#oh wow im 5 days late to making this omg
redcomet-stims · 1 month
can i please get an aerith from final fantasy 7 themed stimboard with pink and slime (i luv slime) :3
Sure!! Thank you ^^
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🌸🤍🌺 Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy 7) stimboard with pink and slime for anon :3
Thank you for your request, I had a good time making it ^^ I hope that this is good and that it fits :) I looked into her a little bit, and I thought that she was pretty nice...and she sounds interesting! I should probably play this game sometime, then...I've never really played a Final Fantasy game, but they sound like something I'd be into ^^ Anyway, hope you like this :3
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moonferry · 2 months
what's that?? oh yeah, its fsioy chapter 5 babeyyy!!!
OMG HEY. this is it. this is the scene ive been daydreaming about for WEEKS and we finally got to it. im so happy. shoutout to the 3 people who've consistently read this story. u guys are so swag and cool and epic. i hope you enjoy this little soft chapter because shit is about to hit the fan. teehee. also wow this one is so long i didnt realize that while writing. Oops
chapter summary: jodi responds to kent's confession and expresses her own feelings. kent does some deep thinking (tm) and asks jodi a hard question.
word count: 2345 (wow)
warnings: none that i can think of? mentions of time/limited time/time running out tho
ao3 linkie -> here
other chapters: chapter masterlist
“What?” Jodi asked, her eyes widening in a mixture of surprise and horror. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Surely Kent was joking. How could he be in love with her? They had only known each other for a few months and - according to her mother - it took years to love someone. There had to be a reasonable explanation for Kent’s crazy outburst, right? He couldn’t actually be in love with her, could he? 
“I think I’m in love with you,” Kent repeated, anxiously scanning Jodi’s face. He noted her expression and grimaced. So much for making it less awkward. He noticed Jodi seemed to be deep in thought and moved to defend himself, “I know it’s sudden. I just… had to tell you. Sorry.” Kent glanced down at his hands and felt a massive wave of shame wash over him. Why did he say anything? He had likely just ruined the best friendship he ever had. This was supposed to be a fun week, but he had made it into a disaster. It seems like that was all he was able to do late - cause disasters to happen. 
“Kent, don’t apologize,” Jodi replied, her lips forming into a small line as she bent down to his eye level. She rested her hand on his shoulder and waited for him to look up. When Kent met her eyes, Jodi thought he looked like a sort of… dejected puppy. She gave a small sigh before explaining herself, “I didn’t mean to react that way. I was just surprised, that’s all.” 
“So.. you don’t hate me?” Kent asked, some worry still present on his face. He fidgeted with his hands once again before mumbling, “For, you know, making things awkward..” 
“Hate you?” Jodi asked with a small laugh. She shook her head and a wide smile spread across her lips. She glanced at Kent, giving him her familiar “you can’t be serious” look before adding, “I could never hate you.” 
Kent raised an eyebrow - full of skepticism. Maybe Jodi was stranger than he thought. How could she not hate him? He’s done nothing but surround this girl with chaos since the moment they met. Kent made more of a fool of himself around Jodi than anyone - maybe it was because he tried so hard to impress her only for it to completely blow up in his face. “Really?” Kent asked, absolutely dumbfounded. 
“Yeah,” Jodi confirmed. She hesitated a moment, thinking to herself. Kent noticed a small patch of pink had found itself onto the curves of her cheek and was even more confused. “I.. I actually think you’re super cool,” She started moving her hand to tuck a stray strand of her hair behind her ear - something else, Kent noticed, that she did when she was nervous - before adding, “I like you, too. There’s something different about you, you know? You don’t try hard to impress me, like everyone else. You just act like yourself and that’s something I appreciate. It’s… actually kind of attractive.” 
Kent smiled at Jodi’s response, appearing calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside his brain was screaming. He couldn’t believe it. He spent hours worrying about this conversation and never expected it to turn out this way. For a moment, Kent was incredibly giddy and even forgot what awaited him in two days time. 
Only for a moment, though. The memory soon flooded back into Kent’s mind and a small frown spread across his cheeks. Sure, he finally expressed how he felt, but it would all mean nothing. He found himself once again wanting something there never seemed to be enough of: time. If only he had more time, he could take Jodi on a proper date or find a way to avoid this whole military debacle entirely. But, like always, Kent didn’t have enough time. He never seemed to these days: not enough time with his father, not enough time with Jodi, not enough time to live, to laugh, to love. He had never hated the word “time” more in his life. 
“What’s wrong?” Jodi asked, watching as Kent’s smile was replaced with the small frown. Her eyebrows knit together in concern. Had she said something wrong? Did Kent not want her to return his affection? She was just starting to understand it herself, so maybe she should have waited until she knew, for certain? 
“Just thinking,” Kent replied, moving to pull his knees toward his chest and wrap his forearms around his kneecaps. “About the next two days, I mean,” He clarified before adding, “I just wish there was more time, you know?”
“Yeah,” Jodi replied with a small nod. She moved her hand from Kent’s shoulder before resting it on top of the back of his hand, gently lacing their fingers together. “Me too,” She spoke, giving his hand a light squeeze. 
Kent glanced down when he felt the small pressure on his hand and felt his cheeks warm up. He felt a small smile creep back onto his lips before turning to look at Jodi with an embarrassed expression. “You’re holding my hand,” He spoke, motioning to their intertwined fingers with his free hand. 
“I know,” Jodi spoke, giving him a playful smile in return. She noticed the dark pink of Kent’s cheeks and raised an eyebrow, intending to tease him some more. “I can stop if it’s making you ‘too embarrassed’,” She teased, slowly removing her small hand off of Kent’s much larger one. 
Kent shook his head. Instead of letting Jodi remove her hand, he simply flipped his palm over and properly laced their hands together. The two smiled at each other and Jodi leaned her body against Kent’s, resting her head on his shoulder. 
They stayed like this for a while, simply leaning against each other. Unfortunately, the wind started to pick up and Jodi shivered - despite knowing the nights got cold in this part of the city, Jodi had forgotten her cardigan as she rushed out of her home. Kent frowned. 
“You’re freezing, Jo,” He spoke. “Take my jacket,” he offered, immediately shucking off his jacket (well, it was his father’s, really, but he always wore it) and draping it over her shoulders.
“I can’t do that,” Jodi protested, a small frown forming on her own lips as she noticed Kent was wearing a loose-fitting, short-sleeved t-shirt beneath the jacket. That must be even colder than her dress. “You’ll get cold,” She spoke as she tried to push the jacket back into his arms, but she was met with a shake of Kent’s head. 
Kent thought for a moment before laying back against the blanket. He patted the spot next to him and motioned for Jodi to lay back down. “Here, we can share it, see?” Kent explained as he draped the fabric over the two of them - content with this compromise. 
Jodi eyed him skeptically but laid down next to him anyway. She wouldn’t admit it, but she was secretly grateful Kent had offered his jacket in the first place. The jacket was definitely not big enough to cover two people fully, but they didn’t seem to care. 
However, the jacket seemed to barely provide enough warmth to keep them from shivering beneath the fabric. Jodi hesitated for a moment before scooting even closer to Kent. If you asked her reasoning, she would give some excuse about how it’s warmer than being far apart, but it was clear what her true reasoning was. Her reasoning became even more evident as she rested her head onto Kent’s shoulder. 
Kent’s eyes widened at the sudden pressure against his shoulder. He felt another wave of blush move across his face when Jodi shifted her body and propped herself up onto her side. She absentmindedly laid her arm across Kent’s chest and returned to looking at the sky. Kent had a momentary panic inside his head and his heart started beating much faster. Eventually, he calmed down and felt himself relax into her presence. He carefully draped his arm over Jodi’s upper back and shoulders. Kent then moved his free hand, slowly reaching towards Jodi’s extended arm before lacing their fingers together and gently rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand. 
Kent felt that familiar feeling again: like time had stopped and nothing else in the world existed. He could almost get used to this: the peace, the comfort of Jodi’s presence, the weight of her against his chest. For once in his life, he felt nice and warm - safe, in a weird way, despite what loomed over him. He felt as if he could take on anything. His anxieties still remained, but they always seemed to quiet whenever he was around Jodi. It was nice. Unfortunately, it was also bittersweet: the world allowed him this week full of amazing memories only to take it away and laugh in his face? How was that fair? It wasn’t and Kent knew that all too well. He realized something: it may be selfish, but he didn’t know if he would be able to give it all up: the memories, the laughter, even Jodi. He also realized something else - he didn’t want to experience a life without her. 
“Hey, Starfruit?” Kent asked, breaking the peaceful silence that had enveloped the two. Jodi glanced up at him and smiled at the familiar nickname. It somehow seemed more tender and personal now. 
“Yeah, Cactus?” She replied, waiting for the next words to come out of Kent’s mouth. Her smile widened as she watched Kent process his own nickname and shake his head in a playful manner. 
“Can you do me a favor?” He spoke, his gaze softening as the words left his mouth. Kent felt his heart flutter at the nickname. Even if he hated to admit it and that it was created to tease him, he loved it when Jodi called him the name.  It was silly, yes, but it was his
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Jodi asked, raising her eyebrow skeptically. She remembered the last time one of them had asked for a “favor” - they ended up spending two hours sorting a ridiculous amount of books at her mother’s store. Jodi just hoped this wasn’t something like that. She was definitely NOT going to spend two hours of her life sorting something again. At least, not heavy books. That was definitely a mistake. 
“Marry me.” 
Jodi’s eyes widened in surprise. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She stared at Kent for a few moments before shaking her head, “You’re crazy.” 
Jodi made a motion to get up but Kent gently grabbed her hand and stopped her in her tracks. 
“Look, I know I sound insane right now, but I mean it,” Kent retorted. He sat up and carefully took Jodi’s palm, holding it in both of his hands. 
‘You’re crazy,” Jodi repeated, a small frustrated frown finding itself onto her features. “Besides,” she started, halting her attempt at trying to break free from Kent’s grip, “my mother would never allow it.” 
“Just hear me out, okay?” Kent started, gently letting go of Jodi’s hand. He took a deep breath before speaking once again, “Hear me out and then you can decide. If the answer’s no, I won’t try to force you to change your mind.” 
“Okay,” Jodi answered, his eyebrows furrowing together as the next words left her mouth, “I’m listening.” 
“Jodi, I don’t think I can imagine a life without you. I..I didn’t realize it until now, but I think you’re what has been missing from my life,” Kent fumbled over the words, his face turning slightly red in embarrassment. He fidgeted with his hands and felt a small lump form in his throat. Why was it so difficult to say what was on his mind? Jodi had always been able to read him, so why wouldn’t it work this time?  He let out a small groan of frustration and tried to find the right words. Eventually, some words managed to untangle himself from the uncooked spaghetti of his brain and he spoke, “I don’t want to spend what’s left of my life regretting what could have been. I can’t promise much, but I know that if I make it out of this alive, I’m going to love and cherish you more than anything in the world. You’re so important to me, Jodi.” 
“And, hey,” Kent added, adding a small humorless laugh before saying, “If I die, you can always marry someone else.” 
Kent waited a few more seconds, allowing Jodi to process what information he had given her thus far, before letting more of his word-vomit overflow from his lips, “I know your mother would never approve and I don’t want to ruin what you two have. If this whole thing has been a waste of your time and you never want to see me again, I wouldn’t blame you. I want you to make whatever decision you think is right, even if it hurts me. My feelings should never be more important than your own.” 
Jodi remained silent, really thinking over the words that had just been spoken to her. She thought about these past few months, about how close she and Kent had gotten, about how he had somehow changed her life and made living seem more…fun, about how little time was left, about how she may never see Kent again. She realized that she, too, couldn’t imagine living without him. She also realized Kent had given her freedoms she wasn’t able to experience before: the freedom to choose what she wanted, not what the people around her wanted. 
Jodi reached out and gently took Kent’s hand in her own. Her gaze softened as she looked at Kent’s face. She thought about what the future held, how terrifying it seemed for both of them, how you only live once, how she desperately wanted to have a future where she could live her own life.
She thought for a moment longer before finally speaking, “Yes, Kent, I’ll marry you.”
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borathae · 5 months
Chapter 5
sickeningly sweet jimin? is he about to sass me?
“why aren’t you visiting our place anymore? idk you tell me
But you are still seeing Taehyung, aren’t you? yeah they are also occasionally eating each other, dont worry
his eyes race over your body, “interesting indeed.” WHY IS HE EYEING ME LIKE THAT? u got something to say???? ALSO WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?
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It is like you don’t even exist for him.” SHUT UP U DONT SAY THAT
SIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING (go on i have 3 holes for a reason)
You almost choke gurl got gagged
Stupid body, acting all on its own again.  me to my body when it does that shiver/jerk/hitting my neck on my shoulder
what did you say to him to make him change his mind plays all idks jimin ever sang
take a shot everytime he said interesting
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NO HE DIDNT LEAVE Jimin presses himself against you 🤺 BACK AWAY🤺 BACK THE FUCK AWAY I SAID 🤺
jimin is sex on legs and STAYING FUCKING TRUE TO IT
Interesting count: 3
Good job, now everyone hates you. mood 😭
do come inside.” sure, she will after she learns the spells
him: im fast as fuck boi
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putting my meme generator account to use
So much is happening at once that you don’t know if you like it or not. Are you having a dream again? i get her confusion like sir what are you doing, its hot tho
HOSEOK MY LOVELY POOKIE I LOVE YOU, LETS GET MARRIED AND WALK INTO THE SUNSET AND FORGET ALL ABOUT THIS. the end. wow that would be funny if the book ended in 5 chapters 😭
remember our workout? .... I love cuddles”, he states ...... it was very late yep. this is soo funny pls, knowing how his lying/acting sucks, this must be a struggle for him
ok what is he trying to do? you need to poop great 😭
AGAIN SHE IS IN THE LIBRARY?? WHAT HOBI U DIDNT HAVE TO ERASE MEMORIES oh he only changed her place, cuz she remembers him hmm ok
tae is ok i guess DONT TELL ME TO SLEEP SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK (me who sleeps 8 hours a day)
poor baby i hope she sleeps it off well.
i still dont know whats happening and its getting concerning about what goes on with them and the house 🙂
AND WE GOT TO SEE 2SEOK AGAIN YAY whats kook up to i wonder
AHAHAHAHHA IT'S SO FUNNY TO SEE THE EMOTIONAL rollercoaster you went on with this chapter 😭😂😂 you went from wanting Jimin to fearing him to wanting Hobi to fearing him to tolerating Tae BAHAHHAHAH this is exactly the kind of reading experience I want you guys to have HFAHDHFHA
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geronimomo-spd · 2 years
1, 5, 8, 9!
hey!!! i apologize for answering this so late!! but thanks for the ask friend!!!
