#he would be such a good extroverted buddy
writa-anon · 3 months
Francis Mosses (The Milkman) Headcanons ~!
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a / n ~ havent written fanfic in a while and ive been a little obsessed with tnmn recently so i decided to write my little hcs for milkman! relatively wholesome and more just me giving him lore :3
GREW UP AS A MIDDLE CHILD, which is why he's so reserved and quiet. Doesn't really like the spotlight on him and lives his quaint life by himself satisfied.
TOOK PIANO LESSONS WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER. Still has that skill but typically doesn't like to flaunt. Has a humble old piano in his apartment he plays but very softly to not disturb his neighbors.
HE WORKS ANOTHER JOB AT NIGHT, WHICH IS WHY HE’S ALWAYS SO TIRED. His milkman job is a part-time job, hence why he rarely shows up during doorman afternoon shift. I'd like to think he works double to either help support his parents, child support for Anastasha, or saving up to buy a house of his own.
BIG SOFTIE FOR SMALL CREATURES. When he does his milkman runs around the block, he definitely pets the local strays and feeds them spare crackers he may have packed for lunch. He wishes he could keep one but doesn’t really have the time and plus the apartment complex doesn’t allow pets because of doppel precautions!
HES A BIT OF A MESS. but if he's not sleeping throughout the day, he definitely makes an effort in cleaning his place up and making a proper meal for himself. On overwhelming workdays though, his clothes are scattered everywhere and it's quick and easy meals for dinner.
HES A DISTANT FATHER. there's no way he ISN’T in contact with Nacha. They live in the same complex for crying out loud! He knows he's the father of Anastasha, however, was too scared to take on the responsibility of fatherhood, esp since this was in his early 20s. However, he does keep in contact with Nacha about updates and they are still on speaking terms.
BARELY SOCIALIZES WITH NEIGHBORS. He isn't necessarily buddy-buddy with any of his neighbors, however there is some acquaintance with Angus and Izaack (mainly because of their extroverted personalities, they must be known by everyone in the complex!).
SUPER SHY to physical affection or any type of affection for that matter. I feel like it would take a good while for him to do any sort of first moves. He would do a little secret admiring from afar just to warm up to it. Nothing too intense. Maybe leaving a rose or a nice compliment on the front desk while no one is looking. Definitely had to be hyped up by Isaack to go through with it. (I’m currently writing a fic about it!)
short but detailed. these are just my little thoughts :)
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yourmaidsp · 7 days
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East Park Mega Mix 東方公園設定合集 v0.012
-(Under construction)
-(6/30/24 update: v0.012 added design link to character names)
Loosely based on the author's childhood in Nanjing China. Contains foul language n stuff, and several failed attempts to write humor.
Basically South Park in China(and possibly more East Asian places in furure?)
Written when drunk, not suitable for anyone.
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The Town 東方公園
A small riverside town, approximately here:
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Looks like a friendly place, but some said weird things tend to happen here, it might be a rumor though, at least I hope so :)
Characters 主角
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(M4 waiting at the bus stop.)
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Stan 馬斯坦
Height: 1.5m
Hometown(Origin): Nanjing
Uniform: Washed very clean, but doodled on the back and inside.
Hobbies: listening to music, playing games.
Favorite subjects: sports, music, computer science.
Hated subject: Mathematics.
SOT: Guan Yu
TFBW: Toolshed
A native of Nanjing, he occasionally spoke with a southern Nanjing accent. He was mostly an extrovert, but actually not good at expressing his true feelings. Kyle moved next to his house when he was only 3 and the two became good friends since then.
During class, he would secretly stuffed his earphones into his sleeves, seemingly holding his cheeks while listening to the lecture but was just listening to music.
His competitive spirit was a bit strong, and he had a little friction with Craig, head of the other gang, which might cause some trouble later.
He loved animals, and when he saw stray kittens and puppies on the roadside, he would share his breakfast with them.
He had a typical middle class family. His father, Randy, worked for the Institute of Paleontology, and his mother, Sharon, was a acupuncturist at the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Occasionally, he would sit on the back seat of his father's bicycle and go to work with his dad on weekends.
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Kyle 布凱爾
Height: 1.62m
Hometown(Origin): Mohe, Heilongjiang
Uniform: Washed exceptionally clean and kept the label
Hobbies: playing games, social work
Favorite subjects: computer science, English
Hated subject: None (after all, he was a study committee)
SOT: Liu Bei
TFBW: Human Kite (Swallow Kite)
He was overly serious about everything and had a strong thirst for knowledge, so he would be occasionally irritated when he did not understand the situation.
The family moved from the Northeast a long time ago, and he grew up with his neighbor Stan, the two were very close. So even as the class study committee, he would not snitch on his buddies when they skipped class and went to internet cafe.
His younger brother Ike was found by the Songhua River back at his hometown. His true identity was unknown, and didn't look local.
He was often on cleaning duty, so he wore armpatch.
His parents were teachers and have stricter requirements for their children on weekdays.
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Eric 卡埃裏
Height: 1.54m
Hometown(Origin): Nanjing
Uniform: On the inner part of the left sleeve is a list of people he hates
Hobbies: Snacks, Debate
Favorite subjects: Art, Chinese
Hated subject: English
SOT: Cao Cao
TFBW: Tanuki (It seems that there are no wild raccoons in China)
A troubled kid in the eyes of teachers.
He aspired to be the new mascot of snack milk.
Single parent household, and his mother worked in a pedicure shop. She spoiled him too much, and even made him shoes.
A hole was secretly drilled on his desk for eating spicy Latiao during class.
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Kenny 麥肯尼
Height: 1.5m
Hometown(Origin): Nanjing
Uniform: His brother's old ones, and when it's not cold, he would tie the sweater around his waist.
Daily preference: Snacks
Favorite subjects: music, mathematics, natural sciences
Hated subject: Social practice (he doesn't have the money to participate in extracurricular activities)
SOT: Sun Quan (Fem!)
TFBW: Mysterion
His family lived in a famous nail household nearby, and he wore his brother's old school uniform to school. If he didn't have enough lunch, he would recycle the trash from the class, and then use the money he earned to buy cheap snacks such as Latiao.
His house was infested with weasels which became his pets eventually.
She wanted to play the princess of Wu Kingdom when playing SOT, but because her sister Karen already called this character, she played the Leader of Wu Kingdom instead — a fem! version of Sun Quan (used she/her pronoun when playing).
Often died and came back to life, no one in the world will remember it. But somehow, Damien, the transfer student, and the weasels at his home could sense something's wrong with him.
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Butters (Leopold) 小黃油 (史利奧)
Height: 1.55m
Hometown: Xiamen, Fujian
Uniform: Zippers goes up all the way to the top, he follows the school dress code strictly
Hobbies: painting, reading
Favorite subjects: music, art
Hated subject: Chinese
SOT: Xiahou Dun
TFBW: Marjorine Chaos (Fem!)
Butter is his nickname, according to some superstition a dumber nickname would make your kid grow up more healthy.
There was a lot of pressure at his home, and he would be immersed in his own world to avoid said stress. He was inspired by Kenny when they were playing SOT, so decided to play as Marjorine during TFBW(used she/her pronoun when playing).
Height: 1.55m
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Wendy 泰溫蒂
Hometown: Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Uniform: Regular. (Would tie her hair into a pony tail when they have hygiene inspection )
Hobbies: reading books, exercising
Favorite subject: English
Hated subject: none
SOT: Zhuge Liang (Male!)
TFBW: Customer Service
Class monitor, perfectionist.
Was besties with Bebe.
Was voted then cleverest kid in school, so when they played SOT he was Zhuge Liang, the smartest guy in Chinese history (used he/they pronoun when playing)
More Characters to be updated when designs are out... stay tuned! heehe
(Under construction, to be continued- )
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kifkay · 2 months
Winx & Specialists Dynamics that are so Precious to me
it makes sense that in the show, winx and their non-boyfriend specialists don’t interact much. but!! i’m very insane about codependent found families, and I want them all to love each other. so here’s my take on some tet-a-tet dynamics:
rare pairings:
Musa & Timmy: childhood frenemies. they used to go to the same middle school on Melody, and as type-A tweens do, had an intense, “you’re the only person I match myself to” kind of rivalry. they lost contact after Timmy moved away, chilled out considerably, reconnected in Alfea and had a wonderful banter-filled friendship since. because of how fast they slotted back into a friendship, some of their classmates genuinely thought they were siblings.
Tecna & Riven: got up from a rough patch. from “I dislike you but we both love Musa, so we have to be civil” to “you have more depths to you than I expected” to “now that I understand you, I can’t help but admire certain things about you” to “bitch, you are the only person who is as weird and clueless as I am, ARE YOU READY TO GO TO THE ARCADE AND ANNIHILATE KIDS FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES”
Flora & Brandon: little sister, older brother vibes. of similar temperaments and views, they enjoy spending time over a cup of tea — talking about everything and nothing. it’s therapeutic, almost.
(no one in the group knew that Brandon and Flo were good friends. once, when the two had to team up during a mission, Bloom couldn’t even finish saying: “it would be a good opportunity for you to get to know each ot-“, before the specialist-fairy duo were re-creating the most complicated and choreographed hand shake ever. jaws were on the floor.)
Aisha & Brandon: they are sporties, and they like doing sport things together! they don’t talk aside from exchanging brief encouragements and advice while out, preferring to spend their time in companionable silence. sorta like those dads who never talk to their buddies, but somehow have the strongest and longest bonds ever?
Helia & Bloom: artist besties. Bloom drags Helia out on picnics, where they practice observational drawing (and tiktok trends that Bloom desperately wants to reenact but none of the winx are good at arts); Helia responds by taking her out to see art museums in Magix. it’s a fun dynamic of Bloom being the bubbly gold retriever, and Helia being her black cat.
Tecna & Sky: they didn’t have much of a relationship until year 4. somehow, they both got really, intensely into weaponsmithing and built a joint workshop. they found that they enjoy working alongside each other and value each other’s insights. sky goes to tecna when he needs frank, un-sugarcoated advice, and tecna accompanies sky on hikes and other spirited adventures, for “bonding activities” (because he told her she doesn’t get out of her comfort zone enough). it’s a relationship of deep mutual respect.
Sky & Stella: childhood friends. they knew each other as children and enjoyed playing together (which is how Stella also knew Brandon pre-Red Fountaine). at least, until Stella was unofficially banned from Eraklyon because shenanigans, and they lost contact. they still jokingly call each other “My Lady” and “My Lord”.
Stella & Nabu. Both are flirty and extroverted people, who enjoy the spirit of showmanship. They have a friendly rivalry going of who can fluster the villain of the week the fastest.
canon bf-gf dynamics (dating in canon, open to interpretation otherwise):
Bloom x Sky: liked each other since the first meeting; bonded over being the friend group moms. (on unrelated note: bloom gentle parents her friends, while sky goes all exasperated cig mom on his team and repeats things like: “you better go to sleep right now, or so help me Dragon I will take away your Owl pilot privileges-“)
they are not the most outwardly affectionate couple of the winx, yet they are so wordlessly devoted to each other. sky will follow bloom to the ends of all dimensions, when she gets a calling from powers as mystical as she. bloom will always believe in him and see him as his own man, unlike the many who see him only as his father’s son. they were entwined by fate, long before one had met the other; yet, there’s the trust, the respect, the faith so strong — that could have only come from friendship forged and tested by fire.
Stella and Brandon: the hottest power couple; sole reason behind 60% of all student fairies/specialists/witches queer awakening.
they banter all. the. goddamn. time. these dorks are speaking a whole different language.
they are also most comfortable in each other’s company, being able to be their genuine, less polished selves. stella and brandon are both performers bred and born, playing the roles of a noble princess and a knight. it’s nice, to have a safe reprieve from all that acting.
