#ok it got delayed to mid-february
einsatzzz · 8 months
im being so brave rn, very brave. will continue being brave even if my exams hypothetically gets postponed to may/june, prolonging my suffering 🤣
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oddmawd · 7 months
so i told some folks i was aiming to update my Smoker/OC fic "There's Fire" sometime in February, and this was true at the time
buuuuuut some shit happened in my personal life and i've been too bummed out and sad to write consistently, so i'm pushing back that date a bit because i'm ✨depressed✨
i'll have some time to write this weekend and next, so hopefully the next chapter will be out mid-March-ish
thanks for reading and sorry for the delay, i've got The Big Sad right now and appreciate your patienceeeee ok love you byebyeeeeee
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ungoliantschilde · 3 years
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the Affair of the Stone Rabbit
So, my Mom’s birthday is the end of January. We have a beautiful vegetable and herb garden which she joyfully works in and maintains. The garden attracts rabbits, and my Mom is and always has been quite fond of them. Dad was being exceedingly thoughtful and generous and he bought her this statue. Had me order it for him in Mid-December so that it would get here in January and, when Mom and Dad came back in the spring, it would be here waiting as a surprise birthday gift for Mom.
At the beginning of January, I was barraged with marketing phone calls from the company -Perigold, which is a subsidiary of Wayfair. I was called 3-4 times in a week, each time asking me about signing up for a credit card, a corporate account, a business account, they even tried to ask about my work and employment history. I called customer service and told them to cease and desist. They did.
Middle of January. I get a phone call and like 4-5 emails worth of correspondence. The rabbit is scheduled for delivery and I should get it soon. February arrives, but no rabbit. I figure it’s COVID and winter and shit happens. I reach out in the beginning of February. I call 3-4 times, and then I get a call back a week later.
Middle of February. It seems the rabbit was somehow damaged in its journey from a Philadelphia Area warehouse to our farm in Missouri. OK. Things happen. The next rabbit will be at least 5 weeks. Fuck. That’s after my Mom and Dad get back. Beyond my control, seemingly the customer services control. 
Scheduled for delivery on March 27th.
I get a phone call on March 25th. The delivery driver or some shit got messed up. And the rabbit is unavailable for delivery until April 7th.
(I got the fucking rabbit today).
Each delay mishap was followed by multiple marketing emails and customer service phone calls from multiple different people - all of whom were just doing their jobs.
I cannot adequately express how obnoxious it has been to deal with a company for 5 months about a stone rabbit meant as a garden ornament. It’s not my money or my rabbit. I am the caretaker. I am here to make everything enjoyable and pleasant. I have spent 5 months dealing with a company that couldn’t manage to get a box from Philadelphia to Kansas City by truck.
Don’t deal with perigold.
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thejosh1980 · 4 years
(Seems like) Years since yesterday...
Today, 1 year ago, is a special day...
One year ago today was the last time I bought myself a new guitar... I always wanted a Guild, and as I had been touring a lot with The Cashbags I figured I could now afford it. It's blonde, with P90s and as close as I could get to one of my idols, Dave G from The Paladins.
I bought it second hand via ��Ebay Kleinanzeigen”, right before a show with The Cashbags. The guy came to the venue, before sound check and I tried it out. I was in love... I bought it there and then...
I played it that night at The Cashbags show too. This was the only show I played my own guitar during all my years touring with the band. Usually I would use the band gear, as it best suited the look the band wanted (and it was easy for me, I didn't have to carry my guitar and amp to and from shows)...
It's also the only show I have so far played with this guitar...
Well that's cause of that damn pandemic.
You see, that show in Langenselbold was to become the last one The Cashbags would play with me...
I knew I was leaving the band at the end of the tour, which was at the end of April, but COVID had a different plan. It's kinda hard to explain how it felt driving to the show, a good 6 hours, with 1 or 2 date cancellations happening along the way... However, by the the next morning hotel breakfast, the rest of the tour was cancelled.
We lost 6 solid weeks of shows...
But how naive I was. I thought we'd be back at it pretty soon; dates rescheduled, last minute shows would be booked... you know the deal. But in the end, I didn't share the stage with the band again, I didn't get to say goodbye to half the band members before leaving Germany either.
Alex and I had only been married 10 days when restrictions started to begin in Germany. The full lockdown was a week or two later, wasn't it? I don't know, it's all a bit of a blur.
I was lucky, at the time, I had my studio which was all mine, so I could get out of the apartment, walk the dog and play guitar, loud... The new guitar got some action, behind closed doors of course.
You know the story, we started selling up, packing up and, eventually, moved down under...
It feels surreal to think how, at the time, we had no idea how this was going to affect us. It's quite clear the pandemic has brought out the best (and worst) in people.
I think for me, during my time in Dresden's restrictions, everything felt, well, OK. It didn't feel too bad, but I had a lot to focus on. The “goodbyes” to everyone was the hardest thing. I don't remember being under the weather, depressed or sick. I may have been, but whatever negative thoughts and feelings there were, they weren't strong during that time.
I was lucky to be one of the earlier guests on the Blue Note live stream in March, which encouraged me to do my own live streams in April and May. As unprepared as I was to learn so many new songs, it was a good focus, until it got too much.
In July we had “The Josh Fest” which was too much for my emotions. Dresden, I feel the love. I'm so thankful (and lucky) so many friends could come out for one last party. Reuniting old bands, new bands and old friends on stage, it'll go down as one of the best shows in my life. One that ended with me in tears...
When we had the first cancelled flight and rescheduled flights in mid July, I don't remember feeling too bad about it all either. I didn't like it, but our delay was only a week or two. And we had a roof over our head and Alex's family there to support us.
But once the 3rd or 4th rescheduled flight happened it started to get scary and worrying. I remember some really bad days in Meine. I had lost all hope of getting home. We were in limbo, and had little control over the situation. Our health insurances had expired, we were no longer registered in Germany and were worried constantly if the next flight would let us on. So many last minute cancellations, wears one down. I spent quite a bit of my time frustrated, depressed and helpless during those 2 months.
Once we took control, used some savings and bought ourselves new flights, we made it to Adelaide. I definitely felt better by taking action. However, another set of challenges arise, quarantine isn't fun. We were lucky with our hotel, room and food, but it's still tough... Very tough... And I sympathize with everyone who's had to go through it, especially those who are doing it under hardship.
In late September we made it mum's. We finally made it... I'd been waiting for this moment for a year (longer than originally planned of course). I made the decision to move in September/October 2019. I had achieved a lot in Europe, so many amazing adventures (good and challening) that I'll have enough memories to last a life time (if I can remember them!).
I wanted to come back and take care of my family.
When we arrived at mum's, it hit me... I was back! I didn't feel the excitement I thought I would. I felt bad for Mum. Like, shouldn't I have been crying? Shouldn't I have been screaming! “I'm baaaaaaack!!!” In the end I think it was just relief... We'd arrived almost 3 months later than expected. We needed to settle in.
I think settling in took a while. Is it still happening? Even the smell of the fresh salt air knocks you out! Lots of new things to get used to. Integration had begun. Usually I returned home for a holiday, now it was a return for good. This is a full time permanent position.
I did enjoy October through to January. Alex wasn't working, we had time to do stuff, relax... Enjoy the local scene. I don't surf every day, but definitely as often as conditions allow. I did some work, which I previously blogged about. Alex started working in December, and she loves her job... Things were pretty good...
I was, I still am, trying to get over saying goodbye to my puppy, my friends and wondering why I had little motivation to pick up the guitar...
In mid January Mijo, my little kitten, came into my life. Thanks to my wonderful wife, she knew full well I wouldn't decide to get a pet on my own, and on the responsibility to bring some fur into our lives. Damn I'm lucky.
In fact, Alex's intuition is amazing... She always seems to know know when to ask questions, when to listen, when to take action and when to bring coffee. Bless her cotton socks...
However come February I'd hit the wall. I don't know what it is, what it was.... But it's been a little while coming, and hasn't gone away. It did leave me in bed for 3 days, and don't ask me the reason, cause I can't tell you.
I've had a lot of motivation issues... I just don't feel like getting up... I have to, because I gotta drive mum to work and pick her up. Once back home, usually I drink coffee and force myself to do something, anything... I've used the excuse of “training Mijo” that I visit friends with him, but really my heart hasn't been in it. I just know I'd feel guilty if I didn't do anything...
I've had a lot of paperwork to fill out since getting home. Bank accounts and all that kind of stuff... Alex's visa (which is still on going for another 18 months or so). Also local government bureaucratic stuff I have to deal with. Taxes! I'm planning to start studying in April, but to enroll the process comes with a lot of documentation, questions and answers...
So... Lately...
I have distanced myself from everyone lately. Except for a few moments, I haven't picked up the guitar in almost 12 months. I barely do anything. Writing this blog today, has taken a lot of energy and focus to start. If it wasn't for the “anniversary” today, I wouldn't have even begun to type.
To help you understand the hole I was (and still am) in... I have been blessed with a roof over my head, food every day, a loving wife, a beautiful kitten, a loving mum (and family and friends), the beach, the sounds of birds waking me up and (mostly) great weather... But I'm still unhappy...
How could that be? Why is that?
I know I wrote a few times before, that writing has helped me process my feelings. So I figured I'd better try it. Practice what I preach!... But don't ask me how I feel, I just don't know... and it can change in a heart beat.
I got out of bed today, and I did some office work... First time in over a week... Stuff I've been putting off... I'll need to make a few calls this afternoon too... But in between I think I'll rest... Relax...
Usually, I push myself too much... I have pushed myself to the edge (again)... I've been feeling desperate, unmotivated, hopeless, helpless and, well, just plain shit... I know I gotta get out of it, but these days I'm trying a new approach: pull back, relax, rethink, rest and figure out the right balance... So far I am somewhere in the middle....
At least I think I feel better than when I was constantly powering through and not acknowledging my feelings.
I'm my worst critic, and I feel guilty if I don't “do” every day... I gotta “do” this or that... But sometimes you gotta take care of yourself... That is also a “do”... isn't it? Self care. Self love. Listening to your body.
So it's been one of the roughest years in a long time for us... hasn't it??
Please don't do what I do and ignore the stress and pressure... What I mean is, there's been so many new things for all of us, so many new challenges, we forget how far we've come. We forget we are still here.
We have achieved so much, even if it's the fact we got out of bed today!!!
We need to be kind to each other, but more importantly to ourselves. I wouldn't treat my pet, my friends or my family as badly as I do myself, so why am I doing that?? It's gotta stop.
I gotta listen to myself when I don't feel up to it, and forgive myself for putting myself first... Rest... Reflection... Relaxing... Recuperation... Maybe then I can begin the next chore... Like filling out this damn paperwork just to get into college...
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https://youtu.be/-rkq9ffBpWY - The Paladins - Years Since Yesterday
Thanks for reading,
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anemonenemerosa · 4 years
Hello hello,
here we go. Thank you for staying with me and thank you @lumosinlove for creating this world =)
This is still dark (but we’re getting a bit better) so please stay safe.
Chapter 10
They stopped in front of a big apartment-building, windows mostly dark, it was almost one in the morning. There was no doorman, no entry hall to the building, just a corridor leading to stairs and a concerningly dingy lift. Ouais, enfin… maybe I pay with my kidneys for this, after all.
The door to the flat opened, Regulus was pushed in and all but froze. He had never seen such a place.
There was no entrance hall in here either, the front door directly opened into a small living room with an open kitchen and a dinner table shoved into a corner, half hidden behind an overloaded laundry rack.
The windowsills were crammed with pot-plants in several states of... health? survival? decay? Books and knickknacks were messily shoved into the tall but sloping shelves lining the walls, which were painted in a soft warm yellow, making the room look sunny and warm, even in the middle of the night.
Nothing, not even the chairs or precariously crooked shelves seemed to belong to the same set of furniture. And was one of the table-legs different from the others?
It was... all over the place, really.
The worn maroon rug in the living area clashed horribly with the big, ugly purple corduroy couch and the mismatched and multicoloured throw pillows.
Posters of 80's movies -Regulus recognised Ghost Busters and Back to the Future- and lots of unframed photographs almost covered the wall behind the couch.
On the far wall were three doors, one closed, one revealing bits of a very messy bedroom, the other ajar, sporting a poster of a rather ancient wooden privy... What. The. Hell.
Regulus did not know what to make of this. He somehow loved it instantly while simultaneously cringing over all the chaos and all the stuff crammed in here. His, stylistically uninspired, mother would probably die of shock at the view and somehow that made the place a little more endearing to him.
However, he always thought of himself as tidy and some part of him died just a bit at the sight of the mismatched socks and shirts littering the part of the bedroom-floor he could see. This place, starkly contrasting the house he grew up in was bursting with life, messy and welcoming instead of an assembly of model rooms resembling what was shown in some posh interior-design magazine. This is what a home looks like, Regulus decided.
He allowed himself to be ushered further inside.
"Leave you shoes here please and put your coat..." Regulus turned around as the sentence did not continue and saw Ben looking at the overflowing coatrack behind the door.
"...Put your coat somewhere you will find it again" he concluded, nodding to himself.
Mateo already went past them into the kitchen and dived headfirst into the fridge. "We have some left-over Minestrone from yesterday, if you want, Reg."
