#ok im finished bye
lilcathsmith · 1 month
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Crime Show Meme - CSI insp [3/5 cases]
"I hate my birthdays. They always suck." - Appendicitement (Season 10 Episode 9, 10th December 2009)
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
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pinkavtomation · 26 days
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Some kind of strange insect
Original sketch under the cut
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kitamars · 6 months
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ponykatas and long haired toshis from a while ago
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pinkd3mon · 1 year
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I just wanted an excuse to draw my Galacta with a cape propaganda
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jimimn · 2 years
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r&v ♡ for @namchyoon​ ♡ (cr. namuspromised, qdeoks)
happy 23rd! <3
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sallymew4 · 23 days
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i have an 8am tomorrow . goodnight [snore]
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lunamothghost · 1 year
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Lineup for my p5!boatem au that I'm trying to develop, they're here to steal hearts and costumers
my prev drawings on this au are here!
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corpsentry · 6 months
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breaking the law and outing myself on the internet because i'm showcasing my senior dance thesis on april 28 at 6:30 and 8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time and i want You to see it
we don't have a livestream link yet but we will. in the meantime look at these cool posters and this cool blurb. ok now save the date SEE YOU SOON
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tomatoart · 2 years
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trans ppl in Louisiana be like eek so scared
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sevikasenby · 8 months
sevika making you wear a remote controlled vibrator so she can fuck with you while she plays cards this. sevika making you wear a remote controlled vibrator so she can fuck with you while she plays cards that. okay hear me out, sevika making you wear a wearable remote controlled dildo so she can actually fuck with you while she plays cards. thoughts?
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
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hi snz squad (Sorry. Not funny.) i got some food for the h/awks fans FINALLY sorry for the wait i had writers block for like a month straight 😜 love that. anyway heres about 1.7k of allergic h/awks and some really badly written fighting/sparring LMAO enjoy!!
“You ready, birdie?” Dabi says, his lopsided grin wicked as usual.
“As I’ll ever be,” replies Hawks. The villain’s left hand is swallowed by bright cerulean flames, so hot there’s already faint plumes of smoke puffing out around it. In turn, Hawks draws his two longest feathers and sharpens them with ease, and raises them into a defensive position. He wonders, briefly, who’ll make the first move, then decides that these sparring sessions are for him to improve against fire; Dabi’s skills are perfectly fine as they are (Perhaps. He does sometimes think the man could do with some extra precision training, but he’s here to incinerate, not sauté, so who’s Hawks to judge?). Hawks lunges forward, feather-blades brandished, aiming straight for Dabi. Don’t hold back runs through his head over and over as he moves, the words Dabi keeps having to say to him every time they do this. It’s not Hawks’ fault he’s got such a hero complex. 
“Don’t hold back,” Dabi had said, flexing his wrists after their spar, “There’s no point in doing this if you aren’t gonna show me your full potential.”
Hawks had sighed. “Easier said than done, hot stuff.”
Dabi raised an eyebrow. “Is it?” he said, “You seem to be just fine facing off against any other villain when you’re on fuckin’ hero patrol.”
“That’s different, and you know it,” Hawks had replied, “This is training. I can’t just- make myself fight you properly without good reason.” He let out another long breath and drank from his water bottle.
“It’s cause we fucked, isn’t it?” Dabi had said, smirking. That had made Hawks splutter on his water. He glared indignantly at Dabi.
“Absolutely fucking not,” he declared. “You wish that was why.”
“Relax, I’m just messing,” said Dabi, with that shit-eating smirk still on his face. “Just fight harder next time, or whatever. Ain’t gonna learn anything if you don’t try.” He left the room, and Hawks had frowned after him.
Dabi sidesteps Hawks, but only just. Had he moved a millisecond later, Hawks’ blades would probably have been stuck in him. Whether that’s for the worse or the better, Hawks can’t decide - Dabi’ll probably chastise him for it later, but there’s only so much potential you can exhibit before stepping the boundary of actual murder. The villain’s blue flames have caught on the very edge of Hawks’ feather, and are creeping down its lengths with some pace, threatening to reduce the entire thing to ash. He quickly shakes it out and lifts the blades once again. If he can convince Dabi he’s planning on sticking this whole spar out melee-style, then maybe he can discreetly send some feathers behind for an ambush. He just needs to find the right moment. 