Aisha and Nabu. their love was one that sneaked up on them. their distance, set by a discomfort at the idea of an arranged marriage, bridged as they transitioned from being reluctant comrades to friendly rivals to unwilling friends to best friends to “if someday the moon calls you by your name, don’t be surprised — because every night I tell her about you”
Tecna and Timmy: partners in crime, ride or die, sunny faith in each other — even when the other person doesn’t believe in themself. I have a whole post about them, go read that ;)
Flora and Helia: they are so. they are. they-
icons. the most romantic couple, the one that sets the standards, the one that gives their friends advice. they are extremely attentive to each other’s needs and tender with each other’s feelings.
flora can recite helia’s poems in her sleep, and trace his drawings with her eyes closed. helia brings mielle presents every time he stops by. flora has tea with helia’s dad every other tuesday; she keeps note of every time helia and saladin are supposed to meet up, to be able to whisk helia away after and distract him from his troubles. helia knows how to care of flora’s plants, and sends her lovingly assorted gift baskets semi-regularly.
Musa and Riven. their relationship is push and pull, is joy then sorrow.
it’s all in a drag of a cigarette, in the vortex of a starless night, in the hoarse laughter. “of all the people in the world, why did it have to be you?” she’ll say and smile.
“ I’m afraid we’re doomed, lover,” he’ll reply, faux-casually, and smile back. both of them will know it’s the truth.
their relationship was not built to last, not for the lack of love or try. maybe they were too similar — both headstrong, unbending, bleeding hearts. maybe they were just different enough not to understand their hurts. nevertheless, it was not built to last — but neither of them would ever bring to regret it. love prevails, no matter in what form in comes, or something like that.
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 3 months
More random hcs please, they are amazing
Thank you !! There you go ✨ (here's : part 1)
More random things I like to hc :
- When she's training, Diana listens to binaural beats claiming that it gives her the opportunity to train and meditate simultaneously. "It's an incredible time saving.", she'd say. Bruce would roll his eyes.
- Oliver and Hal would beg Batman to install a confessional in the Watchtower, like in reality shows. Because he obviously refuses, they'd stand in front of any security camera and use them as one, rambling on and on about the other members.
- Dick is a total extrovert. When he has some time to recharge in between day work and night vigilantism, he lets off steam in nightclubs. He took Tim (who-recharges-when-alone™) once : he hated it.
- Most of the time Dinah would show up at meetings with sunglasses to look "mysteriously cool". Actually, she can't sleep at night.
- Booster would definitely refer to himself in the third person.
- Clark being Bruce's personal masseur is one of their rituals. Whenever his super senses notice a specific tenseness in Batman's body, Clark would end up joining him in the batcave and giving him a massage session. Bruce would just accept it without a word (wrote a fic for this one : https://archiveofourown.org/works/56392753).
- When he's not the one leading the meeting, Batman is usually snacking on a bag of nuts.
- Alfred has a workshop in the manor where he makes pottery. He makes bat-shaped objects that everyone in the Batfam loves. He made mugs, plates, jars, etc.
- Booster would use Skeets as a soundboard to accompany his every actions and illustrate his jokes. Shayera lost her temper once and broke Skeets in half. No worries, Victor helped repair him, although it was still a traumatizing experience for Booster.
- Hal has a collection of Top Gun goodies. At some point, Bruce brought him the original G-1 jacket from Tom Cruise for his birthday.
- Batman is absolutely excellent at everything he puts his mind to, except the absolute purge that is the game Sekiro. It started when Tim was raging while playing the game. Bruce passed behind him and let out a fatherly "You should learn how to control your emotions better, Tim.". Cue Tim challenging him to play. Then, there remained Batman cursing at a screen, desperately replaying a boss fight for the nth time.
- Booster and Ted have this promise that if neither one of them gets married at a certain age, they'd marry each other. Although, Ted is still looking for love, Booster is satisfied with the idea he'd end up marrying Ted.
- Oliver's neck is very often covered in hickeys.
- Constantine and Alfred are actually good buddies. They facetime a lot when Alfred is busy in the kitchen and John has some free time. That's how John knows so much about Bruce.
- The batfam plays a game where they make up elaborate life stories for strangers they encounter in public. Using their detective skills, they later discover the real stories and the winner is the one whose made-up backstory comes closest to the truth.
- Sometimes, Victor and Clark play football together. They both loved it in the past and they both lost the opportunity to commit and progress in the field. It's just the two of them, but it still helps heal their inner teen.
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tofu83 · 2 months
The Followers:
The mysterious nightclub
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"Who are you!?" Adam exclaimed and subconsciously took a few steps back. "How do you get in?"
The man’s every muscle was delineated beneath the skintight rubbersuits, his eyes were concealed behind black visor, his face was expressionless.
He answered in a masculine, emotionless but somehow familiar voice to Adam. "I am Mike."
Adam was shocked. He and Mike were good friends from high school. Now they were roommates and both juniors in same college. Adam’s major was in Information Engineering but Mike’s was History. Adam was introverted but Mike was extroverted. They were so different but that’s couldn’t influence their friendship.
This guy was obliviously older and muscular than his friend. Yet there were some features similar to Mike. Adam would guess this is Mike’s elder brother if in other situations.
"Mike" kept going toward the kitchen and face the refrigerator.
"Need food." He took out a fish and started to bite it.
"That’s not sashimi!" Adam grab the fish from Mike and throw it to the sink.
"You can’t stop me." Mike said and moved robotically to the sink.
"Buddy, you are freaking me out!" Adam tried to pull him back but Mike turned to face him.
At this moment, Adam saw there were tears from Mike’s eyes.
"You're crying?"
"Hel…"Mike stopped answering and started turning around to the sink.
"Fine!" Adam pulled Mike’s visor down from his eyes.
Mike screamed then hold his own head and yelled, "it’s…it’s….ahhh! Tied me up! Hurry! Away from water! Quick!"
Moments later, Mike’s hands and legs were tied up with towels to a corner of his bed.
"Now you tell me what’s going on! You told me you were out to a nightclub but you come back like this? Wait, are you really Mike?"
"It’s me! I am…errr" Mike was sweating and shaking his head, "damn! That’s not just a nightclub, there are some ancient relics in the basement. And the relics…ah" Mike kept moaning, he seemed to trying to continue the sentence but failed.
"Ok, you relaxed and I call the police or ambulance."
"Nooooo! You can’t do that or there will be more victims!"
"Alright, you relax and calm down. I'll do some quick research to figure out what you experienced."
Adam suspected Mike smirked evilly for a second, but that might be an illusion.
"Useless, I did research before I went there. Nothing! Just some rumors sounded like jokes."
"You suddenly become normal and calm?"
"'It’s is relaxing! I am still fighting its influence!"
"What is IT?"
"I…I can’t say its name or…" Mike stopped, and face became painfully.
"You will bear pain or panic or something bad, right?"
Mike nodded.
"The only way I can figure out what happened is to go there by myself, right?"
Mike nodded again but tried to force out the voice to say, "don’t…"
"I will do anything to help you. You can’t stop me."
"No, not that." Mike paused and said, "don’t go now, it’s already morning." And he collapsed to sleep.
Adam smiled, he knew Mike would never stop making jokes even he looked like a shit.
Mike slept all day till next midnight. Adam waked him up.
"Good night! How do you feel now?"
"Good enough!"
"May I untie you now? Aren’t you hungry or thirsty?"
"No! It's night again and I’m afraid it will be back to my mind again! I’m not hungry but a bit thirsty."
"Okay."Adam put a kettle with straw of water by Mike. "Well, I am going."
"Good luck!"
"You don’t stop me?"
"We always can’t stop each other, right?"
Adam gave back a smile and went out.
After Adam closed the front door, Mike smirked and effortlessly tore the towels bound him. He picked up the kettle, stood up, drank all water and threw the kettle away. His expression was blissful, his eyes were soon covered by black visor emerged from nowhere.
"You did a good job." A voice whispered in his mind.
"It’s my honor."
"Receive your reward."
"Thank you, Master." Mike felt the pleasure spreading through all his body and concentrating on his groin. He cum with silent moaning because "Master" didn’t allow him to make noise now.
He felt hungry after his reward was finished. The body was not strong enough. He took the fish from refrigerator and ate it all. The body became even bulkier and was filled with energy.
He needed to be stronger. He was Master’s loyal follower and a guard of the cult. He was proud to trick his friend to go to the club. His master needed more followers.
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Adam felt nervous when walking in the alley. Although he would do anything to help his friend, he was still the guy afraid of social interactions. The feeling of being watched was so strong that he kept looking around to make sure there was no one stalking him. The only thing let him feel not so bad was the neon lights. That made this place a bit like the futuristic city in cyberpunk themed video game.
As being closer to the targeted nightclub, he found the surrounding area becoming even stranger: there were only men in this area and most of them were in good shape, wearing black rubber suits and black visors.
Just like Mike.
"We are same…" a voice whispered and Adam suddenly found that all men in black rubber stared at him. He was almost frightened to fell.
"Don’t be afraid, come…" the voice whispered and Adam was calm down and saw all men were doing their own thing or just walking past. Was it an illusion? He turned around and faced a hunk, who also wear black rubber skintight suits and visor.
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The bouncer looked at Adam without saying a word, his blank expression, crewcut hair and stubble face made him seem hard to get close to. Adam was too scared to move but could only look into the mirrored black visor and saw himself looking back. His mirror image was distorted by the ripples created in the center of the glasses. It made him feel strange and dizzy.
"You, pass."the bouncer suddenly said and made Adam a little bit shocked.
"Welcome, brother." the bouncer opened the door and let him in.
He didn’t know why the bouncer called him "brother" but he felt comfortable when he heard that.
"New brother arrives" the bouncer talked to his wrist, looked like talking to somebody through a beeper, and then stood up straight, smiled in bliss. Obviously, he was enjoying his reward.
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"Holy shit! What’s that!" Adam was scared by what he saw inside and intended to get out but the front door was locked.
No, he could not run away. He came to find out what happened to Mike and to figure out how to help his buddy. So he turned back to face that "thing".
It was a huge black "egg"hanging on the ceiling and was wrapped in plenty of big black octopus tentacles, all smooth, shining and reflecting neon lights from the environment.
The luster of the egg attracted him to move closer without realizing it. His mirrored image on the egg was clear and thin but it became vaguer and thicker when he moving. The surface of the egg seemed to be made of rubber, and was pulsating rhythmically. Adam also heard a humming noise coming from the egg, he couldn't stop himself from putting his ear to the big egg and listening. The egg was as warm as Adam’s body, and the nerd could swear there was a male moaning inside. Before he reacted, the moaning became speaking…
Adam tried focus on the words disturbed by the white noise, which was also in the egg.
When Adam heard the keyword, he suddenly realized that he was in a trance, as if he was hypnotized. He was sweating profusely.
He came here to find a way to help his brother, he could not let himself also…Wait! Why did he call Mike brother? He was shocked but even stunned by the mirror image on the egg.
It was Mike smiling back at him!
"We are same…" the voice whispered again.
Adam now found that there are not only one egg but many ones in the night club. Each had a mirrored image of man on surface. He seemed to saw these man before. They probably were those men in the alley because he was sure one of them was the bouncer at the front door.
Then the images of men all morphed into same guy: Adam. But these Adams’ body were sculpted and cladded in black rubber, their hairs were trimmed short, their eyes were blank and they smirked at him.
"Join us, we are brothers, we are same, we are one…."
"No!" Adam screamed in horror and run throughout the club to search the stairs led to the basement. Mike had told him there was something in the basement and that could be the key to the mystery.
Suddenly, a part of wall morphed into a hole and he fell into it, slid down a slide and fell into a puddle of water.
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"Fuck!" He struggled to stand up and saw a giant cephalopod creature floating in the midair. This time he was too scared to move or scream.
"Come to me," the creature whispered in the air but it’s loud in Adam’s mind. "My child…."
"No…" Adam turned back subconsciously but found he was no longer in the club!
He was in the street he came through to the club. There was no body, no life, no sound, only himself. He felt panic, lone and cold. He wanted to run but didn’t know where to go.
