#oh-ha that english accent is doing things to me 😂
not-poignant · 1 month
oh god im having a moment. this may seem obvious but…i know that utr is set in australia…theres more than a few references….to australia.. and ….australian things..but i only now realised that means everyone has an australian accent omg 😭😭😭😭(me to my brain: “why didnt you tell me” my brain back: “girl are you forreal”) idk why this is so surprising to me…im slow. so all the conversations that happened…. happened with an aussie accent….temsen…gary….gwyn 😭 i know faber has more of a british accent right? idk why i remembered that but then didn’t think about calebs accent… this is amazing, its also embarrassing for me but i am protected by the veil of online anonymity so im just rolling on my couch going through past conversations in the stories re-imagining them. wait that means YOU also have an australian accent!! i LOVE australian accent!!!! almost as much as kiwi but then again i hear that one even less than aussie accents… 😂 oke have a good sunday..or wait what time is it over there?! have a good time from 9pm germany 🇩🇪 cheers mate
Ahaha, this was so great to get
Okay so firstly, I think it's fairly universal that most of us don't think of ourselves as having accents, so unless a character has a very distinct accent, I don't think of their accents at all. For that reason, I also have zero problems when people just imagine the accent that is normal to them!
Secondly, what most people know as the Australian accent is very particular to certain parts of Australia. Most people haven't heard a Perth accent, which is a lot milder overall than say, a Queensland accent. And class really influences how people talk. Like, most of these people aren't saying 'mate' for a reason, it's just not part of their daily language. So...in that sense, it wouldn't be accurate to imagine a standard television Australian accent either. It's kind of jokey, in the same way that people put on really overdone German or Russian accents, you know it's not always reflective of reality.
I love Kiwi accents too btw, so good. :D Early Flight of the Conchords forever!
But, yes, they are in Australia and they do have...Australian accents. Kadek's probably one of the most 'ocker', Faber is one of the fanciest speakers (as is Flitmouse, though he picked up his accent out of choice lol), though Gary's up there too because he came from a very educated and relatively upper class family (as is Efnisien, when he can stop swearing for five seconds!)
Characters who have a more standard Australian accent would be Janusz, Caleb, Nate, Kadek and I would say Anton's about in the middle.
But, again, if it's just easier and more comfortable to imagine whatever your internal 'generic accent' is - imagine that! For me that's actually like... a neutral English accent, for I think most people it's American! I don't even think my neutral accent is Australian, lmao, because I'm influenced by coming from a family of immigrants (Dutch + English + Russian) and watching a lot of TV growing up of which the majority wasn't Australian, and of course thinking of my own accent as just 'neutral' which it absolutely isn't.
Accents are weird!
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imhereformr · 6 months
S3 E4 The Mirror of Truth
I feel like theres too many things happening on this mission...
The controls are stuck now
Oh and another bird
Stella has fallen and the birds are coming back
We'll know [the mirror of truth] when we see it. We'll that's fucking helpful. Thanks for nothing Concorda.
Stella is mentioning her changed looks around Brandon a lot for someone that doesn't want him to know.
Wait when did they mention ice spirits? Did I miss that? I'll admit to having tuned out during the birds...
You must look for the mirror of truth. Gee thanks ice spirits for this information they didn't know. So helpful.
Here she goes again mentioning her looks to her boyfriend that she's trying to hide her changed looks from 🤦🏻‍♀️
Brandon is so precious 🥹 To those of you who like men, never settle for less than Brandon.
Oh hey the school year is starting. Didn't it just end?
Oh hey that's the fairy that plants a bomb in season 4
This very obviously Indian inspired fairy has a very obvious Indian accent... Why was that necessary, Rai?
There goes bomb girl again!
Is Galatea Irish???? It's a little too understandable to be Scottish... But it's not quite Irish? But it's not English either. What is this accent???
Just found out Galatea means white as milk in ancient Greek?
Jennifer Hale voices Galatea in one of the English versions, and she's from Newfoundland. As a Canadian, I can confidently say that this is not a Newfie accent.
Erika Schroeder voices her in another English version, and she's American.
My search for Galatea's accent is a dead end. If someone knows what the fuck it's supposed to be, please help.
Why do Musa and Galatea laugh after Musa says she's also from Melody? What's funny about that?
Stella asks for all the gossip and then looks thoroughly uninterested while Nova gives it to her 😂
But also, I love Nova's voice. I can't tell you why exactly but it's terrible in the best way. She sounds like she's reading directly off a script with no emotion, but also she's got a real bad cold.
We just got here and she's already talking about finals is a very valid complaint. But also, the girl that says that sounds like she's been smoking for 70 years 😂
The final exam is the get their Enchantix? THEIR FINAL EXAM IS TO DIE????? WHAT THE FUCK FARAGONDA???
Faragonda: No special preparation is required. Stella: Thank goodness 😂😂😂😂😂
I take back the death thing. Just remembered that Aisha didn't die to save anyone, she just went blind. Cause that's so much better.
The Magix council knows about Valtor on Andros. They don't appear to be doing much, just like they did for everything else. What is the point of the Magix Council if they do NOTHING???
Did Bloom just say Baltor? With a B? No lie, there's something about the name Baltor that makes me sick.
These bitches have a death wish.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to save my people. Yeah Bloom, you were a baby 😒
Thanks girls, and thank you Bloom 🤢
I just need to say that Riven has been MIA for a while now and I miss him
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In her answer to the "get to know your moots better" tag game, @justaboot mentioned she'd love to go backpacking in Ireland.