Regulus turned, having disposed of his coat on one of the chairs. As he didn't answer for long enough to be considered impolite, Mateo lifted his head from the fridge, noticing Regulus blank stare
"Is it OK, if we call you Reg? Regulus sounds so stiff..." This warm, infuriatingly disarming, smile. Regulus could only nod.
These people rendered him speechless at a disturbing rate. Usually, he chose not to speak but with them, he often couldn't.
The only one who had ever called him Reg was Sirius and even he stopped that years ago. Could he really be Reg again? Was he allowed to? No, a malicious voice echoed through his head. You do not deserve that comfort. Remember what you did. Regulus felt sick.
"Soooo... Minestrone?" – "I am not hungry, but thank you" Regulus looked at Mateo, hoping he would not call him Reg, regretting his thoughtless agreement.
"When’s the last time you eaten?" Ben asked as he came from the Bedroom in striped Pyjama-bottoms and an old shirt. Regulus tried to remember if he had had lunch today. Not good.
"If you need to think about it, it is too long ago. You eat." The man stated as Mateo chuckled and put a pot on the stove.
"Do never deny again that you are a freaking mother hen", he joked while walking into the bedroom, probably to change, too.
Regulus hovered in the room, wary and utterly confused. He struggled to maintain a safe distance, still trying to fathom what's going on and why these strangers were more welcoming and affectionate than his family ever been.
A quiet but reckless voice in his mind - very different from the sneer that chimed up just a minute ago and sounding suspiciously similar to a younger Sirius- reminded him that he fucked up already and that he might as well go and enjoy his time while the universe and/or his mother were probably already in preparation to take him down.
A while later he was seated on the ugly, lumpy couch, nursing a bowl of minestrone. He was clad in a much too small shirt ("this is the biggest shirt we have, you are just a giant") and borrowed underwear (his blood-stained sweatpants were soaking in the sink along with his, also bloody, shirt) and wrapped in a baby blue blanket with pink chickens on it. Why does such an item even exist?  
The TV provided mindless background-noise while Ben and Mateo chattered along about anything and everything. Regulus just sat there in silence and listened intently. He never met people who would just go on and lay out their life in front of a person they just met. Let alone a person they found bleeding in the shower, mid-meltdown... Maybe their life history hinted on why they were so careless with private information.
And they really were. They told him everything and Regulus was confident he could write their memoirs by now.
Apparently, Mateo grew up in Manaus, Brazil So, it was Portuguese, not Spanish. ("That's where Rio Negro and Rio Solimões meet to form the Amazonas" The more you know...) He came to the US to study medicine on a scholarship, is in the last weeks of his training and only stays in Slytherin because-
"One cannot choose their training hospitals on that scholarship. No offense, mate." None taken.
They recounted how they met almost five years ago at an airport.  That, after spending eight hours waiting for their delayed flight, they were joined at the hip. "Metaphorically and literally." Regulus went bright red at the innuendo while Ben patted his back sympathetically, shaking with suppressed laughter. He and Mateo were huddled up together in a yellow blanket with... Flamingos? Where did they even get these bird-themed things?
Ben had a sister, Josephine, who stayed here during semester breaks ("But do call her Jo or she will end you.") After Regulus gave a pointed look to the closed door, he was informed that he did not need to worry about their noise as she slept like the dead and even overslept a fire alarm in the building last summer.
Jo was 18, like Regulus but already in her Sophomore at Boston University as she skipped a year in middle school. "Got herself a scholarship and does computer-sciences, the insufferable nerd and know-it-all."
"She's really great, Reg. Ben is just her brother and thus, bound to think she’s annoying." Mateo interrupted Bens speech about his sister.
Regulus allowed himself a minute of going over the relationship with his own brother. Sirius was annoying. Very annoying, to be exact. But if anyone except him had called him out in the past, Regulus remembered feeling a little surge of protection against the git he was related to... maybe this was a siblings-thing.
He focused back on the conversation in front of him, fascinated by the insight of other people’s relations and upbringing.
The siblings grew up in Bristol, Great Britain, and moved to New York when Ben was seventeen and Jo ten but he did not elaborate on why they came here. That’s why I couldn’t place the accent.
Ben had studied Art History at NYU and actually worked at the Art Gallery in the city-centre. Cleaning the rink in the evenings was his means to save money for a tattoo shop he wanted to open in Boston, where they would move, come February, for Mateo’s new job.
He got informed that a note has been shoved under Jos door, announcing his presence, a spare toothbrush was presented and then, at nearly half past two in the morning, he is left for the night with a hug (!) from both of them. How touchy they are.
Regulus was not cuddly, never had been.
Really? You loved to snuggle up with Sirius in bed. The voice of reckless young Sirius supplied unhelpfully. This whole situation was completely surreal but also comfortingly normal.
This is a dream or, more likely, a godamn fever-trip. C’est pourri! This is shit! Regulus sighed.
These people were mad... hell, they didn't even know him. Yet, they took him in, fed him (very good) soup and freaking hugged him good night. They probably even stayed awake that long, filling the air with their complete life-story to keep him from feeling lonely... Allez savoir pourquoi! God knows why!
Reckless young Sirius suggested again to just roll with it and Regulus began to wonder whether he, instead of them, had gone mad.
This life he had a short glimpse into, this night was not real for him. He couldn't have that, considering the family he was born into and his obligation to live up to their expectations. Not to mention that he absolutely did not deserve being cared for after he de facto kicked his brother in the face ruined and his career.
The tiny voice piped up again, but Regulus silenced it with an exasperated groan. Yep, mad.
He surely would not sleep here on this odd couch. He would sit here, mull over all the shit that happened in just this one day, wait for them to wake up to thank them appropriately, return to the Malfoys and sleep there for a week to recompose himself.
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It may be 2020 and the world is slowly crumbling around us but if global pandemics, a U.S. civil war election, and murder hornets and now rumors of Putin’s resignation(???) aren’t sensational enough, it’s time for Sweeps! And I’m still watching Supernatural to avoid all my problems because, well. That should be obvious. 
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Cas is all of us.
OH! and there will be no discussion of the events of November 5 because guys, I’m still in season 1 right now, I’m not there yet. But yes, I KNOW. 
Ok, so before we talk about Sweeps, let’s take a moment to appreciate that at this point in my Supernatural journey, we’re in the back half of season one, and that’s a real miracle for any tv show to get this far. Or at least, it was at the time, when a show could be ordered for the first 13 episodes and then be on the hook for the rest, or Back 9. Supernatural was lucky in that it had been picked up for the full season after episode 4, so there was probably more time to prep that Back 9 than a Front 13/Back 9 show would have been. 
BUT that doesn’t mean the pressure isn’t on! Cuz we’ve hit the mid season, we’ve come back from Christmas break, and now it’s Sweeps!
Friendly reminder that TV’s here to make money folks, and Sweeps Week/Sweeps Month are (were??) vital to a season’s success or failure.
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It’s Sweeps!
Alright, we’ll back track even further: TV networks and TV stations - the local centers that actually broadcast the shows in a given market - make money by selling ad time. They set the prices for that time by how many viewers are hypothetically watching at any given hour of the day. That’s where ratings come in, specifically Nielsen ratings. Nielsen Media Research, historically one of the most important media research firms out there, has been collecting audience data since the 30’s. They used to cold call households and to ask what each member of the household were listening to on the radio. When television came onto the scene, Nielsen started also collecting data on who was watching what. Ultimately, they dropped the cold calling in favor of diary keeping. Yes, they would actually send out diaries to a certain number of households in a given market, ask the residents to report every show they watched in a given week, and then four times a year, they’d “sweep” the country, collecting those diaries. These diaries would then impact the rate for ad time in each of those markets. Sweeps weeks happened four times a year - November, February, May, and July. And in fact, Sweeps Week is really more like Sweeps Month since it would take a month to deliver diaries to the households and then collect them again. Now, we can gather that data electronically (that is, faster), but Nielsen still tracks viewers for the whole month.
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Actual Nielsen Diary which actually lists that someone actually watched a rerun of Seinfeld on TBS. Actually. 
So what does Sweeps mean to the people actually producing television? Basically, it means you have to have some real hot sh*t in November, February, May and July. You’ll know you’re in Sweeps when the news stories suddenly get...wild. You know the ones - Killer Hornets in Your Area! When Hugs Kill! Is Your Government Killing You?? Oh wait, that may just be 2020. 
For non-news outlets, Sweeps means saving your big episodes for strategic times of the year. You may notice, dear reader, that Sweeps lines up with some key tentpoles in a traditional television broadcast season. The end of November is usually midseason/winter finale time. Midseason finales are a big deal for many reasons, namely making sure you leave your viewers with a desperate desire to come back after the holiday break, but it’s also a good time for getting those big Sweeps numbers. You may also notice that sweeps # 3 is in May - that’s usually season finale time. February, Sweeps # 2, is right in between and July is just before the doldrums of summer. Honestly, July feels like a weird time to look at ratings, but that’s cuz I was raised on TV and it’s just an unwritten rule that there’s nothing good on in Summer.
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Ok, I lied - I’m gonna talk about “Despair”, for just a second, I promise, minor spoilers ahead. This episode aired November 5 2020. That’s the final Sweeps period for 2020. And Sweeps may not mean anything to a show in its final season, specifically in this season, but it pulled out some big stops. Declarations of Love and Major Deaths? Yeah, those are two key staples for Sweeps, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence they weren’t pulling any punches in this episode. I know COVID delayed production, but even if they hadn’t restarted airing the season in October, this episode would have aired during May Sweeps. It’s also a series finale, so Sweeps isn’t the only consideration but it’s gotta be some consideration. 
So let’s look at episodes 13 - 16, our February Sweeps Month episodes for season 1. What do we have? 
Route 666 - Aired January 31, the beginning of February Sweeps
Here’s an episode that felt incredibly dated, but also incredibly relevant to today. The fact that Cassie has to fight with the mayor to prove that Black people are being specifically targeted felt a little Too Real Roy. They mayor even gets defensive that Cassie implies he might be racist because how can he be racist if he has Black friends? Does he say those words exactly? No. But that’s kind of the vibe you get off that conversation. I mean, I think I spent most of this episode making fun of a Racist Monster Truck that’s out there killing people, but honestly, slap a Confederate flag on that bitch and you’ve got any given rally or protest in America right now. I would almost consider this a Very Special Episode of Supernatural, where our brothers (and by extension us as the audience) learn about racism and the toll it takes on people of color, specifically Black Americans in the South. So there’s that.
But more importantly, for Sweeps week in 2006 anyway, was THE SEX. Not only does this episode comment on race in America, but Dean has a girlfriend and they totally bone. I mean, we’ve spent 12 episodes with just two dudes being dudes. Has there been flirting with random extras? Yes. Has there been any satisfying follow through? No. Because you save that for Sweeps. And it works. According to Wikipedia, “Route 666” had 5.82 million viewers the night it aired in America. The episode the week before, “Faith”, only had 3.86. That is almost 2 million more viewers who turned in to watch Jensen Ackles get tossed onto a bed with his shirt off.
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Apparently this scene was a big deal because the network expressly told the producers not to have a lady on top and Supernatural just...did it anyway. Way to go, Supernatural, being progressive in all the right ways. Also, because I HAVE to say it, her name is CAS(sie).
Nightmare - Aired February 7
Next up is The One Where Sam’s ESP Comes Back! And boy was this rough. I mean, it’s nice and dark and also brings the show’s Mythology to the forefront, but it ends hella ambiguous. How Sweeps is it? Well, I imagine that the priests getup was included in the trailer as another Sweeps gimmick. 
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And I can’t decide if including Beth Broderick, OG Aunt Zelda from Sabrina the Teenage Witch, is a big enough guest star to be a draw? 
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I can’t not see Aunt Zelda
This episode feels like the show is really digging in to its Horror roots again. There’s some gorey special effects. There’s also a lot of small moments in this episode that I really liked, good acting moments and good character moments. It builds in some conflict between the brothers that never really gets resolved, just sort of deflected and kicked down the road for later. Is this Sweeps material? Maybe? The numbers on this are lower than on the previous episode - only 4.27 million viewers, but it’s also not as eye catching as Dean getting tossed on a bed with his shirt off. 
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The Benders - Aired February 14
I actually really like this episode, even though I forget this is even in season one. This one’s got a nice reversal of the formula for the show - for the first time we see that the monsters killing people are just...people. Or, as I said in my notes for this one - “they’re hicks! They’re just hicks, guys!” They’re not Supernatural at all. And I LOVE the Cop Buddy that Dean picks up. Jessica Steen as Officer Kathleen is SO A+, I would definitely watch a spinoff show of her life.
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Dean, what IS this? What is this conversation?
But there’s not a whole lot of gimmick here, not a whole lot of flash. This is just a solid episode, but not a lot of audience grab. The key to that, I think, is in the air date - February 14. It’s possible they stuck this here because they did not expect a lot of viewers, and in fact, they only had 3.96 million viewers tune in that week. Still a good episode though.
