#cas x mia
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mvalentine · 10 months ago
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iwasateenagenosferatu · 8 months ago
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It was sooooo goood! Just saw Maxxxine 🫀
Pearl and Maxine.
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ultravi0lence14 · 5 months ago
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sam winchester x angel!reader
2.6k | slight angst, fluff, fem pronouns
summary: after sam and dean find themselves acquainted with another angel, sam finds himself more drawn to her than he imagined.
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sam and dean thought that after cas, no more angels would be vying to join their little group. both agreeing that the angel spot on the team had already been taken by their trench coat wearing friend
though as life goes, nothing ever happens as planned. that came as a soft spoken, timid angel that happened to be you. a beacon of hope that sam and dean didn’t even know they needed at the time.
sam winchester had recently gotten out of hell, and there were rumours going around that he wasn’t acting like he usually did. you sat back and observed, not wanting to intrude at a wrong time, and only by that did you realize he’d been ripped out of hell without a soul. he was a man walking around with no human morals — or emotions for that matter, and you could tell it was taking a toll on his older brother.
when your brother castiel had managed to get the winchesters soul back, you knew it was time for you to descend down to earth. castiel wasn’t acting like himself, and with the war raging on in heaven, you knew that a little down time out of the sky would be helpful for you.
the only problem was you didn’t have a vessel. you never liked the idea of completely taking over someone’s body. you’d only done it once and it wasn’t fun, even though you had the woman’s full permission and she remained in perfect condition after your endeavours.
so you spent your time picking out the perfect person to merge into. when you came across a young, twenty something year old woman named roslyn, you couldn’t help but conclude that she was the one.
a very faithful girl, she had been struggling with a rare disease for the past couple of years. roslyn was in pain, and the only way you could think of helping her was allowing her soul to go into heaven and for you to take over her body. it was awful timing, you knew it. but her soul would be free, and you communicated with her in the special ways that you angels did, and she was more then happy to lend her body over to your essence.
when you finally took control over her body, your first course of action was to find the winchester brothers. they needed help, and as much as they didn’t want to admit it you knew they knew it too.
the mother of all was out of purgatory and running a muck, someone was trying to open purgatory’s gates on top of that, and cas being completely MIA as the icing on the cake was definitely not helping the two men. with sam’s soul being freshly back in his body you knew they were distraught. you knew castiel’s suspicious behaviour wasn’t helping and you just wanted to be of service.
the winchester’s weren’t hard to find. they’d been praying to your brother for some time, and without him answering, their prayers started seeping in to yours and other angels wave lengths.
you found them in a motel right in the middle of chicago, working on a case to take a break on the whole purgatory debacle. your wings flapped in the wind as you found yourself in front of the building, senses running ramped as you tried to figure out which room was there’s.
as you walked up to their door, you wondered how you were going to address the brothers. what would you say to them? would you flat out mention castiel’s weird behaviour? you weren’t really sure, but you knew that your main goal was to let the winchester’s know you were on their side.
your knuckles softly tapped onto the wooden door, fiddling with your fingers as you waited for an answer. what you didn’t expect though, was a behemoth of a man to answer it, so tall that you had to crane your neck to look beyond his middle.
you’d assumed that the man who opened the door was either sam or dean. while the stories of the winchester brothers didn’t leave out their attractiveness, but you didn’t expect for one of them to look this good. his sharp facial features and longish hair pulled you in. though, it was his soft, hazel eyes that had you mesmerized. they held such a soft aura to them, making you melt into their vernal appearance and long for his comfort.
sam was confused. neither him or dean was expecting someone, and he would’ve known if his brother was bringing a girl to their room. the look in her face was scared and timid, a shy smile lighting up her bright eyes. sam wanted to believe she bared good intentions, but knowing him and his brothers luck she’d be another problem they had to handle.
“hello.” the word slipped from your lips in a low alto, almost like you were trying to remain unseen. “are you either sam or dean winchester?”
the question caught sam of guard. “yeah i’m sam. my brothers just inside.” he didn’t want to alert dean to the strange woman at their door, but he still wanted to be careful. “who are you?”
tilting the corner of your lip into a delicate smile, you brought your hand out from sam to shake. “i’m Y/N.” you spoke as sam took your hand, holding lightly as he felt the smoothness of it’s ridges. “i am an angel of the lord, one of castiel’s companions actually.” you thought that maybe mentioning castiel would soften their immediate aggression towards your unknown presence, but the look on sam’s face was deterring you in the other direction.
turning his head to look over at dean, sam gave him a look of ‘we’ve got an issue’, instantly alerting the older winchester to prepare for any harm that would come to either him or sam.
without really thinking, you brushed past sam into the room and inspected it further. you saw who you assumed to be dean stood by a bed, gun hung by his hips but hands placed at the ready if you did anything that rubbed him the wrong way.
placing your hands behind your back, you immediately got into business. “as you are both aware, eve is out of purgatory. i’m also sure you’re aware that my brother castiel has been a bit off lately. i’ve just come down to assist you both, make sure that everything is in order and that purgatory will remain as it always has.” the brothers watched you in slight awe, almost like they didn’t expect for you to know what was happening down on earth. just because there was a gruesome war going on in your home doesn’t mean you weren’t completely out of the loop.
dean was the first to speak, looking at you skeptically as he gave your face a once over. “you seem lovely, sweetheart but how do we know you’re telling the truth?” his question was valid, but you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the winchester’s classic style of not being easily trusting.
“here,” you spoke, moving so you could be in the middle of the room. “let me show you.” in an instant you flapped your wings and disappeared, shocking sam and dean and having the younger brother almost knocking back into the motel rooms desk.
in a couple of short minutes you were back, wind tossed hair with a pie in hand. you handed it over to dean, brushing your hair back as you straightened your back. “i flew to the nearest diner to get you some pie. cas tells me you really enjoy apple.”
if someone’s eyes could become actual saucers than dean winchester accomplished it. he looked like a kid in a candy shop who’s mom allowed him to get his favourite treat. “you might just be my favourite member of the god squad.” dean mumbled through a mouthful of pie, smiling contently to himself as he took another bite.
sam was still a little on the fence, not really sure on one thing. “why aren’t you alerting the other angles if you’re so concerned? i thought you guys rarely came down to earth.”
“believe me,” you spoke, shifting on your feet so you could look at dean more clearly. “if i didn’t have to be down here i wouldn’t. but heaven has been run amuck, and i’m starting to get worried about cas.” the look on sam’s face after you voiced your worry on your brother confused you. the angel was acting different, sketchy even. why weren’t sam and dean jumping at the opportunity to help you get to the bottom of his behaviour?
“why are you so concerned about castiel?” sam questioned, leaning forward so he could be closer to you. “last we saw of him he seemed to be fine.”
oh. so the winchester’s didn’t know about their angel friends strange behaviour. with all the stuff on their plate you weren’t surprised; but you started to think of the severity of castiel’s actions if he didn’t think to have sam and dean in the mix with him.
brushing off any worry on your face, you plastered on your best smile and tried to comfort sam and dean. “heaven just hasn’t seen him in a while that’s all. i just wanted to come down and be of help when castiel is away.” dean’s face showed some skepticism, but sam seemed more open to your help, and gave his brother a look that screamed ‘give her a chance’.
sighing to himself, dean turned and looked over at you with defeat. “alright, you can help.” his head perked up a second after, seemingly thinking of something. “why did your think we needed your help anyway? this is a simple demon case.”
oh the winchester’s. they were very bright in some areas, yet when it came to looking at the bigger picture, they fell a little flat. “eve is here that’s why.” you spoke, watching as both brothers faces fell. “she’s the one orchestrating all of this.” the look on both sam and dean’s faces showed they weren’t aware of this, even though it made the most sense.
“well, that’s good enough for me. let’s go find ourselves some demons.” dean enthused, getting up and grabbing his weapons and jacket. as sam and his brother went around grabbing their belongings, sam noticed how you just stood still, eyes darting around the room like everything was new and fresh to you. in hindsight, it was, for this was your first time on earth. sam was just so enthralled with the look on your face, how the smallest thing interested you.
even when you followed behind the two brothers on the way to the impala, your eyes caught on everything. cars, people, shops, and especially the flowers and greenery that danced along the buildings and ground.
as you three pulled up to the abandoned warehouse, you could sense the demonic presence from outside. this allowed you to sneakily walk sam and dean right to where the demons were, garnering them the moment of surprise which gave them time to whip out three out the six demons.
while sam and dean fought two demons, you watched as another tried to escape. transporting right in front of the man you watched as his face turned into a snarl. “looks like they’ve got another angel on their side.” he sneered, attempting to move past you but failed as you kicked his legs in and pinned him down to the ground.
