urfavouritegirlie · 27 days
The best movie was released a year ago today. Let that sink in. And I still think about it everyday
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urfavouritegirlie · 1 month
Now I'm an anime only person but......
Gojo has stitches on his forehead. I know it's Yuta but……… He really can’t catch a break
Gege when I catch you it’s over
I don’t think words can actually express how I feel.
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urfavouritegirlie · 2 months
Aaron 42 HC's
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Dresses more maturely (Clearly)
He's a classy guy. He drinks that expensive whiskey. Neat or on the rocks.
Stopped being prowler when society collapsed and crime rates went up and when Jeff died.
Cut ties with King pin
Immediately stepped up to take care of Miles and Rio after his brother died.
Refused so many times when Miles asked him to train his to be the prowler.
Eventually gave in but put him under strict training.
Prefers to listen to soul and R&B.
Miles might have an unofficial auntie 👀
Knows how to cook and will leave food in lunch boxes for Rio when she comes back from work.
Help Miles with groceries.
Drops and pick Rio from work when he can. Because of the curfew and because of criminals out in the streets at night.
Regrets the fact that he didn't get the chance to reconcile with his Jeff before he died.
Mad at society for failing Miles. Thinks he has so much potential in life than being a vigilante for the city.
Tries to encourage Miles to be a kid, play basketball, talk to girls. Normal boy stuff.
Would take 'unofficial auntie' to nice dates and buy her nice gifts.
Would take her to a place to listen to some live jazz music with candles on the table and an open dance floor.
Such a gentle man toward her. Calls her to make sure she ok.
Treats her soo good. Buys her chocolates and ice cream. Runs shoulders and feet with a scented oil.
Makes sure place him and Miles are about to raid is safe and is not too heavily guarded.
'Unofficial auntie' is a nurse and both of them would go a get stitched by her if they got injured.
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urfavouritegirlie · 2 months
Did y'all know that Aaron probably goes to that 'engineering place' to spray paint by himself before he introduced it to Miles. We see that in Into the Spider Verse.
After the moment Miles yells out 'Brooklyn', you see Aaron getting a bag of paint cans behind something.
That just tells you he probably does it in his spare time. You know, away from reality, away from stress, in his zone just doing whatever. With the boombox too. To play the tapes he had back in his younger days.
So when he's done, he leaves it all there for when he comes back.
Now it's what Miles does when he's free from being Spiderman, from school. Just being the teen he is.
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urfavouritegirlie · 2 months
I read a fanfic on AO3 about Aaron and reader meeting in a bar and becoming friends-ish with benefits. It goes on at his place or her place. It was so good. Left with a cliffhanger but its all good, it makes sense.
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urfavouritegirlie · 2 months
Chapter 1: Green Eyed Monster
A/N: If you enjoyed this chapter, let me know by reblogging or just dm me! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! I hope you have a wonderful day or night, bye angel!
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BLACKWOOD MANOR loomed on the outskirts of New York like a gothic monolith, its sprawling grounds shrouded in mist and mystery; its imposing design was a testament to the wealth and power of its enigmatic owner, the elusive billionaire Alexander Blackwood. The grandeur of the mansion enveloped the night like a cloak of decadence, its opulence a stark contrast to the darkness that seeped through its polished corridors.
Usually, the manor would lay dormant and dark, with no sounds or persons going in or out. However, tonight was a special night, a masquerade-themed birthday, of whom it belonged to but none other than Alexander Blackwood's spouse. She was different from her loner husband - a city girl and an active member of New York's rich folk. Such a figure would earn as many friends and connections as possible - and she invited them all. Within the manor's walls, the wealthy elite danced and revealed, their laughter echoing against the marble floors as they indulged in the spoils of their privilege.
Among them, Alexander's favorite niece, Sofia Blackwood, navigated the sea of masked faces, her steps hesitant as she struggled to mask her discomfort beneath a façade of poise and grace. That night, she mustered the courage to ask her uncle to fund her college education, considering that her parents disapproved of her choice of study and promised to cut ties if she pursued it.
The air was heavy with the scent of expensive perfumes and the sickly sweetness of excess, but beneath it, a palpable tension lurked—a sense of impending doom that clung to the shadows like a vengeful specter. As the night wore on and inhibitions faded, Sofia was drawn to a secluded balcony overlooking the sprawling gardens below. She needed a moment to think, to gather herself before locating her uncle. Taking deep breaths, Sofia closed her eyes before looking at the scenery. A small smile appeared as she reminisced about when her uncle would play tag with her in the garden - tiny Sofia would run around the hedges, past the fountain, and up the staircase leading back to the manor as Alexander chased her. As her eyes followed the path, her smile quickly dropped as a cold chill shot through her blood.
There, amidst the ivy-covered trellises and moonlit fountains, she stumbled upon a sight that would forever haunt her nightmares. A figure lay sprawled across the cold stone tiles—a man, his once-immaculate tuxedo now stained with the crimson evidence of his demise. His eyes, wide with terror, stared unseeing into the night while multiple grotesque gashes marred his throat, the blood still warm and viscous against his pallid skin.
Sofia recoiled in horror, bile rising in her throat as she struggled to comprehend the brutality of the scene before her. The metallic tang of blood filled her nostrils, and she fought to suppress the urge to hurl as the reality of the situation washed over her in sickening waves. Instead of vomit coming out of her mouth, a guttural, heart-wrenching shriek replaced it. Multiple footsteps rush towards her before halting abruptly, filling the evening atmosphere with their wails. Around her, the party descended into chaos, the revelry shattered by the specter of death that now loomed over them all. Sofia was grabbed by her mother and father and ushered into an enclosed room where she finally regurgitated her evening meal onto the pristine marble floors.
Guests screamed and fled in panic, their masks slipping in their haste to escape the scene of the carnage unfolding before their eyes. All but one remained rooted to the spot, their gaze fixed on the lifeless form before them. Taking off their mask reveals a Black man with a scowl so deep in hatred that one would have thought he was the one who committed the murder. His dark brown eyes glower down at the body before being covered by the full face mask again. Quickly, he returned to the building, stomping down the velvet-covered stairs and pushing his way to the front of the small crowd around the crime scene.
As the crowd prayed, cried, and cursed the murderer to hell, the man's eyes focused on the wound on his neck. The gashes weren't a nice clean slice as if it were with a standard knife; they were thinner, deeper, and jagged with bits of flesh dangling and sticking out on the sides. No, a knife hadn't done this, but a set of claws-
"It was the Prowler!" a voice declared, "Look at the claw marks! That fucking bastard killed Alex!"
"I heard he's working with Fisk now. That fucking mammoth hated Alexander," another voice added, "He probably put a hit out."
"But on his wife's birthday? At a big event like this when we're all here?" A third chimed in. The second shook his head while pointing to Alexander's dead body.
"You don't know those men like I do; Alex was his number one enemy. When Fisk's family died, he asked Alex to help with some investments on some secret project; the hell if I know what it is. Alex said the fucker went batshit crazy when he lost his wife and was all over the news saying it too. It was supposed to be a wake-up call, but Fisk took that as disrespect and has been an enemy to the Blackwood family ever since. Dropping sponsorships, buying out companies, blocking his political power, I know that son of a bitch got something to do with this!"
The first voice suddenly reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a gun. "Fuck," he spat, "Fuck, fuck! To fucking hell with Fisk! I was THIS close to buying off those fucking votes! All that money gone to shit - where the FUCK is that purple bastard?! I'm putting a bullet through his head and then into Fisk's next!" With the sudden uproar, the first voice stormed back into the manor, which prompted others to do the same, all looking for the Prowler. He was already gone, however - he snuck out of the manor and into the thicket surrounding the manor, climbing onto his motorcycle and speeding off towards Brooklin. As he blares down the road, he tears off his mask again - brown eyes laced with a green envy hue as a single thought runs through his head.
That bitch stole my fucking kill.
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Aaron swore to his momma that he’d never hit a girl, but this bitch was asking for it. It wasn’t the first time Black Cat had killed someone on his list; no, it’s been months since their first encounter. But for how long will this keep happening? The year is almost over, and he’s only been responsible for the deaths of four unlucky souls. Four, while she had six. Five of which were stolen right from his grasp. To say he was upset is an understatement. Annoyed? Oh, that’s long gone. Pissed? Maybe two months ago. Enraged? Closer, but not quite.
It’s gotten to the point where his work has become sloppy - disregarding his usual planned and strategic approach for a quicker and easier route just in case she was around. One time he even took a gunshot to his shoulder because of his blatant tunnel vision - Fisk gave him shit for it and benched him for a few weeks to heal before shoving him back into work. Aaron figures he’s going to be hooked on painkillers for a long while.
Speaking of the Kingpin, Aaron wasn’t sure how to explain what happened tonight, hell he doesn’t even know what happened tonight. All he knew was that he had only been at the party for around fifteen to twenty minutes before Sophia’s screams were heard. The party had only been going on for about ten minutes before he arrived, so within that thirty-minute window, Black Cat had arrived at the party, isolated Alexander, and killed him.
Based on his wounds, Aaron deduced that they weren’t deep enough to make a swift and easy kill. As he studied the evidence photos of Alexander after he hacked into the BPD police files, he zoomed in closely on the gashes. While it did look like claw marks, they were uneven and choppy. It wasn’t a clean strike either - it was slanted and angled more vertically than anything. A clear indication of a height difference, Aaron noted.
Alexander was six feet tall exactly; if Black Cat had struggled to get to his neck, she’d be closer to five feet in height, five feet and five inches at max. Aaron paused and wondered if she were wearing heels or platforms that night - it would make sense, considering she’d have to blend into a masquerade-styled party. That would put her shorter than five feet and five inches, the average height for women in Brooklyn. He wrote that down on a notepad and kept examining the photos.
The pieces of flesh that stuck out kept drawing his attention. It looked like the results of his prototype claw gauntlets. They were made of random and uncut metals that weren't accurately measured or maintained. The metal would often be too sharp or dull and get stuck underneath the victim’s skin due to the curvature of the claws. Once he drew back his hand, he would quite literally rip out the area of flesh he had made contact with. While it got the job done, it was a messy and loud kill, prompting him to update his weapon.