Shadow - Aired February 28
And here’s our final episode for February Sweeps. We’re finally getting back to the main story arc. Not only do we see the return of Meg, our most prominent antagonist so far, but we also get the first reunion with John Winchester! I’d say this is a Sweeps episode that’s geared more towards season-long-fans than first time viewers. There’s a lot that happens - 1) Meg returns and reveals her cards as a Big Bad (Medium Bad?). 
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Oof. That’s...that’s SOME dialogue, guys.
2) John shows up and tells the boys that he knows what killed their mother (and also Jessica). 
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Ugh. Can we talk about this scene and how John just like, tosses out a whole bunch of information in the douchiest expo dump I’ve seen in a while?
3) John shows up. 
These are moments that viewers who have been following along have been waiting for. There’s weight to the scene where Sam and John talk to each other for the first time in years - you feel the tension, you feel the fight that broke them apart, but you also feel the regret, the fact that both of them wish they could take back that fight even though they meant every word of it. It’s good pay off for the hours we’ve spent watching up til now. Of course, Dean deciding the team needs to split up again at the end feels like a real slap in the face. I’m pretty sure I felt it the first time, but definitely this time - John showing up feels more like a tease to keep us interested than any actual development to the show and it makes me feel like I’ve been tricked as an audience member. It feels like they only had Jeffrey Dean Morgan for, like, one day on set. I didn’t think his turn on Grey’s Anatomy was THAT big of a deal, but maybe it was? Maybe he was super busy? Or maybe the show just be like that. But the numbers are good - 4.22 million, a little up from the previous week. Not Dean Bones numbers, but not bad either. 
Here’s the thing about sweeps guys - 15 years later and they’re kind of...irrelevant. TV still makes money on ads, sure, and there are probably more lucrative times of the year than others - Summer is still kind of the doldrums of programming - but even broadcast networks don’t run the same way that they used to. As early as 2014, the networks were doing their best to compete with streaming services and on-demand viewing by offering new content all year round, not just during key months. Broadcast networks might still program around Sweeps but that’s not needed now. And Nielsen ratings have been under scrutiny for years, thanks to TiVo. TiVo, guys, not even online streaming. When an audience is not tied to specific time frames, how do you really measure the true number of viewers? Nielsen’s methods of counting viewers hasn’t exactly kept up with the way we binge and watch when we feel like it. As late as 2018, Nielsen was still relying on paper diaries, despite the fact that they’d been using more accurate and up to date electronic methods since 2005. And again, with year-round programming, it isn’t necessary to focus on a specific times of the year. 
In terms of business models, I think it’s also important to remember that when we’re not watching broadcast TV, we don’t mind paying directly for our new means of viewing. That’s how cable works, that’s how streaming works. I’ve been paying for Netflix through multiple price hikes and haven’t blinked an eye. I joined Disney+ early enough that I paid for a three year subscription. My parents are cable TV cord-cutters and they’re perfectly happy with a combination of Hulu+ and Roku. 
But a lot of TV still does rely on ad time to make a profit. And for those shows, it’s even more important to use measurement methods that encompass accurate viewership numbers. I don’t see a future where Networks use a cable station model (based on subscription fees) rather than on ad dollars. However, I can see a future where Networks do away with Sweeps.  Instead, they’ll just offer up that batsh*t sensational content all year round. 
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thetonecontrol · 5 years
Interview with Electronic Audio Experiments
Righteous Ryan: When did you decide to become a builder and what motivated you to do so?
Electronic Audio Experiments: Even before I taught myself how to play the guitar I was always interested in what makes instruments work, so naturally I was a pedal nerd as soon as I learned what they were. After studying electronics for fun on the side (took a couple extra courses during undergrad and then read books on my own) it became a natural progression of my interests to start tinkering with my own. I did a few tagboard clone builds before I realized I wanted to have more control over the design process. And that's still my primary motivation: I love the design process with all of its challenges and room for artistic decisions.
EAE as a company formally started in approximately winter/spring of 2015. In February of that year, Boston was slammed over 5 feet of snow. I spent a lot of time in my crummy basement apartment eating frozen pizzas and breadboarding what would eventually become the Longsword V1. I used it on a couple records I was a part of (Perfect Moments by Tiny Fractures and the Native Wildlife s/t - both on bandcamp, for the curious) and that generated enough interest to do a release that summer. The rest has been a whirlwind!
RR: What motivates you to create original circuits?
EAE: Short answer - it's really satisfying to me, basically my favorite pastime.
Longer answer - I love the challenge of making something from scratch that hopefully lets my personality come through. I should qualify; I am not reinventing any wheels here. Designing "from scratch" is like building something out of legos. You can't really design new pieces (which leads some of the more cynical folks out there to say there's nothing new under the sun) but there are lots of building blocks and lots of ways to arrange them. The artistic merit is in the details, and the fun is in the thrill of the chase. It's an obsessive process but endlessly gratifying.
RR: Are you currently working on anything new?
EAE: Oh god, too many things. Here's a sampling:
Halberd - this is a drive which started as the preamp block of Sending, but heavily mutated into its own thing. It features pronounced treble attack/clarity, stupidly high output, and a strong second harmonic response. Been "finalizing" it for a while but I'm trying my damnedest to release it this summer. (If you want to hear a rough demo of an earlier iteration, check this video out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpGgzl3lOgs)
Sending V2 - I'm trying to add some features while I do an SMD conversion - mostly modulation and CV control over delay time. Currently on the back burner while I get the Halberd sorted out.
Hypersleep - this is my weird multi-tap chorus/vibrato/reverb-ish thing (nb: this is also in Ian's video linked above). It's also on the back burner while I get the Halberd sorted out. I really want to put it to production but it depends fully on whether I can source enough MN3011 BBDs to make it happen. If I can get enough to build 50 I'll do a limited run, but I'd really prefer to do 100 if at all possible... so we shall see what happens.
Super secret collab with Electrofoods Pedals - stay tuned, I am very excited
Surveyor - IVP side of the Dude Incredible, will be released later this year. It's ready to rock.
Various contract designs - Caroline Somersault (just wrapped up), Caroline Megabyte (working on the second round of prototypes), Dunable Eidolon (close to done, just needs some code fixes), another 2 or 3 projects all TBA.
RR: What is your design process like?
EAE: Whenever I design something new I have to answer two questions. 1) does it exist already? and 2) does it address a need or want in my own sonic pursuits? For instance, drive pedals will reflect my tone in whatever band I'm currently in. If it's already been done I can go buy it. If it hasn't been done then the work can begin.
If the design is simple or contains simple building blocks I often go straight to the circuit board layout and if necessary, debug from there. I can often turn a project around pretty quick if that's the case. If I'm not sure whether or not a building block will work, I can try simulating or breadboarding. Circuit simulation is extremely powerful but requires interpretation of the results, which also sometimes differ from reality. Breadboarding is great for audible characterization of a new idea, but the added parasitic capacitances can dramatically alter the frequency response of a circuit - especially a high gain drive or something with lots of complex filters. So there's usually a loop of steps where I move between a breadboard, circuit simulations, and a working prototype until everything works out. Sometimes I just have to resort to plain old math to get what I want.
The first pass of design is a go/no-go check. Does it work? Once it does, I refine it until it can produce sounds I truly like. This is also the step where I do the most work to address noise, oscillation, unwanted artifacts, etc. The final step is to identify which controls I want to keep, and then I determine the tapers/ranges of those controls.
Once there's a working prototype I do extensive beta testing with friends, local musicians and engineers, etc. When testing at home I can lose sight of how good (or not good) a prototype sounds. So a sanity check helps! Once this feedback is incorporated into the process we can go to production. At that point we get the artwork done and start working with our local SMD shop to get boards going.
RR: What's your setup (guitar, amps, pedalboard)?
EAE: I've been awful about maintaining a static setup. I realized that when you're not in a band you can just buy whatever sounds good instead of worrying about serving a song or particular mix. I have a wide assortment of guitars and amps that I use to test pedals during the R&D phase but listing those won't really tell you a coherent story. BUT I started a new band and we're tracking a record (we just did guitars + drums at GodCity) so I can tell you all about the gear I used for that. It's a post-metal sort of outfit so there are lots of heavy sounds but lots of unique mid-gain tones as well. This is also a great chance to plug some work by my friends...
Guitars - Travis Bean TB1000S, which is essentially vintage correct after some restoration work at Electrical Guitar Company (new bridge + pickups). Sounds like a piano. A very angry piano.
My very heavily modified Classic Player Jazzmaster with EGC JM500 pickups and a Robot Graves neck. It can do pristine, chimey cleans or a savage clang depending how much gain you use.
Amps - Traynor YBA1 MKII - Basically a marshall-ish amp with really big transformers. I modded the preamp to roughly superlead specs, but it's got way more bandwidth than a typical marshall.
Traynor YBA3 - not mine, lives at GodCity. Was extensively modified by my friend Scot from SnK pedals, who is also a gifted amp tech. It's loud and clean with a sound that's almost like an ampeg.
For cabs we mostly used an emperor 6x12 with an assortment of speakers. The mic was placed on a Texas Heat.
For my own use I have a pair of Joe's TL806 cabs (Thiele 1x12 design) with EVM12Ls.
Pedals - Halberd proto - great for slamming tube amps!
Electrofoods Oprichniki - the highest gain big muff variant around. I don't even know if it should be called a muff variant because of how twisted and souped up the circuit is. It is an absolute beast.
Dr. Scientist Frazz Dazzler - another extraordinarily high gain fuzz which sounds like absolutely nothing I've ever heard. It's a nice contrast to the more scooped flavor of the Oprich.
SnK VHD - a high gain distortion, used extensively for lead parts especially. Super tight and clear.
Sending V1-ish prototype - also has a tone control. It works ok I guess. Still very much a work in progress!
Lastgasp Misty Cave - weird drone-y reverb/flange thing? Hard to describe. Sounds heavenly.
Hypersleep proto - for room-ish reverb
Red Panda Tensor - Used for a particularly glitchy "solo"
Dirge Slowly Melting - I saw the end of the world, and it was terrifying
Lots of other stuff - I forgot!
Other - Yamaha FX500. The ultimate digital pad machine.
Roland RE-501 Chorus Echo - my drummer owns this, holy hell it is magic
My modular synth - a whole goddamn mess of its own
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unholykazoo · 7 years
Speculation and rambling
I’ve been trying to figure out what we can expect from Ghost in the months to come. Well, when really.
A bit of research tells us that:
The first single from Infestissumam was Secular Haze, released in December 2012. The album dropping April 10th, 2013 followed shortly after by second single Year Zero on the 19th. 
Ghost then toured until Dec 13th, 2014 for Era 2. 
(Aside: According to BandsInTown, they did play three shows in 2015 before the official start of Era 3: April 25th, May 1st and May 5th. Which should have been in Era 2 garb unless someone can find any footage from those three shows? I can’t.) 
Cirice was released as a single May 30, 2015 and premiered live June 3th at the Doom show (featuring placeholder mask!Papa 3), followed by it’s music video on June 8th.
Ok so - 
Back in September we have Word o’ Typhus Fever via interviews that, “...we're gonna have a new album out by April — possibly, hopefully." and he also said to fans that the band would be touring stateside again in the spring.
The key word in that quote above is “by”, a new album by April. So we could have the album by late March.
And now we have two announced festival dates in the US for April 20th and May 19th (and European festivals in June-August).
First conclusion: The new album has got to be on track, otherwise they’d be in a bit of a pickle at that first festival date.
Era 3 had a soft start - 4 Sweden dates in early June 2015, a few festivals before and after Meliora was released in August, but then they toured nonstop September 22nd - December 21st.
It looks like the plan this time is to tour at least April-August. (Hopefully a small break somewhere in there...) To drum up interest in the upcoming tour they’re either going to need a single to pave the way for the album a la Cirice, or at least in-universe videos like The Summoning series and then drop the album & first single close together like Infestissumam/Year Zero.
Second conclusion: We may see a new single as early as February, but maybe not until early April...
Ceremony and Devotion we knew was coming since the summer, but didn’t start really leaking to the press until mid-November, just before it’s surprise digital release in early December. 
I’m speculating they wanted to keep their promise of a December release despite delays in physical production - I’m sure they’d have rather released the physical media in early December to capitalize on Christmas sales.
Having not had that pan out, they maybe won’t want to detract from sales of C&D and related merch in January and maybe all of February as well. (Though hey - a new edition of the Papa dildo or some other adult funtime product in February wouldn’t be amiss!) 
So we may not see Era IV related anything until March.
....my January Metal Hammer said to ‘watch this space’ regarding Ghost, so I do have to wonder if they know something we don’t. Their issues go on sale the first week of the month - so if there’s a quiet before the storm for February, I’m going to have my eyes on the March issue.
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phgq · 4 years
FDA OKs ‘compassion’ use of Sinopharm vaccines for PSG
#PHnews: FDA OKs ‘compassion’ use of Sinopharm vaccines for PSG
MANILA – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted the Presidential Security Group (PSG) a “compassionate” license for the use of 10,000 doses of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccine from China’s Sinopharm, Malacañang announced Thursday.
The announcement came nearly a month after Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque urged the PSG to apply for special permits at the FDA so more of its personnel could receive Covid-19 vaccines.
