your class looking for you Y/N what are you doing back here so early?” I nervously uncovered my ankle and I said “my ankle is sprained and I tried to still teach my class but I had Molly my assistant take over and I went to the ER & they said to rest it for a week I didn’t wanna bother with it since it didn’t hurt as bad at first but I’m sorry I didn’t say anything..”
Chris had his hands on his hips and said “baby you shouldn’t overwork yourself like that and really need to be more careful I don’t want you hurting yourself. What if something happened to you?” Chris seemed frustrated and walked out of the room for a minute and I felt so guilty and I started crying.
Chris walked back in and noticed the state I was and carefully came over to sit by me and said “oh honey hey.. I’m sorry bubba hey come here I shouldn’t have yelled..” I scooted closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me and I said “you’re right Chris I’m sorry I should be more careful I shouldn’t be so stupid..” Chris said “hey it’s ok Y/N I love you so much I just.. I really worry about you and the kids I just.. just please be more careful ok? You’re my wife I love you so much.” I hugged Chris tight and said “I promise I will, I love you too.”
Here ya go luv xx 😊 hope you like it🤍
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fandsart · 1 year
A deleted scene from Wt20CLL that can be read as a standalone
Steve is released from the hospital the day after being submitted, with a good few prescriptions. He calls up Robin, as promised, to let her know that he’s made it to his house. She immediately tells him she’ll be there as soon as she can and hangs up before even saying bye.
When she arrives she’s out of breath and sweaty. And she’s… out of uniform… Which- Obviously, she would be, but Steve hasn’t seen her out of uniform before. The personal effects she always added to her uniform made Steve think she would be some kind of punk. The studded bracelet, the rings, the chains, the dark nail polish, the—frankly—snappy personality.
But seeing her first time out of uniform, the outfit she’s wearing has much more muted colors than the uniform. It throws Steve off guard a bit, and his sense of imbalance is pushed even further when she immediately surges for a hug.
“Shit, sorry,” she mumbles, and pulls away when he grunts at the irritation of the bruises on his stomach. He gets an even closer look at the outfit, suspenders and a vest. Her style of choice could almost be described as dapper. “You ok, dingus?”
“Is that how you dress?”
Her face grows defensive. “So?”
“I’ve just- never seen you out of uniform before.”
“Well. You have. In Click’s class. You just don’t remember.”
And yeah, he doesn’t remember her from then, but this get up she’s wearing…
It clicks into place.
“Holy shit…”
“Is it a problem how I dress?” she challenges.
“No, just… you got a haircut.”
She reels back slightly. “What?”
“Since Click’s class. You had long hair. And you didn’t wear lipstick before. Or eyeliner.” She’s not now either, but she wore them every day at Scoops.
She crosses her arms defensively. “I’m not going to do makeup just for school.”
“But you’ll do it to sling ice cream with a guy you didn’t like for a bunch of annoying toddlers?”
She sighs, looking almost guilty. “I was trying to look confident. Because I wanted you to know that I knew you weren't better than me. I already told you I was obsessed with you. Are you really surprised I put in a little effort to try to show you up?” She looks so uncomfortable having to confess this; annoyed with herself and cringing slightly.
“Obviously you weren’t obsessed with me enough to know I wouldn’t care. But I think you look good without it too. Just so you know. Any lady would be lucky to have you.” She sort of jolts at his words and looks over his shoulder.
“Are your parents here?” she whisper–yells. She’s clearly worried they might have overheard him. He scoffs at the question and gestures for her to follow, silently letting her know they have the house to themselves.
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theatrekidstatus · 2 months
The Schuyler sisters~
-8/1/1780 First day- peggy pov:it was MY first year of middle school and gelis last "COME HERE GIRLS" "yes daddy" "its our first day photo" "DADDY I CANT TAKE THIS PHOTO YOU POST IT EVERY and I always LOOK HORRIBLE" "ok ok ok how about i let you do your own pose and EVERYTHING" "ok better" eliza and daddy discussed liza got braces now shes MAD self concsiouns "GELI" "hi im ready" we posed "yes i finnaly look good" "Good lets go" "why are we at rias house" "shes moving to your school" "yes" i mumble she hops in the car "hi guys" "hola" we got infront of the buliding and HOLY SHIT WAS IT BIG... "WHOA" "yeah" "i dont wanna do this" "me neither" "COME ON GUYS WHATS THE WORSE THAT COULD HAPPEN" we walk in. I see Lafayette,Alex (my sisters crush for like ever),Hercules,John I run up and jump on johns back "OW FUCK" "POTTY WORDS ON THE FIRST IS CRAZY" "humping your best friend is crazier" "what ever" "No hi" Lafayette said with his thick accent "HIIIIIII BAGGUET" "HIIIII BURGER" "PEGGYYYYYY" ria yelled at me "yeah" i say while laughing "i thought i lost you" "CAN I SEE YALL SCHULDELE" "still together" "only one class" "BETTER THEN NOTHING" *BELL RINGS* "come on YALL we got p.e" "hold on i gotta meet my 'helper'" "see you and a few" i sit in my seat on the bleachers and laf and his helper came in he sat next to me and his helper sat in the coner he slid me a peice of paper it said "i dont like me astent person" "why they seem nice" "they're are annoying" "annoying or are you embarrassed" "both" "i know,promise you wont be rude" "fine" "oh my god" "what" "shes coming over here" "niceness"(-my language and literature teacher 2023) "hi Lafayette you need help with the coachs words" "NO" "ok call me when you do" "what are you writing" we had to write a card and do charades and guess "im short,wear yellow,and have two sisters" "nice" "do you still like geli" "shut up" "awww you should try to talk to her" "OK CLASS TURN IN YOUR CARDS" we did
I was in the hall ria catched me "i have second with your boyfriend" "i have second with yours AND i have 1st with mine" "oh theres my class" "bye" "LAURNES" "SCHYLUR" "do you stll like laf" he asked me "shut up bro" "so yes" "hello class im ms.earth" "MORE LIKE MS.BIRTH" john ADAMS yelled,damn that kid is annoying "YOU KNOW YOU CANT BE TALKING" "john that comment was very rude" "john im a grown lady who does not need someone to stick up for me thank you though" "hi sorry im late i got lost" "your totally fine please sit" "its you girlfriendddddddd" "shut up peggy" "may i sit here" "yeah" "of course" "bro pegs i missed you SO MUCH" "ME TOO" "OH HI JOHN" "h-i e-ll" "OK CLASS ATENDDCE"