“where’s eve.” you asked calmly, not wanting to talk to this demon longer than you should. he just smirked at you, spitting up onto your face to get his point across.
gosh they really were abominations. you were disgusted and really sick of having to be in his presence, so with a slight crush of his windpipe and a foot on his rib he was sputtering out her whereabouts. “thank you.” you responded in a nonchalant manner, putting two fingers on his forehead and smiting him into nothing.
standing up and brushing some dust from your coat, you turned and noticed sam and dean standing a little ways behind you, shock covering their faces.
“wow” dean breathed, putting his gun into his coat. “didn’t realize angels were so brutal.” sam seemed more star struck, like the simple notion of what you just did astounded him. you didn’t say anything to either of the two men, casually shrugging your shoulders and walking back to the impala.
sam didn’t move for a second, garnering dean to whack him on the back and snicker to himself. “got some drool there on your cheek, sammy.” the younger winchester just huffed, mumbling about how dean was an ass while he got into the passenger seat with the strange yet attractive angel sitting behind him.
the ride back to the motel was quite, the only sound being the hum of the car and the soft rock music dean was playing over his radio. you knew your work here was done, that when you three pulled to a stop that you’d have to leave. something inside of you didn’t want you to go. it wanted you to see what castiel saw in the winchester’s. elaborate on the feeling of peaceful energy that being around sam gave you for the first time.
when the time came for you to bid your farewell, the atmosphere seemed to change. dean was very cordial. a simple goodbye and a slight wave of his hand was all he could muster up before retreating back into his room.
sam on the other hand, he lingered for a bit.
his eyes raked over the form of your vessel. he knew that this wasn’t what you truly looked like. somehow, that didn’t phase him. the aura and emotion you executed was enough for him to get a feel of who you truly were.
the somber look behind vast irises was enough for sam to understand that you truly didn’t want to leave. you had to, you didn’t want to. that was enough for sam to feel a sprinkle of hope that him and dean would be seeing you again.
releasing a puff of air, you were the one to break the looming silence. “please look out for castiel. something’s off with him, i just don’t know what.” sam also could tell that you wanted to stay to help your brother, but that inner turmoil which had been deeply in rooted from the angels wouldn’t let you.
the man wanted you to feel a sliver of comfort. so he agreed, giving you a slight nod as he watched the wind tousle your hair around.
you looked beautiful under the moonlight. sam truly could understand why you were an angel. your kindness and true devotion to the ones you loved barred proudly on your chest. sam swore you glowed, but that was just his imagination talking.
“i better go.” you whispered, walking over to sam and placing your hands on his shoulders. the younger winchester was frozen, not knowing how to react at your blatant actions. with a swift turn of your head, you pressed a delicate kiss to sam’s cheek. the lingering feeling of your lips on his skin had sam reeling.
he couldn’t react. a whoosh of wings and a slight gust of air alerted him to your departure. you hadn’t even been gone a minute and sam deeply down already missed you.
sam winchester was in too deep already and it seemed like he couldn’t give a care in the world.
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highladyivy · 11 months ago
Fic Recs
💕 Fluff
❤️‍🔥 Smut
💔 Angst
📚Multi Chapter
📖 WIP 📒 Completed
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Be Yours by @writingsbychlo 💕
Forever my love by @bat-boys 💕❤️‍🔥
Overwritten by @illyrian-dreamer (11 parts) 💔❤️‍🔥 📚📒
Hobbies by @milswrites (12parts) 💕💔📚📒
Notice me by @heartless-tate 💕
Teach Me by @solbaby7 (brief Elain x Reader) 💕
Always by @redbleedingrose (9 parts)💔💕📚📒
Not again by @fanwarriorfictions 📚📖(Rowilen Daughter)
An Education in Malice by @illyrianbitch ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
A Court of Soul & Shadow by (AO3) 📚📖
When the heart is still longing by @illyrianbitch 💔
I’ve been waiting for you by @prythianpages 💕
You drew stars around my scars @flickering-chandeliers 💕
I heard your voice in a dream by @flickeringchandelier 💕❤️‍🔥
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A Place For Dying by @illyrianbitch 💔
A Court of Healers & Plotholes by @witchysquirrel 💔❤️‍🔥📚📖
Mama Mia 2 by @assriels 💔💔💔
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Knocked Up by @tadpolesonalgae ❤️‍🔥
The bonds that break us by @daydreaming-nerd 💕💔❤️‍🔥📚
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To Be Wed 2 by @bloodycassian (AzrielxReaderxRhysand)❤️‍🔥
Handmaid by @littlestw01f (NestaxReaderxEris) ❤️‍🔥
Blurred Lines 2 3 4 by @solbaby7 (readerxRhysand&Azriel) ❤️‍🔥📚
Double Duty by @azsazz (RhysandxReaderxCassian) ❤️‍🔥
If you should die by @azsazz (BatBoysxReader)❤️‍🔥
Tender by @shadowdaddies (batboys x reader) ❤️‍🔥💕
But Home Is Nowhere by @mirandasidefics 💔📚📖 (endgame pairing undetermined)(Ruhn, Azriel, Lucien)
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Lucien x Reader by @gothicbabydollz ❤️‍🔥
Care for you by @shallyne 💕(Feyre x Lucien)
About Last Night By @readychilledwine ❤️‍🔥
Nothing But A Curse by @stormhearty 💔💔💔
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Coming soon
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The Dilemma by @shadowdaddies (Az & Cas present) ❤️‍🔥
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Happiness in the heart by @munsons-hellfire 💔💕
Love and Lust by @surielstea ❤️‍🔥💕
Gust & Flame by @invisibleanonymousmonsters 💔💕📚📖
Remember Me by @thelov3lybookworm 💔💕📚📖
The Fox and The Fawn by @utterlyotterlyx 📚📖
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itsphoenix0724 · 8 months ago
Save A Horse (Cassian x Reader)
Summary: After a long hard day of work all Cas wants is a cold beer and a pretty girl.
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: SMUT, sexual language about women's bodies
A/N: I love a good cowboy au, and I feel like my boy Cas fits that vibe the best. I'm sorry I've been MIA, but I'm trying to get back into it I promise. Thank you all for your patience. Much love <3
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Cassian takes off his hat as he walks into the bar, hair slicked back against his forehead after a long day in the sun.  He appreciates the job Rhys’s father offers him, but he puts him through the wringer every day from sun up to sun down. Friday nights at Rita’s are always packed, and tonight is no exception, especially with the new addition of the mechanical bull. Cassian only has to step up to the bar and a beer is already set in front of him. He takes a sip, letting the drink cool him from the inside out before he turns to survey the dance floor. It’s packed with girls square dancing and some just drunkenly bumping and grinding with the person closest to them. He looks out across the floor watching the buckle bunnies saunter up to every available ranch hand they set their eyes on. Nights like these are some of his favorites, he just lets the girls flock to him so he can take his pick of the litter to get lost in for the night. 
That’s when he sees you, red cowboy boots in all your glory on the back of that mechanical bull.  
The bull is supposed to be impossible to stay on, he knows because he laughed about it with Rita on the first night she had it installed. Rhys, Az, and himself had spent the entire night watching people get thrown into the inflatable pit around it, laughing so hard they almost tipped their barstools.
But you were staying on the bull, and Cas is absolutely entranced. Your hips rock back and forth with the bull's motion, countering every single buck and jerk the machine used to try to throw you. You even had the balls to take one hand off the reigns and Cassian almost fell to his knees right there when you flipped yourself around and started to ride it backward. His eyes wander down to the tight denim of your cut-off shorts, your ass looks good enough for him to bite. 
Every single eye in the bar is fixed on you because no one has ever stayed on the bull this long. 
The machine starts to slow down, the rocking of your hips becoming more sensual as you begin to follow the beat of the country song blasting across the speakers. Everyone watches with rapt attention as the bull finally stops, before erupting into cheers that shake the very foundation of the building. You dismount, bowing with a flourish as you return to your group of friends. Most of the guys in the bar are approaching you, but Cassian is already tucking his hat back on and barreling over. Any other guy who had thought he stood a chance backed off just as quickly when Cassian sent them a glare that could level mountains. 
He didn’t care what anyone said, he had to have you tonight, tonight you were his and his alone. 
“That was incredible.” Cassian rumbles, coming up behind you, a quick wink and smile from him sends your friends fluttering across the dance floor laughing behind their hands. 
“Well thank you,” you drawl, red lips pulling back into a feline grin. “And you are?” one of your eyebrows cocks, eyes lazily trailing up and down his form. 