Top 3 Doctors?
oh goodness!!! as i grow up these change a lot, so im gonna give this a long answer couse i can (also i physically cannot not over explain things hehe)
when i was younger andjust got into the show: 10, 11 and 9!
now that i finally expirianced more of doccy who: hmmm wow this became so much harder to answer actually, even doctors i don't think about often i like some parts on but if i had to choose... for now... 8 is defenetly up there! and its francly a battle between 9 and 1, but also 10 my beloved, but also 11 was so importent to me growing up that its hard to even put him on the list couse i cannot be possably objective on him at all, breaking my trans and autistic egg, so, even as through the years i find myself loving other doctors more, and he is not part of the list much these days, he is still automaticly part of it so its pointless to actually put him there? hope that made sense! i love 1 so much, did not expect to adore him as much as i do, but what can i say eventually he he he and ho hoed himself into my heart. also after rewatching some of 10 i finally rememberd how much and why i loved him as a kid and i do not think it was nostalgia that keeps him high for now. also also 6 is such a suprise but he is pretty close to being on the list, which is fucking impressive concidering i only expirianced one audio of his (of which you know lol). also 5!!! baby fun 5 is also fun!! but not on this list yet. to recap: for now its 8 (wow i did not expect for 8 to still stay up there so high but he is so fasinating and relatable and babygirl and gender and actual canon mewo mewo and weee), 9, and 10 or 1! but 11 is still automaticly in there, hope that makes sense!!
5. If you could pick any companion to travel with any Doctor, who would it be 
omg ok ok ok ok, so, after thinking about this quastion i think i had the random idea of Donna and 1... omg the amount of shananigens they can get into holy shit, they would probably apear to not get along in the beginning but i think that after a while i think they would get along really well???? i see them as having a similer relationship to 1 and Viki, in a way of two idiots scheming their way to political infuance and having to get out of situations by the skin of their teeth, but Donna is probably is wayyy more intent on calling the doctor out in much more direct ways so it can have the potencial of some great argumants and character development. ok now im in love with this idea
8. OTP? 
omg omg omg omg okkkkk so, within doctor who i will say its not usual for me to actually have a ship with the doctor, as i see them being more of an aro ace not realy feeling that way towards anyone kind of person. (not that that stops me from enjoying the occesinal doctor x compaion, its just not something i activly will ship) so its mostly companions, so within companions, Ian and Barbara all the way!! no matter romantically or not, Ian abd Barbara are so tied to me, they are defenetly at least life partners all the way, they can't imagine life without each other!!! they just live together with love and joy and the understanding that no one knows how they changed and grew apart from each other, the true trauma bond couple who lives their lives together for some peace and fucking quiet lol
but if we are going the least canon complient possible: 5th doctor and 8th doctor all the way!!! gosh darn it i adore them to absolote bits, the two most inoffencive doctors finding comfort in each other, healing from trauma together... damm are they cute
9. NOTP? 
fuck lol, hmmmmm, Donna x 10th doctor all the way, i don't have any hate in my heart to those who ship them, i see it! but to me they are very important as platonic friends, and their closeness and emotinal moments are my go to to discribe my wish for a life parnter myself!! they were the original couple that gave me hope as an aro ace person to have close relationships liek that in my life, and to this day they are one of my if not the absolote fave platolic relationships in media, my qpps forever
thanks for the ask!! i apologize for the longness of the answer lol, thank you for asking!!! have a great day friend!!
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kosi-annec · 7 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 3 episode 1
WOOO FREEDOM! Now time for some volleyball bois
Damn this intro monologue kinda makin me tear up. But also, i could not imagine having to bike that far jfc
Oh wow daichi's bruise thing hasn't disappeared yet?? Then again it's only been less than a day since he got it. Still tho gotta appreciate the consistency
Pft, sorry ma'am but dadchi is alr taken by sugamama. LMAO EVEN DAICHI DIDN'T REALIZE HER CRUSH ON HIM
HSKHSKSHAHAHA GODDAMMIT THESE TWO, keep dreaming simp duo, keep dreaming
Oh hey its the middle children trio of karasuno!
AYO THAT HINATA'S CHILDHOOD FRENDS?? Pft they still traumatized by kage all those years ago lmao. Ofc kage wouldn't remember them
Uhhh who's this rando old dude?? Huh he's been watching the games this whole time?? "Easy to spot" bish i don't remember him anywhere before
AWW THEY'RE ALL DRESSED UP TO SUPPORT THE CROWS THATS SWEET. Lmao not the principal leading the cheer hskshks
HSKSHSK "see how confident they are?" mhmm sure VERY confident indeed HSKHSKS
Oh hey it's tsuki's bro! Lol too late my guy he's very preceptive
Damn shiratorizawa has a fucking drum, step it up karasuno cheer leading squad!
Hinata's volleyball senses were tingling, legit felt them before he saw em
Flashback time. Goddamn, those papers are like 60 pages thick that's a lot of research, and it was just those 2 working on em??
So shiratorizawa doesn't have best defense but make up for their sheer offense and power, ok i think that's something karasuno can exploit
EYO QUIRKY REDHEAD! idk his name yet hskshs
Aight bg char girls shut yo traps up, this tiny giant is bout to blow yalls minds away. Also, he only has eyes on volleyball and kageyama
God i love how these new chars are being introduced, i am instantly in love w the redhead and flat bangs char (srsly need to get their names). Dang even getting me to semi like ushi, like he isn't really a jerk he's just blunt and aloof
I love the crow's entrances really showing their personality. Pft love the lil sneak of tsuki's bro in there lmao
Wait 5 SETS?? HOLY CRAP ok im worried for karasuno cuz idk if they all have enough stamina to play that many matches in a row...
AND IT BEGINS!! Oh boy ushi's spike- OH FUCK. OMG. Was that noya's first time not successfully receiving a spike?? Idk but i can't remember noya not being able to receive a spike before holy crap
But noya isn't deterred, cuz ofc he wouldn't he lives for these kinda spikes
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urbfsecretgf · 3 years
The boy next door. (pt2.)
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a/n: no one asked for more but im just gonna keep posting as i write bc its fun :)
(everything is made up including names, family members and text messages)
you look at the message from vinnie and smile.
"what are you so smiley about y/n?" you mom says in a jokingly way
"she met a boy at the ice cream shop" jack says sounding annoyed
"soooo whats his name, is he cute, how old is he, where does he live, i wanna know everything"
your mom has always been a little nosey when it comes to boys, especially ones that make you smile.
"mommmmmm" you say
"oh come on i just wanna know"
"okay fine" you give in "his names vinnie and he lives next door, he came into the ice cream shop while we were waiting and he complimented me on my ice cream choice"
your mom laughs and says; "he seems like a very sweet boy, why dont you invite him and his family over for dinner tomorrow?"
"we arent moved in fully yet mom" jack interrupts
"oh vinnie offered to come over tomorrow and help move stuff in, you can invite him and his family over for dinner when hes here if you want to"
your mom sits and thinks about it for a second. she's never liked asking for help "you know we could use the extra hands, if you want to text him and see if hes willing to come over around 10 and help unload boxes that would be wonderful. i'll make lunch too depending on how long it takes"
"YES!" you scream in excitement, "i'll text him right now and see if he can. love you mom!"
you run upstairs and let out a squeal. you where so excited to see your dream boy again.
you text vinnie and throw your phone on your bed.
"oh shoot!" you yelled. "if he does come over i have to clean my room i can have it look like this." you look down at your floor and see all the laundry scattered everywhere.
"im such a mess"
you put on your favorite playlist and start dancing while you clean your room.
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"mom! he said hes coming over tomorrow!"
"sounds good!"
you keep cleaning your room but eventually fall asleep because you had a long day today.
when you woke up you checked the time.
"ITS 10:45??"
your alarm never went off causing you to over sleep.
"i havent showered, i havent gotten ready, i havent done anything! and my room still isnt clean UGHHHH!"
you quickly throw on a pair of pajama bottoms and a crop top you found in your closet, you put dry shampoo in and throw your hair into a bun.
you grabbed your glasses and run down stairs.
"well good morning sleeping beauty" vinnie says to you staring at you.
"yeah you told me to come over... your mom is an amazing lady i must say, i also didnt know you wore glasses"
"MY GLASSES NOOOO!" you panic realizing you didnt have time to put your contacts in
"calm down its okay y/n. i like them." vinnie smiles at you.
"his smile is so pretty, and his eyes, wow." you think to yourself.
"y/n?" your mom says
"you okay? you zoned out for a second"
"OH yeah no im great." you realize you zoned out while staring at vinnie who was in a white tank top and is wearing a baseball cap. you couldnt stop yourself from starring.
"hey mom.." jack says "i found this in with the books"
you look at jack and realize hes holding your old bra
"JACK THATS MINE STOP" you gasp. oh boy that's embarrassing.
vinnie starts laughing and looks at you.
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"stop laughing"
you're so embarrassed that he just saw that.
"dont worry y/n its okay. my dog had my boxers on her head after she went snooping in my room."
you can't help but to laugh a little.
the thought of seeing his dog with his boxers on her head is something you would pay to see.
"alright so is there anything else you would like me to move Mrs. Anderson?" vinnie asks your mom
"i dont believe so unless y/n or jack has anything to move" your mom looks at you and your brother waiting for a response.
jack breaks the silence and goes "nope, i think everything is in my room already."
"y/n do you have anything you need help unpacking or anything?" he looks at you and his eyes are this beautiful chocolate brown color.
"yeah i do actually."
vinnie and you head up to your room
"im sorry its such a mess i was trying to clean it last night but i must have fell asleep."
"don't worry about it, my room is way worse than this"
he reaches for a magazine he sees and giggles
"whats so funny? HEY PUT THAT DOWN!"
he laughs and sets it back down
"you know i think its cute."
"whats cute?'
"you, everything about you."
you roll your eyes and smile
"you're dumb Mr. Hacker, but you're cute as well"
"thank you Ms. Hacker."
"what did you say?"
"huh? nothing, anyways is that all you wanted me to help with?"
"yeah thats it thank you."
vinnie walks downstairs and you follow.
your mom is in the kitchen with your brother.
"oh vinnie before you leave, would you and your family like to come over for dinner tonight?" vinnie looks at you and then at your mom.
"i think they would be delighted to come over for dinner tonight Mrs. Anderson, i'll text them right now."
you go into the living room to watch some tv. vinnie follows and sits next to you.
vinnies phone goes off
"they said they would love to come over, do you have a time in mind on when they should come over?"
"does 7:30 work?"
"that will work just fine."
looking at the time you realize you and vinnie have spent 5 hours together already.
"i should probably get heading home, i have to shower and get ready for dinner tonight, see you then everyone!" he kisses your cheek and heads out the door.
"bye vinnie see you tonight!" your mom and brother exclaim
"what a sweet boy" mom says
*4 hours later, 7:00 PM*
"Vinnie and his family will be over in 30 mins please make sure everything is ready and make sure you guys are ready aswell"
your mom has always been one to make sure everything and everyone looks good before any guest come over.
the door bell rings.
"y/n!! can you please get the door?"
you rush downstairs and open the door.
"hey y/n, wow you look good"
you curled your hair, put makeup on, and are wearing your nice fancy dress.
"hey vin i could say the same thing about you."
both of you are dressed up very nicely. he's wearing his blue suit and has his shirt buttoned down showing chest tattoo.
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something about his tattoos drive you insane. you love them.
he introduces his family to yours
"i never knew you had a twin brothers." you say as your brother and his run off to the backyard.
"yeah they are a real pain in the ass"
"i know what that's like"
the two of you laugh
"this is a beautiful house you have jackie and you have 2 beautiful children as well" vinnies mom says to yours
"well thank you sandy im very blessed with what i have gotten in life, your 3 boys are such angels especially vinnie here. hes been very helpful today and i really appreciate it."
he smiles at your mom and then at you
"dinner was amazing, thank you for inviting us over and introducing us to your family, we are going to have a bbq here this weekend if you guys want to join." vinnies dad offers
"we will be there"
"awesome, well we best get going its late and we both have work in the morning, thank you again."
"yeah anytime! thank you guys for coming."
you say goodnight to vinnie and his family and head upstairs.
New Message from Vinnie <3: you looked absolutely stunning tonight
To Vinnie <3: thank you vin, you looked very handsome tonight as well i must say, you look handsome every night tho.
From Vinnie <3: you're cute, goodnight luv sleep well :)
you set your phone down and smile. hes truly the best guy you have ever met.
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pianorexic000 · 3 years
Sweetspo Saturday
Hi y’all, so today is sweetspo Saturday.......
it speaks for itself. By the way, none of these are mine. I take no credit I have 0 creativity.
I dream of collarbones and thigh gaps, of hips jutting out and ribs just visible, casting shadows on porcelain flesh. I dream of crop tops and denim shorts, of thigh highs and sugar highs. And when I lay in bed at night, counting the calories of the day before my mind can’t help but wander, and I press into my doughy stomach, feel the hips hiding underneath, and remind myself how far I’ve come, and how far I still have to go.
