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welcome to my brainworms blog!icon by me, header by @monday on TH
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jackalawful · 15 days ago
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older doodles of Ronan! ft. a friend's character (up) and one of mine (down).
Thea tries to flirt with Ronan when she sees him, and he finds it flattering, but he has no real interest in her. passive return of the efforts for the sake of alleviating boredom, but his heart is elsewhere... he's stuck in the past.
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jackalawful · 19 days ago
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this character was long ago retired to a different (human) universe, but I am still very attached to his cat design, so I drew him recently :] he was always a little bit of a greasy freak, and I'm considering bringing him back because I miss his. greasy freakness.
I think it gets a little hard to keep track of so many characters though, so I probably won't actually bring him back to this universe.
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jackalawful · 20 days ago
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older art i'm no longer very fond of, but i made a bunch of headshots for a family tree that is now somewhat outdated anyway! put a little too much effort in & now I don't want to update hahaaa...
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jackalawful · 23 days ago
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another older piece, but I couldn't resist Shino with one of his kids. i think i misspoke in the tags before actually, Shino & his mate had six kits by blood and three more by adoption, so that's... nine?! that's plenty of kids haha, although he loves all of them.
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jackalawful · 24 days ago
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some doodles from when I was obsessively thinking about the family...
the first litter was very rough on Shibui, who was old enough to be... past the optimal age for having kits, really. it was that, bad luck, and a storied history of kitting difficulties, but she felt it was worth it and knew the risk going in.
her (platonic) partner Firo was LESS THAN HAPPY about her laissez faire attitude towards it, and obviously also about the fact that she could have DIED.
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jackalawful · 25 days ago
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very old art, but i couldn't not post Shino without his husband, Casper... credit where credit is due, I know @/monday on TH did the background, and I think maybe also the shading? not sure about that one though.
in my heart Shino & Casper are living their best lives, but to me their story has gone pretty much as far as it even needed to in this universe; I'm happy where they are now, and so are they!
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jackalawful · 25 days ago
Clangen Ask Game
I was looking for a way for people to interact and was also inspired by @moths-wc-aus fanclan ask game from 2023 (so sorry I did rip a handful of questions straight from you)!
Anyone is welcome to reblog for their own clangens or add more questions if you’d like!
Send an ask with an emoji and oc/clangen cat!
😸3 random facts!
🌱What are some of their favorite hobbies?
💤Are they a heavy or light sleeper? What are their dreams like?
🐀Favorite prey?
🌲What is their favorite holiday/special event? (If your clan has them)
🐾Do they prefer a wide circle of friends, or a few close ones? Who’s their best friend?
🕸What does their family tree look like?
🌟Do they have any special powers or abilities?
🌷What are some of their quirks and other mannerisms?
🌳What do their life goals look like? Deputy, Leader, Healer/Medcat?
🏡Would they ever consider becoming a kittypet?
🦅What do they think of the nearby clans/groups?
🪲What do they value the most?
🌱What is their favorite location on the territory?
🧹Favorite and least favorite clan task/chore/patrol?
🙀What do they fear the most?
🌌What is their relationship with Starclan like?
🌧Favorite weather?
🍀What is a secret they’re hiding?
For the author specifically kind of
😻Favorite ship in the clan?
🐈Are any of your cats based on real life pets?
🧡Can we get the relationship between X and Y cats?
🌀Out of context spoiler/WIP?
⏰How far ahead to you usually play?
⛰Lore you’ve been wanting to share but haven’t gotten the chance to?
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jackalawful · 26 days ago
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Orro raised Ichi, not as a father so much as an... eccentric uncle figure? he doesn't consider himself the fatherly type, and Ichi would never call him something as embarrassing as 'dad', but they're family.
out in the abandoned deadlands of lower nandryx, they fought caimans, survived sandstorms, explored the myriad of underground tunnels, and developed a repartee that at first glance doesn't look anything like love.
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jackalawful · 27 days ago
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earlier ref of Honeybee, to match another character i made around a similar time. i ended up going with her other look, pigtails, which was a return of an even older version of her design... that, as you can see, at the time of this picture i did not remember how to draw LOL
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jackalawful · 28 days ago
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a little 'bonus' Shino sketch, this one much newer and probably more accurate than his full image... gosh, it's been so long since i drew him, i think this is still a year old or more?
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jackalawful · 29 days ago
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jackalawful · 29 days ago
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much older picture of Lucian that still holds up, I think! this was drawn during the campaign where he was judged by the ocean rule as unworthy to set foot in the polyverse, but well... the ocean rule only has rule over its own domain. and Lucian wasn't going to let that stand.
i remember the song i had in mind for this section of the campagin where I was writing for him was, judgement day by dark model.
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jackalawful · 29 days ago
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headshots of Lucian's ID and EGO versions! the whole deal is a little hard to describe/explain as I haven't got to flesh it out much yet, but the basic gist is that he ran across a god- or "spirit"-like entity on the polyverse that saw both what the ocean rule had imposed on him and his potential to be awful, and decided to... mess with him? i guess that's accurate enough.
the motivations for it were very much "teach him a lesson", but not coming from any benevolent place, more as a trickster god sort of thing. imagine a giant spider that controls the threads of fate...
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jackalawful · 29 days ago
i’m obsessed w your art… so cool i love the designs sm 🥺‼️ keep up the great work
thank you!!! some of these designs are a decade old or more, so i'm glad they've held up over the years haha. couple tweaks here & there, but i always have a hard time changing too much...
a lot of what i have rn is just 'ref sheet' type images of me updating/redrawing characters, but i definitely want to branch out to drawing stuff thats more like interactions. or just indicative of the characters beyond just them standing there!! i need to practice that kind of thing.
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jackalawful · 1 month ago
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another old animation meme! I went through a period where I did a whole bunch of these and different multi animator project parts, but i ended up falling off after a while, they're a LOT of work... and sony vegas tended to crap out on me often.
shino was a pretty troubled kid, he got into lots of scraps and did some things he shouldn't have, but he ended up settling down as he got older... you can't undo the choices you make in anger, but you can learn from them.
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jackalawful · 1 month ago
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this is also pretty old (circa... 2017?? I think??) but I still love it quite a bit, so I figured I'd put it here too c:
it's just a little animation meme, there's two of them I'm still pretty proud of so I'll put the other one up too. unfortunately now that I use an ipad and don't have access to sony vegas, I can't really make these anymore... which is sad because I did enjoy it!
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jackalawful · 1 month ago
that's MOST of my characters for now, although I think there's... I don't wanna say a number ahaha, but a handful of less-developed ones I might post in the future? Adair and Dandelion come to mind, but I know there's more than that.
anyway, I'm working on a queue of some more old art, but in the meantime I love answering questions and hearing what people think of my stuff! <3 I know it can be hard to just do things like that off the dome though, so I might reblog some ask games if I can find any.
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