The giant octopus-like creature was still floating on the air and even larger than before. Its whispering became very loud and striking Adam’s mind strongly.
"Come to me, in the water…"
Water came from all directions and flooded the entire street. Just when he thought he was drowning, the scene changed again.
He was standing on the rocky shore of the sea, and the sea that should have been rough was calm. The setting sun was warm and seemed to guide him in the direction: "Sinking into the water. Just like the sun."
"Into the water…" he spoke to himself in unison with the whispers of the creature, and and leapt from the shore.Again he felt like he was drowning but this time he actually lost consciousness.
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When he woke up, he found himself in a dark space and felt something sliding back and forth on him.
He looked down and found that he was naked and there were many octopus tentacles "stroking" his well-defined body. He was not a sports person, not fat, but his body type was definitely not so good. Admiring his new body and being caressed by the tentacles, he became erect.
"You like it…"the creature whispered.
Yes. Adam thought but he forgot something. What’s that?
"It’s greeting gift for you to fallow my voice."
Adam tried to remember what he forgot but a tentacle grabbed his erected member and started stroking. It felt too good to think.
"Submit to me and you will get more…"
Submit? How…No! What am I thinking? Why I come here?
"You are my child. That’s why you come to me….Just like your brothers…."
Suddenly a tentacle inserted into his virgin back hole, it was so smooth that let him feel no pain but pure pleasure. The tentacle massaged his prostate and made him in the euphoria he never experienced in life. His vision became blur.
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Gradually there were well built males appearing one by one, standing in water in front of him.
"Brothers…" he was surprised that he addressed these guys "brothers" and didn’t felt wrong.
They all had well-defined bodies with tentacles massaging their muscles. But the difference between them and Adam is they were all in black rubber suits.
"Join us, submit to master…"
Adam unconsciously walked closer to the group of men and suddenly recognized one of them, remembered something.
"Mike!" He hold Mike’s strong shoulders and shake. "I came to help you!"
But Mike remained blank face, didn’t respond to him.
"You looked younger here! If I took you back, you would be normal again…"
"If you wanted to go back, I can’t stop you" Mike suddenly said, "but I can help you stay."
"Don’t you feel so good now?"
Adam felt the tentacle inserted his anus further and those stroking his body and genital became faster. He did actually not move his body yet, he was stilled trapped in the same place by tentacles.
"You will be strong, fearless and positive, all you need is submission"
The tentacles guided Adam’s hand to touch Mike’s body, it’s so hard so manly.
"Join us, be brothers, we share our mind, we improve our physique, we obey master, master help us become better, master is the truth."
Mike’s lips suddenly came close to Adam’s and gave him a deep kiss.
Adam resisted at first because he and Mike were best friends but not gay. However, he gave in very quickly. Good friends hug, good brothers share, they share everything including saliva, so it’s normal to kiss your buddy.
Mike put his tongue into Adam's mouth, and it gradually became longer and thicker, and finally turned into an tentacle.
Adam felt the tentacle from his front and back extended to each other and connected. It’s the moment that every men disappeared, vanished like smoke, including Mike.
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His vision became completely dark, could not see any thing but feel tentacles massaging his digestive tract, caressing his muscles, rubbing his face and something sucking his nipples and phallus hungrily.
And the smell. Smell salty, masculinity, freshly. The smell of the ocean and men. He started to imagine a muscular himself surrounded and squeezed by other muscular men. They were brothers, they loved each others, they were each others, they were all embraced by Master’s arms. The tentacles made him very close to climax and the voice of master whispered.
"Submit. My child. Accept your true form. Follow my lead forever."
Adam felt so good, and he finally understood. He came to find a way to help Mike. But in the end, he was the one need help. Thanks, Mike. Thanks for tricking him to grab the black visor. The visor was absorbed in his hand and the journey to the truth began.
Master is the truth. All men are Master’s children. All men should submit. Master will make each man perfect. Each man is equal. They are brothers, follow Master’s lead.
He submitted. Not only body and thought but also spirit and soul.
"Good child. You have your reward."
Adam reached the most fierce but also most pleasurable climax in his life. He roared like a beast, he knew Master would be pleased if he proved his loyalty out loud.
For a second, he saw himself standing among other muscular males, all in skintight rubber suits. They lowered their head to show submission to the Master.
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On the ceiling of the basement under the nightclub, hang several giant rubber eggs. Tentacles massaged and stroked each eggs, slimy and slippery. Moaning sounds could be heard occasionally from the eggs.
One of them was shaking violently. A small vertical crack appeared and plenty of black goo flew out. The crack became bigger and bigger until the egg shell cracked in half. All remained black goo fell on the ground and there was a naked man kneeling on one knee.
The man’s body was muscular and sculpted, his face was with square chin and five o’clock shadow, his hair short and eyes blank. He slowly stood up. The black goo spread from his toes up and formed rubber boots and pants. Some goo shot to his arms and rubber gloves were created.
The man’s head kept down until the goo covered all from his neck down. The skintight rubber bodysuit outlined his perfect body, glimmering under the led neon lights on the walls.
He walked upstairs to the ground floor. There were also giant black rubber eggs, some merely pulsating, some were cracking, and some already broken, but there was only him alone in the room.
The man’s finger touched a cellphone left on the bar table, the cellphone wrapped in black goo immediately.
"911, what’s your emergency?"
"I am kidnapped! Help!" The macular man used a faked young man voice answered.
"Do you know where you are? Are you safe?"
"I’m safe, for now. It’s a nightclub…" he gave them the address.
"May I have your name please?"
"I am Adam."
"Okay, sir. Our men will be there in 10 minutes, please be calm."
"Hurry!" And he hang on the phone, or more accurately, disconnected the phone.
Adam stood up straight, smiled. He knew he did well as Master ordered him to do so he could enjoy the pleasure throughout his body. When the police arrived, Master might give him the main reward, the first climax after his rebirth.
The visor form on his blank eyes. He walked out and gave a nod to the bouncer. Mike and the bouncer were assigned as guards of the cult and should be more muscular than other followers. But follower like Adam who could arrive to the front of Master, would be assigned as missionaries. They would be given nice looking face and their body would morphed to the most attractive type according to the objects.
Adam walked through the alley, searched target. He had never been so eager to take the initiative to contact strangers. Thanks to Mike for helping him get to know his master. Now with the support of his new brother and the leadership of his master, he had a clear and new goal in life.
"Thank you, master!" He yelled in mind but made no noise in public when enjoying his first main reward at the entrance of alley in the street.
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rotdistressxox · 3 months
Headcanons: The Ghouls first meeting / Developing a crush on you
The Ghoulettes + Mountain version here
• Standoff-ish, is feisty with you at first
• Copia has to remind him to be nice to you since you're still new to the ministry.
• Has a lot of trust issues, but you are patient with him.
• You always greet him with a smile and he just sneers at you. But that doesn't stop you from making an effort for friendship
• One day you do something extra thoughtful and you mend the neck of his favorite guitar when he broke it in a fit of rage. He. Was. Speechless.
• "You did this? But, I've been such an ass to you..." "It's no problem, I know how much it meant"
• His feelings for you did a complete 180. He didn't make any rude face expressions when you smiled at him, he could only look away an blush. Other times he'd just wave.
• His tail wags when he sees you despite his face holding no expression. He has to tuck it in his trousers it gets so bad.
• You complement his long hair and he let's you touch it. His face has never been so red when you leaned closer to run your fingers through it.
• "Fuck, I'm such a pathetic loser. (Reader) would never think of me that way"
• He gnaws at his claws while daydreaming about you
• Warm and welcoming when you first meet
• Instantly becomes friends with you, he's definitely one of the more extroverted ghouls from the rest of the group.
• Finally, he has a work buddy. It's a little exhausting being Copias right-hand ghoul.
• Enjoys your company so much that he asks you to help out with more things around the ministry
• At first he thought he'd only see you as a good friend. But one day he hears you humming one of his favorite songs while in the library. He stays extra silent so you don't know he's there. Fell for you so hard you could compare it to falling down the steps.
• His pointed ears perk up everytime he hears you, smells you, hell, even by looking at you.
• Copia ships you two
• You gave him a little peck on the cheek when he bought you your favorite food while working. He left your office with the widest grin the world had ever seen.
• Never washed his cheek again until Cumulus had to basically hose his face down.
• Puffs his chest out to look more macho, always loves it when you complement his strength.
• Introverted. A ghoul of few words. Doesn't say anything when you first meet, only nods his head.
• As soon as you talk to him, he averts his eyes and keeps conversations short.
• You understand that he doesn't like talking, so you try communicating without words before he's comfortable enough talking to you.
• Seeing him while in a meeting, your eyes met. He was about to look away but you slip him a note from under the table.
• 'hiii, how r u?'
• His heart skips a beat, but he gives you a thumbs up.
• First it was notes, then it was hand gestures and face expressions. Finally, you two started having conversations
• He becomes more confident after you two became friends. Spoke up and had more faith in himself.
• He started crushing when you cared enough to slip him that note.
• Writes songs about you but hides them in his acoustic guitar. (Yes he plays bass, but likes to play acoustic guitars from time to time)
• He LOVES your eyes, he feels enraptured in your gaze.
• Flirty, very flirty
• You can only laugh at his corny pick up lines. That satisfies him enough to know that you have a good sense of humor
• Is naturally very talkative, so it's easy to have conversations with him.
• Continues with using pickup lines on you, honestly he's never had anyone to use them on besides some of his fellow ghouls.
• Until the day comes when you flirt back with him. Satan, that awoke something in him.
• Also, he's very touchy, so he constantly wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your shoulder.
• You think nothing of it since you've seen him do the same with Dewdrop and Phantom. But he's definitely doing it just so the other Ghouls know you're his.
• Loves to show his teeth off for you, you've nicknamed him "Biggy Smiles"
• Quietly purrs when he hears you talk
• The ghouls know how badly he wants you, he talks about you nonstop.
• This man is so down bad. Catch him making up scenarios about you and him. Sounds familiar doesn't it?
• Likes to watch you work from afar, he doesn't want to make his love for you too obvious just yet
• Ah yes, the new guy.
• You were there when he was summoned from the depths of hell.
• The first person he laid eyes on was not Papa, but you. You intrigued him in a way no other human has.
• You were assigned to teach him all of his tasks, introducing him to the other ghouls, and to fit him for his Ritual/concert clothing.
• He is very playful with you, he treats you like a fellow ghoul.
• Follows you around like a lost puppy, still doesn't feel like he fits in. You tell him that he's being silly and that the other Ghouls like him despite what he thinks.
• Well, he also just wants to be with you. He's very protective when he's around you, especially with the more flirty ghouls sneaking glances at you now and again.
• He likes his ghoul friends, but will fight for you if they even think of making an advance towards you.
• He's also a flirt, will tease you when you're working. It's worse when it's at a ritual and he sees you in the front of the crowd. He puts his guitar his shoulder, kneels down, and stares at you while smirking.
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mysteryshoptls · 5 months
SSR Idia Shroud - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Idia: Look at all these dynamic brushstrokes that can only truly be appreciated because they're from a real painting… Fheehee! This is the real thrill of seeing one live!
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Idia: It hits so hard~ In order to rescue a captured comrade, the king himself rushes to the front lines… Oooowee~ Doesn't that just get your heart pumpin'?
???: Indeed… However, is it appropriate for a dutiful commander to leave his base and head to the front lines?
Idia: Eeek!!! Silver-shi!? D-Don't just cut in when I'm talking to myself like that. This is why I can't deal with extroverts…
Silver: My apologies for startling you. I found your comment to be interesting, so I could not help but chime in.
Idia: E-Even if you think it's interesting, don't you think your impression of him was pretty shallow just from this one anecdote...?
Silver: Meaning?
Idia: I-If he was just a minister or something, he coulda just split after setting up the strategy, leaving it to his subordinates to execute everything.