*24 fake names later* "ok now take you trait card put it in a hat and were gon act it out" "wish we had done this last class" "whats your you next class" "science" "oh herc has that class"
-bell rings-
I sit down next to herc and his fiddling with his hand "is Hercules mulligan nervous" i ask with chuckle "i like this girl but she told me she likes someone else so i guess im sad" "dose this girl know you like her" "no way dude" "can i know who she is?" "maria" he mumbled "BRO" "shut up" "im sorry it is really cute" "thanks" "i need to confess before someone else "bars" he glared at me "MY BAD" "but maybe you should wait till shes over him,you have a better chance" "you're right" "im so happy we got lunch with alex man" "same i need his charisma tips" "thats my best friend and i miss him" "dosnt ria like him" "no eliza does" "hmhm ria told me last class she did" "oh my god they both do" "she also likes john right?" "mhm" "i think i have a chance,isnt there a ball tonight" "yeah" "OK LETS HEAD DOWN FOR LUNCH" "nice" we mutter i sit with my friends "yes same lunch" "nah really" "fuck off" "are we ready for the first ball" "yes ive waited years for this" "what ball?" Lafayette asked "the fall one we have a ball every season and no elementary kids around so we can be around mature adults. "Someone farted in my health class" herc said at the WRONG TIME i admit we laughed BUT only at the randomness "but what ever dont come over my house with no bull shit on" suddenly someone sits down it is eliza "why are you here" "no reason" WHEN I TELL YOU THIS GIRL SUCKED HER FOOD DOWN she threw it in the trash did her hair and make up "so whys the ball always at your house!" "highest but not to highest power" eliza answered while putting on eyeliner. Ria sits down "hey guys" "hey we're just talking about the ball" to be continued ~
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munamania · 8 months
bitch post time!!!!!! many revelations ok last night's vibes were HEINOUS but it provided so much for me and lydia to talk about and now i am gonna share with you yippee storytime
k so we plan to go to this valentines day showcase thing that the college radio is putting on last night. mind you at my place of work where i pretended that i had a family emergency and had to go home cause i didnt feel like going into work yesterday morning lol idiot... i was so paranoid my boss was there in disguise or some shit it was stupid. sorry um. yeah so ok i was largely like this could be a chance for friend groups to come together and maybe ill be able to talk to sams roommate and also like i do want to see more live music and it's free! so. anyway ok wait let me tell u abt the first part of the day
so me and lydia drive over some wine bottles to sam for him to use as props in a film. and sam and the roommate are sitting on their porch and we chat a little bit acc sam said as i walked up 'you always look so suspicious' and i was like 'ok u guys were literally just staring at me' cause they WERE and roommate was actually really nicely like 'oh no you're okay' and generally was just kind of inserting into our convo which well i had fun with naturally. um anyway and then who comes running up but teko! our buddy teko. and sams like have yall met and im like Of course and teko gives me a hug and i cant lie it was actually so sweet. i am also extremely touch starved but it was a nice hug. anyway. then i had to help roommate pick shoes alongside teko's fit and then i was like um Ok Bye. when i got back in the car lydia was like so i saw a neon sweatshirt... and i was like yeah <3 that's my man <3 sorry ok vibes get worse as the night comes
me and lydia end up getting to sam's late to 'pregame' this show and ig it was supposed be like. it was encouraged to dress formally. and i was wearing a dress that was too small and my chappell red tights and docs. kind of a serve but me and lydia were serving much more valentines day than formal. anyway. roommate does swing around to be like hi! and THEN i see my girl chloe i looooove her shes so fuckin funny and weird and we made this weird little short together in class last semester and i was kinda intimidated by her so i was so happy shocked when she was like I was so excited to see u :D WEEE shes so cool guys and has the funniest fuckin laugh and well honestly the high points of the night were us and lydia fucking around and dancing and being weird and offputting wallflowers cause again this thing SUCKED. ok
we did also smoke beforehand and i accidentally took this huge hit and then thought id be fine w a little more but brother was i feeling funny. did not eat enough and didnt take water it was atrocious. so. we get there and let me tell you if I WAS WORKING i'd have been able to fix the fact that it was soooooooooo fucking loud in there like bad bad bad audio distortion etc i wanted to kick this dude off the mixer but like what ever... it hurt so bad. and the lights were mostly on until chloe and sam duped this guy into dimming some of them but even still it was giving middle school dance. without the fun cheesy music. some of my instagram gay people are there. um but sorry there was simply no way i was going near that dance floor like the bands lowkey highkey sucked (i mean it was just a bunch of white college dudes and they did not slay. shocker. sam kept being like 'they're so good' and we were like um haha... straight face emoji)
we acc disappeared for a while to another floor for the br and just chilled for like half an hour (and security came to find us lmfaooo but ended up just leaving) and i was feeling odd and out of body and too aware of how i looked and it was just not great i was like we're the only bitches serving cunt here... um. anywho. so like later theres a slow dance and roommate is dancing with this other girl i only know from instagram till this point and i suppose if i was really feeling myself i could have tried to make a move but i was not. once again. vile vibes in this place. like i dont mean to be a pussy i typically would be much more charming and fun if i wanted to flirt and kinda felt the vibe from them but i was not really enjoying myself LMAO