Please listen, I know, I know it’s hard but listen, focus, you, you the most beautiful person on this whole entire planet you are going to make it, I promise you sweetheart, you’re going to make it. Think about it, think about how skinny you’ll be, how happy you will be, how you are going to be able to wear what you want, how you are going to be able to eat what you want and no one is going to make you feel bad for eating, no one. They’re going to be jealous, so fucking jealous, jealous of how you look and how you feel. They’re going to envy you. So stand up, keep your pretty head up and go. Exercise, drink water, eat less, eat healthy, sleep, do yoga, dance around. Get skinny and be finally happy. Please be finally happy.
You’ve been so disappointed in yourself lately. You’ve cursed those girls with a fast metabolism and regretted so much, sweetie. Countless of times you’ve thought, planned and wished to be skinny. I know you want this so badly, honey. But it’s never going to be given to you, sugar. You have to work for it and make yourself proud! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
I know you’re very impatient with your weight-loss. You want to lose it NOW and would do anything to wake up tomorrow at you ugw. But that’s never going to happen, doll. It’ll take time, but you will get there, sweetie. You just have to be persistent and never give up. The road is very long, and there will be days where it’ll feel hopeless, angel. But i promise you that those days where you feel incredibly sexy and comfortable in your own skin are just around the corner. You’ll get there baby, but it’ll take time. So don’t beat yourself up.
You’ll look good in everything; you remember that bikini with the cute print? yes, you’ll look beautiful in it. you won’t look like a fat pig.
people will be jealous; they’ll envy you. you’ll become thinner while others are getting fatter.
you’ll be dainty; you’ll be the lightest in the room. everyone will be able to pick you up effortlessly.
others will compliment you; people will look at you and say “wow, have you lost weight?” “you look great!” “i wish i looked like you.”
you won’t be able to keep more than a cup of food down; you’ve trained your body, you and your body both know its limits.
you’ll have power; you can can control how you look, you’ll have control. self control instead of eating everything in sight. you’ll be proud when you refuse a chocolate bar someone is offering.
are you going to keep saying “i’ll do it tomorrow”
or are you going to start today?
you’ll get there sweetie, make them regret the day they dare call you fat; they’ll start talking GOOD behind your back; “she is losing so much weight omg” “ i wanna look like her.” “im so jealous of her tiny waist.”
make it happen, you cause the gain of weight
and the loss of weight.
It's Okay!
You were really bad this weekend weren’t you? You ate fatty food and cheated on your diet? I know you bash yourself for pushing yourself further from your goal, but it was just Easter and you were enjoying spending time with your family. Unfortunately that included eating. Thin is all you think about cutie, why would you stuff your face uncontrollably like that, sugar? You can’t stop now, i know it’s hard but it’ll be worth it in the end.
Dear You,
You’ve grown up being the “big” girl. You’ve grown up being the “I want seconds” girl. You entered college being the “let’s eat out because it’s easier” girl.
When will you be the “I eat healthy” girl? The “people can pick me up” girl? The “I love my body” girl?
Today? Oh, right, you say tomorrow. Funny, that’s what you said yesterday.
It’s YOUR fault you’re fat. You don’t control your fatty urges to binge and stuff your face. One day, you’ll regret that. And that day is TODAY. If you regret it, then make a change. Skip that meal. Eat less calories. Exercise and burn what you have consumed and stored from your past pathetic eating habits. Get rid of your fatty urges. BECOME SKINNY…Become beautiful. Because if you don’t start today, you’ll only hate yourself tomorrow… again.
Do it. Do it so you can wear cute short shorts without everyone looking at your thighs and being disgusted.
Do it for that bitch who always called you fat at middle school.
Do it for that fuckboy who never looked at you as girlfriend potencial.
Do it so you can be confident.No seriously you’ll never be confident with that big tummy dude.
Do it so you don't ALMOST DIE in fitting rooms.
Do it for the cute clothes.
Do it for the summer.
Do it for the pool parties and how all of your friends will be SHOOK at your perfect body.
Do it for that life little baby. You deserve it. You deserve so much happiness.
Imagine you’re sitting at your desk in your perfectly decorated bedroom. You’re doing school work (all A’s of course), and since the lighting is good, you stop studying for a second and take a selfie.
You notice your collarbones are perfectly peaking out, and your chest bones are slightly visible. You have no makeup on but you still look absolutely gorgeous. Your flawless skin (that you got from not eating junk food all the time) looks great on your camera. Your thin arms look especially toned in this picture, and your smile is unforgettable.
You decide to post it to Instagram, and it instantly gets likes and comments saying how gorgeous you look. You want to keep studying…but the amount of likes and attention is distracting!
You think to yourself “Amazing how my life has changed. 30lbs ago I barely got 30 likes. My grades were bad and I had horrible acne…it’s so great what being thin can do to a person”
One day I won’t have to suck in
One day I’ll sit down and not have belly rolls
One day my thighs won’t touch
One day I’ll be able to see my ribs
One day I’ll step on the scale and smile
One day I’ll be able to smile at my protruding collar bones
One day I’ll wear the clothes I want
One day I’ll be confident
One day I’ll be skinny
do it for the boy who leaves your snapchats at read. imagine how quickly he’ll reply when he sees how good you look in your new body. do it for the girls you envy, the girls who show up in crop tops and short shorts whilst you hide behind a baggy sweater. imagine how proud you’ll feel when you can finally wear what you want and look just as good, if not better than them. do it for the people who bullied you about your weight and the boys who turned you down because of it. watch them gawk and whisper among themselves at how much weight you’ve lost. do it for the mean girls, the ones that walk around school like they own the place, the ones who’s parties you never get invited to, the ones that all the boys want. prove yourself to them. soon they’ll notice you and you’ll be too proud to care. own your new found confidence, throw your own parties, feel wanted. do it for the boy you’ve been crushing on since the first time you met. make him want you just as you wanted him. laugh at yourself as he chases after you. watch him suffer just as you did. do it for the bikini you’ve never had the body to wear. make your old self proud. wear that bikini. finally feel good in it. go to the beach and the pool and show it off. it belongs on you. do it for yourself. do it for your own happiness and do it right now. you deserve this. it might take some time and maybe you’re growing impatient. but it’s okay, everything good takes time. so be safe, stay strong, and don’t give up. this will be worth the wait. trust me.
I literally cannot fucking wait until I’m thin. I can’t wait to not feel like the outsider in my friend group. I can’t wait to not feel like the ugly friend. I can’t wait to be as thin as my best friend and for people to not see me as a charity case. I can’t wait to be able to go shopping and not worry about what will hide my fat. I can’t wait to see my collarbones and feel great in shorts. I can’t wait to be able to post selfies confidently from any angle and get as many likes as all the thin girls from school. I can’t wait to be someone else’s thinspo. I can’t wait to be happy with myself. I can’t wait to be thin.
Okie lovey, I know you might have had a rough couple of days or maybe you’ve been doing everything right and you just need a little pick me up. That’s okay too. I’m here for you, maybe not there physically but I’m still here. Make some tea, and take a bath; while you’re in there light a few candles and take time for yourself. Paint your nails read a book or simply think about bettering yourself. You’re almost there, I’m so excited for you! I’m going to be there when you cross that finish line (UGW). Finished with tea? Are you hungry? No. Exactly, chin up sweetheart, you got this. I love you
10 Reasons I want to be Thin
1. A flat stomach looks so good in anything. 2. No more armpit fat. 3. Finally have a thigh gap (again). 4. Feel beautiful and in control 5. people you already know will ask you how you did it, new people you meet will fall in love with you. 6. Go on adventures and have fun without worrying about your fat jiggling around. 7. Tan outside or at the lake without wanting to die because you’re too fat for a bikini. 8. Going out to parties and making friends because you’re confident and beautiful. 9. Not wanting to cry every time you see your full body in a mirror/ reflection. 10. Not crying in general anymore. Finally being happy.
11 Reasons Why I'm Doing This
1. To be the skinny friend
2. So I can be lifted up and be called light
3. To wear anything and still look cute
4. To have pretty bones to show off
5. To hear those words; ‘Have you lost weight?’
6. To not feel guilty when having a sweet treat (occasionally!)
7. To wear tight jeans and not have a muffin top
8. To not want to cry every time I look in the mirror
9. To not feel embarrassed in a bikini or swimsuit
10. To sit on someone’s lap without fear of crushing them
11. To finally feel happy with myself
They are in the kitchen making dinner. It smells so good, and all you want to do is have some. But would that make you happy? Would that food actually do anything for you? Sure, it would taste good. But as soon as you swallow, it would be gone. You’d take a drink of water, and the taste would wash away. Five minutes of fun, and then you’d be full. Full of food, regret, hate, shame, and disgust. Today would be yet another day wasted. So go ahead, eat the food. Be the fat tub of lard you always have been. Or don’t. Don’t eat the food. Be a day closer to your goal.
The choice is yours.
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voidclrx · 4 years
im full on chemistry teacher hange brainrot rn 😩 so can i ask an nsfw oneshot of dom hange x sub reader. in which reader who asks them to give them a higher grade that she would do anything for it. so hange takes the advantage of the reader's statement. (im not sure if you're comfortable with nsfw fics so please feel free to ignore this message if you're not willing to write for it!)
oh and to clarify some things the reader will be in her college years so there's no pedophilia going on. thank you!
i understand you omg- 😩😖
no, im totally comfortable with it!! it’s just i’m really insecure about it since it’s one of my first time writing smut!! 🥺 hope you like it tho<3333
hange x fem!reader
tw: nsfw, degrading, cursing, dom!hange, sub!reader, fingering, sex toy
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bad grades
you were in your chemistry class, trying to make your exercise, since you were really bad at this. your grades getting worst since a few weeks and you want to improved so you decided to see your teacher at the end of the class.
the bell rang indicating the end of class, so you went to the teacher's office. “professor zoe?”. “yes y/n? what do you want? “ they asked smiling. “i-i have some difficulty these times in chemistry and i was wondering if you an help me?” you questioned a bit embarrassed. “y/n... i don’t have time to give you private lessons since you’re not the only one in this situation.” they said a bit bothered by your request. “but... please i would do anything to get higher grades. it could ruin my year” you said begging them. “anything you said, huh?”. “y-yes...”. “i see, come see me at my house tonight around 6PM”. they declared. “hum, you sure??”. “yes here my address.” they said smirking.
5:55PM, you were on your way to professor zoe’s house, you anticipated a lot. what does they want? why would they invite you at their house? you arrive beside their door and knock on it. they open the door with bright smile. “come, don’t stay there”. you entered and saw a big house you didn’t thought that it would be like this. it was pretty well organised and really cleaned! “sit on the couch”. they proposed you. after minutes of talking about life stuffs, you finally asked them “so professor why did you invite me here?”. you asked. “you say lately that you will do anything for getting better grades. so if you really want these higher grades, i think that let me fuck you is the best way for you to have it”. “p-professor, are you serious?”. “yes i am”. all you could do is loudly swallow your saliva. you never thinking of doing this type of thing one day but your year is more important for you. "okay now undress you, since i see that you ain’t against that". that’s what you did you take your shirt off, unclipped your bra. "what a beautiful tits we have here" they said while slowly squeezing one of them. you moan surprisingly. "already moaning? i barely touch you". and they sucking the other one, sometime bite it, you could feel your lower belly waking up because of it. "hum please professor, i love it" you begged. "call me hange. it’s more simple". they proposed you.
after a few minutes of stimulated your breasts, they took of your jean, to reveal your panties. they touched your clit on it and doing circulars moves through it. your moan goes a bit loudly, since your pleasure grows little by little. "mmmh hange, that’s feel s-so good". “i know angel, i can see that. now lift your hips up". that’s what you did and they took off your panties. "wooow you’re already this wet. i didn’t know i have so much effects on you”. they stated, proud, at the view of your wetness. after this comment, hange go to your pussy and start to flick their tongue on it, and doing fast moves. tears of pleasure start to running down your cheeks. "don’t stop plea— fuck”. you moaned. hange leave your clit and start to fingering you by insert 2 of their fingers in you, and start thrusting them into you. "you’re such a needy slut you know that?". they snapped. "answer me." slapping your ass. "yes i am". "but let me clarify you, you’re MY needy slut. i want to hear it from you now. say it". they groaned. "i’m your good slut. all yours". "good girl". after this degrading exchange, hange take their fingers from you and get up. "what? where are you going”. "stay there, i’ll comeback". below frustrating minutes of waiting, they cameback with a dildo. you almost choked at the view of it. “i brought you something bigger than my fingers, let’s see if you can handle it”. they teased, smirking. “o-of course, i can” you declared. “yeah yeah we’ll see”. while saying that, hange pushed the dildo deep inside you and start thrusting in you. you rolled your eyes back, bitting your lower lips to contains your moans, but the pleasure was too big to keep you quiet. suddenly hange start to speaking “so you let me fucking you for good grades, huh? i know you were desperate but not at the point of accepting that, stupid whore” they degraded. these words turned you on, you didn’t even know why. their thrusts start to be faster, you feel your orgasm coming little by little. “fuck, hange i’m so close”. “already? i thought you could handle it". they teased you. you don’t even replied since you knows that they were right. to grow your pleasure, hange use their free hands to stimulate your clit. the only things you could hear in the room were your moans and your cunt making wet noises because of hange’s thrusts deep inside of you.