“Cassian Prince,” he tips his hat and watches as you smirk, “and can I have your name or should I just call you Beautiful?” you laugh incredulously, before rolling your eyes. Cassian’s confidence wavers for a second, that line normally works, but he presses on. “Can I buy you a drink?” You hum in contemplation, making a good show of tipping your head in thought. 
“No thanks, maybe next time Cowboy.” You pat him on the shoulder before sauntering away from him and disappearing back into the crowd. Cassian watches those red boots walk away dumbfounded, but sulks back to his spot against the bar. 
Cassian drinks until closing time, eyes still prowling the crowd but dissatisfied with every potential prospect. Nothing compared to the rush you gave him when you were on that bull. 
Rita’s is emptying, and Cas knocks back another shot of whiskey as Rita cleans the glasses for the night. On the nights he doesn’t go home with someone he usually stays to ensure she gets to her car okay even though he doesn’t think that anyone in this town would be dumb enough to try anything with Rita. 
“Hey Jackass, leave me the hell alone!” It’s shouted across the bar in such alarm that it raises the hairs on the back of Cassian’s neck. He moves faster than his brain can keep up with, tipsy feet carrying him to the bar's back corner. Cas finds that the distressed voice he heard belongs to you, and you’re currently facing up with a guy about twice your height, eyes locked on him with a glare that could make the devil flinch. 
“Come on baby, I saw you on that bull,” 
The stranger is pretty big, but Cas still has a couple of inches on him.
“I think the lady said to leave her alone.” Cassian’s voice rumbles, deep and dark like a thunderstorm. Your eyes blaze with lightning in return. The stranger turns and shoves Cassian on the shoulder, his adrenaline spikes, the song in his blood finally happy for a fight. His fist clenches and before he can blink it slams into the stranger's face. Cassian looks at you again as you freeze in shock, the stranger knocked out cold on the floor between your feet. 
“HEY!” Rita’s voice screams across the bar, “Enough! Cassian get cleaned up, I’ll handle this.” She waves a disgusted at the man collapsed on the ground and you silently grab Cas’s hand to lead him into the bar’s tiny bathroom. 
The two of you share the space across the sink, you run his hand under cold water before gently dabbing at the broken skin of his knuckles with a paper towel. 
“You know,” you start, a teasing lilt to your voice “no one’s ever punched a guy out for me before.” 
“It’s not gentlemanly to disrespect women” Cassian rumbles eyes watching the way your hands curl around the callous skin of his palm. Maybe it’s the leftover adrenaline from the punch he threw, but the only thing he can think of is that your skin is so soft, hands unburdened by the roughness of labor. You lift your head and Cas can feel the ghost of your exhale skate across his lips. He doesn’t know who leans in first, but your lips taste like the limes and salt used for tequila shots. 
He tries his best to chase the hidden burn as your tongue traces over the seam of his lips. 
You’re surprisingly dominant in the way your tongue traces over his with a sensuality Cassian thinks runs in your blood. Cas lets himself be pulled in like a ship out in the ocean, flowing and bellowing with the tide that is your kiss. Those damned hands start undoing the buttons on his flannel, but he doesn’t let you get too far. “We should get out of here,” he heaves, your chests rising and falling to the same beat, he leads you with a hand to the small of your back out of the bar over to his truck. Cassian opens the door to the driver's seat and lifts you onto the seat before his mouth meets yours again. 
Your hands feel like wildfire as they trace down the hard muscles of his back, his trail sends lightning strikes down the curve of your thighs. 
Your fingers find the buttons of his shirt again, and Cassian can feel himself getting harder every time one gets undone. His flannel drifts down to the asphalt that covers the parking lot and your hands against his bare chest might be the closest thing to heaven he’ll ever get. His lips bite dark marks into the curve of your neck, and the moan you release bounces off the curve of the windshield and comes back to rattle his bones. Your hands try to fond Cas’s hair but they run into the wide brim of his hat. The two of you pull apart and the fire in your eyes makes his old jeans get tighter. Your red lipstick is smeared but smile no less wild as you take off his hat and place it onto your head, as triumphant as a queen with a crown. 
“Do you know what that means?” the low timbre of Cassian’s voice sounds more animal than human, his pupils blown wide as his eyes try to swallow you whole. With a laugh, you tip his hat at him and Cas drops to his knees this time. He makes quick work of the belt holding your shorts up, popping the buckle, and sliding the denim down your legs until they hit the concrete below the truck with a metallic thud. He devours you quickly, wasting no time to delve his tongue between your thighs. Your head tosses back with a moan as you begin to grind against his face with the same ferocity that you used to ride the bull earlier. Cassian slips a finger inside of you and lets out a loud groan at the feeling of you clenching around him, he can barely wait to get inside you. You finally release with a broken cry and collapse against his truck's old leather bench seat. You sit up on your elbows, chest heaving up and down with hungry eyes, and Cassian claims your mouth again. Large broad hands drag up your jaw and into your hair, scraping with such delight you almost purr like a cat. Your hands practically rip his belt open, his hips bucking into your hand when you rub hard against his length. Eagerly, you pull Cas into the truck after you and he barely manages to pull the door shut behind you. He kisses his way down your body, worshiping every inch and curve he finds before making his way back up. Lining himself up he pushes himself into you. Your hands claw down his back with a wild ferocity and Cassian loves the bite your fingernails leave. He gives you a few minutes to adjust to him, but when you start squirming underneath him and running your tongue along the shell of his ear, he snaps. He fucks into you with pure abandon, white-hot pleasure shooting between the both of you like a live wire. However, you–like everything else you’ve done tonight, continue to surprise him. You flip Cas over in the seats and ride him until his eyes almost roll back into his head. He never wants to leave this truck, the efforts of your passions fogging up the windows. You tumble over the edge walls squeezing him in a vice grip, and he’s almost embarrassed by it, but with a broken whimper, Cassian manages to lift you off of him and finish all over your stomach. You collapse against his chest, leaving red trailed kisses along the length of his jugular. After recovering, you retrieve your shorts from the ground, pulling them back up your thighs Cas watches with his eyes half-lidded in orgasmic bliss. He tracks the movement of your finger as you wipe away the smeared lipstick from the corners of your mouth. 
“I’ll see you around cowboy.” Your sultry voice echoes out, reigniting the problem in Cassian’s pants when you swing the door to his truck shut and he watches your hips sway as you walk to your own car. 
Cassian has to sit in his truck for another fifteen minutes to recover and its when he runs his hands through his tousled hair that he realizes one thing. 
You’ve walked off with his hat.
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deanscherrypie420 · 5 months ago
ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜 ℍ𝕒𝕚𝕣
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A/N: Sorry I haven't been as active guys, I've been VERYYYY overworked with school and have not had any free time... Don't worry! I'm getting my mojo back slowly!
Characters: Y/N, Dean, Sam
Pairing: Dean X Reader
Warnings!: Violence, vampires, blood, vampire bite, lots of affection towards the end
Summary: After a prayer to their good friend Castiel, the Winchester boys are surprised when a new angel shows up - and she's full of love.
The boys were a bit overworked, but that didn't stop them from taking on another hunt. At the moment, they were trying to locate a vampire nest.
"I can't take this anymore. We haven't heard from that bastard in months. Did he just forget about us?" Dean asked, obviously frustrated.
Castiel had been MIA for a little over six months now, leaving the brothers on their own.
"Why don't you try calling for him?" Sam suggested, his lips pressing into a flat line. He hadn't given up on Cas, and he hoped Dean wouldn't either.
"Like I haven't tried!" He rolled his eyes, getting up and walking to the fridge. He tossed his empty beer bottle in the trash and swung the door open, grabbing two cold bottles.
Sam sighed and rubbed his forehead. He leaned back and resting his arm over the back of the chair. "Just try again, Dean." He advised, and he got a nod in response.
Dean rested his palm against the counter and hummed for a moment, an annoyed edge in his voice. "Cas, can you get your ass down here and help your friends?"
It was obvious he was being mostly sarcastic, now cracking open his beer. "Whats a man gotta do to get an angel?" He scoffed.
Thats when they heard the wings.
"What the hell?" Sam murmured, standing up and looking back at Dean, who whipped out his gun in a heart beat.
The angel that stood before them was definitely not Castiel, and it was not an angel they had met before either.
She had long, light pink hair and rather pale skin. She was wearing a short white dress and had a heart tattoo on her shoulder. She looked interesting.
"Hello," She said with a soft smile, her cheeks already a bit flushed. "I'm Y/N, and I may not be an angel, but I assure you I'm just as helpful."
"If you're not an angel, what the hell are you?" Dean asked, stepping a bit closer. He gave a quick look at Sam to make sure he was armed as well.