then some more of the friend group shows up at the end and sam's like 'drama is actively going down' and im like Wuhhhh the fuck and i feel like a few of them r looking at me and i was just like get me OUT of here but for some fuck ass reason was still like nooooo we should go over and have pizza w sam and them. forgive me for thinking they had like frozen pizza or smth and i could get some free food out of this no we had to sit there and wait for dominos or whatever
AND THE MOST ANNOOOOOOOOOOOYING AWFUL TERRIBLE GROSS MEN YOUVE EVER MET SAT THERE AND JOINED THE BRIEF SMOKE CIRCLE AND THEN WERE JUST THERE AND LIKE YOU COULD JUST FEEL THEM TAKING UP SPACE AND US 'GIRLS' WERE MADE TO FEEL SO SMALL ON THE FUCKING COUCH I WAS SOOOOOOOO TIRED. had to get a sweater cause i felt so uncomfortable. girl i really was only there in case i could have a saving grace moment with roommate im so serious. well and for chloe but otherwise me and lydia shoulda been outta there
literally chloe was so excited to show our little video to people and sam cut us off from getting there to show us the fucking fidget spinner game he has on his tv. girl get out! oh my fucking god. finally lydias like Cool anyway so - like sams misogyny jumped out in previously unprecedented ways. it was bad. these boys were truly making me want to kill myself im sorry like it was so bad i have curated my experience so as to be away from that for so long it was really jarring. and what you need to understand about sam is that he's almost died twice and kind of has a funny little gender vibe going on and so for a while now yeah we've gotten along through silly odd things we relate through but holy shit....... that was so offputting i cant even wrap my brain around it
also sam very much walked me into like yaoi-fying him and his best friend and then was like haha noooo why r u calling us gay ur so weird bitch just fuck him already im tired and also dont care.. hes so attention seeking and not used to um not being the center of attention. sorry! oopsies anyway so
so then im like ew like i kinda need to reassess um. the people im around. and again cant stress enough how gross and judged and just kinda old i felt surrounded by these ppl even tho theyre all like within a year of age? and like roommate still seems maybe cool but since we didnt actually talk and they were off w the other roommate/other ppl i cant help but associate them w the odd vibes but like. honestly idk i might just try to uh slide into their dms rlly casually. bc. well idk how the friend group is fracturing and it wouldnt surprise me if they were annoyed with sam esp living with him but obv i dont really know. but again let me stress this friend group has been friends since their freshman year like what r yall doing yeah u do need to break up....
so i figure since they're hot (and kinda tiny i cant tell if they're shorter than me or just right around my height) (but also they kind of scared me by giving Instagram face while posing for a pic last night i cant do any more people giving off dorian gray rn. but i was also under the influence so um that didnt help) i could just yeah be brave see how it goes and worst case scenario it's not a vibe yk. and best case scenario i get to hang w them and teko. teko so gives francis. anyway
OH also sam and the friends insisted on listening to this ai generated… thing like idk guys i think i was in hell fr
also had several men yell out of their cars at me and staring at me as we walked to the bus stop :/ so men really do ruin everything btw
um. so. that was the night! thx for reading if u did. i am excited to be around other fun silly cool queer people god bless fuck these people
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Always seen you.
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Pairing: Eddie x Insecure!Fem plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
A/N: Ok my dears, this is part 7 to my full blown series. This turned out to be a lot more than I intended. But, I’m happy how it’s going. Just a few warnings before the actual warnings. I did use the scene in the woods with Eddie and Chrissy. With obvious changes to fit my story line. This gets sad. So I hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading. As always feedback is greatly appreciated. Kay love you bye.
Warnings: 18+ language, body insecurities, secret pining, angst, slow burn, misunderstanding, abuse, eventually smut in later parts. Not proof read and no word count.
Summary: The boy of your dreams is always just out of reach. If only you could get over yourself to see that he sees you too.
Part 7
Well the weekend wasn't how you expected it to go. But other than being sick, it was the best weekend of your existence. Eddie stayed the whole time. He only left to take a shower and say hi to his uncle. Just to let him know where he was.
It was Wednesday morning and you were feeling tons better. All you needed was a big dose of Eddie Munson and you were good as new.
Though there was a lot to deal with involving your feelings for Eddie. You were honestly happy that you had him as a friend. He was a really good one at that. You never thought he would even want to be near you. But here he was proving all your insecurities wrong.
You were in theater class talking with Eddie when Mrs Adler came to talk to you guys.
" Okay you two. I have copies of the scripts for you. I would actually like both of you to practice the parts together. I want everyone of the main characters to learn each other's parts. So that everyone can get a chance to act each one. So y/n you will learn Julia and Sylvia's parts and Mr. Munson you will be learning Valentine and Proteus's part."
You and Eddie looked at each other. You guys would get to kiss after all.
Mrs Adler smiled handing you two the scripts.
You looked down at them. " When will the play happen?"
" Two months."
You nodded.
" I have the auditorium booked for next week. I expect you guys to at least have most of it memorized by then. Well your original part."
" Yeah we can do that." Eddie said
" Good. Mr Munson. You probably might want to find Miss Cunningham and figure out what time works best for you two."
Eddie nodded.
" Same goes for you." Mrs Adler looked at you.
You nodded.
When she left you couldn't possibly have a bigger smile. It was gonna happen. You were gonna finally get that kiss. But then the thought of Eddie kissing Chrissy first came. You didn't want his lips touching anyone else.
Stop it! You told yourself
" Hey sweetheart?"
You looked at Eddie and gave him a half smile.
"Think you feel good enough for a movie later?"
" Sure."
" Cool."