"i’m going to cum, hange" you sighed. "you only allowed to cum when i say that you can”. they replied. their pace on you were going faster and beat your g-spot with strength. you were out of breath by dint of moaning without stopping. “hange please i won’t be able to handle it anymore”. you begged. “you’ve been a good girl, you deserve it. so, go, you can cum now angel.” you felt you’re edge coming, you could feel your heart beating faster, your legs shaking and your back arching because of the pleasure you were feeling at the moment.
after coming down from your highs, you saw hange, looking at you and put his glasses back on. “wow you deserve an A+ for that, kitten”
thanks for reading it 😖
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youngbloodlisk · 2 years
9-1-1 and Lone Star reactions (5/2/22)
9-1-1 (May Day)
i wanna fuck this Claudette bitch up
Albert clean shaven again?? thank god
i'd still set the world on fire for angela bassett
i used to like Josh but lately i feel like his character has been so weird like ooc and super annoying
those two just standing by sipping their coffee watching May go tf OFF at Claudette iconic truly
Eddie to the rescue
oh this is crazy. Albert? Monday??? dude
wait so they're RIGHT above the blazing fire and not noticing any heat or anything. i mean i guess? cause like shoes they wouldn't feel the floor getting warm if that's a thing that would happen? idk im not a firefighter lmao i might be being stupid that just seems odd
okay okay NOW right after I type that Claudette goes "why is it so hot in here" Okay nvm ig!
if they're abt to make me sympathize for Claudette........im not sympathetic towards rude bitches who are proud of their rudeness idk sorry!
like yeah that seriously sucks and im rlly genuinely sorry that happened to you Claudette BUT too many shows have shitty characters with poorly written sob story redemption plotlines that are meant to make me forgive their behavior. and im not forgiving your behavior bc of this!
"Josh, you're a dispatcher, not a firefighter. Today, you're a guest in this house."
"He's been waiting months to say that."
sorry maybe im being too rude to Josh for no reason i just can't stand him anymore 😭
i like Carson can we keep him around he's fun
Eddie getting Buck to stfu abt the fire-truck-on-leg aftermath god they're the greatest duo. Now kiss ffs
yeah no time to wait around and share meaningful looks GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE ITS ON FIRE
you can't just make me watch Albert almost die and then trap May and Bobby under the ceiling AND THEN cut to a goddamn lowe's commercial
the 118 coming together to try to save Bobby im not crying youre crying shut up
THEYRE OKAY THANK GOD for a second i was thinking one of them was gonna be dead and i was RLLY gonna be crying then
YES EDDIE man knows where he belongs
Evan Buckley im gonna smack you if you don't stop treating Taylor like this I hate Taylor but I also hate Lucy and yknow what i hate the most? Buck's vanishing character development idk
May calling Bobby her dad IM NOT CRYING YOURE CRYING SHUT UP
pre Lone Star comment: im hoping this week's episode has a little Marjan cause i missed her last week there was hardly any of her i missed my girlfriend ! but judging by the preview i am not very hopeful for much Marjan screentime SO MAYBE NEXT WEEK
(back to 9-1-1 this episode isn't over yet)
i may dislike Josh but the mlm rep ! woohoo !
han brothers <<<3333 i love them
wow and something's up with Monday OH MY GOD THE PREVIEW FOR NEXT WEEK????? HOLY SHIT
9-1-1: Lone Star (Shift-less)
BANGER song in the beginning omg this song always reminds me of the Psych episode Talk Derby to Me cause it plays at the end when Shawn and Jules are skating together god i love Psych
dude what just- Tyler???
are pay phones wired to like not require money if you dial 911. cause like Owen didn't pay for the call and that would make sense cause it's the emergency line
i'm gonna Google it
YEP yep they can't charge for emergency calls that makes so much sense i had never even thought abt that
omg i forgot abt Wyatt
did Judd just throw up a peace sign cause oh my god that's funny
sidenote: im drinking an energy drink while watching these. it's currently 1am. im surely gonna regret this
room 127? 127?? nct 127?? alexa play superhuman
im rlly enjoying looking into Owen's childhood. as heart-wrenching as it is, it gives his character a further depth that was needed
oh god Judd oh no
"Hey, Wyatt, look at the damn thing. You ain't gonna make it worse." i laughed i love Judd sm
i mean he DID say he'd scream and pass out !
follow up on the pre Lone Star comment: no Marjan whatsoever i still miss my girlfriend this is devastating
no cause i relate so hard to Wyatt being all panicky not knowing what to do until Judd passes out and he's basically alone to figure it out himself. i work so much better, even under pressure, when no one is watching me
i love May + Bobby having their "she called me dad" moment AND Wyatt + Judd having their "he called me dad" moment in the same night that's so fun
Overall Comments
it seems 9-1-1 is still adhering more to the format of emergency calls, while Lone Star is more fleshing out the MCs' storylines.
i don't think one is better than the other necessarily, but i do miss having more consistency with Lone Star's format. but the storylines they're working with are pretty damn good and they're actually making me CARE abt the first responders' lives outside of the job. given that the show is meant to be centered around the job.
in 9-1-1 i'm usually less invested in the non-emergency storylines but i think that's because it feels like an afterthought for 9-1-1 while for Lone Star it's more of the focus now. that's interesting.
although, Lone Star focusing more on MC storylines does mean we see some character wayyyyy more than others and i don't like that very much. i miss seeing more of marjan and paul and all of them cause it feels like we're focusing so much on owen, judd's family, and even tk. love them all and love their plotlines.
just wish there was a better character balance in Lone Star. but the same could be said for 9-1-1 sometimes so yknow 🤷
right i think that's all i wanna say thank you and goodnight it's 2am !
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binunus · 4 years
college bf!bin
a/n the duality of this man??? i’m deceased...anyway i did not think this would go this long but uh my hand slipped...happy birthday binnie!
word count: 5k
genre: fluff, smut, (tiny) angst _________________________________________________
ugh yo
bin is so??? infuriatingly hot??? yet cute at the same time
major: exercise science
and because I love mermaid prince/the beginning, he’s been on the swim team since first year college
swam varsity starting his second year
besties with eunwoo, they were roommates their whole college career
alright so bin loves making friends
he’s so playful and talkative once you really get to know him
but his aura?? tbh very intimidating
like he has an rbf and just like he’s so tall, broad shouldered, built, like he just carries himself very strongly that you will get intimidated when you first meet him
very well known in the university
literally has a professional photographed banner of him hanging in the athletic building with the gold medal he won freshman year
a little embarrassed about it
not really, only when the boys (as in literally the other five) tease him
myungjun: woOoOw bin that guy on the banner really looks like you, don’t you think?
rocky: we geeeeet it you’re a star athlete
blah blah blah you know the vibes, they’re endearing
so how do you meet bin?
basically you’re a friend of a friend—you’re eunbi’s (sinb) friend
you’ve only met bin briefly from time to time, but otherwise you never really had any reason to get acquainted with him
your only encounters of him are when he wants to annoy eunbi and she immediately puts him in his place
but then suddenly in the spring semester of your 2nd year, you and him are in the same 8 am
a boring statistics gen ed class that everyone needs to take in order to graduate
you were running a bit late during the first class meeting—you woke up 30 minutes after your alarm and literally rushed out of your apartment—you made it to class with 2 minutes to spare
most of the seats were filled up already, except that one seat in the back left corner by the window next to the one and only moon bin
oh would you look at that
you felt a bit relieved honestly, you didn’t know anyone else in that class so at least you saw a semi-familiar face
he grinned at you when you sat down
“hey y/n”
you were a bit taken back, “you know my name?”
he laughed a little, “yeah of course, you’re one of eunbi’s really good friends, why wouldn’t I know your name?”
before you could respond, the professor started class and ceased your conversation
one thing you realized as the weeks start to go on
you and bin could not give any two fucks about statistics
no offense to stats lovers
every 8 am on mon/wed/fri, neither one of you would pay attention in class
you both enabled each other to not pay attention basically
so when the professor announced the content and date for the first exam
you and bin literally looked at each other with the same expression
you were both fucked
after class was dismissed, instead of the two of you quickly packing your things and fleeing the room immediately, you both lagged a little bit
you: so...do you know anything that’s going to be on the exam?
bin: uh...no? y/n you’re literally right next to me, you know I don’t do jack shit in this class
you: well fuck, how are you gonna study then bin?
bin: I was probably gonna ask my roommate to help me, he passed with a 96 when he took this class
you give him the best puppy dog eyes you could muster up, you lean in and clasp your hands together like you’re praying
“can he help me too...? please?”
bin’s eyes go a lil wide bc you were a bit closer than he was used to and shit was his heart racing rn?
bin: uh...yeah...sure, i’ll text you to come over when we’re gonna study
you beam at him and like in your excitement you give him a hug
“thank you thank you thank you! i literally cannot fail this class. I’ll see you on friday bin!”
with that you grabbed your bag and just left, leaving bin shocked
he’s surprisingly a shy boy okay!
he always thought you were cute from when he first saw you hanging out with eunbi, but ofc he never thought any more of it
until you guys had this class together and he started to think every day, that wow you are really cute
bin texts you the next day
coincidentally, eunbi texts you too
bin: hey this is bin, if you’re free in an hour my roommate’s gonna help me go over the material in ch. 1
eunbi: why did bin ask for your number
you to bin: yes! send me your addy and i’ll be there :)
you to eunbi: we’re in the same stats class lol and we’re gonna study for our exam next week
eunbi: lol moon bin studying? you might wanna bring some wine with you for emergency y/n
you: lol what do you mean by that?
eunbi: binnie hates studying, but good luck!
ahh, eunbi becomes unhinged when it comes to bin
but you know it’s bc they’re that close, they’re literally childhood best friends, more so like siblings
still, studying w him couldn’t be that bad right?
spoiler alert, it went alright
you felt bad showing up to bin’s apartment empty handed so you picked up some coffee before you arrived
you officially meet bin’s roommate, eunwoo, and you’re floored for like 2 minutes bc literally how can a man like him be real?
cue bin being a bit jealous bc yeah he knew his roommate’s perfect but like damn did you have to be affected by him too :(
eunwoo’s a good teacher alright? you actually understood the material from him
you: idk what eunbi’s talking about, you’re actually not that bad at studying bin
bin being offended: oh god what did eunbi say about me
eunwoo smirking: maybe it’s because you’re here y/n, bin usually doesn’t focus this much when it’s just me trying to help him
you: ???
bin in his head: i can’t trust anyone huh 
before you left his place, you and bin planned to meet up and study one more time before your stats exam
it was just you and bin this time
although you’d never admit it, yes you tried to look good for meeting up with him
yeah he’s a friend?? at least you think you were at that level?? but still, he’s a cute friend and you really didn’t want him to see you looking crusty
you and bin end up studying for a whole 5 hours
granted, half of that time you two were messing around, eating food, trying to procrastinate for as long as you could
bc even though you two had a good handle on the material now—thanks to eunwoo—you both still hated statistics
you knew bin started to get more comfortable with you bc he started teasing you
it made you happy hehe so ofc you started to quip back at him
not at the intensity that he and eunbi do but it’s enough for you :)
he walks you back to your apartment after your study session
wow what a gentleman
bin waving bye at your door with the cutest smile: see you in class y/n :)
mayhaps your stomach did a little somersault
on the day of your exam you were freaking out
you have test anxiety ah ha ha
you woke up at 5 bc you were paranoid about being late to class
you’re like hastily looking over the notes again when you get to class like are you really prepared omg you’re psyching yourself out hella
bin comes in with 2 cups of iced coffee and he’s like woah are you okay
you: i woke up at 5 bin, idk if i can do this omg
you are like visibly in distress rn and he feels like a pang in his chest 
he was gonna mess with you and say like “bet im gonna get a higher grade than you” but he smartly decides against it
instead, he just takes your hand and gives it a little squeeze: y/n, take a deep breath. you’re going to do great, you studied your ass for this and we both know that you got this material down—even eunwoo hyung said you were gonna ace this exam. just trust your instincts, okay? breathe with me.
he was staring at you so intently and genuinely when trying to calm you down
your anxiety yeeted and suddenly you felt shy
you: th...thanks bin...
bin was worried about you while taking the test rip, he kept secretly glancing at you (while also trying not to make it look like he was cheating) just to make sure that you were okay
he walks you to your next class after you both finished your exam
bin: you sure you’re okay? you said you woke up at 5, did you even eat breakfast? let’s get food after your next class.
you were feeling better after the test but like you got so endeared at his fussing
yes you and bin got lunch that day
your exam results were uploaded the next day
you immediately called bin: I GOT A 95
bin: i told you that you would ace it! i got a 90 hehe
you: bin i literally owe you and eunwoo my life, lemme buy you guys food or something
you hear a little bit of bickering over the phone and suddenly you’re talking to eunwoo
eunwoo: i would love some sushi, but since bin can’t eat seafood, why don’t you come watch his swim meet this weekend :)
you: o...h...o-okay yeah i’d love to watch, what time is it? :)
eunwoo: it’s saturday at 10 am
you: okay! i’ll see you there bin
bin already planning on drop kicking eunwoo
cha eunwoo—best wingman™
you basically beg eunbi to go with you to bin’s swim meet
eunbi: i know bin can swim, why do i have to watch him flounder around under water
also eunbi: faster bin! don’t you fucking dare lose!
bin places first this meet
are we shocked? no
okay you mentally prepared yourself for seeing him shirtless, but clearly you didn’t prep enough bc you’re on the cusp of drooling when you’re watching him from the bleachers
and let’s face it, you’re not subtle and eunbi knows everything so she’s literally closing your jaw for you and like messing with you
eunbi: y/n, you’re really sure you like bin? he’s a good guy but c’mon, i think you deserve better
you: since when did i say that i like him ???? and what do you mean ??? i think he checks...all the boxes...for me...
eunbi: maybe it’s bc i’ve known him since when he used to wet his pants so i don’t understand why people are attracted to him, but like...really, you’ve been checking him out since he removed his shirt. even the ref can see that you’re simping over him
you and eunbi meet up with eunwoo and the rest of bin’s friends—that you haven’t met yet but know of
jinjin: oh so you’re the y/n that bin’s been talking about *wink wonk*
baby you’re blushing
even more so when bin comes up to your group
mmm middle parted wet hair, muscle tee and white sweats, towel around his shoulders
he’s so hot ???
you’re all congratulating him blah blah, but like bin keeps glancing at you and all you can do is just smile and like nervous laugh
sanha: y/n! eunbi noona! you should come eat with us to celebrate bin hyung’s win
eunbi glances at you, little smirk on her face: i have plans, but i know y/n’s free! bin you make sure they get home safe after y’alls dinner plans :)
hwang eunbi—best wingwoman™
dinner with the boys was chaotic, you were talking and joking around with them as if you didn’t just meet them today
*you about to get your wallet*
bin, not even able to look at you: it’s okay y/n, i got you this time
cue the boys teasing
astro: kings of making fun of each other
rocky as the group is splitting up: walk y/n home safely hyung :) don’t stay out too late
bin: sorry about them, they’re a bunch of loud idiots...ah haha...
