#ok only for gabe i swear
asunsetgrace16 · 3 months
Died of a Broken Heart ⎥ NM29
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Pairing: Nathan MacKinnon x fem!reader
Summary: It turns out that it is possible to die of a broken heart
Warnings: sad sad sad, swearing,
Notes: I take it back. Kind of. I don't think my groove is entirely back, or maybe it was just the fics I was working on. I wrote this in four hours around midnight and this is my first attempt at writing something sad. I will say that it was hard to not cry writing this, so hopefully 🤞 you guys feel some emotions too. There isn't much dialogue in the beginning. Also, broken heart syndrome is in fact a real thing
masterlist ⎥ navigation
Word Count: 3.7k
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Nate is numb. He’s been numb since about 10:30 last night, when the police knocked on his door. He had been home for 20 minutes max, having just gotten back from Cale’s house, supper with him and Gabe and Mikko. Tracey was up in Calgary for a few days. Y/N had dinner plans with her work friends, it was Shannon’s birthday. The world tilted on its axis as he was told that Y/N was killed. They soberly tell him what happened forty-five minutes ago. Hit-and-run…they are looking for the driver…happened in the restaurant parking lot…no, she was the only one. Nate’s pretty sure he stops breathing, because he feels a firm hand on his elbow guiding him back into his house, coaxing him to take deep breaths. Blood rushes in his ears, and he thinks, Australia, their honeymoon. He lifts a hand to wipe his face. When did he start crying? 
The police stay for a while, watching him carefully until they are sure he won’t spiral into a panic attack, ironic all things considered. When he is semi-into it, they explain everything again. 
Ok,” Nate says, “would you...you mind, um, coming back in the morning? I need to hear this once some of the shock wears off.” His voice is quiet and strained. He doesn’t fight the tears silently rolling down his cheeks. They agree to his request, leaving with a handshake and squeeze on the shoulder, hints of agony shining through their masks of professionalism.
Nate stays sitting at his kitchen table, head in his hands. Sobs shake his body, uncontrollable and awful. He cries so hard he thinks he might cry himself sick. Eventually, he leans back, face twisted with emotion and damp with tears. Slowly, he heads to bed. Each movement is mechanical. He tosses and turns, his sleep is plagued by once-sweet memories of Y/N turned into cruel reminders that she was ripped from him.
Eventually he gives up and moves to the guest bedroom. He cries more, more than he ever has. He wants Y/N, he wants to kiss her, and hold her, and take her to games and-.
Next thing Nate knows, he is waking up to the sun streaming through the curtains. He is confused at first, the stiffness of the bed isn't what his bed feels like. As he opens his eyes, last night comes rushing back. He doesn’t want to believe it. They had just started their life together, with promises of love and kids and 60 more years. The tears start again, slower than the previous night but no less gut-wrenching. Reluctantly he heads to the bathroom. He looks worse than imagined. Red and puffy eyes that unfortunately make the blue pop, pale skin and chapped lips. Nate’s hands shake as he splashes water on his face. 
Taking a deep breath, he tries to get some semblance of a list to make sense in his mind. He shoots off a vague text to Bedsy, letting him know that he might be late for practice, not knowing how long the police will take. 
It turns out that it only takes half an hour. The same officers from the night before knock on Nate’s door at 7:30, introducing themselves and Parker and Walker. They recount the night before in more detail. Y/N was killed at 9:48 pm, during a hit-and-run in the restaurant parking lot. She was the only one, none of her friends were even injured. They tell Nate that it was an instant death, painless…that she didn’t suffer. Nate is frozen in his chair, back ramrod straight and hands clasped tightly. Walker leaves a copy of his first report, and his phone number in case Nate has questions. He walks them out, shaking their hands and thanking them for coming over again.
Returning to the kitchen, he pulls out a notepad and pen. Nate lists off the things he needs to do. Call his parents. Call Y/N’s parents. Call the funeral home. Talk to C-Mac and Bedsy and the team. Get through practice. 
He decides to wait on calling his parents, saving that for the afternoon. Same with the funeral home. He is in a daze the whole time he prepares for practice. He makes his usual protein drink, but he thinks that he used orange juice instead of water. Nate’s not sure. He also isn’t entirely sure how he made it to the arena without running a red light.
His whole walk to Bedsy’s office is stressful. He dreads the thought of having to have this conversation more than once. He knocks on the open door, seeing C-Mac there as well. 
“Hey Nate, I got your text.” Bedsy starts, looking at Nate, concerned, “You ok? Respectfully, you look like shit.”
“Feel like it too. Can uh, both of you come down to the dressing room? Like now? I have some, some uh,” Nate stops, swallowing, “some news, and I want to say it as few times as possible.”
“Sure, all right.” Bednar and C-Mac glance at each other, worried. They’ve seen Nate be not ok before, but this is new. Nate is silent during their trek to the dressing room, still holding his orange juice and green protein powder monstrosity. Bedsy opens the door, gesturing for Nate to go through first.
“Hey Nate, you forgot your jacket at mine last night. You didn’t pick up when I called.” Cale tells him. Nate is standing where Bedsy usually stands.
“Uh…ok thanks, Cale. I was um…I was a little preoccupied last night. Sorry” He responds. His voice is shaking, his hands are shaking, Bedsy and C-Mac are getting increasingly concerned and Nate feels on the verge of a panic attack.
Cale grins suggestively at him, “Ohhh, I see, I see how it is. Getting a little lovin’ on with Y/N I s-”
Nate interrupts abruptly, cutting straight to the chase, “Y/N is dead. She’s dead.”
The whole locker room freezes. Cale’s jaw drops. Someone's water bottle hits the floor.
“Holy shit-” 
“Oh my god.”
“Nate, you need to sit down.”
The voices swirl and blend around him. Nate’s vision loses focus, and cotton balls are stuffed in his ears. Hands find his elbows, easing him into a stall. Someone kneels in front of him. Nate stares, glassy eyes unseeing. 
Slowly, he comes back. His throat is raw and scratchy and he needs water. Mikko tosses over a water bottle and a clean, damp towel.
“Start from the beginning, Nate.” Jo urges softly.
So Nate recounts the story. The entire team is close around him as he repeats what he was told this morning and last night. Their faces reflect the horror and agony Nate feels. Tears fall when he says that her death was instant. He hears sniffles from somewhere, and everyone else is crying now, too.
“It’s good,” he says, “knowing that she wasn’t in pain, but it is awful knowing that there was no chance of saving her.” His voice breaks, he covers his mouth with a hand sobs as quietly as he can. Cale hugs one side and Jo’s on the other. Once the tears slow, he takes the towel that Mikko’s holding. 
“Practice is canceled, today and tomorrow.” Bednar says, “I don’t want Nate to be left alone. Cale, Jo, Mikko, go with him and grab Gabe too. I will talk to the league, see about rescheduling the game tomorrow. I will have to tell them, Nate.”
“No, you guys play. Say I’m out day to day or something. A practice muscle strain.” Nate objects.
“Nate, your wife died less than twelve hours ago. We will not be playing hockey. I’ll phone in and say we forfeit. I will tell Bettman that the news doesn’t go out until you, me, and C-Mac give an interview.”
The afternoon follows a similar pattern. Cale drives Nate home, Jo phones Gabe. Mel brings soup when she comes with Gabe. She folds Nate into a hug as he cries. He makes the excruciating phone call to his parents and hers. Cale smartly suggests doing a triple call so there’s only one conversation. 
“Where should I bury her?” Nate asks, “Here, or should she be back home?”
“Nate, her home has been with you for years. Keep her close to you.” Y/N’s dad tells him. Nate nods forgetting that they can’t actually see him. Gabe takes notes while they discuss the funeral over the phone. Granite headstone, brown casket, service at St. Andrew’s and burial in the graveyard nearby. The reception will be held in the hall near Nate’s house. He doesn’t want people in his house. The date is set for March 5th. 
The media has a field day upon the announcement that the Avs have forfeited their game against the Stars. Sid calls him within a minute.
Nate forces the team to play their next game three days later on February 28th. It’s at home against Buffalo. They lose in an uncharacteristic fashion, so much so that the Buffalo players notice something is really wrong.
Gabe takes care of most of the funeral arrangements, and Nate is forever grateful. He meets with the funeral director, sending with him the clothes he picked out for Y/N to be buried in. Before he leaves, he hands Nate a box.
Opening it, Nate finds her purse. Her phone. A box with her wedding rings. Jo finds him with shaking shoulders and his head in his hands.
On March 2nd, a week after Y/N died, Nate asks for a press conference. The Avs lost both games they played in that week, with Nate a very conspicuous absence. Bedsy asks over and over if Nate is sure that he wants to go through with it.
“I’m sure. It won’t be a secret for much longer.” Nate says. Bedsy just nods. The trio of Nate, Bedsy, and C-Mac file into the media room.
Nate starts, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible. “I’m aware you all have been wondering where I have been this past week.”
The reporters nod. Nate takes a deep breath.
“On February 23rd, I received news. News that my wife was killed in a hit and run accident. It happened in a restaurant parking lot as she was heading to her car.” He stops as hands fly up. C-Mac picks someone.
“Nate, I am very sorry for your loss. Is this why the game was forfeited last week?”
“Yes, it was. It was a shock to all of us, and none of us were in any condition or mental state to play.”
“How is this going to affect the rest of your season?”
Nate scoffs quietly. His wife is dead and they are concerned with hockey. “I have decided to take an extended leave of absence from the team. I won’t be playing in the game tomorrow night, nor will I be for the rest of the season. My life was completely torn apart a week ago, I have more important things right now. I do ask that I be left alone right now, no reporters at my house or on the street. I want privacy.”
With that, Nate walks out. Cale is waiting to drive him home and he takes one look at Nate and pulls him in for a hug. He is tired of crying and tired of people saying they are sorry and tired of missing Y/N and tired of being tired.