“Nag-issue po ng compassionate use license ang ating FDA para sa 10,000 dosage ng Sinopharm. Ito po ay sang-ayon sa application ng ating Presidential Security Group or PSG (The FDA has issued a compassionate use license for 10,000 doses of Sinopharm. This is in accordance with the application or our Presidential Security Group or PSG),” Roque said in a virtual Palace press briefing.
Roque said the PSG had chosen Sinopharm vaccines since there was a delay in the arrival of Covid-19 vaccines from drugmakers Pfizer and AstraZeneca in the Philippines.
“The answer is obvious. Wala pa tayong nakukuhang supply pa sa ngayon ng Pfizer at saka ng AstraZeneca. Naantala nga po 'yung pagdating ng inaasahan nating mid-February. At ngayon ay inaasahan nating either third or fourth week (We have yet to secure supply from Pfizer and AstraZeneca. It was delayed. We are expecting to arrive in mid-February but it would instead be delivered by either third or fourth week),” he said.
Roque said the family of PSG members might also get inoculated with Sinopharm vaccines.
He had no idea as to when the PSG would start the vaccination among its personnel.
He, nevertheless, expressed confidence that President Rodrigo Duterte would continue to be safe from Covid-19 following the FDA’s issuance of special permit for the inoculation of vaccines among the President’s security aides.
“Kinakailangang mabakunahan na yung ibang miyembro pa ng PSG dahil nga po sa kanilang trabaho na nagbibigay seguridad sa ating Presidente (Other members of PSG need to be vaccinated because their job is to give security to the President),” Roque said.
FDA Director General Eric Domingo has confirmed that the PSG has applied and complied with all requirements for the compassionate special permit.
"It was granted yesterday (Wednesday) and the PSG Hospital takes full responsibility for the vaccines and will report utilization and outcomes to FDA,” Domingo said.
Sinopharm has not yet applied with the FDA for an emergency use authorization which allows the use of unapproved medical products during a public health emergency.
Through the permit, the FDA can allow the use of unapproved or unregistered medical products through a certain licensed establishment for certain kind or type of patients, specific volume as stated in the Administrative Order No. 4 s. 1992.
The FDA noted that the PSG first applied for the permit on Jan. 18 and "recently completed all requirements”. The permit is for one-time importation only.
The PSG was criticized in December last year after some of its members got inoculated with a non-approved Covid-19 vaccine.
Critics and some lawmakers claimed the PSG’s use of unauthorized vaccine violates Republic Act (RA) 9711 or the Food and Drug Administration Act of 2009.
RA 9711 forbids the manufacture, importation, exportation, sale, offering for sale, distribution, transfer, non-consumer use, promotion, advertising, or sponsorship of health products sans proper authorization.
The PSG defended its move, stressing that it needs to ensure that presidential guards are “not themselves threat to the President’s health and safety”. (With Maria Teresa Montemayor/PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "FDA OKs ‘compassion’ use of Sinopharm vaccines for PSG." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1130370 (accessed February 11, 2021 at 10:43PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "FDA OKs ‘compassion’ use of Sinopharm vaccines for PSG." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1130370 (archived).
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fureniku · 5 years
The return of my blog or something idk
Looks like in my last blog I said I’d not post my semi-private stuff here, only to a private blog.
Honestly, I can’t remember the name of the private blog; let alone the login/password. I think I only made one post there, to zero followers, and kind of lost the point of doing it. So fuck it, lets just go back to being here.
Days since last post: 614 Todays date: 30th September 2019 Start time: 20:39
Well, I guess we have some catching up to do.
I don’t know how many people on here were following me before. So, I guess I’ll start with a sum-up. My previous blog was just me ranting about anxiety/depression related things. It was a good platform for me to vent my thoughts without real life friends knowing; I had a few RL friends who followed it which was great as they could give me some support, but most of them didn’t know about the blog, which was also great as they then didn’t know a side of me I’d generally prefer to keep private. That blog was deleted in early January 2018, when the drummer from my then-band found it. I had made some comments about my frustrations in the band which were true, and I stand by them - but naturally it caused drama. I deleted the account, and instantly regretted it - I only had maybe 50 followers, but now I have two, so yeah.  Life since then has been... chaotic. Not specifically in a bad way, just a lot of things happened. When the blog ended I was; - Single - Playing guitar in a band - Working a dead-end job in a Warehouse - Had no ambition/drive to progress life
Three of those things have since changed; I’m still single (not for lack of trying but whatevs). I guess I’ll cover a timeline? Jan 2018: I deleted my old blog, and made this one, and a second one with a more secretive/anon name. I made a couple of posts on each, then abandoned it. Instead, I started relying mostly on just one friend to help me. May 2018: I got a new job, working for a games developer. It literally changed my life. Anxiety/depression started to clear up a lot, things just generally improved. June/July-ish 2018: I left my band. There was an argument about the fact another band was using our space for free, after we had offered it to them at a split rate and they declined. I instigated the argument, other members didn’t see eye to eye with me, so I quit. It was a final nail in the coffin kind of thing, but it was certainly the healthy thing to do. The whole situation had been kind of toxic for a little while, but I now get on just fine with all of them - I think if I had stayed much longer, that might not be the case. Our vocalist left very shortly after me as well - I don’t know the reasons why, but it seems the terms were... less happy.
September 2018: I started taking Japanese classes. Met a girl, had a crush on her for a bit, it didn’t go anywhere as usual. No biggie.
December 2018: Depression came back a bit, as it always does around then. Not much I can do about it so I just power through.
February 2019: I got made redundant from work. I was cool with it, I could see it coming for a while and there was like 12 other people too, my boss had fought hard to keep me but the game wasn’t doing so well, so I totally get it. I got a nice redundancy pay (which they by no means had to give me, so I’m super grateful). I applied for a job with another studio; quite a big one called Jagex. They were far from me so it would’ve involved moving and stuff, so quite scary. I made it to the final stages, but didn’t get it.
I now had a fair lump of cash (I had been saving for a house anyway), but not quite sure what to do with it. Followers of my previous blog can probably guess what I decided to spend it on...
April 2019: I went back to Japan! My mental-health-reset trip mark 2. I spent about two and a half weeks there (despite fucking up and accidentally buying a ticket to return mid-may... whoops). I got detained in China on my way home too but that’s a whole other story (it was all sorted and fine in the end).
While in Japan, I had time to clear my head and think. I decided I wanted to go back to university, so started thinking about how that would work. Here in the UK, we get a student loan to pay for university. It’s a bit complicated, but the way it works is you get your course length plus one year of funding. The day you set foot on campus, you use one year of funding. Now, I had already been to university previously - I studied music production. Totally dead industry, I dropped out about three weeks into my second year. That meant, I only had course length minus one year’s funding left available. So I have to pay the first year of university myself. At a cool £9,250.
My dad agreed to pay one term, so one third of that. I managed to save up another terms worth by working over the summer. I’m sat in my uni dorm right now, still not quite sure how I’ll pay for the third term... but I’ve got 6 months to figure that one out.
May 2019: I returned to my original job, back in the warehouse. Picking and packing sacks of bird food, so much fun. My mental health naturally slipped again, although everyone was really friendly to me while before it was kinda like I didn’t exist, so that was nice.
Around this time, I also joined an Overwatch team. It was a pretty big team with maybe 14-15 members, it was cool to make some new friends. Except one guy, was a dick. This OW stuff is like a whole side story from hereon... Anyway, I said to my squad leader (We’ll call her SN) that this guy is a dick. She said ok and she’d go talk to him. She said do you agree you’re being a dick, he said no. She said do you acknowledge one of the squad members thinks you’re being a dick? He said no again. Some other stuff I don’t know happened, and he got kicked off the team. He turned a load of people against her, caused loads of drama, and everyone blamed her when it was 100% my fault. So that was fun. The only reason I didn’t leave the team right then is because if I had, the entire drama would’ve been for nothing.
June 2019: My old boss who didn’t work there appeared at the end of may. I have a job for you. Ominous... but ok. Turns out, there was a new system being implemented on another contract. As I had experience with QA, and had done some IT stuff for them before, they wanted me to help with the testing and implementation. It was a job that would test my brain, while requiring little physical work - it was perfect for me. I really enjoyed it. It was supposed to be a four week thing, but we found lots of niggly little problems in the system... as far as I know, it’s actually only just gone live - but may have been delayed further.
While working up there, obviously there was downtime while waiting for fixes to be implemented. “What, you want this label a different size? oof, that’s gonna take about three weeks”. However, I got to stay in the office, doing odd jobs and stuff. One of the “odd jobs” ended up being a full on Android app, that my boss and me developed together. It was super fun to work on and really rewarding. That was worked on on-and-off between June and August.
July 2019: an interesting month. There was a major incident at work where a shelf holding very heavy metal shit stirrers collapsed. (The contract was a water treatment etc company, who provide all the clean water and water recycling for my local area. The things on the shelf literally stirred shit.) No one was hurt but it was a lot of drama, which was kind of entertaining to me as I was totally bunking off for the whole week where it happened. Not just the occasionally check Facebook on your phone at work kind of bunking off; I literally just messed about on Discord and worked on Minecraft mods for about two weeks straight. They had given me quite a big project to do, I automated the process... gg ez.
Around this time, the game I had been a part of before was to be officially cancelled. My old work invited me down to the studio to be a part of the formal funeral for the game, which was a big honour. I even got to fly the sky-whale which was awesome. It was bittersweet though, as the game meant a lot to me and had literally changed my life.
August 2019: haaaaaa august was a meme. I’d gotten kinda close with a girl (we’ll call her AP) in my Overwatch team. Like, we’d arranged to meet up at the end of August anyway but yeah, she was the first crush in a long time who actually knew I liked her. And she had certainly implied she felt the same way... like she’d been sending lots of hearts and stuff and talking to me 24/7, tagging me in “X has to take you on a date to Y place” memes and so on.  Anyways, so SN had apparently picked up on the fact I liked her, and started getting super pissy with me. I was pretty good friends with SN and we got on well, but in August she suddenly started getting crazy angry with me over tiny things. It all came to a head when I let AP kill me in a game (long story). Turns out, SN was like in love with me... despite breaking up with her boyfriend of over a year like 2 days before this conversation. So yeah, she told me to fuck off and that was that, she left the team etc, which thanks to chain of command meant that I was then in charge. fun. 
Anyways, get to the end of August, and I was due to meet AP. We met up, it was pretty cool. We hung out at a gaming festival, then suddenly like half way through she was like “lets split up for a bit” and I was like ........ok thats weird but alright. We didn’t meet up again until literally when she had like 2 mins to go, but it seems like she had a lot more fun without me being there. Clearly I’d done some major fuckup, which I still don’t actually know what it was. I had an anxiety attack before I even reached my car... and not a little one either. It’s quite possibly the biggest anxiety attack I’ve ever had, I barely made it to my car before having a total meltdown. It was the first one I’d had for about a year and it hit hard. It took me about 30 mins to calm down, then I headed home. 
I messaged her that night and asked her what happened, and she replied with “oh I never said I liked you”. It hurt a lot, like I’d been totally lead on. But hey whatever, that’s my life in a nutshell right? “Oh you want this happiness? this happiness right infront of you? HA nah”.  She said in the same message that I “seemed cool” and she’d like to hang out again sometime. But literally within a week she was clearly interested in another guy, so yeah whatever. We’re still friends and play games from time to time but I know she likes this other guy, so yeah. I still like her but whatever, not much I can do about it.
Work was a meme as well. I got taken off the fun and interesting projects to do paperwork. Literally, my job was to scan 35,000 documents because they couldn’t find a couple of bits of information. I suggested much better and more efficient ways, but the boss of the contract was like “no thats bad do it this old fashioned way we don’t want any fancy apps or anything” (I had suggested a spreadsheet or database). It took me about 3 weeks of just standing by a scanner which would jam up every 15-20 sheets in. It was mental health hell, especially in the last week after all the AP stuff had happened.
September 2019: I had one week left at work. I finished the hellish scanning project on Monday afternoon. “Oh as a thanks for your massive hard work we’ll make sure to find you things to do for the rest of the week” No it’s fine, I’m happy to just finish a few days early so I have more time to prep for uni. “No no no, we’ll find you stuff to do” They did not find stuff for me to do. I literally sat there, with nothing to do bar a few odd jobs “hey can you fix this printer”, for four days. It was incredibly mind-numbingly dull. The only thing ticking me over was “hey, maybe they wanna give me a card on my last day or something to say good luck and bye and thanks for doing this literal £20/hr job for half that because you’re agency staff”. But nah, a few people said cya later, but a lot forgot I was leaving entirely. So that was a fun way to finish what had mostly been a decent job...
I then had two weeks of freedom, before moving to university on the 21st. I was nervous; who wouldn’t be? but it was cool. I finally moved out of my house, and had a place where I could make a lot of new friends (LOL). On the day I moved in, I met up with someone I’d spoken to online a few times who was living in the same building as me, we’ll call her S. She was nice, we got on well, and it was kinda cool to have a friend who was a girl that for once I didn’t have a crush on (coz I’m still totally hung up on AP). We ended up going to a club in the evening which I’ve literally never done in my life, and she brought me out of my comfort zone a lot. She was great for my anxiety and really helpful. We’ve hung out a few times since, but I kind of feel like I was just a “filler friend” until she made new friends. She actually totally blanked me when I walked past her today, so that was fun. She has my Switch atm too coz I let her borrow it, I’ll probably just get it back later this week and then be done, its like I put in all the effort to be a friend and she couldn’t care less.