Idia: But he still went to such a dangerous place to stir up morale, because that mission would be the linchpin of the whole battle. So, basically…
Idia: That means his responsibility meter is through the roof!! Wheeew, he's a totally different breed than any naïve and useless politician who just hoists their title around.
Silver: So you're saying that he himself went out there because it was a crucial situation. I would say that he does have an overwhelming sense of responsibility, indeed.
Silver: Hearing your opinion on the matter has allowed me to delve deeper into understanding this painting and its story. You are quite wise.
Idia: S-Sure, yeah~! You should follow my example and study up on things a little better, Silver-shi!
Silver: I will do just that. …However, it feels as though what you said about how other leaders may act had some weight behind it.
Silver: I had heard that you took up the title of Housewarden after being recommended by the previous Housewarden...
Silver: Was that because you had had previous experience as a leader, and were thus therefore chosen for the position?
Idia: Huh!? N-No, nuh-uh, wut are you even talking about? No way, no way… 'Sides, I'm more of a solo player even in my online games, y'know?
Idia: I mean, sometimes I've taken the lead of a party when I absolutely had to for a raid, or something…
Silver: As I expected, you do have experience in leadership.
Idia: It's not that big a deal… I mean, I got a reliable battle buddy who tanks and usually takes the lead.
Idia: Generally, I go for healing or DPS roles. Or more like, I just stack as many buffs as I can to increase firepower.
Idia: But it's not like our schedules always line up, so whenever he's not around, I take the lead… Because I have to!
Idia: It's usually the high-level players with great skills that take on the leader role. And in that case, I've basically maxed out all my stats in every position, so…
Idia: And I can grasp what the scenarios call for, see? And I can also play the tank roles to take charge on the front lines, right???
Idia: "Thanks to you, I was able to clear this high-level quest! I'm so thankful to have joined this party!"
Idia: And I was just taking on the leader role because I had to. I'm just way too good…
Silver: So, those who fought alongside you showered you with gratitude. That just proves even further your leadership capabilities.
Idia: I-I wouldn't go that far― …Or maybe, just a little bit further? H-Hee Fheeheeheehee!
Idia: But also, I don't want to deal with failing a quest because some loser was placed in charge, so.
Idia: So I guess next time I have to put together a party, if my friend isn't available, I'll just have to lead them all again!
Idia: Wheeew, it's hard being so awesome~!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Silver: This is a painting of a lion, warthog, and a meerkat, I see. The three of them are singing a song and seem to get along well.
Idia: Ain't they waaay too upbeat, to be able to sing while walking like that? Like, this painting shows the lion crown prince that was forced to leave his own country…
Idia: It's showing him singing along with some friends he ended up making, while he tries to ignore that pain, right?
Idia: Lucky him, that they chose to glorify his hiatus from his royal duties like this. Tch!
Silver: I've heard that singing can raise one's spirits. Perhaps they all wanted to brighten their own moods.
Idia: Speaking of singing to take your mind off stuff, there was this one time when I was a kid when my little brother was too scared to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night…
Idia: So we would go there while singing the theme song of our favorite anime together.
Idia: Eh, anyway, whatever their reason for singing, having that moon in the background composition like that's super moving. Kinda like what you'd see in an MV.
Silver: Em-vee…?
Idia: Eh… Y-You don't know what a music video is? It's a video recording that goes along with music and lyrics…
Silver: Ah, so you call those MVs. I understand.
Idia: I-If you feel like checking out some MVs sometime, I'd recommend the idol group "Precipice Moirai."
Idia: Premo's MVs are so awesome that you could watch them 100 times and never tire of them…!
Silver: 100 times… That's quite a lot. Is that generally something you'd watch so often?
Idia: A true fan would absolutely! More like, it's way too insolent to think that you could truly appreciate their MV with only one watch!
Idia: The first watch is all about enjoying the song and video in its entirety. The next three times the focus is shifted to checking out each of the three members' dance moves and expressions one by one.
Idia: Next, there's the actual composition of the MV, and digging deep into the actual message of the video… At a minimum, it should be watched ten times.
Idia: On top of all that, Premo's super casual MVs can put even a film director to shame!
Idia: There's no way to fully comprehend their art with only a couple viewings. That's why it needs to be viewed hundreds of times.
Silver: I had no idea their work was that deep… It may prove useful in training me better in emotional expressions, and perhaps could even be incorporated into the academy's music courses.
Idia: N-No, I mean, you don't gotta go that far… But it's great that you know just how awesome they are.
Idia: Even between us Premo fans, there's always those who still don't understand their art at all…
Idia: Every time a new MV comes out, there's always people saying stuff like, "She got the most screen time," or "She's definitely the manager's favorite," and the like…
Idia: But does that have anything to do with the quality of their work? It doesn't, right? They don't care about understanding the heart or essence of the songs.
Silver: I see… I feel as though I have learned a lot from you, Idia-senpai.
Silver: When we return to campus, I will look into, hm… Premo? Yes, Premo's music videos.
Idia: Eh, no way!? S-S-Seriously!? They have all their latest MVs on their official Magicam account!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Idia: Ooh, here's the Sea Witch floating in the darkness… She's got a nice, bewitching smile going, too.
Silver: This is a painting depicting the scene of when the Sea Witch drew up a contract.
Silver: If I recall, it was said that the contract was so unbreakable that even a powerful spear couldn't rip through it.
Idia: I mean, you'd think that just having a contract that doesn't tear apart or bleed ink in water is strong enough...
Silver: Perhaps the contents of the contract was dire enough she did not wish it broken.
Idia: Who cares about the contents, the material of the contract is way more interesting. How high of a defense stat did it even have to not get ripped up by a spear?
Idia: But I totally get it, everyone wants to make invincible things every so often.
Silver: I cannot say I understand, but… What sort of thing would you make, Idia-senpai?
Idia: Like a "game console power cord that can never be taken away," or something like that… A-Actually, I tried to make something like that when I was a kid.
Idia: Whenever I'd play video games all day and into night, my mother would end up hiding all my cords.
Idia: If all she did was hide them, I could just make myself a new one, but she'd hide the cord materials as well. Totally overboard!
Idia: So I had a thought. I had to do something so she couldn't hide it!
Silver: I can only imagine your mother was concerned for your health… Did you never consider quitting your games?
Idia: Why would I? Ahh, but I really did burn the midnight oil like a little worker bee back then.
Idia: Like, I'd put a motion sensor on it, so that the cord could automatically run away from whoever was holding it...
Idia: Or I'd make the cord transparent so it couldn’t be found, or attach a homing function to it so it'd come back on its own…
Idia: And finally, after many failed attempts… I finally did it…!
Silver: I do not really comprehend what that is, but… It is amazing that you invented something with your own two hands.
Idia: Nope, not at all.
Idia: My family also has a real stubborn genius, and every time I came up with some tech, it'd quickly get shot down by some kind of countermeasure...
Idia: And it took me a few months of that game of cat and mouse before I realized I should just convert my game console to wireless.
Idia: Hmph… But the peace and quiet that came from switching to wireless didn't last long at all...
Idia: Soon after, the Final Boss appeared: a device capable of disabling all wireless tech within a 10-meter radius!
Idia: Well, all the experience I got developing the motion sensing and automatic functions helped when I was putting Ortho together…
Idia: So I guess all that trial and error wasn't for nothing.
Silver: Even if you can picture your ideal outcome, it is rather difficult to actually put into action.
Silver: However, you have made real many of your thoughts. I can respect that.
Idia: Wai― What're you trying to say all a sudden? Getting complimented to my face randomly like that is a little scary… W-Wait, is this all a plot to beguile me!?
Silver: A plot? ...Hm, I see it has gotten late. I have kept you for some time. My apologies.
Silver: I am grateful to have heard such wonderful stories from you. Well then, I shall be on my way.
Idia: Whew… I'm exhausted having to actually talk to people for the first time in a while… Ah, this is…
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Idia: It's the hero from that one myth. Look at his sparkling expression… He looks like he totally believes the future ahead of his is bright.
Idia: Life doesn't always go as swimmingly as you hope, though… Hope he doesn't get too excited that he gets carried away by the river of the underworld!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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00belle00lovely00 · 4 months
HeadCanons for DogDay x CatNap,
No seriously- PLEASE have mercy on me there are SO MANY COMMISSIONS-
I absolutely adore the Sleepyday ship name.
I think we can all agree on why the fandom took this ship by storm. I mean, come on, it's literally opposites attract. I may not personally like or even come as close to agreeing to the in-game Dogday and Catnap (since it's either fucked up or even more fucked up in every sense) BUT THE CARTOON VERSIONS? OH MY GOSH. CUTIES. ABSOLUTE CUTIES.
Literally extrovert x introvert.
They are like gay without knowing what gay means. They just think that whenever someone brings it up they mean "happy". As in "happy friends".
Call me crazy but I LOVE my headcanon of Catnap knowing ASL either just because of knowledge OR because this man is so quiet people think he is a mute, which for him is good, and saves him a bunch of time. And besides, why talk when you happy go-happy Dogday to come along and talk for you?
They're so boyfriends I LOVE THEM! I'm pretty sure they'd be completely confused if they ever got to hear the myth that "cats and dogs hate each other"
PDA?... EEeeeh.. depends, on whether Catnap is awake at the moment?
I heavily am basing myself off from AO3 fanfic I read and absolutely adore, but CATNAP AS A NOCTORNAL GUY IS THE BEST HEADCANON EVER!!!
They outta have a picnic date someday where Catnap is trying out vanilla cupcakes and Dogday lavender tea.
I'd say that Catnap, on rare occasions, of course, likes to show very subtle and rather gentle affections like holding hands, intertwining fingers, locking arms or wrapping a tail around Dogday's leg. Meanwhile, Dogday is just: "❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭😭😭" on the inside.
Dogday when asked if he likes Catnap: "W-what? OOOoooh! OH! Uh-.. that! Heheh, well it DEPENDS you know? I mean... As in, like like or like liking like? BECAUSE- don't get me wrong! I LIKE Catnap! I like ALL of you! But I kind of.. like... like... like-" and that just goes on and on for hours.
Catnap when asked if he likes Dogday: "I love him. Why do you wanna know?" ever so casually. No hesitation.
Ngl the way I worded that last headcanon now sounds like that one line of Jessica Rabbit saying "he makes me laugh" LMAO.
OH MY GOSH. HEAR ME OUT YA'LL. HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE. WOULDN'T CATNAP LOOK ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS IN A DRESS? Okay. Yeah, no, I changed my mind, he would be all sassy throughout it. Yup... but at least Dogday is content.
They adore astrology, wanna know why? Because that's the one thing they commonly love. While everyone else has no idea what they're talking about.
I'm so normal for them. BUT SERIOUSLY I LOVE THEM AH-
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everyb0dysf00l · 1 month
Ethan Winters - Fluff Alphabet
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Cw: established relationship, mentions of Ethan's trauma, no nsfw, purely fluff
Note: In this fic, Ethan survived the Village. Mia doesn't exist in this work, you're in her place (I love you mia but I love your husband more)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Before what happens in Dulvey, Ethan is such a romantic. Always giving you kisses and hugs from behind, buying you gifts all the time. Everyday he gives you a kiss on the cheek before he goes off to work and another when he gets back home. He finds it so endearing when you come up behind him unexpectedly and give him a surprise hug. Overall just a typical loving partner.
Although his love and affection for you is just as strong as before, probably even stronger now, Ethan finds physical affection to be a complicated thing. On one hand, he's compelled to stay as close to you as possible, both for comfort and for peace of mind, but he also finds touch difficult, especially the unexpected kind. Before, he loved the way you'd wrap your arms around him without warning, however after what he's been through, it makes him freeze up stiff and can trigger his trauma. With every other form of affection however, he seems to become a bit overbearing. He wants you to know he absolutely loves you more than anything, he'll get you presents, take you on dates and make sure you aren't overwhelmed with you work.
B = Best Friend (How would they be as a friend? How would you become they're friend?)