No. 1 
February 24, 9:09 pm
Nate: Hey guys, I have some news.  Davo: Period at the end of the sentence. This won’t be good Nate: Y/N was killed last night, hit and run Sid: Oh my god, Nate Sid: Are you ok? Were you hurt? Davo: Oh shit Nate: I’m fine, but I guess that’s relative right now Nate: I wasn’t there. She went to dinner with friends. It happened in the parking lot Auston: I am so sorry, man. I realize that that is probably not what you want or need to hear, but I don’t know what else to say Nate: No no, it's ok. I appreciate it. I think I’m still in shock, so not much room for anything other that devastated right now Ryan: Is there anything we can do? Nate: No, not right now. Funeral’s on the 5th, if anyone wants to come. My place is full, but any of the guys would let you stay with them Sid: Of course we want to come, it's just a matter of whether we can Ryan: Even if any of us play, once the news is out most teams will probably want a player there for support Davo: I checked and it's in the middle of a break for us. Ryan and I will be there, Leon too probably Jack: We’re out west on a road trip, but I could try and pull some strings to come. Nico will try to be there too Owen: We are at the end of a homestand that day, but I’ll probably get to come. Can’t do much worse than we already are Owen: That was bad, sorry. Lame-ass excuse for a joke Nate: Don’t be. It almost made me not frown. Thank you Juraj: I’ll be there. We are in LA the day before. Newy will want to come Baby Connor: I’ve got a break before our trip down there. I’ll be there. Dammit why am I baby Connor again? Nate: Cause you are a baby. I really appreciate it, guys. Thank you Baby Connor: Dude obviously. You can’t just drop the worst news of your life and not expect your number 1 buddies to rally the troops and support you Nate: The kid’s gonna kill us all. I didn’t need to cry again but everything makes me cry now, I guess Baby Connor: Oh my god, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to Nate: I know, just messing with you
The funeral goes perfectly. Nate’s and Y/N’s parents arrived a few days ago and have been staying with him. It’s a comfort to have them there, though most days he feels like he’s wading through quicksand. There is usually a teammate there, or two. Sid flies in the day before, same with all the guys from the groupchat. Naz comes from Calgary. EJ and Tyson come, and other Tyson and Bo make the trip out with Owen. Alex comes with Juraj. Nate spends the day crying silent tears and hugging more people than he cares to remember. Mikko, Cale, EJ, Jo, Tyson, and Sid are pallbearers at the funeral. He gives a speech, short as he can get away with. His voice breaks and wavers the whole time. Y/N’s parents and Nate’s say a few words, and the priest reads the eulogy. 
The weather is mild for the burial, Nate almost wishes it was miserable. The day passes in a daze, making awkward small talk with people he barely knows, Thankfully they leave within an hour. The rest of the people there manage to lift the mood a little and Nate moves from crying to barely frowning. Connor Bedard sticks close to him most of the time. Nate is grateful for him, he’s a good kid with a good heart. He hugs Connor extra hard before he leaves to catch his flight to Utah.
“Nate!” Cale calls, knocking on his door again. He’s normally never late, but things still aren’t normal. Nate was the one who suggested that they go skate, not practice, but just to skate. A change of scenery. Cale finally gives up and digs his key out of his pocket. He’s a little confused when he sees that none of the lights are on. Nate hasn’t been himself, but this is weird. Nate’s dog Aspen appears from the hallway. 
“Hey buddy, where’s Nate?” Cale asks him. Aspen circles Cale once before heading back towards Nate’s bedroom. Cale follows him. Nate’s door is shut tight and Aspen has his nose shoved in the corner. Opening the door, Aspen bounds to Nate’s side, where he looks to be still asleep. He whines, getting his nose under Nate’s hand.
“Oh my god.” Cale whispers. Nate is a shade of gray no living person should ever be. “Oh my god.” He moves to the bed. Nate is cool when Cale touches his wrist. He fumbles for his phone, dialing 911 when he doesn’t find a pulse.
“Sid…” Kathy calls up the stairs, “Get down here, you have to see this.”
Sidney hustles down at the tone of her voice. Kathy is standing behind the couch, remote gripped in one hand. He stands behind her, hand on her waist. Her hand drops the remote, coming up to cover her mouth as they hear the news.
"... and now we have saddening news coming from Denver, Colorado. It is with our deepest condolences that we announce the death of NHL star, Nathan MacKinnon. He was found early this morning after failing to meet teammate Cale Makar, for morning skate. Makar called 911 when he found MacKinnon in bed after he didn’t answer the door. According to law enforcement agencies, MacKinnon died peacefully at home overnight, but suddenly, with no chance of resuscitation once they arrived on the scene. His death comes just weeks after the death of his wife, Y/N. What this means for the Avalanche and the rest of the season, we don’t know. More, after the break.” 
Sid thumbs open his phone to the news app. Every headline is the same variation of announcing Nate’s death. Tears fall on the screen.
Colorado Avalanche teammates of Nathan MacKinnon, coach Jared Bednar, yet to speak on the star’s sudden death.
Breaking News: NHL Superstar Nathan MacKinnon, dead at 29. What does this mean for the Avalanche?
“The NHL offers its deepest sympathies and condolences to Nathan and Y/N MacKinnon’s families during this time of tragedy.”
“Nathan MacKinnon, announced dead this morning weeks after his wife, Y/N MacKinnon, was tragically killed…”
Details about Nathan MacKinnon’s death are expected soon.
Details emerge on the death of Colorado Avalanche star Nathan MacKinnon
J.P Burrow, 12:00 pm March 30th, 2025
Four weeks ago, the hockey world was shocked when Nathan MacKinnon, 29, appeared in a press conference after being notably and unusually absent from two home games, both lost in depressing fashion to weaker teams. What he revealed that day was the furthest thing from what anybody expected.
We were told that a week prior, MacKinnon’s wife Y/N, 27, was killed in a hit-and-run car accident. Her funeral was three days later. Understandably, MacKinnon withdrew from the public. His teammates were a constant source of support, but that only goes so far when grieving your spouse. He decided to take the rest of the season off.
MacKinnon and Y/N were married for three years, and together for nearly ten. They were fan-favorites throughout the league, despite them being notoriously private. MacKinnon never smiled as much as he did when he was talking about his wife. 
Now, thirteen days ago, the world was rocked again when it was announced that MacKinnon was dead. Details surrounding his death have been revealed after an autopsy. The report revealed that his heart sustained damage after Y/N’s death, caused by a sudden, constant surge of adrenaline in the days following. This causes a disruption of blood flow in the heart, similar to a heart attack. It is fittingly called Broken heart syndrome, where the death of a loved one can trigger the condition. Death is rare, but it happens.
We reached out to friends of MacKinnon’s across the league, his own teammates commented in a press conference earlier today.
Connor Bedard: Nate was a close friend of mine, he helped me a lot when I first got into the league. I looked up to him a lot. Once I got to know him outside of hockey, I learned just how amazing of a person he is– was. I was shocked to learn that he died. We had just landed in Denver for our game against them when Cale [Makar] called me.
Sidney Crosby: It was a lot for all of us, the whole month. I’ve been close with Nate for ten years, he's my best friend, so to say that I’m going to miss him is an understatement. I saw how much Y/N dying crushed him, they were made for each other. Hockey was his first love, but Y/N was his true love.
Gabe Landeskog: The season changed for all of us after Y/N died and Nate took time off. There will be no replacing Nate, his skill, his passion…it left a hole. I’m not going to sugarcoat things. This will be really difficult to come back from. It won’t be this season, maybe not even next season, but we are going to fight, for Nate. He would want us to.
“He really died of a broken heart.” Cale says before turning to bury his face in his wife’s hair, crying silently. He hasn’t been the same since finding Nate, taking his own leave from the team.
For the second time in a month, the Avalanche and company are reunited, standing in black around a grave beside the one they stood around three and a half weeks earlier, but another person short. Y/N’s headstone will be put in the same day as Nate’s. EJ is holding Aspen’s leash, who took him in when Nate died. He’s retiring, he told everybody when they gathered the second time. The past month reminded him that life is short. He is moving back to Denver to take over Nate’s house. They had found a notebook in his bedside table that had the beginnings of a will written in it. He wanted EJ to have Aspen, and the house if he wanted it. Pictures, his suits, and Y/N's wedding dress were to go to his parents, donate his and Y/N's clothes, and box away his Avalanche gear and ship it to Sid in Nova Scotia. Their wedding rings go to Sid too.
“But now they are together again.” Jo says, smiling through his tears. The thought brings some comfort to them, knowing that Nate has been reunited with the love of his life, and won’t spend the rest of his life missing Y/N.
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ask-lab-rats · 4 months
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A little explanation-
Lab Rats is a human au where Cobs has created 14 specimen as test subjects. Basically a "created in a lab" au. Some have powers relating to their objects, while some of them don't. Unlike Cobs and his family, the subjects have object names such as OJ, Taco, etc.
TW overall for: swearing, torture, abuse, experiments, and general hospital stuff (Ex: needles)
You can ask these characters at the moment:
OJ - 001
Taco - 002
Paper - 003
Pickle - 004
Bow - 005
Marshmallow - 007
Bomb - 008
Paintbrush - 009
Salt - 010
Lightbulb - 011
Pepper - 012
Balloon - 013
Nickel - 014
Knife - 015
Baseball - 016
More will be added as the story progresses. [Powers]
You can ask them anything! Just no inappropriate asks because most the characters are around 11 years old :)
And for funsies, I'll tell you Cobs family aka his bio children.
His oldest and only daughter, Apple Cobs - 20 yrs. Shes in college.
Middle child and oldest son, Gabe Cobs (3Gs) - 18 yrs. Just joined the military.
And the youngest, twins Michael and Shawn Cobs (mephone4 + 4s) - 11 yrs.
You can ask them stuff too if you want. But they're kinda busy.
You can also ask the doctors/staff (+ Fan)
Dr. Parker (Cabby)
Dr. Spoon (Silver Spoon)
Dr. Berry (Blueberry)
Tessa Thomas (Testtube)
Finley Harrison (Fan)
Asks are open!
For the askers
You guys are just normal people on the internet reading about these unfortunate children. You don't really have any special powers. You can still try if u want but it probably won't end how u want.
Be nice and be patient plz I promise I will get to everything
Fanart is always welcome!
Now about me, the creator!
I go by she/her go check out my main acc @dicediceking
@dicedice69 , @babygirls-alt-acc and @ask-ii-bfdi-shipkiddos are also me. I don't post on the 1st one, the 2nds my reblog acc, and the last is my other ask blog
You can ask me any question u want too (but nothing inappropriate, I'm a minor ok)
There will only be ships with the older characters that I plan on adding later.
I apologize if some are out of character. I'm only human. I will also add in a few headcanons.
CreatorNotes are when I'm ooc. Any post without tags will also be ooc
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aria-ashryver · 4 months
SICSIG vs ID2 - Part 2!
bc there are even more similarities that it warranted a second post! (You can find Pt1 here)
some of these had me floored lmao. Spoilers ahead for Immortal Desires 2, up to and including CH14!
Vampiric Gifts exist
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Cas has magic / a vampiric gift of his own
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It was witches who first created the Talismans
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Cas is scarred from being tied/chained up with silver
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Cas swearing a blue streak when he's stressed lol
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Gabe being forced to acknowledge his double-standard where Luca's vampirism and his own vampirism are concerned
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Terri O'Rinn showing some steel when it comes to her child's safety
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And she evidently has a mean right hook
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Terri also being the one to make Cas cry when he experiences maternal love and care for the first time in his life
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One of the trio punching through an enemy's chest cavity?! (Cas approves 😎)
This is basically an approximation of how Cas crying makes me feel T-T
CW: gore
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MAJOR recurring themes/motifs of what makes a monster (this is a huge one in Starlight, and a super important part of Gabriel's arc 🥹)
(trust me, this is a culled-down version of the 56 mentions of "monster" i could have included lmao)
CW: suicidal ideation
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Cas and Gabriel ✨holding hands✨ and thereby fundamentally altering the dynamics of their relationship forevermore (i can't believe they are basically married already, wow)
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The Cas vs Gabriel Extremely Emotional Breakdown Smackdown!!