Then, Dabi raises his own hand and throws a stripe of glowing blue fire straight at Hawks. Right as he does so, Hawks takes his chance and releases a few medium-sized feathers, sending them to hover in position behind Dabi, ready to make their move from the rear. He ducks down, and just in time, too, as he feels the searing heat of Dabi’s attack barely inches from the top of his head. He does his best to ignore the sting in his eyes and how every blink threatens to send irritated tears sliding down his face, but it’s unexpected… that doesn’t tend to happen, and there’s normally a whole lot more fire involved in their fights than there is now. But, Dabi’s unrelenting nature doesn’t allow Hawks more than a moment of thought, and he’s almost instantly back upright, sharpened feathers pointing outwards, stalking Dabi back towards the wall. He keeps having to blink against his blurring vision, though, and it’s affecting his focus. If Dabi picks up on it, he doesn’t say anything. There’s still a thin plume of smoke issuing from his feather, too; those flames are no joke. Hawks crosses the feathers in his hands, preparing to drive forward and strike - if all goes to plan, Dabi will assume that’s all he’s going to do, and counterattack accordingly, then Hawks can compromise him with the feathers he has poised behind the villain. If all goes to plan.
And thankfully, it does, if you look past the single tiny snag. As predicted, Dabi releases a billowing explosion of fire straight forwards. Hawks’ blades are both ignited, but that’s neither here nor there, since he’s focused on bringing his other feathers back from behind Dabi, and up to his throat, mere millimetres away from his skin. They aren’t sharpened, but he doesn’t need to know that. Hawks knows he daren’t step into them to test. 
Dabi’s eyebrows lift up, his expression a mix of amused and impressed. “Not bad,” he says, glancing down towards the feathers at his throat. “Not exactly a technique that’ll work every time, but I didn’t see it coming, so that’s gotta count for something.”
Then comes that tiny snag. Hawks stops listening halfway through Dabi’s sentence when his sinuses start stinging like crazy, with such sharpness that it makes his eyes water even more than they already are. He sniffs, half testing the waters, half hoping it’ll make the sting go away, but unfortunately it only makes it worse. Just as Dabi lifts his hands up to incinerate the feathers in front of his neck so they can begin another round of sparring, Hawks sends said feathers rapidly towards the villain’s arms and pins him against the wall.
“Sorry, what–” he begins, startled.
Hawks lifts the fur-lined collar of his jacket and ducks down into it. For a moment, nothing happens, but–
Dabi pulls a face. “I swear to God, if you’re doing this and you’ve got a fucking c–”
“ah’hAH-! eH’SHHhyu! No, you cock, I don’t have a cold. I’m not that stupid.”
“You are, but okay,” Dabi says flatly, “Why do I have to be pinned to the fuckin’ wall?”
“‘Cause your psycho ass would probably attack me while I waahhs s-sn-hahh! hheh’sHHh’hiew!”
He pitches forward into his collar again, cutting himself off mid-sentence with a third desperate sneeze. They’re already getting harder to keep in check; and what the fuck is itching this badly? Sure, it’s mid-spring, and his hayfever’s probably acting up a bit, but no way in hell is it this bad. Maybe he’s just… sensitive today. He didn’t bother checking the pollen count this morning, so…
“You think I would do such a thing?” says Dabi dramatically in mock offence, “Sweet, innocent me?”
“Shut up. Yes, you absolutely woul- Jesus– h-haHh!...” Hawks’ breath catches sharply in his throat, but he’s exhaling shakily a moment later. 
“Lost it,” he says, only a little breathlessly, “You are the furthest thing from innocent and we both know that.”
The need to sneeze hasn’t left Hawks, despite the last one having eluded him. It’s laying dormant (for now), an incessant buzzing high in his nose that seems to also be accompanied by profusely watering eyes. He tries scrunching his nose to quell the feeling - it doesn’t help but rather slightly the opposite. Dabi arches an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. You gonna let me go or what?”