"Well... I'm a cupid." She held her hand out, showing her bow in her palm. It didn't show up black like normal, though. It was white.
The boys exchanged quick glances, and she cleared her throat. "I understand I'm not the exact angel you called for, but I'd still like to help."
Sam raised a brow, just as skeptical as his brother. "Why would an angel want to help us?" He questioned, and Dean chimed in as well. "And how the hell do you know who we are?"
She chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand. "Dean, every being in the world knows who you two are." She took a cautious step forward, and smiled.
"You didn't answer Sammy's first question." He barked, his hand jerking the gun closer. Her eyes practically dodged his, now focusing on the book Sam was reading.
She teleported behind them, scanning the pages quickly. "Vampires are disgusting creatures..." She mumbled.
Both the boys turned around, moving around the table to get a better angle on her. "Well, good thing we aren't looking for company. Flap your pretty little wings and fly away." Dean remarked, and she bit her lip.
There was a silence for a moment, her fingers tips tracing the edge of the table.
Then she was gone.
Y/N was a little upset that the boys didn't welcome her, even though she knew there would be suspicions.
She had heard that they were guarded, but she didn't understand why they didn't trust her. She wasn't a threat to them, if anything she was going to protect them.
To settle it, she figured she should talk to them again, which is why she was now standing in the middle of an old asylum.
"Listen, sweetcheeks, we already said we don't need your help, alright?" Dean nearly shouted, his adrenaline pumping.
Dean had just ganked two vampires, unsure if that was all. Now, he was wasting his breath arguing with a pipsqueak.
"I heard you say that, I know! But I can be helpful! I want to help!" She insisted, trying not to get intimidated by the way his figure towered over hers.
He stared her down, a firm grasp on his machete. "We don't need your help. You need to go do your damn job and shoot people with your little love arrows."
She huffed, her cheeks a pale red. "I don't want to! My job is repetitive and boring! I want to be a hunter with you guys!" She shouted, her voice echoing off the walls.
Before Dean could respond, she had shoved him back, accidentally slicing her hand on his blade.
A vampire charged at her, and she grabbed it by the collar, pressing her hand to its forehead. A bright light shone through its eyes and its teeth retracted. It was dead immediately.
She turned on her heel, a bit out of breath. "Behind you!" She yelled. Dean swung his machete in the air, slicing the vamps head off in a quick swoosh.
"How the hell did you know they were there?" He asked, followed by an airy laugh. He was shocked.
She scratched the back of her neck, feeling a bit shy. "I could feel their footsteps, they kinda create vibrations." She admitted, and he smiled.
"Alright, fine. That was kinda impressive, sweetheart." He teased. She gave a small smile and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "I told you I'm helpful."
They began cleaning up the mess, preparing to burn the bodies. Dean had stepped away to call Sam and let him know that everything went well, and they might have a new buddy.
After she set the bodies on top of each other, she could hear footsteps. Just like from earlier.
"Dean?" She questioned, carefully walking around the room. There was hardly any light in the building, and she could feel her anxiety rising.
After a few moments of silence, the footsteps grew closer and she stepped back, weary of her surroundings.
"Hey sweetheart- Woah, hey, you alright?" Dean asked, pausing when he saw her.
She let out a sigh. "Jesus, you scared me. I thought you were a crazy blood sucker!"
He raised a brow and chuckled, "Someone's paranoid. Come on, let's wrap this up." He said, waving her over.
She nodded, but before she could make it far she was dragged back, earning a loud shriek from within her.
The vampire opened wide before biting down hard on her neck, and she felt it's teeth slowly sink in.
Dean nearly charged forward, and just as quickly as it happened, the monster was dead. It's head rolled onto the ground, and Dean grabbed her hard, pulling her flush with his body.
"Hey, hey, are you okay?" He asked hurriedly, tilting her head up to look at her neck. She was still a bit shocked, mouth slightly agape.
She nodded, swallowing hard. She placed her hand on her wound and healed it, but there was still a bit of bruising.
"I'm fine, yeah. I just, uh, I didn't expect that." She let out a nervous laugh and he gave her a reassuring smile.
"Good, I'm glad you're alright."
It had been a few weeks since the hunt, and she now was apart of their little group. She didn't know if they considered her family yet, but she hoped one day they would.
Y/N was laying in Dean's bed, her legs in the air behind her as she waited for Dean. He was showering, and she was getting impatient. She had a surprise for him and couldn't wait for him to see.
She heard the water turn off and she sat up, legs dangling off his bed. He opened the door and was caught of guard when he saw her.
His towel drooped low around his waist, and his hair looked like he had just run his fingers through it. He looked hot.
His brows furrowed together, and she tried not to stare. It was definitely a bit awkward for her, but he found it cute. The way she tried not to stare at his body, but couldn't seem to look away.
Her cheeks were bright red, and he couldn't help but smile at that. "Watcha doin' in here, sweetheart?" He asked, and she cleared her throat.
"I, uhm, I was going to show you something - a surprise. I got a surprise for you, I mean, I have a surprise for you." She spewed, rambling out words as fast as she could.
He chuckled and walked up to her, looking down at her with a small grin. "Alright, whats the surprise?"
She stood up from his bed, closing the gap between them. Their bodies were touching, and the back of her legs were flat against the bedframe.
"I uhm, I got a tattoo." She said, worried he would find it uninteresting. "It's the one you have right there." She poked the anti-possesion tattoo on his chest, her cheeks red as wine.
He bit his lip and smiled. "Oh, did you now? Come on, don't be shy. Show me, hun." He insisted, leaning down to meet her eyes.
She nodded, carefully turning around and lifting her shirt up. It was a few inches above her waist, in the center of her back. She had it done with pink ink, and it looked perfect.
His hands found her hips, pulling her closer to him. His hands rose up and lifted her shirt more, tracing his thumbs over the new, sensitive mark.
"That is adorable, sweetheart." He said, his breath hot against her neck. He nearly groaned when he saw her thighs squeeze together. He squeezed her hips before spinning her around, making her suck in a breath.
"Thank you, Dean. I got it, uhm, just for you." She mumbled, feeling a bit flustered. She was really happy he liked it, and she really loved the way his hands were touching her.
He grinned, tilting her chin up with his knuckle. "Just for me, huh?" His thumb caressed her cheek, his eyes staring down into hers.
She nodded, but before she could start rambling again he kissed her. She grabbed onto him, feeling the way they melted into each other.
He grabbed her and lifted her up, her legs wrapping tight around his waist. "Fuck, ive wanted to do that for awhile." He groaned, his free hand making its way up her shirt.
She smiled against his lips before pulling away. "Really?" She asked, and he looked at her in disbelief.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, his hands meeting her thighs. "Of course, sweetheart. Hell, the second you saved my ass I wanted to make you mine."
She giggled, placing another quick kiss to his lips. "So why'd you do it now?" She questioned, her hands making their way to the back of his neck, running her fingers through his hair.
He smirked. "What, make you mine? Oh baby, it was getting harder to resist. And then you show me your new little tattoo, how was I suppose to control myself?" He teased, and she laughed even more.
He kissed her again before pulling her off and setting her down. "I'm gonna get dressed, and then how about we cuddle up and watch a movie or something?"
After he got dressed, which was really just him putting on sweatpants, he scooped her up and pressed a kiss to her head. "Ya know, you are the coolest angel I've ever met."
She scoffed, pushing his chest back, pretending to be offended. "I'm a cupid! Not a full angel."
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her neck, now. "Whats the difference? You both have wings, right?" He prodded.
"I make people fall in love! Angels do nothing." She protested, not a fan of the crappy comparison.
He put on a playful shocked face and gasped, "Did you shoot me with one of your arrows?" He questioned, and she shook her head rapidly, not a fan of this accusation, either.
Their playful teasing went on for hours, their laughter filling his bedroom. He didn't even care if it was one of her arrows that made him fall this hard, all he knew was that he was in love.
And it was amazing.
A/N: this didn't turn out how I expected but it's still okay!! I hope you guys enjoyed!!
feel free to like, follow and reblog 🎀💗
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toniwritesshifts · 20 days ago
The Night We Met Pt.1
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First FanFic if there's anything that should fix or work on please tell me I need the criticism
Damian Wayne x Fem reader
This is based off of my DCU DR... if you don't believe in shifting keep it to yourself cause I could careless I wrote this for fun. Reader is based off of me cause I love me. Reader, Damian and most of the people they interact with are in the 10th grade unless said other wise.
CW: slow burn like REALLY slow, swearing, reader has ADHD because I have ADHD, Split POV?
"Today is going to be a great day."