When the class was over Mrs Adler stopped Eddie. You said your goodbyes and Eddie watched you leave. With a smirk on his lips. He was finally gonna kiss you.
" Mr. Munson, I just want to let you know that I and a few students will be in the drama room after school making props."
" Oh. Umm okay."
" so you probably are gonna have to take date night somewhere else." She smiled
Eddie felt the blush creep up his neck. Was that what all the movie nights were? Were you guys dating?
He didn't correct her. He just nodded and left.
Eddie went to his next class not paying attention to God damn thing.
You guys couldn't watch the movie in the drama room and you guys couldn't do it at your place when your parents were home. So the only option was his place.
Eddie had never really been embarrassed about his place before. But now he was. He was freaking out so bad about it that after school he went to the woods to smoke. He should have got the movie before he was high. But his anxiety was through the roof.
" Eddie?"
He jumped. When he turned around he was met with scared eyes.
" Uhh Chrissy?"
" Hi. Umm sorry. I uhh was told I could find you out here."
" You were looking for me?"
" Yeah. Mrs Adler said we should talk."
" Oh...yeah" Eddie was nervous. He had never talked to Chrissy before.
He watched her walk towards the table and sit down.
"So uhh I was wondering when you would like to read the script together?" She said in a soft voice.
Eddie could sense that she seemed terrified. Was she really scared of him?
" Uhh whenever you're free I guess." He said slowly approaching the table. Putting out his joint in the process.
" umm."
She stood quiet for a minute.
" Are you okay Chrissy?" He said finally sitting down across from her.
" Umm sorry. It's just...Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?" She asked, fidgeting with her fingers.
Eddie looked at her slightly suspicious. But she seemed nice so he thought he would try to get her to relax.
" Um, you know, just... on a daily basis. I feel like I'm losing my mind right now. I'm talking to Chrissy Cunningham, the queen of Hawkins High" he saw her shoulders relax. "You know, this isn't the first time that we've, um... Hung out."
"No?" She said finally looking at him.
"You don't remember? "
"I'm sorry. I..."
"That's okay." Eddie paused for a split second. He then grabbed his heart and fell backwards.
Chrissy gasped.
"I wouldn't remember me either, Chrissy."
Eddie got up and started brushing the leaves out of his hair. "Honestly, do I have stuff in my hair?"
Chrissy laughed. That made him feel better. She was getting comfortable being around him. So he decided to keep it up.
"You don't remember me?" He asked crossing his arms and smiled.
" I'm sorry." She smiled
"Middle school, talent show. You were doing this cheer thing. You know, the... the thing you do. It was pretty cool, actually. And I... I was with my band."
Chrissy's eyes widened and she smiled. "Corroded Coffin.
"Corro..." Eddie smiled clapping his hands and pointed at her. " You do remember."
" Oh my God! Yes, of course. With a name like that, how could I forget!?"
I dunno. You're a freak."
"No, you just... You looked so..."
"Different? Yeah. Well, uh, my hair was buzzed, and I didn't have these sweet old tatties yet." He said showing off his chest tattoo.
"You played guitar, right?"
" Uh-huh. Still do... Still do. You should come see us. Uh, we play at The Hideout on Tuesdays. It's pretty cool. We... We actually get a crowd of about five... drunks."
Chrissy giggled.
" It's not exactly the Garden, but you gotta start somewhere, right? So... "
"You know, you're not what I thought you'd be like."
Eddie put some hair in front of his face." Mean and scary?"
" Yeah, well, I actually kinda thought you'd be kinda mean and scary too."
" Me?" She gave him a big toothy smile.
Eddie grinned and sat back down." Terrifying. Uh, so, in other good news, flattery works with me, so..."
Chrissy laughed again. " Well I umm look forward to working with you on this."
" Yeah?"
" Yeah. You just seem really fun."
Eddie chuckled. " Well I tried to be."
They sat there for a minute.
Eddie noticed that Chrissy's smile was fading.
" Umm Eddie?"
" Yeah sweetheart?"
Chrissy looked at the script and turned to the page where they were supposed to kiss.
Eddie watched her for a few seconds.
" Sweetheart?"
" Do you..Do you think it would be okay if we don't kiss. I...I don't want Jason to be upset."
' Uhh actually I was thinking about that too. I ummm don't get me wrong. Your pretty and I had a crush on you for the longest time."
" You did?"
" Y-yeah...But see ummm...there's this girl."
Chrissy smiled again. " yeah?"
" yup. She uhh she's actually playing Julia."
" Oh! You mean y/n. Yeah I know her. She is so nice. One time when I just got on the cheer team she helped me. I was having trouble memorizing all the chants and she found me crying in the bathroom. I told her why I was so upset and she went out of her way to make me flash cards of all the cheers we did. She spent hours helping me. Shes really a great person."
Eddie smiled thinking about you. You were such a good person. Even when you didn't have to be.
" Yeah. She's umm.. she's kinda...I don't know exactly what we are right now. But umm I kinda just want to kiss her you know."
Chrissy nodded. " Well you'll get your chance. But can I tell you something?"
" Shoot."
" If I was y/n. I wouldn't want my first kiss with you to be in front of the whole school."
Eddie rubbed the back of his neck. " I didn't think about that."
Chrissy gave him a thin lip smile.
" Can I ask you something?"
" Sure?"
Eddie started picking at his nails. " You know where I live right?"
" Umm no?"
" Oh uh Forest Hills trailer park."
" Oh yeah. I know where that is."
" Y-yeah...do you think that she would mind where I live?"
" You guys are friends right?"
" Yeah."
" Then I don't think she would mind it at all. From what I know about her. She doesn't judge people on that kind of stuff."
Eddie smiled again. Chrissy was right. You wouldn't be put off by him or his home.
" So uhh do you want to go over lines right now?" Chrissy asked.