the walk back to your apartment is actually pretty sweet
he didn’t know if you would actually come watch his meet or not but he was excited when he actually saw you
you talk about small random things about yourselves, but it’s not like useless information, you bet that both your subconsciouses are keeping track of whatever y’all are talking about
you give each other a “friendly” hug goodnight...that lasts like a minute or so
and while you’re hugging, bin just can’t help but think that wow you fit so perfectly in his arms
and on the other hand, you’re thinking he feels so warm? so safe? you don’t want to pull away?
but ofc the hug has to end and you’re thanking him for walking you home and he’s like glued to his spot waving goodbye sweetly and waiting for you to go inside so that he knows you’re safely in your apartment before leaving
bin sighing dreamily as he walks back to his and eunwoo’s place
eunwoo waiting on the couch with a glass of water: how was your date ;)
bin: it wasn’t a date, i just walked y/n home
eunwoo: yeah, but you want it to be a date
bin: ...shut up
god why is the pining stage so long
alright everyone knows you and bin like each other
it becomes pretty obvious after the swim meet
you and him fall into this little routine of switching who buys coffee for your 8 am
and then he’d walk you to your next class afterwards
you both still don’t pay attention in stats, sorry
but that means more outside study sessions dates
you come watch his swim meets, whether astro’s there or you’re just watching by yourself
and then you and him get lunch?? early dinner?? right afterwards, it depends on whenever his meet ends
but like??? neither of you have confessed your feelings for each other
even though you both have like a little hint that yeah the feelings are mutual
you and bin are literally like this for 3 months, like damn the semester is almost over
eunbi and eunwoo are tired of your shit, they’re both just like: when the fuck are they getting together? we’re sick of this.
alright so the masterminds literally pay one of eunwoo’s friends from his major to ask you out while you’re studying with bin
let’s do mingyu why not, he was in your korean history class last year
you and bin are in the library, half studying half goofing off per usual
eunwoo, eunbi, and mingyu are at the opposite side of the floor
mingyu: u sure bin won’t clock me for trying to ask out y/n
eunwoo: probably not??
eunbi: just do it please
mingyu giving them both the finger before walking up to your table
“hey y/n...i was wondering if you’d like to get dinner with me...as a date?”
you: o_o huh?
mingyu: i always thought you were cute from when we had class together last year, but i never had the balls to ask you out or anything...you’re not dating anyone, right?
you glance at bin to find that he’s already looking at you with an expression that you don’t really know how to read
you: um...well no I’m not-
bin: actually, we’re dating so y/n can’t go out with you mingyu, sorry.
mingyu’s not even phased, he just gives you a thumbs up and then leaves
you’re confused like literally what is going on—and then you process what bin said and you whip your head to look at him
bin: sorry i said that...i just felt...jealous i guess when mingyu asked you out
you: I wouldn’t have said yes anyway...I sorta like someone else
bin: fuck it, the topic already came up...y/n I’ve liked you for a while now but uh...I don’t know I guess I was scared to tell you because I’m scared of rejection
you just laugh, but not mockingly! more like bin you’re so cute wtf
“bin, why would I reject you when I’ve literally been into you for the past four months?”
it’s safe to say that you and bin officially began dating after that
eunwoo texting in their gc: bin and y/n are finally together
myungjun: fucking finally
bin: how...did u know that eunwoo...?
*eunwoo has left the chat*
alright but bin’s charm?? flirting?? teasing?? sweetness?? up 1000%
bin is touchy y’all, in private his hands are always on you, whether it be sexual or not sexual is up to you
he restrains himself in public ofc, the most he does is put a hand on your waist or hold your hand
eunbi threatens bin early on in your relationship: bin you’re like my brother, but y/n’s one of my dearest friends and if you as much make them cry i will kill you
ofc bin is still eunbi’s punching bag, but when you three are hanging out, he’s dramatic and acts like he’s hurt so he’s like whining to you
sometimes you play along and coo at him like: aww binnie, where does it hurt baby?
other times you’re like: you really think i believe that?? with the size of your biceps??
eunbi: excuse me while i vomit
okay but binnie? bestest sweetest boy
yes he looks all big and intimidating
but he’s soft—especially for you
your nicknames for each other are either “bub” or “baby”
yes will join in making fun of you with the boys, but when you start pouting he’s a goner and will defend you
bin is also a big cuddler, but i mean you’re not complaining hehe
he’s the big spoon, no questions asked
okay but being in bin’s arms is like your favorite place in the world
his frame literally just envelopes you and all you can feel and smell is him and it’s so??? content, you feel at home with him
you feel bad in the morning bc like his arm has to be sore from your weight so you try to like get out of his grasp, but he literally just whines and hugs you tighter
okay but just imagine you and bin napping and his arms are around your waist, his nose is buried in your neck and he wakes up like nuzzling his face in your shoulder like a puppy
im soft
one week you’re staying over at bin’s apartment and then the next week he’s staying over at yours, the cycle goes like that
if you’re one of my ladies with a ~vagíne~, he will buy all your cravings and your tampons/pads, literally anything you want that week, it is yours
doesn’t really get jealous now that you two are official, he knows that you’re his and he’s yours
you two lightly bicker like friends, but you’ve never had a terrible fight before
you were really close to though—or...like you did?? but it was resolved really quick
one of the only problems of bin is that he hates showing weakness and it takes him a whole lot to truly fully 100% be vulnerable with someone even if it’s someone close to him
he pulled a muscle in his arm and it cost him one of his swim meets
he had to go to rehab for like a month and you knew that mentally he’s been off bc of it
you try to ease talking him into telling you about how he’s really feeling but he just kept dodging the subject
one night after one of his rehab sessions, he came back to your place and you’re just like
“hey bubbie, how was rehab? how are you doing?”
and he just snaps at you: stop asking me how I am, y/n, it’s getting really annoying
you’re taken aback, like what the fuck where did that come from?
your eyebrows furrow and you cross your arms bc you are not going to get spoken to like that
“so me worrying about you and wondering how your recovery’s going is annoying? that’s what a partner is supposed to do, moon bin. what’s going on with you?”
bin: you’re being suffocating! it’s the only thing you ask me about nowadays, sometimes I—
oh boy you got mad
you: I ask you because I know you’re not telling me things! I know you’re suffering by yourself and I want to let you know that I’m here for you, I want to help take some of the pain away or at least help you deal with it because I’m your partner! but how can I if you can’t even let me in?? we’re fucking dating moon bin, we’re supposed to go through rough times together. and you call me suffocating...? 
bin’s silent and he’s looking at the floor
you sigh, tears are building in your eyes because you’re frustrated and a bit hurt by what he said, and your voice cracks when you speak again: if i’m suffocating you, then you should leave. text me or something when you can breathe again, I don’t know.
there’s a bit of spite in your words, hidden by the pain
bin sees the tears rolling down your cheeks and that’s when he knows he fucked up
he’s never seen you cry before—besides like from a sad movie or something
so like the fact that he made you cry and hurt you with his words? damn he hates himself rn
he immediately wraps his arms around you, and you like try to push him to get away bc why is he hugging you? didn’t he just say that you were suffocating? why is he confusing
bin: baby, I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have taken out my frustrations on you, you’re not suffocating me I promise...you’re right about everything, I should be sharing things with you and telling you how I’m really feeling...I’m sorry.
you don’t say anything and just like sniffle and he picks you up and brings you to your bedroom and then he just lets it all out
he tells you how rehab is hard and like yeah his muscle pain is going away, but he doesn’t know if he can swim as fast as he used to and that scares him
and he tells you that sometimes he’s thought of giving up swimming since his injury, but then he thinks of you and that’s how he’s still going through with rehab
you’re his motivator and comfort but he doesn’t want to show you his weak side bc he hates that part of himself
and at this point, bin starts tearing up and you’re like stroking his hair to try and comfort him
bin: I’m not good at telling my feelings baby...probably why I didn’t tell you I liked you until 4 months later...but I promise I’ll work harder and at least try and tell them to you.
ugh pain
anyway your communication with serious things got better after that encounter
eunbi finding out that you and bin argued and he made you cry and she literally punched his stomach
you: omg eunbi stop
bin: it’s okay...I sorta deserved that
eunbi: why...are you not swearing at me? shit, bin are you okay?
he nods to the girl and just puts an arm around your shoulder: we talked things through, don’t worry. I’m all good now, but I did deserve that punch because I hurt y/n when I promised you I wouldn’t
bin ends up having a full recovery and bam his first swim meet after he got the clear from the PT, he gets first place again
all the boys and you and eunbi were there supporting him
bin was hella nervous before the meet started, but you gave him a little good luck kiss and was like: I believe in you bub, no matter the result, as long as you give it your all and don’t hurt yourself again, you’ll be the winner to me :)
this was actually when the first “i love you” was said
after your little pep talk in the locker room, bin’s just hugging you and holding you for comfort
and he just went out with it
“I love you y/n”
you blush hella hard bc you were not expecting that
obviously you’ve been feeling it like yeah your feelings for bin have grown into love for a while now
you just bury your face in his chest and hug him tighter
“I love you too binnie, now go get em bub.”
he smiles and kisses you and tells you that he’ll see you after the meet is over
you come back to the crowd where the boys and eunbi are and you just have a huge smile on your face, you’re literally glowing
myungjun: please tell me you guys didn’t fuck before his swim meet
speaking of fucking
okay let’s get down and dirty ladies and gents wink wonk mmm grr bark bark
bin is so sexy y’all like i dont need to tell you that
he’s 100% a tease
you have a little muscle kink hehe
which bin very much uses to his advantage
if bin is wearing a sleeveless shirt, you bet he wants to smash that day
will walk around shirtless after a shower or after a workout just to turn you on and then depending on his mood, he might tease you for like an hour or you’ll just get right to it
he’s very proud of his body and the work he put into it and knowing that you get turned on from one look of it?? gives him an ego boost, he loves it
one time at a party, he wore a crop top (mm hello bad idea bin) and you literally went feral
you dragged him inside the nearest bathroom and just started making out
he’s an ass guy
...all of astro are ass guys, it’s just obvious with how much they slap each other’s asses and poke each other’s assholes
okay you know how he’s touchy right? i mentioned that earlier
he always wants you on his lap
even if there’s a space available, nope your seat is his thighs
ofc when the situation allows, like you’re not gonna sit on his lap in class duh
most of the time in public like if you’re hanging out with the boys or something, it’s innocent
but if he wants to be a tease, he’ll literally just tighten his grip on your hips and grind you down onto his cock
subtle, he won’t straight up thrust into you
just enough to get his dick stirring and make you feel the outline of it through your pants
and then he just stops and hugs your waist again?? wtf
his major’s exercise science right? will ask if he can practice on you for anatomy and physiology, but you know after touching you in a couple places, y’all will just end up fucking
likes to bite and mark
very proud seeing the hickeys he leaves on you
you can bite, but you can’t bruise, idk his upper body is exposed a lot bc swimming so you can’t really leave any marks on him unless it’s the off season
foreplay’s cool, but he prefers the main event, he just wants to be in you
as much as he loves doggy, his fav position is the hook
(it’s when your legs are on his shoulders ohoho and it just lets him fuck you in a deeper angle mmm)
also in the hook, he can choke you
if i have a choking kink, you have a choking kink
okay little tangent, choking is so hot?
like just imagine you and bin are making out, he pushed you against the wall, literally grinding his hips into you, and his hand just comes up and squeezes your throat? that’s so sexy
likes butt stuff oops
i don’t make the rules, he just does
daddy kink, but no power play
will not degrade you (even if you really just want him to call you his dirty slut) bc he really values seeing you as equals
seeing your face when you cum is a must
almost always: you cumming → bin cumming
nothing gets him off more than knowing that he’s making you feel good
after !! care !!
sweetest boy!!
will clean you up with a warm towel after sex
and if you’re one of my ladies, he will always remind you to pee so that you don’t get a UTI
if y’all had a marathon or something, he will draw a bath and carry you to the bathroom and you will bathe together, so soft
always ends sex with an i love you :’)
okay let’s get back to the soft stuff
special thing about swimmer bin: pool dates
sometimes when he’s practicing and it’s just him, he asks you to come to the aquatic center and you two end up splashing around and being cute together
he like knew that you were the one for him some time during senior year
it was the holidays and his parents invited you to spend christmas with their family since your parents were out of the country this break
his parents and sister liked you immediately—which you were so scared about, but bin just knew
you woke up early christmas eve (and bin was out like a rock) so you just went downstairs to brew some coffee or something and you saw that his mom was already starting on making food
naturally, you offered your help and she was like no, you’re a guest y/n, but obviously you started helping
bin comes downstairs like an hour or two later to see you, his mom, and his dad just cooking and listening to christmas music and talking and his heart just like swells??
you: morning binnie :)
his mom: how can you be sleeping when y/n’s here helping us with christmas dinner
his dad: what kind of boyfriend are you, son?
just kidding all jokes
but that’s the moment when he knew
best boyfriend bin ugh
he becomes a legend in the school for swimming
but doesn’t continue after college, he’s all about becoming a physical trainer after graduation
he goes to grad school, while you’re out working in business
bin moves in with you after graduating, it was the obvious next step
you do talk about the future together, but obviously bin’s still in school and you’re both fresh from undergrad so there’s no rush yet to tie the knot
doesn’t stop his or your parents from talking to you two about marriage tho oops
ugh but the domesticity after bin moves in with you? superb
like yeah obviously you both basically lived together anyway when he still roomed with eunwoo just from how much you and him spent at each other’s places
but like your apartment is now both of your place and it’s like your home is finally complete
your apartment becomes the reunion place for the boys and eunbi
at this point everyone knew you and bin were gonna get married eventually
eunwoo and eunbi: we did that ;)
and that’s how you and your college bf!bin live happily ever after uwu
happy birthday binnie moonbob ♥
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nikrangdan · 4 years
Tumblr media
pairing: photographystudent!ni-ki x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: every time you went to the park you noticed a mysterious boy who would take pictures of the scenery on his cute little camera. you liked to see what he’d take pictures of from afar but one day you noticed his camera pointing straight at.. you
for ni-ki’s bday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE <33 sorry i posted a day late but i hope u all enjoy!