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And then this last, silly, unimportant little detail of... oh, I don't know, GABRIEL HAVING A SECRET VAMPIRE HUNTER COUSIN???!?!?!
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Like why cousin, specifically???? 👀 Lennox (after showing up out of fucking nowhere with zero groundwork or foreshadowing) goes on to elaborate that he's a distant cousin, several times removed --their great grandfathers were brothers-- but in Starlight, Joaquin Adalhard is a first cousin. Gabriel lived with the guy. They recognise each other on sight.
This one, out of all of them, is the wildest one for me lmao. WHY COUSIN??? WHY A SECRET ADALHARD VAMPIRE HUNTER COUSIN??? They could have gone "You're not the only one descended from Captain Adalhard" or "we are relatives, you and I" or "we share blood", but no, they went with cousin(ok, granted, that's literally the easiest family connection to make, bc there's lots of versions of "cousin" when you add the "once-removed", "twice-removed" etc, but still. I am CACKLING???)
Anyway, this was incredibly fun to make: if you are still reading and have no idea what longfic I am actually taking about, you can find snow in crimson, starlight in gold over (<-Explicit link) on ao3! I hope to see some of you there! 🥰
(obligatory poly!Gas summoning circle: 🕯⚫)
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luke-hughes43 · 6 months
i love you | ryan and isla
isla’s pov
ry and i are cuddling before the draft just getting alone time. he says softly, “you know any other year, you, or will, or adam, or leo go first overall.”
“i know. fucking bedard.”
“he’s lucky he’s a good kid and we all like him.”
“yea. do you think i’ll get picked high?”
“i wanna say yea sparky but you and i both know that you don’t know until your name gets called.” ry says softly. i nod against his chest and we just lay like that until my mom bangs on the door, “isla honey time to get dressed.”
i roll my eyes and sit up. ryan sighs, “text me when your ready. i wanna see you before we go.” i nod and he kisses me softly before going to his own room to get dressed.
i got a black dress for this and i really it. it’s very my style for the rare occasion i get dressed up. i decided to wear nike blazers for shoes because of my nagging foot injury, heels is not the right choice.
i text ryan and tell him i’m doing my makeup if he wants to come back. the only good thing that came from being kennedy’s doll growing up is that i know how to do my own makeup and hair.
ryan comes in, in his suit, and he looks so handsome. blue is definitely a good color on him.
he sits with me while i do the finished touches and smiles, he says, “look at you, my pretty girl.”
“your such a flirt leonard.”
“only for you”
i roll my eyes and stand to smooth out my dress. he says, “jesus isla, your beautiful.” i blush and mess with fingers. i’ve never been able to take a compliment from him.
he pulls me in for a hug just holds me for a minutes. i hear the door opens and i hear cutter say, “shit my bad. mom said it’s time to go isla.”
“ok i’m coming cut.”
ryan lifts chin so i’m looking at him and he says, “i know your nervous, but no matter what isla, i’m proud of you.”
“thanks ry. i’m proud of you too”
he smiles and kisses me softly before we go to our respective families and eventually get on the bus to the rink. we sit with gabe and will and the 4 of us are really quiet.
we get to the arena and there’s so many people. when it’s my turn to get off the bus, i take a deep breath and then walk off.
i do all the autographs and everything before going to my seat. i feel like i’m on autopilot right now. i make damn sure cutter is sitting next to me and he holds my hand. he says, “you got this sis.”
i nod and just focus on taking some deep breaths. i’m not worried about the blackhawks, they are taking connor, i’m worried about the ducks, blue jackets, and sharks.
connor’s name is called like everyone knew it would be and now the nerves kick in again. i whisper to cutter, “you have my phone right?”
“yes. i’ll give it back after you get picked”
i nod and wait for the anaheim organization to take the stage. i swear my heart stopped when they said, “the anaheim ducks are proud to select from usa development program, isla gauthier.”
as soon as i stand, cutter is tackling me into a hug. he says in my ear, “i’m so proud of you isla. you deserve every second of it. enjoy this moment.”
i hug the rest of my family and when i get back to the aisle, i see gabe, ryan, and will all there ready to hug me. i do gabe, then will, and save ry for last. ryan says while he hugs me, “i’m so proud of you baby, you deserve this. i’ll see you soon.”
i smile at my best friends and boyfriend before going down the stairs and towards the stage. i shake the commissioners hand and like blackout.
i know i did interviews and stuff but i don’t know what i said or who they were with.
back stage i saw connor and we hugged and offered our congratulations. adam went next which is nice. and then i hear the fresh prince of bel air theme song and knew that will went 4th.
i give him a big hug back stage telling him how proud i am of him. and now we’re anxiously awaiting ryan and gabe.
he says, “isla relax. he’ll go. they both will.”
“i know. i know.”
shortly after i finish an interview, i hear someone say, “the washington capitals are proud to select from the usa development program, ryan leonard.”
i’m jumping up and down and find will. i say to him, “he’s a capital! he went to washington!” will smiles and we go over to wait for him. will hugs him first so that we can have a moment before getting grabbed back into interviews.
i launch myself into his arms and say, “god i’m so proud of you ryan. so proud.”
he holds me tighter, “i’m proud of you too isla. my pretty girl.” he pulls away so he can look at me before he says, “i love you isla.”
i gasp and smile, “i love you too ryan. so much”
he hugs me again and we stay like that for as long as we can before having to go to interviews and find our families.
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halucynator · 1 year
Save me part 2
Pairing: fem!reader x Gabe
Part 1
Summary: Gabe captures you because you try to capture him since you realise he's a demon.
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The sight of the knife scared you.
"GABE CALM DOWN" You said almost certain today was going to be your last night alive.
He walked towards you with the knife in his hand. He brushed the tip of the knife against your arm. You flinched.
"I don't want to hurt you." Gabe stated serenely.
"The knife if your hand states otherwise." You retaliated.
"Ok fine, maybe I do but only because you're making this so hard."
He walked closer. He scraped the tip of the knife across your arm. You flinched at the coldness.
Your breath became heavy. The knife went up to your neck and stopped their.
"Who told you about me? Who else knows?" Gabe prompted.
Gabe's grip on the knife became more firm. You could feel the sharp edge dig into your neck.
"Are they really so important to you that you would risk your life for them?" Gabe asked.
"Ok fine! Eden does!" You lied. You knew for a fact that Eden was also a demon but he didn't know that. And telling him it was Eden who knew would make sense since she used to be your best friend.
Gabe narrowed his eyes at you. He looked betrayed.
"Who else?" Gabe urged.
"No one else. I only told her because I wasn't certain. I could trust her most." You replied. You weren't entirely lying, you had told her you thought it but she just brushed it off. However, you had told other people. A LOT of other people.
Gabe was suspicious. He still continued.
"Why did you suspect it?" Gabe asked.
"Because I saw you leave Erin, dying. What did she ever do to you?" Tears clouded your eyes. "What did WE ever do to you?"
"Look, I don't have time for this guilt tripping. I am the one asking questions h-"
The attic door opened. BAM.
"Who is there?" Gabe asked, a little shaken.
No answer.
It was pitch black in there, you could barely see anything.
Gabe walked towards the door and pulled down a string. The light flicked open.
No one. No one was there.
Atleast not in plain sight.
Gabe looked nervous. He leaned through the door frame to be able to see anything. No one.
"It was probably just the wind." You said.
"Ah yes, because a wind opens the door so loudly. You know something I don't know and I'm going to find out what." He retorted.
"No you won't."
Gabe turned around.
Kinsey was standing there with the chain key in her hand. She freed you and trapped him. It all happened so fast, Gabe didn't have time to react.
You helped Kinsey pull him towards... Tyler?
He had the alpha key. HE HAD THE ALPHA KEY! You would get rid of Gabe once and for all and as much as it hurt you to see your boyfriend die but he wasn't himself anymore.
As Gabe was struggling to be free, Tyler stuck the Alpha Key in his back. Crunch.
Gabe collapsed.
Did he really die? Your eyes flooded with tears. You hated him. But you loved him too. You wished there was a way to free him of the demon without him dying.
Maybe there was?
One of his fingers twitched. You smiled. But then you realised, what if the key didn't work on him? Only one way to find out.
You and Kinsey chained him up and put him in the corner.
You grabbed the head key.
"Try and take this key from me." You said to Gabe.
"Y/n I-"
"TRY TO TAKE IT FROM ME!" You practically shout.
His hand reaches forward. He hesitates before closing his fingers around the key. He takes it from your hand.
Everyone takes a sigh of relief.
You smiled. The biggest smile that had ever been plastered across your face.
A/n: kinda rushed. Not a huge fan of this. Sorry about spelling mistakes if there are any. I initially planned on giving this a bad ending! But hey, everyone loves a good ending better. Thanks for reading!!!
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wildissylupus · 5 months
Lovingoverwatchguys again - Expanding more on what I sent you about MW Jack and Gabe. You mentioned MW Cassidy being 'broken' by Talon. What if MW Reaper, after breaking him out, helps Cassidy regain some of his old self over time, and they travel together on Reaper's anti-Talon revenge quest. It's a parallel to Blackwatch in canon - they're doing 'dirty work' with Reyes as his mentor again, but it's Reyes helping him regain compassion rather than lose it.
Ok ever since you sent me that Mirrorwatch concept I've been trying to work it into my own interpretation of MW!Reyes and the story I have for him with him and Jack joining Talon after the Crisis.
And what I've come up with so far is that Reyes and Jack both come to the realization that Overwatch is not going to have the impact it needs as a peace organization with the UN breathing down their necks and just the general way the UN actually handled the Crisis and the first strike team. So for awhile they're just vigilante's until eventually they're picked up by Talon, both of them joining with the goal of playing Talon and changing it from a Terrorist group to a vigilante group with the goal of making the world a better place (spoilers; it doesn't work).
As they do this plan Jack mainly stays on his goal, though as he rises through Talon ranks it does gradually get twisted. Meanwhile Reyes kind of spirals a bit, being a part of the reason why MW!Cassidy becomes so fucked up (not the main reason though, that blame goes to MW!Ana). Eventually Jack realizes that Reyes is spiraling and he genuinely doesn't know what to do because at this point, the plan has gone off the rails, Vengence has taken his idea of a better world and twisted it, basically they fucked up and now they're in too deep.