It was evident to Aaron that Black Cat’s weapon was similar to his prototype; however, one thing still bothered him - it was a silent kill. The initial contact had been on the side of his neck, still leaving enough airway to scream out for help or in pain. No one heard anything, and according to the witness statements, no one had noticed that Alexander was not present at the party. Aaron frowned at that detail - Alexander Blackwood wasn’t stupid. Someone, be it a guard or even his wife, had to have known he was separating himself from the partygoers. A man who has many enemies wouldn’t dare leave without alerting someone.
Another thing that bothered him was that Alexander wasn’t some snobby old rich guy. Blackwood was a black belt in his youth; he competed in and eventually founded various boxing matches and fight clubs across the United States. He was highly trained in artillery and probably would have been a military commander by now if he wasn’t in control of New York’s corrupt legal system. Simply put, Alexander Blackwood was a force to be reckoned with, just to be cut down by some female in a black leather jumpsuit. It just didn’t make sense.
All of Black Cat’s six kills before Alexander Blackwood had been young men and women of minor importance—quick money, as Aaron called it. The targets Fisk had assigned to the Prowler were gang leaders, drug dealers, and old henchmen whom Fisk no longer needed. This jump from stepping on an ant to straight-up maiming a lion was highly unusual for some uptown thief in a bodysuit. A whole year with little to no gains was starting to get to the mercenary; he needed to get to the bottom of this shit and quickly.
Aaron rubbed his hand across his face and turned towards another monitor, clicking on Google and searching up “Black Cat Brooklin.” He was hoping something new would pop up, but all he found were a few articles and stories he’d already researched.
There was a video that had gone viral a month ago; it was the CCTV footage of a jewelry store that the villainess had broken into. She wore her classic attire, mask, and a white straightened angled bob. Strolling around the store, she opened the displays and bagged all the merchandise, even trying on some and posing in a mirror hanging on the wall. Afterward, she shouldered the duffel bag, blew a kiss at the camera, and left out of the vent system she had used to get into the building. The uproar on memes and parodies of the event were all over Aaron’s feed for days. Women were gushing over her bad bitch aura, creating fan pages, and even going out and buying white wigs, dyes, and bundles just to look like her. And, of course, the men were practically fapping their dicks, saying how she was too delicate to go to prison, how they too would steal some shit in this economy; they were lowkey gassing her up more than the women did.
Aaron didn’t care enough to have an opinion; at that time, she was just some thief. But it’s different now, he thought, she’s more than a thief, she’s a killer. This year was the first year of her dipping her toes into homicide, and from Aaron’s knowledge, she hadn’t even been caught yet. Aaron wondered if those men and women would still support her after it’s exposed that she killed six people in over a year, but he figured they probably still would - the world is fucking crazy nowadays.
Right now at the moment, he was just mindlessly scrolling, clicking on the fan pages and profiles for any information he could gain on her. And then, after refreshing for the tenth time, a new video popped up titled “BLACK CAT HAS A NEW WEAPON (and it reminds me of someone 🤔) | New Look, New Tactics.” Aaron immediately clicked on the video and recognized the person in the commentary as an influencer who was one of the ones who made the robbing video famous by creating a whole trend based on it. The video started with random filler topics, which Aaron graciously skipped through before getting down to the central part of the video.
“Okay, guys, so let’s get to the tea; last night, Black Cat was seen scaling buildings and rooftops downtown with a new look, baby! Let’s look at what Miss Cat got going on for us,” the influencer starts, clicking on a Twitter thread showing a few off-guard pictures and videos of the thief.
“Oh, my God, you guys! Look at that fur, okay, hold on, I’m getting ahead of myself,” she laughed before viewing the first picture and zooming in. “Okay, first thing’s first, that hair, baby! Miss Cat said new hair, new me, and rocking this new do! Gone is her angled bob, replaced with these cute goddess passion twists; I love this! Of course, it’s colored in her signature platinum. Is it platinum? Platinum feels more yellow to me, maybe just plain white? Or maybe more like a frosty white, you know? Yeah, let’s go with that, haha! Edges are laid to perfection, makeup always looking fresh, ugh I’m telling all of you Miss Cat needs to open up shop cause I would pay-“
Aaron skipped ahead a little more; it’s nothing new that Black Cat constantly changed up her hairstyle and makeup looks. It's a smart move, considering how easy it is to track someone nowadays. Her indecisiveness is the sole reason no one has found out who she is; by the time they get comfortable with one look, it’s on to the next.
“Alright, so let’s talk about this new suit. So, I do get why most people say this isn’t a new suit. I mean, it is just the same suit with more fur, probably to keep warm since we are in winter, but I like to call it a new suit solely for these!” The influencer moves to the following picture, a close-up of Black Cat’s arms - which had two slender gauntlets with claw-like attachments. Aaron sat up and leaned towards the screen. Those looked familiar - real fucking familiar.
“That’s right, guys, Black Cat has a new weapon! This kitty has claws, and she is not afraid to use them! Many people say they love it; it’s on brand with the whole cat thing and a way better choice than the staff she used. I love the claws; they bring her a new, dangerous vibe. Like, before, she was just this common thief we all made jokes about, but now it’s like, damn, she's pretty serious about this. Miss Cat said to put some respect on her name; she isn’t any weak runt of the litter; she is THE Black Cat. Quit playing with her; this is serious business! Now, next, we have a quick little video of this new weapon in action, but before that, a quick word from our sponsor-“
Yeah, no, fuck that. Aaron skips again to where the video starts, and his leg bounces. There’s no way, there’s no fucking way, right? Right?
The video in the thread plays, and it shows Black Cat using the claws to climb up a brick wall, leaving significant scratch marks and puncture holes etched into the concrete. Then, once on top of the roof, she raises her hand and flexes it, which seems to trigger some mechanism as the claw part of the gauntlet shoots out and attaches itself to the edge of another roof two buildings across. Black Cat then runs and jumps off the roof she was currently on and uses the rope-like connection lodged between the claw part and the rest of the gauntlet. She swings towards the building, and on the video, the connection shortens, creating a grappling hook. The video shows her safely landing and repeating the action for another building before it ends.
The video cuts back to the influencer as she comments, “So, as we can see, it’s like a grappling hook, kind of? That’s cool; I wish I had a grappling hook. Then I could properly get to work on time when there’s traffic-“
Aaron exits the video before finding the Twitter thread and checking the comments. There are screenshots of the gauntlet from different angles and a few claims that it had sometimes glowed purple. After reading more and more comments about the description of the gauntlet, Aaron leans back in his chair and blinks.
That’s my gauntlet, he thinks; that’s my prototype.
Immediately, he calls Fisk - the one person Aaron trusted enough to leave the prototype with due to his high-security level warehouses and marked a sign of mutual trust between the two business partners. After quickly catching Fisk up to date, Fisk left to check the warehouse himself before confirming that the prototype was indeed missing - stating that they had numerous techs slowly disappear since the end of the previous year but couldn’t pin who it was or how they broke in.
The whole reason he wanted Alexander dead was because he was the only other person who knew where Fisk’s warehouses were, so the Kingpin thought he was the one who did it. Regardless, Fisk seemed intrigued that Aaron had made the connection to Black Cat, but Aaron was too busy breathing fire to even tune in on what the Kingpin was saying, causing him to drop the line altogether.
Aaron could feel the uncomfortable heat of anger creeping up his spine and seeping into his brain, as he returned to the thread and checked the new comments.
It didn't take long before the public started to bring up the Prowler’s weapon and their similarities. After rewatching the video five more times, Aaron noticed the prototype was tampered with. Every major flaw Aaron had trouble with had been fixed to a degree. Aaron closed his eyes and leaned back, his leg bouncing rapidly before suddenly stopping.
“It’s my prototype, he mumbles, “And she fixed it. She took my shit and made it better.” He slowly opens his eyes; green envy returns to his dark brown eyes. “First, she steals my kills, and now she steals my tech,” he chuckles before laughing and slamming his palm down onto his desk. “I am,” he laughs, “I am going to fucking end this bitch.”
Tag list: @mordeiswrld @arielpanda1 @young-dc @fossilizedbeetle @super-nova-2006 @chelsea-xxx2003 @fandom-multiamory @leahnicole1219
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urfavouritegirlie · 3 months
Hi! I don't know if you accept requests or not (it's cool if you don't!) But do you have any hc about Aaron discovering he has a daughter? Lol. And what would be Miles reaction. Okay, thank you. Bye :D
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Hi Anon👋, I’m not really taking requests but I had to jump on this one. However I can't promise all future requests being answered quickly because I've got studies to focus on but I will try and do as best as I can. I feel like this request was made based on the headcannon I had made up. Absolutely love love love it and I'm happy to write it. Now let's get on with it shall we.
Oh and btw, He would be a Girl dad right. I can't see it any other way.
"Girl if you don't call this man now, I will track him myself."
"Ok I heard you, I'll call. Just in my own time. I promise I will call."
"Fine. Gotta go now but he's got to know now ok. You can't do this alone."
I mutter under my breath something she can't hear. "Psh yes I can."
Homegirl leaves and I'm stuck here with a phone number struggling to call it. It's been long. Will he even remember me? Why I am scared? I'm a grown woman for goodness sake, just do it.
"Fuck it."
Aaron arrives at his place at the early hours of a new day. However he just wants to collapse in bed and forget about yet another near death experience. All gear on the floor only left in boxers and bandages and dried up blood. He escaped gunshots but not the sharp end of the blade. A non life threatening gash on his arm and the side of his abdomen. Chugged a few pills and was ready to get knocked into sleep.
Not even five minutes into sleep, his phone vibrates on his night stand. Great another thing to do. He semi consciously picked the phone and answered without looking at the name id. Not that there was one.
"Hello," he answers. Not a word back. If these scam callers where trying him he was going to find whoever they were and end it there.
He kisses his teeth and no longer wanting to entertain whoever disrupted his not so deep sleep.
"Is this Aaron?" Hearing his name got him into defensive mode but relaxed a bit when it was from a feminine voice.
"Who'er you?"
The woman tells her name and it rings a faint bell in Aarons head. He's heard the name before. Where though?
"Do I know you?"
She seemed a bit hesitant to tell but she spit it out anyway after taking a deep breath. "We've hooked up a few times many months ago."