Anyways, so as I said I moved in on Saturday. I met one of my four flatmates on Saturday and another on Sunday, but hadn’t seen the other two at all. It gets to Thursday and I’m tidying the kitchen a bit, my mum’s about to pick me up so I can move in my last few things, and one of the mystery people appeared - she hadn’t actually moved in yet and was just unloading her stuff. She had loads of kitchen stuff, seems she’s really into her cooking.
Anyway, mum picks me up, we go to get my stuff, then we’re driving back, and my phone starts blowing up. S: Are you in? Me: No, why? S: Your building’s on fire. Me: lol nice joke S: no really *picture of everyone evacuated with fire engines outside* S: It’s your floor too, idk which flat. I wasn’t far out, so found her outside when I arrived. I’ve seen people going in, not being funny but one of them looked like [one of my flatmates]. Shit.  A few mins later, the girl who had just moved in came over. You know it’s our flat right? Shit. Turns out the extractor fan on the cooker malfunctioned. I won’t share the video itself coz one of my flatmates is in it, but yeah it just started spraying molten something all over the hob and surfaces. (They said it looked like molten metal, and they were there - but I don’t see how it would’ve gotten hot enough to melt any metal. My best guess is fat that hadn’t been cleaned from last years tenants)
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So yeah, we got moved into another flat. The open cupboard right there was my one - I rescued my custom cup from it that the games studio had given me. It’s no good to drink from now, but it still looks ok so I’m glad I can keep it for decorative purposes at least. The rest of the food is waste, and I have to wait for the plates etc to get cleaned. I’m currently eating ready meals out of their cook-in containers, because I don’t have any plates, and only one fork and spoon. I bought some paper plates today though so I’ll use those from tomorrow, but I still don’t have any saucepans or anything.
I wasn’t around when they sorted out the replacement accommodation. Because of that, the other four from my flat went to the same new flat together, with one new person. I was put into a different flat which also had one other person in, my building manager assured me they’re “really nice”. I asked if they knew I was coming, BM said “they’ll know when we get up there :)”. That was Thursday, today is Monday. The only food in the kitchen is mine, I’ve not seen anyone. I’m 100% positive I’m alone in this flat.
And so yeah, that’s my uni experience so far. I had my first lectures today, it was cool because I already knew all the stuff so I got to feel smart (I’m doing computer games programming, and it was mostly about design docs which I read through extensively while working at the studio, so I knew exactly how they worked etc). But, I didn’t really make any friends. I kind of joined in with a couple of other people in each lecture, but it seems like they weren’t really interested, so whatever. I had an anime society taster this evening as well, and it was when I was on my way to that that S blanked me and I just got hit my like a wave of loneliness. I didn’t make any friends at the anime society, so I kinda just gave up and came back to my flat, and started writing this. As I was getting the fire picture from above though someone asked me if I wanted to hang out, so guess I’ll see how that goes. Not holding out much hope tbh and I’m at the point of becoming a full on hermit... I mean hey, at least I’d get a perfect score on my degree if I just focus on that and eliminate any social aspect right?
Finish time: 21:38 Length:  3,302 words/16,759 characters
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Beijing Film Academy Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=165&wpwautoposter=1592598929 Beijing Film Academy is the only professional film academy in Chinese higher art education. The world famous directors such as ZhangYimou, ChenKaige,Tian Zhuangzhuang, Jia Zhangke and Gu changwei, to name just a few, all graduated from BFA–the cradle of Chinese film talents. At present, Beijing film academy has 8 departments, 5 schools, plus one graduate student division and one basic education division, which make up to totally 15 divisions of teaching. The academy offers 10 bachelor degree programs (36 disciplines). Presently, the academy has 4 key bachelor programs: directing, cinematography, performing, and cartoon making; 1 key master program in Drama, Film and Television studies. After over 60 years’ construction and development, it has gradually formed a multidisciplinary and multilevel cultivation system that embraces the entire spectrum of film-making, including production, teaching, creation, and research for training advanced film talents. Beijing Film Academy CSC Scholarship, Ranking, Agency Number, Faculty Member Beijing Film Academy is a coeducational state-run higher education institution in Beijing, China. The film school is the largest institution specializing in the tertiary education for film and television production in Asia. The academy has earned international recognition for its achievements in film production. Programs Starred programs are entitled to admit Chinese Government Scholarship students All Programs Program Degree Duration Instruction Language Tuition Fee(RMB) Starting Date Application Deadline *Drama,film and Television Literature Bachelor 4years Chinese 43000 Sep 1-15 *Directing Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-16 *Cinematography Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-17 *Fine Art Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-18 *Sound Recording Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-19 *Film Administrations and management Bachelor 4years Chinese 43000 Sep 1-20 Some QNS and ANS Q:How much for living expenses per month does a person need for studying in Beijing? A:Specific expenses will depend on the spending of the person. However, generally speaking, RMB1700 per month per international student is for the minimum standard of living in Beijing (including meal fee and basic daily expenses) except for tuition and accommodation. Q:How about the accommodation? What room type to be selected? A:International students could live in student’s apartments on the campus of Beijing Film Academy, which comprise two room types: single room and the double room with charging standard of RMB110/day/bed and RMB75/day/bed respectively. Due to the small quantity of single room, it’s only available for the doctoral candidate. Q:Could international students live outside? A:International students can live outside and please ask renting agent for specific house rental information. Please pay attention to the legitimacy and security of the apartment you rent. And remember to do lodging registration in a local police station. Q:What is international student insurance? Is it a must for international students? A:Internationala student insurance is an insurance product of Ping An Insurance Company identified by the Ministry of Education of PRC. Beijing Film Academy asks all self-supporting international students to buy it in order to guarantee their safe and sound sthe tudying and living. Hence, it’s a must for international students. Q:How many types for tuition to be collected? A:There are three ways to pay tuition: 1. It’s paid with RMB cash. 2. It’s paid through bank transfer. Please be aware that it will produce some bank handling charge for transfer. What’s more, exchange rate always changes. Please make sure to transfer tuition more than or equal to the required amount. 3. It’s paid with Pay-Union card. Students should go to Financial Office of the Academy with Pay-Union card to pay for it. Please mind that tuition must be paid in a month since the day that term begins. Otherwise, the international student visa will be delayed. Beijing Film Academy can’t accept installment for tuition. Q:Does Beijing Film Academy have pick-up service at the airport? How to arrive at Beijing Film Academy from Beijing Capital International Airport? A:So far, Beijing Film Academy doesn’t have pick-up service at airport. Students could come to the Academy by taxi or airport express. It’s RMB25 for airport express to arrive at Xitucheng Station of Line 10. Please get out from exit C and go south for 500m to reach the Academy. It will take 60min or so to arrive by taxi with expense of RMB100-120. If you are in the traffic jam or other situations, it’ll take more time and cost. Q:Is there any bank on campus of Beijing Film Academy? A: There is no bank inside the Academy. The ATM of Agricultural Bank of China downstairs in the students’ dining hall will meet basic financial service of students. Bank of Beijing is only 200m away from the campus. You can find it in north of the gate of the Academy. Q:How about the internet service inside the Academy? A:For students living in international student’s apartment, you can ask apartment reception desk about internet access, access fees and student’s internet traffic calculation. The whole campus is covered with WiFi. International students could use the campus wireless network with their username and password of Campus Card. Internet access fee will be charged according to the used traffic. Q:How does the entrance examination of Film Production English Undergraduate program go each year? A:The entrance exam of the program focuses on interview. Applicants abroad must pass the on-line interview. Moreover, applicants must submit admission statement, personal films or TV works and English level certification. Please see statement on enrollment website. Q:Is there any auxiliary class before examination owned by Beijing Film Academy? A:Beijing Film Academy doesn’t have any kind of auxiliary class. At present, many auxiliary classes in the name of our Academy in society claim that they can promise to help you be admitted to some major and collect large amount of tuition. All international students with their parents must be cautious. Q:When shall be OK to apply for class of Chinese language learning? Is there any entrance examination? A:Students can apply for class of Chinese language learning any time in International School of Beijing Film Academy. They can join a class in the middle of the course. However, taking consideration of systematic learning, application in February or June is recommended. Thus, international students could select a class suiting their Chinese level. Chinese language class for further studies has no entrance exam. However, there will be a placement test for admission in order to help international students find a class suiting their language level. Q:When shall be OK to apply for class for professional advanced study? Is there any entrance examination? A:May to June each year is OK for international students to apply for class for professional advanced study. Some such classes (such as School of Performing Arts) will ask applicants to attend an interview to understand their Chinese level and professional quality. Professional advanced students will start their class in mid-September each year. Q:What kind of Chinese level certification of international students is required for various majors? A:Except for Film Production English Program, all majors require relevant Chinese level exam (HSK) certificate. Undergraduate applicants and general advanced students shall provide new HSK5 certificate. Post-graduate applicants and senior advanced students shall provide new HSK6 certificate. Q:I was a Chinese and obtained a foreign nationality last year. Shall I apply for Beijing Film Academy as international student this year? A:Based on relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education, applicant must keep a foreign passport or certificate of nationality for more than 4 years and have a record of living abroad for more than 2 years in last 4 years. Moreover, applicants from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are not international students. Q:What kind of scholarship could I apply for when I study in Beijing Film Academy? A:You are available to apply for Chinese Government Scholarship provided by China Scholarship Council (CSC). Please log on CSC website http://en.csc.edu.cn for detailed application process. Besides, some excellent admitted self-supporting international students will be awarded Beijing Municipal Overseas Students Scholarship to reduce or exempt tuition according to admission performance and admission proportion. The scholarship needs no application and will be paid with one-off payment when tuition is collected. Q:How could I get the visa for studying in China? A:Please take the visa application form for international student issued by Beijing Film Academy and your Letter of Admission to Chinese Embassies or Consulates to ask for X1 (study) visa. Please be reminded that you must register residence permit for study in 30 days after entering China according to requirements of International Student Office Q:What is residence permit for study? A:It’s a kind of special visa for international students who stay in China for study for a long time (more than 6 months [included]). Q:How shall I get residence permit for study? A:Before you enter China, the visa application form for international student issued by Beijing Film Academy, the Letter of Admission, passport and a 2’’ photo (same size with passport photo) must be got ready. And teachers in International Student Office will help you apply for residence permit for study when you get to Beijing Film Academy. Q:I am required to register on September 5. Shall I arrive in Beijing days before? A:It’s available for you to arrive in Beijing in advance. However, please notice the validity of your visa. Otherwise, your application of residence permit will be affected. Usually, it’s recommended that you can come to Beijing 7 days before registration date. Too early arrival (more than 10 days before registration date) is not recommended. All the consequences arising from too early arrival, such as unavailable application of visa, shall be on international student’s own account. Q:Shall I have part-time job or full-time work when I study in China? A: According to relevant regulations, so far, international students are not allowed to work outside or participate in relevant profitable activities. You’ll be fined or even detained for illegal part-time job. Apply here http://eng.bfa.edu.cn/en/index
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jennmoslek36 · 6 years
  MAY 2018
SUNDAY OF MEMORIAL weekend was the day we’d decided on as “D” Day…Unbeknownst to us, good ‘Ole Mother Nature had her own “D” Day  in mind; A FREAKING Tropical Depression (I actually don’t know WTH it was BUT I don’t think it had a name!)! Of course a little TD wasn’t going to stop us…OK, SO I was going come Hell OR High Water, Literally…It was the Bestie who wasn’t so sure. I spent Friday checking the Marianna weather report hourly. I then spent Saturday checking the weather every 10 to 15 minutes! Rain! NOT just a summer shower OR a few sprinkles off & on BUT torrential, sub tropical, ALL DAMN DAY rain! Even worse, was it wasn’t just our area it would be state wide. Our area would get the brunt between midnight & 8am but the bans of the storm would be reaching Jackson County before we did! The ONLY glimmer of hope was that the hourly weather forecast for Marianna had wild mood swings….It would be an 80% chance of strong wind & storms at 10am but 11am it would drop to 20% for a couple of hours before picking back up again! I didn’t care, I was going for it. No…Matter…What.
SUNDAY MORNING WE got up early & of course a look out the window confirmed the weather report. It was pouring! I’m stubborn, I didn’t care what was going on outside…Like I’ve said tons of times in the past & will probably repeat a billion more times, my Bestie is NOT just a trooper, she’s a freaking Saint!! I ONLY got a couple of eyerolls before we both grabbed our stuff & made our way to the car. We made one stop for much needed coffee & we were officially on the road.
TAMPA TRAFFIC IS never fun, even under the bluest of skies & the best circumstances, so I fully prepared myself for the normal annoying delay. It never happened! We drove through Tampa with little issue & by the time we were about an hour into the drive, the rain was mostly a light drizzle. We were really close to the Bestie’s house & since 50% of us had to take a bathroom break while the other 50% discovered that she had accidentally packed 2 different socks, we decided to stop. Pulling into her driveway we noticed that not only had the rain stopped but we could see an occasional break in the clouds. For the first time in days, I took a breath & felt kinda relieved. Maybe things were working out. A few minutes later we were back on the road & the remainder of the drive was pretty smooth. As the Marianna exit sign came into view, anticipation was high. We jumped off the interstate, onto the now familiar SR 276 & within minutes the school came into view. This was it…What did Dozier have in store for us today?