you groan before getting out of your bed at 10am
it was a saturday why was your mom yelling at u ..
you walked into the kitchen all sluggishly and rubbed your eyes
“you need to start taking suki on walks to the park. you need the exercise too.” your mom doesn’t even spare u a glance before walking out the door to run some errands
u forgot u were taking care of ur cousins dog while he was out of town... her name was suki
shes a little shiba inu AND SHES THE CUTEST THING EVER!!!!
u dont even have a choice anymore
u got somewhat ready before heading out with suki in your arms
shes so soft and fluffy
though u dont like to admit it, u kinda agreed with ur mom about u needing to exercise and get out the house
you’ve been cooped up in your room for days with no social or nature interaction
the park was about a 10 minute drive from ur house
and it was actually a really pretty park...
there was a lake and really pretty flowers everywhere and alot of gazebos and benches
and a nice open field of greenery
it basically looked like a park out of a movie
so you weren’t suprised that there was a decent amount of people there
but not too much thankfully.. or else you would’ve driven to another park with less people
you got out the car with suki and put her on the leash
let the walking begin!!!!
it was a really nice day out... the sun was shining but it wasnt too hot or cold
you led her onto the sidewalk and she began sniffing at the grass around her
whenever a few people would pass they would coo at how adorable she was
it wasnt until 5 minutes later that ur eyes locked onto a figure infront of the lake
you were just walking with suki in silence.. admiring the scenery
until u caught sight of a boy
u could only see his back but u noticed the camera over his shoulder
he was standing in one of those photographer poses where like one leg is bent and kind of out while his back is hunched to get that perfect angle of a shot
he was infront of the sidewalk railings where the lake begins and he was taking photos of the scenery across from it
it was a beautiful sight honestly
there was another sidewalk but behind it was colorful trees and blossoming flowers and bushes
u understood why he’d take pictures of it
you didnt see his face but u kind of acknowledged the boy before walking past him with suki
basically thinking he was just another passerby that you noticed making a single appearance in your life and never expecting to see him again
the next time you see him is 3 days later at the same park
you were walking suki again but this time at 7pm after dinner
the sun was almost done setting so the sky was getting darker but there was still a hint of the orange circle peeking from below
this time you walked further down the sidewalk path towards the scattered gazebos
and you noticed the same boy again
this time he was sat in one of the gazebos with his tiny camera in his hands
his back was hunched over again and he was looking closely at the pictures he had taken
‘oh its him again’ u thought
and that was it
u just acknowledged him in ur head AGAIN before u thought nothing of it and continued ur walk with suki
so the NEXT time u saw him was another 2 days later at 7pm again
you wanted to take suki on a quick walk
but you got tired after like 10 minutes so you sat down on a blanket u brought
suki was just laying next to u while u were on ur phone
it wasnt fully dark out yet and there was still a few people in the park
the fairy lights that were placed around were lit up already
it was super pretty and the weather was nice
after staring at ur phone for a few mins u looked up just to look around
and u saw Him again
why do u keep seeing him !?!?!
his back was faced towards u like always
and he was like 40 feet away from u so he looked so tiny
but u could tell it was him because of his blond hair and black coat he always wore
you kind of zoned out and unfortunately ur eyes were trained on his back without u even noticing
and he
for the first time EVER!!!!
its like he sensed someone staring at him
but yes he turned around with his camera in his hand
the first thing u noticed was that he got a new camera
it was a larger black one
definitely more expensive
Awe good for him!!!!!
and then u glanced up to see his face
and u made EYE CONTACT
u looked away so fast
He was SO CUTE.............
u awkwardly started looking to your left and tried turning ur face away from him
‘oh look at those beautiful um... birds.. yeah’
hopefully he didnt notice
*nervously sweats*
u didnt dare look back in that direction so u spent the rest of your evening in the park on ur phone or playing with suki
eventually it reached 8pm so u packed up ur stuff and went home
U were still kind of thinking about that boy....
so u were like
i need to go back
and u did Lol
u went back the next day at 6pm this time with suki
it was lighter out and the sky was beautiful
perfect for a certain boy to be taking photos
*evil laugh*
u were walking for like 15 minutes and u didnt see him anywhere :((((
the one time u go there for HIM
u settled down under a tree
suki immediately went on the blanket when u sat down too
you played tug of war with her and fed her some treats while playing
playing with her for 10 minutes straight definitely tired u out so u laid down and just stared at the sky
it was a faded blue turning into orange and pink
U were kinda bored so u sat up and started petting suki
you would occasionally glance up at the strangers walking past u
let me tell u what Happened..
u looked up at another lady walking her dog and went like
‘aweee that dog is so cute’ in ur head
and u took ur eyes off the dog and glanced to ur right
idk bc u felt like it
and it WAS POINTED AT U ??!?!
as soon as u looked in his direction he jumped and put his hands down
he like
Blushed????? and awkwardly smiled u know rubbing the neck and all that
he was embarrassed
ur cheeks were turning so red
was kind of weird.... stalkerish but um
he cleared that up BECAUSE
He started walking over to u
he was wearing black jeans that were ripped on the knees with black high top converse
and a gray sweater with a black coat over it
ur were like OMg []£{€]%[#{%€]£{
n he just Plop
he stood right infront of u basically towering bc u were sitting under the tree
suki noticed the boy and tilted her head like hmmmm???
u had the SMALLEST smile on ur face bc u wanted to seem friendly but not TOO friendly
he had his camera strap over his arm while he held it and his other hand was rubbing the name of his neck
“uh... sorry about that.. i didn’t mean to seem weird or anything!” he waved his hands infront of him to deny it
u just sat there while he talked like ❤️_❤️
“im uh taking photos for my class and i thought u looked nice so i took some pictures.. im really sorry i should’ve asked first now i seem weird or something im really-,”
u cut him off so he didnt ramble any longer
“no its okay! i get it” you gave him a warm smile and pet suki while she drifted to your side and kept her eyes on him
u both just stared at eachother for a few seconds before you spoke
“um.. would you like to sit?” you scooted over and made room for him in the blanket
“uh sure” he set his camera down and sat beside u
“this is suki.. shes my cousins dog” u said when she climbed into his lap and started sniffing him
he grinned and pet her before looking up at you
“im ni-ki by the way” his cheeks turned a bit pink which u thought was cute
“y/n” you smiled
“suki seems to like you” u laughed
“so how long have you been working on this project or whatever?”
“oh um i started last week... i just have to make a portfolio of photos i take and turn it in” he said while keeping his eyes trained on suki
u noticed he didnt make eye contact with u often but u knew it was probably because he was nervous because u do that too
“can i see the pictures...?” u hesitantly ask him
his eyes light up when u say that
he picks up his camera next to him and clicks a few buttons
“oh by the way... ive noticed u at the park before! you’re always with the camera” you laugh
“ah yeah, this park is where most of my project photos are taken.”
he leans over and shows you the pictures on the device
“woah” you let out a gasp
he showed u the picture he took of you first
How does a picture look better than real life...
you’ve never really been into photography but now that you’ve seen his work u might just have to start getting into it
“this isnt even done yet, i still have to edit it so it’ll look even more perfect” he shyly says
“this is amazing what the heck” your jaw is Dropped
“i need to see the final result” u said because it was such a nice picture
“um.. if you give me your number i can show you it” he sent you a cheeky grin
he was so AGGGHGGHG ur kind of obsessed
you two exchange numbers and talk about random things for a whole hour until he says he has to go
“it was really nice meeting you.. i had fun” he tells you as he starts standing up
suki is sleeping so he tries not to wake her up
“i had fun too” you smile
“would you like me to walk you to your car?”
A GENTLEMAN !!?!?!?!
“oh yeah, thanks”
you two spend another 2 minutes together as you walk side by side with suki in your arms and he held your blanket and bag for you
you reached your car and thanked him
“ill see you soon, dont forget to text me! and good luck on the project, i know you’ll do great”
“thank you..”
ni-ki’s cheeks turn pink once more before he turns around and starts walking away with a smile on his face
he is just the cutest thing ever
you definitely need to see him again
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ellinights · 4 years
victon reaction to idol!reader doing a sexy/dark concept (slight M)
request from anon. 
huhuhu i am so so soooooo sorry that this is late. finals were in the way, so please forgive me. 
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this snoopy boi
at first, i would see him to be as baffled as he can be. he is SHooKt
you’re usually soft and fluffy with him (i mean, whO wouldn’t?? he is such a baby you can’t help but to be a whole puddle with him) AND it was your first time you snap with that dark concept. 
so i can see why he would be completely speechless when he sees you on stage, acting so dark.
as he slowly starts to get his cool back (prob gonna take a few hours for him to do so oop),he would start to get a little dirty. 
seungwoo is an erotic man in my opinion dont @ me. 
his mind would start thinking about how he wants you to be like this, all dark and sexy in bed with him.
it is a new sight for him to see you like this, i can see why he can’t resist you.
oh man, after your performance, you better be ready as he is gonna spend the whole night with you ;) wink wonk 
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oh our precious seungmom, his motherly side would appear first. 
he will start panicking over the dark concept you’re doing, because he worries you find it uncomfortable to do so
he does not expect you to go for this kind of concept, because you always appeared soft to him. ( i mean, he is a softie so his eyes only can see soft)
since you’re doing a dark/sexy concept, your outfits would be slightly revealing, and i bet you, he will run to your dressing room with a blanket to cover your revealing outfit after your performance. 
“oH my God you poor thing you look so uncomfy with those clothes!” “oh god what are you wearing?!” momma mode: on. 
but also. in his mind, he got a little too protective with you. it’s because of your revealing clothes, he worried that people would be staring at you because your body is gorgeous
possessive seungsik i see here?? oof thats hot 
oh and if someone is looking at you, he would be so protective, holding your waist tightly by the side and pull you close to him, with that cold stare at them. 
oh wow thats hot.
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ngl i see him to be straight up dirty. idk why shhshs 
he is a sensual man in my opinion. 
his eyes would neve leave your figure when you’re on stage with that dark concept. 
would not be surprised if he popped a boner in the middle of watching your performance. 
you’re hot to him, he is obsessed with that. 
mostly would be staring at your body, at how the way it sensually moves with the music. 
especially your hips, how it sways. man he would lose. 
he would probably start imagining things, and wondered if he could see you dance for him sensually and only him
oh god he would start thinking of asking you to do a lap dance on his lap since he got great thighs
just like seungwoo, expect our little chan to have fun with you the whole day after your performance. 
but instead of being patient and going home to have fun in bed, he will straight devour you in the dressing room ;)
oof a very impatient man i see (Sagittarius things hshsh). 
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dis boi, i see two ways he can react to this. 
one, he would be that bestie who will hype you up when you are doing a dark/sexy concept. 
he will get so loud as he watches you perform. 
i am second-hand embarrassed for him i swear. facepalms.  
would legit go around the world and show you off to others.
lim sejun i swear i wanna smack your mouth for once
but then there is this other side of him, where he would get extremely turned on
just like chan, would stare at you intensely, eyes never leaving your body. 
he would be extremely touchy, would touch and feel your lines and curves against his palms
would praise how hot you look, like, every 5 seconds. 
“you look so hot, could you dress yourself like this for me when i get home next time?” 
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our sese i can see two reactions from him actually, just like sejun. 
one, he can be either super duper shy.
gets extremely blushy and can’t even watch the whole performance of yours 
and then when you come back, you’ll see him hiding somewhere from you, so you wouldn’t see his red face. 
he knows he can’t hide away from you so he faced you and
he is gonna be a big baby after this, whining and whimpering like a baby when he looks at you
get ready to spend hours to cool him down though
the second reaction is, he would look like he is chill and got his cool down with you performing like this. 
but in the inside, we all know his heart is gonna burst. 
he thinks that this might be the most attractive sight he has ever seen on you. 
but he would pretend to not be bothered about it, which probably could make you upset hshshhs 
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our little chick, (if yall don’t know, our byungchan isn’t feeling well today so let’s go cheer him up with heartwarming messages alright?)
he would be the hype man, that’s for sure. 
would be like sejun, scream the top of his lungs out as he sees you perform. 
probably will be a little more wilder than sejun sshshh
would also proceed to mimic your dance, and probably mock you for that hshshs
memorizes the whole choreography, and your parts. he is such a big fan of you 
he wouldn’t mind doing a dance cover of your new song hshsh
“y/n you should’ve shaked that booty more!” i- this boi-
also would love to smack your butt for some sort of reason, since he mentioned about your butt a lot hshshhs this man-
he wouldn’t feel affected in a sexual way for me. that's what i think at least
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this smol bunny 
he would be like hanse, a shy mess. 
would be a squirmy baby, be a whiny baby and hide in his palms all the time. probably two times whinier than hanse. 
awww baby subsub
i see him as someone who is very needy, like sexually. 
would be so turned on when you just stare at the camera with that cold gaze. 
probably would already be wetting his pants if you did a very sexy move on camera. 
that is how needy subin is for me i think. 
but he wouldn’t be needy until the extend that he needs to get it off on you.
but who doesn’t want to satisfy his neediness when subin is such a pretty boy? ;)
i would hshhshshhsh aaaa yo lee shut up 
i can say that 99.99999% of yall would “help” him out after your performance ;) 
hey guys!!! omg it has been so long. to the anon who requested this donkey years ago, IM SORRY CRIES. i hope you guys like it though. requests are still closed btw. i will open them up once i am done with all my requests! hope you guys can understand that. see you guys around!! 