Ethan is solidly in between being an introvert and an extrovert. He doesn't really put himself out there but he can easily talk to people and won't shy away from a conversation. He has a few good friends here and there but not very many. He goes to company parties and friend's get-togethers and speaks to people there occasionally. If you're one of his friends, he'll definitely speak to you often, go to your place to hang out a few times and be a shoulder to lean on. However, I see Ethan as a family man over all, he'd much rather spend time with his partner and family but he's still a good friend who cares about his buddies deeply.
Unfortunately after everything, Ethan starts to revert into himself, only interacting with people when necessary. Due to the BSAA's involvement, he isn't exactly allowed to go back to work and continue talking to his friends, his internet access is also heavily restricted so it's not like he could make new friends. But honestly, he doesn't mind. He wouldn't object to staying close to his family 24/7, he's grown very anxious after the village and likes that he knows his family is safe. Although, he'd like if the BSAA would stop breathing down his neck so much.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Ethan is such a cuddlebug, refusing to get up in the morning in turn for more cuddle time with you. Groaning when you insist he should get up for work. Touch is one of his main love languages (after acts of service, of course) he especially loves the classics such as; you lying on his chest while he lays flat on his back, an arm wrapped around you, and him spooning you.
There's a complex mixture of wanting to protect and wanting to be protected swirling around in his mind. He wants to hold you to him and protect you from any dangers that go bump in the night, to keep you warm and make you feel safe. But he wants to feel safe too, he adores you holding him close to yourself, stroking his hair and reassuring him after he wakes up from one of his nightmares. It all depends on how you're both feeling when it comes time to cuddle.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? Are they good at cooking and cleaning?)
This man is the definition of domestic. Look it up in the dictionary and you'll see his name. Ever since he was young, he's always wanted a family of his own. Watching his parents really inspired him and he knew that's what he wanted in life. He also wanted to be a better husband than his own father, his father wasn't abusive or absent or anything of the like, he just wasn't a very hands on partner, leaving Ethan's mother with most of the chores and childcare and Ethan most certainly didn't want to be like that. He doesn't strike me as wanting tons of kids but he'd like 1 or 2 maybe even 3. He isn't a very good cook though, nobody taught him but he'd be willing to learn, you could teach him and call it a date if you'd like.
All he wants is to keep his family safe and away from harm, that'll always stay as his first and primary priority. He might not want as many children as before, Rosemary is just enough for him if she is for you but he wouldn't protest too much if you want another. His cooking skills improve over time and he'll purchase some cook books, he hasn't really got much else to do with his time these days.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Ethan breaks up with you it's probably because you two just aren't compatible. Ethan is very upfront about what he wants in a relationship right in the beginning, both to save your time and his. He is compassionate, if not a little awkward, when he breaks the news to you. Whatever reaction you have, he's likely to take it like a champ, understanding why you'd be upset. Beside that, Ethan is the "work it out" type of guy, he thinks relationships should be worked on.
It's basically impossible at this point to call things off. I mean, you could but with the whole witness protection thing it'd be complicated, not to mention after everything you've been through together you've grown a strong trauma bond. You'd have to do something bad, like extremely bad, for him to end things with you at this point.
F = Fiance (How do they feel about commitment?)
Like I said under (D=Domestic), Ethan is very big on having a family so I can't see him having a short-term relationship or fling. He makes it clear on your first couple dates what he wants from you two being together, he doesn't want to lead you on or waste his own time or feelings. Depending on how your relationship is, he might propose in a couple years or, if you're just as head over heels for him as he is for you, in just as short a time as a year.
His commitment to you reaches new levels after everything, Ethan's worst nightmare is losing you. It's almost unhealthy to an extent but he means no malice in his fixation on you he's just traumatised and afraid of losing more than he already has. If you break up with him instead, he'd hide just how distraught he is. He doesn't want to guilt you into staying with him, he wants you to be happy. Although, he will tearfully ask why and if there's any way you two could stay together, if there's any way he could fix this.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
A gentleman and sweetheart to his core, Ethan tries his best to be as gentle as possible with both your feelings and you. He never makes jokes at your expense or shows you up in front of people. He can make a couple off-handed jokes about you but they're all in jest, he takes them just as good as he gives them. If this man even gets the inkling he's ever physically hurt you by mistake he is going to be very apologetic, asks you how and when so he never makes that mistake again. Whether that be accidentally elbowing you or holding your hand too tightly.
This man might as well see you as fine china. He knows you're not incapable or in need of him to look after you, but he wants to. He's had enough of feeling powerless. Every touch is gentler than before, if you could believe it, and if for whatever reason you do get hurt he'll fret over you. His care for your emotional wellbeing stays more or less the same aside from taking into consideration the trauma you feel from Dulvey and the village.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? What are they like?)
As I've covered in (A=Affection), one of Ethan's love languages is touch. He loves a hug, especially when you two are sitting on the couch watching a movie or when you're walking down the street at night after a date. Every time he sees you, whether that be after he or you get home from work or when he comes back from a trip, he gives you a rib-crushing hug. He's always very warm and he's quite a soft guy so it just feels like straight comfort, especially after a hard day at work.
He still loves hugs, he just needs warning before you throw yourself on him. He sees you as a comfort, your hugs are no different, so when he's having one of his bad days he'd appreciate it so much if you'd wrap your arms around him.
I = I love you (How soon do they say it? Who says it first?)
Ethan's love is very intense and makes itself known almost immediately. He knows if he loves you pretty early into the relationship, a couple months at most. However, he doesn't want to freak you out or push you away so he holds back on speaking his true feelings. Instead he expresses his love subtly through acts of service and gifts. If you don't say it first, he will confess on one of your dates, maybe at the beach or a nice restaurant. This one actually depends on what type of person you are because if you're the nervous type who doesn't want to say the 3 words then he will be the the one to say it first but if you're more open about your feels you'll be the one to confess first.
Everyday. Every morning, every night. He wants you to know that he loves you absolutely. Squashing any doubts you're having, which, let's be honest, after every he's put himself through to get you back, you aren't.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Ethan isn't a full on jealous partner by any means but if he sees you talking to someone and they're getting flirty, he can become a bit stroppy. He knows you aren't disloyal and trusts you but he can't help but feel kind of insecure. If the person that's flirting with you doesn't back off, he'll immediately approach you, place an arm around your back to rub your shoulder and ask the person if they're okay. A Casual but assertive approach. He won't take his mood out on you though, he knows it's not your fault but he might make a few off hand comments.
Honestly, at this point it goes from kinda insecure and a lot of jealousy to a lot of insecurity and only a bit of jealousy. He's not got alot of self-esteem, especially about his appearance, specifically his hands. And at this point he's genuinely just tired, he hasn't got the energy to be jealous. He knows your loyal and knows that you'll take away any doubts if you find out how he feels.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like kissing you and where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are soft and sweet, they only last about a second or two but they're very loving. He prefers cheek kisses, both giving and receiving. He makes sure to give you one every night before bed and every morning when you wake up.
Kisses become even more frequent. Although he can occasionally struggle with touch, he's grown far more appreciative of it. He's learnt how quick things can go south and how quick you can lose the people you love, so he makes sure to let you know he loves you both verbally and physically.
L = Little Ones (How are they around children? Do they want any of their own?)
As stated in (D=Domestic), Ethan's always wanted his own children. At least one minimum. He's an amazing father, he's very attentive, caring and has the patience of a saint. Also a very good teacher, he's able to understand them and help them learn at their own pace. The best father figure a child could have, to be honest.
After Rosemary, Ethan's fine with no more children. Of course, he'd love a couple more but he's fine as is. He takes 'protective' to a whole new level. Definitely becomes a helicopter parent unintentionally. Also what you could call a 'gentle parent'.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them? What is their routine?)
He loves waking up next to you, hates getting up and leaving you. He doesn't wake up too early, maybe an hour and a half, two hours before he has to go to work. He spends most of that lounging in bed with you until you practically force him to get up. His morning routine is very simple and not uncommon; he gets up, brushes his teeth, washes his face, combs his hair, gets dressed, goes downstairs to eat breakfast then leaves with a kiss on your cheek.
Most of the previous night was spent unslept, his insomnia keeping him up most of the night. With no work to get up to go to, he's allowed to lounge in. It's much easier for him to let himself rest when it's daytime, the night making him nervous and on edge. Any work he has to do is on his laptop which he could work on in bed, if you don't make him get up. The most he's going to do is get up to brush his teeth but even then there have been times where he's just completely let himself rot in bed. He's very appreciative of how much you try to help him.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them? What is their routine?)
Usually, he throws in the towel around 10-11 pm, not too late or early. He takes a shower before hopping into bed next to you and talking to you until one of you falls asleep. There's honestly not much I can say about his night routine, it's very average and there's not much of note.
Bedtime for Ethan can vary based on how he's feeling that night. Some nights he finds himself exhausted and can't help but walk to bed and doze off, regardless of if you're next to him or not. However, more often than not, he finds that his insomnia refuses to let up and he ends up sitting in bed at midnight unable to sleep. In these times, he absolutely needs you by his side, both so he isn't alone and he can know for certain you're safe. You both end up staying awake, speaking until the early hours of the morning. Sometimes this helps him drift into sleep, others it doesn't stop him from staying up until the morning.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they reveal everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Ethan's the type of guy to joke about how he's actually feeling to see how you'd take it if he straight up told you. He doesn't like telling people everything about himself, he will, however, sprinkle in things about himself here and there. Most of the time this is while you're on dates and he's learning things about you too.
There's a lot to unpack here. Ethan doesn't tell people what he's going through because he can 'deal with it himself'. He just wants you to be happy overall so he'd put on his best smile and pretend to be okay. That is until he can't anymore, because everyone has a limit, and breaks down in some way. He doesn't want you to see him like that but he knows you won't leave him in that way.
P = Patience (How patient are they? Are they easily angered?)
He has about an average amount of patience, maybe even more, but that doesn't mean he can't lose his temper from time to time. Usually, he's the cool, calm and collected one who tries to talk things over. However, in high-stress situations he can get snappy and sarcastic, (like we've already seen ourselves in both games). With you, he can really be so patient and understanding, the last thing he wants is a fight or disagreement.
His temper lies more or less the same here, the only difference being that he can be a bit more defensive when he's in a bad headspace but he can also be more passive in order to avoid confrontation. Honestly, it depends on the day.
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they forget things?)
Ethan is a pretty smart guy and has a good memory, being a systems engineer afterall. If you mention anything to him, you can bet he's making a mental note of it. Although, like everyone, he's not got a perfect memory and can forget things at times. He has a calendar he writes dates and times in because of that. He'd never want to forget something important to you.
This stays the same.
R = Remember (What's their favourite memory of you?)
His favourite memory of you is from your third date, when he took you to the beach and you two sat and watched the sunset together. He remembers not being able to look at the sun disappear because he was much too focused on your face and the way the yellow glow lit up your features.
When Rosemary first came home, Ethan couldn't contain his happiness. You were the one to walk her through the threshold, Ethan close behind with the stuff from the car. You gave Rose a 'tour' of the house, which really was you walking around explaining to her in a baby voice. He watched from the doorway with a grin as you rocked her in your arms. Looking back, Ethan is certain that is his favourite memory out of everything.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
I'd say at this point he is just the right amount of protective. He's never spoiling for a fight but he isn't afraid to step in when he sees you in trouble. He's not overbearing by any means but he will persuade you to tell him if someone's done something to you and you're holding out on him. Although violence is never his go to, he isn't afraid to defend you physically from someone if he has to.
After the village, Ethan became slightly paranoid so his protective meter has gone up. If he notices you're upset, he'll immediately ask you what's wrong, the question at the back of his mind always being if someone or something did this to you. If he finds out someone did upset you or threaten you, his immediate response is trying to solve the issue. He still isn't one for violence, especially not now, but his still won't back down from protecting you. If he confronts the perpetrator, he starts out civil, trying his best to solve the issue but if they continue how they are he might be more aggressive with his approach, unlike before.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, gifts, anniversaries and everyday tasks?)