WE HAD LITERALLY been on the North Campus property when we noticed that we were not alone. Further up the hill we could make out a man & woman standing near a brown car. They appeared to be looking at one of the buildings & they kept the car running. We pulled over in front of the dog rescue, got out & immediately locked eyes with the couple. The chess match began instantly…We stayed standing in place for several minutes, as did they, each of us not willing to concede. They finally started walking to their car & got in, driving slowly back down the hill…They would have to pass us to go anywhere else, no way around it…So, I decided to offer up a white flag, walking up the sidewalk to the door of the dog rescue. I wasn’t sure who they were OR why they were there BUT maybe if they thought we were just checking out the rescue, they’d finish whatever they were doing & leave. As I was walking back to the car, not only did I see the couple still sitting in their running car but I noticed a long, grayish stick stretched out across the sidewalk…Except it wasn’t a stick, it was a freaking snake…WTH?!?! It didn’t even move when I started walking, giving me no choice but to step over it! I did my Forrest Gump run, knees to chin, waving my hands over my head like a crazy person. The Bestie was sitting in the car & didn’t even bat an eye at my insane antics. The good news is the couple in the car finally started driving down the hill, probably thinking they were seeing an escaped mental patient doing the crazy dance! We watched them drive past us & right off the property. GOOD, we won…Well, Kind of….
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  SNAKES=1 – US=0
WE DECIDED TO continue up the hill, to the hospital. We pulled the car into the grassy area, jumped out & I showed her the place in the bushes where a tree had squashed a section of fence down. Problem number 1: Florida loves its vegetation & it had not spared the North Campus of Dozier. We kept getting tangled up in vines & smacked in the face with branches…An issue I didn’t have when I was there in February. I grabbed the metal fence post & hauled myself up & onto the rotting tree trunk, slowly inching my way to the other side. You could definitely feel that all of the water saturating the trunk had weakened there were a few steps I took where pieces snapped off under my feet but I finally jumped down on the other side. The Bestie had the same issue getting across but after a couple of minutes we had both made it to the other side…And there it still stood. The hospital building. This time I had backup & would get to see all of the rooms that I had previously skipped! Jesus, I had absolutely NO idea the amount of disturbing things we were about to lay eyes on. I told the Bestie to pick a door to start with & she ended up picking the same door that I had on my last trip, the one that you step through into a long dark hallway.
ONLY 4 STEPS inside & we were at the 1st door. An office, the same office that I was in before. We could hear the rain starting again & the wind picking up. Because of the bad weather, it was quite dark inside. We were armed with our flashlights & lanterns & my personal favorite, the 2 prong, metal, extendable hot dog roasting sticks that the Bestie had brought along as protection…She’s very forward thinking!
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  Did You Really Think I’d Leave Out Pics Of Our Best Weapon/Most Useful Tool?!?
  THE DOOR TO the office was in the exact position it had been in 2 months prior; Half open so that you could just make out the rusted metal desk at the back of the room & some of the debris on top but not really open enough to see the entire room, including behind the door where I knew there was a closet. One of us shined a flashlight through that crack while the other shined a flashlight inside the room, inching the door open. After what felt like an hour, we finally stepped inside & it was just as I remembered it…Dirty, Dank & still littered from top to bottom with old school paperwork. This time the Bestie opened that closet door & What sat inside didn’t just turn our stomachs but literally made my skin literally crawl…
STANDING OVER BY the desk, trying to pick up ANY paperwork I could get my hands on, I hear the Bestie say “Holy Shit!” Most would quickly run across the room, anticipating what they were going to see BUT I have been on the receiving end of plenty of Bestie “Holy Shits” & ALL of them didn’t end well for me (Graveyard dirt in mouth, full apparition jumping into the grave next to me…I could go on BUT you probably get my point!) So I literally tiptoed slowly to the other side of the room. What the Hell did she find?? I was muttering to myself “Please don’t be a body OR body parts OR…WTF IS THAT?? It was an old, metal exam table crammed into the closet! Jesus Christ!
    I STARED IN shock at it for several minutes before taking a few steps back. As I did my foot connected with something metallic that made a clanging noise when it moved. I shined my flashlight down on the concrete floor & identified what had made the noise & just as I reached down to grab one of the rusty, spikey objects the Bestie walked over & says “That looks like a stirrup!” A stirrup, possibly for an exam table? A quick Google search confirmed it. Those hadn’t been on the floor when I was here last time, so it was safe to assume that someone had been in the building in between my last trip & now & they had definitely been doing more than just looking around.
***Side Note…I was later able to date the exam table & stirrups to between the mid 1960’s to the early 1970’s.*** 
WANTING TO ESCAPE from room number one, we cut through the dirty little attached bathroom & entered room number two. It was just as tattered but 3 times the size of the previous. It was also a bit more bright, making it easier to see our surroundings. Another old metal desk sat on the far wall & as I moved toward it I could see some type of book sitting on top. It was a bible. It was torn in half & the pages were damp. I recalled something I’d read saying that each new student would be given a new bible the day of arrival. Deciding it could be important, I took out a zip lock bag & gently  placed both halves into it. There wasn’t much more to see in this room so we moved through another door, taking us back out into the dark hallway. The rain was still coming down as we walked down the hallway & through an old rotting door, into the final room. There wasn’t much to look at inside but it was still a mess. There was an old wooden school desk & several broken doors.
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    THE BESTIE DECIDED that it would be a great idea to step down on one of those doors, causing both of us to jump when a loud shatter of broken glass echoed through the room. Apparently, the old door had been a pane of glass at the top & when she stepped down it was so brittle that it just broke apart.
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  WHEN WE FINALLY left the room, we had 2 options…Go back out the same way we came & reenter the middle area from the 2nd door outside OR go out the back area down some concrete steps to see what we could access from behind. We chose the latter option & exited the rear of the building into the rain. 
  I HAD NO clue what we would find from this point on as I was now also seeing things for the 1st time….BUT I can say we were in for quite an eye opening & sometimes disturbing remainder of the day.
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FOR PRIVATE CONTACT SEND EMAILS TO:  [email protected]  FOR ALL DOZIER SCHOOL INFO GO TO: http://www.whitehouseboys2007.com & http://thewhitehouseboysonline.com/index.html#.W5hiq6gpBxC FOR FULL PHOTO GALLERIES & ADDITIONAL LOCATION INFO FOLLOW ME ON FB AT: @GRAVEAdventuresFL
  HEADING BACK TO DOZIER ~ Pt. 1: Disturbing Finds Inside Of The Infirmary MAY 2018 SUNDAY OF MEMORIAL weekend was the day we'd decided on as "D" Day...Unbeknownst to us, good 'Ole Mother Nature had her own "D" Day  in mind; A FREAKING Tropical Depression (I actually don't know WTH it was BUT I don't think it had a name!)!
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ronaldmrashid · 6 years
Financial Samurai Mid-Year 2018 Investment Review And Outlook
After the 10% 1Q correction, I did a lot of reflecting and decided that I had too much risk exposure. As a result, I decided to move from roughly a 70/30 stock/bond weighting down to a 55/45 stock/bond weighting by selling stocks when the market clawed back to even and buying a slug of bonds after the 10-year yield breached 3%.
Overall, my public investment portfolio is up 4.7% vs. +1.5% for the S&P 500. My portfolio was largely helped by positions in Netflix (+80%), Amazon (+78%), Google (+20%), Omega Healthcare (+15%), and Facebook (+9%), and hurt by a couple individual California municipal bonds bought in 2017 (-4%, -6.1%). The muni bonds will eventually pay par value (0%), but in the meantime, they are underperforming.
Bonds (45% of portfolio)
I wrote in my 2018 outlook post that I thought 3% would be the cap on the 10-year yield in 2018, despite an estimated four additional Fed Funds rate hikes for the year. Therefore, when the 10-year yield broke 3% on 5/15/2018, I backed up the truck and bought a couple bond ETFs between 5/15/2018 – 5/17/2018.
Here’s a snapshot of about $360,000 worth of bond ETF purchases in one after-tax investment account. The right column is the cash balance. I bought more California muni bonds in my other after-tax account. The right column is the cash balance in one account after selling stock when the S&P 500 rebounded.
I believe we’ve seen the top for the 10-year bond yield this year. By the time the Fed raises rates two more times, the yield curve will be flat-to-inverted, portending to a recession. As the fear of a recession grows, there should be a steady demand for treasury bonds, which will keep a lid on yields.
With the overall portfolio up 4.7% for the year, I’m tempted to go 100% treasury bonds if the 10-year yield gets back up to 3.1% to lock in a conceivable 6% – 7% total return for the year. Alas, my greed for higher returns keeps me invested in stocks.
Stocks (55% of portfolio)
The only portfolio I’m trying to get right is my “house sale proceeds” portfolio. Making money with the house had been so easy since 2012, that I didn’t want to mess up the proceeds. I’ve more or less left my other portfolios alone because I’m comfortable with their respective asset allocations.
According to my weekly performance e-mail I get from Personal Capital, my You Index for July 1, 2018 says I’m up 5.89% YTD. The You Index is the performance of all of your current stock, cash, ETF, and mutual fund holdings. It does not include your individual bonds, options, or other alternatives, hence why it’s higher than my +4.7% overall performance.
Originally, I thought I’d be OK investing most of my house sale proceeds in risk assets because I had already de-risked by $815,000 by paying off the mortgage, but I was wrong about the stock portion. Losing $50,000 at one point in February in stocks made me uncomfortable.
After selling some core S&P 500 holdings in the first half of March when the S&P 500 recovered 65% of its loss, I began repurchasing stock in early April and the end of June to get my stock portfolio weighting up to ~55%. The second half of June was weak in the stock market, so I decided to rebuild my position.
Here’s a snapshot of buying roughly $100,000 worth of core index ETFs during the June sell-off, including $15,404.95 of Netflix after its 6% sell-off. My general policy for over a decade has been to purchase between 10% – 20% of my investable assets in single stock names. I’ll write more about this strategy in the future because it has made all the difference.
Currently, I’ve got roughly $55,000 cash left to deploy in my “house proceeds portfolio” before having to transfer new cash from my savings account if so desired. There are a lot of moving parts to my investments to keep track of, which is why I’ve been toying with hiring a financial advisor to manage everything. But by continuing to outperform so far, I’m probably just going to suck it up and continue managing everything myself.
My #1 goal is to not sell anything in my house proceeds portfolio for the remainder of the year, and only contribute when there is further weakness in either the stock or bond market. I think I’ve finally constructed a portfolio that matches my risk tolerance, but we shall see how the portfolio holds up when volatility strikes again.
Real Estate Crowdfunding
I had dinner with RealtyShares on June 27, 2018 to get an update about their latest operations. At the dinner were the Senior Director of Capital Markets, Director of Asset Management, and VP of Investor Sales and Client Success.
I was pleased to learn that RealtyShares has set up more Investment Committees to vet each deal before hitting their platform. In the past, there was just one large Investment Committee that looked at all deals to let 5% of them onto the platform. Now each deal must be approved by multiple Investment Committees. Further, management has aligned Investment Committee compensation with the performance of each deal they approve. Hence, if a deal performs poorly, Investment Committee members who voted for the deal will get dinged.
With more eyeballs looking at each deal, the end result should be better deals for investors. Of course there are no return guarantees, but as an investor, it is reassuring to know that even before I do any due diligence on a project I like, RealtyShares has already done more due diligence than ever before.
The equity fund I’m in closed two more deals in 1H for a total of 17 deals. One of the deals was an office building in Minneapolis, Minnesota with a 5-year target hold and a target 15.3% IRR.
The other deal was a student housing complex in Toledo, Ohio with a 24-month target hold and an 18.4% target IRR. Both deals look fine to me because I’m looking for any real estate exposure outside of the San Francisco Bay Area where I still own two properties and one property in Lake Tahoe.
In the beginning of June, I received a surprise $5,855 dividend payment. It’s nice to have, but I’ve reached my limit for the amount of capital gains and ordinary income I want to receive in 2018. As an S-Corp owner, you have some flexibility in how much you can pay yourself between salary and distributions to manage your tax liability.
Based on my dinner conversation with the folks at RealtyShares, the fund is on pace to reach its target IRR of 15% over five years, but I’m not holding my breath. If I can get an 8% IRR, I’ll be ecstatic. For those of you looking to invest in a fund as well, you might get a chance in 2H2018. I’ll be sure to keep you updated.
Surprise $5,855 dividend payment in June given all deals are equity
Other Investments
Venture Debt – I had a capital call for $30,000 from my second venture debt fund investment. The fund has investments in an online beauty company, three hardware device companies, a semiconductor company, and a couple software companies. I have zero insight into these companies, and they all seem pretty random to me, but I trust the fund managers know what they are doing. One of the co-founders is a Berkeley business school classmate I’ve known since 2003.