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Hello!! It’s me!! the dramatic anon with so much to say after every chapter lol
I was a bit busy this week so I didn’t get to read the updates live BUT I FINALLY READ THEM ALL TODAY!!
Wow. Just. Wow. Holy shit. So much has happened it’s actually crazy 💀 The last chapter I read was chapter 29 and I’m just…. shook with the last 7 chapters. YOU WENT OFF WITH ALL OF THEM 😭❤️
I was actually gonna go to sleep now but the urge to binge the recent chapters of Misreflections was too strong to ignore.
Idk if this is okay but here are my brief thoughts for each chapter:
- Chapter 30 - AHA! I WAS RIGHTTT! Keigo didn’t reply to reader right away because of his lovely parents. Poor Keigo 😭 So much shit to deal with. But I’m glad he gave reader a chance to talk in person.
- Chapter 31 - That was tense. BUT IM SO GLAD THEY FINALLY TALKED AGAIN NO MATTER HOW AWKWARD IT GOT. 😭 Ngl, it hurt when reader thought it was too late. I was ready to cry 💀 Thank fuck Keigo just needed more time/space, in which reader was eager to give him.
- Chapter 32 - SHOTO WAS A MENACE 💀💀💀 I was in shock PLEASEEEE 😭 Didn’t have to come for reader like that DKFNSKDKX and touya just accepting he was a misogynist???? THESE TODOROKI BROTHERS I SWEARRRR 😭💀
- Chapter 33 - Oh. That was… uh… a lot. 💀 But oh my god, I loved that we finally got to see more of Keigo’s POV. When he mentioned the possibility of Tomi having pneumonia, I was reminded of the time I had one. It was not a good time but I’m glad it was over. It’s comforting in a way that Keigo is taking care of someone who has pneumonia 🥲 Also, the deal with his ugly ass dad. Sheesh. I could just imagine the scene when he couldn’t help calling him ‘Dad’ because he was somehow still worried about him. 💔 But he was only met with what I can only assume as ‘I’m so angry that I’m blaming you for everything that went wrong’ moment. Oh, Keigo. :(
- Chapter 34 - This chapter was just painful. I’m not a violent person BUT HOLY SHIT I WANNA 🥊🥊🥊 UGLY ASS AR*SU 💀 And I hope the rest of the baby birds choke on their food/drinks every 5 mins. “Omg but you’re like the OG baby bird 🥺🥺” 🤢🤢🤢 THEY CAN ALL FUCK OFF.
- Chapter 35 - Misfit Toys FTW!!!! 😭💕 I want nothing but to give them all hugs and take care all of them. They’re such a great friend group and each of them are luck they have each other’s backs! 💕
- Chapter 36 - Okay, not gonna lie, I cried at this chapter. It really felt like someone was raising their voice at me. 💀 Like I totally understand Touya’s reasons for being mad and I agree with everything reader said. It’s just scary when someone raises their voice at me. Thank god, reader was tough and stood her ground though 😭 Her reaction to Touya’s outburst helped me calmed down and just bask in on how oddly good that felt. Like it was amazing how such writing could make me feel like I’m really in the story. Thank you for that experience.
I guess that concludes my commentary for now lmao I hope that wasn’t too annoying to read 😭 I’m just really enjoying your work. Let me know if you prefer shorts comments in the future though. I’ll understand! :)
Anyway, thank you for an amazing story! I can’t wait to see how you’re gonna take it from here. I hope you’re well 💕
HELLO!! I’ve been coaching all day so I’m only just now able to respond but ahhhhh this isn’t annoying at all I adore your comments no matter what length they are. The last bit about feeling you’re really in the story made me so happy 🥺 I’m glad my writing’s that immersive it’s what I am for
I hope you got some rest Anon lol
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icharchivist · 3 years
cries think I made my ask too long so like half of it got deleted bc I typed it right into the askbox. anyways. I come bearing a3 thoughts! at first i was gonna watch the spring/summer and autumn/winter ones and then give my thoughts on both but. turns out i had too many thoughts lol? which i shouldve expected but i actually kind of... got bored by the first two chapters of this event! so i skipped and went to the stranger. and then went back. (1/?)
and then i got to like "tsuzuru and kazunari are having a fight?" and jumped on that like a starving wolf bc helllll yeah! i rly adored kazunari in sardine search, i think he was great! hes just so nice and has good vibes. he and taichi are kind of similar i feel? but i think their respective ages contribute to a lot of difference in their characters. why does it feel like this askbox limit personally wants me dead. (2/?)
anyways! i rly enjoyed the improv scene devolving to a real fight. admittedly i was kinda surprised that the content of that improv wasnt rly too similar to their actual fight? like normally a3 has the story of the play run parallel to like the actual real character drama so i thought the improv might function as the play in this event... it was still good tho. the scene i mean. (3/?)
also i rly liked tenma ragging on them afterwards. like he was mean but. first i adore tenma. second he just felt like. a different meddling type to muku lol? like the vibes he gave me were always like... im going to be a considerate leader and watch out for the ppl under me! therefore im gonna make sure theyre doing fine! aggressively. i think tenmas also just like a friendly person who likes to take care of others in general? like im not saying hes omi or anything but just like. (4/?)
that time he offers his car ride to juza so they can go to school together like hes surprisingly open compared to his initial prickliness. also ive got thoughts abt the tenma juza SSR conversation thing i read. one day ill make a tenma and juza fic and complete a trifecta haha... but thats something for another day! back to the actual story. the way tsuzuru dives right in after kazunari! that was so nice. like its easy to see how much they care abt each other. (5/?)
to the point where like even while theyre fighting theyre like angry but still like fairly quiet bc i think theyre both at least trying to be considerate of each other. ah the moment kazunari didnt respond to tsuzuru trying to talk to him i KNEW he was sick tho. felt proud of myself for calling that one but also the reason i knew is bc i have used the "character being sick during an argument causing them both to make up with each other" trope myself before so uh. like recognizes like haha. (6/?)
anyways the cg there was fuckin beautiful like kazunari looks so sad in the middle bit but then u see his shy smile? like hes sick but hes also like. happy to be there. idk. lovely. i adore kazu i think hes just deeply sweet to other people. tsuzuru telling him "you make everyone around you feel as bright and cheery as the things you design” is so wonderful too (7/?)
now im thinking. ah tsuzuru probably feels quite drained after a script and such (i know i am when i finish any piece--its like the emotions just rush out of me) so i like to think that like yknow. kazunari dropping by his room or whatever helps him set himself back to normal! but also when tsuzurus like oh u left ur magazines here! i suddenly remembered. wait shit kazunari and tsuzuru arent even roommates. wonder how much they bother masumi lmaooo. anyways overall very good story! (8/?)
some more thoughts: itaru and citron were so cute in this event! just like. citron saying itaru winking makes his heart skip a beat and itaru quoting citrons wrong sayings (which. i am also guilty of today i told my brother "we'll jump that bridge when we cross it" so) also i love how yuki is like "thank god i wasnt partnered with that hack" but like. yuki. u could literally just not talk about him. like its so funny to me yuki is like wow i hate tenma but he wont shut up abt him haha (9/?)
i also was a lil taken aback at hearing itaru go "for the lulz" tbh... like it fits him. but im mad it fits him? anywaysss thats all i had for this one! im gonna watch autumn/winter and go say my thoughts on that soon. sorry the ask was so broken up, idk what happened!
OLA FRIEND! Glad to see your thoughts again omg :3c
tho omg the fact tumblr deleted it all + the ask limit was all so evil D: poor friend.
I'm putting my answer under a read more because. Well. *waves hand* it got long.
The non-play events can be perhaps a little harder to get into because unlike the plays events that you start with a clear idea of at least the main plot (re: "they are preparing a play, i know the leads so i know who it will focus on"), non-plays events take a little longer to first set up what event they're participating in, how to prepare for it, and then bring up the conflict and which characters are going to have something to do with said conflict. So i can understand that they're a little harder to get into when we know the plays awaits.
On top of that, the first few events still were a bit tame because since it was early when the app released, i think they didn't go too heavy at once in case some people were still stuck on earlier chapters (esp since especially Winter is hard to unlock)
ANYWAY glad that it sucked you in on the second read :3c
So glad you were invested in that conflict!
Totally agreeing with you about Kazunari, and very good point about Taichi as well! they aren't the Puppy Pair for nothing :'D (Yuki took one look at both of them together and just Knew. His suffering knows no end (lovingly)). But yeah i think they have a lot in common, they both are the really bright and friendly figure, both also started in overcompensating a bit because both wanted to be popular in some ways.
But we do have, on one hand, Kazunari who wanted that rather late in his life while Taichi always thrived for that, the fact Kazunari made friends easily and it's just that he was scared of getting to the next level, while Taichi always struggled with this quest for popularity. In a way too both of them were at least scared to share a part of them, Kazunari worrying to show his thoughts, and Taichi being a spy and all of that... which impacts them really differently considering the guilt it puts on Taichi. And then you add their age into the mix, especially the fact Kazu is the oldest of his troupe and Taichi the youngest of his, it makes them fairly similar all while being fairly different.
both are so interesting to me and i love them bothhh, so it's always nice to see them have focus.
admittedly i was kinda surprised that the content of that improv wasnt rly too similar to their actual fight? like normally a3 has the story of the play run parallel to like the actual real character drama so i thought the improv might function as the play in this event
i love how you are seeing the patterns a3 tends to do it's so neat!
It's true the fight isn't really similar to their actual fight, though i do love that they had "swapped" their personality for the act and ended up insulting each other for theirr swapped personality. Like, Kazunari insulted part of himself in Tsuzuru's character and Tsuzuru did the same?? and then the fight escalated and the way Kazunari broke character hurts bc it's really that Tsuzuru hit where it hurts. But yeah it still wasn't too relevent to their actual fight, though i think the thing is that their fight was as such mostly because they tend to clash often due to their personalities rather than just this singular reason why, so to have the play go more "it's their personalities the problem" kinda hurt lol. But yeah still agreed that it didn't reflect much on the plot itself
I was rereading the improv bit to answer correctly and man since we're going to talk about Tenma next, i just. Love that when Kazunari, breaking character, his eyes sad, tells Tsuzuru "you have no rights talking to me like that..." it then cuts on Tenma being upset. Bc like. Exactly like you say, he wants to look out for the people under him. and like. Kazunari is his friend. A friend he also snapped at once and insulted for being who he was, so he probably could have relived a bit of his fight with Kazunari seeing those two fights; Except that now Kazunari is one of his closest friend and he doesn't like that.
Also like. It was also because he could still hide under the plot of the improv but it's so rare, and it never happened before that point, that Kazunari stands for himself in a "the way you treat me is unfair"? Like again re: his fight with Tenma, when Tenma snapped at him, while Tenma was unfair with him, Kazunari took the blame, called himself annoying and all yaknow?
The fact Kazunari is starting to accept that he can take more place for himself is something the whole Summer Troupe have been trying to help him work on, but especially Tenma. Tenma is always there trying to push Kazunari to say what he means, to express his feelings, to stop hiding.
And for once, Kazunari does that in front of everyone... and it's because he's breaking because of his fight with Tsuzuru.
I think Tenma probably felt it was even more of a reason to get involved like, this is the thing he's been working on with Kazunari about, and now he's being all hurt about it, not on Tenma's watch!
And i totally agree with your take on Tenma! (and would LOVE to read the Tenma and Juza fic once you get to it :3c). I think, Tenma is really caring and is trying to take a place as a caretaker and all, but unlike Omi, he has absolutely no reference for it.
Omi is the eldest of multiple brothers and everything indicates his parents have always been lovely to him. Add to it how he ended up leader of a delinquent crew he was clearly looking after, Omi has a history of taking care of people, of nurturing them, and he knows what he's doing. Meanwhile Tenma grew up on TV sets, mostly surrounded by adults and not by people his age, mostly getting advice from being ordered around by directors i think. And his parents are distant, hyperfocused on their job, not really nursing with him. So Tenma meanwhile really didn't have a family emotional support and was in situation where he couldn't befriend other kids his age. His only reference was probably Igawa (his agent) and i think for a long time he didn't exactly see it, and Igawa remained mostly professional so there was probably the idea of it not being sincere? That Tenma had to grow out of.
So like, they're both extremely nurturing and caring, but my point is that Omi has experiences in it and is at ease with it, while Tenma has been so alone and in places were he had no support system that even if he wants to support others, he still struggles with how to do it because he has no set exemple. And that's his development in the main story arc, to learn from how Izumi shows she cares in order to care back at them all.
Like i mean the way Tenma yelled at them about their mistakes at first feel like he would have picked it up from some directors on TV set yaknow? Probably hearing them say that with no consequences on others actors, seeing it worked, didn't think "that's an abuse of power and the actors probably all think badly of their director for that" but "wow that works", tried it on his troupesmates and realized this is... not how that works. And it's spending time watching how Izumi encourages them that have him fix his way to approach it.
So yeah i got lost too into it but like. I feel you on Tenma i love him so much and i love his development so to see him get pissed and involved there? was really nice. even if he was aggressive about it. He's still learning.
ANYWAY back to Tsuzuru and Kazunari, totally agree with what you say next. They still care a lot about each other and yeah they're at a point where this consideration they have for each other make their anger more quiet than trying to attack one another (Banri could NEVER-). so yeah totally agree with you!
DLKFJDLKF i LOVE the reasoning on "recognizing that Kazunari was sick". Your writer's powers making you see through... *coughs* unlike Tsuzuru....
AND YEAH ALL YOU SAY ABOUT THE CG.. YEAH. Kinda crying thinking about it again now LDKJFLKDJF It's just. Everything about it is so soft and tender. The things Tsuzuru tells Kazunari are soo so sweet sobs. They're just adorable i love those kids. and also i feel you for Kazu he's just that great huh?