Like I've said, Ethan is a thoughtful guy. He always writes down important days and gets you things that remind him of you. He isn't the type of man to get you a thoughtless gift and then tell you 'it's the thought that counts' when you don't like it or make you out to be ungrateful even though it was him who didn't pay attention to what you asked for. He understands if what he's gotten you isn't something you necessarily wanted but he hopes you'll appreciate it because he really does put effort into buying you something you'd like.
If anything, he becomes even more sentimental about anniversaries and gifts. He appreciates any time the world gives him to spend with you, he has an anniversary for just about everything, he even celebrated his daughter's 'first half-birthday' you tried telling him that wasn't a thing but he wouldn't hear it. He still keeps things written down in his calendar but he just keeps things in mind more now.
U = Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs?)
Definitely a nail biter. He sometimes can forget to eat and drink when he's absorbed in his work, not to an unhealthy and dangerous level, just pure forgetfulness. He tends to put others before himself even if that means he can catch some flack or end up in danger.
Terrible at telling people when he's not okay, he can even get defensive or on guard if he's pushed to answer honestly. If he has a nightmare and you don't wake up to his tossing and turning, he'll just lie back down once he's calm again and won't tell you about it in the morning. Some days he can't get up from bed, others he can't keep himself sat and he needs to be doing something, contributing to the household.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? What did they think of their looks?)
Ethan has pretty standard hygiene. Brushes his teeth twice a day, showers once a day or something even once every other day, combs and styles his hair with product before he goes out, wears cologne and always dresses presentable. Ethan understands he is an average looking guy but that doesn't really bother him, most people are, but he wants to look good for you.
At this point, his body is littered with scars, he's missing two of his fingers and he has rings of scars wrapped around his wrists from where they were dismembered and reattached. He's quite insecure about them and doesn't like people looking at them, for him, they bring back a sick feeling in his stomach and terrible memories are quick to follow. He prefers to cover them up to stop people staring and also so you don't have to see them, but if you show you love those parts of him still, even when they're all worn and broken, he'll start to accept them.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
I feel as though this one is obvious, Ethan loves you very much and would find it very difficult to live with you. If you broke up with him, he'd be very confused and upset, he'd try to make whatever happened up to you, but if you're adamant that you don't want to be with him anymore; he'll become very down. As dramatic as it sounds, he'll probably go into some kind of depression after you leave. He wouldn't date anyone for a while until his friends try to put him out there but he'd find it difficult to have anyone match up to you. Eventually, he'll move on and be able to live without you but he will think about you from time to time. Now if you passed away somehow, he'd be absolutely distraught. Nothing could stop him from mourning you, he'd go in on himself, only leaving the house for work and even then he's missed a few days. He won't put himself back out there, no matter how hard his friends try, he still believes he's obligated to you because you didn't leave him, you were taken from him. (We see this in RE7 when Ethan talks about how Mia has been gone for three years, I genuinely believe in those three years he stayed loyal and didn't go out on dates like his friends wanted him to.)
After everything he's been through, he can't handle losing you. In the unlikely event you leave him he'll be in pieces, asking you what he did wrong and begging you to stay. He honestly doesn't know if life is worth living after that, he has his daughter though and that keeps him strong and focused. If you pass away, he'll be inconsolable. He'd stop caring for himself and won't interact with people much, Rosemary is what holds him down and stops him from going completely downhill. He'd raise her like how you'd want him too and when she gets older, he will tell her everything about you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
This man is staying loyal to you through and through. He can't stand or understand cheaters, in his mind if you love somebody, they're enough for you.
You know those men who leave all the housework and child care to their partners? Ethan is not one of them. He does his part around the home and takes care of Rosemary an equal amount as you. He doesn't see it as 'helping out', it's his house and child as well, he has just as much obligation as you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they don't like, both in general and in a partner?)
There are a couple things. He doesn't like emotional distinctness in a partner, he wants someone to connect with. He doesn't like overall nasty people or bullies. He hasn't got many things he doesn't like but he's very firm with the few he doesn't.
Z = ZZZ (What are their sleeping habits?)
Ethan's a pretty average guy when it comes to his sleep, he usually stays asleep the whole night and doesn't really move much besides a few tosses and turns. He's always holding you in some type of way, whether that be whilst you two facing each other on your sides or you nestled on his chest. He gets a healthy eight hours but sometimes falls asleep late due to his work.
His sleep schedule isn't exactly a schedule, it's more like him trying to slot in sleep whenever he can. His nights are riddled with nightmares and subsequently so are yours, he feels really guilty and tries to fix his sleeping habits for you but he struggles with night time. He physically can't have a peaceful night's sleep without you next to him, there are times he can get so exhausted he'll just pass out on his bed but he needs to know you're safe besides him to actually fall asleep. Unlike before, his hold is no longer casual and loose but secure, he usually has you held in his arms, close to his chest tightly. He likes that you're close to him and any excuse to keep you by him is good enough for him.
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I hope this was alright, I've never done an alphabet before. If you like it please reblog and like 🙏
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hello, how are you?
Can I get a TFA request?
A gender neutral bot Buddy who is Bumblebee's twin sibling and who ends up dating Prowl later on?
Bumblebee and his twin look exactly the same, same body-type, same paint job, they even have the same alt mode.
However, you can tell who is who by watching how they act, Bumblebee is loud and outgoing while Buddy is quiet and introverted around anyone who isn't Bumblebee or Bulkhead.
"Buddy" is not their original designation, their designation used to be "2.0", they changed it to Buddy because Sari called them that one time and they ended up loving it so much that they urged the rest of the team to start calling them that.
Also, when Buddy Bumblebee and Bulkhead met prowl, Buddy slowly approached him kinda like-
Buddy: Hey.
Prowl: …
Buddy: Are you… okay?
Prowl: Do you mind?
Buddy: Oh! You are alive!
Buddy thinks that Prowl is very cool and has a tiny crush on him.
Prowl didn't mind Buddy that much in the beginning, he just saw them as the calmer twin.
However, the more he got to know them, the more he wanted get closer to them.
Yeah, Prowl also has a tiny crush on Buddy.
I think this become too long so I'm gonna cut the request here.
I will the send you the second part soon!
I can just see Buddy explaining to people and bots on the daily that they aren't Bumblebee. They are exhausted.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy who's Bumblebee's twin
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Hinted romance, Cybertronian reader
It was hard having a twin like Bumblebee.
It’s not that they didn’t love him, they loved him to bits.
It’s the problems that always seemed to follow him around.
Being from the same protoform mold, same horn, and even the same paintjob; mix ups were bound to happen.
The best way to figure out which twin was which was to listen to them.
Their twin was loud, extroverted, and much more sociable.
They on the other hand were much quieter, calmer, and less of a chatter box.
Thankfully their twin took responsibility for most of his mistakes.
Most of his mistakes.
How their twin managed to rope them into coming to the Autobot bootcamp was beyond them.
They knew they weren’t going to end up in the Elite Guard or even in the bootcamps.
They didn’t even want to be in the Elite Guard, that was their twins’ dream, not theirs.
But being too loyal twin they were, they followed.
They ended up getting recruited to being one of the maintenance bots for the bootcamps.
It wasn’t the ideal job or position, but at least they would be a bit closer to their twin. The job mainly required them to clean around and occasionally fix ships that would head out for space bridge repairs. If they were lucky enough, they would head out to space with the repair crew in case something went wrong.
Their twin didn’t like being away from him, but he managed to convince himself that this could be a good thing.
He was going to make top marks, letting him have some more freedom to roam around and then have more time to spend with them.
Full proof.
His twin slapped him upside down his helm when they heard his logic.
Everything was going great for him until he met Bulkhead and got his name.
It’s not like he didn’t like him, it was just that he didn’t want to associate himself with the guy so he wouldn’t look bad.
Sentinel was already bad enough; he didn’t want to add to the list.
He did end up meeting his twin a couple of times for cleaning duty though.
That’s where they got to meet Bulkhead.
Bumblebee’s twin waves nervously as the larger green mech waves enthusiastically.
“Woah! Bumblebee look it’s another you!”--Bulkhead
“That’s not another me Bulkhead! That’s my twin!”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee flinched a bit but quickly covers it up with a chuckle.
“Yeah, that’s my new name now. Hey, weren’t you going to get named today?”--Bumblebee
His twin nods a bit.
“Oh, cool what’s your name?”--Bumblebee
“That’s my new name now. 2.0”—2.0
“Oh… but it could be worse right?”--Bumblebee
2.0 huffs a bit.
“I guess it can.”—2.0
Bulkhead reaches their servo and shakes it.
“Well nice to meet you then 2.0! I hope we can be best friends like me and Bumblebee!”--Bulkhead
2.0 smiles at him and shakes back.
“I hope that we can be friends too—”—2.0
“2.0! I thought you were going to clean my office! Or do I have to name you Maintenance bot!”--Sentinel
2.0 flinches at the loud noise.
“Was that…”--Bulkhead
“Sentinel Prime? Yep…”—2.0
“He named you? But I thought your boss was supposed to do that.”--Bumblebee
“He was but after a little ‘discussion with Sentinel Prime… he got the rights to name me…”—2.0
Bumblebee’s servos clenched.
2.0 quickly holds his servo.
“Please don’t do anything dumb for me? Please?”-2.0
He looks angry but eventually lets it go.
For his twin’s sake.
After that talk, 2.0 wouldn’t see Bumblebee again for the rest of the month due to their schedules being more demanding on cleaning and repairs.
Soon enough 2.0 was going to be sent out on their very first field repair with their new team.
Imagine their surprise when they saw Bumblebee and Bulkhead’s names on the roster.
“Bumblebee! Bulkhead!”—2.0
Both bots turn around to see 2.0 come towards them.
Bulkhead happily waves at them.
Bumblebee shrinks a bit seeing some fore behind though soft optics.
Optimus and Ratchet look at the two smaller yellow bots.
2.0 looks at the newer bots and quickly goes over to them.
“Hello there. I’m 2.0 and I’ll be your maintainer and ships repair bot.”—2.0
Ratchet looks at them and Bumblebee.
“Definitely a lot quieter than the other one.”--Ratchet
The older pair quickly found the difference between the twins, much to their relief.
They didn’t know if they could handle two Bumblebee’s.
The day they met Prowl was memorable.
It was 2.0 and Bee who got the cyberninja’s attention and had convinced him to come with them.
2.0 found themselves gravitating more to Prowl than anyone else on the ship.
Not that they didn’t like their team.
2.0 already hung out a lot with their twin and Bulkhead whether on duty or not, much to some of the team’s dismay.
But didn’t mean that they would join the two in their shenanigans.
2.0 looking at their twin and Bulkhead with arm’s crossed.
Prowl is right next to them mirroring the same stance.
Both of them had somehow gotten intangled in Bulkhead’s wreckingball wires.
“…”—2.0 and Prowl
“I know this may look bad—”--Bumblebee
“Understatement of the year.”--Prowl
“—But wouldn’t you like to hear how we got into this and get us out?”--Bumblebee
2.0 raising an optic.
Bumblebee doing his best puppy dog eyes.
“That won’t work on me Bumblebee. Try again.”2.0
“Please 2.0?”—Bulkhead
2.0 looks at Prowl and sighs tiredly.
“…Fine. But I’m doing this for Bulkhead.”—2.0
2.0 starts getting their tools out to fix this mess.
“Wait why just him? I’m your twin!”--Bumblebee
“Yeah you are, but I also know that he got literally roped into this mess because of you. Prowl, mind holding this wire for me?”—2.0
Prowl sighs but holds the wire as 2.0 starts loosening the pair.
“I hate you.”--Bumblebee
“Love you too Bee.”—2.0
2.0 got along well with Optimus.
Being the default leader of the group, 2.0 did have to report to him a lot of the time.
They often saw the poor bot looking stress and they made it their mission to help him with that invisible weight on his chassis.
