#immortal desires 2 spoilers
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livelaughlovecassie · 1 year ago
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1) PB not giving us a proper flashback here was CRIMINAL.
2) So… Cas turned Gabe so close to being confirmed
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monyrawolf21 · 9 months ago
Cas is one of the most tragic characters that PB has created
1.- They lost their parents when they were too young.
2.- They were a foster kid and had to move with a person who didn't care about them
3.- They couldn't make any friends and when they found that they thought they could trust, they got betrayed by them
4.- They belong to a coven wich they are not warm and if you don't fulfill the expectations they talk bad about you
5.- They were a witness of their covenmates deaths
6.- The person who they are in love with almost die in front of them
7.- They got power out of nowhere and they are scared to hurt someone
8.-They don't feel enough for the person they are in love with
9.- AND after all of this, They lost their friend who was like a little brother to them and always tried to protect
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vampiresideblog · 11 months ago
Immortal Desires Playthrough part five
- I'm so sick of the mom drama and it just keeps coming.
- "Your high willpower helped you keep your cool!" Someone has to in this house.
- The Venandi's are all assholes but Val and Scott are at least funny about it. Margo is kind of the worst.
- I'm guessing Cas was a teen in the mid to late 80s, going on flashback clothing styles alone. This means he could have been born in the early 70s or late 60s, making him a rare Gen X vampire.
- I've never wanted to strangle a Choices character before and then Denise existed.
- Cas's recruitment actually makes me a little upset, they saw a scared vulnerable kid being ostracized and decided to bring him into a gang. I'd adopt Cas if I could.
- I think this whole diamond scene upsets me because my best friend in middle school/early high school was a foster kid and people would say that stuff to her. It makes me cry to think about it now as an adult who understands Implications and I'm sad for Cas. He deserved better.
- Libbey is being really weird, it makes me uncomfortable. I may have to drain her like a capri sun if this gets any worse.
- "You have to choose eventually" I already did Jade. I very clearly have. This isn't even a discussion.
- Gabriel, you know the MC is with Cas, why are you setting this clock tower nonsense up at all?
- I was right about the powers as I am about most things and by most things I mean nothing. This was a fluke and an easy guess.
- Did he block me?
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eccentricstate · 1 year ago
all I’m saying is that they’ve been really emphasizing that MC is 18/an adult in the last few chapters. definitely preparing for a dirty 30 at some point
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cadybear420 · 1 year ago
Immortal Desires m!MC's tactical camo outfit but it's now a cropped top like the f!MC version is, edits by me
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Either both get crop tops or neither get crop tops.
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milasky · 10 months ago
Minimal spoiler for ID 2 VIP
The ID series might as well be a villain origin story. In my mind MC is one step away from going completely crazy (as she should). I say let her slaughter everyone.
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whoblewboobear · 9 months ago
I finally finished last weeks chapter and.. 🤧you mean to tell me we really lost Seth?? Just like that?????? Rip king, you’ll be missed
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av-potatogun · 9 months ago
spoiler for chap 16
i get that a lot of ppl see the functionally useless turning ceremony as retconning, but honestly i think it was just bad writing implying they were drinking from the mc
it was proven at multiple points in book 1 that vampire venom is not harmful (to vamps) and that vampire venom can be injected without actually drinking from the person
like i get the idea of doing the turning ritual for the tradition of it, and if they had been clear about them just injecting venom, it would have been fine. it wouldnt have looked like retconning.
but no, they dont have mc question the effects of vampire blood on vampires (which they are intimately aware of) and they even imply cas tasted mc's blood.
like i guess you could argue that its not retconning cause the bites are supposed to be small, so theoretically a vamp could just desperately hold their self control to keep from appearing ill.
i honestly wouldve loved this scene, esp as a symbolic turning point for the vamps and mc. the turning ritual being what it takes for mc to be fully covened, and all the previous treatment being from the fact that mc was an outsider.
it couldve even been a way to explain the reasoning for the entire coven(s) being involved in the ritual. like they couldve talked about previous symbolic turning rituals, they couldve implied that the point of everyone being in the turning ritual is to calm territorial instincts. there was literally so much they couldve done with the idea that a non-covened vamp needs a turning ritual despite already being a vamp.
but no they go with implications that break the vampire rules they just made and that they referenced in the previous chapter.