Financial Samurai – I had two inquiries about selling Financial Samurai. One inquiry was from an individual who had no idea what he was talking about. But the second inquiry was from a boutique investment bank representing a publicly listed company out of Europe. It’s nice to feel wanted, but I don’t plan to entertain offers until after July 2019 because I promised myself I’d own and operate Financial Samurai for 10 years. In a low-interest rate environment, you want to be buying strong cash flow assets, not selling. Further, this site is fun and easy to operate. I’d love to use it as a business and communications teaching platform for my son.
Physical Real Estate – I’ve been eyeing some beach homes on Oahu and they are all coming down in price. The weakness sets up nicely for when we plan to move to Honolulu before my son starts kindergarten in 2022-2023. I’m also noticing some random opportunities in SF as well. For example, the house I put a low ball offer for in May is still on the market. Summer is one of the best seasons to hunt for relative bargains.
Tennis in the morning, beach with the family in the afternoon, blogging in the evening sounds good.
Net Worth +6.7% But Stalling
Despite strong corporate earnings growth, it feels like we’re going to be stuck in a +/- 5% range for the S&P 500 and a 2.75% – 3.11% range for the 10-year bond yield. If the Fed really does raise the Fed Funds rate two more times by the end of the year, I’d be looking to buy more defensive assets to prepare for weakness ahead.
I like my relatively defensive 55/45 portfolio + real estate crowdfunding exposure away from expensive coastal cities. The inland empire has more room to run, but even it will eventually face headwinds, hence my 8% return expectation versus 15% target. I’ve also still got about 10% of my liquid net worth in cash.
If someone gave me a chance to lock in a 8% overall public investment return for the year, I’d take it. For a blue sky scenario, we could see bonds stay flat with the S&P 500 rallying by 10% by year-end, but I doubt it. There are just so many headwinds.
1H2018 net worth growth, the kinks are due to trade delay recognitions
Overall, my net worth has grown by 6.7% YTD according to my Personal Capital dashboard. This is because savings tacked on about 2%. I’ve left my private investments and real estate values the same, which could provide some upside surprise.
Remember to always establish some goals for your investments. If you do, you’ll be much more focused on getting your investments right.
My main goal for my house proceeds portfolio is to have enough money to buy a beach home in Hawaii. If I can grow the portfolio by 5% a year for the next 3-4 years while the Hawaiian housing market continues to soften, dreams will come true.
How are you positioning your investments for 2H2018? How have you done so far? What are you investing for?
The post Financial Samurai Mid-Year 2018 Investment Review And Outlook appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from https://www.financialsamurai.com/financial-samurai-mid-year-2018-investment-review-and-outlook/
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Beijing Film Academy Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=165&wpwautoposter=1587703248 Beijing Film Academy is the only professional film academy in Chinese higher art education. The world famous directors such as ZhangYimou, ChenKaige,Tian Zhuangzhuang, Jia Zhangke and Gu changwei, to name just a few, all graduated from BFA–the cradle of Chinese film talents. At present, Beijing film academy has 8 departments, 5 schools, plus one graduate student division and one basic education division, which make up to totally 15 divisions of teaching. The academy offers 10 bachelor degree programs (36 disciplines). Presently, the academy has 4 key bachelor programs: directing, cinematography, performing, and cartoon making; 1 key master program in Drama, Film and Television studies. After over 60 years’ construction and development, it has gradually formed a multidisciplinary and multilevel cultivation system that embraces the entire spectrum of film-making, including production, teaching, creation, and research for training advanced film talents. Beijing Film Academy CSC Scholarship, Ranking, Agency Number, Faculty Member Beijing Film Academy is a coeducational state-run higher education institution in Beijing, China. The film school is the largest institution specializing in the tertiary education for film and television production in Asia. The academy has earned international recognition for its achievements in film production. Programs Starred programs are entitled to admit Chinese Government Scholarship students All Programs Program Degree Duration Instruction Language Tuition Fee(RMB) Starting Date Application Deadline *Drama,film and Television Literature Bachelor 4years Chinese 43000 Sep 1-15 *Directing Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-16 *Cinematography Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-17 *Fine Art Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-18 *Sound Recording Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-19 *Film Administrations and management Bachelor 4years Chinese 43000 Sep 1-20 Some QNS and ANS Q:How much for living expenses per month does a person need for studying in Beijing? A:Specific expenses will depend on the spending of the person. However, generally speaking, RMB1700 per month per international student is for the minimum standard of living in Beijing (including meal fee and basic daily expenses) except for tuition and accommodation. Q:How about the accommodation? What room type to be selected? A:International students could live in student’s apartments on the campus of Beijing Film Academy, which comprise two room types: single room and the double room with charging standard of RMB110/day/bed and RMB75/day/bed respectively. Due to the small quantity of single room, it’s only available for the doctoral candidate. Q:Could international students live outside? A:International students can live outside and please ask renting agent for specific house rental information. Please pay attention to the legitimacy and security of the apartment you rent. And remember to do lodging registration in a local police station. Q:What is international student insurance? Is it a must for international students? A:Internationala student insurance is an insurance product of Ping An Insurance Company identified by the Ministry of Education of PRC. Beijing Film Academy asks all self-supporting international students to buy it in order to guarantee their safe and sound sthe tudying and living. Hence, it’s a must for international students. Q:How many types for tuition to be collected? A:There are three ways to pay tuition: 1. It’s paid with RMB cash. 2. It’s paid through bank transfer. Please be aware that it will produce some bank handling charge for transfer. What’s more, exchange rate always changes. Please make sure to transfer tuition more than or equal to the required amount. 3. It’s paid with Pay-Union card. Students should go to Financial Office of the Academy with Pay-Union card to pay for it. Please mind that tuition must be paid in a month since the day that term begins. Otherwise, the international student visa will be delayed. Beijing Film Academy can’t accept installment for tuition. Q:Does Beijing Film Academy have pick-up service at the airport? How to arrive at Beijing Film Academy from Beijing Capital International Airport? A:So far, Beijing Film Academy doesn’t have pick-up service at airport. Students could come to the Academy by taxi or airport express. It’s RMB25 for airport express to arrive at Xitucheng Station of Line 10. Please get out from exit C and go south for 500m to reach the Academy. It will take 60min or so to arrive by taxi with expense of RMB100-120. If you are in the traffic jam or other situations, it’ll take more time and cost. Q:Is there any bank on campus of Beijing Film Academy? A: There is no bank inside the Academy. The ATM of Agricultural Bank of China downstairs in the students’ dining hall will meet basic financial service of students. Bank of Beijing is only 200m away from the campus. You can find it in north of the gate of the Academy. Q:How about the internet service inside the Academy? A:For students living in international student’s apartment, you can ask apartment reception desk about internet access, access fees and student’s internet traffic calculation. The whole campus is covered with WiFi. International students could use the campus wireless network with their username and password of Campus Card. Internet access fee will be charged according to the used traffic. Q:How does the entrance examination of Film Production English Undergraduate program go each year? A:The entrance exam of the program focuses on interview. Applicants abroad must pass the on-line interview. Moreover, applicants must submit admission statement, personal films or TV works and English level certification. Please see statement on enrollment website. Q:Is there any auxiliary class before examination owned by Beijing Film Academy? A:Beijing Film Academy doesn’t have any kind of auxiliary class. At present, many auxiliary classes in the name of our Academy in society claim that they can promise to help you be admitted to some major and collect large amount of tuition. All international students with their parents must be cautious. Q:When shall be OK to apply for class of Chinese language learning? Is there any entrance examination? A:Students can apply for class of Chinese language learning any time in International School of Beijing Film Academy. They can join a class in the middle of the course. However, taking consideration of systematic learning, application in February or June is recommended. Thus, international students could select a class suiting their Chinese level. Chinese language class for further studies has no entrance exam. However, there will be a placement test for admission in order to help international students find a class suiting their language level. Q:When shall be OK to apply for class for professional advanced study? Is there any entrance examination? A:May to June each year is OK for international students to apply for class for professional advanced study. Some such classes (such as School of Performing Arts) will ask applicants to attend an interview to understand their Chinese level and professional quality. Professional advanced students will start their class in mid-September each year. Q:What kind of Chinese level certification of international students is required for various majors? A:Except for Film Production English Program, all majors require relevant Chinese level exam (HSK) certificate. Undergraduate applicants and general advanced students shall provide new HSK5 certificate. Post-graduate applicants and senior advanced students shall provide new HSK6 certificate. Q:I was a Chinese and obtained a foreign nationality last year. Shall I apply for Beijing Film Academy as international student this year? A:Based on relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education, applicant must keep a foreign passport or certificate of nationality for more than 4 years and have a record of living abroad for more than 2 years in last 4 years. Moreover, applicants from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are not international students. Q:What kind of scholarship could I apply for when I study in Beijing Film Academy? A:You are available to apply for Chinese Government Scholarship provided by China Scholarship Council (CSC). Please log on CSC website http://en.csc.edu.cn for detailed application process. Besides, some excellent admitted self-supporting international students will be awarded Beijing Municipal Overseas Students Scholarship to reduce or exempt tuition according to admission performance and admission proportion. The scholarship needs no application and will be paid with one-off payment when tuition is collected. Q:How could I get the visa for studying in China? A:Please take the visa application form for international student issued by Beijing Film Academy and your Letter of Admission to Chinese Embassies or Consulates to ask for X1 (study) visa. Please be reminded that you must register residence permit for study in 30 days after entering China according to requirements of International Student Office Q:What is residence permit for study? A:It’s a kind of special visa for international students who stay in China for study for a long time (more than 6 months [included]). Q:How shall I get residence permit for study? A:Before you enter China, the visa application form for international student issued by Beijing Film Academy, the Letter of Admission, passport and a 2’’ photo (same size with passport photo) must be got ready. And teachers in International Student Office will help you apply for residence permit for study when you get to Beijing Film Academy. Q:I am required to register on September 5. Shall I arrive in Beijing days before? A:It’s available for you to arrive in Beijing in advance. However, please notice the validity of your visa. Otherwise, your application of residence permit will be affected. Usually, it’s recommended that you can come to Beijing 7 days before registration date. Too early arrival (more than 10 days before registration date) is not recommended. All the consequences arising from too early arrival, such as unavailable application of visa, shall be on international student’s own account. Q:Shall I have part-time job or full-time work when I study in China? A: According to relevant regulations, so far, international students are not allowed to work outside or participate in relevant profitable activities. You’ll be fined or even detained for illegal part-time job. Apply here http://eng.bfa.edu.cn/en/index
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Beijing Film Academy Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=165&wpwautoposter=1587626766 Beijing Film Academy is the only professional film academy in Chinese higher art education. The world famous directors such as ZhangYimou, ChenKaige,Tian Zhuangzhuang, Jia Zhangke and Gu changwei, to name just a few, all graduated from BFA–the cradle of Chinese film talents. At present, Beijing film academy has 8 departments, 5 schools, plus one graduate student division and one basic education division, which make up to totally 15 divisions of teaching. The academy offers 10 bachelor degree programs (36 disciplines). Presently, the academy has 4 key bachelor programs: directing, cinematography, performing, and cartoon making; 1 key master program in Drama, Film and Television studies. After over 60 years’ construction and development, it has gradually formed a multidisciplinary and multilevel cultivation system that embraces the entire spectrum of film-making, including production, teaching, creation, and research for training advanced film talents. Beijing Film Academy CSC Scholarship, Ranking, Agency Number, Faculty Member Beijing Film Academy is a coeducational state-run higher education institution in Beijing, China. The film school is the largest institution specializing in the tertiary education for film and television production in Asia. The academy has earned international recognition for its achievements in film production. Programs Starred programs are entitled to admit Chinese Government Scholarship students All Programs Program Degree Duration Instruction Language Tuition Fee(RMB) Starting Date Application Deadline *Drama,film and Television Literature Bachelor 4years Chinese 43000 Sep 1-15 *Directing Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-16 *Cinematography Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-17 *Fine Art Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-18 *Sound Recording Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-19 *Film Administrations and management Bachelor 4years Chinese 43000 Sep 1-20 Some QNS and ANS Q:How much for living expenses per month does a person need for studying in Beijing? A:Specific expenses will depend on the spending of the person. However, generally speaking, RMB1700 per month per international student is for the minimum standard of living in Beijing (including meal fee and basic daily expenses) except for tuition and accommodation. Q:How about the accommodation? What room type to be selected? A:International students could live in student’s apartments on the campus of Beijing Film Academy, which comprise two room types: single room and the double room with charging standard of RMB110/day/bed and RMB75/day/bed respectively. Due to the small quantity of single room, it’s only available for the doctoral candidate. Q:Could international students live outside? A:International students can live outside and please ask renting agent for specific house rental information. Please pay attention to the legitimacy and security of the apartment you rent. And remember to do lodging registration in a local police station. Q:What is international student insurance? Is it a must for international students? A:Internationala student insurance is an insurance product of Ping An Insurance Company identified by the Ministry of Education of PRC. Beijing Film Academy asks all self-supporting international students to buy it in order to guarantee their safe and sound sthe tudying and living. Hence, it’s a must for international students. Q:How many types for tuition to be collected? A:There are three ways to pay tuition: 1. It’s paid with RMB cash. 2. It’s paid through bank transfer. Please be aware that it will produce some bank handling charge for transfer. What’s more, exchange rate always changes. Please make sure to transfer tuition more than or equal to the required amount. 