As someone who lives here, I am making this post for anyone who wants to visit Ireland at any point, and I figure now's as good a time as any.
It rains like 24/7 here so bring a fucking rain coat. And an umbrella. I'm so serious. There will be mornings where you'll leave your hotel/tent/wherever you're staying and you'll think "It doesn't look like it's going to rain" NO. BRING THE COAT. The sky is lying to you. Just because it doesn't look like it'll rain does NOT mean it's not gonna rain!!
The west and north tend to get worse weather, but rain happens everywhere here.
Not gonna get into it here because that'd be wayyyy too long of a post, but a lot of our tourist attractions rely on people having at least some kind of knowledge of Irish history and/or folklore. It's interesting, if a bit depressing at times, but I'm pretty sure that goes for all countries.
Long story short we were under British control for a really really really REALLY long-ass time, and we fought like hell to get our independence. Oh - speaking of which, if you're anywhere near the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, it's a good idea to avoid wearing orange ESPECIALLY in or around July. This is because orange is seen as a symbol of Unionist beliefs (ie, the belief that Ireland should be part of the UK) and it's a REALLY touchy subject for a lot of people. Do your research. Trust me on that.
First off, most people speak English here (unless you're in a Gaeltacht region, where people mainly speak Irish. These are located in Cork, Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Meath, Mayo and Waterford, and they can be a great cultural experience but it's not for the faint of heart.) However, there are like a zillion different regional accents so good fucking luck trying to understand people 😂😂
The way Irish people talk has some nice quirks, some of which I'll share here.
Craic (pronounced "crack") No, it's not drugs. The word craic generally means a good time or other happenings. There are three main ways the word is used.
"What's the craic?" = What's up?/Any news?
To have the craic = To have fun, especially at a party
"No craic" = Boring, nothing happening at all.
If someone invites you for a "cuppa" or better yet, a "cupán tae" (pronounced "cup awn tay") they want you to come in and have a cup of tea with them. This is usually accompanied by a LOT of small talk, which Irish people are experts at.
Other expressions vary WILDLY by county and sometimes even by region, so I'm afraid I'm not much help to you here.
Things To Do Here
First off, our restaurants are quite overpriced, as are our hotels. However, our healthcare is fairly cheap.
We have SO MUCH NATURAL SCENERY. If the weather allows, definitely go out and explore it! Just watch out if you're hiking, as the rain makes a lot of places muddy and slippy, so maybe bring the good hiking boots. We also don't have a lot of animals that can kill you, which is great!
As I mentioned, we have a lot of places to go that are based in our history, and they can be great places to learn about Ireland's past. But if you're not interested in history (which is fine) there are plenty of other options. We have a wax museum in Dublin, a theme park called Emerald Park (formerly Tayto Park, after an Irish potato chip brand) and a LOT of great theatres, pubs and clubs. Oh yes, if there's one thing we do well here, it's our night life!
We even have a coastal trail called the Wild Atlantic Way, which stretches all the way up our western coastline, from Cork to Donegal.
And lastly, if you're in the area, there is this fucking LEGENDARY ice cream parlour in Sligo called Mammy Johnstons. It's RIGHT next to the beach, and (in my limited experience) it's the BEST ice cream place in the country.
So yeah! Enjoy your trip!
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apsychicrage · 6 months
I have an awareness of my own regional NorCal accent and I’ve picked up some other regional accent features from living other places and I’ve made efforts at different times in my life to alter my accent to fit social norms and/or be understood. For example when I lived in Italy I adopted a more enunciated version of an American accent with more emphasis on defining different vowel sounds, mostly because I taught young children and wanted to make myself understood by Italians (I observed personally that Italians have an easier time with American accents than British accents and that standard American accents have vowels that sound more familiar to Italians than the soft vowels of British accents. My own accent doesn’t tend to distinguish vowel sounds well and I ended up adopting a more vowel-differentiated pronunciation of English that made a lot of native English speakers think I was Canadian)
My (California) friends will occasionally make fun of me for the occasional southern twang or Minnesota Oh that slips into my voice…. I explained to them recently that in Baltimore I fell out of the habit of using a hard “T” sound in general and adopted the Badimoh Nord Avenue soft T/D sound generally while I was there…. It’s honestly a little embarrassing to me to rly pronounce the T in Baltimore but I don’t act like it’s my native accent so I say the goddamn T unless I’m in Bmore. You subconsciously do these things so you don’t stick out like a sore thumb, especially in working class environments where most ppl are local (I worked in restaurants for example.) I was in MN in pandemic times so I didn’t adopt the accent as heavily from work, but my grandparents who live in Minnesota have HEAVY regional accents (partly influenced I’m sure by the fact that many of my great grandparents are from sweden and the Swedish accent shaped the Minnesota one basically) and my mom is from MN also. I can switch hard into a Minnesota voice 😂 but I’m usually pretty conscious of it (Also as someone not from the Midwest I hate people thinking I’m midwestern… no offense to midwesterners but living there was the worst and I don’t want to be identified as that) my mom has a rly “standard American” accent until she’s on the phone with her parents (or back in Minnesota) and then it shifts to hyperdrive.!
alllllll that to say that my accent gets muddled and funny sometimes… I can tell my way of speaking is not 100% california, that’s for sure. However if you stick me with people from Northern California it gets almost embarrassingly stereotypical haha…. Vocal fry (I kinda always have vocal fry tho) blurred vowels drawn out inflection and scattered use of the words “gnar” and “hella” lmao….! I’m mildly proud of my accent like FUCK yeah imma NorCal girlie. But I can mostly switch it off too hehe. It’s funny tho bc accents r such an indicator of who is local and working class it’s almost like a membership card
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🤭 I decided to start MasterPiece’s Victoria again purely for the sole reason of it being a favorite of mine and secondly because I haven’t seen it in quite a while. (Not to say that the historical inaccuracies don’t make my eyebrows raise a bit but nothing is ever perfect is it?😂) and I can definitely imagine the parallels between Victoria and Albert and Leonor and Alix 😂
1) The language barriers when it comes to talking in their native tongue. 😂😂 English is the preferred language that Leo and Ali speak. Expect when Leonor is like, “say something in vologarian” and Alix is like “but why it’s such a boring and harsh language?”