In his head he's thinking it's another chick wanting to see him again or wanting to move things further by being in a relationship with him. Makes it clear to them from the start that it's not like that at all then blocks them. It boosts his ego a little.
"Look, I thought I had made it clear that it was a two-three time thing then we don't talk anymore. I'm not looking for relationship or sum," he said immediately to clear any confusion.
"What? That's not it. I have something very important to tell you," she says.
Nothing could have prepared him for what she had to say next. She sounded nervous before she took a breath to speak.
"Well...... I ended up pregnant. I gave birth to a healthy baby. I found your number and called to let you know. Listen and listen carefully. If you want nothing to do with the baby, that is fine. I just thought you should know. I didn't say anything while I was pregnant because I was focusing on me and my baby and in case something might have happened. And I didn’t have it in me to get an abortion," she said so clearly and calmly.
He heard right? Oh he heard right. Was he too tired and drugged up to believe it or was this for real. She gives him the time to process the news. Once all her words were digested he asks…
“You sure it’s mine? How do you know it ain’t anyone else’s?” He asks confidently.
She takes some air in quickly as if being accused of whoring around. She wasn’t gonna let that slide.
“You’re that last person I slept with. Even then I wasn’t hoe. Never was, never will be ok. Look we were both careless. We didn’t use condoms but I was on birth control which ultimately proved that it’s not as effective as I thought it would be. I’m giving you the choice to come see the baby or to leave the matter completely.”
She was serious in her tone. So believable. Maybe it was the tiredness causing him not to think straight but…..
“Send me your address.”
I could not sit still. Walking back and forth trying to find something to do to distract me. It's still early morning, slight heavy rain falling and sliding from the top to the bottom of the window. The baby was ok, asleep in the bouncer, slowly rocking. I try to sit on the sofa but my leg just keeps bouncing, with the tv on but not my attention on it.
That dreaded call ended about an hour ago and by the sound of his voice, he was serious.
I flinch at the sound of the buzzer. “Hello?”
“It’s Aaron.”
With not many words I buzz him in. Now in a few moments things could go right or left. This is right, right? I gave him options. That's a good thing right? I definitely didn't want to be one of those women who don't let fathers see their child for no reason. Thoughts stop swirling when there is finally a knock on the door. No more time for hesitation but the doorway felt so far.
Aaron POV
I'm soaked from the rain. It took me being inside the apartment complex to realise. All this time it wasn't on my mind that it was pouring outside. There's an elevator but the stairs seem quicker. I skip a step each time until I'm in front of her door. No time to hesitate. I put my fist against the door to knock.
The door opens with her standing behind it. I most definitely remember now. I’ve been with her more times than I’d like to admit honestly. Can’t lie it was the best, not that I’d admit it to her face. Now seeing her, she has a glow that I hadn't seen before.
"Hi umm sorry bout being soaked, its raining like shit outside."
She gives a small laugh and tells me to come in. I remember I've been here before a couple times. Her place always smelt nice and looked clean. I take my jacket off and hang it by the door. I follow her down the short corridor to the living area. We both turn to the living room.
"Well. Here she is."
In the corner of the room, a baby swing with the smallest human possible as cute as can be a sleep, protected from world. I sit on the sofa before my legs give out. She said 'she'. A girl. I have a daughter. I hold my head in my hands. She sits next to me and put a hand on my leg to calm me down.
"I know it's a lot to process. Believe me. I had the same reaction when I found out I was pregnant. All the worries left when I first held her. It was instant love. Sorry I kept it from you."
"Nah I get it. Whats her name?"
"Her name is Tiana."
"Its a beautiful name."
I don't know what came over me but the need to protect her came out of nowhere. Protect her from every evil out there. It's crazy to think she is a part of me. But what about me? It on dawns me that I hold the role of prowler. Am I good enough for her? Am I strong enough to protect her? Am I man enough to be her father. Am I going to end up abandoning her like my father did? All these thoughts consuming me all at once.
"Would you like to hold her?"
I look at her and she has a reassuring smile encouraging me to hold her. "I don't know how."
"Neither did I but I learned."
She stands and walks over to this sleeping angel. She picks her up and walks up to me. I hadn't met Miles until he was a couple months old, so I have no experience in holding a newborn. I sit up and back and open my hands. She's so small. I don't think I've seen something so precious in my life. My hands are almost the same size as her.
"Don't be scared. Here, move your arm to support her neck and then your other hand holds the side."
She helps me hold her comfortably. With all this fuss she moves around waking from her sleep. Shit here it comes. Big brown eyes stare at me with a twinkle in them. We are both strangers to each other but she has to have trust in me and I never would dream of breaking that trust. A grown man like shouldn't be feeling emotional but here I am. She was right. It was love at first sight.
"She's so beautiful."
"I know right. Big eyes, a cute nose and a head full of hair. She got that part from me."
We both break out into a short laugh.
I hesitate to ask the following questing seeing as we are not together. "What's her last name?"
"I put mine and your last name together hyphenated. If you don't mind."
"It's nice."
We spend the rest of the day just talking, actually getting to know each other. She works as a nurse at a hospital, I told her I do engineering which isn't a lie. I use it as a cover up from what I do other times.
"I have a nephew, my older brothers son. His names Miles. He probably would wanna meet Tiana. Is that cool."
"I don't mind, it's cool she has cousin."
We met at a diner, we talked and it seemed like we were both after the same thing. No relationship but a stress relief. Semi strangers with benefits kinda thing. No personal questions and no feelings.
Looking at it now, that might change now that she had birthed my daughter. Speaking of her she starts stirring in my arms and looks like she's about to cry. Her lips quiver and starts crying. It's hasn't even been ten minutes and I've failed.
"She's probably just hungry. Let me feed her."
I slowly had her over to mom. All of a sudden she lifts the side of top and puts a boob in her mouth. This looks private so I look away to the whatever was playing to the tv. She starts laughing at me though.
"What? It's not like you've never seen them before."
True. I can't look at breasts the same. All this time they were just sexual thing to me but its not even like that. It's a personal connection between mother and child. I change the subject. I ask her how old Tiana is and she tells me only four days old.
"So you're fresh out the hospital then? Was it not hard?"
"It was hard. I couldn't drive because I was still sore from giving birth, so my friend drove me back home. She's been such a help these past few days. Cooking and cleaning for me but she does have a job and her own family to take care of."
"Hold on. Don't you only get a few weeks off work before you have to go back."
"Yeah. Around twelve weeks and then I have to go back to work. Some weeks are even unpaid."
"Well that's stupid."
"Tell me about it but hey, I didn't build the system. Here burp her."
She hands her to me then leaves.
"Where you goin. I don't know how to do this."
"Relax I'm just getting her cloth so she doesn't throw up on you"
She can back as fast as she left, put a pink cloth on my shoulder and move her to my shoulder.
"Just pat her back until she burps."
She gets up to leave and looks like she's heading into the kitchen.
"What you bout to do now."
"I'm a bout to cook. You've got her so I have the time to."
"Nah order some food. Get some rest."
Took some time going back and forth but she sat down. Same time as Tiana finally burps. I move to get my wallet and hand it over to her.
"You know you have a lot of faith in a stranger."
"Same stranger that birth our baby."
She orders some food. Time goes by and it eventually comes. We ate, talked. Looking outside, I realise time has gone by fast. Looks like it time me to leave. I get to lay her down back to sleep in her swing.
"Looks like I gotta go now."
"Oh umm thanks for stopping by and seeing her. You make a great father you know."
Her words struck me to my heart. I want to be the best dad to her. Better than my father ever was to me and Jeff.
"Come by anytime. Oh here's your card."
"You hold on to that."
I grab my jacket, say my last goodbyes to both of them but man I so don't wanna leave. I might come back tomorrow. I grab my phone and start calling.
"Jeff. I need to talk to you."
"I have a daughter."
"That poor woman."
"Ay now ain't the time for games. Me and her we cool. Yeah we were irresponsible but I stepped up. Think about it, you're an uncle now."
"I've been an uncle. Rio has siblings that have children."
"On our side stupid. Anyway can I take Miles to see her tomorrow?"
*The next day*
Jeff has allowed Miles to come with me to see Tiana. But he doesn't know that. I'm trying to surprise his since he wanna keep asking questions talking bout 'how come I don't have a cousin on your side?'.
"So what spot are we painting today."
"We're not doing that."
"We've been walking for so long. Where are we going?"
"You'll see man, just be a little patient. Don't wanna ruin the surprise."
We arrive at apartment complex. I ring up and I'm let inside. The confused looks on his face makes me just wanna laugh but I can't give it away. We get to the door, knock on it and wait.
"Hi guys, come in."
Miles walks shyly behind me until we turn the living room.
"Miles meet your baby cousin, Tiana."
The look on his face is just priceless. Ain't never seen him so confused. He looks at me then at her mother then at Tiana again.
"You have a daughter. Wait does that make you my auntie?"
"Umm well..."
"Yes it does. See I told you. All those questions bout 'how come I don't have an auntie'. Well you got one now."
"It's nice to meet you Miles. Your uncle has told me a lot about you."
He breaks into a nervous laugh. "Unfortunately I haven't heard about you but it's nice to meet you. So uhh how you guys meet?"
"That's not important. Here come hold her."
Needless to say besides Miles being so puzzled, he was so happy that he has a little cousin. Since then Miles had come to visit and see her many times after school and during the weekend and has seen her grow. Rio and Jeff came later on with gifts. Rio was beyond excited. Jeff was just as surprised as Miles.
"Your family is really nice, I like them a lot."
"Yeah. I've got a present for you too."
I take her down stair to the parking area. Her eyes could have popped out their sockets. Her mouth open so wide, you'd thing her jaw dislocated. In front of us a white Range with a bow.
"Oh my gosh Aaron wha- what's this?"
I dangle the keys infant of her and drop them in her hands.
"People call it a 'push present' if I'm correct. Oh and that card, spend it on our daughter."
"You are spoiling her to the core and she doesn't even know what money is."
"Only the best for my baby girl. Besides I wanna try this mom and dad thing. That's if you want to?"
"We could do that."
A/N - Honestly, I'm not to sure I did a really good job on this one I can't lie. I might have to reread it again like ten times and make tweaks to it. But let me know in the comments.