“Hey Prime.”—2.0
Optimus looking up from his history videos.
“2.0. Is there something wrong?”--Optimus
2.0 just takes a seat next to him.
“Nope, well not yet at least, you seemed a little lonely and looked like you could use a friend.”—2.0
“I’m perfectly fine 2.0.”--Optimus
2.0 raises their optic at him.
“No one is ‘perfectly fine’. But I do get it if you don’t want to talk about it. I just want to be there for my friends, even if its as small as a conversation.”—2.0
“We aren’t having a conversation.”--Optimus
“We are talking back and forth. This is a conversation, checkmate Prime.”—2.0
Optimus sighs a bit, but a little smile does peak out.
“You’re usually hanging out with Prowl by this time, something show up?”—Optimus
2.0 shrugs a bit.
“He thought I was Bumblebee and kicked me out. I’m just waiting till he realizes his mistake.”—2.0
“Give him a few minutes, that’s how long it usually takes him to realize.”—2.0
Ratchet and 2.0 had grown a special type of bond.
It had formed while looking through the ships wires making sure that everything was running smoothly.
Some things were some hidden stories that popped up, but never explored more in depth.
2.0 under one of the panels as Ratchet was in charge of handing them the tools.
“These circuit breakers need some replacing soon. These are as old as the war.”—2.0
Ratchet huffs a bit.
“It’s not that old.”--Ratchet
Buddy raises their optic at this comment but ignores it.
“Pass me the wrench, I need to bust some of these—”—2.0
“You will be doing now such thing to him!”--Ratchet
“…”—2.0 and Ratchet
2.0 rolls out from the panel and gives him a sad smile.
“This isn’t your first time on this ship, isn’t it?”—2.0
Ratchet huffs but doesn’t answer.
“If it makes you feel any better, I just the wrench to hold a screen in place while I run some diagnostics. Nothing major, just want to make sure the ship doesn’t stop on us while we’re outside the ports.”—2.0
“…Fine, but be careful with him.”--Ratchet
2.0 smiles and gives him a thumbs up before going back into the panel.
Ratchet smiles when they go back into the panel.
Prowl comes into the room.
“Ratchet have you seen 2.0?”--Prowl
2.0 pops out of the panels.
“Hi Prowl! What can I do for ya?”—2.0
“I wanted to say I’m sorry for kicking you out of my room.”--Prowl
Ratchet raising an optic to the both of them.
2.0 takes time to clarify.
“He thought I was Bumblebee and kicked me out.”—2.0
Ratchet nods.
“The kid can get annoying.”--Ratchet
“Yeah, and I forgive you Prowl. It’s a common mistake.”—2.0
Prowl was different from the rest.
He was one of the quieter and calmer souls on the ship.
Prowl did find 2.0 annoying at first.
Mainly because he thought that Bumblebee had come over to mess around.
It took a while for him to finally tell apart which twin was which from a glance.
Their personalities were like night and day, but physically that was the challenge.
2.0 and Bumblebee standing side by side in front of Prowl.
“What are they doing?”--Optimus
“The kid is trying to see if Prowl can figure out which twin is which after being blindfolded.”--Ratchet
“Good luck with that. Unless one of them talks, there’s no telling—”--Bulkhead
Prowl points at 2.0
“Lucky guess, next time we’ll get you!”--Bumblebee
Timeskip to after Starscream’s attack and Optimus reviving again
To everyone’s surprise, Sari was the first person to tell the twins apart after the first mistake.
Of course, no one had ever got it the first time, but second time was a first.
“So, your name is 2.0?”--Sari
“Yep. I’m Bumblebee’s twin.”—2.0
“2.0 doesn’t suit you.”--Sari
2.0’s shoulder sag a bit.
“Yeah, but that’s the name they gave me.”—2.0
“But what if we gave you a new name?”--Sari
“A new name?”—2.0
Bumblebee throws an enthusiastic arm around his twin’s shoulder.
“That sounds great! What do you think?”--Bumblebee
“Let’s give it a shot.”—2.0
“Oh how about—“--Bumblebee
All the bots look at Sari.
“What? They are super friendly, and they look like they would be nicknamed Buddy. So why not Buddy.”--Sari
“That has to be the—”--Bumblebee
2.0 carefully holds Sari up smiling.
“—The greatest thing ever! Everyone! My new name is now Buddy!”--Buddy
“Buddy! I like the sound of it.”--Buddy
The team was fine with the change in the end.
Sure, there were a few hiccups here and there but the name 2.0 soon left everyone’s minds when they thought about them.
Sari was also thinking about giving Buddy a new paint job in the future.
Maybe something Prowl might like…
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astromaxi · 1 month
Yandere Orignal Character
sooo the poll ended and a lot of you wanted some yandere oc content so here is it!
Warnings: There isn't a lot of explicit Yandere content since this is an introduction post, obsessive mentions, stereotypical Yandere shit, I don't know how to write him as a Yandere lowkey, no scent kink mention, mention of kidnapping,
as per usual lmk if I miss any warnings and gammerly can only do so much to save me.
as well as send in some requests about Bu if you want to learn more about him :)
word count?!: 602
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You always noticed him, I mean how can you not? His staggering height and muscular body frame were enough to draw anyone near to him, it was enough to make himself the center of attention. Especially with the curly messy green hair that was always in a giant bun. If it wasn’t his appearance that captivated the general public of your college, then it was his dynamic personality. He always made people feel at home, that someone he just met can feel like a lifelong buddy. It was so… off-putting, but no one seemed to mind. Not the students, or staff, not the professors, who are enamored by the handsome boy with vitiligo. Top of the class and always doing just enough where he can excel. 
Like everyone, you fell for the striking boy- felt it a strong word. More so you appreciate the eye candy whenever you cross paths with him, it’s sad really, you don’t even know his name
But, lucky he knows yours. He knows everything about you. 
Bu is enamored by you. Obsessed? Is just a simple word to describe the feeling, the way his body heats up as his heart beats just a little bit faster as Bu catches you staring at him in the library you both study at. The way he appears to be the sunny calm man as he presents himself, his always seemling closed eyes pinched into a never-ending smile. But inside his head, in his heart is a completely other story
But is a very relaxed person, he can come off as cocky, overconfident and jealous people would even say egotistical. Can you blame him? He never failed at anything in his life, never got less than 98% on a test or assignment, never was picked last for dodgeball, and was never able to get something he wanted. Everything was within his reach, Bu made sure of that. 
He is going to make sure that you are never out of reach, never unachievable. Because he wants- no, oh god no, he needs you and he will make sure he gets you. 
Don’t mistake him though, he isn't going to kidnap you and store you away in a cozy cage locked in a temperature control room with all the commodities you can ever imagine. He isn't completely senile, but he is going to make tabs on who you hang out with, who is a potential love interest, who made you upset, etc. Bu is going to insert himself into your life in the most extroverted way, and use his popularity and then the underlying crush you have on him to his complete and ultimate advantage. 
How can you know not to feel flustered and anxious when the moss hair boy you have been eyeing for months now, comes up and asks you about the upcoming math 111 test? You both well know that Bu can easily pass the test, but it's a good opportunity to see if you need any help, and oh boy are you not going to pass up this opportunity to spend one on one with the campus candy. Bu couldn't be more thrilled when you agree to meet up with him for coffee the next day to review,
And you couldn’t be more happy, that you not only managed to land a hangout with the monstrous sunny boy, but also his phone number and name. 
“I can’t wait, I will see you tomorrow Bu!” you gave Bu a bashful smile, before turning and walking towards the door, Bu waved you goodbye, as his smile reached his seemingly closed eyes. 
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phoenixcatch7 · 6 months
I thought up that Saiki/Billy/Danny poll on a lol but honestly I keep thinking about it. They're all so interesting as comparisons to each other.
Billy, aka captain marvel: young orphan boy with a heart of gold and a strong sense of justice getting into trouble for it. Sweet darling angel with huge authority issues and Will Fight And Lie over it. Wants to be a hero more than anything else but didn't really get a choice in becoming one. Destiny is strong with this one. Uses his newfound powers to save others and help everyone around him, preferring to talk his enemies down or outwit them but very good with violence. Keenly aware of how easy it would be to turn evil (with Adam) and refuses to ever follow that path. Would be in huge trouble if the government ever got him and he knows it.
Saiki: seemingly apathetic teenager with a heart of gold getting into trouble for it. Sarcastic and pithy, he prefers solitude and privacy but keeps getting semi willingly roped into doing 'friendship' stuff with his 'buddies' (who he'd die for). Easily bribed. Acts polite and obedient to fly under the radar but does not even slightly respect authority given his circumstances with his normal family and the numerous kidnapping and experimentation attempts from governments (and his older brother) since he was very young. Was born with his ever growing powers and every attempt to reduce or remove them has failed with the exception of his limiters, he doesn't want them but didn't really get a choice. Very avoidant or passive of conflict, preferring to save his rare world saving heroics for when he can't be discovered, he doesn't have a hero persona. But he's also very capable of great violence on massive scales when necessary. An unreliable narrator with a slight god complex despite his desperation for a normal human life. Conscious of how easy it would be to turn evil and determined to never follow that path. Would be in massive trouble if the government ever caught him and he's keenly aware.
Danny: sassy and punny teenager with a heart of gold getting into trouble for it. The fluke accident turning him part ghost also released the ghosts onto the town, and he feels it's his responsibility to stop them, before either side gets hurt or worse. A typical teenager with annoying teachers and parents who want to rip him molecule from molecule has left him with very little respect for authority (but it's better than the other two - just). Didn't really want to be a hero with powers but didn't really have a choice. Will sass people into making bad decisions (that usually ends with him upside down in a wall) and generally ready to throw down the second he senses a ghost (or a vlad). His encounters have left him with an iron clad set of morals and he's keenly aware of how easy it would be for him to turn evil, despite how much he refuses to become his worst nightmare. If the government ever got their hands on him he'd be deeply screwed and he knows it.
I'd honestly love to see the three teenage power houses meet, even if just to gripe and find understanding XD. They'd be such an interesting dynamic.
Saiki: *sipping a drink as the other two crash and wheel wildly overhead in a landscape destroying spar, mercilessly critiquing them both like he could do any better*
Billy: *desperately trying to stop his new friends from conning a conman in revenge for getting conned so easily themselves despite his warnings*
Danny: *deeply morbid humour about the fragility of life as he blasts music to the beat of the video game he's crushing the other two at until saiki blows up the TV*
Honestly these three would bring out the blackest humour in each other, it'd be so bad.
Billy would be the extrovert golden boy face of the group despite being just as ready to play dirty as them, Danny the one dragging them everywhere and daring them to do stupid things, and saiki the guy in the back acting above it all like he's not the easiest to provoke into dumb stuff. MENACES, the lot of them.
But I kind of like how their wildly abnormal childhoods and lives would find so many points of understanding with the others. They'd all benefit hugely from having others their age like them.
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scorpioracha · 10 months
Skz at carnival
Okay I tried to do something a bit different here where it’s not quite x reader but reader is heavily implied multiple times throughout the hc’s. Lemme know if you like it and don’t forget I live off of reblogs,comments and likes
Pls validate me🧍🏾‍♀️
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Bang Chan 방찬
-Carnival dad. I know it sounds stereotypical cause channie is dad/daddy/brother coded but why is he the only one who remembered water,snacks and cash hmm🤨
-Doesn’t really get too involved in the festivities because he’s busy keeping an eye on everyone
-Definitely does headcount’s every five minutes and gives himself minor heart attacks if he can’t immediately find one of you guys
-two words. Buddy. System. You get a buddy!you get a buddy! everyone gets a buddy!!🥳 but being buddies with Chan is a low key punishment cause it means you were doing a lil too much and he saw his career flash before his eyes😭
-there will be no wine catching on this mans watch. Homie is the opp fr😭😭 got his arms folded and everything waiting for one of y’all to get out of line
-overall a stick in the mud and would definitely have more fun if he couldn’t feel mister Park Jin-Young breathing down his neck😩
Lee know 리노
-homie is fascinated. From a dancers point of view he hit the holy grail. He’s literally just standing there like 👁️👄👁️🧍🏻‍♂️ just trying to soak it in because he’s never really seen anything like it.