" uhh I would but umm I kinda have a date."
Chrissy grinned. " With y/n I hope."
Eddie chuckled. " Yeah."
After school you walked towards the math club when you saw a note on the door. Jeff came and stood right next to you.
" Cancelled huh?"
" Yeah. Seems like it." You said kinda happy about it.
This meant you could spend a little more time with Eddie.
" So uhh what are you gonna do right now?"
You looked at Jeff. "Umm well I was going to find Eddie. But now that I think about it. Did Mrs Adler give you your scripts yet?"
" Uh yeah. Do you want to run lies with me?"
" Yeah we probably should. But I kind of have something to do today."
" Oh is it date night?"
Your eyebrows pinched together. "Umm what?"
" Yeah. You know. Movie night with Eddie? You guys are dating right?"
" Umm not that I know of."
" Really? That's what Gareth said. He said I couldn't ask you to winter formal because you and Eddie were going out."
You cleared your throat. " umm wait. You were gonna ask me to formal? And Gareth said Eddie and I were dating?"
" Yeah. And if you were I wouldn't want to do anything that would piss Eddie off."
" Did Eddie say anything that confirmed that?"
Jeff shook his head. " But he does talk about you a lot. Saying how pretty you are and how smart you are. He said that he liked spending time with you."
"He said that?" You averted your gaze to the ground.
" Yeah. But he never said you guys were together together."
You bit your lip. So Eddie did like you. Why didn't he say anything? You guys could have been together this whole time?!
" So are you guys? Together?"
You looked back at Jeff. " umm not right now we're not."
" But you like him too?"
" I..."
" It's cool. You don't have to answer that. I just thought maybe... nevermind. Umm so do you want to meet me in the auditorium tomorrow and practice?"
" Sure-sure...I'm do you know where Eddie is right now?"
" Yeah he said he was going to his smoking spot."
" umm where is that?"
" Uhh it's an old bench behind the football field. If you follow the path. You'll find it."
" Thanks Jeff."
You turned around and headed towards eddie. The smile on your face was so big you knew your cheeks were gonna hurt. The short distance seemed way longer than it should have been. You wanted to run there. Run to Eddie and just kiss him. But you didn't want to be out of breath and all sweaty. So you walked quickly.
You heard Eddie talking before you got there.
Talking to yourself too huh?
As you got closer you heard laughing. But not Eddie's. You stopped and heard a girl.
You didn't realize you were doing it but we're creeping closer to hear the conversation. Being as silent as you could.
"I feel like I'm losing my mind right now. I'm talking to Chrissy Cunningham, the queen of Hawkins High" "You know, this isn't the first time that we've, um... Hung out."
You're getting high with Chrissy?
As you continued to listen. Eddie seemed to be flirting with her. You felt your heart rate pick up and jealousy filled you. Your eyes started to water.
"You should come see us. Uh, we play at The Hideout on Tuesdays. It's pretty cool. We... We actually get a crowd of about five... drunks."
Your heart broke right then and there. He never asked you to see his band. And you guys have been friends for months. This was his first time talking to Chrissy and he already asked her.
You're flirting. Why?
Tears started to fall and you covered your mouth to cover up the gasp that came with them.
Then you heard it. He called her sweetheart. That's when you had enough. You were done eavesdropping. You turned around and hurried back to the football field. Once you got there you slowed down and tried to catch your breath.
Deep breaths. Common y/n. Calm down.
You took a few deep breaths and wiped your face. You wanted to go home but you couldn't. Your brother would know you've been crying.
You ended up in your little nook and sat there with your knees up. You buried your face into your arms and cried as quietly as you could.
I thought he liked me.
Well you weren't the only one he liked. But why would he choose you? You and Chrissy were completely opposites. She was so pretty and so nice. And she was thin and blonde and a damn cheerleader. How the hell could you compete with her? There's no way in hell that Eddie would choose you over her.
Fuck you really couldn't do this anymore. You couldn't lose yourself for this "relationship". You had to look at things in an analytical stand point. Instead of letting your heart do the thinking. It was your brain in charge of how you felt. And you could control that.
You decided here and now that you would only be a helping hand. No more spending time together. No more late night phone calls, no more movies. You were done. You needed as much distance as you could. But still be available to tutor him and work on the play together. But that was it. No more and no less.
You had to. You could keep hurting yourself for a fantasy. You had to be done. You needed to be done with Eddie.
You let yourself cry and cry. You cried until you had nothing left and your throat was raw. You sat there for a little while longer trying to talk yourself to stop caring so much about him. You kept hearing him call Chrissy sweetheart and you just broke all over again.
Finally when you were calmed down enough you took the long way home. It started to rain and you cried again. Now you could go home and no one would ask about it.
You stopped in front of your front door and put on a smile. You said your hellos and went to your room.
" Hey golden child. Eddie called." Your brother said.
" Oh. Umm okay thanks. I'm gonna shower before I get sick again."
You walked past him and locked yourself in the bathroom. You debated calling him back. But you needed time.
You took so long in the shower your mom started banging on the door telling you to get out.
When you finally got out you went to your room and started doing your homework.
"Hey gearhead. Eddie called again." Your brother sounded annoyed.
" Yeah okay. Sorry. I'll call him back." You said not looking at him.
" Are you okay sis?"
" Y-yeah. I just got so much to do. And lines to learn."
" Are you sure?"
You looked at him and smiled. "I'm good snot wad."
Your brother laughed " Alright kid. Don't work too hard."
When he left you got up and locked your door. You went to your record player and put on a vinyl.
You went back to work when the phone rang. You got up and turned the ringer off. You knew it was Eddie. But you couldn't talk to him. Not yet.
You went back to work. You read and read all your lines. Your concentration was interrupting by a song.
You listened and every word hurt.