You stare at your reflection in your dorm bathroom mirror, leaning onto the sink to inspect your face. No glaringly red pimples—well, except for that one. Without hesitation, you pop it.
"I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it," you complain to yourself, grabbing a pimple patch and slapping it on.
With an approving nod to yourself, you back away, rush out of the bathroom, and immediately trip over a pile of clothes. You barely catch yourself before face-planting.
"Shit ok, note to self put these away before they actually kill me."
You shake it off, grab your backpack and cheer bag, and speed out of your dorm, locking the door behind you. As you make your way to the school building, you slip one AirPod into your ear and adjust your bags.
"Good morning!" you chirp, greeting every person you pass.
"You're late," a voice says the moment you reach the school stairs.
You scoff. "Nope, I’m right on time, actually."
Alex, one of your best friends since you transferred in the middle of ninth grade, rolls her eyes. The rest of your crew—Mia, Terra (yes, that Terra, the one who’s supposed to be dead), and Brinley—are already there, chatting about their schedules. After a few minutes of catching up, you all head inside to drop off your stuff before class starts. The last thing you need is to be late—especially since detention means suspension from the cheer squad.
Damian Wayne hated school.
It was inefficient, mind-numbingly dull, and filled with people he had zero interest in interacting with... well that's what he told his father. But here he was black backpack strapped tightly on, security lock in place (only he and Alfred knew the combination), wearing the standard Gotham Public uniform in blue, white, and black. In his hands, a single sheet of paper listed his dorm and locker number, along with his class schedule on the back.
After several frustrating minutes, he finally located his locker. Right next to the bathroom.
"This is disgustingly unacceptable."
He scowled, reluctantly opening it and arranging his belongings inside. He grabbed his massive binder capable of holding twelve six-subject notebooks along with his sketchbook and pencil case.
A locker slammed shut next to him, the noise so sudden and aggressive that Damian whipped around, fully prepared to fight.
Instead, he found himself face-to-face with you.
"Are you new here?" you asked casually, balancing an absurd number of things—an oversized laptop that clearly wasn’t for schoolwork, a bag stuffed with library books, and a tiny, overstuffed backpack that was one bad tug away from falling apart.
But the thing that really made him frown?
That obnoxiously colorful pencil case sitting on top of your stack.
He scowled on instinct. You were chaotic. Loud. Distracting. He already disliked you.
"We have the same classes!" You say looking at his schedule over his shoulder "Cool. I'll show you around come on," already walking off without waiting for a response.
Damian blinked. Is she just assuming I'm going to follow her?
A part of him wanted to ignore you. Another part, the one that always sought information and efficiency, decided it was the most logical course of action. With an irritated sigh, he shut his locker and followed.
You lead him through the hallways, weaving through students while Damian silently trails behind.
“This is the cafeteria. The food is actually pretty good for a public school, but oh my goodness, whatever you do DO NOT try the mystery meat unless you wanna meet God early.”
Damian barely listens. He’s too distracted by the fact that ‘mystery meat’ even exists in a place meant for education and the absurd number of people who stop to talk to you.
Everywhere you go, someone waves says hi, or stops to chat. People throw out gossip, random compliments, and even inside jokes.
You know everyone.
It’s exhausting just watching you socialize.
Damian, used to go unnoticed unless he wanted to be seen, and he found it deeply irritating. He didn't like unnecessary attention. He didn't like small talk. And he definitely didn't like how effortlessly you commanded every room you walked into.
As you continue to weave through the crowded room, students keep stopping you some to say hi, some to ask questions, and a few just to gossip for the hell of it. Damian watches, mildly horrified, as you effortlessly jump from conversation to conversation.
"Anywho," you continue, not missing a beat, "the library is on the third floor, but I swear its haunted, so if you hear whispering, just keep it moving."
Damian raises an eyebrow and scoffs. "There is no such thing as ghosts."
You stop and turn to look at him with the most offended look you could possibly muster. "Says the guy who has classes with me, meaning he takes Advanced Mythology AND Paranormal Studies. Boom."
He opens his mouth to argue but then immediately shuts it.
"Touche," he says after clicking his tongue in annoyance.
You grin before turning on your heels to continue the rapid tour. Makeing sure that the tour ends right outside of your first-hour class.
By the time the first bell rings, Damian has already learned several things: You are absurdly social, you have way too much energy for one person, you talk with your hands, aggressively. (He nearly got smacked twice already, you are completely, utterly, and unapologetically YOU.
And for reasons he can’t quite explain yet,
But, it doesn't annoy him as much as he thought it would.
it took me 2 days to write this mainly because I was crocheting and working on my script buuuuut I'll try to make the next parts in about the same time span unless I get grounded 😶
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nanasparadise · 7 months ago
Crushing Ember
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☆彡 Yan! Resident Evil Village Chris x gn reader
☆彡 Word count: 1348
☆彡 I do not condone any 'yandere' behaviour in real life.
! TW: stalking mentioned, implied isolation, implied age gap, yandere behaviour, overall soft though, Resident Evil Village spoilers, MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY/MINORS DNI !
Summary: You work at a daycare and Chris picks up Rose too late.
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You sigh and take a look at the clock again. 7.15 pm. It’s getting late, Rose should have been picked up by now. The girl is blissfully unaware of your wish to finally return home. Though you think she secretly wants to leave as well. Her little fists rub her eyes as she desperately tries to suppress a yawn and focus on her drawing instead. You decide that sulking won’t make the situation any better, so you ask Rose if you can join her, which she happily agrees to. Besides, this isn’t so bad: she’s a sweet child, you could have definitely been stuck with more tiring candidates of the daycare. 
You both are immersed in your drawings when you suddenly hear a pair of footsteps walking up the flight of stairs. A few moments later, Chris appears at the threshold, finally ready to pick up the girl. He’s not even out of breath, but given his physique (all strength and muscles), you aren’t really that surprised. You gently nudge Rose, effectively getting her out of her focus. She first looks at you, but her big grey eyes soon wander over to Chris. A smile spreads over her face and she excitedly runs to him.
“Uncle Chris!” 
He leans down and opens his arms. Rose takes the invitation and all but jumps into them. He lifts her up and holds her close to his chest, the gentle smile on his face mirroring the one of the child.
Uncle Chris. She always calls him that, but you’ve been wondering if they’re truly family. Mia and him don’t look alike, after all. And he can’t be related to Rose’s late father, since they don’t share the same surname. Maybe he’s just a family friend and it’s simply Rose’s way of referring to him. Chris does love the little girl like family (anyone can see that, really: the way his eyes shine when he picks her up, the affection in his tone, or the fact that he never smokes around her, only before he comes upstairs), so does it matter if he’s related? In the end, Mia approves of him as a person who can pick up Rose and the girl clearly feels safe around him, so it’s none of your business. 
“I’m sorry for running late.” Chris shoots you an apologetic look. “You know, with the traffic and whatnot…” 
You offer him a small smile. “It’s fine, those things happen. Let’s just not make a habit out of them.”
Chris chuckles ruefully. “Yeah, let’s not.” 
You hate to admit that you’ve been strangely intrigued by him. It’s not only his attractive looks, but also the way he seems to carry himself, with an air of determination that makes you question how someone could ever doubt him. A quiet shame washes over you when you think about him in such a manner. The little wrinkles on his face give away the age gap between you two. And you don’t even know if he’s got a partner. God, he could be married and have kids for all you know.
Chris pulls you out of your spiral of thoughts. “Seems like someone else also wanted me to be on time.” His voice is gentle as he points with his head to a sleeping Rose.
You can’t help but smile in amusement. “Yeah, well, she was very adamant on not taking a nap this afternoon. She had an important tea party to attend with her plushies.“
He laughs softly at that. “She’s a stubborn little thing sometimes, isn’t she? She’s definitely got that from her father.” Even though his gaze is fixed on the girl, you could see the distance in his eyes, a quiet storm of grief and regret brewing in them. You wonder if they were close.
“Anyway, I’ll close the daycare for today and then head home. I’ll see you next time you’re picking her up. Have a good evening and take care.”
You turn around, assuming he’d leave now, so that you can wrap up everything. A call of your name stops you in your action. Your heart flutters a little. Maybe it’s a bit pathetic of you, but you’ve never considered that he’d remember your name. After all, the times he picks up Rose are few and far inbetween. You face him again. 
Chris shoots you a tender look before he opens his mouth once more. “Please let me know if I’m being a prying jerk, but I was wondering if you’d like to grab dinner sometime.”
Your face drops for a moment. Guess that answers your question about his relationship status. You quickly school your expression into something calm and neutral again, something that doesn’t read ‘complete fool’. “Oh, uh, you’re asking me on a date?”