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urfavouritegirlie · 3 months
Miles (1610) HC's
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Very good at basketball during middle school and high school. Holds back since he became Spiderman.
Has an allowance if he completes the chores he has. Taking out the trash when it's full, keeping his room clean (shoves everything under his bed) and ironing his uniform every week
Discovered NWA and from then it was BANNED in the Morales household.
Plans to collect almost every colour and model for Jordans.
Loves cartoon. Ben 10 and Phineas and Ferb, Regular show, adventure time.
Played baby Jesus in the church play as a baby. The church had every character except someone to represent baby Jesus. Rio stepped up with a 4 month old Miles. She played Mary too.
Was distant to his parents for a while when started at Brooklyn middle. When he heard that he was moving school against his wishes, he packed a small bag and went to his uncles house for the weekend.
Miles loves his parents. He just wishes they could see somethings in his perspective.
Aaron called Jeff to let him know he's at his place and is cool with it. Miles spent the whole weekend venting to his uncle how its not fair. Aaron reassured him that his a smart kid and that they are lucky to have him.
Has asked his why he doesn’t have an aunty yet.
Looks up to his Uncle. He is so cool to him. Had the most fun when he used to spend the night being looked after by him.
Could not forgive himself after witnessing his uncle death. What if he just didn't become Spiderman.
Had written a speech at his uncles funeral but couldn't bring himself to read it. So Rio read it for him.
Spray painting just doesn't feel the same anymore to him. He does it as a way to try feel closer to him.
When he was looking everywhere for his laptop, he found a photo album he had not seen before. This included photos of Jeff and Aaron when they were younger, getting along like brothers. Pictures of Rio when she was younger and what looks like to be partying with friends.
Has the idea that if his parents don't allow him to go out and party, he will us these photos as blackmail.
Cant wait until he starts going to University. Wants more freedom in his life.
Hangs out with Ganke while at school and with his old friends at the weekend.
Was taught by aunt May how to fix and make more web fluid before she left for Florida.
Has so much respect for Hobie. Despite only knowing him for less than a day.
Likes to listen to conversations when he goes to the barber. Too shy to talk back tho.
Has a grip on that taper fade cut.
Sometimes the he's bored, he like to annoy his mum with some 'Spanglish' and runs away before she can grab her slipper.
Is smart in his classes but has a class rival. Always competing for the highest test score and grade. Has a smug smile when he wins. Has a confused pout when he loses.
His favourite subject is physics but enjoys chemistry experiments.
Once asked his parents have sibling but not him when he was younger.
Wanted to make a Spiderman Instagram and Tiktok account but let it go when he realised the government might look for him.
Helps kids that are being bullied by intimidating the bully. Try to be educational at first but it didn't work.
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urfavouritegirlie · 3 months
Hobie HC's
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Is of Jamaican descendant. His grandparents moved to England from Jamaica because of the job opportunities.
Has 5 older sisters and he's the youngest. (Knows how to treat women)
Is his dads favourite child.
Knows how to cook Jamaican dishes and does it passionately.
He loves jerk chicken. (Who doesn't?)
Has a big family. Uncles and aunties and a whole bunch of cousins ranging from 30s to babies.
Very family orientated before he was bitten.
Is distant to them now so they won't be in danger. Only close to his immediate family but only see them a few times.
His extended family think he's a rebel and a disappointment but they don't know him like his family do.
Excelled at school even though he thinks the school system is fraud.
Got his first piercing when he was 14. Asked his 5th born sister to go with him.
Had a hard time hiding the fact he is Spiderman until he found a place of his own. Small cheap apartment.
Hates politicians.
If some of them were campaigning to be Prime Minister he would would play his guitar on multiple speakers on high volume to disturb.
Has a good amount of money from when he modelled. Designers were begging him to model their latest outfits because they loved his look. Tall and slim. Immediately quit after big brands were after him. Did not want that kind of attention.
Prefers to do small shows with his band.
Was given so many numbers on pieces of paper from girls backstage.
Does not call any of them.
When he met Miles, got the need to protect him like an older brother. Was a nice change for him.
Has been suspicious of Miguel but doesn't show it. Waited till something happened aka Miles.
Can sip Wray and Nephews and not feel a thing. He has a limit tho.
Has a folder of drawings from kids that draw him.
Is an uncle to a nephew and two nieces. Sends them gifts 'from uncle Hobs'.
Check out the Miles 1610 HC’s right here
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urfavouritegirlie · 3 months
Aaron Davis HC's
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Still has vinyl records that he and Jefferson used to steal from when they were younger.
Many girls had a crush on him during high school.
The 'hey' technique worked somehow.
Sleeps with satin sheets
Has the best colognes known to man. You could smell him from a distance.
Take precious care of his goatee.
Is not in a relationship but has a few one night stands/booty calls from time to time. He feels like his job doesn't allow him the freedom of a good relationship with someone.
Plays R&B songs when he's in his feelings. Only 90s and 2000s
Has a really good singing voice. Just DOES NOT and WILL NOT sing in front of anyone.
Actually has an engineering job as a cover. And is really good at it.
Has had a few nightmares of some of the women he's hooked up with coming to his door with kids he didn't know of.
Imagines what life would be like if he was never the prowler. Would he get married? Would he have children?
Did not talk to Jeff for a while when he found out he joined the police academy. He feels betrayed because he remembers the violence he witnessed from them in their neighbourhood growing up.
Sent a baby care package to Jeff and Rio when he heard Miles was born.
Vowed to try and be the best uncle to his nephew.
Brought Miles his pair of Jordans.
Has a lot of money from working as prowler and has made it clean so the bank won't be suspicious.
Has a written a will because he's sure something will go bad at some point, just doesn't know when. Majority of money will go to Miles' college fund. His property will go to him once he turns 18.
Couldn't wait for miles to grow into a young man so he can teach him about life things.
Has looked after Miles as a kid when both Jeff and Rio were working night shifts.
Loves classic 'hood' movies. Like Boyz n the hood, juice and more
Briefly jealous of Jeff lifestyle. Not the cop part.
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urfavouritegirlie · 4 months
Chapter 1: Green Eyed Monster
A/N: To say this wasn’t rushed would be a bold face lie. I’m even rushing as I write this because I have an exam in three minutes. It is hella unedited and needs better formatting, but I’ll go back and fix some stuff up later. If you enjoyed this chapter, let me know through the reblog option or just dm me! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! I hope you have a wonderful day or night, bye angel!
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Blackwood Manor loomed on the outskirts of New York like a gothic monolith, its sprawling grounds shrouded in mist and mystery. Perched atop a hill overlooking the bustling city below, its imposing design was a testament to the wealth and power of its enigmatic owner, the elusive billionaire Alexander Blackwood. The grandeur of the mansion enveloped the night like a cloak of decadence, its opulence a stark contrast to the darkness that seeped through its polished corridors. Usually, the manor would lay dormant and dark, with no sounds or persons going in or out. However, tonight was a special night, a masquerade-themed birthday, of whom it belonged to but none other than Alexander Blackwood's own spouse. She was different from her loner husband - a city girl and an active member of New York's rich folk. Such a figure would earn as many friends and connections as possible - and she invited them all. Within the manor's walls, the wealthy elite danced and revealed, their laughter echoing against the marble floors as they indulged in the spoils of their privilege. Among them, Alexander's favorite niece, Sofia Blackwood, navigated the sea of masked faces, her steps hesitant as she struggled to mask her discomfort beneath a façade of poise and grace. That night, she mustered the courage to ask her uncle to fund her college education, considering that her parents disapproved of her choice of study and promised to cut ties if she pursued it.
The air was heavy with the scent of expensive perfumes and the sickly sweetness of excess, but beneath it, a palpable tension lurked—a sense of impending doom that clung to the shadows like a vengeful specter. As the night wore on and inhibitions faded, Sofia was drawn to a secluded balcony overlooking the sprawling gardens below. She needed a moment to think, to gather herself before locating her uncle. There, amidst the ivy-covered trellises and moonlit fountains, she stumbled upon a sight that would forever haunt her nightmares. A figure lay sprawled across the cold stone tiles—a man, his once-immaculate tuxedo now stained with the crimson evidence of his demise. His eyes, wide with terror, stared unseeing into the night while multiple grotesque gashes marred his throat, the blood still warm and viscous against his pallid skin.
Sofia recoiled in horror, bile rising in her throat as she struggled to comprehend the brutality of the scene before her. The metallic tang of blood filled her nostrils, and she fought to suppress the urge to retch as the reality of the situation washed over her in sickening waves. Instead of vomit coming out of her mouth, a guttural, heart-wrenching shriek replaced it. Multiple footsteps rush towards her before halting abruptly, filling the evening atmosphere with their own wails. Around her, the party descended into chaos, the revelry shattered by the specter of death that now loomed over them all. Sofia was grabbed by her mother and father and ushered into an enclosed room where she finally regurgitated her evening meal onto the pristine marble floors. Guests screamed and fled in panic, their masks slipping in their haste to escape the scene of the carnage unfolding before their eyes. All but one remained rooted to the spot, their gaze fixed on the lifeless form before them. Taking off their mask reveals a Black man with a scowl so deep in hatred that one would have thought he was the one who committed the murder. His dark brown eyes glower down at the body before being covered by the full face mask again. Quickly, he returned to the building, stomping down the velvet-covered stairs and pushing his way to the front of the small crowd around the crime scene. As the crowd prayed, cried, and cursed the murderer to hell, the man's eyes focused on the wound on his neck. The gashes weren't a nice clean slice as if it were with a standard knife; they were thinner, deeper, and jagged with bits of flesh dangling and sticking out on the sides. No, a knife hadn't done this, but perhaps, a set of claws-
"It was the Prowler!" a voice declared, "Look at the claw marks! That fucking bastard killed Alex!"
"I heard he's working with Fisk now. That fucking mammoth hated Alexander," another voice added, "He probably put a hit out."
"But on his wife's birthday?" A third questioned. The second shook his head while pointing to Alexander's dead body.
“You don't know those men like I do, Alex was his number one enemy. When Fisk's family died, he asked Alex to help with some investments on some secret project, the hell if I know what it is. Alex said the fucker went bat shit crazy when he lost his wife' n, pubicly announced it to. It was a wake up call but Fisk took that as disrespect and has been a little shit to the Blackwood family ever since. Dropping sponsorships, buying out companies, blocking his political power, I know that son of a bitch got something to do with this!"