Though Reyes also realizes this plan isn't working and dips, in a rush too so he doesn't end up telling Jack what's going on. Eventually they meet up again, communicate, and decide to leave together. That's when what you sent me happens. Talon attacks, there's an explosion and Jack "dies".
Reyes/Reaper swears revenge on Talon and goes to help reform Overwatch.
Only everything happened so fast that no one was able to check if Jack was actually dead, and he isn't. This is where my "MW!Jack is retired hc" comes into play. However he's also an informant for MW!Sombra.
Now to actually address the actual content of the ask. Yes, I could 100% see this being a conclusion to MW!Cassidy's arc, though I think this would be much later in a MW!Cole redemption arc mostly because it would take a lot for MW!Cassidy to not want to shoot this man on sight. If it came to MW!Cole's actual redemption, I could see MW!Reyes being forced to take a back seat as MW!Pharah and MW!Genji actually talk Cassidy into leaving Talon.
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Destruction is out and boy, this one’s a doozy
Ok review/rant time let’s go motherfuckers, and for simplicity sake, I will be dividing this post into subcategories to make reading this tolerable, because HOLY FUCK SO MUCH HAPPENED.
The season could have ended here… again.
I swear to god this season’s theme might as well be “let’s show you all the ways we can finish this show in one episode using a smart idea, but proceed to beat it to a pulp with a hammer because we need this show to run on forever and ever and never stop EVER” because Ladybug takes Hawkmoth- oh sorry, MoNaRcH, on this entire fucking treasure hunt 5D chess game, ONLY TO FLUB IT IN THE LAST SECOND?!
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The Kwamis are also still kinda brat babies, but I forgive them this time because monarch deserved it
Also is the show not aware that they’re pointing out the absurdity of the fucking rooster miraculous by explaining it?! Like bitch if it’s meant to give you powers it’s fucking OP! And Hawkmoth could’ve easily asked for the power to translate the Kwami bubbles into speech and whoops look at that doesn’t contradict other Kwamis HE WINS!!!
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And speaking of Hawkmoth…
BITCH YOU LITERALLY WERE FACING LADYBUG!!! I DONT CARE HOW MAGICAL AND STRONG THE FUCKING MASKS ARE, IT TAKES A SINGLE NEURON FOR YOU TO GO “wait a minute. A random girl around ladybug’s age with same hair and eyes and physique conveniently has the first key to the puzzle to find the miraculous. NO ITS THE MOUSE MIRACULOUS LETS GO FIND LADYBUG’S FUCKING ADDRESS”
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It’s so… stupid. Again the show starts with a smart idea to look like they’re becoming a sophisticated plot that moves forward, but the characters’ actions are just so idiotic! Like ladybug/Hawkmoth could’ve easily won if they had done the one logical thing anyone else would have done!
Chat noir… is a tool
Real quick y’all Chat Noir has 1:15 minutes of screentime from a 20 something minute episode, and his screentime consists of one scene where he kills it to being a prop for Ladybug’s plan.
Also is it just me? Or is the show really trying to push chat noir into the back? Like I’m still not sure because it’s only been three episodes, but Chat Noir has been entirely downgrade to funny quips, one line that fans will adore and latch onto, and “yes ladybug you’re amazing ladybug you’re ideas are always right ladybug and you’ll always fix everything ladybug despite failing miserably, still betraying my trust and hiding secrets, and being all in all a shit human”
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Either way I feel bad for him, you did good baby, now go contemplate how your cataclysm works please don’t use it on yourself
What the fuck is the timeline?!
Ok so when the fuck does this exactly take place?! I know the actual mission is supposed to take place between episode 1 and 2 because of Hawkmoth’s appearance but then why the fuck did they say last episode that there was a time skip where Hawkmoth did nothing?! CLEARLY IF HAWKMOTH WAS CAUGHT LIVE PUTTING A RANDOM GIRL IN A HOSTAGE SITUATION WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN MADE AWARE OF IT?! OR LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR WOULD HAVE ALERTED THE PUBLIC?!
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Also if Adrien just cataclysmed Hawkmoth, wouldn’t he have more on his mind then marinette?! Which speaking of, watch Gabe’s cataclysm mark be forgotten until the show needs it ti be relevant again
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The show be pretending to have a timeline, but the timeline is as bad as ever✨
Monarch 2.0… ugh.
Listen I’m gonna make a whole ass separate post about the miraculous rings, because this shit is so absurd and breaks every single rule we’ve known about the miraculouses thus far that it needs its own analysis post (I’ll try to put it here if I remember) but long story short, the rings should not be able to work if they were ground up ti powder because of what we know happens when there’s a single crack in a miraculous, and Gabriel’s way of using them with the unity rings is the most bullshit way ever that breaks every rule we’ve known about Kwamis and Miraculouses ever AND IT INFURIATES NE SO FUCKING MUCH
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Also Gabe’s new look is fine if it weren’t for those hideously tight pants, and Monarch 2.0 is actually the ugliest design this show have come out with so far
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Whew! Now that all that is out, I’m heading to bed! Goodnight!
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mrgabrielfazbear · 1 year
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(This is a roleplaying account for the character, Freddy Fazbear and his soul, Gabriel Frederickson, for my FNaF and Poppy Playtime crossover AU cuz I seen so many FNaF RP accounts! I am aware of the Gabriel RP account exists but this is my version of Gabriel and Freddy so don’t get confused ok?)
Name: Gabriel “Gabe” Jacob Frederickson
Soul Possession: Freddy Fazbear
Age: 22
Birth Date: August 08, 1962
Death Date: June 19, 1985
Cause Of Death: Stabbed by William Afton
Lila Baxter (girlfriend, the one who possesses Toy Bonnie)
Jeremy Boyd (best friend, the one who possesses Bonnie)
Susie Cooper (friend, the one who possesses Chica)
Fritz Foster (sort of a friend, the one who possesses Foxy)
Marianna Emily (savior and friend, the one who possesses The Puppet)
Andrew [REDACTED] (brother figure, the one who possesses Golden Freddy)
Appearance: Champagne peach skin, blue eyes and cafe noir hair. Last seen wearing a dark blue t-shirt, blue jeans, a brown hoodie and white sneakers.
Personality: A kind, fatherly but angry and tortured soul
It must stay within my AU! If you want a normal FNaF roleplay where you want Gabriel to be a possessed dead kid possessing Freddy, I will accept your request.
Only ship Freddy with Toy Bonnie who I headcanoned as a girl (they’re also adults, making Poppy their daughter inside my AU)!
There will be swearing.
Have fun!
(Follow my main blog here: @playhousemassacrez)
(Follow my Poppy Playtime RP blog here: @daddyslittlebearcub)
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eadanga · 2 years
It’s A Very Merry Christmas
Summary: Gabe and Casey celebrate Christmas together
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Casey quickly put on her bathrobe and went to her apartment window looking out at the snow that was falling on the ground. She grins Snowy weather a New York white Christmas
“You coming back to bed?”
Casey turns and sees Gabe smiling at her she giggles “Sorry I was just looking at the snow it’s going to be a white Christmas this year”
Gabe grins and walks over to her wrapping his arms around her “And this year will be our first Christmas together as a couple”
Casey leans into him as he nuzzles her neck “Yes such a special occasion”
Gabe chuckles then he kisses her cheek “I love you Casey”
“I love you too Gabe and I can’t wait for you to see your Christmas present”
“What is it?”
“You’ll find out at midnight”
Gabe smiles “I thought we can do a tradition where we exchange gifts together at midnight just you and me”
“Aww Gabe that’s sweet I love that”
“Glad you love it” He sighs and pulls away from her “Unfortunately we have to get ready for work”
“Yeah I know why you have us working on Christmas Eve”
Gabe laughs “Hey I told everyone they didn’t have to stay the whole day and Christmas is tomorrow you’ll have the whole day off”
“Ok ok I get you” Casey smirks “But when I start my own law firm I’m gonna have my employees have Christmas eve off”
Gabe raises an eyebrow “And what law firm is this?”
“Casey and Associates maybe you’ve heard of it”
“You just added your name instead of mine” He playfully narrows his eyes “Are you saying you’re gonna take over the law firm?”
Casey smirks “I don’t know what you’re talking about sir”
“Get over here!” Gabe lunges for her but she dodges out the way
“Too slow Gabriel!”
“Now you’re really gonna get it for calling me by my full name” Gabe chases her around the room as she laughs he eventually tackles her on the bed and pins her arms down “Gotcha”
“No fair”
“Oh this is very fair” He kisses her deeply
Casey pulls away “Ugh morning breath Gabe”
Gabe laughs and climbs off her “Sorry about that and I’m not the only one”
Casey playfully sticks her tongue out and heads to the bathroom
Casey gets up from her desk and walks to the copier. She punches in the amount of copies then grabs a cup of coffee as she waits for it to finish
“Taking a little break?”
Casey jumps and turns and sees Gabe “Don’t do that! You scared the shit out of me”
Gabe laughs “Sorry beautiful just saw you come in here” He smiles “I can’t wait for tonight”
“Me too where are we doing this again?”
“I have a special place in mind”
“Oh really? Where?”
Gabe walks up to her and lift her chin up “You’ll just have to wait and see” He gives her a quick kiss then walks towards the door
“I swear Gabe if you’re secretly a serial killer and you take me to some abandon building I will rise from the dead and haunt you!”
Gabe laughs “Now what kind of guy do you think I am? Trust me you’ll love it” He disappears around the corner
Casey heads down to the parking garage and where Gabe waits for her He smiles as she approaches
“Hope I didn’t keep you waiting I got cornered by Aislinn” “What happened”
“She wanted to know all that we were doing” She rolls her eyes “I swear that girl is more excited than me”
Gabe laughs “Well that Aislinn for you”
Casey giggles and gets into the car with Gabe. He pulls out and drives through the streets till he stops the car in front of a luxury apartment on Park Ave
Casey gets out the car and takes in her surroundings “Uh Gabe are you sure we’re in the right place? I don’t know anyone here”
Gabe smiles as he closes the car door “Trust me this is the right address”
They walk into the building and the doorman greets them “Evening Mr. Ricci and I’m guessing this is the lovely lady” “Yes this is her it’s all ready?” The doorman gives him a keycard “All ready to go you can head on up”
Gabe nods then escorts Casey to the elevator he puts the keycard in then hits the penthouse
“Gabe why are we going to the penthouse?”
“All will be revealed as soon as we get there”
The elevator doors open and the penthouse is fully furnished and decorated with Christmas decorations.
Casey looks around speechless
“Gabe who’s apartment is this?”
Casey’s jaw drops
“No it’s not” Gabe hands her a keycard “Merry Christmas beautiful”
“Gabe tell me you’re lying this is ours?”