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niaerinisms · 10 months ago
Cas having fucking powers makes MC look even more insane about their own
Cas, finds out they have powers: screaming, crying, throwing up, avoiding everyone, questioning their existence, dealing with all these new changes, clawing their face, breaking their childhood house, causing thunderstorms and sticks to fall down on people who anger them
MC, whenever they get a new power:
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mercedesdecorazon · 11 months ago
The Push and Pull of Cas and Gabe (1/2)
(Okay, these guys live rent-free in my head so bear with me. Also this analysis has spoilers and headcanons, be warned.)
So pretty much everyone has been saying that Cas is being sidelined in this book and I think there's a reason for that.
Cas and Gabe are polar opposite people. Gabe is friendly, kind and warm, while Cas is snarky, mean and cold. (That's why people ship them together because opposites attract.)
At the end of Book 1, if you chose the poly route, essentially you're stringing them both along which they both are aware of and so they're competing even more.
While Gabe is competing by pulling you in closer and closer, Cas is sort of distancing themselves from you and I think there's some reasons for that:
They think MC is better off with Gabe in some way. Because if you choose the poly route in the end of Book 1, Cas says "I know you like Golden Boy/Girl but you like me too." Cas thinks that they're MC's second option.
They were hurt when the Venandis thought they were a traitor. When the Crimson Beech trio were on the run in Book 1 and they almost ran into the three of the Venandis, they overheard them saying that "Cas had been spending too much time with that human." Mind you throughout Book 1, Cas has been defending the Venandis to MC and Gabe and to hear that they thought so low and so little of him... it hurt them deeply. Cas thought that the Venandis were the only family they had and Venandis just accused them of being a traitor with no reason or evidence.
This is my headcanon here so bear with me: Cas is used to be abandoned all their life. They thought that the Venandis would have their back but they were wrong and since MC is with Gabe most of the time, they're worried that MC would abandon them next. So they distanced themselves first so that if MC does choose Gabe, it won't hurt so bad.
That's what I think is going on with Cas. The Canon story may not go into it like I did but us Fanfiction girlies can use these reasons. (And if you do decide to use this analysis for your fanfic, let me know and I'll read it 😊)
Gabriel(a) is next!
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livelaughlovecassie · 10 months ago
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monyrawolf21 · 10 months ago
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Well, Cas is tall
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vampiresideblog · 11 months ago
Immortal Desires Playthrough part 2 (Spoilers)
Finally get to see Seth! Hooray for the boy!
What result does MC's mom want from randomly searching her child's room? What does she expect to find besides unnecessary conflict?
She's gonna think MC's in a cult if she finds the brand on them and that's another thing I'm not gonna want to deal with.
"You revealed yourself to a human on Halloween Night!" That is literally the best time to reveal yourself to a human, no one would believe anyone saw an actual vampire. It's brilliant.
The MC never revealed themselves, therefore them getting the brand is actual bullshit, I will die on this hill.
A room full of silver brands offers interesting new options for murdering Llewyn.
Love how each Coven has their own techniques they refuse to share because both groups are run by assholes.
A lot of these problems with the leadership would be solved if they cycled them out every century or so.
Whoever murdered the vamp from chapter one is probably pretty sadistic, I can't imagine killing anything with silver and the sun as it screams in agony.
They're probably gonna give this person a tragic backstory and expect people to sympathize with them.
Llewyn teaching as MC suffers in the background: The sun is a deadly laser.
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mvalentine · 10 months ago
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cadybear420 · 1 year ago
Aiden in an ID Book 2 m!MC outfit, edits by me
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Also made it purple because I like black and purple on Aiden
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mercedesdecorazon · 10 months ago
Minimal spoiler for ID 2 VIP
The ID series might as well be a villain origin story. In my mind MC is one step away from going completely crazy (as she should). I say let her slaughter everyone.
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