The first voice suddenly reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a gun. "Fuck," he spat, "Fuck, fuck! To fucking hell with Fisk! I was this close to buying off those fucking votes! All that money gone to shit - where the FUCK is that purple bastard?! I'm putting a bullet through his head and then into Fisk's next!" With the sudden uproar, the first voice stormed back into the manor, which prompted others to do the same, all looking for The Prowler. He was already gone, however - he snuck out of the manor and into the thicket surrounding the manor, climbing onto his motorcycle and speeding off towards Brooklin. As he blares down the road, he tears off his mask again - brown eyes laced with a green envy hue as a single thought runs through his head.
That bitch stole my fucking kill.
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Aaron swore to his momma that he’d never hit a girl, but this bitch was asking for it. It wasn’t the first time Black Cat had killed someone on his list, no, it’s been months since their first encounter. But for how long will this happen? The year is almost over, and he’s only been responsible for the deaths of four unlucky souls. Four, while she had nine. Five of which were stolen right from his grasp. To say he was upset is an understatement. Annoyed? Oh, that’s long gone. Pissed? Maybe three months ago. Enraged? Closer, but not quite. It’s gotten to the point where his work has become sloppy - disregarding his usual planned and strategic approach for a more quick and easy route just in case she was on her way. One time he even took a gunshot to his shoulder because of his blatant tunnel vision - Fisk gave him shit for it and benched him for a few weeks to heal before shoving him back into work. Aaron figures he’s gonna be hooked on pain killers for a long while.
Speaking of the Kingpin, Aaron wasn’t sure how to explain what happened tonight, hell he doesn’t even know what happened tonight. All he knew was that he had only been at the party for around fifteen to twenty minutes before Sophia’s screams were heard. The party had only been going on for about ten minutes before he arrived, so within that thirty minute window, Black Cat had arrived at the party, isolated Alexander, and killed him. Based on his wounds, Aaron deduced that they weren’t deep enough to make a swift and easy kill. As he studied the evidence photos of Alexander he had hacked into the police records for, he zoomed in closely on the gashes. While it did look like claw marks, they were uneven and choppy. It wasn’t a clean streak either - it was slanted and angled more vertically than anything. A clear indication of a height difference, Aaron noted. Alexander was six feet tall exactly, if Black Cat had struggled to get to his neck, she’d be closer to five feet in height, five feet and five inches at max. Aaron paused and wondered if she was wearing heels or platforms that night - it would make sense, considering she’d have to blend into a masquerade styled party. That would mean her true height would be even shorter, an important detail he wasn’t gonna look over. He wrote that down on a notepad and kept examining the photos. The pieces of flesh that stuck out kept drawing his attention. It looked like the results of his prototype claw gauntlets. They were made out of pieces of random and uncut metals that weren't accurately measured or maintained. The metal would often be too sharp or too dull, and would get stuck underneath the victim’s skin due to the curvature of the claws. Once he draws back his hand, he would quite literally rip out the area of flesh he had made contact with. While it got the job done, it was a messy and loud kill which prompted him to update his weapon. It was obvious to Aaron that Black Cat’s weapon was similar to his prototype, however there was still one thing that bothered him - it was a silent kill. The initial contact had been on the side of his neck, still leaving enough airway to scream out for help or in pain. Another thing that bothered him was the fact that Alexander wasn’t some snobby old rich guy. Blackwood was a black belt in his youth; he competed in and eventually managed various boxing matches and fight clubs across the United States. He was highly trained in artillery, and probably would have been a military commander by now if he wasn’t in control of New York’s corrupt legal system. To put it simply, Alexander Blackwood was a force to be reckoned with, just to be cut down by some female in a black leather jumpsuit with white fur.
Aaron rubbed his hand across his face and turned towards another monitor, clicking on Google and searching up “Black Cat Brooklin”. He found a few articles and stories, stuff he’s already researched before. There was a video that had gone viral a month ago, it was the CCTV footage of a jewelry store that the villainess had broken into. She was wearing her classic attire and mask, along with a new white straightened angled bob. Strolling around the store, she opened the displays and bagged all the merchandise, even trying on some and posing into a mirror that was hanging on the wall. Afterwards, she shouldered the duffel bag, blew a kiss at the camera, and left out of the vent system she had used to get into the building. The uproar on memes and parodies of the event were all over Aaron’s feed for days. Women were gushing over her bad bitch aura, creating fan pages, and even going out and buying white wigs, dye, and bundles just to look like her. And of course the men were practically fapping their dicks, saying how she was too fine to go to prison, how they too would steal some shit in this economy, lowkey gassing her up more than the women do. Aaron didn’t care to have an opinion, at that time she was just some female thief. But it’s different now, he thought, she’s more than a thief, she’s a killer. This was the first year of her dipping her toes into homicide and from Aaron’s knowledge she hasn’t even been caught yet. Aaron wondered if those men and women would still support her after it’s exposed that she killed nine people over the span of a year, but he figured they probably still would - the world is fucking crazy nowadays. Now he was just mindlessly scrolling, clicking on the fan pages and profiles for any sort of information he could gain on her. And then, after refreshing for the tenth time, a new video popped up titled “BLACK CAT HAS A NEW WEAPON (and it reminds me of someone 🤔) | New Look, New Villain”. Aaron immediately clicked on the video and recognized the person in the commentary as an influencer who was one of the ones who made the robbing video popular by creating a whole trend based on it. The video started with an ad and random filler topics which Aaron graciously skips through before getting down to the main part of the video.
“Okay guys so let’s get to the tea, so last night, Black Cat was seen scaling buildings and rooftops downtown with a whole new look baby! Let’s look at what Miss Cat got going on for us,” the influencer starts, clicking on a Twitter thread showing the few off guard pictures and videos.
“Oh, my God, you guys! Look at that fur, okay hold on I’m getting ahead of myself,” she laughed before viewing the first picture and zooming in. “Okay so, first thing’s first, that hair baby! Miss Cat really said new hair, new me and is stunting on y’all with this new do! Gone is her angled bob and is now replaced with this cute little goddess passion twists, I am loving this! Of course it’s in her signature platinum, is it platinum? Platinum feels more yellow to me, maybe just plain white? Or maybe more like a frosty white you know? Yeah let’s go with that, haha! Edges are laid to perfection, makeup always looking fresh, ugh I’m telling y’all Miss Cat needs to open up shop cause I would pay-“
Aaron skipped ahead a little more, Black Cat always changes up her hair style and makeup looks. A smart move, considering how easy it is to track someone nowadays. Her constantly changing is the sole reason why no one has found out who she is yet, by the time they get comfortable with one look it’s on to the next.
“Alright, so let’s talk about this new suit. So, I do get why most people are saying that this isn’t really a new suit, I mean it is just the same suit with more fur, probably to keep warm since we are in winter, but I like to call it a new suit solely for the purpose of these!” The influencer moves onto the next picture which is a close up on Black Cat’s arms - which had two slender gauntlets with claw-like protrusions on them. Aaron sat up and leaned towards the screen. Those looked familiar - really fucking familiar.
“That’s right guys, Black Cat has a new weapon! This kitty got claws and she is not afraid to use them! Now, a lot of people are saying that they love it, it’s on brand with the whole cat thing, and a way better choice than the staff she was using before. I personally love the claws, they bring a whole new dangerous vibe to her. Like, before she was just this common thief we all made jokes about but now it’s like, damn, she kinda serious about this. Miss Cat said to put some respect on her name, she ain’t no weak runt of the litter, she is THE Black Cat. Quit playing with her, this is serious business! Now next we have a quick little video of this new weapon in action but before that a quick word from our sponsor-“
Yeah no, fuck that. Aaron skips again as his leg starts to bounce. There’s no way, there’s no fucking way, right? The video in the thread plays and it shows Black Cat using the claws to climb up a brick wall, leaving behind large scratch marks etched into the concrete. Then once on top of the roof, she raises her hand and flexes her hand, which seems to trigger some sort of mechanism as the claw part of the gauntlet shoots out and attaches itself into the edge of another roof two buildings across. Black Cat then runs and jumps off the roof she was currently on and uses the rope-like connection lodged between the claw part and rest of the gauntlet. She swings towards the building and on the video, the connection shortens, creating a grappling hook. The video continues on to show her safety landing and moving and repeating the action for another building before it ends. “So as we can see, it’s like a grappling hook, kind of? That’s cool, I mean, I wish I had a grappling hook then I could properly get to work on time when there’s traffic-“
Aaron cuts off the video and sits there in his chair for a few moments before finding the twitter thread and checking the comments. There’s a few screenshots of the gauntlet from different angles, as well as a few claims that it had glowed purple at times. That’s my gauntlet, he thinks, that’s my prototype.
Immediately, he calls Fisk - the one person Aaron safely left the prototype with due to his high security level warehouses as well as a sign of mutual trust between the two business partners. After quickly catching Fisk up to date, Fisk left to check the warehouse himself before confirming that the prototype was indeed missing - stating that they had numerous tech slowly disappear since the end of the previous year, but couldn’t pin who it was or how they broke in. In fact the whole reason why he wanted Alexander dead was because he was the only other person who knew where Fisk’s warehouses were, so the Kingpin thought he was the one who did it. Regardless, Fisk was clearly enthralled that Aaron had made the connection to Black Cat, but Aaron, pissed that Fisk just allowed this to happen, hung up on the Kingpin.
Aaron could feel the uncomfortable heat of anger creeping up his spine and seeping into his brain, causing graphic imagery of the gauntlet Black Cat is using malfunctioning and causing her to fall to her death - brains splattered on the ground. Or perhaps she would die from her own hand - Aaron imagines him in his Prowler getup, taking Black Cats arm and twisting it so that the claws get lodged and stuck in her own flesh, hearing her screams of anguish and pain. After rewatching the video five more times, Aaron closes his eyes and leans back, his leg bouncing at a rapid speed before suddenly stopping. “It’s my prototype, he mumbles, “And she’s far more skilled with it than I was.” He slowly opens his eyes, green envy once again returns upon his dark brown eyes. “First she steals my kills, and now she steals my tech,” he chuckles before breaking out into a laugh and slamming his palm down onto his desk. “I am,” he laughs, “I am going to fucking end this bitch.”