Gabe chuckles and holds his hands up in surrender “Swear to you on our relationship and on everything this is ours” He takes her hand “I want you to move in with me I want to wake up to you everyday I want you beside me all the time”
Tears begin to stream down her face “Oh Gabe of course I will this so amazing I love you so much”
“I love you too” He kisses her deeply
Casey smiles “Hold on I haven’t given you your Christmas present yet”
Gabe smiles “What is it?”
Casey hands him a box and Gabe smiles and unwraps it He smiles as he pulls out the suit “Oh Casey this is so nice”
“I figured you’d want one after all you’ve been wearing the same suits for a year”
Gabe laughs “I have not!”
“You have Gabe”
Gabe laughs harder “Ok maybe I have but I’ve got a new one from my beautiful girlfriend”
Casey giggles “Merry Christmas Gabe”
“Merry Christmas Casey it’s a very Merry Christmas indeed”
Tags: @indiacater​ @mfackenthal​ @the-soot-sprite​
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or-something-better · 2 years
August 14, 2022    ((Ruby and I wrote))
I sift through the papers on top of the table until I locate the one I’m looking for and then hold it up for Eileen to read +Here Eileen. This is the report I was telling you about from the New Orleans Bunker. Read it for yourself and let me know what you think about it. I’m inclined to think they were on to something.+
I grab the report from Sam and begin leafing through the large folder
having a vision while making my bed I stop running through the bunker Sam Eileen Ruby and Henry are in trouble I don't know how I just know
Seeing Patience suddenly appear upset I'm instantly concerned +Patience? What's wrong?+
I had a vision Ruby a Henry are in trouble
+Here, sit down… calm down a minute and try and tell us what exactly you saw.+
I saw them In dark stone room
+Were they alone, what were they doing?+
We've got to hurry their both unconscious. And alone from what I can tell
+Patience do you remember anything else?+
Yes I'm sure I remember
+Patience, That’s not really much to go on, not sure there is much we can do if you don’t remember anything else?+
+maybe if we can help Patience relax, calm down a little, we can get her to focus her mind on her vision.+
+Good idea Eileen. I’ve been practicing adding my energy with Ruby's for spell work, maybe it will help here too. Worth a try+ Thinking to myself maybe the added factor of the demon blood, will also help boost things. I get up and find a metal bowl, fill it with dried sage and once back at the map table, light it up for the smoke. Sitting back down I reach across the table and take hold Patience’s hands Okay, now just try to relax and I’ll try to reach out to you.
still scared out of head and shaking ok Sam I'll try. totally freaking out now that I see the black eyes Sam they're surrounded by demons.
Adding my extra energy to Patience, I can’t see what Patience sees, but I can feel a feeling that I've felt before and it's one that I’ll never forget. Ruby and Henry are in Hell.
+Sam …. if you’re right .. we have to call Gabe.+
Nodding to Eileen, I reach over and take her hand as well. +We'll have a better chance of getting through to him together, let's all try to reach out through Angel Radio+ I close my eyes and hope it's enough.
takes Eileen by the other day hand
I’m pacing my throne room growling in rage at my underlings You absolute MORONS!!! You complete IMBECILES! I asked you to bring me one, ONE, hostage. Just the one! Clearly if I want anything done correctly I have to do it myself. Here I thought being king meant I could start delegating, avoid getting my hands dirty but NOOOO! I swear the Winchesters are more bloody competent. I twirl my knife before gripping the hilt and stabbing the messenger while making eye contact with another demon.
I’d hoped that by abducting Ruby I could get a feel for the political situation. I could see how her followers would react, perhaps even get a feel for how many people were supporting her, and learn how much of the faction she still had backing her after she went running ba…
appearing in the bunker  what’s going on guys ? Guys? looking around
Hey, thanks for coming!
Hey Sammy what’s going on?
+Patience had a vision that Ruby and Henry are in danger. she saw them in a dark stone room, being watched by demons. Sam says they’re in Hell. we had to call you+
Henry ?!?! my eyes glowing  don’t worry guys I got this
I continue screaming obscenities' in various languages at demons while stabbing them in various places wanting them to suffer for grabbing the wrong extra person How DARE you touch Henry! Not only did you grab collateral you had the Audacity! To dare touch MY PUP!
vanishing from the bunker I appear in hell  CROWLEY !!!! WHERE IS MY SON !! snapping my fingers turning the demons into fine red mist
I put my knife away and hold my arms out Gabe, what a surprise. Let me just say Henry was NOT supposed to be touched. This is all a complete misunderstanding.
snapping my fingers forcing Crowley’s mouth shut, the throne room shaking with my fury YOU are the king of hell! YOU run things here, for now, YOU are responsible for their actions. You have exactly one second to produce Henry before I blow up hell and you, and let you be Lucifer’s bitch in the empty!!
I snap my fingers and Produce Henry, my shoulders sag in relief at seeing that Henry appears unharmed
Dad! Get me out of here I don’t like it here. Ruby is here to  climbs onto you clinging
wrapping my arms around you I look at crowley snapping my fingers letting his mouth work again  your next words better be I’m sorry Henry or I’ll remove your mouth for good!
I won’t believe him cries and feels around the pockets for cookies
I resist the urge to glare at Gabe, did he think I wouldn't apologize to HENRY? I.... I step back feeling like I'd been burned Henry, I.....I am so sorry. The words are a whisper knowing that they didn't matter. This was never supposed to happen. You were never supposed to get hurt.
snapping a freshly baked cookie in my hand I hand it to you  Ruby will be ok she’s a demon kiddo, she knows how get out of hell. If you or your minions EVER pull some bullshit like this again with my son I will torture you in ways even Lucifer would find over board *Henry and I vanish *
takes the cookie and nibbles on it thank you .
Always kiddo
climb the dais and sit on my throne, resting my head on my hand. My plans regarding ruby remained safe which I suppose it's good. Still, as I feel Juliet's head against my leg, I pet her and sigh My plans are safe girl, so why do I feel so empty inside?
popping into the bunker with Henry here we go kiddo. hugging you tight and putting you down
Jumps when Gabe and Henry enter. Relieved to see them. Henry! I’m really glad that you’re okay.
I don’t want to go back there. It’s scary there. Hi Sam
Told you I’d bring him back safe and sound
Wait… where’s Ruby? Patience said that you two were together.
I enter Thru the front door. What’s going on here?
Likely still in hell Sam
What? You just left her there?
Sam, she’s a demon, she knows how to get out of hell. Besides, do you have ANY idea all the things I have to take care of? Don’t I save your asses enough? You think it’s my damn job to look over the demons too? Hey! Perfect timing. Lookie here Sam an actual demon from hell! If you want someone to save Ruby how about her? She has friends in hell that can help her find Ruby. Personally I filled my “save a hunter’s ass “ quota for today thank you very much !
+Gabe. why don’t you just free the world of Crowley’s influence once and for all? he’s been nothing but trouble and problems since we’ve known him, and now that he has all the power from being King of Hell, he’s just getting worse. if you don’t want to, or can’t, kill him, why not just make him stop?+
So , your telling me that all people are good? WHAT A RELIEF! We could just get rid of hell all together! Why didn’t I think of that?  Oh, wait, silly me, there’s still evil in the world! We need a place where they can be punished. Stone for their sins , a balance of good and evil. Crowley  as sneaky, slimy, back handed and evil as he is served a purpose. Wait wait, I have an idea Eileen why don’t YOU do it? Or are you expecting me to just abandon my family and just take care of everything? I mean if I do that , what use is team free will?
Needing to deescalate things, I step forward. Okay, okay, look.... I’d rather go after Ruby myself, but understand that Meg has the best chance of getting in quickly and quietly. So, Meg will you do it? Will you go and bring Ruby back?
Good me! Holy heaven, you guys can do this yourself?? Where’s the calendar I need to mark this down!
sits in the chair finishing my cookie. Trying my best to keep myself out of the argument
I’ll go and bring Ruby back.
Thank you. Watches as Meg vanishes
As I enter hell I quickly look for Ruby. She’s being guarded. I’ll have to take him out. I run behind him and stab him.     Shit, I’m in the wrong room.
I tell Ruby I can get you out but I have to know that you’re on Lucifer’s side.
Looking Meg up and down. “You are not what I imagined when expecting the cavalry.”
Yeah? Well Dam sent me.
“That sounds great.” I tap the bars “So start rescuing.”
I’m not releasing you until I know you’ll stand with Lucifer.
“Have you forgotten Lucifer is dead?”
Not for long. I found a way to bring him back and he needs all the demons he can get to retain what is rightfully his Will you stand with Lucifer, Ruby? Ruby, I need you to make a blood oath that you will stand with Lucifer.
“I worked as his right hand for thirteen years that’s over fifteen hundred Hell years. The only reason I’m topside now, is because Gabe took him out. And I wasn’t just going to let Crowley’s minions take ME out.” Being the fatalist I am, I can see that my life with Sam is over. And again, I have no choice in the matter.
Ruby, take this knife and pledge your oath to him!
Taking the knife from Meg, I smile.  “MY demand is, you keep Sam out of this… or you can let me rot in here. Then how far will you get?” Slicing across my palm and holding it up. With the blood dripping to the floor, I make the same pledge I made all those years ago, “I swear my allegiance to Lucifer”. I toss the knife back to Meg, “Your turn.”
I can leave Sam out of it. Can you? I take the knife and slice my hand. I pledge to serve Lucifer
turning to Henry  you sure you’re ok kiddo ?
I’m going to make some cookies  gets up to go to the kitchen  I’m fine just need a distraction
Pacing the floor, I hate that I can’t do anything except wait. I hate that Gabe picked this hill to be the “hill he’s chosen to die on”. I hate just about everything right this moment and am trying to keep it together.
going to help Henry bake cookies I'm suddenly hit with a vision screaming because it hurts my head
Understood, you know I can erase the memory while we wait for meg and Ruby to get back
+PATIENCE!+ I run to her, after seeing her double over +Patience, Patience, what’s wrong?+ I begin helping her to a chair back in the map room +ok let’s get you sat down. Patience, breathe.+
What happened? Instantly worried that Patience has seen something horrible happen to Ruby.
It's the seals of hell they are being broken because the pain in head I've never felt anything like.
I will be fine  gets the baking stuff out
I see them they are being broken  there was such a bright light the visions have never hurt me before
What’s being broken? stepping closer putting a hand on Patience‘s head sending healing power through her
The seals of hell. Thank you Gabe feels much better
The seals of ….SHIT !
Okay, okay, we can all just calm down, it can’t be as serious as it sounds. Visions aren’t always literal and Seals Being Broken can't possibly mean what we are all jumping to the conclusion that it means. Lucifer is dead, he’s not imprisoned. Seeing the almost guilty look cover over Gabe’s face Stuns me and causes my heart to instantly race and my whole body to suddenly feel cold. Lucifer is dead. When Gabe doesn’t say anything, my dread escalates and I rush over to him, my words spilling out all together. But I saw you kill him! Right here in this very Bunker! Hell, I… I still have the wing-burned sofa in my room as a twisted souvenir! Karlie sleeps on it! We ALL saw you kill Lucifer!