2) the phrases. Now this is something I know Sofía would constantly tease Alix about for as long as they live, Alix would say a phrase, but it’s all said with a very heavy thick accent, given that she went back home for a few weeks and she’d be like, “what is that saying you use here?” She’d snap her fingers and immediately say, “ah! Do not put your chickens in one basket”. Leonor would find it endearing and just die at the accent, but Sofia would end up giggling, we’re talking on the floor dying of laughter. Then the teasing. “Oh yes Leo! We wouldn’t want to put our chickens in one basket”. Alix with a slightly confused face, poor thing really thought she had gotten the phrase, “is that not how it is pronounced?”
3) I imagine Alix as being very scholarly, to the point where she would involve herself in charity that involve high levels of maths and even talk for hours with Mathematicians. Sofia would just love that. “So what did you and your math buddies talk about today?”
Also not sure if Alix is also in canon a descendant from Queen Victoria but i can just imagine all the girls, Alix, Leo and Sofia eating their ice creams on the palace grounds and Sofía just says, “don’t you think it’s odd how you and Alix are basically like sixth cousins removed once?”
Alix: suddenly I am no longer hungry
Leonor: that also includes you sofi
Sofia: true but it affects you guys more. With me it’s only odd but with you guys it’s slightly terrifying
😂the trouble of being royal
I’m so sorry if this was long and I hoped you enjoyed it at least 😂❤️ maybe it is because their both “German” in Alix’s terms but I totally see Alix and Albert having so many parallels, especially Tom Hughes Albert. ❤️❤️ much love to you and 🇪🇸 you guys honestly bright my days with your wotc headcannons and your amazing blog.
OMG THIS IS PERFECT!!! 😱🤩😍 I honestly feel like both Alix and Leo are so alike and fit both personalities of Albert! Leo had the sweetness and kind heart of him and Alix has the fiery and helpful side! Also Sofi has a lot of similarities to Queen Victoria (when she was younger ofc 😂) ! Her funny and playful side and the bold, stubborn, and adorable side! So many parallels!
Someday someone has to remind me to do a comparison of WOTC characters to real life old royals. Definitely not now because I have ALOT of asks to go through!
Thank you for sharing! 💓
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mrs-gauche · 2 years
A little compilation of some of the impressions Cassandra does in the end credits of Trespasser in English, German and French. Thank you again anon for suggesting this idea, this was super fun to put together!
So there are a few things I have to say here! 😂 I've already mentioned that, because of the German and the French version not doing the different accents, the VAs have not so much to work with than Miranda Raison in English when doing the impressions.
That being said... Why do I get the feeling that neither the German OR the French actors did even get to HEAR the English version for any sense of direction??? 😂 You know, my guess is, since they couldn't really do the accents, they tried to make up for it by simply going "Just go wild and have FUN". lmao
Whatever happened here, I'd say French Cass (Marie-Brigitte Andreï) is definitely a bit closer to the English version, and I don't know what they put in German Cass’ (Kerstin Draeger) coffee that day, because she's totally doing her own thing and I don't even care that it's not even close to the English version, because you can tell this actress is having the time of her life and that German Bull impression has me on the floor. 😂
Oh and if anyone's wondering why the heck German Vivienne's impression sounds *like that*, the German VA of Vivienne (Martina Treger) is actually one of the deepest and most recognizable female voices in the business, but she's also an absolute legend in German voice acting (she's known for dubbing actresses like Viola Davis, Queen Latifah and even Sumalee Montano at one point!), so this impression is actually SPOT ON. lmao
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A Swedish guy, a Chilean guy, a Japanese guy, and an American guy walk into a pork skewer restaurant...
My new Swedish friend, Philip, is one of those people who is friends with literally everyone, and he introduced me yesterday to a guy from Chile (Pablo) that's here on an extended visa to attend a Japanese language school, and then this afternoon he introduced me to a Japanese developer (Shou) that also uses the working space here.
Dinner rolled around, and he started inviting everyone to dinner, so it ended up the four of us going. Pablo speaks excellent English, so while Philip and Shou steered us through the backstreets of Sanjo in search of a restaurant, we talked in English for a bit, but once we got to the restaurant, everybody switched to Japanese, which, in retrospect, was kinda ridiculous, because all 3 of the 4 of us (1) aren't Japanese and (2) probably speak better English than Japanese. 🙃
At one point, the waitress was waiting for our second order, and Philip looks to Shou, points at words on the menus, and asks "What's this?" Shou, without hesitation, turns to the waitress, and repeats the exact same "What's this?" 😂
Oh, and of all the coincidences, while we were debating what to do outside the first place that was full, there were two non-Japanese girls milling around, speaking to each other in a romance language that I couldn't make heads or tails of, when all of a sudden, Pablo (who was _just_ telling me that he also speaks French) starts drifting towards them, and I hear him ask something that sounds like "Chile" in another language. They both look at him shocked, and after a couple minutes, he comes back over and says they were also from Chile. What are the odds? He said Chilean Spanish has a distinct sound, and he picked up on it right away. ... That's Kyoto for you.