Tag list: @mordeiswrld @arielpanda1 @young-dc @fossilizedbeetle @igorsnumber1fan @super-nova-2006 @chelsea-xxx2003 @fandom-multiamory
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urfavouritegirlie · 6 months
Chapter 9
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Aaron POV
I suddenly jolt up awake in a cold sweat. My chest moves up and down as I take in all the oxygen. I look over to Maya and she's still asleep then I look over at the digital clock 8:48am. I get out the bed and go to the bathroom and quietly close the door. I lean on the counter top as I take deep breaths in and out. My hands are shaking, if chilled but I'm sweating. What is this feeling? It was only a nightmare, why am I reacting like this? The nightmare felt really real.
I splash my face with some cool water to try and calm down. I wipe my face. I hear a buzz at the door. I open the door and walk out the bathroom. I put on some sweats and press the camera. I looks like a delivery guy with a whole bunch of suitcases.
"Uh delivery for Miss Thompson."
I press the buzzer to let him in. He eventually comes up and knocks on the door. I open the door. He has three suitcases to bring and I move out the way so he can put them in the living room. Every time he comes up, there are more bags with him. Poor guy. I would help but it's not my job. I'm sure he can manage, he looks 23 or something. He comes up with the last amount with sweat on his forehead.
"If I can ask you to sign here please."
I take the clipboard and sign the parts that need to written off.
"Ron is someone at the door?"
She comes out of the bedroom with a tired look on her face and messy hair. In just my top to her thighs. I turn to give the clipboard back to the guy but his attention is somewhere else. Something behind me. More like someone. He looks mesmerised by Maya. I watch him look at her up and down with a stupid smirk on him. He bits the corner of his lip. Fuck no.
I shove the clipboard in his chest and stand in front of him to stop him from fantasising about her anymore. He finally comes to his senses, takes the clipboard, says thank you and dips.
"My bags are here."
She looks more awake as she realises that her bags are back.
"Why are so many bags. Didn't you leave with like three."
"This is my whole wardrobe. Of course I would go shopping abroad."
She takes them and unpacks. I'm watching her from the doorway. She opens the first big suit case and pulls out a dress and another with another. These look short and revealing.
"Where did you wear these dresses?"
"At parties, clubs and days out with my girls."
"Has any guys approached you?"
"Oh every single time." she laughs but I'm not laughing.
"But not only in these dresses, in work clothes so like two piece suits or dresses, gym clothes, casual clothes and bikinis."
She nods with a knowing look. She knows exactly what she's doing.
"It's not like I engaged with them. If I sensed flirting I would shut it down. Unless it gets me free drinks with my friends."
“Yeah ok. Listen I gotta head to work.”
"Oh you still engineering?"
"Yeah. Working on a megacorporation called Alchemax. But you never heard from me."
"Oh so it's like a government owned building or something. Sounds exciting."
I kiss her cheek and go take a shower. What is said was not a lie. Engineering is my job. It's like a back up income. When people ask what I do, I tell them that. It's really good paying job.
Maya POV
I carry on packing what I can whilst Aaron takes a shower. I then realise how bags I have. I'm definitely going to donate some. I don't forget the Christmas presents but put them to the side. I go through some bags and close to finishing when the bathroom door opens with steam in the way.
He comes out the steamy room with only a towel around his waist. NoW it's my turn to stare. He has been working out. I mean he always was but his muscles look more visible or is it the water.
"Take a photo."
I snap back to life. He looks at me with a grin. Throw a piece of clothing at him but as always he catches it. He unfolds it and his smirk widens even more. It was one my underwear. My mistake. I go over to him to get it back but he just holds it above me. I giving it my all by going on my tiptoes and holing on to his arm. No joke it feels firm. I give up.
"Don't you have work to go to?"
"Not until a bit later."
I leave the room to make something for breakfast. I open the fridge. Nothing. Only a box of Chineses takeout, half a pack of beer left. Smh. What the hell has this guy been eating. At least there is milk that is fresh. I open the cabinets for cereal and thank God there was some. I get a bowl and a spoon and start. I go and sit on the leather couch and watch TV. The sound of a sitcom graces to room with a bunch of backtrack laughter.
He finishes but is in a rush to get to wherever he's working.
"What the hell have you been eating these past eight years?"
"Huh!" Smh again. "I'm surprised you're still alive. You've been surviving on takeouts for years."
"Gotta bye."
What a way to disappear. What? Did he get flashbacks of me nagging him to eat healthy back in the day. It used to bother me seeing him eat all that junk. To the point where he would eat in the carpark of fast food restaurants. Still caught him though. On the topic of food I've got to do some shopping. Even the fridge looks hungry.
I finish the cereal, take a shower and get dressed. A jumpsuit, leg warmers, boots, winter coat and fluffy beanie and purse and I'm out the door. I get an Uber to the union market. I know it's an expensive posh grocery store but i haven't been in so long. I 'm gonna make something nice and healthy tonight.
My Uber arrives and I hop in. The whole ride I'm grateful that the driver does not say a word. I like rides in silence or with music. I arrive at the place and step into the store. The cold is really intent on killing me.
"Hello Miss, welcome to the Union Market. Do you have a membership?" The woman at the door greeted me.
"I do but it probably expired."
"Thats ok. We can update it for you"
I give her my card and she scans it and puts it in the system.
"Here is new car. Also you are able to do your shopping and have it delivered the same day as soon as possible."
Oh. That's fun. Years ago, they would only load groceries in the boot of your car. I grab a cart and get started. I'm walking through the aisles. I'm picking up fresh vegetables, fresh fruits. I will be making salmon with mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli because lord knows he needs a healthy meal after all these years of junk food.
I'm lost in thought as I'm walking up and down the aisles about to finish.
"Oh my gosh. Maya is that you?"
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urfavouritegirlie · 8 months
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Miles x black fem reader
(Not my image)
Summary - Y/n delivers a textbook to Miles’ house when he forgets it in maths class.
The extra curricular maths class is over. I attended because we have an exam next week. I really don't know why I stayed, I don't think I needed it. It's only a few students that went after school. The teachers words are just gibberish because I'm too tired to listen. The bell rings and everyone immediately starts packing up to leave this place to enjoy their weekend. I'm a bit slow in packing my things making me the last one to leave.
"Oh Y/n!"
I was literally by the doorway when Mrs Williams called me. I put on an award winning fake smile and walk to her desk. She's not buying though.
"You can stop the act."
*Sigh* "Was it that obvious?"
"I'm a black woman too okay. Don't get me started."
We both share a small laugh before she continues talking.
"Mr Morales over here has left his text book. Could you go and give it to him. I'll write his address on this paper. Usually, I wouldn't do this but we have an exam next week and I have a feeling he might need it over the weekend."
She writes it on a piece of paper and hands it to me. I read and it doesn't seem too far. Just in the opposite direction I go. I walk outside and start heading in the direction of the address. I really haven't walked here before but it looks pretty lively. There's a basketball court with guys my age playing, music blasting but in an enjoyable way and everyone talking to each other.
I reach the apartment building. I go to press the buzzer but someone was making their way out and held the door for me. I walk inside and up the stairs. I check the paper again to be sure. Third floor. Ok In that moment I realise how awkward this could be. I mean we barely talk. The only time we do is when we are put in groups to work together. Nothing else.
I knock on the door and wait. I can hear a lady talking. Spanish I think. I couldn't hear another person so she must have been on the phone. The locks on the door unlock and the door opens showing a lady in scrubs and an apron on top. The aroma of well seasoned food graces my nose. But that's not the focus.
She looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I think I should introduce myself before I die of awkwardness. I take a peek at her name tag. Rio Morales
"Umm hi Mrs Morales?"
"That's me."
"I'm Y/n and I'm just here to deliver Miles' maths textbook, he forgot it in class and we have an exam next week. Our teacher thought that he might need it so that he can study over the weekend."
She looks me up and down like the security guard at school. All of a sudden I feel like in hiding illegal substances. Her expression changes to a soft one. She's balancing her phone between her ear and shoulder.
"Oh come in."
"Wait but-"
She continues her conversation on the phone and walks to the kitchen. What now? I look at the time on my phone. Its 4:48 and I really should be home by now. I close the door and I peek into the kitchen to where she is. She finishes her conversation on the phone with a 'girl bye, talk to you later'.
She looks at me and I stand up straight. I've been taught by my dad to make a good impression and to respect elders, only when necessary. "I didn't know Miles a 'girl' friend." She did the two finger gesture at the word 'girl'.
"Well we're just classmates really." I give an awkward laugh to sorts ease the tension inside me. "Umm Mrs Morales I really shou-"
"Would you like something to eat. I cooked a lot so there is plenty"
The food she was cooking smelt so good. I haven't smelt something like this since my mom died. My stomach was begging for it but should I really. She has this smile on her face that is so convincing. Why not.
"Let me call home first."
I call and someone picks up the phone.
"Y/n where are you? You should have been home by now. You have me worried sick."
"Yeah, sorry Jay. I had to deliver something to a classmate. His mother offered for me stay for dinner. If that's cool with you."
"A friend? Oh how nice. Sure you can stay over. Don't stay too long though. Ok bye now"
I thought she would be my saving grace but no. Jadyn is my neighbour and is looking after me whilst my dad is out on deployment. She's always telling me that I need to make friends. I do have friends, in LA.
I cut the phone and look at Mrs Morales who has a waiting look on her face. "I can stay over."
"That's good. My husband should be back in a minute and Miles..... where's Miles?"
I take my jacket off and hook it by the door and place my bag in a corner. I take off my shoes and place them to where other shoes are.
"Well since I'm here I can help you. If you don't mind."
"Oh sure. You can set the table for me."
She hands me plates, cutlery and mats. I place them nicely with the fork on the left and the knife on the right. I place the extra mats in the middle for the food. The door opens and this big guy in a cop uniform walks in. I freeze in my spot.
"Hey Jeff, welcome home." Rio goes and hugs him and kiss his cheek. I look away though.
"Hi. Who's this?" He asks looking at me through those dark glasses. I can feel the intense look.
"This is Y/n. Miles friend at school."
Again with the 'friend'. I barely know the boy. We've only had a few interactions at school.