Great. That definitely didn’t scream ‘complete fool’. You just hope your embarrassment isn’t too obvious. 
Chris’ eyes crinkle in amusement, the small wrinkles handsomely framing his face. “Yes, if you’ll have me.” 
“Uh, yeah, sure, sounds good to me.” 
His expression seems to slightly light up at that. “Great, I’m glad. Here, let me just get your number so that we can find a date and place.” With his free arm, he fishes out his phone and hands it over to you. You quickly type in your digits in his contacts, still not quite believing your luck. 
He offers you one last smile while reassuring you he’ll send you a text once he’s back home before he eventually leaves. 
Once he’s gone, you cannot help suppressing the stupid smile creeping on your face. 
Cool night air hits his face as Chris takes another drag on his cigarette. The smoke fills him up nicely and momentarily distracts him from his conflicting feelings. The pinging noise of his phone makes him draw his attention to the device. You’ve sent him a text, confirming that you’ve received his message. He smiles at his phone. 
As he watches the ember of the cigarette fall into the ashtray, he thinks back to when he first saw you at the daycare. Chris knew from the beginning that you’re a sweet thing: he could tell by a single glance. The warmth you radiate did not only draw the kids in (though he can’t deny how much of an effect you have on them: Rose cannot stop talking about you whenever he picks her up). 
He leans against the railing of the balcony and takes a last drag, savouring it. Chris is well aware that his feelings for you are selfish and somewhat twisted. If he had been sensible, he would have kept his distance. You didn’t belong to his world: a world filled with bioweapons, terror, pain, loss. But can you blame him? Your presence drew him in like a moth to a flame and now that he’s got a taste, he can’t let you go. And it’s not like you didn’t want him back, is it? Oh, how he relishes in the small glances you give him, how your gaze stays on his eyes or his muscles. You think you’re being inconspicuous, don’t you? You truly are adorable. 
Chris is sure that you’ll have it in your heart to forgive him for the stalking he’s done on you. Or how he’ll keep you inside, once he’s made sure you’re truly his. You’ll eventually see things his way, especially once he’s shown you all that gruesome footage of his missions. 
Chris considers himself a good man, but he’s no saint. He’s gone through too much shit, seen too many innocent people perish in a blink of an eye. He’s been in too many life-threatening situations and for what? He’s only human. Chris feels this loneliness inside him, this seemingly endless emptiness that you might be able to fill. So let him be selfish for once. Let him have you, protect you, love you. Let him show you that you don’t need the outside world. 
He stubs out the cigarette butt and walks back into his flat. The last burning embers turn into ashes in this cold, starless night.
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peonyblossom · 9 months ago
Characters/Ships I'll Write For
for reference :)
All of Us
Alex x m!MC (Dexter Del Rossi)
Tess x f!MC (Jo Moreno)
m!Channing Lowe x m!MC (Kalani Mochizuki)
America's Most Eligible
Carson Stewart x f!MC (Juliet James)
Blades of Light and Shadow
Nia Ellarious x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Valax x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury x m!elf!MC (Hades Nightbloom)
Adrian Raines x Gaius Augustine
Dirty Little Secrets
m!Carpenter (Emmett King) x m!MC (Brooklyn Peters)
High School Story
Wes Porter x Ezra Mitchell
Payton Saunders x f!MC (Lola Williams)
Michael Harrison x nb!MC (Jamie Baxter)
Mia Warren x Katherine
Ajay Bhandari x m!MC (Matty Wright)
Hollywood U
Thomas Hunt x f/nb!MC (Jackie Winters)
Hot Couture
Marco Di Vincenzo x f!MC (Analise Moore)
Immortal Desires
m!Cas x m!Gabe x nb!MC (Reese O'Malley)
Lewyn Junius x m!OC (Jude Junius)
It Lives Anthology
Noah Marshall x m!MC (Harry Spear)
Ava Cunningham x f!MC (Raven Adams)
Noah Marshall x Connor Green
Connor Green x m!MC (Jesse Harrison)
Stacy Green x f!MC (Ivy Lovelace)
Noah Marshall x m!MC (Devon Yasuda)
m!MC (Isaak Vance)
Imogen Wescott x f!MC (Fiona Vance)
Tom Sato x m!MC (River Vance)
Danni Asturias x f!MC (Merliah Vance)
f!MC (Bailey Vance)
Abel Flint x nb!MC (Ollie Bridgers)
Lincoln Aquino x nb!MC (Keagan Burke)
Amalia de León x nb!MC (Lottie Hamilton)
Jocelyn Wu x f!MC (Eleanor Wilkins) (slowburn)
Matthias McQuoid x m!OC (Ezra Wilkins)
Jocelyn Wu x nb!MC (Benni Locke) (fwb)
Laws of Attraction
Gabe Ricci x Aislinn Tanaka x nb!MC (Sav Zarza)
Murder at Homecoming
Donovan Navarro x nb!MC (Jupiter Stone)
Open Heart
Ethan Ramsey x m!MC (Sydney Valentine)
Ethan Ramsey x Tobias Carrick
Aurora Emery x Sienna Trinh
Queen B
Zoey Wade x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Ian Kingsley x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Untameable Anthology
m!Kit Jackson x m!MC (Jules Rojas)
Mandy Martinez x Ryder Wilson x m!MC (Barrett Kemp)
Gravity Falls
Stan Pines x Reader
Stan Pines x nb!OC (JD Willows)
Ford Pines x Fiddleford McGucket
Grey's Anatomy/Station 19
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery x Lexi Grey
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery
Meredith Grey x Derek Shepherd
Meredith Grey x Andy Herrera
Victoria Hughes x Lucas Ripley
Izzie Stevens x Denny Duquette
Ben Warren x Miranda Bailey
Cristina Yang x Teddy Altman
Maya Bishop x Carina DeLuca
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maywinchester · 1 year ago
You Think You Do
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: 911
Warnings: Based around the end of season 9, Sick reader, Dean's self pity, angst, fluff
Author's Note: Holy shit balls so I've never posted a fanfic before! I have written many in my brain for my own self-indulgence but I've never written any out much less posted anything other than sharing other's works. So with that I'll say sorry in advance if it sucks, all feedback is appreciated! I don't own any rights to Supernatural, so lets get started!! :D
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It had been weeks since you felt like yourself, & it hadn’t gone unnoticed. Your headaches had become almost constant with short spells of relief in between & you felt like you had a weight inside your chest, making it hard to breathe & pulling your chest to the ground. Your other symptoms included fatigue (& the dark circles that came with it) irritability, general weakness & wheezing, especially when you slept. Things were only getting worse, which meant that the boys constant fussing over you was getting worse too.
Sam was logical; when you first started showing symptoms he suggested fluids & rest, he treated it like a cold, which is what you thought it was. Now that it was apparently more, he was hitting the medical books in the Men of Letters laboratory. 
Dean, however, had treated it like the Spanish Flu from the beginning &, now that it had turned out to be more serious, he was almost insufferable.
One thing had really peaked Dean’s interest though: Why wasn’t anyone else catching this? Dean had been right under you from the moment he noticed a change & before that he was constantly around you as well. The question only heightened his anxiety & so did Sam’s silence when Dean brought it to his attention.
“I don’t know man. Something’s not sittin’ right with me. Y/N never gets sick, ever.” 
His voice was extra gritty, lined with worry. It carried down the hall to you & Dean’s shared room where you laid, trying to fall asleep, & listened as your heart broke for him. You knew it was serious & it was probably too late for anything short of angelic. With Cas still MIA, things were starting to look bleak, but you still didn’t want to let in on just how bad you felt.
“I know” Sam sounded tired “We’ll find something Dean.” 
You heard Dean coming down the hall, dragging his feet as he walked. The guilt crept in, you could tell they were exhausted. You held your breath until you saw him in the doorway & gave him a faint smile, trying your hardest not to seem as weak as you felt. 
“D” your voice was barely a whisper, but he was close enough to hear as he sat beside you on the bed, brushing your hair back. You closed your eyes & hummed, taking in the feel of his rough but gentle hand as he rested it on your cheek & the smell of whiskey as his warm breath fanned over your face. 
“We’re trying to find something sweetheart” He had that look, the one for when hope was dwindling down & he was preparing himself for the worst but trying to put on a face for you. 
“I know.. I heard” You move over to make room for him & he lays down before you even have to ask, wrapping an arm around you & pulling you into his chest. 
“Are you okay?” He scoffs at that & you look up at him. Why are you asking if he’s okay when you so clearly are not? You see the battle in his eyes as he contemplates his answer.