What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this way. What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you. What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way. What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you
And I don't wanna fall in love.
No, I don't wanna fall in love.
With you.
The world was on fire and no one could save me but you. Strange what desire will make foolish people do. I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you. And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you.
The universe had a funny way of giving you signs like this. You sat there wishing you never fell in love with him.
Out of nowhere your dad screamed out your name.
You got up and went out to the living room. You were surprised to see Mrs Clark sitting on the couch.
" Have a seat." Your fathers voice was cold and angry.
You listened and sat on the love seat opposite from Mrs Clark and your mom.
" Mrs Clark has brought to our attention that her son saw the Munson boy stay here this past weekend. Is this true?"
You looked at Mrs Clark in disbelief.
" You have a lot of nerve." You said to her
" I beg your pardon." She said.
" That's enough! So it's true. You were being a whore with that...that freak!" Your mother stood up and slapped you.
"MOM!" Your brother yelled. "STOP! HE WAS HERE WITH ME!"
You sat there with tears in your eyes. You saw your brother put down the phone and try to come to you. But your mother stopped him.
"My son said while he was cutting the neighbors grass he just so happened to see through the bedroom window and saw them sleeping together."
"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Your brother yelled at your father who came to you.
He got in your face. " Are you going to just sit there and not answer for your indiscretions?"
Your brother knew if you told the truth. Things were about to get a hell of a lot worse.
You looked over to your brother. If you didn't tell the truth he would probably get hurt a whole lot worse than you would.
" Y/n!" Your brother yelled.
You looked back at your father.
" Y-yes. He was here with me." You replied.
Your dad turned around and pulled Mrs Clark by her arm. " I think it's time you leave. Thank you for informing my wife and I about this."
He quickly shoved her out of the house.
Your brother tried to get out of your mom's arms but she kept saying if he didn't stop he was going to get double.
Your father turned around and walked toward you.
" You will not see that boy ever again! Do you hear me? His is not allowed within a hundred yards of this house. And if I ever catch him here I will make sure my buddies at the sheriff's department lock him away for a long time."
You hung your head and let out a small nose laugh. "No."
"Y/n!? Don't." Your brother begged
"You don't get to tell me who I can be with or who I can see. So no."
You looked at your dad and saw nothing but rage.
" I'm sorry dad. But I'm not doing this shit anymore."
Your dad picked you up by your arms and grabbed a pillow. He held it to your stomach and punched you.
"DAD!! PLEASE!" Your brother cried out.
You leaned over and fell to the ground. You heard your father undo his belt and started beating you.
Somehow your brother got past your mother and went to tackle your dad. You tried to get up but your mom held you there by your hair.
"Look at what you've done!"
She moved your head to look at your father and brother. They were rolling around throwing blows at each other.
Your dad was much bigger and way stronger. You cried watching your brother get beaten.
" Daddy! Please!" You cried.
Your father stopped and looked down at your brother who was bleeding. He then looked at you and shook his head.
" You shouldn't have gotten involved boy." Your dad said getting up. "Honey let her go. She's had enough."
Your mother listened and let your hair go. " Clean your brother up."
You crawled to him and pulled him into your lap.
"Damnit. You should have stayed out of it." You whispered
" I promised I wouldn't let you get hit without me." He grunted
" I hope you're happy. No go to bed!" Your mother ordered.
" No." You said softly.
"Y/n don't." Your brother pleaded.
You looked at him. "No. I'm done. We're getting out of here. They can't keep doing this to us."
" I said go to your room!"
" NO! We are not staying another night in the place with you!" You shouted.
Your mother was about to charge you but your father stopped her.
You were always closer to your dad. You knew after every beating he would feel so bad after. But it never stopped him from the continuous abuse over the years. So you used that to your advantage tonight.
" If they want to go. Let them honey. They will come running back sooner or later."
You pulled your brother to his feet. You grabbed both your jackets and shoes. You grabbed his car keys and went outside.
You sat on the front porch helping him put on his shoes.
" Fuck!" He said trying to clean up his bloody nose. " It's not broken is it?"
You looked him over. " No. I think you're good."
You started to put on your shoes when headlights blinded you for a second. You saw two guys at first.
Then you saw a mess of curly hair bouncing to you.
@irishhappiness @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @idkidknemore @hiscrimsonangel @hellv1ra @browneyes528 @b-irock @erinsingalong
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soupsopsoap · 20 days
My Hero Academia, Season 1 Episode 3.
Oh boy All Might! Please Retire!
ok, yes, he is very important to society or what ever. He is also coughing up blood. Maybe he should not do this anymore.
Im sorry?
Love the song, 10/10 stars, what do you mean inherit?
I like how the note books show the improvement in his hand writing over time, very neat detail, lets go back to the inherit thing, Cant only the bad guy move around quirks??
"excuse me mister mortal enemy, could you please take my super crazy magical girl powers and not keep them but give them to this child I found on the side of the road?"??????
Oh boy, I wish I had that suit
I appreciate that Midoriya just Sits There And Talks To Himself. Truly the representation we deserve.
Ah, I see. Bad guy can move around any quirk and All Might can move around only his. That makes no sense.
Successor so you can retire? I'm on board
Hey man. Who let the beach get like that.