"Nice to meet you Mr Mora-" I had put my hand out to shake his.
"What brings you here." He takes his jacket and hat off to hang it.
Well, that hurt.
"I was just delivering Miles' maths textbook. He had forgotten it in class so I was leaving it here for him because we have an exam next week."
"Oh ok. What do your grades look like?"
"Jeff stop."
"What? I'm just making sure she ain't a bad influence on Miles. Speaking of you don't happen to be keeping Miles later than usual?"
"N-no sir. I'm a straight A student at school."
Now he was inspecting me from head to toe. I know the feeling. My dad did that if he thought I was doing something suspicious or making sure my room was clean. I get put on the spot, especially by people of authority.
"What do your parents do?"
Oh damn. Here we go. I always hate this part. When I tell them they have a look of pity and I don't like it. They start treating me like I'm fragile.
"Umm my mom died when I was a kid." I look down so I don't have to see their faces morph into sorrow. I finally look up and of course they look sorry for me. I give a small smile. "That was many years ago, it doesn't bother me too much." I try to brush it off.
"Oh gosh. I'm so sorry."
"My dad on the other hand is a staff sergeant in the army."
Both their eyes widen. Mrs Morales in amazements and Mr Morales in an "oh crap" kinda look. That the look I always get after telling people my dad is in the army and his rank shocks them. I bet he feels bad for assuming I was a bad kid and intimidating me. At that same time the door opens again revealing Miles.
"Sorry I'm late. I was at the library studying for next weeks maths exam."
We all look at him. This guy is in so much trouble. He looks back and notices me. Lord help this boy.
"Oh Y/n, what are you doing here?" he asks confused.
"Oh you where at the library. Wow Jeff we have a smart and dedicated son right." Rio cheerfully says.
"Oh yeah, I'm very proud. So what topic where you studying?"
"Umm you know algebra, trigonometry and stuff."
"Oh what were you using?"
"My maths textbook."
Lord send an angel to take me now. The sarcasm is so present in the room. How can he not detect it? But at the same time I wanna watch. Both Mr and Mrs Morales give each other an unimpressed look. It's about to go down (insert Kevin Hart voice).
"Ok Mr 'I was at the library' answer this question. How can you study when your maths book is on the table?" His mom asks.
He glances at the table behind me and sees his textbook laying there.
"Y/n here has kindly come to drop your book here since you left it at school. Isn't that so nice of her hmm?" The tone in her voice is so unsettling. I would melt if I was Miles. Caught in a lie. Miles then looks at me. I feel guilty for bringing his book. Wait that ain't right, it's not my fault for the kind gesture.
"Anyway, dinners ready. We'll talk about this later. Y/n is staying over for dinner. She set the table so nicely."
His mom goes back into the kitchen to dish the food. His dad goes to sit at the table and Miles lays his stuff on the sofa in defeat and sits next to his dad. I shuffle to the kitchen to continue helping.
Now we are all seated at the table. His dad at the head of the table, his mom next to him, Miles opposite her and me next to her. But other than that, food looks great. I sit with my hands to my side. I don't want to make the first move.
"Let's say grace shall we."
They each other’s hands. I follow the same suit. I do this with my dad when he's home. His mom starts to pray.
"Lord may you bless this food we are about to eat, bless the people in this house.... even if they attempt to lie. Amen."
Talk about shade. I'm sure the heavens felt that. Now we are eating in silence. It's fine because the food is so delicious.
"So y/n, you said your dad is a staff sergeant. How long has he been in the army?"
I swallow my food and answer the question. "He's been in the army for 22 years now. He's 45 now so he was 23 when he joined."
We eventually finish eating. The conversations flow nicely without any awkwardness. However Miles hasn't said a thing. Kinda forgot he was here.
"Miles clear the plates." Without a word he hurry's to do the dishes. While his mom and dad are talking about their day at work I go to the kitchen to help him out. I grab a dish towel that's on the counter and start drying the dishes.
"Sorry if I got you in trouble."
"It's not your fault, it was for a good reason. I shouldn't have lied in the first place."
"Call me a detective or something but I think you had paint on your face. I don't think your parents noticed."
He pauses and looks at me. He clears his throat and discreetly says "Spray painting."
"Oh word?"
He nods his head and continues with the plates.
"Anyway thanks for bringing my book."
"Don't thank me, it was Mrs Williams' idea. I was just about to head home when she stopped me. Then your mom asked me to stay for dinner. Btw your parents are so intimidating but nice at the same time."
He laughs. He has a cute laugh.
"I think a dad in the army is more intimidating if I say so. I think you had my dad a bit shook. What does your mom do?"
"Uh my mom was a nurse."
"She died when I was a child, too young to remember."
"Oh I'm sorry about that."
"It's ok. Anyway, we've finished now. I have to get going home. It's dark now."
"Thanks for helping out. See you at school then."
We bothwalk to the dinning area. This grabs his parents attention. "Uh I have to get going now. Thanks for the meal Mrs Morales, it was really nice."
"Oh darling, it's fine. Hope to see you again. But it's dark now, I'm sure Jeff can give you a ride."
He happily agrees and gets up to put his jacket on. I put my shoes and jacket on and pick up my bag. I say goodbye to Mis and his mom. I can see Miles say something behind his mom without her noticing. He said 'pray for me'. Oh yeah he's still in trouble. I close the door and walk downstairs with his dad.
I give him the address and it's a silent ride. I'm not complaining though. I open the door and Jadyn is already by the door.
"Y/n it's dark out and....... what have you done?"
She notices the cop behind me.
"Oh this is Miles' dad, he gave me a ride home. You know, my 'friend'.
"Oh well thank you Mr Morales for bringing her home, hope she wasn't any trouble."
"Not at all. It's my son that's in trouble. It was nice to have you y/n."
With that he leaves.
"Miles huh? Sounds like a boy name." She's smirking at me.
"No" I leave for my room before she can say anything else. I jump on bed thinking about today. Today was ok. That interacting with Miles was fun. I'm glad I stayed after all.
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urfavouritegirlie · 8 months
Chapter 8
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Maya POV
Man, I'm tired but the only thing keeping me from sleeping are this interesting things Aaron has. It's I'm seeing a new side of him. I mean motorcycle, swords. I think nothing of it and shrug it off as man stuff.
"You still listen to music on a vinyl record?"
"Yeah it keeps the old classy vibe."
"Rio told me that Miles has one too. He's tryna be like you."
"What can I say I'm a cool guy."
"Hmmm says the same guy who was stuttering all over the place."
He attempts to tackle me like he always did when he didn't know what else to say. I run to the bathroom. Which reminds me.
"I need to take a shower. I know it's late but it was a long flight and a great party and it was cold."
"Umm ok. You do that."
Aaron POV
As soon as she closes the door I get toward in finding more things that I need to hide. There are a bunch of gadgets that I was working on that need to be out of sight. I can't have her seeing them, questioning me or worse hurting herself.
I look at the place and it seems decent. That same time the door to the bathroom opens.
"Ron, can I borrow a shirt. I don't have my clothes."
I turn to face her and.....damn. She appears from the steamy room in only just a towel that stops at her thighs. It feels like I'm seeing her body for the first time again.
"Umm second draw."
She moves past me and my eyes instantly go to her behind. Lawd have mercy. Is it me or has she been working out. It looks soo plump and juicy and squishy and....
"Quit staring at my ass. I can feel your eyes on me."
I'm losing my cool man. Ever since I got her back I've been acting dumb.
While she's in the bedroom I hide the last few things that she hadn't noticed somewhere secure. I turn out the lights and go to the bedroom. And there she is. In my white t-shirt that's too big for her. One shoulder exposed and the bottom brushing her thighs. She stretches her body to relieve the tension of the day. From one of her stretches I can see that she's wearing a pair of my boxers. They hug her booty so good.
"Ohhh man I'm tired. You just gonna stand there or you gonna join me?"
She ain't gotta tell me twice. My clothes are on the floor, leaving me in my boxers. I go to pick her up by the thighs so she wraps her legs and arms around me. I fall on the bed with her under me. Immediately, I start attacking her neck. Her laughs is the kind of music I hadn't heard in a long time.
"Stop, that tickles."
I feel something that is on her neck. I look at what it is and its shiny.
"You kept the necklace I gave you?"
"Yeah. I took care of it too."
The letter ‘A’ sits around her neck, in gold, in cursive writing. I had completely forgotten about it.
As much as I wanna have fun and catch up, I can tell she need rest after long flights and a Christmas party. We both move to our sides under the covers. Once I switch off the side lights and move to my place, Maya comes and cuddles up to me.
I enclose her in my arms as I cuddle her back. It felt like a complete puzzle. So warm and cozy. As it should be. Within minutes I could sense that she had fallen asleep by her soft breathing. Not soon after I fall asleep.
I hear a faint noise in the back. Sounds like buzzing of my phone. I open my eyes and feel around the side. I lift my head from the pillow and see that Maya's not there. Matter of fact her side is completely untouched. Is she in the bathroom? But the placye is completely dark and cold.
I get up go to the living room where I see Maya standing there looking at me with this look on her face. She looks terrified. I've never seen her so scared. I take a step forward but she takes one back. She puts her hands out for me not to come near her.
"Maya what's wrong?"
"All this time. W-why Aaron?."
She sounds so angry and upset at the same time. She stumbles over her words. She looks like she could be sick by the way she's shaking.
"What are you talking about?"
"All this time you...... you’re are the prowler."
I freeze. How does she know. I look around the place I can't see anything that could have given it away. I see my reflection on the window behind her. I see myself in the suit. I look down at my hands and they are the claws covered in blood.
I look up and see her shaking hands covering her mouth and tears streaming down her face. I can sense another presence in the room.
"Well isn't that a shame."
That voice. I know that deep voice. That voice that gives me missions and tasks. I turn my head slowly hoping it isn't true. To my horror I see Kingpin here. Standing at his full height making his way to her. I try to speak. To say something to make his stop. But I couldn't. It was like this body wasn't my own anymore.
"You've become sloppy these days prowler. Is it because of her hmm?"
My head had been preoccupied with Maya after the conversation with Miles, so much that I've made more mistakes in my job.
"Such a beautiful woman, too bad she has to go…. Prowler get rid of her."