This was my first time really conversing at any length in Japanese with non-Japanese people, so that was interesting. Was also strange talking with Philip in Japanese, when I've been talking to him in English all this time. I'd say his English is basically native-level, with an accent. I called him an "audiophile" earlier, and then worried that might be a little too obscure vocab-wise, but then he used the word correctly in conversation himself shortly thereafter, so yeah, pretty much native.
Speaking of obscure, on the way back we got talking about a game Philip is playing, Sekiro, which he's playing in Japanese, and he got talking about the funny archaic Japanese they use, like:
御意 (ぎょい) (n) (1) (hon) your will; your pleasure; your wish; (int) (2) certainly; as you say; you are quite right;
Fortunately for me, I recently learned this word via Demon Slayer, so I was able to follow along. Hilariously, Shou said that _he_ had only learned the word himself a couple years ago! So we continued our walk back to the hotel muttering "gyoi" to each other nonsensically about everything. 🥷
Pablo went home, and Philip & Shou came up to get their stuff, and as they were departing we all exchanged "otsukaresama"s (aside: just now realizing that's the first time I've ever done that in earnest...), and then, after a pause, I let loose another "gyoi", which, of course, makes no sense at all. In fact, Shou looked over his shoulder laughing, and said something like "That doesn't make sense but..."
A few minutes later, I decided to go get ice cream and headed to the bathroom first. As I opened the door, I almost bumped into Shou on his way out. We each excused ourselves, and then as he was leaving the bathroom, _he_ threw a "gyoi" back at me, followed again by "Not that that makes any sense...", and I just stood there laughing to myself for a good while. 😂
Another funny thing was that I asked about what the kanji for "Sekiro" (the game's title) was, and we guessed the "ro" was "rou" for wolf, but couldn't come up with the other. After much deliberation with the Japanese staff behind the desk, they arrived at a conclusion, which Shou showed me on his phone, saying it was a kind of weird kanji. I responded "Oh, so, like 'ship'?", and he was like "Yes... You know this one? It's kind of rare." Well, thanks to Heisig's _Remembering the Kanji_ (RTK) and countless hours of spaced-repetition flashcards (https://kanji.koohii.com/) over a decade ago, I apparently still do!
That was peculiar to me, but what's not peculiar to me was that he thought it was crazy that I knew which readings for kanji were onyomi (Chinese-origin) and which were kunyomi (Japanese-origin). This is hilarious, because I'm pretty sure every non-Japanese learner of Japanese is painfully aware of the distinction. ... I guess that one honestly could just be my weird brain too, but I don't think so.
So, that was my evening. Just a really nice time. 🙂
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davishater · 7 months
I'm back to rant about more winter thoughts. So I thought more about the VA's voice for her and how the VA thought "will my voice really suit that character" lol but eventho I would prefer winter with a deeper voice (she has moments in the manga when she would suit a stronger voice imo, like when she snaps at milo) I think it shows her softer side well (especially towards alice) and is a nice contrast. This got me thinking about soft winter and you know those people who grab onto others jacket or hoodie sleeves (me) yeah I just think that would make winter go really soft!! Allow me the indulgence!! Also just think about her voice (like her VA or something a bit different) but with a British accent! After all most of the characters (the moriarty's, Spitz, Elmer) have British accents. Just thinking about it makes me 😵‍💫. OH! You know now that I think about it I think the VAs who voiced James Bonde/Irene Adler from Moriarty the Patriot would suit winter nicely too! That's kind of the voice I imagined tbh!
Lol, I wait for these every day! 😂 There's really no one else I can go crazy about Winter with.
You're right! Her voice really does match the soft side of Winter! Uhhhhggg, now you got me thinking about soft Winter!!!!! 🙈 Ahhhhh my hearts going to explode!!!!! I'm definitely one who would grab the bottom of a shirt/jacket, or the back! When we pull on Winter's clothes, she would be like, "what do you want?" With a tone that sounds a little annoyed, but actually isn't. Then I would at least stay silent/flustered, or say "nothing...." Then Winter would huff and a couple things could happen! Either she'd get flustered herself, or she'd just say/do nothing and walk off with us in tow (to hide her flustered state), ooooo maybe if we're SUPER close with her, she'd take our hand and hold it in hers while looking away!!!! 😍 Not gonna lie, I love the, "I wanna hold your hand, but I don't want others seeing us hold hands, so I'mma just link one finger with yours" trope. Ooooo, would Winter's hands be cold or warm???? I'd say cold, but only because I automatically associate her with anything that metaphorically deals with the winter season.