“I wish it was me.” You take a deep breath & a moment to appreciate that he told you the truth, & to realize what that means to Dean Winchester. What you mean to him, & your heart breaks a little more. You wanted to tell him just how bad you felt, to lean on him the way you knew you could, but he was already feeling defeated & the last thing you wanted to do was confirm his fears.
“I know.. but then I’d be wishing it were me.” You give him a knowing look, you know he’d rather take the illness & whatever consequences than sit there & watch you deal with it.
“Let's be honest though, I handle these things better than you” You shoot him a playful smile that he tries to return. 
“You shouldn’t have to handle them at all Y/N. You don’t deserve this.”
“But you think you do.” It wasn't a question & he refused to meet your eyes, staring a hole in the door.
“I think we both deserve for Cas to show his ass & fix this.” Dean’s tone was harsh, probably more than he meant to be. His everyday frustrations were elevated by the Mark, but you’d learned to let it go, you knew he was doing his best.
“Maybe, but he has other people to look after now.” He looks at you then, wondering how you can be so understanding while being so miserable. You read him like a book.
“I know, I’m a saint.” you grin, the biggest you’ve had the energy for in days, & he returns it, genuinely this time. He holds your gaze for a moment before you look away, shy for no reason in particular, other than the green eyes staring back at you.
“You really are” you look back at him then, a questioning brow raised “You deal with my crap constantly, you take care of me & Sam. You’ve stuck by us even when everyone else left. You’ve been tortured for us, you’ve died for us.”
“Well, it was more for you, but yes” you laughed. “I love Sam, but some of those demons really do have a gift” He winced at the memory.
“I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get you better” He looked deep into your eyes, making sure you understood the seriousness of his promise.
“I know.. you always have.”
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mvalentine · 2 years ago
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ohhhh they are soooo into each other this is sick! also cassie harlow ily btw if you’re free on thursday to hang out then let’s hang out on thursday when i am free.
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iwasateenagenosferatu · 8 months ago
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It'll be our secret.
PEARL and MAXINE MINX from X (2022)
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orotrasparente · 26 days ago
ho appena sentito mia madre urlare (riferendosi a me) “c’agg itt cient vot a chist e stutà sta cazz e luce e foss na vot ca m’ascoltass”
sinfonia mozartiana soave x le mie orecchie
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revenant-coining · 6 months ago
(pt: Defothitle /end pt)
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Defothitle; a gender connected to dark academia, foxes/being a fox, & gothic castles!
etymology; (aca)de(mia), fo(x), (go)thi(c) (cas)tle
for anon!
tagging; @radiomogai
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demonicdames · 2 years ago
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A little writing project of mine that I have on A03 that I'm going to throw here to. Rated: E F/M Papa Emeritus II x F!Reader Cardinal Copia x F!Reader Chapter 11: It comes to this Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
You stood in front of your mirror holding up different outfits. "What does one wear on a business date?" You asked turning to look at the rats playing around in their cage, marmalade currently resting in the corner of her own set up heavily pregnant, you loved that cute little blond rat her color pattern made it look like she was wearing a yellow shawl. "What do you guys think?." You held up the outfits as if the pets would answer you.
"I like the black dress." Spinning you were face to face with Copia who was leaning against the doorway you let out a breath. "Copia you scared the fuck out of me." A hand was on your chest before you realized that you were only in your undergarments blushing you held the dress up to cover yourself. "Why? it is not like I have not seen your beauty before." his words made your face grow a little warmer as you took the black dress and slid it on over your head, fluffing out your hair in the mirror you could see how red and puffy Copias eyes were your face twisted into one of concern.
"Copia your eyes- have you been crying?." You walked over to him your hand cupping his cheek you could feel him start to lean into your touch but pull away. "Do not go." He spoke sternly "What?." "I said do not go, stay here, with me instead." Copia took your hands into his gloved ones. "Cara Mia please stay with me." "Copia I ca-." "I can give you anything and everything you want cara, love me the way I love you the night we spent together you looked so happy you always look happy when you are with me and-and-and the confessional I can make all of it come true, and more we can be more, just--- stay." Copias confession had you staring at him… confessional?..oh…OH! Oh fuck now you remembered everything you said suddenly you were feeling guilty he thought you…. oh this poor man, this poor big hopeful-eyed man. "Copia-." "Please, if I have to get onto my knees say it sorella and I shall do it." "No, no Copia don't-." You paused staring at him.
"You… love me?." You watched as Copias face went beat red right up to the tips of his ears realizing through his stammering and pleas for you to stay that he had admitted his feelings. "I-I-I-." His pushy demeanor fell flat, his eyes looking down at your hands held within his, circles rubbed around your knuckles. "S-Si I do, I have f-for a while." Ah, there was that stuttering wonderful fool you knew. "Look, I've already promised Secondo this afterward I'll come right back here okay?." "..Promise?." The word was muttered and the tone almost broke your heart there was a fleeting thought of texting Secondo and saying something came up, no you wouldn't do that to him. "Just one thing- can I have just one kiss before you go?." You chuckled nodding to Copia who perked up a small smile coming to his face. "Grazie." Leaning in he let his lips brush against yours, it was only supposed to be a short sweet kiss but as soon as you kissed back your hands were all over each other. His finding their way up your dress to your breast in minutes flat teasing each nipple with the pad of his thumbs you both swallowed each other's moans, damn Emeritus's, and their tasty lips. Copia's lips kissed their way down your throat. "Okay- I need to finish getting ready for the meeting." Appreciating that you called it a meeting instead of a 'date' Copia listened reluctantly pulling away from you his breathing heavy, kissing his cheek you finish getting ready applying your makeup, and fixing your hair the last bit was a spritz of perfume after looking at yourself to make sure you looked okay-ish, you stepped out you baby talked to the three little rats Bisscoti, Rigatoni, and Marmalade.
"You look like you're about ready to pop sweetie." Grabbing a sunflower seed you gave each of the ones watching them scurry to eat it, hearing the little chitters upon standing you turned to see Copia staring at you. "What?." "Ah.. eh… n-nothing you just- you just look beautiful sorella." You felt your cheeks redden. "Thank you, Copia, I'll be back alright." He stopped you for one more kiss on the cheek heading out to the front of the ministry your heels clicking against the cement steps. The chauffeur Ghoul drove the car around, looking back at the large building you swore you had seen a shadow move away from one of the windows the move making you chuckle as you slipped into the back seat. Settling in you sighed, damn it, you were in a dilemma now between Secondo and Copia, you never thought you'd see yourself in this kind of situation that was for sure. The ghoul's eyes looked at your reflection in the mirror seeing how troubled you looked. "Everything alright doll?." He asked shaking you from your thoughts. "Yeah, Axel everything is-… no everything isn't fine I have a lot on my mind." You thought for a moment perhaps you could get some outside help.
"Axel?." "Hm?." "I have this friend right, another sister of sin and she likes two people very much how do you know when it's love and not just lust?." Axel thought for a few minutes stopping at a red light. "Hmm, I think you should talk to Divine about that one." He looked at your reflection again before adding.
"Tell your friend to ask each person what they love about her and see which one loves what's on the inside instead of just the package." You stared at the ghoul for a moment. "You know Axel.. that is pretty good advice." Maybe you would try that and see how they felt, see who wanted you for you and not just your body, once the car stopped in front of the restaurant you leaned forward between the seats and pressed a kiss to the cheek of the ghoul's mask the hell beast giving you an affectionate purr in return, stepping out you straightened your dress and patted at your hair. Walking into the place right off the bat you could tell it was very fancy, a live band playing soothing music and everyone dressed high-class it made you feel a little underdressed.
"Sorella." You heard his voice making you turn around and greeted by his paintless face, dressed in what looked like a satin black suit his usual leather gloves on. "Secondo." You greeted him as he took his sunglasses off, hooking them into his suit pocket. "Bella, I am so glad you came." He took your hand placing a kiss on the back of it. "Do you have a reservation?." The desk woman asked as she returned. "Si, it is under Emeritus." The woman looked through her list. "Oh yes, this way please." Secondo linked your arms together as you walked to the back of the restaurant, opening the sliding doors to the balcony where several tables sat, Twinkle lights blinked like stars circled the roof a smile rested on your lips as you took in the sight. "It's so beautiful and that view." You unlooped your arm from Secondos to speed walk to the edge overlooking the city down below so many lights and colors. "I always come here," Secondo spoke standing beside you. "I figured you would like it." You both were seated at the table the menus given to you, Secondo ordered a bottle of wine for the table, it was all… so romantic you had no idea that the man across from you could put something like this together.