3. It’s paid with Pay-Union card. Students should go to Financial Office of the Academy with Pay-Union card to pay for it. Please mind that tuition must be paid in a month since the day that term begins. Otherwise, the international student visa will be delayed. Beijing Film Academy can’t accept installment for tuition. Q:Does Beijing Film Academy have pick-up service at the airport? How to arrive at Beijing Film Academy from Beijing Capital International Airport? A:So far, Beijing Film Academy doesn’t have pick-up service at airport. Students could come to the Academy by taxi or airport express. It’s RMB25 for airport express to arrive at Xitucheng Station of Line 10. Please get out from exit C and go south for 500m to reach the Academy. It will take 60min or so to arrive by taxi with expense of RMB100-120. If you are in the traffic jam or other situations, it’ll take more time and cost. Q:Is there any bank on campus of Beijing Film Academy? A: There is no bank inside the Academy. The ATM of Agricultural Bank of China downstairs in the students’ dining hall will meet basic financial service of students. Bank of Beijing is only 200m away from the campus. You can find it in north of the gate of the Academy. Q:How about the internet service inside the Academy? A:For students living in international student’s apartment, you can ask apartment reception desk about internet access, access fees and student’s internet traffic calculation. The whole campus is covered with WiFi. International students could use the campus wireless network with their username and password of Campus Card. Internet access fee will be charged according to the used traffic. Q:How does the entrance examination of Film Production English Undergraduate program go each year? A:The entrance exam of the program focuses on interview. Applicants abroad must pass the on-line interview. Moreover, applicants must submit admission statement, personal films or TV works and English level certification. Please see statement on enrollment website. Q:Is there any auxiliary class before examination owned by Beijing Film Academy? A:Beijing Film Academy doesn’t have any kind of auxiliary class. At present, many auxiliary classes in the name of our Academy in society claim that they can promise to help you be admitted to some major and collect large amount of tuition. All international students with their parents must be cautious. Q:When shall be OK to apply for class of Chinese language learning? Is there any entrance examination? A:Students can apply for class of Chinese language learning any time in International School of Beijing Film Academy. They can join a class in the middle of the course. However, taking consideration of systematic learning, application in February or June is recommended. Thus, international students could select a class suiting their Chinese level. Chinese language class for further studies has no entrance exam. However, there will be a placement test for admission in order to help international students find a class suiting their language level. Q:When shall be OK to apply for class for professional advanced study? Is there any entrance examination? A:May to June each year is OK for international students to apply for class for professional advanced study. Some such classes (such as School of Performing Arts) will ask applicants to attend an interview to understand their Chinese level and professional quality. Professional advanced students will start their class in mid-September each year. Q:What kind of Chinese level certification of international students is required for various majors? A:Except for Film Production English Program, all majors require relevant Chinese level exam (HSK) certificate. Undergraduate applicants and general advanced students shall provide new HSK5 certificate. Post-graduate applicants and senior advanced students shall provide new HSK6 certificate. Q:I was a Chinese and obtained a foreign nationality last year. Shall I apply for Beijing Film Academy as international student this year? A:Based on relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education, applicant must keep a foreign passport or certificate of nationality for more than 4 years and have a record of living abroad for more than 2 years in last 4 years. Moreover, applicants from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are not international students. Q:What kind of scholarship could I apply for when I study in Beijing Film Academy? A:You are available to apply for Chinese Government Scholarship provided by China Scholarship Council (CSC). Please log on CSC website http://en.csc.edu.cn for detailed application process. Besides, some excellent admitted self-supporting international students will be awarded Beijing Municipal Overseas Students Scholarship to reduce or exempt tuition according to admission performance and admission proportion. The scholarship needs no application and will be paid with one-off payment when tuition is collected. Q:How could I get the visa for studying in China? A:Please take the visa application form for international student issued by Beijing Film Academy and your Letter of Admission to Chinese Embassies or Consulates to ask for X1 (study) visa. Please be reminded that you must register residence permit for study in 30 days after entering China according to requirements of International Student Office Q:What is residence permit for study? A:It’s a kind of special visa for international students who stay in China for study for a long time (more than 6 months [included]). Q:How shall I get residence permit for study? A:Before you enter China, the visa application form for international student issued by Beijing Film Academy, the Letter of Admission, passport and a 2’’ photo (same size with passport photo) must be got ready. And teachers in International Student Office will help you apply for residence permit for study when you get to Beijing Film Academy. Q:I am required to register on September 5. Shall I arrive in Beijing days before? A:It’s available for you to arrive in Beijing in advance. However, please notice the validity of your visa. Otherwise, your application of residence permit will be affected. Usually, it’s recommended that you can come to Beijing 7 days before registration date. Too early arrival (more than 10 days before registration date) is not recommended. All the consequences arising from too early arrival, such as unavailable application of visa, shall be on international student’s own account. Q:Shall I have part-time job or full-time work when I study in China? A: According to relevant regulations, so far, international students are not allowed to work outside or participate in relevant profitable activities. You’ll be fined or even detained for illegal part-time job. Apply here http://eng.bfa.edu.cn/en/index
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Beijing Film Academy Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=165&wpwautoposter=1587269753 Beijing Film Academy is the only professional film academy in Chinese higher art education. The world famous directors such as ZhangYimou, ChenKaige,Tian Zhuangzhuang, Jia Zhangke and Gu changwei, to name just a few, all graduated from BFA–the cradle of Chinese film talents. At present, Beijing film academy has 8 departments, 5 schools, plus one graduate student division and one basic education division, which make up to totally 15 divisions of teaching. The academy offers 10 bachelor degree programs (36 disciplines). Presently, the academy has 4 key bachelor programs: directing, cinematography, performing, and cartoon making; 1 key master program in Drama, Film and Television studies. After over 60 years’ construction and development, it has gradually formed a multidisciplinary and multilevel cultivation system that embraces the entire spectrum of film-making, including production, teaching, creation, and research for training advanced film talents. Beijing Film Academy CSC Scholarship, Ranking, Agency Number, Faculty Member Beijing Film Academy is a coeducational state-run higher education institution in Beijing, China. The film school is the largest institution specializing in the tertiary education for film and television production in Asia. The academy has earned international recognition for its achievements in film production. Programs Starred programs are entitled to admit Chinese Government Scholarship students All Programs Program Degree Duration Instruction Language Tuition Fee(RMB) Starting Date Application Deadline *Drama,film and Television Literature Bachelor 4years Chinese 43000 Sep 1-15 *Directing Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-16 *Cinematography Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-17 *Fine Art Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-18 *Sound Recording Bachelor 4years Chinese 51000 Sep 1-19 *Film Administrations and management Bachelor 4years Chinese 43000 Sep 1-20 Some QNS and ANS Q:How much for living expenses per month does a person need for studying in Beijing? A:Specific expenses will depend on the spending of the person. However, generally speaking, RMB1700 per month per international student is for the minimum standard of living in Beijing (including meal fee and basic daily expenses) except for tuition and accommodation. Q:How about the accommodation? What room type to be selected? A:International students could live in student’s apartments on the campus of Beijing Film Academy, which comprise two room types: single room and the double room with charging standard of RMB110/day/bed and RMB75/day/bed respectively. Due to the small quantity of single room, it’s only available for the doctoral candidate. Q:Could international students live outside? A:International students can live outside and please ask renting agent for specific house rental information. Please pay attention to the legitimacy and security of the apartment you rent. And remember to do lodging registration in a local police station. Q:What is international student insurance? Is it a must for international students? A:Internationala student insurance is an insurance product of Ping An Insurance Company identified by the Ministry of Education of PRC. Beijing Film Academy asks all self-supporting international students to buy it in order to guarantee their safe and sound sthe tudying and living. Hence, it’s a must for international students. Q:How many types for tuition to be collected? A:There are three ways to pay tuition: 1. It’s paid with RMB cash. 2. It’s paid through bank transfer. Please be aware that it will produce some bank handling charge for transfer. What’s more, exchange rate always changes. Please make sure to transfer tuition more than or equal to the required amount. 3. It’s paid with Pay-Union card. Students should go to Financial Office of the Academy with Pay-Union card to pay for it. Please mind that tuition must be paid in a month since the day that term begins. Otherwise, the international student visa will be delayed. Beijing Film Academy can’t accept installment for tuition. Q:Does Beijing Film Academy have pick-up service at the airport? How to arrive at Beijing Film Academy from Beijing Capital International Airport? A:So far, Beijing Film Academy doesn’t have pick-up service at airport. Students could come to the Academy by taxi or airport express. It’s RMB25 for airport express to arrive at Xitucheng Station of Line 10. Please get out from exit C and go south for 500m to reach the Academy. It will take 60min or so to arrive by taxi with expense of RMB100-120. If you are in the traffic jam or other situations, it’ll take more time and cost. Q:Is there any bank on campus of Beijing Film Academy? A: There is no bank inside the Academy. The ATM of Agricultural Bank of China downstairs in the students’ dining hall will meet basic financial service of students. Bank of Beijing is only 200m away from the campus. You can find it in north of the gate of the Academy. Q:How about the internet service inside the Academy? A:For students living in international student’s apartment, you can ask apartment reception desk about internet access, access fees and student’s internet traffic calculation. The whole campus is covered with WiFi. International students could use the campus wireless network with their username and password of Campus Card. Internet access fee will be charged according to the used traffic. Q:How does the entrance examination of Film Production English Undergraduate program go each year? A:The entrance exam of the program focuses on interview. Applicants abroad must pass the on-line interview. Moreover, applicants must submit admission statement, personal films or TV works and English level certification. Please see statement on enrollment website. Q:Is there any auxiliary class before examination owned by Beijing Film Academy? A:Beijing Film Academy doesn’t have any kind of auxiliary class. At present, many auxiliary classes in the name of our Academy in society claim that they can promise to help you be admitted to some major and collect large amount of tuition. All international students with their parents must be cautious. Q:When shall be OK to apply for class of Chinese language learning? Is there any entrance examination? A:Students can apply for class of Chinese language learning any time in International School of Beijing Film Academy. They can join a class in the middle of the course. However, taking consideration of systematic learning, application in February or June is recommended. Thus, international students could select a class suiting their Chinese level. Chinese language class for further studies has no entrance exam. However, there will be a placement test for admission in order to help international students find a class suiting their language level. Q:When shall be OK to apply for class for professional advanced study? Is there any entrance examination? A:May to June each year is OK for international students to apply for class for professional advanced study. Some such classes (such as School of Performing Arts) will ask applicants to attend an interview to understand their Chinese level and professional quality. Professional advanced students will start their class in mid-September each year. Q:What kind of Chinese level certification of international students is required for various majors? A:Except for Film Production English Program, all majors require relevant Chinese level exam (HSK) certificate. Undergraduate applicants and general advanced students shall provide new HSK5 certificate. Post-graduate applicants and senior advanced students shall provide new HSK6 certificate. Q:I was a Chinese and obtained a foreign nationality last year. Shall I apply for Beijing Film Academy as international student this year? A:Based on relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education, applicant must keep a foreign passport or certificate of nationality for more than 4 years and have a record of living abroad for more than 2 years in last 4 years. Moreover, applicants from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are not international students. Q:What kind of scholarship could I apply for when I study in Beijing Film Academy? A:You are available to apply for Chinese Government Scholarship provided by China Scholarship Council (CSC). Please log on CSC website http://en.csc.edu.cn for detailed application process. Besides, some excellent admitted self-supporting international students will be awarded Beijing Municipal Overseas Students Scholarship to reduce or exempt tuition according to admission performance and admission proportion. The scholarship needs no application and will be paid with one-off payment when tuition is collected. Q:How could I get the visa for studying in China? A:Please take the visa application form for international student issued by Beijing Film Academy and your Letter of Admission to Chinese Embassies or Consulates to ask for X1 (study) visa. Please be reminded that you must register residence permit for study in 30 days after entering China according to requirements of International Student Office Q:What is residence permit for study? A:It’s a kind of special visa for international students who stay in China for study for a long time (more than 6 months [included]). Q:How shall I get residence permit for study? A:Before you enter China, the visa application form for international student issued by Beijing Film Academy, the Letter of Admission, passport and a 2’’ photo (same size with passport photo) must be got ready. And teachers in International Student Office will help you apply for residence permit for study when you get to Beijing Film Academy. Q:I am required to register on September 5. Shall I arrive in Beijing days before? A:It’s available for you to arrive in Beijing in advance. However, please notice the validity of your visa. Otherwise, your application of residence permit will be affected. Usually, it’s recommended that you can come to Beijing 7 days before registration date. Too early arrival (more than 10 days before registration date) is not recommended. All the consequences arising from too early arrival, such as unavailable application of visa, shall be on international student’s own account. Q:Shall I have part-time job or full-time work when I study in China? A: According to relevant regulations, so far, international students are not allowed to work outside or participate in relevant profitable activities. You’ll be fined or even detained for illegal part-time job. Apply here http://eng.bfa.edu.cn/en/index
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