I've thought about the British accent and pictured her with it so many times!!!! I've also researched a tiny bit to figure out how the English differ in speaking to Americans (idk if this is accurate, but I saw somewhere, that they say cuppa instead of "a cup of tea" and I started crying so hard when I read that, cause it was sooooo cute!!!!! I imagined Winter saying it and I cried even more!!! I thought I was gonna die from the cuteness!)! There was so much information, I got a little overwhelmed, but at some point, I'm going to write a story where you can tell Winter speaks in a British accent! Also, I've spoken with someone from Britain and her accent doesn't sound like what you hear on TV! If I remember correctly, it's because she's from the country and the higher class citizens are the ones who have a stronger accent (someone, PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong!). The Moriarty's would DEFINITELY be high class, so they'd have strong accents! 😆 Idk what kind of family Spitz comes from, but I can see him being lower class, so he wouldn't have a heavy accent (from the recent arc, Night and Alyssa would have heavy accents, the security guard's accent would be so heavy it'd be hard to understand him, I can see Chelsea and Yudi not having as heavy of accents and I think Hutter and Marsh can go both ways.).
Since Winter is really good at disguises, I'm sure she'd be good at accents, so sometimes, I picture us going up to my friends and playing tricks on them by Winter pretending to be a different person and see how long we can trick my friends into thinking Winter is somebody else. I also think Winter would have random (fake) business cards on her and if we ever ran into a business man, she'd pretend she was also trying to promote her (again fake) business. 😂
Also, it doesn't really matter, but I thought Elmer was American? Or is he just working in America?
I've actually only seen the dub for Moriarty The Patriot, so idk how he/she sounds in Japanese. The dub sounds pretty good for if that VA ever voiced Winter (not gonna lie, when I was trying to convince myself Winter was a guy, as a joke, I said Howard Wang could voice Winter, because if he had to do a little girls voice, he could hit it perfectly. 😂 He's voiced cross dressing men and sounds exactly like a girl!).
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chanstopher · 2 years
resending this so i'm really sorry if i miss answering anything from your reply rip jdksdj but hi again dreamy, hope you got better 🥰 it's refreshing looking at someone take it seriously though, most people lightly answer it and, even though i like hearing all kinds of answers, it tell a lot about the person too i believe! i feel like i'd also pick someone who has good survival skills/is a fast learner over someone i'd have to worry about on top of being stranded on an island and thinking about food, shelter communication etc.! then maybe a spare change of clothes? they can be used as bandages, to keep warm if it's chilly/cold & you can alternate between that and what you're wearing instead of sticking to the same set of clothes you arrived in haha as for my final choice, hm... maybe transceivers? something that can help us get in contact with people who can help as i think you can always use wood/leaves/bones as tools/weapons! that is a lovely combination of colours too⏤i immediately imagine a room/interior when people tell me their favourite colour/s and yours is a lovely mainly black/dark grey + whites room with rose gold + slight mustard accents; very elegant & chic! i myself like neutral tones a lot :D but these days i'm into deep greys, muted blues/lilacs and gold! oh and i just saw the languages ask, i must've mixed things up, my bad! but i see, did you learn korean + italian or grasped it/grew up with it? i think english is the only langauage i can say i'm 100% fluent in kdjfdalk but other than that i can speak arabic, enough french and korean to be able to get by if i were to be randomly stranded in the countries, an embarrassingly small bit of chinese despite it being my mother tongue and a teenie tine amount of turkish and swedish. my maternal grandpa knows like 8 languages and he'd speak to us in all of them ever since we were younger so we started understanding a bit of each & my uncle's entire family speaks swedish so we like asking our cousins to speak it 😂 do you like travelling/is there a place you'd like to travel to? oh, and! what's your favourite dessert? - 🌨
oh im glad it came through this time!
most of my apartment is pretty much white and black so you're definitely on to something with your visualization lol i do have a few lighter pinks thrown in but sadly no yellows. most of my decor is like witchy like black cats and moons and things so I don't know how well a lot of color would really work lol
the italian i can speak i learned from my grandfather growing up and i think its starting to leak out of my brain the more i try to stuff korean into it lol korean i've tried to learn through books and videos and things to grasp it so kpop is a little easier to get but i think i have the ability of a like a preschooler lmao so not too helpful but i think i could get myself some basic needs if i was lost in korea fssgd
i havent traveled a lot because its so expensive to go places here, but ive been to disney world before, and nyc a bunch of times. I’d really love to go to australia or new zealand tho! australia has so many sharks and philips island which is supposed to be so cool! and ive been a big lotr nerd forever so new zealand is very big on my list lol
as for dessert im a big cheese cake person and i love tiramisu <3
i cant believe its already almost christmas i feel like we started this so recently!
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darkicedragon · 2 years
More flailing about Tagalog:
'Don't make any audible breaths in pronouncing the ps, ks and ts.' Does it count if we don’t pronounce the ts in the first place. 😂
'Penultimate stress with a glottal catch' ......... I cannot hear the glottal catch in the examples. ......................Oh. Because that’s normal in a Scottish accent. 😂 (I think?)
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Ooooooh, don’t you do this to meeeeeee.
'Okay, once I’m working again, I'll prob only be able to do a chapter a week, and since there’s-' '...' '-FOURTY-FOUR CHAPTERS???'
'There is no exact equivalent for 'excuse me' in Tagalog. However, there are five different ways of expressing it depending on the situation.' FIVE??
Chapter 2: Haha, look at all the different kind of stresses you can have in words, how they’re indicated, and what they mean! Chapter 3: NO STRESS INDICATIONS OVER ANY OF THE WORDS.
'Any noun that is used as the subject of the sentence is always preceded by an article, except in direct conversation and in imperative statements.' ... I need to go back to English learning.