“Uhh… oh! Right, sorry. Instinct, I guess,” Hawks says. He withdraws the feathers holding Dabi in place and the villain subsequently takes a few steps towards him. There’s still smoke rolling off of his arms, where he’d used his quirk, and it floats lazily upwards in greyish plumes. That smoke has always been mesmerising to Hawks, the way it curls and twists, almost as gracefully as Dabi’s flames themselves. It seems different to regular smoke, though, realistically it probably isn’t, and Hawks has just convinced himself it is so he has something else about Dabi to admire with childish adoration. The smell of it often clings to Dabi, though, fainter, obviously, but it’s still distinct if you’re up close. It’s filling the air now, the bitter scent comforting, strong, but stinging, and–
“-ah’hHahH-?!” Caught completely off guard, Hawks desperately draws in a staggered breath before he’s truly able to comprehend it. 
“hh’heHSHHh-iihHSCHHh’ue! Huuhh… fucking Jesus–” The double volleys through him with unexpected force, leaving him more than a little winded (but almost certainly not finished).
Dabi’s staring at him now, his expression half concerned, half incredulous. Can’t exactly blame him. He opens his mouth to say something, but Hawks is already cutting him off with another sneeze.
“So, about that cold you don’t have?” Dabi says, after Hawks has recovered - for now - with a series of pitiful sniffles and a less than kind rub at his nose with one gloved hand. 
“No, it’s–” his voice wavers slightly as he speaks, “it’s not that, I think it’s, ihh-it’s–”
Dabi shakes his head. “Sneeze first, speak after.”
“Rihhh– right, yeah I– hah-hhaHH’sSHHuuhh! ehHISHHhue! Jeez, okay, done now..” Hawks isn’t one to sneeze loudly per se - they’re usually softer, fairly subdued - but these ones are well on their way there. They’ve got the same intonation as usual, but with the intensity amped up a shocking degree. He’s not quite used to it.
“Done, done?” 
“Yeah, whatever– ‘m not sick, I think it’s your-” Hawks gestures vaguely at Dabi with one hand, and the latter’s eyebrow raises again, “-yourhhHehHTSChhnn!”
“What did I just say?” Dabi says, exasperated, and maybe a little fond.
“Leave me alone, that one didn’t give me any warning-!” whines Hawks in response, “You are so mean to me.”
“I know. Now spit it out, you’ve got me on the edge of my seat,” replies the villain dryly. 
Hawks rolls his still-watery eyes. “Shut up. It’s your smoke, I think,” he finally gets out.
Dabi looks slightly perplexed by this, and he voices it, “Never bothered you before.”
“No, I know, but,” He needs desperately to sneeze again. It’s all-consuming, but he’s determined to at least get a sentence out; “spring allergies’re making me s-sensitive to it.. I think that’s it, anyway–hhah sorry, I reahhllyneedto-hhiihSHHh-ehhH’shHHuue! Ugh.”
“Oh. Okay,” says Dabi, “so probably best we take a break for today, then?”
“Mm, yeah,” Hawks replies, knuckling at his nose. 
“Postmature bless you, by the way,” Dabi says with a funny look. Hawks nearly laughs.
“Yeah, like the opposite of premature. Is that the opposite of premature? Screw off, you’ve got me questioning myself now,” he replies, trying and failing to hide a stupid smile.
“It is now, I s’pose,” says Hawks, not at all fondly, “Thanks.”
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kitamars · 9 months
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merry christmas
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hollypies · 26 days
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New on left, old on right !! Two year difference babbbyyyyyy!!!!!!
Anyway I decided to redraw an old Hollow Cells au wip that I never finished lol . My anatomy has gotten better yippee ! They are picking yummy berries
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lotus-lamps · 4 months
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wip for the weekly light (sky newspaper). joining the project was fun :) i’ll probably finish the rest tomorrow. its my first time drawing tsadi but it was surprisingly fun actually.
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