Yeah …. About that ….
To Be Continued...
Point 1
Patience is making her bed and stops because she has a vision. Upset by what she’s seen, she runs out to Sam and Eileen sitting at the map table. She tells them that she’s had a vision and that Ruby and Henry are in trouble. She doesn’t know how, but she’s sure of it.
Sam tells her to calm down and asks her to tell them exactly what she saw. Patience tells them that Ruby and Henry are both unconscious and in a dark stone room.
Eileen asks if that’s all she can remember. Patience tells her yes.
Point 2
Sam says that’s not much to go on. Eileen suggests that maybe if they can help Patience calm down and center her mind that she might be able to reconnect with her vision.
Sam agrees and thinks that adding his own energy to it, like he did before with Ruby, maybe it will help Patience connect. (Maybe the demon blood he’s had recently will boost it.)
Sam gets a bowl, fills it with dried sage, and lights it. Sitting at the map table, he holds Patience’s hands, and they try to relax. With the extra energy she receives from Sam,
Patience gets a clearer vision of Henry and Ruby and says they are surrounded by demons. Sam can feel it for himself now and says that they are in Hell.
Eileen says if that is true, they are going to have to call Gabe. Sam agrees and reaches over, takes Eileen’s hand, Patience takes her other hand and all 3 of them try to send an SOS message to Gabe.
Point 3
Crowley is pacing in his throne room, enraged, yelling that he’s surrounded by imbeciles and has to do everything for himself if he wants it done right! All they needed to do was bring him ONE captive… just one!
By imprisoning Ruby, he’d hoped to find out what her supporters below would do if she came up missing and how many of that faction are still on Ruby’s side now that she’s committed treason by throwing her lot in with the Winchesters.
And to make matters worse, the one who’d happened to be grabbed in collateral damage…was HENRY! The only one above that I give a fig about!
Point 3b
Gabe pops into the bunker. Eileen tells him about the vision Patience had. Gabe’s concern for Henry is great and he doesn't hesitate to say he’ll take care of it.
Point 4
Gabe, furious, pops into Hell as Crowley is yelling at his demons for their blunder of taking Henry. Gabe destroys all the demons in the room.
Crowley tries to defend himself, because taking Henry wasn’t something he directed anyone to do, it was just collateral damage. Gabe cuts him off and tells him to produce Henry immediately or there won’t be a throne anymore for Crowley to worry about keeping.
Crowley snaps his fingers and Henry appears and runs to Gabe. Henry tells Gabe Ruby is with him. Gabe tells Henry Ruby is a demon and knows how to get herself out of Hell on her own. With one last look of warning at Crowley, they vanish.
Crowley appreciates his good luck with Gabe not seeming interested in Ruby at all. His original plans can continue.
Point 5
Gabe pops back into the Bunker with Henry. Everyone is relieved to see Henry safe and okay. Sam asks where Ruby is and confronts Gabe about leaving Ruby in Hell. Gabe’s opinion is that they already look to HIM to save their asses all the time. It should not be HIS responsibility to have to worry about Demons too.
Just then Meg comes back to the Bunker through the front door and noticing the tension asks what’s going on? Gabe says perfect timing, if Sam wants someone to go and rescue Ruby, Meg can do it. She has friends there that can help her find Ruby because he has filled his “saving people” quota for the day.
Eileen wants to know why Gabe doesn’t just get rid of Crowley or stop him, saying Crowley has been a problem all along and the power he gets in Hell makes it worse. Gabe says that Crowley serves a purpose. Someone has got to run Hell. Does SHE want to do it? Or maybe we expect HIM to give up his OWN family to undertake running everything!
Sam would rather go himself but understands the logic in sending Meg. Meg agrees to go and vanishes.
Point 6
Meg pops into Hell, finds out where Ruby is being held, and kills the demon guarding Ruby.
Ruby expresses surprise at who has come to rescue her. Meg says that Sam sent me to rescue you. Ruby says that sounds great to her, get to rescuing.
Meg says now that she’s here she’s not sure that she wants to do that if Ruby is an enemy of Lucifer. Ruby reminds her that Lucifer is dead.
Meg says not for long and that she’s found a way to bring him back. She’s not going to release Ruby unless she makes a blood oath to help Lucifer regain what is rightfully his.
Ruby tells Meg she worked at his right hand all those years and the only reason she’s topside now, is because Gabe took him out. Ruby realizes that her life with Sam will be over, and she knows there is really no choice in the matter.
Meg hands Ruby a knife and demands Ruby swear allegiance in blood to Lucifer before helping her escape.
Ruby first demands Meg guarantee Sam is kept out of this or she won’t do this. Meg agrees. Ruby cuts her hand, holding it up, she swears allegiance. Meg opens the cell door.
Point 8
Gabe has stayed at the Bunker to be sure that Henry really is okay, but also to see how the drama of Meg going to save Ruby turns out.
Henry tells everyone he is going to make some cookies to get his mind off of all of this and he goes to the Kitchen.
Patience gets up to go and help Henry but before she reaches the kitchen is suddenly hit with a strong vision that doubles her over with the pain in her head.
Eileen runs to her aid and helps Patience back into the map room and into a chair, concerned.
Sam asks her what happened, and Patience explains that she had a vision of “Seals of Hell” being broken and it caused her pain. Her visions have never hurt before, and she is very frightened by this. She describes seeing the Seals breaking and a very bright light starting to appear.
Everyone is frightened by her vision.
Point 9
Sam tells everyone to calm down, it can’t be as serious as it sounds. Seals being broken can't possibly mean what they are all jumping to the conclusion that it means, because Lucifer is dead not imprisoned.
Sam looks over at Gabe, seeing the look on his face. Sam is stunned because he saw Gabe kill him and says so.
Gabe tells Sam “Yeah…..about that…
Point 10
0 notes
Yoyo professor, this is some hella creepy spirit
I don't think I can write how much I love this lil fella right here, he's just...him, y'know??
Yeah I know it's like, his vessel and all, BUUUT I like to think he's already here, a little headcanon won't hurt
Why he eating chicken's feat why
Ah they're just like good brothers, fighting for computers and all
Lmao, "her name wasn't starla" the versatility of the two stories, I'm dying
"bla...blablabla? BLA-", and then "It's not like a weeding, we can't get a divorce"
I'm not his fangirl I swear, BUT LOOK AH THIS FACE, HE'S JUST LOVELY
HIS SMILE, I swear I won't survive this ep, I SWEAR
Oe, "busty asian beauties" LMAO
I think, I think, I think there is a conflict here, maybe the spirit (idk what it is yet) is like, playing with'em?
You see, as far as i remember, Aliens is like, the single thing that don't appear in the whole show.
Wth, Aliens? Like, they...fingered the poor soul?
It's too strange, even for them.
It's too strange even for me what
Bro, I love that out of the blue stories are told by Dean and then by Sam and it's like, a total mess.
Again they fight for a computer and Dean being a stupid betch, and he just lost his computer
Sam is a betch too, but, like, what is happening?????
These two don't even imagine who he truly is, I mean, yes. I love him. He's a rlly asshole but c'mon he didn't deserve this.
Ok maybe I'm a huge fangirl but c'mon
Like, Chuck treats him like shit, my boy need some fun y'know.
Dean baby, you can't kill a archangel with a wood pointy thing
Who don't like his style baby boy? He's a archangel, and at this point of the series you two, oh bobby is there too, you three don't even imagine what is coming for ya
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backseatloversz · 4 years
me: so anyway if radio rebel wasn't just a one off hour and a half disney channel movie, i would've loved for them to dive more into stacy & gabe and their dynamics with tara & gavin, respectively. at the end of the movie i think it's really sweet how both of them were redeemed, in a way - tara learning that stacy is just an insecure teenage girl at her core, too, and gabe and the other two .. Gs, backing up gavin during his solo performance of a Deep And Meaningful song at prom - sorry, Morp, even though that's the exact kind of song gabe said their band was NOT about, which led to gavin quitting. (side note: did they, like, used to do that kind of music? and it didnt work out and that's why they changed over to shallow party background music? they all seemed to know almost immediately what to play. or maybe that's just lazy writing from an hour and a half one off disney channel movie). i feel like both dynamics would sort of move in the opposite but same directions going forward; while, at their core, both stacy and gabe would learn to be less shallow, it's likely stacy would do so by becoming friends (or at least being nicer to) tara (and other not popular kids, while she's at it), while gabe would let gavin go do his own thing. (or maybe he'd decide the performance at morp was well recieved enough that their band can shift tone completely and start doing Deep And Meaningful songs, who's to say, though?) maybe they would all become friends at, like, the schools gsa. you know, with the whole mystery radio persona tara is way more confident and likely 'herself' in, and those other two friends of hers for the life of them not being able to figure out which girl at their school it is behind the voice modulator, she could totally be trans. gavin is probably bi, but i don't feel like elaborating. ..so then there's gabe and stacy, and they're obviously both gay, but again, their stories are, like, the same but opposite. gabe is already gavin's friend, and is very incessant on how he should focus on .. (him)the /BAND/, and bossing him around on what kind of girls he should be going after. (also, that scene where gavin quits the band, i dunno it just gave me very breakup vibes). meanwhile stacy, well, she just gives me very carrie from julie and the phantoms vibes - she used to be friends with the main character, (not a part of radio rebel but i just get those Vibes!!) then something changed and now she comes off as a cookie cutter, shallow, straight popular girl who's trying a little to hard to let people know she doesn't care. (i mean, carrie isn't canonically lesbian or anything, either, but you get my point, yea?) stacy is shown listening to radio rebel, and i'll bet there is a part of her that genuinely admires her confidence and wants so badly to listen to her preaches on how people should be their real selves, and respect other people for being themselves, too. but instead blah blah she bullies tara, goes after the guy tara's crushing on because ???, and makes him run for prom king so she can fulfill that High School Experience with some popular cute guy on her arm.
lastly can we please talk about this absolutely metal line of gavins; "i don't want to be king. never did." which was directed at stacy when he was at his fucking limit with her, but was also definitely about the fact that he was sick of gabe's whole "we gotta play the music we know The Fans like cause that's how we'll get bigger and that's the only thing important to me, not writing meaningful music lmao" attitude
my cats, dead asleep on my bed as i pace around my room:
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sabertoothwalrus · 3 years
Ok so I’ve mentioned a couple times that, in regard to the theory about Adrien being a sentimonster, I’m not so sure he’s always been a sentimonster. I was reading this post yesterday and, as morbid as it sounds, I still think Adrien might have died a year before the events of the show, and was resurrected by Emilie as a sentimonster. Hear me out.