??? I dont think this guy is qualified to train anyone. "oh, your limbs might explode, but dont worry, im sure moving this fridge will help" my guy lets get a professional in here please
ok sure, but I don't think that'll help his limbs from not exploding
I dont think this would be possible in ten months. More evidence of time bending quirk
stop why did they get matching track suits thats so funny
Midoriya when is the last time you slept?
wait how is he ripped, hes in middle school?
put that hair away
wait does this mean bad guy is constantly eating other people's hair to move quirks around? Thats really funny, dont tell me otherwise.
why is he like that hes so funny
OHH SPACE!!!!!!!
good job buddy, you sure talked to her
OH I KNOW THIS MAGICAL GIRL Hes from the episode I watched :3
oh buddy...
no reaction
bestie why did you make a video game animation for this presentation no one cares
OH BOYITS CLASS PRESIDENT WHO WANTS TO KILL A MAN!!!!!! He's my favorite character
Oh boy he's so intense
Why is he wearing a suit what that's so funny
Did Napoleon say "go beyond Plus Ultra" I dont think he ever said that
Well, this was an episode. Episode 3, season one, even. Im too eepy to continue "blogging" so you can wait a few hours. bye
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allamericanb-tch · 3 months
kill your darlings thoughts
all of them bc i read this in one day 
chapter 1
hooray i know nothing about hockey
“like some kind of psychological boob job”
ooh he’s moving
i love bad drivers
no sirius definitely is infamous
regulus is in gryffindor ?!
marlene and dorcas omg
having an older sibling with a reputation and everyone assuming you’re exactly like them is the worst can confirm
baby black
ahhh i want to know who’s in his dorm
i like cerci
sirius jump scare
james is the ra
regulus you’re giving me secondhand embarrassment i may have to take a lap after reading that
evan is just trying to be a good wingman 
they’re at the bar now ahhh
oooh remus
sirius knows sign language omg
wait is wolfstar wolfstarring
oooh james is here
omg lily
oh no poor regulus omg
oh no walburger is calling
oh wait james is talking to regulus now
me this whole time: “oh oh oh omg oh”
omg they were having a moment
wait i love this
chapter 2
oooh lore
eugh snape
eugh lucius
omg james is here
james taking a creative writing class 😭
kill your darlings omg
lily is studying marine biology omg
ope james casually telling regulus his relationship with lily is too easy ?!
“He’s not…gay. Well, not outside his head anyway. It’s better that way.” ☹️
evan is feeling homesick ☹️
omg regulus is going to the hockey game
chapter 3
remus pov (!!!)
are they dating i’m confused
they’re on the roof
this is cute
“i love the smiths” “sorry?” “i said i love the smiths”
it’s so like. hmm. to see mulciber being referred to as nicolai
eugh nicolai
remus is facetiming his parents
i do not like lyall
regulus pov
oh wait i think this is the same day
james jump scare
“You’re in the closet?” “Yes.” A heavy handed metaphor but there’s not much that can be done. The beds are too low to crawl under.   
lucius is making me nervous
sirius is here
evan is a good friend
oh james is here
pete is being a good friend
chapter 4
oh??? hanky panky??? 
oooh a flashback
eugh mulciber
james pov
oh my
regulus is here
oooh they’re talking
“This is bad. This is so so so bad.” you’re right about that james
peter pov again
oh my
chapter 5
sirius pov
how is james being normal right now
and with LILY
alice hi
ok i think wolfstar is just mutual pining and not dating
i get the feeling mary and lily are marylilying
oh no im nervy
regulus pov omg
eugh snape
so are we just not gonna address what happened
evan pov again
james pov
uh oh peter
oh no the party
it was. omg.
i’m tweaking out guys
regulus pov
james pov
plot is plotting guys
my hands are shaking
chapter 6
this fic is all over the place but it adds to the drama i think
backstory hello
wait does sirius think regulus has a crush on evan
omg wait
i think the reason evan didn’t go to salazar was because barty did and something happened with them
james is talking to the cops
ope sirius and mulciber are fighting
evan is talking to the cops now
why did evan tell them he did the drugs voluntarily 
backstory again
bye wait i haven’t been saying anything im just too invested in the evan lore
this chapter is crazy omg
oh hello barty is telling evan to meet him
they’re kissing omg
they’re having a chat
chapter 7
regulus pov
he’s at work im nervy
i know what’s coming
omg james is here
this fic is so crazy actually
so we’re just not going to address the hanky panky in chapter 4 i see
remus pov
so remus thinks sirius is mad bc he didn’t tell him about the cochlears and sirius is mad because he thinks remus likes regulus
wait im actually so confused
james pov
wait so did nothing happen??? WAIT WAS IT A DREAM OH THAT MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE
omg jily break up
it was for the best.
GASP guys my face is actually like 😧
chapter 8
evan hello
evan and regulus save me evan and regulus
omg she’s ace
i love cerci
evan pov again
stop this is so funny evan is offering to kiss regulus because regulus thinks he will never kiss a boy
they’re kissing
did james see this and they didn’t even know he did??
sirius pov
my red flag is that i love miscommunication
omg wait
walburga is calling sirius
sirius is talking to regulus now
regulus pov
they’re at the leaky
they’re drunk kissing on the floor of the bathroom
this is not going to end well i fear
chapter 9
james pov
guys i was so locked in reading this i didn’t write anything
they kissed for real in the LIBRARY
chapter 10
oooh regulus pov
why is severus not the worst actually like
regulus is going to james dorm oooo
he’s reading a book to him
ope they’re kissing now
gasp walburga is calling
he is leaving ☹️
remus pov
noooo remus
evan ahh
oh cerci i love her
text ??
uh oh walburga again
pete ☹️
sirius just came home and remus and fabian were on the couch
 chapter 11
i’m getting secondhand embarrassment 
guys i think it’s game day
omg effie and monty are here
they won!
oh my
barty ?!
chapter 12
lilyyyy hi
mary is a hijabi omg
this fic has so much going on i can’t keep up with it
lily is iconic
not a fan of fabian and remus
chapter 13
these thoughts are getting shorter and shorter
james is asking him to come over
ART HEIST BABY REFERENCE ?? wait idk if this was written before or after art heist baby
they’re talking about like in every universe this has to be an ahb reference 
cerci and evan friendship 
peter. hm. 