He poured your glass and then his own. "Now onto business, the file system you had set up worked phenomenally, the sister they saddled me with can't compare and I was wondering if you had written any of your tips or tricks down to get things moving easier again." You blinked staring at him. "They gave you a new assistant?." You felt your mouth go dry. "Temporary assistant." Secondo corrected You forced a smile but you couldn't help the thought that rose in the back of your mind… were they co-workers with benefits too?.. "Which sister if I may ask?." "Sister Leiah." Sister Leiah?! He had to be fucking her she was beautiful in the face and body to boot when you were new to the Ministry you even caught yourself looking at her for too long sometimes, that and she had quite the reputation. The evening went on talking about random things mostly about work, Latin translations, and that you'd have a step-by-step guide on his desk soon so things would run smoothly. You wore a smile yet inside your heart was breaking all you could think about was fucking Leiah in Secondos arms, on his desk where you had been on so many occasions for three years you gave yourself to him willingly. He had even told you he loved you in that moment you wished you had canceled and stayed home with Copia but you were a woman of your word and you would treat this as a business meeting.
"So does Leiah have any organizational abilities at all?." "Sister Imperator said she had them however I have yet to see them." Your mind kept slipping back to Primo's kitchen the slow dancing the goofiness, was it a dream or was it a reality? you couldn't tell anymore. Even for Secondo's emotionally stunted ass, he could tell something wasn't right with you. "Tesoro, what is wrong? you've been so quiet toni-." "Are you messing with her?." "Scusa?." "Are you messing with her?." He didn't answer right away. "I wouldn't call a few massages 'messing', why?" "Okay, I think we are done here." You spoke tapping your mouth clean. "Cara no wait-." "No." No was one thing he hated being told and you knew it, he hated it even more when you disobeyed and weren't his 'good girl' as he had called you multiple times in the past he was so confused what's even worse is that you didn't even hear him out, you knew how Secondo could be once he had several drinks in his system, the thoughts just kept on hounding your mind and chipping away at your heart as you got up and stormed off, you could hear him call after you, he couldn't follow the restaurant not letting him leave until he had paid the bill luckily you were a fast walker even in heels. Lucifer you felt so stupid! How could you have fallen for him even after knowing how many siblings desired him and how many threw themselves at him it made you wonder if he was fucking anyone else on the side when you were his assistant.
You were walking blindly into the night and before you knew it you were at least a mile from where the ghoul had dropped you off. Sighing in frustration as you pulled out your phone seeing many calls and unread text messages from Secondo, still pissed you ignored them and tapped on your screen.
Hey Copia… are you still awake?.. Si, Sorella are you alright?
No :') He didn't hurt you, did he? What did he do?! I will hunt him down.
Easy Copia easy! though it's nice to know you would go after Secondo's ass for me x'D I would go after anyone's ass who hurts you.
That's so sweet, uh I hate to ask since it's so late but… could you give me a ride home? I kind of stormed off like a dumbass UnU Of course Sorella, anything for you just give me the location and I'll be there.
You looked around seeing that it was one of the many parks in the area, texting the address to him you walked over to the playground kicking your shoes off before stepping into the sand and heading over to the swings. You took a seat hand wiping your eye. "I'm so fucking stupid." you scolded yourself as you gently swayed to and fro. Back at the Ministry Copia was rushing around looking for his keys muttering ways he was going to kick Secondo's ass for hurting you, finding them he rushed out down to the door. "Cardi what in the seven hells are you doing?." Imperator asked. Telling her that you needed him to come and get you put a smile on the greying blond's face, it seems things were moving along quicker than she expected. "Well, you look all too happy." Belial's voice came as he phased through the wall his hands behind his back. "Of course, soon we'll have our new leader and his Prime Mover, a packaged deal to ensure the future, Secondo is doing half the work for me." Imperator chuckled. "Emotionally stunted fool." Belial rolled his eyes. "You sound like a two-bit Disney villain." "Shut up!." Imperator hissed at the Infernal Prince as he phased back into the wall.
You looked down at your phone watching the time go by looking up whenever a car drove by hoping that it was Copia, when one did finally stop you were relieved to see that old Buick and even more so to see the driver that got out of it, whatever loud song he had been listening to was turned off as he made his way over. The Cardinal, well he wasn't dressed in his cassock sat in the swing next to you. "You okay?." You gave a slow nod to him watching as he held out a gloved hand a small smile came to your face as you accepted the handhold both gently swinging slowly hand in hand. "Sorella?, may I ask what happened?." "Just…." You let out a breath, Copia deserved some kind of answer given that he had come out here at ass o' clock at night. "Apparently.. they gave Secondo a new assistant, Sister Leiah and we all know her reputation." You couldn't help but sound a bit snobby, the tone made Copia snort. "Is that why you were so upset cara?" "No, I asked him if he was messing with her, you know 'messing'. " "I know, I know, I know." "Well, he paused and then said." You did your best mock Secondo impression. "I wouldn't call a few massages 'messing' ." You sighed your toes kicking at the sand burying your big toes and enjoying the coldness of the earth. "We all know what that leads to, especially with someone like Sister Leiah, she's so pretty but a total snobby bitch." "You think she's pretty?." Copia asked his brow arching. "Yeah, don't you?, Everyone does hell even Primo probably." that got a chuckle from the Cardinal. "I doubt that Primo has eyes for anyone aside from Gemma and please you are a million times better looking than Leiah." You could feel the warmth come to your face along with a smile even if he was just saying it to be nice it felt good. "Go home and watch a movie?." He asked thumb rubbing circles onto your knuckle. "It's a date." You giggled both gently swinging slowly still hand in hand. "You're my best friend Copia."
'Friend' a part of his heart chipped again hearing the word he could already hear Dew 'Man you got friend zoned!!!!' as much as he wanted to argue the fact and ask you about being more than friends Copia stayed silent he could tell you were hurting and didn't want to hurt you further or anger you. Finally, the two of you got up from the swings heading to Copias car his arm around your shoulders as soon as you picked up your heels a car pulled up behind Copia's Secondo getting out of the back seat. "Sorella! there you are I was worried why did- what is he doing here?." Copia tried to appear brave but Secondo's cold stare sent a shiver down his spine. "I asked him to pick me up." "Why?." "You know why." Secondo looked utterly confused, did he not know? did you make a fool of yourself again? you looked at Copia as if he had the answer to your unasked question. "Is this about Leiah?." Secondo asked his arms crossing. "Yes." You answered faster than you wanted to. "How cute tesoro you are jealous." Secondo chuckled. "That is cute but nothing is going on between me and Sister Leiah." He insisted, true it was just a massage you'd given him massages before while he worked, but then that was you, not the ministries bicycle, and really… were you any better? you've fucked Copia though in your defense that was before Secondo told you he loved you.
You looked between the two men.. a choice needed to be made that night so you shut your brain off and listened to your heart for once…
-- to be continued --
The Assistant -- FIN -- 2. 3. Taglist: @thesoundresoundsecho , @xpapaemeritus
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poisonedpowder · 3 months ago
//Tentative list for what may turn into my main verse post s1 aka what will be my default s2 timeline/events - this one is specifically focused on act 1 of s2
After she shoots the rocket, she goes MIA, but not to sulk. She's plotting and it involves a giant X on pi/tover. Some might say it's for Si/co's sake. Others might say she's just wanting to wreak havoc like always. Honestly, it might be a bit of both, but mostly she's just angry and for once-- she thinks she's got the right source.
She is absolutely going to try and do it on her own at first. She's no good to anyone and at this point, there's no one that's any good to her. Pi/tover hasn't been able to nab her yet, and they're not going to be able to still
She does still have the water burial for Si/co and it does result in her going to his office and running into Sev/ka. It does make her go out of her way to fix her arm just because it IS something she could do and she realizes as much as she and Sev don't get along as a rule, they've got more in common they either would care to admit on this front.
This does result in the same scene playing out where she is being tracked down by enforcers led by not only Ca/t but her very own sister, wearing enforcer garb no less, and it only incites further rage within her. They had already taken years with her sister from her, and now they've turned her into one of them. There will be hell to pay.
I'm still deciding if I would have the fight go down exactly the same or if I'd factor in /sha later on. I still think she can be meaningful involved in J/nx's story, but I'd do it without killing her off and would instead involve specific characters into herstory (I already have a different way I'd have her bit go but gonna tinker it with it more before I post it).
The main thing to take away for the ending of act 1 is that J/nx will survive it (sans her finger rip), but it won't send her into hiding out. She will realize that she's unintentionally started a movement and she will try to follow through on it though she is in no way built to lead especially since she is still as risky and dangerous as ever so it WILL resort in her having to confront her way of doing things if she doesn't want to have it all blow up in her face.
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