-oh boy
-once he got a few shots in him he is Chan’s worst nightmare. He broke off from the group and is found twenty minutes later rizzing up anybody who would listen for a quick dance lesson because he needs to learn how to tic and tock😭
-ends up becoming Chan’s first buddy of the day and ends up sulking his way out of it by pulling the dongsaeng card.
-secretly taking videos to send to their choreographer for their comeback
Changbin 창빈
-Changbin got him a plate,a cola champagne and a view. He is not causing no fuss cause he’s getting his protein gains in and seeing some ass LMAO he is a simple man.
-definitely gets smacked upside the head though for trying to get a dancers number knowing damn well the netizens would eat his ass alive🙄
-It’s okay cause he’s back in chan’s good graces with some aegyo and a bite of his beef patty
-also because he basically tackles your ass to the ground for throwing it back on jisung
Hyunjin 현진
-baby boy is basically in an artist’s paradise. All the colors, the lights, the atmosphere. He pretty much wanders around with his sketchbook trying to capture just how live the place is.
-his waistline got a mind of they own though and he’s a fast learner so he doesn’t know what Chan was expecting with you two🙄 like damn dad why can’t it just be a wine between friends🙄🙄
-him,Felix and jisung end up in a like wining train that basically has Chan ready to rip his hair out folicile by follicle because that’s exactly what he told them not to do😃
-besties he is faded by the end of the night off coquito and piña colada’s😭He’s covered in glitter and feathers and has lipsticks stains from he doesn’t even know who.
-is literally returned to Chan hauled over Changbin’s shoulder giggling and mumbling about how it was the best day ever and they should go every year
Jisung 지성 & Felix 필릭스
-Jisung didn’t even wanna come🧍🏾‍♀️
-a crowed street with loud music,lots of people and nowhere to plug in his phone was not the wave. He tried to stick with Minho for the most part but when the liquor hit and kitty boy because a train wreck he realized that was no longer a feasible option😭
-his next best bet is Felix but he was not ready for the extrovert to extrovert😭😭
-he’s just trailing behind the blonde like a lost puppy until the initial new setting uneasiness wears off and he realizes he kinda likes it
-in the next hour he’s got a random countries flag wrapped around his waist and him and Felix managed to climb on top of a float and put those waistlines to work 😩
-Chan has never called for a driver so fast because their asses got sent ✨HOME✨
Seungmin 성민
-to put it bluntly seungmin didn’t go because it’s not really his scene but he thoroughly enjoyed watching the group chat blow up and Chan’s sanity slowly decline from the comfort of his bed
-he also enjoyed that video hyunjin took of you wining on jisung before their fun got cut short
Jeongin 정인
-he was so good and obedient the entire time that Chan lowkey forget he was there 😭
-he kinda wandered off on his own when Chan wasn’t looking at found his way towards the beginning of the parade where things were just a lot quieter and did his little tourist thing
-went to gift shops, took pictures of the floats,the dancers, the ocean, etc and kinda found himself planted in a Starbucks watching from the window and playing games on his phone
-had the gc muted so is literally so detached from the events that happened that day.
-he’s over here posting his little OOTD’s like “had a great time at carnival🎆💃🏾” while Chan and the PR time are trying to do damage control 😭
All in all everyone who went had fun but Chan
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ask-spooky-manor · 7 months
Toby Character Headcanons
So I was tagged with a list of questions for me to answer that I reblogged, and while none of them were sent in my inbox, I still wanted to answer some cause they were really interesting.
Trigger Warning: I do talk about how abuse has affected Toby and how it has left some long lasting scars mentally and emotionally speaking. Not all of the headcanons are like that though, just be cautious. Nothing too in detail but can be uncomfortable
Clothing style
Toby’s style is like mixing grunge with cottagecore (goblincore is what it’s usually called). He likes his knitted sweaters and earthy tones, but at the same time he enjoyes ripped jeans and chunky black boots that can basically double as a weapon.
Eating Habits
Toby has a massive appetite. You will always catch him with a snack in his hands or complaining that he’s hungry despite having eaten a full meal not ten minutes ago. He just really likes food, and people in the house know to give him an extra serving for dinner
Music is more of a passion so tinkering around and making little gadgets is probably his number one hobby. He mainly likes to make things that blow up. Other general hobbies he has are cooking, hiking, uhhhh arson, and drawing
Fighting Style
He’s fully aware that he’s not the strongest or fastest or even has the most endurance, but Toby is extremely clever and crafty. He thinks way outside of the box and relies heavily on all of his odd little gadgets and inventions to surprise an enemy like smoke bombs, traps, loud fire crackers, you name it. He is an unpredictable fighter because you’ll never know what he has up his sleeves, and the surprise is something he will very much use against you. Not to mention that when he’s stuck in a sticky situation, he’s really good at coming up with on the spot plans that will get him out of trouble.
Ways he says I love you
Well, he will just say it. Toby won’t shy away from using the L word on anyone he even mildly likes. Though another way he shows it is through encouraging his loved ones to take care of themselves. He will make sure you eat properly, sleep well, take your meds, etc. Also hugs, Toby is a hugger.
Introvert or Extrovert
Extrovert, which surprised him when he realized it. Toby thought he was introverted for the longest time when in reality he was just dealing with a lot of nasty people who made him feel unsafe. Being alone felt safer, but at the same time it made him miserable because he naturally gains more energy with good people around. Ending up in the manor was the best thing to happen to him because now he has buddies he can spend time with like all the time.
Religious or Non-religious?
Complicated as fuck. He was raised Christian only to kind of despise organized religions as a whole. He would say he’s an atheist if he didn’t live with a literal moon god (Ben), so now he just has a beef with gods in general (Except Ben, they’re chill). Basically he thinks about how if these beings really are all powerful, all kind, all forgiving and omniscient and good then why the fuck did none of them help him? Why did it reach a point where he killed his own father? Why was he never saved? Basically, the idea of there being a higher power gets him in a bitter mood. Best to avoid the subject altogether.
Something he could never forgive.
Toby is generally a forgiving person but the one thing he could never forgive is when someone takes advantage of the kindness he is willing to give. Classmates did it in school as a way to bully him, and his dad would sometimes guilt trip favors out of him (usually to sneak him more beer, which will end up biting Toby in the ass when facing his drunk dad later on). Just the general act of trying to manipulate Toby, knowing they can toy with the heart he wears on his sleeve, is enough for him to want that person dead.
Something that scares him.
For the small, irrational fear; Toby is afraid of the dark. It’s just a childhood fear that he never really got over. It’s fine if he’s with someone but being alone in the dark will put him in fight or flight mode. For the bigger existential shit: dreads the idea of everyone secretly hating him. His own father and peers have created this idea in Toby’s mind that there is nothing good about him. That his own existence is nothing but a burden on others, so there’s always this fear that his friends and even his own boyfriend don’t actually like him and that it’s all a front. He knows that realistically that’s not true, but it’s hard fighting against a toxic mindset that was pushed into his brain at such a young age.
Did he grow up too fast?
No, thankfully. It was Lyra who had to grow up too fast. Connie did her best, she really did, but there have been a lot of times where it was Lyra who had to care for Toby. Especially after really bad nights where their dad thought having one more bottle wouldn’t be a problem. Toby was unlucky enough to have been surrounded by people that were cruel to him, but thanks to Lyra and his mom he at least was able to be a kid from time to time.
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dootdootwriting · 1 year
Can I have being friends with dazai ( introvert reader) thank you
featuring: dazai (platonic) tw: canon-typical dazai suicide jokes type: platonic fluff, very silly pronouns used: none a/n: JUMPING UP AND DOWN YIPPEE FIRST BSD REQUEST <33
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how do i even start because jesus christ
(introvert reader) GOOD LUCK. good luck
friend who will call you at 3 am and say he's had a nightmare and he wants to go to 7-11
"why are you calling me at 3am" "well i called kunikida already~ but he just yelled at me and hung up~!" ok buddy.
this guy begs you for favors like he does it for a LIVING. please can you go grab him a fork? he forgot. what do you mean get it himself he's sooooo tired from yesterday's mission when he stuck around for backup just in case pleaaaaase
you get him the fork
he's so manipulative. not even in a particularly bad way he just always. gets. what he wants.
as much as he hates dogs he sure can resemble one. he knows how to work the puppy dog eyes.
this is the friendship i keep seeing all over my feed that's like "introvert friend" + "extrovert who adopted the introvert friend"
on top of this, be prepared for dazai's constant unprompted monologues. he will also drag you into social situations with little to no warning.
"please promise me if you find someone gorgeous while you're out today you'll ask them if they're interested in dying!" "dazai. how would that even come up" "i believe in you~!"
appoints you his wingperson. you have no say in this.
and underneath all that, he's STUPID cunning. the reason he keeps dragging you into conversations and acting stupid is actually his evil mastermind plot to get you to be more comfortable interacting with people
he figures if you're constantly having to clean up after his messy ass in social situations, you'll be more embarrassed for him than yourself!
it makes... some kind of odd twisted sense. to him.
dazai will look after his bff in... ways that are, well, definitely unique to him.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Hey! It’s my birthday today, I was wondering if I could have some birthday headcanons for some slashers? Like what the boys would do on their s/o’s special day. Include your favs, I love them all! (Especially Otis he’s my pookie <3) Ty! 🖤🦇
Yoo happy happy birthday! Somone is a Taurus i see. Sadly I dont write for Otis :( but I can write for other slashers!
Mans will print whole album with their photos and maybe give them something shiny too. Like nice earrings or that necklace s/o was looking for everywhere. But hes top tier stalker so he totapny knows what's important to them so if they have any cool hobbies he will probably buy something from that topic for example you like painting? Boom brand new paints! You enjoy gardening? Yoo new pots just dropped
He wants to take them out to nice restaurant, later maybe watch a movie or something
It doesnt matter how he spends this night as far as s/o is happy with it really
To be honest im 100% sure he will trow a party if s/o is extroverted person! Music food and party hats!
Micheal Myers
This guy will walk up to them while they are calmly sleeping like lil bebi, grab them and drag them to kitchen. "Wha- Micheal it's way to early for dinne- S/o didnt finish cuz they saw huge cake on the table.
It was clearly stolen but untouched and pretty! With strawberries on top!
He didnt say anything he just 👁👁 very much so. Plase say nice things, the nearest cake shop is like 20minutes away he had to work so much for it.
He also will fallow them everywhere, like more than usually??
Jason Voorhees
Men will pick up any flower in 30meter radius and then give them all to them
Also he may catch a frog accidently and decide thats a great gift too
He tries his best to be good boyfriend/husband material🥰
He will try to make is as romantic as possible! Whatever s/o wants will happen today😈
Thomas Hewitt
My dude gonna be in kitchen since 6am cuz the breakfast he made has delightful AND he woke them up by brining it to bed?? Come one Thomas you are spoiling them
He will probably just make a lot of good food for them!
Also he decided to do huge step in their relationship and begged Luda to buy some ALIVE chickens. Now they have baby chimkens to raise on the farm how cute.
Asa Emory
This goofball had difficult time deciding what to give them😰
He wanted to give them some pretty moths or butterflys but he didnt want to make it obvious
But at the same time it would make a great gift? Like its very iconic for Asa to collect bugs so it would make sense to give them to his loved ones? Idk man he just wants them to by happy
He will buy some takeout food and eat it together while watching some animal planet stuff
Also he decided to give them some cute beatles🥰 (if s/o doenst like dead animals he acually bought lil glass box, plants and made acuall lil home for lil beatle buddies)
Sorry if it feels rushed i wanted to hurry up so you can read it on the day of ur b-day🥰
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