sirius doesn’t even know 😭
he told evan
“James Potter, the great moral authority. Everything is black and white with you until one of your buddies is involved right? Then it’s complicated.” regulus has a point
chapter 14
guys my lip is so swollen from my canker sore 
uh oh lucius
ugh mulciber
james is here
they had a talk that was important
uh oh evan walked in on them
chapter 15
bye i haven’t been writing my thoughts but SIRIUS IS GOING TO HIS PARENTS FOR CHRISTMAS??
chapter 16
basically regulus is. well. you know. and james came out to his parents somewhat unintentionally 
chapter 17
regulus ☹️
monty didn’t know that sirius doesn’t know
sirius kissed remus and fabian saw and now remus and fabian have broken up
marylily save me marylily
regulus pov ive been waiting for you
chapter 18
looking forward to this i haven’t been home in 4 hours and i went through withdrawals
james wooo
he’s getting filled in on the wolfstar lore
fabian pov jump scare
aw gideon
ope peter
effie marry me
regulus went back to james and james was gone
they’re skating
they’re talking
wait ❤️‍🩹
very platonically but they kissed nonetheless
they way they all text is so on brand for them
ugh i lowk feel bad for fabian like i disliked him bc i love wolfstar and he was getting in the way of that but this is sad for him
you know i was not expecting the hanky panky to be fabian and remus
james again
chapter 19
awkward jegulus save me awkward jegulus
they’re awkward in an endearing way and not in a secondhand embarrassment way right now
woo game
evan ahh
evan may be having a crisis
woo hoo they won
omg evan and cerci asexual power couple of the century
alice jump scare
omg alice and barty crossover
stop wait i love them
chapter 20
wait why is it sad now
aw wait
marylily save me marylily
i love them
oh no his parents
wait wolfstar
they’re talking
chapter 21
oh no (the tw’s)
aw wait
me bc it took wolfstar 21/28 chapter to get together
regulus eek
evan is a real one
severus ?!
chapter 22
gasp regulus 
 chapter 23
i have five chapters left but it’s 1 am ugh
wait i’m loving this
and the poem
oh wait
sirius and mary friendship
i love muslim mary
chapter 24
regulus ☹️
he’s just like me fr
wait stop i actually really like severus
james ☹️
he told regulus he loves him
no stop im gonna cry this is hitting too hard
no this sucks
chapter 25
flashback regulus
chapter 26
i’m a little bit worried that there’s only two chapters after this and it’s all very angsty right now
flashback sirius
remus made him safe food
sirius and reg are talking
it’s almost two i should sleep
evan i love you
chapter 27
almost done guys
barty chapter
i like alice a lot 
barty just drove all the way to evan
i love rosekiller
 chapter 28
last one
and james
regulus again
sirius again
regulus again
sirius again
peter ?!
flashback james
i may cry
☹️ (?)
james ☹️ oh my
hey i thought this was supposed to be a happy ending
they’re going to the hospital
walburga just told regulus she loves him
this is cute in a sort of sad way
slowly but surely this ending is getting happier
they’re boyfriends
good (not sarcasm)
wolfstar save me wolfstar
aw fabian met someone
marylily save me marylily
regulus again
ok that was a lovely ending and it is now 3 am
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feuling-force34 · 6 months
A shape of purple
Hi everyone, this Is a Broppy story, i really Hope you like it! Its short bit its my First story so please no hate! Enjoy!!
* Oh my God! I can't believe that me and my Friends are going to the same college!*
Poppy Is really excited, she always wanted to go to High Might college! She was literally jumping from the enthusiasm. She Heard something, the phone was vibring. It was Creek *Creek, again* Poppy reached the phone and answer It
" Hi Creek how are you doing?"
" Really good Poppy, you sound really Happy, thats good! I can't wait to see you at school, princess" " Yeah, me too" Poppy sighed. " Are you okay?" " Oh, yeah I'm ok-" " Sorry princess but i have to go, bye!" " Bye...?" The call ended. Poppy was a little mad to Creek, he was always like this, he cared for her but he was always so rude sometimes.
" Better get ready" Poppy said It in enthusiastic way. She wanted to do everything that college would offer: joining club, meet new troll, do some sporta and most important of all... Prom! Poppy got to her car and drived to the school
" Oh my gosh! Its more beutiful than what i excpected!" Poppy saw her friends waving at her, She came closer " Hi! Do you want to go for a coffee with us?" DJ Suky was smiling, Poppy acetted the offer. All of them got to the school cafè
" This cappuccino its really awesome!" Smidge said " It sure Is!" Poppy was really Happy with her friends, she was enjoing the coffee with them. Then she saw a dark troll reading a book. She didn't focus to the book he was reading but she sure felt for that troll "Hey guys? Who Is that Little fella over there?" Poppy asked " I don't know, but i think i heard of him...His name Is like...Branch? I don't really know" Biggie was looking at the troll with a disgusted face.
" He's very... Dark, maybe i could talk to him and making him my new friend!" Poppy was Just in dreamland now." Okay" Everyone agreed except for One " Obliovsly not, Poppy... I like your enthusiasm, but don't you think that guy Might be, i don't know... Annoing? Boring?" Creek seemed like a bit scared " No, i don't think" Poppy didn't wait a minute that she was reaching that guy " Well, Hello there! My name Is Poppy, I'm new here and i wanted to make new friend, whats your name buddy?" The guy watched her and then " I'm Branch, nice to meet you" He seemed "normal" After all, " What are you Reading" Poppy asked " I'm reading a detective book, its really good. Why do you ask?" "Just curious" " Umm... Okay? Can i go now? I don't want to be late in the First lesson " " Oh, yeah, right! What class are you?" " 1 B" Branch seemed a Little nervous
" Oh, me too! What a concidence right?" Poppy was really Happy that ger new friend was in the same class as her's " I Guess"
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