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sheffran · 2 years
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myth-carver · 2 years
Rambly ass liveblogging impressions of Legend of Vox Machina ep 1 Japanese dub by a pro translator
I am literally just copypasting all the stuff I wrote in Discord lol...
so I started ep 1 in Japanese and my first impression is... the person they got to play Vex sounds startlingly like Laura holy shit 😂
the writing in the first couple minutes was ok, they preserved some of the jokes fairly well but ofc some things just don't translate very well
the opening with the LotR type dudes was still pretty funny but the names of the merc groups I didn't feel like they completely succeeded in keeping the joke there, unsurprising since that would be a hard reference to translate
oh I turned on the Japanese subtitles and they're a straight translation of the English rather than being CC of the Japanese dub, damn. I mean that's great for Japanese viewers that want the closest-to-the-original experience that they can get but less helpful for yours truly lmao
writing this down for my own notes/amusement...
Personal pronouns and grammar:
Vax: ore. so far he's bog standard modern Japanese male like you'd hear as the main character of basically anything anywhere lol.
Vex: watashi, speaks kinda femme with ~wa on the ends of her sentences
Pike: watashi or atashi, probably watashi, will listen for another one. grammar is pretty bog standard modern Japanese girl style but it's funny to hear her use ~deshou bc I'd picture her being the type not to break out desu/masu with her friends personally
Keyleth: watashi, so far bog standard modern Japanese female, she feels a little less formal than I would expect
Percy: ore. he's a lot more informal/less old timey-sounding in Japanese than he usually is in English, but tbh there's not a good way to translate the way he talks that wouldn't also make him sound like kind of a weirdo/imply unintended stuff so it's probably for the best
Scanlan: ok he first used boku when seducing the tavern keeper's daughter but when he's alone with VM he uses ore. Boku has got more of a like softer nonthreatening image to it and musical artists often use 'kimi' and 'boku' for their 'you' and 'me' in song lyrics, so I could see him using it on purpose to try to project that 'romantic lead' kind of image lmao. Ore is more what you expect to hear a typical young guy use, it's kind of macho.
Grog: ore, not much to say here, he's exactly what you'd expect a big macho bruiser dude to sound like. He doesn't quite have Travis's funny sideways way of phrasing things unfortunately, it's more standard Japanese. They did not use any dialect or anything to sub for the accent but that sort of thing is hard to translate.
oh my god I got to Scanlan's bedroom scene 😂
they don't really translate the joke in the song alas, like I think it's still a funny scene without it but
"My lady's rose I will pluck/My love it's time for us to (fuck)" got turned into "Kimi no hanabira wa / Mou boku no mono sa" meaning "Your petals now belong to me" or "your petals are now mine" they didn't try to put in a pun here but they did keep the meter and rhyme lmao
amusingly when Percy asks Scanlan to put on some pants, they kept that exact line in Japanese, but "pantsu" in Japanese means specifically underwear so Japanese Percy is asking something a little different 😂
Japanese Scanlan is very polite to the tavern keeper. 😂
I feel like the dub writing is pretty sharp. I haven't checked out the more direct translation in the subtitles yet but they gave the dub script to a competent dialogue writer. the gang is as funny to listen to bantering with each other in Japanese as I would expect Vox Machina ought to be.
ironically in some ways it's easier to listen to than the original cast bc they're just actors doing a job and less self conscious about the fact that they're Acting as their D&D characters lmao
it's not quite the first time the CR gang ever got into a recording booth as Vox Machina but almost lol
lmaoooooo when Keyleth's like "Vex and Vax only care about themselves" Japanese Vex and Vax are like "we'll fucking kill you"
boo when Scanlan's like "I want to bed everyone in the realm" they translated it as "I want to bed every girl in the realm"
not surprised though sigh
they translated the "drain the basilisk" joke pretty directly but Japanese viewers if they're into this kind of cartoon do probably know what a basilisk is so
...ok I really like Scanlan's actor
when he gets on a roll he resembles Sam kinda like 3/4ths of the way lmao and he can do the falsetto shriek thing
and I do feel like he captures the spirit of the original performance pretty well, even thinking about the original tabletop performance
oof they tried on the "introducing Vox Machina" song but that one was a lot rougher than the previous song 😂 I imagine adapting all these songs was probably pretty hard to pull off
oh my god I can't decide if Kima sounds so off bc they're having her use really polite grammar since she's talking to Uriel or if they really just gave her Generic Girl Femme Grammar, god I hope it's the first one
but she used "kashira" ffs
that's like something you expect to hear out of the mouth of the main character's sweet middle aged anime mom who's gonna die in the 2nd scene lmao
....lmao Pike's dubious blessing is funnier in Japanese tbh
I felt like Ashley didn't quite know what to do with the scene in the original version, or maybe the dialogue was just a little off idk? but Japanese Pike flubs it up a little bit and is like "I'm sure everything'll be, uh, super awesome!" that kind of mood 😂
it's the same idea as the original ofc but maybe a little better executed
I'm ngl obviously nothing can beat the original Critical Role cast when it comes to the actual voices, but I kind of like the dialogue writing better in Japanese 😂
I think so far my only real gripe with the dub is they should've used Keyleth's speaking style for Pike and Pike's speaking style for Keyleth lmao. neither of them sounds totally off, it's not super bad or anything, but Pike sounds a smidgen more goody two shoes than she should and Keyleth sounds a smidgen less goody two shoes than she should
I'm sure that just comes down to, y'know, the person doing this adaptation is only working off these episodes to interpret who these characters are as people
one thing that is interesting to me is Japanese Percy and Vax are very very close in speaking style
it feels like Vax leans sliiiightly more toward "nice approachable guy in his 20s" and Percy is slightly more clipped/businesslike, but very slight differences at best
ok that's the end of ep 1, I'll probably finish watching the dub later
it is still so surreal to me that you can now watch Vox Machina speaking like 9 different languages 😂
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lowlights · 2 years
Omg hi I wanna do the character match!!