If Adrien (and possibly also Felix) died a year ago and was resurrected as a sentimonster:
it would make his lack of childhood memories make sense, since he could have lost a lot of them
it would make his lack of grief for his mother make sense (hard to grieve someone you don’t remember well)
it would explain why he was so desperate to see the movie of Emilie
it would make Gabriel’s apathy towards him make sense (doesn’t feel like that’s his “real” son)
If it’s only been a year since he’s been a sentimonster, it might not be as obvious that he’s not aging
it would explain why both Emilie and Felix’s dad died a year ago
Gabriel has referred to kids as “so fragile, so easy to break”
It could potentially be foreshadowed by Furious Fu, when Chat got upset at the prospect of Ladybug losing all her memories of the miraculous if she were to stop being a guardian. (Ironic if he’s already lost his memories before, since he wouldn’t remember he lost them hdhdhhjdjjdh)
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it could potentially be foreshadowed by the episode Ladybug how, even after the whole spiel about Sentibug being her own fully realized person with free will, Mayura was still easily able to renounce Sentibug’s amok. Chat comments how even the Miraculous Ladybug restore couldn’t bring her back.
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(This is really making me suspect that Gabe will get the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous, wish everything back to normal, revive Emilie and the original, human Adrien, and relinquish Sentiadrien, along with all his memories of school, his friends, and being Chat Noir)
If Adrien (and possibly also Felix) were sentimonsters since birth:
it would explain why Adrien’s been completely isolated his whole life
it would explain why Adrien has only had an interest in school/being rebellious in the past year (if his amok is in the rings, both could be used to control him. With Emilie gone, it would mean he’s currently only being controlled half the amount of time he had been before.)
it would still have to prove that sentimonsters can age
it would still have to explain how it took ~14 years for Emilie to die/become comatose
it would still need to explain wtf is going on with Felix, and why his dad died around the same time as Emilie (I swear, they HAVE to be involved somehow..)
We still need to know:
when the Peacock miraculous broke. So far, we only have one confirmed way a miraculous can break: cataclysm. Did the miraculous break on its own, when Fu was fleeing? Or did it break when Emilie was using it?
can sentimonsters age? Edit: apparently, they can!
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other misc (but still possibly relevant) theories:
I really like the idea @yunyin brought up that Felix knows he’s a sentimonster and that the Agrestes are complicit in his father’s death, and that’s why he’s so aggressive, especially towards Gabriel.
The Graham de Vanily rings are the Gemini miraculous from a Greek miracle box, perhaps with the power of Duplication. Perhaps twins “run in their family”?? 🤔 There are even early concepts for a Lion (Leo?) and fish (Pisces?) miraculous.
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kitheking · 2 years
Redacted ASMR incorrect yet somewhat accurate quotes pt. 2
Somebody: How many kids do you have? William: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
Asher, trying to cheer the group up: Things could be worse, you know!  Babe: How?  Asher: How what?  Babe: How could they be worse?  Asher: They couldn’t, I lied.  Babe:
David: Do you take constructive criticism? Angel: I only take cash or credit.
Angel : Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?  Babe: You’re a hazard to society  Sweeheart : And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Sam: You know those things will kill you, right?  Darlin, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.  Bright, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.  Fred: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
Vincent: I made tea. Lovely: I don’t want tea. Vincent: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea. Lovely: Then why are you telling me? Vincent: It is a conversation starter. Lovely: That’s a lousy conversation starter. Vincent: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Milo: You often use humor to deflect trauma  Sweetheart: Thank you  Milo: I didn't say that was a good thing  Sweetheart: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Caelum: Freelancer , what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Freelancer : I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Caelum: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Gavin.
Freelancer: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it Damien: Just rip the bandage off. Freelancer: It’s Gavin. Damien: Put the bandage back on.
Honey: Can you please be serious for five minutes?  Guy: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Geordi: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Cutie: Cutie: Geordi, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Geordi: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Warden: Hey, it's your turn to wash dishes.  Vega: I'LL WASH THE WALLS RED WITH YOUR BLOOD.  Warden: 'Kay, but before that, wash the dishes, also use soap this time?
*when they were younger*
David: Darlin and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us  Gabe: *Sighing* What did Darlin do?  David: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...  Darlin: Who wants a steering wheel?
Aaron: How petty can you get? Smartass: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
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The Replacement - Part eight
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Negan Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Part 7
Warning: swearing & smut
A/N: this is a bit of a long chapter as the next one will have a time skip
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The Next Morning
Negan was a nervous wreck the entire night and right through until the next morning. Worry that somehow Gabriel had figured out about Y/N and him eating away at his mind.
Pacing  up and down the length of the cell, Negan suddenly pauses midway when hearing the basement door open.
“Fuck. I thought I was never gonna see you again” Negan lets out a sigh of relief when he sees it was you entering.
Tilting your head in confusion, you look at him. “Why would you think that?”
Tapping his index finger against his chin in a thinking manner, “um, let me think for a sec… maybe because Gabriel was looking at us pretty fucking suspiciously when he was in here,” Negan then burst out waving his arms around dramatically.
“Oh, that. I was kinda shitting myself for a bit when Gabriel and I were talking, yeah” you silly giggle while scratching at your head.
Negan gives you stern look. “No, shit… So, what did Gabe want to talk about?”
“Oh, we just had a nice chat about you-” you innocently smile at him.
“What about me did y’all talk about?” Negan arches a brow suspiciously at the manner you replied.
You stood there, rocking up and down on the balls of your feet and clicking your tongue against the roof of your mouth while shaking your head at him in response, “can’t tell ya yet… but I do have a surprise for you.”
“Why do I feel like I should be wary” Negan narrow his eyes at you.
“Oh, stop acting like a scaredy-cat” you brush off his remark and go to unlock the cell door.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Negan takes a step back when you push the cell door wide open and motion for him to exit it.
“It’s part of the surprise, c’mon… I’ll show ya-” you grab hold of his hand, dragging him out the basement.
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“Y/N, you’re going to get into fucking trouble for this…” Negan looks around the still quite streets in a panic.
“The only ones out this early is the previous night’s watch…” you reassure him. “What if someone goes looking for me in my cell?” Negan tries halting your entering the house yet again.
“Oh, hush up and get in here!” you forcefully drag Negan into the house, causing him to nearly trip over his own feet upon entering.
“Y/N, seriously… if Gabe finds out I’m here with you and not in my cell, there’s going to be a huge shit storm!” Negan continues blabbering on while you roll your eyes at his reactions.
Negan sternly glares at you, “Don’t roll your eyes at me little girl… I’m being real ser-” you cut him off by grabbing hold his face and kissing him.
Negan groans out, opening his mouth to allow your tongue access to his.
When you finally pull away from the kiss, Negan stares down at you with a glazed look. “Is that your way of telling me to shut up?”
“Something like that-” you giggle out at his reaction. “Let’s move away from the door… I’m sure the watchdogs are outside by now.”
“Watchdogs?” Negan stares at you confused. “Shhh…” you place a finger on your lips to quite him down. “I’ll explain once we’re upstairs and away from anyone eavesdropping” you respond in a whisper, indicating with your head for him to follow you.
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Once you guys make it upstairs, Negan halts you from taking another step further. “Ok, Y/N, I’m really fucking confused about what the fuck is going on here…”
“Ok… I’ll explain everything to you now…” you state, learning against the wall. “This is a practice run to see if you can be trusted outside of your cell, in order to start working within the community.”
“Say what now?” Negan looks at you stunned at what you just said.
“Yup” you smirk at his reaction. “It was all Gabriel’s idea. He saw the interaction between us yesterday and came up with this idea to test you.”
“So, Gabey is actually trusting me alone in a house with you, without being restrained in any way or form?” Negan asks in surprise.
“Um, not completely really… there’s a guard stationed at the front door in case you try to harm me or try to escape again.” You explain to him.
Letting out a disgusted breath, Negan looks at you, “I would never fucking hurt you Y/N, you know that…”
Stepping up closer to him, you cup his face in the palm of your hands. “I know that Negan, but Gabriel doesn’t. He doesn’t know about how close we really are.”
Staring down into your eyes longingly, Negan then tips down to kiss you and you return it tenfold.
Finally pulling away from the kiss, you smile up at him. “Enough of that now. You have exactly one hour of free time before we start work. So, first things first, you need a shower.”
Biting down into his bottom lip, Negan bounces his eyebrows suggestively at you. “How about joining me for that shower, Warden?”
“I’ll think about” you chuckle out, “but first I have to get you some clean cloths. In the meanwhile, why don’t you go ahead and start on it-”
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Entering the bathroom to bring Negan fresh clothing; you were suddenly stopped dead in your tracks when you found him standing in front of the basin, shirtless, busy trimming his beard.
“So, are ya gonna handover those clothes or continue standing there admiring my ass?” Negan stares back at your reflection in the mirror.
“Huh…what?” you shake yourself back to reality and make eye contact with him in the mirror.
“Now, I know it’s fine looking ass… but ya gotta restrain ya’self Warden-” Negan clutches at his chest in pretend shocked at your behaviour.
Tilting your head, you stare at Negan’s ass and shrug, “Ee, I’ve seen better.”
Letting out a chocked sound, Negan turns around to face you, hands on his hips “that so?”
Biting into your bottom lip to stifle a giggle, “mhmm…” you nod your head.
Negan’s eyes narrow as he tilts his head, biting into his bottom lip while he stares at you deep in thought.
You continue biting your lip as well, trying to hold your composure while rocking up and down on the balls of your feet.
Negan takes slow stalking steps towards you then and you, the ever-mischievous tease; takes a step backwards with each step he takes forward.
“Where ya going?” Negan smirks as he follows you. “Nowhere-” you mumble.
A gasp suddenly slips pass your lips when your back makes contact with the closed door.
“Ran out of space to run away there, now did we Warden?” Negan snickers at your reactions.
“Oh, I wasn’t running away-” you respond with a smirk as Negan stops closeup in front of you.
Thrusting his hand into your hair and with a firm grip, Negan pulls your face closer to his. “You’re a real tease- you know that-” Negan growl out against your lips.
Staring seductively into his eyes, you smirk, “I know…and ya love it-” you whisper back in reply.
“Oh… that I do-” Negan whispers in response and tips down to capture your lips in a kiss.
The kiss becomes more heated and soon Negan and you are pawing at each other’s clothes in hasten pursuit to rid yourselves of them.
“Fuck. You’re fucking beautiful!” Negan gawks at your naked form standing in front of him.
Grabbing a hold of his ass and squeezing it, you smirk up at Negan, “you’re right… it is a fine ass.”
Negan bursts out laughing at your comment, “told ya it was-”
“I think someone is looking for a bit of attention-” you state looking down at Negan’s erection poking at your lower middle.