The whole set up about Kazu dropping by his room is so so cute! I love it! Like probably the very first time Tsuzuru braces himself because "oh no i'm not in the mood to stand mister hyperenergy himself" but Kazunari quickly adjust his energy so that Tsuzuru can just recharge without being overwhelmed. Yes it would drive Masumi completely nuts. Which i think is a plus for Tsuzuru like, hey, if Masumi gets annoyed once in a while it's a win. But yeah also i think that Tsuzuru and Kazunari should really have the Artistic Soldiarity of Students in Art school Probably Working Until Very Late To Complete Their Projects. Would love if at the end Tsuzuru gave it back yaknow?
but yeah their story was really nice i'm so glad you liked it! :D
oh god yeah Itaru and Citron were SO cute in it too, i also love the comments Citron makes about Itaru's winks. Just there flirting in front of everyone like those two embarrassing friends huh. (probably with Muku being all starry eyes considering he greatly admires both Itaru and Citron and, well, Romance.). And yeah i love how Itaru ends up so much into Citron's rhythm (and this idiom you said? is glorious actually, 10 points for you)
DLKFJDLKF what a call out toward Yuki. "yes i hate Tenma,no i won't shut up about him, also if YOU say you hate Tenma i'm going to stab you with my needles, have a nice fucking day.". I love their dynamics so much aha
And yeah Itaru is there cursing us the whole time with the fact he's the greatest nerd ever and it fits him perfectly. It makes me laugh so hard.
Thank you so much for having shared your thoughts there! it's always a blast to read through them and i dearly enjoyed it! (+ it makes me relive the event a little and it makes me soft!)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! So glad you had so many thoughts about all of this, what a blast.
thank you for sharing, and looking forward the Autumn/Winter reactions :3c
Take care!
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zhongliologist · 4 years
(About hypostasis challenges) i believe you can get all the rewards without working so hard for the points and the difficulty level ^^ i believe mihoyo considers the players who likes playing solo or on lower AR
And to be honest i kinda like this event, its a new challenge like you gotta know what the cube will do next, how to dodge it, etc
Also if you have played the geo one on extreme lvl it kinda need 4 people (or a very tanky solo team, or a team of insane nuke to kill it right after the first pillar is destroyed) , and some teamwork. Asking friends who mains klee or razor to help, its fun for me, but i cant imagine those who plays on phone... Its laggy on phone, my phone at least..
I was one of those people who asked for more co op event and mihoyo gives a solution with this event, which you can go solo or co op depending on your chosen difficulty ^^ im happy enough
Sorry im ranting hehehe
(Continuing my previous rant)
Im on AR 53 and honestly it only takes like 20-50 mins to do everything i need in genshin daily, comissions can be done so fast, and with condensed resin farming domains is also fast it becomes kind of boring.
The only thing that still feels hard is abyss but theres not alot i can improve on abyss without farming domains :''
When dragonspine was released i was so happy lol like finally somehing to explore! Oh wow look at those cute ferrets! OMG IS THAT A WHITE FOX AAAA CUTE! Why the hell is this cryo cicin mage has infinity shield?!! But of course i kinda cleared it in 5 days so... (i know, i always take a long time to explore, my friends cleared the area (100%) in 1 day i was like wtf hahah)
Im waiting for new contents hehe have you seen primo geovishap? The one boss you will need to farm if you want to ascend xiao? It looks like Godzilla! (Also rumors say it has 800k hp, like, 2 times thicker than boreas).
You know i kind of wish i can delete my memory of exploration in genshin so i can do it all over again with the same excitement, i remembered i was like "WOWWW ITS COOOL, SO BEAUTIFUL"
Do you feel the same when exploring? Or do you dont like exploring? I have friend who doesnt like to do domains and just playing to explore the world hahah, but there are also some friends who dont really like exploring and just, well, kill bosses, domain grinding, etc focusing on making their character deals huge damage.
Sorry i kind of wanted to rant and talk to people xD thank you for reading all these! Hope you have a great day
It's ok skksks my asks are open for anything tbh;;;
Well, I guess that's the beauty of Genshin. You can play however you like. It caters to what people wanna do, whether it be exploring or going for the bosses and stuff. And I'm not one to judge what you wanna do in the game sksksks you do you
I have nothing against the hypostasis event,,, maybe if I'm in a much freer time and in the mood to beat some sht up, I'll be up for the challenge. But well, I don't have much time to play the game except early in the morning and late at night, and since you need some time to finish the hypostasis, I just can't speed run through it and get 3k points. And it frustrates me how I can't do it,, so I just kind of gave up and went easy.
I do go challenge some boss or domain sometimes but I do it to get ascension materials or artifacts. The thing with me is, the things that I do in the game, it should be for something. So maybe I did get bored of the hypostasis event. Maybe the rewards aren't up to par to it's difficulty. I just thought that since I can get the primogems anyway, I dont wanna bother with reaching high scores.
I mean, I'm in no means a good player. I play on the phone, I have clumsy hands, and I don't wanna do co op sksksk so like there is no sense trying to work really hard for just a few rewards. I'm not complaining here though, I'm just explaining why I don't really bother.
"It's for the fun of it!! Not the reward!!!" One will say. Of course there are people who love these kinds of events. They can test their skills, their characters' strengths and all. And that's perfectly ok! That's good! I'm just not one of them sksksks
I just play genshin casually. I like exploring, finding hidden caves, solving puzzles, that kind of stuff. The open world was the thing I love the most about Genshin bc I can literally go anywhere in the map. I love learning more about Teyvat and the characters. I love the main story quests and where it will go next. I'm not an intense gamer who will really go ham on the stats and have their characters do insane damage skksksk i just dont have the braincells left for that.
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bokutosbestie2 · 3 years
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Hey guys!! I hope you guys are doing well.. Enjoy chapter 5 the good stuff is about to begin!!
Soon before I knew it.. the night of the party has come.
" PICK WHICHEVER! Your little boyfriend might leave you from HOW LONG YOU'RE TAKING.. "
" SUGA! "
" I'm just saying " he rolled his eyes at me.
" Ok FINE! I'll pick Sage green and NOW LEAVE I NEED TO CHANGE! " I push Suga out of the door.
I change into the sage green dress, it had thin straps and sheer mesh corset. After that I went to go put my hair down and put some final touches on my face.
I leave my room and see Suga waiting there as he leaned on the wall.
" IM READY " I shouted at Suga.
Suga looked up
" Wow! " he said
" What's wrong?! "
" You look really good," he smirked
" Omg Suga being nice? " I say laughing.
" I'm always nice!!!! BUT COME ON NOW!! What's the plan? "
" Ok ok, so the party is at Fukrodani right?? " I asked Suga.
" Yea it is and it's going to start in 35 minutes! "
" Ok! So here is the plan, you will go to the party, and if people start asking where I went tell them I'm still getting ready. I'll try not to be there too late THAT'S it makes it super suspicious. GOT IT?! " I looked at Suga
" OK THEN LET'S GET STARTED.. GO SEE YOUR ROMEO y/n!! Suga yelled with excitement.
" SHUT UP " I yell at him.
" Ok, then I'll be going now! " I waved bye to Suga as I started to head out of the Palace.
As I was leaving I ran into Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.
" Where are you going? ARENT you supposed to go to the party? " Tsukishima said confused.
" Oh well, we are going to guard the party.. " Yamaguchi said in a scared tone
" Yams don't be scared of them. We are all the same but yet different "
" Tch we have to get going come on Yams," Tsukishima said
" Hey don't be rude to her! Sorry y/n but we have to get going " Yamaguchi said as he bows down sorry.
" No worries! I have to get going too! " I smiled at Yams and started to head to the river of gold.
Ok, I can't get distracted by people..
After I walking for a while I see the river of gold.
Ugh finally it felt like ages, Once I got near the river, I took the old bridge to cross to the other side.
I was standing there looking at the tree where Oikawa told me he will meet me..
I was hoping he was coming..
As I looked at the stars I felt a touch on my shoulder.
I jumped to only see Oikawa laughing.
" HAHA, you should've seen your face. " Oikawa kept laughing.
" Ugh, whatever... " I rolled my eyes at him.
When he stopped laughing, he gave me a long glare.
" Wow, you don't look like a boy today. " Oikawa smirked
" omg yo- Suddenly I was caught off guard by Oikawa.
" you look beautiful.. "
My face turned bright red from the embarrassing comment.
" You got to stop catching me off guard " I hiss at him.
" Anyways I have to tell you something I can't go to the other side tonight," I say disappointed.
" Let me guess you have to go to the party too huh? " Oikawa glanced at me.
" OH, YOU TOO?! WAIT then what kingdom are you from? "
" Seijoh, and you? "
" Karasuno," I say happily.
" WAIT I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!! We get to see each other at the party!! " I say as I grabbed his hand out of excitement.
Why did I just grab his hand?
" We do get to see each other but we must pretend we don't know each other or else suspicion will start to rise if we walk in together " Oikawa tightens my hand.
" Oh someone is worried~ " I say in a flirtatious voice.
All of sudden Oikawa pulled me in and whispers in my ear..
" Can't a friend be worried? " he grinned as he released me.
Why is my heart pounding?
" No, you got a point.. " I said looking at the ground.
" Don't look too sad Princess we will be more than friends soon.~ " He smirked
" I'm just disappointed I won't be able to see the other side or meet your cool friends of yours. " I say
" Ahh your cruel I thought you wanted to see me only " he pouts
" Ugh, obviously I wanted to see you too. "
Why did I say that?
" AHHH Y/N!! YOU DO WANT ME " Oikawa ran towards me and tackled me with a hug which causes both of us to fall on the ground.
We Awkwardly laid there as I was on Oikawa's chest and his hands were on my waist. For the moment we got lost in each other's eyes. I wanted to get closer but I stopped myself.
" Oikawa can you kindly let go of me," I say
" U-uh Sorry," he says as he lets go of my waist.
I stood back up, so did Oikawa.
" Ok let's pretend that never happened " I looked at him dead in the eye.
" Why? I know you liked it.. " he winks at me
He is not wrong.. UGH I NEED TO STOP.
" Whatever.. So what's the plan? " I ask him.
" Ok so we can walk to Fukrodani together but once we get to the palace we must go in at different times. After the party meets me back here again, so you can have a little tour to our place!!! " Oikawa said happily.
" Ok then let's get started.. " As I begin to walk Oikawa ran up to me and hold my hand.
I didn't mind it..
As we walked in silence for a while, I started a conversation.
" So how do you think this party is going to work out.. " I looked at him
" It really depends some are fond of the idea and others aren't.. Who knows a fight could break out. "
" Hm, I hope we can get along one day! It would be amazing to see all of us get along with each other. Imagine a world where we all live and love one another. " As I rambled on Oikawa stopped and pull me into a hug.
" I wish for the same.. maybe one day we can change it together," he said in a serious tone.
I was shocked he pulled me in a sudden hug but I hugged him back.
" Someday " I smiled at him.
After hugging each other, we walked still hand in hand.
Soon before we knew it, we were at Fukrodani.
" Ok I guess it's time to separate," he said looking down at me.
" Yup I guess so.. " I looked him with a disappointed look.
" Come on now! We will see each other after the party. " Oikawa said smiling.
" Let's go then.. " I waved goodbye to Oikawa as I being to walk towards the palace.
The palace was huge, there were chandeliers everywhere. At one point a saw a crystal owl statue, which was very beautiful.
Once I found the ballroom I opened it.
As I walked in there you can feel the awkward tension. You can tell not many got along with each other.
I was trying to find Suga until I bumped into a demon.. He had brown messy hair, was super tall. And had very muscular arms.
" Uh- um SORRY! " I bowed down
" No need to say sorry, I should be the one careful next time," he smirked.
All of a sudden I recognized a voice
" IWA-Chan~ I'm Her- "
Oikawa stop to see the two of us standing there.
" Oh umm y/n??! " Oikawa whispered.
Iwa looked at Oikawa and realized you were the Angel that bumped into him the other day.
" Oh, I have to get going. " I walked out of the awkward situation to go find Suga.
It was such a strange sight to see all the kingdoms in one ballroom. I looked left and right to see if Suga was in sight but nowhere to be found.
I hopelessly sit on a chair as I see the crowd of, monsters and angels in one room.
As I sit there until someone on my right comes to sit next to me.
" If you looking for Suga he is on the left side of the ballroom. "
I looked to see who it was and it was KENMA!!
" OH KENMA?! "
" Hey y/n! Suga is talking to Kuroo and Bokuto. " Kenma said looking at the card game as he shuffles them.
" Bokuto? " I questioned.
" Yea he is the prince of this palace " Kenma said.
" OH?! "
" You want to meet him? " Kenma asked
" Sure why not!? "
We both got up from our seats and walk towards the 3 boys.
" HEY HEY HEY. IS THIS THE PRINCESS? " Bokuto interferes.
" Yea it is stupid owl," Kuroo said.
" WHAT YOU CALLED ME? " Bokuto yelled
" Bokuto calms down " a boy with black raven hair grabs him from the collar.
" AKASHI! " Bokuto yelled.
" Sorry about him he is very energetic," Akashi said in a monotone voice.
" NO WORRIES! I already have to deal with many crazies. " I say laughing.
As we stood there talking with the large group I look around and spotted Oikawa talking to the others.
I stared for a while until I realized I made eye contact with a boy in red hair as he grinned. He whispers something to the others then they all looked at me.
I never turned my head so fast.
" What's wrong? " Suga asked.
" Um nothing," I say Panicked
" oh ok," he said as he raised his left eyebrow.
The boys continue to talk until a boy with dyed blonde hair taps my shoulder.
Everyone looked at the boy.
" Why were you looking over there pretty girl? " he said
Umm, who does he think he is.
" I wasn't. "
"hmm yes, you were. "
I rolled my eyes at him.
" And If I were starting over there... Did it hurt you or something? " I say laughing sarcastically.
" Get that stupid smirk off your face.. " he said suddenly angry.
" and if I don't. "
" Ok listen here. I tell you what to do and if you don' "
Suddenly I found my hand hitting his face.
Uh oh...
Chapter 6
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