I’m 5’6, 22, just graduated medical school starting my surgery residency in July. I live in New York City, I have two cute (devilish) cats. I’m originally European so I have a terrible English accent (I sound very posh lol) but it does get me a lot of free drinks in the US which is convenient 😂! I’m a terrible introvert, love to read, and autumn is my favourite season 🥰
Hi, darling!! Congrats on your graduation!!!
I want to give you a niche photoshoot-based version of a character, because it was the first thing I thought about as I was reading about you.
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This is not Pedro anymore, ok? This is Ezra.
Post-Prospect, settled Ezra. This is the AU version I imagine has settled in NYC, and probably works in a little shop somewhere. Maybe he's a barista and he learns your orders, never really pushing too hard but always giving you a friendly smile.
He's noticed how busy you are, sometimes rushing in after what must have been hours on your feet. He starts making your order as soon as you step foot in the door, and one of his special talents is to know which one of your orders you need today.
He would totally love your accent, having a slightly out of place one himself. It is definitely something you would bond over initially. He would also be totally infatuated with whatever book you were reading and want to chat about it during his breaks.
I think Ezra would be really good for you because he has excelled at being in social situations and reading the vibe just right - hell, it's kept him alive. So he is veryyyy comfortable taking the lead when you guys are out or with new people, which is a relief. He's also deeply in love with your cats, although one of them remains extremely leery of him. Until Ezra starts sneaking them treats.
Overall, this man would be supportive, fun, and understand what it's like to make the feeling of home wherever you are. And oh- to walk hand in hand with him when the leaves change in autumn? Heaven.
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vixenpen · 4 years
A new foreign student is attending UA and she has a slight sexy hood accent and all the guys and girls are like 👀😏
This is so adorable! Hope you don’t mind that I made her from New Orleans because I think they have such cute and diverse country hood accents. Along with South Florida girls
(Accent example! Excuse my notifications!)
“Alright, listen up, we’ve got a new student. So everybody look alive and welcome her to our class.”
Once you walk in, all eyes are on you. You notice a couple of the boys sitting up straight
A cute blonde with a precocious smile and a runty kid with purple balls for a Mohawk whisper amongst themselves.
You swore you heard the words: “cutie” and “hot, new girl.”
“Nice to meet ya’ll. I’m a new exchange student from America and—“
You caught yourself when you saw their wide eyed expressions.
A few of the boys were gawking.
Sometimes you still slipped up and spoke a little English. You had to catch yourself and start over.
* You let out an apologetic little giggle and bowed. “Gomen ne. Omai wa, y/n-desu. Watashi wa koukan ryugajusei de America kara kimashita. New Orleans to be exact. O ai dekite kōeidesu!”
* You grinned. Your twangy accent made you slur a few words and you had accidentally defaulted to English for a second, but aside from that, your Japanese was near perfect.
* The bell sounded
* “Thank you, y/n, that’s lunch. You all get out of here.” Aizawa dismisses then tiredly, before zipping himself back up in his sleeping bag and falling back over.
* As soon as you gathered your things to head for the door, it seemed like you were being bombarded like a celebrity
* “Hey y/n,” a toothy kid with red hair that was as pointy as his teeth walked up next to you, “wanna sit with us at lunch?” He jerked his thumb towards a group of other boys and one cute pink skinned girl.
“Oh! Sure.”
* “You should, we’re better than any of these other losers around here anyway.” A mean looking blonde added, nudging the redhead out of the way to fall in step with you.
* “C’mon Kacchan, that’s mean.”
* “Fuck off, Deku, who the fuck asked you?!”
* The cute freckled boy ignored him. “H-hi, I’m Midoriya,” he reached for your hand, and scratched the back of his head. “Heh, I-l learned from All Might that most Americans shake hands. Hope it’s not too forward.”
* You giggled. What an absolute cutie. “No it’s fine. Nice to meet you Midoriya.”
* He beamed. “Same. So it’s cool that you’re from America. I really like your accent. Do you know any American heroes? Also how did you learn Japan-“
* “Alright, alright, Midoriya, enough with the questions. You’re gonna scare the lady off.” The blonde with the black streak cut in, throwing an arm around you. “So, y/n-chan, tell me about yourself, preferably in English. What are your hobbies, favorite food, favorite color, what are you lookin’ for in a man?”
* “Well...”
* Now a guy with glasses interjected. He was waving his arms like a crossing guard. You dodged to avoid getting hit.
* “Kaminari, you’re being inappropriate! Yes y/n has a beautiful voice, but let’s allow her to save it for English class next period. I apologize for my classmate’s behavior, y/n-San.” He bowed.
* “It’s quite alright. Thank you.”
* “Oh god her voice,” the purple midget squeaked. “Say something else, my queen say anything else.”
* “Stop humping my leg, you cretin.” You sneered are him and kicked him off. He went flying face first into a locker.
* “Like music to my ears.” He muttered.
* Basically the rest of your lunch period was spent with that chaotic energy and attention
* “Y/n, say something in English.”
* “What’s up you guys’ English obsession?”
* “Screw that, say something in Japanese! It’s so hot.”
* “Umm..Arigatou?”
* “Does everybody where you’re from have such a cute accent?”
* “What part of America is New Orleans in?”