“He’s excited to see ya-” Negan snickers, pushing you further up against the closed door.
“Then I better get accustom to him-” you whisper out, taking hold of his length to lead it to the heated centre of your desire.
“Oh- he’s enjoying the introduction-” Negan groans out, tipping down to nip at your neck whilst stroking his length in-between your heated folds.
“Stop being a tease Negan-” you whine out in frustrations.
“Not so funny now, now is it?” Negan chuckles against your neck, amused at your tortured sounding response.
“Don’t fuck with me…” you reply through gritted teeth.
“But that’s exactly what I’m aiming to do…” Negan laughs at you.
You were just about to give a smartass retort, “why you-” but you’re suddenly cut off by the force of Negan thrusting himself up deep into you.
“Fuck…” Negan groans out in satisfaction when he feels your walls clamping down around him and all you could do was left out a small whimper at the slight burning sensation of his length stretching you like no other before ever had.
Grabbing hold of your one leg, Negan wraps it around his waist in order to be closer up against you.
“Jesus- you feel good-” Negan grunts out, snapping his hips up against yours hard and fast, causing you to wince out with each upwards thrust of his body into yours.
The room is filled with the wet smacking sounds of your skin against each other’s as Negan’s thrusts become more forceful, causing you to loudly cry out as you clutch at his shoulders in pleasure.
“Negan!” you cry out when a hard thrust hits just the right spot, causing Negan to slap a hand over your mouth to quiet you.
“Shhh… we don’t want the Watchdogs rushing in thinking I’m up here killing ya or something” Negan snickers against your neck.
“Mmmm…mmmm” you mumble inaudible words against Negan’s hand as you glare at him through passion glazed eyes.
“What’s that Warden? I can’t here ya” Negan eye’s twinkles with amusement as he stares down at you.
“I said… it’s your fault, smartass…” you hiss out when Negan removes his hand from your mouth, causing him to chuckle at your remark.
His chuckle is suddenly cut short when you deliberately squeeze your inner muscles around him in retaliation, causing Negan to let out a loud groan of his own.
“Shhh…don’t want the Watchdogs thinking I’m kicking your ass or something” you smirk at him in response.
“No, we don’t…” Negan grunts out in amusement, capturing your lips in a kiss as he picked up the pace of his thrusting.
“Fuck. I’m close…” Negan hisses out. “Me too…” you whimper out in response.
Negan’s hand reaches down between your bodies to vigorously rub at your clit as his thrusts begins to become heavier upon him almost nearing his release.
“Cum for me baby…” Negan hisses out as he tries to withhold his own orgasm in a race to get you to obtain yours first.
“Negan… I’m cumming…” you cry out, causing Negan to stifle them with a kiss as he groans into your mouth when he feels your wall clenching around him.
Once your cries quiet down to small whimpers, Negan pulls his lips from yours to stare down at his cock as it disappears in and out of you with each vigorous thrust he makes upwards into you.
“Fuck… I’m going to cum…” Negan then drops your leg just in time in order to pull out of you as he then immediately cums against your thigh, his head buried in the crook of your neck while he lets out deep groans throughout his release.
“Well, that was something-” you breathlessly whisper out as Negan and you clutch at one another’s bodies in attempt to steady your heartrate.
Lifting his head from your neck, Negan stares down at you and smiles, “It definitely was, yeah-”
Looking down to the mess that was made on your thigh, Negan smirks at you, “well, I do believe you’ll being needing that shower that I offered ya earlier Warden.”
“I believe so too” you laugh out in response.
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Sometime Later.
After having had their shower, Negan and Y/N were in the kitchen busy at work.
“So, tell me, why exactly are we making so much fucking jams and pickled shit?” Negan enquires while bottling them up.
“There’s a community festival type of gathering hosted by The Kingdom coming up soon and these along with some more goodies we’ll be making will be available for trading. The rest are for the community of course, we also have to start stocking up enough food for the upcoming winter. So, anything that can be preserved needs to be done in huge quantities.”
“Cool” Negan nods his head in understanding. “So… are you going to this festive shindig?”
“Nah…” you shake your head, pulling a face.
“Why the fuck not?” Negan turns to stare at you while waiting for an answer.
“I’m not really a sociable person when it come to such stuff” you shrug it off, “beside… someone has to keep an eye on you.”
“That means we’ll have a bit more freaky deaky time available on our hands” Negan mischievously grins at you.
“Something like that…” you chuckle, shaking your head at him.
“Now, don’t go be acting like you don’t enjoy it… because by the amount of scratch marks on my shoulders... I’d say you fucking enjoyed it a lot” Negan comments, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closeup against his body.
“Maybe I did… maybe I didn’t…” you smirk up at him.
With a raised brow, Negan stares back down at you, “oh, so we’re back to playing that game again yeah?”
“I’m just fucking with ya-” you giggle at him in response.
“Well… that’s exactly what I was aiming for-” Negan bounces his brows suggestively at you, letting out a snicker when you hit him square in the centre of his chest.
“You’re an idiot, you know that” you shake your head at Negan while chuckling at his antics.
“I know… but I’m your idiot…” Negan mumbles out while biting into his lower lip, with mischief clearly shining in his hazel eyes.
“That you are…” you chuckle out, tipping up on your toes to place a kiss against his lips.
Soon the kiss becomes more heated and find yourself being lifted up onto the kitchen counter by Negan.
Pulling away from the kiss, Negan remarks, “I think I now realized why you replaced your previous clothes with a dress.”
“And what would that reason be?” you innocently smirk at him in reply.
“Easy access-” Negan snickers in response.
“Bingo! We have a winner. And your prize is hidden underneath it-” you remark with bouncing brows.
“Oh… Mama…let me claim my prize quick!” Negan bits into his lip, eyes glazing over with heated excitement.
Negan’s hands slowly slide up under your dress as he tips down to kiss you. “My… my… what do we have here? Ain’t we being a bad girl Warden” Negan remarks when he realizes you aren’t wearing any panties and you softly snicker against his lips in amusement.
You let out low moan when feeling Negan’s fingers connect with your centre. “You’re already soaking wet for me…” Negan pulls from the kiss with a growl.
Desperate for one another, Negan and you both fumble to undo his pants. Neither of you hearing the knock at the front door during your hast to have him inside you.
“Hello… Y/N, it’s Gabriel…” a voice suddenly calls out.
“Shit!” you curse out as you more or less fall off the counter in your hast not to get caught in the comprising position you were in with Negan, dragging some items that was on it along with you.
“Is everything ok!” Gabriel rushes into the kitchen, concerned panic evident on his face.
Popping your head up from behind the counter, you hastily respond with slightly nervous chuckle, “Oh. Hi Gabriel. Yeah, everything’s fine… just knocked some stuff off the counter. Clumsy me.”
“Oh, ok” Gabriel lets out a relieved breath. “Uh… where’s Negan?” he enquires scanning around the kitchen.
“Over here Gabey…” Negan answers coming up from behind the counter as well, placing the items that fell back onto the counter.
“Oh. Hello Negan” Gabriel greets him as he goes to stand at Negan’s end of the counter. “I just came to see how things are going.”
“Everything is peachy… As a matter of fact, it’s going much faster now that I have help” you answer, looking to Negan with a little smile on your face.
“Great, then I guess I’ll leave to allow you two to get back to work” Gabriel responds with a somewhat weird smile on his face and taking his leave.
“That was fucking close…” Negan lets out a huge breath of relief once Gabriel has left.
“Yeah” you agree, just as relieved as he was. “Oh, my fuck. I hope he didn’t notice” you suddenly gasp out when your eyes lower down Negan’s body, noticing that he had forgot to properly tie his pants.
“Notice what?” Negan tilts his head at you in confused.
“Negan… Your pants…” you explain pointing to his crotch.
“Oh, well… if he did, it didn’t seem to bother him, because he didn’t say anything” Negan shrugs in response.
“Yeah. Maybe you’re right” you remark in response.
Negan pulls you in his arms then, “now… where were we…”
Part 9
tag list: @rockey258 @ultrasweetnephilim @twd-fanfics @starry-night-20​ @dellsdeath  @vaaalexandra​
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sunflowersolace · 3 years
Do you have any Eleteo headcanons
oh DO I
we see lucia call raul “cariño” in día de las madres so i imagine she called him that a lot and elena picked it up
mateo loves it he’s a sucker for pet names
mateo loses stuff all the time and elena always knows where it is
“i swear i just had my tamborita” “it’s on the desk” “hey while we’re at it have you seen my-” “on that small table in your workshop”
this is basically canon but they’re very physically affectionate in public, not in an overtly gross all over each other way but they’re always touching
sometimes elena will just glance at him and her dress will go pink and she gets all embarrassed but he loves it so much it’s a constant reminder of how much she loves him
mateo had a whole proposal planned out with a speech and everything but then one night they were both really sleep deprived and he just said “hey we should get married” and that’s how they got engaged
at their wedding, mateo had to do a magic-proofing spell on her dress halfway through the ceremony because her dress kept flickering between pink and yellow and it was hurting peoples eyes
yes only one specific dress changed colours in the show probably because it was the dress she was wearing when she fell into takaína but i don’t care
gabe was mateos best man, esteban, armando, and alonso were his groomsmen (i hc that after alonso learned his lesson, he and the main 4 became good friends especially since cordoba is so close by)
luisa was elena’s matron of honour, and her bridesmaids were naomi, isa, and sofia
it was a catholic wedding and they keep the candle on a shelf above their bed, mateo wanted to enchant it so it would never burn out but elena thought it was better left alone
this one isn’t an eleteo hc but i like the idea of mateo and cedric being good friends and swapping spells n shit because the magic used in the two shows are so different
ok going on a tangent but despite tamboritas being used in every single kingdom that’s shown in eoa, we never see one in stf. has cedric ever even heard of one? and the spells that mateo uses are very different than the ones cedric uses, i think it’s pretty cool how two different spells can achieve the exact same effect (such as levitation)
they’re both pretty good cooks, but terrible bakers. mateo grew up helping rafa in the kitchen so he knows his way around but she doesn’t bake much so neither does he
again not eleteo but the only one of the 4 that can bake is naomi, she’s a natural. everyone finds it hilarious that the bakers son sucks hard at it but his ship captain wife is amazing
i’m very passionate about baking it’s kinda my thing i actually just finished making a cheesecake and honestly it’s very impressive to me that gabe grew up in a bakery and sucks ass at baking because as long as you follow the recipe you should be able to make most basic things
anyways. mateo grows his hair out to about his shoulders and elena loves to braid it for him to get it out of his face
akna <- my mom just threw a crinoline at me with no warning and i dropped my phone
elena is bi and demi, mateo is pan. mateo also doesn’t really give a shit about gender or gender presentation, he just wears what he likes. he gets gabe into nail polish.
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