All of a sudden my body starts to involuntarily move. I move to her and she's too scared to move. She falls from the terror that's about to unfold. I crouch down to her level where she's sitting on the floor. I'm looking at her through the lenses of my mask. I don't remember putting that on. Her breathing is out of control.
My hand raises up to her neck and slowly start squeezing with pressure. I'm trying so hard to stop but I feel like a puppet at Kingpins control. She starts struggling and puts her hands on my wrist as a way to resist. She kicks and tries to push me away.
"A-Aaron please s-stop. I c-can't breathe."
My mind goes blank as she chokes on her words and her breathing becomes more shallow the more pressure I add. Why am I hurting her? Somehow I gain back control of my body and I stop. She takes a huge deep breath in and coughs while holding her neck. I go to hold her to try calm her down.
"You're failing prowler, I can't have that."
He reaches for something behind him. He pulls out a gun and aims it at both of us.
"You used to be so sharp, alert and efficient. Now with her in the picture you've slipped up."
The end of the gun faces us. Maya comes back to a conscious state and notices the gun pointed at us. She moves in closer to me and I tighten my hold on her.
"Trust me it's better this way."
He's talking to me. I open my eyes and look around but he's gone. I feel fine but the gun went off pointed this way. That's when I feel the weight in my arms. Do I even dare look down? I hear very shallow breathing.
I quickly look at her. Her top is soaked in blood. She's trying to speak but coughs up blood. She's been shot in the chest. A puddle of her blood grows on the floor. I lay her down on her back.
"Shhh don't speak."
What do I do? I put my hand and put pressure on the wound but it bleeds through my fingers. This is my fault. I'm so consumed in my own head until I feel her hand onto of mine.
"It's my fault. You don't deserve this. I was selfish to keep you. You should've been happy with another guy and start a family. I know you would be a great mother."
I tighten my grip on her hand.
"It's ok Ronnie."
She takes a few shallow breaths.
"Hey look at me. I love you ok. I wouldn’t want to spend my life anywhere else."
She gives on last smile to me. Her hand falls to her side and her eyes slowly close.
“Maya. Hey don’t go. Maya please don’t leave me.”
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urfavouritegirlie · 8 months
Rob from The Amazing World of Gumball ran so the Spot could run alongside him.
140 notes · View notes
urfavouritegirlie · 9 months
Memory Lane
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
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urfavouritegirlie · 9 months
Chapter 7
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Aaron POV
Did I mention the I'm acting like a complete fool. Not once have I ever frozen over like this. I force myself to answer her question.
"I'm doing good."
"That's good."
The next thing that comes out of my mouth is out my control. I wasn't thinking at all. It's like brain went into auto pilot.
"I missed you."
She gives her sweet smile.
"I missed you too."
She then goes from looking at me to behind me.
"Oh my goodness, is that MILES?"
And with that her attention shifts to Miles. I turn to them.
"Oh jeez, you have grown so much. Look at you, you're a young man now. How are doin?"
"I'm doing good actually. It's nice to see you again but how is work?"
"Ugh so busy but not anymore. I have decided to move back here in New York. I can still work here. Travelling is fun but exhausting."
Did I hear that correctly. She's moving back. Yeah, but for how long. It's like I'm intellectually linked with my nephew right now because he asks her the question I've been thinking.
"For how long?"
"Oh for good. I missed everyone here."
"Maya, have you eaten? I know you had a long flight and plane food is tasteless." Rio drags Maya to the tables filled with food and serves her a plate.
"Yooo uncle Aaron, what happened man? I thought you were gonna put your rizz game on. She had you stuttering." Miles laughs at me.
"Man hush."
People continue as they were, dancing and eating. Maya and Rio are talking their girl talk. Jeff is still barbecuing and Miles had probably ran off to his room with his other cousins.
"So Maya, what are the men around the world like?"
This hooks mine and Jeff attention. The whole place is on mute but their convo. I look at Jeff and he's facing that table too. We are close enough to hear their talk but not to be noticed.
"Gurl, I seen em all. Especially the rich ones. Let me tell you something. As a global estate agent I have seen all kinds of celebrities. Ive sold places to artists, actors, athletes, models, CEO's and top business people . Rappers especially. You know how they like to flaunt their money."
"Tell me."
"So, you know 50 cent right?"
"You met 50 cent? Do tell."
Are you kidding me right now? Freakin' 50 cent? For a winter in Brooklyn, it's getting pretty warm right now. I want to hear the story but not at the same time.
"Yeah, I sold him a villa in the Bahamas. I was showing him the place and he was being a flirt the whole time. He said he brought the place because a fine woman showed him around. He even asked me to be one of his video babes and act as his wifey in his music video."
I'm so close to walking out and gearing up in my suit and hunting the man down.
"Well what did you say?"
"I said nah."
"Because....... I told him that I already have a man. Chile you know rappers, they just wanna get in your pants."
There's a warm feeling in my heart when she says that. I relax back in my seat.
"Aww look at you. He's got you starstruck."
I can hear someone approach me from behind.
"You almost had her stollen from you by 50 cent, personally I don't think I would recover from that." Jeff says.
"Don't try it man."
Maya's loyalty to me was beyond my mind. I mean I would do the same by probably rejecting Beyoncé or something. She's amazing and talented and all but she just wasn't Maya. I honesty don't see what she sees in me.
The day seems to come to an end with people going home and the sun disappearing with them. The rooftop is illuminated with fairy light and many light bulbs. From where I am sitting I can see Maya yawn. Jet-lag must be catching up for her.
"I didn't see you come with any luggage. Just your handbag."
"Oh yeah about that, my stuff is in another state. The baggage handlers put everyones luggage in the wrong plane. I'll probably get it delivered tomorrow or the day after. It's really annoying, I had some presents for people."
"Are you kidding me, you making it for Christmas is a present its self especially for a certain someone."
Maybe I should stop eavesdropping on Maya and Rio's conversation.
"How could I not, after you told me about Miles and Aaron talking about me, I had to come back." She turns around her seat to look at me and wink. I swear Miles has a big mouth sometimes but at least it made her come over.
Now it’s dark and some people have left. Meanwhile Maya and Rio were in the kitchen finishing up some dishes.
"Ok, we are finished. There was a lot of stuff to wash. I guess this goodnight."
"What? Already? But it's only......1:30am."
"Exactly Rio, it's late. I'm sure Miles has passed out in his room." Jeff announces.
Speak of the devil, Miles shows up from his room. He deffo looked like he took a nap cuz he has drool and pillow marking on the side of his face.
"Are you leaving already?"
"Oh Miles don't make me laugh. It's late. I'll see you again soon ok. You can visit anytime too. You know where I’ll be. Come here give me a hug."
He walks up to her and hugs her and she returns the hug but tighter. Call me crazy but I swear he just turned his head to give me a sly smirk. This kid knows exactly what he's doing. Lucky for me I will have her to myself.
"Ok we gotta get going. I'm sure Maya could also pass out at any moment."
"Thanks for coming over Maya, it's been a while and it was nice to catch up." Jeff says.
Rio and Miles escort us to the door after Maya put on he her jacket and took her bag.
"Thanks for the invite to this Christmas party. See you soon and take care. Bye"
And with that it's finally just me and her. We walk in the nearly empty streets of Brooklyn to our place. The air is freezing to the touch and can see that she's shivering. Without a thought I wrap my arm around her and bring her closer to me.
"Your warm. I probably won't let go."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
"You know I know Miles was tryna piss you off with the hug earlier. I could tell you were slightly irritated but brushed off."
"I may have told him about how you gave him all of your attention when he was a baby and how it almost made me jealous."
"You being jealous of a kid now and then is so petty. Well I'm here now."
"Yeah and you're mine. I really don't like sharing."
She stops in front of me and makes me stop. She looks up.
"Jealousy looks funny on you."
"I think it's only acceptable if it's for you."
She gives that smile again. I give her a smirk back. This makes her bite her lip and look away. Before she changes the subject, I place both my hands to each side of her side to make her look at me again. Her big brown eyes twinkle with the Christmas lights around us. Her nose and cheeks a light shade of pink from the cold.
I leaned over and both of our lips connect. It's a passionate and love filled kiss. She's stiff at the beginning because it was unexpected but she quickly relaxes into it. She lifts her arms to hold on to me as I move my hands to her waist. I lift her until her feet are off the ground for two seconds and then I put her down. We break apart from the kiss. She looks dazed and as do I.
"I was waiting to do that for so long."
She laughs and I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. She's squealing as she hold on. We both continue until we get home. I scan the key and the door opens. We climb up the stairs. We reach the door but that's when I remember a slight flaw.
"The place is kinda not clean. I mean I didn't know you were coming. J-just wait here."
I speed walk in and do what I can. Remove pizza and Chinese takeaway boxes. Pick up a few boxers and socks. Especially hide the gadgets in a box. I was working on my suit and left it out. That needs to go. I do a mental checklist as I go back to open the door, where she's standing.
"Ron, I'm sure it's not too bad. Nothing I can't clean up."
She trots in like she wasn't away for eight years. She looks around the place and my heart start to pick up.
"Oh my God."
Oh God help me.
"You have a new car?"
Huh? What car? She jiggle some keys in my face. Oh.
"Not a car but a motorcycle."
Her eyes widen and they have a twinkle in them.
"Wha- since when?"
"Since you left. I gave away that old car."
She looks around some more. I did get the motorcycle some time after she left. It was easier for me to travel to my missions.
She takes off her jacket and hangs with my other ones. Some thing catches her eyes and I follow where she's looking.
"Oh damn. I didn't know you where into swords and stuff. It looks real."
She goes to touch it but they are very much real and very much sharp.
"Wait! Ummm did you see my punching bag."
She turns to the side and focuses on that. She starts giving it punches and kicks.
"Since when where you into boxing?"
"I used to do underground boxing remember. But now I just do it to keep in shape."
“Oh right. Almost forgot you used to fight.”
She does she eyebrow thing showing that she's impressed.
"It's like I'm getting to know you from beginning again or I'm finding out about this new side of you. Do you still do graffiti?"
"At my big age? Nah"
A/N - Yep kinda went over board with this one. Being a Christmas chapter and all. I aspire to write this much or more in the upcoming chapters. The starts ones were a bit shorter. I kinda end the chapter when I run out of ideas.
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