* “If all the girls look and sound like you, I’m taking my work study there this summer!”
* Basically the 1A boys spend the rest of the day trying to get you to talk and practically swooning every time you open your mouth until the girls graciously rescue you.
* You seemed like you could use it! 😂
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Previously on Lili reads Rogue Elements: [1] [2]
Remember how I always go on about how we all in this fandom share about 2.7 braincells and constantly come up with the same ideas? Well. TURNS OUT IT'S UNIVERSAL!
(Slightly spoilery details under the cut. tl;dr: I was really worried I wouldn't agree with how the author writes Rios’s character, and his friendship with Raffi, and the origin of his ship, but so far, I AM DELIGHTED!!)
Remember when the show first came out and several people (though I can't say who anymore) said that the holos' accents were a little over the top because they're not "a person with an Irish/English/Scottish/American accent" but "Cris Rios doing a not-super-convincing Irish/etc. accent"? Turns out: Miller had exactly that same idea! Completely amazing!
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I still haven't met the holos, but... Rios gets supremely drunk one night, drunk enough he doesn't remember anything the morning after, and... I am VERY certain we're gonna find out soon that on that fateful night, he made certain... additions to his ship. I have to admit I was glad to be in a car on the highway while it was happening, because I was scream-queeing about it SO LOUDLY 😂🤣
Context for those not aware:
Raffi, of course, is the one getting Rios a bunch of his assignments and trying to get him to meet people and so far, their interactions have been "bickering over the subspace comms" and... see what I mean about the same things cropping up again and again?
It's like... yes, these are very low-hanging fruit. These scenes aren’t at all far fetched or exotic, they are very straightforward given what we know about the characters. But the fact they're showing up in the book shows that everyone, from the RPers to the fic writers to the "professional" fic writer reads these characters similarly and it makes me extremely happy!
There's a bunch more moments where I thought "ah yes! This scene is very similar to that particular fic, or this WIP of @regionalpancake​ 's I was privileged enough to get a glimpse of, or this WIP of mine that has been languishing in the drafts for I-wanna-say-an-age...” And it's not even because we're inspired by each other, it's just parallel evolution, people coming up with the same ideas, but they are AMAZING ideas, so it's just wonderful to see!!
On a slightly more broad note: It's humbling when you're listening to an "official" story and can go "hmmmmm no, there is no loading ramp there. Actually those wings are somewhere else. When you say the ship 'isn't that old', do you mean in like... the galactic sense? Because 50 seems old, even for a freighter starship...."
I just... look, I have invested a ludicrous amount of time into investigating every little snippet of this ship. I have no expectation any writer do even remotely the same, write Sirena however big or small you want! It's just kinda fun to realize that I actually know a lot of this stuff and notice when someone is, say, working from an old set of images :D
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(The Engine Room Door Is A Lie!)
Also: MY GOD THE BANTER IS EXCELLENT!!! There is so much banter! And it is so frigging funny! I love it so much!
And finally: Raffi is friends with the main crime boss and so far, everyone has been a bit vague about what exactly their relationship is. Then the crime boss shows up and she's a very refined older lady who keeps calling Rios "honey" and "sugar" and "baby" and who knows her own mind and has fun but won't take any shit. And I'm sitting here like: "Oh. Raffi and her are friends. I see what she would see in her..."
Anyway. I'm fairly sure I'm gonna end up reading through the night 🙈 Sooo much book still to go!!
But so far, I'm having a phenomenal time!
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sothischickshe · 4 years
What’s the dumbest thing an american has said to you? (and tag other non-americans)
Oh aNON, this is such a great question 😂
I feel like whatever the true answer is, I've repressed it deep deep down but some highlights which spring to mind:
Very politely attempting to convert whatever measurements they're speaking of to metric bc I am an european™️... Except im English, and I feel like if you thought about it for a second, a glimpse of world history would suggest from whence the imperial system came...
Just absolute full on fucking hysterics at Britishisms, like I think this chick mightve done herself permanent damage cackling when I said 'corridor' one time...? Like yes I might snort at a couple of Americanisms but it's not THAT funny, ppl call things different things, chill down
Pronunciation of French loan words (croissant, nougat, niche etc). Ouch.
'we say cheers to mean thanks too.' ???? You do not??? Not sure what was going on here, trying to seem cool??? (Lord that guy was hot, but also big dumb)
Just anything that implies a complete lack of understanding that the rest of the world, like, exists
No you HAVE to try this it's a pumpkin double ipa (???? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮)
Taking me to weird fast food versions of European food and insisting they know everything about the cuisine based on this (um)
Referring to like the 24 hour clock as military time (????)
Assuming American sign language is universal (honey the clue is in the name)
Assuming that when we tic on 'if that's all right?' to statements that we're actually asking that question and require a response (????)
'ew this pasta isn't even cooked' (sweetheart this is al dente.... Maybe don't bother going to Italy if this upsets you)
Trucking with ridonculous national stereotypes, like OBVIOUSLY I love queueing n talking bout the weather, but no it's not downtown Abbeyville or whatever
'are they speaking english?' in response to like a scouse or Scottish or whatever accent
Insistently referring to ppl or things as 'british' (sometimes it's appropz, but a lot of the time you probs mean English, or indeed perhaps scottish or welsh or whatevs)
Not believing in prawn
Tagalagging @jazillia007 @bourbon-ontherocks @missmaxime @riosnecktattoo @jade-marie @bathroombreaks & anyone who wants to play!!!!!
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